How do you write a 200 word essay

A 200-word essay is a relatively short piece of writing, so you’ll need to focus on the most important points. To start, introduce your topic and state your main point. Then, develop your argument with evidence and examples. Finally, refute any opposing arguments and provide a strong conclusion.

In this essay writing guide, we will discuss: What is a 200-word essay, how long it should be, and how to write a good 200 word essay using examples and templates provided below.

10 Important tips for writing a 200 word essay

Here are 10 self-explanatory tips to keep in mind when writing a 200 word essay on any given topic:

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  1. Introduce your topic and state your main point.
  2. Develop your argument with evidence and examples.
  3. Refute any opposing arguments and provide a strong conclusion.
  4. Use clear and concise language throughout your essay.
  5. Stick to the point and avoid rambling on unnecessarily.
  6. Make sure all of your points are logically interconnected.
  7. Use strong and persuasive language to make your case.
  8. Edit and proofread your essay for spelling mistakes and grammatical errors.
  9. Check for any factual inaccuracies or inconsistencies in your argumentation.
  10. Make sure your essay is well-organized and flows smoothly from one point to the next.

200 word essay outline / structure 

The structure of a 200 words essay is very simple. It has an introduction, body and conclusion.

Note that you can’t write this essay as a 200 word paragraph text. It must be structured like other academic essays.

  1. Introduction: The essay introduction paragraph should be short and concise. It should introduce the topic of the essay and state the main argument.
  2. Body: The body of an essay should have two paragraphs that develop the argument stated in the introduction. Each paragraph should be around 50 words long.
  3. Conclusion: The conclusion should restate the main argument and provide a short summary.

Here is an example of how a 200 word essay might be structured:


In today’s society, there is a lot of pressure to succeed. This pressure can be especially felt by students, who are often told that they need to get straight A’s in order to be successful.


One way to deal with the pressure is to set realistic goals. This means not trying to do too much at once and instead focusing on one task or goal at a time.


The pressure to succeed can be overwhelming, but it is important to remember that setting realistic goals is the key to success.

Above is an example of how to structure your essay in 3 paragraphs. Let us now look at the step-by-step guide.

How to write a 200 word essay step by step

In order to write a 200 word essay, you will need to plan and organize your thoughts. Make sure that you stay on topic, and use strong evidence to support your points. Be sure to edit and proofread your work before submitting it.

Here is a step by step process of writing a 200 words essay for school:

Step #1. Read and understand the instructions.

The first step in writing a good 200-word essay is to read and understand the instructions. Make sure that you know what is expected of you, and brainstorm some ideas.

Step #2. Choose a topic.

Make sure that you are interested in the topic, and that you can find enough information to write about it. Once you have chosen a good essay topic, brainstorm some ideas and make a list of points that you want to cover. Next, choose a topic that you are interested in and knowledgeable about. This will make it easier to write the essay.

Step #3. Conduct research.

Once you have chosen a topic, research it thoroughly. gather as much information as you can so that you can write a well-informed essay.

Step #4. Create an outline.

The next step is to outline your essay. The essay outline should include your introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Each body paragraph should cover one point, and be supported by evidence. Now that you have gathered information, it is time to outline your essay. This will help ensure that your essay flows logically and makes sense overall.

Step #5. Create a thesis statement.

Your thesis statement should be a brief, one-sentence summary of your argument. It should state your position on the topic, and be supported by evidence.

Step #6. Write the introduction.

The introduction should introduce your topic and thesis statement, and provide some background information. Be sure to hook your readers so that they will want to read more.

Step #7. Write the body paragraphs.

Each body paragraph should cover one point, and be supported by evidence. Make sure that your points are logically interconnected, and that each paragraph flows smoothly into the next.

Step #8. Write the conclusion.

The conclusion should restate your thesis statement, and briefly summarize the main points that you have made. It should also provide a strong closing statement that will leave your readers thinking about your argument.

Step #9. Edit and proofread your essay.

Be sure to edit and proofread your essay for grammar mistakes, spelling errors, and factual inaccuracies. Revise your essay to correct any mistakes. This is an important step, and can make the difference between a good essay and a great one.

Step #10. Submit your essay for grading.

Once you have finished writing your essay, submit it to your teacher or professor for grading.

These are 10 important steps to follow when writing an essay about 200 words long.

200 word essay examples

Below is an example of 200 words essay.

200 word essay example 1

The first example on how to write a 200 words essay is an essay about myself. This is similar to: a who am I essay example listed on the personal essay writing section.

A 200-word essay example about myself

My name is Kaitlyn and I am a 20-year-old female. I was born and raised in a small town in upstate New York. I moved to the city for college and I love it! I study criminal justice at John Jay College of Criminal Justice in Manhattan.

I am the oldest of four kids. I have two younger brothers and a younger sister. I am very close with my family and we spend a lot of time together. We are all active in our community. My parents are both Irish immigrants, so we are very involved in the Irish community as well.

I am a very friendly person and I get along with just about everyone. I have a lot of friends from all different walks of life. I love to talk and learn about new things. I am also a bit of a nerd, I love to read and learn about new things. I am excited to start my career and continue to grow as a person.

200 word essay example 2

The following is an example of a 200-word essay example on Veganism.

In recent years, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of people who identify as vegan. Veganism is a lifestyle that abstains from using animal products, such as meat, dairy, and eggs. Some people choose to go vegan for ethical reasons, while others do it for health reasons.

There are many benefits to being vegan. For one, vegans tend to have a lower risk of heart disease and certain types of cancer. They also typically have a lower BMI and are less likely to be obese. Vegans also tend to have better blood sugar control, which can be beneficial for those with diabetes or prediabetes.

There are some common myths about veganism that need to be debunked. One is that vegans are always malnourished and unhealthy. This is simply not true. In fact, there are many vegan athletes who are in excellent health. Another common myth is that it is difficult to be a vegan. This also isn’t true. There are plenty of vegan-friendly foods available, and with a little bit of planning, it is easy to follow a vegan diet.

Despite the many benefits of veganism, there are some people who choose not to go vegan for a variety of reasons. Some people feel that they need animal products in their diet in order to be healthy. Others may not agree with the ethical standpoint of veganism. Still, more and more people are choosing to go vegan each year, and the number of vegan-friendly restaurants and products is growing.

A 200-word essay example about friends and friendships

Friendships are one of the most important things in life. They can make us laugh, they can make us cry, and sometimes they can just be there for us when we need them. I have been extremely lucky to have some amazing friends throughout my life, and I wouldn’t trade them for anything.

My best friend is someone who I have known since we were in the second grade. We have been through a lot together, and I know that I can always count on her. She is someone who I can talk to about anything, and she is always there for me when I need her.

Another great friend of mine is someone who I met when I was in college. We became friends because we had a lot in common, and I could tell that she was someone who I could trust. We have spent many hours talking on the phone, and I know that she is always there for me when I need her.

I am grateful for all of the amazing friends that I have in my life, and I know that they will always be there for me. Friends are someone who we can rely on, and they are always there to make us laugh. I am so lucky to have such great friends, and I know that they will continue to be a part of my life for years to come.

Example 3: 200 word essay on a topic of personal interest

The topic of my interest is to discuss whether or not children raised by same-sex couples are disadvantaged. This is a highly debated topic with many different perspectives. I believe that children who are raised by same-sex couples are just as advantaged as any other children.

The reasoning for this belief comes from the fact that these children are being raised in homes where they are loved and cared for unconditionally. This is in contrast to homes where the parents are in a strained or unhappy relationship. Another reason why I feel that these children are advantaged is because they learn to be more tolerant and accepting of others at an early age. This is due to the fact that they have diverse family structures within their own family unit.

In conclusion, I believe that children who are raised by same-sex couples are just as advantaged as any other children.

Examples of 200 word essay templates

You can use the 200-words essay templates and outlines below to create a good essay.

A 200 word essay template on a personal experience

The most memorable experience of my life was when I____. It was a life-changing event for me because____. Ever since then, I have been more interested in____. This experience has also made me realize that____. I will never forget the lessons I learned from that experience, which are____. In conclusion, this experience has taught me to be more____.

200 word essay template on a topic of personal interest

The topic I have chosen is____. There are many different perspectives on this topic, but I believe that____. My reasoning for this belief is____. One of the main reasons I am interested in this topic is because____. Another reason why this topic interests me is because____. In conclusion, I feel very passionately about this topic because____.


If you are struggling with writing a 200 word essay, it might be due to the fact that you need more practice. Thankfully, we have lots of tips and templates for essays in our blog post on how to write an effective 200-word essay. If this all sounds like too much work or if you want help getting started, let us help you out. Our professional 200 words essay writers are more than happy to help you out, and they can do so in a very short amount of time.

To get started, click here to ask for help!

200 Words Essay Writing FAQs

What is a 200 word essay?

A 200 word essay is a very short piece of writing, but it can be one of the most difficult essays to write. A 200 word essay usually consists of 2 to 3 paragraphs.

The introduction should introduce the topic and state your main point. The body of the essay should develop your point with evidence and examples. The conclusion should restate your main point and leave the reader with something to think about.

How do I write a 200 word essay?

There is no one formula for writing a 200 word essay, but here are some tips that can help:

  1. Start by brainstorming what you want to say.
  2. Organize your thoughts into a logical sequence.
  3. Use clear, concise language.
  4. Be specific and provide examples.
  5. Avoid unnecessary padding.
  6. Check your grammar and spelling.
  7. Make sure your essay is properly formatted.

What are some common topics for 200 word essays?

Some common topics for 200 word essays include:

  1. How to achieve success
  2. The power of positive thinking
  3. How to overcome adversity
  4. Why education is important
  5. The benefits of teamwork
  6. How to be a good leader
  7. How to stay motivated
  8. What makes a good friend
  9. The importance of family values
  10. What is happiness?
  11. Is there such thing as luck?
  12. How do you define success?
  13. How i spent my christmas vacation essay
  14. A frightening experience essay 200 words
  15. A journey by train essay 200 words
  16. How i spent my holiday essay 200 words
  17. A narrow escape from trouble essay 200 words,
  18. Can money buy happiness essay
  19. Are cell phones dangerous essay
  20. A camping trip
  21. A dangerous experience
  22. How i spent my christmas holiday

These are just a few 200-words essay topic examples – feel free to choose any 200 words essay topic that interests you.

How long is a 200-300 word essay?

A 200-300 word essay is typically about 2-3 paragraphs long. See more details on how to write a short essay.

How do I shorten my essay to 200 words?

If your essay is longer than 200 words, you may need to re-evaluate your arguments and trim down your points. Try to be concise and focus on the most important information. You may also want to consider splitting your essay into two or more shorter essays. Here is more information of how to shorten an essay without loosing the original meaning.

Can I get help writing a 200 word essay?

If you need help writing a 200 word essay, you can seek out assistance from a tutor or writing service. Some online services offer feedback and editing for a fee. You can also find helpful resources online, such as writing tutorials and guidelines.

Ask for essay writing help online from professional academic essay writers.

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How to Write a 200 Word Short Essay

  1. Write a plan for your essay. You should plan your essay into three main sections: the introduction, the body and the conclusion.
  2. Paraphrase, rather than quote, a source.
  3. Avoid ambiguous and verbose sentences or paragraphs.
  4. Check your work meticulously.


  • 1 How long is a 200 word essay?
  • 2 How many paragraphs is 200 words?
  • 3 How long will 200 words take to write?
  • 4 How long should an introduction be for a 200 word essay?
  • 5 How many characters is 200 words on average?
  • 6 How do u start an essay?
  • 7 What is generally written in about 200 words or in a paragraph?
  • 8 What does 200 300 words look like?
  • 9 What does a 250 word count look like?
  • 10 How long does it take to read 200 words out loud?
  • 11 Can I write a 1000 word essay in 2 hours?
  • 12 How fast can you type 250 words?
  • 13 How do I start my introduction?
  • 14 What words can I use to start an introduction?
  • 15 How do you write a good introduction example?
  • 16 How many words is 47 lines?
  • 17 How many words is 100 characters with spaces?
  • 18 How many words is a character?
  • 19 What are the 5 steps to writing an essay?
  • 20 What are the 5 parts of an essay?

How long is a 200 word essay?

Answer: 200 words is 0.4 pages single-spaced or 0.8 pages double-spaced.

How many paragraphs is 200 words?

200 words is only 3–4 paragraphs. Sometimes less. As for proportion of the page, it depends on whether it’s single- or double-spaced.

How long will 200 words take to write?

Writing 200 words will take about 5 minutes for the average writer typing on a keyboard and 10 minutes for handwriting. However, if the content needs to include in-depth research, links, citations, or graphics such as for a blog article or high school essay, the length can grow to 40 minutes.

How long should an introduction be for a 200 word essay?

It may be useful to think of the introduction as a signpost to what is coming up next in the essay; with this in mind, it is often written last. It is usually about 5-10% of the word count (100-200 words long for a 2000 word essay).

How many characters is 200 words on average?

Answer: 200 characters is between 30 words and 50 words with spaces included in the character count.
How Many Words In Any Number of Characters?

Characters with Spaces Word Count (With Spaces) Word Count (Without Spaces)
600 CHARACTERS 90-150 WORDS 100-200 WORDS

How do u start an essay?

What is a hook? The “hook” is the first sentence of your essay introduction. It should lead the reader into your essay, giving a sense of why it’s interesting. To write a good hook, avoid overly broad statements or long, dense sentences.

What is generally written in about 200 words or in a paragraph?

In general, you’ll have an introductory sentence expressing that idea, and several supporting sentences to round it off. Paragraphs are usually about 100 – 200 words long, but there are more exceptions to this rule-of-thumb than you’d expect.

What does 200 300 words look like?

The answer is close to two-thirds of a page single spaced, and around one and one-third of a page double spaced. Depending on your settings this may vary, but typically with a 12 point font-size, Times New Roman or Arial font and regular page margins your results should be similar.

What does a 250 word count look like?

Answer: 250 words is 0.5 pages single-spaced or 1 page double-spaced. Documents that typically contain 250 words are short memos, blog posts, or marketing copy.

How long does it take to read 200 words out loud?

Answer: 200 words will take about 0.7 minutes to read for the average reader.

Can I write a 1000 word essay in 2 hours?

You can write longer, more in-depth pieces. You should be able to write a one thousand word essay in 1 hour to 2 hours instead of 3 hours to 4 hours. To give some perspective on how long it should take a beginner to write an essay, here are some metrics you can use to keep track of how you’re improving.

How fast can you type 250 words?

Writing 250 words will take about 6.3 minutes for the average writer typing on a keyboard and 12.5 minutes for handwriting. However, if the content needs to include in-depth research, links, citations, or graphics such as for a blog article or high school essay, the length can grow to 50 minutes.

How do I start my introduction?


  1. Attract the Reader’s Attention. Begin your introduction with a “hook” that grabs your reader’s attention and introduces the general topic.
  2. State Your Focused Topic. After your “hook”, write a sentence or two about the specific focus of your paper.
  3. State your Thesis. Finally, include your thesis statement.

What words can I use to start an introduction?

However, on a sentence level, these words and phrases are also considered to be introductory. Examples: However, On the other hand, Furthermore, Therefore, Thereafter, Consequently, Next, Finally, In conclusion, For example, Ultimately, etc.

How do you write a good introduction example?

Strong Introduction Paragraph Examples

  1. Use a Surprising Fact. You can capture the reader’s attention with a surprising fact or statement.
  2. Pose a Question.
  3. Start With an Anecdote.
  4. Set the Stage.
  5. State Your Point Clearly.
  6. Start With Something Shocking.
  7. Use a Statistic.
  8. Get Personal.

How many words is 47 lines?

500 words
Dealing with the personal statement character limit
Regardless, the ‘word’ limit is 47 lines of text, or 4000 characters. This equates to (roughly) 500 words.

How many words is 100 characters with spaces?

Answer: 100 characters is between 10 words and 30 words with spaces included in the character count.
How Many Words In Any Number of Characters?

Characters with Spaces Word Count (With Spaces) Word Count (Without Spaces)

How many words is a character?

How Many Characters Is a Word? Since one character is equal to one byte, and a word is equal to two bytes, one word is equal to two characters in computing.

What are the 5 steps to writing an essay?

How to Write an Essay in 5 Easy Steps

  1. Pick a topic. If possible, choose something that interests you.
  2. Brainstorm. Write down any idea that comes to your head about things you’d like to include, including key points, examples, and illustrations.
  3. Organize.
  4. Write.
  5. Revise.

What are the 5 parts of an essay?

What Are the 5 Parts of an Essay?

  • Introduction. The first part of your essay will be the introduction and it should begin by telling the reader specifically what topic your essay is addressing.
  • First Body Paragraph.
  • Second Body Paragraph.
  • Third Body Paragraph.
  • Conclusion.

While some students often struggle to write longer essays and come up with enough words to hit the required word count, others are challenged to write shorter ones. In fact, 200-word essays are among the toughest to write as students must convey a complicated message in four short paragraphs. In this article you will find effective tips on how to write a great 200-word essay, as well as some examples.

General Essay Writing Tips

Brainstorm Ideas

Take another look at the prompts for the essay to gain a deeper understanding of the topic at hand. Make sure you fully understand what your teacher expects before starting to write. Don’t jump into writing an essay blindly without understanding what the paper is supposed to be about. The document may be 200 words, but it still needs a compelling structure like any other essay. Take advantage of all the other fundamentals of essay writing, you know. Create an attention-grabbing introduction and introduce a new idea with each paragraph.

Choose an Appropriate Topic

Choosing a topic you know about and familiar with is vital for any essay, especially a short one. Write your paper on something that means something to you or is otherwise essential to you. Choosing an appropriate subject helps you create an authentic and excellent piece. Your essay reflects your familiarity with the issue. A perfect quality paper increases your chances of achieving your goal, such as landing a scholarship.

Do Some Research

Be sure to dedicate some time to researching the subject. Understand the topic at hand. Doing research gives you the information you can use to write a better essay backed up with facts and figures to convince the audience to your way of thinking.

Give Yourself Enough Time

Be sure to take your time when writing the essay and think about the prompt. Create a plan and draft and revise them to put together the best possible paper. Essays and personal statements that you take the time to write correctly are sure to stand out and improve your chances of success.

Be Brief

You don’t have much room to play with for a 200-word essay. As such, you should keep things brief and avoid using jargon and complicated terminology. Stick to direct and efficient language to send your message.

Have a Thesis Statement

The thesis statement covers the main themes of an essay. The statement introduces readers to what they should expect from the piece. You can develop a short, two-sentence statement after creating an outline for the paper. This statement should introduce the purpose of the essay, so having an outline in mind helps to create one. This statement also gives you something to refer back to when writing the essay.

Write the Introduction

Once you’ve created a thesis statement and written the body of the essay, go back and write a compelling introduction. The introduction fascinates readers and encourages them to keep reading. Busy openings discourage people from reading and send the wrong message. Use an exciting story, quote, summary, revelation, or other hooks to start your paper and introduce the topic. Your hook should tie into the thesis statement.

Write the Essay Body

The essay body is the bulk of the text. This is where you describe your topic and make your arguments. The body is where you discuss the main ideas identified in your outline. Each paragraph in the body introduces one new concept or idea. Don’t forget to give each section an introductory sentence and ensure they serve a purpose.

Explaining the themes and ideas of the essay comes after this introductory sentence. Be sure to back up your claims with credible sources and information. Cite any material you reference or quotes you use according to the assigned essay format.

Stick to the Word Count

The desired word count is one of the most essential parts of writing an essay. If your piece comes with a word limit, then make sure that you respect that word count and convey your message in an appropriate number of words. Slight deviations are acceptable, but don’t severely under-write or over-write your essay. Also, avoid repeating information covered in companion pieces, such as a resume. The paper should be brief and written with perfect grammar. Go through the essay and correct grammar and spelling mistakes.

Write a Conclusion and Proofread the Essay

Make sure the points of your essay are appropriately organized. Avoid writing too much in the paper, or you risk losing control of the writing. Your essay conclusion summarizes the paper and the main points covered. The conclusion should be no more than five sentences long. Don’t introduce any new ideas during the closing statements. With that said, you can restate your thesis statement. Some people like to write conclusions by restating the introduction. When finished, go through the paper and correct any mistakes or other issues you find.

Guideline For Writing a 200-Word Essay

  • Create the Plan and Outline. Creating an outline is as vital for a 200-word essay as it is for any other piece. These papers are concise and require an introduction and conclusion and the body. Keep the word count in mind as you put together the outline and ensure each section gets enough attention.
  • Find Some Essay Templates. Check 200-word essay templates and examples. These will help you create your paper by giving you an idea of the format and writing style to use.
  • Explain Ideas. Be sure to explain facts instead of using long quotes. This helps to keep the word count to a minimum.
  • Use Complete But Concise Sentences. Use concise sentences to spread your message without using too many words.
  • Proofread. Proofreading is one of the most essential parts of writing an essay. Proofreading is also the last thing you do after completing the paper. Read through your essay one more time and correct any mistakes you made when writing it. Check for grammar and punctuation errors, typos, punctuation marks, and structural problems to ensure the piece reads smoothly.

The Key Features of a Short Essay

  • Thesis Statement. The thesis statement is crucial to any essay, no matter how long it is. However, how you formulate that statement can change. This statement should be placed in the first three sentences of the essay. Ensure that your thesis statement appears at the start of the essay.
  • Opening Sentences. Each new paragraph must begin with a topic phrase. Approach the topic sentences from different angles and choose the most persuasive argument to create the most substantial opening sentences in a 200-word essay.
  • Supporting Phrases. Writing such a short essay means ensuring each paragraph has supporting evidence that backs up the main arguments. However, avoid using over-long sentences or wordy facts to save room in the piece. Remove quotes that don’t add to the paper.
  • Conclusion. Cover the thesis statement in the conclusion and provide a summary of the paper.

How to Reduce Word Count For a 200-Word Essay

Writing a 200-word essay is a challenge for students and professionals. Summarizing a complex idea in 200 words is a challenge for anyone. One way to approach the issue is to write a longer essay and then remove words to bring it down to 200. If your paper is longer than 200 words, you need to go through it and remove unnecessary words and sentences. Here are some tips on how to reduce the word count in a 200-word essay.

  • Highlight key sentences you need in the essay and remove ones that aren’t.
  • Single out and remove unnecessary words to ensure the essay only contains essential data.
  • Evaluate the essay to see if sentences are connected to your main point or not. Delete any unnecessary sentences.
  • Simplify long and complex sentences into simpler and shorter ones.

200-Word Essay Examples

Scholarship Essay Example #1

Many people who attended college in my area did so using loans. Reliance on student loans is an issue because there are many who can’t afford these loans, cutting them off from higher education. I want this scholarship because I want to achieve both my and my mother’s dream of attending college and studying for a degree.
I have two siblings attending college already because my mother always wanted us to have a better life than she did. I’ve watched her sell most of her possessions to send my siblings to college and borrow money herself, so they don’t have to. Our father died years ago in a fatal accident.
These struggles have not stopped me from dreaming of creating a better future. I work harder than anyone else I know. I am dedicated to success, but I don’t have the money to attend college and achieve that success.
I deserve this scholarship because of the hard work in my education. I have always worked hard to get top grades. I promise to work harder than anyone else to ensure I succeed in college. I eagerly await your response to my application.

Narrative Essay Example # 2

The mahogany coffin was covered in rocks and weeds. I was ashamed of myself for sending my brother off so dutifully when I grabbed the shovel. I was ashamed because I hadn’t given him a proper goodbye. As I stood there, shoveling dirt on my brother and letting him go, I had to accept that he was no more. I couldn’t believe that disease could take my beloved one away from me.
I learned my brother had sickle cell anemia when I was ten years old. I got mad at myself when he died. I couldn’t let go of how I abandoned him by watching TV or playing with friends instead of being with him.
I threw myself into my education. I wanted to learn everything I could about sickle cell anemia. I promised myself that I would learn and memorize everything I could about the disease.
Sickle cell anemia is just one small part of a person’s life. Sufferers like my brother are so much more than their disease. I want to become a specialist to help people suffering from sickle cell anemia. I want to provide others with the emotional and physical support I couldn’t give my brother. My work allows me to say goodbye to my brother without forgetting him.

Essay Example #3

Friendship is one of the most critical parts of being human. We learn the most essential lessons from our friends. People are shaped by their environment and become the person their friends want them to be.
There’s no such thing as a friend who will leave you in rough times. Someone who leaves you when you are in trouble is not a real friend. A real friend sticks with you to ensure you are always happy and motivated. They stay with you and help you achieve your goals.
Friendships also teach us to be loyal to one another. Friendships teach people how to be faithful and have people return that loyalty with their own. Everyone wants loyal companions in their lives. Friendships make people stronger. They test us and show us we can overcome our problems. Sometimes we end up fighting our friends, but we always reconcile and reconnect to friends. This is what it means to become stronger.
A best friend is someone who will be there during the low times and lift you back up. Our friends are there during the tough times in our life. Friends offer advice and guidance that helps you avoid danger and conflict. A loyal friend is the best thing you could ask for in life.


Writing a 200-word essay is more complicated than it sounds. We hope you understand how to write such a short essay correctly with our advice. Please don’t hesitate to reach out and contact the best essay writing services if you still need help writing essays of any length, not just 200-word essays.


One of the most important skills that you can develop as a content writer is the ability to write concisely and effectively. When writing for online publications, it is important to keep your readers on track by providing Cliff Notes versions of key points at the beginning and end of each article. This way, readers know what they’re getting themselves into!. Let us know ‘How To Write A Great 200-Word Essay?’.

How To Write A Great 200-Word Essay?

If you’re looking to write a great 200-word essay, here are some tips that can help. First, be sure to research your topic thoroughly. This will allow you to develop a strong foundation on which to build your argument. Next, use effective and persuasive writing techniques like quotes and anecdotes. And finally, make sure that your work is well organized and flows smoothly from one section to the next. By following these simple guidelines, you’ll be able not only to write an excellent 200-word essay but also to improve your overall written skills!

Select a compelling topic

  • The first step is to think about what you care most about. This could be an issue that has been on your mind for a while, or it could be something that happened recently that caught your attention. This includes reading articles and exploring online resources as well as speaking with experts.
  • Once you’ve done all of this homework, it’s time to start writing. Be sure to focus on making your argument clear and engaging, and avoid jargon or technical terms unless they are essential for understanding your point of view. Your essay should also be well-organized so that the reader can easily follow along from beginning to end.
  • When choosing a topic for your 200-word essay, it is important to think about what interests you and why. What are the topics that speak to you on an emotional level? Why do they fascinate you?
  • Once you have identified these themes, it will be much easier to come up with compelling arguments for why your particular subject should be included in the discussion.
  • Additionally, make sure that your chosen topic is relevant to today’s society. If possible, explore current events or topical issues that are likely going to affect future generations. 
  • This way, your readers will feel as if they’re getting value from their reading even though they may need to learn all of the details regarding the topic at hand. 
  • Finally, focus on writing prose that is easy to read and flows naturally so that readers can avoid getting bogged down in jargon or waffling on too many points.

How to research the perfect topic to write a 200-words essay?

  • The first step is always to do your research, and the best way to do this is by reading different articles and finding what resonates with you. First, be sure to read articles and other resources on the topic carefully. It may help to get involved in discussions or ask fellow students for their opinions on the matter.
  • Once you have some ideas down, it’s time to begin drafting. Be sure not to edit too much – editing can weaken your writing skills – instead, focus on rewriting until your content sounds engaging and interesting. 
  • Additionally, it is important to write incrementally so that each paragraph builds upon the last one. 
  • And finally, make sure that your thesis statement is clear and concise at all times and make sure all of your facts are accurate before submitting!

Stay focused on the topic to write a great 200-word essay

Yes, it is important to stay focused when you are writing an essay. This allows for good grammar and sentence structure as well as a clear focus on the topic at hand. When you have a clear idea of what you want to say, it becomes much easier to write concisely and logically.

  • To keep your focus, try using effective sentence structure and avoiding long paragraphs.
  •  Try also breaking up your content into manageable pieces so that it is easier for readers to follow. 
  • And finally, make sure that each paragraph contains relevant information and supports the ideas in the preceding paragraphs.

It’s also helpful to break your essay into smaller, more manageable segments so that each one can be addressed in detail. This will help with both organization and flow, making sure that all of your points are made without interruption. And finally, make sure to proofread your work several times before submitting it for grading – no matter how confident you may feel about its content!

Follow an outline

One way to make sure that your essay is well-organized and engaging is to create an outline. An outline will help you stay on track while you’re writing, and it can also act as a roadmap that leads from introduction to thesis statement to conclusion.

Some tips for creating an outline are:

  • Start by thinking about the goal of your essay. What do you want readers to learn from it?
  • Next, figure out what topics you need to cover. Do these relate in any way? Are they related at all? If so, how? 
  • Once you have a good idea of what needs coverage, start Writing theme sentences for each section. These should introduce the topic and provide basic information about it without delving too deep into detail or being dogmatic.
  •  For example: “The benefits of exercise for those with joint problems” might include the following sentence: “Exercise has been shown time and again to be beneficial for people with joint problems.” 
  • Every paragraph should contain at least one Supportingargument or factoid related to warrant its inclusion into the main body of the text .”A paragraph discussing different types of described examples would include this structure: “In this paragraph, we’ll discuss four different categories of descriptions – qualitative description throughout history; quantitative description throughout modern day experiments; specimens seized during law enforcement operations; lastly pathology reports.

Write Briefly With Concision

When you sit down to write your essay,

  • The first step is to come up with a topic that interests you. 
  • Begin by gathering your thoughts and organizing them into paragraphs. Then, string these paragraphs together using well-chosen vocabulary and effective sentence structure. 
  • Take care to use adjectives or adverbs sparingly, as this can dull your writing style. Remember also to include strong support for your points with relevant evidence from sources that are credible and trustworthy.
  • Instead, aim to provide a clear overview of the topic that will engage your readership. Start by setting the stage with a strong introduction that introduces the issue or question at hand and provides enough context so that readers understand why this is relevant today.
  • Next, take care to frame your argument using effective examples and persuasive prose. 
  • Finally, make sure to wrap things up neatly with a well-crafted conclusion that ties everything together. 
  • When done correctly, an essay can be insightful, thought-provoking, and informative – almost like reading one long conversation between two friends!


When it comes to 200-word essays, aim for brevity but also detail. Be sure not to leave any holes in your argument or information that could be easily filled in by another reader. As with all other forms of writing, clarity will go a long way in promoting an effective essay. Remember: The goal is not just to get published; the goal is to produce high-quality content that engages and informs your audience!

  1. How much time, on average, is needed for a 200-word essay?

It usually takes 2min to type a 200-word long essay.

  1. What is the time required for writing a 3000 word article?

It takes 24 hrs time for writing a 3000 words article.

Writing a decent 200-word essay while in college can be quite challenging, especially if you don’t feel inspired or can’t collect your thoughts. But don’t worry — with the right approach to choosing ideas, preparing a draft, and then editing it, you will be able to write your own short story successfully.

  • Step 1 — Makeready
  • Step 2 — Create an Outline
  • Step 3 — Decide on Your Essay Writing Style
  • Step 4 — Composition
    • Points to Note
  • Step 5 — Editing
  • How Long Is a 200 Word Essay?
  • Basic Elements of a Short Essay
    • Thesis Statement
    • Opening Sentences
    • Supporting Phrases
    • Concluding Section
  • 200 Word Essay Writing: Useful Information
    • Eliminating Extra Details
      • How Do You Make The Text Shorter?
  • What Shouldn’t You Do?

The essay should start with an introduction, in which you need to identify the key points to attract the reader. These are the points of view that you will consider in the central part. If you want to learn how to write college essays, follow these guidelines.

Step 1 — Makeready

  • Positive environment

You must be ready to write. This is the first step in writing an essay quickly. It is vital to make sure that nothing distracts you and that you have everything you need (paper, computer) close at hand. Create the right environment. If you prefer to work in silence, it’s best to head to the library. If you need background noise, turn on music, or work in a cafe.

  • Choice of theme

For a successful essay, you need to have a clear idea of it, so it is essential to decide on the topic. It’s easiest to write about what interests you, so try to choose something that will pique your curiosity (if you have a choice). Your teacher can ask you a topic or allow you to pick it yourself. For a 200-word essay, it is crucial to choose a narrow topic to have time to consider it.

  • Collect materials

Working on the text may require the study of additional materials. Use the library, or search for information on the Internet.

If your teacher has given you specific instructions for writing your essay, you should be sure to follow all recommendations.

Step 2 — Create an Outline

  • Start with a thesis statement. Formulate the main idea in one sentence. You will embark on it. Think about who will be reading you (and what kind of explanation is needed), what needs to be mentioned first, and why the topic interests you.
  • You need to arm yourself with a notebook and a pen. You can use brainstorming. Write down all your thoughts in free form. Write whatever comes to mind. Don’t think about what it looks like. Make sketches to shape them later.

Prompt: To capture your primary thoughts, try to limit yourself to time. For example, mark 5-10 minutes, and write without stopping. This will help you concentrate on your writing.

  • A diagram can help you. Place your main idea in the center of the page, and circle it. There may be a thesis statement. At this stage, it is important to highlight the central theme.

Prompt: Place related subtopics around the main topic. Try to draw at least 5-6 circles. Next to the subtopics, write down any associations you have. You will begin to notice the connections between topics and connect them with lines. This will create a kind of web, and you will be able to understand how your main ideas echo and what follows from this or that thought.

  • Rewrite your thoughts in a more explicit form — they should be deep and complete. Work your text and paragraph order carefully. What information should be communicated to the reader first? In what order should you place the paragraphs for the most convincing text?

Prompt: Often, a short text is the result of a quick jump to the main ideas without introductions and explanations that would prepare the reader.

Step 3 — Decide on Your Essay Writing Style

It is essential for writing a good essay. The style should match your theme. In order to convince the reader of the correctness of your research, it is not necessary to use expressive vocabulary. At the same time, we do not advise you to drop down to everyday speech; otherwise, you risk looking unprofessional. Although, if you are writing about personal matters, you can use more informal vocabulary.

The attitude towards what you write about is expressed in the essay writing style. It can be very different: neutral or enthusiastic, naive or skeptical, suspicious, or humorous. The main thing is that the writing style matches what you write about.

For example, if you are writing a serious essay about laboratory research, your writing style should be neutral and as objective as possible. Avoid making any judgments. But if you’re thinking about dating on social media, use a more fluent style.

Step 4 — Composition

So, the preparatory stage has passed. You have understood your thoughts, arranged them, and are ready to write the essay’s text.

  • Write the main part. This step is done fairly quickly if you have a plan. In our case, the main body usually contains one paragraph. It should support your claim. This part must include a supporting example. This is where you need to find the best arguments for your thesis. You need to keep within 3-5 sentences, which is about 100-120 words.
  • Now it will be much easier for you to write the introduction and the ending part. The introduction should become a reference point and be able to interest the reader in reading the entire work. The optimal number of sentences in the introduction is three. The first sentence grabs attention, serves as a pledge for the reader. In the second sentence, place words of support for the first one, and smoothly move to the thesis statement. The introductory paragraph can take approximately 60-70 words.
  • The conclusion ends the essay by reminding the reader of your reasons and their importance. Support the main idea, summarize what was said, and complete your text on an upbeat note. It can take two to three sentences, 40-50 words long.
  • It is worth noting that if the professor set you the task of writing a 200-word essay, this does not mean that there really should be exactly 200 words. If, in order to fully present your thought, you need a little more or fewer words, you can slightly deviate restrictions — within about 20 words.

Points to Note

  • The first sentence should interest and attract attention. So work on it. You can start with a showcase or a quote mark.
  • The language should be direct and concise. Don’t write pompously. Make natural statements that are easy to apprehend. Don’t use a whole phrase where you can leave one word. Use words that the reader understands. There is no point in artificially decorating an essay, relying on synonyms, because your arguments should be understandable.
  • You can make it easier to write an essay — just use a ready-made essay example. There will be a proposal template of 200-word work in front of you, with a well-developed format, style, and structure.
  • Don’t forget about the headline. The title should be brief but concise. It specifies the topic and should be simple and straightforward. It is essential to continually remember the headline during editing because good ideas are often born when reading the text.

Step 5 — Editing

Despite the small number of words in the essay, you can make a large number of mistakes. Therefore, at this stage, it is very important to check everything thoroughly.

  • Get distracted. Correct carefully, then reread the text again. Before doing this, your brain needs to rest. Clear your mind so that you can reasonably objectively evaluate your text during the editing process. It will be easier for you to spot mistakes with a fresh mind. Be sure to take a break from your work for at least a couple of minutes.
  • Use modern technology. Of course, you will definitely reread your essay to find and correct mistakes. But don’t be afraid to use the spell checker. You just need to remember that after that, the paper should be re-read, since the program checks only the form, but not the content.
  • Read aloud. This may sound strange to you, but try reading your essay out loud. You can also ask a friend for help — let him listen to your text. This will help identify possible problems.
  • «Polish» the composition. Re-read the text again, get rid of all unnecessary things. The excellent editorial revision will help you focus on the key messages that need to be highlighted in the text.

Also, editing will give the work a professional look, logical structure, and organization.Are all ideas clearly expressed? Are the transitions read without a hitch? Have you fixed all the mistakes? And with all of this, you all fit within 200 words? If you are satisfied, then your work is completed!

How Long Is a 200 Word Essay?

When you are given the task to write this type of essay, you have already been limited to the word count — up to 200. We will try to orient you in more detail, what size of the text you need to follow.

We can talk about the length of the essay in two parameters:

  • the number of paragraphs;
  • the number of pages

No matter how many words an essay has, it should have a standard structure. That is, the text should consist of an introduction, central part, and conclusions. You can divide the main part into two or three paragraphs. So if you are interested in the number of paragraphs in such an essay, we can talk about three to five ones. It depends on the writing style and length of the sentences you choose.

The quantity of pages depends on several factors. This is the font size and the selected spacing. It is also important whether the work is handwritten or printed. Of course, a printed essay will take up much less space than a handwritten one. Basically, the printed text will be placed on about half or 2/3 of the page.

Basic Elements of a Short Essay

There are some elements that you cannot do without when writing a short essay.

Thesis Statement

The thesis is the main statement around which your entire text is built. It should be controversial, complex, and specific; it should combine your composition’s whole essence in one phrase.

If you have correctly formulated the thesis, you will have a lot of material for the essay, since the idea is usually challenging to substantiate.

An interesting thesis on a topic that can cause questions and controversy will make it easier for you to write an essay. If you lack in volume, revise your thesis by making it narrower and more complex.

A 200-word essay thesis should be precise and narrow.

  • For example, when writing an essay on universities’ sports life, a weak thesis will look like this: «The sports life of universities is very controversial.» It’s too blurry to tell your position. The reader may not understand what you are trying to prove.
  • Here is an example of a strong thesis for the same topic: «University athletes should receive monetary rewards.» So you state the subject in question. It is narrow enough for you to see in two pages.

Prompt: Imagine the thesis is a tabletop. Your essay should support it because, without this support, the table will turn into a pile of rubble. Key arguments, rationales, and references to other people’s statements are the legs that hold your essay in place so that it takes shape.

Opening Sentences

The main thing you need to remember is that each paragraph of your essay should start with a thematic phrase. This is one opening sentence, the primary and most important argument you will develop in the paragraph.

Many teachers insist that a five-paragraph structure is an optimal form for presenting an essay.

This structure implies at least three reasons and usually looks like this:

  • Introduction, description of the topic, a summary of their ideas, thesis.
  • A paragraph describing the first argument.
  • A paragraph describing the second argument.
  • A paragraph describing the third argument.
  • A short conclusion summarizing everything that has been said.

Since we are talking about a 200-word essay, you can limit yourself to 3 paragraphs. In this case, the diagram will look like this:

  • Introduction, description of the topic, a summary of their ideas, thesis.
  • A paragraph describing the argument.
  • A short conclusion that summarizes everything that has been said.

Supporting Phrases

After the introductory sentence, there should be a supporting example in every paragraph. Do not use long, complex constructions in short essays; argue your thoughts clearly and specifically.

Concluding Section

The conclusion should tie all the threads of the argument together. In some cases (persuasive essay topics), you can include a call to action. You can also go back to the opening sequence or example in the introduction to keep your work perfectly symmetrical.

It is also essential to make sure that you support the central thesis with clear and well-reasoned arguments.

200 Word Essay Writing: Useful Information

The structure of the essay, the style, your opinion on a particular issue, and your vocabulary’s richness are important. Each of these factors will affect the final result of evaluating your essay. But what if you’ve followed all of these rules, but haven’t met the word count? This is the next part of our article.

Eliminating Extra Details

Brevity is the soul of a talented writer. Writing succinctly forms a pleasant first impression of talent. Moreover, brevity should not conflict with information richness and actual presentation.

We agree that putting all your thoughts in 200 words is a real challenge for many students. But it is vital to learn how to eliminate unnecessary things, cut like a knife.

How Do You Make The Text Shorter?

  1. Let the text rest.

Very often, what seems to you to be an essential part of the content when writing loses its charm a couple of days later, and you can see what is in the text gist and what is a husk.

  1. Down with all the introductory and uncertain words.

All this “in general,” “it seems,” “probably,” is most often verbal rubbish, which gives nothing to the content but adds volume to the text. Go through your text carefully and cross out unnecessary words. Most likely, the text will not lose anything in meaning but will gain in the narrative’s density and clarity.

  1. Simplify.

Heaped up complex sentences, and even with complicating elements, are also a path to lengthening. They confuse both the author and the reader; they often create unnecessary volume as well. Rebuild your complex in 2 simple ones — and you will see that the text is reduced.

  1. Focus on the essentials.

Take a fresh look at your text. And try to identify the most critical thoughts as objectively as possible. Now delete everything else. Get rid of even those parts of the document that you think are well written. You just have to connect the main sentences literally. This is one of the best ways to keep your essay concise.

  1. Sort out your text.

Read your text meticulously — is everything you said related to the main point? Are there unnecessary «lyrical digressions» and thoughts «about something else»? If this is present, cross out the excess.

What Shouldn’t You Do?

  • Don’t take difficult essay topics. Don’t try to demonstrate that you understand a complicated idea when you really don’t.
  • Don’t use conventional clichés: they show that you cannot express ideas on your own.
  • Don’t use too many quotes. They give the impression that you do not have your own opinion.

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