How much per word

Quarter dollarHow much should freelance writers charge per word? Most beginner freelance writers have no idea. In fact, some freelance writers don’t know they should be charging per word in the first place.

This became evident when I first started hiring freelance bloggers to work with me. Quotes came in from one rupee (about $0.02) to one dollar per word. That’s when I realized it was important to help the community out by publishing industry payment standards.

I’ll start by ruling out the extremes for freelance bloggers: you shouldn’t be working for any less than $0.02 per word, but nor can you reasonably hope to work for anything close to a dollar per word.

So, where on earth should you be in-between those numbers?

An Introduction to Freelance Writing Fees

Firstly, keep in mind that the advice in this article is targeted for freelance bloggers. Industry standard rates vary for different types of writing and editing services, such as technical writing or commercial campaigns. With that in mind, let’s have a look at how to structure your overall freelance writing fees for blogging.

You’ve decided it’s time to become a freelance writer. Now, in general, you have three options for pricing your freelance blogging services. These are:

  1. Recommended: Per word
  2. Per hour
  3. Per project

One major mistake many beginning freelance writers make is to think they should charge per hour or set up to handle payments per project. While this is possible to work with if a client specifically requests it, you should always estimate your overall fees by calculating rates per word first.

However, when you’re first getting started, it’s far easier to keep it simple and only charge per word. This gives you the control to determine your own hourly rate by:

  • developing processes,
  • writing faster, and
  • improving the quality of your work.

In other words, you’ll be able to produce better work in a shorter amount of time as you become more experienced. Charging per hour or per project may end up robbing you of your hard earned money!

Average Freelance Writing Rates Per Word

In our experience, there’s a broad range: between $0.03 and $0.30 per word. To help you visualize, here is a loose estimation of how this might break down into different ranges. Keep in mind this is not a strict set of rules, but general guidelines to help you make an educated decision when setting your own prices.

Freelance Writing Rates 2017

Estimated blogging standards for freelance writer rates per word in 2017

Level Fee Per Word Est. Per Hour (500 Words)
Entry Level .03-.06 $15-$30
Intermediate .07-.12 $35-$60
Experienced .13-.20 $65-$100
In Demand Expert .21-.30 $105-$150

When I started as a freelance blogger in 2011 (writing for what is now the WPMU DEV blog), I was paid $20 per hour. Based on the speed at which I worked (which seems to be pretty fast by most people’s standards), I was earning about $0.03 per word at best. But that was fine, because I was just getting established, my skills weren’t top notch, and I had a lot to learn.

The most I have ever charged a client is $0.30, although that’s far higher than my average (which I’m afraid I will not reveal!).

Could you charge more than that? I reckon you could, for more technical, in-depth topics. But the way I have succeeded as a freelance writing is in blogging on topics that:

  1. I know a lot about, and
  2. don’t require an insane amount of research/work to write about.

With this approach, a seemingly low rate per word can actually result in excellent hourly rates.

Here is a a concrete example: As an intermediate blogger charging $.08 per word, you would get $80 for a 1,000 word article. If you outline, write, and edit it in two hours or less (which is quite reasonable!), this means you’ll earn at least $40 per hour. Not too shabby!

How To Set Your Own Freelance Writing Rates and Find Clients

By now, you’re familiar with freelance writer pricing works and appropriate per word fees.

It’s time to actually set your own rates and find clients happy to pay them! Being armed with the right knowledge and resources makes this process a lot smoother than playing a lot of guessing games.

1. Choose a Reasonable Rate for Your Experience

Aside from your own experience as a writer and how in-demand your niche is, you can reverse engineer your goal per-word rate using this formula:

  • First, establish your minimum monthly income goal. For example, let’s say $2,000.
  • Then, establish how many hours you’re willing to write in a week. Let’s say 5 hours per week / 20 hours per month.
  • Divide the income goal number by the hours. In this case, $2,000 divided by 20 is $100.
  • Find the per word fee in the table above which matches this hourly rate. In our example, this would be .20 per word.

This is your target rate! If it is close to your current experience level, that’s great. If not, you may need to set it as something to work towards. Choose the closest level possible and start from there to build your experience, client base, and create a demand for your work. If you are already an expert in a difficult field, such as medicine or science, you may have an easier time charing more early on even as a novice writer.

Remember, that range of $0.03 to $0.30 should pocket you something between $15 and $150 per hour. Not too shabby by most people’s standards. If you’re earning less than $15 for a client (you are tracking your effective hourly rate, no?), you should probably raise your rate.

You may be wondering about job opportunities – do they match the range I prescribe?

2. Find Clients Happy to Pay Reasonable Rates

Paid to Blog Jobs offers vetted writing clients for freelance writers of all levels.

Now that you’ve established your goal rates and what is appropriate for your current level of education and skill level, you need to find clients happy to pay in your price range. That begs the question, is this even possible?

The best clients usually come from relationship building. However, while this is the best long-term plan for sourcing great clients, it is hard to get off the ground this way when you’re just getting started. This is where job boards and forums come in. These are great resources if you are new(ish) to the world of freelance blogging.

But seriously, is it possible to earn good rates as a beginner before figuring out how to make direct pitches? If we take the listings we feature on Paid to Blog Jobs (although I don’t have the averages to hand) opportunities are generally available between $0.03 and $0.10 per word. You’ll have none lower than $0.03 as a general rule, but you will get some over $0.10 (although they tend to be outliers). Of course, every job board will vary in the quality of listings it provides.

To summarize:

  1. For top dollar, pitch ideal clients directly – and eventually earn referrals from existing clients.
  2. If you’re just getting started, try job boards to pick up your first gigs.

With this information, you are now much more equipped to enter the world of freelance writing and find success. The road is not always easy, but it is definitely worthwhile if you want to leave your regular job behind.


I’ll finish with one final piece of advice: don’t get too misty-eyed at the thought of earning $0.10, $0.15, or even more per word. Is it possible to earn that much? Absolutely. Is it a challenging journey? Yep. Do I encourage you to go for it? Absolutely – but be realistic about the time and effort it will take to get to the ‘top’.

That aside, the good news is that $0.05 to $0.10 per word equates to very a healthy hourly rate, on which one can live very comfortably – especially if you work on your speed and efficiency.

Let’s review the takeaways on how (and how much) freelance writers charge, one more time:

  1. It is important to charge per word so you have more control over your effective hourly rates.
  2. Freelance writing rates range from .03-.30, or an estimated $15-$150 per hour.
  3. Once you’ve found an appropriate rate for your work, you can start pitching new clients either directly or through job boards.

Care to share your thoughts on freelance blogging rates? Let us know what you think below!

Image Credit: blondinrikard

Editor’s note: This post was originally published on May 18th, 2015 by Leaving Work Behind founder Tom Ewer, and has since been revamped and partially rewritten for comprehensiveness by the Leaving Work Behind editorial team.

What fees should freelance translators charge for their services? What are the average translation rates per word and what factors influence how much you can charge? Grab your calculator and let’s check the numbers!

Knowing how much to charge is a challenge many new freelance translators face when starting out. Indeed, the financial side of things is one of the most blatantly overlooked aspects of a translator’s training.

Many graduates are coming out of university with solid translation skills; nevertheless, they are left high and dry on an number of equally crucial aspects of the profession.

One of these overlooked aspects has to do with translation rates. Most newly-graduated translators don’t have the faintest idea of what their services are worth in the market, which is lamentable given how much students pay in university fees these days.

In this post I will attempt to shed some light on this topic, and hopefully help you gain a better understanding of how things work in the translation world. My perspective on the subject in that of a UK-based linguist, but the principles of translation pricing are essentially the same in most places.

As a ‘spoiler’, please note there isn’t a clear-cut answer: the average market rates depend on a number of factors. However, having a clearer knowledge of these factors should put you on the right track.

How Translation Rates Are Calculated

Most professions run on an hourly pay basis: each hour of work equals to a fixed amount that is owed to you. In such cases, you trade each hour of your time for money.

In-house translators tend to get paid like this: they work for a company as employees, thus being included in the company’s payroll. It’s important to note, however, that in-house translators are rare to find these days, with most professional translators now working on a freelance basis.

Here things are very different: none of the ‘get-paid-by-the-hour’ logic applies to freelance translators. For most of us, the standard practice is to charge a rate per word. It’s the word count – not time – that matters. Let’s see how this works in more detail.

Translation Rates per Word

The principle is simple: to calculate how much you are to charge for a given translation project, you need to multiply your rate per word by the source text’s total number of words.

Example: Suppose you receive a 2,000-word document to translate. Suppose as well that you charge 10 pence per source text word. You need to multiply 2,000 words by 10p to get your cost estimate (2000 * 0.10). The result is £200.00 for this project.

In short, it doesn’t matter how much time the translator spends on a project. What really matters is the project’s volume in terms of the number of words.

Keep in mind this is just the principle. Calculating the total cost of a translation project can be a bit more nuanced and complicated nowadays. As you will see below, we are living in the CAT tool era. Repetition and fuzziness reports need to be taken into account too, and they play an important role when doing the math nowadays… but more on that in a second!

Standard formula to calculate the total cost of a translation project.

Note: Some translation agencies will ask for your translation rates per 1,000 words. It’s exactly the same thing as explained above, just formulated in a slightly different way: if you charge 10p per each single word, it follows that you charge £100 by 1,000 words.

What Rates Do Translators Charge Per Word

This is where it gets tricky, as there are many factors that influence a freelance translator’s rates.

Having worked as a Project Manager for several years with extensive cooperation with hundreds of other freelance translators, I’d say roughly there’s a fairly common range somewhere between 4p and 15p per word.

There’s a huge discrepancy between both ends of the aforementioned range, but my experience tells me this is essentially accurate. Most translation agencies perceive a 4p/word rate as cheap, while 15p/word is seen as expensive.

Important: If you have your own direct clients, you should be able to charge more than you normally would charge a translation agency. There’s no middleman in that case (you’re dealing with the end-client yourself), so you have more leeway to increase your rates in such cases.

New translators often charge too little for their services. That’s a huge mistake that usually ends up in the freelancer either having to fight back to raise the rates or just quit the industry altogether. It’s harder to convince a client to pay you more after they’ve benefited from your cheap services: they’ll always try to stand their ground and protect their advantageous position.

Knowing what translation fees to charge is a common challenge for new translators.

That’s why you should advertise your services with confidence and charge accordingly. Knowing exactly how much you can get away with will depend on a number of factors. Let’s dive into them!

Deciding Your Translation Rate per Word

The main factors that influence how much you will be able to charge as a freelance translator are:

  1. Your language combination(s)
  2. Your specialism(s)
  3. Your level of experience

Languages and Language Combinations

The first step to determine what values (rate per word) you can realistically ask for – and find customers willing to pay that – is to list your working languages, i.e., the language(s) you translate into and the language(s) you translate from.

Some languages are more expensive than others. It’s a result of a supply and demand curve.

Example: Translation rates for Nordic languages (such as Danish) tend to be considerably higher than those for Romance languages (such as Italian.) While the supply of professional linguists who work from/into Danish is low relative to the level of demand (which drives prices up), there’s a higher level of competition within the Italian language market (which drives prices down.)

To give you a clearer idea, I’ve listed some of the most common languages and divided them into groups* according to their average market rates (broadly speaking, as there may be exceptions to the rule.)

*Note: The below table is by no means ‘scientific’. It simply reflects my overall perception as someone who has been working as a PM for several years and has dealt with projects in all these languages. It’s been made to the best of my knowledge: if you feel anything is inaccurate kindly let me know in the comments. It’s also not ‘normative’ and just sums up the average market rates per language (it doesn’t mean there aren’t Italian linguists out there who charge higher translation rates than some Danish linguists, for instance.)

Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian, Croatian, Serbian, Czech, Slovak, Polish, Bulgarian, Hungarian

French, English, Russian, Ukrainian, Turkish, Greek, Vietnamese

Simplified Chinese, German, Dutch, Arabic, Hebrew

Japanese, Korean, Finnish, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian

Most importantly, it’s the specific language combination (also known as language pair) that ultimately influences the average translation rates on the market. Again, it all comes down to supply and demand.

Example: The average rates of professionals who translate from Spanish into Italian tend to be lower than those of linguists who translate from Catalan into Italian. That’s because there are more professionals capable of doing the former than the latter.

Our friends from have been kind enough to make a translation rate search engine available to all of us. They have gathered the jobs carried out through their platform and calculated the average rates per word for each language combination. You can use this search engine by clicking the image below:

The rates are only reported in dollar and euro – no sterling, unfortunately.

As stated, the results are just a statistical aggregate of projects carried out through their platform. It does not necessarily reflect at 100% what’s being done on the market as a whole, but it’s still an amazing way to get some sort of idea.


The above rate search engine also has a filter that allows you to search for a specific specialism (or field of expertise.) That’s another important factor that may influence your translation rates.

This one is self-explanatory: the more specialised the content, the more skill it requires to translate. A translator who specialises in, say, wind energy converters is in a better position to charge more for their services than a linguist who specialises in human resources.

For that reason, financially speaking, developing a high level of expertise in a selected number of technical fields is a wise decision, since it allows you to level up your game (and your rates.)


Finally, practice indeed makes perfect. A more experienced linguist tends to be able to charge higher rates for the same type of service than a newbie: their perceived value and trustworthiness makes it easier for clients to accept higher rates.

These are the main factors that influence translation rates per word. Nevertheless, as already briefly stated, it’s important to also keep in mind that nowadays, with the advent of CAT tools, the way project costs are calculated is a bit more complex.

That is something to keep in mind once you have decided your translation rates per word, as it affects how much you get paid per project. That’s what we’ll see next.

Repetitions, Matches and Fuzziness: How CAT Tools Affect Translation Fees

CAT tools are the real game changer in modern-day translation, for better or worse. They have introduced us to statistical analyses of source texts and inserted a degree of automation to the translation process.

Texts may sometimes be repetitive, with the same sentence appearing on more than one occasion. Other times, despite not being the exact same sentence, it may be highly similar to many other sentences throughout the file.

In addition, CAT tools use Translation Memories (TMs) to store previous translations. When analysing a new text against an existing TM, the exact same sentences (or very similar sentences) may show up more than once.

In short, a good CAT tool can deliver a statistical report in a matter of seconds on things such as:

  • The level of repetition (i.e., how repetitive the text is)
  • The level of homogeneity (i.e., internal similarities within a project)
  • The level of fuzziness (i.e., similarities, or ‘matches’, between a new project and previous translations stored in an existing TM)
Cat Tools for Translation

Nowadays, the total amount a translator is paid for per project is proportional to the statistics of the source text.

That’s because the combination of CAT tools with TMs helped speeding up the translation process. Back in the day, if the text was repetitive, the linguist still had to manually translate the exact same sentence(s) – or very similar ones – over and over from scratch; now, thanks to functionalities such as auto-propagation, pre-translation and quality assurance, the same thing can be done quickly, more consistently and with less effort.

Of course, there’s a downside to it. If parts of the content are repeated, very similar to one another, or have already been stored in the TM, you won’t get paid in full for those specific parts.

So, if a project has absolutely no reps or matches, you get paid 100% of your standard rate for every single word you are translating (in a CAT tool context these ‘unique’ words tend do be known as ‘New Words‘ or ‘No Match Words‘.)

On the other hand, if half of a project is made of ‘No Match Words’ and the other half has some degree of fuzziness and/or repetition, you get paid 100% of your rate per word on 50% of the project; for the other half of the text, a CAT tool discount will be applied against your rate per word.

Below is a screenshot of a statistics report from memoQ, which is one of the major CAT tools on the market. Note how the software runs the stats and splits the total word count into different categories/brackets depending on their level of repetition/fuzziness:

In the above example, the translator would get paid:

  • the full rate per word on 136 words (which equates to the No Match bracket)
  • a varying, gradual percentage of the standard rate per word on 237 words (which equates to the 4 fuzzy brackets: 95%-99%, 85%-94%, 75%-84% and 50%-74%)
  • a tiny fraction (at best) of the standard rate per word on 70 words (which equates to the Repetition, 101% and 100% match brackets)

Note: Some clients/agencies are more generous than others when it comes to calculating CAT tool discounts – there really isn’t a universal rule for this. It’s always best to ask for a clarification with regard to this and decide for yourself whether their terms are agreeable.

Minimum Charges

It is also common practice for translators to set a minimum charge for their services.

Example: If you decide to set a translation minimum charge at £25.00, you are essentially stating you won’t accept being paid less than £25.00 per project – even if the project you’re being contacted for is tiny.

This is a way to encourage clients to contact you for projects with at least a somewhat meaningful volume, as opposed to sending you numerous tiny projects several times a day that individually may pay you close to nothing.

From a financial perspective, minimum charges are a wise decision to ensure there is value in the jobs you commit to.

Many linguists set a minimum charge for their translation services.

I have seen minimum charges starting at £10.00 and going as far as £50.00. Again, it all comes down to supply and demand: translators who are constantly swamped with work may want to consider raising their minimum charge at some point; translators who are struggling to find work may have to lower it in order to become more competitive.

Important: Please note that not every client is willing to agree to a minimum charge these days, or they may want to negotiate a lower minimum charge with you. You need to see for yourself whether that makes financial sense given your specific circumstances. There’s nothing wrong with negotiating with clients if that works to your advantage!

Alternative Ways to Price a Translation

This word count-based method has been used on the UK market for a long a time, and eventually became the gold standard for pricing translation services. For that reason, it’s what makes sense on today’s market – most translation agencies and direct clients won’t accept any other method.

Do keep in mind, however, that despite being predominant, this method is not the only one in existence. A brief mention to other measures is probably worth it for ‘educational purposes’.

On the one hand, in some very specific cases it may still be possible to charge a translation hourly rate: it all depends on your agreement with your particular client. But realistically speaking, that’s not very common any more.

Depending on the language, there are some linguists who either charge by the number of target text words (instead of source text) or ask for the source text word count to be multiplied by, say, 1.1 or 1.2 in order to increase the total count.

Example: Linguists who translate from German tend to get a somewhat raw deal, considering that German is notorious for its tendency to compound words. One single word in German may sometimes equate to 3 or 4 words in English – but sadly the linguist only gets paid for 1.

Those linguists are mostly from a previous generation and are kind of swimming against the tide (which doesn’t mean they are wrong or their method doesn’t make sense: it’s the fiercely competitive translation industry as a whole that’s pushing things towards a different direction.)

In addition, ‘old school’ clients in some specific markets may still use a more ‘traditional’ measurement to calculate translation prices. Examples of that are the lauda in Brazil and the cartella in Italy, which are units of measurement that consider the number of lines and characters (not the number of words.) We don’t hear those terms as often these days, but they keep being used to an extend in some contexts.

Rates per word make more sense in the modern, digital world – but there may be other ways to price a translation still in use, depending on the circumstances.


Translation is a highly competitive industry, with many nuances and different factors that influence market rates. Applying a translation rate per word is the standard nowadays, both in the UK and in most of the world – although exceptions may take place.

The main factors you need to take into account are your language combination(s), your specialism(s) and experience.

When CAT tools are used, that is likely to result in some sort of reduction to the overall translation project fee you otherwise would be owed. However, CAT tools should most definitely speed up and simplify your tasks if used properly.

You should aim to set your translation fees at a price that makes sense to your skills and circumstances. Trying to undercut all your competitors always leads to a bad result: you’ll work like a mad person and still struggle to make ends meet. It’s always best to value your profession fairly and, most importantly, yourself.

Thank you for reading!

If you’ve found this post helpful or think it could be useful to a friend who perhaps is – or is planning to become – a translator or interpreter, please kindly consider buying me a coffee by using the button below:

I put all my heart and soul into the content I produce in order to help my fellow linguists set foot in the industry. Most of what I do is available to everyone for free.

Donating is 100% optional, but greatly appreciated. A short espresso will do! ☕

Asked By: Jackson Johnson Date: created: Feb 15 2022

How much should you pay per word

Answered By: Michael Lewis Date: created: Feb 16 2022

Most intermediate to advanced freelance writers charge between 10 cents and $1 per word, depending on the amount of work they will have to put into the project.

But, the way they bill that average range will vary..

Asked By: Ryan Allen Date: created: Sep 02 2022

How do freelance writers get paid

Answered By: Jeffery Russell Date: created: Sep 05 2022

Most businesses hiring freelance writers will prefer to pay by the project or by retainer if they’re going to want regular ongoing work….Types of Freelance Writing RatesBy the project, or flat rate.By the hour.By the word.By the page.Retainer fee, for ongoing work.

Asked By: Juan Cook Date: created: Nov 29 2022

How many pages is 1000 words

Answered By: Landon Barnes Date: created: Dec 02 2022

four pagesThe most common format required for essays is double-spaced, font type Times New Roman, and font size 12pt. With that in mind, 1,000 typed words is about four pages. The average person types 40 words per minute, so it would take about 30 minutes to finish 1,000 words of writing.

Asked By: Colin Garcia Date: created: Apr 02 2023

How much should a freelancer charge per hour

Answered By: Angel Sanchez Date: created: Apr 05 2023

When I started pricing myself hourly I started with an hourly rate of $30hr. Over time, I kept raising my rate from $30 to $50, $60 and higher. Yet somewhere around that $60 per hour range I noticed a major shift in my mindset.

Asked By: Carlos Johnson Date: created: May 17 2022

Can you write 1000 words in 2 hours

Answered By: Adam Sanders Date: created: May 17 2022

See how fast your fingers can move with this typing speed test. As you gain experience, your writing process will be way clearer, allowing you to craft better articles. You can write longer, more in-depth pieces. You should be able to write a one thousand word essay in 1 hour to 2 hours instead of 3 hours to 4 hours.

Asked By: Kevin Butler Date: created: Mar 09 2022

Can you write 5000 words in a day

Answered By: Cody Morris Date: created: Mar 10 2022

Originally Answered: Is it possible to write a 5,000-word essay in a day? Yes, it is possible to write a 5,000-word essay in a day. One needs to spend some time for research and go to a silent place where he can brainstorm easily. He may then write the entire essay at a stretch most probably in the late hours of night.

Asked By: Anthony Simmons Date: created: Nov 16 2022

How long does it take to write 5000 words

Answered By: Philip Gray Date: created: Nov 17 2022

about 16 hours and 40 minutesHow Long Does It Take to Write 5000 Words? It takes about 16 hours and 40 minutes to write a 5000 word essay. The truth is, 5000 words is a lot more complex than writing 1,000 words.

Asked By: Hugh Adams Date: created: Oct 17 2022

How much is a 100 word essay

Answered By: Jesus Lopez Date: created: Oct 18 2022

100 words is about 0.5-1 paragraphs for essays or 1-2 for easy reading.

Asked By: Ethan Hall Date: created: May 13 2022

How much should I charge for a 1000 word article

Answered By: Samuel Carter Date: created: May 14 2022

Here is a a concrete example: As an intermediate blogger charging $. 08 per word, you would get $80 for a 1,000 word article. If you outline, write, and edit it in two hours or less (which is quite reasonable!), this means you’ll earn at least $40 per hour.

Asked By: Albert Roberts Date: created: Jan 13 2022

How long does it take to write 500 words

Answered By: Gregory Jackson Date: created: Jan 13 2022

about 12.5 minutesWriting 500 words will take about 12.5 minutes for the average writer typing on a keyboard and 25 minutes for handwriting.

Asked By: Ethan Evans Date: created: Apr 09 2023

How much can you write in 15 minutes

Answered By: Devin Butler Date: created: Apr 12 2023

Answer: At the normal speaking rate of 130 words per minute (wpm), a 15 minutes long speech will have about 1,950 words .

Asked By: Horace Smith Date: created: Jul 21 2022

How many pages is 500 word

Answered By: Patrick Hill Date: created: Jul 21 2022

Other Word Counts to Consider100 wordsless than 3 inches300 wordssomewhat more than half a page400 wordsmost of a page500 wordsone full page1000 wordstwo pages4 more rows•Feb 24, 2021

Asked By: Douglas Perry Date: created: Nov 03 2022

How much should I charge for a 2000 word article

Answered By: Fred Flores Date: created: Nov 03 2022

The following examples will give you an idea of how payment can range. At the time of publication, Politico pays $500 flat for articles in the 2,000-word range. This works out to 25 cents per word. Bridal Guide pays $1,000 for a 2,000-word article, for $1 per word.

Asked By: Brandon Russell Date: created: Mar 31 2023

How long does it take to write a 1000 words

Answered By: Cyrus Wright Date: created: Mar 31 2023

Writing 1,000 words will take about 25 minutes for the average writer typing on a keyboard and 50 minutes for handwriting.

Asked By: Dylan Cooper Date: created: Mar 26 2022

Can you write 2000 words in an hour

Answered By: Benjamin Rodriguez Date: created: Mar 26 2022

It takes about 6 hours and 40 minutes to write a 2,000 word essay. How long does it take to write a 2,500 word essay? It takes about 8 hours and 20 minutes to write a 2,500 word essay.

Asked By: Alex Rogers Date: created: Nov 16 2022

How much do copywriters charge per word

Answered By: Aidan Torres Date: created: Nov 19 2022

Paying per Word Copywriters are paid for every word they write. It seems that nowadays an intermediate to advanced copywriter can earn anywhere between 10 cents to $1 per word, meaning that a 1,000-word piece of content could be $100 or $1,000.

Asked By: Raymond Coleman Date: created: Mar 01 2022

How much should you charge for a 500 word article

Answered By: Antonio Hayes Date: created: Mar 04 2022

The industry standard for a 500 word article is around $50. You may find rates that are more or less, but for a native speaking writer in the desired language, expect to earn at least . 10 per word.

Asked By: Alan Henderson Date: created: Aug 13 2022

How many words are in an hour

Answered By: Alan Butler Date: created: Aug 14 2022

“Most professional writers can average about one thousand words an hour, when going on a novel. Not in the struggle of the beginnings, but once the novel is underway. So, simple math says that to write a 90,000 word novel, you have about 90 hours of work.”

Asked By: Landon Adams Date: created: Nov 22 2022

How many pages is 2000 words

Answered By: Michael Wilson Date: created: Nov 23 2022

Pages by Word CountWord CountPages (single spaced)Pages (double spaced)1000 Words2 Pages4 Pages1200 Words2⅖ Pages4⅘ Pages1500 Words3 Pages6 Pages2000 Words4 Pages8 Pages16 more rows

Asked By: Howard Bennett Date: created: Mar 01 2023

How much should I charge per hour

Answered By: Hayden Rodriguez Date: created: Mar 03 2023

If you’re scared about charging too much at first, even simple pricing strategies can work: charging $1 is better than giving it away for free. Some examples of the price point you can start with: If you’re a graphic designer, start your rate at $25-50/hr. If you’re business consultant, start at $50-80/hr.

Asked By: Miles Bennett Date: created: Apr 19 2022

How many words can you write in 20 minutes

Answered By: Jesse White Date: created: Apr 19 2022

The average person speaks at somewhere between 125 and 150 words per minute. It’s almost always better to speak more slowly than too quickly. Thus, if you’re speaking for 20 minutes, you want a total word count of somewhere between 2,500 and 3,000 words. Be careful!

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Lucas Smith


Question: How Can I Improve My Backlinks?

How do you increase backlinks? How to Get High Quality Backlinks in 2021 (7 New Strategies)Become a Source For Reporters and Bloggers (HARO)Publish “Skyscraper” Content.Build Links From Outdated Resources.Use Content Formats Proven To Generate Links.Publish Ultimate Guides.Use Branded Strategies and Techniques.Authority Resource Pages.Dec 30, 2020. Do backlinks still work 2020? Backlinks are out; dynamic content is in. Now Google’s algorithm focuses more on the richness of your content, much like Instagram. This means the worth, depth and differentiation of your content are more important than the sites that link to you. What is a backlink strategy? Backlinks (also known as “inbound links”, “incoming links” or “one way links”) are links from one website to a page on another website. Google and other major search engines consider backlinks “votes” for a specific page. Pages with a high number of backlinks tend to have high organic search engine rankings. How can I…

Noah Johnson


Question: Can A Landing Page Be Long?

Why are landing pages so long? Longer landing pages are better for generating more trust and credibility to motivate a web visitor to convert since they have more room for information about your company and more opportunity to convince a visitor to perform an action.. What should a landing page include? 2. Landing Pages Must Contain the Following ElementsA headline and (optional) sub-headline.A brief description of the what is being offered.At least one supporting image or short video.(Optional) supporting proof elements such as testimonials, customer logos, or security badges.More items…•Oct 11, 2011 What is the best landing page platform? The 12 Best Landing Page Builder SoftwaresHubspot.Leadpages.Instapage.Clickfunnels.Unbounce.Wishpond.Elementor.MailChimp.More items… What makes a landing page effective? A good landing page should have a strong offer and be able to explain why the offer is valuable in clear and concise terms. … Most effective landing pages confirm the offer with the headline and use…

Lawrence Diaz


Question: How Do I Make My Header Not Scroll?

How do I hide the scrollbar in HTML? Add overflow: hidden; to hide both the horizontal and vertical scrollbar.body { overflow: hidden; /* Hide scrollbars */ }body { overflow-y: hidden; /* Hide vertical scrollbar */ overflow-x: hidden; /* Hide horizontal scrollbar */ }/* Hide scrollbar for Chrome, Safari and Opera */ .example::-webkit-scrollbar { }. Why position sticky is not working? Position sticky will most probably not work if overflow is set to hidden, scroll, or auto on any of the parents of the element. Position sticky may not work correctly if any parent element has a set height. Many browsers still do not support sticky positioning. How do I hide the header when scrolling? The function toggleHeader() This function receives the direction and scroll amount as parameters. It adds the class hide when the direction is down and scroll amount is greater than 52px (the header height). Otherwise, it removes…

Albert James


What Are The Benefits Of Link Building?

What is a link building service? A link building service is a digital marketing service performed by an experienced SEO consultant or an SEO agency that helps a company acquire backlinks through link building activities.Link building activities include manual outreach, guest blogging and broken link building, among other tactics.. Are links important for SEO? Quick Answer: Links (both from other websites as well as the links within your own site) are important to SEO because there is a direct correlation between quality/quantity of links to your site and how much search traffic your site receives. For small businesses, more links = more search traffic = more customers. What are the benefits of using Mail Merge? Advantages of MailmergeOnly one letter needs to be created, as the rest are automatically generated.Only one document needs to be checked for errors, so there are less chances of mistakes being included.The data source can…

Carter Hughes


Quick Answer: How Do I Check My Backlinks Quality?

How do I get quality backlinks 2020? 7 Ways You Can Earn More Backlinks in 2020Create link round-up posts.Link roundups posts, which feature the opinions of industry experts, can generate a ton of traffic, and for good reason….Give interviews….Guest Blogging….Connect with clients….Post case studies and industry statistics….Monitor your competitors….Connect with experts on Facebook groups.Jan 3, 2020. How do you check if a backlink is indexed? Simply copy and paste the backlink into Google, hit the search button, and see what pops up. If that backlink back to your site pops up in the search results, it is indexed. However, if Google comes back with no results, it means that the backlink has not been indexed. What are SEO backlinks examples? Backlinks are links from a page on one website to another. If someone links to your site, then you have a backlink from them. If you link to another website,…

James Brooks


Which Types Of Links Are The Most Valuable?

How many backlinks per day is safe? Building more than 10 backlinks per day is very good and useful for the website traffic.If a person who is just started learning SEO,couldn’t build this count in one day as submitting 20 or 30 submissions only will give maximum of 10 valid do follow backlinks.. Are links important for SEO? Quick Answer: Links (both from other websites as well as the links within your own site) are important to SEO because there is a direct correlation between quality/quantity of links to your site and how much search traffic your site receives. For small businesses, more links = more search traffic = more customers. What is the most commonly used search engine? Google. With over 86% of the search market share, one hardly needs to introduce readers to Google. … YouTube. … Amazon. … 4. Facebook. … Microsoft Bing. … Baidu. … Yandex.Mar…

Joshua Morris


What Are High Quality Backlinks?

How do I get high-quality backlinks? Now, let’s turn to eight ways you can build high-quality backlinks when no one knows your name.Leverage public relations….Write competitive content….Do an original study….Create an infographic….Write testimonials for other websites….Link externally and then reach out….Comment on other relevant blog posts….Align social signals.. What are the best type of backlinks? Backlinks Most Advantageous to SEO1) Editorial backlinks. … 2) Guest blogging backlinks. … 3) Backlinks in business profiles. … 4) Backlinks from webinars. … 5) Free-tool backlinks. … 6) Acknowledgment backlinks. … 7) Guest post bio backlinks. … 8) Badge backlinks.More items…•Dec 20, 2018 Where can I buy quality backlinks? Top 18 Websites to Buy Backlinks in 2021Advantages of Backlinks.Top 18 Websites to Buy Backlinks.Genuine Backlinks for Serious SEOs: Links Management. Authority Builders.SEO Forums: BlackHatWorld. WickedFire. WarriorForum.DIY Freelance Marketplace: Fiverr. Upwork. … Cheap Backlinks (NOT RECOMMENDED): Black Hat Links. Buy High-Quality Backlinks. … Final Verdict.Feb…

Curtis Sanchez


Navbar Fixed Top After Scrolling

How do I fix my navigation bar? Setting the top , left , and right properties to 0 avoids unintended margins/padding at the top and the sides of the fixed navigation bar.Tip: If you’d rather have a fixed bar that’s persistently at the bottom of the viewport, which is another common design pattern, simply change top: 0 to bottom: 0 .. How do I make my table header fixed while scrolling? You can keep header table in sync with content table horizontally on scroll event. Use table-layout: fixed so that applied column width remain same. One more thing adjust header table by giving an extra td at last to get accurate width as same as content table after getting a scroll bar on content table. How do I get rid of the scroll bar in CSS? Add overflow: hidden; to hide both the horizontal and vertical scrollbar.body { overflow: hidden;…

Albert Jackson


Question: What Are The 2 Kinds Of Links Important For SEO?

What are the two types of links? The Different Types of Links Links.links are one of the most important tags for SEO, and the majority of internal and external domain linking is achieved by using this HTML tag….Image Links….JavaScript Links….Rel Links….Nofollow Links.Jul 21, 2018. Why are links important for SEO? Quick Answer: Links (both from other websites as well as the links within your own site) are important to SEO because there is a direct correlation between quality/quantity of links to your site and how much search traffic your site receives. For small businesses, more links = more search traffic = more customers. What are links in SEO? Building links is one of the many tactics used in search engine optimization (SEO) because links are a signal to Google that your site is a quality resource worthy of citation. Therefore, sites with more backlinks tend to earn higher rankings. There’s…

Isaiah Bryant


Quick Answer: Are Guest Posts Bad For SEO?

Should you accept guest posts? Accepting guest posts is a great way to grow your blog without having to do a ton of work.Guest posters will share their content when it’s published and will subsequently promote your blog.Free marketing.That free marketing can lead to more social media shares and, hopefully, links to your site.. How do I write a guest post for SEO? How to write a popular guest postDon’t write what you want to write. Write what a blog’s audience wants to read.Maintain a consistent tone of voice that matches your brand and speaks strongly to your audience.Only publish guest posts that raise the profile of your brand. … Know your stuff.Nov 29, 2013 How do you attract guest bloggers? Here’s the process you should follow if you’d like to attract talented guest bloggers for your site:Step One: Make your site as appealing as possible for guest writers.Step Four:…

Jake Anderson


Question: Do Backlinks Still Work 2020?

Where can I get free backlinks? 12 Ways to Get Free Backlinks for Your Business This MonthAnalyze Your Current Backlink Profile (The “Second Serving” Technique) …Ask Your Friends for Backlinks (the Right Way) …Reach Out to Industry Publications and Websites….Repurpose Your Content….Appear as a Guest on Podcasts….Write High-value Comments on Websites….Use Your Social Media Profiles….Be Inspired by Your Competitors.More items…•Jul 4, 2018. How do I get quality backlinks 2020? 7 Ways You Can Earn More Backlinks in 2020Create link round-up posts. Link roundups posts, which feature the opinions of industry experts, can generate a ton of traffic, and for good reason. … Give interviews. … Guest Blogging. … Connect with clients. … Post case studies and industry statistics. … Monitor your competitors. … Connect with experts on Facebook groups.Jan 3, 2020 Are Backlinks still important 2020? The short answer is yes, Backlinks remain a crucial factor for organic search ranking.…

Charles Evans


Natural Link Building

How do I start a link building campaign? How to Start a Link Building CampaignSet up the Link Building tool.Go to the Link Building Tool, start a new Project or create a new campaign for an existing Project….Review your list of prospects….Connect your email account and send your pitch….Keep track of your new links.. How does a link work? A link (short for hyperlink) is an HTML object that allows you to jump to a new location when you click or tap it. Links are found on almost every webpage and provide a simple means of navigating between pages on the web. Links can be attached to text, images, or other HTML elements. How do you do link building in 2020? Common Black Hat Link Building Tactics to Be Aware OfPaid links that pass PageRank.Private Blog Networks (PBNs)Large-scale article marketing and guest-posting campaigns that use keyword-rich anchor text.Low-quality directories that…

Xavier Lee


Question: Search Engine Optimization Specialists

How much do SEO experts make? . How do I become a search engine optimization specialist? How much does it cost to hire a SEO specialist? What does an SEM specialist do?

Juan Nelson


Question: How Can I Get Free Quality Backlinks?

How do I get quality backlinks 2020? 7 Ways You Can Earn More Backlinks in 2020Create link round-up posts.Link roundups posts, which feature the opinions of industry experts, can generate a ton of traffic, and for good reason….Give interviews….Guest Blogging….Connect with clients….Post case studies and industry statistics….Monitor your competitors….Connect with experts on Facebook groups.Jan 3, 2020. Which backlink is least important? Nofollow backlinks are less common. They’re also less valuable. They’re used to tell search engines to ignore a particular link. Google’s official definition of the nofollow tag is, “’Nofollow’ provides a way for webmasters to tell search engines ‘Don’t follow links on this page’ or ‘Don’t follow this specific link. How can I create backlinks for free? 12 Ways to Get Free Backlinks for Your Business This MonthAnalyze Your Current Backlink Profile (The “Second Serving” Technique) … Ask Your Friends for Backlinks (the Right Way) … Reach Out to…

Roger Miller


How Much Should I Charge For Guest Post?

How do I credit a guest blog? Include a Brief Bio At the end of the post, include a head shot of your author along with a brief bio (written by the author).Make sure they include a link to their own website.It’s also recommended to include a link to their LinkedIn and Google+ profile pages as well.. What are the benefits of guest blogging? Here are the top 11 benefits of guest blogging.Instant Exposure to Targeted Traffic. … Expand Your Personal Network. … Stimulate Social Media Shares. … Grow Your Social Media Following. … Improve Your Online Authority. … Fortify Your Backlink Profile. … Grow Brand Awareness. … Generate Qualified Leads.More items…•Oct 12, 2017 How much should I charge for a guest post on my blog? So, the answer to, ‘How much does guest blogging service cost’ is – there’s no typical rate. You can easily find someone willing to…

Anthony Scott


Quick Answer: Which Backlinks Is The Best For SEO?

What kind of links are most valuable for SEO? The most common backlinks are natural Glen found that natural (i.e.earned) backlinks top the chart, which is as it should be.However, the study also found that many high ranking websites have some very low quality backlinks.They are things like forum pages, blog comments, and non-English Blogspot blogs.. What are SEO backlinks examples? Backlinks are one of many metrics used by Google to measure the value of a page. Backlinks are sometimes referred to as incoming links, inbound links, inlinks, or inward links. Above is an example of a backlink that we received from an article on the website Forbes. Which backlink is least important? Nofollow backlinks are less common. They’re also less valuable. They’re used to tell search engines to ignore a particular link. Google’s official definition of the nofollow tag is, “’Nofollow’ provides a way for webmasters to tell search…

Donald Henderson


Guest Posting Services

How do guest posts make money? Sell Guest Posts to Various BlogsLook for Niche Blogs Paying for Content….Pitch High Profile Blog Editors….Sell Customized Content to Any Site….Sell to Magazine Websites….Sell to Aggregators….Sell Listicles….Sell to Anyone on This List.Apr 1, 2017. What is guest posting service? Guest blogging, also called “guest posting,” is the act of writing content for another company’s website. Generally, guest bloggers write for similar blogs within their industry in order to: Attract traffic back to their website. Does guest posting still work? ? Yes! Guest blogging still works in 2019. Bottom line is that guest posting does work. The facts speak for itself and show that it is still a relevant way to gain high-quality links. What is the process of guest posting? “Guest posting” means writing and publishing an article on someone else’s website or blog. I offer this on my own site (occasionally) and do…

Herbert James


Quick Answer: How Many Backlinks Per Day Is Safe?

Are Backlinks important in 2020? Backlinks to your website can garner traffic, build credibility, and help your brand rank higher on search engines….If you’re looking to leverage link building techniques in 2020 and increase the organic traffic pouring into your website, it’s vital to know which practices to follow and which to avoid.. What is toxic score of site? Toxic Score is how the Backlink Audit Tool determines which of your links are the most dangerous for your website. Toxic Score is based on a scale of 0 to 100, with 0 being good and 100 being very toxic. How many backlinks is too many? Generally, a ranking of 60 to 100 is phenomenal, 40 to 50 is okay, and below 40 isn’t great. If you want to build high-quality backlinks, then start by building links from high domain authority websites that are also relevant to your niche and trusted…

Devin Lopez


Question: What Is Link Building And How It Works?

What are link building strategies? 13 Efficient Link Building Strategies for Busy MarketersUse Strategic Guest Blogging.Create and Distribute Infographics….Get Active on Social Media….Use Resource Links From Trusted Sites….Leverage the Broken Links Strategy….Grow Your Personal Brand….Check Competitor’s Backlinks….Replicate Best Links From Competitors.More items…. What is link building services? A link building service is a digital marketing service performed by an experienced SEO consultant or an SEO agency that helps a company acquire backlinks through link building activities. Link building activities include manual outreach, guest blogging and broken link building, among other tactics. What is the importance of linking? If the content of a page makes someone talk, it indicates authority, credibility, and/or trustworthiness. Thus, links on pages are like votes of trust, credibility, and authority. The more links a page gets, the more votes they are getting, which can improve their ranking. How do I make SEO backlinks? Here are ten:The…

Jeremiah Alexander


Quick Answer: Affordable Link Building Services

Which is the best link building type? Backlinks are the most important type of link, but outbound links—links from your website to other sites—can also improve your site’s search ranking.In a list of Google’s 200 ranking factors, Backlinko put outbound link quality at #35.. Does link building still work? Despite being a straight-up violation of Google’s Webmaster Guidelines and a tactic that is clearly defined as a link scheme, paid link building is still relatively common in 2021 for the simple reason that it guarantees results. Earning links is hard work; there is no denying that. What is a SEO backlink? A backlink is simply a link from one website to another. … High-quality backlinks can help to increase a site’s ranking position and visibility in search engine results (SEO). How do I create a link for SEO? Simple link building tipsAsk for backlinks. This is a good way to…

There’s no simple answer — freelance writers charge anywhere between $0.02 to $1 per word. We’ve hired thousands of writers, and have found a fair rate for both clients and writers — but only if you let technology take care of the dirty work of searching, pitching, negotiating and invoicing!

We built Draft, in part, because of our own frustrating experiences requesting content on other marketplaces like Upwork. Once you sort through the eclectic list of writers, you still have to agree on a price. It doesn’t help that writer fees can vary significantly.

Prices by the Word

Freelance writer rates can vary from $0.02 per word for a novice or non-native English speaker (or in this case writer) up to $1.50 per word for a world-class writer with bylines in big-name publications.

When you consider that the average blog post should be upwards of 1,700 words, the high end of that range could mean a six-figure blogging budget. The range is so wide because the price depends on a number of factors like experience, skill, complexity, due date, and even the cost of labor in your geography.

Prices by the Hour

Many writers also charge by the hour, especially when the project involves meaningful research or interviews which can create additional overhead for the writer beyond putting pen to paper. Indeed says the average hourly copywriter charges $33.50 per hour with varying projects requiring varying amounts of time.

Pricing is also affected by overhead and admin costs – unless a writer is selling their services on a freelance writer platform like Draft, they also have to factor in the time it takes to find work, send pitches, negotiate contracts, send invoices, and talk with their customers.

So, what are the rates?

On the open market, these are the reported rates we’ve seen from our writers. We’re going to split it up between different quality tiers.

Tier 1 – The absolute best of the best of freelance writers. Frequently featured on websites like Forbes, Inc, WSJ, etc. Very picky with their engagements. Typical rate: $1.50/word

Tier 2 – Extremely solid writers who make a great living through their craft. Usually strike the fine balance of quality and output. Typical rate: $0.5/word

Tier 3 – The very solid. These are the 75th percentile and above of freelance writers, and are usually the ones hired by companies to write full time. Typical rate: $0.2-0.3/word

Tier 4 – This is a tier where there’s a huge discrepancy in quality. On one hand, you have seasoned writers who simply aren’t of the calibre to command a higher rate. On the other hand you have very high-quality writers who are new to the game and looking to get experience. Typical rate: $0.1-0.2

Tier 5 – This tier may have the most non-native speakers, but it also has a lot of people in the Tier-4 quality range who find that a lower price point allows them to make more money because they can write very efficiently. Typical rate: ~$0.07

For hourly rates, you could be looking at $30 per hour for inexperienced writers, and up to $100 per hour for the top-tier ones. 

If you want to see more examples of how much different companies have paid for outsourced writing services, Contently has a handy rates database that also includes insightful comments from writers. But again be warned that these fees are all over the place!

Why we pay (and recommend) per-word pricing

Writers are, justifiably, very protective when it comes to their rates. After all, it’s their livelihood. But pricing strategy can be very subjective since it relies on several qualitative factors like experience and speed. Because of this, Draft uses a per-word pricing model to ensure the output matches the price.

Two major reasons why per-word pricing works for Draft:

  • Automation: Draft handles all of the admin for our writers so they’re not distracted by cold calling or client management. Draft writers are able to focus on the content to a greater degree than other writers which helps them create quality work faster.
  • Flexibility: Draft is strategic about hiring writers with experience across varying industries and content formats. What’s more, Draft writers get to pick the jobs they like or have expertise in, giving them command over their own productivity.

Our fair rate for our writers allows them to make quite a lot of money as they don’t have to spend time on pitching, negotiations, invoicing and everything else that usually comes with working for yourself.


How and where you find your freelance copywriter matters more than just their price per word. With tools like Draft, the machines take the busy work out of the equation, resulting in affordable rates for the buyers, while keeping the writers fulfilled.

Unfortunately, open marketplaces like Upwork continue to recommend subjective per-hour pricing which causes a lot of stress for buyers and customers alike. In many ways, it’s a race to the bottom in terms of price and quality as buyers vie for cheaper hours. A recent study by Make A Living Writing found that a third of the 1,400 freelance writers surveyed were earning hourly rates of less than $20, underscoring the problem of auctioning off creative people’s time.

The age of these broken auction systems is over.

Learn more in Draft’s Content Marketing Playbook.

how much to charge for content writing

One of the hardest things a freelance website content writer will do is to set their pricing. Ask too much, and you risk losing the work to other bidders. Ask too little, and you’ll be locked into a cycle of unprofitable work with that client.

Finding the right freelance writing rate is a delicate balance between the rate you want to earn and the market value of your work. It usually takes new writers a period of trial and error to find the right pricing.

How Much Do Content Writers Make?

Content marketing freelance rates vary depending on project size, time commitment, and whether you are charging by the hour or by the project. Your experience will also impact your content writing services pricing. Having an online portfolio of your work that represents experience for a variety of projects in different industries will make you more valuable to potential clients.

How Much to Charge for a Blog Post

Before you set your pricing, you need to understand your value. Ask yourself:

  1. How much experience do I have writing?
  2. Do I have expertise in a certain industry or niche?
  3. Am I providing any services in addition to writing? Some publishers may ask for SEO keyword research, content marketing strategy, image sourcing, or meta descriptions.
  4. What costs do I need to cover? Consider your home office, software, insurance, and self-employment taxes.

Let’s break down how much you could charge per word depending on your experience level and how you can calculate your hourly rate.

Hourly Rate For a Freelance Writer

Some freelance writers charge an hourly rate for their writing services. While this can protect you in the case of a project taking longer than anticipated or excessive edit requests, this model doesn’t allow freelancers to grow earnings as they get more efficient.

Once a freelance writer can estimate their time per project well and become more efficient over time, charging per word or per article is a better option.

Nevertheless, to calculate your hourly rate, follow this formula:

(Goal income + estimated freelance expenses) / billable hours you expect to work

For example, if you want to make $6,000 a month and work 125 billable hours a month with expenses of $250 each month, your hourly rate should be $50.

While you are first starting out, you may not be able to charge your ideal rate to find work and build up your connections and portfolio. Once you have a full schedule of work, however, you can ask for a raise or start to drop your lowest-paying clients in favor of higher-paying ones.

how much to pay a freelance writer for an article

Per word rate

Freelance rates per word are a carryover from the journalism industry, where freelance article rates are determined by the number of words in the published article. How much should a writer charge per word?

Freelance rates can start as low as $0.05 per word for blogs or high-volume content sites, and range up to $1.50 or more per word or more for elite news sites or trade publications.

Calculate your per-word rate with this formula:

per-word rate formula

Be sure to research your target industry to learn what average rates are, and ask for a complete scope of work for each project to avoid surprise expectations.

Flat project rate

To simplify pricing for freelancers and clients, some freelancers use flat project rates. This model determines a flat rate for an article, usually with a predetermined length or scope of work.

What should I charge per article?

cost per blog table

To know what to charge per article, you need to know the length and amount of research required. Below are a few guidelines for how to price your article content writing based on your expertise and industry.

Basic ($0.05-$0.20 per word)

Entry-level professionals or students building a portfolio, non-native English speakers. Clients may be nonprofits or small businesses.

Intermediate ($0.20-$0.70 per word)

Professionals with results to show and experience in the industry. Articles may include some research and interviews. Clients are more likely to be B2B or online publishers.

Expert ($0.70-$1.50+ per word)

Advanced professionals with expertise in a subject matter area. Articles may include extensive research and interviews. Clients may be an elite news site or businesses in tech, finance, or other niche specialty areas.

All things considered, 500 words is a fairly short article length, appropriate for a short newsletter article or personal profile. A typical rate for this would be $75-$200, but it could range much lower or higher depending on the factors mentioned above.

How much should I charge for a 1,000-word article?

One thousand words is a typical length for a blog and are considered mid-length web content. For a 1,000-word article, a typical rate would be $200-$700, but it could range much lower or higher based on the factors mentioned above.

Now that you know your value, before pitching a potential client, consider the value of content writing to them. What goals will the content help them reach? Framing the conversation this way can help you propose higher rates because of the real impact that it brings to their organization.

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With content marketing, you need a tool that can take you from concept to campaign to analytics. DemandJump can help you research keywords, create one-click outlines for new content, and link marketing attribution from conversion back to your published content.

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