Hebrew word in english

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This is a list of English words of Hebrew origin. Transliterated pronunciations not found in Merriam-Webster or the American Heritage Dictionary follow Sephardic/Modern Israeli pronunciations as opposed to Ashkenazi pronunciations, with the major difference being that the letter taw (ת) is transliterated as a ‘t’ as opposed to an ‘s’.

There is a separate list of English words of Semitic origin other than those solely of Hebrew or Arabic origin.

From Hebrew words[edit]

from אבק avaq ‘dust’ (AHD), probably from Greek ἄβαξ abax ‘slab’ (MW)
agora (currency)
from (AHD) אגורה agorah ‘small coin’ (MW), from Greek agora «an assembly of the People» from ageirein «to assemble
from (AHD) עלייה aliyah ‘ascent’ (MW)
from אלממר almemar ‘bema’, from Arabic المنبر al-minbar ‘pulpit’ (AHD)
from אמן amen (MW) ‘certainly’, ‘verily’ (AHD)
from בעל ba’al ‘lord’ (AHD, MW)
from (AHD, MW) בלל balal ‘confound’ (SC) + in part from Akkadian 𒇷𒄿 𒀊𒁀 bāb-ilu ‘gate of god’ (MW)
bar mitzvah
from (AHD) בר מצוה bar miṣwah ‘son of the commandment’ (MW)
bath (volume)
from בַּת bath (MW) ’10 gallons liquid measure’ (AHD)from Greek βαθύς (bathus), «deep»,[1]
bat mitzvah
from (AHD) בת מצוה bath miṣwah ‘daughter of the commandment’ (MW)
from (MW) בהמות behemoth ‘beasts’ (AHD)
from (AHD) ביתאל beth’el ‘house of God’ (MW)
bethesda (chapel)
(OSPD) from (AHD) Greek Bethesda ‘Bethesda’ (WNW), probably from bayith chesed ‘house of kindness’ (SC)
from (WNW) ברית b’rith ‘covenant’ (MW)
brith milah
from (WNW) b’rith milah ‘covenant of circumcision’ (MW)
perhaps from barukh hab-ba ‘blessed be he who comes’ (WNW)
cab (volume)
from (MW) qab ‘hollow vessel’ (AHD)
from (AHD) קַבָּלָה qabbalah ‘received (lore)’ (MW)
from (AHD) חלה ḥallah ‘egg-rich yeast-leavened bread’ (MW)
chazan, hazan
from חזן ḥazzan ‘cantor’ (MW) + in part from Aramaic, both from Akkadian (AHD)
from (AHD) כרוב kerubh ‘celestial hierarchy angel’ (MW)
from (AHD) חֻצְפָּה ḥuṣpah ‘supreme self-confidence’ (MW)
from (AHD) שכר shekhar ‘strong drink’ (MW)
disputed (MW) + perhaps from כל בצדק kol beṣedeq ‘all with justice’ (AHD), or כל בסדר kol beseder ‘all is in order’ (MW)
cor (volume), kor (volume)
from kor (AHD, WNW) ‘100 gallons capacity’ (MW)
from (AHD) קָרְבָּן qorban ‘offering’ (MW)
from דיבוק dibbuq ‘wandering soul’ (AHD, MW)
from (WNW) עדן eden ‘delight’ (AHD)
from (AHD) איפה ephah ‘1/10 homer dry measure’, from Egyptian (MW)
from Latin galilaea (AHD, MW), from גליל galiyl ‘circle’, ‘circuit’ (SC)
from (AHD) גנב gannabh ‘thief’ (MW)
from (MW) גרה gerah ‘grain’, ‘bean’ (AHD)
get (divorce document)
from גט get ‘document of release’ (MW)
from גולם golem (AHD) ‘shapeless mass’ (MW)
from גוי goy ‘nation’ (AHD, MW)
gun moll
from (AHD) גנב gannabh ‘thief’ (MW) + from מִרְיָם Miryam (AHD) ‘Miriam’ (MW, OED) (=’rebelliously’) (SC) + perhaps from Egyptian (HH)
from (AHD) habhdalah ‘separation’ (MW)
haftarah, haphtarah
from (MW, WNW) patar ‘separate’, ‘discharge’ (AHD)
from (AHD, MW) heged ‘a saying’ (WNW)
from הלכה halakhah ‘way’ (MW)
hallelujah, alleluia
from הללויה halleluyah ‘praise the LORD‘ (AHD, MW)
from hlṣ ‘be in the vanguard’ (WNW)
from (MW) עברי ibhri (AHD) ‘region across [descendant]’ (SC)
from חדר heder ‘room’ (MW)
homer (volume)
from (AHD, MW) חמר hamar ‘surge up’, ‘swell up’ (WNW), Greek ὅμηρος (hómēros), «hostage»
from הוֹרָה horah ‘circle dance of Romania and Israel’, from Romanian horă (MW), from Turkish hora, perhaps from Greek χορός khoros ’round dance’ (AHD)
from (AHD) hoshi’ah-nna ‘save please’ (MW)
from (AHD) יובל yobhel ‘ram’s horn’ (MW)
from (MW) יהודה yehuda (AHD) ‘celebrated’ (SC)
kabbalah, cabala
from (AHD) קַבָּלָה qabbalah ‘received (lore)’ (MW)
from (AHD, MW) qds ‘sanctify’ (WNW)
from (AHD, MW) כשר ksr ‘be appropriate’ (WNW)
from קיבוץ qibbuṣ (MW) ‘gathering’ (AHD)
disputed (AHD, MW) + perhaps from כבש kabash ‘tread down’, ‘disregard’[citation needed]
from (AHD) qiddush ‘sanctification’ (MW)
from (AHD) כלי זמר k’ley zemer ‘musical instruments’ (MW)
(OSPD) from kanas ‘assemble’ (AHD, WNW)
from (AHD, MW) כשר ksr ‘be appropriate’ (WNW)
(OSPD) from l’ḥaim ‘to life’ (WNW)
from (AHD) לויתן liwyathan ‘sea monster, whale’ (MW)
from French (danse) macabre (AHD, MW), probably from Latin (Chorea) Machabaeorum, from מקבת maqqebet ‘hammer’ (WNW), from נקב naqab ‘perforate’ (SC)
(OSPD) from maphtir ‘one that dismisses’ (NI)
from (AHD) ḥzr ‘return’ (WNW)
from מן man (AHD, MW) (SC)
from (AHD) מצה maṣah ‘unleavened bread’ (MW)
from (AHD) מבין mebhin ‘one who is experienced’ (MW), ‘one who understands’ (OED)
from (WNW) מזל טוב mazzal tob ‘good luck’ (AHD)
from (WNW) מזומן mezumman ‘fixed’ (AHD)
from (MW, WNW) galal ‘roll’ (AHD)
from (AHD) מנורה menorah ‘candlestick’ (MW)
from (AHD) משוגע meshugga ‘crazy’ (MW).
from (AHD) משיח mashiaḥ ‘anointed’ (MW) + in part from Aramaic (AHD) meshiha ‘anointed’ (MW)
from מְזוּזָה mezuzah ‘doorpost’ (AHD, MW)
from (AHD) מדרש midrash ‘exposition’, ‘explanation’ (MW)
from miqwah ‘purification bath’ (AHD)
from מִנְיָן minyan ‘number’, ‘count’ (MW), from Aramaic (AHD)
from (AHD) מצוה miṣwah ‘commandment’ (MW)
from מוהל mohel ‘person qualified to perform circumcision’ (WNW)
from momser ‘bastard’ (WNW)
from mishpahah ‘family’, ‘clan’ (NI)
from (AHD) מוֹשָׁב moshabh ‘dwelling’ (MW)
probably from nebhel ‘harp’ (NI)
pleasure, satisfaction, delight; proud enjoyment (usage: I have nachas from you) (from Hebrew נחת pronounced ‘nachat’) (WNW)
from nebhel ‘harp’ (NI)
from עמר omer (AHD) ‘1/10 ephah dry capacity’ (MW)
from parashah ‘explanation’ (MW, WNW)
from ‘Pascal’ (AHD, MW), from[2] פסח pesah ‘passover’ (AHD, MW, OED)
from פסח על pasah al ‘passed over’ (AHD, MW, OED)
from פרעה par’oh ‘ruler of ancient Egypt’, from Egyptian (MW) pr-‘o ‘great house’ (AHD)
from Aramaic (AHD) perisha ‘separated’, from (MW) פרש parash ‘separate’ (SC), ‘cleave’ (WNW)
from (AHD, WNW) רב rabh ‘master’ (MW)
from (AHD, WNW) רב rabh ‘master’ (MW)
from (WNW) רב rabh ‘master’ (MW)
from (MW) שׁבת shabbat ‘day of rest’ (AHD)
from (AHD) ṣabar ‘prickly pear’ (MW)
from שטן satan ‘adversary’ (MW), ‘devil’ (AHD)
from (AHD) שמועות shemu’oth ‘news’, ‘rumor’ (MW)
from שוא schewa ‘unstressed mid-central vowel’ (MW), probably from Syriac ܥܗܘܐܝܝܐ sewayya ‘equal’ (AHD)
from (AHD) סדר seder ‘order’ (MW)
from (AHD) סֶלָה selah (MW) ‘suspension’, ‘pause’ (SC)
from (MW) שׂרף saraph ‘celestial being’ (AHD)
(OSPD) from shiddekh ‘arrange a marriage’ (NI)
(OSPD) from (AHD) shadrach ‘captive’ (WNW)[3]
from (AHD) שָׁלוֹם shalom ‘peace’ (MW)
shalom aleichem
from (AHD) שָׁלוֹם עֲלֵיכֶם shalom ‘alekhem ‘peace unto you’ (MW)
from (AHD) שמש shammash ‘sexton’ (MW)
perhaps from (AHD) שמש shammash ‘sexton’ (MW)
from (AHD) שקץ sheqes ‘blemish’, ‘abomination’ (MW)
from (MW) שקל saqal ‘weigh’, from Canaanite tql (AHD)
(OSPD) from se’ol ‘underworld’ (AHD), perhaps from shaal ‘dig’ (WNW)
from (AHD) שיבולת shibboleth ‘stream’ (MW), ‘ear of grain’ (OED)
from (AHD, WNW) שקץ sheqes ‘blemish’, ‘abomination’ (MW)
from (AHD) shibh’ah ‘seven’ (MW)
from shophar (MW) ‘ram’s horn’ (AHD)
from סידור siddur ‘arrangement’ (AHD), ‘order’ (MW)
from סוכה sukkah ‘booth’, ‘shelter’ (MW)
from (AHD, MW) שִׁקמָה shiqmah ‘mulberry tree’ (OED)
from (MW) tillel ‘cover’ (AHD)
from (MW) lamad ‘learn’ (AHD)
from (AHD) תרפים teraphim ‘household god’ (MW)
from תּוֹרָה tora ‘law’, ‘instruction’ (AHD)
from taraph ‘tear’ (AHD)
from (AHD) ṣarah ‘calamity’ (WNW)
tush, toches
from (AHD) תחת tahath ‘under’, ‘beneath’ (MW)
tzitzit, zizith
from (AHD) ציצית ṣiṣith ‘fringes’, ‘tassels’ (MW)
from aleph ‘ox’, ‘leader’ (WNW)
from (AHD) ישיבה yeshibhah ‘talmudic school’ (MW)
from יהודה yehudah (AHD) ‘celebrated’ (SC)
from צדיק ṣaddiq ‘just’, ‘righteous’ (MW)

From Hebrew names[edit]

from ‘Abel’ (AHD, MW), from הבל Hebhel ‘Abel’[4] (=’emptiness’) (SC)
from ‘Abel’ (AHD, MW), from הבל Hebhel ‘Abel’[4] (=’emptiness’) (SC)
from (MW) אֲבִיגַיִל (SC) Avigail ‘Abigail’ (=’father of exaltation’) (HH)
from אדם Adam ‘Adam’ (MW) (=’earth’) (HH) + from חוה Hawwah ‘Eve’ (MW) (=’living’) (HH)
from עַמּוֹן Ammon, Biblical tribe
from (AHD, MW) בית לחם Beth Leḥem ‘Bethlehem’ (=’house of bread’)
from (AHD) יֵשׁוּעַ Yeshu’a ‘Jesus’ (MW) (=’Jehovah-saved’) (SC)
from (AHD) Binyamin ‘Benjamin’ (MW) (=’son of [the] right hand’) (SC) + from Old English (AHD, MW)
from קסיה qəṣi`â
from (AHD) דָּוִד Dawid ‘David’ (MW) (=’loving’) (SC)
from Haman ‘Haman’ (MW) (=’vizier’) (SC) + from Yiddish (MW)
from ‘Hansom’ (MW), from ‘Hans’,[5] from Yohanan ‘John’ (=’the LORD is gracious’) (HH)
1 from יוחנן Yohanan ‘John’ (MW) (=’the LORD is gracious’) (HH)
2 perhaps from יַעֲקֹב Ya’aqobh ‘Jacob’ (MW) (=’he has protected’) (AHD)
from יַעֲקֹב Ya’aqobh ‘Jacob’ (MW) (=’he has protected’) (AHD)
from יַעֲקֹב Ya’aqobh ‘Jacob’ (MW) (=’he has protected’) (AHD)
from ‘Jacquard’ (AHD, MW), from[6] יַעֲקֹב Ya’aqobh ‘Jacob’ (MW) (=’he has protected’) (AHD)
from יַעֲקֹב Ya’aqobh ‘Jacob’ (MW) (=’he has protected’) (AHD)
perhaps from יַעֲקֹב Ya’aqobh ‘Jacob’ (MW) (=’he has protected’) (AHD)
from (AHD) יֵשׁוּעַ Yeshu’a ‘Jesus’ (MW) (=’Jehovah-saved’) (SC)
from יהוא Yehu ‘Jehu’ (MW) (=’Jehovah [is] He’) (SC)
from (AHD) יִרְמְיָה Yirmeyah ‘Jeremiah’ (MW) (=’the LORD will rise’) (SC)
from (AHD, MW) יָרָבְעָם Yarobh’am ‘Jeroboam’ (=’people will contend’) (SC)
from יֵשׁוּעַ Yeshu’a ‘Jesus’ (AHD) (‘Jehovah-saved’) (SC)
from (AHD) איזבל Izebhel ‘Jezebel’ (MW) (=’chaste’) (SC)
from (MW) ‘James’ (AHD), from יַעֲקֹב Ya’aqobh ‘Jacob’ (MW, OED) (=’he has protected’) (AHD)
from (AHD) יוחנן Yohanan ‘John’ (MW) (=’the LORD is gracious’) (HH)
from יוֹסֵף Yoseph ‘Joseph’ (MW) (=’he shall add’) (HH)
john (washroom)
from (AHD) יוחנן Yohanan ‘John’ (MW) (=’the LORD is gracious’) (HH)
johnny (gown)
from (AHD) יוחנן Yohanan ‘John’ (MW) (=’the LORD is gracious’) (HH)
perhaps from (AHD, MW) Yehoram ‘Joram’ (=’Jehovah-raised’) (SC)
from (AHD) יוֹסֵף Yoseph ‘Joseph’ (MW) (=’he shall add’) (HH)
from (AHD) אלעזר El’azar ‘Lazarus’ (MW) (=’God is my help’) (HH)
from (AHD) אלעזר El’azar ‘Lazarus’ (MW) (=’God is my help’) (HH) + from (MW) נָצְרַת natzerath ‘Nazareth’ (WNW)
from ‘McAdam’ (MW), in part from Adham ‘Adam’ (=’earth’) (HH)
from ‘Macadam’ (MW), in part from Adham ‘Adam’ (=’earth’) (HH)
from מִרְיָם Miryam (AHD) ‘Miriam’ (MW, OED) (=’rebelliously’) (SC) + perhaps from Egyptian (HH)
marry (interjection)
from מִרְיָם Miryam (AHD) ‘Miriam’ (MW, OED) (=’rebelliously’) (SC) + perhaps from Egyptian (HH)
from Mikha’el ‘Michael’ (MW) (=’who [is] like God?’) (SC)
mickey (drink)
perhaps from (AHD) Mikha’el ‘Michael’ (MW) (=’who [is] like God?’) (SC)
probably from Catalan Miquel (NI), from[7] Mikha’el ‘Michael’ (MW) (=’who [is] like God?’) (SC)
from מִרְיָם Miryam (AHD) ‘Miriam’ (MW, OED) (=’rebelliously’) (SC) + perhaps from Egyptian (HH)
from ‘Nancy’ (MW, AHD), probably in part from חנה Ḥannah ‘Anna’ (OED) (=’favored’) (HH, SC)
from (AHD) נמרוד Nimrodh ‘Nimrod’ (=’hunter’) (MW)
1 from פלשתים Pelistim ‘Philistines’ ‘Aegean people who settled Philistia’ (AHD)
2 from (MW) פלשת Pelesheth ‘Philistia’ (=’rolling’, ‘migratory’) (SC)
(AHD) from רְאוּבֵן Re’ubhen ‘Reuben’ (MW) (=’see ye a son’) (SC)
from (AHD, MW) שֹׁמְרוֹן Shomron ‘Samaria’ (=’watch-station’) (SC)
from שם Shem ‘Shem’ (MW) (=’name’) (SC)
from (AHD) שִׁמְעוֹן Shim’on ‘Simon’ (MW) (=’hearing’) (HH, SC)
from (MW) סדום s’dom ‘Sodom’ (AHD, OED) (=’burnt’) (SC)
from (AHD, MW) טוביה Toviah ‘Tobias’ (=’goodness of Jehovah’) (SC)
probably from (AHD) יוחנן Yohanan ‘John’ (MW) (=’the LORD is gracious’) (HH)

Letter names[edit]

aleph, beth, gimel, daleth, he, waw, zayin, heth, teth, yod, kaph, lamed, mem, nun, samekh, ayin, pe, sadhe, qoph, resh, shin, taw (AHD, MW, WNW)

from Greek Άλφα alpha, perhaps from אלף aleph ‘ox’, ‘leader’ (WNW) + from Canaanite 𐤀𐤋𐤐 ‘alp ‘ox’ (AHD)
from Greek Βήτα beta, from בית bet ‘house’, probably from Phoenician (WNW) + from Canaanite 𐤁𐤉𐤕 bet ‘house’ (AHD)
from Greek Γάμμα gamma, perhaps from גמל gimel ‘ruminant beast’ (WNW) + from Phoenician 𐤋𐤌𐤀𐤂 (AHD)
from Greek Δέλτα delta (AHD), perhaps from דלת deleth ‘door’ (WNW) + of Semitic origin, akin to Phoenician 𐤕𐤋𐤀𐤃 dalt ‘door’ (AHD)
from Greek eta, perhaps from chet (WNW) ‘terror’ (SC) + from (MW) Phoenician 𐤕𐤇 (AHD)
from Greek Ιώτα iota, perhaps from יד yodh ‘hand’ (WNW) + from (MW) Phoenician 𐤕𐤏𐤉 (AHD)
from Greek Κάππα kappa, perhaps from כף kaph (WNW) ‘palm of the hand’ (MW) + from (MW) Phoenician 𐤅𐤀𐤊 (AHD)
from Greek Λάμβδα lambda, perhaps from למד lamedh ‘whip’, ‘club’ (WNW) + from (MW) Phoenician 𐤃𐤌𐤀𐤋 (AHD)
from Greek Νυ nu, perhaps from נון nun ‘fish’ (WNW) + of Semitic origin (AHD)
from Greek Πι pi, perhaps from פה pe ‘mouth’ (WNW) + from (MW) Phoenician 𐤄𐤐 (AHD)
from Greek Ρω rho, perhaps from ראש rosh ‘head’ (WNW) + from (MW) Phoenician 𐤔𐤏𐤓 (AHD)
from Greek Ταυ tau, perhaps from taw (WNW) ‘mark’, ‘cross’ (MW) + from (MW) Phoenician 𐤅𐤀𐤕 (AHD)

See also[edit]

  • Lists of English words of international origin
  • List of English words of Yiddish origin
  • Hebraism


  1. ^ βαθύς, Henry George Liddell, Robert Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon, on Perseus
  2. ^ pascal. French-English translation in CollinsDictionary.com. Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 11th Edition. Retrieved November 10, 2012.
  3. ^ «Shadrach: Definition». www.lexic.us.
  4. ^ a b «Abel». Behind the Name.
  5. ^ Weekley, Ernest, M.A. (1912). The Romance of Words. London: John Murray. p. 51. Apart from assimilation, there is a tendency in English to substitute -m for -n …. In the family name Hansom, for Hanson, the son of Hans, we have dissimiliation.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  6. ^ Henry Harrison. Surnames of the United Kingdom: A Concise Etymological Dictionary. p. 233. The French Jacquard = Jacques (q.v.) + the dim. suff. -ard [Teut. hard, hard]
  7. ^ Aaron Demsky. These Are the Names: Studies in Jewish Onomastics. p. 300. Names from other traditions that were present in the Catalan-speaking area …. include: Adam, Noè (Noah), Miquel (Michael), and Samsó (Samson).
  • AHD: American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language: 3rd or 4th edition
  • HH: A Dictionary of First Names, Patrick Hanks & Flavia Hodges
  • MW: Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary: 10th or 11th edition
  • NI: Webster’s New International Dictionary: 2nd or 3rd edition
  • OED: Oxford English Dictionary: online edition
  • SC: Strong’s Concordance
  • WNW: Webster’s New World Dictionary: 3rd edition
  • =: a name from a word or phrase with the meaning given
1 a, an indefinite, article A1 A, 2 abandon Verb B2 לִנְטוֹשׁ 3 ability Noun A2 יְכוֹלֶת 4 able Adjective A2 יכול 5 about prep. Adverb A1 על אודות 6 above prep. Adverb A1 מֵעַל 7 abroad Adverb A2 מחוץ לארץ 8 absolute Adjective B2 מוּחלָט 9 absolutely Adverb B1 בהחלט 10 academic adj, Noun B1, B2 אקדמי 11 accept Verb A2 לְקַבֵּל 12 acceptable Adjective B2 קָבִיל 13 access Noun Verb B1 גִישָׁה 14 accident Noun A2 תְאוּנָה 15 accommodation Noun B1 דִיוּר 16 accompany Verb B2 ללוות 17 according to prep. A2 לפי 18 account Noun Verb B1, B2 חֶשְׁבּוֹן 19 accurate Adjective B2 מְדוּיָק 20 accuse Verb B2 לְהַאֲשִׁים 21 achieve Verb A2 לְהַשִׂיג 22 achievement Noun B1 הֶשֵׂג 23 acknowledge Verb B2 לְהוֹדוֹת 24 acquire Verb B2 לִרְכּוֹשׁ 25 across prep. Adverb A1 ברחבי 26 act Verb Noun A2,B1 פעולה 27 action Noun A1 פעולה 28 active Adjective A2 פָּעִיל 29 activity Noun A1 פעילות 30 actor Noun A1 שַׂחְקָן 31 actress Noun A1 שַׂחְקָנִית 32 actual Adjective B2 מַמָשִׁי 33 actually Adverb A2 בעצם 34 ad Noun B1 מוֹדָעָה 35 adapt Verb B2 לְהִסְתָגֵל 36 add Verb A1 לְהוֹסִיף 37 addition Noun B1 חיבור 38 additional Adjective B2 נוֹסָף 39 address Noun Verb A1,B2 כתובת 40 administration Noun B2 מִנהָל 41 admire Verb B1 לְהִתְפַּעֵל 42 admit Verb B1 להתוודות 43 adopt Verb B2 לְאַמֵץ 44 adult Noun adj A1,A2 מְבוּגָר 45 Advance Noun Verb adj B2 לְקַדֵם 46 Advanced Adjective B1 מִתקַדֵם 47 Advantage Noun A2 יתרון 48 Adventure Noun A2 הַרפַּתקָה 49 Advertise Verb A2 לְפַרְסֵם 50 Advertisement Noun A2 פרסומת 51 Advertising Noun A2 פִּרסוּם 52 Advice Noun Verb A1, B1 עֵצָה 53 affair Noun B2 פָּרָשָׁה 54 affect Verb A2 להשפיע 55 afford Verb B1 לְהַרְשׁוֹת לְעַצמוֹ 56 afraid Adjective A1 חוֹשֵׁשׁ 57 after prep. conj. Adverb A1,A2 לאחר 58 afternoon Noun A1 אחרי הצהריים 59 afterwards Adverb B2 לאחר מכן 60 again Adverb A1 שוב 61 against prep A2 מול 62 age Noun Verb A1, B1 גיל 63 aged Adjective B1 זָקֵן 64 agency Noun B2 סוֹכְנוּת 65 agenda Noun B2 סֵדֶר הַיוֹם 66 agent Noun B1 סוֹכֵן 67 aggressive Adjective B2 תוֹקפָּנִי 68 ago Adverb A1 לִפנֵי 69 agree Verb A1 לְהַסכִּים 70 agreement Noun B1 הֶסכֵּם 71 ah exclam. A2 אה 72 ahead Adverb B1 קָדִימָה 73 aid Noun Verb B2 סיוע 74 aim Verb Noun B1 מַטָרָה 75 air Noun A1 אוויר 76 aircraft Noun B2 כְּלִי טַיִס 77 airline Noun A2 חֶברַת תְעוּפָה 78 airport Noun A1 שדה תעופה 79 alarm Noun Verb B1, B2 אזעקה 80 album Noun B1 אַלבּוֹם 81 alcohol Noun B1 כּוֹהֶל 82 alcoholic Adjective B1 כּוֹהָלִי 83 alive Adjective A2 בחיים 84 all det. pron, Adverb A1, A2 את כל 85 all right Adjective, Adverb exclam A2 בסדר 86 allow Verb A2 להתיר 87 almost Adverb A2 כִּמעַט 88 alone Adjective, Adverb A2 לבד 89 along prep. Adverb A2 לְאוֹרֶך 90 already Adverb A2 כְּבָר 91 also Adverb A1 גַם 92 alter Verb B2 לשנות 93 alternative Noun Adjective A2, B1 חֲלוּפָה 94 although conj A2 למרות ש 95 always Adverb A1 תמיד 96 amazed Adjective B1 נדהם 97 amazing Adjective A1 מדהים 98 ambition Noun B1 שְׁאַפתָנוּת 99 ambitious Adjective B1 שְׁאַפתָנִי 100 among prep. A2 בין 101 amount Noun Verb A2, B2 כמות 102 analyse Verb B1 לְנַתֵחַ 103 analysis Noun B1 אָנָלִיזָה 104 ancient Adjective A2 עָתִיק 105 and conj A1 ו 106 anger Noun B2 כַּעַס 107 angle Noun B2 זָוִית 108 angry Adjective A1 כּוֹעֵס 109 animal Noun A1 בעל חיים 110 ankle Noun A2 קרסול 111 anniversary Noun B2 יוֹם הַשָׁנָה 112 announce Verb B1 להכריז 113 announcement Noun B1 הַכרָזָה 114 annoy Verb B1 לְהַרְגִיז 115 annoyed Adjective B1 מְרוּגָז 116 annoying Adjective B1 מְעַצבֵּן 117 annual Adjective B2 שנתי 118 another det. proNoun A1 אַחֵר 119 answer Noun Verb A1 תשובה 120 anxious Adjective B2 חָרֵד 121 any det. proNoun, Adverb A1, A2 כל 122 anybody pron A2 מִישֶׁהוּ 123 any more Adverb A2 עוד 124 anyone pron A1 כֹּל אֶחָד 125 anything pron A1 כל דבר 126 anyway Adverb A2 בכל מקרה 127 anywhere AdVerb proNoun A2 בְּכָל מָקוֹם 128 apart Adverb B1 מלבד 129 apartment Noun A1 דִירָה 130 apologize Verb B1 לְהִתְנַצֵל 131 app Noun A2 האפליקציה 132 apparent Adjective B2 נִרְאֶה 133 apparently Adverb B2 ככל הנראה 134 appeal Noun Verb B2 עִרעוּר 135 appear Verb A2 לְהוֹפִיעַ 136 appearance Noun A2 מראה חיצוני 137 apple Noun A1 תפוח עץ 138 application Noun B1 יישום 139 apply Verb A2 להגיש מועמדות 140 appointment Noun B1 קביעת פגישה 141 appreciate Verb B1 מעריך 142 approach Noun Verb B2 גִישָׁה 143 appropriate Adjective B2 מתאים 144 approval Noun B2 הסכמה 145 approve Verb B2 לְאַשֵׁר 146 approximately Adverb B1 בְּעֵרֶך 147 April Noun A1 אַפּרִיל 148 architect Noun A2 אַדְרִיכָל 149 architecture Noun A2 ארכיטקטורה 150 area Noun A1 אֵזוֹר 151 argue Verb A2 לִטעוֹן 152 argument Noun A2 טַעֲנָה 153 arise Verb B2 לְהִתְעוֹרֵר 154 arm Noun A1 זְרוֹעַ 155 armed Adjective B2 חָמוּשׁ 156 arms Noun B2 נשק 157 army Noun A2 צָבָא 158 around prep. Adverb A1 סְבִיב 159 arrange Verb A2 לְאַרגֵן 160 arrangement Noun A2 הֶסדֵר 161 arrest Verb Noun B1 מַעְצָר 162 arrival Noun B1 הַגָעָה 163 arrive Verb A1 לְהַגִיעַ 164 art Noun A1 אומנות 165 article Noun A1 מאמר 166 artificial Adjective B2 מְלָאכוּתִי 167 artist Noun A1 אמן 168 artistic Adjective B2 אָמָנוּתִי 169 as prep., Adverb conj. A1, A2 כפי ש 170 ashamed Adjective B2 מְבוּיָשׁ 171 asleep Adjective A2 יָשֵׁן 172 ask Verb A1 לִשְׁאוֹל 173 aspect Noun B2 אספקט 174 assess Verb B2 לְהַעֲרִיך 175 assessment Noun B2 הערכה 176 assignment Noun B1 מְשִׁימָה 177 assist Verb B1 לסייע 178 assistant Noun Adjective A2 עוֹזֵר 179 associate Verb B2 חָבֵר 180 associated Adjective B2 קשור ל 181 association Noun B2 אִרגוּן 182 assume Verb B2 לְהַנִיחַ 183 at prep. A1 בְּ- 184 athlete Noun A2 אַתלֵט 185 atmosphere Noun B1 אַטמוֹספֵרָה 186 attach Verb B1 לְצַרֵף 187 attack Noun Verb A2 לִתְקוֹף 188 attempt Noun Verb B2 לְנַסוֹת 189 attend Verb A2 השתתף 190 attention Noun exclam. A2 תשומת הלב 191 attitude Noun B1 יַחַס 192 attract Verb B1 לִמְשׁוֹך 193 attraction Noun B1 מְשִׁיכָה 194 attractive Adjective A2 מוֹשֵׁך 195 audience Noun A2 קהל 196 August Noun A1 אוגוסט 197 aunt Noun A1 דוֹדָה 198 author Noun A2 מְחַבֵּר 199 authority Noun B1 רְשׁוּת 200 autumn Noun A1 סתָיו 201 available Adjective A2 זמין 202 average Adjective, Noun Verb A2, B1 מְמוּצָע 203 avoid Verb A2 לְהִמָנַע 204 award Noun Verb A2, B1 פרס 205 aware Adjective B1 מוּדָע 206 away Adverb A1 רָחוֹק 207 awful Adjective A2 נורא 208 baby Noun A1 תִינוֹק 209 back Noun AdVerb Adjective, Verb A1, A2, B2 חזור 210 background Noun A2 רקע כללי 211 backwards Adverb B1 אֲחוֹרָה 212 bacteria Noun B2 בַּקטֶרִיָה 213 bad Adjective A1 רַע 214 badly Adverb A2 קשה 215 bag Noun A1 תיק 216 bake Verb B1 לֶאֱפוֹת 217 balance Noun Verb B1 איזון 218 ball Noun A1 כַּדוּר 219 ban Verb Noun B1 לֶאֱסוֹר 220 banana Noun A1 בננה 221 band Noun A1 לְהִתְאַגֵד 222 bank (money) Noun A1 בנק (כסף) 223 bank (river) Noun B1 בנק (נהר) 224 bar Noun Verb A2, B2 בַּר 225 barrier Noun B2 מַחסוֹם 226 base Noun Verb B1 בסיס 227 baseball Noun A2 בייסבול 228 based Adjective A2 מבוסס 229 basketball Noun A2 כדורסל 230 basic Adjective B1 בסיסי 231 basically Adverb B2 בעיקרון 232 basis Noun B1 בָּסִיס 233 bath Noun A1 מֶרחָץ 234 bathroom Noun A1 חדר אמבטיה 235 battery Noun B1 סוֹלְלָה 236 battle Noun Verb B1, B2 קרב 237 be Verb auxiliary Verb A1 לִהיוֹת 238 beach Noun A1 החוף 239 bean Noun A2 אפונה 240 bear (deal with) Verb B2 דוב (עסקה עם) 241 bear (animal) Noun A2 דוב (חיה) 242 beat Verb Noun A2, B2 להיות ב 243 beautiful Adjective A1 יפה 244 beauty Noun B1 יוֹפִי 245 because conj. A1 כי 246 become Verb A1 הפכו 247 bed Noun A1 מיטה 248 bedroom Noun A1 חדר שינה 249 bee Noun B1 דבורה 250 beef Noun A2 בשר בקר 251 beer Noun A1 בירה 252 before prep., conj. Adverb A1, A2 לפני 253 beg Verb B2 לְהִתְחַנֵן 254 begin Verb A1 התחל 255 beginning Noun A1 התחלה 256 behave Verb A2 לְהִתְנַהֵג 257 behaviour Noun A2 התנהגות 258 behind prep. Adverb A1 מֵאָחוֹר 259 being Noun B2 להיות 260 belief Noun B1 אמונה 261 believe Verb A1 לְהֶאֱמִין 262 bell Noun B1 פַּעֲמוֹן 263 belong Verb A2 שייכים 264 below Adverb prep. A1 לְהַלָן 265 belt Noun A2 חֲגוֹרָה 266 bend Verb Noun B1 לְכּוֹפֵף 267 benefit Verb NouNoun A2, B1 תועלת 268 bent Adjective B2 כפוף 269 best Adjective, AdVerb Noun A1, A2 הטוב ביותר 270 bet Verb Noun B2 לְהַמֵר 271 better Adjective , Adverb , Noun A1, A2, B1 טוב יותר 272 between prep., Adverb A1, A2 בֵּין 273 beyond prep. Adverb B2 מעבר 274 bicycle Noun A1 אופניים 275 big Adjective A1 גָדוֹל 276 bike Noun A1 אופניים 277 bill Noun Verb A1, B2 שטר כסף 278 billion number A2 מספר מיליארד 279 bin Noun A2 פַּח 280 biology Noun A2 ביולוגיה 281 bird Noun A1 ציפור 282 birth Noun A2 הוּלֶדֶת 283 birthday Noun A1 יום הולדת 284 biscuit Noun A2 עוּגִיָה 285 bit Noun A2 קצת 286 bite Verb Noun B1 נְשִׁיכָה 287 bitter Adjective B2 טעם מר 288 black Adjective, Noun A1 שָׁחוֹר 289 blame Verb Noun B2 אשמה 290 blank Adjective, Noun A2 רֵיק 291 blind Adjective B2 סומא 292 block Noun Verb B1 לַחסוֹם 293 blog Noun A1 בלוג 294 blonde Adjective A1 בְּלוֹנדִינִית 295 blood Noun A2 דָם 296 blow Verb A2 לנשוף 297 blue Adjective, Noun A1 כָּחוֹל 298 board Noun Verb A2, B1 גלשן 299 boat Noun A1 סִירָה 300 body Noun A1 גוּף 301 boil Verb A2 רְתִיחָה 302 bomb Noun Verb B1 פְּצָצָה 303 bond Noun B2 אגרת חוב 304 bone Noun A2 עֶצֶם 305 book Noun Verb A1, A2 סֵפֶר 306 boot Noun A1 מַגָף 307 border Noun Verb B1, B2 גבול 308 bored Adjective A1 מְשׁוּעֲמָם 309 boring Adjective A1 מְשַׁעֲמֵם 310 born Verb A1 נוֹלָד 311 borrow Verb A2 לִלווֹת 312 boss Noun A2 בּוֹס 313 both det./proNoun A1 שניהם 314 bother Verb B1 לְהטרִיד 315 bottle Noun A1 בקבוק 316 bottom NouNoun Adjective A2 תַחתִית 317 bowl Noun A2 קְעָרָה 318 box Noun A1 קופסא 319 boy Noun A1 יֶלֶד 320 boyfriend Noun A1 הֶחָבֵר 321 brain Noun A2 מוֹחַ 322 branch Noun B1 ענף 323 brand Noun Verb B1 מותג 324 brave Adjective B1 אַמִיץ 325 bread Noun A1 לחם 326 break Verb Noun A1 לשבור 327 breakfast Noun A1 ארוחת בוקר 328 breast Noun B2 שד 329 breath Noun B1 נְשִׁימָה 330 breathe Verb B1 לִנְשׁוֹם 331 breathing Noun B1 נְשִׁימָה 332 bride Noun B1 כַּלָה 333 bridge Noun A2 לְגַשֵׁר 334 brief Adjective B2 קָצָר 335 bright Adjective A2 בָּהִיר 336 brilliant Adjective A2 מַברִיק 337 bring Verb A1 לְהָבִיא 338 broad Adjective B2 רָחָב 339 broadcast Verb Noun B2 מִשׁדָר 340 broken Adjective A2 שָׁבוּר 341 brother Noun A1 אָח 342 brown Adjective, Noun A1 חום 343 brush Verb Noun A2 מִברֶשֶׁת 344 bubble Noun B1 בּוּעָה 345 budget Noun B2 תַקצִיב 346 build Verb A1 לִבנוֹת 347 building Noun A1 בִּניָן 348 bullet Noun B2 כַּדוּר 349 bunch Noun B2 צְרוֹר 350 burn Verb Noun A2, B2 לשרוף 351 bury Verb B1 לִקְבּוֹר 352 bus Noun A1 אוֹטוֹבּוּס 353 bush Noun B2 שיח 354 business Noun A1 עֵסֶק 355 businessman Noun A2 איש עסקים 356 busy Adjective A1 עסוק 357 but conj. prep A1, B2 אבל 358 butter Noun A1 חמאה 359 button Noun A2 לַחְצָן 360 buy Verb A1 לִקְנוֹת 361 by prep. Adverb A1, B1 על ידי 362 bye exclam A1 ביי 363 cable Noun B2 כֶּבֶל 364 cafe Noun A1 בֵּית קָפֶה 365 cake Noun A1 עוגה 366 calculate Verb B2 לחשב 367 call Verb Noun A1 שִׂיחָה 368 calm Adjective Verb Noun B1 לְהַרְגִיעַ 369 camera Noun A1 מַצלֵמָה 370 camp Noun Verb A2 מַחֲנֶה 371 campaign Noun Verb B1 קמפיין 372 camping Noun A2 קֶמפִּינג 373 campus Noun B1 קַמפּוּס 374 can1 modal Verb A1 can1 375 can2 Noun A2 can2 376 cancel Verb B2 לְבַטֵל 377 cancer Noun B2 מחלת הסרטן 378 candidate Noun B1 מוּעֲמָד 379 cannot Verb A1 לא יכול 380 cap Noun B1 כובע 381 capable Adjective B2 בעל יכולת 382 capacity Noun B2 קיבולת 383 capital Noun Adjective A1 עיר בירה 384 captain Noun B1 סֶרֶן 385 capture Verb Noun B2 לִלְכּוֹד 386 car Noun A1 אוטו 387 card Noun A1 כַּרְטִיס 388 care Noun Verb A2 לְטַפֵּל 389 career Noun A1 קריירה 390 careful Adjective A2 זָהִיר 391 carefully Adverb A2 בקפידה 392 careless Adjective B1 רשלן 393 carpet Noun A2 שָׁטִיחַ 394 carrot Noun A1 גזר 395 carry Verb A1 נשיאה 396 cartoon Noun A2 קָרִיקָטוּרָה 397 case Noun A2 מקרה 398 cash Noun A2 כסף מזומן 399 cast Noun Verb B2 ללהק 400 castle Noun A2 טִירָה 401 cat Noun A1 חתול 402 catch Verb Noun A2, B2 לתפוס 403 category Noun B1 קטגוריה 404 cause Noun Verb A2 גורם 405 CD Noun A1 CD 406 ceiling Noun B1 תִקרָה 407 celebrate Verb A2 לַחֲגוֹג 408 celebration Noun B1 חֲגִיגָה 409 celebrity Noun A2 סלבריטאי 410 cell Noun B2 תָא 411 cent Noun A1 סֶנט 412 central Adjective B1 מֶרכָּזִי 413 centre Noun Verb A1, B1 מֶרְכָּז 414 century Noun A1 מֵאָה 415 ceremony Noun B1 טֶקֶס 416 certain Adjective A2 מסוים 417 certainly Adverb A2 בְּהֶחלֵט 418 chain Noun Verb B1, B2 שַׁרשֶׁרֶת 419 chair Noun Verb A1, B2 כִּסֵא 420 chairman Noun B2 יושב ראש 421 challenge Noun Verb B1, B2 אתגר 422 champion Noun B1 אַלוּף 423 chance Noun A2 הִזדַמְנוּת 424 change Verb Noun A1 שינוי 425 channel Noun B1 עָרוּץ 426 chapter Noun B1 פֶּרֶק 427 character Noun A2 אופי 428 characteristic Noun Adjective B2 מאפיין 429 charge Noun Verb B1 לחייב 430 charity Noun A2 צדקה 431 chart Noun Verb A1, B2 טבלה 432 chat Verb Noun A2 לְשׂוֹחֵחַ 433 cheap Adjective , Adverb A1, B1 זוֹל 434 cheat Verb Noun B1 לְרַמוֹת 435 check Verb Noun A1, A2 חשבון 436 chef Noun A2 שֶׁף 437 cheerful Adjective B1 עַלִיז 438 cheese Noun A1 גבינה 439 chemical Adjective, Noun B1 כִּימִי 440 chemistry Noun A2 כִּימִיָה 441 chest Noun B1 חזה 442 chicken Noun A1 עוף 443 chief Adjective, Noun B2 רֹאשׁ 444 child Noun A1 יֶלֶד 445 childhood Noun B1 יַלדוּת 446 chip Noun A2 שְׁבָב 447 chocolate Noun A1 שוקולד 448 choice Noun A2 בְּחִירָה 449 choose Verb A1 בחר 450 church Noun A2 כְּנֵסִיָה 451 cigarette Noun A2 סִיגַרִיָה 452 cinema Noun A1 בית קולנוע 453 circle Noun Verb A2 מעגל 454 circumstance Noun B2 נסיבות 455 cite Verb B2 לְצַטֵט 456 citizen Noun B2 אֶזרָח 457 city Noun A1 עִיר 458 civil Adjective B2 אֶזרָחִי 459 claim Verb Noun B1 תְבִיעָה 460 class Noun A1 מעמד 461 classic Adjective, Noun B2 קלַאסִי 462 classical Adjective A2 קלַאסִי 463 classroom Noun A1 כיתה 464 clause Noun B1 סָעִיף 465 clean Adjective, Verb A1 לְנַקוֹת 466 clear Adjective, Verb A2, B1 ברור 467 clearly Adverb A2 בְּבִירוּר 468 clever Adjective A2 נבון 469 click Verb Noun B1 נְקִישָׁה 470 client Noun B1 לָקוּחַ 471 climate Noun A2 אַקלִים 472 climb Verb Noun A1, B1 לְטַפֵּס 473 clock Noun A1 שָׁעוֹן 474 close1 Verb Noun A1, B2 close1 475 close2 Adjective , Adverb A2, B1 close2 476 closed Adjective A2 סָגוּר 477 closely Adverb B2 מקרוב 478 cloth Noun B1 בַּד 479 clothes Noun A1 בגדים 480 clothing Noun A2 הַלבָּשָׁה 481 cloud Noun A2 ענן 482 club Noun A1 מוֹעֲדוֹן 483 clue Noun B1 רֶמֶז 484 coach Noun Verb A2, B1 מְאַמֵן 485 coal Noun B1 פֶּחָם 486 coast Noun A2 חוף 487 coat Noun A1 מעיל 488 code Noun A2 קוד 489 coffee Noun A1 קפה 490 coin Noun B1 מַטְבֵּעַ 491 cold Adjective Noun A1 קַר 492 collapse Verb Noun B2 הִתמוֹטְטוּת 493 colleague Noun A2 שותף לעבודה 494 collect Verb A2 לאסוף 495 collection Noun B1 אוסף 496 college Noun A1 מִכלָלָה 497 colour Noun A1 צֶבַע 498 coloured Adjective B1 בצבע 499 column Noun A2 טור 500 combination Noun B2 קוֹמבִּינַצִיָה 501 combine Verb B1 לְשַׁלֵב 502 come Verb A1 לבוא 503 comedy Noun A2 קוֹמֶדִיָה 504 comfort Noun Verb B2 נוחות 505 comfortable Adjective A2 נוֹחַ 506 command Noun Verb B2 פקודה 507 comment Noun Verb A2, B1 תגובה 508 commercial Adjective Noun B1 מִסְחָרִי 509 commission Noun Verb B2 עמלה 510 commit Verb B1 לְבַצֵעַ 511 commitment Noun B2 מְחוּיָבוּת 512 committee Noun B2 וַעֲדָה 513 common Adjective Noun A1 מְשׁוּתָף 514 commonly Adverb B2 בדרך 515 communicate Verb A2 לתקשר 516 communication Noun B1 תִקשׁוֹרֶת 517 community Noun A2 הקהילה 518 company Noun A1 חֶברָה 519 compare Verb A1 לְהַשְׁווֹת 520 comparison Noun B1 השוואה 521 compete Verb A2 להתחרות 522 competition Noun A2 תַחֲרוּת 523 competitor Noun B1 מתחרה 524 competitive Adjective B1 תַחֲרוּתִי 525 complain Verb A2 לְהִתְלוֹנֵן 526 complaint Noun B1 תְלוּנָה 527 complete Adjective Verb A1 לְהַשְׁלִים 528 completely Adverb A2 לַחֲלוּטִין 529 complex Adjective, Noun B1, B2 מורכב 530 complicated Adjective B2 מורכב 531 component Noun B2 רְכִיב 532 computer Noun A1 מַחשֵׁב 533 concentrate Verb B1 לְהִתְרַכֵּז 534 concentration Noun B2 ריכוז 535 concept Noun B2 מוּשָׂג 536 concern Noun Verb B2 דְאָגָה 537 concerned Adjective B2 מודאג 538 concert Noun A1 קוֹנצֶרט 539 conclude Verb B1 לְהַסִיק 540 conclusion Noun B1 סיכום 541 condition Noun A2 מַצָב 542 conduct Verb Noun B2 התנהגות 543 conference Noun A2 וְעִידָה 544 confidence Noun B2 אֵמוּן 545 confident Adjective B1 בטוח 546 confirm Verb B1 לְאַשֵׁר 547 conflict Noun Verb B2 סְתִירָה 548 confuse Verb B1 לְבַלבֵּל 549 confused Adjective B1 מְבוּלבָּל 550 confusing Adjective B2 מְבַלבֵּל 551 connect Verb A2 לְחַבֵּר 552 connected Adjective A2 מְחוּבָּר 553 connection Noun B1 חיבור 554 conscious Adjective B2 מוּדָע 555 consequence Noun B1 תוֹצָאָה 556 conservative Adjective, Noun B2 שמרני 557 consider Verb A2 לשקול 558 consideration Noun B2 הִתחַשְׁבוּת 559 consist Verb B1 לְהַכִיל 560 consistent Adjective B2 עִקבִי 561 constant Adjective B2 קָבוּעַ 562 constantly Adverb B2 תָמִיד 563 construct Verb B2 לִבנוֹת 564 construction Noun B2 בְּנִיָה 565 consume Verb B1 לִצְרוֹך 566 consumer Noun B1 צרכן 567 contact Noun Verb B1 איש קשר 568 contain Verb A2 לְהַכִיל 569 container Noun B1 מְכוֹלָה 570 contemporary Adjective B2 עַכשָׁוִי 571 content Noun B1 תוֹכֶן 572 contest Noun Verb B2 תַחֲרוּת 573 context Noun A2 הֶקשֵׁר 574 continent Noun A2 יַבֶּשֶׁת 575 continue Verb A2 לְהַמשִׁיך 576 continuous Adjective B1 רָצִיף 577 contract Noun Verb B2 חוֹזֶה 578 contrast Noun Verb B1 בניגוד 579 contribute Verb B2 לתרום 580 contribution Noun B2 תְרוּמָה 581 control Noun Verb A2 לִשְׁלוֹט 582 convenient Adjective B1 נוֹחַ 583 conversation Noun A1 שִׂיחָה 584 convert Verb B2 להמיר 585 convince Verb B1 לְשַׁכְנֵעַ 586 convinced Adjective B2 מְשׁוּכנָע 587 cook Verb Noun A1, A2 לְבַשֵׁל 588 cooker Noun A2 מְבַשֵׁל 589 cooking Noun A1 בישול 590 cool Adjective, Verb A1, B1 קריר 591 copy Noun Verb A2 עותק 592 core Noun Adjective B2 הליבה 593 corner Noun A2 פינה 594 corporate Adjective B2 תאגידי 595 correct Adjective Verb A1 נכון 596 correctly Adverb A2 נכונה 597 cost Noun Verb A1 עֲלוּת 598 costume Noun B1 תחפושת 599 cottage Noun B1 בקתה 600 cotton Noun B1 כותנה 601 could Verb A1 הָיָה יָכוֹל 602 council Noun B2 המועצה 603 count Verb Noun A2, B1 לספור 604 country Noun A1 מדינה 605 countryside Noun B1 כפר 606 county Noun B2 מָחוֹז 607 couple Noun A2 זוּג 608 courage Noun B2 אומץ 609 course Noun A1 קוּרס 610 court Noun B1 בית משפט 611 cousin Noun A1 בת דודה 612 cover Verb Noun A2, B1 כיסוי 613 covered Adjective B1 סמוי 614 cow Noun A1 פָּרָה 615 crash Noun Verb B2 לְהִתְרַסֵק 616 crazy Adjective A2 מְטוּרָף 617 cream Noun Adjective A1, B1 קרם 618 create Verb A1 לִיצוֹר 619 creation Noun B2 יצירה 620 creative Adjective A2 יְצִירָתִי 621 creature Noun B2 יְצוּר 622 credit Noun Verb A2, B2 אַשׁרַאי 623 crew Noun B2 צוות 624 crime Noun A2 פֶּשַׁע 625 criminal Noun Adjective A2, B1 פְּלִילִי 626 crisis Noun B2 מַשׁבֵּר 627 criterion Noun B2 קרִיטֶרִיוֹן 628 critic Noun B2 מְבַקֵר 629 critical Adjective B2 קריטי 630 criticism Noun B2 ביקורת 631 criticize Verb B2 לְבַקֵר 632 crop Noun B2 יְבוּל 633 cross Verb Noun A2 לַחֲצוֹת 634 crowd Noun A2 קָהָל 635 crowded Adjective A2 צָפוּף 636 crucial Adjective B2 מַכרִיעַ 637 cruel Adjective B1 אַכְזָרִי 638 cry Verb Noun A2, B2 בוכה 639 cultural Adjective B1 תַרְבּוּתִי 640 culture Noun A1 תַרְבּוּת 641 cup Noun A1 גָבִיעַ 642 cupboard Noun A2 אָרוֹן 643 cure Verb Noun B2 ריפוי 644 curly Adjective A2 מְתוּלתָל 645 currency Noun B1 מַטְבֵּעַ 646 current Adjective, Noun B1, B2 נוֹכְחִי 647 currently Adverb B1 כַּיוֹם 648 curtain Noun B1 וִילוֹן 649 curve Noun Verb B2 עֲקוּמָה 650 curved Adjective B2 מְעוּקָל 651 custom Noun B1 המותאם אישית 652 customer Noun A1 צרכן 653 cut Verb , Noun A1, B1 גזירה 654 cycle Noun Verb A2, B1 מחזור 655 dad Noun A1 אַבָּא 656 daily Adjective, Adverb A2, B1 יומי 657 damage Noun Verb B1 נֵזֶק 658 dance Noun Verb A1 לִרְקוֹד 659 dancer Noun A1 רַקדָן 660 dancing Noun A1 ריקוד 661 danger Noun A2 סַכָּנָה 662 dangerous Adjective A1 מְסוּכָּן 663 dark Adjective, Noun A1, A2 אפל 664 data Noun A2 נתונים 665 date Noun Verb A1, B2 תַאֲרִיך 666 daughter Noun A1 בַּת 667 day Noun A1 יְוֹם 668 dead Adjective A2 מֵת 669 deal Verb Noun A2, B1 עִסקָה 670 dear Adjective, exclam A1, A2 יָקָר 671 death Noun A2 מוות 672 debate Noun Verb B2 עימות 673 debt Noun B2 חוֹב 674 decade Noun B1 עָשׂוֹר 675 December Noun A1 דֵצֶמבֶּר 676 decent Adjective B2 הָגוּן 677 decide Verb A1 לְהַחלִיט 678 decision Noun A2 הַחְלָטָה 679 declare Verb B2 לְהַכרִיז 680 decline Verb Noun B2 יְרִידָה 681 decorate Verb B1 לְקַשֵׁט 682 decoration Noun B2 תַפאוּרָה 683 decrease Verb Noun B2 לְהַקְטִין 684 deep Adjective, Adverb A2, B1 עָמוֹק 685 deeply Adverb B2 באופן מעמיק 686 defeat Verb Noun B2 לִהַבִיס 687 defence Noun B2 הֲגָנָה 688 defend Verb B2 לְהַגֵן 689 define Verb B1 לְהַגדִיר 690 definite Adjective B1 מוּגדָר 691 definitely Adverb A2 בהחלט 692 definition Noun B1 הַגדָרָה 693 degree Noun A2 תוֹאַר 694 delay Verb Noun B2 לְעַכֵּב 695 deliberate Adjective B2 מְכוּוָן 696 deliberately Adverb B2 בכוונה 697 delicious Adjective A1 טָעִים מְאוֹד 698 delight Verb Noun B2 תַעֲנוּג 699 delighted Adjective B2 שַׂמֵחַ 700 deliver Verb B1 לִמְסוֹר 701 delivery Noun B2 מְסִירָה 702 demand Noun Verb B2 דרש 703 demonstrate Verb B2 לְהַפְגִין 704 dentist Noun A2 רופא שיניים 705 deny Verb B2 לְהַכּחִישׁ 706 department Noun A2 מַחלָקָה 707 departure Noun B1 יְצִיאָה 708 depend Verb A2 לִסְמוֹך 709 depressed Adjective B2 מְדוּכָּא 710 depressing Adjective B2 מְדַכֵּא 711 depth Noun B2 עוֹמֶק 712 describe Verb A1 לְתַאֵר 713 description Noun A1 תיאור 714 desert Noun Verb A2, B2 מִדבָּר 715 deserve Verb B2 מגיע 716 design Noun Verb A1 לְעַצֵב 717 designer Noun A2 מְעַצֵב 718 desire Noun Verb B2 רצון עז 719 desk Noun A1 שׁוּלְחָן כְּתִיבָה 720 desperate Adjective B2 נוֹאָשׁ 721 despite prep B1 למרות 722 destination Noun B1 יַעַד 723 destroy Verb A2 להרוס 724 detail Noun Verb A1, B2 פרט 725 detailed Adjective B2 מְפוֹרָט 726 detect Verb B2 לזהות 727 detective Noun A2 בַּלָשׁ 728 determine Verb B1 לקבוע 729 determined Adjective B1 נחוש בדעתו 730 develop Verb A2 לְפַתֵחַ 731 development Noun B1 התפתחות 732 device Noun A2 התקן 733 diagram Noun B1 תרשים 734 dialogue Noun A1 דו שיח 735 diamond Noun B1 יהלום 736 diary Noun A2 יְוֹמָן 737 dictionary Noun A1 מילון 738 die Verb A1 לָמוּת 739 diet Noun A1 דִיאֵטָה 740 difference Noun A1 הֶבדֵל 741 different Adjective A1 שונה 742 differently Adverb A2 באופן שונה 743 difficult Adjective A1 קָשֶׁה 744 difficulty Noun B1 קושי 745 dig Verb B2 לַחפּוֹר 746 digital Adjective A2 דִיגִיטָלי 747 dinner Noun A1 אֲרוּחַת עֶרֶב 748 direct Adjective, Verb Adverb A2, B1 ישיר 749 direction Noun A2 כיוון 750 directly Adverb B1 באופן ישיר 751 director Noun A2 מְנַהֵל 752 dirt Noun B1 עפר 753 dirty Adjective A1 מְלוּכלָך 754 Dis Adverbantage Noun B1 דיס Adverbantage 755 disagree Verb A2 לא מסכים 756 disappear Verb A2 לְהֵעָלֵם 757 disappointed Adjective B1 מְאוּכזָב 758 disappointing Adjective B1 מְאַכזֵב 759 disaster Noun A2 אסון 760 disc Noun B2 דיסק 761 discipline Noun B2 משמעת 762 discount Noun Verb B1, B2 הנחה 763 discover Verb A2 לְגַלוֹת 764 discovery Noun A2 תַגלִית 765 discuss Verb A1 לָדוּן 766 discussion Noun A2 דִיוּן 767 disease Noun A2 מַחֲלָה 768 dish Noun A1 צַלַחַת 769 dishonest Adjective B2 לֹא יָשָׁר 770 dislike Verb Noun B1 לִשְׂנוֹא 771 dismiss Verb B2 לשחרר 772 display Verb Noun B2 לְהַצִיג 773 distance Noun A2 מֶרְחָק 774 distribute Verb B2 לְהָפִיץ 775 distribution Noun B2 הפצה 776 district Noun B2 מָחוֹז 777 divide Verb Noun B1, B2 לחלק 778 division Noun B2 חֲלוּקָה 779 divorced Adjective A2 גרוש 780 do Verb auxiliary verb A1 לַעֲשׂוֹת 781 doctor Noun A1 דוֹקטוֹר 782 document Noun Verb A2, B2 מסמך 783 documentary Noun B1 תיעודי 784 dog Noun A1 כֶּלֶב 785 dollar Noun A1 דוֹלָר 786 domestic Adjective B2 בֵּיתִי 787 dominate Verb B2 לִשְׁלוֹט 788 donate Verb B1 לִתְרוֹם 789 door Noun A1 דלת 790 double Adjective det. proNoun Verb , Adverb A2, B1 לְהַכפִּיל 792 doubt Noun Verb B1 ספק 793 down Adverb Prep A1 מטה 794 download Verb Noun A2 הורד 795 downstairs Adverb , Adjective A1, A2 לְמַטָה 796 downwards Adverb B2 מטה 797 dozen Noun det B2 תְרֵיסַר 798 draft Noun Verb B2 טְיוּטָה 799 drag Verb B2 לִגרוֹר 800 drama Noun A2 דְרָמָה 801 dramatic Adjective B2 דְרָמָטִי 802 draw Verb A1 לצייר 803 drawing Noun A2 צִיוּר 804 dream Noun Verb A2 חולם 805 dress Noun Verb A1 שמלה 806 dressed Adjective B1 לָבוּשׁ 807 drink Noun Verb A1 לִשְׁתוֹת 808 drive Verb Noun A1, A2 נהיגה 809 driver Noun A1 נהג 810 driving Noun A2 נְהִיגָה 811 drop Verb Noun A2, B1 יְרִידָה 812 drug Noun A2 תְרוּפָה 813 drum Noun B1 תוֹף 814 drunk Adjective B1 שיכור 815 dry Adjective, Verb A2 יָבֵשׁ 816 due Adjective B1 בשל 817 during prep A1 בְּמַהֲלָך 818 dust Noun B1 אָבָק 819 duty Noun B1 חוֹבָה 820 DVD Noun A1 DVD 821 each det./proNoun/Adverb A1 כל אחד 822 ear Noun A1 אֹזֶן 823 early Adjective Adverb A1 מוקדם 824 earn Verb A2 להרוויח 825 earth Noun A2 כדור הארץ 826 earthquake Noun B1 רעידת אדמה 827 easily Adverb A2 בְּקַלוּת 828 east Noun Adjective Adverb A1 מזרח 829 eastern Adjective B1 מזרחי 830 easy Adjective A1 קַל 831 eat Verb A1 לאכול 832 economic Adjective B1 כַּלְכָּלִי 833 economy Noun B1 כַּלְכָּלָה 834 edge Noun B1 קָצֶה 835 edit Verb B2 לַעֲרוֹך 836 edition Noun B2 מַהֲדוּרָה 837 editor Noun B1 עוֹרֵך 838 educate Verb B1 לְחַנֵך 839 educated Adjective B1 מְחוּנָך 840 education Noun A2 חינוך 841 educational Adjective B1 חינוך 842 effect Noun A2 השפעה 843 effective Adjective B1 יָעִיל 844 effectively Adverb B1 ביעילות 845 efficient Adjective B2 יָעִיל 846 effort Noun B1 מַאֲמָץ 847 egg Noun A1 ביצה 848 eight number A1 שמונה 849 eighteen number A1 שמונה עשרה 850 eighty number A1 שמונים 851 either det./proNoun Adverb A2 אוֹ 852 elderly Adjective B2 קשיש 853 elect Verb B2 לבחור 854 election Noun B1 בְּחִירָה 855 electric Adjective A2 חשמלי 856 electrical Adjective A2 חַשׁמַלִי 857 electricity Noun A2 חַשְׁמַל 858 electronic Adjective A2 אֶלֶקטרוֹנִי 859 element Noun B1 אֵלֵמֶנט 860 elephant Noun A1 פיל 861 eleven number A1 אחד עשר 862 else Adverb A1 אַחֵר 863 elsewhere Adverb B2 בְּמָקוֹם אַחֵר 864 email Noun Verb A1 אימייל 865 embarrassed Adjective B1 נָבוֹך 866 embarrassing Adjective B1 מֵבִיך 867 emerge Verb B2 לָצֵאת 868 emergency Noun B1 חרום 869 emotion Noun B1 רֶגֶשׁ 870 emotional Adjective B2 רִגשִׁי 871 emphasis Noun B2 דָגֵשׁ 872 emphasize Verb B2 להדגיש 873 employ Verb A2 לְהַעֲסִיק 874 employee Noun A2 עוֹבֵד 875 employer Noun A2 מעסיק 876 employment Noun B1 תעסוקה 877 empty Adjective, Verb A2, B1 ריק 878 enable Verb B2 לְאַפשֵׁר 879 encounter Verb Noun B2 פְּגִישָׁה 880 encourage Verb B1 לְעוֹדֵד 881 end Noun Verb A1 סוֹף 882 ending Noun A2 סִיוּם 883 enemy Noun B1 אוֹיֵב 884 energy Noun A2 אֵנֶרְגִיָה 885 engage Verb B2 לחתור למגע 886 engaged Adjective B1 מאורס 887 engine Noun A2 מנוע 888 engineer Noun A2 מהנדס 889 engineering Noun B1 הַנדָסָה 890 enhance Verb B2 להגביר 891 enjoy Verb A1 תהנה 892 enormous Adjective A2 עֲנָקִי 893 enough det. proNoun Adverb A1 מספיק 894 enquiry Noun B2 חֲקִירָה 895 ensure Verb B2 לְהַבטִיחַ 896 enter Verb A2 להיכנס 897 entertain Verb B1 לְבַדֵר 898 entertainment Noun B1 בידור 899 enthusiasm Noun B2 הִתלַהֲבוּת 900 enthusiastic Adjective B2 נלהב 901 entire Adjective B2 שלם 902 entirely Adverb B2 לַחֲלוּטִין 903 entrance Noun B1 כְּנִיסָה 904 entry Noun B1 כְּנִיסָה 905 environment Noun A2 סביבה 906 environmental Adjective B1 סְבִיבָתִי 907 episode Noun B1 פרק 908 equal Adjective, Verb Noun B1, B2 שווה 909 equally Adverb B1 באופן שווה 910 equipment Noun A2 צִיוּד 911 error Noun A2 שְׁגִיאָה 912 escape Verb Noun B1 בריחה 913 especially Adverb A2 במיוחד 914 essay Noun A2 מַסָה 915 essential Adjective B1 חִיוּנִי 916 establish Verb B2 לְהַקִים 917 estate Noun B2 נכס 918 estimate Verb Noun B2 לְהַעֲרִיך 919 ethical Adjective B2 אֶתִי 920 euro Noun A1 יוֹרוֹ 921 evaluate Verb B2 להעריך 922 even AdVerb Adjective A1, B2 אֲפִילוּ 923 evening Noun A1 עֶרֶב 924 event Noun A1 מִקרֶה 925 eventually Adverb B1 בסופו של דבר 926 ever Adverb A1 אֵיִ פַּעַם 927 every det A1 כֹּל 928 everybody proNoun A1 כולם 929 everyday Adjective A2 כל יום 930 everyone proNoun A1 כל אחד 931 everything proNoun A1 הכל 932 everywhere Adverb A2 בכל מקום 933 evidence Noun A2 עֵדוּת 934 evil Adjective, Noun B2 רוע 935 exact Adjective A2 מְדוּיָק 936 exactly Adverb A2 בְּדִיוּק 937 exam Noun A1 מבחן 938 examination Noun B2 בְּדִיקָה 939 examine Verb B1 לִבחוֹן 940 example Noun A1 דוגמא 941 excellent Adjective A2 מְעוּלֶה 942 except prep, conj A2, B1 מלבד 943 exchange Noun Verb B1 לְהַחלִיף 944 excited Adjective A1 נִרגָשׁ 945 excitement Noun B1 התרגשות 946 exciting Adjective A1 מְרַגֵשׁ 947 excuse Noun Verb B2 סְלִיחָה 948 executive Noun Adjective B2 מְנַהֵל 949 exercise Noun Verb A1 תרגיל 950 exhibition Noun B1 תערוכה 951 exist Verb A2 קיימים 952 existence Noun B2 קִיוּם 953 expand Verb B1 לְהַרְחִיב 954 expect Verb A2 לְצַפּוֹת 955 expectation Noun B2 תוֹחֶלֶת 956 expected Adjective B1 צָפוּי 957 expedition Noun B1 מִשׁלַחַת 958 expense Noun B2 הוֹצָאָה 959 expensive Adjective A1 יָקָר 960 experience Noun Verb A2, B1 ניסיון 961 experienced Adjective B1 מְנוּסֶה 962 experiment Noun Verb A2, B1 לְנַסוֹת 963 expert Noun Adjective A2 מוּמחֶה 964 explain Verb A1 להסביר 965 explanation Noun A2 הֶסבֵּר 966 explode Verb B1 לְהִתְפּוֹצֵץ 967 exploration Noun B2 חֲקִירָה 968 explore Verb B1 לַחקוֹר 969 explosion Noun B1 הִתְפּוֹצְצוּת 970 export Noun Verb B1 יְצוּא 971 expose Verb B2 לַחשׂוֹף 972 express Verb A2 אֶקְסְפּרֶס 973 expression Noun A2 ביטוי 974 extend Verb B2 לְהַאֲרִיך 975 extent Noun B2 במידה 976 external Adjective B2 חיצוני 977 extra Adjective, Noun Adverb A1, B1 תוֹסֶפֶת 978 extraordinary Adjective B2 יוצאת דופן 979 extreme Adjective, Noun A2, B2 קיצוני 980 extremely Adverb A2 מְאוֹד 981 eye Noun A1 עַיִן 982 face Noun Verb A1, B1 פָּנִים 983 facility Noun B2 מִתקָן 984 fact Noun A1 עוּבדָה 985 factor Noun A2 גורם 986 factory Noun A2 בית חרושת 987 fail Verb A2 לְהִכָּשֵׁל 988 failure Noun B2 כישלון 989 fair Adjective A2 יריד 990 fairly Adverb B1 לְמַדַי 991 faith Noun B2 אֱמוּנָה 992 fall Verb Noun A1, A2 נפילה 993 FALSE Adjective A1 שֶׁקֶר 994 familiar Adjective B1 מוּכָּר 995 family Noun Adjective A1 מִשׁפָּחָה 996 famous Adjective A1 מפורסם 997 fan Noun A2 אוהד 998 fancy Verb Adjective B1 לְחַבֵּב 999 fantastic Adjective A1 פַנטַסטִי 1000 far Adverb , Adjective A1, B1 רָחוֹק 1001 farm Noun Verb A1, A2 חווה חקלאית 1002 farmer Noun A1 חַקלאַי 1003 farming Noun A2 חַקלָאוּת 1004 fascinating Adjective B1 מַקסִים 1005 fashion Noun A2 אופנה 1006 fashionable Adjective B1 אופנתי 1007 fast Adjective, Adverb A1 מָהִיר 1008 fasten Verb B1 לְהַדֵק 1009 fat Adjective, Noun A1, A2 שמן 1010 father Noun A1 אַבָּא 1011 fault Noun B2 אשמה 1012 favour Noun Verb B1, B2 טוֹבָה 1013 favourite Adjective, Noun A1 אהוב 1014 fear Noun Verb A2, B1 פַּחַד 1015 feather Noun B2 נוֹצָה 1016 feature Noun Verb A2, B1 תכונה 1017 February Noun A1 פברואר 1018 fee Noun B2 תַשְׁלוּם 1019 feed Verb Noun A2, B2 הזנה 1020 feedback Noun B2 מָשׁוֹב 1021 feel Verb Noun A1, B2 להרגיש 1022 feeling Noun A1 מַרגִישׁ 1023 fellow Adjective B2 עָמִית 1024 female Adjective, Noun A2 נְקֵבָה 1025 fence Noun B1 גָדֵר 1026 festival Noun A1 פֶסטִיבָל 1027 few det./Adjective, proNoun A1 מְעַטִים 1028 fiction Noun A2 ספרות בדיונית 1029 field Noun A2 שדה 1030 fifteen number A1 חֲמֵשׁ עֶשׂרֵה 1031 fifth number A1 חמישי 1032 fifty number A1 חמישים 1033 fight Verb Noun A2 מַאֲבָק 1034 fighting Noun B1 לְחִימָה 1035 figure Noun Verb A2, B2 דמות 1036 file Noun Verb B1, B2 קוֹבֶץ 1037 fill Verb A1 למלא 1038 film Noun Verb A1, A2 סרט צילום 1039 final Adjective, Noun A1, A2 סופי 1040 finally Adverb A2 סוף סוף 1041 finance Noun Verb B2 לְמַמֵן 1042 financial Adjective B1 כַּספִּי 1043 find Verb A1 למצוא 1044 finding Noun B2 מִמצָא 1045 fine Adjective A1 בסדר גמור 1046 finger Noun A2 אֶצבַּע 1047 finish Verb Noun A1, A2 סיים 1048 fire Noun Verb A1, B1 אֵשׁ 1049 firm Noun B2 מוּצָק 1050 first det./number.AdVerb Noun A1, A2 ראשון 1051 firstly Adverb A2 קוֹדֶם כֹּל 1052 fish Noun Verb A1, A2 דג 1053 fishing Noun A2 דיג 1054 fit Verb Adjective A2 לְהַתְאִים 1055 fitness Noun B1 כושר 1056 five number A1 חָמֵשׁ 1057 fix Verb Noun A2, B2 לתקן 1058 fixed Adjective B1 תוקן 1059 flag Noun B1 דֶגֶל 1060 flame Noun B2 לֶהָבָה 1061 flash Noun Verb B2 הֶבזֵק 1062 flat Noun Adjective A1, A2 שָׁטוּחַ 1063 flexible Adjective B2 גָמִישׁ 1064 flight Noun A1 טִיסָה 1065 float Verb B2 לָצוּף 1066 flood Noun Verb B1 הצפה 1067 floor Noun A1 קוֹמָה 1068 flour Noun B1 קמח 1069 flow Verb Noun B1 זְרִימָה 1070 flower Noun A1 פֶּרַח 1071 flu Noun A2 שַׁפַעַת 1072 fly Verb Noun A1, A2 לטוס, זבוב 1073 flying Noun Adjective A2 עַף 1074 focus Verb Noun A2 מוֹקֵד 1075 fold Verb Noun B1, B2 לְקַפֵּל 1076 folding Adjective B2 מִתקַפֵּל 1077 folk Noun Adjective B1 אֲנָשִׁים 1078 follow Verb A1 לעקוב אחר 1079 following Adjective, Noun prep A2, B1, B2 הבא 1080 food Noun A1 מזון 1081 foot Noun A1 כף רגל 1082 football Noun A1 כדורגל 1083 for prep. A1 ל 1084 force NounVerb B1 כּוֹחַ 1085 foreign Adjective A2 זָר 1086 forest Noun A2 יַעַר 1087 forever Adverb B1 לָנֶצַח 1088 forget Verb A1 לשכוח 1089 forgive Verb B2 לִסְלוֹחַ 1090 fork Noun A2 מזלג 1091 form NounVerb A1 טופס 1092 formal Adjective A2 רִשְׁמִי 1093 former Adjective B2 לְשֶׁעָבַר 1094 fortunately Adverb A2 לְמַרְבֶּה הַמַזָל 1095 fortune Noun B2 הון עתק 1096 forty number A1 ארבעים 1097 forward AdVerb Adjective A2, B2 קָדִימָה 1098 found Verb B2 מצאתי 1099 four number A1 ארבעה 1100 fourteen number A1 ארבעה עשר 1101 fourth number A1 רביעי 1102 frame NounVerb B1 מִסגֶרֶת 1103 free Adjective, AdVerb Verb A1,A2,B2 חינם 1104 freedom Noun B2 חוֹפֶשׁ 1105 freeze Verb B1 הַקפָּאָה 1106 frequency Noun B2 תדירות 1107 frequently Adverb B1 בתדירות גבוהה 1108 fresh Adjective A2 טָרִי 1109 Friday Noun A1 יוֹם שִׁישִׁי 1110 fridge Noun A2 מְקָרֵר 1111 friend Noun A1 חבר 1112 friendly Adjective A1 יְדִידוּתִי 1113 friendship Noun B1 חֲבֵרוּת 1114 frighten Verb B1 להפחיד 1115 frightened Adjective B1 מבוהל 1116 frightening Adjective B1 מפחיד 1117 frog Noun A2 צְפַרְדֵעַ 1118 from prep A1 מ 1119 front Noun Adjective A1 חֲזִית 1120 frozen Adjective B1 קָפוּא 1121 fruit Noun A1 פרי 1122 fry Verb B1 לטגן 1123 fuel Noun Verb B1, B2 לתדלק 1124 full Adjective A1 מלא 1125 fully Adverb B2 לְגַמרֵי 1126 fun Noun Adjective A1, A2 כֵּיף 1127 function Noun Verb B1, B2 פוּנקצִיָה 1128 fund Noun Verb B2 קֶרֶן 1129 fundamental Adjective B2 בסיסי 1130 funding Noun B2 מימון 1131 funny Adjective A1 מצחיק 1132 fur Noun B1 פרווה 1133 furniture Noun A2 רְהִיטִים 1134 further Adjective, Adverb A2, B1 נוסף 1135 furthermore Adverb B2 יתר על כן 1136 future Noun Adjective A1, A2 עתיד 1137 gain Verb Noun B2 לְהַשִׂיג 1138 gallery Noun A2 גלריה 1139 game Noun A1 מִשְׂחָק 1140 gang Noun B2 כְּנוּפִיָה 1141 gap Noun A2 פער 1142 garage Noun B1 מוּסָך 1143 garden Noun A1 גן 1144 gas Noun A2 גַז 1145 gate Noun A2 שַׁעַר 1146 gather Verb B1 לאסוף 1147 general Adjective A2 כללי 1148 generally Adverb B1 בדרך כלל 1149 generate Verb B2 לִיצוֹר 1150 generation Noun B1 דוֹר 1151 generous Adjective B1 נָדִיב 1152 genre Noun B2 ז’ָאנר 1153 gentle Adjective B1 עָדִין 1154 gentleman Noun B1 ג’ֶנטֶלמֶן 1155 geography Noun A1 גֵאוֹגרַפיָה 1156 get Verb A1 לקבל 1157 ghost Noun B1 רוּחַ 1158 giant Adjective, Noun B1 עֲנָק 1159 gift Noun A2 מתנה 1160 girl Noun A1 ילדה 1161 girlfriend Noun A1 חֲבֵרָה 1162 give Verb A1 לָתֵת 1163 glad Adjective B1 שַׂמֵחַ 1164 glass Noun A1 זכוכית 1165 global Adjective B1 גלוֹבָּלִי 1166 glove Noun B1 כְּפָפָה 1167 go Verb Noun A1, B1 ללכת 1168 goal Noun A2 מטרה 1169 God Noun A2 אלוהים 1170 gold Noun Adjective A2 זהב 1171 golf Noun A2 גוֹלף 1172 good Adjective, Noun A1, A2 טוֹב 1173 goodbye exclam. Noun A1 הֱיה שלום 1174 goods Noun B1 סְחוֹרוֹת 1175 govern Verb B2 לִמשְׁוֹל 1176 government Noun A2 מֶמְשָׁלָה 1177 grab Verb B2 לִתְפּוֹס 1178 grade Noun Verb B1, B2 כיתה 1179 gradually Adverb B2 באופן הדרגתי 1180 graduate Noun Verb B1 בוגר 1181 grain Noun B1 תְבוּאָה 1182 grand Adjective B2 גָדוֹל 1183 grandfather Noun A1 סָבָּא 1184 grandmother Noun A1 סַבתָא 1185 grandparent Noun A1 סָבָּא אוֹ סָבתָא 1186 grant Verb Noun B2 מענק 1187 grass Noun A2 דֶשֶׁא 1188 grateful Adjective B1 אסיר תודה 1189 great Adjective A1 גדול 1190 green Adjective, Noun A1 ירוק 1191 greet Verb A2 לברך 1192 grey Adjective, Noun A1 אפור 1193 ground Noun A2 קרקע, אדמה 1194 group Noun A1 קְבוּצָה 1195 grow Verb A1 לגדול 1196 growth Noun B1 צְמִיחָה 1197 guarantee Verb Noun B2 להבטיח 1198 guard Noun Verb B1 שומר 1199 guess Verb Noun A1 לְנַחֵשׁ 1200 guest Noun A2 אוֹרֵחַ 1201 guide Noun Verb A2 להנחות 1202 guilty Adjective B1 אָשֵׁם 1203 guitar Noun A1 גִיטָרָה 1204 gun Noun A2 אֶקְדָח 1205 guy Noun A2 בָּחוּר 1206 gym Noun A1 חדר כושר 1207 habit Noun A2 הֶרגֵל 1208 hair Noun A1 שיער 1209 half Noundet.proNoun, Adverb A1, A2 חֲצִי 1210 hall Noun A2 אולם 1211 hand Noun Verb A1, B1 יד 1212 handle Verb Noun B2 ידית 1213 hang Verb B1 לִתְלוֹת 1214 happen Verb A1 לִקְרוֹת 1215 happily Adverb A2 בשמחה 1216 happiness Noun B1 אושר 1217 happy Adjective A1 שַׂמֵחַ 1218 hard Adjective, Adverb A1 קָשֶׁה 1219 hardly Adverb B1 בְּקוֹשִׁי 1220 harm Noun Verb B2 לפגוע 1221 harmful Adjective B2 מַזִיק 1222 hat Noun A1 כּוֹבַע 1223 hate Verb Noun A1, B1 שִׂנאָה 1224 have Verb auxiliary Verb A1, A2 יש 1225 have to modal Verb A1 צריך מודאלי 1226 he proNoun A1 הוא 1227 head Noun Verb A1, B1 רֹאשׁ 1228 headache Noun A2 כְּאֵב רֹאשׁ 1229 headline Noun B1 כּוֹתֶרֶת 1230 health Noun A1 בְּרִיאוּת 1231 healthy Adjective A1 בָּרִיא 1232 hear Verb A1 לִשְׁמוֹעַ 1233 hearing Noun B2 שמיעה 1234 heart Noun A2 לֵב 1235 heat Noun Verb A2 חוֹם 1236 heating Noun B1 הַסָקָה 1237 heaven Noun B2 גן העדן 1238 heavily Adverb B1 בִּכְבֵדוּת 1239 heavy Adjective A2 כָּבֵד 1240 heel Noun B2 עָקֵב 1241 height Noun A2 גוֹבַה 1242 helicopter Noun B1 מַסוֹק 1243 hell Noun B2 גֵיהִנוֹם 1244 hello exclam./Noun A1 שלום 1245 help Verb Noun A1 עֶזרָה 1246 helpful Adjective A2 מוֹעִיל 1247 her proNoundet A1 שֶׁלָה 1248 here Adverb A1 פה 1249 hero Noun A2 גיבור 1250 hers proNoun A2 שֶׁלָה 1251 herself proNoun A2 עַצמָה 1252 hesitate Verb B2 לְהַסֵס 1253 hey exclam A1 היי 1254 hi exclam A1 היי 1255 hide Verb A2 להתחבא 1256 high Adjective, AdVerb Noun A1, A2, B2 גָבוֹהַ 1257 highlight Verb Noun B1 שִׂיא 1258 highly Adverb B1 מְאוֹד 1259 hill Noun A2 גִבעָה 1260 him proNoun A1 אוֹתוֹ 1261 himself proNoun A2 עַצמוֹ 1262 hire Verb Noun B1, B2 לִשְׂכּוֹר 1263 his det. proNoun A1, A2 שֶׁלוֹ 1264 historic Adjective B1 הִיסטוֹרִי 1265 historical Adjective B1 הִיסטוֹרִי 1266 history Noun A1 הִיסטוֹרִיָה 1267 hit Verb Noun A2 מכה 1268 hobby Noun A1 תַחבִּיב 1269 hockey Noun A2 הוֹקֵי 1270 hold Verb Noun A2, B2 לְהַחזִיק 1271 hole Noun A2 חור 1272 holiday Noun A1 חַג 1273 hollow Adjective B2 חָלוּל 1274 holy Adjective B2 קָדוֹשׁ 1275 home Noun AdVerb Adjective A1, A2 בית 1276 homework Noun A1 שיעורי בית 1277 honest Adjective B1 יָשָׁר 1278 honour Noun Verb B2 כָּבוֹד 1279 hope Verb Noun A1, A2 לְקַווֹת 1280 horrible Adjective B1 מַחרִיד 1281 horror Noun B1 חֲרָדָה 1282 horse Noun A1 סוּס 1283 hospital Noun A1 בית חולים 1284 host Noun Verb B1, B2 מנחה 1285 hot Adjective A1 חַם 1286 hotel Noun A1 מלון 1287 hour Noun A1 שָׁעָה 1288 house Noun Verb A1, B2 בַּיִת 1289 household Noun B2 בית 1290 housing Noun B2 דיור 1291 how Adverb A1 אֵיך 1292 however Adverb A1 למרות זאת 1293 huge Adjective A2 עָצוּם 1294 human Adjective, Noun A2 בן אנוש 1295 humorous Adjective B2 הומוריסטי 1296 humour Noun B2 הוּמוֹר 1297 hundred number A1 מֵאָה 1298 hungry Adjective A1 רעב 1299 hunt Verb Noun B1, B2 לָצוּד 1300 hunting Noun B2 ציד 1301 hurricane Noun B1 הוֹרִיקָן 1302 hurry Noun Verb B1 לְמַהֵר 1303 hurt Verb Adjective Noun A2, B2 כאב 1304 husband Noun A1 בַּעַל 1305 I proNoun A1 אני 1306 ice Noun A1 קרח 1307 ice cream Noun A1 גלידה 1308 idea Noun A1 רַעְיוֹן 1309 ideal Adjective , Noun A2, B2 אִידֵאָלִי 1310 identify Verb A2 לזהות 1311 identity Noun B1 זהות 1312 if conj. A1 אם 1313 ignore Verb B1 להתעלם 1314 ill Adjective A2 חולה 1315 illegal Adjective B1 בִּלתִי חוּקִי 1316 illness Noun A2 מחלה 1317 illustrate Verb B2 להמחיש 1318 illustration Noun B2 אִיוּר 1319 image Noun A2 תמונה 1320 imaginary Adjective B1 דִמיוֹנִי 1321 imagination Noun B2 דִמיוֹן 1322 imagine Verb A1 לדמיין 1323 immediate Adjective B1 מִיָדִי 1324 immediately Adverb A2 מיד 1325 immigrant Noun B1 מְהַגֵר 1326 impact Noun Verb B1 פְּגִיעָה 1327 impatient Adjective B2 חסר סבלנות 1328 imply Verb B2 לִרְמוֹז 1329 import Noun Verb B1 יְבוּא 1330 importance Noun B1 חֲשִׁיבוּת 1331 important Adjective A1 חָשׁוּב 1332 impose Verb B2 לֶאֱכוֹף 1333 impossible Adjective A2 בלתי אפשרי 1334 impress Verb B2 לְהַרְשִׁים 1335 impressed Adjective B2 התרשמנו 1336 impression Noun B1 רוֹשֶׁם 1337 impressive Adjective B1 מרשימים 1338 improve Verb A1 לְשַׁפֵּר 1339 improvement Noun B1 הַשׁבָּחָה 1340 in prep., Adverb A1 ב 1341 inch Noun B2 אִינְטשׁ 1342 incident Noun B2 תַקרִית 1343 include Verb A1 לִכלוֹל 1344 included Adjective A2 כלול 1345 including prep. A2 לְרַבּוֹת 1346 income Noun B2 הַכנָסָה 1347 increase Verb Noun A2 להגביר 1348 increasingly Adverb B2 יותר ויותר 1349 incredible Adjective A2 מדהים 1350 incredibly Adverb B1 מאוד 1351 indeed Adverb B1 אכן 1352 independent Adjective A2 עצמאי 1353 indicate Verb B1 מצביע 1354 indirect Adjective B1 עקיף 1355 individual Noun, adj A2 אִישִׁי 1356 indoor Adjective B1 מקורה 1357 indoors Adverb B1 בתוך בית 1358 industrial Adjective B2 תַעֲשִׂיָתִי 1359 industry Noun A2 תַעֲשִׂיָה 1360 infection Noun B2 הַדבָּקָה 1361 influence NounVerb B1 לְהַשְׁפִּיעַ 1362 inform Verb B2 לדווח 1363 informal Adjective A2 לא רשמי 1364 information Noun A1 מֵידָע 1365 ingredient Noun B1 מַרכִּיב 1366 initial Adjective B2 התחלתי 1367 initially Adverb B2 בתחילה 1368 initiative Noun B2 יוזמה 1369 injure Verb B1 לִפְגוֹעַ 1370 injured Adjective B1 נִפגָע 1371 injury Noun A2 פציעה 1372 inner Adjective B2 פְּנִימִי 1373 innocent Adjective B1 תמים 1374 insect Noun A2 חֶרֶק 1375 inside prep.Adverb Noun Adjective A2 בְּתוֹך 1376 insight Noun B2 תוֹבָנָה 1377 insist Verb B2 מתעקש 1378 inspire Verb B2 השראה 1379 install Verb B2 להתקין 1380 instance Noun B2 למשל 1381 instead Adverb A2 במקום 1382 institute Noun B2 מכון 1383 institution Noun B2 מוֹסָד 1384 instruction Noun A2 הוראה 1385 instructor Noun A2 מַדְרִיך 1386 instrument Noun A2 כלי 1387 insurance Noun B2 ביטוח 1388 intelligence Noun B1 אינטליגנציה 1389 intelligent Adjective A2 אִינְטֶלִיגֶנְטִי 1390 intend Verb B1 מתכוון 1391 intended Adjective B2 התכוון 1392 intense Adjective B2 אִינטֶנסִיבִי 1393 intention Noun B1 מַטָרָה 1394 interest Noun Verb A1 ריבית 1395 interested Adjective A1 מעוניין 1396 interesting Adjective A1 מעניין 1397 internal Adjective B2 פְּנִימִי 1398 international Adjective A2 בינלאומי 1399 internet Noun A1 מרשתת 1400 interpret Verb B2 לפרש 1401 interrupt Verb B2 פסיקת 1402 interview Noun Verb A1 רֵאָיוֹן 1403 into prep. A1 לְתוֹך 1404 introduce Verb A1 הצג 1405 introduction Noun A2 מבוא 1406 invent Verb A2 לִהַמצִיא 1407 invention Noun A2 הַמצָאָה 1408 invest Verb B1 להשקיע 1409 investigate Verb B1 לַחקוֹר 1410 investigation Noun B2 חֲקִירָה 1411 investment Noun B2 הַשׁקָעָה 1412 invitation Noun A2 הַזמָנָה 1413 invite Verb A2 להזמין 1414 involve Verb A2 כרוך 1415 involved Adjective B1 מְעוּרָב 1416 iron Noun Verb B1 בַּרזֶל 1417 island Noun A1 אִי 1418 issue Noun, Verb B1, B2 נושא 1419 IT Noun B1 זה 1420 it proNoun A1 זה 1421 item Noun A2 פריט 1422 its det. A1 שֶׁלָה 1423 itself proNoun A2 עצמו 1424 jacket Noun A1 ז’ָקֵט 1425 jam Noun A2 ריבה 1426 January Noun A1 יָנוּאָר 1427 jazz Noun A2 ג’ֶז 1428 jeans Noun A1 גִ’ינס 1429 jewellery Noun A2 תַכשִׁיטִים 1430 job Noun A1 עבודה 1431 join Verb A1 לְהִצְטַרֵף 1432 joke Noun Verb A2 בדיחה 1433 journal Noun B1 כתב עת 1434 journalist Noun A2 עִתוֹנָאִי 1435 journey Noun A1 מסע 1436 joy Noun B2 שִׂמְחָה 1437 judge Noun Verb B1 לִשְׁפּוֹט 1438 judgement Noun B2 פְּסַק דִין 1439 juice Noun A1 מיץ 1440 July Noun A1 יולי 1441 jump Verb Noun A2 קְפִיצָה 1442 June Noun A1 יוני 1443 junior Adjective B2 זוּטָר 1444 just Adverb A1 רַק 1445 justice Noun B2 צֶדֶק 1446 justify Verb B2 לְהַצְדִיק 1447 keen Adjective B1 נִלהָב 1448 keep Verb A1 לִשְׁמוֹר 1449 key Noun, Adjective Verb A1, B1 מַפְתֵחַ 1450 keyboard Noun B1 מקלדת 1451 kick Verb Noun B1 בְּעִיטָה 1452 kid Noun A2 יֶלֶד 1453 kill Verb A2 לַהֲרוֹג 1454 killing Noun B1 הֶרֶג 1455 kilometre Noun A1 קִילוֹמֶטֶר 1456 kind(type) Noun A1 סוג (סוג) 1457 kind(caring) Adjective B1 סוג (אכפתיות) 1458 king Noun A2 מלך 1459 kiss Verb Noun B1 נְשִׁיקָה 1460 kitchen Noun A1 מִטְבָּח 1461 knee Noun A2 הברך 1462 knife Noun A2 סַכִּין 1463 knock Verb , Noun A2, B1 נְקִישָׁה 1464 know Verb A1 לָדַעַת 1465 knowledge Noun A2 יֶדַע 1466 lab Noun A2 מַעבָּדָה 1467 label Noun Verb B1 תווית 1468 laboratory Noun B1 מַעבָּדָה 1469 labour Noun B2 עבודה 1470 lack Noun Verb B1 חוֹסֶר 1471 lady Noun A2 גברת 1472 lake Noun A2 אֲגַם 1473 lamp Noun A2 מנורה 1474 land Noun, Verb A1, A2 ארץ 1475 landscape Noun B2 נוֹף 1476 language Noun A1 שפה 1477 laptop Noun A2 מחשב נייד 1478 large Adjective A1 גָדוֹל 1479 largely Adverb B2 במידה רבה 1480 last1 (final) det., Adverb n A1, A2 last1 (סופי) 1481 last1 (taking time) Verb A2 last1 (לוקח זמן) 1482 late Adjective Adverb A1 מאוחר 1483 later Adverb , Adjective A1, A2 יותר מאוחר 1484 latest Adjective , Noun B1, B2 הכי מאוחר 1485 laugh Verb Noun A1 לִצְחוֹק 1486 laughter Noun A2 צחוק 1487 launch Verb Noun B2 לְהַשִׁיק 1488 law Noun A2 חוֹק 1489 lawyer Noun A2 עורך דין 1490 lay Verb B1 לְהַנִיחַ 1491 layer Noun B1 שִׁכבָה 1492 lazy Adjective A2 עָצֵל 1493 lead Verb , Noun A2, B1 עוֹפֶרֶת 1494 leader Noun A2 מַנהִיג 1495 leadership Noun B2 מַנהִיגוּת 1496 leading Adjective B1 מוֹבִיל 1497 leaf Noun B1 עלה 1498 league Noun B2 לִיגָה 1499 lean Verb B2 רָזֶה 1500 learn Verb A1 לִלמוֹד 1501 learning Noun A2 לְמִידָה 1502 least det./proNoun Adverb A2 הכי פחות 1503 leather Noun B1 עוֹר 1504 leave Verb , Noun A1, B2 לעזוב 1505 lecture Noun Verb A2 הַרצָאָה 1506 left Adjective Adverb Verb A1 שמאלה 1507 leg Noun A1 רגל 1508 legal Adjective B1 משפטי 1509 leisure Noun B1 פְּנַאִי 1510 lemon Noun A2 לימון 1511 lend Verb A2 לְהַלווֹת 1512 length Noun B1 אורך 1513 less det./pro Noun Adverb A2 פָּחוֹת 1514 lesson Noun A1 שיעור 1515 let Verb A1 לתת 1516 letter Noun A1 מִכְתָב 1517 level Noun, Adjective , Verb A2, B1, B2 רָמָה 1518 library Noun A1 סִפְרִיָה 1519 licence Noun B2 רישיון 1520 lie Verb A1 שקר 1521 lie Verb Noun B2 שקר 1522 life Noun A1 חַיִים 1523 lifestyle Noun A2 סגנון חיים 1524 lift Verb Noun מעלית 1525 light (from the sun/a lamp) Noun Adverb , Verb A1, A2 אור (מהשמש / מנורה) 1526 light (not heavy) Adjective A2 אור (לא כבד) 1527 like (similar) prep. A1 כמו (דומה) 1528 like (find sb/sth pleasant) Verb , n A1, B1 כמו (למצוא SB / sth נעימה) 1529 Noun B1 שֵׁם עֶצֶם 1530 likely Adjective A2 סָבִיר 1531 limit Noun Verb B1 לְהַגבִּיל 1532 limited Adjective B2 מוגבל 1533 line Noun, Verb A1, B2 קַו 1534 link Noun Verb A2 קישור 1535 lion Noun A1 אַריֵה 1536 lip Noun B1 שָׂפָה 1537 liquid Noun Adjective B1 נוזל 1538 list Noun Verb A1 רשימה 1539 listen Verb A1 להקשיב 1540 listener Noun A2 מַאֲזִין 1541 literature Noun B1 סִפְרוּת 1542 little Adjective det./proNoun, Adverb A1, A2 קטן 1543 live1 Verb A1 live1 1544 live2 Adjective Adverb B1 live2 1545 lively Adjective B2 מלא חיים 1546 living Adjective Noun B1 חַי 1547 load Noun Verb B2 לִטעוֹן 1548 loan Noun B2 לְהַלווֹת 1549 local Adjective , Noun A1, B1 מְקוֹמִי 1550 locate Verb B1 לְאַתֵר 1551 located Adjective B1 ממוקם 1552 location Noun B1 מקום 1553 lock Verb Noun A2 לנעול 1554 logical Adjective B2 הגיוני 1555 lonely Adjective B1 בּוֹדֵד 1556 long Adjective Adverb A1 ארוך 1557 long-term Adjective Adverb B2 טווח ארוך 1558 look Verb , Noun A1, A2 תראה 1559 loose Adjective B2 מְשׁוּחרָר 1560 lord Noun B2 אָדוֹן 1561 lorry Noun A2 מַשָׂאִית 1562 lose Verb A1 לאבד 1563 loss Noun B1 הֶפסֵד 1564 lost Adjective A2 אָבֵד 1565 lot proNoun det. Adverb A1 מִגרָשׁ 1566 loud Adjective Adverb A2 בְּקוֹל רָם 1567 loudly Adverb A2 בקולי קולות 1568 love Noun Verb A1 אהבה 1569 lovely Adjective A2 חביב 1570 low Adjective Adverb , n A2, B2 נָמוּך 1571 lower Verb B2 נמוך יותר 1572 luck Noun A2 מַזָל 1573 lucky Adjective A2 בַּר מַזָל 1574 lunch Noun A1 ארוחת צהריים 1575 lung Noun B2 ריאות 1576 luxury Noun B1 מוּתָרוּת 1577 machine Noun A1 מְכוֹנָה 1578 mad Adjective B1 מְטוּרָף 1579 magazine Noun A1 מגזין 1580 magic Noun Adjective B1 קֶסֶם 1581 mail Noun Verb A2 דוֹאַר 1582 main Adjective A1 רָאשִׁי 1583 mainly Adverb B1 בעיקר 1584 maintain Verb B2 לְתַחְזֵק 1585 major Adjective A2 גדול 1586 majority Noun B2 רוֹב 1587 make Verb , Noun A1, B2 עשה 1588 male Adjective Noun A2 זָכָר 1589 mall Noun B1 קֶנִיוֹן 1590 man Noun A1 איש 1591 manage Verb A2 לנהל 1592 management Noun B1 הַנהָלָה 1593 manager Noun A2 מנהל 1594 manner Noun A2 דֶרֶך 1595 many det./proNoun A1 רב 1596 map Noun, Verb A1, B2 מַפָּה 1597 March Noun A1 מרץ 1598 mark Verb Noun A2 סימן 1599 market Noun, Verb A1, B1 שׁוּק 1600 marketing Noun B1 שיווק 1601 marriage Noun B1 נישואים 1602 married Adjective A1 נָשׂוּי 1603 marry Verb A2 לְהִתְחַתֵן 1604 mass Noun Adjective B2 מסה 1605 massive Adjective B2 מַסִיבִי 1606 master Noun Verb B2 לִשְׁלוֹט 1607 match (contest/correspond) Noun Verb A1 משחק (תחרות / להתכתב) 1608 matching Adjective B2 תוֹאֵם 1609 material Noun, Adjective A2, B2 חוֹמֶר 1610 mathematics Noun A2 מָתֵימָטִיקָה 1611 maths Noun A2 מתמטיקה 1612 matter Noun Verb A2 חוֹמֶר 1613 maximum Adjective Noun B2 מַקסִימוּם 1614 May Noun A1 מאי 1615 may modal Verb A2 אולי מודאלי 1616 maybe Adverb A1 אולי 1617 me proNoun A1 לִי 1618 meal Noun A1 ארוחה 1619 mean Verb A1 מתכוון 1620 meaning Noun A1 מַשְׁמָעוּת 1621 means Noun B2 אומר 1622 meanwhile Adverb B1 בינתיים 1623 measure Verb Noun B1 מידה 1624 measurement Noun B2 מדידה 1625 meat Noun A1 בָּשָׂר 1626 media Noun A2 כְּלֵי תִקְשׁוֹרֶת 1627 medical Adjective A2 רְפוּאִי 1628 medicine Noun A2 תרופה 1629 medium Adjective , Noun B1, B2 בינוני 1630 meet Verb A1 לִפְגוֹשׁ 1631 meeting Noun A1 פְּגִישָׁה 1632 melt Verb B2 להמיס 1633 member Noun A1 חבר 1634 memory Noun A2 זיכרון 1635 mental Adjective B1 נַפשִׁי 1636 mention Verb , Noun A2, B1 אִזְכּוּר 1637 menu Noun A1 תַפרִיט 1638 mess Noun Verb B1 אי סדר 1639 message Noun A1 הוֹדָעָה 1640 metal Noun A2 מַתֶכֶת 1641 method Noun A2 שיטה 1642 metre Noun A1 מטר 1643 middle Noun Adjective A2 אֶמצַע 1644 midnight Noun A1 חצות 1645 might modal Verb A2 אולי מודאלי 1646 mild Adjective B1 מָתוּן 1647 mile Noun A1 מִיל 1648 military Adjective Noun B2 צבאי 1649 milk Noun A1 חלב 1650 million number A1 מספר מ’ 1651 mind Noun Verb A2 אכפת 1652 mine (belongs to me) proNoun A2 שלי (שייך לי) 1653 mine (hole in the ground) Noun B1 שלי (חור באדמה) 1654 mineral Noun B2 מִינֵרָלִי 1655 minimum Adjective Noun B2 מִינִימוּם 1656 minister Noun B2 שר בממשלה 1657 minor Adjective B2 קַטִין 1658 minority Noun B2 מיעוט 1659 minute Noun A1 דַקָה 1660 mirror Noun A2 מַרְאָה 1661 miss Verb A1 עלמה 1662 missing Adjective A2 חָסֵר 1663 mission Noun B2 משימה 1664 mistake Noun, Verb A1, B2 טעות 1665 mix Verb Noun B1 לְעַרְבֵּב 1666 mixed Adjective B2 מעורב 1667 mixture Noun B1 תַעֲרוֹבֶת 1668 mobile Adjective Noun A2 נייד 1669 model Noun, Verb A1, B2 דֶגֶם 1670 modern Adjective A1 מוֹדֶרנִי 1671 modify Verb B2 לְשַׁנוֹת 1672 moment Noun A1 רֶגַע 1673 Monday Noun A1 יוֹם שֵׁנִי 1674 money Noun A1 כֶּסֶף 1675 monitor Noun Verb B2 צג 1676 monkey Noun A2 קוֹף 1677 month Noun A1 חוֹדֶשׁ 1678 mood Noun B1 מַצַב רוּחַ 1679 moon Noun A2 ירח 1680 moral Adjective Noun B2 מוסר השכל 1681 more det./proNoun Adverb A1 יותר 1682 morning Noun A1 בוקר 1683 most det./proNoun Adverb A1 רוב 1684 mostly Adverb A2 בעיקר 1685 mother Noun A1 אִמָא 1686 motor Noun Adjective B2 מָנוֹעַ 1687 motorcycle Noun A2 אופנוע 1688 mount Verb B2 הר 1689 mountain Noun A1 הַר 1690 mouse Noun A1 עכבר 1691 mouth Noun A1 פֶּה 1692 move Verb , Noun A1, B1 מהלך לזוז לעבור 1693 movement Noun A2 תְנוּעָה 1694 movie Noun A1 סרט 1695 much det./proNoun Adverb A1 הַרבֵּה 1696 mud Noun B1 בּוֹץ 1697 multiple Adjective B2 מרובות 1698 multiply Verb B2 לְהַכפִּיל 1699 mum Noun A1 אמא 1700 murder NounVerb B1 רֶצַח 1701 muscle Noun B1 שְׁרִיר 1702 museum Noun A1 מוּזֵיאוֹן 1703 music Noun A1 מוּסִיקָה 1704 musical Adjective , Noun A2, B1 מוּסִיקָלִי 1705 musician Noun A2 מוּסִיקָאִי 1706 must modal Verb A1 חייבים מודאלי 1707 my det. A1 שֶׁלִי 1708 myself proNoun A2 עצמי 1709 mysterious Adjective B2 מסתורי 1710 mystery Noun B1 מִסתוֹרִין 1711 nail Noun B1 מַסְמֵר 1712 name Noun Verb A1 שֵׁם 1713 narrative Noun Adjective B1 הנרטיב 1714 narrow Adjective , Verb A2, B2 לְצַמְצֵם 1715 nation Noun B1 אוּמָה 1716 national Adjective , Noun A2, B2 לאומי 1717 native Adjective Noun B1 יָלִיד 1718 natural Adjective A1 טִבעִי 1719 naturally Adverb B1 באופן טבעי 1720 nature Noun A2 טֶבַע 1721 near prep. Adjective Adverb A1 ליד 1722 nearly Adverb A2 כמעט 1723 neat Adjective B2 נקי 1724 necessarily Adverb B1 בהכרח 1725 necessary Adjective A2 נחוץ 1726 neck Noun A2 צוואר 1727 need Verb , Noun, modal Verb A1, A2, B1 צוֹרֶך 1728 needle Noun B1 מַחַט 1729 negative Adjective , Noun A1, B2 שלילי 1730 neighbour Noun A1 שָׁכֵן 1731 neighbourhood Noun B1 שְׁכוּנָה 1732 neither det./proNoun, Adverb A2, B1 לא זה ולא זה 1733 nerve Noun B2 עָצָב 1734 nervous Adjective A2 עַצבָּנִי 1735 net Noun B1 נֶטוֹ 1736 network Noun A2 רֶשֶׁת 1737 never Adverb A1 לעולם לא 1738 nevertheless Adverb B2 על כל פנים 1739 new Adjective A1 חָדָשׁ 1740 news Noun A1 חֲדָשׁוֹת 1741 newspaper Noun A1 עיתון 1742 next Adjective Adverb , Noun A1, B1 הַבָּא 1743 next to prep. A1 ליד 1744 nice Adjective A1 נֶחְמָד 1745 night Noun A1 לַיְלָה 1746 nightmare Noun B2 סיוט 1747 nine number A1 תֵשַׁע 1748 nineteen number A1 תשע עשרה 1749 ninety number A1 תִשׁעִים 1750 no exclam. det. A1 לא 1751 no one proNoun A1 אף אחד 1752 nobody proNoun A1 אף אחד 1753 noise Noun A2 רַעַשׁ 1754 noisy Adjective A2 רוֹעֵשׁ 1755 none pro Noun A2 אף אחד 1756 nor conj./Adverb B1 ולא 1757 normal Adjective , Noun A2, B1 נוֹרמָלִי 1758 normally Adverb A2 בדרך כלל 1759 north Noun Adjective Adverb A1 צָפוֹן 1760 northern Adjective B1 צְפוֹנִי 1761 nose Noun A1 אף 1762 not Adverb A1 לֹא 1763 note Noun Verb A1, B1 הערה 1764 nothing proNoun A1 שום דבר 1765 notice Verb Noun A2 הודעה 1766 notion Noun B2 רעיון 1767 novel Noun A2 רוֹמָן 1768 November Noun A1 נוֹבֶמבֶּר 1769 now Adverb , conj. A1, B1 עַכשָׁיו 1770 nowhere Adverb A2 לְשׁוּם מָקוֹם 1771 nuclear Adjective B1 גַרעִינִי 1772 number Noun, Verb A1, A2 מספר 1773 numerous Adjective B2 רַבִּים 1774 nurse Noun A1 אָחוֹת 1775 nut Noun A2 אגוז 1776 obey Verb B2 לציית 1777 object Noun Verb A1, B2 לְהִתְנַגֵד 1778 objective Noun Adjective B2 מַטָרָה 1779 obligation Noun B2 חוֹבָה 1780 observation Noun B2 תַצְפִּית 1781 observe Verb B2 לצפות 1782 obtain Verb B2 לְהַשִׂיג 1783 obvious Adjective B1 מובן מאליו 1784 obviously Adverb B1 מובן מאליו 1785 occasion Noun B1 הִזדַמְנוּת 1786 occasionally Adverb B2 לִפְעָמִים 1787 occur Verb B1 מתרחש 1788 ocean Noun A2 אוקיינוס 1789 o’clock Adverb A1 שעה 1790 October Noun A1 אוֹקְטוֹבֶּר 1791 odd Adjective B1 מוזר 1792 of prep. A1 שֶׁל 1793 off Adverb prep. A1 כבוי 1794 offence Noun B2 עבירה 1795 offend Verb B2 לְהַעֲלִיב 1796 offensive Adjective B2 הֶתקֵפִי 1797 offer Verb Noun A2 הַצָעָה 1798 office Noun A1 מִשׂרָד 1799 officer Noun A2 קָצִין 1800 official Adjective , Noun B1, B2 רשמי 1801 often Adverb A1 לעתים קרובות 1802 oh exclam. A1 הו 1803 oil Noun A2 שמן 1804 OK exclam. Adjective /Adverb A1 בסדר 1805 old Adjective A1 ישן 1806 old-fashioned Adjective B1 מיושן 1807 on prep. Adverb A1 עַל 1808 once Adverb , conj. A1, B1 פַּעַם 1809 one number-det. proNoun A1 אחד 1810 onion Noun A1 בצל 1811 online Adjective Adverb A1 באינטרנט 1812 only Adjective Adverb A1 רק 1813 onto prep. A2 עַל גַבֵּי 1814 open Adjective Verb A1 לִפְתוֹחַ 1815 opening Noun B2 פְּתִיחָה 1816 operate Verb B2 לְהַפְעִיל 1817 operation Noun B1 פעולה 1818 opinion Noun A1 דעה 1819 opponent Noun B2 יָרִיב 1820 opportunity Noun A2 הִזדַמְנוּת 1821 oppose Verb B2 לְהִתְנַגֵד 1822 opposed Adjective B2 בניגוד 1823 opposite Adjective Adverb prep. Noun A1 מול 1824 opposition Noun B2 הִתנַגְדוּת 1825 option Noun A2 אוֹפְּצִיָה 1826 or conj. A1 אוֹ 1827 orange Noun Adjective A1 תפוז 1828 order Noun Verb A1 להזמין 1829 ordinary Adjective A2 רגיל 1830 organ Noun B2 אֵיבָר 1831 organization Noun A2 אִרגוּן 1832 organize Verb A2 לְאַרגֵן 1833 organized Adjective B1 מְאוּרגָן 1834 organizer Noun B1 מְאַרגֵן 1835 origin Noun B2 מָקוֹר 1836 original Adjective , Noun A2, B1 מְקוֹרִי 1837 originally Adverb B1 בְּמָקוֹר 1838 other Adjective /proNoun A1 אַחֵר 1839 otherwise Adverb B2 אחרת 1840 ought modal Verb B1 צריך 1841 our det. A1 שֶׁלָנוּ 1842 ours proNoun B1 שֶׁלָנוּ 1843 ourselves proNoun A2 בְּעָצמֵנוּ 1844 out Adverb /prep. A1 הַחוּצָה 1845 outcome Noun B2 תוֹצָאָה 1846 outdoor Adjective B1 בָּחוּץ 1847 outdoors Adverb B1 מחוץ לבית 1848 outer Adjective B2 חִיצוֹנִי 1849 outline Noun Verb B2 מתווה 1850 outside Adverb , prep. nouNoun Adjective A1, A2 בחוץ 1851 oven Noun A2 תנור אפיה 1852 over prep. Adverb A1 על 1853 overall Adjective Adverb B2 באופן כללי 1854 owe Verb B2 חב 1855 own Adjective /proNoun, Verb A1, A2 שֶׁלוֹ 1856 owner Noun A2 בעלים 1857 pace Noun, Verb B2 לִפְסוֹעַ 1858 pack Verb , Noun A2, B1 חבילה 1859 package Noun, Verb B1, B2 חֲבִילָה 1860 page Noun A1 עמוד 1861 pain Noun A2 כְּאֵב 1862 painful Adjective B1 כּוֹאֵב 1863 paint Verb Noun A1 צֶבַע 1864 painter Noun A2 צייר 1865 painting Noun A1 צִיוּר 1866 pair Noun A1 זוג 1867 palace Noun A2 אַרְמוֹן 1868 pale Adjective B1 חיוור 1869 pan Noun B1 מחבת 1870 panel Noun B2 לוּחַ 1871 pants Noun A2 מִכְנָסַיִים 1872 paper Noun A1 עיתון 1873 paragraph Noun A1 פסקה 1874 parent Noun A1 הוֹרֶה 1875 park Noun Verb A1 פַּארק 1876 parking Noun A2 חֲנָיָה 1877 parliament Noun B2 פַּרלָמֶנט 1878 part Noun A1 חֵלֶק 1879 participant Noun B2 מִשׁתַתֵף 1880 participate Verb B1 לְהִשְׂתַתֵף 1881 particular Adjective A2 מיוחד 1882 particularly Adverb B1 בִּמְיוּחָד 1883 partly Adverb B2 חֶלקִית 1884 partner Noun A1 בת זוג 1885 party Noun A1 מפלגה 1886 pass Verb , Noun A2, B1 לַעֲבוֹר 1887 passage Noun B2 מַעֲבָר 1888 passenger Noun A2 נוֹסֵעַ 1889 passion Noun B1 תשוקה 1890 passport Noun A1 דַרכּוֹן 1891 past Adjective Noun prep., Adverb A1, A2 עבר 1892 path Noun B1 נָתִיב 1893 patient Noun, Adjective A2, B2 סבלני 1894 pattern Noun A2 תבנית 1895 pay Verb , Noun A1, A2 לְשַׁלֵם 1896 payment Noun B1 תַשְׁלוּם 1897 peace Noun A2 שָׁלוֹם 1898 peaceful Adjective B1 שָׁקֶט 1899 pen Noun A1 עֵט 1900 pencil Noun A1 עִפָּרוֹן 1901 penny Noun A2 פֶּנִי 1902 pension Noun B2 פֶּנסִיָה 1903 people Noun A1 אֲנָשִׁים 1904 pepper Noun A1 פלפל 1905 per prep. A2 לְכָל 1906 per cent Noun Adjective /Adverb A2 אחוזים 1907 percentage Noun B1 אֲחוּזִים 1908 perfect Adjective A1 מושלם 1909 perfectly Adverb B1 באופן מושלם 1910 perform Verb A2 לְבַצֵעַ 1911 performance Noun B1 ביצועים 1912 perhaps Adverb A2 אוּלַי 1913 period Noun A1 פרק זמן 1914 permanent Adjective B2 קבוע 1915 permission Noun A2 רְשׁוּת 1916 permit Verb Noun B2 לְהַתִיר 1917 person Noun A1 אדם 1918 personal Adjective A1 אישי 1919 personality Noun A2 אִישִׁיוּת 1920 personally Adverb B1 באופן אישי 1921 perspective Noun B2 נקודת מבט 1922 persuade Verb B1 לְשַׁכְנֵעַ 1923 pet Noun A2 חיית מחמד 1924 petrol Noun A2 בֶּנזִין 1925 phase Noun B2 שלב 1926 phenomenon Noun B2 תופעה 1927 philosophy Noun B2 פִילוֹסוֹפִיָה 1928 phone Noun Verb A1 טלפון 1929 photo Noun A1 תמונה 1930 photograph Noun, Verb A1, A2 תַצלוּם 1931 photographer Noun B1 צַלָם 1932 photography Noun B1 צילום 1933 phrase Noun A1 מִשׁפָּט 1934 physical Adjective A2 גוּפָנִי 1935 physics Noun A2 פיזיקה 1936 piano Noun A1 פְּסַנְתֵר 1937 pick Verb , Noun A2, B2 לִבחוֹר 1938 picture Noun, Verb A1, B2 תְמוּנָה 1939 piece Noun A1 לְחַבֵּר 1940 pig Noun A1 חֲזִיר 1941 pile Noun Verb B2 עֲרֵמָה 1942 pilot Noun A2 טַיָס 1943 pin Noun Verb B1 פִּין 1944 pink Adjective Noun A1 וָרוֹד 1945 pipe Noun B1 צינור 1946 pitch Noun B2 גובה הצליל 1947 place Noun Verb A1, B1 מקום 1948 plain Adjective B2 מישור 1949 plan Noun Verb A1 לְתַכְנֵן 1950 plane Noun A1 מָטוֹס 1951 planet Noun A2 כוכב לכת 1952 planning Noun B1 תִכנוּן 1953 plant Noun Verb A1, A2 צמח 1954 plastic Noun Adjective A2 פלסטיק 1955 plate Noun A2 צַלַחַת 1956 platform Noun A2 פּלַטפוֹרמָה 1957 play Verb Noun A1 לְשַׂחֵק 1958 player Noun A1 שחקן 1959 pleasant Adjective B1 נעים 1960 please exclam., Verb A1, A2 אנא 1961 pleased Adjective A2 מְרוּצֶה 1962 pleasure Noun B1 הנאה 1963 plenty proNoun B1 שפע 1964 plot Noun, Verb B1, B2 עלילה 1965 plus prep., Adjective conj., Noun B1, B2 ועוד 1966 pocket Noun A2 כִּיס 1967 poem Noun B1 שִׁיר 1968 poet Noun B1 מְשׁוֹרֵר 1969 poetry Noun B1 שִׁירָה 1970 point Noun, Verb A1, B1 נְקוּדָה 1971 pointed Adjective B2 מְחוּדָד 1972 poison Noun Verb B1 רַעַל 1973 poisonous Adjective B1 רעיל 1974 police Noun A1 מִשׁטָרָה 1975 policeman Noun A1 שׁוֹטֵר 1976 policy Noun B1 מְדִינִיוּת 1977 polite Adjective A2 מְנוּמָס 1978 political Adjective B1 פּוֹלִיטִי 1979 politician Noun B1 פּוֹלִיטִיקָאִי 1980 politics Noun B1 פּוֹלִיטִיקָה 1981 pollution Noun A2 זיהום 1982 pool Noun A1 בריכה 1983 poor Adjective A1 עני 1984 pop Noun Adjective A2 פּוֹפּ 1985 popular Adjective A1 פופולרי 1986 popularity Noun B2 פּוֹפּוּלָרִיוּת 1987 population Noun A2 אוּכְלוֹסִיָה 1988 port Noun B1 נמל 1989 portrait Noun B1 דְיוֹקָן 1990 pose Verb B2 פּוֹזָה 1991 position Noun, Verb A2, B2 עמדה 1992 positive Adjective , Noun A1, B2 חִיוּבִי 1993 possess Verb B2 לְהַחזִיק 1994 possession Noun A2 רְשׁוּת 1995 possibility Noun A2 אפשרות 1996 possible Adjective A1 אפשרי 1997 possibly Adverb B1 יִתָכֵן 1998 post Noun Verb A1 הודעה 1999 poster Noun A2 פּוֹסטֵר 2000 pot Noun B1 סיר 2001 potato Noun A1 תפוח אדמה 2002 potential Adjective Noun B2 פוטנציאל 2003 pound Noun A1 לִירָה 2004 pour Verb B1 לִשְׁפּוֹך 2005 poverty Noun B1 עוני 2006 powder Noun B1 אֲבָקָה 2007 power Noun, Verb A2, B2 כּוֹחַ 2008 powerful Adjective B1 חָזָק 2009 practical Adjective B1 מַעֲשִׂי 2010 practice Noun A1 תרגול 2011 practise Verb A1 תרגול 2012 praise Noun Verb B2 שֶׁבַח 2013 pray Verb B1 לְהִתְפַּלֵל 2014 prayer Noun B1 תְפִלָה 2015 predict Verb A2 לנבא 2016 prediction Noun B1 נְבוּאָה 2017 prefer Verb A1 לְהַעֲדִיף 2018 pregnant Adjective B2 בְּהֵרָיוֹן 2019 preparation Noun B2 הכנה 2020 prepare Verb A1 הכן 2021 prepared Adjective B1 מוּכָן 2022 presence Noun B2 נוכחות 2023 present Adjective Noun, Verb A1, A2 מתנה 2024 presentation Noun B1 הַצָגָה 2025 preserve Verb B2 לשמור 2026 president Noun A2 נָשִׂיא 2027 press Verb Noun B1 ללחוץ 2028 pressure Noun B1 לַחַץ 2029 pretend Verb B1 להעמיד פנים 2030 pretty Adjective Adverb A1 יפה 2031 prevent Verb A2 לִמְנוֹעַ 2032 previous Adjective B1 קודם 2033 previously Adverb B1 קוֹדֶם 2034 price Noun, Verb A1, B2 מחיר 2035 priest Noun B1 כּוֹמֶר 2036 primary Adjective B1 יְסוֹדִי 2037 prime Adjective B2 רִאשׁוֹנִי 2038 prince Noun B1 נסיך 2039 princess Noun B1 נסיכה 2040 principle Noun B2 עִקָרוֹן 2041 print Verb , Noun A2, B2 הדפס 2042 printer Noun A2 מדפסת 2043 printing Noun B1 הַדפָּסָה 2044 priority Noun B2 עדיפות 2045 prison Noun A2 בית סוהר 2046 prisoner Noun B1 אָסִיר 2047 privacy Noun B2 פְּרָטִיוּת 2048 private Adjective B1 פְּרָטִי 2049 prize Noun A2 פרס 2050 probably Adverb A1 כנראה 2051 problem Noun A1 בְּעָיָה 2052 procedure Noun B2 תהליך 2053 process Noun, Verb A2, B2 תהליך 2054 produce Verb , Verb A2, B2 ליצר 2055 producer Noun B1 יַצרָן 2056 product Noun A1 מוצר 2057 production Noun B1 הפקה 2058 profession Noun B1 מִקצוֹעַ 2059 professional Adjective , Noun A2, B2 מקצועי 2060 professor Noun A2 פּרוֹפֶסוֹר 2061 profile Noun A2 פּרוֹפִיל 2062 profit Noun B1 רווח 2063 program Noun, Verb A2, B1 תכנית 2064 programme Noun A1 תכנית 2065 progress Noun, Verb A2, B2 התקדמות 2066 project Noun, Verb A1, B2 פּרוֹיֶקט 2067 promise Verb Noun A2 הַבטָחָה 2068 promote Verb B1 לקדם 2069 pronounce Verb A2 לְבַטֵא 2070 proof Noun B2 הוכחה 2071 proper Adjective B1 תָקִין 2072 properly Adverb B1 כראוי 2073 property Noun B1 תכונה 2074 proposal Noun B2 הצעה 2075 propose Verb B2 להציע 2076 prospect Noun B2 סיכוי 2077 protect Verb A2 לְהַגֵן 2078 protection Noun B2 הֲגָנָה 2079 protest Noun Verb B1 למחות 2080 proud Adjective B1 גאה 2081 prove Verb B1 לְהוֹכִיחַ 2082 provide Verb A2 לְסַפֵּק 2083 psychologist Noun B2 פְּסִיכוֹלוֹג 2084 psychology Noun B2 פְּסִיכוֹלוֹגִיָה 2085 pub Noun A2 פָּאבּ 2086 public Adjective Noun A2 פּוּמְבֵּי 2087 publication Noun B2 פרסום 2088 publish Verb A2 לְפַרְסֵם 2089 pull Verb , Noun A2, B1 מְשׁוֹך 2090 punish Verb B1 לְהַעֲנִישׁ 2091 punishment Noun B1 עֲנִישָׁה 2092 pupil Noun B2 תלמיד 2093 purchase Noun Verb B2 לִרְכּוֹשׁ 2094 pure Adjective B2 טָהוֹר 2095 purple Adjective Noun A1 סָגוֹל 2096 purpose Noun A2 מַטָרָה 2097 pursue Verb B2 לרדוף 2098 push Verb , Noun A2, B1 לִדחוֹף 2099 put Verb A1 לָשִׂים 2100 qualification Noun B1 הכשרה 2101 qualified Adjective B1 מוסמך 2102 qualify Verb B1 להעפיל 2103 quality Noun A2 איכות 2104 quantity Noun A2 כַּמוּת 2105 quarter Noun A1 רובע 2106 queen Noun A2 מַלכָּה 2107 question Noun, Verb A1, A2 שְׁאֵלָה 2108 queue Noun Verb B1 תוֹר 2109 quick Adjective A1 מָהִיר 2110 quickly Adverb A1 בִּמְהִירוּת 2111 quiet Adjective A1 שֶׁקֶט 2112 quietly Adverb A2 בְּשֶׁקֶט 2113 quit Verb B1 לְהַפְסִיק 2114 quite Adverb A1 דַי 2115 quotation Noun B1 ציטוט 2116 quote Verb Noun B1 ציטוט 2117 race (competition) NounVerb A2 גזע (תחרות) 2118 race (people) Noun B1 גזע (אנשים) 2119 racing Noun B1 מרוצה 2120 radio Noun A1 רָדִיוֹ 2121 railway Noun A2 מסילת רכבת 2122 rain Noun Verb A1 גֶשֶׁם 2123 raise Verb A2 הַעֲלָאָה 2124 range Noun, Verb B1, B2 טווח 2125 rank Noun Verb B2 דַרגָה 2126 rapid Adjective B2 מָהִיר 2127 rapidly Adverb B2 מַהֵר 2128 rare Adjective B1 נָדִיר 2129 rarely Adverb B1 לעתים רחוקות 2130 rate Noun, Verb A2, B2 ציון 2131 rather Adverb A2 ליתר דיוק 2132 raw Adjective B2 גלם 2133 reach Verb , Noun A2, B2 לְהַגִיעַ 2134 react Verb A2 לְהָגִיב 2135 reaction Noun B1 תְגוּבָה 2136 read Verb A1 לקרוא 2137 reader Noun A1 קוֹרֵא 2138 reading Noun A1 קריאה 2139 ready Adjective A1 מוּכָן 2140 real Adjective A1 אמיתי 2141 realistic Adjective B2 מְצִיאוּתִי 2142 reality Noun B1 מְצִיאוּת 2143 realize Verb A2 לִהַבִין 2144 really Adverb A1 בֶּאֱמֶת 2145 reason Noun A1 סיבה 2146 reasonable Adjective B2 סביר 2147 recall Verb B2 לִזכּוֹר 2148 receipt Noun B1 קַבָּלָה 2149 receive Verb A2 לְקַבֵּל 2150 recent Adjective A2 לאחרונה 2151 recently Adverb A2 לאחרונה 2152 reception Noun A2 קבלה 2153 recipe Noun A2 מתכון 2154 recognize Verb A2 לזהות 2155 recommend Verb A2 לְהַמלִיץ 2156 recommendation Noun B1 המלצה 2157 record Noun Verb A2 תקליט 2158 recording Noun A2 הקלטה 2159 recover Verb B2 לְהַחלִים 2160 recycle Verb A2 לְמַחְזֵר 2161 red Adjective Noun A1 אָדוֹם 2162 reduce Verb A2 לְהַפחִית 2163 reduction Noun B2 צִמצוּם 2164 refer Verb A2 מתייחס 2165 reference Noun B1 התייחסות 2166 reflect Verb B1 משקף 2167 refuse Verb A2 מסרב 2168 regard Verb Noun B2 לְהִתְיַחֵס 2169 region Noun A2 אזור 2170 regional Adjective B2 אֵזוֹרִי 2171 register Verb Noun B2 להירשם 2172 regret Verb Noun B2 חֲרָטָה 2173 regular Adjective A2 רגיל 2174 regularly Adverb B1 באופן קבוע 2175 regulation Noun B2 תַקָנָה 2176 reject Verb B1 לִדחוֹת 2177 relate Verb B1 לְסַפֵּר 2178 related Adjective B1 קָשׁוּר 2179 relation Noun B1 יַחַס 2180 relationship Noun A2 מערכת יחסים 2181 relative Adjective Noun B1 קרוב משפחה 2182 relatively Adverb B2 יחסית 2183 relax Verb A1 לְהִרָגַע 2184 relaxed Adjective B1 רָגוּעַ 2185 relaxing Adjective B1 מַרגִיעַ 2186 release Verb Noun B1 לְשַׁחְרֵר 2187 relevant Adjective B2 רלוונטי 2188 reliable Adjective B1 אָמִין 2189 relief Noun B2 הֲקָלָה 2190 religion Noun B1 דָת 2191 religious Adjective B1 דָתִי 2192 rely Verb B2 לִסְמוֹך 2193 remain Verb B1 לְהִשָׁאֵר 2194 remark Noun Verb B2 הֶעָרָה 2195 remember Verb A1 זכור 2196 remind Verb B1 לְהַזכִּיר 2197 remote Adjective B1 מְרוּחָק 2198 remove Verb A2 לְהַסִיר 2199 rent Noun Verb B1 השכרה 2200 repair Verb , Noun A2, B1 לְתַקֵן 2201 repeat Verb , Noun A1, B1 חזור 2202 repeated Adjective B1 חוזר על עצמו 2203 replace Verb A2 החלף 2204 reply Verb Noun A2 תשובה 2205 report Noun, Verb A1, A2 להגיש תלונה 2206 reporter Noun A2 כַתָב 2207 represent Verb B1 לְיַצֵג 2208 representative Noun Adjective B2 נציג 2209 reputation Noun B2 תדמית 2210 request Noun, Verb A2, B1 בַּקָשָׁה 2211 require Verb B1 לִדרוֹשׁ 2212 requirement Noun B2 דְרִישָׁה 2213 rescue Verb Noun B2 לְהַצִיל 2214 research Noun Verb A2 מחקר 2215 researcher Noun A2 חוֹקֵר 2216 reservation Noun B1 הזמנה 2217 reserve Noun Verb B2 לְהַזמִין 2218 resident NounAdjective B2 תוֹשָׁב 2219 resist Verb B2 לְהִתְנַגֵד 2220 resolve Verb B2 לִפְתוֹר 2221 resort Noun B2 אתר נופש 2222 resource Noun B1 מַשׁאָב 2223 respect Noun Verb B1 הערכה 2224 respond Verb A2 לְהָגִיב 2225 response Noun A2 תְגוּבָה 2226 responsibility Noun B1 אַחֲרָיוּת 2227 responsible Adjective B1 אחראי 2228 rest (remaining part) Noun A2 לנוח (חלק נותר) 2229 rest (sleep/relax) Noun Verb A2 שאר (לישון / לנוח) 2230 restaurant Noun A1 מִסעָדָה 2231 result Noun, Verb A1, B1 תוֹצָאָה 2232 retain Verb B2 לִשְׁמוֹר 2233 retire Verb B1 לִפְרוֹשׁ 2234 retired Adjective B1 פרש 2235 return Verb Noun A1 לַחֲזוֹר 2236 reveal Verb B2 לְגַלוֹת 2237 review Noun Verb A2 סקירה 2238 revise Verb B1 לְשַׁנוֹת 2239 revolution Noun B2 מַהְפֵּכָה 2240 reward Noun Verb B2 פרס 2241 rhythm Noun B2 קֶצֶב 2242 rice Noun A1 אורז 2243 rich Adjective A1 עָשִׁיר 2244 rid Verb B2 לְשַׁחְרֵר 2245 ride Verb , Noun A1, A2 נסיעה 2246 right Adjective Adverb Noun A1 ימין 2247 ring Noun A2 טַבַּעַת 2248 ring Verb , Noun A2, B1 טַבַּעַת 2249 rise Verb , Noun A2, B1 לעלות 2250 risk Noun Verb B1 לְהִסְתָכֵּן 2251 river Noun A1 נהר 2252 road Noun A1 כְּבִישׁ 2253 robot Noun B1 רוֹבּוֹט 2254 rock (stone) Noun A2 אבן סלע) 2255 rock (music) Noun A2 מוסיקת רוק) 2256 role Noun A2 תַפְקִיד 2257 roll Verb Noun B1 גָלִיל 2258 romantic Adjective B1 רוֹמָנטִי 2259 roof Noun A2 גג 2260 room Noun A1 חֶדֶר 2261 root Noun B2 שורש 2262 rope Noun B1 חֶבֶל 2263 rough Adjective B1 מְחוּספָּס 2264 round Adjective Adverb prep., Noun A2, B2 עָגוֹל 2265 route Noun A2 מַסלוּל 2266 routine Noun, Adjective A1, B2 שגרה 2267 row Noun B1 שׁוּרָה 2268 royal Adjective B1 מלכותי 2269 rub Verb B2 לשפשף 2270 rubber Noun Adjective B2 גוּמִי 2271 rubbish Noun A2 זבל 2272 rude Adjective A2 גס רוח 2273 rugby Noun B1 רוגבי 2274 rule Noun, Verb A1, B1 כְּלָל 2275 run Verb , Noun A1, A2 לָרוּץ 2276 runner Noun A2 רָץ 2277 running Noun A2 רץ 2278 rural Adjective B2 כַּפרִי 2279 rush Verb Noun B2 לְמַהֵר 2280 sad Adjective A1 עָצוּב 2281 sadly Adverb A2 בעצב 2282 safe Adjective A2 בטוח 2283 safety Noun B1 בְּטִיחוּת 2284 sail Verb , Noun A2, B1 להפליג 2285 sailing Noun A2 שַׁיִט 2286 sailor Noun B1 מלח 2287 salad Noun A1 סלט 2288 salary Noun A2 שכר 2289 sale Noun A2 מְכִירָה 2290 salt Noun A1 מלח 2291 same Adjective proNoun Adverb A1 אותו 2292 sample Noun, Verb B1, B2 לִטעוֹם 2293 sand Noun B1 חוֹל 2294 sandwich Noun A1 כריך 2295 satellite Noun B2 הלוויין 2296 satisfied Adjective B2 מרוצה 2297 satisfy Verb B2 לְסַפֵּק 2298 Saturday Noun A1 יום שבת 2299 sauce Noun A2 רוטב 2300 save Verb A2 להציל 2301 saving Noun B2 חִסָכוֹן 2302 say Verb A1 אמר 2303 scale Noun B2 סוּלָם 2304 scan Verb B1 לִסְרוֹק 2305 scared Adjective A2 הפחיד 2306 scary Adjective A2 מַפְחִיד 2307 scene Noun A2 סְצֵינָה 2308 schedule Noun, Verb A2, B2 לוח זמנים 2309 scheme Noun B2 תָכְנִית 2310 school Noun A1 בית ספר 2311 science Noun A1 מַדָע 2312 scientific Adjective B1 מַדָעִי 2313 scientist Noun A1 מַדְעָן 2314 score Verb Noun A2 ציון 2315 scream Verb Noun B2 לִצְרוֹחַ 2316 screen NounVerb A2, B2 מָסָך 2317 script Noun B1 תַסרִיט 2318 sculpture Noun B1 פֶּסֶל 2319 sea Noun A1 יָם 2320 search Noun Verb A2 לחפש 2321 season Noun A2 עונה 2322 seat Noun Verb A2, B2 מושב 2323 second1 (next after the first) et./ number, Adverb A1, A2 second1 (הבא לאחר הראשון) 2324 second1 (unit of time) Noun A1 second1 (יחידת זמן) 2325 secondary Adjective B1 מִשׁנִי 2326 secondly Adverb A2 שנית 2327 secret Adjective, Noun A2 סוֹד 2328 secretary Noun A2 מזכיר 2329 section Noun A1 סָעִיף 2330 sector Noun B2 מִגזָר 2331 secure Verb Adjective B2 לבטח 2332 security Noun B1 בִּטָחוֹן 2333 see Verb A1 לִרְאוֹת 2334 seed Noun B1 זֶרַע 2335 seek Verb B2 לְחַפֵּשׂ 2336 seem Verb A2 נראה 2337 select Verb B2 בחר 2338 selection Noun B2 בְּחִירָה 2339 self Noun B2 עצמי 2340 sell Verb A1 מכירה 2341 send Verb A1 לִשְׁלוֹחַ 2342 senior Adjective B2 בָּכִיר 2343 sense Noun Verb A2, B2 לָחוּשׁ 2344 sensible Adjective B1 הגיוני 2345 sensitive Adjective B2 רָגִישׁ 2346 sentence Noun Verb A1, B2 משפט 2347 separate Adjective, Verb A2, B1 נפרד 2348 September Noun A1 סֶפּטֶמבֶּר 2349 sequence Noun B2 סדר פעולות 2350 series Noun A2 סִדרָה 2351 serious Adjective A2 רְצִינִי 2352 seriously Adverb B1 ברצינות 2353 servant Noun B1 מְשָׁרֵת 2354 serve Verb A2 לְשָׁרֵת 2355 service Noun A2 שֵׁרוּת 2356 session Noun B2 מוֹשָׁב 2357 set (put) Verb B1 סט (put) 2358 set (group) Noun B1 סט (קבוצה) 2359 setting Noun B1 הגדרה 2360 settle Verb B2 לִשְׁקוֹעַ 2361 seven number A1 שבע 2362 seventeen number A1 שבע עשרה 2363 seventy number A1 שִׁבעִים 2364 several det./proNoun A2 כַּמָה 2365 severe Adjective B2 חָמוּר 2366 sex Noun B1 מִין 2367 sexual Adjective B1 מִינִי 2368 shade Noun B2 צֵל 2369 shadow Noun B2 צֵל 2370 shake Verb Noun A2, B1 לְנַעֵר 2371 shall modal Verb A2 יהיה 2372 shallow Adjective B2 רָדוּד 2373 shame Noun B2 בושה 2374 shape Noun Verb A2, B2 צוּרָה 2375 share Verb Noun A1, B1 לַחֲלוֹק 2376 sharp Adjective B1 חַד 2377 she proNoun A1 היא 2378 sheep Noun A1 כבשים 2379 sheet Noun A2 דַף 2380 shelf Noun B1 מַדָף 2381 shell Noun B1 צדף 2382 shelter Noun Verb B2 מקלט 2383 shift Noun Verb B1, B2 מִשׁמֶרֶת 2384 shine Verb B1 זוהר 2385 shiny Adjective B1 מַברִיק 2386 ship Noun Verb A2, B2 ספינה 2387 shirt Noun A1 חוּלצָה 2388 shock Noun Verb B2 הֶלֶם 2389 shocked Adjective B2 מְזוּעזָע 2390 shoe Noun A1 נַעַל 2391 shoot Verb B1 לירות 2392 shooting Noun B2 צילומים 2393 shop Noun Verb A1 לִקְנוֹת 2394 shopping Noun A1 קניות 2395 short Adjective A1 קצר 2396 shot Noun B2 בְּעִיטָה 2397 should modal Verb A1 האם על 2398 shoulder Noun A2 כָּתֵף 2399 shout Verb Noun A2 צעקה 2400 show Verb Noun A1 הופעה 2401 shower Noun A1 מִקלַחַת 2402 shut Verb Adjective A2 לִסְגוֹר 2403 shy Adjective B1 ביישן 2404 sick Adjective A1 חוֹלֶה 2405 side Noun A2 צַד 2406 sight Noun B1 מראה 2407 sign Noun Verb A2 סִימָן 2408 signal Noun Verb B1 אוֹת 2409 significant Adjective B2 משמעותי 2410 significantly Adverb B2 באופן ניכר 2411 silence Noun B2 שתיקה 2412 silent Adjective B1 שקט 2413 silk Noun B2 משי 2414 silly Adjective B1 טִפּשִׁי 2415 silver Noun Adjective A2 כסף 2416 similar Adjective A1 דוֹמֶה 2417 similarity Noun B1 דִמיוֹן 2418 similarly Adverb B1 באופן דומה 2419 simple Adjective A2 פָּשׁוּט 2420 simply Adverb B1 בפשטות 2421 since prep. conj., Adverb A2, B1 מאז 2422 sincere Adjective B2 כן 2423 sing Verb A1 לָשִׁיר 2424 singer Noun A1 זמר 2425 singing Noun A2 שִׁירָה 2426 single Adjective Noun A2 יחיד 2427 sink Verb B1 כִּיוֹר 2428 sir Noun A2 אֲדוֹנִי 2429 sister Noun A1 אָחוֹת 2430 sit Verb A1 לָשֶׁבֶת 2431 site Noun A2 אֲתַר 2432 situation Noun A1 מַצָב 2433 six number A1 שֵׁשׁ 2434 sixteen number A1 שש עשרה 2435 sixty number A1 שִׁשִׁים 2436 size Noun A2 גודל 2437 ski Verb Noun A2 סקִי 2438 skiing Noun A2 סקִי 2439 skill Noun A1 מְיוּמָנוּת 2440 skin Noun A2 עור 2441 skirt Noun A1 חצאית 2442 sky Noun A2 שָׁמַיִם 2443 slave Noun B2 עֶבֶד 2444 sleep Verb , Noun A1, A2 לִישׁוֹן 2445 slice Noun Verb B1 פרוסה 2446 slide Verb Noun B2 שקופית 2447 slight Adjective B2 קָלוּשׁ 2448 slightly Adverb B1 מְעַט 2449 slip Verb B2 פליטת פה 2450 slope Noun Verb B2 מִדרוֹן 2451 slow Adjective , Verb A1, B1 לְהַאֵט 2452 slowly Adverb A2 לאט 2453 small Adjective A1 קָטָן 2454 smart Adjective B1 לִכאוֹב 2455 smartphone Noun A2 הטלפון החכם 2456 smell Verb Noun A2 רֵיחַ 2457 smile Verb Noun A2 חיוך 2458 smoke Noun Verb A2 עָשָׁן 2459 smoking Noun A2 לעשן 2460 smooth Adjective B1 חלק 2461 snake Noun A1 נָחָשׁ 2462 snow Noun Verb A1 שֶׁלֶג 2463 so Adverb conj. A1 כך 2464 soap Noun A2 סַבּוֹן 2465 soccer Noun A2 כדורגל 2466 social Adjective A2 חֶברָתִי 2467 society Noun A2 חֶברָה 2468 sock Noun A2 גֶרֶב 2469 soft Adjective A2 רַך 2470 software Noun B1 תוֹכנָה 2471 soil Noun B1 קרקע 2472 solar Adjective B2 סוֹלָרִי 2473 soldier Noun A2 לוֹחֶם 2474 solid Adjective Noun B1 מוצק 2475 solution Noun A2 פִּתָרוֹן 2476 solve Verb A2 לִפְתוֹר 2477 some det. proNoun A1 כמה 2478 somebody proNoun A1 מִישֶׁהוּ 2479 someone proNoun A1 מִישֶׁהוּ 2480 something proNoun A1 משהו 2481 sometimes Adverb A1 לִפְעָמִים 2482 somewhat Adverb B2 במידה מסוימת 2483 somewhere Adverb proNoun A2 אי שם 2484 son Noun A1 בֵּן 2485 song Noun A1 שִׁיר 2486 soon Adverb A1 בקרוב 2487 sorry Adjective exclam. A1 מצטער 2488 sort Noun, Verb A2, B1 סוג 2489 soul Noun B2 נֶפֶשׁ 2490 sound Noun Verb A1 נשמע 2491 soup Noun A1 מרק 2492 source Noun A2 מָקוֹר 2493 south Noun Adjective Adverb A1 דָרוֹם 2494 southern Adjective B1 דְרוֹמִי 2495 space Noun A1 מֶרחָב 2496 speak Verb A1 לְדַבֵּר 2497 speaker Noun A2 רַמקוֹל 2498 special Adjective A1 מיוחד 2499 specialist Noun Adjective B2 מוּמחֶה 2500 species Noun B2 מִין 2501 specific Adjective A2 ספֵּצִיפִי 2502 specifically Adverb B1 במיוחד 2503 speech Noun A2 נְאוּם 2504 speed Noun, Verb A2, B2 מְהִירוּת 2505 spell Verb A1 לַחַשׁ 2506 spelling Noun A1 אִיוּת 2507 spend Verb A1 לְבַלוֹת 2508 spending Noun B1 הוצאות 2509 spicy Adjective B1 חָרִיף 2510 spider Noun A2 עַכָּבִישׁ 2511 spirit Noun B1 רוּחַ 2512 spiritual Adjective B2 רוחני 2513 split Verb Noun B2 לְפַצֵל 2514 spoken Adjective B1 נֱאֶמַר 2515 sponsor Verb Noun B2 לָתֵת חָסוּת 2516 spoon Noun A2 כף 2517 sport Noun A1 ספּוֹרט 2518 spot Noun, Verb B1, B2 לְזַהוֹת 2519 spread Verb , Noun B1, B2 התפשטות 2520 spring Noun, Verb A1, B1 אביב 2521 square Adjective Noun A2 כיכר 2522 stable Adjective B2 יַצִיב 2523 stadium Noun B1 אִצטַדיוֹן 2524 staff Noun B1 צוות 2525 stage Noun, Verb A2, B2 שלב 2526 stair Noun A2 מדרגה 2527 stamp Noun A2 חותמת 2528 stand Verb , Noun A1, B2 לַעֲמוֹד 2529 standard Noun Adjective B1 תֶקֶן 2530 star Noun, Verb A1, A2 כוכב 2531 stare Verb B2 לבהות 2532 start Verb , Noun A1, A2 הַתחָלָה 2533 state Noun, Adjective , v A2, B1 מדינה 2534 statement Noun A1 הַצהָרָה 2535 station Noun A1 תַחֲנָה 2536 statistic Noun B1 נתון 2537 statue Noun B1 פסל 2538 status Noun B2 סטָטוּס 2539 stay Verb , Noun A1, A2 שָׁהוּת 2540 steady Adjective B2 יַצִיב 2541 steal Verb A2 לִגנוֹב 2542 steel Noun B2 פְּלָדָה 2543 steep Adjective B2 תָלוּל 2544 step Noun, Verb A2, B2 שלב 2545 stick (push into/attach) Verb B1 מקל (דחיפה לתוך / לצרף) 2546 stick (piece of wood) Noun B1 מקל (חתיכת עץ) 2547 sticky Adjective B2 דָבִיק 2548 stiff Adjective B2 נוּקשֶׁה 2549 still Adverb , Adjective A1, B1 עוֹד 2550 stock Noun B2 המניה 2551 stomach Noun A2 בֶּטֶן 2552 stone Noun A2 אֶבֶן 2553 stop Verb Noun A1 תפסיק 2554 store Noun, Verb A2, B1 חנות 2555 storm Noun A2 סערה 2556 story Noun A1 כַּתָבָה 2557 straight Adverb Adjective A2 יָשָׁר 2558 strange Adjective A2 מוּזָר 2559 stranger Noun B1 זָר 2560 strategy Noun A2 אִסטרָטֶגִיָה 2561 stream Noun B2 זרם 2562 street Noun A1 רְחוֹב 2563 strength Noun B1 כוח 2564 stress Noun Verb A2 לחץ 2565 stretch Verb Noun B2 לִמְתוֹחַ 2566 strict Adjective B2 קַפְּדָנִי 2567 strike Verb Noun B2 לְהַכּוֹת 2568 string Noun B1 חוּט 2569 strong Adjective A1 חָזָק 2570 strongly Adverb B1 בְּתוֹקֶף 2571 structure Noun, Verb A2, B2 מִבְנֶה 2572 struggle Verb Noun B2 מַאֲבָק 2573 student Noun A1 סטוּדֶנט 2574 studio Noun B1 סטוּדִיוֹ 2575 study Noun Verb A1 לימוד 2576 stuff Noun, Verb B1, B2 דברים 2577 stupid Adjective A2 מְטוּפָּשׁ 2578 style Noun A1 סִגְנוֹן 2579 subject Noun, Adjective A1, B2 נושא 2580 submit Verb B2 שלח 2581 substance Noun B1 חומר 2582 succeed Verb A2 מצליח 2583 success Noun A1 הַצלָחָה 2584 successful Adjective A2 מוּצלָח 2585 successfully Adverb B1 בְּהַצלָחָה 2586 such det./proNoun A2 כגון 2587 sudden Adjective B1 פִּתְאוֹמִי 2588 suddenly Adverb A2 פִּתְאוֹם 2589 suffer Verb B1 סובל 2590 sugar Noun A1 סוכר 2591 suggest Verb A2 לְהַצִיעַ 2592 suggestion Noun A2 הַצָעָה 2593 suit Noun, Verb A2, B1 חליפה 2594 suitable Adjective B1 מַתְאִים 2595 sum Noun Verb B2 סְכוּם 2596 summarize Verb B1 לְסַכֵּם 2597 summary Noun B1 סיכום 2598 summer Noun A1 קַיִץ 2599 sun Noun A1 שמש 2600 Sunday Noun A1 יוֹם רִאשׁוֹן 2601 supermarket Noun A1 סוּפֶּרמַרקֶט 2602 supply Noun Verb B1 לְסַפֵּק 2603 support Verb Noun A2 תמיכה 2604 supporter Noun B1 תוֹמֵך 2605 suppose Verb A2 לְהַנִיחַ 2606 sure Adjective , Adverb A1, A2 בטוח 2607 surely Adverb B1 בוודאות 2608 surface Noun B1 משטח 2609 surgery Noun B2 כִּירוּרגִיָה 2610 surprise Noun Verb A2 הַפתָעָה 2611 surprised Adjective A2 מוּפתָע 2612 surprising Adjective A2 מַפתִיעַ 2613 surround Verb B2 לְהַקִיף 2614 surrounding Adjective B2 מַקִיף 2615 survey Noun, Verb A2, B2 סֶקֶר 2616 survive Verb B1 לִשְׂרוֹד 2617 suspect Verb Noun B2 חָשׁוּד 2618 swear Verb B2 לְקַלֵל 2619 sweater Noun A1 סווֶדֶר 2620 sweep Verb B2 לְטַאטֵא 2621 sweet Adjective Noun A2 מתוק 2622 swim Verb , Noun A1, B1 לשחות 2623 swimming Noun A1 שחייה 2624 switch Verb , Noun B1, B2 החלף 2625 symbol Noun A2 סֵמֶל 2626 sympathy Noun B2 אַהֲדָה 2627 symptom Noun B1 סימפטום 2628 system Noun A2 מערכת 2629 table Noun A1 שולחן 2630 tablet Noun A2 לוּחַ 2631 tail Noun B1 זָנָב 2632 take Verb A1 לקחת 2633 tale Noun B2 מַעֲשִׂיָה 2634 talent Noun B1 כִּשָׁרוֹן 2635 talented Adjective B1 מוּכשָׁר 2636 talk Verb , Noun A1, A2 דבר 2637 tall Adjective A1 גובה 2638 tank Noun B2 טַנק 2639 tape Noun B1 סרט הדבקה 2640 target Noun, Verb A2, B2 יַעַד 2641 task Noun A2 מְשִׁימָה 2642 taste Noun Verb A2 טַעַם 2643 tax Noun Verb B1 מַס 2644 taxi Noun A1 מוֹנִית 2645 tea Noun A1 תה 2646 teach Verb A1 לְלַמֵד 2647 teacher Noun A1 מוֹרֶה 2648 teaching Noun A2 הוֹרָאָה 2649 team Noun A1 קְבוּצָה 2650 tear1 Verb Noun B2 tear1 2651 tear2 Noun B2 tear2 2652 technical Adjective B1 טֶכנִי 2653 technique Noun B1 טֶכנִיקָה 2654 technology Noun A2 טֶכנוֹלוֹגִיָה 2655 teenage Adjective A2 שֶׁל גִיל הָעֶשׂרֵה 2656 teenager Noun A1 מִתבַּגֵר 2657 telephone Noun Verb A1 טֵלֵפוֹן 2658 television Noun A1 טֵלֶוִיזִיָה 2659 tell Verb A1 לאמר 2660 temperature Noun A2 טֶמפֶּרָטוּרָה 2661 temporary Adjective B2 זמני 2662 ten number A1 עשר 2663 tend Verb B1 נוטה 2664 tennis Noun A1 טֶנִיס 2665 tent Noun B1 אוֹהֶל 2666 term Noun, Verb A2, B2 טווח 2667 terrible Adjective A1 נורא 2668 test Noun Verb A1 מִבְחָן 2669 text Noun, Verb A1, A2 טֶקסט 2670 than conj. A1 מאשר 2671 thank Verb A1 להודות 2672 thanks exclam. Noun A1 תודה 2673 that det. proNoun conj., Adverb A1, B1 זֶה 2674 the definite article A1 ה 2675 theatre Noun A1 תיאטרון 2676 their det. A1 שֶׁלָהֶם 2677 theirs proNoun B1 שֶׁלָהֶם 2678 them proNoun A1 אוֹתָם 2679 theme Noun B1 נושא 2680 themselves proNoun A2 עצמם 2681 then Adverb A1 לאחר מכן 2682 theory Noun B1 תֵאוֹרִיָה 2683 therapy Noun B2 תֶרַפּיָה 2684 there Adverb A1 שם 2685 therefore Adverb B1 לָכֵן 2686 they proNoun A1 הֵם 2687 thick Adjective A2 עבה 2688 thief Noun A2 גַנָב 2689 thin Adjective A2 רזה 2690 thing Noun A1 דָבָר 2691 think Verb A1 לַחשׁוֹב 2692 thinking Noun A2 חושב 2693 third number, Noun A1, A2 שְׁלִישִׁי 2694 thirsty Adjective A1 צמא 2695 thirteen number A1 שְׁלוֹשׁ עֶשׂרֵה 2696 thirty number A1 שְׁלוֹשִׁים 2697 this det./proNoun, Adverb A1, B1 זֶה 2698 though conj. Adverb B1 למרות 2699 thought Noun A2 מַחֲשָׁבָה 2700 thousand number A1 אלף 2701 threat Noun B2 אִיוּם 2702 threaten Verb B2 מאיים 2703 three number A1 שְׁלוֹשָׁה 2704 throat Noun B1 גרון 2705 through prep. Adverb A1 דרך 2706 throughout prep./Adverb B1 בְּמֶשֶך 2707 throw Verb A2 לזרוק 2708 Thursday Noun A1 יוֹם חֲמִישִׁי 2709 thus Adverb B2 לכן 2710 ticket Noun A1 כַּרְטִיס 2711 tidy Adjective v A2 מסודר 2712 tie Verb Noun A2 עניבה 2713 tight Adjective B1 הדוק 2714 till conj./prep. B1 עד 2715 time Noun, Verb A1, B2 זְמַן 2716 tin Noun B1 פַּח 2717 tiny Adjective B1 זָעִיר 2718 tip Noun, Verb A2, B1 עֵצָה 2719 tired Adjective A1 עייף 2720 title Noun A1, B2 כותרת 2721 to prep., infinitive marker A1 ל 2722 today Adverb Noun A1 היום 2723 toe Noun B1 אֶצבַּע 2724 together Adverb A1 יַחַד 2725 toilet Noun A1 שֵׁרוּתִים 2726 tomato Noun A1 עגבנייה 2727 tomorrow Adverb Noun A1 מָחָר 2728 tone Noun B2 טוֹן 2729 tongue Noun B1 לָשׁוֹן 2730 tonight Adverb n A1 היום בלילה 2731 too Adverb A1 גַם 2732 tool Noun A2 כְּלִי 2733 tooth Noun A1 שן 2734 top Noun, Adjective A2 חלק עליון 2735 topic Noun A1 נוֹשֵׂא 2736 total Adjective Noun B1 סה»כ 2737 totally Adverb B1 לְגַמרֵי 2738 touch Verb , Noun A2, B1 לגעת 2739 tough Adjective B2 קָשֶׁה 2740 tour Noun, Verb A2, B1 סיור 2741 tourism Noun A2 תיירות 2742 tourist Noun A1 תיירות 2743 towards prep. A2 לִקרַאת 2744 towel Noun A2 מַגֶבֶת 2745 tower Noun A2 מִגדָל 2746 town Noun A1 העיר 2747 toy Noun, Adjective A2 צַעֲצוּעַ 2748 track Noun, Verb A2, B2 מַסלוּל 2749 trade Noun, Verb B1 סַחַר 2750 tradition Noun A2 מָסוֹרֶת 2751 traditional Adjective A2 מָסוֹרתִי 2752 traffic Noun A1 תְנוּעָה 2753 train Noun, Verb A1, A2 רכבת 2754 trainer Noun A2 מְאַמֵן 2755 training Noun A2 הַדְרָכָה 2756 transfer Verb Noun B2 לְהַעֲבִיר 2757 transform Verb B2 שינוי צורה 2758 transition Noun B2 מַעֲבָר 2759 translate Verb B1 לתרגם 2760 translation Noun B1 תִרגוּם 2761 transport Noun, Verb A2, B1 תַחְבּוּרָה 2762 travel Verb Noun A1 לִנְסוֹעַ 2763 traveller Noun A2 נוֹסֵעַ 2764 treat Verb B1 טיפול 2765 treatment Noun B1 יַחַס 2766 tree Noun A1 עֵץ 2767 trend Noun B1 מְגַמָה 2768 trial Noun B2 ניסוי 2769 trick Noun Verb B1 טריק 2770 trip Noun, Verb A1, B2 טיול 2771 tropical Adjective B2 טְרוֹפִּי 2772 trouble Noun, Verb A2, B2 צרה 2773 trousers Noun A1 מכנסיים 2774 truck Noun A2 מַשָׂאִית 2775 TRUE Adjective A1 נָכוֹן 2776 truly Adverb B2 בֶּאֱמֶת 2777 trust Noun Verb B2 אמון 2778 truth Noun B1 אֶמֶת 2779 try Verb , Noun A1, B2 לְנַסוֹת 2780 T-shirt Noun A1 חולצה קצרה 2781 tube Noun B1 צינור 2782 Tuesday Noun A1 יוֹם שְׁלִישִׁי 2783 tune Noun B2 מנגינה 2784 tunnel Noun B2 מִנהָרָה 2785 turn Verb Noun A1 תור 2786 TV Noun A1 טֵלֶוִיזִיָה 2787 twelve number A1 שתיים עשרה 2788 twenty number A1 עשרים 2789 twice Adverb A1 פעמיים 2790 twin Noun Adjective A2 תְאוֹם 2791 two number A1 שתיים 2792 type Noun, Verb A1, B1 סוּג 2793 typical Adjective A2 טיפוסי 2794 typically Adverb B1 בדרך כלל 2795 tyre Noun B1 צמיג 2796 ugly Adjective B1 מְכוֹעָר 2797 ultimately Adverb B2 בסופו של דבר 2798 umbrella Noun A1 מִטְרִיָה 2799 unable Adjective B1 לא מסוגל 2800 uncle Noun A1 דוֹד 2801 uncomfortable Adjective B1 לא נוח 2802 unconscious Adjective B2 חסר הכרה 2803 under prep. Adj A1 תַחַת 2804 underground Adjective Adverb A2 תת קרקעי 2805 understand Verb A1 מבין 2806 understanding Noun A2 הֲבָנָה 2807 underwear Noun B1 תַחתוֹנִים 2808 unemployed Adjective B1 מובטלים 2809 unemployment Noun B1 אַבטָלָה 2810 unexpected Adjective B2 בלתי צפוי 2811 unfair Adjective B1 לֹא הוֹגֶן 2812 unfortunately Adverb A2 לצערי 2813 unhappy Adjective A2 אוּמלָל 2814 uniform Noun A2 מדים 2815 union Noun B1 הִתאַחֲדוּת 2816 unique Adjective B2 ייחודי 2817 unit Noun A2 יחידה 2818 united Adjective A2 מאוחד 2819 universe Noun B2 עוֹלָם 2820 university Noun A1 אוּנִיבֶרְסִיטָה 2821 unknown Adjective B2 לא ידוע 2822 unless conj. B1 אֶלָא אִם 2823 unlike prep. B1 בניגוד 2824 unlikely Adjective B1 לא סביר 2825 unnecessary Adjective B1 מְיוּתָר 2826 unpleasant Adjective B1 לא נעים 2827 until conj./prep. A1 עד 2828 unusual Adjective A2 בלתי שגרתי 2829 up Adverb proNoun A1 לְמַעלָה 2830 update Verb Noun B1 עדכון 2831 upon prep. B1 עַל 2832 upper Adjective B2 עֶלִיוֹן 2833 upset Adjective v B1 להרגיז 2834 upstairs Adverb , Adjective A1, A2 לְמַעלָה 2835 upwards Adverb B2 כְּלַפֵּי מַעְלָה 2836 urban Adjective B2 עִירוֹנִי 2837 urge Verb B2 דַחַף 2838 us proNoun A1 לָנוּ 2839 use Verb , Noun A1, A2 להשתמש 2840 used Adjective B1 בשימוש 2841 used to modal Verb A2 היה 2842 useful Adjective A1 מוֹעִיל 2843 user Noun A2 מִשׁתַמֵשׁ 2844 usual Adjective A2 רָגִיל 2845 usually Adverb A1 בְּדֶרֶך כְּלַל 2846 vacation Noun A1 חוּפשָׁה 2847 valley Noun A2 עֶמֶק 2848 valuable Adjective B1 בעל ערך 2849 value Noun, Verb B1, B2 ערך 2850 van Noun A2 ואן 2851 variety Noun A2 מגוון 2852 various Adjective B1 שׁוֹנִים 2853 vary Verb B2 לְהִשְׁתַנוֹת 2854 vast Adjective B2 עָצוּם 2855 vegetable Noun A1 ירקות 2856 vehicle Noun A2 רכב 2857 venue Noun B2 מָקוֹם מִפגָשׁ 2858 version Noun B1 גִרְסָה 2859 very Adverb , Adjective A1, B1 מאוד 2860 via prep. B2 באמצעות 2861 victim Noun B1 קורבן 2862 victory Noun B2 ניצחון 2863 video Noun A1 וִידֵאוֹ 2864 view Noun, Verb A2, נוף 2865 viewer Noun B1 צוֹפֶה 2866 village Noun A1 כְּפָר 2867 violence Noun B2 אַלִימוּת 2868 violent Adjective B1 אַלִים 2869 virtual Adjective B2 וירטואלי 2870 virus Noun A2 נגיף 2871 vision Noun B2 חָזוֹן 2872 visit Verb Noun A1 לְבַקֵר 2873 visitor Noun A1 אורח 2874 visual Adjective B2 חָזוּתִי 2875 vital Adjective B2 חִיוּנִי 2876 vitamin Noun B2 וִיטָמִין 2877 voice Noun A2 קוֹל 2878 volume Noun B2 כרך 2879 volunteer Noun Verb B1 לְהִתְנַדֵב 2880 vote Noun Verb B1 הַצבָּעָה 2881 wage Noun B2 שָׂכָר 2882 wait Verb , Noun A1, A2 לַחֲכוֹת 2883 waiter Noun A1 מֶלְצַר 2884 wake Verb A1 לְהִתְעוֹרֵר 2885 walk Verb Noun A1 לָלֶכֶת 2886 wall Noun A1 קִיר 2887 want Verb A1 רוצה 2888 war Noun A2 מִלחָמָה 2889 warm Adjective , v A1, B1 נעים 2890 warn Verb B1 לְהַזהִיר 2891 warning Noun B1 אַזהָרָה 2892 wash Verb , Noun A1, A2 לִשְׁטוֹף 2893 washing Noun A2 כְּבָסִים 2894 waste Noun v, Adjective B1 בזבוז 2895 watch Verb Noun A1 שעון 2896 water Noun, Verb A1, B1 מים 2897 wave Noun A2, B1 גַל 2898 way Noun A1, B2 דֶרֶך 2899 we proNoun A1 אָנוּ 2900 weak Adjective A2 חלש 2901 weakness Noun B2 חוּלשָׁה 2902 wealth Noun B2 עוֹשֶׁר 2903 wealthy Adjective B2 עָשִׁיר 2904 weapon Noun B1 נֶשֶׁק 2905 wear Verb A1 לִלבּוֹשׁ 2906 weather Noun A1 מזג אוויר 2907 web Noun A2 אינטרנט 2908 website Noun A1 אתר אינטרנט 2909 wedding Noun A2 חֲתוּנָה 2910 Wednesday Noun A1 יום רביעי 2911 week Noun A1 שָׁבוּעַ 2912 weekend Noun A1 סוף שבוע 2913 weigh Verb B1 לשקול 2914 weight Noun A2 מִשׁקָל 2915 welcome exclam. Verb Adjective , n A1, A2 ברוך הבא 2916 well Adverb , Adjective , exclam. A1 נו 2917 west Noun Adjective Adverb A1 מַעֲרָב 2918 western Adjective B1 מערבי 2919 wet Adjective A2 רָטוֹב 2920 what proNoun/det. A1 מה 2921 whatever det./proNoun B1 מה שתגיד 2922 wheel Noun A2 גַלגַל 2923 when Adverb proNounconj. A1 מתי 2924 whenever conj. B1 בְּכָל פַּעַם 2925 where Adverb conj. A1 איפה 2926 whereas conj. B2 ואילו 2927 wherever conj. B2 בַּאֲשֶׁר 2928 whether conj. B1 האם 2929 which proNoun/det. A1 איזה 2930 while conj., Noun A2, B1 בזמן 2931 whisper Verb Noun B2 לַחַשׁ 2932 white Adjective Noun A1 לבן 2933 who proNoun A1 Who 2934 whole Adjective , n A2, B1 כֹּל 2935 whom proNoun B2 מִי 2936 whose det./proNoun A2 של מי 2937 why Adverb A1 למה 2938 wide Adjective A2 רָחָב 2939 widely Adverb B2 במידה רבה 2940 wife Noun A1 אשה 2941 wild Adjective A2 פְּרָאִי 2942 wildlife Noun B2 חַיוֹת בַּר 2943 will modal, Noun Verb A1, רָצוֹן 2944 willing Adjective B2 מוּכָן 2945 win Verb , Noun A1, B1 לנצח 2946 wind1 Noun A2 wind1 2947 wind2 Verb B2 wind2 2948 window Noun A1 חַלוֹן 2949 wine Noun A1 יַיִן 2950 wing Noun B1 אֲגַף 2951 winner Noun A2 זוֹכֵה 2952 winter Noun A1 חוֹרֶף 2953 wire Noun B2 חוּט 2954 wise Adjective B2 חכם 2955 wish Verb Noun A2 בַּקָשָׁה 2956 with prep. A1 עם 2957 within prep. B1 בְּתוֹך 2958 without prep. A1 לְלֹא 2959 witness Noun Verb B2 עֵד 2960 woman Noun A1 אִשָׁה 2961 wonder Verb Noun B1 פֶּלֶא 2962 wonderful Adjective A1 נִפלָא 2963 wood Noun A2 עץ 2964 wooden Adjective A2 עץ 2965 wool Noun B1 צֶמֶר 2966 word Noun A1 מִלָה 2967 work Verb Noun A1 עֲבוֹדָה 2968 worker Noun A1 עוֹבֵד 2969 working Adjective A2 עובד 2970 world Noun A1 עוֹלָם 2971 worldwide Adjective Adverb B1 עוֹלָמִי 2972 worried Adjective A2 מוּדְאָג 2973 worry Verb Noun A2, B1 דאגה 2974 worse Adjective, AdVerb Noun A2,B1, B2 רע יותר 2975 worst Adjective, AdVerb A2,B1, B2 הכי גרוע 2976 worth Adjective, Noun B1, B2 שִׁוּוּי 2977 would modal, Verb A1 היה 2978 wound Noun Verb B2 פֶּצַע 2979 wow exclam. A2 וואו 2980 wrap Verv B2 לַעֲטוֹף 2981 write Verb A1 לִכתוֹב 2982 writer Noun A1 סוֹפֵר 2983 writing Noun A1 כְּתִיבָה 2984 written Adjective B1 כתוב 2985 wrong Adjective, AdVerb Noun A1, B1, B2 לא בסדר 2986 yard Noun B1 חָצֵר 2987 yeah exclam. A1 כֵּן 2988 year Noun A1 שָׁנָה 2989 yellow Adjective, Noun A1 צהוב 2990 yes exclam. A1 כן 2991 yesterday AdVerb Noun A1 אתמול 2992 yet AdVerb conj. A2, B2 עדיין 2993 you proNoun A1 אתה 2994 young Adjective, Noun A1, B1 צָעִיר 2995 your det. A1 שֶׁלךָ 2996 yours proNoun A2 שלך 2997 yourself proNoun A1 עַצמְךָ 2998 youth Noun B1 נוֹעַר 2999 zero number A2 אֶפֶס 3000 zone Noun B2 אֵזוֹר

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500+ Commonly Used Hebrew Words with English Transliteration

Learning Hebrew and want to strengthen your vocabulary? The following is a list of over 500 of the most commonly used Hebrew words. Most of the words on this list can be found with audio in this great collection of Hebrew Anki cards, courtesy of Teach Me Hebrew.

Be sure to also check out our collection of Common Hebrew Phrases in English Transliteration.

Category English Transliteration Hebrew
Adjectives, Adverbs      
A little K-tsat קצת
A lot Har-be הרבה
Again Shuv שוב
All Kol כל
Alone Le-vad לבד
Also Gam גם
Angry Ko-es כועס
Bad Ra רע
Beautiful Ya-fe יפה
Big Ga-dol גדול
Black Sha-khor שחור
Blue Ka-chol כחול
Boring Me-sha-a-mem משעמם
Cheap Zol זול
Clean Na-ki נקי
Closed Sa-gur סגור
Cold Kar קר
Correct Na-chon נכון
Difficult Ka-she קשה
Down Le-ma-ta למטה
Early Muk-dam מוקדם
Easy Kal קל
Exciting Mal-hiv מלהיב
Expensive Ya-kar יקר
Fast Ma-hair מהיר
Fat Sha-men שמן
First Ri-shon ראשון
Forbidden A-sur אסור
Fried Me-tu-gan מטוגן
Full Ma-le מלא
Funny Mats-chik מצחיק
Good Tov טוב
Green Ya-rok ירוק
Hard Ka-she קשה
Half (of something) Che-tsi חצי
Healthy Ba-ri בריא
Here Po פה
High Ga-vo-ha גבוה
Hot Kham חם
Hungry Ra-ev רעב
Important Cha-shuv חשוב
Inside Bif-nim בפנים
Intelligent Na-von נבון
Interesting Me-an-yen מעניין
Jewish Ye-hu-di יהודי
Kosher Ka-sher כשר
Last, final A-cha-ron אחרון
Late Me-u-char מאוחר
Lazy Ats-lan עצלן
Left (direction) Smo-la שמאלה
Low Na-mukh נמוך
Married Na-su-i נשוי
Medium Bei-no-ni בינוני
New Cha-dash חדש
Next Ha-ba הבא
Noisy Ro-esh רועש
Okay Be-se-der בסדר
Old (person) Za-ken זקן
Old (thing) Ya-shan ישן
Open Pa-tu-akh פתוח
Orange (color) Ka-tom כתום
Outside Ba-chuts בחוץ
Poor A-ni עני
Purple Sa-gol סגול
Quarter (of something) Re-va רבע
Quickly Ma-hair מהר
Quiet She-ket שקט
Ready Mu-chan מוכן
Red A-dom אדום
Religious Da-ti דתי
Rich A-shir עשיר
Right (direction) Ya-mi-na ימינה
Secular Chi-lo-ni חלוני
Sick Cho-le חולה
Simple Pa-shut פשוט
Singular; single (not married) Ya-chid יחיד
Slow I-ti איטי
Slowly Le-at לאט
Small Ka-tan קטן
Smart Pi-ke-ach פיקח
Smelly Mas-ri-ach מסריח
Soft Rach רך
Soon Be-ka-rov בקרוב
Spicy (hot) Cha-rif חריף
Straight ahead; honest Ya-shar ישר
Strong Cha-zak חזק
Sweet Ma-tok מתוק
Tasty Ta-im טעים
There Sham שם
Thin Ra-ze רזה
Third (of something) Shlish שליש
Tired A-yef עייף
Today Ha-yom היום
Together Be-ya-chad ביחד
Tomorrow Ma-char מחר
Twice Pa-a-ma-yim פעמים
Ugly Me-cho-ar מכוער
Up Le-ma-la למעלה
Weak Cha-lash חלש
Very Me-od מאוד
Wet Ra-tuv רטוב
White La-van לבן
Who Mi מי
Whole Sha-laim שלם
Without Bli בלי
Yellow Tsa-hov צהוב
Yes Ken כן
Yesterday Et-mol אתמול
Conjunctions, prepositions  
And Ve
Before Lif-nei לפני
But A-val אבל
By, with, at the place of Ets-el אצל
From Me
If Im אם
In, at Be, ba
Like/ as Ke
Maybe U-lai אולי
No Lo לא
Now Ach-shav עכשיו
Of Shel של
On, about Al על
Once Pa-am פעם
Only Rak רק
Or O או
So Az אז
The Ha
This Ze זה
To, for Le
Address Ktov-et כתובת
Air conditioner Maz-gan מזגן
Airplane Ma-tos מטוס
Airport Na-mal te-u-fa נמל תעופה
Almond Sha-ked שקד
Answer Tshu-va תשובה
Ant Ne-ma-la נמלה
Apartment Di-ra דירה
Apple Ta-pu-akh תפוח
Arabic A-ra-vit ערבית
Arm Yad יד
Atm Kas-po-mat כספומט
Aunt Do-da דודה
Baby Ti-nok תינוק
Back Gav גב
Bag Tik תיק
Bakery Ma-a-fi-ya מאפייה
Ball Ka-dur כדור
Banana Ba-na-na בננה
Bank Bank בנק
Basketball Ka-dur-sal כדורסל
Beach Khof חוף
Bed Mi-ta מיטה
Beef Ba-kar בקר
Beer Bi-ra בירה
Beet(root) Se-lek סלק
Belt Cha-go-ra חגורה
Bicycle O-fa-na-yim אופניים
Bill, check Khesh-bon חשבון
Bird Tsi-por ציפור
Body Guf גוף
Bone E-tsem עצם
Book Se-fer ספר
Bottle Bak-buk בקבוק
Bowl Ke-a-ra קערה
Boy Ye-led ילד
Brain Mo-akh מוח
Bread Le-khem לחם
Break Haf-sa-ka הפסקה
Breakfast A-ru-chat bo-ker ארוחת בוקר
Brother Ach אח
Brown Khum חום
Building Bin-yan בניין
Bus O-to-bus אוטובוס
Butter Chem-a חמאה
Cabbage Kruv כרוב
Cake U-ga עוגה
Camera Mats-le-ma מצלמה
Car Me-kho-nit מכונית
Carrot Ge-zer גזר
Cat Cha-tul חתול
Ceiling Tik-ra תקרה
Chair Ki-se כיסא
Challah Cha-la חלה
Channel (tv) A-ruts ערוץ
Chapter Pe-rek פרק
Cheese Gvi-na גבינה
Cherry Duv-de-van דובדבן
Chest Cha-ze חזה
Chicken Of עוף
Chocolate Sho-ko-lad שוקולד
City Ir עיר
Classroom Ki-ta כיתה
Clock Sha-on שעון
Clothes Be-ga-dim בגדים
Cloud A-nan ענן
Cockroach Juk ג’וק
Coffee Ka-fe קפה
Color Tse-va צבע
Company Chev-ra חברה
Computer Mach-shev מחשב
Country Me-di-na מדינה
Cousin Ben dod בן דוד
Cucumber Me-la-fe-fon מלפפון
Dad A-ba אבא
Date (the fruit) Ta-mar תמר
Daughter Bat בת
Day Yom יום
Desert Mid-bar מדבר
Dictionary Mi-lon מילון
Doctor/physician Ro-fe רופא
Dog Ke-lev כלב
Door De-let דלת
Drink Shti-ya שתייה
Driver Na-hag נהג
Ear O-zen אוזן
East Miz-rakh מזרח
Egg Bei-tsa ביצה
End Sof סוף
Engineer Me-han-des מהנדס
English An-glit אנגלית
Entrance Kni-sa כניסה
Evening E-rev ערב
Excellent Me-tsu-yan מצוין
Exercise Hit-am-lut התעמלות
Exit Ye-tsi-a יציאה
Eye A-yin עין
Face Pa-nim פנים
Faculty Fa-kul-ta פקולטה
Falafel Fa-la-fel פלאפל
Fall (the season) Stav סתיו
Family Mish-pa-cha משפחה
Fig Te-e-na תאנה
Toe Ets-ba אצבע
Finger Ets-ba אצבע
Fish Dag דג
Floor Rits-pa רצפה
Food O-chel אוכל
Foot Kaf re-gel כף רגל
Fork Maz-leg מזלג
Friday Yom shi-shi יום שישי
Friend Cha-ver חבר
Fruit Pri פרי
Future A-tid עתיד
Game Mis-chak משחק
Garbage can Pach ash-pa פח אשפה
Garlic Shoom שום
Gasoline De-lek דלק
Gate Sha-ar שער
Girl Yal-da ילדה
Glass, cup Kos כוס
Government Mem-sha-la ממשלה
Grandfather Sa-ba סבא
Grandmother Sav-ta סבתא
Grapefruit Esh-ko-lit אשכולית
Grapes A-na-vim ענבים
Group Kvu-tsa קבוצה
Hair Se-ar שער
Hand Yad יד
Hat Ko-va כובע
He Hu הוא
Head Rosh ראש
Heart Lev לב
Hebrew Iv-rit עברית
Height Go-va גובה
Hobby Takh-biv תחביב
Holiday Khag חג
Honey Dvash דבש
Hospital Beit kho-lim בית חולים
Hot chocolate Sho-ko kham שוקו חם
Hotel Ma-lon מלון
Hour Sha-a שעה
House Ba-yit בית
Hummus Chu-mus חומוס
Husband Ba-al בעל
I A-ni אני
I.d.f. (israel defense forces) Tsa-hal צה”ל
Ice cream Gli-da גלידה
Idea Ra-a-yon רעיון
Israel Is-ra-el ישראל
Juice Mits מיץ
Key Maf-te-ach מפתח
Kitchen Mit-bakh מטבח
Knife Sa-kin סכין
Lamb Ta-le טלה
Language Sa-fa שפה
Leg Re-gel רגל
Lemon Li-mon לימון
Lesson Shi-ur שיעור
Lettuce Cha-sa חסה
Library Sif-ri-ya ספרייה
Lizard Le-ta-a לטאה
Mail; post office Do-ar דואר
Mall Kan-yon קניון
Manager Me-na-hel מנהל
Mango Man-go מנגו
Meat Ba-sar בשר
Meter Me-ter מטר
Microwave Mik-ro-gal מיקרוגל
Milk Cha-lav חלב
Minute Da-ka דקה
Mold O-vesh עובש
Mom I-ma אימא
Moment Re-ga רגע
Monday Yom she-ni יום שני
Money Ke-sef כסף
Month Cho-desh חודש
Moon Ya-re-akh ירח
Morning Bo-ker בוקר
Mosquito Ya-tush יתוש
Mouth Pe פה
Movie Se-ret סרט
Museum Mu-zei-on מוזיאון
Mushrooms Pit-ri-yot פטריות
Music Mu-zi-ka מוזיקה
Name Shem שם
Napkin Ma-pit מפית
Nectarine Nek-ta-ri-na נקטרינה
Neighborhood Sh’chu-na שכונה
News Cha-da-shot חדשות
Newspaper I-ton עיתון
Night Lai-la לילה
Noon Tso-ho-ra-yim צהריים
North Tsa-fon צפון
Nose Af אף
Notebook Mach-be-ret מחברת
Nothing Klum כלום
Number Mis-par מספר
Office Mis-rad משרד
Oil She-men שמן
Olive Za-yit זית
Onion Ba-tsal בצל
Orange (food) Ta-puz תפוז
Oven Ta-nur תנור
Pain/ache Ke-ev כאב
Palm Kaf yad כף יד
Pants Mich-na-sa-yim מכנסים
Paper Ni-yar נייר
Parents Ho-rim הורים
Parsley Pet-ro-zil-ya פטרוזיליה
Passport Dar-kon דרכון
Past A-var עבר
Pasta Pas-ta פסטה
Pastry Ma-a-fe מאפה
Peach A-far-sek אפרסק
Pear A-gas אגס
Pen Et עט
Pencil I-pa-ron עפרון
Pepper Pil-pel פלפל
Pharmacy Beit mir-ka-chat בית מרקחת
Piano Psan-ter פסנתר
Pickles Cha-mu-tsim חמוצים
Picture Tmu-na תמונה
Pillow Ka-rit כרית
Pineapple A-na-nas אננס
Pita Pi-ta פיתה
Place Ma-kom מקום
Plate Tsa-la-chat צלחת
Plum She-zif שזיף
Police Mish-ta-ra משטרה
Pomegranate Ri-mon רימון
Potato Ta-pu-ach a-da-ma תפוח אדמה
Present (tense) Ho-ve הווה
Printer Mad-pe-set מדפסת
Question She-e-la שאלה
Quinoa Ki-no-a קינואה
Rabbi Rav רב
Rain Ge-shem גשם
Receipt Ka-ba-la קבלה
Refrigerator Me-ka-rer מקרר
Restaurant Mis-a-da מסעדה
Rice O-rez אורז
River Na-har נהר
Road, route Kvish כביש
Room Che-der חדר
Rug Sha-ti-akh שטיח
Salad Sa-lat סלט
Salt Me-lakh מלח
Sandals San-da-lim סנדלים
Saturday Sha-bat שבת
Sauce Ro-tev רוטב
Schnitzel Shni-tsel שניצל
School Beit se-fer בית ספר
Scientist Mad-an מדען
Sea Yam ים
Serving/portion Ma-na מנה
Shakshuka Shak-shu-ka שקשוקה
Shawarma Sha-war-ma שווארמה
She Hi היא
Sheet Sa-din סדין
Shekel She-kel שקל
Shirt Chul-tsa חולצה
Shoes Na-a-la-yim נעליים
Shorts Mich-na-sa-yim k-tsar-im מכנסים קצרים
Shuttle taxi Shei-rut שירות
Sidewalk Mid-ra-cha מדרכה
Sister A-chot אחות
Skirt Cha-tsa-it חצאית
Sky Sha-ma-yim שמיים
Soap Sa-bon סבון
Soccer Ka-du-re-gel כדורגל
Socks Gar-ba-yim גרביים
Sofa Sa-pa ספה
Someone Mi-she-hu מישהו
Something Ma-she-hu משהו
Son Ben בן
Soup Ma-rak מרק
South Da-rom דרום
Spider A-ka-vish עכביש
Spinach Te-red תרד
Spoon Kaf כף
Sport Sport ספורט
Spring A-viv אביב
Squash, zucchini Ki-shu קישוא
Star Ko-chav כוכב
Station, stop Ta-cha-na תחנה
Stomach Be-ten בטן
Stop A-tsor עצור
Store Kha-nut חנות
Story Si-pur סיפור
Strawberry Tut תות
Street Re-chov רחוב
Student Stu-dent סטודנט
Sugar Su-kar סוכר
Summer Ka-yits קיץ
Sun She-mesh שמש
Sunday Yom ri-shon יום ראשון
Supermarket Su-per-mar-ket סופרמרקט
Surname Shem mish-pa-cha שם משפחה
Sweet potato Ba-ta-ta בטטה
Swimming Schi-ya שחייה
Synagogue Beit kne-set בית כנסת
Table Shul-chan שולחן
Taxi Mo-nit מונית
Tea Te תה
Teacher Mo-re, mo-ra מורה
Teeth Shi-na-yim שיניים
Telephone Te-le-fon טלפון
Test/exam Miv-khan מבחן
They (f.) Hen הן
They (m.) Hem הם
Thumb A-gu-dal אגודל
Thursday Yom cha-mi-shi יום חמישי
Time Zman זמן
Toilet (bathroom) She-ru-tim שרותים
Tomato Ag-va-ni-ya עגבניה
Towel Ma-ge-vet מגבת
Traffic Tnu-a תנועה
Train Ra-ke-vet רכבת
Tree, wood Ets עץ
Trip, hike Ti-yul טיול
Tuesday Yom shli-shi יום שלישי
Tunnel Min-ha-ra מנהרה
Turkey Ho-du הודו
Tv Te-le-viz-ya טלוויזיה
Uncle Dod דוד
University U-ni-ver-si-ta אוניברסיטה
Vacation Chuf-sha חופשה
Vegetables Ye-ra-kot ירקות
Wall Kir קיר
Wallet Ar-nak ארנק
Walnut E-goz me-lech אגוז מלך
Water Ma-yim מים
Watermelon A-va-ti-ach אבטיח
We A-nach-nu אנחנו
Weapon Ne-shek נשק
Weather Me-zeg a-vir מזג אוויר
Wednesday Yom re-vi-i יום רביעי
Week Sha-vu-a שבוע
Weekend Sof sha-vu-a סוף שבוע
Weight Mish-kal משקל
West Ma-a-rav מערב
Wife I-sha אישה
Window Cha-lon חלון
Wine Yay-in יין
Winter Cho-ref חורף
World O-lam עולם
Year Sha-na שנה
Yogurt Yo-gurt יוגורט
You (f.) At את
You (f.p.) A-ten אתן
You (m.) A-ta אתה
You (m.p.) A-tem אתם
Bless you Liv-ri-ut לבריאות
Cheers! Le-cha-yim לחיים
Date of birth Ta-a-rich lei-da תאריך לידה
Dinner A-ru-chat e-rev ארוחת ערב
Excuse me Sli-kha סליחה
First name Shem pra-ti שם פרטי
Get going Ya-la יאללה
Good luck Be-hats-la-cha בהצלחה
Hello Sha-lom שלום
It is possible Ef-shar אפשר
Lunch A-ru-chat tso-ho-ra-yim ארוחת צהריים
Please Be-va-ka-sha בבקשה
Hold on Shni-ya שניה
See you later Le-hit-ra-ot להתראות
Thank you To-da תודה
There is/are Yesh יש
There isn’t/aren’t Ein אין
Question Words  
How Eich איך
How much Ka-ma כמה
What Ma מה
When Ma-tai מתי
Where Ei-fo איפה
Which Ei-ze איזה
Why La-ma למה


500+ Commonly Used Hebrew Words with English Transliteration


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Did you know that modern Hebrew is literally riddled with words borrowed from or inspired by English? While the modern age, globally interconnected as it is, has seen many languages absorb some words from English, the prevalence of English words in the Hebrew language may be considered a unique phenomenon. 

This is because Hebrew remained completely unspoken for almost two millennia, and thus did not evolve its lexicon naturally as other, continuously used languages did. When Jews finally did begin reviving Hebrew in the late nineteenth century, there was a vast void of missing vocabulary needed to describe all the trappings of modernity. Moreover, from 1917 until 1948, then-Palestine (what is now Israel and the Palestinian territories) was under British rule, making English a natural source to draw on in cases where Hebrew lacked a certain word or phrase.

In fact, there are numerous cases of Hebrew speakers opting for an English word even when there is a good Hebrew word for something!

The revival of Hebrew was initially a very conscious effort, led chiefly by master linguist and mad idealist Eliezer ben Yehuda. However, as Hebrew caught hold of more and more Zionist Jews as a spoken language, it inevitably began to take on a life of its own—especially following the births of the first generations of Jews to speak Hebrew as a first language. Naturally, as time progressed, modern Hebrew shifted away from the academic sphere to become the home turf of those who spoke it natively.

Ben Yehuda, as head of the academic camp reviving the language, founded ועד הלשון העברית (Va’ad ha-Lashon ha-’Ivrit), or “The Hebrew Language Committee” in 1890. He also started the first Hebrew dictionary to include both classical and modern Hebrew words. In coining new words, he would generally first attempt to draw on Hebrew roots, or שורשים (shorashim). However, where he failed to find a relevant root or where the result was awkward, he would turn to Aramaic or Arabic in search of a source word, due to their proximity to Hebrew—both are members of the Semitic language family. However, polyglot that he was, he also drew on various other languages, as well. This was despite fierce resistance from others involved in reviving the language, who vocally rejected any foreign influence on the language. Ben Yehuda was among a minority who seemed to recognize that linguistic interchange was not only a matter of course, but also nothing to be ashamed of in a place as linguistically diverse as Israel and for a people as culturally diverse as the Jews.

Regardless of academic attempts to keep Hebrew “pure,” once Hebrew sprouted its own wings as a spoken language, speakers naturally began importing loanwords into Hebrew from the other languages they spoke or read, as well as applying linguistic features from other languages to modify proper Hebrew words. Even the academics themselves seemingly could not resist this organic change toward expanding and refining the language with some help from abroad. In 1953, The Hebrew Language Committee changed its name to האקדמיה ללשון העברית (Ha-Akademiyah la-Lashon ha-’Ivrit), or “The Academy of the Hebrew Language.” This change swapped out the Hebrew ועד (va’ad), or “committee,” for אקדמיה (akademiyah), meaning “academy.” This word derives from the Greek Akadēmos, probably reaching Hebrew by way of English’s “academy” or perhaps French’s académie.

With the passage of time, a second wave of English influence swept over the Hebrew language, thanks to immigration, tourism, and business ties to Israel on the part of English speakers. In addition, English-language media such as movies, TV shows, music, and later the Internet, have all made their mark on the language, endowing it with a trove of lexical contributions in every sphere.

Without further ado, let’s take a look at some examples of how English words have made their way into Hebrew and how they are used. And as a bonus, we’ll wrap up by taking a look at some English words whose Hebrew provenance may well surprise you. 

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Table of Contents

  1. As-Is Loanwords
  2. Gendered Loanwords
  3. Hebrew Verbs Formed From English Words
  4. Some English-to-Hebrew Fails
  5. English Words Originating in Hebrew
  6. Let HebrewPod101 Help You Make the Link Between Hebrew and English

As-Is Loanwords

The first category of common English words in Hebrew we’ll cover are the English loanwords you’re most likely to hear Hebrew speakers use in a similar fashion to their original English counterparts. Keep in mind that their application may not always be exactly the same in Hebrew as in English.

Handing Out Loan

  1. היי



This one is used just the same as it is in English. This is notwithstanding the fact that שלום (shalom) is the proper Hebrew greeting, and, in fact, can also be used as a farewell.

היי! מה שלומך?

Hay! Mah shlomekh?

Hi! How are you?”

  1. ביי



Once again, this is used the same in Hebrew as it is in English.

היה כיף לראות אותך. ביי!

Hayah keyf lir’ot otkha. Bay!

“It was good to see you. Bye!”

  1. קול



This one is pretty straightforward. Israelis often use this English word in the same slang sense as English speakers do. Here’s an example:

אתה טס לניו יורק? איזה קול!

Atah tas le-Nyu York? Eyzeh kul!

“You’re flying to New York? How cool!”

  1. פליז



This is an example of an English word that has an exact Hebrew semantic parallel but is used alternatively for emphasis.

אמא, בבקשה תני לי גלידה. פליז!

Imma, bevakashah tni li glidah. Pliz!

“Mom, please give me ice cream. Please!”

Please Sign with Hands

  1. סורי



This is another case where a word that exists in Hebrew—סליחה (slikhah), meaning “sorry“—may be substituted by its English equivalent for emphasis.

שכחתי להביא לך את הכסף. סורי!

Shakhakhti lehavi lekha et ha-kesef. Sori!

“I forgot to bring you the money. Sorry!”

  1. טלפון



האם יש לך את מספר הטלפון של רם?

Ha’im yesh lekha et mispar ha-telefon shel Ram?

“Do you have Ram’s telephone number?”

Interestingly, it was Eliezer ben Yehuda who tried to introduce an alternative word for this device: שח-רחוק (sakh-rakhok), which is derived from the following words: 

  • שיחה (sikhah) – “conversation”
  • רחוק (rakhok) – “distant”

However, this coinage was ultimately rejected by the Hebrew Language Committee, and the more universal טלפון (telefon) is still in use today.

  1. אוטו



While the truncated form of this word (combined with its Hebrew pronunciation) may throw you off, this everyday Hebrew word simply means “automobile.” It is used synonymously with the proper Hebrew word, מכונית (mekhonit).

איפה חנינו את האוטו?

Eyfoh khaninu et ha-oto?

“Where did we park the car?”


  1. אינטרנט



Though the Academy of the Hebrew Language tried to get Israelis to use the Hebrew neologism מרשתת (mirshetet), formed from the word רשת (reshet), meaning “net,” Israelis still universally use this loanword from English.

האינטרנט כאן ממש איטי.

Ha-Internet kan mamash iti.

“The Internet here is really slow.”

  1. רדיו



This one is the same in Hebrew as in English.

הגבר את הרדיו. אני רוצה לשמוע את החדשות.

Hagber et ha-radyo. Ani rotzah lishmo’a et ha-khadashot.

“Turn up the radio. I want to listen to the news.”


  1. ג’ינס



Ever since James Dean and Marilyn Monroe made them hip, bluejeans have seemingly been in style the world over, and Israel is no exception.

קניתי ג’ינס חדש בקניון.

Kaniti jins khadash ba-kanyon.

“I bought new jeans at the mall.”

  1. פול


    “full” / “a lot of”

This one can have either the same meaning as in English or be used slightly differently to mean a lot of something. Again, this idea can be expressed in proper Hebrew, but English is often used instead, just to be קול (kul).

יש לי פול זמן מחר. בואו ניפגש.

Yesh li ful zman makhar. Bo’u nipagesh.

“I have a lot of time tomorrow. Let’s get together.”

  1. ווליום



This one is another case of an English word that has a perfectly serviceable Hebrew equivalent (עוצמה [otzmah]), but is nevertheless often preferred by Israelis, often in conjunction with our previous example.

אני אוהב לשמוע מוסיקה בפול ווליום כשאני רץ.

Ani ohev lishmo’a musikah be-ful volyum ke-she-ani ratz.

“I like to listen to music at full volume when I run.”

  1. ספיישל



This word is used in a way that linguists called “narrowing.” That is to say, Hebrew does not employ it to describe just anything special—the word for which is מיוחד (meyukhad)—but is rather used in specific cases, particularly in reference to a special media event or to describe taxis pre-hired to go from a given point of departure to a given destination (as opposed to a taxi flagged down as it circulates).

אנחנו נוסעים לשדה התעופה הלילה במונית ספיישל.

Anakhnu nos’im li-sdeh ha-te’ufah halaylah be-monit speshel.

“We’re headed to the airport tonight in a special taxi.”


  1. פופקורן



This one is a bit funny-sounding to the English ear in its Hebrew iteration. Perhaps due to the relatively common Hebrew last name Koren, Israelis have inserted an extra vowel between the final R and N.

בא לכם פופקורן עם הסרט?

Ba lakhem popkoren ‘im ha-seret?

“Do you want popcorn with the movie?”

  1. קורס



This one is pretty straightforward. As in English, this is used to refer to any sort of training or shorter educational undertaking.

אני רוצה לעשות קורס צניחה חופשית בסוף השבוע.

Ani rotzeh la’asot kurs tznikhah khofshit be-sof ha-shavu’ah.

“I want to take a skydiving course this weekend.”

  1. פרויקט



This one is almost as-is, but it does have a modified pronunciation in Hebrew.

פרויקט העירייה החדש עלה פי שלוש מהמתכונן.

Proyekt ha-’iriyah he-khadash ‘alah pi shalosh me-ha-metukhnan.

“The municipality’s new project cost three times as much as planned.”

  1. פינישים


    “finishing/fine touches”

This is another case of narrowing. This word is not used to say “finish”—the Hebrew word for which is either לגמור (ligmor) or לסיים (lesayem)—but specifically to refer to the fine last details in a task, work of art, etc. It’s most often used in modified form to bear the Hebrew masculine plural form (ending in -ים [-im]).

חסרים רק כמה פינישים אחרונים ואני כבר מסיים את הפרויקט.

Khaserim rak kamah finishim akharonim va-ani kvar mesayem et ha-proyect.

“I have a few finishing touches left before I can complete the project.”

  1. טנק



This one is an important importation from English, as Israel’s armored corps is world-famous for its military prowess. 

בצבא הייתי מפקד טנק.

Ba-tzavah hayiti mefaked tank.

“In the military, I was a tank commander.”


Gendered Loanwords

Unlike English, Hebrew is a gendered language. This means that all nouns and adjectives are either masculine or feminine. Let’s look at some cases where English words in the Hebrew language get hebracized when describing the feminine versus the masculine.

  1. ברמן



This one is taken from British English, in which barmen tend bar at pubs (versus North American English, in which bartenders tend bar at bars). Aside from the fact that this gets gendered to describe a female bartender, note that Israelis also pronounce the male singular form as if it were the plural in English.

דן הוא ברמן. גם דנה היא ברמנית.

Dan hu barmen. Gam Danah hi barmenit.

“Dan is a bartender. Dana is a bartender too.”


  1. סנוב



This is another English loanword that gets gendered when describing a female.

שלמה הוא ממש סנוב. חברה שלו, יונית, היא סנובית אפילו יותר גרועה.

Shlomoh hu mamash snob. Khaverah shelo, Yonit, hi snobit afilu yoter geru’ah.

“Shlomo is a real snob. His girlfriend, Yonit, is an even worse snob.”

  1. מניאק



This one means much the same thing in Hebrew as it does in English.

אל תהיה מניאק כמו אחותך המניאקית.

Al tihiyeh maniyak k’mo akhotkha ha-maniyakit.

“Don’t be a maniac like your maniac sister.”

Crazy Looking Man

  1. די-ג’יי



This term, as well, means precisely the same thing in Hebrew as it does in English.

רון הוא די-ג’יי מצויין ואשתו, שרה, היא די-ג’ייאית אפילו יותר טובה.

Ron hu di-jey metzuyan ve-’ishto, Sarah, hi di-jayit afilu yoter tovah.

“Ron is a great DJ, and his wife, Sarah, is an even better DJ.

DJ at Club

Hebrew Verbs Formed From English Words

Because of its root system, Hebrew has great flexibility in the formation of new words. In some cases, Hebrew takes English words and turns them into fully functional, conjugatable Hebrew verbs. Because of the rules of ניקוד (nikkud), or “diacritical marks,” this often produces some funny-sounding results to the English ear. Here are some examples.

  1. לבלף


    “to bluff”

אני כבר רואה שאתה מבלף. שכחת את יום ההולדת שלי לגמרי!

Ani kvar ro’ah she-atah mevalef. Shakhakta et yom ha-huledet sheli legamrey!

“I can already see that you’re bluffing. You completely forgot my birthday!”

Poker Game

  1. למקסם


    “to maximize”

כל הכבוד! מיקסמנו את המכירות שלנו ברבעון האחרון!

Kol ha-kavod! Miksamnu et ha-mekhirot shelanu ba-riv’on ha-akharon!

“Way to go! We maximized our sales in the last quarter!”

  1. לפמפם


    “to pump”

זה אוטו ישן. פימפמת את הבלמים?

Zeh oto yashan. Pimpamta et ha-b’lamim?

“This is an old car. Did you pump the brakes?”

  1. לדסקס


    “to discuss”

בוא נדסקס את זה ביום ראשון אצלי במשרד.

Bo nedaskes et zeh be-Yom Rishon etzli ba-misrad.

“Let’s discuss it Sunday in my office.”

Women Having Discussion at Work

  1. לדקלם


    “to declaim” / “to recite”

בני בן השנתיים כבר יודע לדקלם את אותיות האל”ף-בי”ת.

B’ni ben ha-shnatayim kvar yode’a ledaklem et otiyot ha-alef-beyt.

“My two-year-old son can already recite the letters of the alphabet.”

Some English-to-Hebrew Fails

A final category of loanwords that will hopefully bring a smile to your lips (as you practice pronouncing them) are Hebrew words that originated in English but went through some distortion, or even corruption, during their entry into Hebrew. 

  1. פנצ’ר


    “puncture” / “flat tire”

This one would make sense to the English ear if the pronunciation weren’t so different from the original. Note that ‘puncture’ is the more common British way of referring to what North Americans usually call a ‘flat tire.’

אני חייב למצוא מוסך תיכף מיד. יש לי פנצ’ר.

Ani khayav limtzo musakh tekhef u-miyad. Yesh li pancher.

“I need to find a garage right away. I have a flat tire.”

Flat Tire

  1. אינסטלטור



One can only assume that whoever coined this word had the English verb “install” in mind, and figured that an ‘instelator would be the person installing a sink or toilet tank. Though a proper Hebrew word for “plumber” does exist—שרברב (shravrav)—this Hebrish word is far more common in Israel today.

יש לך מספר של איזה אינסטלטור? כל הבית שלי מוצף!

Yesh lekha mispar shel eyzeh ‘instelator? Kol ha-bayit sheli mutzaf!

“Do you have the number of a plumber? My whole house is flooded!”


  1. סנפלינג



This is the product of another linguistic mixup. Someone must have heard the term “snap link” while rock climbing, and, confusing the “ink” for an “-ing” suffix, coined this word. Today, Israelis (including in the military!) use this word to refer to rappelling.

למדתי לעשות סנפלינג כחלק מקורס מצילים בצבא.

Lamadti la’asot snepling ke-khelek mi-kurs metzilim ba-tzava.

“I learned rappelling as part of a rescuers course in the army.”

  1. טוקבקים



This one comes from the TalkBack Reader Response System, one of the first online systems to allow users to post feedback on a website. Between the linguistic “widening” (the opposite of narrowing) of TalkBack and its funny pronunciation, this one is likely to baffle the uninitiated English speaker.

ראית את מה שהוא כתב בטוקבקים על המאמר על הנשיא?

Ra’it et mah she-hu katav ba-tokbekim ‘al ha-ma’amar ‘al ha-nasi?

“Did you see what he wrote in the feedback on that article on the president?”

  1. לעשות פן

    la’asot fen

    “to blow-dry”

This one presumably derives from the English word “fan,” which a hairdryer certainly contains. By the logic of this phrase, blow-drying or straightening one’s hair is literally “to do the fan.”

עשיתי פן לפני המסיבה כי היו לי קרזולים.

Asiti fen lifney ha-mesibah ki hayu li kirzulim.

“I blow-dried my hair before the party because I had frizz.”

Blow Drying Hair

  1. מסטינג


    “mess kit”

This one is a distortion of the English word “mess tin,” which traditionally was a standard-issue set of utensils for soldiers to carry in their kit, which was originally made of tin. As in the case of סנפלינג (snepling), it’s likely that the Hebrew ear misheard the final “in” as an “-ing” suffix.

אכלנו מאותו המסטינג.

Akhalnu me-oto ha-mesting.

“We ate from the same mess kit.”

(This is a common way of saying that people were brothers in arms during their military service, or that they grew up together.)

  1. סוודר



This is another commonly used Hebrish word that, due to the pronunciation, might give English speakers pause.

קר בחוץ. אשים לי סוודר.

Kar ba-khutz. Asim li sveder.

“It’s cold outside. I’m going to put on a sweater.”


  1. פאקים


    “mistakes” / “problems” / “kinks”

If you listen carefully enough and scratch your head a bit, you may be surprised at the English word this one is based on, particularly as it’s used commonly enough in Hebrew without being considered offensive!

יש לנו עוד כמה פאקים לסדר בתוכנית השנתית.

Yesh lanu ‘od kamah fakim lesader ba-tokhnit ha-shnatit.

“We have a few more kinks to iron out in the annual plan.”

English Words Originating in Hebrew

Did you know there are also a few English words with Hebrew roots? While Hebrew pales in its contribution to the English language when compared to Latin, Greek, or French, it has nevertheless registered a few key entries—some of which you may never have imagined were based in Hebrew. The vast majority of these words, it should be noted, come from Biblical rather than modern Hebrew. 

  1. behemoth

This word comes from the Hebrew word בהמות (behemot), meaning “beasts.” In English, the word is typically used to describe something of large proportions, if not necessarily a living creature.

  1. Sabbath

This word comes from the Hebrew word שבת (Shabbat), which originally referred to the seventh day of creation in the Genesis story. God is described as having rested from his work of creating the Universe on this day. לשבות (lishbot), the verb related to this word, means “to rest” or “to desist.”

Sabbath Challah Bread

  1. Sabbatical

This word also comes from לשבות (lishbot). In English, it refers to a professional leave of absence, typically every few years.

  1. amen

From אמן (amen), meaning “verily,” this is used in Hebrew the same way as it is in English, as an affirmation of beliefs or hopes.

People Praying at Church

  1. hallelujah

In a similar vein, this comes from the Hebrew הללויה (haleluyah), meaning “praise the Lord.”

  1. cider

This word derives from the Biblical word שכר (shekhar), which referred to some type of fermented alcoholic drink, although scholars are unsure precisely how it was prepared. It’s ironic to note that Israelis today call the beverage cider, or סיידר (sayder)!

  1. jubilee

Jubilee is based on the word יובל (Yovel), referring to the Biblical practice according to which slaves were freed and lands returned to their original owners every fifty years. As this was a time of great celebration, the loanword in English came to mean “celebration.”

  1. Leviathan

The לביתן (Livyatan) is described in Genesis as one of the great sea creatures God made during the creation of the Universe. In English, it can refer to this same creature, to a large sea vessel, or to anything immense.

  1. messiah

This word comes from the Hebrew word משיח (mashi’akh), meaning “anointed.” In Biblical times, it was common practice to anoint kings with oil upon their coronation.

  1. rabbi

This word comes from the Hebrew word רב (rav), meaning “great” as well as “master.” It refers to Jewish religious leaders and teachers.

  1. macabre

This is derived from the Hebrew word מכבים (Makabim), or “Maccabees,” the heroes of the Hanukkah story. In the Middle Ages, morality plays typically featured a Chorea Maccabaeorum, or Dance of the Maccabees, probably representing the slaughter of the Maccabees. In French, this was known as the danse macabre, which evolved in English into the Dance Macabre or “Dance of Death,” eventually giving us the word ‘macabre.’

  1. schwa

This word is more likely to be familiar to linguists and language teachers. Used to refer to an unstressed vowel, it originates from the Hebrew diacritical mark שווא (shva), which denotes the same phoneme in Hebrew.

  1. seraph

This is an angelic being the Bible refers to as שרף (saraf). The English adjective “seraphic” can be used to describe great beauty.

  1. cherub

This is another angelic being referred to in the Bible, called כרוב (kruv) in Hebrew. The adjective “cherubic” is used in English to describe childlike or pristine beauty.

Scene with Angels

  1. shibboleth

This English term refers to a word, saying, practice, custom, or any other shared feature that distinguishes one group from another. It comes from the Hebrew word שיבולת (shibolet), meaning “ear of corn,” which was used by the Gileadites in the Bible as a password to identify one another. This worked because their enemy, the Ephraimites, apparently pronounced the phoneme ש (/ʃ/) as ס (/s/).

Let HebrewPod101 Help You Make the Link Between Hebrew and English

We hope you found today’s lesson interesting and informative. As you can see, Hebrew and English may not be quite as distant from one another as they first seem. In any event, we at HebrewPod101.com strive to bridge the gap so that you can learn Hebrew with clear Hebrew-language examples alongside helpful and interesting English-language explanations.

Are there any Hebrish words you’ve encountered that we didn’t cover? Any English words borrowed from Hebrew that we forgot to mention? We’re always happy to hear from our readers and students, so please get in touch with your feedback!

Until next time, bye…I mean, shalom!

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