Your code doesn’t work, but i just wrote an example that works the way you want. Open the fiddle to see it working
var utterance = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance();
var wordIndex = 0;
var global_words = [];
utterance.lang = 'en-UK';
utterance.rate = 1;
document.getElementById('playbtn').onclick = function(){
var text = document.getElementById('textarea').value;
var words = text.split(" ");
global_words = words;
// Draw the text in a div
spokenTextArray = words;
utterance.text = text;
utterance.onboundary = function(event){
var e = document.getElementById('textarea');
var word = getWordAt(e.value,event.charIndex);
// Show Speaking word : x
document.getElementById("word").innerHTML = word;
//Increase index of span to highlight[wordIndex]);
document.getElementById("word_span_"+wordIndex).style.color = "blue";
utterance.onend = function(){
document.getElementById("word").innerHTML = "";
wordIndex = 0;
document.getElementById("panel").innerHTML = "";
// Get the word of a string given the string and the index
function getWordAt(str, pos) {
// Perform type conversions.
str = String(str);
pos = Number(pos) >>> 0;
// Search for the word's beginning and end.
var left = str.slice(0, pos + 1).search(/S+$/),
right = str.slice(pos).search(/s/);
// The last word in the string is a special case.
if (right < 0) {
return str.slice(left);
// Return the word, using the located bounds to extract it from the string.
return str.slice(left, right + pos);
function drawTextInPanel(words_array){
var panel = document.getElementById("panel");
for(var i = 0;i < words_array.length;i++){
var html = '<span id="word_span_'+i+'">'+words_array[i]+'</span> ';
panel.innerHTML += html;
Please play with the following fiddle :
Highlight spoken word SpeechSynthesis Javascript fiddle
It highlight the spoken word in div with blue, you can customize it with bold style, but the important is the idea.
Note: remember that the onboundary
event is only triggered for the native (local) voice synthesis. Changing the voice as specified in the Google Examples (i.e Google UK English Male) for a google remote voice, will make your code fail as the SpeechSynthesis API seems to only play a sound generated by the google servers.
Using a speech engine to highlight words is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.
Display a piece of text and produce spoken output via a speech engine.
As each word is being spoken, highlight the word on the display.
In languages where cursor control and highlighting are not possible, it is permissible to output each word as it is spoken.
- Related task
- speech synthesis
We use the simple SAPI.SPVoice COM Object and a parsing loop.
The highlighting is done with EM_SETSEL and Notepad. Rather crude, but it works. Due to the simplistic nature of the parsing loop, the text ends with a space.
SetTitleMatchMode 2 EM_SETSEL := 0x00B1 Run notepad,,,pid WinWaitActive ahk_pid %pid% ControlSetText, Edit1, % text := "AutoHotkey was the first to implement this task! ", ahk_pid %pid% pVoice := ComObjCreate("Sapi.spvoice"), i := 1 ; the spvoice COM Object ships with the OS ; parse the text While lf := SubStr(text, i, 1) { If lf = %A_Space% { SendMessage, EM_SetSel, % i-StrLen(word)-1, % i-1, Edit1, ahk_pid %pid% pVoice.speak(word), word := "", i++ } Else word .= lf, i++ }
FreeBASIC does not have a native command for them.
We are going to invoke vbscript directly
''This works on Windows. Does anyone know how it would be done in Linux? Sub Speak(Texto As String) Shell "mshta vbscript:Execute(""CreateObject(""""SAPI.SpVoice"""").Speak("""""+Texto+""""")(window.close)"")" End Sub Function Split(Texto As String, SplitL As String, Direcc As Byte = 0) As String Dim As Integer LocA = Instr(Texto, SplitL) Return Iif(Direcc <= 0, Left(Texto, LocA), Right(Texto, Len(Texto) - LocA)) End Function Dim As String texto = "Actions speak louder than words" Dim As String palabra() Dim As Integer cont = -1 Do cont += 1 Redim Preserve palabra(cont) palabra(cont) = Split(texto," ") texto = Right(texto, Len(texto)-Len(palabra(cont))) If Len(palabra(cont)) = 0 Then palabra(cont) = texto : Exit Do Loop For n As Integer = 0 To Ubound(palabra) Print palabra(n) Speak palabra(n) Next n
This uses the eSpeak speech synthesizer which is invoked for each word in the text. As the word is spoken it is printed to the terminal in capitalized form (and the previous word is uncapitalized). After a second’s delay the final word is uncapitalized.
Very robotic but it works.
package main import ( "fmt" "log" "os/exec" "strings" "time" ) func main() { s := "Actions speak louder than words." prev := "" prevLen := 0 bs := "" for _, word := range strings.Fields(s) { cmd := exec.Command("espeak", word) if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } if prevLen > 0 { bs = strings.Repeat("b", prevLen) } fmt.Printf("%s%s%s ", bs, prev, strings.ToUpper(word)) prev = word + " " prevLen = len(word) + 1 } bs = strings.Repeat("b", prevLen) time.Sleep(time.Second) fmt.Printf("%s%sn", bs, prev) }
Translation of: Go
function speak(sentence, cmd = "/utl/espeak.bat") for word in split(sentence) s = replace(lowercase(word), r"[^a-z]" => "") if length(s) > 0 print(uppercase(s)) run(`$cmd $s`) sleep(1) print("b"^length(s)) end print(word, " ") end end speak("Are those 144 shy Eurasian footwear, cowboy chaps, or jolly earthmoving headgear?")
M2000 Interpreter[edit]
Module UsingEvents { Form 60, 32 Cls 5, 0 Pen 14 Declare WithEvents sp "SAPI.SpVoice" That$="Rosetta Code is a programming chrestomathy site" margin=(width-Len(That$))/2 EndStream=False \ this function called as sub routine - same scope as Module \ we can call it from event function too Function Localtxt { \ move the cursor to middle line Cursor 0, height/2 \ using OVER the line erased with background color and then print text over \ ordinary Print using transparent printing of text \ $(0) set mode to non proportional text, @() move the cursor to sepecific position Print Over $(0),@(margin), That$ } Call Local LocalTxt() Function sp_Word { Read New StreamNumber, StreamPosition, CharacterPosition, Length Call Local LocalTxt() Cursor 0, height/2 Pen 15 {Print Part $(0), @(CharacterPosition+margin); Mid$(That$, CharacterPosition+1, Length)} Refresh } Function sp_EndStream { Refresh EndStream=True } Const SVEEndInputStream = 4 Const SVEWordBoundary = 32 Const SVSFlagsAsync = 1& With sp, "EventInterests", SVEWordBoundary+SVEEndInputStream Method sp, "Speak", That$, SVSFlagsAsync While Not EndStream {Wait 10} Call Local LocalTxt() } UsingEvents
Mathematica/Wolfram Language[edit]
DynamicModule[{text = "This is some text.", words, i = 0}, Panel@Column@{Dynamic[ Row[Riffle[ If[i != 0, MapAt[Style[#, Red] &, #, i], #] &@(words = StringSplit@text), " "]]], InputField[Dynamic@text, String], Button["Speak", While[i < Length@words, i++; FinishDynamic[]; Speak[words[[i]]]; Pause[Max[0.7, 0.12 StringLength[words[[i]]]]]]; i = 0]}]
Translation of: Go
Works on Linux but may also work on other platforms provided «espeak» is installed.
import os, osproc, strutils const S = "Actions speak louder than words." var prev, bs = "" var prevlen = 0 for word in S.splitWhitespace(): discard execProcess("espeak " & word) if prevlen > 0: bs = repeat('b', prevlen) stdout.write bs, prev, word.toUpper, ' ' stdout.flushFile() prev = word & ' ' prevlen = word.len + 1 bs = repeat('b', prevlen) sleep(1000) echo bs, prev
You can run this online here.
-- -- demorosettaSpeech.exw -- ======================= -- with javascript_semantics requires(6) -- WINDOWS or JS, not LINUX requires(32) -- Windows 32 bit only, for now... -- (^ runs fine on a 64-bit OS, but needs a 32-bit p.exe) requires("1.0.2") include builtinsspeak.e -- (new in 1.0.2) include pGUI.e Ihandle t3, left, red, right, btn, hbc, dlg -- not sure why, but a leading space really helps... constant text = ` Highlight words as they are spoken.` procedure speech_cb(integer pos, len) if pos<0 then pos += length(text)+1 end if IupSetStrAttribute(left,"TITLE",text[1..pos]) IupSetStrAttribute(red,"TITLE",text[pos+1..pos+len]) IupSetStrAttribute(right,"TITLE",text[pos+len+1..$]) IupSetAttributes({left,red,right}, "RASTERSIZE=x0") IupRefresh(t3) IupRedraw(t3) end procedure function button_cb(Ihandle /*ih*/) atom rate = iff(platform()=WINDOWS?-5: -- -10..+10, voice dependent iff(platform()=JS?0.3: -- 0.1..10, 0.5 = half speed 9/0)) -- linux, anyone?... speak(text,rate,speech_cb) return IUP_CONTINUE end function procedure main() IupOpen() left = IupLabel() red = IupLabel("",`FGCOLOR="255 0 0"`) right = IupLabel(text) t3 = IupHbox({IupFill(),left,red,right,IupFill()}, `FONT="Verdana, 18", MARGIN=0x20`) btn = IupButton("Speak",Icallback("button_cb")) hbc = IupHbox({IupFill(),btn,IupFill()},"MARGIN=0x10") dlg = IupDialog(IupVbox({t3,hbc}),"TITLE=Speak") IupShow(dlg) if platform()!=JS then IupMainLoop() IupClose() end if end procedure main()
Translation of: Go
# 20200826 Raku programming solution my s = "Actions speak louder than words."; my prev = $ = ""; my prevLen = $ = 0; my bs = $ = ""; for s.split(' ', :skip-empty) { run "/usr/bin/espeak", $_ or die; bs = "b" x prevLen if prevLen > 0; printf "%s%s%s ", bs, prev, $_.uc; prev = "$_ "; prevLen = $_.chars + 1 } printf "%s%sn", "b" x prevLen, prev;
Programming note: This REXX program uses a freeware program NIRCMD to interface with the Microsoft Windows speech synthesizer program SAM, a text to speech using a male voice. SAM can possibly be configured to use other voices with later releases of Windows. More recent Microsoft Windows have another speech synthesizer program: ANNA.
Each word of the text is highlighted (by showing the word in uppercase). the terminal screen is cleared before showing the text that is being spoken; the repeated calls to the (Windows) speech engine makes for a slower speech rate.
/*REXX program uses a command line interface to invoke Windows SAM for speech synthesis.*/ parse arg t /*get the (optional) text from the C.L.*/ #= words(t) if #==0 then exit /*Nothing to say? Then exit program.*/ dq= '"' /*needed to enclose text in dbl quotes.*/ rate= 1 /*talk: -10 (slow) to 10 (fast). */ /* [↓] where the rubber meets the road*/ do j=1 for # x= word(t, j); upper x /*extract 1 word, capitalize it for HL.*/ if j==1 then LHS= /*obtain text before the spoken word. */ else LHS= subword(t, 1, j-1) if j==# then RHS= /*obtain text after the spoken word. */ else RHS= subword(t, j+1) 'CLS' /*use this command to clear the screen.*/ say 'speaking: ' space(LHS x RHS) /*show text, one word is capitalized. */ oneWord= dq x dq /*surround a word in double quotes (").*/ 'NIRCMD' "speak text" oneWord rate /*NIRCMD invokes Microsoft's Sam voice*/ end /*j*/ /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */
Note: The name of the above REXX program is SPEAKHI.REX
usage using the command:
speakhi This is an example of speech synthesis.
load "guilib.ring" MyApp = New qApp { win1 = new qWidget() { setwindowtitle("Hello World") setGeometry(100,100,370,250) Text = "Welcome to the Ring Programming Language" Text = split(Text," ") label1 = new qLabel(win1) { settext("What is your name ?") setGeometry(10,20,350,30) setalignment(Qt_AlignHCenter) } btn1 = new qpushbutton(win1) { setGeometry(10,200,100,30) settext("Say Hello") setclickevent("pHello()") } btn2 = new qpushbutton(win1) { setGeometry(150,200,100,30) settext("Close") setclickevent("pClose()") } lineedit1 = new qlineedit(win1) { setGeometry(10,100,350,30) } voice = new QTextToSpeech(win1) { } show() } exec()} Func pHello lineedit1.settext( "Hello " + lineedit1.text()) for n = 1 to len(Text) voice.Say(Text[n]) see Text[n] + nl next Func pClose MyApp.quit()
Welcome to the Ring Programming Language
I’m having difficulty figuring out how to get Shoes to update the GUI (like Tk’s update
command), so the user must click the button once for each word.
Uses the Ruby code from Speech synthesis
load 'speechsynthesis.rb' if ARGV.length == 1 $text = "This is default text for the highlight and speak program" else $text = ARGV[1..-1].join(" ") end $words = $text.split do @idx = 0 stack do @sentence = para(strong($words[0] + " "), $words[1..-1].map {|word| span(word + " ")}) button "Say word" do say_and_highlight end end keypress do |key| case key when :control_q, "x11" then exit end end def say_and_highlight speak $words[@idx] @idx = (@idx + 1) % $words.length @sentence.replace($ {|word, idx| idx == @idx ? strong(word + " ") : span(word + " ")}) end end
This code uses the external /usr/bin/say
program (known available on Mac OS X) as its interface to the speech engine; this produces rather stilted speech because it forces the text to be spoken one word at a time instead of as a whole sentence (in order to keep the highlighting synchronized).
package require Tcl 8.5 package require Tk 8.5 proc say {text button} { grab $button $button configure -state disabled -cursor watch update set starts [$text search -all -regexp -count lengths {S+} 1.0] foreach start $starts length $lengths { lappend strings [$text get $start "$start + $length char"] lappend ends [$text index "$start + $length char"] } $text tag remove sel 1.0 end foreach from $starts str $strings to $ends { $text tag add sel $from $to update idletasks exec /usr/bin/say << $str $text tag remove sel 1.0 end } grab release $button $button configure -state normal -cursor {} } pack [text .t] pack [button .b -text "Speak, computer!" -command {say .t .b}] -fill x .t insert 1.0 "This is an example of speech synthesis with Tcl/Tk."
Translation of: Go
The ability to call external processes such as espeak is expected to be added to Wren-cli in the next release. In the meantime, we embed the following Wren script in a minimal C host (no error checking) to complete this task.
/* speech_engine_highlight_words.wren */ import "./str" for Str class C { foreign static usleep(usec) foreign static espeak(s) foreign static flushStdout() } var s = "Actions speak louder than words." var prev = "" var prevLen = 0 var bs = "" for (word in s.split(" ")) { if (prevLen > 0) bs = "b" * prevLen System.write("%(bs)%(prev)%(Str.upper(word)) ") C.flushStdout() C.espeak(word) prev= word + " " prevLen = word.count + 1 } bs = "b" * prevLen C.usleep(1000) System.print("%(bs)%(prev)")
We now embed this in the following C program, compile and run it.
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "wren.h" void C_usleep(WrenVM* vm) { useconds_t usec = (useconds_t)wrenGetSlotDouble(vm, 1); usleep(usec); } void C_espeak(WrenVM* vm) { const char *arg = wrenGetSlotString(vm, 1); char command[strlen(arg) + 10]; strcpy(command, "espeak ""); strcat(command, arg); strcat(command, """); system(command); } void C_flushStdout(WrenVM* vm) { fflush(stdout); } WrenForeignMethodFn bindForeignMethod( WrenVM* vm, const char* module, const char* className, bool isStatic, const char* signature) { if (strcmp(module, "main") == 0) { if (strcmp(className, "C") == 0) { if (isStatic && strcmp(signature, "usleep(_)") == 0) return C_usleep; if (isStatic && strcmp(signature, "espeak(_)") == 0) return C_espeak; if (isStatic && strcmp(signature, "flushStdout()") == 0) return C_flushStdout; } } return NULL; } static void writeFn(WrenVM* vm, const char* text) { printf("%s", text); } char *readFile(const char *fileName) { FILE *f = fopen(fileName, "r"); fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); long fsize = ftell(f); rewind(f); char *script = malloc(fsize + 1); fread(script, 1, fsize, f); fclose(f); script[fsize] = 0; return script; } static void loadModuleComplete(WrenVM* vm, const char* module, WrenLoadModuleResult result) { if( result.source) free((void*)result.source); } WrenLoadModuleResult loadModule(WrenVM* vm, const char* name) { WrenLoadModuleResult result = {0}; if (strcmp(name, "random") != 0 && strcmp(name, "meta") != 0) { result.onComplete = loadModuleComplete; char fullName[strlen(name) + 6]; strcpy(fullName, name); strcat(fullName, ".wren"); result.source = readFile(fullName); } return result; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { WrenConfiguration config; wrenInitConfiguration(&config); config.writeFn = &writeFn; config.bindForeignMethodFn = &bindForeignMethod; config.loadModuleFn = &loadModule; WrenVM* vm = wrenNewVM(&config); const char* module = "main"; const char* fileName = "speech_engine_highlight_words.wren"; char *script = readFile(fileName); wrenInterpret(vm, module, script); wrenFreeVM(vm); free(script); return 0; }
You can hear full pages read aloud with Chromebook’s built-in screen reader. You can hear parts of a page, including specific words, read aloud with Select-to-speak.
Listen to all text
To have pages read aloud to you, turn on your Chromebook’s built-in screen reader:
At the bottom right, select the time.
Or press Alt + Shift + s.
- Select Settings
- Under «Text-to-Speech,» turn on ChromeVox.
Tip: When you press Ctrl + Alt + z, you can turn ChromeVox on or off from any page. Learn how to use the built-in screen reader.
Listen to part of a page
To select specific text on a page to be read to you, turn on Select-to-speak.
Step 1: Turn on Select-to-speak
- At the bottom right, select the time.
- Or press Alt + Shift + s.
- Select Settings
- Under «Text-to-Speech,» turn on Select-to-speak.
Step 2: Select & hear text
Important: Depending on your keyboard, you can press the Search key or the Launcher key
for some shortcuts. Both keys work the same.
Option 1
- Press and hold the Search key
- Drag the pointer over an area of text.
Option 2
- Highlight the text to be read.
- Press the Search key
+ s.
Option 3
- At the bottom right, near the time, select Select-to-Speak
- Drag the pointer over an area of text.
Tip: If you’re on a touchscreen, tap a line of text or drag your finger over an area of the screen.
Your Chromebook reads the section aloud and each word is highlighted.
To stop Select-to-Speak while it’s reading, press Ctrl or the Search key . You can also select Stop
Tip: With navigation controls, you can pause and play, adjust speed, and skip lines of text.
Highlight or shade background text
If you are using Select-to-speak, each word will be highlighted as it’s spoken. You can turn off highlighting, change the color of the highlighted words, or shade the screen behind selected text.
- At the bottom right, select the time.
- Or press Alt + Shift + s.
- Select Settings
- Under «Text-to-Speech,» turn on Select-to-speak.
- Select Open select-to-speak settings.
- Under «Highlighting,» you can:
- Turn on Highlight each word as it is spoken.
- Next to «Color for word highlights,» select a color.
- To get the strongest contrast, you may use green or pink, especially if you use high contrast mode.
- Turn on Shade background content.
- This allows you to shade the whole screen, except for the text being spoken.
Disable Select-to-speak navigation features
Important: When “Enable Navigation Controls” is turned off, quick access to pause and play, adjust speed, and skip lines of text is disabled.
- At the bottom right, select the time.
- Or press Alt + Shift + s.
- Select Settings
- Under «Text-to-Speech,» select Open select to speech settings.
- Under «Highlighting,» turn off Enable navigation controls.
⚠️ Warning: This is a draft ⚠️
This means it might contain formatting issues,
incorrect code, conceptual problems, or other severe issues.
If you want to help to improve and eventually enable this page,
please fork
RosettaGit’s repository
and open a merge request on GitHub.
{{draft task}}[[Category:Speech synthesis]][[Category:Temporal media]]
Display a piece of text and produce spoken output via a speech engine.
As each word is being spoken, highlight the word on the display.
In languages where cursor control and highlighting are not possible, it is permissible to output each word as it is spoken.
;Related task:
:* [[Speech_synthesis|speech synthesis]]
We use the simple SAPI.SPVoice COM Object and a parsing loop.
The highlighting is done with [ EM_SETSEL] and Notepad. Rather crude, but it works. Due to the simplistic nature of the parsing loop, the text ends with a space.
SetTitleMatchMode 2
EM_SETSEL := 0x00B1
Run notepad,,,pid
WinWaitActive ahk_pid %pid%
ControlSetText, Edit1, % text := "AutoHotkey was the first to implement this task! ", ahk_pid %pid%
pVoice := ComObjCreate("Sapi.spvoice"), i := 1 ; the spvoice COM Object ships with the OS
; parse the text
While lf := SubStr(text, i, 1)
If lf = %A_Space%
SendMessage, EM_SetSel, % i-StrLen(word)-1, % i-1, Edit1, ahk_pid %pid%
pVoice.speak(word), word := "", i++
Else word .= lf, i++
{{works with|Ubuntu 16.04}}
This uses the eSpeak speech synthesizer which is invoked for each word in the text. As the word is spoken it is printed to the terminal in capitalized form (and the previous word is uncapitalized). After a second’s delay the final word is uncapitalized.
Very robotic but it works.
package main import ( "fmt" "log" "os/exec" "strings" "time" ) func main() { s := "Actions speak louder than words." prev := "" prevLen := 0 bs := "" for _, word := range strings.Fields(s) { cmd := exec.Command("espeak", word) if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } if prevLen > 0 { bs = strings.Repeat("b", prevLen) } fmt.Printf("%s%s%s ", bs, prev, strings.ToUpper(word)) prev = word + " " prevLen = len(word) + 1 } bs = strings.Repeat("b", prevLen) time.Sleep(time.Second) fmt.Printf("%s%sn", bs, prev) }
M2000 Interpreter
Module UsingEvents {
Form 60, 32
Cls 5, 0
Pen 14
Declare WithEvents sp "SAPI.SpVoice"
That$="Rosetta Code is a programming chrestomathy site"
\ this function called as sub routine - same scope as Module
\ we can call it from event function too
Function Localtxt {
\ move the cursor to middle line
Cursor 0, height/2
\ using OVER the line erased with background color and then print text over
\ ordinary Print using transparent printing of text
\ $(0) set mode to non proportional text, @() move the cursor to sepecific position
Print Over $(0),@(margin), That$
Call Local LocalTxt()
Function sp_Word {
Read New &StreamNumber, &StreamPosition, &CharacterPosition, &Length
Call Local LocalTxt()
Cursor 0, height/2
Pen 15 {Print Part $(0), @(CharacterPosition+margin); Mid$(That$, CharacterPosition+1, Length)}
Function sp_EndStream {
Const SVEEndInputStream = 4
Const SVEWordBoundary = 32
Const SVSFlagsAsync = 1&
With sp, "EventInterests", SVEWordBoundary+SVEEndInputStream
Method sp, "Speak", That$, SVSFlagsAsync
While Not EndStream {Wait 10}
Call Local LocalTxt()
DynamicModule[{text = «This is some text.», words, i = 0},
If[i != 0, MapAt[Style[#, Red] &, #, i], #] &@(words =
StringSplit@text), » «]]], InputField[Dynamic@text, String],
While[i < Length@words, i++; FinishDynamic[]; Speak[words[[i]]];
Pause[Max[0.7, 0.12 StringLength[words[[i]]]]]]; i = 0]}]
{{works with|Windowx/XP or later}}
Programming note: This REXX program uses a freeware program NIRCMD to interface with the Microsoft Windows speech synthesizer program '''SAM''', a text to speech using a male voice. SAM can possibly be configured to use other voices with later releases of Windows. More recent Microsoft Windows have another speech synthesizer program: ANNA.
Each word of the text is highlighted (by showing the word in uppercase). the terminal screen is cleared before showing the text that is being spoken; the repeated calls to the (Windows) speech engine makes for a slower speech rate.
/*REXX program uses a command line interface to invoke Windows SAM for speech synthesis.*/
parse arg t /*get the (optional) text from the C.L.*/
#= words(t)
if #==0 then exit /*Nothing to say? Then exit program.*/
dq= '"' /*needed to enclose text in dbl quotes.*/
rate= 1 /*talk: -10 (slow) to 10 (fast). */
/* [↓] where the rubber meets the road*/
do j=1 for #
x= word(t, j); upper x /*extract 1 word, capitalize it for HL.*/
if j==1 then LHS= /*obtain text before the spoken word. */
else LHS= subword(t, 1, j-1)
if j==# then RHS= /*obtain text after the spoken word. */
else RHS= subword(t, j+1)
'CLS' /*use this command to clear the screen.*/
say 'speaking: ' space(LHS x RHS) /*show text, one word is capitalized. */
oneWord= dq x dq /*surround a word in double quotes (").*/
'NIRCMD' "speak text" oneWord rate /*NIRCMD invokes Microsoft's Sam voice*/
end /*j*/ /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */
Note: The name of the above REXX program is »’SPEAKHI.REX»’
»’usage»’ using the command:
speakhi This is an example of speech synthesis.
I’m having difficulty figuring out how to get Shoes to update the GUI (like Tk’s update
command), so the user must click the button once for each word.
Uses the Ruby code from [[Speech synthesis]]
load 'speechsynthesis.rb' if ARGV.length == 1 $text = "This is default text for the highlight and speak program" else $text = ARGV[1..-1].join(" ") end $words = $text.split do @idx = 0 stack do @sentence = para(strong($words[0] + " "), $words[1..-1].map {|word| span(word + " ")}) button "Say word" do say_and_highlight end end keypress do |key| case key when :control_q, "x11" then exit end end def say_and_highlight speak $words[@idx] @idx = (@idx + 1) % $words.length @sentence.replace($ {|word, idx| idx == @idx ? strong(word + " ") : span(word + " ")}) end end
This code uses the external /usr/bin/say
program (known available on Mac OS X) as its interface to the speech engine; this produces rather stilted speech because it forces the text to be spoken one word at a time instead of as a whole sentence (in order to keep the highlighting synchronized).
package require Tcl 8.5 package require Tk 8.5 proc say {text button} { grab $button $button configure -state disabled -cursor watch update set starts [$text search -all -regexp -count lengths {S+} 1.0] foreach start $starts length $lengths { lappend strings [$text get $start "$start + $length char"] lappend ends [$text index "$start + $length char"] } $text tag remove sel 1.0 end foreach from $starts str $strings to $ends { $text tag add sel $from $to update idletasks exec /usr/bin/say << $str $text tag remove sel 1.0 end } grab release $button $button configure -state normal -cursor {} } pack [text .t] pack [button .b -text "Speak, computer!" -command {say .t .b}] -fill x .t insert 1.0 "This is an example of speech synthesis with Tcl/Tk."
Words in the message window will, by default, be highlighted as they are spoken. To customize the highlighting:
1. Select the Settings button located in the toolbar.
Note: If the Toolbar is hidden, first select the Edit Button at the top right corner of your screen.
2. Select Voice Settings from the Settings menu. The Settings menu will open.
3. Next to Highlighting, select Configure. The Highlighting menu will open.
4. Select a highlight type from the drop-down list.
- Highlight Word: Each word will be highlighted when the message is spoken.
- Highlight Word and Symbol:Each word and it’s corresponding symbol will be highlighted.
- Highlight Sentence:Each sentence will be highlighted
- Highlight Sentence and Word: Each sentence will be highlighted (with Highlight Style 2) as it is spoken. Each word will be highlighted (with Highlight Style 1) as it is spoken.
5. Select a highlight style from the Highlight Style 1 and Highlight Style 2 drop-down lists.
- Fill Color:The word (or sentence) will be highlighted with the color you choose.
- Text Color: The text in the word or sentence will change to the selected color as it is spoken.
- Outline Color:The word or sentence will be highlighted with the color you choose.
- Invert: The text and text background color will switch as the word or sentence is spoken
6. Use the Color buttons to select colors for Highlight Styles 1 and 2.
To prevent words from being highlighted, enter the Voice Settings Menu and select Disabledfrom the drop-down list next to Highlighting.
When you have finished customizing your highlighting settings, select the green Done button in the top right corner of the screen.
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Hi, I have tried everything to get System.Soeech to highlight the spoken words in a WPF RichTextBox and have failed . . .
I am using a TextRange to Speak the text of the WPF RichTextBox — no problem there!
But SpeakProgress — e.CharacterPosition does not correspond to the character position in the WPF RichTextBox
I got this far in the SpeakProgress() method, but it keeps highlighting the wrong words
TextRange text = new TextRange(start, this.CurrentlySpeakingRichTextBox.Document.ContentEnd);
TextPointer current = text.Start.GetInsertionPosition(LogicalDirection.Forward);while (current != null)
string textInRun = current.GetTextInRun(LogicalDirection.Forward);if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(textInRun))
int index = textInRun.IndexOf(aWord);
if (index != -1)
TextPointer selectionStart = current.GetPositionAtOffset(index, LogicalDirection.Forward);
TextPointer selectionEnd = selectionStart.GetPositionAtOffset(aWord.Length, LogicalDirection.Forward);
TextRange selection = new TextRange(selectionStart, selectionEnd);
this.RichTextBoxPointer = selectionStart;
this.CurrentlySpeakingRichTextBox.Selection.Select(selection.Start, selection.End);
// rtb.Focus();
current = current.GetNextContextPosition(LogicalDirection.Forward);
}Please, anyone . . . Help!
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Sunday, May 22, 2016 2:44 PM
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Moonlight ShengMicrosoft contingent staff
Monday, May 23, 2016 5:43 AM
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Many thanks DotNet Wang and Moonlight Sheng. I finally figured it out with your help.
The code I used is for SpeakProgress is below:
private void SpeechEngine_SpeakProgress(object sender, System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeakProgressEventArgs e)
{if (e.CharacterCount > 0)
HighlightWordInRichTextBox(this.CurrentlySpeakingRichTextBox, e.Text);
}private void HighlightWordInRichTextBox(RichTextBox richTextBox, String word)
// Current word at the pointer . . .
TextRange tr = FindWordFromPosition(textPointer, word);
if (!object.Equals(tr, null))
// Set the pointer to the end of «word» . . .
textPointer = tr.End;
// Highlight word . . .
this.CurrentlySpeakingRichTextBox.Selection.Select(tr.Start, tr.End);
}private TextRange FindWordFromPosition(TextPointer position, string word)
while (position != null)
if (position.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Forward) == TextPointerContext.Text)
string textRun = position.GetTextInRun(LogicalDirection.Forward);// Find the starting index of any substring that matches «word» . . .
int indexInRun = textRun.IndexOf(word);
if (indexInRun >= 0)
TextPointer start = position.GetPositionAtOffset(indexInRun);
TextPointer end = start.GetPositionAtOffset(word.Length);
return new TextRange(start, end);
position = position.GetNextContextPosition(LogicalDirection.Forward);
}// Position will be null if «word» is not found . . .
return null;
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Friday, May 27, 2016 11:56 AM -
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Friday, May 27, 2016 11:57 AM
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After selecting a portion of text to be read aloud, spoken content reads the whole selected text, but does not highlight each spoken word. Changing the highlight color did not work :(. Thanks for any help!
MacBook Pro 13″,
macOS 12.2
Posted on Mar 14, 2022 6:57 AM
This Accessibility feature works correctly in macOS 11.6.4 and 12.2.1 when I select your text above in Safari 15.3 and press option+ESC. Each word receives a yellow highlight as it is spoken, just as expected.
This feature may not work in third-party applications where the keyboard shortcut is used for another purpose, or there are no speech controls.
Tested: 2020 M1 mini w/11.6.4, and 2021 MBP M1 Pro 16-inch w/12.2.1.
Posted on Mar 14, 2022 8:58 AM
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In iOS, it is possible to have the text read out loud using the built-in text-to-speech (TTS) while the individual words highlight as they are spoken.
Like in this gif:
(taken from this you video).
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asked Jan 7, 2019 at 12:40
Eric FailEric Fail
971 silver badge10 bronze badges
VoiceOver on macOS can do this.
- Use VoiceOver to activate move highlight cursor by word
- Activate VoiceOver with Cmd+F5
- Click on the text you want to read
- Press Control+Alt+A to «read all»
How well it works will vary by application and how well they support VoiceOver.
These animations were recorded on 10.13.6 High Sierra, but VoiceOver has been around since 10.4 Tiger — so you should be OK in 10.11 El Capitan.
Pages — works well
FSNotes — works well
Safari — depends on how the page is built
answered Jan 22, 2019 at 18:25
Matt SephtonMatt Sephton
4,8691 gold badge30 silver badges51 bronze badges
You can try Dictator by Nosrac. It’s available for free on GitHub. I’m not the developer or affiliated with the software.
It has a feature called ‘teleprompter mode’ that highlights the words as they’re spoken.
The code hasn’t been updated in a few years and I haven’t tried it myself so I can’t speak for how well it works. I’m recommending it because it looks like it does what you want and it’s free.
Matt Sephton
4,8691 gold badge30 silver badges51 bronze badges
answered Jan 7, 2019 at 12:52
22.4k16 gold badges56 silver badges85 bronze badges
I tried an app called Natural Reader and it does a decent job, but the voices are terrible and it isn’t quite as seamless as iOS’s integration. I really only want this for Safari so I guess I’ll just have to Airdrop the link to my nearby iPhone or iPad and initiate the screen reader gesture there. Natural Reader does have a great Chrome Extension so I am hoping with Big Sur and the new ability to easily port Chrome Extensions to Safari that they will do that soon and let us use all of the system voices; I much prefer the UK Male Safari voice to any of Natural Reader’s voice, free and paid.
answered Jul 8, 2020 at 22:47
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