Hopefully not a word

Can hopefully mean ‘I hope’?: Usage Guide. In the 1960s the second sense of hopefully (“it is hoped“), which dates to the early 18th century and had been in fairly widespread use since at least the 1930s, underwent a surge in popularity.

Simply so What do you reply to hopefully? You are saying that you agree with them, so you could also say, “I hope so too.”

Does hopefully mean yes? The adverb hopefully means ‘wanting the answer to be yes‘: …

also What kind of word is hopefully? Hopefully is an adverb which means “in a hopeful manner” or, when used as a disjunct, “it is hoped”.

Do I use a comma after hopefully?

Hopefully’ is being used as a parenthetical expression to interrupt a thought and not as a conjunctive adverb joining two sentences. Since it is functioning as a parenthetical expression, you need to punctuate it with two commas. “…and, hopefully, become a member of the band.”

When guys say hopefully see you soon? If they just say it as a statement, it can mean that it was nice to see you and they look forward to seeing you again. It can be used as a segue to end a current conversation, but to let you know they aren’t doing so because they don’t want to see you, thus the reaffirmation of “Hope to see you soon?”

What is the meaning of i hope so too?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary EnglishI should hope so (too)I should hope so (too) (also I should hope not British English) spoken used to say that you feel very strongly that something should or should not happen ‘They’ll get their money back.’ ‘ I should hope so too, after being treated like that.’

What to say instead of Hope this helps? “good luck” and “regards” – In general these are like “hope this helps.” It rarely makes sense to add them, but in that rare instance where you really want to say good luck, it helps.

Why is hopefully not a word?

Hopefully is an adverb which means what it ought to [italics mine]–“full of hope” or “characterized by hope.” It normally modifies verbs. Nonstandard English sometimes substitutes the word hopefully for I hope (or some other subject with the verb hope). Incorrect: Hopefully, they will come in time.

What does Hopefully soon mean? 1 in a hopeful manner. 2 Informal it is hoped.

What’s another word for I hope?

What is another word for I hope?

hopefully here’s hoping
God willing with luck
all being well fingers crossed
touch wood if all goes well
if everything turns out all right it is to be hoped that

What does hopefully soon mean? 1 in a hopeful manner. 2 Informal it is hoped.

What does hopefully not mean?

Definition of hope not

—used to say that one wants something not to happen or to not be true “Will you have to miss the party?” “I hope not.”

Why is hopefully an adverb?

There are two ways of using the adverb hopefully. Traditionally it means ‘in a hopeful way’: … Hopefully we’ll see you tomorrow. When it’s used in the second way, hopefully is acting as a sentence adverb, a type of adverb that comments on the whole of a sentence rather than just a part of it.

Is hopefully an interjection? There are two ways of using the adverb hopefully. Traditionally it means ‘in a hopeful way’: … When it’s used in the second way, hopefully is acting as a sentence adverb, a type of adverb that comments on the whole of a sentence rather than just a part of it.

What is sentence adverb? In English grammar, a sentence adverb is a word that modifies a whole sentence or clause within a sentence. A sentence adverb is also known as a sentence adverbial or a disjunct.

What words are fronted Adverbials?

Fronted adverbials are words or phrases placed at the beginning of a sentence which are used to describe the action that follows. Here are some examples: Before sunrise, Zack ate his breakfast. After the rain stopped, Sophie went outside to play.

How do you respond to hopefully see you soon? In which case, the common reply in everyday English is, “ I hope so, too .” But there is nothing grammatically wrong with “I hope so”, it’s just not standard usage.

  1. You are a good person.
  2. I realy Enjoy in your company.
  3. I feel happy with you.
  4. I like your presence.
  5. I want to be conected with you.

Is it correct to say I hope so too?

Yes, you do. (Otherwise you’re just saying that you hope, not what you hope for.

How do you use I hope so? Definition of hope so

—used to say that one wants something to happen or be true and thinks it could happen or be true “Will you be able to come to the party?” “I hope so.”

How do you wish someone well in an email?

Here are some professional ways to tell someone, “Hope you’re doing well” in an email:

  1. “I hope you’re staying healthy.”
  2. “I hope this email finds you well.”
  3. “I hope you are having a productive day.”
  4. “How’s life in [City]?”
  5. “I hope you’re having a great week!”
  6. “I’m reaching out to you because…”

What is another way to say I hope? What is another word for I hope?

hopefully here’s hoping
God willing with luck
all being well fingers crossed
touch wood if all goes well
if everything turns out all right it is to be hoped that

Should you have any further inquiries please let us know?

Expressions for showing them you want to help

If I can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. If you require any further information, feel free to contact me. If you require any further information, let me know.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

надеюсь не

надеюсь, не

надеюсь, что не

будем надеяться, не

надеюсь, это не

Hopefully not something you’ll regret.

Hopefully not so unexpected that you were unprepared.

Надеюсь не так неожиданно, чтобы ты была не подготовлена.

Hopefully not to kidnap teenage girls.

Надеюсь не будет укачивать детей подростков.

Hopefully not many users were affected.

Hopefully not someone in this room.

Hopefully not in the same sitting.

Hopefully not accidental arson, but things happen in life.

Hopefully not houses with people in them.

Hopefully not but we shall see in time.

Hopefully not tomorrow (smiling).

Надеюсь, завтра будет не его день (смеется).

Hopefully not to return this year.

Hopefully not always (see below).

Hopefully not that kind of trip.

Hopefully not after an entire week this time.

Hopefully not fighting a war with another country.

Ведь понятно, что войны с другим государством не будет.

Hopefully not the last time here.

Loneliness inevitable? — Hopefully not.

Hopefully not too many agents give them jobs.

Вдобавок, и многие работодатели не спешат предоставлять им рабочие места.

Hopefully not, as you usually spoil everything.

Hopefully not Swine but who knows.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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You can pick me up at 6643 Peachtree Drive, hopefully not in an ambulance.

context icon

Ты можешь меня забрать на 6643 Пичтри Драйв надеюсь, не на машине скорой помощи.

I know that my answer may have been fuzzy, but hopefully not confusing.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

Я знаю, что мой ответ, возможно, был нечетким, но, надеюсь, не запутанным.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Though hopefully not too fine, as I’m


looking for any new friends.

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The prime cost of the products will hopefully not go up too much.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Себестоимость продукции, дай Бог, не сильно вырастет.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Были ли многие очищены и осталось просто несколько, или( надеюсь, нет)… по-другому как-то?

I am very happy about winning the Sunday Prime(for the first time and hopefully not the last time), and I wish all the players at the Titan Poker tables good luck!».

context icon

Я очень рад победе в Sunday Prime( она для меня первая и, надеюсь, не последняя) и желаю всем за игровыми столами Titan Poker удачи!».

It is my first experience of participating in such a promotion action, but hopefully not the last», commented Yevheniia Nikitchuk, SSTC NRS expert.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

Для меня это первый опыт участия в таких промо- акциях, но, надеюсь, не последний»,- комментирует специалист ГНТЦ ЯРБ Евгения Никитчук.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

and doesn’t call like your father who shall remain nameless.

context icon

Надеюсь не таким, кто целый день где-то болтается

и даже


соизволит позвонить… как твой отец, пожелавший остаться неназванным.

So this year we will need some more- hopefully not too long- consultations on this subject.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

Поэтому в этом году нам потребуются некоторые дополнительные- будем надеяться, не слишком продолжительные- консультации по этому вопросу.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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April 29 2012, 13:28


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Наречие hopefully имеет два значения:

1. «с надеждой»: He looked at her hopefully.
2. «я надеюсь» или «надо надеяться»: Hopefully the project will be finished on time.

Второе значение появилось относительно недавно. Иногда его критикуют и называют неправильным, но на самом деле у этой критики нет реальных оснований. Его невозможно перепутать с первым в реальном контексте, не говоря уж о том, что первое, якобы единственно правильное значение на самом деле встречается и в речи, и на письме намного реже второго.

Я не знал, однако, насколько недавно появилось второе значение — оказывается, совсем буквально вчера. Первая цитата в OED датирована 1932 годом, но после этого есть перерыв до 1954-го, и судя по всему до начала 60-х оно употреблялось редко. В начале 60-х наблюдается внезапный взрывной рост в его использовании, и вскоре после него появляются критики: уже в 1965-м это использование hopefully ругают в прессе (см. особенно комментарий Arnold Zwicky). Постепенно, впрочем, к нему почти все привыкли, включая большинство ярых хранителей языковой чистоты.

Одним из последних сдалось агенство Associated Press, и пару недель назад убрало из своего грамматического руководства запрет на это значение hopefully. Это событие породило небольшой всплеск статей и блог-записей, из которых отдельно отмечу — поскольку раздражает — запись в блоге Chronicle британского лингвиста Джеффри Пуллема. Среди многих соавторов известного лингвистического блога для широкой публики Language Log Пуллем выделяется своими грозными окриками, тирадами и наездами, обычно полными неверных, а то и просто лживых утверждений. В этой записи он тоже перевирает почти все, не сообщает читателям практически ни одного верного сведения, зато не забывает разрекламировать еще раз грамматику английского языка, одним из соавторов которой он является (подробный разбор идиотской тирады Пуллема, которая раздражает меня несмотря на то, что я совершенно согласен с ним собственно в вопросе использования hopefully, есть в моем комментарии к записи Languagehat, находится поиском ‘pullum’ на странице).

Забавно, насколько прочно укоренилось это новое — а теперь уже стандартное — значение hopefully в языке всего за 50 лет. Я поймал себя на том, что с трудом понимаю, как обходились без него до 60-х, ведь так удобно им передается эта часто важная мысль; а без него нужно писать что-то вроде «I hope that…» или еще ужаснее «It is to be hoped that…», что же люди делали? И не сразу до меня дошло, что мне не нужна машина времени, чтобы представить себе, что люди делали без этого hopefully — в моем распоряжении русский язык, в котором подобного наречия нет. Скажем, «очевидно» у нас есть, а какого-нибудь гипотетического «надежно» (не надёжно, а надежно), которое бы означало «я надеюсь» и было точным аналогом hopefully — нет. И действительно, приходится писать или говорить «надеюсь», «надо надеяться», «остается надеяться», или немного по-другому строить фразу, переносить надежду в другое место в предложении или вообще вместо нее употребить другую стандартную конструкцию, с несколько другим оттенком эмоции.

с надеждой


- с надеждой

he looked at me hopefully — он с надеждой посмотрел на меня

- вселяя надежду, благоприятно

things were turning out hopefully — развитие событий обнадёживало

- надо надеяться, как можно надеяться; я надеюсь, мы надеемся

hopefully we will get to the show on time — надо надеяться, что мы не опоздаем на представление

Мои примеры


it’s better to travel hopefully than to arrive — лучше ехать и надеяться, чем приезжать; цель ничто, движение всё  

Примеры с переводом

Hopefully the weather will be fine on Sunday.

Надеюсь, в воскресенье будет хорошая погода.

Hopefully, I’ll be back home by ten o’clock.

Надеюсь, я вернусь домой к десяти часам.

He set to work hopefully.

Он с надеждой принялся за работу.

Hopefully, listeners will enjoy hearing about this topic.

Надо надеяться, что слушателям понравится эта тема.

Hopefully, things will get better soon.

Надеюсь, вскоре всё наладится.

The present epidemic, hopefully, seems to be on the downswing.

Будем надеяться, что нынешняя эпидемия пойдет на убыль.

‘Will there be any food left over?’ he asked hopefully.

— Может, останется хоть какая-то еда? — с надеждой спросил он.

We searched hopefully for a good position.

Мы с надеждой поискали хорошее место.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

They gazed up at us hopefully.

By then the problem will hopefully have been solved.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

hopeful  — надеющийся, многообещающий, человек, подающий надежды
hopefulness  — надежда, оптимизм

  • 1

    Персональный Сократ > hopefully

  • 2


    1. с надеждой

    2. вселяя надежду, благоприятно

    3. надо надеяться, как можно надеяться; я надеюсь, мы надеемся

    hopefully we will get to the show on time — надо надеяться, что мы не опоздаем на представление

    НБАРС > hopefully

  • 3

    [‘həupf(ə)lɪ], [-fulɪ]


    He set to work hopefully. — Он с надеждой принялся за работу.

    2) надо надеяться; будем надеяться

    Hopefully, listeners will enjoy hearing about this topic. — Надо надеяться, что слушателям понравится эта тема.

    The present epidemic, hopefully, seems to be on the downswing. — Будем надеяться, что нынешняя эпидемия пойдет на убыль.

    Англо-русский современный словарь > hopefully

  • 4

    1. adv с надеждой

    2. adv вселяя надежду, благоприятно

    3. adv надо надеяться, как можно надеяться; я надеюсь, мы надеемся

    Синонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > hopefully

  • 5

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > hopefully

  • 6

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > hopefully

  • 7

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > hopefully

  • 8


    с надеждой

    надо надеяться; будем надеяться

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > hopefully

  • 9

    1 (0) мы надеемся; с надеждой; я надеюсь

    2 (n) благоприятно; вселяя надежду; надо надеяться

    * * *

    1) с надеждой 2) надо надеяться; будем надеяться

    * * *

    [‘hope·ful·ly || ‘həʊpfʊlɪ]
    с надеждой

    * * *

    * * *

    1) с надеждой
    2) надо надеяться; будем надеяться

    Новый англо-русский словарь > hopefully

  • 10

    1) возможно

    2) хотелось бы надеяться, что; можно надеяться, что

    English-Russian dictionary of scientific and technical difficulties vocabulary > hopefully

  • 11

    English-Russian smart dictionary > hopefully

  • 12

    обнадеживающе; предположительно

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > hopefully

  • 13
    hopefully avoid

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > hopefully avoid

  • 14
    hopefully we will get to the show on time

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > hopefully we will get to the show on time

  • 15
    he looked at me hopefully

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > he looked at me hopefully

  • 16
    it’s better to travel hopefully than to arrive

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > it’s better to travel hopefully than to arrive

  • 17
    things were turning out hopefully

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > things were turning out hopefully

  • 18
    надо надеяться

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > надо надеяться

  • 19
    summer jam

    Сленг: вечеринка , вечеринка,ежегодный концерт в США

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > summer jam

  • 20

    adv весело, жизнерадостно, оптимистично; в розовом свете

    Синонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > rosily

См. также в других словарях:

  • hopefully — 1. This has been used since the 17c as a straightforward adverb of manner: • As lovers do, as lovers will, they travelled hopefully to Paris Maurice Gee, 1985 • Out on the corridor, Nurse Bodkin was hovering hopefully near a suspended piece of… …   Modern English usage

  • Hopefully — Hope ful*ly, adv. 1. In a hopeful manner. [PJC] 2. I hope; if all goes well; as, hopefully, the dress will be ready before the party. Note: Some prescriptivists object to this usage as being ungrammatical, but it is very common and well… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • hopefully — hopefully; un·hopefully; …   English syllables

  • hopefully — ► ADVERB 1) in a hopeful manner. 2) it is to be hoped that. USAGE The traditional sense of hopefully is ‘in a hopeful manner’. In the 20th century a new use arose, with the meaning ‘it is to be hoped that’. Although this newer use is now very… …   English terms dictionary

  • hopefully — [hōp′fəl ē] adv. 1. in a hopeful manner 2. it is to be hoped (that) [to leave early, hopefully by six] …   English World dictionary

  • hopefully — 1630s, in a hopeful manner, from HOPEFUL (Cf. hopeful) + LY (Cf. ly) (2). As a replacement for the admittedly awkward it is to be hoped that attested from 1932 but avoided by careful writers …   Etymology dictionary

  • hopefully — adverb 1) he rode on hopefully Syn: optimistically, full of hope, confidently, buoyantly, sanguinely; expectantly 2) hopefully it will finish soon Syn: if all goes well, God willing, with luck, with any luck; most l …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • hopefully —     To travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive. Seventy or eighty years ago that sentence by Robert Louis Stevenson would have suggested only one interpretation: that it is better to travel filled with hope than to actually reach your… …   Dictionary of troublesome word

  • hopefully — /hohp feuh lee/, adv. 1. in a hopeful manner: We worked hopefully and energetically, thinking we might finish first. 2. it is hoped; if all goes well: Hopefully, we will get to the show on time. [1630 40; HOPEFUL + LY] Usage. Although some… …   Universalium

  • hopefully — adverb Date: 1593 1. in a hopeful manner 2. it is hoped ; I hope ; we hope < hopefully the rain will end soon > Usage: In the 1960s the second sense of hopefully, which dates to the early 18th century and had been in fairly widespread use since… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • hopefully — [[t]ho͟ʊpfʊli[/t]] ADV: ADV with cl/group You say hopefully when mentioning something that you hope will happen. Some careful speakers of English think that this use of hopefully is not correct, but it is very frequently used. Both of them have… …   English dictionary

  • confidently
  • surely
  • expectantly
  • positively
  • sanguinely
  • trustfully
  • trustingly
  • with confidence
  • with hope
  • conceivably
  • expectedly
  • feasibly

On this page you’ll find 20 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to hopefully, such as: confidently, surely, expectantly, positively, sanguinely, and trustfully.

  • doubtfully
  • gloomily
  • hopelessly

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

TRY USING hopefully

See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.

How to use hopefully in a sentence


OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • airily
  • blithely
  • brightly
  • buoyantly
  • elatedly
  • gaily
  • genially
  • gladly
  • gleefully
  • happily
  • hopefully
  • jovially
  • joyfully
  • lightheartedly
  • merrily
  • mirthfully
  • optimistically
  • playfully
  • pleasantly
  • readily
  • sportively
  • vivaciously
  • willingly
  • encouragingly
  • favorably
  • hopefully

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

Does there exist a one word alternative to ‘Hopefully’ in the sense of ‘I am hopeful that’ or ‘I hope that’ which can be used in a formal document? I believe ‘hopefully’ is rather informal or common in spoken usage rather than written text, although some source like merriam-webster tend to disagree.

asked Jan 31, 2014 at 8:01

Arun's user avatar


More formal substitutions for «Hopefully» vary entirely on where it appears within your correspondence. (You wouldn’t use «hopefully» or any synonym for a law or contract.) Consider the following:

Dear Karnn;

I have received your question, and hope that this answer meets your needs. Hopefully, you will find it a superb answer and accept it as such.



Since «hope» is a rather informal message not always appropriate to business communication, we can substitute it entirely.


I have received your question, and believe that this answer meets your needs. Ideally, you will find it a superb answer and accept it as such.



Of course, the conversational style of writing demonstrated above is in itself rather informal, and for a more-formal correspondence all ambiguity and polite niceties would be entirely eliminated, leaving nothing but clear declarations.


I have received your question and written this answer in response.

Doug M

Community's user avatar

answered Jan 31, 2014 at 8:52

DougM's user avatar


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You can use «hoping that + clause».

answered Jan 31, 2014 at 8:10

rogermue's user avatar


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Hopefully is not inherently informal. What you may be worried about instead is that you are conveying a sense of insecurity about some fact or result. In formal writing, it often makes more sense to make the extent of that insecurity explicit.

'Hopefully, we should have results by the end of next month'

Is very fuzzy.. While

'We expect results by January 31st'

sounds formal. Getting rid of fuzziness often has the side-effect that the word ‘hopefully’ goes away as well.

answered Jan 31, 2014 at 9:01

Spork's user avatar


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  • Hope is a strong word
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