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Collaborate in Word

Share your document

To share a file from within Word:

  1. Select Share Share on the ribbon.

    Or, select File > Share.

    Note: If your file is not already saved to OneDrive, you’ll be prompted to upload your file to OneDrive to share it.

  2. Select who you want to share with from the drop-down, or enter a name or email address.

  3. Add a message (optional) and select Send.

Share icon and dialog box

Co-edit a document

After you share your document, you can work on that file at the same time with others.

  • For the best experience, work together in Word for the web and see real-time changes.

  • Under Share, you will see the names of who else is also editing the file.

  • Colored flags show you exactly where each person is working in the document.

Real-time collaboration

Track and review changes

  1. To track changes, select Review > Track Changes.

  2. To review changes, place the cursor before a change and select:

    • Accept to keep the change, or

    • Reject to remove it.

Track changes

Set up your Word mobile app

Need more help?

Collaborate in Word

  1. Select Share. on the ribbon. Or, select File > Share. Note: If your file is not already saved to OneDrive, you’ll be prompted to upload your file to OneDrive to share it.
  2. Select who you want to share with from the drop-down, or enter a name or email address.
  3. Add a message (optional) and select Send.


  • 1 Is there a way for two people to edit a Word doc?
  • 2 How do I share a Word document on a shared drive?
  • 3 How do I share a document that everyone can edit?
  • 4 How do I share a Word document for team editing?
  • 5 How do I create a link to share a document?
  • 6 How do you share a Word document on a Mac?
  • 7 Why can’t I share a Word document on teams?
  • 8 How do I share a document on teams?
  • 9 How do you get a URL for a Word document?
  • 10 Why can’t I send a Word document?
  • 11 How do I share a Word document without OneDrive?
  • 12 Can I present a Word document in teams?
  • 13 Can you attach a document to a Microsoft teams meeting invite?
  • 14 How do I share files?
  • 15 How do I create a link to a file?
  • 16 How do I make a link to a document?
  • 17 How do I send a Word document as an email?
  • 18 How do I send a link to a Word document in an email?
  • 19 Can a Word file can be attached to an email message?

Is there a way for two people to edit a Word doc?

With Office 2016, Microsoft introduced a new, highly useful collaboration feature in Word: Co-editing (or co-authoring), which allows multiple people to work on a document at the same time.People you share the document with can view or edit the file using either the free Word Online app or Word 2016.

You can click ‘Share’ at anytime and then select how you would like to share your document. Once you’ve selected your sharing method simply type in the names of the people you wish to share with and their editing rights and click ‘Share’.

Share an already saved document
Click File > Share > Share with People (or, in Word 2013, Invite People). Enter the names or email addresses of the people you’re sharing with. If you want to, click Can Edit or Can View. The first option lets your coworkers change the file.

Work on a file together

  1. In a team conversation or in the Files tab, select More options. next to the file.
  2. Choose if you want to edit the file in Teams, on your desktop, or online.
  3. Select Start conversation to add a message about the file.
  4. Type your message or @mention someone and select Send.

Creating a shareable link makes it simple to share a document in an email, document, or IM.

  1. Select Share.
  2. Select Copy Link.
  3. Paste the link wherever you want. Note: If you need to change any permissions for the link, select Link settings.

Send your document as an email attachment

  1. In the upper-right corner, click the Share icon and then click Send Attachment.
  2. Click Document or PDF.
  3. Word will open your default email application and attach your file to a new message. Just fill in the details, like email addresses and a short message, and click Send.

As far as I know, there isn’t the special option which can select Word/Excel to share during the Teams presentation, only Desktop, Windows, PowerPoint and Whiteboard. To share the word and excel, you need to share your desktop, then open these files in order to let the participants to view.

To share a file that’s already been uploaded to Teams

  1. To access all files you’ve recently opened and your OneDrive, tap More. > Files.
  2. Go to the file you want and tap More options. > Share.
  3. Search and tap a person or group name in the Chat tab, or tap a channel from the Channel tab.

How do you get a URL for a Word document?

For instance, it could be pasted into a Word document as a link to the document. It could also be saved on your Desktop so you can access the document directly from the Desktop. To view the Document URL, scroll down to the Locations section in the Document Details Panel. There you will see the URL.

Why can’t I send a Word document?

Most servers will block a Word document because it can contain a macro virus. If it shows as being sent on your end, chances are it’s being blocked on the receiving end. Try renaming the document so the extension doesn’t end with . doc (like name it to .

Share a document with no sign-in necessary

  1. With the document open in Word for the web, Excel for the web, PowerPoint for the web, or OneNote for the web click Share.
  2. Click Get a link, choose Edit (or another option if you don’t want people to edit), and then click Create link.
  3. Copy the link and send it out.

Can I present a Word document in teams?

1) In a Team meeting, click the Share tray icon to open the presentation menu. 2) Click Browse to find an existing presentation file. 3) If you have a file uploaded already, click Browse Teams and Channels. 4) Select the presentation file you want.

Can you attach a document to a Microsoft teams meeting invite?

Adding Files to Teams Meetings
The net result is that two ways are available to include files in Teams meetings: The meeting organizer can generate links to files and include them in the meeting invitation. They can also update meeting details afterwards to include links to other files.

Share with specific people

  1. Select the file you want to share.
  2. Click Share or Share .
  3. Under “Share with people and groups,” enter the email address you want to share with.
  4. To change what people can do to your doc, on the right, click the Down arrow.
  5. Choose to notify people.
  6. Click Share or Send.

How do I create a link to a file?

Hold down Shift on your keyboard and right-click on the file, folder, or library for which you want a link. Then, select “Copy as path” in the contextual menu. If you’re using Windows 10, you can also select the item (file, folder, library) and click or tap on the “Copy as path” button from File Explorer’s Home tab.

How do I make a link to a document?

Right-click the file that you want to link to, and select Get a link. Choose the type of link you want, and then copy the link. Return to the document library where you want to add the link, and enter that link in the Create link to dialog.

How do I send a Word document as an email?

How to Send a Document via Email in Word 2016

  1. Save your document one more time.
  2. Click the File tab.
  3. Choose the Share command.
  4. Choose the E-Mail item found under the Share heading.
  5. Click the Send As Attachment button. At this point, Outlook takes over, and you compose your email message.

How do I send a link to a Word document in an email?

Select the text or picture that you want to display as a hyperlink. Press Ctrl+K. You can also right-click the text or picture and click Link on the shortcut menu. In the Insert Hyperlink box, type or paste your link in the Address box.

Can a Word file can be attached to an email message?

If you have Outlook installed as part of Microsoft Office, and set as your default email app, you can send your document as an email attachment. If you are using Excel, Publisher, or Word, you can also send your file as the body of an email message.

доля, акция, часть, участие, пай, лемех, сошник, делить, делиться, разделять, участвовать


- доля, часть

one’s share of the expenses [of the plunder] — чья-л. доля расходов [добычи]
to get one’s due [one’s proper, one’s fair] share of smth. — получить полагающуюся [причитающуюся, справедливую] часть /долю/ чего-л.
he got his full share — он получил свою долю сполна
to give due share of the credit — воздать должное
to go /to run, to club/ shares (with smb. in smth.) — честно поделиться (чем-л. с кем-л.), делить поровну /пополам/ (что-л. с кем-л.)
I’ll go shares with you on that dinner — расходы по обеду мы с вами разделим поровну
to take /to go/ smth. share and share alike — делить поровну /по-братски/

- доля, удел

to fall to smb.’s share — выпадать на чью-л. долю, стать чьим-л. уделом
I have had my share of worries — на мою долю выпало немало злоключений

- участие, роль

to have /to take, to bear/ a /one’s/ share in smth. — принимать участие в чём-л.
to take a share in the conversation — участвовать в беседе, вступить в разговор
what share had he in their success? — какую роль сыграл он в их успехе?
he had no share in the plot — он не принимал участия в заговоре
he must bear his share of responsibility — он должен нести свою долю ответственности
he has had no small share in framing the destinies of our country — он сыграл не последнюю роль в определении судьбы нашей родины

- акция; пай

- лемех, сошник (плуга)


- делить, распределять

to share smth. equally — поделить что-л. поровну
to share smth. among five men — поделить что-л. на пять человек /на пятерых/

- делить, разделять (с кем-л. что-л.)

to share smth. with smb. — (по)делиться чем-л. с кем-л.
to share one’s bread with smb. — поделиться с кем-л. хлебом
only we two shared this secret — только мы двое знали эту тайну
we share everything — у нас всё общее
let me share your knowledge — поделись со мной своими знаниями
the two chemists shared the Nobel prize — Нобелевская премия была присуждена совместно этим двум химикам

- пользоваться совместно

to share a room with smb. — жить вместе /в одной комнате/ с кем-л.
to share a table — сидеть за одним столом (обедать, работать и т. п.)
to share a bed — делить ложе
to share an umbrella — идти вдвоём под одним зонтом
we each have a room of our own but we share a bathroom — у нас у каждого своя комната, но ванная одна

- участвовать (в чём-л.), делить

to share (in) the expenses [(in) the losses] — принять участие в расходах [в убытках], делить расходы [убытки]
to share responsibility [blame] — разделять ответственность [вину]
he shares responsibility — он тоже несёт ответственность
to share and share alike — участвовать на равных правах
I am ready to share with you in the costs — я готов разделить с вами расходы

- иметь долю или часть; быть пайщиком

to share in a firm — быть пайщиком фирмы

- делить (горе, радость и т. п.)

to share smb.’s lot [smb.’s hardships] — делить с кем-л. судьбу [трудности]
he shared the same fate — его постигла та же участь

- разделять (чужое горе и т. п.); сопереживать

to share (in) smb.’s grief — разделять чьё-л. горе; переживать чужое горе как своё

- разделять (мнение, вкусы и т. п.)

to share smb.’s likes and dislikes — разделять вкусы кого-л.
I share your opinion — я разделяю ваше мнение, я присоединяюсь к вашему мнению

Мои примеры


a third share in the profits — третья часть прибыли  
a fractional share of the vote — дробная часть голосов  
to share a burden — разделять трудности  
to share expenses — разделить затраты  
half share — половина капитала  
to carry one’s share of the load — «нести свой крест», нести положенное бремя забот  
to share profits — участвовать в прибылях  
to pool / share one’s resource — объединять ресурсы, совместно использовать ресурсы  
to share (the) responsibility — разделять ответственность  
equal share — равная доля  
share of the responsibility — доля ответственности  
a share in smth. — доля в чём-л.  

Примеры с переводом

I share your opinion.

Я разделяю ваше мнение.

I’d like to share this idea with you.

Я хотел бы поделиться этой идеей с вами.

They shared the last cookie.

Они разделили последнее печенье.

Shall we share the driving?

Мы поведём машину по очереди?

Our children share a love of music.

Наших детей объединяет любовь к музыке.

We’ll share it on a fifty-fifty basis.

Мы разделим его ровно пополам.

All of us had a share in making the decision.

В принятии данного решения приняли участие все мы.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…clubbed together to share their love of model rockets…

Local schools have joined forces with each other to share facilities.

…has his share of the quips that seem to come with a title of nobility…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: share
he/she/it: shares
ing ф. (present participle): sharing
2-я ф. (past tense): shared
3-я ф. (past participle): shared

ед. ч.(singular): share
мн. ч.(plural): shares

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No matter your platform, there’s no shortage of ways to send a Microsoft Word document to anyone on the Internet. Most cloud services (such as Google Drive and Dropbox) feature the ability to send documents directly from their desktop and mobile apps. You can also attach a document to an email or Facebook chat. And if you have mail program set up on your computer, you can even send your document without leaving Microsoft Word.

  1. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 1


    Sign in to your Gmail or Yahoo! Mail account. You can attach your Word document to a message in Gmail or Yahoo! Mail on a computer or by using either service’s app for mobile devices.

    • Most free mail sites and apps are similar. These instructions may also help you use providers other than Gmail and Yahoo.
  2. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 2


    Click or tap “Compose”. In both mobile apps, the “Compose” icon is a pencil.[1]
    A new message window will appear.


  3. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 3


    Click or tap the paperclip icon. The file selection box will appear on most platforms.[2]

    • If you’re using the Yahoo! Mail app on a mobile device, tap the + sign, and then tap the second icon (a sheet of paper) in the resulting toolbar.[3]
      The file selection window should now appear.
  4. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 4


    Tap “Attach File” or “Insert from Drive”. You can skip this step if you’re not using the Gmail app on a mobile device.

    • Choose “Insert from Drive” if the document is saved to your Google Drive.
    • Choose “Attach File” if the document is saved to your phone or tablet.
  5. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 5


    Navigate to the document you want to attach. Browse to the location of your Word document and double-click (or tap) to attach it.

    • If you’re attaching from Google Drive, tap the file you want to attach, and then tap “Select”.
  6. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 6


    Address the email to the recipient. Enter the desired recipient’s email address into the “To:” field, then add your subject and message content.

  7. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 7


    Click or tap “Send”. When the recipient opens the email, they’ll find the option to open or download the file to their computer or mobile device.

  8. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 8


    Open the Mail app on your device. To use this method, make sure Mail is properly configured to send mail from your email account.[4]

    • You’ll be able to attach a document that’s on your device or in your iCloud Drive.
    • If you have the Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive apps installed on your device, you’ll have the option to attach a document from one of those accounts.
  2. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 9


    Tap the “Compose” icon. The icon looks like a square with a pencil.

  3. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 10


    Type an email address into the “To:” field. This should be the address of the person to whom you’ll be sending the document.

  4. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 11


    Type your message. Enter a subject into the “Subject” field and type a note to the recipient in the main text area.

  5. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 12


    Touch and hold your finger in the body of the message. A black bar will appear containing several options from which to choose.[5]

  6. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 13


    Tap “Add Attachment”. The file navigator will open to your iCloud drive by default.

  7. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 14


    Tap “Locations” to switch to another location. If the document is not located in your iCloud drive, choose it from any of the folders listed (including Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive, if applicable).

    • If you don’t see an icon for the cloud service you use, tap “More,” and then select your service. Flip the switch to the “On” position to enable it, and then use the back button to return to the Locations screen.
  8. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 15


    Select the file and tap “Add Attachment.” You’ll be returned to the email message you previously composed. This message now has your document attached.

  9. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 16


    Tap “Send.” The file will be delivered to the appropriate email account.

  10. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 17


    Launch the Mail app on your Apple device. To use this method, you’ll need to have the Mail app configured to send mail through your email account. If you haven’t already done so, do it now.

  2. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 18


    Press Cmd+N to compose a new message. You could also click the New Message icon (a square with a pencil) or click File > New Message.[6]

  3. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 19


    Click the paperclip icon. This icon appears in the upper right area of the New Message Window.

  4. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 20


    Select the document and click “Choose File”. You can hold down the Cmd key as you click if you want to select multiple files.

  5. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 21


    Address the email to the recipient. Type the recipient’s email address into the “To:” field, a subject in the “Subject:” field, and a note in the large text area.

  6. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 22


    Send the email. Click the paper airplane icon at the top left corner of the message to send the email and its attached document.

  7. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 23


    Open your Google Drive. If your Word document is located in your Google Drive, it’s easy to share it with others. Accessing your Drive is different depending on your platform:[7]

    • Mobile: Launch the Google Drive app on your device.
    • Desktop: Log in to in your web browser.
  2. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 24


    Navigate to the document you want to share. If you don’t see it in the main folder, you may have to look in some of the subfolders.

    • If you haven’t yet uploaded the document from your computer, click New > File Upload, and then double-click the Word document.[8]
  3. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 25


    Click the ⋮ icon and tap “Add People.” Skip this step if you’re using the web version of Drive.

  4. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 26


    Right-click the file and select “Share.” Skip this step if you’re using the mobile app.

    • Another way to do this is to single-click the document and then click the Share icon (the outline of a person’s head with a plus sign.)
  5. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 27


    Type the email address of the person you want to receive your file. If this person is one of your Google contacts, you can just start typing their name and then select the correct person from the search results.

  6. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 28


    Control whether the person can edit the copy in your Google Drive. By default, Drive gives the person permission to edit the document in your Google Drive.

    • Leave this alone if you’re sharing the document with someone and you both plan to make edits.
  7. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 29


    Change “Can Edit” to “Can View” if you want the person to be able to download their own copy but not edit yours.

  8. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 30


    Select “Done” or “Share” to share the document. An email will be sent to the recipient containing information on how to access the document. They’ll be able to view it online or download it to their computer.

  9. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 31


    Open Dropbox on your computer or mobile device. If you’re a Dropbox user, you can use the service to share documents with anyone on the web. Using this method will send a message to the recipient that includes a link to the document. The recipient will be able to download the document by accessing that link (and they won’t need a Dropbox account).

    • You’ll need to have a Dropbox account to use this method.
    • You should also have the application installed on your device. If you’re using a computer, you can use the web version by signing in to
  2. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 32


    Add the document to your Dropbox. If you haven’t uploaded the Word document to your Dropbox, do so now.

    • Mobile app: Tap the “+” icon and then select “Upload files.” Navigate to the document you want to upload, and then tap “Upload File.”
    • Desktop app: If the folder where the file’s stored is not already synced with Dropbox, drag the file from its current location to the Dropbox folder.
    • Navigate to the folder where you’d like to store the file, then click the “Upload” icon to select your document.
  3. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 33


    Open the “Share” window. This step is a little different depending on your platform:[9]

    • Mobile: Tap the downward-pointing arrow next to your Document and select “Share.”
    • Desktop: Right-click (or Ctrl+Click) the document in the Dropbox application, then click “Share…”
    • Hover the mouse over the document file and select “Share” (when the menu appears).
  4. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 34


    Select “Can View” from the permissions options. If you’re using a mobile device, you’ll see this option under “These People”.[10]

  5. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 35


    Type the email address of the person to whom you’d like to send the file. Enter this into the “To:” field. To add multiple recipients, separate each email address with a comma (,).

  6. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 36


    Select the “Invite” or “Send” button. The button name depends on your application.[11]

    • If you’re using the site, the button will say “Share.” An email will now be sent to the email address(es) you provided.
  7. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 37


    Log into Facebook. If you have a Word document on your computer that you want to send to someone else, you can do so using the web version of Facebook.[12]

    • For this method to work, both you and the person to whom you’d like to send the document need to have Facebook accounts.
    • The Facebook Messenger app does not support attaching documents saved to your phone, other than photos or videos
  2. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 38


    Open a chat window with the recipient. You will be attaching the document to a chat message.

    • Click the mail icon at the top right area of Facebook and select “New Message.”
    • Start typing the person’s name into the “To:” field and then click their name when it appears in the search results.
  3. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 39


    Click the paperclip icon at the bottom of the chat window. Now you’ll be able to navigate to the Word document on your computer.

  4. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 40


    Select the document and click “Open”. If you’re using a Mac, the button will say “Choose File.”

  5. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 41


    Press Enter or Return to send the document. The recipient will be able to download the document by double-clicking the icon that appeared in the chat window.

  6. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 42


    Open your document in Word Online. If you’re using the free version of Microsoft Word available online, you can share the document right from the program.

    • This method is similar to sharing a document from your OneDrive account. If your document is in OneDrive, navigate to the document to open it in Word Online.
  2. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 43


    Click the “Share” button. This button is at the top right corner of the screen.

  3. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 44


    Select “Invite People.” Here you can enter the email address of the person you’re sharing with.

  4. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 45


    Enter the recipient’s email address in the “To:” field. To add multiple recipients, separate each email address with a comma (,).

  5. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 46


    Select editing permissions for the document. By default, the recipient of the document will have the ability to make changes to your document. This is noted by the “Recipients can edit” dropdown on the Invite screen.

    • If you want to share ongoing access to this document and want everyone on the Invite list to be able to make edits, leave this option alone.
    • To share a read-only version of the document (cannot be edited by anyone else), click “Recipients can edit” and select “Recipients can only view.”
  6. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 47


    Type a note into the “Note” field. Think of this field as the body of an email. Type something here that will alert the recipient to what the email and document are about.

  7. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 48


    Click “Share.” An email will be sent to the recipient that contains a link to the document. With that link, the recipient can make changes to the document on Word Online (if you gave them permission to do so) or download the file to their computer.

  8. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 49


    Open your document in Microsoft Word. If you’re using Word 2016 for Windows or Mac, you’ll be able to use the built-in “Share” feature to send your document from the app.

    • If you’re using an older version of Word, just click the File menu (or Office button in 2007) and select “Send” or “Send To” to send a Document.
  2. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 50


    Save changes to your document. To avoid sending an outdated version of your document, click “File” and then “Save”.

  3. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 51


    Click the “Share” icon. You’ll see this icon in the top right corner of Word. It looks like the silhouette of a person with a + sign.[13]

  4. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 52


    Click “Save to Cloud” if prompted. If you haven’t saved the document to the cloud, you’ll be prompted to do so. Word attempts to save your document to the cloud in case you want to share the document for editing instead of sending it as an attachment (more on this soon).

  5. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 53


    Click “Send as Attachment.” You may have to click “Share” again to see this option. “Send as Attachment” will allow you to email a copy of the document to a recipient.

    • If, instead of sending the file to the recipient, you’d like to be able to share online editing access of the document, choose “Invite People” instead.[14]
      Type the person’s email address when prompted, then click “Send” to email them an invitation to edit the document.
  6. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 54


    Select an attachment type. You have two options from which to choose:[15]

    • Send a copy: Choose this option if the person to whom you’re sending the document needs to edit or add to the document.
    • Send a PDF: Choose this option if you don’t want the document to be modified.
  7. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 55


    Address the email to the recipient. Once you select an attachment option, a new email message will open in your default email program (e.g., Outlook, Apple Mail). Enter the recipient’s email address into the “To:” field, type a subject line, and a description of the file in the body.

    • To send the document to multiple people, separate each email addresses with a comma (,).
  8. Image titled Send a Word Document Step 56


    Click “Send.” Your document will arrive at its destination in a few moments.

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  • Most cloud services include the ability to send documents via email or mobile applications. The instructions for the majority of cloud services are similar.

  • If you don’t have Microsoft Word, you can use Microsoft Office Online. The service includes a free, up-to-date version of Word accessible only on the web.

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