How often is this word used

  • #1

I’d like to know how to check how frequently a word is used in the English language. I saw a site in the internet where I was able to check it (according to statistics obviously), but I’ve lost the link and cannot find it now.
Maybe somebody knows the link or any similar tool.



  • #4

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15 нояб. 2018

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  • Английский (американский вариант)

Saying it like that is fine. For a yes/no, you could say, “is this a high frequency word?” If you’re talking to a teacher. You could day, “ Is this a common word?” “Is this a frequently used word?” “Is this word used often?”

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How often this word turns the familiar life upside down.

Как часто это слово переворачивает привычную жизнь с ног на голову.

It is surprising how often this word comes up in every day conversation.

Семья… Как часто это слово возникает в повседневных разговорах.

Most often this word is used in those cases when the leave comments («comments») to some posts and I want to emphasize that the presentation or the author’s position is extremely popular and close to the public.

Наиболее часто это слово используют в тех случаях, когда оставляют комментарии («комменты») к каким-нибудь постам и хотят подчеркнуть, что изложение или позиция автора чрезвычайно нравится и близка публике.

You might be surprised how often this word is used.

Вы будете удивляться, как это вообще можно использовать слово больше.

Dividends — a partial profit of a company distributed among shareholders (often this word refers to any income).

Дивиденды — частичная прибыль компании, распределяемая между акционерами (часто этим словом называют любой доход).

Moreover, most often this word is used not to address a dancer, but a Hawaiian girl in general.

Too often this word is used to describe Mexican Americans.

How often this word is repeated and yet how rarely, it would appear, is it used with full understanding of its meaning!

Как часто повторяется это слово и, однако, как редко, по-видимому, употребляется оно с полным пониманием его значения!

Most often this word occurs with a definite article, but in Gen 2:20; 3:17, 21, where it is used with an inseparable preposition le, the article is absent.

В большинстве случаев это слово встречается там с артиклем, однако в Быт 2:20; 3:17, 21, когда ему предшествует неотделяемый предлог le, артикль отсутствует.

is a word used by Karakalpaks, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz and Turkmen to Uzbek people, most often this word is perceived as humiliating and abusive.

Сарты — слово, употребляемое каракалпаками, казахами, киргизами и туркменами к лицам узбекской национальности, чаще всего это слово воспринимается как унизительное и ругательное.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Наречие — это часть речи, которая обозначает признак действия и описывает где, когда и как это действие совершается. Often, usually и always относятся к наречиям частотности и отвечают на вопрос «Как часто?». Где ставятся often, usually и always в предложении — рассмотрим ниже.

В английском различают наречия места, времени, образа действия, меры и степени, наречия частоты действия и наречия-вопросительные слова. Оften, usually и always относятся к наречиям частоты действия или иначе частотности — Adverbs of Frequency, но не являются единственными представителями этой группы.

Примеры наречий частоты действия:


Это далеко не все существующие Adverbs of Frequency, их великое множество. Условно их можно разделить на наречия определенной частоты (definite frequency) и наречия неопределенной частоты (indefinite frequency). Наречия обеих групп отвечают на один и тот же вопрос: «How often?».

Наречия определенной частоты действия:

  • Daily — ежедневно
  • Annually — ежегодно
  • Every day / hour / month / year — каждый день / час / месяц / год
  • Once a week / month / year etc. — раз в неделю / месяц / год и т.д.

На группе наречий неопределенной частоты действия остановимся подробнее, поскольку оften, usually и always представляют именно эту группу. Наиболее распространенные наречия неопределенной частоты иногда представляют в виде шкалы, на которой ярко видна разница между ними. Частота выполнения действия представлена в процентном соотношении.


При использовании этих наречий в речи большую роль играет субъективное мнение говорящего: для кого-то «часто» — это три раза в день, а для кого-то — три раза в месяц.

Наречия частоты действия, в том числе,  оften, usually и always, относятся к временным маркерам Present Simple. Простое настоящее время связано с периодичностью, регулярностью или постоянством. Соответственно, сходно и значение его маркеров-наречий частотности.

Оften, usually и always в утверждениях, отрицаниях и вопросах


По общему правилу, если сказуемое выражено одиночным смысловым глаголом, то наречие частоты следует поставить перед глаголом.

He often visited us. — Он часто нас посещал.

I usually drink tea in the morning. — Я обычно пью чай по утрам.


В вопросах наречия частоты также занимают место в середине предложения, после подлежащего.

Did he usually have tea for breakfast? — Он всегда пил чай на завтрак?

Также наречия неопределенной частоты употребляются в коротких ответах на вопросы перед вспомогательным глаголом, когда говорящий соглашается или не соглашается со сказанным ранее.

Mary is depressed again. — Oh, she always is.

Мэри опять расстроена. — Она всегда такая.

Tom talks only about himself. — Yes, he always does.

Том говорит только о себе. — Да, он всегда так делает.

Must he always come here at 8 o’clock? — Yes, he always must.

Он всегда должен приходить сюда в восемь часов? — Да, всегда.


Что касается отрицаний, то частица not обычно ставится перед наречиями частоты.

I do not usually go to the gym. — Обычно я не хожу в спортзал.

They are not always very friendly. — Они не всегда дружелюбные.

Таким образом, наиболее типичное место наречия частоты в предложении — до или после глагола в середине высказывания.

Место оften, usually, always в предложении до и после глагола

  • В утверждениях наречия частоты чаще всего занимают место в середине предложения, после вспомогательного глагола (если он есть) и перед смысловым.

Не always comes early. — Он всегда приходит рано.

Не often goes there. — Он часто ходит туда.

I usually get up at seven o’clock. — Я обычно встаю в семь часов.

  • Если в предложении единственный глагол — to be, то наречие частоты должно стоять после него

She is always happy to help us. — Она всегда рада помочь нам.

Не is always here at five o’clock. — Он всегда здесь в пять часов.

He is usually at home in the morning. — С утра он обычно дома.

  • Если в предложении есть вспомогательный (am, is, are, have, has, will) или модальный глагол (can, may, must, should), то наречие частоты находится после этого глагола.

You can usually find him in his office. — Его обычно можно найти у себя в кабинете.

I will always love you. — Я всегда буду любить тебя.

I don’t often go to parties. — Я не часто хожу на вечеринки.

Parents can’t always be around. — Родители не могут всегда быть рядом.

Birds don’t always fly south in October. — Птицы не всегда улетают на юг в октябре.

Место оften, usually, always в предложении: в конце или в начале?

Не все наречия частоты могут стоять в конце или в начале предложения. Но always, usually и often, относящиеся к наречиям частотности с положительным значением, иногда ставят в конец предложения.

My neighbours go out in the evening, usually. — Мои соседи обычно ходят гулять вечером.

Does he call you often? — Он часто тебе звонит?

He doesn’t call me very often. — Он не очень часто мне звонит.

Наречия частоты always и never часто стоят в начале повелительных предложений.

Always tell the truth. — Всегда говори правду.

Adverbs of Frequency

Always, usually, normally, generally, often, frequently, sometimes, occasionally, seldom, hardly ever, rarely, and never.

These are all adverbs and they describe how frequently we do an activity or the frequency of habits.

These are called Adverbs of Frequency or more specifically Adverbs of Indefinite Frequency. (Indefinite because it is NOT a specific frequency like three times a week, once a month, etc.)

To help you understand when to use each adverb of frequency, I will add some approximate numbers (percentages of frequency or possibility of it happening) to give you a general idea of the frequency associated with each adverb.

  • 100% always
  • 90% usually
  • 80% normally / generally
  • 70% often / frequently
  • 50% sometimes
  • 30% occasionally
  • 10% seldom
  • 5% hardly ever / rarely
  • 0% never

IMPORTANT: The percentages that appear on the left are only approximate numbers to give you a general idea of the frequency associated with each adverb.

Let’s look at each adverb of frequency more in detail…


When something happens 100% of the time, we use the adverb ALWAYS.

  • I always brush my teeth at night.

This means that without exception 100% of the time I will brush my teeth at night before going to bed.


What is the opposite of ALWAYS? … NEVER, which is 0% of the time.

  • Vegetarians never eat meat.

This means there is a zero percent possible of this happening. The frequency is zero.


What adverb do we use when something happens half the time and the other half of the time it doesn’t happen?

When something has about a 50% frequency of happening. We use the adverb SOMETIMES.

  • I sometimes sing in the shower.

This means half the time I am in the shower I sing, and half the time I don’t sing… I sometimes sing in the shower.


What can we use if we almost never do something? It’s not zero percent but maybe 5% possibility of it happening.

In this case we use the adverbs HARDLY EVER or RARELY.

  • I hardly ever get angry.

OR you can say…

  • I rarely get angry

They both mean the same thing.
This means there is a VERY small chance of it happening but it is almost never.

I hardly ever get angry. It usually only happens if you steal my chocolate from the fridge. Other than that, nothing else annoys me.

Let’s quickly look at the other adverbs of frequency.


USUALLY is when something happens around 90% of the time. It is almost always.

  • I usually walk to work.

Yes, I live close to my place of work so I usually walk there.


NORMALLY or GENERALLY happen around 80% of the time.

  • I normally get good marks.

Yes, about 80% of the time my marks are good, the rest of the time… they are excellent!


When something has a frequency of around 70%, we use the adverbs OFTEN or FREQUENTLY

OFTEN can be pronounced two ways:

  • By pronouncing the T … “OFTEN” … or
  • By not pronouncing the T …”OFFEN” (Never write “Offen”)

Both forms are correct and depend on where you live.

Our examples of these adverbs are:

  • I often read in bed at night.

which is the same as:

  • I frequently read in bed at night.

The adverb OFTEN is more common than using the word FREQUENTLY.


The adverb Occasionally is at about 30% frequency.

  • I occasionally go to bed late.

Yes, this happens on Friday and Saturday night. I occasionally go to bed late.


And the adverb Seldom is at around 10% frequency.

  • I seldom add salt to my food.

Which means it is not common or not often that I add salt.

The adverbs Seldom, hardly ever, rarely, and never all have a negative meaning.

Adverbs of Frequency – Word Order

Let’s look at word order when we use adverbs of frequency.

In general, the adverb of frequency goes before the main verb.

The order is: Subject + Adverb + Main Verb

Let’s look at this sentence…

  • I read in bed at night.

If I want to let you know about the frequency I do this, the frequency that I read in bed, then I need to use an adverb.

The main verb is READ, so we put the adverb before the verb READ…

  • I often read in bed at night.

Another example:

  • Daniel always passes his exams.

The main verb is PASSES so we put the adverb before it.

  • They never speak Spanish in class.

The main verb is SPEAK so the adverb of frequency goes before it.

Adverbs of Frequency – Word Order with Auxiliary Verbs

When there is an auxiliary verb such as has, have, must, might, will, can, should, would, etc. followed by a main verb, then the adverb goes between them both.

Subject + Auxiliary Verb + Adverb + Main Verb

  • I have done my homework.

HAVE is the auxiliary verb and DONE is the main verb so we put the adverb of frequency in the middle:

  • I have always done my homework.

You can see it is the same rule as before, the adverb goes before the main verb. Just remember to put it after the auxiliary verb.
Look at this sentence:

  • Susan has lived in New York.

HAS is the auxiliary verb and LIVED is the main verb so we put the adverb of frequency in the middle:

  • Susan has always lived in New York.

Look at this example:

  • I have never eaten dog food.

The adverb NEVER goes between the auxiliary verb HAVE and the main verb EATEN.

  • I have never eaten dog food… that I know of.

Adverbs of Frequency – Word Order with TO BE

Of course in English there is always an exception and this happens with the verb TO BE.

When we want to use an adverb with the verb TO BE, then the order is:

Subject + TO BE + Adverb

Look at this sentence:

  • I am busy at work.

AM is a form, or conjugation, of the verb TO BE so we put the adverb after it.

  • I am normally busy at work.

We cannot say “I normally am busy at work.” NO, this is NOT correct.

  • He is always happy.

Again, the adverb is after the form of To Be.

  • They are sometimes late.

The adverb SOMETIMES comes after the verb ARE which is a form of TO BE.

Adverbs of frequency at the beginning of a sentence

We have just seen the common position of adverbs of frequency within a sentence.

But, it is also possible to place SOME adverbs at the beginning of a sentence.

These adverbs include: usually, normally, frequently, generally, occasionally, and sometimes.

Look at these examples:

  • Occasionally I have pancakes for breakfast.

OR you can put the adverb between the subject and main verb:

  • I occasionally have pancakes for breakfast.

Both sentences are correct.

  • Normally our English class is in the morning.
  • Sometimes they take a bus to work.

But be careful with always, hardly ever, seldom, rarely, and never …. Do NOT put them at the beginning of the sentence.

  • Always I get up early.  This is NOT correct.

We need to put ALWAYS before the main verb

  • I always get up early. (CORRECT)

The exception to this is when we are using ALWAYS or NEVER in the IMPERATIVE to give orders or instructions.
We will see more about this in another lesson.

Next activity

You might want to watch our other video about Adverbs of DEFINITE frequency.

Summary Chart

Adverbs of Frequency in English - Adverbs of Indefinite Frequency English Grammar Lesson

I hope you found this English lesson about adverbs of frequency useful. If you did, please let other people know about us!

Have an awesome day!

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