How do you use the word find in a sentence

Examples of how to use the word “find” in a sentence. How to connect “find” with other words to make correct English sentences.

find (v): to discover, especially where a thing or person is, either unexpectedly or by searching, or to discover where to get or how to achieve something

Use “find” in a sentence

I have to find a part-time job.
I’m sure I’ll be able to find it.
We need to find a suitable person for the job.
It’s not hard to find a lawyer who can speak English here.
We need to find an effective method.
Everyone needs to find their own path.
I don’t find him physically attractive.
I’m pretty sure I can find a good job.
Do you think we can find someone to replace him?

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Synonym: come upon, decide, declare, determine, disclose, discover, gather, get, learn. Antonym: lose, miss. Similar words: find out, fine, define, finally, finger, finance, finish up, financial. Meaning: [faɪnd]  n. 1. a productive insight 2. the act of discovering something. v. 1. come upon, as if by accident; meet with 2. discover or determine the existence, presence, or fact of 3. come upon after searching; find the location of something that was missed or lost 4. establish after a calculation, investigation, experiment, survey, or study 5. come to believe on the basis of emotion, intuitions, or indefinite grounds 6. perceive or be contemporaneous with 7. get something or somebody for a specific purpose 8. make a discovery, make a new finding 9. make a discovery 10. obtain through effort or management 11. decide on and make a declaration about 12. receive a specified treatment (abstract) 13. perceive oneself to be in a certain condition or place 14. get or find back; recover the use of 15. succeed in reaching; arrive at 16. accept and make use of one’s personality, abilities, and situation. 

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1. Love will find out the way. 

2. A faithful friend is hard to find

3. Love will find a way.

3. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.

4. A good man is hard to find

5. Scratch a Russsian, and you(‘ll) find a Tartar. 

6. To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield. Alfred Tennyson 

7. find life an exciting business and most exciting when it is lived for others. 

8. What we love to do we find time to do. 

9. The most busiest men find (or have) the most leisure (or time). 

10. The busiest men find (or have) the most leisure (or time). 

11. Every fool can find faults that wise man cannot remedy. 

12. Keep thing seven years and you will find a use for it. 

13. We find advertising on the radio very effective.

14. I’ve looked everywhere but I can’t find the map.

15. They managed to find a place to stay.

16. May good fortune find you this year.

17. It is easy to find excuses for his indecisiveness.

18. A state which dwarfs its men,in order that they may be more docile instruments in its hands even for beneficial purposes will find that with small men no great thing can really be accomplished. 

19. There is no pot so ugly that it can’t find a lid. 

20. He who has a mind to beat his dog will easily find a stick. 

21. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want, and if they cannot find them, make them. 

22. We shall never have friends if we expect to find them without fault. 

23. He that has a tongue in his head may find his way anywhere. 

24. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want, and if they cannot find them.they make them. 

25. If rich, it is easy enough to conceal our wealth, but, if poor, it is not so easy to conceal our poverty. We shall find it less difficult to hide a thousand guineas, than one hole in our coat. 

26. Never look down to test the ground before taking your step; only he who keeps his eye fixed on the far horizon will find his right road. 

27. Knowledge is of two kinds, we know a subject ourselves, or we know where we can find information upon it. 

28. If democracy is to survive, it is the task of men of thoughts, as well as men of action, to put aside pride and prejudice; and with courage and single-minded devotion—- to find the truth and teach the truth that shall keep men free. 

29. Let early education be a sort of a musement; you will then be bette able to find out the natural bent. 

30. He who has a mind to beat his dog will easily find his stick. 

More similar words: find out, fine, define, finally, finger, finance, finish up, financial, definition, definitely, finish with, kind, mind, index, wind up, Indian, kind of, mind you, window, behind, finite element, industry, financial crisis, reminder, indicate, in detail, in danger, never mind, indicator, fall behind. 

Jorma was somewhat taken aback to find that Venna and Herndon were former lovers

and therefore could not find any other form of hat to fit

looking candidate she could find amongst this bunch? Yes! Bless you

When we find the spot like it on this planet, Kulai and I will build it, and I will invite you

When you read the word of God, you will find scriptures

«Yeah, but do you think I am forcing her dead body to twitch using electrical impulses? Do you think if you cut me open you would find some crystal implanted in Tdesi’s head?»

With my memory, I find myself playing this game quite regularly

No passenger ships had sailed since noonmeal, the next packet out was the Jemson’s Luuker and she was ready to cast off so he had time for only the most cursory look but he did not find Venna or anyone answering her description on board, nor did he find her in any of the watering holes along the docks were someone would wait for a vessel’s departure

If you find yourself eating fast food a lot, be aware that there are healthier food options out there

something in the microwave and stand there waiting, find a body weight

friends if you have to, as long you find Jesus at the end

He had to go find her, well maybe not today, but instead of just wishing she was here

Find out what is in your medicine

«I need to find out if Athnu cooked first, he’ll be highly insulted if he has and we leave

It is amazing that we always find excuses to justify our

Each day, go outside at night and collect as many snails as you can find

The bait which comes with each trap is made of food material and releases an odor slugs/snails like and find attractive

Send your customers directly where they can find additional products that specifically interest them

Micah told him about the nightmares he had and that he didn’t want him to find his pizza mind

Return the next day and find the tunnels out of which the cotton balls have been tossed

“It tastes like you mixed up every alcohol you could find in here

Anyone can misplace a wallet or keys, then find it by figuring out where they are most likely to have been left

But in the long term insects develop resistance to the super-tomatoes, leaving farmers scrambling to find ever newer strains of protective bacteria

“You’ll find everything you need is there for the numbers to make sense,” Henry continued, when he really should have just stayed quiet

«And how did you find out?» she asked

While it is easy to understand that pests develop immunities to pesticides, I find it hard to believe that people think that they are immune to pesticides at all

Jer: 29:13: And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart

That representation is then stored in our computers and cross referenced whenever we need to find out where you are in the world,” Ackers said as he walked, never slowing his pace

thee, that I may find grace in thy sight: and consider that

“Why? Would you like to find out?”

Bread Crumbs started wagging her tail and then bounced off to find more food

“How did you find out where the Chip was?” Nancy asked as she studied the screens

He wouldn’t last long enough to find out what happened

«Well yeah, you have to find a deserted beach all to yourself if you want to bathe with clothes on anywhere I’ve been on this planet so far

And you’ll find that she is anything but her code name

“I think you’ll find that I can hold my own,” Nancy said

If you find something that works better than anything mentioned here, please send it to me for possible inclusion in the next revision

“Our technology is years ahead of anything you’ll find in the common world

At the same time, it is quite possible that we work with the new elements in such situations and strike new relationships, find new vocations and even change our existing view of life and its purpose

She changed the subject to his camp and gushed about that a bit, the whole point being to find out where he got the money

“Hurry up, there’s people inside and we still have a Chip to find,” she said angrily as she led the way

» He said that when Mommy left and Gramma died, he was going to find it

I told him I’d help him find it, but he said he needs to find it by himself

He should have been, he could find out a lot more from her on the pillow than across the dinner table

She places a cup and saucer in front of me and I find myself staring at it watching the brown liquid swirling in the cup

The only reason Jorma’s important to me is because he helped me find out the truth about Tdeshi and Tahlmute

Violet looked to her mother’s face to find out whether this was supposed to be a joke

«So who’s trying to find the aluminum that is missing?» Ava asked

«Both you and I,» Herndon said, «and several groups we don’t want to find it

In our case also similar impressions would have been created that we find very difficult to get over

My spouse will not let me call an exterminator and wants to find a natural remedy

Jorma went dashing off after him, no doubt more afraid of the ghoul-woman from YingolNeerie than interested in helping them find Venna

The Operator turned around to find that Johnny had taken the Super Chip right out of his hand

«I hope you never find out,» he said, and would not say more

After that man hit him while he was on the job, I remember wanting to find that man and murder him

but I can’t prove I went over to the coast and not down to Bridgwater? What if no-one remembers seeing me? Fighting down the panic this thought sets off, I try to find of something safer to think about

coming home to find her lying there in the garden

“I just hope I’ll be able to find it after,” he said to himself as he closed the closet door

what do you want me to find out, Stephen?’

“He wanted me to tell you he said ‘hi,’” I finally say, but I find it’s the wrong thing to say

If the senior citizens can resist the temptation to give out advice, they would find many willing ears

find any food that you leave for them that is out of reach of the ants

Punka tried to find solace in thoughts of protecting his family

Find out the nest egg that will be required to meet your retirement needs

For instance, if you are more than 5 years away from retirement, you can find out the return you need to earn considering your present saving pattern or you can find out the amount you need to invest at a given rate of return

It is fortunate that you will be spending detention time with me, where I can perhaps find a way to get that one track mind of yours on the right track

Once she got a blaze going that was large enough to see by, she thought she should find something to use to defend herself from small predators at least

Surely you don’t think you can tell the Kassikan about it and I wouldn’t find out

His first order of business was to find out who was in the room without being caught

Which brought him to his next order of business; he had to find out who he was dealing with and how best to deal with them

In other words, although Ackers would never have admitted it this way, he had to find out how best to get away from whoever was now in the house

Soldiers were destroying everything in sight to find the Super Chip

They were barely getting out of their own way as they smashed and shot up every hiding place they could find

It wouldn’t be his problem anymore; maybe they would find it, maybe they wouldn’t

One thing was for sure, they were definitely going to find it if he kept it

Not that anyone would have been able to break through all the security of the connection, but even if they did they wouldn’t find anything that was worth knowing

The United Order showed up with over two dozen soldiers who are now tearing the house apart to find it,” Nancy said as she continued to watch the house

Men usually find women too complex to understand

Find two or more different organic fertilizers and switch between them

«I’m sure I can find a child to ride with you,» Herndon said, but please, have noonmeal, stay the sleep

We try to find the very basis of our existence in this world

People «find» themselves; they discover hidden capacities and an understanding never used before; they develop an awareness, even of the phenomenal world, which is, to them, miraculous; they suddenly register the fact of the mind, and that they can use it, and the distinction between the knower and the instrument of knowledge becomes steadily and revealingly apparent

He had to find a way for them to be together, if not in this

He needed to consult the map to find his way in from the front, the dock side of Taktor’s yard and found that was all left blank

If this becomes a habit, we shall soon find our reactions to the affairs of life changing and that we are beginning to think the thoughts that the soul thinks

«Ah, we find it at last,» Tahlmute said, as much for the man at the desk as doostEr

I daresay he’ll be able to find out who the guy in the bar was … as I said, I think he was a local

With some digging in some financial back doors he knew thru the merchant’s committee, he was able to find that she drew royalties on ‘photovoltaic devices’ which meant Yingolian crystals

He could not find an amount for Ava, so it couldn’t be enough to get a detective interested, that would mean it was likely less than a dozen coppers a year

You will have to use what you find in your area

I find myself staring at the phone once I have put it down … what the hell is Dan playing at? Standing staring at my house for hours on end every evening? Is that legal? Thinking about it, I suppose there isn’t a law against it if he is standing on his property … would it count as stalking?

I daresay I could find more tenants, but if Dan is going to act like that, they are not likely to stay either … damn! He’s screwed me up again! The bastard!

Many fans have made the pilgrimage to his California home — he’s not hard to find, his address and phone number printed on every label

(or Madam, although if you are the first to find this note at such a late hour and in this

the strongest sensation of vertigo, and depending on when you find this note, there

3) To understand a clause, we first find out its verb and next its subject/object

they could find

Please find out the sentence pattern of each of the following sentences

Please find out the subjects and objects in the following sentences:

‘Have you got a pen and paper there? I’ll give you her address … it’s not easy to find, but I’ll give you directions

Try finding humor in a situation

This is all conjecture, but his expression was telling when I mentioned finding it there

» The media frenzy over finding the ‘lost Angel’ had really petered out by now, so it wasn’t such a big deal

Not finding what it was he was looking for, Henry dumped the massive pile back onto his desk and started opening his desk drawers, banging his elbow on the cubicle wall behind him

One should not under estimate the importance of finding ways to diffuse stress before it threatens your health and your ability to function

«Yeah, finding that aluminum has made life here a lot better

Serpent had one mate with whom he shared his life, finding himself entwined in her coils

Now that he was inside, his next step was finding the Super Chip

‘It could be fun finding out

It is rightly said that while western approach to science and religion is one of finding the difference between them, the Indian spiritual philosophy has always highlighted scientific theories as the backbone of the existence of a Supreme phenomena

Santosha is to practice humility, modesty and finding contentment with what you have and who you are

If there was a chance of finding a warm lead then his financial affairs could be sorted out later

Mimis —> Tired to feel that void without finding true love, I

wall, finding it extremely hard to deal with the situation

They’re made for finding metals and high density materials at a distance

You’d think that finding thirteen different speakers or entertainers to give their time would be easy and, to be honest, that aspect isn’t too bad, especially as I have the records of the last few years to refer to and can recycle speakers who haven’t been for a while

He reported to the Haad via Diam, many, many levels up, so Diam legally had access to this space, but the chance of him finding it was about as great as his doing the nanocontrol of the ship’s reactor manually

We often wondered whether the other hostages felt the same, but we could never quite imagine Aban and Beniamin finding the same closeness

Over dinner, the conversation turned inevitably to life on Errd, Kara finding herself facing all sorts of questions … embarrassingly, mostly questions she found she couldn’t answer about things she took for granted

She was still trying to actually believe it and finding more details helped if they fit together

I just hope you are not finding it too daunting a task

«No doubt Luray has told you how I love this?» His hands were finding more of her skin

Danton stood in the middle of the room and looked down at the squat figure by the wall, finding it extremely hard to deal with the situation

He felt the oily air pull him down but gradually steadied himself, finding a reserve of strength and clarity that allowed him to remain standing

Gerde was indeed delighted with the flowers, scurrying around happily finding vases and chattering about the latest gossip

Catwhiskers who moved first, Cosmicblasto finding his feet a

Now that it was daylight he thought they might look for him, but they had no way of knowing where he was, so there was little chance of finding him in all this wilderness

Is it possible that Onesimus heard the stories of Paul, heard messages of God’s grace, mercy, and love, and heard his master speaking so highly of this Jesus, but didn’t see the reality in his life? Is it possible that Philemon was a phenomenal example of what Christianity is supposed to be, but when it came to his slaves he somehow treated them with contempt? Was Onesimus believing the words spoken, but having difficultly finding the reality of them?

It has been almost 2000 years and we are finding ourselves back in the same place that Peter proclaimed this message from

We have a difficult time even finding enough strength of the Spirit to overcome our lust and pornography addictions

To lose her so soon after finding her again was hard … and then there was you

We are finding that the restraint that God holds out to those nations is being taken away

Of course, where was Luray going to fill her cup out here? Luray had been pretty whole come to think of it, finding the campsite, a lot of the food, binding Alan’s foot better than she could have done

Finding something small enough for me is difficult – most of the garments are for men and far too large, but eventually, we come across a set of leggings and jacket intended for a teenage boy which fit reasonably well

Lastly, finding satisfaction in an activity is a very good indicator of talent

Finding the Words in Traffic

She was finding food out on these wilds

‘My business frequently relates to other people’s nearest concerns … carrying specialist information, finding out what is going on in a certain area

The men then climbed aboard Jake, each one finding a seat and a ridge to hold onto

She had some difficulty finding her egg; it was under a piece of shell

We both rush over to him, Joris removing the backpack, while I, grabbing Berndt’s arm and finding it all sticky, realise with horror what has happened

It ran the length of the old school, and after two days without food, they had no problem finding the kitchen area

Finding what she needed, she got out her old sewing machine and proceeded to make riding jackets and helmets for the dragon riders

It is obvious he is not finding this easy

‘Banswell? Is that near Weston-super-Mare?’ I asked scouring my memory for recollections of that area and finding that it throws up a card

’ Drens said huskily – clearly he is finding the parting as difficult as we are

and finding her head level with the base units

Archibald’s joy at finding his darling was quickly tempered by his frustration at not being able break her out of her prison

I spent time having mind wars with them and usually felt I was close to finding out their plan

Then he was away again, unveiling his possessions and finding little faded photographs everywhere

Sefir is a wonderfully smooth ride compared with the other equines I have ridden, but I am gradually finding the movement more and more painful

‘Yes, but in one piece, there’s no good getting there and finding you are incapable of doing anything because you have overdone it

‘But you asked about finding the Element

finding a friend or lover, it makes sense to grab the opportunity with both hands – or rather, the click of a mouse!

so the chances of finding someone with similar interests as yours is stronger on the web

dating and finding they have to face up to so many related issues they could never have had to

Try finding an activity that is new to both of you and you will be able to bond while tackling new challenges and adventures

successfully chatting and then finding out that they are horrible

long as you are willing to hear any answer, then you will be able to pursue this quest of finding the truth behind the suspicious behavior of your significant other

Finding the ideal match has always been difficult and has caused a ton of pain over the

catalyst for relationship and finding common ground with strangers

Master Jeffery was asked to write down all that had happened, from the very beginning with Kate entering the hatching grounds and finding Jake, to the final battle with the black devils

That evening the heavens opened upon the world and, depressed by the rain and the generally gloomy outlook, the young man all but gave up hope of ever finding true happiness

«The key finding is really the fact that this computing, if that’s what these state changes are, is happening on all the bodies but the impactors

«That didn’t get me down into the Planck frequencies the logic simulation needed,» Thom told him, «and Darryl’s explored simulations of third order for years without finding any special properties

Better ring Alastair when you’ve finished washing up – hmmm — Jo and Alastair — I stand with my hands in the water in contemplation – how’re they finding settling down together? Hope there are no major problems

Sam comes to greet me as I open the door but she’s obviously finding it an effort … dear Sam, what would I do without you? I quickly change my clothes and take her out into the garden … she sniffs around quite happily … maybe it is just stiffness … I shiver … although the rain has stopped there are still dark clouds which look threatening

Heymon sent Lite Colonel Anderson to assist in finding the error and he brought Sam Langston with him

As young Alan blossomed, finding girls and music and the dreams of unchecked possibilities breasting the far hill scapes of his world view, so too Ken determined to be a part of his son’s emerging life

Finding nothing wrong he plugged it in again at the wall and hit the start button

There was a slow start for me but it picked up quickly the more I found myself using it and finding better thoughts

Even though we aren’t getting along right now, I think Thom is a good and pious crewman and can carry out his duty in spite of getting a little too carried away with what he’s finding

“Not as much as finding that quantum information can be created

Finding trapped emotions using the Emotion Code

However, Jane is on a roll now and refuses to let a little thing like my shock at finding a pair of knickers can cost £40 stand in the way of finding me something pretty

Archibald’s joy at finding his darling was quickly tempered by

key to all self-testing methods is finding the precise

Finding the Correct Column

Finding the Correct Row

Finding the Correct Emotion

Finding out when it occurred often helps in

Rayne told him about everything that took place at the Queen’s Hold, including finding Alexei there

Finding and Releasing the Heart-Wall

find by testing the proxy, you are actually finding in

She wanted it to be about finding ways to get her back home

Mastery of Mind- The Vegetas are capable of finding instantly broadly

She was finding that things were not at all as they

finding proven systems to follow

rest; and finding none, he says, I will return unto my house whence I came out

Finding nothing wrong he plugged it in again at the wall and

“Are you still interested in finding out what happened?”

“I am interested in finding out what happened to her for you,” she answered

“I’m glad you are with me in finding out what happened, you would be if you were Tdeshi

Her hand was probing for hardness in his loins and finding quite a bit and more on the way

I prefer you finding out on your own, instead of hearing it from me

Billy knocks on the office door and enters, finding Ted surrounded by the local hoods

They stayed a while longer, but what they talked of had even less to do with finding her roots and more to do with the yaag he made

“When I need one, for now I am content with yours, in spite of your zeal in finding my clone-mother’s exact last instant

“I don’t see why we need to continue on to the Kassikan after finding this,” Ava said

True, Ava wanted to know Tdeshi, and finding more of her things here would help her do that

He searches through the mud, finds the unripe papaya, and washes it off

When your husband breaks down the door, he finds a smoldering corpse, like a doll made of ash

She finds his lips, they begin to kiss

John takes his tray and finds a seat beside an elderly man, who is staring off into space, drooling

He sits up slowly, finds Dave sitting in an armchair next to him, watching TV, drinking Jack Daniels from a bottle

He finds the car and guides himself toward the driver’s side window

«If he finds one his age or an adult who will join with him we might not see him till dawn

He searches about him, finds his camera, brings it up and photographs the sign — click, whir, click, whir

John sticks his head inside the limo, finds himself abruptly face to face with Teekra, who has pulled away her tattered veil

After another few seconds, a man in military fatigues and toting an AK-47 walks over the small hill and finds John and Khalid together

He fishes in his pocket, finds his card, lays it on the table

I don’t like to ask Mary but when she finds out, I have a very awkward five minutes with her demanding to be know why she had been left out and insisting that she be allowed to help

“They are losers, who stupidly make do with 140,000 drachmas a month; they are cyphers, all of them!” she cries pompously and goes on with an air of profundity: “A businessman wants to earn as much as possible, this is natural! He will pay you as little as he can, unless you prove to him you deserve to be given something more!” … “A clever businessman will hire a secretary who will work for him for a month or so »on trial», then he will tell her she is incompetent and he will fire her without paying her a dime; then he will hire another stupid chick who will work for him for another month without payment, then another one will take her place, and so on, until he finds the one who will satisfy him fully” harangues Diana, showing her admiration for bosses

What’s going on? The sonic war against me is getting more and more unbearable day by day and I just can’t stand it any more! For some strange reason, I am surrounded by all kinds of noise pollution: Every morning, at 7:30 am, my father gets out to the yard and keeps himself busy with meaningless tinkering and hammering at pieces of wood or metal for hours! When I return from work at 4:00 in the afternoon and lie in bed so as to have a brief nap, dad goes upstairs, to Alice’s half-built penthouse, and starts hammering at stuff again till 5:30 that I leave for the gym! He doesn’t really repair anything, he just enjoys the noise! The yard and the penthouse are full of rusty tools, old dilapidated furniture and all kinds of junk dad finds on the road and carries home! I often complain about the noise and the piggery but he never listens; on the contrary, he swears like a trooper!

He jumps up and finds the defeated, miserable girl full of dangerous secrets and lies, still crying on the floor

There’s an open doorway in the center to his left that Apollo finds leads to the bathroom

“If the setting of the cosmic vortex finds you here, there will be no turning back for you,” announced Arion sadly, while we were standing by the shore of a shimmering turquoise pool

When he gets there, he finds a demon-possessed man

“My son, if you receive my words, and store my commands within you, inclining your ear to wisdom, and applying your mind to reason; if you appeal to intelligence, and lift up your voice to reason; if you seek her as silver, and search for her as for hidden treasures – then will you understand reverence for the Lord, and will discover the knowledge of God; for the Lord gives wisdom, out of His mouth comes knowledge and reason; He has help in store for the upright, He is a shield to those who walk honestly; He guards the paths of justice, and protects the way of His pious ones; then will you understand rectitude and justice, and will keep to every good course; for when wisdom finds a welcome within you, and knowledge becomes a pleasure to you, discretion will watch over you, reason will guard you – saving you from the way of evil men, from men who use perverse speech; who leave the paths of uprightness, to walk in ways of darkness; who delight in doing evil, exult in wanton wickedness’ who are crooked in all their ways, and tortuous in their paths – saving you from the wife of another, from the adulteress who plies you with smooth words, who forsakes the companion of her youth, and forgets her pledge to God; for her paths lead down to death, and her tracks descend to the Shades; none who go to her come back again, or reach the paths of life – helping you to walk in the way of good men, and to keep to the paths of the righteous; for the upright will live in the land, and the honest will remain in it; while the wicked will be cut off from the land, and the faithless will be rooted out of it

Karalintze, I hope this finds you in good health – and that the grazes are healing

seeks and finds on the hard shoulder

I hope this letter finds you in good health and that the monsoon season has now ended

It is at His coming that Israel finds redemption

She meets my gaze and I can read very plainly just how unpleasant she finds the concept

“I think we will all be in trouble if he finds out” said Lardyme

he finds her smell and the curve of her neck,

He finds that walking up and down the corridor

she smiles, finds offence in jokes,

He clearly finds the concept of what he calls a big white powder puff of a wedding dress appalling but, until he knows how I feel about it, is trying to suppress his feelings

happy until he finds out that his nose is too long

Wait until Duncan finds out about Rayne, he thought to himself

Despite the fact that I’m blonde and qualify as petite, as soon as a guy finds out I’ve got a brain between my ears, he generally makes excuses and leaves

distance by proxy and the subject finds an immediate

On the “handling of treasures:” It is natural that a Christian-Satanist finds

10For every one that asks receives; and he that searches finds; and to him that knocks at

25And when he cometh, he finds it swept and garnished

He checks the surrounding area for scraps of torn clothing, for personal items, but finds nothing other than puddled boot prints and the tracks of a wheelbarrow tyre

He has a history, a list, a little black book chock-full of names from his illustrious past, but like his own parents, as he grows older he finds the subject increasingly difficult to talk about to people younger than himself, especially those he loves

The girl finds it amusing and gruesome

“He’ll also be bent out of shape when his mechanic finds out how it was done

10 Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no

Billy checks the bar again and then heads down to the kitchen, but he finds nothing there except a load of cutlery on the floor

He finds himself drifting in and out of the conversation

She finds herself coming to terms with the strange, thin man in the other cell

Saturday afternoon finds Maggie at the club

As he picks up his bag and heads out to his car, Julie finds herself hoping so too

The medic finds a vein and despite the distraction of rapid motion caused by hanging drip lines he is deft and assured as he inserts a catheter into her forearm, hooks up a bag of saline and begins to administer four hundred micrograms of naloxone through the intravenous connection that is keeping Bex in touch with the physical world around her

He has just transferred from uniform to plain clothes and finds the hard edges of the job difficult to come to terms with

Instead she finds him perched on the edge of his chair, open mouthed, staring at the television screen

A whiff of rotting seaweed wafted past her nose and then, without knowing how she achieved it … she finds herself standing outside the front door of the house

With so much emotion screaming through her head she finds it difficult to hear one voice in relation to another, but she can feel the pressure wave

He finds himself smiling inanely at this sweet and gentle touch

She finally finds a doorway with light beyond

Billy endures these minor social events because it brings him closer to Maggie, and he also has to admit that he loves the house, although he finds the contents a little twee

Billy fumbles along the edge of the sofa and finds his shoes, slipping them on without doing up the laces

’ He said when he finished, he knows the effect his playing has on me, and finds it all rather amusing, calling me ‘his organ groupie’

It’s almost a cartoon moment and Billy finds a new song

Dave stands behind Carol and tries to put an arm around her shoulder, to put his hand on her back, but he finds it impossible to complete the manoeuvre

We’ve escaped that one so far as she finds most boys of her own age far too immature to bother with

poxy face when he finds out he’s been on a wild goose

finds her there alone…the man’s capable of anything

Happy is the man who finds wisdom,

‘Only if he finds something to incriminate you

Bloric told Alan to take care of Desa and try to be sure she finds her way back

I’m thinking hey shouldn’t the home stay program that finds houses to live in for many students be able to have some kind of a link to the bus company which is called VIA in San Antonio? Wouldn’t you think they would have all sorts of bus routes easily accessible and wouldn’t rely on the house that the student is going to live and to find out about the bus transportation? I sure think that

As a child one finds ways to cope and

Sharing with others breaks the isolation one feels and one finds that there are

I have a friend who is hypoglycemic and has to fast by himself when he has nothing else to do, but yet, nevertheless, he finds time to fast

The accounts of all travellers, inconsistent in many other respects, agree in the low wages of labour, and in the difficulty which a labourer finds in bringing up a family in China

He finds five lies among those church congregations and points

If God finds a heart that

In the previous verse, the beloved finds her lover

She again goes to the streets and again finds the watchmen, but

passed them she finds the one her heart loves

may wonder how she finds the time, but in the Spirit all things

He does a really great job and even finds some of the old masters who built it to consult with them

It affords a good rent ; and the landlord sometimes finds that he can scarce employ his best lands more advantageously than in growing barren timber, of which the greatness of the profit often compensates the lateness of the returns

The silver of Peru finds its way, not only to Europe, but from Europe to China

The hog, that finds his food among ordure, and greedily devours many things rejected by every other useful animal, is, like poultry, originally kept as a save-all

The banker, who advances to the merchant whose bill he discounts, not gold and silver, but his own promissory notes, has the advantage of being able to discount to a greater amount by the whole value of his promissory notes, which he finds, by experience, are commonly in circulation

He finds the

does he turn in an effort to call the police that he finds it already

When he finds a satisfying cause for punishment, he seems the sort who’ll thrash me within a dactylos of my life

occurs, he finds that he is alone

Finds one that’s unlocked

Finally finds one that’s open a crack

He embellishes, perhaps, four or five hundred acres in the neighbourhood of his house, at ten times the expense which the land is worth after all his improvements; and finds, that if he was to improve his whole estate in the same manner, and he has little taste for any other, he would be a bankrupt before he had finished the tenth part of it

Arlan soon finds out that he

It is not because wealth consists more essentially in money than in goods, that the merchant finds it generally more easy to buy goods with money, than to buy money with goods ; but because money is the known and established instrument of commerce, for which every thing is readily given in exchange, but which is not always with equal readiness to be got in exchange for every thing

I hope she finds some peace now

I just know how happy Praefect Serenus will be when he finds out you’re here!” With that, he scampered off in the direction of what appeared to be the commander’s tent, one somewhat larger than the rest

He finds Debbi, who is, by happy happenstance, already twice divorced

If the pig’s expression is anything to go by, it appears he finds this highly amusing

He takes the world as he finds it every day, and then works to improve it

… The mind aroused by this insistence seeks and finds nothing but contradictions and nonsense

In the other English colonies, indeed, the right of primogeniture takes place, as in the law of England: But in all the English colonies, the tenure of the lands, which are all held by free soccage, facilitates alienation ; and the grantee of an extensive tract of land generally finds it for his interest to alienate, as fast as he can, the greater part of it, reserving only a small quit-rent

This way, the stylist can be more prepared for any situation he finds

If but one of those overgrown manufactures, which, by means either of bounties or of the monopoly of the home and colony markets, have been artificially raised up to any unnatural height, finds some small stop or interruption in its employment, it frequently occasions a mutiny and disorder alarming to government, and embarrassing even to the deliberations of the legislature

and finds his car

«Yeah, we found all kinds of old notes in your lockbox

«When I unwrapped them this spring I found an aluminum stuck in the treads

Vureer found her to be more interested in her attentions than Tdeshi had ever been

In a cabinet behind the table, under the binnacle, he found an enormous boiler, the size of the one Belkin had at his mill, but with a pancake alcohol burner rather than a wood firebox

“This is how we found it

Consequently, I found myself regularly judged as being of inferior ability by automotive industry

«Wow,» Jorma was impressed with this revelation, though he found it hard to picture

found out that even I have been used merely as a

Mal: 2:6: The law of truth was in his mouth, and iniquity was not found in his lips: he walked with me in peace and equity, and did turn many away from iniquity

It can now be found being used as storage for wine coasters

Over the years, my parents found that they could speak freely about this previously obscured time of my life

However, differences in sexual patterns between males and females are found throughout the life cycle

The brilliantly simple solution can be found in the 1960 British comedy

He went for a long swim in the brisk water and found them still sound asleep when he got back

He couldn’t tell her, he found the house empty

He found her everyday clothes gone from the closet, but no more copper gone from their secret bead tray

boarded the train and found, to my surprise, that my consultant was

He went over the house, looking for things out of place and found almost nothing

No hint of Venna could be found around either

When she returned to the house she found Yorthops had stopped by

The best way to do this that I have found is through use of a natural snail bait and using snail trap that attracts ‘em

As soon as they were out onto the plaza atop that building, Yorthops turned east toward the basin and went to the far end and found a table among the lush pots of mushroom ferns they had in the corner

They are found both at the bottom of the ocean and in fresh water lakes

Many years ago when tests were run on the toxicity of DE, it was found to be beneficial to the animals fed with it as they gained weight and seemed healthier then those not fed DE

Or he’d check up on her because he found out she was hanging out with some guys he didn’t like

Mal: 2:6: The law of truth was in his mouth, and iniquity was not found in his lips: he walked with me in peace and

The scientists found that the caffeine spray killed up to 95 percent of the snails

That’s in contrast to the 35 snails that they found in growth medium that had been treated with a standard dose of metaldehyde, a common molluscicide

~ Researchers in the US have found that skipping breakfast routinely can indirectly increase the chances of developing diabetes and heart disease as the sugar deficient body craves for fatty foods which are hard to resist

It is a natural blend of iron phosphate found in the soil and a natural bait that lures slugs and snails away from their hiding places

She knew that sooner or later she was going to be found out and get cornered by reporters

«They found they could control it with a helmet

A huge study that tracked thousands of nurses found that those who ate just an ounce of nuts or peanut butter five times a week lowered their risk of Type 2 diabetes by at least 20%

All of her soul found that wonderful, along with his culture and intelligence

iniquity will not be found in our lips

“Have you found that sales report yet, Clinker?” his boss boomed

“Hello, I found it,” Henry whispered again, clutching several pieces of paper in his hand as he knocked again

By the time she got to the door she was sure it was Herndon by his voice and found herself running into his arms

A study found that females of many species, including humans, respond to stressful situations by protecting and nurturing their young and by seeking social contact and support from others, particularly females

«Yes,» he said, «I’ve only recently found that out

«We found the guy who’s been paying her

He will be found by you if you search Him with

“Still haven’t found a way to make it waterproof

Many of the legends found in the literature of other civilizations can be excavated in the ruins here

She found herself settling in

BT (Bacterium Thuringiensis) discovered in 1911, is a type of natural bacteria found in the stomach of certain caterpillars

The aphid-lion is found in most gardens and are predaceous

For the first time, researchers have found that laughter causes the endothelium, the inner lining of blood vessels, to dilate

are not, and hast found them liars:

They are the ones that are missing from the community and they have announced intentions to found a boundaried state

“This,” Ackers finally found his voice, “is Silence

Then they found Paul at the front of a hotel, smashed into pavement and surrounded by broken glass

«If they found the maps and the ticket, they wouldn’t have had time to get to the aluminum yet without a boat like this

«Yes!» with excitement, «A real one! At least he found a rich friend who took it!» She wasn’t a good enough judge of expressions to be sure that her excitement was genuine

She didn’t dare rifle thru everything on that first trip, but she took a quick look in the box while on the toilet and found the maps but nothing that stood out as a cargo receipt

She found she didn’t remember most of the stuff in here, she probably should have thrown it all out decades ago, the papers that were hers were already obsolete and could now be learned by examining any common electronic device with a polarizing microscope, but twenty decades ago they had been some of the Kassikan’s most closely guarded secrets

Jim Nichols Thousand Oaks, California in the United States has found that he can control whitefly with hot water

Nichols has found a brief hot water treatment of 150160 F

Yes, it was also true that she found herself more compatible with Herndon in a quilt than she remembered

‘When he returned he found his wife lying in the garden – she had been shot

We searched the area and, as I said, we found the gun in the hedge bordering your property

He had found a whole back closet behind some shelves in the eaves closet that she hadn’t even known about

«I’ll admit, I would have been tempted to take an expedition out there if I knew there was four tons of aluminum to be found

Red Spiders: These tiny spiders are reddish in color and are found on indoor plants that have very little air circulation

This is my first look at your site and it’s terrific! We are just getting into the agricultural business with a special growing soil found in China

Athena Loucas (Deer Off inventor/housewife) says, “Everything in Deer Off is found in the kitchen, mostly food products

‘Not very well … in fact, I found living opposite them extremely difficult, Inspector

Big Petey found that he was cowering on the ground with his hands over his head

He had been tired of being ignored, so Ackers had found a way to cut through the volume controls and punish Vinnie for treating him with so little respect

They can be found on board ship, near food areas, bathrooms

There are over 4,000 species of cockroaches known, 57 are found in the United States

For a moment Johnny thought that his dad had found out that Johnny was out all night

The instructions say that no meat or fish is necessary because of the attractant they sell with it, however I found it preferable to use fish heads, etc

I have found this system to really work in attracting, catching, and killing flies

Johnny often wondered how his dad would feel if he ever found out that Johnny was a super spy and that he was concealing so many things from him

While they were on the way back to the boat she picked up a news magazine because of the headline ‘Killer Asteroid on the Way?’ and found that «One of Cynd’s larger asteroids was knocked out of orbit by an unobserved collision forty years ago and dropped into the gravitational well of the brown dwarf

If something is found essential or very useful to make our life comfortable and we can afford it, then by all means get it

These tunnels are meant to protect them when they travel and are usually found free standing in the crawl space below your home

He found a pond to wash the blood away, but the insects thrived in shallow water

Once you have found signs of wood damage and you have determined that it’s not just old decaying wood then you have to decide if it’s termites or carpenter ants that you have

Serpent often found himself hovering over Woman who held inside her his mate

Having found it, he brought out what looked like a large thermometer with handles

Once she caught her breath she found some tiny sticks more by feel than sight

He found the Super Chip! Ackers held it up in his hand, staring at it with awe

But Ackers had finally found it buried at the bottom of the closet

Caterpillars/Grubs: Caterpillars/Grubs are found in the soil

The connection was dropped and Nancy found herself alone again

«You found it?» she asked

‘Yes, but seriously, Liz, if Dan had found out, how would he have reacted?’

I also have found it to be true that by controlling the ants, you obtain a greater control of the aphids that are attacking your roses, etc

There is a definite relationship between various insects, in particular aphids, which are found on plants, and ants

If an endless food source has been found, they will use it to the benefit of their colony

While they talked she had found the Gengee City waterfront schedule

‘One of the other members went back with him and was with him when he found her

Topher had found the note in a blank envelope in his mailbox—no return address

Food of course was found in this world

Also found here were the ingredients to help man grow food in the barren island soil

Place of adverbs of tense in an English sentence

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The place of an adverb in a sentence is determined by its meaning. There are several categories of adverbs of the time:

1. Adverbs denoting a specific time.

2. Adverbs denoting an indefinite time.

3. Adverbs denoting duration.

You can read more about these categories in the article on adverbs of the time. Today we will talk about where to put the adverb of time — at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a sentence.

1. Place of adverbs denoting a certain time

The place of adverbs denoting a specific time, usually at the end of a sentence:

I go on holiday in August. — I go on vacation in August. We are going to discuss the plans for the weekend today. — We’re going to discuss plans for the weekend today. She called me yesterday. — She called me yesterday.

They went to the movies a month ago. — They went to the cinema a month ago.

Adverbs of tense can also appear at the beginning of a sentence, if this is not the main thing that you want to communicate in this sentence:

In August I go on holiday. — In August I go on vacation. Today we are going to discuss the plans for the weekend. — Today we are going to discuss plans for the weekend. Yesterday she called me. “She called me yesterday.

A month ago they went to the movies. — A month ago they went to the cinema.

If it is necessary to give several time indicators, then the adverbs of the exact time have the following order: time, day, date, year (from private to general):

The accident occurred at 8.20 am on Wednesday September 10th 2011. — The accident occurred at 8.20 am on Wednesday 10 September 2011.

Adverbs for indefinite tense usually appear at the end of a sentence, although sometimes they can appear before a verb:

She published her book recently. — She recently published her book. — She published her book recently.

Adverbs afterwards, eventually, formerly, immediately, lately, once, presently, recently, soon, subsequently, suddenly, then, ultimately can be placed at the beginning of a sentence to attract interest or for a contrast effect:

Suddenly, the phone rang. — Suddenly the phone rang. Immediately they ran outside. — Immediately they ran into the street.

Presently, all people use mobile phones. — Nowadays, all people use mobile phones.

Adverbs of indefinite tenses usually take place after the verb to be:

He was reсently ill. — He was sick recently.

They were eventually defeated. — In the end they lost.

The adverbs early and late appear at the end of a sentence or part of it (clause):

He came to the office too late to meet Mr. Smith. “He came to the office too late to see Mr. Smith.

I woke up early to catch the first bus. — I woke up early to catch the first bus.

The adverbs another day, one day (referring to the past or future), and some day (referring to the future) can be placed at the beginning or at the end of a sentence:

I called him another day. / Another day I called him. — I called him the other day.

Some day I’ll go to Paris ./ I’ll go to Paris some day. — One day I will go to Paris.

The adverbs already, yet, just, still have their own rules of use and certain places in the sentence, and consideration of this deserves a separate article.

3. Place of adverbs denoting duration

Adverbs since, ago, for usually appear at the end of a sentence:

I have known him since he was a child. “I’ve known him since he was a child.

We moved to London two months ago. — We moved to London two months ago.

For can be placed at the beginning of a sentence, separating it with a comma:

For eight years, he has worked for this company. — For eight years, he has been working in this company.

Adverbs of duration from to / till / until usually appear at the end of a sentence:


Examples of the most common adverbs in English

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Today we will look at the adverb in English:

Adverb (Adverb) Is a part of speech that speaks about a sign or image of an ongoing action

This is essentially the semantic coloring of any language, its life-giving power.

  • Speaking about the trait, the adverb works in the same conjunction with the adjective: Robert is quite successful broker. — Robert is a very successful brokerQuite — quite (adverb of measure and degree)
  • Expressing the way of action, it is attached to the verb: She walked quickly so tired. — She walked fast, so she was tiredQuickly — fast (adverb mode of action) the importance of adverbs in English speech

The use of adverbs in English

The Adverbs education scheme is varied:

  1. For most adjectives, it is enough to add the suffix —ly:
    • slowly — slowly
    • dearly — expensive
    • beautifully — wonderful
    • lightly — light, etc.
  2. Some nouns (mostly tense) using —ly form the adverb of the frequency of action:
    • day — day
    • daily — daily

Features of shaping

Pay attention to these subtleties.

  1. When converting the noun day to the adverb daily, the letter —y changing to –I
    This rule applies to all words ending in -y:
    • easy — easy
    • easily — easy
  2. If the word ends with –Le, then the letter -E changing to -Y
    • terrible — terrible
    • terribly — terrible
    • simple — simple
    • simply — simply
  3. In some cases, the same word can be both an adjective and an adverb: the adjective does not change its form during transformation, the meaning is either the same or very close:
    • bad — bad — bad
    • well — good — good
    • hard — hard, hard — stubborn, firm
    • little — small — little
    • long — long — long
    • large — large — wide, etc.
    • early — early — early
  4. Some Adverbs have two forms:
    • the first — as in p. 3
    • the second is obtained by adding –Ly to the original adjective can take on a different meaning:
Adjective An adverb in an unchanged form Adverb with the addition —ly
сlose — close сlose — close closely — carefully
late — late late — late lately — recently
busy — busy busy — busy busily — businesslike
short — short short — sharply shortly — soon
near — close near — close nearly — almost
high high high high highly — very

If an adverb is indistinguishable in form from an adjective, then it is possible to determine which part of speech in front of us by meaning:

  • A long way across the desert is laying before us. — The long journey through the desert lay in front of us.
  • Scientists have long collected information about the ancient Incas. — Scientists have been collecting information about the ancient Incas for a long time.

In the first sentence, long is an adjective, in the second, an adverb

Division of adverbs into types according to their structure

    There are four types:

  1. Simple — not divisible into parts:
    • above — above
    • hear — here
    • bad — bad
    • far — far
    • now — now
  2. Derivatives — formed by adding suffixes and prefixes:
    • warmly — warm
    • indeed — indeed
    • downward — downward, downward (-ward — direction of travel suffix)


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An adverb is a part of speech that denotes a sign of an action and describes where, when and how this action is performed. Often, usually and always refer to adverbs of frequency and answer the question «How often?» Where often, usually and always are put in a sentence — we will consider below.

In English, adverbs of place, time, mode of action, measure and degree, adverbs of frequency of action and adverbs-interrogative words are distinguished. Often, usually and always refer to the adverbs of the frequency of action or otherwise the frequency — Adverbs of Frequency, but are not the only representatives of this group.

Examples of adverbs of frequency of action:

These are far from all the existing Adverbs of Frequency, there are a great many of them. They can be conditionally divided into adverbs of a certain frequency (definite frequency) and adverbs of an indefinite frequency (indefinite frequency). The adverbs of both groups answer the same question: «How often?»

Adverbs of a certain frequency of action:

  • Daily — daily
  • Annually — annually
  • Every day / hour / month / year — every day / hour / month / year
  • Once a week / month / year etc. — once a week / month / year, etc.

Let us dwell on the group of adverbs of an indefinite frequency of action, since often, usually and always represent this particular group. The most common adverbs of indefinite frequency are sometimes presented as a scale on which the difference between them is clearly visible. The frequency of the action is presented as a percentage.

When using these adverbs in speech, the speaker’s subjective opinion plays an important role: for some, «often» is three times a day, and for someone — three times a month.

Action frequency adverbs, including often, usually, and always, refer to Present Simple time markers. The simple present tense is associated with periodicity, regularity, or constancy. Accordingly, the meaning of its markers-adverbs of frequency is also similar.


As a general rule, if the predicate is expressed by a single semantic verb, then the adverb of frequency should be placed before the verb.

He often visited us. — He often visited us.

I usually drink tea in the morning. — I usually drink tea in the morning.


In adverb matters, frequencies also take place in the middle of a sentence, after the subject.

Did he usually have tea for breakfast? — He always drank tea for breakfast?

Also, adverbs of indefinite frequency are used in short answers to questions before an auxiliary verb, when the speaker agrees or disagrees with what was said earlier.

Mary is depressed again. — Oh, she always is.

Mary is upset again. — She’s always like that.

Tom talks only about himself. — Yes, he always does.

Tom only talks about himself. — Yes, he always does that.


Frequency adverbs in English

Adverbs play an important role in communication, they describe the way, character, image of the performed action. When we want to indicate how often a particular action is performed, we use an adverb that expresses frequency. What adverbs of frequency exist, how they differ and how to use them in speech — read further in this article.

The adverb of frequency indicates how often an action is performed (which is more often
everything is represented by a verb). There are 6 main adverbs of frequency: always — always, usually (or normally) — usually, often — often, sometimes — sometimes, rarely — rarely, never — never. They differ in the degree of frequency with which the action they describe is performed. What are the differences, see the table below.

In addition to rarely, seldom can be used, but it is gradually falling out of use in modern English.

The place of the adverb of frequency in the sentence

As you can see from the table above, the main place for the adverb of frequency in a sentence is
between the subject and the predicate, between the subject of the action and the action. Below are a few more examples:

  • Sara always goes out on Saturday evenings. / Sarah always walks on Saturday nights.
  • her boyfriend usually picks her up and they drive into the city center. / Her boyfriend usually picks her up by car and they drive to the city center.
  • They often meet friends and have a drink together. / They often meet up with friends and go to a bar.
  • In the winter they Sometimes go to the cinema. / In winter they sometimes go to the movies.
  • They Rarely go in the summer because they prefer to stay outside. / In the summer they rarely go to the movies, as they prefer to stay in the fresh air.
  • They never get home before midnight. / They never do not return home until midnight.

An exception to this rule is the verb to be (to be)… In sentences with this verb, the adverb of frequency comes after the verb, as in these examples:

  • There are always lots of people in the city center on Saturday nights. / On Saturday evenings in the city center (available) always many people.
  • It’s often difficult to find a place to park. / (This is) often difficult to find a parking place.
  • But our friends are never on time so it doesn’t matter if we’re late. / But our friends (are) never [don’t come] on time, so it doesn’t matter if we’re late.

As is often the case in English, there are variations on this rule. For example,
you can put adverbs sometimes — sometimes and usually — usually at the beginning of a sentence:

  • Sometimes she does her homework with friends. / Sometimes she is doing her homework with friends.
  • Usually they study on their own. / Usually they do it on their own.

But, of course, the easiest way is to follow the basic rule and put all adverbs that express the frequency between the subject and the predicate, the subject of the action and the action.

Question form

To ask a question about how often an action is performed, it is usually used
How often design? — «How often?», For example:

  • how often do you watch films? / How often do you watch movies
  • how often does he play tennis? / How often he plays tennis?
  • how often do the trains arrive late? / How often Are the trains late?

But you can simply use the desired adverb of frequency between the subject and the semantic verb:

  • Do you often come here? / You often come here?
  • does she always work so hard? / She always working so hard?
  • do they ever pay on time? (For questions, use ‘ever’ instead of ‘never’)? / They at all someday (= as a synonym for «never») get paid on time?

If there is a modal verb in the sentence, the adverb of frequency is placed between it and the semantic (main) verb:

  • you must always try your best. / You should (you should) always try my best.
  • We can usually find a seat on our train. / We can usually find a seat on our train.
  • They should never be rude to customers. / They can not never be rude to customers.  

The same rule applies to auxiliary verbs: the adverb of frequency comes between
auxiliary and main (semantic) verbs:

  • I have never visited Turkey. / I AM never have not been to Turkey.
  • He’s always taking things from my desk. It’s really annoying. / He all time takes things from my desk. This is very annoying.
  • you had rarely arrived late at work until yesterday. / You rarely was late for work until yesterday.

Now you have learned what frequency adverbs are and how to use them.
Reinforce your new knowledge by answering the questions below using adverbs of frequency:

  • What do you usually do on Saturday nights? / What do you usually do on Saturday night?
  • How often do you see your best friend? / How often do you see your best friend / girlfriend?
  • Do you ever go to the theater? / Do you often go to the theater?
  • How often do you play sport or go to the gym? / How often do you exercise or go to the gym?
  • Do you ever watch films or TV programs in English? / Do you ever watch movies or TV programs in English?
  • What time do you usually go to bed? / When do you usually go to bed?
  • How often do you eat at a restaurant? / How often do you go to a restaurant?
  • Are you sometimes late for work or school? / Are you sometimes late for work or school?


Place of an adverb in a sentence in English: before a verb or after?

The place of an adverb in a sentence in English is not fixed in many cases. The same adverb can be used at the beginning, middle or end of a sentence. We will consider the basic patterns of the arrangement of adverbs in a sentence, the features of the use of individual adverbs.

Typically, an adverb occupies one of three positions in a sentence.

After the predicate and the complement, if any.

Let’s stay here… — Let’s stay here.

Before the subject.

Yesterday we had a good time. “We had a good time yesterday.

If the predicate consists of one verb, then “in the middle” is before the verb.

He Rarely talks to his neighbors. — He rarely talks to neighbors.

If the predicate has more than one word, then “in the middle” is after the auxiliary or modal verb.

You can never rely on him. — You never you can’t rely on him.

He is always late. — He always is late.

Some adverbs can appear before an auxiliary or modal verb.

He really is the person we were looking for. — He really and there is the person we were looking for.

He Surely can drive. — He definitely knows how to drive a car.

In an interrogative sentence, “middle” is between the subject and the main verb.

Do you often help people? — You often do you help people?

Consider in which cases the adverb is at the end of a sentence, at the beginning and in the middle.

Place of adverbs of mode of action

Mode of action adverbs such as slowly — slowly, fast, quickly — quickly, immediately — immediately, well — well, are at the end of the sentence.

You have done your work well. — You did the job good.

Hold the box carefully. — Keep the box carefully.

come back immediately. — Come back immediately.

Cats can sneak very slowly. — Cats are very good at sneaking slow.

Adverbs of place

Place adverbs such as here — here, there — there, also at the end of the sentence.

We will build a church here. — We will build here church.

His office is there. — His office there.

Place of adverbs of tense in a sentence

At the end of the sentence, adverbs indicating a specific time are used: now — now, now, tomorrow — tomorrow, yesterday — yesterday, etc. Do not confuse them with such adverbs as often — often, Rarely — rarely, always — always, never — never, indicating the frequency of action — they are also called adverbs of frequency (adverbs of frequency).

Don’t forget to return the books tomorrow. “Don’t forget to return the books tomorrow.

You will be safe now.Now you will be safe.

The same adverbs, especially if you need to emphasize them, are often used at the beginning of a sentence:

tomorrow we will put an end to it. — Tomorrow we will put an end to this.

Now you will tell me the truth. — Now you will tell me the truth.

Place of adverbs of frequency (always, never, etc.)

Frequency adverbs are a type of time adverb that indicates how often an action takes place: often — often, Sometimes — sometimes, always, ever — always, never — never, Rarely — rarely, usually — usually. They are located in the middle of the sentence.

I usually take a bus to work. — I usually take the bus to work.

You can always use my tools. “You can always use my tools.

Usually sometimes found at the beginning of a sentence.

usually, we have lunch together. “We usually have lunch together.

Please note that if the adverb of frequency indicates not an indefinite frequency (always, rarely), but a specific one (every day, on Sundays), it is usually used at the end of a sentence:

We go to the swimming pool on Sundays… — We go to the pool on Sundays.

He reads in English every day. — He reads in English every day.

Place of adverbs of measure and degree

Adverbs of measure and degree include words such as: really — really, very, very — very, extremely — extremely, quite — enough, fair — just, just now, Almost — almost. They are in the middle of the sentence.

Adverbs of measure and degree can be used with an adjective or other adverb in front of them.

  • Adverb before adjective:

The noise was too loud. — The noise was too loud.

It was extremely dangerous. — It was extremely dangerously.

  • Adverb before another adverb:

They can also characterize the actions and states expressed by the verb. Let me remind you that if there is one verb in a sentence, then “in the middle of the sentence” — before this verb.

If there is an auxiliary or modal verb, then “in the middle of a sentence” is after the modal or auxiliary verb.

Some reinforcing adverbs such as really — really, surely, certainly — exactly, of course, definitely — definitely, can come before an auxiliary or modal verb.

Exceptions — adverb enough (enough), it comes after the word being defined.


Adverbs in English: rules of education and place in a sentence with tables and translation

An adverb is a part of speech that answers the question «How?» and characterizes a verb, adjective or other adverb. There are different types of adverbs — manner of action (how), place (where), time (when), degree (to what extent), frequency (how often), opinions. Consider the rules for using adverbs in English.

Formation of adverbs in English

How are adverbs formed? By structure, adverbs can be divided into the following groups:

Simple Derivatives Composite Composite
long (long) slowly anyhow (in any way) at once (immediately)
enough (enough) wise (similarly) sometimes (sometimes) at last (finally)
then (then) forward nowhere (nowhere) so far (so far)

The most common way to form adverbs is by adding the -ly suffix to the adjective. Such adverbs usually have a similar meaning to them.

Adjective Adverb
bad badly (poorly)
Beautiful beautifully (beautiful)
carefully Carefully (attentively)
quick quickly (quickly)
quiet quietly (quiet)
soft gently (soft)

Consider the spelling change when adding the -ly suffix:

  • le changing to ly (gentle — gently)
  • y changing to ily (easy — easily)
  • ic changing to ically (automatic — automatically)
  • ue changing to uly (true — truly)
  • ll changing to eye (full — fully)

Other examples of suffixes: -ward (s), -long, -wise

  • clockwise
  • forward
  • headlong

Adverbs are exceptions

Some adverbs can be both adjectives and adverbs in different situations without adding suffixes:

  • It was a fast train. The train went fast.
  • He returned from a long journey. Will you stay here long?
  • The price is very low. The plane flew very low.
  • We have very little time. He reads very little.

Other examples of exceptions are hard, high, deep, last, late, near, wide, early, far, straight, right, wrong.

Most common exception: good — well.

Some adverbs have two forms — one without -ly and one with it. These forms have different meanings. Examples: hard / hardly, last / lastly, late / lately, near / nearly, high / highly.

Adjective Adverb without -ly Adverb with -ly
He is a hard worker He works hard I could hardly understand him (I could hardly understand him)
He returned in late autumn (He returned in late autumn) I went to bed late yesterday (I went to bed late yesterday) I haven’t seen him lately (I haven’t seen him lately)
He is studying the history of the Near East He lives quite near It is nearly 5 o’clock (Now almost 5 o’clock)
The house is very high The plane flew very high It is a highly developed state

Place and order of adverbs in a sentence

Where is the adverb in English? The position in the sentence depends on the type of adverb (read below), their number and other factors.

— before adjectives, other adverbs and participles The task was surprisingly simple.He walked very fast.We are extremely interested in their offer.
— usually after verbs He speaks slowly
— at the beginning of a sentence for emphasis Slowly, he entered the room. Now I understand what you mean
— when there are two or more adverbs in a sentence, they go in the following order: manner — place — time She spoke very well here last time
— if the sentence contains a verb of movement (go, come, leave etc.), the adverbs go in this order: place — manner — time She arrived here by train yesterday

Types of adverbs in English with lists

The following classification of adverbs is distinguished — the adverbs of the mode of action, time, frequency, place and direction, degree and opinion. Let’s consider all these groups in more detail.

Adverbs of manner

Such adverbs tell us how something is happening: well, badly, slowly, and so on.

  • How did John behave? He behaved badly.
  • Did you sleep well?
  • He came very quickly

We do not use adverbs after linking verbs to be, become, feel, get, look, seem. We use adjectives after them.

  • Sue felt happy
  • Nobody seemed amused
  • I am not sure

Mode adverbs appear before the main verb, after auxiliary verbs, or at the end of a sentence

  • They quickly returned
  • He was anxiously waiting for their reply
  • She smiled kindly

Adverbs of time

List of adverbs of the time: When (when), now (now), then (then, then) before (before, before) after (then, after), afterwards (subsequently), once (once), fair (just now, just), still (still), already / yet (already), yet (yet, yet), since (since), early (early), lately / recently (recently), suddenly (suddenly), soon (soon), long (for a long time), August (ago), today (today), Tomorrow (tomorrow), yesterday (yesterday) etc.

Tense adverbs usually appear at the end of a sentence. They can be placed in the first place for emphasis, in other words, to give the desired stylistic coloring:

  • I saw her yesterday
  • Still I can’t understand what happened then (still ahead for dramatic coloring)

Some monosyllabic adverbs of the tense (soon, now, then) come before the main verbs and after the auxiliary verbs:

  • I now understand what he means
  • She will soon come back home


  1. We say tonight (tonight / night), tomorrow night, last night (not “yesterday night”)
  2. Already and yet can mean already. At the same time, already is used only in statements, and yet in questions and negations.
  3. The preposition for can mean “during” and is used with adverbs of time: for a long time, for 10 years.

Adverbs of frequency

They answer the question «How often?» The most common ones are: always (always), generally, normally, normally (usually), frequently, frequently (often), seldom, rarely (rarely), Sometimes (sometimes), from time to time, occasionally (occasionally), never (never).

Where to put such adverbs? Frequency adverbs come after auxiliary verbs, but before the main semantic ones:

  • He has never visited us.
  • Paul is often barks.
  • He Sometimes comes here.

Generally, usually, normally, often, frequently, sometimes can be at the beginning of a sentence to give a stylistic coloring:

  • I usually go to work by metro. — Usually, I go to work by metro.

Adverbs of place and direction

List of the main adverbs of place and direction: here (here), there (there, there), Where (where, where), somewhere, anywhere (somewhere, somewhere) nowhere (nowhere, nowhere) elsewhere (somewhere else) far away (far), near (close), inside (inside), outside (outside), above (above, above), below (below, below).

Such adverbs are usually placed at the end of a sentence:

  • How long are they going to stay here?

Somewhere, anywhere, nowhere


Adverbs in English sentences. Where do they belong?

Adverbs are words that describe verbs, adjectives, other adverbs, or phrases. They often answer the question «How?» (How?). For example:

She sings beautifully.
She sings beautifully. (How does she sing? Beautifully.)
He runs very Fast.
He runs very fast. (How fast does he run? Very fast.)
I occasionally practice speaking English.
From time to time I practice conversational English. (How often do I practice? From time to time.)

The place occupied by an adverb in an English sentence depends on what type this adverb belongs to. It is in this aspect that we will understand in today’s English lesson.

1. Do not put an adverb between the verb and the object of its action

In the next sentence painted is a verb and the house — an object. carefullyas you might have guessed — this is an adverb.

I Carefully painted the house. = Correctly
I painted the house Carefully. = Correctly
I painted Carefully the house. = Wrong

Here’s another example. In this sentence read Is a verb, a book Is the object of action, and Sometimes — adverb.

I Sometimes read a book before bed. = Correctly
Sometimes I read a book before bed. = Correctly
I read a book before bed Sometimes. = Acceptable, but only in informal situations
I read Sometimes a book before bed. = Wrong

Front position: at the beginning of a sentence

suddenly the phone rank.
Suddenly the phone rang.

fortunately, no one was injured.
Fortunately, no one was hurt.

Maybe I’ll go for a walk.
Maybe I’ll go for a walk.

Mid position: next to the main verb

I always exercise before work.
I always do my exercises before work.

They have Completely forgotten about our appointment.
They completely forgot about our meeting.

He was probably late for the interview.
He was probably late for the interview.

She slowly began to recover from her illness.
She slowly began to recover from her illness.

End position: at the end of a sentence

You speak English well.
You speak English well.

Please sit there.
Please sit here.

They ate dinner quietly.
They dined quietly.

Mode of action adverbs

quickly, slowly, easily, happily, well, * badly, seriously

The position in the middle of the sentence makes the adverb less expressive:

He quickly corrected his mistake.
He quickly corrected his mistake.
She easily passed the test.
She passed the test easily.
We happily


The participle in English (The Participle)

According to the impersonal forms of the verb, we only have the English participle for dessert. And here I have 2 news for you. I’ll start with the good one: a participle in English can correspond to a Russian participle. Bad news: the English participle can also correspond to the Russian participle. And bonus news: the English participle can be easily confused with a gerund. And in a whisper: the English participle has several forms. 

Now, don’t panic! Once you probably confused the letters «G» and «J» in the English alphabet, but this is already a distant past. We’ll figure it out, put it on the shelves and go to practice.

What is an English participle

This is another impersonal form of the verb that combines the following properties:

— verb (denotes action)
heart — broken heart;

— adjective (can answer the question «which»)  
machine — a working mechanism;

— adverbs (can answer the question «how?», «Where?», «Where?», «When?», «Why?», «For what purpose?», «To what extent?») 
He was rather furious asking Ann about the school marks — He was pretty angry asking Anya about her grades. (Was angry when? Asking for grades)

Forms of the English participle

There are two main types:

1. participle I (Participle I), or present participle (Present Participle):

1.1. Present Participle Simple
This is an imperfect analogue of our Russian participle or gerunds.

Walking Look at that walking man. Look at that man walking.

I can’t be serious walking with you in the street. I can’t be serious walking down the street with you.

1.2. Present participle perfect
This is a perfect analogue of the Russian gerunds.

Having done
Having done the work she went home. After completing the work, she went home.


Adverbs in English (Adverbs)

The adverb is the part of speech that determines when, where, and how an action is taken. A feature of this part of speech is also that it is capable of transmitting signs of an adjective or other adverb. It is also important to remember that adverbs in English play the role of circumstances. Consider the formation of adverbs, give vivid examples and exceptions to the rules where they are put in a sentence, and also consider the degrees of comparison.

Adverbs in English: Basic Functions

It will be easy for beginner students who have just decided to study languages ​​to master this topic, since the adverb in English performs the same functions as in Russian, and is often placed in an identical position. Therefore, the language barrier will be overcome quickly and easily.

The most commonly used types of adverbs in tables =>


close near
long away far
inside inside
there there
everywhere everywhere
here here


late late
soon soon
early early
then then
today today
now now

On a note! When, where and why are relative adverbs. The tenses are used in any speech — business, colloquial, artistic and narrow-profile. Relative words can easily and simply explain any situation.

Action adverbs HOW (ADVERBS OF MANNER)

carefully Carefully
poorly badly
fast solid
simple / easy easily
complicated hard
loud loudly

Adverbs of measure and degree TO WHAT EXTENT (ADVERBS OF DEGREE)

rather rather
terribly terribly
almost Almost
too too
very very
really really

If you find it difficult to learn the words themselves and understand the adverbs and the rules that the table indicates, use them in sentences. By examples it is always easier to learn a rule, of all kinds.

Here are some examples:

The girl faced the difficult situation very bravely => The girl met a difficult situation very bravely. The adverb answers the question How? How?

My mom came home late because she didn’t manage to catch the bus => Mom came home late (when Mom came home, time was later) because she could not catch the bus. The adverb answers the question When? When?

The Professor explained the theory three times and extremely patiently => The professor explained the theory three times and very patiently. The adverb answers the question To what extent? To what extent?

These yummy mushrooms were everywhere => These delicious mushrooms were everywhere (everywhere). The adverb answers the question Where? Where?

Rules for the formation of an adverb in English

All adverbs in which the English language is rich are divided into 4 categories =>

  1. Simple (Simple Adverbs)


Suffix -LY in English

Details Karina Galchenko

: 01 August 2019


: 4/5

Is there a difference between bad and badly? You need to remember forever what role it plays suffix –ly in Englishto never ask questions like this again. Bad is bad and badly is bad. These are different parts of speech, each of which plays its own, special role in the sentence.

Why is the –ly suffix needed in English?

You should know that suffix –ly in English serves to form adverbs, that is, words that answer the question «how?» Usually the word + -ly refers to an action.


They speak English fluently. — They speak English fluently.

Here fluently is fluent + — ly. Fluent translates to «fluent». We cannot in any way characterize the action with the help of this word. You get something like this:

They speak English fluent. — They speak fluent English.

It turns out that the -ly suffix in English is very important, since it serves to form words that characterize not an object / person, but an action.


His Chinese is bad. — His Chinese is bad. (bad refers to Chinese. Which Chinese? — Bad).

He speaks Chinese badly. — He speaks bad Chinese. (badly refers to speak. How does he speak? — Bad).

It turns out that we cannot do without –ly if we want to build sentences in English correctly.

The suffix -ly in English. Examples of

Let’s take a look at a few additional sentences in order to remember even better when to use suffix –ly in English.



Amanda is an ideal teacher. She teaches children ideally.

Amanda is the perfect teacher. She teaches children perfectly.

The music is too loud… You listen to the music loudly.

The music is too loud. You listen to music too loud.

His decision is very quick… He made a decision quickly.

His decision is very quick. He made a quick decision.

Our speech is clear… We speak Clearly.

Our speech is understandable. We speak clearly.

The task is easy… I did it easily.

The task is simple. I dealt with it easily.

It is a serious responsibility. You should take it seriously.

This is a serious responsibility. You should take this seriously.

The project was successful… We completed it successfully.

The project was successful. We completed it successfully.

 The suffix -ly in English. Exceptions

As always, there were some exceptions. Remember these pairs.

good — well

fast (fast) — fast (fast)

late (late) — late (late)

difficult (difficult, difficult) — with difficulty (with difficulty)

near (close) — near (close)

Want to learn more English words and learn how to build sentences correctly? Sign up to study at our school!

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A noun is a word that depicts a person, place, thing, or idea. Common nouns are things like house and tree, and they are not capitalized. Proper nouns are specific names, like Brooklyn or Joe, and they are always capitalized. To find a noun within a sentence, try to identify the verb, look for capitalized names, and see if there is an article within the sentence to base your identification on.

  1. Image titled Identify a Noun in a Sentence Step 1


    Locate the main verb in the sentence to identify the connected noun. A verb is an action word that usually describes the act of doing. Grabbing, singing, and playing are all verbs. More often than not, the verb in the sentence is directly linked to the subject of the sentence. Identify who or what is completing the action in the sentence.[1]

    • In the sentence “She lifts weights,” “lifts” is the verb, and “she” is the noun.
    • In “The dog ran away,” “ran” is the verb, so “dog” is the noun.
  2. Image titled Identify a Noun in a Sentence Step 2


    Find words that are capitalized as a clue that they might be nouns. Words that are capitalized in a sentence are almost always proper nouns, since they are usually the names of people, places, or things. Look for any words in the middle of a sentence that are capitalized and see if they could be a noun.[2]

    • In the sentence “Agatha Christie wrote a lot of books,” “Agatha Christie” is the noun since it is a name.
    • In the sentence “Do you think the Red Sox will win?” “Red Sox” is the noun, since it is the name of a team.


  3. Image titled Identify a Noun in a Sentence Step 3


    See if the word follows “a,” “and,” or “the.” These words are called articles. If a word follows an article, it is almost certainly a noun. Try to identify any articles in your sentence and see if there is a noun that follows directly after it.[3]

    • In the sentence “The dance was held on Saturday,” “dance” is the noun since it follows “the.”

    Warning: Sometimes an adjective will precede the noun. Watch out for sentences like “Some hot peppers were eaten.” “Peppers” is the noun in this sentence, not “hot.”

  4. Image titled Identify a Noun in a Sentence Step 4


    See if the word follows “some,” “a lot,” or a specific number. Words that describe quantities almost always precede a noun. If the sentence has a quantity word in it, look at the word that is directly after it to see if it could be a noun.[4]

    • In “Some computers in here are broken,” “computers” is the noun since it follows “some.”
  5. Image titled Identify a Noun in a Sentence Step 5


    Determine if the word has a descriptor in front of it. Descriptive words, or adjectives, almost always are describing a noun. If you are questioning whether a word is a noun or not, see if there is an adjective in front of it. If there is, chances are the word is a noun.[5]

    • For example, in the sentence “The stinky socks were gross,” “stinky” is the adjective, and “socks” is the noun.
    • In “A dead tree fell down,” “dead” is the adjective and “tree” is the noun.
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  1. Image titled Identify a Noun in a Sentence Step 6


    Identify words that are a person, place, thing, or idea. Nouns are words that depict specific objects, ideas, or people, that the sentence is built around. Look out for words in a sentence that are not actionable or descriptive, and instead only state exactly what something is.[6]

    • In the sentence “She walked home,” “She” is the noun because she is a person.
    • In “Portland is a cool city,” “Portland” is the noun because it is a place.
    • In “The windows need to be open,” “windows” is the noun because it is a thing.
    • In “Your courage is inspiring,” “courage” is the noun because it is an idea.
  2. Image titled Identify a Noun in a Sentence Step 7


    Recognize common endings that indicate a word is a noun. Sometimes, the ending of a word, or the suffix, can clue you in as to what function it serves in a sentence. Often, nouns end in -ity, -ness, and -hood. Some other common examples of noun suffixes are:[7]

    • -tion (population)
    • -ance/-ence (permanence)
    • -ar/-or (doctor)
    • -ism (socialism)
    • -ist (dentist)
    • -ment (government)
    • -y (beauty)
    • -acy (accuracy)
    • -age (image)
  3. Image titled Identify a Noun in a Sentence Step 8


    Test to see if the word can be pluralized. If you can add a plural modifier onto the back of a word, it is most likely a noun. Choose the word that you believe to be a noun and add a letter or letters on the end of it to make it plural. Most often, the plural version of a word has an “s” on the end of it.[8]

    • For example, “My shirt doesn’t fit.” “Shirt” can be pluralized by adding an “s” to the end of it to make “shirts.” “Shirt” is the noun in this sentence.
    • If a noun is plural in a sentence, it is a plural noun.
  4. Image titled Identify a Noun in a Sentence Step 9


    Spot possessive nouns by looking for an apostrophe and an “s.” Possessive nouns add ownership to a person, place, thing, or idea by adding an apostrophe and an “s” after the word. Theses nouns usually stand right in front of the thing that they are possessing. If a person, place, thing, or idea owns something, that word is a noun.[9]

    • In “The book’s cover is gold,” “book’s” is the possessive noun.
    • In “The laundry’s smell was enticing,” “laundry’s” is the possessive noun.
    • In “My lawyer’s fee was too much,” “lawyer’s” is the possessive noun.
  5. Image titled Identify a Noun in a Sentence Step 10


    Look for nouns that describe groups as a single entity. Collective nouns, or nouns that give a name to a large group of people, things, objects, or ideas, can be hard to spot, since they may not seem like nouns at first glance. Watch out for words like “array,” “choir,” and “class” to find collective nouns in a sentence.[10]
    More common collective nouns include:

    • Department of technology
    • Crowd of fans
    • String of pearls
    • School of fish
    • Brood of chickens
    • Deck of cards
  6. Image titled Identify a Noun in a Sentence Step 11


    Look up the word in the dictionary to see if it is a noun. If all else fails, take a peek inside of a dictionary to find out what part of a sentence that word usually is. Dictionaries have symbols next to each definition of a word. A lowercase “n” signifies that a word is a noun.[11]

    Warning: You will not be able to find slang words or most proper nouns in a dictionary.

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    How do you spot a noun in a piece of writing?

    Language Academia

    Language Academia is a private, online language school founded by Kordilia Foxstone. Kordilia and her team specialize in teaching foreign languages and accent reduction. Language Academia offers courses in several languages, including English, Spanish, and Mandarin.

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    Expert Answer

    Take a look at the suspected noun in the sentence and ask «What is this?» or «Who is this?» A noun should easily be able to answer these questions. For example, if you were reading a sentence about a dog, you could ask the question «What is this?» and get «dog» as your answer. Through this process, you’d confirm that «dog» is a noun.

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  • Grammar rules are not always set in stone, and you will probably encounter sentences that break those rules.



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