Health is a doing word

Английский язык, 10 класс

Урок №35. Being healthy

Краткое описание:

На уроке мы:

Узнаем новые лексические единицы по теме.

Научимся строить высказывания с использованием введенных лексических единиц.

Сможем употреблять введенные лексические единицы в речи

Перечень вопросов, рассматриваемых в теме:

What does being healthy mean? What does it take to be healthy? How many times a year do you visit your doctor?

Глоссарий по теме

Being healthy is very important, but what should we do to be healthy? We should have doctor’s check-ups at least once a year as well as follow a well-balanced diet and do some sports exercises. To talk about being healthy we need some words:

doughnut — пончик,

indigestion – расстройство желудка,

itchy — зудящий,

mind — разум,

nut — орех,

overweight – полный (о человеке),

pale — бледный,

seed — семечко,

skinny – очень худой, тощий,

sleepy — сонный,

sore – болезненный, причиняющий боль,

spicy – острый (о еде),

stomach ache – боль в желудке,

sugary — сладкий,

teaspoon – чайная ложка,

tiredness — усталость,

tooth decay – разрушение, гниение зубов,

underweight – с недостаточный весом,

waistline — талия,

well-balanced — сбалансированный,

call over – позвать, вызвать,

cut down — сокращать,

cut out — исключать,

catch a cold — простудиться,

off colour — нездоровый,

on one’s feet – выздороветь, оправиться после болезни,

get oneself back into shape – привести себя в порядок,

take a turn for the worse – измениться к худшему

Основная и дополнительная литература по теме

Афанасьева О.В., Дули Д., Михеева И.В., Оби Б., Эванс В. Английский язык 10 класс: Учебник для общеобразовательных учреждений. 10 класс. – М.: Просвещение, 2017. с. 104-105, WL-18-19

Теоретический материал для самостоятельного изучения

Hello, friends and followers, welcome back to my channel. Today I will post a bit unusual video. You know, I am keen on healthy lifestyle. Today I’ll be sharing my morning routine with you. Every day I wake up at 8 a.m. I have a shower, brush my teeth and then I go downstairs to the kitchen to make some breakfast. I usually have an avocado toast with eggs or it can be a  sweet potato and black bean breakfast burrito. Then I get dressed. I don’t like wearing makeup, that’s why I usually skip this step in my morning routine.

Being healthy is very important, but what should we do to be healthy? We should have doctor’s check-ups at least once a year as well as follow a well-balanced diet and do some sports exercises. To talk about being healthy we need some words:

doughnut — пончик,

indigestion – расстройство желудка,

itchy — зудящий,

mind — разум,

nut — орех,

overweight – полный (о человеке),

pale — бледный,

seed — семечко,

skinny – очень худой, тощий,

sleepy — сонный,

sore – болезненный, причиняющий боль,

spicy – острый (о еде),

stomach ache – боль в желудке,

sugary — сладкий,

teaspoon – чайная ложка,

tiredness — усталость,

tooth decay – разрушение, гниение зубов,

underweight – с недостаточный весом,

waistline — талия,

well-balanced — сбалансированный,

call over – позвать, вызвать,

cut down — сокращать,

cut out — исключать,

catch a cold — простудиться,

off colour — нездоровый,

on one’s feet – выздороветь, оправиться после болезни,

get oneself back into shape – привести себя в порядок,

take a turn for the worse – измениться к худшему.

Разбор решения заданий тренировочного модуля.

Задание ТВ 1 Find 12 words




































































































  1. Внимательно прочитайте задание. Вам необходимо найти слова.
  2. Слова можно искать по вертикали и по горизонтали

ТВ – 15


Choose the right answer.

We 1) _______ to cook one of the most famous Russian national dishes which is called “borsch”.

So, step number one. We 2) ________ 1.5 – 2 liters of water, bring it to boil. It must simmer for 2-3 hours.

Step 2. While 3) __________ , we should wash and peel the beetroot, carrots and onions, then we should grate the beetroot and the 4) __________ cut the onions. The next thing to do is to pour some oil on the 5) ___________ vegetables.

  1. frying pan and fry the
  2. take the meat and add
  3. carrots as well as we should
  4. the meat is cooking
  5. continue our attempt
  6. Внимательно прочитайте текст задания. (При необходимости это можно делать несколько раз)
  7. Переведите текст задания
  8. Переведите предложенные варианты ответа, опираясь на материал в теоретической части урока;
  9. Логически сопоставьте переведенные Вами варианты ответа с заданиями.


Темирболатова Сакинат Абдулнасировна

Преподаватель английского языка

Цель: развитие коммуникативных способностей обучающихся по теме «Здоровье превыше богатства».
• Активировать изученную лексику по теме «Здоровье превыше богатства»
• Развивать у учащихся умение творчески использовать усвоенный материал в новых ситуациях общения.
• Развитие познавательного интереса учащихся, самостоятельности, инициативы в осуществлении иноязычной речевой деятельности.
• развитие мыслительных процессов, мотивации.
• Воспитывать у учащихся здоровые привычки;
• показать учащимся важность здорового образа жизни;
• воспитания положительных качеств у учащихся; самостоятельность, ответственность
умение работать в сотрудничестве.
• на доске пословицы о здоровье
• наглядные пособия о здоровом образе жизни
• презентация
• раздаточный материал в виде карточек.



Содержимое разработки

Тема: «Healthisabovewealth» (Здоровье превыше богатства).

Тип урока:

Цель: развитие коммуникативных способностей обучающихся по теме «Здоровье превыше богатства».



Активировать изученную лексику по теме «Здоровье превыше богатства»

Развивать у учащихся умение творчески использовать усвоенный материал в новых ситуациях общения.


Развитие познавательного интереса учащихся, самостоятельности, инициативы в осуществлении иноязычной речевой деятельности.

развитие мыслительных процессов, мотивации.


Воспитывать у учащихся здоровые привычки;

показать учащимся важность здорового образа жизни;

воспитания положительных качеств у учащихся; самостоятельность, ответственность

умение работать в сотрудничестве.


на доске пословицы о здоровье

наглядные пособия о здоровом образе жизни


раздаточный материал в виде карточек.



Teacher: — Good morning, students!

— I am glad to see you today- so beautiful and intelligent. Today we’re going to speak about health, health problems, and healthy way of life and also what to do to be healthy.

‘’Health is above wealth’’ wise people say, because you cannot be good at your studies or work well when you are ill.

— How do you understand it? В здоровом теле, здоровый дух.

— Do you know any more proverbs about health? (An apple a day keeps a doctor away, Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Good health is above wealth).


Teacher: As usual at first we shall practice some sounds.

Прочитать по транскрипции следующие слова:

Wealth, wise pollution, consult, medicine, a cold, fibre, nutrition, cancer

Task 1. ‘’Proverbs’’

Let’s do the task.

Put the words of the proverbs about health in a logical order:

3. Речевая зарядка. Беседа о здоровье и здоровом образе жизни.

Task 2.

Answer some questions, please. What does our health depend on?

For example: Our health depends on food we eat.

2) What should you do to be healthy? How to be healthy?

1. Eat fruits and vegetables

2. Drink water and milk most of the time

3. Go in for sports.

4. Limit your screen Time.

5. Be Active.

Teacher: Some of you go in for sports.

3) What kind of sports do you go in for? (заслушиваем 2- 3 учся)

— Besides going for sports, everybody must know other simple rules about keeping fit.

Are doctors necessary or not?

How often do you clean teeth?

What about washing hands?

Task 3. Good and bad habits.

What good and bad habits can people have? You’re given some phrases and words connected with good and bad habits. You should divide them into two columns. Be attentive!

Eating whole meal bread, eating sweets, drinking alcohol, physical inactivity, drugs, a healthy diet, having breakfast, eating low fibre food ,exercising, not keeping diet.

4. It’s time to have a break. The dialogue. “At the drugstore”. (cтудентыинсценируютдиалог)


Task 5. Put missing words into the following sentences.

Many people today think about their health

My friend is very fat, because he eats sweets

My brother gave up smoking now he doesn’t cough and has white teeth.

Eating high-fibre food is very important forhealthy nutrition.

One of the ways to lose weight is dieting

Environmental influence can cause many diseases like cancer

Task 6. Match the word with its description.(слайд)

Task 7. HealthQuiz.(работа с карточками)

Answer the quiz questions.

1. M_______ is something a sick person takes to make them better.
2. A d_____ someone who heals and cures sick people.
3. I__ is another word meaning “sick”.

4. A p______ is another word for a sick person.

5. A t__________ is another word for a fever, when the body is wormer than 98.8 degrees Fahrenheit.
6. A h_______ is a place sick people visit and stay in if there condition is serious.
7. A d_____ is someone you visit if you have a problem with your teeth.
8. A c_____ is a minor health condition you get in winter. It causes sneezing, runny nose and coughing.

9. An a____ is a kind of pain usually in your tooth, stomach or head.
10. A s______ t______ is a pain in your neck and difficulty swallowing . Usually caused by a cold or the flu.
11. An a________ is a vehicle that takes you to a hospital if you have a serious health problem.

Task 8. Fill in the gaps

If you’ve got a cough …… (herbal tea)
If you’ve burnt your arm…….. (cold water)
If you’ve cut your finger…( a plaster)
If you’ve got a sore throat …….. (hot milk with baking soda and honey)
If you’ve broken your leg ….. (have X-ray)
For example: If you’ve got a cough you should drink hot herbal tea.


The dentist”

Scene: A dentist’s waiting-room

Characters: Two patients: a man and a woman

A “dentist’’

The real dentist

The man and woman are sitting in the waiting room.

The woman is calm, but the man is very nervous.

Man:Um … is he good?


Man: The dentist is he good?

Woman:I don’t know.

Man:You don’t know?

Woman:No, I haven’t seen him before. He’s new.

Man: New!?

Woman: Yes. It’s his first day.

Man: Oh… This is my first visit, you know.

Woman: Oh, really?

Man: It’s the first time I’ve been here.


Man: Don’t you understand? It’s the first time I’ve been to the dentist in my life!

Woman: I see!

The man looks at his watch.

Man:He’s late, isn’t he?

Woman:Well, It is his first day.

Man: Oh, well, perhaps I won’t wait. I can come back tomorrow … or the next day.

They hear the dentist coming.

Woman: Ah, here he comes now.

Man: (disappointed): Oh, good.

The “dentist” comes in, carrying a large bag.

Dentist”: Ah, good morning, good morning, good morning. Sorry I’m late. Now, who’s first?

Woman:He was here first.

Man: Oh no, after you.

Woman: No, no you were before me.

Man: No, no ladies first.

Dentist”: Now, now what seems to be the matter?

Man: I’ve got a bad tooth.

Woman:So have, I.

Dentist”: Well, I can you both at the same time.


Woman: } Both at the same time?

Dentist”:Yes. I’ve got two pieces of string. Look!

Woman:String? To take out a tooth? Have you done it before?

Dentist”: Not on people, no. But I tried it this morning on the cat.

Woman:And was the cat all right?

Dentist”:Oh, yes! It got up, ran across the room, and jumped out of the window. And we live on the thirteenth floor.

Woman:The thirteenth floor?

Dentist”:Don’t worry, the cat’s not superstitious.

Man: But dentists don’t use string to take out teeth!

Dentist”:Don’t they? What do you want then?

Man: Well, to begin with, I’d like an anesthetic.

Dentist”:Oh, you’d like an anesthetic, would you? Just a minute.

He takes a hammer out of his bag.

Dentist”: Ah, yes. Here we are.

Woman: What’s that?

Dentist”:A hammer.

Man: Ah! Is that the anesthetic?

Dentist”: I’m not sure. It’s the first time I’ve given an anesthetic. Sit still.

He hits the table: this frightens the man, who faints.

Man:Oh, Ohh!

Dentist”:Oh, it works!

He puts the hammer down.

Dentist”:Now, madam, what’s the matter with you?

Woman:I’ve got a pain.


Woman:In my mouth.

Dentist”: Yes, I know it’s in your mouth, but which tooth?

Woman:This one here.

Dentist”: Ah yes, a molar.

Woman: What are you going to do?

Dentist”: I’m going to take it cut.


Dentist”:I don’t know

Woman: You don’t know?

Dentist”: No. This is the first time I’ve taken out a molar. In fact, it’s the time I’ve taken out a tooth.

Woman: The first time you’ve taken out a tooth!

Dentist”: Yes. This is a very important day for me – my first extraction. Now, where is that hammer?

Woman: Listen I don’t want the hammer and I don’t want the string. I want you to take my tooth out with a pair of –

Dentist”: A pair of scissors?

Woman: No.

Dentist”: A pair of socks?

Woman: No.

Dentist”:A pair of trousers?


Dentist”: Oh, just a minute.

He looks inside his bag, and takes out a large pair of forceps.

Dentist”: These?

Woman: I suppose so.

Dentist”:Right then. Open your mouth.

Woman:But what about the anesthetic?

Dentist”: Oh yes. Pass me the hammer.

Woman: I don’t want the hammer! I want a proper anesthetic. I want an injection.

Dentist”: An injection?

Woman: Yes.

Dentist”: Just a minute.

He looks inside again, and takes out a large syringe.

Dentist”: Ah yes, this is for injection, isn’t it? How does it work?

Woman: Well, you’re the dentist. Don’t you know?

Dentist”: No, it’s the first time I’ve used one of these. Oh well, I’ll have a try. Open your mouth.

Woman: Er, no. I don’t think you really know… er… no, no. I’ll come back another day. I —

The man wakes up.

Man:Where am I? Hey, what are you doing?

Dentist”: I’ll be with you in a moment, sir. Now, just sit still, madam….

Man: No, no stop that! You’re absolutely crazy!

Woman: I agree. He’s absolutely crazy, completely mad. Let’s get out of here.

Man: Oh yes, good idea.

Dentist”: So you don’t want me to take out that molar?

Woman: Certainly not. (To the man) Come on.

Man: Yes. Good idea.

The man and woman leave.

Dentist”: Hmm, that worked very well.

He puts his things into the bag, laughing to himself.

Dentist”: “But dentists don’t use string to take out teeth!” – ‘’Oh you’d like an anesthetic, would you?’’

The real dentist arrives.

Dentist:Oh, good morning. Sorry I’m late. It’s my first day. It’s the first time I’ve been here. Are you the only one?

Dentist”: Yes, there’s just me.

Dentist: Right. You can come straight in, then.

Dentist”: Oh, good. I hate having to wait.

7. Подведениеитоговурока

Teacher:So, we have spoken much about the importance of being healthy and I would like to add some wise words: Health is a gift of fate and it deserves our full attention.

I wish you health, my dear. Thank you for your work. Goodbye!

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Свидетельство участника экспертной комиссии

«Свидетельство участника экспертной комиссии»

Оставляйте комментарии к работам коллег и получите документ

Americans are obsessed with the “h-word”.

If you enter the word “health” into the Google Ngram viewer, you will see its use in books written in the English language was relatively consistent during the 165-year period between 1800 and 1965. However, in the 50 years since, it has doubled.

We spend a tremendous amount of time thinking, writing and talking about health. We even have an “Institute” named after it, not to mention an incredibly powerful industry currently spending more than $3 trillion annually.

As individuals, we are bombarded with suggestions that we should adhere or aspire to any number of things preceded by the adjective “healthy” — including eating and sleeping habits, exercise regimens, finances, relationships and even pets. Interestingly, as a result of these urges, some of us have been practicing such healthy eating habits we have developed a newly-described disorder — orthorexia nervosa. This is caused by obsessively avoiding eating items considered “unhealthy” (eliminating perhaps meat, dairy, gluten, non-organic, genetically modified, anything cooked, etc., etc.) until one takes on the persona of a human air fern and becomes frankly malnourished.

To make sure the concept of seeking health is always front and center, television advertising for drugs has increased by a billion dollars per annum since 2012, and in efforts to achieve over-the-counter health-in-a-pill Americans will spend $21 billion on vitamins and supplements in 2015, despite the fact we have recently learned that the vast majority of the latter do little or nothing for us.

Unfortunately, our obsession with the concept of health has not translated into an objectively healthier society. There is no need to belabor all of the statistics that could be referenced here, but suffice it to say that since the mid-1960s, the use of the word “health” is not the only thing that has doubled, but also adult clinical obesity — from about 13% to more than a third of the population of the United States. How do we reconcile the increased level of interest in the concept of health, while our general health seems to be deteriorating?

Despite the fixation on the use of the term, I would argue that we don’t know what the word means…that most Americans have forgotten what “health” is.

The causes for this are many, and are related largely to individuals not actually taking the foregoing advice to seek “healthy” lifestyles, reinforced by the process of “normalization of deviance.» This terminology was coined in 1996 by Diane Vaughan in her book The Challenger Launch Decision – Risky Technology, Culture and Deviance at NASA. She suggested that:

Social normalization of deviance means that people…become so much accustomed to a deviant behavior that they don’t consider it as deviant…

Vaughan discussed the lack of concern regarding the design of rocket booster seals, called O-rings, on the Challenger shuttle, despite the fact that there were multiple warnings. The obviously flawed processes of ignoring information that clearly pointed to a potential problem became habit, and characterizes the approach that most take to their own health.

If the imperative for the healthcare delivery enterprise is now to embark on helping to create a healthier society, and to reverse the normalization of deviant health behaviors, rather than just manage acute disease, what is the goal? What are we asking them to promote, exactly?  What should we be urging populations of individuals to achieve?

What is health, exactly?

The World Health Organization (WHO), in its 1948 constitution preamble, defined health as follows:

Health is a state of complete mental, physical and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

This definition was a great start, especially considering it was written several decades ago – notably, it included the concepts of social and mental well-being in addition to the physical, and it made it clear simply being free of an identifiable disease did not constitute “health.” The latter point has been proven to be quite prescient, and it is increasingly evident it is generally unachievable.

What we are learning is none of us are actually completely “absent disease or infirmity.” Advances in clinical and experimental human genetics research suggest we all have biological predisposition as well as ongoing expression of disease states and conditions, in varying amounts depending on the individual, and to varying degrees at any time in our lives. Each of us has a built-in “mixing board” of conditions and illnesses from birth, and as we age, the levers are pushed up or down for each of us, leading to more or less obvious expression of these conditions. The point here is that no one ever has all the levers at the bottom, in the “off” position.

It is also important as we contemplate a better definition of health that we avoid inappropriate paternalism or generalization. Many individuals a previous generation considered “disabled,” and a generation prior termed “crippled” are obviously neither, but rather robust, functional, “healthy” individuals. If you don’t believe that, take a look at Stephen Hawking’s contributions, or locate a wheelchair lacrosse match, walk out onto the field and make some disparaging comment about the health of those playing. I would suggest if you do — wear a helmet, or at least carry your own wicket.

The WHO definition is wanting, however, as a guidepost for us to use in consideration of discrete goals and behaviors. In a 2011 article in the British Medical Journal, the foolishness of the notion of complete avoidance of disease was noted, and adaptability was stressed:

By successfully adapting to an illness, people are able to work or to participate in social activities and feel healthy despite limitations.

I do not pretend to have a new comprehensive definition of health for you here, but I do have some suggestions regarding components. I would most definitely include mobility, freedom from suffering, mental well-being and social fulfillment along with resilience and adaptability (as our “mixing boards” settings inevitably change over time). The desire to be mobile seems to be more than just cultural, but rather a biological imperative. The body senses immobility and begins to prepare for its own demise – muscles that are not used begin to atrophy, and bones begin to de-mineralize and soften. For the mobility-impaired, there is a relationship between re-establishing mobility and mental well-being. Certainly, the desire to be free from suffering is ideal, if not completely achievable, and the general concepts of mental well being and social fulfillment, although perhaps difficult to define, ring true.

While some disabilities and diseases are unavoidable, many are not, or can at least be pushed further into the future. There is some concern about the role of the healthcare provider as technology and non-traditional care models are developed, but their timeless imperatives are the relief of suffering and the extension of meaningful life. Life can be rendered a lot more meaningful absent the ravages of self-imposed disease as a result of (over generations, at times) normalization of deviance, and more importantly, losing sight of what is possible.

Let us thoughtfully consider what is possible, understanding that some uniform form of perfection is folly. Let us also work to help individuals achieve that possibility, because for each of us at any point in time in our lives, this is the essence and definition of “health.”

health — перевод на русский


What’s the reason? Because his health was deteriorating. If he is bailed out today, there is still 3 days left to extend his prosecution, right?

Его здоровье ухудшилось. тогда до судебного процесса осталось всего три дня.

Only complete isolation and rest will restore her to health.

Лишь полная изоляция и отдых возвратят её здоровье.

You’ve got your health, you’re making good money.

У тебя есть здоровье, ты не плохо зарабатываешь.

Gentlemen, to your health!

Господа, ваше здоровье!

I shall not dwell today on the secrets of the human body… in sickness and in health.

Сегодня я не буду задерживаться на секретах человеческого тела… на его недугах и здоровье.

Показать ещё примеры для «здоровье»…

I went to the La Sagesse used a phony health inspector’s badge.

Я пошел в Ла Саджес… с поддельным значком инспектора здравоохранения.

Miss GoIightIy, this time I’m not only calling the police, but the fire department and the New York State Housing Commission , and, if necessary, the Board of Health!

На этот раз я вызову полицию, пожарных и комиссию по управлению жилым фондом Нью— Йорка и, если понадобиться, комиссию здравоохранения!

Article 2: Health care institutions must keep the police informed of all wounded patients admitted for treatment.

Учреждения здравоохранения обязаны сообщать полиции о пациентах, поступивших с ранениями.

I’ll have to consult the local health authorities and…

Я должен проконсультироваться с местными органами здравоохранения и…

Lieutenant Uhura, advise the planet’s ministry of health that we’ll begin decontamination procedures immediately upon locking into orbit.

Лейтенант Ухура, сообщите местному министерству здравоохранения, что мы приступим к дезинфекции сразу после выхода на орбиту.

Показать ещё примеры для «здравоохранения»…

All thid and Liz too. You’re young. You have your health.

Ты молод, здоров и красив.

— May you be in good health!

— Будь здоров! — Да благословит тебя бог!

— To your health.

Будь здоров!

— To your health!

Будь здоров!

— Is he in good health?

-Надеюсь, он здоров?

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— In good health.

— В полном здравии.

«to have and hold, in sickness and health…

«клянетесь ли любить и беречь его, в болезни и здравии..

I’m delighted to see you in good health.

Рада вас видеть в добром здравии.

In such good health.

В добром здравии

«Wilt thou love her, comfort her, honor her… «and keep her in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others…

Будешь ли ты любить её, утешать её, чтить её и поддерживать её в болезни и здравии, отказавшись от остальных,

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Here’s your employment card, your card of identity, your health and welfare card, credit card…

Вот ваша трудовая карточка.. удостоверение личности, медицинская карта.. кредитная карта..

Do you have a lot of health insrance?

У вас крупная медицинская страховка?

I still had health insurance

У меня ещё была медицинская страховка.

Your health insurance expired because… -you didn’t work enough last year.

Твоя медицинская страховка истекла, потому что ты недостаточно работал в прошлом году.

The Planet Express health plan only covers one kind of replacement shell.

Слушай сюда, жирная рыба. Медицинская страховка Плэнет-Экспресс покрывает только один тип сменного панциря

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Oh, I need a health plan while I’m writing my first book.

Мне нужна страховка, пока я пишу первую книгу. А ты сейчас чем занимаешься?

It’s not covered by the health plan!

Медицинская страховка это не покрывает!

John Q was using one of President Bush’s faith-based health care plans.

У Джона была дешёвая страховка.

I have a job, a house, health insurance.

У меня есть работа, дом, страховка.

And soon, health insurance.

У него простуда и скоро — у него будет страховка.

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— For health reasons, of course.

— По состоянию здоровья, разумеется.

I can if Dr. Harstone advises it… for the sake of my health, can’t I?

Могу, если доктор Харстоун посоветует… уйти по состоянию здоровья, не так ли?

I was there because of my poor health!

Я был там по состоянию здоровья!

— We are saying that one of the Dragon’s heads has been freed from military service, because of its health, to meet its needs. — And what about the gossips?

Мы говорим, что Дракон освободил от военной службы одну свою голову по состоянию здоровья, идя навстречу ее же пожеланиям.

The 9th Convention agreed to Honecker’s request, to relieve him of his duties… because of health problems and thanked him for his political life’s work.

IХ Съезд удовлетворил просьбу Эриха Хонеккера, освободив его от обязанностей Генерального Секретаря по состоянию здоровья.

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Do you take this man for your lawful, wedded husband… to live with him in sickness and in health…

Согласны ли вы взять этого человека в мужья, что бы жить с ним в эдоровьи и болезни…

That’s because of your health.

Это от болезни.

I’ve written up your report… for National Health.

Я подписал вашу историю болезни… для больницы.

This she did regularly, never compromising her health.

Она никогда не пропускала инъекции, и о её болезни почти никто не знал.

There’s no finer person than my wife, but… my health means our relationship isn’t normal.

Моя жена — замечательная, но из-за болезни наши отношения разладились.

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Health police is raiding every ship.

Санитарный контроль обыскивает все корабли.

Health Inspector.

Санитарный инспектор.

The health inspector man, he’s-a here!

Санитарный инспектор, его здесь!

It was the task of the health court to sterilise the mentally incompetent.

Задача санитарных судов заключалась в том, чтобы отбирать

I can’t tell you how many health codes you’re violating right now.

Знаешь, сколько санитарных норм ты сейчас нарушаешь?

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— You been going to a health club?

— Ты ходишь в оздоровительный клуб?

— You been going to a health club or something?

— Ты ходишь в оздоровительный клуб или что-то вроде того?

— A free pass to a health spa.

— Бесплатный билет в оздоровительный центр.

— Yuck! Health club!

Оздоровительного зала!

uh… up in concrete, washington, eyewitness reports of a ghost that’s been haunting the showers of a women’s health facility.

В Конкрите, штат Вашингтон, Свидетель заявляет о призраке, явившемся в душевой женского оздоровительного центра.

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Health is very important for every person. Everybody wants to be healthy and active. But in spite of that a lot of people nowadays have different illnesses and other health problems. I take care of my health because I like to feel well. But sometimes it seems that everyone all around me is ill, so it’s very easy to get sick. Sometimes I’m tired or stressed and I have a headache. So I have to use an aspirin or some other pain killer.

I don’t like to go to the doctor, but sometimes I have to. I go to the dentist once a year, because it’s important to look after your teeth. I hate toothache and can’t understand people who are ready to tolerate it because they are scared to go to the dentist.

In my opinion people should try to keep fit, eat healthy food and do some sports. But even if you do all that, it doesn’t guarantee that you won’t have some serious disease like asthma or cancer. The reason of it is a high level of pollution of the environment.



Здоровье очень важно для каждого человека. Все хотят быть здоровыми и энергичными. Но, не смотря на это, многие люди в наши дни имеют разные болезни и другие проблемы со здоровьем. Я забочусь о своем здоровье, потому что мне нравится чувствовать себя хорошо. Но иногда кажется, будто все вокруг заболели, так что очень легко самому заболеть. Иногда я устаю или нервничаю, и у меня болит голова. Так что приходится принимать аспирин или какое-то другое болеутоляющее.

Я не люблю ходить к врачу, но иногда приходится. Я хожу к стоматологу раз в год, потому что очень важно следить за зубами. Я ненавижу зубную боль и не могу понять людей, которые готовы ее терпеть, потому что они боятся пойти к врачу.

С моей точки зрения, люди должны стараться следить за собой, есть здоровую пищу и заниматься спортом. Но даже если ты делаешь все это, это не гарантирует, что ты не заболеешь какой-то серьезной болезнью, как астма или рак. Причина в высоком уровне загрязнения окружающей среды.

health - здоровье
illness - болезнь
feel well - чувствовать себя хорошо
feel ill - чувствовать себя больным
get sick - заболеть
toothache /'tu:0eik/ - зубная боль
go to the dentist - пойти к стоматологу
tolerate – терпеть
be scared - бояться
headache - головная боль
have (got) a headache - болит голова
an aspirin - аспирин
pain killer – болеутоляющее.
healthy food - здоровое питание
feel stressed - чувствовать стресс
asthma - астма
cancer – рак
pollution – загрязнение
environment – окружающая среда

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