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Пара в кафе рассматривает диаграмму Excel
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Можно задавать вопросы о данных, нет необходимости писать сложные формулы. Доступно не для всех языковых стандартов.

Изучение данных

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Планирование и отслеживание состояния здоровья

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Поддержка Изображение мужчины с наушниками.для Excel 2013 прекращена

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Home » List of topics

  • Add a DATA LABEL to ONE POINT on a chart in Excel | How to add a data label to just one data point on a chart in Excel.
  • Add a REFERENCE LINE to a HORIZONTAL BAR chart in Excel | To add a reference line such as an average or benchmark to a horizontal bar chart. step by step guide with videos and screenshots.
  • Add a REFERENCE LINE to a VERTICAL BAR chart in Excel | Add a reference line, such as an average or benchmark, to a VERTICAL bar chart in Excel.
  • Add time using Excel’s TIME() function | How to use Excel’s TIME function to add time to time, with a worked example to create a series of appointments.
  • Add, move, group, copy, hide and protect Excel worksheets | How to add, move, group and copy worksheets within and between Excel workbooks, and how to navigate between sheets in large multi-worksheet file, and how to hide and unhide worksheets.
  • Calculate a RUNNING TOTAL in Excel | Sum the current value and all those that precede it in a column. This topic also shows how to fill cells down a column.
  • CELL references and ranges in Excel | Absolute and relative cell references, and ranges in Excel
  • CHOOSE function with LINEST in Excel | Use functions CHOOSE and RIGHT to create an array of values which includes mixed data types, to feed a LINEST calculation
  • Clear the selected sparklines in Excel | How to clear or delete selected sparklines in Excel.
  • Comment in code: R, SQL, PHP, CSS, HTML, Stata | How to comment and uncomment in code in various software programs and languages, including R, SQL, CSS, PHP, HTML, and Stata. Examples and details on keyboard shortcuts, symbols, and how to comment and uncomment using the code editor Notepad++.
  • COMPARE more than two values in Excel | To compare more than 2 cells to check if they are equal.
  • CONCATENATE in Excel | To join text and/or numbers together using Excel’s CONCATENATE / CONCAT function. An example is shown how to generate a a set of SUM(CASE WHEN) SQL statements.
  • CONDITIONAL FORMATTING of non-adjacent cells in Excel | To apply conditional formatting in Excel to non-adjacent, non-sequential cells.
  • Conditional formatting: highlight dates in current week | How to apply conditional formatting based on dates that fall in the current week. Syntax and example using a Gantt chart and weekly tasks.
  • Connect Git to RStudio | How to install Git and link to RStudio to enable version control with git.
  • COPY and PASTE a FORMULA in Excel | How to copy and paste a formula in Excel
  • Create a DROPDOWN LIST in Excel | Create a list of items which can be selected from a dropdown selector in a cell in Excel, using data validation
  • Create a macro in Excel to sum a column | How to create a macro in Excel in 3 easy steps. The macro sums a column of values which can be set dynamically by referring to range using the INDIRECT() function. This method also shows how to use a dynamic formula which reads a value from the cell above the current cell.
  • Create a MULTI-LEVEL CATEGORY chart in Excel | How to create a chart with multi-level categories and sub-categories.
  • Create, format, resize and rename Excel TABLES | Using Tables in Excel has many benefits (we’ve listed our 10 favourite reasons), and this topic page shows you how to create, format, resize, rename, add totals and summarize data, and use data entry forms with Excel Tables.
  • Customize the ribbon in Excel | How to customize the ribbon in Excel — add commands, create a new tab and group of commands in the ribbon
  • Data entry form in Excel | How to create and use a data entry form in Excel
  • Day of the week from date in Excel | How to get the weekday number and day of the week from a date in Excel. Examples with syntax including how to use the WEEKDAY() and TEXT() functions and errors to watch out for.
  • Dynamic array of latest values from a table in Excel | In this detailed worked example, we show step by step how to retrieve a dynamic array of values, using a range of Excel’s functions including OFFSET, INDEX MATCH, INDIRECT, and ADDRESS.
  • EVALUATE FORMULA in Excel to find errors | How to find errors in a complex formula, step by step, using Excel’s EVALUATE FORMULA function. Where to find the command, method, worked example, and related topics.
  • Excel BEGINNER tips | If you’re new to Microsoft Excel, or to any function software for that matter, there are a few basic approaches to take
  • Excel formula not calculating automatically | How to fix Excel when formulas are not automatically calculating and flash fill doesn’t fill the formula down the column.
  • Excel IF function | To test IF a value matches a condition, and return one result if TRUE, and another if FALSE.
  • Excel IFERROR then blank; IFERROR VLOOKUP | Excel’s IFERROR function traps errors that could be returned from a formula or calculation, and gives you control over what is returned instead of an error message. Examples with syntax showing IFERROR then blank, IFERROR with VLOOKUP, IFERROR then perform another function.
  • Excel INDIRECT function | How to use Excel’s INDIRECT function to refer to cells using the values entered into another cell. We show the basic method of how it works, and a more advanced example to refer to content in other worksheets.
  • Excel INDIRECT function with INDEX MATCH | Worked example on how to use Excel INDIRECT INDEX MATCH combined, including syntax for INDIRECT and INDEX MATCH.
  • Excel LAMBDA functions | How to create and use Excel Lambda functions in Excel 365
  • Excel Sparklines — create, resize, customize, and clear | How to use Excel’s Sparklines — mini column, line and win-loss charts. See how to create and customize sparklines to show data trends, and how to clear or delete sparklines from a worksheet.
  • Excel’s CHOOSE function with array | How to return an array of non-adjacent cells in Excel.
  • FILL DOWN cells in a column in Excel |
  • FORMULATEXT function in Excel – display formulas | It can be useful to inspect a cell’s formula visually without having to click in it to display the formula in the formula bar. Excel’s FORMULATEXT function enables you to see the formula in another cell.
  • Generate RANDOM numbers with Excel’s RANDBETWEEN function | How to use Excel’s RANDBETWEEN function to generate random numbers between two values. A short video shows how to turn the values from dynamic to static.
  • Get started with Power Query – connect to data and add an Index | Short videos and step by step guide on how to get started with Power Query — connect to data and add an Index column.
  • GROUP and SUBTOTAL data in Excel | How to use Excel’s group and summarize data functions.
  • How to add custom ERROR BARS in Excel charts | How to calculate and plot custom error or confidence interval data on an Excel chart.
  • Importing data – absolute and relative file paths in R | How to import data into R from files stored in local directories. Includes how to copy file paths in Windows, how to use relative and absolute file paths, and working in R Projects.
  • INDEX and MATCH in Excel | How to combine Excel’s INDEX and MATCH functions to look up values. Syntax, examples and explanations of how to use INDEX and INDEX MATCH in Excel.
  • Insert current DATE and TIME in Excel | How to display today’s date and time in Microsoft Excel
  • Insert current DATE in Excel | How to display today’s date in Microsoft Excel
  • Insert MULTIPLE ROWS or COLUMNS in Excel | How to add multiple rows or columns into an Excel spreadsheet
  • Keep track of rows in a knitting pattern in Excel | A basic worked example of how to create a row by row tick list for a knitting pattern, to keep track of rows and stitch counts. We use simple commands like copy and paste, flash fill, running total, rotate text and print preview to produce our knitting pattern instruction list.
  • Lambda functions in Python | In this post we describe the structure of lambda functions in Python, give examples, and discuss the pros and cons of using lambda functions.
  • LEAFLET map in R Shiny | Code to create a map in R Shiny using Leaflet. This example loads a base map, sets the centre and zoom, and has a reset button to return the map to the original view.
  • Make columns the same width in Excel | How to make all columns the same width in excel, by selecting a range of columns/rows, and dragging a column/row divider.
  • Nested IFs in Excel | How to write an IF statement in Excel, and nest IF statements to test for multiple conditions. Key tips and rules about IFs and nested IFs in Excel.
  • New website | Welcome to the new Excel Quick Help website giving free help for Microsoft Excel 2016!
  • PASTE SPECIAL with formulas | Add, subtract, multiply or divide a set of values by another value, using ‘Paste Special’.
  • Power Query concatenate text and numeric data | How to concatenate in Power Query, combining text columns, and text with data columns. Steps in how to import data and enter formulas in Power Query.
  • Power Query dynamic Excel worksheet name | How to create a Power Query using a dynamic Excel worksheet name for the data source, with examples and guided steps.
  • Power Query dynamic file path | Use cell references in an Excel worksheet to create dynamic file paths for Power Query data sources. See how to name cells in Excel, and create custom objects in Power Query.
  • Power Query extract year and month from date | How to get year and month from date in Excel Power Query, including how to create the steps in Advanced Editor.
  • Power Query IF and IF AND statements | How to write an IF AND ELSE statement in Power Query and Power BI, showing syntax and examples.
  • PROTECT an Excel 2016 workbook | How to protect your Microsoft Excel workbook so that users can only view the worksheets you want them to, and data and workbook structure can’t be changed.
  • Python read, write and append text files | How to open, create, read, write and append to text files in Python. Code examples include how to read in text from one file and save to another file.
  • Python relative import and dynamic file paths | How to import modules from other directories in python, and how to read and write files to parent directories
  • R programming – convert factors to numeric data in R | How to convert factor data to numeric data whilst maintaining the decimal accuracy of the data.
  • R Shiny selectInput dependent on another input | How to create an R Shiny selectInput control which is dependent on another select input. Two methods with code examples are shown: creating a reactive output variable, and using Shiny observe and observeEvent functions.
  • REMOVE BLANK cells in a list using Excel’s ADVANCED FILTER | Remove blank cells in a list of values in Excel using Advanced Filter, retaining the original list.
  • Remove BLANK CELLS in chart data table in Excel | How to remove blank cells from a set of data so that a plotted line is continuous. Example shows blank cells being replaced by ‘N/A’ values using an IF statement.
  • Shiny selectInput interactive controls in R | How to use Shiny’s selectInput control in R, how to add to layout and add choices to the selection list, and how to use the outputs.
  • Sort data loaded into a temporary table in SQL (SQL Server) | How to load data into a temporary table in SQL (SQL Server) and sort the records by a column’s values, with syntax descriptions and example code.
  • SQL CONCATENATE CONCAT | We show the basic syntax for SQL’s concatenate function CONCAT, with examples on how to combine with other SQL functions such as SELECT, DISTINCT, and calculations. Worked example also shows how to create a temporary table.
  • Sum values if cells contain specific text in Excel | How to search a range of cells for specific text, and then sum another range of cells based on the search results. Worked examples using a combination of ISNUMBER, SEARCH, SUMPRODUCT, SUMIF.
  • Transform and plot data in R using plotly | How to transform data between wide and long formats, and plot the data in R using the base plot() function. Steps show how to import data using read.csv, replace the header column, convert wide data to long data, and plot the data.
  • VLOOKUP Excel function – explanation and examples | How to use the VLOOKUP function in Excel
  • VLOOKUP MATCH two-way lookup in Excel | How to use Excel’s VLOOKUP MATCH functions to find values based on row and column lookups. The MATCH function offers several ways to create dynamic lookups, which can be easily copied across a range of cells in a worksheet.
  • VLOOKUP with CONCATENATE in Excel | Look up values in a table, using Excel’s VLOOKUP with the CONCATENATE function to combine values in multiple cells for the lookup. For example, convert a long format data table to a wide format data table.
  • What is the difference between =, “<-» and «<<-» in R | An introduction to the different scopes of the assignment operators ‘<-‘, ‘=’ and ‘<<-‘ in R programming, with examples of using the operators in the global environment and in functions.

Updated: 11/18/2022 by

Microsoft Excel.

Microsoft Excel basics

  • What is Excel?
  • Help, examples, and information on Excel formulas.
  • Microsoft Excel tips.
  • Microsoft Excel keyboard shortcuts.
  • Microsoft company and contact information.

Top Excel questions and answers

  • How to reference a cell from another cell in Microsoft Excel.
  • How to define a name for a range of cells in Microsoft Excel.
  • How to add or remove a cell, column, or row in Excel.
  • How to freeze or unfreeze rows or columns in a spreadsheet.
  • How to create a chart or graph in Excel, Calc, or Sheets.
  • How to convert a number to text in Excel.
  • How to create a CSV file.
  • How to open a CSV file.
  • How to disable Microsoft Excel AutoCorrect feature.
  • How to split an Excel cell using the Text to Columns function.
  • How to change an Excel relative cell to an absolute cell.
  • How to password protect Microsoft Word and Excel documents.
  • Open Word, Excel, PowerPoint files without Microsoft Office.

All other Excel questions and answers

  • How to format a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
  • How to insert a page number in Microsoft Excel.
  • How to create a pivot table in Microsoft Excel.
  • How to get letters with accent marks in Microsoft Excel.
  • How to create a bulleted or numbered list in Microsoft Excel.
  • How to create a macro in Microsoft Word and Excel.
  • How to add a new word to Microsoft Excel’s dictionary.
  • How to add a header or footer in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
  • How to rotate text in Microsoft Excel.
  • How many sheets, rows, and columns can a spreadsheet have?
  • How to find and remove duplicate values in Excel.
  • Where can I find a template in Microsoft Excel?
  • How to print grid lines in Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets.
  • How to copy data in Microsoft Excel to Microsoft Word.
  • How to remove extra spaces in a cell in Microsoft Excel.
  • How to create a drop-down menu in Excel.
  • How to track changes in Microsoft Word and Excel.
  • How to convert an Excel spreadsheet to a Word document.
  • Why am I getting a #NAME? error in Microsoft Excel?
  • How to change default font settings in Microsoft Office programs.
  • How to copy an entire worksheet in Excel.
  • How to add or edit shapes in Microsoft Word and Excel.
  • How to create, edit, and delete a comment in Microsoft Excel.
  • Adjust the width and height of a spreadsheet column or row.
  • How to compare two columns and find differences in Excel.
  • How to copy and paste text and formulas in an Excel spreadsheet.
  • How to align text in Microsoft Excel, Calc, and Google Sheets.
  • Preventing a spreadsheet formula from changing when copying.
  • How to insert a hyperlink in Microsoft Excel.
  • How to convert a Word document to an Excel spreadsheet.
  • How to create a named cell in Microsoft Excel.
  • Can I print labels from an Excel spreadsheet?
  • How to get Excel only to show up once in the Taskbar.
  • How to find or search for text in multiple Excel worksheets.
  • Excel up and down arrow keys move page instead of cell.
  • Getting #NAME? when entering data into Microsoft Excel.
  • How to download an app, file, or program from the Internet.
  • What are the Windows files with tildes?
  • Getting #VALUE! in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
  • Getting #DIV/0! in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
  • Why Excel shows ##### in a spreadsheet cell.
  • How to password protect Microsoft Word and Excel documents.
  • How to add or remove a text box in Microsoft Excel.
  • How to add and remove a watermark in Microsoft Excel.
  • Protect and unprotect a cell or worksheet in Microsoft Excel.
  • How to set margins in Word, Writer, or another program.
  • Type an equal sign in a spreadsheet without doing a formula.
  • How to insert a picture or clip art in an Excel file.
  • Microsoft Excel opens saved Excel file as blank workbook.
  • Where can I get a free spreadsheet program?
  • How to enable and disable Microsoft Excel AutoFormat feature.
  • How to combine cell values in Excel.
  • How to select an entire row or column in a spreadsheet.
  • How to merge or combine multiple files.
  • How to move down a line in a cell within Microsoft Excel.
  • How to insert and customize a table in Microsoft Excel.
  • How to change uppercase and lowercase text in Microsoft Excel.
  • How to sort a list in Microsoft Excel.
  • How to create a custom sort in Microsoft Excel.
  • Create, delete, rename, copy, and move a worksheet in Excel.
  • How to add WordArt in Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
  • How to change the name of the column headers in Excel.
  • How to create check boxes in an Excel spreadsheet.
  • How to start a new line in a spreadsheet cell.
  • How to hide rows or columns in Excel.
  • How to hide and unhide a worksheet in Microsoft Excel.
  • How to change the font color, size, or type in Excel.
  • How to select one or more cells in a spreadsheet program.
  • How to use page breaks in Excel or OpenOffice Calc.
  • How to change the direction the cell moves when pressing Enter.
  • How to change security level in Microsoft Office applications.
  • How to merge cells in Excel and Calc.
  • How to remove the clipboard toolbar feature from Office 2000.
  • How to stop Internet Explorer from opening Excel files.
  • How to duplicate a document.
  • How to transpose data in Microsoft Excel.
  • How to unhide rows or columns in Microsoft Excel.

Other related questions and answers

  • What is software?
  • All software-related questions and answers.

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