How did the boy feel how was he acting find the highlighted words and word

Раздел 2. Чтение

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12-18. В каждом задании выберите цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, впишите её в соответствующее поле внизу страницы.

Scarcely had we settled into the Strawberry-pink Villa before my mother decided that I was running wild, and that it was necessary for me to have some sort of education. As usual when a problem arose, the entire family flung itself with enthusiasm into the task of solving it. Each member had his or her own idea of what was best for me.

Sitting under the open window in the twilight, I had listened with interest, not unmixed with indignation, to the family discussion of my fate. Finally my mother decided that George would be a good teacher for me. Now it was settled, I wondered vaguely who George was, and why it was so necessary for me to have lessons. But the dusk was thick with flower-scents, and the olive-groves were dark, mysterious, and fascinating. I forgot about the imminent danger of being educated, and went off with Roger to hunt for glow-worms in the sprawling brambles.

Later I discovered that George was my brother’s friend and he had come to Corfu to write. There was nothing very unusual about this, for all Larry’s acquaintances in those days were either authors, poets, or painters.

My new teacher came over to the villa to discuss my education with Mother, and we were introduced. We regarded each other with suspicion. George was a very tall and extremely thin man with a brown beard and a pair of large spectacles. He had a deep, melancholy voice, a dry and sarcastic sense of humor. However, he was not upset by the fact that there were no school-books available on the island; he simply looked through his own library and appeared on the appointed day armed with his own selection of books. He patiently taught me Geography from the maps in the back of an ancient copy of Pears Encyclopedia, English from books that ranged from Wilde to Gibbon, French from the book called “Le Petit Larousse”, and mathematics from memory. From my point of view the most important thing was that we devoted some of our time to natural history, and George carefully taught me how to observe and how to note down observations in a diary. At once my enthusiastic interest in nature became focused, for I found that by writing things down I could learn and remember much more. The only morning that I was ever on time for my lessons were those which were given up to natural history.

Every morning at nine George would come into the little dining-room of the villa, sit at the table methodically arranging the books. He would droop over the exercise- book pensively, pulling at his beard. Then in his large, clear writing he would set the task for me to solve.

“If it took two caterpillars a week to eat eight leaves, how long would four caterpillars take to eat the same number? Now, apply yourself to that”.

While I was struggling with the apparently insoluble problem of the caterpillar appetites, George was practicing some dancing moves in the hall as at that time he was engaged in learning some of the local dances, for which he had a passion. Through all this I would be watching him, fascinated, the exercise-book lying forgotten in front of me. Mathematics was not one of our successful subjects. 

In geography we made better progress, for George was able to give a more zoological tinge to the lesson. We drew giant maps and then filled in the various places of interest, together with drawings of the most exciting animals and birds to be found there.

12.In paragraph 1 “I was running wild” means that the boy

1) hardly spent any time at home.

2) led an uncontrolled life.

3) became very angry.

4) had an unhealthy lifestyle.

13.How did the boy’s family react to the problem of his education?

1) Actively discussed the situation.

2) Avoided any disputes on this topic.

3) Showed no desire in solving it.

4) Felt indifferent.

14.George was

1) a teacher.

2) a dancer.

3) a writer.

4) a mathematician.

15.How did the boy and George feel when they first met?

1) They treated the situation with humor.

2) They were upset about their studies.

3) They didn’t trust each other.

4) They liked each other very much.

16.Why did the boy enjoy his lessons of natural history?

1) He remembered much more from those lessons.

2) He got very interested in the subject.

3) He learned how to focus on the lesson.

4) He finally learnt how to write.

17.The boy couldn’t solve the mathematics problem because he

1) didn’t like to make any effort.

2) was not interested in caterpillars.

3) refused to do mathematics in general.

4) was distracted by his teacher’s dances.

18.The geography lessons were more successful because

1) George knew geography better than mathematics.

2) the boy was fond of drawing maps of the continents.

3) the boy knew lots of interesting places already.

4) George also managed to involve the boy’s interest in fauna.

  • #1


I met both questions, but I can’t see any difference between them.
Do they mean different things? Do they need different answers?
Can I answer both of them: ‘He didn’t feel well’ and ‘He felt frightened’?

Thanks everybody.

  • panjandrum

    • #2

    How did he feel is asking about his general sense of well-being or about his emotions.

    What did he feel could be interpreted the same, but is more likely to be asking about his physical sensations.

    For example, «What did he feel?» could be answered by «He felt a soft round furry object with a long tail.« That would not be a sensible response to How did he feel?
    That could be the next question, though, and the answer might then be, «He was terrified because he thought it was a rat.»


    • #3

    «I met both questions…» is an interesting turn of phrase and instantly understandable, and I like it (and may borrow it one day), however, be aware that in AE it is quite unusual and not idiomatic (at least I have never heard it phrased as such).

    It is far more common is to hear «I have heard both questions,» or «I have read both questions».

    • #4

    Thank you, Packard, for your note about my choice of the word. In fact, I changed several words when I was writing my question. I decided on ‘met’ because it sounds good for my Russian ear. So, if you ever use this expression, it will be Russian contribution to the English language!


    • #5

    Thank you, Packard, for your note about my choice of the word. In fact, I changed several words when I was writing my question. I decided on ‘met’ because it sounds good for my Russian ear. So, if you ever use this expression, it will be Russian contribution to the English language!

    Speaking for the native speakers, «Thank you for your contribution.»

    1 C   2 A   3 C   4 A   5 B   6 A   7 B   8 A


    1   You hear two school friends talking about a drumming workshop they will take part in.

    A:   Are you looking forward to the music class tomorrow? Remember some professional musicians are coming to do a drumming workshop with us.

    B:   Oh, yeah, I’d forgotten about that. I’ve never done any drumming before. It’s not that I mind having a go, and I suppose it’s not too technical, but aren’t we supposed to be giving a performance for the rest of the school at the end of it? I’m not really into getting up on stage in front of everyone – I could totally mess it up.

    A:   Don’t worry! It’s new for all of us and no one will expect us to be perfect – it’s all about having fun!

    2   You hear a woman talking about a shopping trip.

    A:   How was your shopping trip?

    B:   Well, I wasn’t looking for anything myself as I’d got that new coat last week, but I’d promised Mum I’d help her find an outfit for the wedding she and Dad are going to. I knew it was a bad idea – not because of Mum, of course, but because I knew I wouldn’t be able to resist treating myself once we got into town. Which is why I’d actually given myself a small budget, despite what I spent last time. Anyway, it ended up being a successful trip – Mum got a really nice suit and I came back with a cool pair of earrings!

    3   You hear a man talking about a car he used to own.

    I got a sports car as soon as I could afford it, and it wasn’t really very economical, but I decided I could live with that. However, after a few weeks I got a job further away from home, and I realised it was the wrong car for long journeys; it was too noisy, there wasn’t enough leg room, the suspension was broken and you could feel every bump in the road. That’s why I decided to sell it. I’ve still got to get from A to B, though, and I’ve got my eye on something at the car showroom. I’m going to go and test drive it later.

    4   You hear a woman phoning the reception desk of her hotel.

    Hello, I wonder if you could help me? I’m in room 447 – I just checked in this morning – and there seems to be something wrong with the radiators – they won’t come on, so it’s very cold in here. I tried turning the control knob, but it simply won’t move. Could you send someone to have a look at it, please? Oh, and could you tell me how to operate the TV? I’ve been trying to follow the instructions for the control but I seem to be doing something wrong. Everything else seems fine – I had a problem with getting the door to lock but I’ve worked it out!

    5   You hear a girl talking to her father about a school trip.

    A:   So how many kids from your class are going on this trip?

    B:   Practically everyone’s going, Dad! We go on a guided tour of the city, including the Eiffel Tower and a boat trip on the Seine, and then we’re back in London by Sunday afternoon, so I’ll be home early on Sunday night.

    A:   Oh, I have no doubt the activities will be worthwhile. Paris is a lovely city and it’s not the expense that’s bothering me either – I just want to make sure you have enough supervision and won’t be spending all day wandering about on your own.

    B:   You’re kidding! Every minute of our time is going to be organised!

    6   You hear a man describing a trip in a hot-air balloon.

    As soon as we took off, the basket started swaying from side to side, which took a while to get used to, but it was no major concern, really, Apart from the slight creaking that caused, there wasn’t a sound to be heard. After doing quite a bit of flying in commercial planes, I think that’s what stunned me most about this flight. Drifting along with the wind helped me chill out – I got real peace of mind knowing there was nothing to do but sit back! I think it made one or two of the other passengers a bit nervous, but the operator had everything perfectly in order.

    7   You hear two friends talking about an exercise routine.

    A:   Have you heard about high intensity training? There was a programme on about it last night.

    B:   You mean the regime where you just do three minutes of exercise a week and that’s supposed to be enough to keep you fit? I can’t see how that could possibly work, do you?

    A:   I had my doubts about it initially – though the scientist on the programme did a good job of explaining things. Cycling as fast as you can for three minutes must be exhausting!

    B:   Do you really think so? It can’t be too challenging to do three minutes a week, can it?

    A:   I guess it wouldn’t be too hard to keep up.

    8   You hear a woman talking about a magazine she used to read as a teenager.

    I remember the magazine used to come out on Fridays, and every Friday after school I’d race round to the newsagent’s and buy a copy, and then spend all evening reading it. It was aimed at girls exactly like me; it gave you ideas how to choose accessories, how to wear make-up and had information about the latest trends in fashion. The only thing it didn’t have was interviews with pop stars and free posters! I sent in a story once that I’d written for it – I was convinced it’d get published as I thought it was a great story. I never heard anything back from them, though!

    Страница 77 из 167

    Ответы к странице 84 

    5f. English in Use — Английский на практике

    1. Read the box, then complete the sentences with verbs derived from the words in capitals. — Прочитайте текст в рамке, затем закончите предложения глаголом, образованном из слов, написанных заглавными буквами.

    Some verbs consist of a prefix plus a verb. The prefix changes or modifies the meaning of the verb. Some common prefixes are re- (= again, rethink, rewind), mis- (= implying a mistake, misspell, mislead), under- (= not enough, undercharge, underpay), over- (= too much, overcharge, overdo) and dis- (for negation, disappoint).

    Некоторые глаголы состоят из префикса плюс самого глагола. Префикс изменяет или модифицирует значение глагола. Некоторые распространенные префиксы: — re- (подразумевает снова, еще раз), mis- (подразумевает ошибочность действия), under- (недостаточно), over- (слишком много) и dis- (для отрицания, разочарования).


    1. David and Sylvia usually disagree about which film to go and see. (AGREE) — Дэвид и Сильвия обычно расходятся во мнении, какой фильм смотреть.
    2. The author had to rewrite his book to include an extra chapter. (WRITE) — Автору нужно переписать свою книгу, чтобы включить в нее еще одну главу.
    3. Jane was very busy when rehearsing for the concert – she underestimated how many rehearsals there would be! (ESTIMATE) — Джейн была занята, когда были репетиции концерта — она недооценила, сколько должно быть репетиций.
    4. Don’t misunderstand me – I think the painting is good, I just wouldn’t hang it in my living room! (UNDERSTAND) — Поймите меня правильно, я думаю, что эта картина хорошая, я просто не хотел бы вешать ее в гостиной.
    5. They overcharged us in the restaurant but they quickly realised and gave us some money back. (CHARGE) — Они обсчитали нас в ресторане, но быстро это поняли и вернули часть денег.
    6. Directors often remake old film classics such as The War of the Worlds. (MAKE) — Режиссеры часто переснимают старую киноклассику, типа «Войны миров».

    2. Complete with: in, of, by, with, for, at or to. Compare answers with your partner. Check in Appendix 2. — Вставьте предлоги: in, of, by, with, for, at или to. Сравните ваши ответы с партнером. Проверьте в приложении 2.


    1. What sort of music do you like? — Какой тип музыки вам нравится?
    2. It was very nice of him to invite us to go to the concert. — Это было так мило с его стороны пригласить нас на концерт.
    3. Mozart is one of the best composers of all time. — Моцарт — один из лучших композиторов всех времен.
    4. He is popular with teens all around the world. — Он популярен среди подростков всего мира.
    5. Some paintings by Congo the chimp were sold for a lot of money at the auction. — Некоторые картины авторства шимпанзе Конго были проданы за большие деньги на аукционе.
    6. Daniel Craig stars in Spectre. — Даниэль Крейг играет в «Спектре».
    7. He is famous for his landscapes. — Он известен своими пейзажами.
    8. The paintings add value to the house. — Картины добавляют ценности дому.

    3. Complete with: into, out of, through, away, over. Check in Appendix 1. — Вставьте: into, out of, through, away, over. Проверьте в приложении 1.


    1. Let’s run through that scene again. (rehearse) — Давайте повторим еще раз эту сцену.
    2. Pat ran into Dave at the cinema. (met by accident) — Пэт столкнулась с Дэвидом в кинотеатре.
    3. Don’t run over that cat! (knock down) — Смотри не задави ту кошку!
    4. The boy ran away from home. (left because he is unhappy) — Мальчик убежал из дома.
    5. Oh no! We’ve run out of sugar! (have none left) — О, нет! У нас кончился сахар!

    Вот еще некоторые примеры фразового глагола run.

    run through — быстро объяснить, пробежаться по (графику, плану и т.д.), повторить
    run across — встретить
    run into — наткнуться (случайно встретить кого-то или столкнуться, например, с трудностями)
    run over — переехать, сбить кого-то машиной
    run after — преследовать
    run away — убегать
    run against — противостоять, мешать
    run by — изложить, посвятить
    run down — спуститься
    run in — сдать полиции
    run on — продолжаться
    run to — обращаться за помощью
    run up — быстренько сделать что-нибудь
    run off — сбежать
    run out (of) — использовать всё до конца (кончиться)

    4. Find the correct words, then check in a dictionary. — Найдите корректное слово, затем проверьте в словаре.


    1. The book is set/situated in Tudor times. — Действие книги происходит во времена Тюдоров.
    2. Matthew Fox plays/stars the lead role in ‘Lost’. — Мэттью Фокс играет главную роль в сериале «Остаться в живых».
    3. My sister takes/makes photographs for a living. — Моя сестра занимается фотографией (это ее профессия)
    4. What a great dance presentation/performance! — Какое великолепное танцевальное выступление.
    5. Many people attended the art exhibit/exhibition. — Множество людей посетили художественную выставку.

    Комментарии: Понять разницу между данными парами слов действительно трудно. Но мы попробуем объяснить как можно понятнее.

    Set — situated — В принципе эти глаголы равнозначны по значению (располагаться, находиться), но различаются по сферам применения и по объектам. Так, to be situated применяется, когда мы хотим показать расположение какого-то материального объекта в определенной точке местности. Например, The town is situated near the coast. — Город расположен близко к побережью. Но и в этом случае для англичан situated звучит слишком формально. В разговорной речи они зачастую заменяют его на located. Что касается нашего случая, в данной тематике употребляется именно set. Этот глагол в данном случае содержит в себе сложный смысл «действие происходит».
    Plays — stars — Как вы понимаете, играть (play) можно во что угодно и что угодно, даже ведущую роль, что как раз делает артиста звездой. Star как глагол уже имеет в себе «статус звездности». Поэтому «звездить» ведущую роль нельзя, «звездить» можно только в чем-то или в качестве кого-то. Т.е. можно сказать He stars in the film Spectre. Daniel Craig stars as James Bond. — Он играет одну из главных ролей в фильме. Дэниэл Крейг играет (в качестве) Джеймса Бонда.
    Take — make — Нельзя считать эти глаголы парой с примерно одинаковым значением. Просто запомните эту устоявшуюся фразу take photographs.
    Presentation — performance — Разницу между этими двумя существительными объяснить сложно. Постараемся вот так. Performance — это само действие, предпринимаемое для того, чтобы представить что-то. Т.е. в нашем предложении dance performance (танцевальное выступление) призвано представить публике часть танцевальной программы.
    Exhibit — exhibition — В предложении, данном в задании, возможно применение обоих слов. Кто-то скажет что exhibit — это глагол, а exhibition — существительное, и отчасти будет прав. Но exhibit может быть и существительным. Обычно это слово используется для обозначения выставки одного автора. Если же авторов много — то выставка их работ будет называться exhibition. Поскольку мы не знаем, какую именно выставку посетили люди, мы не можем однозначно сказать, какое слово следует употреблять в данном случае. Поэтому мы отметили оба варианта как возможные.

    5. Read the text below. Use the words in brackets in the correct form so that they fit the text. Every gap corresponds to a different task (1-9). — Прочитайте текст. Используйте слова в скобках в правильной форме, чтобы они подходили к тексту. Каждый пробел соотносится с отдельным заданием (1-9).


    The concert 1) had already started (start) and Emma was still stuck in the 5 o’clock traffic. It was her 2) twentieth (twenty) birthday and she was on her way to see her favourite band, The Volcanics, after a busy day at work.

    She 3) had been looking (look) forward to the concert all week and this delay was very annoying. As the time 4) wore (wear) on, Emma began to feel more and more frustrated.

    Sighing to 5) her (she), she tuned in to the radio. The Volcanics were singing her favourite song! It was so unfair! She had a ticket for the concert and now she 6) is forced (force) to listen to it on the radio!

    But there was no point in 7) getting (get) too upset about it. ‘The next time I go to a concert, I 8) won’t wait (not wait) till 5 o’clock,’ she thought. ‘It would be much 9) better (good) to ask my boss for the afternoon off work instead!’

    Концерт уже начался, а Эмма застряла в пятичасовой пробке. Это был её двадцатый день рождения, и она направлялась на концерт своей любимой группы «The Volcanics» после напряженного дня на работе.

    Она ждала концерта всю неделю, и эта задержка ее очень раздражала. С течением времени Эмма начала чувствовать себя все более и более расстроенной.

    Жалея себя, она включила радио. «The Volcanics» пели её любимую песню! Это было так несправедливо! У нее был билет на концерт, а теперь она вынуждена слушать его по радио!

    Но не было смысла слишком расстраиваться из-за этого. «В следующий раз, когда я пойду на концерт, я не буду ждать до 5 часов», — подумала она. — «Было бы лучше попросить моего босса вместо этого дать мне отгул на вторую половину дня!». 

    Once upon a time there lived a little boy.
    His name was Bill. Bill didn’t live in town. He lived in the country, and looked after sheep. He was not a very good boy. He often fell asleep watching the sheep, and he also told lies. Once upon a time there lived a little boy. His name was Bill. Bill didn’t live in town. He lived in the country, and looked after sheep. He was not a very good boy. He often fell asleep watching the sheep, and he also told lies.

    The people who lived there often said, “That boy will come to a bad end”. One day Bill wanted to play a practical joke on the people. He ran down the hill and cried, “Wolf! Wolf! Help! Come quickly! Wolf!” All the people ran very fast to him as they wanted to safe him. But when the people ran up to the boy they saw no wolf. ”It heard you and ran away,” the boy said. The people went away. Bill began to laugh. “How funny people are! How silly they are! They are not clever at all.” Three weeks later he wanted to play the same trick again. “Wolf! Wolf!” he cried. “Help! Come quickly! Wolf!” Many people ran to the hill as fast as they could, but again there was no wolf. This time the boy laughed at them. “Ha ha. There was no wolf,” he said. “What a good joke! Don’t you think so?” The people became very angry. “Lies are not jokes” they said, and went back home.

    Two days later the weather was sunny and warm. The boy was sleeping in the afternoon sun. Suddenly he woke up. He saw a big dark animal. The animal ran to the sheep and grabbed one. “Wolf!” cried the boy. “Wolf! Help! Come quickly! Wolf!” But nobody came to save the boy this time. The wolf heard and said: “I like sheep, but a little boy will taste better. I’ll have a real dinner tonight!” When the boy didn’t return home that night the people went to look for him. But they never found him and nobody saw him again.


    1. What joke did he play on the people? Why did he do it?

    2. Why do you think all the people came to help him first time?

    3. Did they all come the second time?

    4. Why did nobody come when the boy really saw a wolf?

    5. What happened to the boy?

    6. What do you think the people said when they couldn’t find Bill?

    7. Do you sometimes tell lies? What is the result?

    8. Which is the best moral of the story? Why do you think so?

    a) It’s not good to sleep at work.

    b) If you play tricks on people, they won´t help you later.

    c) If you tell too many lies, people won’t believe you.

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