How about you in french word

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

et vous

et toi

et si tu

et si vous

pourquoi ne pas

que dirais-tu de

pourquoi tu

que diriez-vous de

et si toi

pourquoi pas toi

que dirais-tu d’

qu’en est-il de vous

Et pour toi

Et si t’

Ça te dirait de


A conference entitled «They did it, how about you?»was organized.

Une conférence intitulée «Elles l’ont fait, et vous? » a été organisée.

Presenter: Father, how about you?

So how about you give us something real…

Bon, et si tu nous donnais quelque chose de concret…

So how about you double the girl’s offer?

Donc et si tu doublais l’offre de la fille ?

Many of them have given us their feedback — how about you?

Nombre d’entre eux nous ont transmis leurs témoignages. Et vous ?

Will, how about you give me that beer?

Will, et si tu me donnais cette bière?

Greg, how about you just do your job?

Greg, et si tu faisais ton travail ?

Producer: Husband, how about you?

Animateur : Monsieur, et vous?

I love Ranger products, how about you?

J’adore les produits Ranger, et vous?

We love Christine — how about you?

Nous adorons Christine, et vous ?

Nov162017 The Vipers are ready, how about you?

Nov162017 les Vipers sont prêts, et vous ?

So how about you get back in your car…

But how about you let me look at that…

Mais si vous me laissiez regarder ça…

Dan, how about you let these people go.

Dan, et si vous laissiez ces personnes partir.

Well, how about you help us in exchange.

OK, how about you come by the office tomorrow.

So how about you, you were always into science and stuff.

Actually, how about you stay right there.

En fait, c’est vous qui n’allez pas bouger.

how about you rewrite the script that I loathe?

So how about you leave her be and we’ll consider your debt to me paid.

Alors laissez-la tranquille, et je considérerai ta dette lavée.

No results found for this meaning.

Suggestions that contain how about you

Results: 3305. Exact: 3305. Elapsed time: 809 ms.


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Examples of using
How about you
in a sentence and their translations

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Et toi, Shay, tu irais jusqu’où?

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Et toi, tu connais mon secret?

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Et toi, Jimmy, t’as encore une minute?

context icon

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Et toi, comment c’est de vivre dans une grotte?

context icon

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context icon

Et toi, Harold, tu prends une bière?

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context icon

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context icon

Et toi, le résidu, tu as déjà tué?

context icon

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context icon

Results: 561,
Time: 0.0706

icon see-also

Word by word translation


Synonyms of How about you

and if you

what if you

and when you

what about you

and whether you

how are you

and should you

icon rotate vertical

Phrases in alphabetical order

Search the English-French dictionary by letter





Among the 25 songs being inducted this year are Canadian classics: Spinning Wheel by David ClaytonThomas who will perform his own classic at the Gala; Comme j’ai toujours envie d’aimer


(Marc Hamilton); You Were On My Mind (Sylvia Fricker (Tyson); Un Canadien errant

(Antoine G�rin-Lajoie); How About You?

On remarque parmi les 25 chansons qui seront intronis�es cette ann�e les classiques canadiens suivants : Spinning Wheel de David Clayton-Thomas, lequel interpr�tera lui-m�me cette chanson au Gala du PACC ; Comme j’ai toujours envie d’aimer


(Marc Hamilton) ; You Were On My Mind (Sylvia Fricker [Tyson]) ; Un Canadien errant

(Antoine G�rin-Lajoie) ; How About You?

Now, how about I race you to that tree over there.

Bon maintenant, qu‘est-ce que tu dirais d’une course […]

jusqu’� l’arbre l�-bas ?

How about if you started drawing […]

again, or maybe even painting?

Et si tu recommen�ais � dessiner, […]

peut-�tre m�me � peindre ?

You did mention in your speech about how you don’t see the linkage […]

between the inshore and the offshore stock, because in


some cases when they attempt to go offshore, they’re swept up.

Vous avez dit tout l’heure que vous ne voyiez pas […]

le lien entre les stocks c�tiers et les stocks hauturiers, parce que


dans certains cas les poissons qui essaient de partir au large se font d�cimer.

. Could you tell me more about how you use this information?

Pouvez-vous m‘en dire davantage sur la fa�on dont vous utilisez l’information […]


It is important to talk with your

healthcare provider about the risks and how you can minimize them.

Il est important de parler avec votre professionnel de la sant� des

risques et de la mani�re dont on peut les r�duire au minimum.

You may find very interesting information about how your club can gain new members.

Vous obtiendrez peut-�tre des informations fort int�ressantes qui aideront votre club � […]

obtenir de nouveaux membres.

Try to learn more about how you operate.

Essayez de d�couvrir comment vos processus de m�moire […]


Keep in mind that many health care providers will be watching for cues from you about how much information you are�ready to receive.

Il est important pour vous de savoir que les aides de soins de sant� chercheront des indices sur la quantit� d’information que vous pouvez recevoir.

It is important to

talk with your doctor(s) about how you feel about taking your medication.

Il est tr�s important que vous teniez votre m�decin au courant de votre […]

exp�rience avec votre m�dication.

We’re talking about how you go about making major decisions — those that impact others.

Nous parlons des d�cisions importantes qui ont une incidence sur les autres.

Take care about how you keep your ice-cream: ice-cream and sorbets provide an excellent breeding ground for bacteria.

Et puis, attention aux conditions de stockage : la glace et les sorbets sont d’excellents milieux de culture pour les bact�ries.

I hope you will enjoy reading about how this happened, about how the euro cash […]

became our money.

J‘esp�re que vous prendrez plaisir � lire cet ouvrage qui raconte l’av�nement […]

de l’euro.

I will be

telling (or, have already told) you about how you use admissions in making your […]


Je vous dirai �galement (ou, vous ai d�j� dit) comment vous pouvez vous […]

servir des admissions.

Think about how you can use these relationships to support your advocacy initiative.

R�fl�chissez � la fa�on d’utiliser ces relations pour soutenir votre initiative de plaidoyer.

Please see page 1

for information about how you can obtain the […]

Fund’s Annual Information Form.

Reportez-vousla page 1 pour des renseignements […]

sur la fa�on d’obtenir la notice annuelle des Fonds.

Once you think about how youre going to operate in those two extremes, it gives you the confidence to make […]

decisions in any scenario that falls in between.

Une fois qu’on a r�fl�chi � la fa�on de r�agir � ces deux extr�mes, cela donne confiance pour pouvoir prendre […]

des d�cisions en


fonction de n’importe quel sc�nario se situant entre les deux.

If you have a service-related or career-ending condition

you may be concerned about how you are going to pay your […]

bills and support your family.

Si vous avez un probl�me de sant� li� � votre service ou


mettant fin � votre carri�re, il vous arrive

certainement de vous demander comment vous allez payer vos […]

factures et subvenir aux besoins de votre famille.

Then, no

one can fool you about how to run the store.

Et personne ne pourra vous tromper sur la mani�re […]

de g�rer l’affaire.

I would imagine that you are making proposals from your own

point of view too about how you see this process […]

of developing a constitution.

J’imaginerais bien que vous formuliez des propositions […]

personnelles quant � ce processus d’�laboration d’une constitution.

Someone at the

center can advise you about how to encourage your […]

husband to come for testing, counseling, and treatment if needed.

Un prestataire du centre peut vous conseiller diverses fa�ons […]

d’encourager votre mari � venir se faire d�pister, assister


aux s�ances de counseling et se faire traiter si besoin est.

Think about how you plan to use a car […]

before you shop for one.

R�fl�chissez � l‘usage que vous pr�voyez faire […]

de votre voiture avant de commencer vos recherches.

Speak to your spouse

and close relatives about how you are feeling.

Expliquez � votre

conjoint et � vos proches comment vous vous sentez.

If you are tired, think about how tired he felt from […]

working all day in the caravan shop or on the rudder of the boat.

Si vous �tes fatigu�, pensez combien il se sentait […]

fatigu� de travailler toute la journ�e au magasin des caravanes ou au gouvernail du bateau.

You can also see detailed information about how much of each cartridge the proof print […]

label used.

Vous pouvez �galement acc�der � des informations d�taill�es concernant l’utilisation faite […]

de chaque cartouche lors de l’impression de l’�preuve.

It will give you some ideas about how to plan and conduct your journey.

Vous y trouverez quelques id�es qui vous indiqueront comment planifier et accomplir […]

votre voyage.

Sweepstakes and contests offered by


reputable companies are legitimate and it’s

fun to daydream about how youll use that new […]

bike, spa gift certificate or household appliance.

Les concours et loteries offerts par des soci�t�s r�put�es sont


l�gitimes, et il est certainement

agr�able de r�ver � ce que vous ferez de ce nouveau […]

v�lo, de ce ch�que-cadeau pour des soins


de beaut� ou de cet �lectrom�nager.

You have plenty of feeling, Ms.�Lamarre, when you talk about how you perceive things.

Vous en avez beaucoup, madame Lamarre, quand vous parlez de la fa�on dont vous vous percevez.

Think carefully about how you can do this, through […]

innovative and creative means, and commit resources to do so.


avec soin la fa�on dont vous pouvez y parvenir, […]

gr�ce � des moyens cr�atifs et novateurs, et affectez des ressources � cette fin.

If possible, talk about how you are feeling throughout this experience, as you will likely […]

experience many different emotions.

S’il cela est

possible, parlez ouvertement de vos sentiments face � vos exp�riences car vous passerez par […]

plusieurs �motions.

Last updated:

March 10, 2023

Knowing how to ask “How are you?” is fundamental for meeting people or making friends in French.

Read on to learn different ways to ask “How are you?” in French, with a brief explanation of each phrase.

And don’t forget to click on the phrase to hear it pronounced!


  • How to Ask “How Are You” in French
    • 1. Comment allez-vous ?  — How are you?
    • 2. Comment ça va ? — How’s it going?
    • 3. Comment vas-tu ? — How are you?
    • 4. Ça va ? — How’s it going?
    • 5. Tu vas bien ? / Vous allez bien ? — You’re doing well?
    • 6. Quoi de neuf ? — What’s new?
    • 7. Qu’est-ce qu’il y a ? — What’s wrong?
    • 8. Que fais-tu ? — What’s up?
  • Responses to “How Are You?” in French
    • 1. Bien, merci ! — Good, thanks!
    • 2. Ça va bien, et toi ? — It’s going well, how about you?
    • 3. Oui, je vais bien, et toi/vous ? — Yeah, I’m fine, and you?
    • 4. Comme ci, comme ça  — Okay
    • 5. Pas grand-chose — Not much
    • 6. Ça va mal — It’s not going well
    • 7. Non, je ne vais pas bien — I’m not doing well
    • 8. T’inquiète (pas), je vais bien — Don’t worry, I’m fine

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How to Ask “How Are You” in French

1. Comment allez-vous ?  — How are you?

Comment allez-vous ? is the most basic way of asking “how are you” in French. Note that vous, the formal “you,” is what makes the phrase formal. 

You would use this version with people seen as superior to you such as a boss, a teacher or an elder.

You also use vous for a plural “you,” so if you’re asking two or more people how they are, you use this version as well.

Notice that with the verb aller, you’re not so much asking “How are you?” but rather “How are you going?” 

Also note that we use a hyphen and switch the subject and the verb in order to form a question.

2. Comment ça va ? — How’s it going?

Comment ça va ? is an informal version of Comment allez-vous ?, so you should expect a similar response. 

Use this less formal version with friends, family and those of similar social status to you.

3. Comment vas-tu ? — How are you?

Comment vas-tu ? is the most accurate informal way of saying Comment allez-vous ?

The main difference here is that we’ve replaced vous with tu.

4. Ça va ? — How’s it going?

Ça va (“how’s it going,” or “are you okay”) is an even more informal way of asking Comment ça va ? Alternatively, it can express concern as in asking if someone is okay.

It’s generally used with people you know very well.

5. Tu vas bien ? / Vous allez bien ? You’re doing well?

Tu vas bien/vous allez bien ? (you’re doing well) can be used to ask “How are you?” or to express preoccupation, depending on the tone and context.

When speaking French, we can ask questions by just raising the tone of our voice, so we don’t have to use Est-ce que or a  hyphen.

6. Quoi de neuf ? — What’s new?

Quoi de neuf ? isn’t exactly asking “How are you?” but it’s still a question you can ask when you start a conversation.

It can also be translated as “What’s up?” and is an informal question you ask someone you haven’t seen in a while.

7. Qu’est-ce qu’il y a ? — What’s wrong?

Qu’est-ce qu’il y a ? is used to express concern and can be both formal and informal.

Although it doesn’t exactly mean “How are you?” it’s a common way to start a conversation with someone you know.

8. Que fais-tu ? — What’s up?

Que fais-tu ? literally means “What are you doing,” but it’s a great conversation starter because it can also be interpreted as “What’s up?”

This is informal because of the use of tu.

Responses to “How Are You?” in French

If you haven’t been exposed to too much French yet, there are some great resources out there that’ll help you practice asking and replying to “How are you?” as well as other basic greetings. 

For example you could try watching TV shows in French, or authentic French videos with interactive subtitles on FluentU.

If you want to see the phrases in this post used in action, you can try searching for them in the video dictionary and the language learning program will dig up any videos in its library that use that phrase.

This will allow you to see words and phrases used in context by native French speakers, and help you develop more natural sounding French as a result.

FluentU is available on iOS and Android.

1. Bien, merci ! — Good, thanks!

The most common response to “How are you?” in French is simple Bien, merci ! (Good, thanks!). You can also keep the conversation going by adding Bien, et vous ? (Well, and you?).

The key is the et vous (and you), which prompts a similar answer.

2. Ça va bien, et toi ? — It’s going well, how about you?

Another common reply to “How are you” in French, specifically when someone is asking you Comment ça va ? (How’s it going?), is Ça va bien, et toi ? (It’s going well, how about you?). It’s a polite phrase you can use in most situations. 

3. Oui, je vais bien, et toi/vous ? — Yeah, I’m fine, and you?

If someone asks you how you’re doing with Tu vas bien/vous allez bien (you’re doing well), a great answer is Oui, je vais bien, et toi/vous ? (Yeah, I’m fine, and you?).

4. Comme ci, comme ça  — Okay

When you want to reply to Ça va (“how’s it going,” or “are you okay”), you can say Comme ci, comme ça. It literally means “like this, like that,” however it’s used to mean “okay.”

If someone is asking if you’re okay, you can just say Oui, ça va, merci (I’m okay, thank you).

5. Pas grand-chose — Not much

If you’re having a casual conversation when a friend is asking you Que fais-tu ? (What’s up?), you can reply with Pas grand-chose (Not much).

You can also say:

  • Rien de spécial (Nothing special)
  • Rien de nouveau (Nothing new)

6. Ça va mal — It’s not going well

If you’re not doing well when someone is asking how you are, then you can say Ça va mal (It’s not going well).

7. Non, je ne vais pas bien — I’m not doing well

If Ça va mal is too easy for you, you could try this slightly longer alternative to say “I’m not doing well”: Non, je ne vais pas bien.

8. T’inquiète (pas), je vais bien — Don’t worry, I’m fine

Finally, this is a good phrase to use if someone asks you what is wrong (Qu’est-ce qu’il y a ?).

If nothing is wrong, you can say T’inquiète (pas), je vais bien (Don’t worry, I’m fine).

Otherwise, you can try to explain what’s happening!

As you can see, there are several ways to ask “How are you?” depending on what exactly you want to ask and who you’re talking to.

Obviously, memorizing whole sentences is not the best way to learn French, but there are some fundamental phrases that even beginners can learn to get quick conversation practice.

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can take anywhere.
Click here to get a copy. (Download)

One of the first phrases you’ll need to learn in French is “Hello, how are you today?”. It’s probably one of the first things your French teacher will ask you in class.

It’s also a great way to create a connection with people you’ve just met, learn about them and eventually become friends. After a few lessons with Lingoda, you will be able to move on to more complex ice breakers.

There are many ways to ask someone how they are doing in the French language, and you’ll find some of the

most common ways below, formal or informal. You will also learn some fun ways to ask “How are you?” that you can tell your new French-speaking friends to make them laugh.

Learn languages at your pace

How are you doing” in the French language – a useful list

Whether you’re speaking to your boss, your friend or a stranger, we’ve got you covered! Find a list of useful ways of asking how somebody is. 

  • 1. Comment allez-vous ?
  • 2. Comment vas-tu ? 
  • 3. Comment ça va ? / Ça va ?
  • 4. Comment tu te sens ?
  • 5. Tu vas bien ?
  • 6. Ça roule ? Ça baigne ? Ça gaze ? 
  • 7. Bien ou bien ?

Comment allez-vous ? will probably be the second question you will learn to ask in French after Comment tu t’appelles ? (what’s your name?).

It literally translates to “how are you going today?”. It is the most common phrase to ask how someone is. You can also use this phrase to ask “How are you?” in formal French. The use of vous indicates that you address several people or one person in a formal way. 

Comment vas-tu ? is the counterpart of Comment allez-vous ?. It means the exact same thing except that it’s meant to be used informally. Did you notice that tu was used instead of vous?

As a helpful rule of thumb, if you ever find yourself wondering whether you should use tu or vous, use vous. French may have a few famous swear words, but the language still cares about politeness!

This is a more neutral way of asking how someone is doing. You could use this phrase at work, with your boss or colleagues, with family or friends. It works well in any situation!

You can use the full phrase Comment ça va ? or drop the comment and ask a very simple ça va ?.

Learn languages at your pace

Comment tu te sens ? in French translates to “How are you feeling?”. It’s a more intimate way of asking someone how they are doing. Use this phrase with someone you already know well. By asking this question, you will make it feel like you expect an elaborate and sincere answer. Be prepared to deal with emotional comments!

5. Tu vas bien ?

Contrary to the neutrality of Comment ça va ? or Ça va ?, Tu vas bien ? could be a way to show that you care about the person. The use of tu (singular you) shows that you are addressing one person in particular and want to know what is up with them. Use this phrase with a dear friend who seems down or someone you haven’t seen in a while.

6. Ça roule ? Ça baigne ? Ça gaze ?

These phrases are a bit outdated but they are still funny. In fact, a French person may be pleasantly surprised that you know these phrases at all! They are rather informal so we wouldn’t recommend using them in a formal situation or at work. Instead, try this phrase on a good French-speaking friend for a laugh!

·   Ça roule ? literally translates to “Is it rolling?”. If you want to be even funnier (and even more outdated), you could ask Ça roule, ma poule ? (Is it rolling, my chicken?). Ma poule would be a friendly (and very informal) way to address a friend. The fun lies in the rhyme.

·   Ça baigne ? literally translates to “Is it bathing?”. Try it at the swimming pool for an amusing pun!

·   Ça gaze literally translates to “Is it gasing?”. Just like the two other phrases above, it means “How are things?”. 

7. Bien ou bien ?

Bien ou bien is one of modern French’s most recent argotic phrases to ask how someone is doing. It would translate to “well or well?”, hinting to the full question “Are you well?”. Fortunately, the answer to this question is usually a simple Bien. (well), 

So this could be an especially good phrase to learn if you are a beginner in French and don’t think you’d understand a longer answer!😉 

These 20 French phrases for beginners might help you on your language learning journey as well.

In a nutshell – how to say “how are you” in French

There you go, 7 different ways to ask a French speaker how they are doing. Asking someone how they are really is the first step to a new friendship.

However, make sure you read the room before you use any of these phrases. We wouldn’t want you to commit any social faux-pas

For example, never use Ça roule ? with your boss, it probably wouldn’t go well… Unless they’ve known you for a while and are pretty laid-back.

And don’t use Comment tu te sens ? with this person you’ve never connected with if you don’t want them to talk your ear off.

If in doubt, a nice Comment ça va ? will work like a charm.

Learn languages at your pace

Louise is a French teacher and courses director. She lives in Oxford, UK and loves to bike around this lovely city. She is a keen traveller (she lived in Europe, the United States and Australia) and loves meeting people from all over the world. She is also passionate about how learning a new language opens doors to so many different cultures, and this is what she wants to share with her students. She comes from Burgundy-Franche-Comté, a region in the East of France, and loves everything there is about it, from the Macvin to the cancoillotte!

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