Higher word for good

Prefixes of good

  • scattergood

    • noun someone who spends money prodigally
      spendthrift; spender; spend-all.

    • More ‘scattergood’ Meaning
    • scattergood Associated Words
    • scattergood Related Words
  • allgood

    • noun European plant naturalized in North America; often collected from the wild as a potherb
      Chenopodium bonus-henricus; wild spinach; fat hen; good-king-henry.

    • More ‘allgood’ Meaning
    • allgood Associated Words
    • allgood Related Words

Suffixes of good

  • good

    • noun benefit
      • for your own good
      • what’s the good of worrying?
    • noun moral excellence or admirableness
      • there is much good to be found in people

    • More ‘good’ Meaning
    • goods Associated Words
    • goods Prefix/Suffix Words
    • goods Related Words
  • goodness

    • noun that which is pleasing or valuable or useful
      • weigh the good against the bad
      • among the highest goods of all are happiness and self-realization
    • noun moral excellence or admirableness
      • there is much good to be found in people

    • More ‘goodness’ Meaning
    • goodness Idioms/Phrases
    • goodness Associated Words
    • goodness Prefix/Suffix Words
    • goodness Related Words
  • goodwill

    • noun (accounting) an intangible asset valued according to the advantage or reputation a business has acquired (over and above its tangible assets)
      good will.
    • noun the friendly hope that something will succeed
      good will.

    • More ‘goodwill’ Meaning
    • goodwill Associated Words
    • goodwill Prefix/Suffix Words
    • goodwill Related Words
  • goodbye

    • noun a farewell remark
      good-by; adieu; adios; so long; cheerio; good-bye; arrivederci; sayonara; auf wiedersehen; bye-bye; goodby; bye; good day; au revoir.
      • they said their good-byes

    • More ‘goodbye’ Meaning
    • goodbye Associated Words
    • goodbye Prefix/Suffix Words
    • goodbye Related Words
  • goodly

    • adjective satellite large in amount or extent or degree
      sizeable; respectable; healthy; hefty; tidy; sizable; goodish.
      • it cost a considerable amount
      • a goodly amount
      • received a hefty bonus
      • a respectable sum
      • a tidy sum of money
      • a sizable fortune

    • More ‘goodly’ Meaning
    • goodly Associated Words
    • goodly Related Words
  • goody

    • noun something considered choice to eat
      kickshaw; delicacy; treat; dainty.

    • More ‘goody’ Meaning
    • goody Idioms/Phrases
    • goody Associated Words
    • goody Prefix/Suffix Words
    • goody Related Words
  • goody

    • noun something considered choice to eat
      kickshaw; delicacy; treat; dainty.

    • More ‘goody’ Meaning
    • goodies Associated Words
    • goodies Related Words
  • goodyear

    • noun United States inventor of vulcanized rubber (1800-1860)
      Charles Goodyear.

    • More ‘goodyear’ Meaning
    • goodyear Idioms/Phrases
    • goodyear Associated Words
    • goodyear Prefix/Suffix Words
    • goodyear Related Words
  • goodall

    • noun English zoologist noted for her studies of chimpanzees in the wild (born in 1934)
      Jane Goodall.

    • More ‘goodall’ Meaning
    • goodall Idioms/Phrases
    • goodall Associated Words
    • goodall Related Words
  • good

    • noun benefit
      • for your own good
      • what’s the good of worrying?
    • noun moral excellence or admirableness
      • there is much good to be found in people

    • More ‘good’ Meaning
    • gooder Associated Words
    • gooder Prefix/Suffix Words
    • gooder Related Words
  • goodbye

    • noun a farewell remark
      good-by; adieu; adios; so long; cheerio; good-bye; arrivederci; sayonara; auf wiedersehen; bye-bye; goodby; bye; good day; au revoir.
      • they said their good-byes

    • More ‘goodbye’ Meaning
    • goodbyes Associated Words
    • goodbyes Related Words
  • goodby

    • noun a farewell remark
      good-by; adieu; adios; so long; cheerio; good-bye; arrivederci; sayonara; auf wiedersehen; goodbye; bye-bye; bye; good day; au revoir.
      • they said their good-byes

    • More ‘goodby’ Meaning
    • goodby Associated Words
    • goodby Prefix/Suffix Words
    • goodby Related Words
  • good

    • noun benefit
      • for your own good
      • what’s the good of worrying?
    • noun moral excellence or admirableness
      • there is much good to be found in people

    • More ‘good’ Meaning
    • gooding Related Words
  • goody

    • noun something considered choice to eat
      kickshaw; delicacy; treat; dainty.

    • More ‘goody’ Meaning
    • goodie Associated Words
    • goodie Prefix/Suffix Words
    • goodie Related Words
  • good

    • noun benefit
      • for your own good
      • what’s the good of worrying?
    • noun moral excellence or admirableness
      • there is much good to be found in people

    • More ‘good’ Meaning
    • gooders Associated Words
    • gooders Prefix/Suffix Words
    • gooders Related Words
  • goodish

    • adjective satellite moderately good of its kind
      • a goodish wine
    • adjective satellite large in amount or extent or degree
      sizeable; respectable; healthy; hefty; tidy; sizable; goodly.
      • it cost a considerable amount
      • a goodly amount
      • received a hefty bonus
      • a respectable sum
      • a tidy sum of money
      • a sizable fortune

    • More ‘goodish’ Meaning
    • goodish Associated Words
    • goodish Related Words
  • goodness

    • noun that which is pleasing or valuable or useful
      • weigh the good against the bad
      • among the highest goods of all are happiness and self-realization
    • noun moral excellence or admirableness
      • there is much good to be found in people

    • More ‘goodness’ Meaning
    • goodnesses Related Words
  • goodly

    • adjective satellite large in amount or extent or degree
      sizeable; respectable; healthy; hefty; tidy; sizable; goodish.
      • it cost a considerable amount
      • a goodly amount
      • received a hefty bonus
      • a respectable sum
      • a tidy sum of money
      • a sizable fortune

    • More ‘goodly’ Meaning
    • goodliest Associated Words
    • goodliest Related Words
  • goodly

    • adjective satellite large in amount or extent or degree
      sizeable; respectable; healthy; hefty; tidy; sizable; goodish.
      • it cost a considerable amount
      • a goodly amount
      • received a hefty bonus
      • a respectable sum
      • a tidy sum of money
      • a sizable fortune

    • More ‘goodly’ Meaning
    • goodlier Associated Words
    • goodlier Related Words
  • goodyear

    • noun United States inventor of vulcanized rubber (1800-1860)
      Charles Goodyear.

    • More ‘goodyear’ Meaning
    • goodyears Related Words
  • goodyera

    • noun genus of small orchids of the northern hemisphere with creeping rhizomes and stalked ovate leaves and small flowers
      genus Goodyera.

    • More ‘goodyera’ Meaning
    • goodyera Idioms/Phrases
    • goodyera Associated Words
    • goodyera Related Words
  • goody

    • noun something considered choice to eat
      kickshaw; delicacy; treat; dainty.

    • More ‘goody’ Meaning
    • goodier Related Words

Derived words of good

  • drygoods

    • noun textiles or clothing and related merchandise
      soft goods.

    • More ‘drygoods’ Meaning
    • drygoods Associated Words
    • drygoods Related Words


About Prefix and Suffix Words

This page lists all the words created by adding prefixes, suffixes to the word `good`. For each word, youwill notice a blue bar below the word. The longer the blue bar below a word, the more common/popular the word. Very short blue bars indicate rare usage.

While some of the words are direct derivations of the word `good`, some are not.

You can click on each word to see it’s meaning.


Great, excellent, amazing, awesome (our personal favorite); these are just a few stale superlatives stymying your writing.

As the Wise, Ink team were working on our own book project, we were shocked to find the obscene number of “really greats” and “very goods” that peppered our precious book content. The overuse of words like terrific, amazing, and awesome are boring and pedestrian.

We’re among friends, so we’ll admit that it was not only embarrassing, but downright lazy on our part to rely so heavily on “great” and other past-its-prime word choices. Thus, we sought several resources to help eliminate this and developed a list of words we’re committed to using from now on.

Use powerful superlatives that enhance your blogs, tweets, press releases, and manuscripts. These 45 foolproof words will color your writing with punch and pizzazz. So get rid of that musty good and great and use these instead:

  1. Astounding

  2. Bedazzling

  3. Brilliant

  4. Breathtaking

  5. Classy

  6. Compelling

  7. Dazzling

  8. Eclipsing

  9. Elite

  10. Enriching

  11. Epic

  12. Flawless

  13. First-rate

  14. Gripping

  15. Groundbreaking

  16. Gut-wrenching

  17. Headline-worthy

  18. Iconic

  19. Impeccable

  20. Insightful

  21. Inspired

  22. Kick-Ass

  23. Laudable

  24. Legendary

  25. Luminous

  26. Masterful

  27. Notable

  28. Pioneering

  29. Pitch-Perfect

  30. Pivotal

  31. Prime

  32. Provocative

  33. Refined

  34. Rich

  35. Riveting

  36. Sensational

  37. Stellar

  38. To Die For

  39. Trailblazing

  40. Thought-Provoking

  41. Touching

  42. Transcendent

  43. Unforgettable

  44. Vibrant

  45. World class

Need more word ideas? Check out Better Than Great: A Plenitudinous Compendium of Wallopingly Fresh Superlatives by Arthur Plotnik. You won’t regret it!

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March 28, 2012

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December 6, 2022

Are you tired of always saying “good”?

Looking forward to using more vivid and creative ways to describe people, places and experiences that you enjoy?

After reading the descriptions and examples we have below, you’ll be able to move beyond just describing everything as “good.”


  • Cool
  • Excellent
  • Wonderful
  • Perfect
  • Fantastic
  • Exceptional
  • Terrific
  • Outstanding
  • Pleasant
  • Awesome

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can take anywhere.
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In addition to being used to describe temperature, “cool” also means very good or fashionable. For example, you might describe stylish clothes as “cool” or a performance by a musician that you really enjoy.

It can also be used to express acceptance when someone makes a suggestion. For example, if someone suggests meeting to go to a movie, you could say “Cool! I’ll see you at 6 p.m.” Like “awesome,” “cool” is a popular expression for younger people, and you shouldn’t use it in more formal conversations.


“Excellent” is used to describe something very good or of high quality. Almost anything you can describe as “good,” you can also describe as excellent. It can be used when speaking to friends, family, or coworkers when you want to emphasize that something is not just ok or good, but very good.

If someone asks “how are you,” you can respond “excellent.” Or, similar to this restaurant review, you could say “Have you been to the new restaurant downtown? The food there is excellent.”


“Wonderful” means great or very good. People can be wonderful, experiences can be wonderful and things can be wonderful. You can use this word in both formal and casual settings.

For example, you could say “The paintings at the art exhibition last night were wonderful,” or “I think you’ll like her. She’s a wonderful person.”


Perfect describes something that is flawless or exactly matching the need in a particular situation.

If you have a very good day and everything happens exactly as you want it to, you could describe it as a “perfect day.” A hotel could be “perfect for families” or an actor in a movie could be “perfect for the role.” If someone suggests an idea that you like, you can say “That’s perfect” or “That sounds perfect.”


The word “fantastic” is used to describe something very good or exciting. It can be used in both formal and informal situations. It’s a very enthusiastic, positive word, so you should say it with some emphasis or exclamation.

For example, if someone asks you about your trip to Thailand, you could say “It was fantastic!”


“Exceptional” means that someone or something is above average. This adjective has a slightly more formal tone, and it’s a good word to use when you want to sound a little more sophisticated.

For example, you could say “I think Italy is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. The scenery is exceptional.”


“Terrific” means very good or great. You can use it the same way you use “good.” It’s another very enthusiastic adjective, so only use it if you’re describing something you really like a lot.

You could describe someone’s idea or performance as “terrific,” such as “I’m very happy with the results. She did a terrific job on this project.”

Keep in mind that “terrific” can also be used to describe something very bad depending on the noun it’s paired with. For example, you could also talk about a “terrific storm” or a “terrific explosion.”


“Outstanding” describes something that “stands out” or is noticeably better than the alternatives. An “outstanding” book is better than all the other books you’ve read recently, or an “outstanding” hotel is one of the nicest hotels you’ve ever stayed in. This adjective is appropriate to use in casual or formal conversations.

Note that “outstanding” can also mean “unpaid” depending on the situation. So if you have an “outstanding” bill, it means that you have a bill that needs to be paid, not a “very good” bill.

How do you know which meaning is being used? Context is super important for this. That’s why when you’re learning new words, you should try to learn them in sentences. You can also use immersion programs to see words in different scenarios. On FluentU, for example, you can search for specific words in the program’s library of authentic videos to see how they’re used by native English speakers.


“Pleasant” describes something that is enjoyable or likable. It can be used to describe people, places, or experiences. “Pleasant” is a little less strong than words like “outstanding,” “terrific” or “fantastic” and it can be a good word to use if something was nice, yet not the absolute best thing imaginable.

For example, you could say “We had a nice time at dinner. It was a very pleasant evening.”


Technically, “awesome” describes something that inspires awe or wonder. Typically, however, “awesome” is used to describe people, experiences or places that are very good or impressive.

For example, you could say “I love your new watch. It looks awesome.” It’s an adjective that is particularly popular with younger people, and it’s not an expression that you would want to use in a formal or business situation.

Say goodbye to “good!” Now you have some awesome, terrific, wonderful synonyms to improve your English vocabulary way beyond the basics.

This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you
can take anywhere.
Click here to get a copy. (Download)



for good — окончательно; навсегда; совсем
pay for goods — оплачивать товар
power for good — благотворное влияние
for good reason — по уважительной причине; по понятной причине
order for goods — заказ на товар
credit for goods — подтоварный кредит
indent for goods — сделать заказ на товары
for good and all — навсегда
for good measure — для ровного счёта; впридачу; вдобавок
search for goods — искать товар

ещё 20 примеров свернуть

Автоматический перевод

за добро, во благо, для хорошего, к добру, на добро, ко благу, для добра, на благо, в добро, к лучшему, за хорошее, на хорошие, для блага, к хорошему, навсегда

Перевод по словам

good  — хороший, добрый, благой, хорошо, добро, благо, польза


He has a nose for good deals.

У него нюх на выгодные сделки.

We were hoping for good weather.

Мы надеялись на хорошую погоду.

They were hoping for good weather.

Они надеялись на хорошую погоду.

Children get stickers for good work.

За хорошую работу дети получают наклейки /стикеры/.

His monologues made for good theater.

Его монологи были очень сценичны.

She has a discerning eye for good art.

У неё намётанный глаз на хорошее искусство.

Teachers can be a strong force for good.

Учителя могут быть мощной силой добра.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, отмеченные *, могут содержать сленг и разговорные фразы.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…hanging branches blocked our way for a good part of the trail…  

And Ippolit Kirillovitch was, in the opinion of our ladies, «crushed for good.»  

Well, that’s my good deed for the day (=something good you try to do for someone else every day).  

…the judge ordered the landlord to pay his former tenants $100,000 each as requital for goods lost or damaged in the apartment fire…  

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.


as in reasonable

based on sound reasoning or information

had enough information to make a good assessment of the situation

Antonyms & Near Antonyms


as in nice

conforming to a high standard of morality or virtue

a good person who seldom did wrong good behavior will earn you the respect of others

Antonyms & Near Antonyms


as in logical

according to the rules of logic

you don’t need a good reason to stop doing that—it’s because I said so

Antonyms & Near Antonyms


as in alright

being to one’s liking

that band’s music is good

Antonyms & Near Antonyms


as in favorable

expressing approval

gave the restaurant a good review

Antonyms & Near Antonyms


as in steadfast

firm in one’s allegiance to someone or something

a good Democrat who wouldn’t dream of voting for a Republican candidate

Antonyms & Near Antonyms


as in pleasant

giving pleasure or contentment to the mind or senses

we had a good time at the movies

Antonyms & Near Antonyms


as in skilled

having or showing exceptional knowledge, experience, or skill in a field of endeavor

he’s good at math

Antonyms & Near Antonyms


as in worthy

having sufficient worth or merit to receive one’s honor, esteem, or reward

she is good enough to win a fellowship

Antonyms & Near Antonyms


as in suitable

having the required skills for an acceptable level of performance

that electrician is good at what he does

Antonyms & Near Antonyms


as in appropriate

meeting the requirements of a purpose or situation

those rotten apples aren’t good to eat

Antonyms & Near Antonyms


as in considerable

sufficiently large in size, amount, or number to merit attention

had a good number of valuable baseball cards in his collection

Antonyms & Near Antonyms


as in reliable

worthy of one’s trust

a car that should be good for another few years

Antonyms & Near Antonyms


as in accurate

being in agreement with the truth or a fact or a standard

if these measurements are good, the venetian blind should fit the window perfectly

Antonyms & Near Antonyms


as in beautiful

very pleasing to look at

an actress who always looks good on-screen

Antonyms & Near Antonyms


as in healthy

beneficial to the health of body or mind

eating a good breakfast will provide you with more energy during the day didn’t like broccoli even though he knew it was good for him

Antonyms & Near Antonyms


as in charitable

having or showing a concern for the welfare of others

if the church is to stay open, it’s going to have to receive more than good intentions from its members

Antonyms & Near Antonyms


as in adequate

of a level of quality that meets one’s needs or standards

the food at that restaurant is good but hardly great

Antonyms & Near Antonyms


as in beneficial

promoting or contributing to personal or social well-being

product packaging that is intended to be good for the environment

Antonyms & Near Antonyms


as in benefit

something that provides happiness or does good for a person or thing

let us praise God, from Whom all goods flow

Antonyms & Near Antonyms


as in interest

the state of doing well especially in relation to one’s happiness or success

I am doing this for your own good

Antonyms & Near Antonyms


as in stock

goods plural

products that are bought and sold in business

had a hard time selling leftover Easter goods that were still on the shelves by Mother’s Day


as in qualification

goods plural

a skill, an ability, or knowledge that makes a person able to do a particular job

the hiring committee thinks this latest applicant really has the goods


as in effects

goods plural

transportable items that one owns

before moving to Florida, the couple sold their house and auctioned off their household goods

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

as in fine

in a satisfactory way

things are going good for us

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

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“Good.” Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/good. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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