How do you use the word study in a sentence

Examples of how to use the word “study” in a sentence. How to connect “study” with other words to make correct English sentences.

study (n, v): the activity of examining a subject in detail in order to discover new information; to learn about a subject, especially in an educational course or by reading books

Use “study” in a sentence

Are you studying chemistry?
I’m at college, studying graphic design.
He takes the consequence of not studying hard.
I am interested in studying German culture.
She is studying engineering at university.
She has been studying English for a few years.
She is studying interior design.
She is studying International Relations.
He is studying law at Harvard.
We’re studying physical science.
Do you study English every day?
I made up my mind to study harder.
I urged him to study harder.

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Synonym: analyse, analyze, bailiwick, branch of knowledge, canvas, canvass, cogitation, consider, contemplate, discipline, examine, field, field of study, hit the books, learn, meditate, read, report, sketch, subject, subject area, subject field, survey, take, work, written report. Similar words: studio, student, magnitude, pulchritude, gesture, costume, disturb, stumble. Meaning: [‘stʌdɪ]  n. 1. a detailed critical inspection 2. applying the mind to learning and understanding a subject (especially by reading) 3. a written document describing the findings of some individual or group 4. a state of deep mental absorption 5. a room used for reading and writing and studying 6. a branch of knowledge 7. preliminary drawing for later elaboration 8. attentive consideration and meditation 9. someone who memorizes quickly and easily (as the lines for a part in a play) 10. a composition intended to develop one aspect of the performer’s technique. v. 1. consider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning 2. be a student; follow a course of study; be enrolled at an institute of learning 3. give careful consideration to 4. be a student of a certain subject 5. learn by reading books 6. think intently and at length, as for spiritual purposes. 

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1, Study sickness while you are well. 

2, There is no satiety in study

3, Being reluctant to think , unwilling to study intensively and under-stand deeply and being complacentand satisfied at negligible knowledgeall are the cause of poor intelligence, which can be germed as «foolish». 

5, She hoovered the study and the sitting-room.

6, My attentions are distracted from my study.

7, His burning ambition was to study medicine.

8, Why study Latin? It’s a dead language .

9, The study of science has enriched all our lives.

10, A man should study till his dying day.

11, You can only gain by further study.

12, Knowledge may be obtained through study.

13, You don’t study hard, thence no good mark.

14, The teacher motioned the boy to study.

15, Their children study hard while ours never study.

16, It is important to develop good study skills.

17, The study was criticized for being too narrowly focused.

18, He urged her to study English.

19, The study demonstrates the link between poverty and malnutrition.

20, She knocked timidly on the study door and entered.

21, The teacher kept preaching about the importance of study.

22, You may have the liberty of my study.

23, The museum offers extensive facilities for study.

24, Lucy wants to study medicine but needs more qualifications.

25, Study the implications of the president’s statement.

26, Physiology is the study of how living things work.

27, Did you study for the test?

28, One of the most striking and salutary thing in Ameican life is the widespread study of law. 

29, Lost wealth can be replaced by industry, lost knowledge by study, lost health by temperance or medicine,( but lost time is gone for ever. 

30, Natural abilities are like natural plants that need pruning by study

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My teacher told me to study some questions about science because
tomorrow was going to be the test.

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Q: How do to use the word study in a sentence?

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1.1 Before you read the text, answer these questions.

1. Do you prefer to study
A at school or college
B in a library
C at home?

2. Do you study best
A early in the morning
B during the day
C at night?

3. Do you prefer to work
A with friends
B with background music
C in silence?

1.2. Now complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in the box. There may be more than one possible answer so try to use each verb once only.

Even the most studious among you will probably have difficulty studying at some stage in your academic career. If or when this happens, the only way to (1) _____ this problem is to go back to basics. First, make sure you have a comfortable environment to (2) _____ in. Some students need to have a quiet space to themselves and can’t (3) _____ if there are too many distractions. Others need some sort of background noise, such as music or the company of friends. Whatever your personal preference is, you need to (4) _____ this first of all. Next, make sure you have all of the equipment or tools that you need. For example, if you are (5) _____ a geography course and you have to (6) _____ about countries and their capital cities then you will need to have your atlas to hand. If you’re (7) _____your maths homework then be sure to find your calculator, ruler, protractor and compass before you start. Perhaps you’re not preparing a homework assignment or project. but are trying to (8) _____ for an exam. If so, you need to know exactly what is on your curriculum. You should also (9) _____ your notes and make sure that you have a clear understanding of what your lecturers have (10) _____ you. Of course, people with a learning disorder such as dyslexia may need to work harder than others at their studies as they often struggle to read even relatively simple texts.

1.3 Now read the text again and find a word or phrase to match these definitions.

1. describes someone who studies a lot _____

2. things that stop you from working _____

3. a sound you can hear, but do not actively listen to _____

4. two different types of homework or school task _____ and _____

5. to study for an exam _____

6. another word for syllabus _____

7. to check your work _____

8. to do something with great difficulty _____

1.4 Underline the correct words in each sentence.

1. I would really like to learn about / study about the ancient Egyptians.

2. We need to find out / know where to buy the tickets for the concert.

3. I got into trouble at school because I didn’t know / find out my multiplication tables.

4. I did well in the test because I had known / learned how to spell all of the words on the list.

5. Excuse me, do you find out / know where the nearest post office is?

6. It was difficult for me to learn / study at home, because we didn’t have a lot of space.

7. I want to learn how / study how to drive a car.

8. I think you can only really learn from / learn with experience.

2.1 Replace the words in italics below with ONE word. Then listen to the recording and check your answers.

Teacher: Can you tell me about your early education?


Can you tell me about your early education?
Well, I went to 1a school for very young children from the age of four and I remember that I didn’t enjoy it very much at all. My 2from the age of 5 to 11 school was a little better, especially because my mum was a teacher in the school. She taught in the 3younger part of the school and she was actually my teacher in first 4level, but when I went up to the 5older part of the school I didn’t see very much of her. After that I was lucky enough to receive a 6chance to go to school without paying fees for a very good 7from age 11 to 18 school. My parents couldn’t have afforded to send me to a 8not free school so it was a really great opportunity for me. It was a 9only for one sex school, so there were no boys. I’m glad I didn’t go to a 10for boys and girls school because I think there are fewer distractions so everyone can just concentrate on their studies.

2.2 WORD BUILDING Complete the table.

2.3 Complete the sentences with suitable words from the table.

1. I’ve always wanted to go on an archaeological dig to try to find fossils and ancient artefacts.

2. Have you seen a copy of the a_____ plan for the new building?

3. My daughter is a l_____ ; she speaks six different languages.

4. The government has a good e_____policy. I’m sure the recession will be over soon.

5. I’m studying j_____ I’ve always wanted to be a political writer.

6. I’m not very familiar with the g_____ of that part of the world.


3.1 You will hear part of a talk for students. Listen and complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Continuing your studies after graduation
Writing your dissertation

Important considerations:

  • Many students struggle to find a research (1) _____
  • Writing a (2) _____ is easier if you make the right choice.

You need to:

  • Study the (3) _____
  • Have a wide (4) _____ of your field of study.
  • Establish what is (5) _____ in your field.
  • Have a clear idea of the (6) _____ of your study.
  • Consider whether there are any (7) ______ in existing research.
  • Think about your (8). carefully.
  • Ask about (9) _____from outside sources.
  • Ask your (10) _____ to check your results.

3.2 Listen to the talk again and write synonyms for the words in italics in 3.1.

after graduation = postgraduate, …

4 PRONUNCIATION Mark the stress on these words. Then listen and check to see if you were correct. Practise saying the words.



1 overcome 2 study 3 concentrate / study 4 organise 5 taking / studying 6 learn 7 doing 8 revise 9 review 10 taught


1 studious 2 distractions 3 background noise 4 project, assignment 5 revise 6 curriculum 7 review 8 struggle


2 find out 3 know 4 learned 5 know 6 study 7 learn how 8 learn from


Other possible answers are in italics.
1 kindergarten / nursery
2 primary / elementary
3 junior
4 grade
5 senior
6 scholarship / grant
7 high / secondary (high school = US and Australia, secondary school = UK)
8 private / public (UK)
9 single-sex
10 mixed


2 architectural 3 linguist 4 economic 5 journalism 6 geography


1 topic 2 thesis 3 (current) literature 4 knowledge 5 relevant 6 limits / scope 7 controversies 8 financial resources 9 funding / a grant 10 tutor


dissertation = thesis, is easier = more straightforward, wide = broad, field of study = area of specialisation / research area, establish = ascertain, consider = ask yourself, think about = take into account, results = findings


assignment, consideration, concentrate, controversy (UK) or controversy (US), conduct, distraction, dissertation. economist, educational, educated, research (n), thesis, theory, theoretical

Английский язык для 7-го класса

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Предмет: Английский язык
Класс: 7 класс
Автор учебника: Афанасьева О.В.
Михеева И.В.
Год издания: 2016
Кол-во заданий:
Кол-во упражнений: 541

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Описание задания[править | править код]

Read the words, look them up and study the word combinations and sentences to show how to use them.

  • a candle: a tall candle, a beautiful candle, to blow out a candle. When do you use candles? Try to blow out all the candles on your birthday cake. The game is not worth the candle.
  • a candlestick: : unusual candlesticks. On the table there were three candles in tall candlesticks.
  • light: daylight, sunlight, moonlight, candlelight, in the light of. The sun gives us heat and light. I could see very little in the light of my candles.
  • a light/lights: a burning light, the lights of the city, to turn on/off the light. She went into her daughter’s room and turned on the light. There was a bright light in the middle of the ceiling.
  • light (adj): 1. (not heavy) She wore only a light dress and sandals. Stone is heavy, but paper is light. 2. (not dark) Wake up! It’s light already. What a nice and light classroom! Do you prefer light colours for your summer clothes?
  • to light (lit, lit/lighted, lighted) (v): Let’s light a candle and put it in the middle of the table. Suddenly all the lights on the New Year tree lit up.
  • cheerful: a cheerful smile, a cheerful look, a cheerful place, cheerful colours. ‘Cheerful’ means happy and joyful.
  • cheerfully: to say sth cheerfully, to laugh cheerfully. She smiled cheerfully at everybody. He greeted us cheerfully.
  • to pull: to pull hard, to pull the door, to pull out a tooth, to pull sb’s hair, to pull sth out of the river. The horse was pulling the heavy sledge along the road. The little boy pulled the toy train along behind her.
  • to push: to push a button, to push the door, to push the doorbell, to push one’s way through. I pushed the button that locked the door. The children were pushing each other into the water. I pushed my way through the crowd of people.
  • to struggle: to struggle with sb, to struggle for independence, to struggle to do sth. I’m afraid I’m not ready yet, I’m still struggling with the last sentence. Are the people on the screen struggling for the revolver?
  • a struggle: in the struggle, the struggle for life. What do you know about the struggle of Russian people during the Second World War? Reading is a struggle for some children.
  • to wind (v): to wind a toy, to wind a clock/a watch. The river winds through the town. Does the road wind through the wood? It was cold so she wound a scarf round her neck. Don’t forget to wind the alarm clock before you go to bed. To unwind.
  • winding (adj): a winding river. It was fun to walk together along the winding path among the trees.
  • to share (v): to share sth with sb. Do you share your bedroom with your sister? Share this bag of sweets with your friends.
  • to regret (regretted) (v): ‘To regret’ means to feel sorry. Does John regret that he was rude to Jane?
  • regretful (adj): a regretful look, a regretful smile, to be regretful about sth. I’m very regretful about what happened.
  • regretfully (adv): He looked at me regretfully and shook his head.
  • to bounce (v): to bounce a ball, to bounce from one thing to another. The ball bounced to my right and I couldn’t catch it. He bounced the ball before throwing it into the basket. He bounced from one film to another trying to see all he could.
  • bouncy (adj): A person or animal that is bouncy has lots of energy and is very lively and enthusiastic. The puppies looked healthy and bouncy.
  • to knock (v): to knock on/at a door or a window. In the middle of the night somebody knocked on the window.
  • a bowl (n): a big bowl, a salad bowl, a cereal bowl, a bowl of fruit. I need a big bowl to mix the salad. His breakfast consisted of a bowl of cornflakes and a cheese sandwich.
  • close (adj): 1. a close friend, a close relative, to be close by, to be close to sth. She did not have many close friends. The church is close to the shop. The shop was quite close by so it didn’t take us long to get there. 2. Why don’t you keep this dictionary close at hand? You may find it helpful.
  • to repair (v): to repair a house, to repair a car, to repair a radio. Can you repair my watch?
  • firm (adj): a firm bed, a firm decision, firm views. I don’t think that chair is firm enough to stand on. Do you prefer to sleep on a firm bed or on a soft one? Is it your firm decision to leave tonight? Their views on politics are firm.
  • firmly (adv): Could you close the door firmly? Hold me firmly by the hand.

Перевод задания[править | править код]

Прочитайте слова, найдите их и изучите словосочетания и предложения, чтобы показать, как их использовать.

  • свеча: высокая свеча, красивая свеча, задуть свечу. Когда вы используете свечи? Попробуйте задуть все свечи на вашем праздничном торте. Игра не стоит свеч.
  • подсвечник: необычные подсвечники. На столе стояли три свечи в высоких подсвечниках.
  • свет: дневной свет, солнечный свет, лунный свет, свет свечей, при свете. Солнце дает нам тепло и свет. Я видел очень мало в свете моих свечей.
  • свет / огни: горящий свет, огни города, чтобы включить / выключить свет. Она вошла в комнату дочери и включила свет. Был яркий свет в середине потолка.
  • легкий (прил.): 1. (не тяжелый) Она носила только легкое платье и сандалии. Камень тяжелый, а бумага легкая. 2. (не темно) Проснись! Уже светло. Какой хороший и легкий класс! Вы предпочитаете светлые цвета для своей летней одежды?
  • зажечь (горит, горит / горел(а)) (v): давайте зажжем свечу и поставим ее посередине стола. Внезапно все огни на новогодней елке загорелись.
  • веселый: веселая улыбка, веселый взгляд, веселое место, веселые краски. «Веселый» означает счастливый и радостный.
  • весело говорить весело, смеяться весело. Она весело улыбнулась всем. Он приветствовал нас весело.
  • вытащить: вытащить, вытащить дверь, вырвать зуб, вырвать у кого-то волосы, вытащить кого-нибудь из реки. Лошадь тащила тяжелые сани по дороге. Маленький мальчик потянул за собой игрушечный поезд.
  • толкать: нажимать на кнопку, толкать дверь, толкать дверной звонок, пробиваться сквозь него. Я нажал кнопку, которая заперла дверь. Дети толкали друг друга в воду. Я протолкнулся через толпу людей.
  • бороться: бороться с кем-то, бороться за независимость, бороться, чтобы делать что-либо. Боюсь, я еще не готов, я все еще борюсь с последним предложением. Люди на экране борются за револьвер?
  • борьба: в борьбе, борьба за жизнь. Что вы знаете о борьбе русского народа во время Второй мировой войны? Чтение — это борьба для некоторых детей.
  • заводить (v): заводить игрушку, заводить часы / часы. Река вьется по городу. Дорога вьется через лес? Было холодно, поэтому она накинула шарф на шею. Не забудьте заводить будильник перед сном. Чтобы расслабиться.
  • извилистый (прил.): извилистая река. Было весело гулять по извилистой тропинке среди деревьев.
  • поделиться (v): поделиться чем-то с sb. Вы делите свою спальню со своей сестрой? Поделитесь этой сумкой сладостей с друзьями.
  • сожалеть (сожалеть) (v): «сожалеть» значит жалеть. Джон сожалеет, что он был груб с Джейн?
  • сожаление (прил.): сожаление, печальная улыбка, сожаление по поводу чего-либо. Я очень сожалею о том, что случилось.
  • с сожалением: он с сожалением посмотрел на меня и покачал головой.
  • отскочить (v): отскочить мяч, отскочить от одного к другому. Мяч отскочил справа от меня, и я не смог его поймать. Он отскочил мяч, прежде чем бросить его в корзину. Он отскочил от одного фильма к другому, пытаясь увидеть все, что мог.
  • бодрый (прил.): бодрый человек или животное обладает большой энергией и очень живой и восторженный. Щенки выглядели здоровыми и бодрыми.
  • стучать (v): стучать в / в дверь или окно. Посреди ночи кто-то постучал в окно.
  • миска (n): большая миска, салатница, миска с хлопьями, миска с фруктами. Мне нужна большая миска, чтобы смешать салат. Его завтрак состоял из миски кукурузных хлопьев и бутерброда с сыром.
  • близкий (прил.): 1. близкий друг, близкий родственник, чтобы быть рядом, чтобы быть рядом с кем-то. У нее не было много близких друзей. Церковь находится рядом с магазином. Магазин был довольно близко, поэтому нам не потребовалось много времени, чтобы добраться туда. 2. Почему вы не держите этот словарь под рукой? Вы можете найти это полезным.
  • отремонтировать (v): отремонтировать дом, починить машину, починить радио. Вы можете починить мои часы?
  • твёрдый (прил.): твердая кровать, твёрдое решение, твёрдые взгляды. Я не думаю, что этот стул достаточно тверд, чтобы стоять на нем. Вы предпочитаете спать на твердой или мягкой кровати? Это твое твердое решение уехать сегодня вечером? Их взгляды на политику тверды.
  • плотно (нареч.): Не могли бы вы плотно закрыть дверь? Держи меня крепко за руку.

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