Hotel word of the day

Russian Pod 101


  • В како́м оте́ле вы останови́лись?

    v ka-kóm a-té-lye vy as-ta-na-vée-lees’

    What hotel did you stay at?

  • Я оста́вила фотоаппара́т в но́мере в оте́ле.

    ya as-tá-vee-la fa-ta-ap-pa-rát v nó-mye-rye v a-té-lye

    I left the camera in the hotel room.

Declension of the word отель

Case Singular Plural
Nominative Nom. оте́ль оте́ли
Genitive Gen. оте́ля оте́лей
Dative Dat. оте́лю оте́лям
Accusative Acc. оте́ль оте́ли
Instrumental Inst. оте́лем оте́лями
Prepositional Prep. оте́ле оте́лях

Additional examples

  • Все сотру́дники оте́ля поголо́вно говоря́т как ми́нимум на ру́сском и англи́йском.

    fsye sat-rúd-nee-kee a-té-lya pa-ga-lóv-na ga-va-ryát kak mée-nee-mum na rús-kam ee ang-lées-kam

    All hotel employees without exception speak at least Russian and English.

  • Сти́льные номера́ оте́ля бы́ли укра́шены кра́сочными фотогра́фиями Пари́жа.

    stéel’-ny-ye na-mee-rá a-té-lya bý-lee uk-rá-shee-nee krá-sach-ny-mee fa-ta-grá-fee-ya-mee pa-rée-zha

    The stylish hotel rooms were decorated with colorful photographs of Paris.

  • Деко́р в сти́ле 1930-х годо́в добавля́ет очарова́ния э́тому ую́тному оте́лю.

    de-kór f stée-lye tree-tsá-tyh ga-dóf da-bav-lyá-eet a-chee-ra-vá-nee-ya é-ta-mu u-yút-na-mu a-té-lyu

    1930s style décor adds charm to this cozy hotel.

  • Мы заброни́ровали но́мер в оте́ле на берегу́ мо́ря|моря́.

    my za-bra-née-ra-va-lee nó-meer v a-té-lye na bee-ree-gú mó-rya

    We booked a room in a hotel on the seashore.

  • В э́том оте́ле есть осо́бенные номера́ для новобра́чных.

    v é-tam a-té-lye yest’ a-só-been-ny-ye na-mee-rá dlya na-va-brách-nyh

    This hotel has special rooms for newly-weds.

  • Мы останови́лись в о́чень ую́тном оте́ле с больши́ми о́кнами.

    my as-ta-na-vée-lees’ v ó-cheen’ u-yút-nam a-té-lye s bal’-shée-mee ók-na-mee

    We stayed in a quite cosy hotel with large windows.

  • В э́том оте́ле есть та́кже и тренажёрный зал.

    v é-tam a-té-kye yest’ ták-zhe ee tree-na-zhyór-nyî zal

    This hotel also has a gym.

Russian lesson of the day

Russian Lesson of the Day allows you to practice the vocabulary you learn with us using the method of spaced repetitions.

Related words

2 thoughts on “Отель

  1. Katherine Nobles says:

    I always learned Гостиница for hotel. When did this come into usage?

    • Learn Russian Daily says:

      Hello Katherine,

      We equally use both: отель and гостиница. Гостиница is originally a Russian word that comes from гость (quest) and гостить (be on a visit, to stay with). Отель is adopted from French. I can’t tell you when it was adopted, but it definitely happened a while ago. The word отель is present in most dictionaries.

Do you have any questions? We are here to help!

(noun, adjective)


Guests at a hotel.

A guest is a person who visits your home. It can also be someone who you invite to a party or celebration.

  • Some guests are coming to our house this weekend.
  • There were 100 guests at the party.

A guest is someone who is staying at a hotel.

  • We ask that guests leave the hotel by 11:00am.

Don’t confuse it with

If you guess something, it means that you don’t know the answer but you give your opinion.

Common uses

If someone asks if they can do something, we often say, “Be my guest.” This means that they can do it. For example, “Can I use your phone?” “Be my guest!”

In pop culture

In the classic Disney movie Beauty and the Beast, the characters sing the song Be Our Guest to Belle to make her feel welcome.

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Word of the Day is released Monday through Friday.

April 11, 2023


Alright, so we’re back with another in-depth installment of “Kpop Teaches Korean Too”. I really love this song and I find myself listening to it and singing it more often than any other song on my playlist and so I’m really excited to be doing this post. I hope that after Monday’s post you weren’t too confused on how to do this. Have you been practicing this while listening to your music this past couple of days? Still struggling a bit? Have no fear! We’re still practicing it.

Remember, find the words in each line that you understand to help you put the lyrics together.

이 곳은 heartbreak hotel
날 위해 남겨둔 이 공간에
홀로 누워 forget you
눈물 나도 forgive you
오늘 난 checking out
여길 떠날게 Heartbreak hotel
No I ain’t gonna go
No I ain’t gonna go
오늘 난 checking out
여길 떠날게 Heartbreak hotel

i goseun heartbreak hotel
nal wihae namgyeodun i gonggane
hollo nuwo forget you
nunmul nado forgive you
oneul nan checking out
yeogil tteonalge Heartbreak hotel
No I ain’t gonna go
No I ain’t gonna go
oneul nan checking out
yeogil tteonalge Heartbreak hotel

Let’s go through this line-by-line.

이 곳은 heartbreak hotel (i goseun heartbreak hotel)

  • 이 곳은 | “this is (the)” or “this place (is the)”

“This is the heartbreak hotel” or “This place is the heartbreak hotel”

This sentence is a bit easier because there are English lyrics added in. This gives you an idea of what is potentially being said here. We’ve talked about these words before but now we get to see it in an “everyday use” fashion.

날 위해 남겨둔 이 공간에 (nal wihae namgyeodun i gonggane)

  • 날 | me (possession)
  • 위해 | for
  • 이 | this
  • 에 | location particle

남겨둔 and 공간에 may not be very familiar to you. If it is then you probably already know what this line means, but if it’s something you haven’t heard before or you can’t quite remember what it means, write it down and look up the definitions.

  • 남겨둔 | “leave behind/remains”
  • 공간 | “space”
    • 공간에 | signifies that this “space” is an actual location

“In this space for me that remains”  or “In this space that remains for me”

Quick Grammar Note | I added  in the complete translation of this word, however 남겨둔 are two words put together to create the meaning, “leave behind” or “remains”.  by itself is a past determinative. We haven’t talked about this before during any Grammar sessions so I won’t go into detail to confuse you. 

홀로 누워 forget you (hollo nuwo forget you)
눈물 나도 forgive you (nunmul nado forgive you)

  • 홀로 | alone
  • 눈물 | tears
  • 나도 | “Even I/I also/Me too”

Again, these two lines are a bit easier because we’ve been given English phrases to kinda help up determine what these lines mean.

Potentially unfamiliar word: 누워 | comes from the verb 눕다 (nupda) meaning “to lie down”.

“Laying down alone, forget you” or “I lay alone, forget you”

“Tears fall but I forgive you” 

오늘 난 checking out (oneul nan checking out)

여길 떠날게 Heartbreak hotel (yeogil tteonalge Heartbreak hotel)

  • 오늘 | Today
  • 난 | I am
  • 여길 | this place

I’m adding this as a grammar note because it’s a combination of things, 떠날게. 떠나다 means, “To leave”, 날게 is actually a grammar concept we’ve discussed before. I won’t go into too much detail here but it insinuates that you want to do something. So 떠날게, “I want to leave”. Again, we’re seeing a grammar concept in everyday application.

“Today I’m checking out”

“I want to leave this place (Heartbreak Hotel)” 

So this one was a bit longer but I hope this was helpful. Remember, pick out words that you understand and jot down words that you don’t know to help you figure out what’s being said in a song. You’ll be surprised with how much you understand and eventually, you won’t even need the translated lyrics because you’ll automatically know!

That’s it for today!

If there’s a song that you would like to see featured in the “Kpop Teaches Korean Too” posts, comment below! 

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See the most commonly confused word associated with


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a commercial establishment offering lodging to travelers and sometimes to permanent residents, and often having restaurants, meeting rooms, stores, etc., that are available to the general public.

a word used in communications to represent the letter H.

Hotel, Military. the NATO name for a class of nuclear-powered Soviet submarines armed with single-warhead ballistic missiles: in service with the Soviet Navy 1959–91.


Click for a side-by-side comparison of meanings. Use the word comparison feature to learn the differences between similar and commonly confused words.



There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?

Which sentence is correct?

Origin of hotel

First recorded in 1670–80; from French hôtel, Old French hostel hostel

synonym study for hotel

1. Hotel, house, inn, tavern refer to establishments for the lodging or entertainment of travelers and others. Hotel is the common word, suggesting a more or less commodious establishment with up-to-date appointments, although this is not necessarily true: the best hotel in the city; a cheap hotel near the docks. The word house is often used in the name of a particular hotel, the connotation being wealth and luxury: the Parker House; the Palmer House. Inn suggests a place of homelike comfort and old-time appearance or ways; it is used for quaint or archaic effect in the names of some public houses and hotels in the U.S.: the Pickwick Inn; the Wayside Inn. A tavern, like the English public house, is a house where liquor is sold for drinking on the premises; until recently it was archaic or dialectal in the U.S., but has been revived to substitute for saloon, which had unfavorable connotations: Taverns are required to close by two o’clock in the morning. The word has also been used in the sense of inn, especially in New England, ever since Colonial days: Wiggins Tavern.


ho·tel·less, adjective


1. hostel, hotel 2. hotel , motel

Words nearby hotel

hot-dip coating, hot-dipped, hot dog, hotdogging, hot-draw, hotel, Hôtel des Invalides, hôtel de ville, hôtel-Dieu, hotelier, hotelkeeper Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to hotel

hostel, house, inn, lodging, motel, resort, tavern, auberge, caravansary, dump, fleabag, flophouse, hospice, hostelry, roadhouse, spa, boarding house, public house, rooming house

How to use hotel in a sentence

  • He owns a vast array of businesses, including coal mines, resort hotels and agricultural interests, many of them regulated by the state agencies that report to him.

  • There are few hotels near the club, the former official said, so it was vital to have a space available for agents and equipment.

  • The Housing Commission is set to vote this Friday on the proposal to buy Residence Inn hotels in Mission Valley and Kearny Mesa.

  • He said those who made reservations in other hotels will have to contact the hotels directly to cancel their reservations.

  • I didn’t want to get caught, so I suggested we go back to his hotel.

  • Flesh encircled him at the main pool of the Paradise Hotel and Residences at Boca.

  • Scalise has called the talk, which he delivered in a hotel outside New Orleans, “a mistake I regret.”

  • The added charge for access to hotel Wi-Fi is not only exploitative but increasingly irrelevant.

  • “Personal hotspots can get speeds of up to 60 Mb/s down, whereas hotel Wi-Fi can be as slow as 1.5 Mb/s,” Sesar said.

  • If someone wants to ensure a direct and secure connection, no entity, whether a hotel or otherwise, should be able to block it.

  • “This house must have been the hotel of some distinguished family, Baron; it is nobly proportioned,” said David Arden.

  • There he gave orders for the car to be put into running condition for the following morning, and returned to the hotel.

  • Outside the hotel he came upon the two sisters sitting on a bench and drinking coffee.

  • I turned round, thrust my purse into the lap of the nearest, and with a light heart led the lady back to the hotel.

  • When he returned to the hotel he kissed his incongruous room-mate with the gentleness of a woman.

British Dictionary definitions for hotel (1 of 2)


a commercially run establishment providing lodging and usually meals for guests, and often containing a public bar

Word Origin for hotel

C17: from French hôtel, from Old French hostel; see hostel

British Dictionary definitions for hotel (2 of 2)


communications a code word for the letter h

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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