How do you use the word boat in a sentence

All sentences (with pause)

Used with adjectives:

«That little boat isn’t made for the ocean.«
(little, tiny, small, row, paddle, inflatable, wooden, steam, river)

«We bought a speed boat for summer vacation.«
(speed, motor, sail, sailing)

«You’ll have to take a ferry boat to the island.«
(ferry, charter, passenger)

«She’s working on a fishing boat.«
(fishing, whaling, shrimp, crab, cargo)

«His gift for Christmas was a toy boat.«
(toy, model)

«We found a capsized boat on the beach.«
(capsized, wrecked, overturned)

Used with verbs:

«Let’s take out the boat this weekend.«
(take out, use, sail)

«They are getting into the boat.«
(be + getting into, be + getting on, be + getting onto, be + boarding, be + getting off, be + getting out of)

«She is about to launch the boat.«
(launch, lower, sail, row, guide, steer, turn)

«Can I captain the boat?«
(captain, pilot, skipper, man, operate)

«He docked the boat in the bay.«
(docked, moored, tied up, anchored)

«They have to load the boat.«
(load, unload, charter, rent)

«If you stand up, you’ll rock the boat.«
(rock, capsize, overturn)

«They caught the last boat.«
(caught, took, chartered, rented, missed)

«The boat will sail east.«
(sail, head, go)

«When does the boat arrive?«
(arrive, come in, dock, return, go out, set sail, sail out)

«Another boat drifted by us.«
(drifted, floated, passed)

«The boat keeps rocking and it is making me sick.«
(rocking, rolling, bobbing)

«The storm caused the boat to sink.«
(sink, capsize, overturn)

«What is the boat carrying?«
(carrying, holding, shipping)

Used with nouns:

«We are going on a boat cruise for our anniversary.«
(cruise, ride, trip)

«He watches boat races.«

«It’s in the boat house.«

«He’s the boat operator.«
(operator, owner, skipper, captain, crew)

» She turned and bent over to pick up the quilt, making sure the guy in the boat could see her spreading

He would have to move this boat well before dusk if he didn’t want it to sit on the bottom while the tide was out

«This is quite a boat

» Jorma knew that Herndon was pretty excited about his boat because he popped back out the hatch and lifted one of the seat cushions to show him

They were out of the boat now, Herndon took a quick look at the lake sprite

«I had a boat so much like this when I was young, a bit smaller though

She went to the boat and soon emerged with a camp quilt, started down the beach

Herndon announced he had some remote work to do in the boat and headed for the dock

«I’ll send Herndon in this boat,» she joked

She hopped into the boat, he wanted to be out of the inlet before the tide got low, as it was, he was in time for a nice early rip that he rode out, accelerating into the distance as Jorma watched

They had a boat that took a multiple coppers in fuel to get here, it has a motor-driven planing hull!»

She had to come all the way down around the staircase and back up the entry hall to see who it was, but she was confident it would be the Brazilian with the boat

The boat was undoubtably fast, as fast as an ocean racer from old Earth in all likelihood, but could go no faster than traffic on Third Canal

There was a wide bench in the back of the boat, but from down on that she couldn’t see over the cabin

«I’m not really here to show off this boat

«Venna?» he choked and took a long time recovering, nearly losing control of the boat

As they drifted to a stop in an indoor quay, he was interrupted by arguing with the docking attendant about who was going to park the boat

«Not as ostentatious a display of wealth as that boat

She felt Tdeshi’s hormones prompting her to blow off comfortable old Kulai and run off on an adventure with a dashing manly man, but Ava’s sense of duty was going to force Herndon to pay for this junket with his fast boat

She felt like an invader from Earth on this boat

The cabin in the boat was low

I think I said how I have more of a native eye for this boat and see a great penis with way too much motor,» Ava told him

Herndon was busy bringing the boat to dock

There was a nice big lake sprite there already, but enough room to get the stern of his boat in and slide up along the dock and the channel side

Maybe he’d sold his place on the mainland? Where’d they get the money for the boat also? Maybe it was a visitor? She wondered if Venna really had more money than she let on

«Ava,» he shouted, «is that a boat or a starship?»

«It’s a boat, but this is Herndon from the starship,» she shouted

«If they found the maps and the ticket, they wouldn’t have had time to get to the aluminum yet without a boat like this

Oh it’s not like your spaceship boat down there,» she said with awe and pointed with her chin where it rested on the clear water, «but we have fun with that,» she pointed at the lake sprite in the cove below

She changed her clothes as an excuse for putting her bag back in the boat with her other clothes and the maps

«While you cook,» Herndon was saying, «I’ll go down to the boat and do my teeth, I left my stuff down there

Herndon went to play with his portable terminal on the boat and Ava took a camp quilt to the beach

She could see no use for herself there, but there was little doubt Herndon would be glad of her company, if for nothing else, someone to spell him driving the boat

There was enough fuel right on the docks to fill the boat and they needed a good meal

They’d had sex on the boat already while waiting for the next wagon, he’d commented on how lusty she’d become since he left for the Gengee fourteen decades ago

While they were on the way back to the boat she picked up a news magazine because of the headline ‘Killer Asteroid on the Way?’ and found that «One of Cynd’s larger asteroids was knocked out of orbit by an unobserved collision forty years ago and dropped into the gravitational well of the brown dwarf

His boat was eating pennies parked there but not as much as it would eat in irons of fuel once under way

She handed the paper back to him and dumbly walked toward the boat

They had been weeks in the boat driving around the week, but she had never been more than twenty hours without rest during those weeks

I saw a picture of the boat but that was long after the job I did for him


John points southwest and Dave steers the boat in that direction


The boat is in the doldrums


He secures the line to an old rusty nail on the boat

Cut back to: Dave and John on the ocean in the boat

Cut back to the boat



Dave leans over the side of the boat staring at the listless sea


John is capturing water in a bowl and pouring it into a container as Dave watches the sky, tries to keep the small boat


The boat touches the shore of the small island, the Buddhist temple in back

Without another word, he pushes off, turns the boat slowly in the lake and rows away as John watches

His place was one you couldn’t get into if you couldn’t pilot your boat

Ahmed monkeys around with a plastic toy boat

Her table was on a boat in the port of old Marseilles just this morning for instance

Those screens did not block her view of the latest boat Ava had generated to play with

The terrifying storm of debris came off the junk’s bow like a wake as the 50-meter boat plunged into the densest part of the cloud, coming straight at them

It was like the whole boat was stunned

Our morning visit to the Diros Caves proved to be very interesting: It consisted of a 30-minute boat ride and a 15-minute walk to the exit

This morning we went on an boat ride around the island: Picturesque caverns with blue, crystal waters; white arched rocks looming over emerald waves; swimming in the open sea near the Cave of Keri

And, the high spot of the tour, our stop at Navagio (the Shipwreck): Without the slightest compunction, I left behind the two undecided grumblers who happen to be my companions in this trip and dived into the clear blue water from the deck of the boat

Byram had business in the city of the Kassikan, and by the time they reached that megalopolis, he was confident enough of Herndon’s capabilities with the boat to let him take it as far as he needed

Herndon was a major investor in their concern, Mechobras, and at least as much an owner of the boat as Byram

At this point he wished his boat was a bit smaller so he could duck under the ropes like the kayaks and needleboats did

That would be the next refinement, the boat needs to get much thinner to deal with the city

Actually, he was sure it was too late by the end of the first dark she spent in that house but was determined to give it due diligence and go up there after it, since he had weeks with the boat and no better plan

«If it’s all the way across town I might want to take the boat,» he told her

«I hardly want to idle away hours sitting on the boat

He wandered afterward, walking along a sixth floor street till he could see the pier their boat was on

There were two golden skinned Mountain Elf girls who must have just disembarked from a lake runner inspecting the boat when he got there

Neither was at all snobbish, both were very interested in looking at the boat that looked like a space ship and they had a fine skin of a tasty green with them that went well with a few shots from one of the last bottles of genuine cachaca at 61 Cygni

He didn’t wind up spending the sleep alone on the boat and didn’t mind that Ava was a little late for Nightday

It floated like a boat with a thick turtle-hard, but smooth shell on top

He and his colleagues were on a boat, coming home, and he fell and hit his head … smashed his skull

They get back in the boat

Jesus gets back in the boat to cross over the sea again

Imagine you are in a river with the boat over your head

The you-paddle’s like this were less per person but probably more per boat

«Would you like me to get off this boat or just stop sharing the nest with you?» he asked

The closest thing we’ve seen to a secret plot since we got on this boat is when the rumor got out that Vyinga was chasing her steersmen out of her nest

You’re in mentally better shape now than he was when he got off my boat

«Why would he want to get on a boat again?» Alfred asked her

who builds a boat, an Ark,

“Sometime after the war I spoke to the wireless operator of boat U-48

A boat puts to sea on

«Yeah, but I thought I should be by myself while I recover, instead I found Vyinga’s boat a little crowded

«The boat or our nest?»

From what I can see, apart from the boat, all other travelling will either be by kaht or on foot

‘Yes, it’s an enormous stone building … looks like an upturned boat

‘In that case, if we could get Drens to bring the boat into that bay there …’ he points to an indentation in the coastline near Ciutadella

In the end, they decide that Joris will stay with me while Berndt, as our only Spanish speaker, will go and find the man … and, it is hoped, the boat

Had she ever been important to him? No, as long as she was pretty and stayed with him on the boat, that had been fine

She had never been important to him however, the boat and the Kimoneea were important to him

Drens’ boat is a smart-looking vessel tied up at the end of the quay, a gangplank bouncing lightly on the stones of the quay as the water in the harbour takes the boat up and down

’ Berndt said quietly, indicating a severe-looking, grizzle-haired man standing overseeing the loading of some boxes onto the boat

’ Drens explained, waving a hand in the direction of the back end of the boat

He had danced and gone to the theatre, boated on the river, been out with friends; and she knew he sat up afterwards in his cold bedroom grinding away at Latin, because he intended to get on in his office, and in the law as much as he could

Thru that Nightday they maneuvered thru heavy traffic as the boating and irrigation canals became common on the west side of the city and the enthora plantations had ended

They went over all the safety rules of boating

Jose was a pro when it came to teaching boating

Faster and faster we crashed through the river that was changing from easy boating to an untamed wilderness

of boating and fishing to Patty

When I was about to leave, the kid came up to me and asked, “Can I go boating with Krishnan kutty?”

In which case, Chinna will have to learn that song and then we all go boating,” the kid said

boating lake, splashing the oars, having fun and drinking

Across the Way lies Riverside Park, which runs along the river Bouk for kilometers in both directions, affording endless opportunities for scenic strolling, boating, or riding

We both liked boating and fishing and generally keeping things stirred up

Across the Way lies Riverside Park, which runs along the river Bouk for miles in both directions, affording endless opportunities for scenic strolling, boating, or riding

The increased popularity of recreational boating and the proportional acceleration of safety problems, accidents and fatalities on inland and coastal waters stimulated the passing of the Federal Boating Act of 1958

States joined in the responsibility of policing recreational boating

Popular recreation areas were patrolled by mobile boarding teams which inspected boats, enforced safety regulations, conducted boating safety classes and policed public boating events and water shows

Recreational Boating Safety is monitored by active-duty regular and reserve personnel, and the trained civilian personnel of the Coast Guard Auxiliary who also assist in search and rescue and security patrols

, for example, have enjoyed recreational boating and fishing in visits to the family lake home on the rocky shores of Maine

An active Coast Guard Auxiliary teaches boating safety courses in the Northland, and supports other Coast Guard missions as needed

Their duties include security and pollution watches and monitoring and instructing civilians about safe boating

One hundred and seventy boating accidents occurred in the state of Michigan in 2004, down from 226 the previous year

Twenty-six boating fatalities occurred in 2004

Most of Michigan’s boating accidents happened on inland lakes, not Lake Michigan

Nonetheless, Senior Chief Petty Officer Marvin Gebers announced that law enforcement patrols would target illegal activities and unsafe boating practices after U

Senior Chief Petty Officer Marvin Gebers informed the local media that the Coast Guard would increase its recreational boating safety inspections and law enforcement boardings on Lake Superior and in the Duluth-Superior port region in the summer of 1991

Chris Evans commanded the mission motivated by grim statistics: of the 150 recreational boating fatalities on the Great Lakes in 2004; 37% were alcohol-related

Queried for the high rate of BUI (Boating Under the Influence) citations, Lt

Michael Hegedus, chief of the Group Milwaukee law enforcement division, said the rigid policy was necessary for the protection of all boaters in the heavy vessel traffic of Lake Michigan (Mosley, “Enforcing Boating Safety,” 2005)

A 1991 federal boating tax led Coast Guard spokespersons to downplay the enforcement issue

A Ninth Coast Guard District spokesperson said inspection of the federal boating tax stickers would occur during on-the-water patrols, but not at boat ramps, and only in areas where the USCG had a regular and normal presence (Meyers,

Some wanted to be subsidized by government, but others chose to take risks and apply engine power to boating enterprise by free-market methods

The area north of Whangarei on the east coast is called the Bay of Islands and is a favorite area for boating and fishing

“Stop motor boating me

«Thank you Babsy, The boating bus which floats along the stream will flow steadily and quicker

had often gone for boating

My own family, my husband, two daughters and a son, all died in a tragic boating accident

The new owners weren’t interested in boating so, as part of their renovation, they built a small, covered wooden deck on top of the slipway, which could be accessed through a new aluminium sliding door

As a child, her family spent their summers swimming and boating along the river

I was in a boating accident when I was a kid

There the boys could enjoy boating, mini-golf and arcade games while mom

While the prospect of boating across it shocked her water phobic psyche, Rao’s coaxing of her, which bordered on pecking, amused the travelers and the boatmen alike

The only betrayal of his beauty, and of his traumatic past, a three-inch scar down the side of his face that he attested to be the result of a boating accident

» ‘ His parents died in a boating accident when he was very young, and he was raised by his aunt and uncle, Annelle and Reven Aleanse, but when he reached majority at age 18, he inherited a mighty sum of money and property

boating lake in the park, chilling out

” He heard cups and saucers clatter in the kitchenette as he undressed and put on a pair of baggy white boating trousers and a short sleeved T shirt

from the local newsagents and sit by the boating

She took them boating and swimming and even riding

But hell, that could be the psycho taken during a real-life boating moment a few years back!

“Yeah, they did, but Uncle Walter was with us at the Bulls game when they were boating

21:1] therefore, nothing that has to do will the sea, no boating, no fishing, no

therefore, nothing that has to do will the sea, no boating, no fishing, no sunset over the

He had spent his teenager hood boating with his father in

The combination of the ocean and sail boating makes for a heady brew that can distil in the

• A boating vessel, under sail only, and vessels powered by oars or paddles

In this scenario, the power-driven vessel should change course to successfully pass behind the boating vessel

An exception to this is if the boating craft or self-propelled vessel is shifting a powered driven vessel

One very big concept is to never drive right up to the ramp place when there are other boating fans linked up and patiently waiting their turn

You are accountable for your wake and the destruction that it creates, so regard other boating fans and avoid them while you are underway

Learn boating laws and regulations before you come to the river and regard them when you are boating

Practice boating protection at all periods by saving the liquor for later

The probability of being engaged in a boating incident doubles

Alcohol use is more often than not associated with boating

But, there are particular laws and regulations that allow harbour police to pass out Boating tickets While Intoxicated (BWI)

If you’re going to be in and around the water, appropriate boating protection indicates understanding how to diving

Another serious question that boating fans need to deal with is the chance of carbon monoxide poisoning

Every year, there are many boating fans who are harmed and even killed because of carbon monoxide poisoning

What you want on a boating trip more than anything is a relaxing, fun trip that you can discuss with those around you

Whenever you extend invitation to visitors on-board for the day, a weekend or an prolonged cruise, you should describe to them early what is expected of them, especially if they are not experienced boating fans

Boating with Children

Another excellent way to get your kid excited about boating is to use children’s literary works

There are tons of boating books on the market

Study them with your kid and discuss how the stories are just like your own boating adventures

There are actually research and investigation that have been done on the advantages of boating with kids

These research has shown that kids who are engaged in boating with their loved ones are generally better team players, are healthier, more outgoing than their peers, have an optimistic lifestyle, and aren’t afraid to be leaders

Children engaged in boating are also more apt to try other activities and succeed than those kids who haven’t been revealed to boating

You should know what to do in the occasion of a boating incident

Most boating accidents happen when the elements is clear and the regular water is relaxed

O boating on the rivers,

Jo had burned the skin off her nose boating, and got a raging headache by reading too long

«Well, I like to hear about cricket and boating and hunting,» said Frank, who had not yet learned to suit his amusements to his strength

At Vevay, Laurie was never idle, but always walking, riding, boating, or studying in the most energetic manner, while Amy admired everything he did and followed his example as far and as fast as she could

” But he still didn’t announce a varsity boating

The Mole and the Water Rat had been up since dawn, very busy on matters connected with boats and the opening of the boating season; painting and varnishing, mending paddles, repairing cushions, hunting for missing boat-hooks, and so on; and were finishing breakfast in their little parlour and eagerly discussing their plans for the day, when a heavy knock sounded at the door

After two years of raising a record $100 million to try to win the House, this was not how I had envisioned spending November 7, 2000—walking with my mom to the polls as reporters asked her to comment on her drunk-driving sentence and me to comment on my boating skills

And as the press kept digging further into its coverage of my embarrassing boating excursion, things just got worse

I had no interest in boating but worked side by side with Fred stripping the hull, scouring the cabin, waxing and polishing the wood, and sewing small curtains for the windows

It floods the banks, extends in great lagoons over a monstrous waste of country, and forms a huge district, called locally the Gapo, which is for the most part too marshy for foot-travel and too shallow for boating

It was like long summer days when I was a child, before I’d been introduced to computers, when, waiting for school to start up again, reading a book could catch me so hard I’d stay in the same chair all afternoon, boating in dark blue lagoons or parting the cobwebs of attics

What would I say? Hello, Sally, remember the old days when we went boating in the park and the trees were green and you were as slender as a blade of grass? Remember the time that—well

With residences in Tampa and Chicago, James enjoys coin collecting and boating as well as being active in various charities in his spare time

Scorching on bicycles is forbidden, as is sea bathing and boating on Sundays

There was quite a bewildering succession of drives, dances, picnics and boating parties, all expressively lumped together by Phil under the head of «jamborees»; Alec and Alonzo were so constantly on hand that Anne wondered if they ever did anything but dance attendance on that will-o’-the-wisp of a Phil

Then something occurred which told me that the boating incident and the unanswered note had either been forgiven or forgotten

Jorma leaned on his elbow and looked over Venna’s curls toward the dock, looking at the boats and listening to the charraspas buzzing in the noontime hangleaves

Jorma was much more familiar with sail than power boats, but had wrestled these pumps into position on more than one big plantation down on Sinbara Point Flats

Jorma was just coming off the boats at the time

The boats out here aren’t tiny

The Lord just shook his head and said, «What are you talking about? I sent two boats and a helicopter?»

The Lord just shook his head and said, «What are you talking about? I sent two boats and a helicopter!»

Cat had never sailed paper boats in puddles, but she got the gist of it

They had boats out on it one year but a few people got rather over-enthusiastic and ended up in the water so they haven’t repeated the idea

The few other powered boats were stilettos that slid thru the chop without bobbing

There were plenty of the small power boats with the name that translates to ‘needleboat’ around, many hauled aboard some of the yachts or ‘Garden Floats’ as the gazebos are called

There were a lot of small cargo boats tied up here now and the center of the pier had hustling wagons

Their big still here was their only one in Wescarp, barrels went out on river boats and canal barges from here

by the outline of old boats and piles of ragged nets

the builder of boats caresses layered wood,

The builder of boats peaks his cap, stays his hand,

The builder of boats wipes hard skin across his vest

to drag the boats up onto the shingles

The café is situated on one side of a small square and, from where I am sitting, I can see the masts of boats bobbing at the quay just down the street; the tang of salt in the air is tantalising

There are several boats moored against the harbourside, the walkway strewn with ropes and other seafaring sorts of things … most of which I couldn’t put a name to if I tried

I like boats but know very little about the technicalities of sailing

flags to call for the Sennen boats, and waited,

‘Spent seven years working the boats in the Med … much the same area as this, in fact

A break-water, the quayside, two churches, village houses and fishing boats

We tidied up and were walking between the boats along the jetty with our catch when a tourist whipped out his digital and took a flash photo of the local fishing folk coming home after a long day hunting the fish

Nikos would drop us off at the bay of Palatia then go back and organise the other two fishing boats to ferry up the volunteers in the morning

I’ve met our ancestors that came over on the boats

She was familiar with the sea from her own home, but the boats she used were much more stable and the lagoons of the Caribbean much calmer and her med panel was close at hand

Near the shore many boats plied the waters

They sailed round and round the island, changing boats often whenever one reached the end of its era

A few people lay on the sand, a few boats were pulled up, they looked more like the hobie-cats

There are lots of families out feeding the ducks and even a few sailing boats on the water

numerous inshore boats visible to the north and south

“That’s quite a nice place there,” she pointed to a home with it’s own little needleboat tied up in a marble-pillared boathouse that had two fingers of dock and room for four boats behind the stout grillewood gates

“She would have done the one with the boats

She almost finished this one, some of these earlier ones like this abstract and the boats she barely got started

He had Athnu bring them breakfast on the turret porch, again overlooking the yacht basin, but this time the boats were brightly lit by the sun of the new week

“They’re a magical means of propulsion for boats and ships of all

“Surely there have been other occasions when boats have tried to

“They landed at high water, at the dead of night, using rubber boats

Most of the boats belonging to the Kassikan are stored and serviced in a shop that is near the bottom of that lock just inside the boathouse

He was glad it was a day with light and a pretty view of boats and townhomes

There’s plenty of boats on the river but you’re welcome to share one with me

to rest and watch the boats drift past on their way

pedalloes (paddle boats to the uninitiated)

sailing boats bobbed contentedly as we strolled lazily

compared with barges and boats, and can barely move in

‘My plan was to change boats at

Of the boats going upriver, one was full, and one

We saw no farms or fishing boats

Father said that it looked large enough for our boats to pass through the reef unharmed

We had five boats remaining in our fleet

planes, the cars and some boats

Barges and flat boats went up and down the Youghigheny

All of a sudden the steam launch veered to its left and took our string of boats with it as we passed the spot where it had just been I saw rocks just under the water so thank God the Coxswain had been on his toes

He had found a gap in the rocky outcrop and he cast our string of boats off and turned to return to the ship and pick up more

As our ratings rowed us closer to the shore the rifle fire became fiercer it was pinging off the boats or buzzing overhead and we watched as a lot plopped into the water I saw this but felt as though I was somewhere else it was most strange

” As we rowed closer we could hear jeering and shouting from some of the boats but as the shore neared dramatically these stopped to be replaced by the cries and pain of men who were being wounded and dying in the boats

There was no time to dwell on this because now there was a deadly fire pouring into all the boats in ours we were taking a lot of casualties and the bottom of the boat was covered in water and blood which sloshed around beneath our feet

The men in the boats just in front of us I could see were being told to jump into the water and wade ashore a lot of them obeyed and dropped over the sides but the water was too deep and the weight of their kit dragged them down drowning them

“I could see our men falling as they were hit and all because of that bastard wire as we got closer our boats were stitched with bullets they slammed into them and into us and we were that tightly packed in that men died sitting upright because there wasn’t room to fall down

Even when we were not unloading we were building the rickety makeshift piers out into the sea for everything had to be transported from the larger ships to the shore in small boats which were a pain in the arse

“At first it was alright we were towed in the ships boats by steam launch and at first things seemed alright then the dawn came up like a thief stealthily the shadows rolled back and the smudge of grey and inky blue on the landscape faded

officer in charge of one of the whale boats lowered during the

After dinner on September 7, boats from the

into boats and generally crashing into things

by the simplicity of the passing boats carrying more constituents

boats on a now rougher sea and shortly thereafter, boarded the

vessel arrived at anchor near Williamstown, there began a steady stream of boats, yachts, and sightseers steaming or sailing close by to have a good look at the visitor

Officers in charge of the four boats from the Shenandoah were Lieutenants Grimball, Chew, Lee, and Scales

The boats were all

Once the boats had left the Shenandoah, the Confederate flag was raised and the gun was fired giving notice to all in the

Shenandoah, and to send over boats to transport the new

to the Milo using their own boats, and the Jireh Swift was set on fire

These boats had a sail and the capability of traveling great

They loaded the boats with all the

The Milo headed southeast and passed the still-burning ships, William Thornton and Euphrates, and also three empty boats from the William Thornton and one from the Euphrates

As soon as the boats were

Tony told Jose that he would like to learn how to sail the boat; he had some skills with smaller boats but didn’t have a clue about something this big

No boats set out after them, none that Halon could see as

Very few buildings remained, the boats smashed beyond repair

Saldon and Halon leaned on the opposite side of the boat to counterbalance the gunwale that was nearly underwater, but Manna was skilled in racing boats and there was never a real threat of capsizing

He armed himself with a short sword from one of the soldiers and Halon did the same, knocking an arrow at the same time, tucking a knife into his boot as they neared the boats

Half a league from the boats, the attacking boat took off

They could see bodies lying over the boats furniture

There were no tears or rips in the sails and the boats woodwork was not damaged in any way

The dark skinned men ran about both boats, taking the adventurers boat in tow with two men aboard in case of problems

They fished in the same waters, and although there was plenty for everyone, these others would take every opportunity to hijack, sink or burn the Madra’s boats, so they retaliated by stealing their boats and then casting them adrift after confiscating everything

How did Cruzel hope to rule Illeander? Why was Manna so mysterious? Was the king of the Madra being honest about the pirate boats? Where would Illeander be best to enter from, the sea or land? The sea would be quickest, but there was no cover on the sea, it was open and obvious

Halon was staring out to sea using his Elven senses to detect the proximity of the approaching boats

The Generals had ordered a tactical withdrawal to the docks in the hope that the boats would see their plight and come to collect them

No boats were visible

“We were on the boats that came over from Nuria

The disembarkation of the remaining divisions of the army proceeded slowly, and many of the men, especially of the 71st New York, stood in the surf for hours in the tropical sun, seizing the approaching boats and dragging them on shore through the breakers

Perspiration poured off the men, as they unloaded stores on the burning sand, and their overheated bodies were repeatedly cooled as they plunged into the surf to drag the boats to shore

The wardens had control of several row boats that you could check out and go fishing out into the lake

The correspondents from the despatch boats spent their spare time in nursing, Davies, McNichol, Root, Anderson, and others assiduously working

“Find out if any small boats are showing on their radar

The threat from the ultra-silent Diesel-Electric boats is very real and they all know about your submarines which work with your carrier groups

They all had sixty-foot boats sitting in the driveway on trailers

He burns his boats and breaks his cooking-pots; like a shepherd driving a flock of sheep, he drives his men this way and that, and nothing knows whither he is going

1. The water that bears the boat is the same that swallows it up. 

2. Don’t rock the boat.

3. The boat should be operational by this afternoon.

4. Are you going by boat or by air?

5. We must heave to the boat, it’s raining hard.

6. Our boat sliced the lake.

7. I swept along on the boat.

8. The boat bumped against a solid object.

9. We went ashore when the boat reached the port.

10. The boat had broken away from its moorings.

11. Never pole a boat from the bow.

12. The only access to the village is by boat.

13. Look at that boat dancing on the waves.

14. The little boat plunged about in the storm.

15. Hang off the rope,( let’s start our boat.

16. The actors dragged on a boat with wheels.

16. try its best to gather and create good sentences.

17. The small boat was bobbing on the sea.

18. The boat put in at Shanghai for repairs.

19. The men raised the sails and the boat moved.

20. Our boat will sink unless we bail .

21. We paddled a little boat in the West Lake.

22. A boat is on the water.

23. The wave heaved the boat on land.

24. They hauled the boat out of the water.

25. The boat finally fetched up on a sandy beach.

26. The little boat sank beneath the waves.

27. Be careful not to capsize the boat.

28. They hauled the boat up the beach.

29. How does this model boat join together?

30. He went over the river by ferry boat.

The two «Must See» Icons in the Whitsundays, snorkel, dive, swim, ride the glass bottom boat or take a heli-scenic trip over «Heart Reef».


But I forgot the old adage that a rising tied lifts all boats (or idiots).


Fuel purchases for airplanes and boats receive 1 point per dollar spent.


Accelerating from 0 to 60 takes a period of 9.2-seconds but this truck (comfortably equipped with a four-wheel drivetrain) has plenty of pulling power for putting the boat in the water, etc..


That’s why researchers with the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) are planning the first boat expedition to visit the newly-opened waters.


We are all in the same boat, trying to do our best to be the best parent we can be.


Just as I was thinking these thoughts, I looked up the river and saw a boat floating down the river toward me, and inside were some fishermen!


Alternatively, a boat trip around the island is a great way to see all of the sights; some locations on the island simply can not be reached by road!


How can we avoid paddling in circles forever because the oars are working on only one side of the boat?


The week progressed with a few more humpback sightings here and there, in addition to two transient Orcas who came right next to our boat in Port Houghton.


It’s about a boat, and she’s on board…?


And of course no visit to Krabi would be complete without a boat trip to see the very famous James Bond Island or Khao Ping Gan featured in the film The Man With The Golden Gun.


For the boats 4 medium chicken thighs 4 black peppercorns 2 large garlic cloves, peeled 2 tsp ghee or coconut oil 2 medium onions, finely chopped 1/4 tsp fresh ginger, chopped 1 tsp tomato puree 7 whole dried unsulphured apricots 4 tbsp full-fat probiotic yoghurt 1/4 tsp fresh lemon juice 1 small handful fresh coriander, roughly chopped (save a little for garnishing) 2 tbsp flaked almonds, toasted 6 baby gem lettuces, washed and dried Salt and black pepper


University takes the social element to a new level, and at Leeds, where I went, the boat races after the match had little to do with rowing.


Deep Sea fishing, jet skis, boats, private pilot.


The resort’s fleet includes four Pro 48» and seven Pro 42» Custom Dive Boats and a dedicated 51» snorkel boat.


From the smallest details, like USB’s loaded with movies provided in every room, to major structures like the whale deck, the Raja Ampat Aggressor is a premium boat that provides a premium service.


Furthermore, he needs to do all that whilst not rocking the carefully-balanced boat carrying the weight of star-studded egos.


Sail away on weeklong voyages on the Lady Washington, test your mettle on the Tall Masts Ropes Course, or design a boat on a computer and build your creation in the shop.


Yes, many of our speed daters come by themselves and you will find the crowd very friendly and as everyone is in the same boat as you, you will naturally get talking with other guests.


After exploring the magnificent cave, we give you some time for snorkeling, taking photos or to take a hot shower on the boat.


Off-street parking is available, but limited, so guests towing trailers, boats and caravans should inform us, at the time of booking, so that arrangements can be made.


Picture windows frame the view of Dora Creek with its tree lined banks and boats.


It was a small boat, but the waves that day were pretty strong.


Rates: $ 27 boat launch fee Parking for vehicles with trailers only — parking for no other type of vehicles is permitted.


If you are interested in chasing down the ultimate ocean predators, our experienced local captains know how to entice sharks towards the boat.


Homes, cars, boats, property, savings accounts, investment portfolios and even jewelry would help ease the lender’s angst.


Up close and personal: South Africa has two land-based penguin colonies — Boulders beach and Stony Point (Betty’s Bay), but there are other colonies on the islands around South Africa, and boats often venture out past them, Dyer Island, off Gansbaai, included


HOW TO BUY Avoid enormous zucchini boats — they tend to be bitter, watery, or bland-tasting.


The Ram 1500 is the ideal light-duty pickup to haul your boat or other favorite toy, while the Jeep Grand Cherokee offers a luxury SUV option with unmatched 4 × 4 power to take you off-road when needed.


I’m in the same boat with H Stringer of Texas.


Everyone’s looking for someone to blame for the losses, but don’t forget that nearly everyone is in the same boat no matter who is managing their money is known as a Scapegoat Trap.


Team a blue number with beige pants and maroon boat shoes for a super trendy look.


Mix in half the cauliflower to each squash boat, add 1/2 cup shredded cheese and 2 tablespoons of parmesan to each half and gently fold into the squash and cauliflower mixture.


If Mesut signs the contract we put in front of him, he will be making a boat load of money.


— or been in the North Pacific on a fishing boat that hits and iceberg and rips a hole in the side just above the water line.


Then we flew down to northeastern Peru and took a three-hour boat ride on the headwaters of the Amazon River.


Guys, STEP AWAY from the seersuckers and don’t even think about slipping into those boat shoes.


Literally raised in a zoo, Pi’s family in India decides to sell their animals to a zoo in Canada and on the boat journey there, Pi becomes the sole human survivor as he escapes on a life raft after a deadly storm.


It’s one of the best inflatable boats with motor.


Acura’s reluctance to offer more choices might make sense if the MDX was built in Japan and shipped stateside via slow boat.


The lake is the primary attraction for visitors to this area, with its emerald-green waters stretching out over two and a half miles in length and 0.6 miles in width, a boat ride across Lake Zell also provides access to many of the local villages.


Private Cruise Charter is the ultimate choice to celebrate that very special occasion, enjoying the freedom to do exactly as you please, hiring the whole boat with a group of your favourite people!


Coffey carries the portable WavBoard into boat shows and marinas, where he often gives prospective buyers continents away a live videocam tour of a yacht while chatting over Skype’s toll-free phone service.


Pressure has grown on governments to act after an overcrowded migrant boat sank in the Mediterranean last month, leaving more than 750 dead in a case that sparked international outrage.


A resort boat collects the passengers so they can witness the breath-taking views as soon as they arrive.


Go for a hike, take a program, enjoy the scenery by boat, and more.


But, That doesnt seem stop them from trying to jump into my boat.


But now I really think this is going to transform oceanography by giving us a persistent presence in the ocean — a presence that doesn’t require a boat, can operate in any weather condition, and can stay within the same water mass as it drifts around the open ocean.»


And those surveys, Howey tells us here, are missing the boat not only on the technical point of how it compares earners but also on the actual impetus to write.


boat — перевод на русский


Bring the boat.

Давай лодку.

The one about the big fish that jumped over the boat.

[МАЛЫШ] Про огромную рыбу, которая перепрыгнула лодку.

Oh, it leads to a little cove where we used to keep a boat. Oh, let’s go down there.

— К небольшому домику, там держали лодку.

— He found another boat.

И нашли другую лодку.

Well, he’s examining the boat now. Purely as a matter of routine, you know.

Он сейчас осматривает лодку, это простая формальность.

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Father, I am stayed away on your boat.

Папа, я не поднимусь на твой корабль.

Seems he has two tickets on a boat to Havana.

— Похоже, у него есть два билета на корабль до Гаваны.

When we get on that boat I wanna get cockeyed.

— Когда мы попадем на корабль, я хочу напиться.

-Excuse me, I thought you were a boat.

Прошу прощения, я думала, ты корабль.

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I bought her a pleasure boat, the Alberta.

Я купил ей прогулочный катер, Альберта.

Now, your patrol will leave from here this afternoon, board a boat, which will bring you around to this spot.

Ваш отряд отправляется сегодня днем, вы сядете на катер, который доставит вас вокруг острова в эту точку.

Tell them to send us another boat.

Скажете, чтобы за нами отправили другой катер.

Hey, it’s a boat!

Эй, это катер!

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What do you mean, go by boat? I’ve got a reservation on the morning train.

Я не сяду на судно, у меня билет на поезд.

She and her partner just happened to be leaving on the same boat.

Они с партнером сели на то же судно.

She had to wind up here… because if you wanna go south, here’s where you get the boat.

Она тоже там была. Любой, кто отправляется на юг, должен найти там себе судно.

I found a boat. I went to Hawaii.

Я нашёл судно и поплыл на Гавайи

I wonder when we’ll get a boat from Ireland with some Irish whiskey.

Хоть бы судно из Ирландии с хорошим виски.

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Everything a boat should be until she develops dry rot.

Такой и должна быть яхта, пока дерево не начнёт гнить.

When you’re through with a boat, you’re through.

Раз яхта своё отслужила, значит, отслужила.

On my boat, of course

Немного холодновато. Но у меня есть яхта. — Яхта?

Club boat? No, she’s ours

— Клубная яхта?

Not one of the usual boats, a real sailing ship… one of those that braved the seas and the storms of this world.

Яхта, которая проходила мимо, отличалась от обычных. Это был настоящий парусник. Из тех, что пересекают море в самый сильный в мире шторм.

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There’s a boat sailing at midnight.

Пароход уходит в полночь.

— He’d almost have to be to stop a boat.

— Ради него остановили пароход.

Are you sure we’re on the right boat, Sylvester?

Ты уверен, что мы сели на тот пароход, Сильвестр?

That’s the boat to San Francisco.

Это пароход в Сан-Франциско.

I can get on a train, then get on a boat.

Я могу сесть на поезд, а затем на пароход.

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Come on, Tex, let’s get in that boat!

Давай, Текс, давай в шлюпку!

You’re rocking the boat.

Ты раскачиваешь шлюпку.

I’ll bring the boat back in the morning.

Я приведу шлюпку завтра утром.

I have to catch the 4:00 boat.

Мне надо успеть на 4:00 шлюпку.

I looked out, and there was the boat, Headed for the rocks, Mainsail all torn to shreds.

Я присмотрелся и увидел шлюпку, движущуюся на скалы. с разорванным в клочья парусом.

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That’s the ferry boat.

Это паром.

Would you mind telling me When the next boat goes to the island?

Вы не подскажите когда следующий паром на остров?

You missed a mail boat.

Ты опоздал на паром?

The name of the boat is Diana.

Паром называется Диана.

When the boat came to Gothenburg, Roseanna wasn’t on it.

Когда паром прибыл в Гётеборг, Розанны там уже не было.

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Хоть на борту, хоть в прериях.

There’s some girl on the boat.

Там на борту девушка.

— There’s no one on the boat?

На борту что, нет никого?

It’s dangerous to fill it on the boat.

На борту переливать опасно.

You’ll need these papers for the boat. And you’ll need this US money.

На борту тебе понадобится эта карточка и эти американские доллары

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There are too many in our boat.

И не надо ему плыть с нами, нас слишком много.

Will we be on the boat long?

Плыть долго?

While the boat floats, don’t row

Плывёт милая, ну и пусть плывёт.

~ Baby’s boat ~ ~ A silver moon ~

«В небе ночном плывёт луна.»

Get your boat over here and give us some help.

Плывите сюда! Помогите нам с уловом!

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