Height is not a word


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21 сент. 2021

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  • Английский (американский вариант)

The height of this bookshelf is only 120cm.
What is your height? (How tall are you?)

“Hight” is not a word unless it’s some kind of slang or so old I’ve never heard of it lol

  • Английский (американский вариант)

@Hollijane Ik it’s been a while, but that’s ironic since I’ve heard
It sm 😂 I always thought they were the same SJSJS.

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В чем разница между height и hight ?

  • В чем разница между hight и tall ?


    Height is more of the length of something, either being tall or short

    while tall is just something that is long in length

  • Что значит hight?

  • В чем разница между height и high ?


    height is a noun
    high is an adj (used for things)

  • Покажите мне примеры предложений с height.


    — I’m afraid of heights, that’s why i don’t travel by plane.

    — The building rose to over 150 feet in height.

    — Her height set her apart fro…

  • В чем разница между tall и hight ?


    High typically refers to the height of something above the surface of another thing. Planes fly high above the ground. Giraffes have long nec…

  • В чем разница между called и hight ?


    @hight As a native speaker, I can tell you that I’ve never heard this word before :)

  • В чем разница между height и tall ?


    height chiều cao is a noun danh từ
    tall cao is an adjective tĩnh từ

  • В чем разница между heyday и height ?


    ⭐️heyday is a time of great success in someones life. i dont think this is often said, at least not among younger generations. For example, «…

  • В чем разница между high и height ?


    High means that your in a high place
    Height is mainly used to describe how tall an object or person is

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    The altitude is the height of an object or point in relation to sea level or ground level; the elevation is the height above a given level, e…

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As English evolves, spelling conventions change along with it, and many words that have been part of the language for centuries must undergo changes to fit current trends.

When you hear English speakers describing how tall a person, building, or mountain might be, they are probably describing its height. Some speakers pronounce the word so that it ends in a -th sound, though.

Which version is correct? The original form of this word was spelled much differently than its modern counterpart, but there is still only one standard spelling today.

In this post, I will compare height vs heighth, and use each version in an example sentence, so you can see it in context. I will also use a mnemonic device that should make choosing height or heighth easier for you, as well.

When to Use Height

definition of height definition of heighth definitionWhat does height mean? Height is a noun. Sometimes, height means a high place, like in the sentences below,

  • Jackie does not want to hike the gorge, because she is afraid of heights.
  • If you drop an egg onto a hard surface from even a moderate height, it will crack.

Height can also mean a measurement of vertical size. It is common to measure the dimensions of three-dimensional objects according to length and width (two horizontal dimensions) as well as height.

Here are some more examples,

  • Jerome was proud of his unusual height, and brought it up in conversations at every opportunity.
  • The height of the chair was too much to fit under the table, so Emily sat on a small box instead.
  • Aiming for a job in the C-suite? Height helps, according to a new study. –The Wall Street Journal

The word height is common in place names, like Wuthering Heights, where it describes an area of higher elevation than its surroundings. Many cities have neighborhoods or boroughs designated as heights.

When to Use Heighth

What does heighth mean? Heighth is a misspelling of height. It might exist because of a perceived similarity to other words that end in -ghth, like eighth. Other measurements, like depth and breadth, also end in -th, so some writers might overgeneralize this ending to heighth, as well.

It could also stem from a mispronunciation of the word by some speakers.

Possibly the most convincing explanation is that the word originated in Middle English as heighthe. While the last -e dropped off along the way, it has taken English users a bit longer to fully dispose of the third -h.

No matter the reason for the misspelling, it is clear what the Standard English spelling is today. The chart below graphs heighth vs. height in English books since the year 1800.

heighth is not a word

As you can see, the last time heighth made a blip on the radar was in the early 1800s.

Trick to Remember the Difference?

height versus heighth

Height is the only correct version of this word today. Heighth is no longer considered a standard spelling of this word, if it ever was.

Since height rhymes with flight and might, two other words that end in -ght, you will always know how to spell the ending of the word.


Is it heighth or height? There are many possible explanations for the persistence of this mistake, but there are no possible reasons to use heighth in modern writing.

  • Height is the correct spelling.
  • Heighth is a misspelling.


  • 1 What is the Difference Between Height and Heighth?
  • 2 When to Use Height
  • 3 When to Use Heighth
  • 4 Trick to Remember the Difference?
  • 5 Summary

In all languages, there are certain words that may sound similar but have entirely different meanings. These words are categorized under ‘homophones.’

Even in the English language, there are many homophones. Hight and Height are two very prominent examples of homophonic words with very different meanings, spelling, and usage.

Key Takeaways

  1. “Hight” is not a word; it is likely a misspelling of “height.”
  2. Height refers to measuring something from the bottom to the top, such as a person’s height or the height of a building.
  3. Height is often expressed in feet and inches or meters and centimeters.

The difference between Hight and Height is that Hight refers to calling or naming someone, whereas height is regarded as the vertical distance from a base level. The words might appear a lot similar to the listener but, as we just explained, are pretty different from each other.

Hight vs Height

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Hight originated in the 15th century and is generally regarded to have taken from Middle English. It refers to calling someone or commanding a person to arrive, which means being called upon. It is not a very popularly used word now but was once a very famous one.

Height is such a commonly used word that many of us might be using it in our everyday lives. The term ‘Height’ is used to indicate the vertical upward distance from a base level or point.

It is a noun and is said to have originated back in the 12th century or maybe even before.

Comparison Table

Parameters of Comparison Hight Height
Meaning Hight refers to calling someone or being named. Height refers to the distance from the base level.
Origin It is known to be used in the 15th century for the first time. It is known to be used before the 12th century for the first time.
Grammar Hight is a verb. Height is a noun.
Alternative term Often ‘ highte’ is used as an alternate term for hight. Heighth or High are generally used in place of Height.
Example The king hight the soldiers for a meeting. The ball dropped from a great height.

What is Hight?

Whenever we want to call a person to us, the most preferred way is to call out their name. But in the time which we now refer to as the Middle English era, this was a less popular way.

The most common term that people used to call someone or a group of people was using the word ‘hight’. The word is known to have originated in the 15th century, which is quite a lot time back.

Some texts also regard that the word ‘Hight’ has come from the Old English word ‘hātan’, which is very similar to the Old High German word ‘heizzan’, which means to command or call.

Its past participle is ‘hoten’, which also has its origins in Old English. Many a time, people use an alternative of this word which is ‘Highte’.

With time, as the English language grew to become more and more advanced and at the same time started to spread all over the world, many older words became less and less prominent.

This was due to a frequent revision and replacements of words which was also a result of widespread use of the Language.

Use of the word hight can be found in the beautiful piece of literature The Cat Who Walks Through Walls by Robert A. Heinlein – “ Twenty-four hours earlier a stranger hight Schultz sat down at my table.”

What is Height?

Height refers to the vertical distance from a base level or point. It is so widely used in so many aspects that it will be unbelievable if someone won’t have heard of it.

For referring to how tall someone is, we use the word ‘height’. To tell how up a building or a tree goes, the use of the term ‘height’ is preferred. Even in studies, and most significantly in mathematics as well as science, the use of height is quite a prominent one.

It is said to have originated even before the 12th century. It is a noun and is widely used because of which many misspellings like ‘height’ have also become popular.

‘High’ is usually regarded as a term that can be used in place of height. But this is not the case for all time. For example, while referring to how tall someone is, we will have to use the word height.

Since using ‘high’ will result in a sentence – ‘What is your high?’ which makes absolutely no sense at all.

Height is regarded as the unit of measurement too. In the case where one has to measure three-dimensional figures, one of the dimensions is referred to as height.

Main Differences Between Hight and Height

  1. Hight refers to calling someone out or commanding them to come, while Height refers to the vertical distance from a horizontal base.
  2. Hight is a form of the verb, while Height is a noun.
  3. Hight was originated in the 15th century and is known to have taken from Middle English. Height was originated even before the 12th century and is known to be taken from the Old language.
  4. An alternate term of hight could be highte, and that of height could be high. But these alternative terms need to be used carefully since they can’t always replace the main words.
  5. Example of hight ; King Arthur gave an astonished hight to the front men. Example of height: It is easy to calculate the height of this tower using the Pythagoras Theorem.

Difference Between Hight and Height


  1. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877705814032214
  2. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0924271697830006

Emma Smith 200x200 1

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.

  • #1

Hi, could anyone tell me the diference between «heights» and «hights»?

<< Second language removed. >>

Thanks in advance!

Last edited by a moderator: Dec 8, 2011

    • #2

    «Heights» is spelled correctly. «Hights» isn’t.

    • #3

    Afraid this is the «English Only» Section of the Forum. (Anyway pob’s right).


    Miss Julie

    • #4

    «Hight» IS a word. (But I didn’t believe it either…I had to look it up.) It is an archaic or literary word meaning «named or called



    Senior Member

    English-Ireland (top end)

    • #5

    See height and hight.

    The WR dictionary definitions should make the difference clear.

    • #6

    I´m sorry. Now, I´ve just realised this is not the section where I had to ask.

    Thank you. :)

    Examples of height


    Free balloons carrying lighter instruments have continued these records to still higher regions, heights of 25 kilometres and more having been reached.

    All species have maximum heights of 20 m or more.

    One can see the heights of plateaus are proportional to the magnitude of intensity that coincides with the analytical predictions.

    Is it mere coincidence that his philosophy commanded the heights for a generation and appeared to all contemporaries as the consummation of the movement?

    In our own professional literature however, the situation is often portrayed as radiographers achieving emancipation from medical control and establishing new heights of professional autonomy.

    The distances between structures are correlated with the barrier heights, but not exactly.

    To analyse the trends in heights and how the differences in qualitative characteristics influenced their evolution a regression was carried out for all samples.

    Each sample consisted of leaves picked from different heights in the tree canopies.

    The profile was taken 1020 trip heights downstream of the trip.

    There are two strong explanations for the significant decline in heights for those born in the 1910s and 1920s with respect to earlier decades.

    The finely graduated degrees of light cast over the face of the moon also serve to reveal the heights and depths of its surface.

    The constants a and b specify the heights of the waves.

    However, the manipulation of location control at higher heights affected the salience of the located object/bowl containment relation.

    There is, however, an increase in heights of cohorts who were born after the end of the 1930s.

    The recovery in heights does not start until the 1930s, and only increases markedly for those born in the 1940s.

    These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.

    Collocations with height

    These are words often used in combination with height.

    Click on a collocation to see more examples of it.

    actual height

    The genetic operators initially tuned the control input at every hopping interval, ensuring minimization of the error between the desired and actual height.

    average height

    These changes in the average height of children were mirrored by changes in the average heights of the adult population.

    chest height

    I understand that a felling licence is not required in the case of coppice or underwood below 15 cm in diameter, measured at chest height.

    These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.

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