Hear the pronunciation of a word

услышать, слышать, слушать, заслушивать, выслушивать, узнавать, услыхать, внимать


- слышать, услышать

to hear a loud sound — услышать громкий звук
there was nothing to be heard — ничего не было слышно
I heard him laugh /laughing/ — я слышал, как он смеялся
I heard my name mentioned — я слышал, как назвали моё имя
I cannot hear myself speak — (так шумно, что) я не слышу собственного голоса
he that hath ears to hear, let him hear — библ. имеющий уши да услышит

- слышать, обладать слухом

she can’t hear very well — она не очень хорошо слышит

- слушать, внимать

to hear a famous singer [violinist] — слушать знаменитого певца [скрипача]

- слушать регулярно, быть регулярным слушателем (радиопередач, лекций, проповедей и т. п.)

to hear a course of lectures — слушать курс лекций

- школ. спрашивать

to hear a lesson — спрашивать задание /урок/
to hear a pupil his lesson — спрашивать урок у ученика

- заслушать официально или публично; выслушать (делегацию, свидетеля и т. п.)

to hear a deputation — принять /выслушать/ делегацию

- юр. слушать, разбирать дело (на судебном заседании)

the case was heard last week — дело слушалось на прошлой неделе

- услышать, узнать

- (from) получать известие, сообщение

how often do you hear from your brother? — как часто пишет вам ваш брат /вы получаете известия от своего брата?/
let me hear from you — напиши мне; дай мне знать о себе
we hear regularly from one another — мы регулярно переписываемся
he has not been heard of since — с тех пор о нём ни слуху ни духу
we hear from our representative — офиц. наш представитель сообщает нам
hoping to hear from you — канц. в ожидании вашего письма /ответа/

- согласиться на (что-л.); внять (чьим-л. просьбам и т. п.)

Мои примеры


the unadulterated nonsense that you sometimes hear from political pundits on TV — чистейшая бессмыслица, которую мы иногда слышим от политических экспертов по телевизору  
to hear / try a case — заслушивать судебное дело  
to hear all the chit-chat and gossip — выслушать все слухи и пересуды  
ability to hear — способность слышать  
to hear the demurrer’s reasons — выслушивать аргументы того, кто сомневается  
glad to hear it — рад это слышать  
to hear mass — посещать обедню  
to hear witnesses — заслушивать свидетелей  
you’ll hear of it — вам за это попадёт  
to hear testimony — слушать, заслушивать свидетельские показания  
to hear smth. from smb.’s lips — услышать что-л. из чьих-л. уст  

Примеры с переводом

Speak up, we can’t hear you.

Говорите громче, мы вас не слышим.

Can you hear me?

Ты меня слышишь?

Do you hear that music?

Слышишь эту музыку?

He is dull of hearing.

Он плохо слышит.

I hear the baby crying.

Я слышу, что малыш плачет.

Hear! Hear!

Правильно! Правильно! (возглас, выражающий согласие с выступающим)

We wouldn’t hear of it.

Мы об этом и слушать не хотим.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…didn’t stick around to hear the gruesome details of the car accident…

She had two weeks to sit it out while she waited to hear if she had got the job.

…in his narcissism, he just assumed that everyone else wanted to hear the tiny details of his day…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

hear out — выслушать, давать высказаться

Возможные однокоренные слова

hearer  — слушатель
hearing  — слушание, слух, разбирательство, слышащий
hearth  — очаг, камин, домашний очаг, под, горнило, топка, под печи, каменная плита под очагом
hearty  — сердечный, обильный, искренний, здоровый, крепкий парень, моряк
mishear  — ослышаться
overhear  — подслушивать, нечаянно услышать
rehear  — вновь слышать, слушать вторично
hearable  — слышимый

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: hear
he/she/it: hears
ing ф. (present participle): hearing
2-я ф. (past tense): heard
3-я ф. (past participle): heard

How can I hear the pronunciation of a word?

The word must be in boldface and followed by a red audio icon: audio pronunciation icon. Click on the audio icon and the audio pronunciation will play automatically.

What hardware and software is required?

Your computer must have a properly configured sound card and a set of speakers or headphones. You’ll also need
a Web browser that is JavaScript enabled and supports playing of WAV sound files.

We also recommend that you have a stand-alone audio player application that supports WAV sound files (e.g.
Windows Media Player) installed on your computer in
the event that the pronunciation does not play automatically when you click on the audio icon. Most newer operating
systems come bundled with an audio player. Your browser should be configured to automatically associate WAV sound
files with your audio player.

Can I hear pronunciations with JavaScript disabled?

No. The pronunciation pop-up window is a JavaScript window, and the pronunciation will not play unless the
pop-up window opens.

Do all entries include an audio pronunciation?

No, only those entries that have pronunciations listed in the definition have audio pronunciations. Among those
that do not are thesaurus entries, abbreviations, and open compounds, such as «bird dog» and «red herring,» the elements
of which are pronounced at the «bird,» «dog,» «red,» and «herring» entries. Also excluded are many entry words that
appear within other entries, such as «stillness» at the end of the «still» entry. Words that are spelled and pronounced
the same but entered separately, such as «crane» the noun and «crane» the verb, are a special case: only the entry
listed first in the results list has an audio pronunciation.

How many audio pronunciations are there in the online dictionary?

About 105,000.

Why do some words have more than one audio icon?

These entries have more than one variant pronunciation. Click on each audio icon to hear each variant.

Why do some words have multiple pronunciations listed in the definition but only one audio pronunciation?

In many cases where there are multiple variant pronunciations only the first, most common variant is offered
in audio format.

Why are only certain parts of some compound words pronounced?

This happens when part of the compound is already pronounced elsewhere in the dictionary. For example, at
the «Grand Teton» entry «Grand» is not pronounced because it is already pronounced at the «grand» entry; «Teton»
is pronounced, however, because there is no entry or pronunciation for «Teton» by itself. Similarly, at «Hohokam
Pima National Monument,» only the audio pronunciation «Hohokam Pima» is given, because «national» and «monument» are
pronounced at their own entries.

The beginning of the audio pronunciation is clipped. What can I do?

Click on the «hear it again» link to replay the pronunciation until it no longer sounds clipped. You may have to
replay the pronunciation more than once. If this doesn’t help, try clicking on the «Click here to listen with your
default audio player» link.

What can I do about the audio skipping?

Click on the «hear it again» link to replay the pronunciation until it no longer skips. You may have to replay the
pronunciation more than once. If the pronunciations skip consistently try clicking on the «Click here to listen with
your default audio player» link. If they are skipping with your default audio player, you may have to change your default
audio player.

What do I do if my question isn’t addressed here?

If you have other questions about the audio pronunciation feature, contact us by using the Web
Site Support form.

word of the day resolute resolute — word of the day

Use the adjective resolute to describe a purposeful and determined person, someone who wants to do something very much, and won’t let anything get in the way.

  • Normal — Default (1);
  • Slow — Slow playback speed (0.75);
  • Slowest — Slowest playback speed (0.5).

All words

How do you really learn new English words?

Get the lowdown on every word.

Look up a word in our dictionary — you’ll read a friendly explanation that you’ll actually remember. It’s as if your favorite teacher were explaining the word to you.
Clever usage tips and real-world examples show you how words live in the wild so you’ll be more confident using them yourself.

Use YouTube to improve your English pronunciation

YOLOlang is a very easy way to learn the correct pronunciation of words by hearing them spoken on YouTube videos. It gives you fast, unbiased answers about how languages are spoken by real people and in context instead of what’s prescriptively correct. Search for videos in YouTube subtitles with ease.

Free Online Audio Dictionary of English Pronunciation

YOLOlang is the place where you’ll find millions of words and phrases pronounced in their original languages.

Get the lowdown on every word.

Look up a word in our dictionary — you’ll read a friendly explanation that you’ll actually remember. It’s as if your favorite teacher were explaining the word to you.
Clever usage tips and real-world examples show you how words live in the wild so you’ll be more confident using them yourself.

YOLOlang is a very easy way to learn the correct pronunciation of words by hearing them spoken on YouTube videos. It gives you fast, unbiased answers about how languages are spoken by real people and in context instead of what’s prescriptively correct. Search for videos in YouTube subtitles with ease.

Free Online Audio Dictionary of English Pronunciation

YOLOlang is the place where you’ll find millions of words and phrases pronounced in their original languages.


Vocabulary level is important because it can save learning time to reach a goal.

Word associations is very effective to vocabulary learning because it helps people to understand words quickly and memorize them effectively.

Sometimes, we don’t know exactly how we sound until we carefully listen to our own voices. So when you’re practicing pronunciation, record yourself and then compare that with the learning material. Get instant feedback from proprietary artificial intelligence technology.

YOLOlang helps you to memorize words in associations (in typical word combinations and phrases), not as isolated words. The ties between words in phrases will help you to remember the word you need.

A list of the irregular verbs in English with their past simple and past participle, and lots of examples


The list gives you the 1000 most frequently used English words in alphabetical order. Good luck improving your English vocabulary!


With 2,500 to 3,000 words, you can understand 90% of everyday English conversations, English newspaper and magazine articles, and English used in the workplace.


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Pronouncing English words fluently and confidently can be difficult, especially for new words.

But the proper English pronunciation is important so that your coworkers, managers, customers, and business partners understand what you mean.

If you are not sure how to pronounce a difficult word, how can you be confident? 

For example, how do you say the word ubiquitous? Not sure? Let’s look it up in the dictionary: it says you should pronounce it as /juːˈbɪkwɪtəs/. If you don’t know the phonetic alphabet, you are probably still unsure.

Believe me, I know how confusing English pronunciation can be. Pronunciation in English is very difficult, because there are no hard rules, as in some other languages, where one letter equals one sound. Moreover, there are a lot of sounds in the English language that might not exist in your native language.

But don’t give up just yet!

*Note: This article may contain affiliate links, which means we may receive a small commission, at no cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link.

You are on the right track and with the right tools, I will show you how you can achieve more confidence when it comes to your English pronunciation. You will see, these tools are fun to use.

Knowing the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) can be very useful. But don’t worry if you don’t know the Phonetic Alphabet yet. You can use these free pronunciation websites and apps to practice and improve your pronunciation.

Practicing the correct pronunciation is key in becoming a confident and understandable English speaker.

Luckily, there are some great, free tools you can use online to train your English pronunciation. Read on for my selection of free pronunciation apps and websites and how you can use them.

  1. Online dictionary

Why should you use it?  One of my favorite online English dictionaries is the Cambridge Learner’s Dictionary because it is easy to use, it gives you an easy definition in English and you can click on the button to hear a very clear pronunciation audio sample. You can choose between American English and British English pronunciation, which is useful.

How do you use it? Simply search for a word on the website and click on the “Listen” button next to the word. Repeat the pronunciation and do this a couple of times. Because it pronounces short words and phrases, you can listen and repeat it yourself many, many times until you feel confident.

  1. Speechling

Why should you use it? I recently discovered this new pronunciation tool. Speechling helps you improve your pronunciation by recording yourself and getting feedback on your pronunciation. With the “coaching” concept you get personal feedback from real English speakers. It can be hard to listen to yourself while you are speaking, so recording yourself is a great way to notice sounds. Getting human feedback on your pronunciation is even better. I like the focus on feedback and progress, which will motivate you to improve your English pronunciation.

How do you use it? Unlike Forvo, Speechling has high-quality examples of pronunciations, so you can listen to them and compare your pronunciation to how native speakers pronounce phrases. Listen to the native pronunciation. Record yourself and compare your pronunciation to the native pronunciation. What are the differences? Then, try again. Submit your recording and a coach will give you feedback on your pronunciation. After some time, you can go back to your old recordings and see how much progress you have made.

  1. Rhinospike

Why should you use it?  This website is easy to use, free and gives you real input by native speakers. It lets you request audio recordings of a text by native speakers. This way, you learn the real pronunciation of a native speaker. I especially like this platform, because it is based on sharing. You are also welcome to help other learners by pronouncing something in your native language in return.

How do you use it?  Submit a text you would like to know how to pronounce. Then, a native speaker will read the text and send you a recording of the pronunciation. You can then download the audio file, listen to it, repeat, and try to imitate the pronunciation yourself! Another way to use this website is to listen to existing audio files that have been submitted by other users in the past.

  1. HelloTalk App

Why should you use it?  This app is a great tool for language exchange with native speakers. With HelloTalk you can train your speaking skills in English by talking to real people and get immediate feedback. The app gives you the opportunity to meet people from all over the world and help them with their language skills, as well. Interacting with real people is very rewarding and motivating, so I highly recommend using this app for learning English.

How do you use it?  You can download the app on the iTunes App Store and Google Play You can find a partner for online language exchange. Once you have chatted with someone, you can call them for free and speak to them via the app. Then, they will immediately tell you when you are making a mistake and show you how to improve your pronunciation. But your partner will also tell you when your pronunciation is good and understandable. Speaking more often will make you more confident and fluent with practice.

  1. Pronunciation Power App

Why should you use it? Believe it or not, pronunciation is actually a physical activity. The Pronunciation Power App shows you how to pronounce sounds in English. Especially, as an adult learner, these lessons and exercises will be very helpful because there are many sounds you might be unfamiliar with in English.

How do you use it? The app is available for download on the iTunes App Store and Google Play Watch the video instructions to see how to move your tongue, mouth, and lips. You can switch between the front view and side view of the mouth movements. Then, practice the sounds by repeating the movements yourself. There are lessons and also many exercises and sample words for you to practice the English pronunciation.

  1. Aksent App

Why should you use it? This app is great and I find it almost addicting. I use it for any language and it is so much fun to use because it is like a game. The Aksent App uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to give you a score for your pronunciation of a word, so you can improve your pronunciation. Also, the app teaches you the English pronunciation in many different English accents. For example, you can choose Australian English, Irish English, and much more.

How do you use it?  Listen, repeat and get feedback. You can download the app on the iTunes App Store. Select the English accent, type the (difficult) English word and the app will let you listen to the pronunciation. Then, you have to record your pronunciation and the app tells you how well you pronounced the word by giving you a score out of 100. Repeat this with the same word until you get a score of 100.

7. Forvo

Why should you use it? This website is a great resource based on a community which uploads pronunciations by native speakers. The website has a large collection of pronunciations of difficult English words in its dictionary. Its mission is to pronounce all the words in the world.

How should you use it? On the website, choose the English language. Then, you can either see the most recent pronunciations or search for a specific word to hear how it is pronounced. What is special is that the website offers pronunciations of both words and phrases. Give it a try!

Contribute in your own language to help other learners, as well!

Which is your favorite tool?

Remember that becoming fluent in English requires you to do the right things regularly. If you use these tools regularly they will help you become a more confident English speaker and you will be better understood. I really hope these websites and apps are useful for your language learning!

Now we would like to hear from you:

Have you used any of these tools?

Do you have any apps or websites to add? What are your experiences?

Let us know how it goes by leaving a comment!

Happy learning!

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