How do you understand the word good

Works at school have always been a challenge for students. Someone to cope with it was easier, but someone sincerely disliked Russian lessons only because of this. But there are some secrets that help to simplify the writing of works? Undoubtedly. Let’s stop on the topic «How do you understand the meaning of the word» good «?». An essay in this direction can be written by a student of any age.


First of all, we need to write an introduction, in which we ask the beginning of the composition. It can begin with the question «How do you understand the meaning of the word» good «? But other than that, there are other options to start with.

  • You can start thinking with your thoughts about this concept. Example: «Good is what makes the world around us better and more colorful. After all, bad always seems bigger and more terrible. And only such a light concept, as good, can outshine all the bad things in our life. «
  • Also you can put problems before the reader. «In modern life, the notion of kindness has become completely irrelevant. In pursuit of personal happiness and success, people began to forget what it was like to be kind. And this problem is gaining momentum nowadays. «

The introduction should not be too big — 3-4 proposals are sufficient, after which it is necessary to go to the main part.

The main part of the work

How do you understand the meaning of the word «good»? Formulate for the beginning this concept for yourself, because then you will expound your thoughts on paper.

The main part should be at least ½ of the total volume of the text, and it is necessary to disclose the whole topic. Thus, if you started your essay with the formulation of a question or a problem, you need to give a complete and understandable reasoning on this topic. There are several ways to do this:

  • If you have not asked this question in the introduction, the ideal starting point for the main part will be a rhetorical question: «How do you understand the meaning of the word» good «? Next, your thoughts and arguments on this topic. «I believe that good is the quality of a person who makes it better.»
  • Also in your composition you can compare the value of this concept several decades ago and now. Think and argue, whether good was valued earlier more or nothing has changed in the last century? Is there a difference?

The next option is the disclosure of several problems from one problem. For example, you have identified a problem — the lack of kindness in our days. But what is her replacement? False kindness, or, in other words, hypocrisy. Continuing to argue in this direction, you will uncover several modern problems at once.

Turning to the subject, we pass to the conclusion.


In this part it is necessary to write a conclusion and give a final answer to the question «how do you understand the meaning of the word» good «?». A student can express his thoughts or use quotations from famous authors.

The conclusion should be approximately equal to the entry volume. The main thing is that you logically finished your thoughts. «Despite all the problems of our time, there are a lot of good people even now, which means that not everything has been lost.»

Plural in English — online lessons for beginners

как переводится слово good
Read the entire lesson and do a short, easy listening exercise (a translation is shown after each assignment). In the second block of the exercise, you will be asked to write the same phrases under dictation, so listen and read carefully the phrases that you compose in the first block.  

  Start exercise  

In most cases, the plural in English is formed very simply — the ending “-s» or «-Is«, which read differently depending on the consonant in front of it — voiced or voiceless:

For words ending in «s, ss, ch, tch, x» (hissing or whistling sounds), the ending «-Is«, Which reads loudly [of].

In a side-by-side exercise (see the main exercise below), an English noun is shown; to see it in the plural, just click on the word.

In the lesson exercise, beginners will be able to compose phrases on their own — click on the English words to translate the phrase proposed in Russian. A few words that we will meet in the exercise:

  • to want [that uOnt] — to want (the verb following the verb «to want» requires the use of a particle «to«- I want to help you — I want to help you) to have [tu hEv] — to have one [uan] — one

Features of the use of plural nouns

Grammatical addition: in English, the plural can be in «countable nouns«. There are a number of nouns that are used only in the singular (we emphasize, in English; the use of words in Russian and English can both coincide and diverge, but we need to get out of the habit of making comparisons with the native language, and plunge into the logic of English):

  • money [mani] — money hair [hea] — hair advice [adv] — advice

A number of other nouns are used only in the plural form:

  • glasses [glAsiz] — glassesgoods [goodz] — goods trousers [trauzez] — trousers people [people] — people (singular, but implies the plural)

A number of English nouns form the plural in a special way:

  • man — men [men] — [men] — man / men, people woman — women [umen] — [wiming] — woman / women (we prepare the organs of speech for pronouncing [y], but immediately pronounce the next sound) child — children [child] — [chIldren] — child / children

A separate lesson will be devoted to these features of the plural in English; now it is important for beginners to remember the basic rule for the formation of the plural.

Plural adjectives

Adjectives in english do not change in the plural and do not change by gender:

  • good guy [good boy] — good boy good boys [good boys] — good boys good girl [good girl] — good girl good girls [good girls] — good girls

A noun before another noun can act as an adjective; in this case, it is not used in the plural:

  • life situations — life situations

▲ Start online exercise

Next: Articles A, AN, THE and a bit of TO. • Tutor: preparation for the exam and exam, passing international exams.
«My day» / «Working day» / «My day off»
TEST elementary / intermediate


Correct use of the expressions «Just Saying» and «It’s all good»

как переводится слово good

Tired of speaking English using boring words and phrases that are usually taught in English lessons?

Now is the time to build a new vocabulary to «sound» as natural as possible when talking to locals, or even cooler than before. Speaking fluently (rather than standard memorized phrases) will help you reveal your personality when speaking.

This article will focus on everyday expressions «It’s all good» и “I’m just saying”. Translation of some expressions can be difficult, so I will describe in detail in what cases these two expressions are used.

Just Saying

This phrase is used when we want to give someone feedback, maybe even a little constructive criticism, or we say something without thinking, and we may be offended.

If this expression is added at the end of a phrase, then the person does not take it so seriously and does not take offense at what you said. In Russian, we add «Just kidding» in this case. Literal translation: «just saying.» That is, I’m just saying and don’t mean anything like that.

“Looks you’ve put on a little bit of weight, just saying.”
It looks like you’ve put on a little weight. Kidding.

That is, when we use just saying in the end, this does not mean that we are trying to criticize someone, they should not be offended. We are simply expressing a point of view from our side.

Another example: If your co-worker is constantly late, you can advise him by saying:

“Hey, buddy, you might want to try to get to work on time, or the boss could fire you. Just saying. ”

Hey brother, you probably need to get to work early, or your boss will fire you. I’m just talking.

By saying this, you don’t want your friend to think that you are acting like a boss. You just give him some friendly advice.

Simply put, some people try to express sarcasm or offend someone on purpose, and then add «Just saying»so that they are not taken seriously.

It’s all good

Now let’s look at the translation and use cases of this phrase. Everything is very simple here. All good translates as «no problem», «don’t worry.» If someone decides to apologize to you, you can answer “Oh, it’s all good,” which means that you are not offended by what they did or said to you, and everything is in order. Synonyms: It’s ok, Everything is OK.

In conclusion, I would like to invite you to watch the video in English that this article was based on.

If you don’t understand what the guy is saying in this video, don’t bother too much about it. Over time, you will become proficient in the language and will be able to easily recognize English speech.


Greetings in English: types, rules, examples | Articles in English on

как переводится слово good

Knowledge of the rules of etiquette, a sense of tact, an understanding of the appropriateness and necessity of a statement or comment — all this is about a well-mannered person. In whatever country you are, in whatever circle of people you communicate, it is important under any circumstances to remain a person with a high culture of communication. In particular, if you are a guest of a country that treats this culture with awe. Especially a culture of welcome. 

The Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has always been famous for its traditions and scrupulous attitude towards them. The culture of welcoming is held in high esteem here. 

Before you enter into a conversation with someone and greet, you must absolutely clearly understand the degree of formality of the further conversation:

  • official;
  • neutral;
  • informal.

You need to know what to say and how to respond when you meet, depending on who you are talking to — with friends or with a stranger.

This article will help you understand the intricacies of dialogues in English. We will give various examples of greeting phrases with translation, we will tell you how modern dialogues in chat and on the phone (for example, slang) can sound.

You will also learn how the greeting words sound at different times of the day: morning, afternoon, or evening. 

At first, it may seem to you that it is unrealistic to remember so many options for greetings, but soon you will easily determine which tone to choose when talking and which phrases to use. You will learn to greet English-speaking friends in an original and unusual way, learn to use simple conversational phrases, and conduct a dialogue beautifully and confidently. You will no longer feel that your greetings sound dry and impersonal.

Greetings in a letter

Let’s start with a welcome letter. Earlier in one of the articles, we already spoke in detail about how to correctly compose a letter in English. Today we will once again discuss the details of a written appeal to the addressee, because for our English-speaking friends, relatives or business colleagues, the culture of a polite greeting is very important.

Please note that now we are talking about informal or neutral treatment, we will talk about the principles of greeting in business correspondence a little later. 

It does not use formal addresses such as: Sir, Mister, Mrs or Miss. You can start your letter with the following welcome phrases:

  • Hello / Hi — Hey, .
  • Greetings — Greetings, .
  • Hello my dear ann — Hello, my dear Anna,.
  • dearest friend — Dear friend,.
  • Dear alice — Dear Alice, .

You can also greet a person simply by their first name. 

Official greeting

There are quite a few situations when knowledge of a formal and business language is necessary:

  • business meetings and negotiations;
  • working interview;
  • communication with top managers of large world companies;
  • an unexpected meeting with the president of your company (when you may not know personally, but you have no right not to greet this person);
  • pay tribute to people of advanced age;
  • addressing a person whom you know superficially;
  • meeting with new business colleagues;
  • communication with new clients, VIP clients, dissatisfied clients in official correspondence, etc.

In fact, there can be many more situations. It is important to understand in which of them you should observe the chain of command and choose the right tone. 

The main rule: if you do not know the person well, if it is not a close friend or relative, always choose a formal greeting so as not to embarrass anyone. By choosing this tone, you show your interlocutor your respect, make it clear that you understand the importance of the meeting / event.

Use the following examples of greetings:

Good morning / Good afternoon / Good evening — Good morning / afternoon / evening.
This greeting is considered the most common form of address. Suitable for communicating with colleagues, clients, new neighbors, business partners, etc.

Good morning, everyone. I hope you are doing well this morning — Good morning everybody. I hope you are all right.
This is how you greet a group of people, for example, in a meeting.

To express special respect, use the phrase: Good morning Mr Smith — Good morning, Mr. Smith. If you know each other well, use first name instead of last name.

Hello. How do you do? — Hello. How are you doing? 
Formally, an appeal to someone you meet for the first time, in the work process or at a business dinner.

Nice to meet you / Pleased to meet you — Glad to meet you.
Also suitable for first meeting in a business setting.

How have you been doing? How have you been? — How are you doing?
A more respectful, simpler, and polite version of an informal phrase How are you? It will be appropriate in a situation where you have not met a person for a long time.

Greetings in business correspondence

In business correspondence, it is very important to maintain an official tone, not to abuse complex structures: the easier you express yourself, the better. The letter should not contain long paragraphs and familiar references.

In the greeting, you should not use such words as: Dear, Dearest etc. 

In a business letter, we recommend that you find out in advance who you are contacting: a man or a woman. Depending on this, choose the appropriate appeal: Mr or Ms.

Welcome dialogs in English

We offer several options for greeting dialogs:

  • Ggood morning! You must be Ann?
  • Yes, good morning. I’m sorry, and your name is?
  • My name is Alex. Very nice to meet you. Welcome to Madrid!
  • Thank You.
  • How are you today?
  • Very well, thank you. And yourself?
  • I’m good. Thanks for asking. 
  • Good morning! You must be Anna?
  • Good morning, yes. I beg your pardon, what is your name?
  • My name is Alex. I am very glad to meet you. Welcome to Madrid!
  • Thank you.
  • How are you?
  • Excellent thank you. And your?
  • I’m fine. Thank you for asking. 

The highlighted fragments of the dialogue are an indicator of formal communication: welcome to instead welcome, very nice to meet you instead nice to meet you, thank you instead of thanks.

  1. In neutral communication (for example, when communicating with a colleague):
  • Hello!
  • Hello! Are you Ann?


Bad -> badly, good -> goodly?

Let’s start with the most popular phrases. Of those that you hear two or three times a day. But sometimes the meaning of such comments, with a slight movement of the hand, turns

. turns the meaning into an elegant pick.


What does it mean? It can be understood literally (at face value) — «useful for you.»

  • Stretching is useful = Stretch it’s good for you.

And it happens that irony is hidden behind this phrase. And even sarcasm:

  • Hurray, you caught me = Yay, you caught me.
  • Well, well done! = Good for you.


Literally «I’m fine», «I’m fine.»

For example, the waiter asks at the end of the meal if the client wants something else. And he gets a polite refusal:

It happens that Americans respond to a greeting like this: «Hey, how are you doing?» instead of the standard «I’m fine».

In such cases, fighters for the purity of the language (grammar sheriffs) are still teased:

  • How are you today?
  • I’m good!
  • How good are you? // «How good are you?»

Or even sharper:

  • Well, that’s for me to judge = Hmm, well, I’ll be the judge of that.

In fact, irony is irrelevant. That’s it, the train is gone! That ship has sailed!

Over the past ten years, in informal speech, this phrase has managed to take root. And now it sounds no worse than others:

  • I’m cool!
  • Not bad!
  • I’m all right!
  • pretty good!
  • Super, and how are you?
  • Great, how about you?

Of course, the phrase is not suitable for an official setting. To live with pedants, howl like a pedant

Or not to live? Let them howl if they want. Let’s better talk about the good.

Here’s the good news! With the same pair of words, you can ask a person if everything is all right with him.

Convenient, damn it! Briefly and to the point.


The sniper pinned down two operatives. They need to run across the courtyard under fire.

  • What? Have you been hit? = What? Are you hit?
  • Yes, he scratched me = Yeah, he nick me.
  • Are you okay? = Are you good?
  • Get out! = Yeah, I’m peachy.

To summarize: you cannot erase a word from a song. Phrase «I’m good» became part of everyday language. It’s too late to snort at her.

Unless the atmosphere is formal.


Getting hurt by gunfire is one thing. And the state of health in general is completely different. In such cases, it is customary to use WELL / UNWELL:

  • She doesn’t feel well = She’s unwell / not well.
  • = She is sick / She’s in poor health.
  • Jenny doesn’t say hello = Jenny isn’t well.
  • She has the flu = She’s got the flu.

Another example:

  • How is your spouse? Did he feel better? = How’s your husband? Is he feeling any better?
  • Thank you, he has already recovered = Thanks! He’s (quite) well.

There is one nuance here. It is worth adding to the phrase the word DOING, and instead of the general state (a person is healthy / unhealthy), the focus of attention shifts to dynamics. Progress or lack thereof.

It doesn’t have to be about health. You can talk about anything — if only the state is compared «Before and after».

In this way, «She’s not doing well» Can mean:

  • With regard to health — «There is no progress, treatment does not help» = The treatment doesn’t seem to help.
  • And in relation to her studies — «She has bad grades, she studies poorly» = She’s getting bad grades.
  • Are we talking about an adult? Is his boss speaking? Then the meaning is this: «She is not coping with her duties» = Her performance isn’t great.
  • Is there no boss? Is our friend an entrepreneur? The phrase takes on the connotation «everything is bad, her business is going to the bottom!» = Her business is going under.
  • A girl looking for a job? The meaning is simple: nothing has been found yet = She can’t find a job yet.

But back to the original phrase «be good» — being good.


If you add a tiny pretext, the meaning will change again. «I’m good»Is not at all the same as “I’m good at it».

AT — index finger / laser pointer. AT — the point of application of the idea.

“To be good at something” means that you have become a master of this business.

Example. The series «The Mentalist».

FBI officers are discussing their colleague Patrick Jane — a man of exceptionally astute and observant. He once made a living pretending to be a medium. Allegedly, he could speak with the dead.

But one day a maniac stabbed his entire family to death. «Like, since you are so smart, talk to them beyond the bounds.» And now the purpose of Jane’s life is to catch criminals.

  • Wiley told me that you used to work with Agent Lisbon in California before you transferred here. Was Jane there too? = Wiley told me you worked with agent Lisbon in California before you came here. Jane was there, too?
  • Yes = Yeah


Similar words GOOD and WELL — the difference and subtleties of use

Using similar words good и well sometimes it is difficult, because both words can be translated into Russian as «good». The difference in the use of good and well is due to the fact that these are different parts of speech: good — adjective, well — an adverb or adjective.

: “BAD or BADLY? What is the difference?»

Good or Well: a general rule

If you do not go into the nuances, the main difference is that:

  • The adjective good defines objects, persons, expressed by nouns:

This is a gooddecision — This is a good decision.

you are a good person — You are a good person.

  • The adverb well most often defines the action expressed by the verb:

I don’t speak Spanish well — My spanish is bad

you dance very well — You dance very well

Now let’s figure out the nuances — it is with them that difficulties occur.

The subtleties of using Good and Well

Difficulties are associated with three cases:

  • feel good feel well.
  • be good be well,
  • look good look well.

Consider them in more detail.

1.I feel good or I feel well

Here the adjectives good and well (well in this case is used as an adjective) have different meanings:

  • I feel good (about smt) — I feel good (about mood, emotional state)

Note: the turnover to feel good about something can be roughly translated as “to give something a positive assessment, to feel positive emotions for something,” specific translation options differ greatly depending on the context. For example:

He doesn’t feel goodabout lying to Jane — He was uncomfortable that he was lying to Jane.

He feels good about doing the right things — He feels good (considers it right) from doing the right thing.

  • I feel well — I feel good (about health, physical well-being)

Ron was injured but now he feels well — Ron was injured, but now he feels good.

Nevertheless, in colloquial speech it is very often said “to feel good” in relation to well-being in any sense: physical or emotional.

2.I am good or I am well

This expression is often used as a standard answer to the standard question «How are you?» The difference is the same as with well-being:

  • I am good — I’m fine (I’m fine)
  • I am well — I’m fine (I’m healthy, I’m not sick).

In most cases, if it is not specifically about health, but simply about how you are, a native speaker will answer “I am good”, not “I am well”.

3. Look good or look well

The verb to look (meaning “to look”, not “look”) can be used with both good and well — the meanings will be different.

  • to look good — look good (about appearance)

Anna looks very good on this photo — Anna looks very good in this photo.

you look good in this suit — You look good in this suit

  • to look well — look good (about health)

Anna was sick but now she looks good — Anna was bad, but now she looks good (healthy).

After the weekend he doesn’t look very well — After the weekend, he doesn’t look very good (looks unhealthy).


хороший, добрый, благой, хорошо, добро, благо, польза


- хороший

- приятный, хороший

good looks — красота, миловидность
it’s good to be here [to see you, to hear of it] — приятно быть здесь [видеть вас, слышать об этом]
the food looks good — еда выглядит (вполне) аппетитно
that smells good — пахнет приятно

- выгодный; удобный

good marriage — выгодный брак
good opportunity — удобный случай

- имеющий хорошую репутацию; хороший (об имени и т. п.)

to live at a good address — жить в фешенебельном квартале
the firm has a good name — у этой фирмы хорошее имя /-ая репутация/

- высокий, важный

people of /in/ a good position — люди, занимающие высокое положение

ещё 20 вариантов



- хорошо

How’m I doing? — Not good — Как у меня дела? — Нехорошо

Мои примеры


good morning [day, evening] — доброе утро [-ый день, вечер]  
good night — доброй ночи  
to wish smb. a good night — пожелать кому-л. доброй ночи  
the Good Book — библия; священное писание  
good God!, good gosh!, good gracious! — господи!, боже мой!, боже правый!  
good old John [Tom]! — браво, Джон [Том]!  
good for you! амер. — а) тем лучше для вас!; б) браво!  
good Lord, deliver us! — господи, спаси и помилуй!  
good time — а) приятное времяпрепровождение ; б) долгое время, достаточный срок; в) юр. сокращение срока заключения /досрочное освобождение/ за хорошее поведение  
in good time — а) со временем, с течением времени; б) своевременно; в) заранее, заблаговременно  

all in good time — всё в своё время  
good sport — славный парень  
the good people — эльфы, феи  
to fulfil in good faith — добросовестно выполнять  
as good as — почти; всё равно что  
he is as good as dead — он уже не жилец на свете  
it’s as good as new — вещь почти новая  
it’s as good as done /settled/ — дело в шляпе  
he has as good as got the job — это место у него в кармане; считай, что он уже получил эту работу  
as good as a feast — вполне достаточно  
as good as gold — а) послушный; б) добрый, снисходительный, благожелательный  
as good as pie — амер. очень хороший, симпатичный; благонравный, паинька  
as good as wheat — амер. очень хорошо, подходяще  
as good as a play — очень забавно /интересно/  
as good as one’s word — верный своему слову  
to be as good as one’s word — быть хозяином своего слова  
his word is as good as his bond — он никогда не нарушает обещаний, он всегда держит своё слово  
his example is as good as his sermon — у него слово не расходится с делом  
too good to be true — так хорошо, что не верится; невероятно, не может быть  
to have a good mind to … — намереваться, собираться (сделать что-л.)  
to make good — а) сдержать слово; выполнить обещание; б) восполнять, возмещать, компенсировать (потерю); в) доказать, обосновать; г) преуспевать, делать успехи  
to make good the ground — воен. закрепляться на местности  
that’s a good one /’un/! — какая ложь!, какой вздор!, надо же такое придумать!  
to be in good spirits — быть весёлым /в хорошем настроении/  
to be in smb.’s good books — пользоваться чьей-л. благосклонностью  
good and hard — амер. основательно, сильно  
good and proper — а) основательно, как следует; to tell smb. off good and proper  

ещё 27 примеров свернуть

Примеры с переводом

That’s a good point.

Хорошее замечание. / Верно подмечено.

Good morning!

Доброе утро!

How good of you!

Как это мило с вашей стороны!

I’m no good at cards.

Я в картах не силён.

Good boy!

Молодец! / Хороший мальчик!

Good land!

Боже мой!

Watching too much TV isn’t good for you.

Тебе вредно слишком много смотреть телевизор.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Lord knows, it’s my good deed for the day.

Is it good value? The jury is still out on that.

He brushed his hair and gave his scalp a good scratch.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

goodly  — прекрасно, красиво, красивый, большой, крупный, значительный
goodness  — доброта, добродетель, доброкачественность, великодушие, хорошее качество
goodish  — довольно хороший, порядочный, долгий, приличный

Формы слова

срав. степ. (comparative): better
прев. степ. (superlative): best

Good is an adjective while well is an adverb answering the question how. Sometimes well also functions as an adjective pertaining to health.

You did a good job.
Good describes job, which is a noun, so good is an adjective.

You did the job well.
Well is an adverb describing how the job was performed.

I feel well.
Well is an adjective describing I.

Good vs. Well Rules

Rule: With the four senses—look, smell, taste, feel—discern if these words are being used actively to decide whether to follow them with good or well. (Hear is always used actively.)

You smell good today.
Good describes you, not how you sniff with your nose.

You smell well for someone with a cold.
You are sniffing actively with your nose here so use the adverb.

She looks good for a 75-year-old grandmother.
She is not looking actively with eyes so use the adjective.

Rule: When referring to health, always use well.

I do not feel well today.
You do not look well.

Rule: When describing someone’s emotional state, use good.

Example: He doesn’t feel good about having cheated.

So, how should you answer the question, “How are you?” If you think someone is asking about your physical well-being, answer, “I feel well,” or “I don’t feel well.” If someone is asking about your emotional state, answer, “I feel good,” or “I don’t feel good.

good vs. well

Please see our post How Are You—Good, Well, or Fine?, which provides more discussion and helpful examples.

Pop Quiz
1. She jogged very good/well for her age.
2. She had a good/well time yesterday.
3. With a high fever, it is unlikely he will feel good/well enough to play basketball tomorrow.
4. Those glasses look good/well on you.

Pop Quiz Answers

1. She jogged very well for her age.
2. She had a good time yesterday.
3. With a high fever, it is unlikely he will feel well enough to play basketball tomorrow.
4. Those glasses look good on you.

Are you ready for the quiz?

Good vs. Well Quiz


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If a product or a presentation is good, it is a good thing, right? Think again.

First of all, the word “good” is an English adjective that is often used to describe something or someone as positive. The function of adjectives is to describe something or someone.

However, because it is used so frequently, the positive meaning of “good” can be lost if you use it all the time. Furthermore, it can even sound boring if you use it too often, so it will lose its positive effect and the thing or person you describe will not be positive at all if you use it often.

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Watch this video by TED-Ed explaining why you should avoid common English words like “good” and “bad” and instead challenge yourself to use a variety of words to describe the situation better.

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So, how can you better say what you mean?

Remember, one of the keys to communicating better in English is to expand your vocabulary. By replacing the basic adjective “good” with another adjective that is even more positive and suitable for the situation you will use a bigger vocabulary. Try to use words that fit better to the situation!

Which words can you say instead of using “good”?

There are many other ways to say “good” when communicating in English that make you sound more convincing and fluent.

english vocabulary good

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Below is a list of my top 15 relevant adjectives you can use to better describe things and people at work and in business. These adjectives make your description more specific and interestingHere is my selection of better ways to say that something or someone is “good” in different business situations.

Click the links on the words to see the full definition, pronunciation and more examples! 

If you do not understand a word, you can also look it up by searching it in the Cambridge Learner’s Dictionary on the right side of this article -> 

To describe work

  1. efficient

Our organization is very efficient.

What does it mean? The organization works in a way that it produces the results without using too much money, material, time, or energy.

How do you pronounce it?  /ɪˈfɪʃənt/

The word stress is on the second syllable. Note that there are only 3 syllables in this word.

  1. valuable

Anna’s contribution in the meeting was very valuable

What does it mean? What she did in the meeting was very useful and important for the meeting. The adjective “valuable” comes from the noun “value”.

How do you pronounce it?  /ˈvæljəbəl/

The word stress is on the first syllable. You do not pronounce the “u”.

  1. excellent

Wasn’t that an excellent presentation?

What does it mean? The presentation was very good.

How do you pronounce it?  /ˈɛksələnt/

The stress is on the first syllable. 

  1. successful

Ben told me about his successful negotiation.

What does it mean?  He achieved what he wanted in the negotiation. The negotiation was a success. The adjective “successful” comes from the noun “success”.

How do you pronounce it?  /səkˈsɛsfəl/

You stress the second syllable.

English good work

To describe ideas and questions

  1. compelling

She said some compelling things in our last phone call.

What does it mean?  What she said was very interesting and makes you pay attention.

How do you pronounce it?  /kəmˈpɛlɪŋ/

The word stress is on the second syllable.

  1. brilliant

What a brilliant comment!

What does it mean? The comment is very good, intelligent and impressive.

How do you pronounce it? /ˈbrɪljənt/

You stress the first syllable of the word.

  1. interesting

The team came up with interesting ideas for the new product.

What does it mean?  The ideas are not boring. You want to learn more about them.

How do you pronounce it?  /ˈɪntrəstɪŋ/

The stress is on the first syllable. Note that there are only 3 syllables. You do not pronounce the first “e”.

  1. wonderful

Kristin asked a wonderful question about the book. I think we should remember it. 

What does it mean? Her question was very good.

How do you pronounce it?  /ˈwʌndərfəl/

The stress is on the first syllable.

  1. thought-provoking

Your question was really thought-provoking. I will think about how we can do it better.

What does it mean? What he/she said is so interesting that you have to think more about the topic.

How is it pronounced? /ˈθɑːtprəvoʊkɪŋ/

You stress both the first syllable (“thought”) and the second syllable of “provoking”.

To describe personalities

  1. inspiring

She is a great manager and also an inspiring leader.

What does it mean? The adjective “inspiring” comes from the verb “to inspire”. A person – but also for example in a book – can be inspiring when he/she/it gives you interesting ideas that motivate you to do something or have a better life.

How is it pronounced? /ɪnˈspɑɪərɪŋ/

The stress is on the second syllable.

  1. charismatic

What a charismatic person!

What does it mean? The person is very charming and others admire him/her. The adjective “charismatic” comes from the noun “charisma”. A person attracts the attention of others and others see him as a leader.

How is it pronounced?  /ˌkerəzˈmætɪk/

You stress the third syllable.

To describe abilities

  1. terrific

She is a terrific public speaker.

What does it mean? She is a great public speaker.

How is it pronounced?  /təˈrɪfɪk/

The stress is on the second syllable.

  1. extraordinary

He has an extraordinary ability to convince people. 

What does it mean? He is very good at convincing people. His ability to convince others is special and not normal.

How is it pronounced?  /ɪkˈstrɔːdənəri/

The word has five syllables. Note that you do not pronounce the “a” in the second syllable. You stress the second syllable and it is long.

good English

To describe products

  1. high-quality

We only sell high-quality products in our store.

What does it mean? The products or services are very good or well-made. The quality of the products is very good.

How is it pronounced?  /hɑɪˈkwɑːləti/

The stress is on the first syllable of “quality”.

  1. useful

Skype is a useful service. It saves me a lot of money.

What does it mean? The service is helpful. It helps you to save money and/or time.

How is it pronounced?  /ˈjuːsfəl/

There are two syllables. You stress the first syllable and do not pronounce the “e”.

[ctt template=”3″ link=”I5bMw” via=”yes” ]Say these words instead of “good” in English [/ctt]

How to learn the vocabulary

Here you can see the flashcards of the 15 words presented above. You can listen to, study and memorize the vocabulary using the flashcards, and then test yourself using these flashcards.

Remember to study the words and repeat them regularly. You can also these free tools to practice your pronunciation

Here is a study set for you to learn:

Here you can study the spelling:

You can study the spelling and pronunciation, test yourself, and save the flashcards on Quizlet here:

Happy learning!

Now we would like to hear from you 

Which one of these will you use the next time you want to describe something as “good”?

Choose 1-2 of the adjectives from the list and write a sentence with them. Share your sentences in the comments below!

I look forward to reading your creative comments!

Further reading:

Use these 20 English words instead of “very”

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