How do you use the word friend in a sentence

Examples of how to use the word “friend” in a sentence. How to connect “friend” with other words to make correct English sentences.

friend (n): a person who you know well and who you like a lot, but who is usually not a member of your family

Use “friend” in a sentence

Some of my friends can speak English fairly well.
She didn’t feel comfortable with my friend.
He is an old friend of mine.
I have a friend whose father is a teacher.
I’d like you to meet my friends.

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All sentences (with pause)

Used with adjectives:

«She talks to her best friend every day.«

«He lives with some good friends.«
(good, close)

«She has been a loyal friend for many years.«
(loyal, real, trusted, true, faithful)

«He reconnected with a long-lost friend.«
(long-lost, old)

«She takes a vacation with her lifelong friends every year.«
(lifelong, long-time, old)

«Does he have any single friends?«

«We met through a mutual friend.«
(mutual, family)

«She still keeps in touch with many of her childhood friends.«
(childhood, college, high school)

Used with verbs:

«They became friends during college.«

«They have stayed friends for many years.«
(stayed, remained)

«He won’t make any friends with that attitude.«
(make, win)

«She has two really close friends.«

Used with prepositions:

«She ran into a friend from college.«

English grammar is a potentially confusing subject to learn. From nouns and adjectives to verbs and adverbs, there are numerous components to consider. So let’s talk about what a simple apostrophe can do to a single word — for example, the word “friends.”

“Friends” is the plural word for “friend,” which means more than one friend or companion. Adding an apostrophe creates “friend’s” making it possessive, meaning something is associated with that friend, such as “my friend’s hat,” which belongs to them. 

There are multiple ways to make a word plural or possessive and, sometimes, both plural and possessive. Read on to explore plurals and possessives and learn the basic rules around creating and spelling them.

Plural, by definition, means that a word demonstrates more than one of something. Rules for making words plural depend on spelling and pronunciation, but we form most by adding an “s” (source).

Possessives are nouns that show ownership. A noun can only be possessive when a sentence or phrase can indicate that an idea or commodity belongs to someone or something. 

Friend’s or Friends’: Placing the Apostrophe

What is the difference between “friends” and “friend’s”? The difference between “friends” and “friend’s” is just one simple apostrophe. What exactly is an apostrophe? Well, an apostrophe is a punctuation mark that functions to show either possession or the omission of letters. 

In contractions, we place the apostrophe where a letter is missing. For example: 

Isn’t → is not. 
Wasn’t → was not
Can’t → cannot

We also use the apostrophe for possessive noun forms. However, there are certain words where you wouldn’t use an apostrophe because they have their own specific forms to indicate possession.

For instance, never use an apostrophe for personal pronouns. You would instead use possessive adjectives, such as “my,” “your,” “his,” “her,” “its,” “our,” or “their.”

Similarly, you wouldn’t say “you’s car”; you would instead say “your car.” You also wouldn’t say “them’s friends”; you would say “their friends.”

Remember that personal pronouns and possessive adjectives are different. The possessive adjective “its” often gives people trouble. Many say “it’s” when, in fact, “it’s” is a contraction for “it is” or “it has.” For example:

  • My dog scratched its nose. (possessive adjective)
  • It’s the busiest time of the year at the ice cream shop. (contraction)

In the first sentence, “its” is a possessive adjective — the dog owns the nose. The second sentence shows the same word, but this time functioning as a contraction formed from two different words — one simple apostrophe matters. 

Friend Possessive   

The singular possessive is when a singular noun or pronoun indicates something belongs to that one person or thing. In most cases, adding -‘s to the end of a noun makes it possessive.

For example, to make the word “friend” possessive, just add -‘s at the end. “Friend’s” is now the possessive form of “friend,” as in “That is my friend’s new car,” meaning the car belongs to my friend. 

More examples of singular possessives include: 

  • That stranger’s bike looks brand new → the bike belongs to that stranger.
  • My mother’s gift has finally arrived → the gift belongs to my mother. 
  • My brother’s fiancé just graduated from college → the fiancé belongs to my brother.  

A possessive noun always comes before the item the person or thing owns or has. Still, what happens when the noun is plural? How does that now become possessive? 

Friends Plural Possessive

Plural possessives show ownership when there is more than one noun — a person, place, thing, or idea. The general rule for forming a plural possessive noun is by only adding an apostrophe when the noun ends with “s“ (source). 

When you’re about to write something using the plural form and the possessive, you might be wondering, “Do I write friend’s or friends’?”

When talking about a group of friends, add an apostrophe at the end to change “friends” to the plural possessive “friends’.” 

For example, in the following sentence, “Her friends’ bicycles took up the entire bicycle rack,” the word “friends” is the plural form of “friend.” Adding the apostrophe means her group of friends have ownership of the bicycles.

Defining “Friend”

A friend is a person you know well and like a lot but is not a family member. A friend is someone you can trust who is not an enemy (source). We can also use the word “friend” to describe someone who gives money to a charity or organization to show support.

The word “friend” is most often a noun, and it denotes attachment to another person. A friend could be a companion or someone affiliated with the same group as you. A friend is often someone who has similar interests to you.

As a noun, a friend can be someone who provides assistance or even someone who is vaguely acquainted, such as a “friend of a friend.” Figuratively speaking, we can even refer to an object or idea as a friend. For example, “Google has been my best friend while writing this paper.”

How Do You Use “Friend” in a Sentence

Sentences tend to operate using a specific pattern. For example, a basic sentence will have the subject and a predicate, which says something about the subject. Proper sentence structure should enable the reader to easily distinguish who is doing the action and what the outcome of that action is.

As a noun, the subject of a sentence is a person, place, thing, animal, or concept that performs the action in an active voice sentence. The verb is usually the action the subject performs.

  • My friend drives.

Some verbs do not require an object, but transitive verbs do. In active voice sentences, the object is the person, place, thing, animal, or concept that receives the verb’s action (source).

Consider the following basic sentence: 

  • My friend drove to the airport

It features a subject, verb, and a prepositional phrase. The prepositional phrase helps complete the meaning of the sentence, in this case, describing where the friend drove. The airport is the object of the preposition.

Can “Friend” Be a Verb?

Although it’s most often a noun, there are occasions where “friend” can serve as a verb. For example, when you “friend” someone on social media, the word “friend” is a verb. If you said, “I’m going to friend her on Facebook,” you are using “friend” as an action word instead of a noun that indicates a person.

Can Friends Be Verbs? 

“Friends” can function as a verb, but friends cannot be verbs. As a noun, “friends” is the plural form of “friend,” while the verb “friends” is the third person singular present tense. So you would use it with third-person pronouns like “he,” “she,” or “it.”

For example:  

  • She often friends people on social media.

“Friends Discount Code” or “Friend’s Discount Code”

Sometimes, it may not be so clear, and we may wonder whether to use “friends” or “friend’s.” For example, do we refer to a “friends discount code” or “friend’s discount code”? 

In this case, the discount code applies to all friends (plural), and we can use “friends” as a descriptor rather than a possessive — it is a plural attributive noun (source). Thus, in most cases, we would say, “The store has a generous friends discount code,” meaning that the store offers a discount code to all friends.

However, style guides like the Chicago Manual would prefer using an apostrophe after the “s” — “friends’ discount code.” Of course, you might also say, “My friend’s discount code” with ‘friend’s” as a possessive adjective modifying “discount code” if your friend has a particular discount code, but this is unlikely.

Forming Plural Nouns

Let’s look a little further into the details of what makes a word plural. As we mentioned when discussing plural possessives, not all plurals end with an “s.” Some nouns are regular, and some are irregular, following a different set of rules.

When turning a noun plural, the general rule is that we add “s” to the end of the word. However, some words are exceptions to this rule.

We add “es” to make plurals of words that end with “s,” “sh,” “ch,” “x,” and “z,” as we’ve illustrated below. 

Witch → witches
Kiss → kisses
Box → boxes 
Buzz → buzzes

Note that sometimes when a word ends with a single “z,” we add another “z” before the “es.” So, for example, the word “quiz” becomes “quizzes.”

Words that end in a vowel and a “y” add an “s” to the end of the word. 

Boy → boys
Day → days

If the noun ends in a consonant and then “y,” we remove the “y” and add an “ies” to the end of the word. 

Party → parties
Baby → babies
Bunny → bunnies
Berry → berries

For nouns that end with an “f” or an “fe,” we replace the “f” and “fe” with “ves.” Thus, for example, the word “leaf” transforms into “leaves” in its plural form, and “wife” becomes “wives.” However, there are multiple exceptions to this particular rule, where we just add an “s.” These include the following.

Roof → roofs
Cliff → cliffs
Belief → beliefs

Words ending with a consonant and an “o” will add “es” in plural form, but exceptions to this rule include the following.

Volcano → volcanos/volcanoes
Pianos → pianos
Photo → photos

Irregular Plurals

There are some words that don’t follow any of the rules to become plural. You’ll have to learn these irregular plurals individually, and they don’t end with an “s.” Here are some examples of irregular plurals:

Woman → women
Goose → geese
Foot → feet 
Child → children

Some irregular nouns are the same in singular and plural form. These include words such as “moose,” “fish,” and “deer.” 

The word “friend” is a regular noun, so we add “s” to the end to make its plural form “friends.”

For further discussion on forming the plural and possessive forms, read “Todays or Today’s: Which Is Correct?” or “What Is the Difference Between Years and Year’s?”

Further Examples Using the Plural Possessive

The Plural possessive form can be challenging, and there are several exceptions, so let’s review a few other examples.

  • The girl scouts’ mothers all came to their special ceremony. 
  • Three dogs’ paws were covered in mud.
  • They shut down many Dunkin’ Donuts stores.

In example one, “girl scouts” is the plural form of a single girl scout. The sentence includes multiple girl scouts’ mothers.

Comparably, in the second example, multiple dogs covered their paws in mud. It wasn’t a single dog’s paw; therefore, the apostrophe appears after the “s.” 

Example three, “Dunkin’ Donuts,” is a little more complex as a proper attributive noun in the plural form that is singular in meaning. If it were a possessive proper noun, we could add an apostrophe’, but it’s not necessary here (source).

Possessive proper nouns can be tricky, and different style guides, like Chicago Manual and Associated Press, recommend different things. Let’s briefly look at how different writing styles would change the outcome of a word and where to put the apostrophe. 

When using singular proper nouns that end with an “s,” both AP and Chicago styles will use apostrophe-s. However, if the following word begins with an “s,” AP style will just use an apostrophe. For example: 

  • Texas’s rivers (CMOS)
  • Texas’ streams (AP)

Irregular Plurals

If the plural ends in a letter other than “s,” you must add both an apostrophe and an “s.” For example, “women,” “children,” “moose,” and “geese” are all plural words that do not end with an “s.” Using these words in the plural possessive would look like this:

  • Women’s rights are still being fought for every day. 
  • The children’s museum will be open tomorrow.
  • The moose’s antlers all look the same. 

This article was written for

For more information on the topic of plurals and possessives, you can refer to this article “Class’s or Class’: Singular, Plural, and Possessive.” 

Final Thoughts 

Using plurals and possessives can completely change how we write a sentence and also affect its meaning. For example, when speaking about more than one friend, we use the plural “friends,” and when talking about something that belongs to a friend, we use the possessive “friend’s.”

Possessives can be especially challenging, and it’s helpful to remember that most singular words take “’s” to make them possessive. Plurals usually take an apostrophe after the “s,” and there are various rules to learn for exceptions to the rule.

Synonym: acquaintance, associate, buddy, chum, colleague, companion, comrade, crony, intimate, mate, partner, playmate. Antonym: enemy, foe. Similar words: friendly, boyfriend, girlfriend, make friends with, nutrient, experience, experienced, orientation. Meaning: [frend]  n. 1. a person you know well and regard with affection and trust 2. an associate who provides assistance 3. a person with whom you are acquainted 4. a person who backs a politician or a team etc. 5. a member of the Religious Society of Friends founded by George Fox (the Friends have never called themselves Quakers). 

Random good picture Not show

1) Better lose a jest than a friend

2) A friend is easier lost than found. 

3) Lend your money and lose your friend

4) A friend is known in necessity. 

5) A friend is, as it were, a second self. 

6) A friend is best found in adversity. 

7) An open enemy is better than a hollow friend

8) A good friend is my nearest relation. Thomas Fuller 

9) He that doth lend,( doth lose his friend. 

10) A friend without faults will never be found. 

11) Prove thy friend ere thou have need. 

12) A true friend is for ever a friend. 

13) Without a friend, the world is wilderness. 

14) Avoid the ford on which your friend was drowned. 

15) Choose an author as you choose a friend

16) Life without friend is death.

17) There is no better looking-glass than an old friend

18) When a friend asks, there is no tomorrow. 

19) A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody. 

20) A faithful friend is hard to find. 

21) Try your friend ere you trust him. 

22) Better an open enemy than a false friend

23) A courageous foe is better than a cowardly friend

24) A friend is a second self. 

25) At need one sees who his friend is. 

26) Trust not a new friend nor an old enemy. 

27) Make your enemy your friend.

28) A table friend is a variable friend. 

29) A false friend is worse than an avowed enemy. 

30) A friend to all is a friend to none. Aristotle 

More similar words: friendly, boyfriend, girlfriend, make friends with, nutrient, experience, experienced, orientation, African, frigid, refrigerator, dried, alien, series, priest, client, in brief, barrier, variety, briefly, carrier, science, lenient, patient, ancient, a variety, a series of, menagerie, transient, scientist. 

«Perhaps it should have been longer,» he said, «but your friend has a mission

Ask a friend, neighborhood teen or college student if they would be willing to shop for you, in exchange for sharing a meal with friends at your house later in the week

Exod: 33:11: And the LORD spoke unto Moses face to face, as a man speak unto his friend

righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God

“It wasn’t me! I told you, it was a friend of mine!”

I have this friend who believes that we always meet the same people in every lifetime

It’s only that one stranger in a million that becomes a best friend or a lover

I bet my friend would have said maybe she made it for me a long time ago before I was born and I wanted a taste of it again in this lifetime

«Yes!» with excitement, «A real one! At least he found a rich friend who took it!» She wasn’t a good enough judge of expressions to be sure that her excitement was genuine

‘I saw that friend of yours Amy today … she brought her car in to have the tracking checked and I asked her if she was still going along to them

“Watch and learn, my hopeless friend

‘A friend, eh?’ He said brutally, striding across the room and taking me by the shoulders

Take care of my friend here

It was his dream that he would marry and have children … and Dan is a man to make his dreams reality … I think he had some crackbrained idea that he could have the wife and family along with my friendship as well … I daresay he thought I would come to terms with Joanna … after all, she was a friend of mine … it made some sort of sense

“Hey, Sade!” She throws a stuffed octopus at her friend

We know our needs and these may not necessarily be same as our relative or friend

«Old friend!» Serpent cried

It was a beautiful day, indeed, now that his friend was feeling better

devastated … not only because she’d messed him about, but because he threw us out of the window because of her … y’see, I reckon he was hoping that we’d be reconciled … we were friends, him an’ me, best friends … he once said that any woman he married would have to accept that I came with the package, I reckon he thought that as Joanna was a friend of mine anyway, it would make the whole thing easier

Christopher’s best friend was a woman named Alice

He never wrote out any deathwishes, his closest friend has fled into the cerrado, I think Ava may want us to deliver it to him

Talshi and her friend Wootondi brought a grate and a campfire into his yard for noonmeal

If used as a casual friend and sex partner without coming to depend on her, she was fine, but for an impressionable youngster, she might be too callous with his heart

«A friend gave it to me

A very caring and thoughtful friend of yours

Her head went low again as Theo turned to take one last look at his old friend

endless, my friend, but it all

Several hours later, but miraculously on time, thanks to a personal friend with a pilot license, Theo was in the Phoenix Park Headquarters of the Irish Police Force, An Garda Siochana

Only that Travis was his close friend and colleague, because his need was so great and out of respect for Travis’ skill as an artist would he perform this ritual

But you looked your friend up and she’d been taken over by Ava, the ghost?» doostEr wanted to ask a lot more than that, but knew he had already figured out more of the truth than Tahlmute would tell him

«Tdeshi was never a friend,» Tahlmute said, «the prior soul in her body, she was wheedling me for favors, she wanted a back door into the Kassikan

As I was staying with a close friend

I thought he wanted to speak about the disappearance of his mysterious older friend but this was new, unexpected

His missing friend was a real issue

Tahlmute had clearly expected his friend at the Kassikan to be working for the other side in this dispute

She found her front door could raise one other, that of their system’s administrator and her best friend on Gordon’s Lamp

You were my best friend and the first I’ve chosen

«If you’re too uneasy about it I could back you back out and see if there is some other friend of mine who would like to share this space?»

mother was her best friend, her

«Your friend only has one kidney left

The militant grins, gives his friend a look and calmly reaches up and depresses a button on the weapon

to a fault and a true friend

If you want it to continue that way then you had better think about making me your new best friend forever

Boy! Was I relieved! It was my friend Sam!

‘As Stephen’s mother, I am touched that you are that concerned for him, but as your friend … and I hope you see me as such … as your friend, I have to say that I don’t see you as you describe

The first time Glenelle really became personally uncomfortable about it was when Ava told her sister on the ground that Glenelle was with her now and they all realized that Ava on the ground knew her almost as well as this Angelic Ava who was her best friend

Word of mouth is an author’s best friend and much appreciated

MacKenzie had been a friend in a world where true-bloods and the likes of

MacKenzie was a lawyer, a friend of the Barcs, and he defended them, fighting class

“I felt very liberated when I had sex with two men at the same time, and I had no problem that one of them was my lover’s best friend! Now it is all crystal clear to me: Love is one thing, sex is another! There can be sex without love!” she concluded with an air of expertise

My friend Mandy, who is with me, suddenly talks about a whip and moves her hands accordingly; she is dressed exactly like Sandra in a similar scene, where Venor holds a whip

On the same day, my friend Mandy buys an aquarium

He thought seriously of attempting that hack, and was just moving to his lab to think of a way to carry it out when his good friend Jaseem Attuk rang in

«Bahk my good friend, I request entry

Pretty soon I had to endure complaints about my disappearance, ending up to “All those years I’ve been nothing but the little one you deigned to keep company with, just because nobody else wanted to be your friend!” – at this point Persa almost burst into tears

It was his knowledge that made him unable to enjoy this game wasn’t it? He cared for Jaseem as a friend but knew he would not understand, even if he was permitted to hear about it

My good friend Louise has often asked me to visit her at the law office she works in as a secretary, so as to introduce me to Peter, one of the lawyers

Naturally, I don’t question Louise’s good intentions; on the contrary, she is the only friend of mine who supports me in deed

During the first two days my friend seemed to be so displeased with my presence that she even avoided talking to me – not that she has ever been communicative

In the end, he even asked me if there was another friend of mine to introduce to him

In the same evening, my sister accidentally hits Milena, her best friend, on the neck with her elbow

What did it mean? With the loss of the familiar, of the routine, comes that old friend, fear

But you should know I will do so just because a friend is asking me to, there is no other reason!”

They had often conversed during the fifty year journey, to the point where she was the closest female friend he had ever had except his wives, and maybe a closer friend than Ajeel, his fourth and most distant in age

It was a friend of mine

My friend said that he would go if he could bring someone with him

Later in the week, Bahkmar was able to share a voyage with an astrophysicist/soldier friend named Enrico Hasheem who’s mission was to attach the navigation motors to the asteroid

It was unlikely that anyone would be trying to make a new friend at a time like this without an ulterior motive

That was certainly a clear insinuation about me too; and I, as usual, kept on acting the fool lest I should lose that great friend

«The seeds are sprouted my friend,» Enrico told him

It was unlikely anyone he called a friend would do this to him

In those few moments smoking my cigarettes I decided to ask my new friend, Robbie, some questions

Her old friend, Clair, turns 26 today and she is having a celebration

My friend is holding three (counted!) roses in her hands as a present

“Anyway, what is a would-be doctor good for? You should wait for him to finish his studies, and that could take ages! Like an old friend of mine, who had an affair with a medicine student, she waited for him to take his diploma, she even helped him financially to open his surgery, and in the end he dumped her! So, what did you expect? It’s a fortunate thing that he hasn’t called!” she concludes with a shrieking voice and her usual air of importance

Her reason was rather convincing, she hadn’t seen the Acropolis in quite a while and she wanted to visit an old friend

I explain to her the situation once again, yet Helen makes clear she has no intention of paying for a trip she isn’t going on – which means I will have to pay double for my share! Moreover, my good friend coerces me into assuring her I will take the money back no matter what

Strange coincidence: My ex friend, Aphrodite, saw a similar dream a few years ago: All the disciples in Janus stood in line and walked on a black tape, one by one

husband or wife, your spouse should be your best friend as well

friend should always be your husband or wife

Besides, my friend Helen is not so talkative as she used to be; in fact, I can barely screw a word out of her

My spectral friend unfolded his legs and also rose up from the floor

We resigned ourselves to playing a waiting game, during which Menachem told me about the vagaries of his life, about how he never quite made any decisions, but through a word here and a mutual friend there, he had just gone with the flow

It is good to hear from a friend of my sister, though I do not remember communicating before

«Why hello Herndon, I’m a good friend of Ava’s sister

«No doubt he wouldn’t,» his teacher friend said

Maggots: If you dream of anything rotten and covered with maggots, you will hear about the death of a relative or a friend

Vinegar: It bodes nothing good; if it is red, someone will abuse you; if it is white, a friend of yours will have an accident; if you drink vinegar, you will have a bad quarrel with a family member or a colleague at work

‘Your young friend called and told us what’d happened

I have another friend who I’ve known since high school

I have another friend

My friend could not believe that I had never played a single

‘No, me neither … but I daresay our friend Gerisse has some useful associates who wouldn’t flinch at such activity … especially if he’s dabbling in the criminal underworld, as would appear to be the case

is my friend; it offers me safety and

MacKenzie had been a friend in a world where true-bloods and the likes of Danton rarely got close

Having a healthy variety and still coming home to the same special friend is a much more sincere expression of love

Should she tell Alan it was none of his business who she had sex with? That was the truth wasn’t it? Was Alan a casual friend? An adopted son? He was something more than the first but less than the second, not a complete partner in her life

MacKenzie was a lawyer, a friend of the Barcs, and he defended them, fighting class actions and helping them to formulate their ideas

When the courts and the assemblies failed them, when words and gestures like his own proved futile, the Barcs finally turned on friend and foe alike

As he lowered his gaze, preparing for the last dance with the mistress of his fate, MacKenzie whispered, “It looks like your nightmares have come true, old friend

Every women that friended me of FB when I moved here, has

The older man, his name was Gozan? He friended them? He and his boyfriend

Some of my friends bought a fabrication shop down in the Gengee, this is the best imitation of an antique ocean racer from our country that we can build

My original view [since revised!] was that “if you can’t give it away you might as well give up!” I also wanted to distribute copies to gain feedback as family and friends are not always the best critics

· Your secrets are safe with your friends, because they can’t remember them either

know who your friends were

dump your friends, and go live with the monks at the top of the mountain because you want inner peace

friends if you have to, as long you find Jesus at the end

He should have gotten used to Yorthops by now, she had become one of Ava’s closest friends in the past couple years

Ask a friend, neighborhood teen or college student if they would be willing to shop for you, in exchange for sharing a meal with friends at your house later in the week

We felt like two old friends and it just… happened, I guess

I told her she was right, of course, and we both agreed that we should take a step back and be friends

My friends say I should have slurped up his liquefied remains a long time ago, but marriage should last forever, shouldn’t it? But now, looking at him wave around that big jaundiced hourglass on his backside, I’m not so sure

The mermaids keened like whales all around the house, singing for their friends to come

John: 15:13: Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends

Our engagements after retirement lead to interactions with different kinds of persons, such as immediate family members, near relatives, close friends, old acquaintances and new contacts

What good movies has he watched lately? What is his favorite class at school? Did his team win the game last weekend? What friends does he hang out with the most? Do not criticize his friends, habits, or favorites

‘We were extremely close friends

‘So you were friends with Mr and Mrs Sadler?’

They won’t let her go out with friends

Rose will be a housewife who dreams of being a child again, dancing with her friends in the studio across from the corner market

Children are fascinated with computers, and teens use email to communicate with friends next door! If you keep tabs on their lives via email, you will be a modern grandparent

In human interaction, particularly with relatives, friends and neighbours, one is often required to counsel either for what we consider as the good of the individual or for our common advantage

In counseling the close relatives and friends; one is usually spontaneous in giving as well as accepting the advice and to some extent can be insisted upon

I don’t know her but I have occasionally heard about her from my friends

You should think about going out somewhere … it might do you good to meet up with some of your friends, Stephen, it’s a long time since you did anything social

devastated … not only because she’d messed him about, but because he threw us out of the window because of her … y’see, I reckon he was hoping that we’d be reconciled … we were friends, him an’ me, best friends … he once said that any woman he married would have to accept that I came with the package, I reckon he thought that as Joanna was a friend of mine anyway, it would make the whole thing easier

It is important that at least the near relatives and friends understand as to how they can provide better support to elders

‘My mother is friends with Henry’s wife and got chatting to her over coffee earlier this week

Duties to family and friends and to one’s business or profession will be more perfectly and efficiently performed

The lucky ones discover friendship and when you are true friends then love can last

For relative or friends, death is disaster; only to the soul death is a relief

I have seen too many dear friends leave this world too soon; before they understood the great freedom that comes with aging

‘I don’t charge my friends

’ Emma repeated, ‘She gave me the impression that they were friends

Mae is a term of respect for the mother of friends and relatives in Thai

He joined the army during the war and very quickly rose through the ranks – nothing particularly splendid — but in the process, he became very close friends with a guy who lived in Dorset

I have a couple of friends who could help there and if we market

They took your friends eyes Peadar

His new friends chatter in Arabic as Bolt smiles stupidly, nods occasionally

statement: “My friends! I do not know if I will be here for the next lec-

«That’s what friends are for, Mike

The golden girl, so talented, good looking, the envy of all her friends in looks, talent and career

She had even stopped telling her friends about her bad relationships any more

There would be an open training session on at this time of the morning, she could join in, maybe see a few friends unrelated to work

Most of the time they had been best friends, the two Ava’s she was speaking with were one

‘Well … we’re friends … that’s a fact … at least I think it is

If you enjoyed it, please consider telling your friends or posting a short review

Not from her family, friends, nothing

He and his mates – Joe and Ian – made a group with some of the girls from school – it was very much an all friends together type of group

His strange new work colleague Moses Tah, an immigrant from the battle-scarred West African state of Liberia claims the ability to give him these powers, but is he for real? If Moses does possess the powers that Michael wants, will he be able to gain them? If he can learn them in time, will they be enough to change the destiny of the people around him? Lives are at stake; families, friends, colleagues, innocent bystanders

Danton bowed his head slightly before whispering, “We were friends once

As about the reward, in this case it is socialization: the integration into a circle of friends, the avoidance of loneliness

We’ve become quite close friends, he’s a nice guy and I soon discover that he’s totally involved in his work

My friends are getting harder and harder to meet

My friends hastened to follow his brilliant example at once and everyone admired their courage

I left Janus behind two months ago, but I always felt the urgent need to find new friends

Nevertheless, all friends and relatives regard my sister as “a “heroine, who works and raises two boys all alone”

I was rather confused and he was quite eloquent, so we soon started chatting like old friends

I was seduced into revealing many things about myself and he made so bold as to suggest our going to his house “for a drink, as friends

They were childhood sweethearts and had an ‘understanding’ by the time they were in the mid-teens – she told me stories of some of her friends who lost their men or, got them back seriously disabled and mentally disturbed by the events they had experienced

It wasn’t the sort of respect earned by friends and colleagues, though

I think she has lost her mind, yet she also seems to have become paradoxically popular lately: Until last Christmas she had no friends but me; now, however, she has friendly relations with lots of young people

Persa keeps mentioning names of old schoolmates whom, as she says, she meets on the road by chance and they become best friends at once

The greatest mystery of all, Persephone’s 21st birthday party yesterday: First of all, she didn’t want me to come at the same time as her other friends

There is a big party of friends waiting for us in the cafeteria; I can’t say they are cool to me — at least they are not cooler than usual

Bahkmar wished his friends could all be other techs, they would never talk freely, anywhere, but they would understand freely

Especially this morning, she revealed to me many things about herself: She is 23 years old, very sociable and popular, with a large circle of friends! I talked to her about myself too, adding a fib or two, that I also have many friends and that I often go out to discos and clubs

According to my new friends the cake was something called Battenberg

“We had better be friends only, nothing else!” he adds nervously and he takes his hand off mine

He and Enrico were not close friends, not really much more than acquaintances, but the invitation to ride along on such a mission was interesting

Fred drops in just after half eleven – he’s been round to see his lady friends and doesn’t comment at all about them being ill, so I can assume they haven’t had any adverse reaction to the food

Why, indeed? Maybe because all those friends I’ve found during this period are rather bereft persons

I was alone again with new friends who seemed to mix a general amiability with random psychosis

One of the uncontaminated guys returns to the house with a view to exterminating the living dead, but soon he is surrounded by his ex good friends -Nestor, Nick, Apostolis and others- who look very ominous now

It really does pay to have a lot of friends

The best thing about friends is that you can be yourself with them

They tend to look upon their friends and

While it is perfectly ok to have your own friends, your best

you discover that one of the friends that you made and the one who you were keeping

There is a chance that one of the friends that you made may have read this book too and maybe the proposal may come from the

He’s torn between whom to believe, the friends who are pretending to be his enemies, or the enemies acting as his friends

Could my distorted mind be playing tricks on me? Was the ultimate nature of my lunacy to take shape in a world of imagined friends, of odd and sundry voices rattling off the walls of my empty head?

I tried to block out this sense of pointless waste by focussing on the shapes and forms of my new friends

Aban then helped Beniamin to his feet and said, “Together, my friends, together

«What don’t you believe in, there was a man called Jesus Christ who had some friends who wrote down some wise words he preached? Are you convinced that man is the true son of God?»

«It reminds me of a spread one of my father’s friends had

Forest: If the trees are high and nice, you will inherit a fortune; if you are alone and gloomy in a forest, it indicates that you can’t distinguish who your true friends are; if the forest is on fire, prepare for disaster

It also means that will soon make new friends

Vase: If you put flowers in a vase, you will have financial problems but your friends will be eager to lend you some money

Why? Her new friends, the girls sharing her digs had elected to go on to a small club a few yards down the street, but not she

My wife and I are friends with another couple who we’ve recently been seeing less and less of

” She was always involved in extracurricular activities, had great parents, and had friends who loved her

I told her that it was useless to have someone cast out a demon if she was only going to let him come back with seven of his friends

The reason that she played with the ouija board in the first place was because she couldn’t express to her friends and family the guilt and shame she felt from her personal lifestyle

relationships, the job that’s draining you of your joy, friends

My Now and then the people are always in need of great friends we are now an independent nation and our destiny leaders who show the way forward in action and know what is henceforward in our own hands

No family … an only child, her parents had died some years before … few friends of the social variety because over the past fifteen odd years what time she’d had to spare had been spent with Joris and other people had just stopped including her in

and so on and so I now run with a bunch of friends

As Renald will doubtless have told you by now, I have extracted the whole story from your two young friends

«She was that, but even so, we could have been much better friends

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