Hello word in python

В настоящее время используются только версия Python 3. Разработка и поддержка Python 2 прекращены, так что мы работаем с третей версией во всех статьях.

В какой-то момент ваших приключений в программировании вы, в конце концов, столкнетесь с Python 2. Не беспокойтесь. Есть несколько важных отличий, о которых вы можете почитать здесь.

Если вы используете Apple или Linux, у вас уже установлен Python 2.7 и 3.6+ (в зависимости от версии OS). Некоторые версии Windows идут в комплекте с Python, но вам также потребуется установить Python 3.

Он очень прост в установке на Linux. В терминале запустите:

$ sudo apt-get install python3 idle3

Это установит Python и IDLE для написания кода.

Для Windows и Apple я предлагаю вам обратиться к официальной документации, где вы найдете подробные инструкции: https://www.python.org/download

Запуск IDLE

IDLE означает «Интегрированная среда разработки». В вашей карьере программирования вы столкнетесь с многочисленными интегрированными средами разработки, хотя за пределами Python они называются IDE.

  • Если у вас Windows, выберите IDLE из меню «Пуск».
  • Для Mac OS, вы можете найти IDLE в приложениях > Python 3.
  • Если у вас Linux, выберите IDLE из меню > Программирование > IDLE (используя Python 3.*).

Для Mac OS и Linux, в терминале, воспользуйтесь:

$ idle3

Когда вы впервые запускаете IDLE, вы видите примерно следующее на экране:

Первая программа на Python "Hello world"

Это оболочка Python. А три стрелки называются шевронами.


Они означают приглашение интерпретатора, в который вы вводите команды.

Как написать “Hello, World!”

Классическая первая программа — "Hello, World!". Давайте придерживаться традиции. Введите следующую команду и нажмите Enter:

Как написать “Hello, World!”

Это может показаться не очень сложным и удивительным. Заскриньте вывод, будет приятно возвращаться и вспоминать как это было. Затем присоединитесь к нам в следующих уроках с темой: Уроки Python для начинающих.

Обучение с трудоустройством

Printing “Hello World” is usually the first thing a developer does when starting with a new programming language.

In this article, we will see how to print “Hello World” in Python.

The simplest way to print Hello World in Python is to pass a string to the print() function. The next step is to assign the string “Hello World” to a variable and then pass the variable to the print() function. This message can also be printed by using the + operator to concatenate two variables where the value of the first variable is “Hello” and the value of the second variable is “World”.

And these are just some ways to do that…

Let’s get creative and explore other possible ways!

1. How Do You Print Hello World in Python?

To print a message in Python you use the print() function. This is a function that receives a string as input and prints its value on the screen.

Let me explain…

Create a file called hello_world.py and add the following line of code to the file:

print("Hello World")

Note: you can create this file in a text editor or even better in an IDE like Visual Studio Code.

To run your program you can use the following command:

python hello_world.py

Hello World

We have specified the python command followed by the name of our Python program.

The extension .py identifies a file that contains Python code.

Important: in this tutorial, we are using Python 3.8. Also, in the following examples, we will always update the file hello_world.py with new code and we will execute our program using the Python command above.

2. Printing Hello World Using a Variable

In the previous section, we printed “Hello World” directly using the print() function.

This time I want to show you that it’s possible to assign the string “Hello World” to a variable first. Then after doing that you can print the value of the variable using the print() function.

Note: a variable allows storing data to be used in your program (in this case the string “Hello World”).

message = "Hello World using a variable"

Hello World using a variable

Using the assignment operator ( = ) we have assigned the value on the right side of the operator to the variable message on its left side.

3. Concatenate two Python Strings to Print Hello World

We can also print our message by doing the following:

  • Store the word “Hello” in a variable called word1
  • Store the word “World” in a variable called word2
  • Concatenate the two variables using the + operator
word1 = "Hello"
word2 = "World"
print(word1 + " " + word2)

Confirm that the output is “Hello World”.

Notice that we have concatenated one space character ” ” after word1 and before word2 to have a space between the words “Hello” and “World”.

Let’s see what happens if we remove that space character:

print(word1 + word2)


We have removed the space between the two words.

4. Use the String format() Method to Print Hello World

Using the + operator to concatenate strings can get confusing when you try to create very long strings that contain several variables.

A cleaner option is to use the string format() method.

word1 = "Hello"
word2 = "World"
print("{} {}".format(word1, word2))

The first and second sets of curly brackets {} are replaced respectively by the values of the variables word1 and word2.

Let’s confirm the output is correct:

Hello World

It is correct!

5. Using Python f-strings to Print Hello World

With Python 3.6 and later you can use an alternative approach to the string format() method: Python f-strings.

Here is how it works…

word1 = "Hello"
word2 = "World"
print(f"{word1} {word2} using f-strings")

Hello World using f-strings

Notice the f letter just before the double quote.

This format is easier to read compared to the previous one considering that the variables word1 and word2 are embedded directly in the string.

Remember f-strings as they will definitely be useful in other Python programs.

6. Using a List and the String join() Method

So far we have used only strings…

In this section, we will introduce another data type: the list.

A list is used to store multiple values in a single variable. Lists are delimited by square brackets.

Firstly let’s assign the strings “Hello” and “World” to two items in our list called words.

words = ["Hello", "World"]

Then generate the message you want to print using the string join() method.

message = " ".join(words)

The join() method concatenates elements in a list (in this case our two words) using as a separator the string the join() method is applied to (in this case a single space ” “).

The result is that the worlds “Hello” and “World” are concatenated and an empty character is added between them.


Hello World

Makes sense?

7. Using a List of Characters and the String join() Method

Let’s use a similar approach to the one in the previous section with the only difference being that in our list we don’t have words.

In our Python list, we have the individual characters of the string “Hello World”.

This example shows you that a Python string is made of individual characters.

characters = ['H','e','l','l','o',' ','W','o','r','l','d']

Notice that I have also included one space character between the characters of the two words.

Using the string join() method and the print() function we will print our message.

message = "".join(characters)

Hello World


8. Using Dictionary Values to Print Hello World in Python

But wait, there’s more!

In this section and in the next one we will use a different Python data type: the dictionary.

Every item in a dictionary has a key and a value associated with that key. A dictionary is delimited by curly brackets.

Let’s create a dictionary called words…

words = {1: "Hello", 2: "World"}

Here is how you can read this dictionary:

  • First item: key = 1 and value = “Hello”
  • Second item: key = 2 and value = “World”

We can generate the string “Hello World” by passing the values of the dictionary to the string join() method.

To understand how this works let’s print first the value of words.values().


dict_values(['Hello', 'World'])

The values of the dictionary are returned in a list that we can then pass to the string join() method.

message = " ".join(words.values())

Hello World

Test it on your computer to make sure you understand this syntax.

9. Using Python Dictionary Keys to Print Hello World

Once again in this section, we will use a dictionary…

The difference compared to the previous example is that we will store the strings “Hello” and “World” in the keys of the dictionary instead of using the values.

Our dictionary becomes…

words = {"Hello": 1, "World": 2}

Let’s go through this dictionary:

  • First item: key = “Hello” and value = 1
  • Second item: key = “World” and value = 2

This time let’s see what we get back when we print the keys of the dictionary using words.keys().


dict_keys(['Hello', 'World'])

Once again we get back a list.

At this point, we can concatenate the strings in the list of keys using the string join() method.

message = " ".join(words.keys())

Verify that your Python program prints the correct message.

How Do You Print Hello World 10 Times in Python?

One last thing before completing this tutorial…

In your program, you might need to print a specific string multiple times.

Let’s see how we can do that with the message “Hello World”.

print("Hello World"*10)

Very simple…

I have used the * operator followed by the number of repetitions next to the string I want to repeat.

And here is the output:

Hello WorldHello WorldHello WorldHello WorldHello WorldHello WorldHello WorldHello WorldHello WorldHello World


Well done for completing this tutorial!

And if this is one of your first Python tutorials congratulations!!

To recap, we have covered a few Python basics here:

  • Variables
  • Data types (strings, lists, and dictionaries)
  • print() function
  • + operator to concatenate strings
  • string methods .format() and .join()
  • f-strings

It can be quite a lot if you are just getting started with Python so you might have to go through this tutorial a few times to make all these concepts yours.

Bonus read: we have used lists a few times in this tutorial. Go through another tutorial that will show you how to work with Python lists.

I’m a Software Engineer and Programming Coach. I want to help you in your journey to become a Super Developer!

Summary: in this tutorial, you’ll learn how to develop the first program in Python called “Hello, World!”. 

If you can write “hello world” you can change the world.

Raghu Venkatesh

Creating a new Python project

First, create a new folder called helloworld.

Second, launch the VS code and open the helloworld folder.

Third, create a new app.py file and enter the following code and save the file:

print('Hello, World!')Code language: Python (python)

The print() is a built-in function that displays a message on the screen. In this example, it’ll show the message 'Hello, Word!'.

What is a function

When you sum two numbers, that’s a function. And when you multiply two numbers, that’s also a function.

Each function takes your inputs, applies some rules, and returns a result.

In the above example, the print() is a function. It accepts a string and shows it on the screen.

Python has many built-in functions like the print() function to use them out of the box in your program.

In addition, Python allows you to define your functions, which you’ll learn how to do it later.

Executing the Python Hello World program

To execute the app.py file, you first launch the Command Prompt on Windows or Terminal on macOS or Linux.

Then, navigate to the helloworld folder.

After that, type the following command to execute the app.py file:

python app.pyCode language: Python (python)

If you use macOS or Linux, you use python3 command instead:

python3 app.pyCode language: CSS (css)

If everything is fine, you’ll see the following message on the screen:

Hello, World!Code language: Python (python)

If you use VS Code, you can also launch the Terminal within the VS code by:

  • Accessing the menu Terminal > New Terminal
  • Or using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+`.

Typically, the backtick key (`) locates under the Esc key on the keyboard.

Python IDLE

Python IDLE is the Python Integration Development  Environment (IDE) that comes with the Python distribution by default.

The Python IDLE is also known as an interactive interpreter. It has many features such as:

  • Code editing with syntax highlighting
  • Smart indenting
  • And auto-completion

In short, the Python IDLE helps you experiment with Python quickly in a trial-and-error manner.

The following shows you step by step how to launch the Python IDLE and use it to execute the Python code:

First, launch the Python IDLE program:

A new Python Shell window will display as follows:

Now, you can enter the Python code after the cursor >>> and press Enter to execute it.

For example, you can type the code print('Hello, World!') and press Enter, you’ll see the message Hello, World! immediately on the screen:

Python Hello World - Executing code


  • Use the python app.py command from the Command Prompt on Windows or Terminal on macOS or Linux to execute the app.py file.
  • Use the print() function to show a message on the screen.
  • Use the Python IDLE to type Python code and execute it immediately.

Did you find this tutorial helpful ?

Hello World Programming Tutorial for Python

Hi! if you are reading this article, then you are probably starting to dive into the amazing world of programming and computer science. That’s great.

In this article, you will learn:

  • How to write your first "Hello, World!" program in Python.
  • How to save your code in a Python file.
  • How to run your code.

Writing this program when you are starting to learn how to code is a tradition in the developer community.

Enjoy this moment because it will definitely be part of your memories in the coming months and years when you remember your first steps.

Let’s begin.

🔸 «Hello, World!» in the Python Shell

Step 1: Start IDLE

During this article, we will work with IDLE (Python’s Integrated Development and Learning Environment), which is automatically installed when you install Python. This is where you will write and run your Python code.

The first thing that you need to do is to open IDLE. You will immediately see the screen shown below.

This is called the Python shell (interactive interpreter). It is an interactive window where you can enter lines or blocks of code and run them immediately to see their effect and output.


💡 Tip: By default, you will see a smaller font size. You can customize this in «Options > Configure IDLE».

Step 2: Display the Message

You need to tell the program that you want to display a specific message by writing the appropriate line of code.

In Python, we use print() to do this:

  • First, we write print.
  • Then, within parentheses, we write the message or value that we want to display.


💡 Tip: The message "Hello, World!" is surrounded by double quotation marks because it is represented as a string, a data type that is used to represent sequences of characters in your code (for example, text).

Step 3: See the Output

You will see the following output if you write this line of code in the Python shell and press enter:


💡 Tip: You will notice that the color of the message inside print() changes to green when you add the last quotation mark.

This occurs because IDLE assigns different colors to the different types of elements that you can write in your code (notice that print is displayed in purple). This is called «syntax highlighting».

Great! You just wrote your first "Hello, World!" program in Python.

If you want to save it in order to run it later (or just to keep it as a nice memory of your first Python program!), you will need to create a Python file, so let’s see how you can do that.

🔹 «Hello, World!» in a Python File

Step 1: Create a File

To create a Python file in IDLE, you need to:

  • Open the Python Shell.
  • Click on File in the toolbar.
  • Click on New File.

💡 Tips: You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + N.


After you click on New File, you will immediately see a new file where you can write your code:


New File Displayed

Step 2: Write the Code

In the new file, write this line of code to print "Hello, World!":


💡 Tip: The thick vertical black line shows where the cursor is currently at.  

Step 3: Save the File

Save the new file by clicking on File > Save or by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + S. You will need to write a name for your file and choose where you want to save it.


After saving the file, you will see something very similar to this in the folder that you selected:


💡 Tips: By default, line numbers will not be displayed in the file. If you would like to display them (like in the images above) go to Options > Configure IDLE > General > Check the «Show line numbers in new windows» box.

Step 4: Run the Program

Now you can run your file by clicking on Run > Run Module:


A new window will be opened and you should see the output of your program in blue:


Now your program is safely stored in a Python file and you can run it whenever you need to.

Great work!

🔸 Customize Your Program

You can customize your program to make it unique. You just need to edit the Python file and change the string.

For example, you can add your name after Hello, World!:


If you run the file, you will see the string displayed in the Python shell:


🔹 First Python Program Completed

Awesome work. You just wrote your first Python program.

Programming and Computer Science will be key for the future of humanity. By learning how to code, you can shape that future.

You’ll create amazing new products and platforms, and help take us one step further towards a world where technology will be part of every single aspect of our daily lives.

To learn more about the coding uses of Python, you might like to read my article «What is Python Used For? 10+ Coding Uses for the Python Programming Language»

I really hope that you liked my article and found it helpful. Follow me on Twitter @EstefaniaCassN and check out my online courses. ⭐️

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Prerequisite: Python Language Introduction, Python 3 basics
In this article, we will look into about Python introduction ,its syntax ,why it is used and How to print “Hello World” in Python.
Python is a popular programming language. Created by Guido van Rossum and published in 1991.
Python is used for following purpose:-
 1) Web development (server-side)
 2)Software development
 4)System scripting
Some features of Python :-
1)Python runs on many platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux, Raspberry Pi, etc.).
2)Python has a simple syntax similar to English.
3)Python has a syntax that allows developers to write programs in fewer lines than other programming languages.
4)Python runs in an interpreter system. This means that as soon as you write your code, you can run it. This means prototyping is very fast.
5)Python can be treated as procedural, object-oriented, or functional.

Python syntax compared to other programming languages:-
1) Developed for readability, Python shares some similarities with the math-influenced English
2) Python uses newlines to complete commands, unlike other programming languages ​​that often use semicolons and parentheses.
3) Python relies on indentation with spaces to define scope. Similar to loop, function, and class scoping. Other programming languages ​​often use curly braces for this purpose.

Method 1: Using Print()

Here we will be using the python print() function for the same. The print() function in python is used to print python objects as strings as standard output.

The python print function has the following syntax:

Syntax: Print(“string”)

Where: String: This string will be “Hello world”




Hello World

Method 2: Using sys

In this method we are going to print string using the sys module, sys module in Python provides various functions and variables that are used to manipulate different parts of the Python runtime environment. It allows operating on the interpreter as it provides access to the variables and functions that interact strongly with the interpreter. 

sys.std.write() : stdout is used to display output directly to the screen console.

Syntax: sys.stdout.write(“String”)



import sys

sys.stdout.write("Hello World")


Hello World

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