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There are 5 vowel letters and 4 consonant letters in the word education. E is 5th, D is 4th, U is 21th, C is 3rd, A is 1st, T is 20th, I is 9th, O is 15th, N is 14th, Letter of Alphabet series.
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Other forms: educations
Whenever you learn something new, you are getting some amount of education. You might get your education in school, where you’re learning to speak French, or in your garage, where you’re learning how to repair your bike.
Back in the 1500s, the word education meant «the raising of children,» but it also meant «the training of animals.» While there are probably a few teachers who feel like animal trainers, education these days has come to mean either «teaching» or «the process of acquiring knowledge.»
Definitions of education
the activities of educating or instructing; activities that impart knowledge or skill
“he received no formal
didactics, educational activity, instruction, pedagogy, teaching
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the teaching of different genders in the same institutions
continuing education
a program of instruction designed primarily for adult students who participate part-time
class, course, course of instruction, course of study
education imparted in a series of lessons or meetings
elementary education
education in elementary subjects (reading and writing and arithmetic) provided to young students at a grade school
extension, extension service, university extension
an educational opportunity provided by colleges and universities to people who are not enrolled as regular students
extracurricular activity
educational activities not falling within the scope of the regular curriculum
higher education
education provided by a college or university
secondary education
education beyond the elementary grades; provided by a high school or college preparatory school
team teaching
a method of coordinated classroom teaching involving a team of teachers working together with a single group of students
work-study program
an educational plan in which students alternate between paid employment and formal study
adult education
a course (via lectures or correspondence) for adults who are not otherwise engaged in formal study
art class
a class in which you learn to draw or paint
childbirth-preparation class
a course that teaches pregnant women to use breathing and concentration and exercise techniques to use during labor
participation in theatrical productions as an extracurricular activity
participation in sports events as an extracurricular activity
correspondence course
a course offered (by mail) by a correspondence school
course of lectures
a series of lectures dealing with a subject
directed study
a course of study that is supervised and controlled by a specialist in the subject
elective, elective course
a course that the student can select from among alternatives
extension course
a course offered as part of an extension service
home study
a course of study carried out at home rather than in a classroom
industrial arts
a course in the methods of using tools and machinery as taught in secondary schools and technical schools
orientation, orientation course
a course introducing a new situation or environment
propaedeutic, propaedeutics
a course that provides an introduction to an art or science (or to more advanced study generally)
refresher, refresher course
a course that reviews and updates a topic for those who have not kept abreast of developments
required course
a course that all students are required to take
a course offered for a small group of advanced students
shop, shop class
a course of instruction in a trade (as carpentry or electricity)
a brief intensive course for a small group; emphasizes problem solving
type of:
any specific behavior
the gradual process of acquiring knowledge
“education is a preparation for life”
“a girl’s
education was less important than a boy’s” -
knowledge acquired by learning and instruction
“it was clear that he had a very broad
education”see moresee less-
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physical education
training in the development of and care for the human body; stresses athletics; includes hygiene
the accumulation of knowledge or skill that results from direct participation in events or activities
encyclopaedism, encyclopedism, eruditeness, erudition, learnedness, learning, scholarship
profound scholarly knowledge
education that results in understanding and the spread of knowledge
foundation, grounding
education or instruction in the fundamentals of a field of knowledge
familiarisation, familiarization
the experience of becoming familiar with something
skill and experience in matters relating to the woods (as hunting or fishing or camping)
scholarly attainment
edification, sophistication
uplifting enlightenment
(Zen Buddhism) a state of sudden spiritual enlightenment
type of:
cognitive content, content, mental object
the sum or range of what has been perceived, discovered, or learned
the profession of teaching (especially at a school or college or university)
the result of good upbringing (especially knowledge of correct social behavior)
DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘education’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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Some words that can be made from the letters in ‘education’ are:
- a
- ace
- acid
- act
- action
- ad
- aid
- aide
- ant
- ante
- at
- ate
- auction
- audit
- cad
- can
- cane
- cant
- cat
- caution
- cite
- cod
- code
- coin
- con
- cone
- cud
- cut
- cute
- date
- deacon
- dean
- decant
- den
- dent
- detain
- dice
- die
- diet
- din
- dine
- do
- doe
- don
- donate
- done
- dote
- drain
- duct
- dun
- dune
- eat
- edict
- edit
- eon
- I
- ice
- icon
- id
- idea
- in
- induct
- into
- ion
- it
- neat
- net
- nice
- nit
- no
- nod
- node
- not
- note
- nude
- nut
- oat
- ocean
- ode
- on
- once
- one
- ounce
- out
- tad
- tan
- tea
- ten
- tend
- tide
- tie
- tin
- tine
- to
- toad
- toe
- ton
- tone
- tonic
- toucan
- tuna
- tune
- tunic
- undo
- unit
cat,date,no,tin,ate,eat,….. cant find any more…
Also duct, cation, ion, cane, dice, nice, action, auction, auctioned, cautioned, caution, unite, catenoid, cute, cite, coat, dote, note, toad, node, ode, code, dot, induce, tine, cad, ton, on, in, at, a, I, nit, cud, cut, can’t, cant, coin, coined, cone, tone, tune, nut, nude, tea, ten, coated, uncoated, noted, caned, tined, din, nod, cod, can, an, it, tie, tau, eta, ducat, con, co-ed, diet, enact and of course, education
образование, образованность, обучение, воспитание, просвещение, культура, развитие
существительное ↓
- образование; просвещение
- воспитание
the education of the will — воспитание воли
the education of the audience to appreciate modern music — воспитание у публики вкуса к современной музыке
an education in dealing with one’s fellowmen — привитие норм общения с людьми
education for citizenship — воспитание гражданина
- образованность, культура
a man of education — образованный /просвещённый, культурный/ человек
- редк. дрессировка (животных)
Мои примеры
a very conservative attitude to education — очень консервативный подход к образованию
a dark age in the history of education — тёмный период в истории образования
huge popular demand for higher education — огромный спрос на высшее образование
a question of blind education — проблема образования для слепых
co-education — совместное обучение (мальчиков и девочек)
a cramped medical education — узкое медицинское образование
to provide an education — давать образование
excursive education — бессистемное образование
mind formed by classical education — ум, сформированный классическим образованием
parental involvement in education — родительское участие в воспитании
education lobby — образовательное лобби
mass education — всеобщее образование
Примеры с переводом
He had a quality education.
У него было хорошее образование.
My parents paid for my education.
За моё образование платили родители.
Long live free education!
Да здравствует бесплатное образование!
I’m sure he has a college education.
Я уверен, что у него высшее образование.
Education is a gradual process.
Образование — это постепенный процесс.
Office of Education
управление /комитет/ по вопросам образования
Modern education is all cram.
Современное образование порождает лишь кашу в голове.
ещё 23 примера свернуть
Примеры, ожидающие перевода
Their own education has been neglected.
The education system is still in a state of flux.
The studies were undertaken by people working in education.
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Возможные однокоренные слова
educated — образованный, развитой, тренированный, дрессированный
educational — образовательный, учебный, воспитательный, педагогический
educationist — педагог-теоретик
reeducation — перевоспитание
educationary — педагог, энтузиаст
miseducation — неправильное воспитание, плохое образование
Формы слова
ед. ч.(singular): education
мн. ч.(plural): educations