His word never changes

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The Word never changes, but the voice must be clear and relevant.

Другие результаты

Consequently, it would be preferable for them to refer to their policies and to their positions, because words will never change reality.

Так что было бы лучше, если бы они вели речь о своей политике, о своих позициях, ибо словами реальность не переделать.

In other words, they never change their focus or physiology, and they keep asking the same disempowering questions.

Другими словами, они никогда не изменяют своей сосредоточенности или физиологии и продолжают задавать одни и те же деморализующие вопросы.

As the Self and His Power are Real in the fullest sense of word, they never change.

Поскольку Высшее Я и Его Сила реальны в полном смысле этого слова, они неизменны.

I have set My word and I will never change it.

You will build your ark of faith on the Word himself, which never changes, never fails.

I love you and if you truly love Me you will always remain loyal to My Word, which will never change.

Я люблю вас и если вы будете искренне любить Меня, то вы будете всегда оставаться лояльными к Моему Слову, Которое никогда не изменится.

Words never change their form.

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko apparently even agreed to change this law, but these words never translated into deeds.

Президент Украины Петр Порошенко вроде бы даже согласился изменить этот закон, но дальше слов дело не пошло.

The word He has spoken will never change.

This indeed is one word that tops the list of things that will never change over time.

Это действительно одно слово, которое возглавляет список вещей, которые никогда не будут меняться с течением времени.

The words and behaviour of a good mannered person never changes and remain same in all conditions.

Слова и поведение воспитанного человека никогда не меняются и остаются неизменными в любых условиях.

The words that I am writing in this post will never change.

His plans and His purposes never change, and His word still applies to us today.

На сегодняшний день проект не изменил своим целям и принципам, он все также работает для нас с вами.

However, we never change the words or the sense of what has been written

When our actions say what words never can…

Когда наши поступки говорят то, на что не способны слова

Deeds will prove our divinity as words never can.

Дела могут подтвердить нашу божественность, тогда как слова — никогда».

130,000+ words never felt so short.

Quaid-e-Azam’s words never differed from his actions.

Дело в том, что слова Ахмат-Хаджи никогда не расходились с его делами.

Those two words never seemed synonymous before.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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His Word Never Changes!

His Word Never Changes!

Have you noticed lately that this present world seems to be deteriorating?  I have great news!  His Word NEVER changes! The Scriptures are not tainted by things going on around us. They do not waver. Each Word is God-breathed, just, fair, right, trustworthy and perfect.  His Word is a rock solid foundation to stand on no matter what we are facing.

Psalms 19:7-10 «The law of the Lord is perfect;   it gives new strength.The commands of the Lord are trustworthy,  giving wisdom to those who lack it.The laws of the Lord are right,  and those who obey them are happy. The commands of the Lord are just and give understanding to the mind. Reverence for the Lord is good; it will continue forever.The judgments of the Lord are just; they are always fair. They are more desirable than the finest gold;  they are sweeter than the purest honey.»

 Each scripture is as a compass to keep us moving firmly in the right direction. Oh that we would treasure His precepts more than than silver or gold.  His Word on our lips can bring peace in the storm, love where there is hatred, joy that brings us strength, hope in the face of despair!  Hide His Word in your heart, hold on to it for all you’ve got and speak it often to bring Christ right in the middle of your situation!

Author:  Teri Winters  

Today’s Devotion
Topic: His Word Never Changes!
Text: Isaiah 46:10-11b

10 I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.’ 11b What I have said, that I will bring about; what I have planned, that I will do. Amen

One of the surest and most dependable revelations on earth is to know THIS ONE GOD WHO IS (and will always be) FAITHFUL TO HIS WORD. Whatever He says, is exactly what He will do. Outside HIS WORD, HE DOES ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
With the greatest power in the universe vested in His word, one would have thought it will be the most difficult treasure to access, but it’s not.

Even scientists have secrets. They sometimes keep away from “the many”, great formula and experiments that have the potential of producing results whose uncertain effects can have global impact in a matter of seconds. Also, occults and witches have secret books in which they hide certain “powerful” and “dangerous” spells away from the masses to be kept as the private properties of a few who desire “absolute power”.

However, the Word of God, being the greatest and most important source of life and power to all who will only believe, is still the most accessible. The love of God makes this so. It is recorded in the bible, printed in Christian tracts and literature, preached on radio, TV, social media, streets, chapel, offices and everywhere. So that all mankind will know what the will of God is and pursue it. That remains the only way we can live fulfilled lives, have dominion over all things (including evil) and attain eternity with Christ.

The greatest question however is: will mankind love God’s Word and live by it, so as to receive all the blessings and promises therein? The answer is A BIG NO! We can hardly make time for it. We are too busy worrying about life and satan than to tap from the Word of God, the strength and wisdom needed to carry through. We fail to see the privilege God has given us by making His Word accessible and easy to live by.

It is salvation to the sinner, peace for the troubled mind, healing to sick, strength to the weary, power to the weak, protection for the vulnerable, food for the hungry soul, water to the dry and thirsty, deliverance to the bound, liberty to the prisoner, joy to the mournful, righteousness to the repented sinner and life to the dying. More powerful than any scientific discovery or demonic spell. Yet theirs is wrapped in secrecy and God’s word, available to whosoever believes.

Kindly meditate on this word and begin to pray. Ask for some divine craving for the Word of God. That you will never feel at peace with yourself until you have fed your hungry soul with THE WORD, EVERYDAY.

And always remember that, this all knowing God is also the Alpha and Omega. He declares the end from beginning and makes known from ancient times what is STILL to come. His word will never change and the promises attached to them, will never fail. Hold dearly to it and activate it by faith. IT IS YOUR LIFE! See you at church.

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 There are moments in our lives when time stands still and all we hear, see, and feel is the presence of God.  We finished singing our last song when the three small girls in red uniforms approached a dear friend of ours, a man fluent in our language and his own.  God bless those who translate.

“They would like to sing a song for all of you, now,” he whispered to our team.  To the radical teenagers holding instruments, he added, “They would like for you to play while they sing.”  

The teens nodded to each other with wide eyes.  “We’ll do our best,” spoke Alex as the four of them lifted their instruments from the concrete floor and began to play.

 Bravely, the three school girls stood before a group of strangers and peers and sang. They sang words that we would not have recognized if not for the familiar tune. The teens began to play with them and I began to hum along. Music has a universal way of communicating a message between hearts despite language barriers. The band gave one another a knowing smile and continued to play. The song they sang was made popular by Michael W. Smith some time ago in our country and is currently a favorite in the Artibonite Valley of Haiti, as well. As they sang in Haitian Creole, my heart joined them in worship and I reflected on the truth of “Ancient Words,” by Lynn Deshazo.

Ancient words ever true,           changing me and changing you.          
We have come with open hearts.       Oh, let the ancient words impart.”

 The message of this song is timeless and can speak to hearts cross-culturally.  It reminds us that the Word of God is timeless.  The most beautiful truth here?  The Word of God does not change, and yet it should change us.  

Our lives should be completely transformed by the words of our Redeemer.  He is timeless.

Someone told me once that they believed, “we’d all get a lot more practical” during the end of the world. In other words, he believed that we would focus only on what is essential to survival and would deny faith in Jesus.  My friend’s words left me heartbroken.  I was heartbroken that he could believe such a thing.  

I was reminded of his words as I walked the dirt roads of another country: a country where indeed, the people are focused on survival and practicality.  Sweet friend, lean in closely.  Those people cling to Jesus and His faithfulness as a means to survival, as the only way.  With their whole hearts, many of them gather together multiple times in a week to worship God and to read His Holy, unchanging, ancient words.  For so many of the Haitian people, God is their refuge and their strength.   They focus on Him morning and night.  They study God’s word.  They pray to Him without ceasing.  They live simply and practically.  To them, there are two options: the worship of God or (devastatingly sad for many of them) the worship of the enemy.  They cling to one or the other.  They put their faith in something.  Living without any hope at all?  I’ve yet to encounter someone who finds that a practical option in Haiti.  

Could it be that so many have forgotten the goodness of the Gospel, here where we live because they fill their lives with other false Gods?  Aren’t we all clinging to something?  It is my experience that those with little are quick to put their hope in Jesus.  Those living without the luxuries we consider the norm?  Many of them do not hesitate to make Him their daily focus, because it is God who sustains them.  Yet, everyone seems to place hope in something.  Some rely on the security of a career, others place their trust primarily in financial investments and accounts, others depend fully on their education as a means of survival, while some have faith in others with the wealth to provide for them on some level.  It’s true.  Our people aren’t as practical as my friends across an ocean, depending on Christ alone.  While everyone has placed his or her trust in something, it certainly seems that those with the most desperate circumstances and the fewest resources are the quickest to acknowledge the power of their Creator.  What are they clinging to as they pour their lives into survival?  They cling to the cross of Jesus.  They cling to the ancient words of God, our Heavenly Father.  He meets all of their needs and they trust in Him.

God’s word is never changing, but around me, so many seem to be questioning the truth of the Bible.  

Words of Life, words of Hope
Give us strength, help us cope.
In this world, where e’er we roam
Ancient words will guide us home.

Ancient words ever true,
Changing me and changing you.
We have come with open hearts.
Oh, let the ancient words impart.

Holy words of our Faith
Handed down to this age,
Came to us through sacrifice.
Oh heed the faithful words of Christ.”

  Friends, when did our own people default to depending on anything other than Jesus?  When did so many stop believing the faithful words of Christ?  God, forgive us.  So many have placed more hope in their own feelings, abilities, and resources than in the truth of the One who placed the stars in the sky and has the power to calm raging seas.  Has privilege  blinded from truth?  

Matthew 19:24 says, “Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.”   

The rich.  We are a priveledged people who know luxuries such as clean drinking water, warm showers, air conditioning, and electricity.  Globally speaking, we are all very wealthy.  For many of us, this is all we have ever known.  “We have poverty here,” you say?  Yes, we do.  Thankfully, even those in poverty have systems in place to assist their survival.  I am thankful for this.  I’m so thankful that the struggle is drastically different than the struggle to survive across the ocean.  After a couple of visits to a third-world country, I know that these systems are true blessings for those who are in need of help. I have sat with those who need assistance where assistance does not exist.  I have a friend who cannot work and will never be able.  There is no help for him.  God, the provider, has placed him in the presence of missionaries who feed him on a daily basis.  I have walked through a church door to see my friend, the truly poorest person I know, sitting on the back row praising Jesus.  Yet, here?  Here it is becoming the norm to discount the scripture–the Ancient Words of God.  May we repent of our arrogant foolishness.  God never changes.  His word never changes.  It is us who have changed. Maranatha.

Hebrews 13:8 declares it! “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.”  He never changes.  Precious friends, please hear me.  His word never changes either.  It is us.  It.  Is.  Us.  May we see the error of this ignorance.  May we turn back to Jesus and his never-changing word.  May we repent of our arrogant pride.  There is still time.  God’s arms are open to His prodigal children.  He never changed.  He never walked away.  Run into His arms!  Be embraced by His mercy.  He alone can sustain us.  He alone is truth.  He alone can save our souls.  

It is time for us to think eternally.  This world is not the end.  Disbelief and dishonor in God has eternal consequences.   May our lives trust in Him as Lord and Savior.  May our hearts repent of disbelief.  May we turn back to the ancient and still true words of our Heavenly Father.  God, have mercy on us.

Holy words long preserved,             For our walk in this world.            They resound with God’s own heart.  Oh, let the ancient words impart.”

May our hearts return to truth, the Truth of the Gospel.  May our lives cling to the only good news that can eternally fulfill our needs.  Thank you, God for Your Word.  Amen.

From my heart to yours,                  ~Courtney

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His Word never changes

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While everything around us is changing, God’s Word remains constant.

And you can take that to the bank.


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Are you aware of the power of words? In his teaching The Word Became Flesh, Andrew Wommack shows you just how powerful God’s words—and our words—are. Through His spoken Word, God created earth and everything in it, put heaven into place, and formed man. Most importantly, His Word became flesh, and Jesus (God in the flesh) was born.

John 1:14 says, And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. As Andrew expounds on this verse, you’ll see the true significance of Jesus’ birth and the impact of words.

God’s Word is the most powerful thing on earth and in heaven. It is the absolute and infallible Truth. His Word never changes, and He never breaks His Word. You don’t want to miss this powerful teaching that we’re offering in the following formats:

  • The Word Became Flesh CD Series for $35
  • The Word Became Flesh As-Seen-on-TV DVD Series for $35
  • The Word Became Flesh Live DVD Series for $35

The Word Became Flesh package

Don’t live another day without realizing the power of words. Discover how the miracle power of God is voice-activated and begin to see miracles manifest in your life. Order these products below or call our Helpline at 719-635-1111.

Steve ShultzThere are times when we need an infusion of HOPE to encourage and spur us on. This is especially true when we see what is happening in our nation and in the nations of the earth.

Are you a prisoner of hope? Or have you lost hope? If the latter is true, return to the stronghold; return to God and His plans for you; return to His unfailing Word; return to His promises concerning you. It is there that He promises to restore us, and not only restore us, but restore to us double.

Amen…I receive this too. Read the rest of Kim’s word and let HOPE ARISE! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)

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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

From Graves into Gardens: We the Kingdom Have Won!

It was early Saturday morning when I heard the ding of an incoming text on my phone. I picked it up to read a message from a friend—one that would start my day with encouragement. The text read: «We the Kingdom won top contemporary Gospel artist of the year at the Dove Awards, and Graves into Gardens won worship song of the year.»

As I read those words, almost simultaneously, I heard something different in my spirit. I heard: «We the Kingdom have won! Now, God is going to turn graves into gardens.»

Wow, I needed to hear that!

It didn’t start with that text. That word «hope» had been rolling around in my heart for several days…pure hope in God and what He has in store for us.

Are You a Prisoner of Hope?

When we look around the world today, we see very little reason to hope, yet for the people of God, hope remains. Jeremiah 29:11 says, «For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.» God’s plans for us do not change because the world is in chaos. His word never changes. His plans for us will not be altered. Therefore, I am a prisoner of hope.

«Return to the stronghold, you prisoners of hope. Even today I declare that I will restore double to you.» (Zechariah 9:12)

Are you a prisoner of hope? Or have you lost hope? If the latter is true, return to the stronghold; return to God and His plans for you; return to His unfailing Word; return to His promises concerning you. It is there that He promises to restore us, and not only restore us, but restore to us double. (Photo via Free Images Live)

Many years ago, God spoke something to my heart. He said, «If you have no hope, you are standing in the wrong kingdom.»

Let Hope Arise!

In God, hope never disappoints. Time and again the Bible encourages us to hope in God, regardless of what is going on around us. If you are not feeling hope today, go to the book of Psalms…read until your hope is ignited.

God spoke to me from that early morning message, and I believe He is speaking to you as well. We, the Kingdom, have won! We may not see it today, but never doubt it. God has never lost a battle and He won’t lose this one. He is the resurrection and the life. He will turn the graves into gardens and bring forth a harvest we can only imagine…one that only He can do. Trust Him.

Friends, this is not the way it ends. Things are not going to get worse and worse for the people of God. That is not who He is. He has a good plan for us. He has a good future for us. We are a redeemed people through the Blood of Jesus Christ. We already have the victory!

Today, let hope arise! He wins. We win. And we will enjoy the spoils of the battle…never doubt it.

Blessings to you!

Whatever you do, don’t miss another ELIJAH LIST email! Subscribe at this link: elijahlist.com/subscribe.

Kim Potter
A New Thing Ministries

Email: Kim@anewthingministries.com
Website: www.anewthingministries.com

Kim Potter is the founder of A New Thing Ministries, which sends a daily teaching to over 10,000 people all around the world. Her articles have appeared on The Elijah List, Charisma, Spirit Fuel and iBelieve.com. Kim’s message is one of hope. She speaks to the heart of those who have grown discouraged and disappointed by the circumstances of life and imparts the desire and ability to stand against all odds; to stand for victory. She encourages people to press into God and discover that He is who He says He is.

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