How can i spell this word

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Card Type 3: How do you spell this word?

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So, do you know how to spell this word correctly?

So, do you know how to spell this word correctly?

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level 1

Is it a noun? The only word I can think of offhand with that sound is “colitis,” which is an “inflammation of the lining of the colon,” not exactly what you’re looking for. I suppose metaphorically it could refer to anger, but its primary usage is medical.

level 2

🤔 i think the old guy told me wrong i will have to ask him for the spelling next time i see him bc he is using the word religiously

level 2

· 4 yr. ago

Native Speaker — Midwestern USA

there’s also «choleric», an older term for «angry». but still not that close, just has the «call» part at the start lol

level 1

Nothing comes to mind immediately… Which region is this guy from, maybe it’s some slang word?

level 2

Close to Rappahannock Virginia

level 1

I’m stumped. Really thinking about it but I can’t think of anything.

level 1

Can you give us the sentence or phrase you heard it used in?

level 2


Come on hit that railroad tie; give it some “insert word here”

level 1

It doesn’t sound anything like that, but maybe choler is the synonym of anger you were looking for (?)

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Yes, the results from our tool are accurate and valid. User can verify the definition of each word using our varied dictionaries.

How to use online words spelled with these letters tool?

Just enter the letters of your choice between 2 to 15 in the search box and click the button ‘search’. The tool will display all the list of words between 2-letter and 15-letter words of your requirement. The advanced features will give you the exact result that you are looking for.

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There are no particular limitations using our online tool, except the length of the word must be between 2 to 15 letters only.

What is all about online words spelled with these letters means?

Words spelled with these letters is a spelling tool website that displays a list of meaningful words with a given set of letters and can customize the word by using the advanced features that can be used in puzzles or improve one’s language skills.

What word can be spelled with these letters BLOAST?

We can spell these words with the letters BLOAST bloats, oblast, altos, blast, blats, bloat, blots, boast, boats, bolas, bolts, botas, lotas, sabot, tolas, abos, albs, also, alto, alts, bals, bast, bats, blat, blot, boas, boat, bola, bolt, bota, bots, labs, last, lats, lobs, lost, lota, lots, oast, oats, obas, salt, slab, slat, slob, slot, sola, stab, stoa, stob, tabs, taos, tola, abo, abs, alb, als, alt, bal, bas, bat, boa, bos, bot, lab, las, lat, lob, lot, oat, oba, sab, sal, sat, sob, sol, sot, tab, tao, tas, ab, al, as, at, ba, bo, la, lo, os, so, ta, to.

How many words can be spelled using the letters DROPPING?

We can form a total of 89 words with these letters DROPPING and they are as follows dropping, doping, pongid, poring, roping, dingo, doing, gipon, giron, grind, groin, oping, orpin, pingo, pirog, poind, prion, prong, ding, dino, dong, dorp, drip, drop, gird, girn, giro, gorp, grid, grin, grip, inro, iron, nodi, noir, nori, ping, pion, pirn, pond, pong, porn, prig, prod, prog, prop, rind, ring, dig, din, dip, dog, don, dor, gid, gin, gip, god, gor, ion, nip, nod, nog, nor, pig, pin, pip, pod, poi, pop, pro, rid, rig, rin, rip, rod, di, do, gi, go, id, in, no, od, oi, on, op, or, pi.

What 7 letter word is spelled the same backwards?

All the 7 letter words that are spelled the same backward are as follows deified, devived, enimine, Glenelg, hadedah, hagigah, mononom, murdrum, Nauruan, Neuquén, Ogopogo, Qaanaaq, racecar, reifier, repaper, reviver, rotator, sememes, senines, Senones, senones, Soohoos.

What do these letters spell CRYING?

We can spell these letters with the letters CRYING crying, girn, grin, gyri, ring, cig, cry, gin, icy, rig, rin, yin, gi, in.

What can you spell with these letters CARDS?

We can spell these words with the letters CARDS cards, arcs, cads, card, cars, rads, sard, scad, scar, ads, arc, ars, cad, car, rad, ras, sac, sad, ad, ar, as, da

What words can you spell with these letters PARROT?

Words that can be spelled with the letter PARROT are as follows parrot, raptor, aport, atop, orra, parr, part, port, prao, prat, proa, rapt, rato, roar, rort, rota, taro, tarp, tora, torr, trap, trop, apt, art, oar, oat, opt, ora, ort, par, pat, pot, pro, rap, rat, rot, tao, tap, tar, top, tor, ar, at, op, or, pa, ta, to

What words can be spelled with these letters SCOFTA?

All the words that can be spelled using the letters SCOFTA are as follows ascot, coast, coats, costa, facts, fatso, softa, tacos, acts, cast, cats, coat, coft, cost, cots, fact, fast, fats, oafs, oast, oats, ocas, scat, scot, soca, sofa, soft, stoa, taco, taos, act, aft, cat, cos, cot, fas, fat, oaf, oat, oca, oft, sac, sat, sot, tao, tas, as, at, fa, of, os, so, ta, to.

How can I spell words with these letters GLWOASR?

You can find all the words that can be spelled using the letters GLWOASR by just adding the letters in our tool and clicking enter to obtain the results. As a result, you will get an entire list of words that can be formed using your desired letters. In our case all the possible letters that can be formed using the letters GLWOASR are as follows algors, argols, gorals, growls, largos, sawlog, aglow, algor, argol, awols, gaols, glows, goals, goral, growl, grows, largo, orals, solar, sowar, alow, also, awls, awol, gals, gaol, gars, glow, goal, goas, grow, lags, lars, laws, logs, lows, oars, oral, osar, owls, rags, raws, rows, sago, slag, slaw, slog, slow, soar, sola, sora, swag, wags, wars, ago, als, ars, awl, gal, gar, gas, goa, gor, lag, lar, las, law, log, low, oar, ora, ors, owl, rag, ras, raw, row, sag, sal, saw, sol, sow, wag, war, was, wos, ag, al, ar, as, aw, go, la, lo, or, os, ow, so, wo.

How many words can I spell with these letters BIBLE?

We can form 13 words from the letters BIBLE and they are as follows bible, bile, bleb, bel, bib, ebb, lei, lib, lie, be, bi, el, li.

How many words spelled with these letters TRICKS?

We can spell a total of 41 letters with the letters TRICKS and the words are as follows strick, tricks, ricks, skirt, stick, stirk, ticks, trick, cist, cris, irks, kirs, kist, kits, kris, rick, risk, sick, skit, stir, tick, tics, cis, ick, irk, its, kir, kit, sic, sir, sit, ski, sri, tic, tis, tsk, is, it, ki, si, ti.

What words can I spell with these letters CLOCK?

All the words you can spell with these letters CLOCK are as follows lock, cock, lock, col, lo.

What can I spell with these letters BEDROOM?

All the words that can be spelled with these letters BEDROOM are as follows bedroom, boredom, broomed, boomed, boomer, moored, roomed, booed, bored, brome, bromo, brood, broom, demob, mooed, omber, ombre, orbed, robed, rodeo, romeo, berm, bode, boom, boor, bore, bred, broo, demo, derm, doer, dome, doom, door, dore, dorm, mode, mood, moor, more, oboe, odor, omer, ordo, redo, robe, rode, rood, room, bed, bod, boo, bro, deb, doe, dom, dor, med, mob, mod, moo, mor, obe, ode, orb, ore, reb, red, rem, rob, rod, roe, rom, be, bo, de, do, ed, em, er, me, mo, od, oe, om, or, re.

How many words can be spelled with these letters BEEHIVES?

You can be a total of 43 words with these letters BEEHIVES and they are as follows beehives, beehive, beeves, bevies, sheeve, hebes, hives, shive, sieve, vibes, bees, bise, eves, hebe, hies, hive, shiv, vees, vibe, vies, vise, bee, bis, eve, hes, hie, his, see, sei, she, sib, vee, vie, vis, be, bi, eh, es, he, hi, is, sh, si.

How many words can you spell with these letters SUPREME?

You can spell a total of 97 words with the letters SUPREME and they are as follows presume, supreme, peruse, purees, resume, rupees, sempre, emeus, meres, mures, muser, peers, peres, perms, perse, prees, prese, puree, purse, reuse, rumps, rupee, serum, speer, sperm, spree, sprue, spume, super, emes, emeu, emus, mere, mure, muse, peer, pees, pere, perm, pree, pure, purs, rees, rems, reps, rues, rump, rums, ruse, seem, seep, seer, seme, sere, spue, spur, suer, sump, supe, sure, umps, user, eme, ems, emu, ere, ers mus, pee, per, pes, pur, pus, ree, rem, rep, res, rue, rum, see, ser, sue, sum, sup, ump, ups, use, em, er, es, me, mu, pe, re, um, up, us.


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15 авг. 2018

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grammatically, second is correct, but you can say both

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How do you spell this word

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Can I say "how to spell this word" when I wanna ask a question.and "how do you spell this word",which one is correct?

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    Yes, some examples are «She was asked» «I was asked»

  • which one is correct?

    «When I can speak» or «When I can to speak»



    When can I speak?

  • ‎In what context, can I say «What are you asking?» instead of «What are you asking for?»


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  • Is it okay to say «How do I say xxxxx?» instead of «How do you say ___?»


    is okay una refiere a como lo digo y la otra como lo dices tu ambas se pueden usar

  • ‎‎In what context, can I say «What are you asking?» instead of «What are you asking for?»


    “What are you asking?” is used when you don’t under at the question the person is asking.

    “What are you asking for?” Is kind of like, what i…

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    e.g. «Thanks»
    I usually pronounce it «s».
    So how to correct it?


    stick your tongue out between your teeth when u say it :)

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    «It grosses me out. So do you»

    If it’s not correct…


    What you’re saying here is You also gross me out.

    If you’re agreeing with the person that “it” also grosses me out, you say.

    Me, too

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    «something» (when not remembering the name of something. Sometimes doubled: «something something» if the word has more than one part.

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    What’s the catch here??

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    Where are you study?
    Where do you study?

    Thank you.

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  • есть больше времени на учёбу. is this sentence true? I want to say “there is more time to study” …
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    «Булочки упали и разбились»
    Какой вариант подходит?
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    Витя, ты опять опоздал на урок. Смотри, чтобы

    A. этого больше не было

    B. Этого боль…

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  • попросил ChatGPT составить предложения с глаголами ВЫ-
    как они звучат? Стоит использовать?


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    — Нет, «не взял».

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  • Как сказать на Английский (американский вариант)? me gustaria ir de tiendas con mis amigas

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Bad spelling can be dangerous.

Let’s take the commonly misspelled words  – your and you’re.

Some folks might write – “Your going to die,” when they meant to write, “You’re going to die.”

@_ryanpm_Bad grammar is scary #inverted #SometimesIRun #grammarlesson #tiktokteacher♬ Sometimes – Britney Spears

Okay, this might be an extreme example.  

Whether you are writing an essay for school, an important email, or a resume for a new job, the spelling of the words you use matter a lot. After all, an email with a bunch of spelling errors can make you look lazy or unprofessional.  

However, the English language is drawn from multiple sources, like Latin and Greek. Add in the nuances between American English and British English. And, it is easy to see how people get confused about all of the different spelling rules.

Luckily, it is easy to fix. Our phones and computers now come with built-in spell checkers, so we don’t have to turn to Merriam Webster,, or, heaven forbid, memorize all of the ways to spell words like our grandfathers and grandmothers had to do back in the old days pre-computers, Internet, and smartphones.  

However, the best spellers – you know the ones who participated in the National Spelling Bee as kids – know autocorrect won’t always have your back and can sometimes feel like it’s actively working against you. For example, every time your phone autocorrects a certain word to “duck” or “ducking” in your texts.

In this post, we’ll share the basics of spelling, tips for improving your skills, and a few of the most commonly misspelled English words.

What does spelling mean?

Essentially, spelling is the forming of words or letters in the correct, accepted order. It boils down to a series of letters that make up a word.

Being able to spell words correctly is not this magical force or superpower. Anyone can learn to be a better speller if you learn these basic rules to guide English spelling. 

Without diving into the specifics of each, here are 5 of the categories that most spelling rules apply to in English:  

• Prefixes and suffixes

• Doubling letters

• Dropping and adding letters

• Verb forms

• Plurals

The dictionary uses both American and British spellings of words. For instance, “color” is the American form of the word “colour” in British spelling. Though neither spelling is incorrect, the spelling you’ll use will likely depend on where you live.

British and American spellings of words often follow different spelling rules, so you’ll need to be sure to follow the rules of whichever you use.

How to spell words correctly

There are many rules to follow when it comes to spelling, and so many of these rules aren’t set in stone. The rules aren’t always applied the same way to different words.

This is a recipe for confusion.

But don’t worry! By keeping a few hints in mind, you can improve your spelling without having to memorize a ton of rules.

• Start by sounding out the words. Not every word is spelled how it sounds, but the phonetic respelling will give you a good start.

• Remember the old saying, “I before E except after C.”

• Know that adding a prefix doesn’t change the spelling of a word.

• Look for smaller words within a larger, more complex word. If you can spell the smaller words, it can get you closer to the bigger picture.

• Know that the second vowel is silent when two vowels are next to each other.

• Make a list of your most commonly misspelled words and practice spelling them correctly.

• Use a memory trick! For example, this one to help you remember the spelling of island: an island is land in the ocean.

• When in doubt, use as a shortcut to find synonyms of the words that are easier for you to spell.

Commonly misspelled words

Spelling is a fundamental skill, but it takes time and practice to get the rules right. Even then, some words are just trickier than others and are often misspelled.

People often have the same natural tendencies toward making similar spelling mistakes. Here are a few of the most common reasons that people misspell words:

• Not understanding patterns or blending

• Inability to apply phonetic rules

• Reversing certain letters

• Misunderstanding of the relationship between letter sounds

• Inability to put spelling rules into action

• Not adding an apostrophe in the right place – or even at all. 

Not everyone struggles with the spelling of the same words or even makes the same type of spelling mistakes. However, some words in general are just more difficult for people to spell.

For example, this epic middle school teacher shares a bunch of commonly spelled words in this fun TikTok.

@queenbc84##inverted ##MyRoutine ##grammarcheck ##teachersoftiktok ##ela ##middleschoolenglish♬ original sound – Shuba

In addition, here are 20 more frequently misspelled words in the English language:


Correct spelling: separate

Common misspelling(s): seperate


Correct spelling: definitely

Common misspelling(s): definitly, definately


Correct spelling: accommodate

Common misspelling(s): accomodate, acommodate


Correct spelling: separate

Common misspelling(s): publically, pubically 


Correct spelling: government

Common misspelling(s): goverment


Correct spelling: receive

Common misspelling(s): recieve


Correct spelling: independent

Common misspelling(s): independant


Correct spelling: acceptable

Common misspelling(s): acceptible


Correct spelling: piece

Common misspelling(s): peice 


Correct spelling: grateful

Common misspelling(s): greatful


Correct spelling: gauge

Common misspelling(s): guage


Correct spelling: aluminium

Common misspelling(s): alluminnum, alluminum 


Correct spelling: possession

Common misspelling(s): posession, possesion


Correct spelling: perseverance

Common misspelling(s): perserverance, perseverence


Correct spelling: questionnaire

Common misspelling(s): questionaire, questionnaire


Correct spelling: rhythm

Common misspelling(s): rhytm, rythm


Correct spelling: maintenance

Common misspelling(s): maintanence, maintenence, maintnence


Correct spelling: exceed

Common misspelling(s): excede


Correct spelling: entrepreneur 

Common misspelling(s): entepreneur 


Correct spelling: misspell

Common misspelling(s): mispell


In sum, the best way to improve your spelling? Practice, read, and write often. You could also try Writer! Start a free trial today and keep your spelling game sharp with the power of an AI writing platform.

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