Hollywood to many people the word hollywood

To many people, the word Hollywood has two meanings. Hollywood is an a перевод - To many people, the word Hollywood has two meanings. Hollywood is an a русский как сказать

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To many people, the word Hollywood has two meanings. Hollywood is an area in Los Angeles. Hollywood is also the American movie industry
Hollywood was just farmland at the beginning of this century. Early American movies were made in other places: for example, in New York and Chicago.
In 1917 a director was making a movie in Chicago. Because of cold weather, he couldn’t finish the movie. He took a trip to southern California, and there he found just the weather and scenery he needed to finish his movie. The director realized that southern California was the perfect place for making movies. The next year his company built a movie studio in Hollywood. Other companies followed. Before long nearly all important American movie studios were in Hollywood, Los Angeles.
The next thirty years were Hollywood’s greatest years. Thousands of movies were made, most by a few large and powerful studios. Directors, actors, and writers worked for these studios. They made some movies that today are considered great art.
Hollywood, the area in Los Angeles, also reached its high point in these years. Many famous and glamorous movie stars, like Bette Davis and Clark Gable, lived in Hollywood.
Today, Hollywood is not what it was. More movies are made outside of Hollywood.
Many studios have moved. The movie stars have also moved to areas like Beverly Hills and Malibu.
But visitors to Hollywood today can go to the famous Chinese Theater and see the footprints and autographs of movie stars. They the can go down the Walk of Fame, on Hollywood Boulevard, and see golden stars in the sidewalk.


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


. Для многих людей слово Голливуд имеет два значения Голливуд — это область в Лос-Анджелесе. Голливуд Находится ТАКЖЕ в американской киноиндустрии Голливуд был просто сельхозугодий в начале Этого века. Ранние американские фильмы были сделаны в других местах: например, в Нью-Йорке и Чикаго . В 1917 году директор делает фильм в Чикаго. Из-за холодной погоды он не мог закончить фильм. Он съездил в Южной Калифорнии, и там он нашел только погода и декорации, ему необходимо закончить свой ​​фильм. Директор понял, что Южной Калифорнии был идеальным местом для создания фильмов. Следующий год его компания построил студию в Голливуде фильм. Вслед за другими компаниями. До времени почти все важные американский фильм студии были в Голливуде, Лос-Анджелес. На ближайшие тридцать лет были годы величайших Голливуда. Наиболее тысячи фильмов были сделаны несколько крупных и мощных студий. Режиссеры, актеры и писатели работал для этих студий. Они сделали некоторые фильмы, которые сегодня считаются большое искусство. Голливуд, области в Лос-Анджелесе, также достиг своей высшей точки в эти годы. Многие известные и гламурные звезды кино , как Бетт Дэвис и Кларк Гейбл, жил в Голливуде. Сегодня Голливуд является не то, что это было. Больше фильмов сделаны вне Голливуда. Многие студии перешли. Звезды кино также переехали в таких областях, как Беверли Хиллз и Малибу. Но посетителей в Голливуд сегодня может пойти в знаменитый Китайский театр и увидеть следы и автографы звезд кино. Они могут пойти вниз аллее славы на Голливудском бульваре и увидеть золотые звезды в тротуаре.

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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


Для многих людей слово Голливуд имеет два значения. Голливуд является областью, в Лос-Анджелесе. Голливуд ТАКЖЕ американская киноиндустрия
Голливуда был просто сельхозугодий в начале Этого века. Ранние американские фильмы были сделаны в других местах:. Например, в Нью-Йорке и Чикаго
В 1 917 году режиссер делал фильм в Чикаго. Из-за холодной погоды, он не мог закончить фильм. Он предпринял путешествие в Южную Калифорнию, и там он нашел только погода и декорации, он должен был закончить свой ​​фильм. Директор понял, что южная Калифорния была идеальным местом для создания фильмов. В следующем году его компания построила киностудию в Голливуде. Другие компании последовали. Вскоре почти все важные американские киностудии были в Голливуде, Лос-Анджелес.
Следующие тридцать лет были большие лет Голливуда. Были сделаны тысячи фильмов, наиболее несколько крупных и мощных студиях. Режиссеры, актеры и писатели работали для этих студий. Они сделали несколько фильмов, которые сегодня считаются большого искусства.
Голливуд, площадь в Лос-Анджелесе, также достиг своей высшей точки в эти годы. Многие известные и гламурные звезды кино , как Бетт Дэвис и Кларк Гейбл, жил в Голливуде. В
Сегодня, Голливуд не то, что было. Еще фильмы сделаны за пределами Голливуда.
Многие студии перешли. Кинозвезды также переехал в таких областях, как Беверли-Хиллз и Малибу.
Но посетители Голливуде сегодня можно перейти к известной китайской театра и увидеть следы и автографы кинозвезд. Они с может идти вниз аллея славы, на бульваре Голливуд, и посмотреть, золотые звезды в тротуаре.

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Read the text carefully and do the tasks that follow. HOLLYWOOD     To many people, the word “Hollywood” has two meanings. Hollywood is an area in Los Angeles. Hollywood is also the American movie industry.     Hollywood was just farmland at the beginning of the 20th century. Early American movies were made in other places: for example, in New York and Chicago.     In 1917 a director was making a movie in Chicago. Because of cold weather, he couldn’t finish the movie. He took a trip to southern California, and there he found just the weather and scenery  he needed to finish his movie. The director realized that southern California was the perfect place for making movies. The next year his company built a movie studio in Hollywood. Other companies followed. Before long nearly all important American movie studios were in Hollywood, Los Angeles.     The next thirty years were Hollywood’s greatest years. Thousands of movies were made, most by a few large and powerful studios. Directors, actors, and writers worked for these studios. They made some movies that today are considered great art.     Hollywood, the area in Los Angeles, also reaches its high point in these years. Many famous and glamorous stars, like Bette Davis and Clark Gable, lived in Hollywood.     Today, Hollywood is not what it was. More movies are made outside of Hollywood. Many studios have moved. The movie stars have also moved to areas like Beverly Hills and Malibu.     But visitors to Hollywood today can go to the famous Chinese Theatre and see the footprints and autographs of movie stars. They can go down the Walk of Fame, on Hollywood Boulevard, and see the golden stars in the sidewalk.Task 1. Mark the statements below as “True” or “False”.1. To many people, the word “Hollywood” has two meanings.2. Hollywood is an area in Montana.3. In 1921 a director was making a movie in New York.4. The director found just the weather and scenery  he needed to finish his movie in southern California. 5.  Today, Hollywood is not what it was.Task 2. Complete these sentences with question tags.1. Hollywood is also the American movie industry…2.  Hollywood was just farmland at the beginning of the 20th century…3.  Directors, actors, and writers worked for these studios. ..4.  Visitors to Hollywood today can go to the famous Chinese Theatre…5.  Today, Hollywood is not what it was

Главная » Английский язык — 5 — 9 классы

American movie industry (to be).
It was just farmland at the beginingof the20th century.Early American movies (3) _____ in other places, such as New York and Chicago (to be made).
In 1917 a director was making a film in Chicago.Becouse of cold wather he couldn’t finish the film. He took a trip to southern California and (4) _____ it was the perfect place for making films (to realize).
Next year his company built a movie studio in Hollywood. Other companies (5)_____ his example (to follow)

Ответ №1


1. has

2. is

3. were made

4. realized

5. followed


Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Jamel Dietrich

Score: 4.8/5
(35 votes)

: relating to or characteristic of people in the American movie industry. : relating to or typical of a movie made in Hollywood.

Why is it called Hollywood?

Hollywood got its name for a much more mundane reason: someone wealthy liked the sound of it. In 1886, Harvey Henderson Wilcox, a rich prohibitionist from Kansas, and his wife, Daeida, purchased 120 acres of apricot and fig groves near the Cahuenga Pass at $150 an acre. … Its name was Hollywood.

What does Hollywood mean in Hebrew?

Hollywood, Hebrew, Holy Land – Lay Of The Land.

Where did Hollywood come from?

Legend has it that early residents of SoCal were so inspired by a lovely holly-like bush that they were inspired to call their new digs Hollywood. The shrub that captured their imagination was the toyon, which is amazing to see this time of year.

What is the nickname of Hollywood?

Hollywood, also called Tinseltown, district within the city of Los Angeles, California, U.S., whose name is synonymous with the American film industry.

23 related questions found

Is Hollywood a real last name?

Hollywood is a topographic surname, which was given to a person who resided near a physical feature such as a hill, stream, church, or type of tree. Habitation names form the other broad category of surnames that were derived from place-names.

What is the meaning of Hollywood movies?

Hollywood is both the name of a specific neighborhood in the city of Los Angeles and a term for the film industry that’s located there. … These days, a Hollywood film is any big-budget American movie. Hollywood was originally a ranch established in 1886, which became a farming village in 1903.

Why is Hollywood famous?

It is very famous around the world as a place where movies and television series are made. It has many different attractions such as the Hollywood Walk of Fame, Universal Studios and the famous Hollywood Sign. … It is a popular destination for nightlife and tourism and home to the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Is Hollywood Arts a real school?

Hollywood Arts High School is a fictional performing arts high school (grades 9-12) in the Hollywood district in Los Angeles, California.

What does it mean when someone says your Hollywood?

to behave as if you think you are a very important person in the film business. Synonyms and related words.

How did everyone get into Hollywood Arts?

There are two known methods to get acceptance into Hollywood Arts. Either one auditions for a spot or one is invited to attend by the principal. Tori is the only known student to have been invited to attend.

How old is Victoria Justice now?

Justice, now 28 years old, plays a married woman for the first time. It’s part of why she views the role as a progression from her days on Nickelodeon sets.

Is TheSlap com real?

TheSlap.com is the show’s fictional social media website that had its own domain on the real internet and stood for quite a few years. Here you could view exclusive content and fun bonuses from the show, advertised during the credits scene of each episode.

Who Invented Hollywood?

He left Germany for the US with only a few dollars and became one of the great pioneers of Hollywood: Carl Laemmle’s life would be worth a movie in itself.

Where is Nollywood?

Nollywood is the film industry in Nigeria, and is in fact the second largest movie industry globally — in terms of output, producing about 2,500 films in a year. This number surpasses Hollywood, and is second only to India’s Bollywood.

Why did Hollywood start in California?

As Harvey sold lots, Daeida raised money to build churches, a school and a library. … The popular theory is that Daeida met a woman on a train with a summer home called Hollywood. But it could just as easily be a reference to a red-berried shrub, known as California holly, that grew in abundance in the area.

What is the full form of Hollywood?

: the American motion-picture industry.

What is the meaning of Pollywood?

Pollywood may refer to. Pashto cinema, the Pashto language film industry in the Pakistani province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Punjabi cinema, the Punjabi language film industry in the Indian state of the Punjab.

What is Hollywood used for?

Hollywood is a neighborhood located in Los Angeles, California, that’s also synonymous with the glamour, money and power of the entertainment industry. As the show-business capital of the world, Hollywood is home to many famous television and movie studios and record companies.

Is Hollywood an English name?

The name Hollywood is primarily a gender-neutral name of English origin that means Land Of The Holly Bush. Name of the neighborhood in Los Angeles where the movie industry was born. Also refers to the movie industry.

How many places are called Hollywood?

There are 31 places called Hollywood in the world.

What are some fun facts about Hollywood?

20 Fun Facts About the Hollywood Sign

  • 1) The Hollywood Sign is almost 90 years old. …
  • 2) The Hollywood sign wasn’t created with the movies in mind. …
  • 3) The first sign didn’t say “Hollywood.” …
  • 4) The original Hollywood Sign was bigger than the current sign. …
  • 5) 4,000 light bulbs graced the original Hollywoodland sign.

Do Tori and Beck get together?

Tori And Beck from «Victorious» May ~Finally~ Get Together In Victoria Justice and Avan Jogia’s New Movie. … Check out the poster for the movie below and bask in the potential Bori! Twitter/VictoriaJustice. Yup!

Meaning of HOLLYWOOD in English

Hollywood, more than any other place in the world, represents the excitement and glamour of the film industry . The world’s major film companies have studios in Hollywood and many famous film / movie stars live in its fashionable and expensive Beverly Hills district. But Hollywood is also Tinseltown , where money can buy an expensive lifestyle but the pressure to succeed can ruin lives, as in the case of Marilyn Monroe and River Phoenix . Both the British and Americans have mixed feelings about Hollywood: they are fascinated by the excitement of the film world and by the lives of the stars, but also see Hollywood as a symbol of trashy, commercial culture.

Hollywood is now surrounded by Los Angeles . In 1908, when film companies began moving west from New York, it was a small, unknown community. The companies were attracted to California by its fine weather, which allowed them to film outside for most of the year, but they also wanted to avoid having to pay money to a group of studios led by Thomas Edison which were trying to establish a monopoly. Most of the companies were run by people from Jewish families who had come to America from Europe. By the 1920s, companies such as Universal and United Artists had set up studios around Hollywood. During this period Mary Pickford , Douglas Fairbanks, and John Barrymore became famous in silent films (= films without sound). Mack Sennett , a Canadian, began making comedy films, including those featuring the Keystone Kops , in which Charlie Chaplin and ‘Fatty’ Arbuckle became stars. D W Griffith directed expensive ‘epic’ films like The Birth of a Nation , and William S Hart made westerns popular. Hollywood also created its first sex symbol, Theda Bara (1890–1955).

The 1920s saw big changes. The first film in Technicolor was produced in 1922. Warner Brothers was formed in 1923 and four years later produced Hollywood’s first talkie (= film with spoken words), The Jazz Singer . Huge numbers of Americans were now attracted to the movies . Stars like Pickford and Chaplin reached the height of their fame, and new stars were discovered, such as Rudolph Valentino , Laurel and Hardy and Buster Keaton .

The 1930s and 1940s were Hollywood’s ‘Golden Age’ and films became popular around the world. Hollywood even made successes out of America’s worst times: Prohibition led to the gangster films of Edward G Robinson and James Cagney , and the Great Depression to films like The Grapes of Wrath . World War II featured in successful films like Casablanca . The great Hollywood studios, MGM , Warner Brothers, 20th Century Fox , Paramount Pictures and Columbia Pictures , controlled the careers of actors. Famous directors of the time included Orson Welles and John Ford and screen stars included Clark Gable , John Wayne , Katharine Hepburn , Errol Flynn , Henry Fonda , Humphrey Bogart , Lauren Bacall , Bette Davis , Gregory Peck , Kirk Douglas and Robert Mitchum .

New words were invented to keep up with Hollywood’s development: cliffhanger , tear-jerker , spine-chiller and western describe types of film. Villains became baddies or bad guys . As equipment became more sophisticated more people were needed to manage it. New jobs, still seen on lists of film credits today, included gaffer (= chief electrician) and best boy , his chief assistant.

In the 1950s large numbers of people abandoned the movies in order to watch television. The film industry needed something new to attract them back. This led to the development of Cinerama and 3-D films , which gave the audience the feeling of being part of the action. These proved too expensive but the wide screen of CinemaScope soon became standard throughout the world. The stars of the 1950s, including Marilyn Monroe , Rock Hudson , James Dean and Steve McQueen , also kept the film industry alive.

In the 1960s many companies began making films in other countries where costs were lower, and people said Hollywood would never again be the centre of the film industry. But the skills, equipment and money were still there, and Hollywood became important again in the 1980s. The old studios were bought by new media companies: 20th Century Fox was bought by Rupert Murdoch , and Columbia by the Sony Corporation. New energy came from independent directors and producers like Steven Spielberg , Robert Redford and Martin Scorsese . Rising stars included Meryl Streep , Harrison Ford , Arnold Schwarzenegger , Kevin Costner and Tom Hanks .

Now, more than ever, Hollywood leads the world’s film industry, producing the most expensive and successful films ever made, such as Jurassic Park (1993), Forrest Gump (1994), Independence Day (1996), Titanic (1997), Gladiator (2000) and Troy (2004). Companies like MGM own their own movie theaters in the US and elsewhere. Studios make additional profits from selling films to television companies and from selling videos and DVDs. The Oscars , presented by Hollywood’s Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences , are the most valued prizes in the industry.

Oxford guide to British and American culture English vocabulary.

     Руководство по британской и американской культуре, Оксфордский английский словарь.

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