How many times do i use this word

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Notice how many times this word appears.

Watch how many times this word shows up.

do count how many times this word occur.

Because we need, we are at the present moment in the middle of a change of consciousness, and you will be surprised if you — I am always surprised when I hear how many times this word «gratefulness» and «gratitude» comes up.

Так как нам это нужно, в данный момент мы находимся в середине процесса перемены сознания, и вы будете удивлены, если вы Я всегда удивляюсь, когда слышу, насколько часто упоминаются слова «благодарность» и «признательность».

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Времена, предлоги, местоимения, условные предложения… Казалось бы, что знание основных правил английского гарантирует вам грамотную и красивую речь. И это правда, но чтобы звучать более естественно и не выделяться среди носителей языка, необходимо также разбираться в некоторых нюансах, а точнее выражениях.

В данной статье мы рассмотрим разницу между вопросительными фразами «how long», «how much time» и «how many times».

How long — СКОЛЬКО ВРЕМЕНИ, Как долго

Этот вопрос следует задавать в тех случаях, когда мы хотим задать временной вопрос. Узнать, как долго длилось то или иное событие, действие или процесс.

Важно! Как правило, фраза «how long» употребляется в связке с прошедшим совершенным временем или Present Perfect, иногда Present Perfect Continuous.

Важно! После конструкции «how long» считается ошибкой использовать слово «time/times».


How long has Svetlana lived in Germany? — Как долго Светлана прожила в Германии?

How long time has Svetlana lived in Germany? — Неверный вариант. Использование слова «time» некорректно.

How long is the show? — Сколько времени идет спектакль?

How long has John studied English? — Как долго Джон изучает английский язык?

How long will Olga stay at her mother’s apartment? — Сколько времени еще Ольга проведет у своей матери?

How long has Robert been here? He could hear everything. — Как долго тут находится Роберт? Он мог все услышать.

How long have you been waiting here for Richard? — Как долго ты прождала здесь Ричарда?

How long has Jack been married? — Как долго Джек был женат?

Вопросительная фраза «how long» также используется, если вы хотите спросить о размере вещи или объекта, а точнее о его длине.

Важно! Со словом «how long» часто используются предлоги «for» и «since».


How long was Kate’s red jacket? — Какой длины был красный жакет Кати.

How long is your hair? — Какой длины твои волосы?


Данная фраза имеет ту же смысловую нагрузку, что и «how long». Единственная разница заключается в том, что «how long» используется чаще в неформальной речи и звучит более естественно при разговоре.


How much time does it take to go to the office? — Сколько времени требуется, чтобы доехать до офиса?

How much time has George lived in Spain? — Как долго Джордж прожил в Испании?

How much time you are going to work in such terrible conditions? — Сколько времени ты еще собираешься работать в таких ужасных условиях?

How much time will you do your homework? — Как долго ты будешь делать домашнее задание?

How much time do you need? — Сколько времени тебе нужно?

How much time will he behave like a spoiled child? — Как долго он еще будет себя вести как избалованный ребенок?

How much time has Jessica spent abroad? — Сколько времени Джессика провела за границей?

How many TIMEs — СКОЛЬКО раз

Вопросительная фраза, которую задают, когда хотят узнать, сколько раз произошло то или иное действие. Обычно ее используют, если спрашивают о событии, которое произошло в прошлом.


How many times did you go to the gym last week? — Сколько раз ты ходил в спортивный зал на прошлой неделе?

How many times did our neighbors play music last night? — Сколько раз твои соседи включали музыку прошлой ночью.

How many times has Olga been in Australia? — Сколько раз Ольга была в Австралии?

How many times should I remind you about that? — Сколько раз я должна тебе об этом напоминать?

How many times did your mother ask you not to go outside after 9 P.M.? — Сколько раз твоя мама просила тебя не выходить на улицу после 9 вечера?

How many times will you do the same mistakes? — Сколько раз ты еще будешь совершать одинаковые ошибки?

How many times has Daniel been in Italy? — Сколько раз Даниэль был в Италии?

Как правило, именно такие мелочи в грамматике показывают, насколько свободно вы владеете английским языком. Запомните эту несложную разницу в значении между фразами «how long», «how much time» и «how many times» и станьте еще более уверенным в своей речи. Больше подсказок для освоения иностранного языка вы найдете в статье о том, как правильно выражать свои мысли на английском.

I’ve seen a few people ask how this would be done, but their questions were ‘too broad’ so I decided to find out how to do it. I’ve posted below how.

asked Feb 13, 2016 at 18:07

George Willcox's user avatar

So to do this, first you must open the file (Assuming you have a file of text called ‘text.txt’) We do this by calling the open function.

file = open('text.txt', 'r')

The open function uses the syntax: open(file, mode)

The file being the text document, and the mode being how it’s opened. (‘r’ means read only) The read function just reads the file, then split separates each of the words into a list object. Lastly, we use the count function to find how many times the word appears.

word = input('word: ')

And there you have it, counting words in a text file!

answered Feb 13, 2016 at 18:07

George Willcox's user avatar


Word counts can be tricky. At a minimum, one would like to avoid differences in capitalization and punctuation. A simple way to take the next step in word counts is to use regular expressions and to convert its resulting words to lower case before we do the count. We could even use collections.Counter and count all of the words.

import re

# `word_finder(somestring)` emits all words in string as list
word_finder = re.compile(r'w+').findall

filename = input('filename: ')
word = input('word: ')

# remove case for compare
lword = word.lower()

# `word_finder` emits all of the words excluding punctuation
# `filter` removes the lower cased words we don't want
# `len` counts the result
count = len(list(filter(lambda w: w.lower() == lword,

# we could go crazy and count all of the words in the file
# and do it line by line to reduce memory footprint.
import collections
import itertools
from pprint import pprint

word_counts = collections.Counter(itertools.chain.from_iterable(
    word_finder(line.lower()) for line in open(filename)))

answered Feb 13, 2016 at 19:48

tdelaney's user avatar


71.3k5 gold badges79 silver badges114 bronze badges

Splitting on whitespace isn’t sufficient — split on everything you’re not counting and get your case under control:

import re
import sys

file = open(sys.argv[1])

word = sys.argv[2]


You can add apostrophes to the inverted pattern [^a-z'] or whatever else you want to include in your count.

Hogan: Colonel, you’re asking and answering your own questions. That’s tops in German efficiency.

answered Feb 13, 2016 at 23:50

cdlane's user avatar


39.6k5 gold badges29 silver badges78 bronze badges

def words_frequency_counter(filename):
    """Print how many times the word appears in the text."""
        with open(filename) as file_object:
            contents =
    except FileNotFoundError:
        word = input("Give me a word: ") 
        print("'" + word + "'" + ' appears ' + 
            str(contents.lower().count(word.lower())) + ' times.n')

MechMK1's user avatar


3,1887 gold badges37 silver badges55 bronze badges

answered Dec 31, 2017 at 0:20

magicandrei's user avatar

First, you want to open the file. Do this with:

your_file = open('file.txt', 'r')

Next, you want to count the word. Let’s set your word as brian under the variable life. No reason.

What that does is reads the file, splits it into individual words, and counts the instances of the word ‘brian’. Hope this helps!

answered Feb 13, 2016 at 19:19

linky00's user avatar


551 silver badge10 bronze badges


One common requirement when working with large datasets is counting how many times a particular word or value appears.

You may need to know how many times the word appears in a cell, a column, or an entire worksheet.

This problem can be of two types. You might need to count how many cells contain a given word, or how many times a given word appears in a cell.

In this tutorial, we will see both types of problems and different ways to solve them, including the use of VBA.

Count a Specific Word in a Range using COUNTIF

The COUNTIF function’s main task is to count the number of times a condition is met.

One of the most common uses of this function is to match a particular value to cell values in a range. This value can be a string or a number.

The syntax for the COUNTIF function is:



  • range is the range of cells you want to match and count from
  • condition is the condition that must be met in order to count a cell as a match

What the above function will do is search for all the cells in the given range and count all the cells that match the given condition. Once it is done searching through all cells in the range, it will return the number of matched cells.

Let us apply this function to a simple example. Say we want to count the number of times the name ‘Peter’ appears in the range A2:A10 as shown below:

Dataset to count names

To apply the COUNTIF function for the above problem, here are the steps to follow:

  1. Select the cell that you want to write the count in (cell D3 in our case).
  2. In this cell, type the formula:
  3. Press the return key.

This will give the number of times the word “Peter” appears in the range of cells A2:A10.

Countif funftion to count names

Note: This method only counts the number of cells that contain exactly the word “Peter”. If one of the cells, for example, had the words “Peter Peter” in one cell, the COUNTIF function would not consider it as a match, and so would not count the cell.

Issue with countif formula

Count a Specific Word in a Cell using LEN and SUBSTITUTE

The above method works fine if you’re looking to count cells that exactly match a given word. However, it does not work if you want to find the number of times a word occurs inside the string of a cell.

For example, say you have the following string in a cell (A2) and you want to know how many times the word “happy” appears:

Counting the word in the same cell

To solve this problem, there are a number of methods that you can use.

For example, you can use a formula that comprises a combination of Excel functions, like SUBSTITUTE and LEN. You can also use VBA code to get the job done quickly.

The LEN Function

The LEN function is a very commonly used Excel function. It is used to find the length of a string (number of characters in a string). The syntax for the function is:


Where string can be a text or reference to a cell containing text for which you want to find the length.


The SUBSTITUTE function is used to remove a specific word from a string. The general syntax for this function is:

=SUBSTITUTE(original_string, old_text,new_text)


  • original_string is the text or cell reference that you want to work on.
  • old_text is the word or substring that you want to replace
  • new_text is the word or substring that you want to replace old_text with.

Combining both Functions

Individually, both the above functions don’t seem to have anything to do with counting how many times a word appears in a cell. But when they are cleverly combined into a formula, they accomplish the task.

To count how many times a word appears in a cell, we can use the formula:


Here, word is the word that you want to count and cell_reference is the reference to the cell you want to count from.

Here’s how you can apply the above formula to the problem:

  1. Select the cell that you want to write the count in (cell B5 in this case).
  2. In this cell, type the formula:
    =(LEN(A2)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A2, “happy”,"")))/LEN(“happy”). Instead of specifying the word to replace, you can also specify the reference to the cell containing the word, like this: =(LEN(A2)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A2, A5,"")))/LEN(A5).
  3. Press the return key.

LEN function Count to count How many Times a Word appears in a Cell

This will give the number of times the word “happy” appears in cell A2.

If you also want to copy the same formula to count the number of occurrences of other words in cell A2, you can fix the reference to cell A2 by adding a $ sign:

=(LEN($A$2)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE($A$2, A5,"")))/LEN(A5)

Now, you can easily copy the formula for other words by dragging down the fill handle.

Copy and drag the formula for all cells

How did this Formula Work?

To understand how this formula worked, we need to break it down:

  1. First, we used the SUBSTITUTE function to remove the word “happy” from the original string (by replacing it with a blank): SUBSTITUTE(A2, “happy”,””)
  2. Next, we used the LEN function to find the length of the original string without any occurrence of the word “happy” in it: LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A2, “happy”,””))
  3. After this, we subtracted this length from the length of the original string (with the words “happy” in it): LEN(A2)- LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A2, “happy”,””))
  4. What this gives is the total number of characters in all occurrences of the word “happy”. It’s a 5 letter word, so if it is present 4 times, the above operation will return 20.
  5. Finally, this value is divided by the length of the word “happy”: =(LEN($A$2)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE($A$2, A5,””)))/LEN(A5).

This should give you the number of times the word “happy” appears in the original text! So we get 20 / 5 = 4. The word “happy” appears 4 times in cell A2.

Note: The SUBSTITUTE function is case-sensitive. As a result, this formula will only count the number of times “happy” appears in all small letters. If you were to search for the word in all caps, you would not get the correct answer.

A good way to work around this is to ensure that everything is converted to small letters. So to make sure our formula is not case-sensitive, it can be converted to:

=(LEN(cell_reference)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(LOWER(cell_reference), LOWER(word),"")))/LEN(word)

Here, the function, LOWER is used to convert both the original text and new text to lowercase.

The above method only works when you want to find the number of times a word appears in a single cell. But what if you needed to find out how many times the same word appears in strings in multiple cells?

For this, you will need to wrap the SUMPRODUCT function around the above formula. So, if you have a range of cells to work on, your formula should be:

=SUMPRODUCT(LEN(cell_range)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(cell_range, word,"")))/LEN(word))

The SUMPRODUCT function ensures that you get an array containing the count for each cell in the range.

Say you have the following set of text strings (A2:A3) and you want to find out how many times the word “happy” appears in all of them:

Multiple lines in multiple cells

Simply follow these steps:

  1. Select the cell that you want to write the count in (cell B6 in this case).
  2. In this cell, type the formula:
    =SUMPRODUCT((LEN(A2:A3)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A2:A3,”happy”,"")))/LEN(“happy”)). Instead of specifying the word to replace, you can also specify the reference to the cell containing the word, like this: =SUMPRODUCT((LEN(A2:A3)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A2:A3,A6,"")))/LEN(A6))
  3. Press the return key.

This will give the number of times the word “happy” appears in range A2:A3.

SUMPRODUCT formula to count words

If you also want to copy the same formula to count the number of occurrences of other words in the same range, you can fix the reference to the range cell A2:A3 by adding a $ sign:


Now, you can easily copy the formula for other words by dragging down the fill handle.

Copy and drag SUMPRODUCT formula for all cells

Also read: How to Generate Random Names in Excel

Using VBA to Count the Number of Times  a Word Appears in any Range

You can accomplish the same task as above by using VB Script.

Here’s the VBA code that we will be using to count the number of times the word “happy” appears in the code. Feel free to select and copy it.

Sub count_word_occurrences()
Count = 0
search_word = "happy"
Dim rng As Range
Dim cell As Range
Set rng = Application.Selection
For Each cell In rng
Count = Count + ((Len(cell) - Len(Replace$(cell, search_word, ""))) / Len(search_word))
Next cell
MsgBox ("The string " & search_word & " occurred " & Count & " times")
End Sub

Follow these steps:

  1. From the Developer Menu Ribbon, select Visual Basic.
  2. Once your VBA window opens, Click Insert->Module. Now you can start coding. Type or copy-paste the above lines of code into the module window. Your code is now ready to run.VBA code to count how many times a word appears
  3. Select a single cell or cells containing the text you want to count from.
  4. Navigate to Developer->Macros->count_word_occurrences->Run.Macro dialogue box
  5. You will now see a message box telling you how many times the word “happy” appears in your selected range.Showing the count in a message box

Note: If you can’t see the Developer ribbon, from the File menu, go to Options. Select Customize Ribbon and check the Developer option from the Main Tabs. Finally, Click OK.

The great thing about this method is that it does not matter whether you select one cell or a range of cells. It works both ways.

Here are a few ways you can tweak the above code to suit your requirements:

  • You can customize this code by changing the search_word value in line 3 to the word that you want to count. So if you want to count the number of times the word “because” appears, you can replace this line with: search_word = ”because”
  • You can use a cell reference instead of specifying the actual word to search in the code itself. So, if you want to use a cell reference, say A6, instead of specifying the search word “happy”, you can replace line 3 with: search_word = Cells(6,”A”).Value
  • Similarly, you can display the result in a cell instead of a message box. So, if you want to display the count in a cell, say B6, instead of displaying it in a message box, you can replace line 10 with: Cells(6,”B”).Value = Count
  • If you want the search to be case-insensitive, you can use the LCase function. So, you will need to change line 8 to: Count = Count + ((Len(cell) – Len(Replace$(LCase(cell), LCase(search_word), “”))) / Len(search_word))

In this tutorial, we demonstrated how you can count the number of times a word appears in Excel. We showed how to count the exact occurrences of a word in a range of cells using COUNTIF.

We then showed you how you can count how many times a word appears inside the string of a single cell, using SUBSTITUTE and LEN functions.

After that, we demonstrated how you can apply this to a whole range of cells containing strings, by just wrapping the same formula in a SUMPRODUCT function.

Finally, we provided a VBA code snippet to let you get this task done quickly.

We made this tutorial keeping in mind the different kinds of issues you might face when trying to count occurrences of a word in your worksheet. We do hope this was helpful.

Other Excel tutorials you may like:

  • How to Generate Random Numbers in Excel (Without Duplicates)
  • How to Reverse a Text String in Excel
  • How to Split One Column into Multiple Columns in Excel
  • SUMPRODUCT vs SUMIFS Function in Excel
  • How to Remove Text after a Specific Character in Excel
  • How to Add Text to the Beginning or End of all Cells in Excel
  • How to Count Negative Numbers in Excel
  • How to Remove Duplicate Rows based on one Column in Excel?
  • Count the Number of Yes in Excel (Using COUNTIF)

The table below gives some word counts for four popular versions of the Bible. There is no single correct way to translate the ancient Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek Bible manuscripts into English.   The grammar, structure, and style of those languages are very different from English, and a literal word-for-word translation is not possible.  Therefore, the number of times a particular word appears is usually different for each version of the Bible. Eg. the Hebrew word for work is the same as the word for worship and the Hebrew word for soul is breath meaning everything that breathes. 

Word KJV Old Testament KJV New Testament NIV Old Testament NIV New Testament
Angel/s 56 316 40 345
Beast/s 348 93 121 39
Believe 43 237 26 263
Blessing/s 69 14 103 18
Blood 392 94 309 275
Brother/s 253 109 295 37
Child/Children 1502 206 324 135
Covenant/s 256 24 295 37
Christ 0 537 0 469
Curse/s 152 17 153 25
Dance 19 4 9 4
Death 221 125 320 145
Faith 56 280 171 287
Father/s 1130 381 753 350
Forgive/s 95 47 59 62
God 2866 1228 2678 1317
Grace 159 122 10 114
Hate 141 38 91 36
Heart/s 884 160 576 149
Heaven 414 217 346 276
Hell 54 23 0 15
Holy Spirit 09 14 8 96
Jealous 39 4 18 8
Jesus 0 942 13 110
Joy 121 66 174 68
Law/s 319 210 401 275
Light 215 94 174 89
Lord 6106 675 6114 635
Love/s 240 202 425 261
Money 101 24 61 52
Mother/s 299 87 228 92
Music 18 2 128 3
Plague/s 107 15 96 13
Praise/s 232 27 307 56
Pray/s 508 165 367 165
Prophecy/ies 6 15 41 17
Redemption 9 11 14 10
Remember 171 39 181 50
Resurrection 0 40 0 43
Salvation 158 43 74 40
Sin/s 1016 276 951 413
Soul/s 443 55 72 23
Teach 93 76 119 242
Truth/s 115 109 35 102
Work/s 477 212 384 171
Wisdom 172 50 169 50
Worship 115 73 179 75

If you don’t know what to think about Bible versions – compare the KJV and NIV

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