Here are the words but the letters are mixed up write the correct word keydon


Here are the words but the letters are mixed up. Write the correct word.

Example 0.


Answer 0.


1. ullb

2. keydon

3. orseh

2 ответа:




1-bull 2- donkey 3- horse




Bull, donkey, horse

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Topic vocabulary in contrast

A Complete using the correct form of the words in the box.

1 In our school, most classes have about 35 pupils in them.

2 Every year, two new prefect are chosen from the best students in each class.

3 The university accepts around 2,000 new students every year.

4 When he finally graduated, Victor felt he had achieved everything he set out to do.

5 The work we’re doing now will make more sense when you have reached the sixth form.

6 Who taught you how to play the drums like that?

7 I would love to learn a new language I don’t know anything about, like Swedish.

8 Children in England go to primary school from the ages of five to eleven.

9 In Britain, grammar schools, public schools and comprehensives are often referred

as secondary schools.

10 Americans usually refer to their secondary school as a high school and there are often separate junior and senior schools.

11 The exam results come out today and I’m really nervous. I hope I’ve passed.

12 I was so proud when my exam certificate finally arrived in the mailbox.

13 I would prefer to go to university and do a degree in astronomy, rather than start work.


Not all scientific discoveries have a positive impact on our lives. A great example for that is GMO (Genetic Modified Object). It has been reported that numerous health problems increased after GMOs were introduced in 1996. Disorders such as autism, reproductive disorders, digestive problems, and others. Most GM crops are engineered to be “herbicide tolerant”―they deadly weed killer. GMO is also a harm to the environment — GM crops and their associated herbicides can harm birds, insects, amphibians, marine ecosystems, and soil organisms.


Александр Пушкин родился в Москве 6июня 1799. С малых лет его няня рассказывала ему о русских традициях и фольклоре. Александр не был хорошим учеником, но любил читать и много времени проводил в отцовской библиотеке. Свое первое стихотворение он написал в возрасте 8-ми лет, а опубликовал (напечатал) в 15 лет. Его работы сильно отличались от работ поэтов того времени, и поэтому у него часто возникали проблемы с царем и правительством. Например, одна из самых знаменитых его пьес «Борис Годунов» по политическим причинам была опубликована только спустя годы после того, как он написал ее. После женитьбы в 1831 на молодой и красивой девушке по имени Наталья Гончарова он продолжал писать. Миллионы людей считают его роман «Евгений Онегин», поэму «Медный всадник» и драму «Каменный гость»( не помню ориг.названия) шедеврами. Александру Пушкину было только 37, когда он скончался. Он сыграл большую роль в Золотом Веке русской литературы. Он является величайшим русским поэтом и национальной гордостью.

It was my first time I had flown
Martin had gone to the park before you arrived
She had no doubt I had made that mistake
He told me he had already paid a fine
The principal was angre when he saw that pupils hadn’t left the classroom yet

1. was

2. were

3. was

4. were

5. were

6. had

6. had

7. didn’t have

8. had.

9. had.

Аккаунт удален

Помогите, буду очень благодарна!))
Here are the words but the letters are mixed up. Write the correct variant:
Example 0. Answer 0.
lemprob problem
1. llutionpo —
2. ffecta to —
3. stancesub -​

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Here are the words but the letters are mixed up.

Write the correct word.

1. packback





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