History one word questions and answers

World History Quiz Questions and Answers

Top 100 World History  General Knowledge Quiz Questions and Answers Part 1

1) The father of History:

Answer: Herodotus.

2) The period of unrecorded history is known as:

Answer: Pre Historic Age.

3) The Chinese ruler who built the Great Wall of China:

Answer: Qin Shi Huang.

4) The dynasty which ruled China for nearly 400 years?

Answer: Han.

5) A religious leader and philosopher who lived in China about 500 B.C:

Answer: Confucius.

6) The ancient people who invented Seismograph?

Answer: The Chinese.

7) most powerful leader in Persia in the 6lh century B.C:

Answer: Cyrus.

8) The founder of the religion. Zoroastrianism:

Answer: Zoroaster.

9) The God of the Parsees was called:

Answer: Ahura Mazda.

10) The most famous Greek poet:

Answer: Homer.

11) The most important Epics of the Greeks:

Answer: The Iliad and the Odyssey.

12) What were the two most important city states in ancient Greece?

Answer: Athens and Sparta.

13) What is meant by oligarchy?

Answer: The rule by a few rich men.

14) The most famous ruler of ancient Athens:

Answer: Pericles.

15) The great Greek woman who sang on the beauty of love and nature:

Answer: Sappho.

16) A great lyric poet who wrote poems to honour the victorious Greek athletes?

Answer: Pindar.

17) The founder of tragedy dramas:

Answer: Aeschylus.

18) The greatest of the Greek tragedians:

Answer: Sophocles.

19) The most famous philosophers of ancient Greece:

Answer: Socrates, Plato and Aristotle.

20) The most famous student of Socrates:

Answer: Plato.

World History Quiz Questions and Answers Part 2 (Quiz 21-40)

21) The Greek scientist who described the human brain in detail?

Answer: Herophilos.

22) Who calculated the circumference of the earth?

Answer: Eratosthenes.

23) The best example of Greek architecture:

Answer: Athena Parthenos.

24) The best known sculptors of ancient Greece:

Answer: Myron & Phidias.

25) The founders of Republicanism:

Answer: The Romans.

26) The legendary hero of Troy:

Answer: Aeneas.

27)  The most famous ancient Roman orator:

Answer: Cicero.

28) The philosopher Emperor of Rome:

Answer: Marcus Aurelius.

29) Who wrote a treatise that contained information on surgery?

Answer: Celsus.

30) The capital of ancient Hebrews:

Answer: Jerusalem.

31) The holy city to Judaism, Christianity and Islam:

Answer: Jerusalem.

32) The basic doctrine of Judaism is the belief in one God known as:

Answer: Jehovah.

33) Who came to be known as the great Messiah?

Answer: Jesus.

34) The Roman Governor of Palestine who sentenced Jesus to death on cross?

Answer: Pontius Pilate.

35) The place where Muhammad, the last prophet of Islam, was born?

Answer: Mecca in Arabia.

36) The wife of Muhammad is known by name:

Answer: Khadījah.

37) The more prominent of early cultures in south America:

Answer: The Chavín culture.

38) The language of the Aztecs:

Answer: Nahuatl.

39) Who were the savage type of people who built artificial islands in the lake of Mexico?

Answer: The Aztecs.

40) What was the name given to the floating gardens made by the Aztecs?

Answer: Chinampas.

World History Quiz Questions and Answers Part 3 (Quiz 41-60)

41) The most important leader of the Mongols:

Answer: Genghis Khan.

42) The countries where the civilization of the Incas flourished?

Answer: Equator, Peru, Chile.

43) One of the largest buildings of the Incas:

Answer: Temple of the Sun in Cusco.

44) The capital of the Inca empire:

Answer: Cusco.

45) One of the Inca cities which was situated at a height of nearly 3500 metres?

Answer: Machu Picchu.

46) The most famous king of Mali in Africa:

Answer: Musa I of Mali.

47) The Moroccan scholar who lived in the middle of the 14th century?

Answer: Ibn Battuta.

48) What is ‘Swahili’?

Answer: Swahili is an Arabic word that means ‘of the coast’.

49) What does the word Barbarian mean?

Answer: Uncivilized.

50) Who was known as the father of English Poetry?

Answer: Geoffrey Chaucer.

51) What are the two famous universities in England?

Answer: Oxford and Cambridge.

52) The number of labourers worked for the construction of the greatest pyramid, Khufu:

Answer: 3,00,000 men worked for 20 years to complete the work.

53) The Persian ruler who occupied the North Western Part of India in the 6th century B.C?

Answer: Darius I.

54) The Arab centre of veneration in Mecca:

Answer: Kaaba.

55) What was the name given to the oldest art flower arrangement of the Japanese?

Answer: Ikebana.

56) What names were given to the political parties in England in olden days?

Answer: Whigs and Tories.

57) Which is the coldest place in the world?

Answer: Vostok (Antarctica).

58) “The Queen of Mediterranean Sea”:

Answer: Carthage.

59) The historic Commander-in-Chief of Carthage in the punic wars:

Answer: Hannibal.

60) The year in which Julius Caesar was murdered by Brutus:

Answer: B.C. 44.

World History Quiz Questions and Answers Part 4 (Quiz 61-80)

61) Who became the Head of Rome after the assassination of Julius Caesar?

Answer: Octavian (Augustus Caesar).

62) The Egyptian beauty Queen who fell in love with Mark Antony:

Answer: Cleopatra.

63) “The Book of Kings” was written by whom?

Answer: Ferdowsi.

64) A treatise on small-pox and measles was written by:

Answer: Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Raz.

65) Which country came to be called “the nest of singing birds”?

Answer: England.

66) Who said the following famous words “I Came, I Saw, I Conquered’?

Answer: Julius Caesar.

67) The reigning period of Julius Caesar:

Answer: 100 B.C to 44 B.C.

68) For what are the caves of Lascaux in France famous?

Answer: Prehistoric cave paintings.

69) He was King of the Huns from Asia who defeated the Roman Emperor Theodosius and entered Gaul – but was defeated in A.D. 451 near Châlons-sur-Marne. Who was he?

Answer: Attila.

70) Complete the sequence of Roman Emperors; Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, _____Who?

Answer: Nero.

71) Which Roman Emperor issued the Edict of Milan and ended the persecution of Christians. He probably, in later life became a Christian himself?

Answer: Emperor Constantine.

72) In 334 B.C he began a march which extended the Greek Empire from Egypt to India. Who was he?

Answer: Alexander the Great.

73) The Romans who invaded what is now called Scotland in A.D. 80 called the people Picts. What did they call the country?

Answer: Caledonia.

74) Emperor Claudius was responsible for the subjugation of Britain, Who led the Britain’s and was defeated by Claudius at the battle of the Midway in A.D. 43 was captured and later freed in Rome?

Answer: Caratacus.

75) Rome was the capital of the Roman Empire. Of what ancient empire was Persepolis, the ceremonial centre?

Answer: The Persian Empire.

76) Although the Inca civilization created a vast empire in Peru, they lacked basic skills and knowledge without which European civilization could not have advanced. Two of these were writing and the use of iron. What notable invention was also unknown to the Incas?

Answer: The wheel.

77) What sea was referred to as “Mare Nostrum” by the Romans?

Answer: The Mediterranean.

78) To whom is attributed the construction of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon?

Answer: Nebuchadnezzar II.

79) Who was the Roman gladiator who headed the third revolt of slaves against Rome in 73-71 BC? He was eventually killed?

Answer: Spartacus.

80) Mesopotamia was the region where one of the world’s oldest civilizations flourished. What was the script used by the ancient Mesopotamians?

Answer: Cuneiform.

World History Quiz Questions and Answers Part 5 (Quiz 81-100)

81) One of the seven wonders of ancient world was situated in Egypt. Name that monument:

Answer: Pyramid.

82) On account of the widespread damage caused by annual floods, one of the major rivers in China is often called “China’s sorrow”. Name that river:

Answer: Huang He.

83) Among all the ancient civilizations, the Egyptian civilization was considered to be the most advanced one. What was the title assumed by their kings?

Answer: Pharaoh.

84) According to the Greek Legends the ancient Olympic Games were organised to worship one particular god. Who was that God?

Answer: Zeus.

85) Which country will always be in the front line of Olympic march past?

Answer: Greece.

86) Unable to bear up the opposition of his enemies, prophet Muhammad fled from Mecca to Medina. What is this event known as?

Answer: Hijra.

87) What was built from the Tyne to the solway in A.D. 122-126 as the northern border of Roman Britain?

Answer: Hadrian’s Wall.

88) Which Italian city was buried, along with Herculaneum, when Vesuvius erupted in AD. 79?

Answer: Pompeii.

89) The Neanderthal men lived in the:

Answer: Paleolithic age.

90) Neandertal Valley is in:

Answer: Germany.

91) Which was-the dwelling place of the Neanderthal men?

Answer: Caves.

92) Cro-Magnon is in:

Answer: France.

93) What was the chief occupation of the old stone age men?

Answer: Food gathering.

94) The only South East Asian country never taken over by a European power:

Answer: Thailand.

95) The first human type lived in the old stone age is called:

Answer: Neanderthal.

96) The second stage in human development is the:

Answer: Cro-Magnon period.

97) New stone age is also called:

Answer: Neolithic.

98) The early man domesticated animals for the purpose of:

Answer: Agriculture.

99) Copper was the first metal discovered and used. Which was the first country to use it?

Answer: Egypt.

100) The period in which bronze was discovered and used for making implements is known as:

Answer: Bronze Age.

Read more  > Quiz Questions and Answers

History Trivia

History is the source of fascination for many people as one can see how events from so long ago have shaped and still affects the society that we live in today. In Historical accounts, we are presented with fun facts and amazing firsts. History also never forgets the extremes like the bests and worsts of human civilization. It is definitely a thing of beauty and worthy of study and appreciation.

Table of Contents

  • 1 American History
  • 2 World History
  • 3 Women’s History
  • 4 Art History
    • 4.1 Related Posts

This trivia is for history enthusiasts, self-declared history nerds, and even regular member of our society who have a penchant for things in the past.

In celebration of history’s importance, here is a history trivia for us to marvel in past glory:

American History

Just like its flag, American History is beaming with stars and proud moments. Among other things, interesting facts about US presidents are not in short supply.

  1. What sport’s hall of fame enshrined Abraham Lincoln for having a stellar record of just one loss?
  2. How many stars does the American Flag have?
  3. How many Stripes does the United States of America’ flag have?
  4. What state was the last state to overturn laws against interracial marriage in the year 2000?
  5. Which Founding Father had a house which was discovered to have had about one thousand two hundred bone pieces from about ten human skeletons?
  6. Which US president served the shortest term of about two months because of dying from a cold?
  7. Who preceded Ronald Raegan’s presidency in the United States of America?
  8. Which United States of America Armed Force did John Fitzgerald Kennedy serve in?
  9. The first president of the United States of America is?
  10. On what date was the Declaration of Independence signed?

World History

World History

Each country has a rich history worthy of our fascination. What is even more interesting is the intertwined histories of all these countries. Indeed, the world is a community and the decisions of the past shaped the world we have today. From fun facts and shocking events, world history is sure to entice your minds.

  1. Ever since World War Two, what beverage’s equipment is furnished in British battle tanks?
  2. When Pope Gregory IX rose to power, what domestic animal did he order to exterminate across Europe in the belief that they were used in devil’s worship and witch craft?
  3. What health problem bothered Elvis Presley throughout his lifetime which eventually related to his death
  4. What was the initial reported cause of death for Elvis Presley that spread in the media?
  5. The Shortest war in human civilization history was between England and Zanzibar. How many hours did it last?
  6. Which Asian country had seven of the ten deadliest wars in human history some even deadlier than world war one?
  7. What famous children’s party game that doesn’t involve balls was an Olympic event from 1900-1920
  8. Victorians said this word before having their picture taken instead of the word “cheese”. What fruit did they say?
  9. What natural human bodily fluid did Romans use as mouth wash because of the presence of ammonia in it?
  10. What year was the defeat of the Americans in the Vietnamese City or commonly referred to as the fall of Saigon during the Vietnam War?
  11. Which actor top-billed the 1960’s television series Batman?
  12. Which Century did the French Revolution take place?
  13. On what year did the Ford Model T enter production?
  14. What empire did the country Turkey belong to during the First World War?
  15. In USSR, What does the letter “R” sand for?
  16. Who was the leader of the people who killed the First circumnavigator, Ferdinand Magellan, when they went to at Mactan Island Philippines?
  17. James Cook led and commanded what ship when he discovered Australia?
  18. In what year was Mahatma Gandhi killed?
  19. The catastrophic destruction of Pompei in 79 AD. was done by which active volcano?
  20. The citadel Machu Picchu is located at which Latin American Country?
  21. Who is the Greek God of the Underworld?
  22. The name of Beatle’s debut album is?
  23. In 1593, the thermometer was invented, which inventor is connected to its invention?
  24. He Led USSR from 1917 to 1922?
  25. “The Whitechapel Murderer” is the nickname given to which serial killer?
  26. The construction of the historical and divisive Berlin wall began on what year?
  27. This question can be answered by true of False. Demeter is the Greek goddess of the hunting.
  28. The battle of Agincourt of 1415 between England and France belonged to what war?
  29. Who was the captain of the vessel Titanic at the time of its sinking?
  30. The devastating Great fire of London happened on which year?
  31. The modern name for Van Diem’s land which is now an island part of the territory of Australia is?
  32. In Greek Mythology, who was responsible for the abduction of Persephone which led to the four seasons of the Earth?
  33. Who is the first man to do a spacewalk that lasted twelve minutes?
  34. What is the nationality of Alexey Leonov, the first man to spacewalk?
  35. How many people have already walked on the moon?
  36. The attack on Pearl Harbor fell on what month?
  37. Athena is the Greek goddess of?
  38. Which World War does the attack on Pearl Harbor a part of?
  39. How many years ago was the Stonehenge built?
  40. What was the name of the Greek Goddess of Love?
  41. Rubber was discovered by?
  42. Who was the leader of the Vikings when they founded the settlement in Greenland?
  43. Who was the first man on the moon?
  44. What is Neil Armstrong’s Nationality?
  45. What is the name of the Roman God of fire and blacksmiths?
  46. During World War two, Winston Churchill held an important government post. What was his title or job?
  47. The Nobel Peace Prize was first organized and started by?
  48. The Plays Macbeth, Hamlet, and A midsummer Night’s Dream were all written by which author?
  49. Who was the Emperor of the Huns during four hundred AD?
  50. Henry the Eighth had how many wives?
  51. The invention of the telephone is credited to which inventor?
  52. The Olympic Games originated from which country?
  53. According to a Greek myth, what did Prometheus steal to give to humans?
  54. What is Thomas Edison’s most famous invention?
  55. The Iconic and Historical Speech, “I Have a Dream” was delivered by?
  56. Which Japanese City was the first place to be attacked by an Atomic Bomb?
  57. Aside From Hiroshima, which city was also destroyed by an atomic bomb?
  58. What was the name of the leader of the Nazi Party?
  59. Which Asian country is the first in the world to used paper money or paper bills?
  60. The United State of America’s Statue of Liberty was a gift from which European Country?
  61. This ancient king had a round table.
  62. This question can be answered by true of False. The Titanic sunk because of engine failure.

Women’s History

Womens History

The freedom and rights women are enjoying today are achieved by these brave and trailblazing women. Little girls and women alike are sure to be inspired by these amazing women of the past.

  1. In 1916, who was the first female to be elected to the US Congress?
  2. Who was the first black senator in the United States of America?
  3. Who is the founder of the First Nations Development Institute?
  4. Who holds the record for the fastest woman on water skis?
  5. One of Show business most iconic entertainers, Josephine Baker, served what post for the Allied Forces?
  6. This woman’s refusal to give up her bus seat on the way home sparked national civil rights protests against segregation policies. What is the name of this brave woman?
  7. What is the name of the first female Hispanic astronaut?
  8. In what industry did the first African American woman millionaire venture in?
  9. Elizabeth the Second was crowned as the queen during what year?
  10. Whom did Cleopatra marry after the end of her relationship with Julius Caesar?
  11. Who was the founder of the Red Cross?
  12. Henry the Eighth had multiple wives. Which gave birth to Elizabeth the First?
  13. What is the name of the first woman to practice at the Supreme Court?
  14. What is the name of the first woman to receive a PHD at MIT?
  15. How did Joan of Arc die?
  16. What is the name of the first female to break the sound barrier?
  17. What is the name of the founder of the Association for the Advancement of Women?
  18. Who is the first Asian woman to win a Tony award?
  19. What musical did Lea Salonga Star in when she won the prestigious musical theater award?

Art History

Art History

They say that art is imitation of life itself. This is why if we truly want to have a deeper understanding of history and the way of life back then, we have to study art history. This collection of questions is a treat in itself. This is truly a creative way to glance at the past.

  1. How many words does Pablo Picasso’s real name have?
  2. A portrait of Queen Elizabeth the Second made by Andy Brown was made from what material?
  3. This Question can be answered by true of false; Water Color does not use the color white.
  4. Van Gogh sold how many paintings during his lifetime?
  5. The Glass Pyramid at Lourve was made by which architect?
  6. Which city is credited as the origin or birth place of pop art?
  7. The Mona Lisa has been stolen how many times?
  8. Surrealism originated from which artist’s painting style?
  9. This Question can be answered by true of false; Edward Allington created the concrete cast of the interior of an entire Victorian house.
  10. The Behaus School of Design closed in what year?
  11. What was Michael Angelo’s favorite rock as the medium for his sculptures?
  12. What is the famous nickname of Marvel Comics artist Jack Kirby?
  13. What is the length of the original shark used in Damian Heart’s work, “The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone living”?
  14. The statement, “Art is anything you can get away with is a line said by?
  15. This Question can be answered by true of false, Dada is considered to be anti-art.
  16. “The Conversion of Saint Paul”, was painted by which artist?
  17. What do you call the drawing technique of putting lines close to each other?
  18. The “Repast of the Lion”, is considered to be what art style?
  19. In Charles Schulz’s famous peanuts strip, what is the name of Charlie Brown’s dog?
  20. What is the breed of Snoopy in the highly successful comic strip?
  21. This Question can be answered by true of false; Durer Painted, “The Fall of Man”.

History Quiz Questions Round 1: Mostly World Wars

  1. In which month of 1914 did the First World War begin?
  2. What were people told to “keep burning” in the hit song of 1914?
  3. What was the occupation of Edith Cavell, who was shot by the Germans on a spying charge?
  4. Who became Prime Minister of Britain in 1916?
  5. What did George V ban in his household to encourage others to do the same and help the war effort?
  6. In the 1915 song where did you “Pack Up Your Troubles”?
  7. How did Lord Kitchener die?
  8. At which battle in 1916 was there said to be a million fatalities?
  9. Which new weapon was introduced in battle in 1916?
  10. What was the 1914—18 war known as until 1939?
  11. What was the nationality of dancer Mata Hari, shot as a spy?
  12. In which year did the United States enter the First World War?
  13. Why were British soldiers called Tommies (short for Tommy Atkins)?
  14. Which new British military force was established in 1918?
  15. The German attack on which country caused Britain to enter the Second World War?
  16. Which German word meaning “lightning war” entered the English language?
  17. According to the World War ll poster, what did “Careless Talk” do?
  18. What was the nickname of the anti-British broadcaster, William Joyce?
  19.  According to Churchill, he had nothing to offer in 1940 but what?
  20. Which great evacuation of 1940 was called Operation Dynamo?
  21. What was the German air force called?
  22. What were the Local Defence Volunteers renamed?
  23. Which fruit’ was no longer imported after 1940?
  24. Which US band-leader went missing over the Channel in 1944?
  25. Where did the Bevin Boys work?
  26. What was the popular name for pilotless aircraft, V-1s?
  27. What was snoek?
  28. Who commanded the Allied forces that invaded Europe on D-Day?
  29. Which scantily clad female had a daily strip in the “Daily Mirror”?
  30. In which French city did Germany surrender in World War II?

Round 1 Answers

  1.  August
  2. Home fires
  3.  Nurse
  4. Lloyd George
  5.  Alcohol
  6. In your old kit bag
  7.   Lost at sea
  8.  Somme
  9. Tank
  10. The Great War
  11.  Dutch
  12. 1917
  13. Sample name on recruitment form
  14. RAF
  15. Poland
  16.  Blitzkrieg
  17. Costs Lives
  18. Lord Haw Haw
  19. Blood, toil, tears, and sweat
  20.  Dunkirk
  21.  Luftwaffe
  22. Home Guard
  23. Bananas
  24.  Glenn Miller
  25. Coalmines
  26. Doodle-bug or buzz bomb
  27.  Fish
  28. Eisenhower
  29. Jane
  30.  Reims

Round 2:  General History Quiz Questions

  1. Which member of the British royal family was murdered by IRA in 1979?
  2. Golda Mer was the Prime Minister of which country from 1970-1974?
  3.  What was the meaning of Mahatma Gandhi’s message ‘Satyagraha’?
  4. Whose presidency was known a ‘’ the businessman’s administration’’?
  5. In the 1970s, because of the Watergate scandal, who became the first Us attorney general to serve prison time?
  6.  In which year was Margaret Thatcher first elected Prime Minister in Britain?
  7. Name the Queen’s art expert who, in 1978, was disclosed as being ‘the fourth man’ following the defection of Burgess and MacLean in 1951?
  8. What nationality was Sir Edmund Hillary, who with Sherpa Tenzing, was the first to reach the summit of Everest in 1953?
  9. In which country, in 1989 was opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi placed under house arrest for her outspoken attacks on the country military rulers?
  10.  Who was president when the USA entered the first World War?
  11.  In which decade was London’s ‘Crystal Palace’ destroyed by fire?
  12. On the bombing of Pearl Harbour in 1941, who said: ’’Our enemies have performed a brilliant feat of deception, perfectly timed and executed whit great skill.’’?
  13. Which two African politicians jointly won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993?
  14. Which war ended in 1902 with the treaty of Vereeniging?
  15. Who became President of the Fifth Republic on 8th January 1959?
  16. What was the name of Queen Elisabeth Queen Moher when she married the Duke of York in 1923?
  17. Who, in 1963 said: ‘’ Let us seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of hatred and bitterness’’?
  18. 18. In which state was Henry Ford born in 1863? It was also the state in which he died in 1947.
  19. Which two countries signed a peace agreement at Camp David in 1978?
  20. Name the Roman Gladiator and rebel who led a revolt against the Roman Empire between 73 and 71 BC. ?
  21. Who was president of the USA throughout World War One?
  22. The Treaty of Panmunjom ended which war?
  23. The Virgin Islands of the United States, a territory in the West Indies, were bought by the USA in 1917 from which European country?
  24. In 1940, who did Hitler make marshal of the Reich, or Reichmarshal, the first and only holder of that rank?
  25. Who was the war commissar who led the Red Army to victory in the Russian civil war of 1918 to 1920?
  26. Mary Todd was the wife of which US president?
  27. at the end of the 18th century, where did a man named Toussaint-L’Ouverture lead a rebellion?
  28. . Who was appointed the head of the Spanish Inquisition in 1483?
  29. Who was the Roman emperor at the time of St. Paul’s execution, circa 64 AD?
  30. What name is given to the period between Napoleon’s return to France after his escape from Elba, until his final defeat at Waterloo?

Round 2 Answers 

  1. Lord Mountbatten
  2. Israel
  3. Non-violent message
  4. Eisenhower
  5. John Mitchell
  6. 1979
  7. Sir Anthony Blunt
  8. New Zealander
  9. Burma (Myanmar)
  10. Coolidge
  11. 1930’s
  12. President F.D. Roosevelt
  13. Nelson Mandela and Fredrick W de Klerk
  14. The Boer War
  15. Charles De Gaulle
  16. Lady Elisabeth Bowes Lyon
  17. Martin Luther King
  18. Michigan
  19. Egypt and Israel
  20. Spartacus
  21. Woodrow Wilson
  22. Korean war
  23. Denmark
  24. Hermann Goering
  25. Trotsky
  26. Lincoln
  27. Haiti
  28. Tomas de Torquemada
  29. Nero
  30. Hundred Days

Round 3: More General History Questions

  1. Which British monarch succeeded Queen Victoria?
  2. Richard III died at which battle?
  3. Who was the last Viceroy of India?
  4. Which English monarch married Eleanor of Aquitaine?
  5. Who was the last wife of Henry VIII?
  6. Which country did Britain fight in the War of Jenkins’ Ear?
  7. Which King George did the Prince Regent become?
  8. At the Siege of Mafeking who led the British forces?
  9. The House of Lancaster kings were all called what?
  10. Under what name is Gregor Efimovich better known?
  11. Apart from Mad George which kinder nickname did George HI have?
  12. Which English queen married Prince George of Denmark?
  13. Blucher commanded which country’s troops at the Battle of Waterloo?
  14. Who had a horse called Bucephalus?
  15. Queen Elizabeth II’s grandfather was which monarch?
  16. Who was the Wisest Fool in Christendom?
  17. Who was the first Prince of Wales?
  18. Whose last words are reputed to be “My neck is very slender”?
  19. Which Spanish king sent his unsuccessful Armada?
  20. Which monarch was murdered in Berkeley Castle?
  21. In what year did Edward VIII abdicate?
  22. In Britain, who first held the office that today is known as Prime Minister?
  23. In the 15th century which Duke was drowned in Malmsey wine?
  24. Who ruled England between Henry I and Henry II?
  25. How did Lord Kitchener die?
  26. Who with royal connections had the middle name, Warfield?
  27. In 1066 how many monarchs ruled England in the year?
  28. Which ruler referred the English to a nation of shopkeepers?
  29. Which monarch ordered the execution of Sir Walter Raleigh?
  30. Which wife gave Henry VIII the male heir that he wanted?


  1. Edward VII
  2. Bosworth Field
  3. Lord Louis Mountbatten
  4. Henry II
  5. Catherine Parr
  6. Spain
  7. George IV
  8. Robert Baden-Powell
  9. Henry
  10. Rasputin
  11. Farmer George
  12. Queen Anne
  13. Prussia
  14. Alexander the Great
  15. George V
  16. James I (James VI of Scotland)
  17. Edward (later Edward II)
  18. Anne Boleyn
  19. Philip H
  20. Edward II
  21. 1936
  22. Robert Walpole
  23. Clarence
  24. Stephen
  25. He drowned
  26. Mrs. Wallis Simpson
  27. Three
  28. Napoleon Bonaparte
  29. James I
  30. Jane Seymour

World Leaders

  1.  Who becomes the UK’s foreign secretary following the 2016 EU Referendum?
  2. In the ’70s who did Idi Amin oust from power in Uganda?
  3. Which Emperor of Japan ruled for over 60 years in the 20th century?
  4. What was the first name of Mrs. Gorbachev?
  5. Who succeeded President Nasser in Egypt?
  6. What was the name of Donald Trump running mate in 2016 presidential race?
  7. Who was the world’s first woman Prime Minister?
  8. In which decade did Juan Carlos I become King of Spain’?
  9. Robert Mugabe was Prime Minister and president of which country?
  10. Who became Ireland’s first woman president?


  1. Boris Johnson – now PM
  2. Milton Obote
  3. Hirohito
  4. Raisa
  5. Anwar Sadat
  6. Mike Pence
  7. Sirimavo Bandaranaike
  8. 1970’s
  9. Zimbabwe
  10. Mary Robinson

History is not a subject for everyone and not all people know its value. Some might say it’s irrelevant to read history and that it doesn’t contribute in any way to our society and academics, but they are pretty wrong. We all should know our roots and where we come from and that is why history becomes so important. Knowing the important facts about the history and finding out about the historical events and the past life of a place or culture or political era, is pretty useful as well.

If you are one of those people who loved history then this article is for you. Here we have picked some of the best history questions that you should know about. If you are passionate about this subject or a history quiz is coming up then it would be very helpful.

Finding some good history questions is as hard as finding their answers, but we have done it and now present you with the best history questions for you. Take a look at the history questions and see if you can answer them Ir how strong your history is. You can also ask these history questions to your friends or peers to test their knowledge of history. These are the history questions for you.

hard history questions


  • 1 Hard History Questions
  • 2 History Questions Answers
  • 3 Impossible History Questions
  • 4 Super Hard History Trivia Questions
  • 5 Tricky History Questions
    • 5.1 Conclusion –

Q. Where was Adolf Hitler born?

Answer: The dictator was born in Braunau am Inn, Austria, a town that sits along the German border.

Q. How did the Great Chicago Fire of 1871 begin?

Answer: Despite what you’ve been told, Mrs. Catharine O’Leary and her cow weren’t to blame. The myth that a cow kicked over a lantern to spark the blaze that killed 300 people and left another 100,000 homeless has been around since early reports. Children in the neighborhood spread the rumor, which ended up being printed in newspapers. Anti-immigration and stances made Irish-born O’Leary as an anti-immigration stance. The truth is, no one knows who started the fire, and the Chicago City Council officially exonerated O’Leary and her cow from blame in 1997. A more recent rumor points fingers at a one-legged horse-cart driver named Daniel “Peg Leg” Sullivan, but historians haven’t confirmed that story, either.

Q. What was the shortest war in history?

Answer: You won’t find many history questions about this war in social studies textbooks. During the Anglo-Zanzibar War of 1896, the East African island state Zanzibar fought back against the British Empire. The fighting began at 9 a.m. on August 26 and ended by 9:40 a.m., making the world’s shortest war a mere 38 minutes long.

Q. Which pharaoh led the construction of the Pyramids of Giza?

Answer: Around 2550 B.C.E., Pharaoh Khufu launched construction of the first and biggest pyramid. About 30 years later, his son, Pharaoh Khafre built the second one and the Sphinx, and the last was started around 2490 B.C.E. by Pharaoh Menkaure. Cleopatra, who lived from 69 B.C.E. to 30 B.C.E., lived closer to the invention of the iPhone than to the construction of any of the Pyramids of Giza.

Q. Which Civil War battle had the most casualties in any single-day fight?

Answer: Antietam had 22,726 casualties in just one day. There were more than 51,000 killed, wounded, missing, and captured in Gettysburg—more than the Revolutionary War, War of 1812, and Mexican War combined—but that battle lasted for three days.

Q. Which African country named its capital after a U.S. president?

Answer: The American Colonization Society established an African colony in 1822 as a new home for freed slaves. In 1847, the settlement gained its independence and became the country of Liberia. Its capital, Monrovia, was named for James Monroe, who was president from 1817 to 1825.

History Questions Answers

Q. Who invented the automobile?

Answer: French inventor Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot created a steam-powered vehicle in 1769, but it couldn’t even go three miles per hour. Henry Ford wasn’t the first to invent a gasoline-powered automobile (that was Karl Benz in 1886) or even to create an American car on an assembly line (that was Ransom Olds in 1901), but Ford’s Model T did dominate the market for reliability, simplicity, and affordability.

Q. What was the largest contiguous empire in history?

Answer: When Genghis Khan united North East Asian tribes to form the Mongol Empire, he created an empire that would span 9.27 million square miles in one mass at its peak in 1270. The British Empire owned a whopping 13.71 million square miles in 1920, but its territories were scattered around the globe.

Q. Why did the Pilgrims come to America?

Answer: To say the group was looking for religious freedom simplifies its decision to make the dangerous voyage to the New World. The Separatists first fled to the Netherlands for about 12 years to escape laws forcing them to follow the Church of England. There, they enjoyed religious freedom, but it was hard to support a family in the foreign country, and the congregation was afraid they would lose their English identities—and lose their young to the tempting lifestyle of soldiers and sailors. Eventually, they got money from investors to go to America, where they could worship how they wanted without giving up their English ways of living.

Q. When was the War of 1812?

Answer: You knew this would be one of those trick history questions. The war between the United States and Great Britain and its allies didn’t last just one year. The fighting continued from June 1812 to February 1815.

Q. Who was the first to settle in what’s now the United States?

Answer: The history questions you were asked in grade school might make it seem like English colonists were first to inhabit the United States, but the Spanish actually beat them. Jamestown, Virginia, the first British colony, was founded in 1607, but Fort Caroline, likely the first European colony on now-U.S. soil, was built in 1564 in what’s now Florida. That didn’t survive, but the oldest American city still standing, St. Augustine, Florida, was founded by the Spanish the following year.

Q. When was Russia’s “Red October” revolution?

Answer: Surprise! The 1917 revolution that established the Soviet regime occurred on November 7. At that point, Russia was using the Julian calendar, which marked that date as October 25.

Q. What does the D in D-Day stand for?

Answer: Trick question—the letter is a placeholder and doesn’t stand for anything, despite claims that it stands for “deliverance” or “doom.” Meanwhile, H-Hour referred to the time the fighting began. For instance, D+1 meant the day after D-Day, while H-2 meant two hours before the action.

Q. When was the Declaration of Independence signed?

Answer: The United States celebrates its independence on the Fourth of July, but that’s not actually when the document was signed. The country declared its independence on July 2, 1776, which John Adams wrote would become “the most memorable Epocha, in the History of America.” The final draft was completed and approved by Congress two days later (July 4) but wasn’t signed until August 2. For more American trivia, read these 24 surprising talents of U.S. presidents.

Q. Who discovered America?

Answer: First of all, let’s not ignore the fact that the Native Americans arrived in the Americas about 23,000 years ago. Even if these history questions just focused on the first Europeans to arrive, Christopher Columbus still can’t claim the glory. About 400 years before Columbus sailed the ocean blue, Viking Leif Eriksson landed in Canada. (Don’t try arguing that his trip doesn’t count because it was in Canada and not the United States.) Columbus didn’t set foot on any of the 50 states during any of his four trips either—only Caribbean Islands and Central and South America. Other Spanish explorers were the first to arrive in what’s now the United States.

Impossible History Questions

Q. According to tradition, how many people were killed in the great fire of London in 1666?

Answer: 6

Q. Which Turkish ruler abolished the corps Janissaries?

Answer: Mahmud II

Q. What is the name of the first Viking who became the King of England?

Answer: Sweyn Forkbeard

Q. What country was Wroclaw a capital of?

Answer: Prussia

Q. The Temple of Debod is one of the tourist attractions of Madrid. Who built it?

Answer: Egyptians

Q. Among which historic people, given names were mostly ending with “ix” sufix? (like Asterix and Obelix)

Answer: there were no such people

Q. Who was the first European navigator to reach Australia?

Answer: Willem Janszoon

Q. What was the kingdom of Ashanti famous for?

Answer: gold mining

Q. What prevented the sea landing of the Danish army during the Wolgast defence in 1148?

trebuchet firing

Super Hard History Trivia Questions

Q. On the TV sitcom The Munsters, what was Lily Munster’s maiden name?

Answer: Dracula

Q. What foreign government contributed the greatest amount of money for the relief of victims of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake?

Answer: Japan

Q. Which is the only U.S. state to produce coffee?

Answer: Hawaii

Q. What famous actress once said, “The less I behave like Whistler’s mother the night before, the more I look like her the morning after”?

Answer: Tallulah Bankhead

Q. Whose appearance in a nearly transparent white fishnet bathing suit in the 1978 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue led an editor to promise, “We never have, and never will run anything so revealing again?”

Answer: Cheryl Tiegs

Tricky History Questions

Q. The name of what American state capital means “sheltered harbor”?

Answer: Honolulu

Q. When the bald eagle was first named, what was the meaning of the word “bald’?

Answer: White

Q. What two cities were linked by the Orient Express?

Answer: Paris and Istanbul

Q. In England, what’s a “bap”?

Answer: A hamburger bun

Q. How many sides are there to a snow crystal?

Answer: six

Conclusion –

So these are some of the best history questions that you can find. And we certainly hope that you liked these questions and found them challenging.

Did you answer them all? If yes, then congratulations, you are pretty good with history. Although if you couldn’t able to answer a few questions on our aforementioned list of a history question, then don’t worry because these aren’t very easy questions. We hope that you enjoyed answering these questions and if that’s the case don’t shy away from sharing these questions with your friends or the people who are equally interested in history as you are.

Thank you and we hope our article was helpful.

So you think you know world history? I guess it’s time to find out! Put your wits to the test with these world history trivia questions to see how much you really know about the world around you. Have fun, and you may even learn something new!

Trivia Question: What was the shortest war in human history?
Answer: The war between England and Zanzibar

Trivia Question: How long did the war between England and Zanzibar last?
Answer: Between 38 & 45 minutes

Trivia Question: How many years did the 100 years war last?
Answer: 116 years

Trivia Question: What was the name of the research ship Charles Darwin traveled with?
Answer: The Beagle

Trivia Question: In which year did Hitler commit suicide?
Answer: 1945

Trivia Question: In which year was John F. Kennedy assassinated?
Answer: 1963

Trivia Question: One of the ancient world wonders, the “Hanging Gardens,” was found in which city?
Answer: Babylon

Trivia Question: Greenland was a colony of which country until 1981?
Answer: Denmark

Trivia Question: Which organization was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1917?
Answer: The Red Cross

Trivia Question: How many days in a week were there in ancient Roman times?
Answer: 8

Trivia Question: How many days was William Harrison President of the United States?
Answer: 32

Trivia Question: In 1927, who became the first man to fly solo and non-stop across the Atlantic?
Answer: Charles Lindbergh

Trivia Question: What was the family name of the Russian rulers from the 17th century until the 1917 revolution?
Answer: Romanov

Trivia Question: Which bridge was the first to be built across the River Thames in London?
Answer: London Bridge

Trivia Question: Which U.S. president had a home called The Hermitage?
Answer: Andrew Jackson

Trivia Question: Which famous battle took place on Sunday, June 18th, 1815?
Answer: The Battle of Waterloo

Trivia Question: How many U.S. presidents have been assassinated?
Answer: Four

Trivia Question: What are the names of the U.S. presidents who have been assassinated?
Answer: Abraham Lincoln, James A. Garfield, William McKinley, John F. Kennedy

Trivia Question: Which King of England was executed in 1649 during the English Civil War?
Answer: Charles I.

Trivia Question: Which world leader is famous for his “Little Red Book”?
Answer: Mao Zedong, or Mao Tse-tung

Trivia Question: When did Mao Zedong come to power?
Answer: 1949

Trivia Question: In which country did the Easter Rising take place in 1916?
Answer: Ireland

Trivia Question: Which seven U.S. states seceded and formed the original Confederacy during the U.S. Civil War?
Answer: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, and Texas

Trivia Question: What name is given to Britain’s policy of avoiding strict enforcement of parliamentary laws on early American colonies?
Answer: Salutary neglect

Trivia Question: What was the name of the first Space Shuttle to go into space?
Answer: Space Shuttle Columbia

Trivia Question: When did the first Space Shuttle go into space?
Answer: April 12th, 1981

Trivia Question: The ancient Egyptians worshiped dung beetle?
Answer: The scarab

Trivia Question: Who was shot outside the Hilton Hotel in Washington on March 30th, 1981?
Answer: President Ronald Reagan

Trivia Question: Which mountaineer and his Sherpa became the first men to conquer Mount Everest?
Answer: Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay

Trivia Question: How did Alexander the Great solve the puzzle of the Gordion knot?
Answer: He cut it with a sword

Trivia Question: Who was the first man to walk on the moon, and in which year?
Answer: Neil Armstrong, 1969

Trivia Question: Which Greek historian is known as the “Father of History”?
Answer: Herodotus

Trivia Question: Which Russian astronaut was the first man to conduct a spacewalk?
Answer: Alexey Leonov

Trivia Question: In which Libyan city was the American diplomatic compound attacked in September 2012?
Answer: Benghazi

Trivia Question: In 1865, Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered to Union General Ulysses S. Grant, effectively ending the American Civil War. Where did this take place?
Answer: Appomattox

Trivia Question: Which infamous prison was stormed on July 14th, 1789?
Answer: The Bastille in Paris

Trivia Question: Where were the first modern Olympics held?
Answer: Athens, Greece 1896

Trivia Question: What is the modern name for Van Diemen’s Land?
Answer: Tasmania

Trivia Question: Who was the first woman in space?
Answer: Soviet Cosmonaut, Valentina Tereshkova

Trivia Question: Roald Amundsen led a successful expedition to what location in 1911?
Answer: The South Pole

Trivia Question: The Ptolemy dynasty ruled which ancient kingdom?
Answer: Egypt

Trivia Question: Who invented the cotton gin?
Answer: Eli Whitney

Trivia Question: What year did the War of 1812 end?
Answer: 1815

Trivia Question: Who became President of the United States after John F. Kennedy was assassinated?
Answer: Lyndon B. Johnson

Trivia Question: The ancient city of Rome was built on how many hills?
Answer: Seven

Trivia Question: Octavian defeated Mark Anthony in which famous naval battle of 31 B.C.?
Answer: The Battle of Actium

Trivia Question: Who was the first man to swim the English Channel?
Answer: Matthew Webb

Trivia Question: The Peloponnesian War was fought between Athens and which other ancient Greek state?
Answer: Sparta

Trivia Question: Who built the first car in America?
Answer: Henry Ford

Trivia Question: What is the name of the first car ever made?
Answer: The Motorwagon

Trivia Question: Which English queen reigned for just nine days?
Answer: Lady Jane Grey

Trivia Question: Which war took place between 1950 and 1953?
Answer: The Korean War

Trivia Question: What is the name of the first human civilization?
Answer: Mesopotamia

Trivia Question: What does “The Magna Carta” mean?
Answer: “The Great Charter”

Trivia Question: In which year was the first Super Bowl played?
Answer: 1967

Trivia Question: Which team won the first Super Bowl?
Answer: GreenBay Packers

Trivia Question: The Maya of Mesoamerica are best known for their achievements in which subjects?
Answer: Math & Astronomy

Trivia Question: Who is known for running through the streets crying Eureka?
Answer: Archimedes

Trivia Question: What is the name of the first female Hispanic astronaut?
Answer: Ellen Ochoa

Trivia Question: How did Joan of Arc die?
Answer: She was burned at the stake

Trivia Question: How many times has the Mona Lisa been stolen?

Trivia Question: What is the breed of Snoopy in the highly successful comic strip?
Answer: Beagle

Trivia Question: Who was the emperor of Rome from A.D. 54 – A.D. 68?
Answer: Nero

Trivia Question: Which century did the French Revolution take place in?
Answer: The 18th Century

Trivia Question: In which year was the Berlin Wall torn down?
Answer: 1989

Trivia Question: In which year was Mahatma Gandhi killed?
Answer: 1948

Trivia Question: What is the name of The Beatles’ debut album?
Answer: Please Please Me

Trivia Question: Who led the USSR from 1917-1922?
Answer: Vladimir Lenin

Trivia Question: The “Whitechapel Murderer” is the nickname given to which serial killer?
Answer: Jack the Ripper

Trivia Question: The construction of the Berlin Wall begin in what year?
Answer: 1961

Trivia Question: The Incan Empire is located in which modern-day country?
Answer: Peru

Trivia Question: The Great Fire of London happened in which year?
Answer: 1666

Trivia Question: In which war did the Battle of the Bulge take place?
Answer: World War II

Trivia Question: Who invented the telephone?
Answer: Alexander Graham Bell

Trivia Question: Who crossed the Rubicon?
Answer: Julius Caeser

Trivia Question: Who was the first female to be elected into the U.S. Congress?
Answer: Janet Rankin

Trivia Question: Who was the first black Senator in the United States?
Answer: Carol Moseley Brown

Trivia Question: Before independence, what was Bangladesh called?
Answer: East Pakistan

Trivia Question: What was the Great Western Schism?
Answer: When more than one pope claimed authority over the Roman Catholic church.

Trivia Question: Who painted the mural of “The Last Supper”?
Answer: Leonardo da Vinci

Trivia Question: What First Lady became the first wife of a sitting president to appear under subpoena before a grand jury?
Answer: Hillary Rodham Clinton

Trivia Question: Whose assassination resulted in the Lorraine Motel becoming the National Civil Rights Museum?
Answer: The assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Trivia Question: Which U.S. President was inducted in the National Wrestling Hall of Fame in 1992?
Answer: Abraham Lincoln

Trivia Question: What nation separated from the United Kingdom in 1921?
Answer: Ireland

Trivia Question: In which country was the largest known T-Rex skeleton found?
Answer: Canada

Trivia Question: What was the first toy to be advertised on television?
Answer: Mr. Potato Head

Trivia Question: In which year did WWI begin?
Answer: 1914

Trivia Question: Where was Adolf Hitler born?
Answer: Austria

Trivia Question: The Battle of Hastings in 1066 was fought in which country?
Answer: England

Trivia Question: When was Pearl Harbor bombed?
Answer: December 7th, 1941

Trivia Question: Who created the first successful printing press?
Answer: Johannes Gutenberg

Trivia Question: What is the name of the disease that ravaged and killed a third of Europe’s population in the 14th century?
Answer: The Bubonic Plague

Trivia Question: In which city and state was John F. Kennedy assassinated?
Answer: Dallas, Texas

Trivia Question: The Hundred Years War was fought between what two countries?
Answer: France and England

Trivia Question: Which Roman Emperor built a massive wall across Northern Britain in 122 A.D.?
Answer: Hadrian

Trivia Question: In the 5,000 years of human history, what is the one disease that has been completely eradicated?
Answer: Small Pox

Trivia Question: What is the longest war in U.S. history?
Answer: Afghan War

Trivia Question: The Aztec people sacrificed about how many people per year?
Answer: 250,000

Trivia Question: Who wrote the document known as the 95 Theses?
Answer: Martin Luther

Trivia Question: Who painted the Sistine Chapel?
Answer: Michelangelo

Trivia Question: The ancient Mayan civilization existed in which modern-day country?
Answer: Guatemala

Trivia Question: In 1594, William Shakespeare joined the company of which London theatre?
Answer: The Globe

Trivia Question: What group of people discovered Greenland?
Answer: The Vikings

Trivia Question: What is the name of the first successful colony in Virginia?
Answer: Jamestown

Trivia Question: The Khmer Rouge was a regime ruling which nation in the 20th century?
Answer: Cambodia

Trivia Question: The 1707 Acts of Union was an event that combined what?
Answer: England and Scotland

Trivia Question: What famous 5th century A.D. conqueror was known as “The Scourge of God”?
Answer: Attila the Hun

Trivia Question: When did WWI officially end?
Answer: November 11th, 1918

Trivia Question: In 1939, the UK declared war on Germany after what event?
Answer: Poland was invaded

Trivia Question: In what year did humans put the first satellite into orbit?
Answer: 1957

Trivia Question: Who orchestrated a terrorist attack against the United States on September 11th, 2001?
Answer: Al Qaeda

Trivia Question: Who was the first Western explorer to reach China?
Answer: Marco Polo

Trivia Question: When was the television invented?
Answer: 1927

Trivia Question: Who was the inventor of the television?
Answer: Philo Taylor Farnsworth

Trivia Question: How old was Philo Farnsworth when he invented the television?
Answer: 21

Trivia Question: What scandal forced U.S. President Richard Nixon to resign in 1974?
Answer: Watergate

Trivia Question: The Cuban Revolution led to the rise of what dictator?
Answer: Fidel Castro

Trivia Question: There have been four eons since the Earth’s beginning. What is the name of the eon we are living in?
Answer: Phanerozoic Eon

Trivia Question: Along with Hiroshima, Japan, which Japanese city was hit by an atomic bomb in 1945?
Answer: Nagasaki

Trivia Question: Which series of wars saw European Christians invading the middle east to take the Holy Land?
Answer: The Crusades

Trivia Question: Which human ancestor was the first to discover fire?
Answer: Homo Erectus

Trivia Question: Who was the first female prime minister of Britain?
Answer: Margaret Thatcher

Trivia Question: Who assassinated Abraham Lincoln?
Answer: John Wilkes Booth

Trivia Question: What acquisition of territory by the United States from France occurred in 1803?
Answer: Louisiana Purchase

Trivia Question: Who was known as the “Virgin Queen”?
Answer: Queen Elizabeth I

Trivia Question: Where was Cleopatra’s birthplace?
Answer: Greece

Trivia Question: The Cold War was between the United States and what other world power?
Answer: Soviet Union

Trivia Question: The Reign of Terror was a period during which major social and political event?
Answer: French Revolution

Trivia Question: What category was Hurricane Katrina when it made landfall in 2005?
Answer: Category 3

Trivia Question: What is the full title of the first Harry Potter movie released on November 16th, 2001?
Answer: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Trivia Question: How long did it take Yuri Gagarin, the first man in space, to orbit Earth?
Answer: 89 minutes

Trivia Question: In which year did The Challenger disaster take place?
Answer: 1986

Trivia Question: The Protestant Reformation was started by whom?
Answer: Martin Luther

Trivia Question: What famous music festival took place in 1969?
Answer: Woodstock

Trivia Question: What was the name of the movie that Elvis Presley made his film debut in?
Answer: Love Me Tender

Trivia Question: Eva Peron was the first lady of what country?
Answer: Argentina

Trivia Question: Who won the Nobel Peace prize in 1964?
Answer: Martin Luther King, Jr.

Trivia Question: Who was not a member of the Allied Powers during World War II?
Answer: Italy

Trivia Question: “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth” is a well-known phrase from what collection of 282 laws?
Answer: The Code of Hammurabi

Trivia Question: Who was responsible for liberating much of South Africa?
Answer: Simon Bolivar

Trivia Question: What was the name given to the laws aimed at enforcing segregation in public places in the United States?
Answer: Jim Crow Laws

Trivia Question: Which Roman Emperor’s Edit of Milan made Christianity legal?
Answer: Constantine

Trivia Question: What was the name of the first computer?
Answer: ENIAC

Trivia Question: Which African nation successfully resisted colonialism in the late 19th century?
Answer: Ethiopia

Trivia Question: Which civilization was centered around the city of Tenochtitlan?
Answer: Aztec

Trivia Question: Who was the victor in the French and Indian War?
Answer: The British

Trivia Question: Who wrote “The Communist Manifesto”?
Answer: Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels

Trivia Question: What was the first dynasty of Imperial China?
Answer: Qin dynasty

Trivia Question: Which Chinese destination was the site of protests in 1989?
Answer: Tiananmen Square

Trivia Question: Who invented Penicillin?
Answer: Alexander Fleming

Trivia Question: What was Marie Curie known for?
Answer: The discovery of the elements polonium and radium

Trivia Question: Whose assassination led to World War I?
Answer: Archduke Franz Ferdinand

Trivia Question: Which Argentinian became a notable figure in the Cuban Revolution?
Answer: Che Guevara

Trivia Question: Which international organization formed after World War I and was headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland?
Answer: League of Nations

Trivia Question: During which years were the Spanish Civil War?
Answer: 1936-1939

Trivia Question: How long was Francisco Franco in power in Spain?
Answer: 36 Years

Trivia Question: Which country did England send convicts to between 1788 and 1868?
Answer: Australia

Trivia Question: Who ran the USSR during World War II?
Answer: Joseph Stalin

Trivia Question: Which movie star married the Prince of Monaco on April 18th, 1956?
Answer: Grace Kelly

Trivia Question: Which union has 28 member countries, many of which use the euro as their currency?
Answer: European Union

Trivia Question: What are the Bill of Rights?
Answer: The first Ten Amendments of the U.S. Constitution

Trivia Question: Which conflict ended with the Good Friday Agreement?
Answer: The Troubles

Trivia Question: What was the previous name for New York?
Answer: New Amsterdam

Trivia Question: Which British ocean liner did a German U-boat torpedo on May 7th, 1915?
Answer: Lusitania

Trivia Question: Who did the United States acquire Alaska from?
Answer: Russia

Trivia Question: Which empire did Charlemagne rule?
Answer: Holy Roman Empire

Trivia Question: What is the name of the island Napoleon was exiled to?
Answer: Elba

Trivia Question: Who was the founder of the Mongol Empire?
Answer: Genghis Khan

Trivia Question: What modern-day city was known as Bombay?
Answer: Mumbai

Trivia Question: Who was the first African American Supreme Court Justice?
Answer: Thurgood Marshall

Trivia Question: Which country was not part of the Triple Entente?
Answer: Germany

Trivia Question: What is the name of the strip of land that divides the Korean Peninsula?
Answer: Korean Demilitarized Zone

Trivia Question: Who won four gold medals in the 1936 Olympics, infuriating Adolf Hitler?
Answer: Jessie Owens

Trivia Question: Who was the first and, thus far, only female prime minister of Israel?
Answer: Golda Meir

Trivia Question: What documents were responsible for establishing the 17th Parallel as the line that separated Vietnam during the Vietnam War?
Answer: Geneva Accords

Trivia Question: In which country did Buddhism originate?
Answer: Nepal

Trivia Question: Who was the President of the United States during the Iran Hostage Crisis?
Answer: Jimmy Carter

Trivia Question: Which city served as the capital of the Ottoman Empire?
Answer: Constantinople

Trivia Question: What were warriors in Japan known as?
Answer: Samarais

Trivia Question: What city was formerly known as Saigon?
Answer: Ho Chi Minh City

Trivia Question: Which country did the United Kingdom fight against in the Falklands War?
Answer: Argentina

Trivia Question: Which organization has 193 member countries?
Answer: United Nations

Trivia Question: Who was the king of France during the French Revolution?
Answer: Louis XVI

Trivia Question: Which famous novel is based on the French Revolution?
Answer: The Tale of Two Cities

Trivia Question: Which book was written by Hitler while in prison in the 1920s?
Answer: Mein Kampf

Trivia Question: During World War I, the territory known as South West Africa was a colony of which country?
Answer: Germany

Trivia Question: Which 19th-century scientist is known for creating the first vaccine?
Answer: Louis Pasteur

Trivia Question: In which year did the Emancipation Proclamation become law?
Answer: 1863

Trivia Question: In 1981, MTV showed its first music video. What was it?
Answer: “Video Killed the Radio Star” by The Buggles

Trivia Question: Who invented the steam engine?
Answer: George Stephenson

Trivia Question: In 1773, tea from the British East India Company was famously thrown into which body of water in protest by American colonists?
Answer: Boston Harbor

Trivia Question: From what city did the Titanic set sail?
Answer: South Hampton

Trivia Question: Who was the airline pilot that successfully landed his stricken plane in the Hudson River in 2009?
Answer: Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger

Trivia Question: Who invented the vaccine for Polio?
Answer: Jonas Salk

Trivia Question: In what year did Nelson Mandela get released from prison?

Trivia Question: Rome was founded in which year?
Answer: 753, B.C.

Trivia Question: The Statue of Liberty was a gift from which country?
Answer: France

Trivia Question: Which former Primer Minister of India was assassinated in 1991?
Answer: Rajiv Gandhi

Trivia Question: What is the date that The Allies invaded Europe at Normandy?
Answer: June 6th, 1944

Trivia Question: Who was the second President of the United States?
Answer: John Adams

Trivia Question: What kind of animal did Cleopatra use to kill herself?
Answer: A snake

Trivia Question: Which U.S. mail service started in 1860?
Answer: Pony Express

Trivia Question: What is the smallest country in the world?
Answer: Vatican City

Trivia Question: Who was the Hollywood star who became the governor of California in 2003?
Answer: Arnold Schwarzenegger

Trivia Question: Who is the Greek goddess of victory?
Answer: Nike

Trivia Question: Which great wonder of the Ancient World still stands today?
Answer: Giza Pyramid

Trivia Question: Which country was the first to allow women to vote?
Answer: New Zealand

Trivia Question: What year was India given independence from Great Britain?
Answer: 1947

Trivia Question: What was the first capital of the United States?
Answer: New York, New York

Trivia Question: How many astronauts have walked on the moon as of 2020?
Answer: 12

Trivia Question: Which river did George Washington famously cross in 1776?
Answer: Delaware

Trivia Question: Who was the first African American woman to be crowned Miss America?
Answer: Vanessa Williams

Trivia Question: Which U.S. President created the interstate highway system?
Answer: Dwight D. Eisenhower

Trivia Question: How many U.S. Presidents died in office (including assassination)?
Answer: Eight

Trivia Question: What was the longest battle in WWII?
Answer: Battle of the Atlantic

Trivia Question: What was the first Nazi concentration camp?
Answer: Dachau

Trivia Question: What was the name of the B-29 Bomber that dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima?
Answer: Enola Gay

Trivia Question: Who was the first democratically elected president of Russia?
Answer: Boris Yeltsin

Trivia Question: What new economic program did China’s Mao Zedong announce in 1958?
Answer: “The Great Leap Forward”

Trivia Question: Which country held its first democratic elections on January 30th, 2005?
Answer: Iraq

Trivia Question: What was the first city to reach a population of 1 million?
Answer: Ancient Rome

Trivia Question: What year was the first internet domain registered?
Answer: 1985

Trivia Question: To whom was the first internet domain registered?
Answer: Symbolics.com

Trivia Question: The name “Australia” was formally adopted in which year?
Answer: 1824, A.D.

Trivia Question: What is the oldest operating airline in the world?
Answer: QANTAS

Trivia Question: Which political party was banned in Italy after WWII?
Answer: Fascist

Trivia Question: What language was the name “Australia” derived from?
Answer: Latin

Trivia Question: What year was the United Nations established?
Answer: 1945

Trivia Question: What was the Eureka Stockade?
Answer: A gold miner’s revolt in 1854 near Ballarat, Victoria

Trivia Question: What country won the first World Cup?
Answer: Uruguay

Trivia Question: In which year was the White Australia Policy formally abolished?
Answer: 1972 by Gough Whitlam

Trivia Question: What is the best selling novel of all time?
Answer: Don Quixote

Trivia Question: Ulysses S. Grant appears on the front on which denomination of U.S. currency?
Answer: The $50 bill

Trivia Question: Whose crew was the first to sail completely around the world?
Answer: Ferdinand Magellan

Trivia Question: Who overthrew the leader Salvador Allende in Chile in a coup d’etat?
Answer: Augusto Pinochet

Trivia Question: What was the term for the official policy of racial segregation in South Africa until 1994?
Answer: Apartheid

Trivia Question: In which year did the Titanic sink?
Answer: 1912

Trivia Question: What is the name of the economic program that was created to help Puerto Rico?
Answer: Operation Bootstrap

Trivia Question: How many heads of executive departments make up the U.S. President’s cabinet?
Answer: 15

Trivia Question: Who captured and murdered the Inca Emperor Atahualpa?
Answer: Francisco Pizarro

Trivia Question: Which South American country has a famous canal running through it?
Answer: Panama

Trivia Question: Which country was the first to legalize same-sex marriage?
Answer: The Netherlands

Trivia Question: Who was the first African American to be elected President of the United States?
Answer: Barrack Obama

Trivia Question: What is the name of the first pyramid ever built?
Answer: The pyramid of Djoser, also known as the Step Pyramid

Trivia Question: The Great Pyramids of Giza consist of how many pyramids?
Answer: Three

Trivia Question: What was Shakespeare’s first printed work?
Answer: Two poems: “Venus and Adonis” & “The Rape of Lucrece.”

Trivia Question: Where was the first Disney park built?
Answer: Anaheim, California

Trivia Question: What was the first cash crop in America?
Answer: Tobacco

Trivia Question: Which Treaty forced Britain to recognize The United States as an independent nation?
Answer: The Treaty of Paris of 1783

Trivia Question: Who was the first U.S. President to appear on television?
Answer: Franklin Roosevelt

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