Help me spell one word


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4 янв. 2022

  • Упрощенный китайский (Китай)
  • Английский (американский вариант)

Вопрос про Английский (американский вариант)

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  • Английский (американский вариант)

Is it possible he’s saying “leisure”?

  • Английский (американский вариант)

Is it possible he’s saying “leisure”?

  • Упрощенный китайский (Китай)

Thank you very much for your prompt reply.
I don’t think it’s «leisure», because obviously he meant «suit yourself» here.

  • Английский (американский вариант)

That’s why I think it might be leisure. :) “At your leisure” could mean “suit yourself.”

  • Упрощенный китайский (Китай)

Wow really? I don’t know that before.
Thank you very much!!! 😀👍👍👍

[News] Эй, привет! Тот, кто учит язык!

Вы знаете как улучшить свои языковые навыки❓ Все, что вам нужно – это исправление вашего письма носителем языка!
С HiNative ваше письмо носители языка могут исправить бесплатно ✍️✨.


What was he saying? Please help me to spell one word. Thank you.

I have watched an English teaching video, and the coach is a Canadian. 
In that video a stretch of his words were: "Both are correct, you can use either one, at (or "as", I'm not exactly sure about this because he dropped one syllable here) your [ˈleʒər] ". 

He pronounced the word like [ˈleʒər], very clearly. Could you tell me what he is possibly saying? Thanks a lot.

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This spelling help page is all about making words more distinctive and easier to remember. These tips show you the most efficient ways to use your memory. You don’t want to make it work harder than it has to.

I also want you to have a go at spelling one of the world’s longest and most useless words. Spelling a really long word is just as easy as spelling a short one.

The important thing to remember is to not get annoyed when you make a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes, but only a fool gives up trying.

Important: before you start using any of the spelling help on this website make sure you know the phonic alphabetic code chart inside out.

Make it distinctive:

To illustrate this technique we need a generally annoying word like ‘Necessary’. This is a good one to use as it is quite commonly misspelled.

Remember the tricky parts of a word in a distinctive way. I imagine the ‘ece’ in ‘necessary’ as a pair of eyes, with the ‘c’ in the middle as the nose (see graphic).

I also think of the double S’s as a pair of snakes. This fits well with the word ‘necessary’ as it sounds like a snake hissing. This extra audio association, again, makes it more distinctive.

If you don’t like snakes you could alternatively think of the double S’s as doors in the middle of the word. You could imagine them swinging open. If the memory cue is moving it will make it more distinctive. It doesn’t matter how you make it memorable as long as it stays in your head. Click here for books to help improve spelling.

Always find the easiest way to remember the spelling of words:

Use your memory as efficiently as possible.

For example

I use to think the word ‘architecture’ was pretty difficult to spell. However this was a silly thing to think.

If we break the word down we can see the only unusual thing about it is the silent ‘h’ (see graphic).

Therefore to make it as easy as possible to remember you just need to think ‘architecture’ has a weird ‘h’ in it.

It’s the same with the word character it’s got a silent ‘h’ after the ‘c’


Chunking is what the country’s top spellers do. In a similar way you might remember a phone number. They break long words into groups of three or four letters. This is to picture long words in smaller easy to imagine pieces. Some people referred to this as visualisation, which is just a fancy term for using imagination.

For example let’s take the word:

spelling help example card 3

This is one of the longest and most unused words in the English language. However once it’s been broken down each chunk is just as easy to spell as any other small word. Any person, no matter how intelligent, will always spell a long word by breaking it down into pieces (see graphic).

As you can see (in the blue box) I’ve broken the word down into 9 chunks. Look at how each part is just as easy to spell as any other small word like ‘tree’ or ‘cat’.

Quick ‘spelling help’ exercise:

Learn how to spell antidisestablishmentarianism to prove to yourself there is no word you can’t spell.

  • Learn it one piece at a time.
  • Use the techniques above to help
  • Take your time
  • If you get it wrong don’t worry keep trying. Everyone makes mistakes but only a fool gives up.

Combining the spelling help techniques:

These techniques work best when used in conjunction with one another, so mix and match.

Forgetting is a part of remembering:

I’m always forgetting how to spell words I already know. Sometimes it’s because I haven’t used the word often enough. Other times it just slips out of my head. If you forget the spelling of a word don’t let it bother you. It happens to everyone dyslexic or not.

Everyone uses memory techniques:

I think you would be surprised to know that most non-dyslexic people use one kind of memory technique or another. Click here for memory improvement techniques. The alphabet song everyone learnt at school is a memory technique. At the end of the day it is just a distinctive way to make the information stay in your mind.



The more distinctive something is the more likely it is to be remembered. This is one of the main principles of memory. This spelling help page is all about making words more distinctive and easier to manage. Click here for Vowel Lessons they will again help to make words easier to remember..

Try not to make your memory work harder than it has to. Chunking is the simplest and easiest way to make words easy to remember. Most people with really good memories use some form of memory technique.

Don’t worry if you don’t remember every word all the time, mistakes are a part of life.

Winston Churchill said

“Success is being able to go from one failure to the next with endless enthusiasm”

Click here for more spelling help.

Return from Spelling Help to Home Page.

Does your child cry out ~ Help Me Spell!??   We have two emerging readers who are beginning to memorize sight word lists and learn to spell them correctly.   Here are just a few of the activities from Kids Activities Blog and other great sites that we have used to help our children learn how to spell.

how to spell

While spelling with your child, replace letters with skittles (like dot of i’s or the o’s).   When they finish, eat the skittles.     This is a great way to help kids learn to recognize the written words.

Learn to spell with a picture code.   Make the spelling words into a message that your child has to decipher.

In this fun kids activity, play a literary version of twister with your kiddos.   Put the letters on the floor and as you say the words, kids have to contort themselves in order to have each letter touched at the same time, or for an easier version, have the kids hop from letter to letter in order.

Learn To Spell

Create a collection of letters from cereal and other food boxes for your kids to learn and explore with – they are great for forming spelling lists for a child who detests handwriting

Don’t want to cut our cereal boxes?   Try creating some letter stones for an outdoor spelling activity.

8 {FUN} spelling games for kids to play and learn

How To Spell

One of our kids favorite ways to learn to spell is to write the letters of the words from their spelling list onto the big lego blocks (duplos).

We use a dry erase marker as it easily wipes off the blocks when we are finished.   Then after the kids have copied their words, they hand me their list and I call out a word and the kids get to build the word.

8 {FUN} spelling games for kids to play and learn

Spelling Activities

Do you have leftover pieces to a puzzle? Write the spelling words on the back and have your child put the puzzle bits together by putting the words in order.   This idea is a spin-off from the word puzzle activity that No Time for Flashcards featured.

We LOVE to learn with wooden block activities.   Take a dice and write a way to practice spelling on each side of the wooden block – use some of these ideas as well as ones like: write the word, arrange the letters with magnets, chant the letters, etc.   Correspond a different spelling activity to each side of a dice.   When the kids roll the dice they practice the word with that method.   Keep rolling till the word has been practiced 6 times.   The Teachers Notebook has a more detailed explanation as well as more ideas of ways to practice with your kids.

More Kids Activities

Do you have any tips that have helped your child learn how to spell?   We would love to hear about them in the comments.   Feel free to leave links if you have more kids activities to help them when they cry ~ help me spell!   Here are a few more spelling activities you might want to consider:

  • Flash Card Games for Learning How to Spell
  • Sticky Wall Spelling Activities
  • Learn to Spell with these great reading games

Rachel is the founder of the blog, One Crazy House.  She is the co-author of 101 Kids Activities that are the Bestest, Funnest Ever! and The 101 Coolest Simple Science Experiments.  She lives in Fort Worth, Texas with her husband and six children.

There are so many words with spellings that just don’t appear to make sense in the English language. Many students have many worries when writing an essay or paper with so many hard words to spell. Although we live in an age where autocorrect is the new fad, the importance of spelling correctly can not be denied. It is always hard to spell words that do not appear the way they sound.

To aid school graders, college students, and adults alike, we have some of the hardest words to spell. This list of hard words to spell spans across words that are hard to spell for all categories of students and adults. Are you ready to go through our list of very hard words to spell? Here’s our list of top 100 hardest words to spell. Let’s explore!

Hardest Words To Spell Ever

The English language could be a real pest, even for native speakers. Sometimes, the spelling of some words seems to slip out of our heads the very times we need them, while sometimes, we just don’t know how to spell some words and make funny typos.

There are many hard English words to spell. A word may be difficult to spell for many reasons. It could be because it is from a language very different from the English language, e.g., Afrikaans, Sanskrit, etc., or because the pronunciation is very different from the spelling. A word can also be difficult if it has a silent letter or more or a peculiar double letter. Here’s a list of some super hard word to spell!

  1. Abacaxi
  2. Abgesang
  3. Aitch
  4. Autochthonous
  5. Chiaroscurist
  6. Coelacanth
  7. Kierkegaardian

Long Hard Words To Spell

  1. Antidisestablishmentarianism
  2. Floccinaucinihilipilification
  3. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis
  4. Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism
  5. Psychoneuroendocrinological
  6. Hepaticocholangiogastrostomy
  7. Spectrophotofluorometrically

Easy Words That Are Hard To Spell

Surprisingly, some of the easiest words to spell in the English language often get misspelled. The words are usually so common and have been used so commonly that it’s unbelievable to know that many can’t spell it correctly – including you! So here’s a list of common words that are hard to spell.

  1. Misspell
  2. Pharaoh
  3. Weird
  4. Intelligence
  5. Pronunciation
  6. Handkerchief
  7. Logorrhea

Hard Words To Spell For 6th Graders

If you are looking for a nice spelling challenge for a 6th grader, you’re in the right place. Take a look at these hardest English words to spell for 6th graders.

  1. Noticeable
  2. Vacuum
  3. Recommend
  4. Chaos
  5. Accommodation
  6. Accidentally
  7. Strengthen
  8. Pneumonia
  9. Acknowledgment
  10. Occasion
  11. Descendant
  12. Liaison

Hard Words To Spell For 7th Graders

Looking for a 7th grade selling challenge, here are some really hard words to spell for 7th graders.

  1. Association
  2. Atmosphere
  3. Bicycle
  4. Corollary
  5. Confetti
  6. Defalcation
  7. Bizarre
  8. Braggadocio
  9. Echelon
  10. Gelatinous
  11. Panache
  12. Xylem

Hard Words To Spell For 8th Graders

  1. Condescend
  2. Discernible
  3. Concede
  4. Assuage
  5. Contemptuous
  6. Imprudent
  7. Conscience
  8. Bazaar
  9. Ferocious
  10. Pistachio
  11. Eloquent
  12. Lucrative

Hard Words To Spell For 9th Graders

  1. Stretch
  2. Substantial
  3. Superintendent
  4. Pageant
  5. Pamphlet
  6. Parachute
  7. Nuisance
  8. Omitted
  9. Tyranny
  10. Unanimous
  11. Vengeance
  12. Villain

Hard Words To Spell For 12th Graders

  1. Absolution
  2. Acerbic
  3. Adumbrate
  4. Dearth
  5. Encumber
  6. Expunge
  7. Insidious
  8. Penurious
  9. Resplendent
  10. Saccharine
  11. Scurrilous

Hard Words To Spell For College Students

  1. Arctic
  2. Australia
  3. Caribbean
  4. Euclidean
  5. Presbyterian
  6. Teutonic
  7. Abysmal
  8. Boulevard
  9. Bouillon
  10. Bourgeois

Hard Words To Spell For Adults

  1. Acquiesce
  2. Andragogy
  3. Criterion
  4. Holistic
  5. Incongruous
  6. Juxtaposition
  7. Malapropism
  8. Obfuscate
  9. Onomatopoeia
  10. Soliloquy

There are many spelling rules in the English language that often, it’s difficult to remember which applies. Learning how to spell hard words is a bane to students and adults alike. But don’t fret, we have some proven techniques that will make you conquer most words and spell them with ease.

It may be considered rather unfortunate that the old-fashioned rote memorization method remains the best way to learn how to spell the hardest words. However, memorization techniques have gotten better, making the learning process much more bearable.

There are several mnemonic training techniques and methods used by champion spellers worldwide, such as kinetic learning. This learning technique is the association of mental concepts with a series of movements which make learning much fun and retentive than mere repetition. So here are some tips for learning how to spell hard words!

  1. Trace the Letters

    With one hand, track the letters on your palm as you pronounce them. This method is an easy way to apply kinetic learning. You use three learning pathways that reinforce the words in the memory. These are:

    • The motion of your mouth and lips
    • The movement of the fingers of one hand moving
    • The feeling of the motion on the other palm

    For a more active learning experience, you can engage the larger body. Also, movement makes more blood flow to the brain, making it more active and receptive.

  2. Vocalize the Letters

    Another useful tool is to vocalize the letters of the words as you learn them. Repetition words by vocalization give those words a melodic feel, imprinting them more firmly on your mind, just like nursery rhymes. If used appropriately, this leaning method will help you recall words when other methods fail.

  3. Design Short Study Sessions

    Short study sessions are usually more effective for long-term memorization. When you take breaks, the brain can refresh itself and get ready to take a new set of words without becoming overwhelmed.

  4. Use Repetitive Drills

    It usually takes more than one repetition to get spelling correct consistently. Repeat the words you want to learn many times until it sinks into your mind and becomes melodic.

  5. Group The Words

    This is another effective strategy for learning how to spell hard words. Grouping words imply that you put words that follow the same spelling pattern in a group. For example, words with “-ei-“combinations will follow the same pattern. Learning all similar words at the same time will help you build association and reinforce spellings. This method will help you to categorize words, which makes memorization much more manageable.

  6. Read, Read, Read

    One of the best methods to learn how to spell words is to increase your reading. By merely reading and consuming a wide variety of books like wildfire, you’ll become a spelling champion without knowing it. Reading simply makes all the above rules much less confusing. You’ll also be able to build your intuition level and know just when a spelling looks wrong.

  7. Have Fun

    Learning becomes easier if you can apply fun to it. Take the words you want to memorize and see how you can weave fun into it!

So here we are! 100 hard words to spell and how to learn to spell hard words. Wishing you luck in your spelling bee and life in general! If you need homework help, just contact our English assignment helpers.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

пишется слово

написать слово

произнести слово

пишется это слово

How to spell the word ‘cat’?

How do you spell the word «rocket»?

Meanwhile, a little girl writing a story wants to spell the word dog.

В то же время, девочка пишет рассказ и хочет написать слово дом.

Ask them to spell the word «world» backwards.

Попросите человека написать слово «земля» в обратном направлении.

He taught me how to spell the word.

10 A synonym is a word you use when you can’t spell the word you first thought of.

Барт СИНОНИМ в Словаре Одно предложение, определения: слово, которое вы используете, когда не можете произнести слово, о котором вы сначала подумали.

At another tournament, he cursed his opponent that he could not even spell the word «poker».

На другом турнире он проклинал своего соперника и уличал в неспособности даже написать слово «покер».

I mean, practically flunking, missed 100 days of school, and you can barely spell the word «cat,» but sure.

Завалил все предметы, прогулял 100 дней, и едва можешь написать слово «кот», но да конечно.

How do you spell the word enchanting?

how to spell the word ‘orange’?

How to spell the word ‘fish’?

So if you need to know how to spell the word «stupendous» in your DNC report, just give us a shout.

И если ты захочешь узнать как пишется слово «изумительный» для своего отчета, свистни нам.

Forgot how to spell the word «use.»

Teach him how to spell the word «three.»

Рады помочь вам узнать, как пишется слово «в-третьих».

Last night I spent an hour Trying to remember how to spell the word «heighth.»

Вчера ночью я целый час вспоминала, как пишется слово «длинношеее.»

how to spell the word ‘orange’?

Have you ever been to a job interview and been asked to spell the word «team» on a piece of paper?

Вы когда-нибудь проходили собеседование при устройстве на работу, где вас просили написать слово «команда» на листке бумаги?

Even if the visitors looked like they did not even know how to spell the word «etiquette,» I still asked them courteously, «May I ask who this is?»

Даже если посетители выглядят так, словно не знают, как пишется слово «этикет», мне все равно пришлось вежливо произнести:

For example, while Keller had one hand under running water, Sullivan helped her spell the word «water» with the other.

Например, в то время как Келлер держала одну руку под проточной водой, Салливан помогала ей произнести слово «вода», держа другую ее руку.

Hasn’t it ever happened to you that all of a sudden and for no reason at all you haven’t the faintest idea how to spell the word… which or «house»…

С тобой никогда не случалось, что вдруг безо всякой причины ты забываешь, как пишется слово «Который»?

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 70. Точных совпадений: 70. Затраченное время: 70 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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