Head word in phrases

In English grammar, a head is the key word that determines the nature of a phrase (in contrast to any modifiers or determiners).

For example, in a noun phrase, the head is a noun or pronoun («a tiny sandwich«). In an adjective phrase, the head is an adjective («completely inadequate«). In an adverb phrase, the head is an adverb («quite clearly«).

A head is sometimes called a headword, though this term shouldn’t be confused with the more common use of headword to mean a word placed at the beginning of an entry in a glossary, dictionary, or other reference work.

Also Known As

head word (HW), governor

Examples and Observations

  • «Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship(Humphrey Bogart as Rick in Casablanca, 1942)
  • «As the leader of all illegal activities in Casablanca, I am an influential and respected man(Sydney Greenstreet as Senor Ferrari in Casablanca, 1942)
  • «The head of the noun phrase a big man is man, and it is the singular form of this item which relates to the co-occurrence of singular verb forms, such as is, walks, etc.; the head of the verb phrase has put is put, and it is this verb which accounts for the use of object and adverbial later in the sentence (e.g. put it there). In phrases such as men and women, either item could be the head.»(David Crystal, A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics. Wiley-Blackwell, 2003)

Testing for Heads

«Noun phrases must contain a head. Most frequently this will be a noun or pronoun, but occasionally it can be an adjective or determiner. The heads of noun phrases can be identified by three tests:

1. They cannot be deleted.

2. They can usually be replaced by a pronoun.

3. They can usually be made plural or singular (this may not be possible with proper names).

Only test 1 holds good for all heads: the results for 2 and 3 depend on the type of head.» (Jonathan Hope, Shakespeare’s Grammar. Bloomsbury, 2003)

Determiners as Heads

«Determiners may be used as heads, as in the following examples:

Some arrived this morning.

I have never seen many.

He gave us two

Like third person pronouns these force us to refer back in the context to see what is being referred to. Some arrived this morning makes us ask ‘Some what?’, just as He arrived this morning makes us ask ‘Who did?’ But there is a difference. He stands in place of a whole noun phrase (e.g. the minister) while some is part of a noun phrase doing duty for the whole (e.g. some applications). . . .

«Most determiners occurring as heads are back-referring [that is, anaphoric]. The examples given above amply illustrate this point. However, they are not all so. This is especially the case with this, that, these, and those. For instance, the sentence Have you seen these before? could be spoken while the speaker is pointing to some newly built houses. He is then not referring ‘back’ to something mentioned, but referring ‘out’ to something outside the text [that is, exophora].»

(David J. Young, Introducing English Grammar. Taylor & Francis, 2003) 

Narrower and Wider Definitions

«There are two main definitions [of head], one narrower and due largely to Bloomfield, the other wider and now more usual, following work by R.S. Jackendoff in the 1970s.

1. In the narrower definition, a phrase p has a head h if h alone can bear any syntactic function that p can bear. E.g. very cold can be replaced by cold in any construction: very cold water or cold water, I feel very cold or I feel cold. Therefore the adjective is its head and, by that token, the whole is an ‘adjective phrase.’

2. In the wider definition, a phrase p has a head h if the presence of h determines the range of syntactic functions that p can bear. E.g. the constructions into which on the table can enter are determined by the presence of a preposition, on. Therefore the preposition is its head and, by that token, it is a ‘prepositional phrase.'»

Asked by: Fred Wehner

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(35 votes)

Also called headword, guide word. a word printed at the top of a page in a reference book indicating the first or last entry or article on that page.

What is a guide word example?

The definition of a guide word is a word printed at the top of a page indicating the first or last word entry on that page. An example of guide word is the word «hesitate» printed on a page in a dictionary with the word «hesitate» listed as the first word on the page.

What is guide word and entry word?

Guide Words: These are the words in bold at the top of each page that help to locate an entry word. • The first guide word is the first word on the page. • The second guide word is the last word on the page.

What is headword example?

The headword (or head) in a phrase is that word which is essential to the core meaning of the phrase. It is the word to which the phrase is reducible, for example: This environmentally-friendly car has been using additive-free petrol. CAR USES PETROL.

What is the headword meaning?

1 : a word or term placed at the beginning (as of a chapter or an entry in an encyclopedia)

45 related questions found

What is the headword part of speech?

headword. / (ˈhɛdˌwɜːd) / noun. a key word placed at the beginning of a line, paragraph, etc, as in a dictionary entry.

How you can identify a headword in a dictionary?

a word or phrase that is listed separately with its own definition, examples of use, etc. in a dictionary or similar book: The headwords are in bold dark blue type. «Hard line» is not covered under «line» but is a headword in its own right.

What Is a head words in NLP?

In linguistics, the head or nucleus of a phrase is the word that determines the syntactic category of that phrase. For example, the head of the noun phrase boiling hot water is the noun water. Analogously, the head of a compound is the stem that determines the semantic category of that compound.

What is head word in a sentence?

The head is the most important word in a phrase. All the other words in a phrase depend on the head. Words which are part of the phrase and which come before the head are called the pre-head. Words which are part of the phrase and which come after the head are called the post-head. … In a verb phrase, the head is a verb.

What do you mean by words?

1 : a sound or combination of sounds that has meaning and is spoken by a human being. 2 : a written or printed letter or letters standing for a spoken word. 3 : a brief remark or conversation I’d like a word with you.

What is the headword in the entry?

A headword, lemma, or catchword is the word under which a set of related dictionary or encyclopaedia entries appears. … The headword is used to locate the entry, and dictates its alphabetical position.

What are guide words typically used for?

At the top of each page are two large boldface words separated by a dot. These are called guide words. They show the alphabetical range of the entries on that page, and you can use them to help you find a word quickly.

How do guide words help you in using the dictionary?

Guide words appear on each page of a dictionary. They tell you the first word and last word on the page. The other words on the page come between the guide words in alphabetical order. … If one word is shorter, and there are no more letters to compare, then the shorter word comes first in alphabetical order.

What do you mean by guide?

1a : one that leads or directs another’s way needed a guide for the safari. b : a person who exhibits and explains points of interest The museum guide was very helpful. c : something that provides a person with guiding information used the stars as a guide to find their way back. d : signpost sense 1.

What do you call a person that guides?

leader. A person or thing that leads; directing, commanding, or guiding head, as of a group or activity.

What are the types of Concord in grammar?

  • Agreement in terms of number (singular/plural) …
  • Concord Relating to the nature of certain nouns. …
  • Concord between subject and complement of a sentence. …
  • Concord involving the principle of proximity.
  • Concord between Determiners and the Nouns they Modify. …
  • Concord Involving the Personal Pronouns in the Third Person.

What is Postmodifier example?

postmodifiers. DEFINITIONS1. the part of a noun group, adjective group, or verb group that comes after the most important word (the head) and adds information about it. For example in the noun group ‘the rules of the game’, the prepositional phrase ‘of the game’ is a postmodifier.

What are the examples of determiners?

Determiners in English

  • Definite article : the.
  • Indefinite articles : a, an.
  • Demonstratives: this, that, these, those.
  • Pronouns and possessive determiners : my, your, his, her, its, our, their.
  • Quantifiers : a few, a little, much, many, a lot of, most, some, any, enough.
  • Numbers : one, ten, thirty.

What is phrase in NLP?

The form of n-gram that takes center stage in NLP context analysis is the noun phrase. Noun phrases are part of speech patterns that include a noun. They can also include whatever other parts of speech make grammatical sense, and can include multiple nouns. Some common noun phrase patterns are: Noun.

What is corpus in NLP?

In linguistics and NLP, corpus (literally Latin for body) refers to a collection of texts. Such collections may be formed of a single language of texts, or can span multiple languages — there are numerous reasons for which multilingual corpora (the plural of corpus) may be useful.

What is semantic NLP?

The semantic analysis of natural language content starts by reading all of the words in content to capture the real meaning of any text. It identifies the text elements and assigns them to their logical and grammatical role. … It also understands the relationships between different concepts in the text.

Does a dictionary indicate the idiomatic use of the headword?

A dictionary is a reference book about words and as such it describes the functioning of individual words (sometimes called lexical items). It does so by listing these words in alphabetical order in the form of headwords, the words listed as entries in the dictionary.

What is a headword count?

The headword count refers to the number of headwords a student needs to know in order to read the text with relative ease. The number of headwords is controlled to provide a challenging but accessible read. You can find the number of headwords for each level in a Reader series by checking the series page.

What are post modifiers?

In English grammar, a postmodifier is a modifier that follows the word or phrase it limits or qualifies. Modification by a postmodifier is called postmodification. There are many different types of postmodifiers, but the most common are prepositional phrases and relative clauses.

Идиомы с head: голова ЧерчилляАвтор: Дмитрий Сироткин

Подготовил обзор идиом о голове.

Всего их набралось более 60.

Для каждой идиомы даются перевод и пример использования.

Идиомы о превосходстве

better to be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion — лучше быть лидером малой группы, чем исполнителем в большой группе
Eric, young football player always played for his hometown team rather than moving to a larger city with a bigger team. He thought that it was better to be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion.

Кстати, идиомы о собаке

get / have a head start – получать преимущество на старте
The Nigerian athlete had a head start and he won the race.

go head to head with (someone) – конкурировать без явного преимущества, идти голова в голову
I went head to head with Nick all the championship.

go to one’s head – 1. вызывать головокружение 2. вызывать излишнее чувство собственной значимости
The round dance went to Betty’s head.

have a big head – считать себя лучше других
Tom is a good speaker and he has a big head.

head and shoulders above – быть лучше, превосходить
Eric is head and shoulders above previous Emma’s boyfriends.

in over one’s head – быть выше (моих) сил, возможностей
Jack promised to decide this question, but he realized that he was in over his head!

give (someone) a swelled head – придавать самоуверенности
The Rick’s promotion is giving him a swelled head.

Идиомы о риске и опасности

come to a head – достигнуть критической точки
The situation came to a head when the boss refused to pay a bonus to our sales managers.

Heads up! – быть начеку, быть готовым встретить опасность
«Heads up! It’s a dangerous place».

heads will roll – виновные будут наказаны (полетят головы)
The director says heads will roll if we launch the new brand unsuccessfully.

put / stick one’s head in a noose – делать то, что может навредить самому себе (совать голову в петлю)
I stuck my head in a noose when I promised to finish this ugly project on time.

put one’s head in the lion’s mouth – ставить (себя) в опасную или трудную ситуацию
Sam put his head in the lion’s mouth when he played a joke on our HR-director.

put one’s head on the block for – идти на лишения или риски ради кого-то или чего-то
John is ready to put his head on the block for his wage raising.

Идиомы о сумасшествии и тупости

a head case — сумасшедший
The new sales manager is a head case.

bonehead – тупой человек (кость вместо мозга)
Sam is a bonehead. He understands only simple things.

have one’s head examined – диагностировать психические нарушения
Ted is too strange. Maybe, he needs to have his head examined.

have rocks in one`s head – быть тупым или сумасшедшим
My teacher thinks that I have rocks in my head.

head shrinker — психиатр
My son want to become a head shrinker!

out of one’s head – быть сумасшедшим или глупым
The guy at the bus stop was out of his head.

Идиомы о решении проблем

bang / beat one`s head against a (brick) wall – прошибать лбом стену, упорно заниматься безнадежным делом
Sarah is beating her head against a brick wall trying to understand her boyfriend.

bring (something) to a head – обострять (ситуацию), доводить до конца
The politicians needed to bring the situation to a head to get a resolution.

bury / hide one’s head in the sand – прятать голову в песок, игнорировать очевидную проблему
My wife buried her head in the sand and would not talk about our problems.

butt heads with (someone) – спорить с кем-нибудь, сталкиваться лбами
Nick always likes butting heads with other people.

put one’s heads together – решать проблему совместными усилиями (обсуждением)
We put our heads together to prepare the company annual report.

raise / rear its (ugly) head – проблема возвращается через какое-то время
The problem between Lina and Rosa raised its ugly head after some years of calm.

Идиомы о чувствах и настроении

be like a bear with a sore head — быть в плохом настроении
Ivan is like a bear with a sore head when he is travelling by plane.

Кстати, идиомы о животных

bite (someone’s) head off либо bite off (someone’s) head – разговаривать враждебно
Tom want to speak with his mother-in-low but she bit his head off.

fall head over hills – влюбиться по уши
Oh, my God! All my friends are falling head over hills!

Кстати, идиомы о любви

get / put (someone or something) out of one’s head – перестать думать о ком-то или чем-то, выбросить из головы

head in the clouds – в отрыве от реальности (витать в облаках)
You have your head in the clouds if you think Dan loves you.

Кстати, идиомы о погоде

Let your heart rule your head – позвольте чувству взять верх над рассудком
Nick never lets his heart rule his head…

Идиомы о беспокойстве

hanging over (someone’s) head – доставлять серьезное беспокойство
The scandal has been hanging over Linda’s head.

one’s head is buzzing – голова забита мыслями
My head is buzzing all the day.

lose one’s head (over) – становиться озадаченным или помешанным, терять голову
Don’t lose your head over this stress situation.

scratch one’s head – быть сбитым с толку
I’m scratching my head over Paul’s behavior.

trouble one’s head about – беспокоиться о
«You shouldn’t trouble your head about your accommodation.»

Идиомы о понимании

get into (someone’s) head – глубоко понимать другого человека
George is able to get into Joan’s head.

go over (someone’s) head – быть слишком трудным для понимания
The philosophy goes over my head.

make heads or tails (out) of – разобраться, найти значение
Our teacher can’t make heads or tails out of new devices.

Идиомы об уме и рассудительности

have a good head on one’s shoulders – быть умным и рассудительным, иметь голову на плечах
Don’t worry. Mr.Trump is a fair judge and he has a good head on his shoulders.

have one’s head screwed on right/straight – быть рассудительным и принимать верные решения
I like Hellen. She has her head screwed on right.

hit the nail on the head – быть совершенно верным / правым
Bill’s answer hit the nail on the head!

Идиомы о внушении

beat / drum (something) into (someone`s) head – заставлять выучить что-то путем многократного повторения (вколачивать в голову)
The mother tried to beat the rhyme into the son’s head.

get (something) into/through (someone`s) head – внушить что-то кому-то
It was difficult to get it through Dan’s head that we should go out.

put ideas into (someone’s) head – внушать, подсказывать что-то
Lucy’s friends are always putting ideas into her head.

Идиомы о слишком многом

laugh one’s head off – много и долго смеяться
Leslie laughed his head off when I told him my history.

scream one’s head off – много и долго визжать
The old woman fell and screamed her head off.

talk (someone’s) head off – слишком много болтать
My wife talked my head off all the day.

Идиомы о спокойствии и достоинстве

hold one’s head up / high – сохранять достоинство, идти с высоко поднятой головой
Maria is able to hold her head up in any situation!

keep a cool head – сохранять спокойствие в трудной ситуации
Maggie tried to keep a cool head during the divorce.

Идиомы о счете голов

count heads – считать людей (головы)
The teacher always counts heads in the morning.

a / per head – на одного человека
«The tickets were just three hundred dollars a head.»

Прочие идиомы о голове

able to (do something) standing on one’s head – способный делать что-либо легко и быстро
Robert is able to do his job standing on his head.

from head to toe – с головы до ног
Lisa was dressed in red from head to toe.

have a price on one’s head – назначена награда за поимку преступника
Yesterday Bob knew that he has a price on his head.

have eyes in the back of your head – всё замечать, иметь глаза на затылке
Our supervisor has eyes in the back of his head!

keep head above water – держаться на плаву, стараться сохранить бизнес, не влезая в долги
Our sales have decreased so it’s hard to keep head above water.

Кстати, идиомы о бизнесе

need (something) like a hole in the head – не нуждаться в чем-то вообще
My nephew needs this book like he needs a hole in the head.

off the top of one`s head – приблизительно, не долго думая, по памяти
Roger knows all of his colleagues off the top of his head.

stand / turn (something) on its head – изменить значение на противоположное, поставить с ног на голову
My boss is able to turn the argument on its head.

turn (someone’s) head – привлекать внимание
My bright umbrella turned everybody’s head.

wet the baby’s head – выпить, чтобы отметить рождение ребенка (обмыть рождение ребенка)
When his first child was born, David decided to wet the baby’s head.

О чем говорят нам английские идиомы со словом голова? О достаточно разнообразных явлениях и вещах.

В этом обзоре идиом про голову были выявлены следующие области их значений: превосходство, риск и опасность, сумасшествие и тупость, решение проблем, чувства и настроение, беспокойство, понимание, ум и рассудительность, внушение, слишком многое, достоинство и спокойствие, счет голов.

Кстати, интересно сравнить этот список с аналогичным списком тем, получившемся при подготовке обзора русских фразеологизмов про голову: бесшабашность и удаль, глупость, проблемы, ум, входящее в голову, происходящее в голове, выходящее из головы, манипуляция, погружение в задачу, кров, пьянство и трезвость, неадекватность, наглость, раскаяние.

Как видим, при значительном пересечении тем имеются существенные национальные особенности (например, лидирующая у нас тема удали и бесшабашности слабо представлена в английских идиомах).

Итак, голова играет достаточно большую роль в английском языке и жизни. Как, впрочем, и в русском языке и жизни.

Наверное, если бы в этом обзоре не приводились примеры употребления каждой из идиом, он был бы более легко воспринимаемым. Но, с другой стороны, такие примеры помогают лучше почувствовать верный контекст их применения.

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Комментарии также всячески приветствуются!

head word

начальное слово, набранное титульным шрифтом

Англо-русский словарь по полиграфии и издательскому делу.

Смотреть что такое «head word» в других словарях:

  • head|word — head word, or head|word «HEHD WURD», noun. 1. a word serving as a heading or title, as of a paragraph, article, or dictionary entry. 2. Grammar. a word around which clusters of modifiers are built. In the small boy, very glad, is running fast,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • head word — noun 1. a content word that can be qualified by a modifier • Syn: ↑headword • Hypernyms: ↑content word, ↑open class word • Part Holonyms: ↑phrase 2. (grammar) the word …   Useful english dictionary

  • head·word — /ˈhɛdˌwɚd/ noun, pl words [count] : a word placed at the beginning of an entry in a dictionary, encyclopedia, etc …   Useful english dictionary

  • Head word — Начальное слово, набранное титульным шрифтом …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

  • head — [hed] n. [ME hede, heved < OE heafod, akin to Ger haupt (OHG houbit, Goth haubith) < IE base * kaput (orig. prob. cup shaped) > L caput: merged in Gmc with word akin to OHG hūba, a cap, crest (Ger haube) < IE base * keu , to bend,… …   English World dictionary

  • Head-driven phrase structure grammar — (HPSG) is a highly lexicalized, non derivational generative grammar theory developed by Carl Pollard and Ivan Sag (1985). It is the immediate successor to generalized phrase structure grammar. HPSG draws from other fields such as computer science …   Wikipedia

  • Head — (h[e^]d), n. [OE. hed, heved, heaved, AS. he[ a]fod; akin to D. hoofd, OHG. houbit, G. haupt, Icel. h[ o]fu[eth], Sw. hufvud, Dan. hoved, Goth. haubi[thorn]. The word does not correspond regularly to L. caput head (cf. E. {Chief}, {Cadet},… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Head and ears — Head Head (h[e^]d), n. [OE. hed, heved, heaved, AS. he[ a]fod; akin to D. hoofd, OHG. houbit, G. haupt, Icel. h[ o]fu[eth], Sw. hufvud, Dan. hoved, Goth. haubi[thorn]. The word does not correspond regularly to L. caput head (cf. E. {Chief},… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Head and shoulders — Head Head (h[e^]d), n. [OE. hed, heved, heaved, AS. he[ a]fod; akin to D. hoofd, OHG. houbit, G. haupt, Icel. h[ o]fu[eth], Sw. hufvud, Dan. hoved, Goth. haubi[thorn]. The word does not correspond regularly to L. caput head (cf. E. {Chief},… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Head fast — Head Head (h[e^]d), n. [OE. hed, heved, heaved, AS. he[ a]fod; akin to D. hoofd, OHG. houbit, G. haupt, Icel. h[ o]fu[eth], Sw. hufvud, Dan. hoved, Goth. haubi[thorn]. The word does not correspond regularly to L. caput head (cf. E. {Chief},… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Head kidney — Head Head (h[e^]d), n. [OE. hed, heved, heaved, AS. he[ a]fod; akin to D. hoofd, OHG. houbit, G. haupt, Icel. h[ o]fu[eth], Sw. hufvud, Dan. hoved, Goth. haubi[thorn]. The word does not correspond regularly to L. caput head (cf. E. {Chief},… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

Also found in: Thesaurus.

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Noun 1. head word — a content word that can be qualified by a modifier

phrase — an expression consisting of one or more words forming a grammatical constituent of a sentence

2. head word — (grammar) the word in a grammatical constituent that plays the same grammatical role as the whole constituent

grammar — the branch of linguistics that deals with syntax and morphology (and sometimes also deals with semantics)

word — a unit of language that native speakers can identify; «words are the blocks from which sentences are made»; «he hardly said ten words all morning»

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

References in periodicals archive

Toward quantifying this I did an indicative study sampling the head word on 4/10 of Web3 pages (every -2, -5 -7 and -0).

This system classifies input sentences by the part of speech of the head word of a sentence.

The first entry is the head word (in blue, bold font), followed by a phonetic transcription [in square brackets and red], parts of speech (i.e., n, pro, v, adj, adv, prep, conj, and interj, in black), and English definitions, beginning with the most frequently used, followed by Iban example sentences (in blue italics) and sentence translations (again, in black).

In several instances two different sutras of Panini indicate with an identical head word a multitude of occurrences that are taken up in different gana-s:

For example, whatever word is on the left end of an «S» link is the subject of a clause (or the head word of the subject phrase); whatever is on the right end is the finite verb; whatever is on the left-end of a D link is a determiner; etc.

The gloss for each entry includes attestations of the head word‘s or phrase’s usage, usually in the form of a quotation.

We are looking to expand our moulding facilities because we see the future of our head word lies in more sophisticated moulding techniques.

Johnson had struck in the opening contest when he delivered Jacklighte Bellevue to head Word Of Honour at the secondlast flight of the Mount Bell Novices’ Hurdle and the 2-1 favourite stayed on to score by one-and-a-quarter lengths.

Johnson had struck in the opening contest when he delivered Jacklighte Bellevue to head Word Of Honour at the second last flight of the Mount Bell Novices’ Hurdle and the 2-1 favourite stayed on to score by one and a quarter lengths.

Where the General Catalogue uses a different head word, the fact is pointed out at the foot of entries.

For example, whereas formerly it was only possible to access an entry under its head word, it is now possible to search for key words within the entries themselves.

In a dependency tree, every word in the sentence is a modifier of exactly one word, its head, except the head word of the sentence, which does not have a head.

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Numerous idioms and expressions in English use the word “head”, and they are usually related to emotions and staying in control. In this post, you will get 11 of them explained.

  1. Keep your head
  2. Keep your head above water
  3. Standing on your head
  4. Lose your head
  5. Make head nor tail of something
  6. Get your head around something
  7. Head over heels
  8. Off the top of your head
  9. Shout your head off
  10. Turn heads
  11. Hit your head against a brick wall

Idioms and expressions using the word “head”

Keep your head

Meaning: to keep your head means to stay calm in a difficult situation.
Ex: Even during some very difficult times in our family, my mother always managed to keep her head.

Keep your head above water

Meaning: This is a similar idiom. Even so, it is more specific and refers to a difficult financial situation or business problems of some kind.
Ex: Although our business is in a very difficult situation, we’ve managed to keep our heads above water.

Standing on your head

Meaning: if you say that you can do something standing on your head, then it must be very easy.
Ex: This game is so easy. I could play it standing on my head.

 Idioms and expressions using the word "head"

Idioms and expressions using the word “head”

Lose your head

if you lose your head, then you lose control and become unable to behave sensibly.
Ex: When he heard that he won million pounds on the lottery, Thomas began losing his head.

Make head nor tail of something

Meaning: if you can’t make head nor tail of something, then you can’t understand it.
Ex: I’ve been trying to figure out this programme for quite some time but I can’t make head nor tail of it.

Idioms and expressions using the word “head”

Get your head around something

being able to understand something complicated or confusing.
Ex: It took me a while but I managed to get my head around that formulae.

Head over heels

Meaning: This expression usually means being madly in love with someone.
Ex: Juliana was head over heels in love with Damian. She couldn’t wait to see him again.

Off the top of your head

Meaning: if you know something off the top of your head, then you can remember it easily at any time.
Ex: I know my uncle’s phone number in Australia off the top of my head.

Idioms and expressions using the word “head”

Shout/laugh/scream your head off

Meaning: to shout/laugh/scream a lot.
Ex: People at the stadium shouted their heads off when one of the football teams scored.

  Idioms and expressions using the word "head"

Idioms and expressions using the word “head”

Turn heads

Meaning: if you turn heads, then you are so attractive that people can’t help looking at you.
Ex: Rita was so beautiful that she turned heads wherever she went.

Hit/bang your head against a brick wall

: if you hit your head against a brick wall, you are unable to achieve something or accomplish a task. It can be very frustrating.
Ex: I’m just beating my head against a brick wall here – I’ll never understand this math equation.

I hope you enjoyed this post and find it helpful. If you know some more expressions with “head”, please share them in the comments below.

Idioms and expressions using the word "head"

Idioms and expressions using the word “head”

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Предложения с «head word»

That phrase rung in my head: word people.

Мне хорошо запомнилась эта фраза.

In grammatical analysis, most phrases contain a key word that identifies the type and linguistic features of the phrase; this is known as the head-word, or the head.

В грамматическом анализе большинство фраз содержат ключевое слово , которое определяет тип и лингвистические особенности фразы; это известно как head — word, или head.

That means that most suffixes have two or three different forms, and the choice between them depends on the vowels of the head word.

Это означает, что большинство суффиксов имеют две или три различные формы, и выбор между ними зависит от гласных главного слова .

Head word bigrams are gappy bigrams with an explicit dependency relationship.

Биграммы головного слова — это зияющие биграммы с явным отношением зависимости.

In Polish, they have a word jouska which is the kind of hypothetical conversation that you compulsively play out in your head.

В польском — слово жуска, что — то вроде гипотетической беседы, которую вы машинально ведёте в голове .

We got word a hit squad was being sent to take out the head of Mars Resistance.

Нам сообщили, что ударная группа была послана устранить руководство Сопротивления.

It would be rude not to take the word of a head of state like Mr. Putin.

Было бы невежливо не верить на слово такому главе государства как Путин.

Your desire to learn is admirable, but, if you were to put the loop of the P at the top, like a head rather than a foot, you’d have much more success with the word play.

Ваше желание учиться вызывает уважение, но если бы вы нарисовали петельку буквы Р наверху, а не внизу, вы бы уже написали слово игра.

My first word was unicorn, I once made my own unicorn by taping a traffic cone to a horse’s head.

Моим первым словом было единорог, я однажды сделала единорога своими руками, надев дорожный конус на голову лошади.

Her mother, whose head was buried and concealed in her daughter’s garments, said not a word; only her whole body could be seen to quiver, and she was heard to redouble her kisses on her child.

Мать, зарывшаяся головой в одежды дочери, не промолвила ни слова ; видно было лишь как дрожало все ее тело, как жадно и торопливо целовала она свою дочь.

Have I ever used the word mutton in my life? Came in my head, out of nowhere.

Никогда не говорил ягнятина, она взялась в голове ниоткуда.

I got a dirty word shaved into the back of my head.

А мне выбрили ругательство на затылке.

‘I love the ground under his feet, and the air over his head, and everything he touches, and every word he says.

Я люблю землю под его ногами, и воздух над его головой , и все, к чему он прикасается, и каждое слово , которое он говорит.

My father bowed his head. Each word which reminded him of the alleged crime of his son was to him a keen reproach.

Отец мой потупил голову : всякое слово , напоминающее мнимое преступление сына, было ему тягостно и казалось колким упреком.

Meanwhile Captain Jamie fretted his head off and prepared for the night, while Winwood passed the word along to the forty lifers to be ready for the break.

В то время как капитан Джэми волновался, дожидаясь ночи, Винвуд передал сорока заговорщикам, чтобы они готовились к побегу.

Upon awakening, he remembered ah’ that had been told to him as if each and every Word had been inscribed in his head.

коснувшись, он понял, что помнит всё, сказанное ему во с Помнит дословно, так, как если бы каждое слово было вырезано у него в голове .

Dorian shook his head and a look of annoyance passed over his face at the mention of the word inquest.

Дориан отрицательно покачал головой и досадливо поморщился при слове следствие.

One more word out of you, just one and I will decorate that wall with the insides of your head.

Скажете еще одно слово , всего лишь одно и я украшу стену вашими мозгами.

The word reached his ear as a wave which he no longer had the strength to surmount passed over his head.

Это слово долетело до него в тот самый миг, когда волна, на которую он уже не имел сил подняться, захлестнула его и покрыла пеной.

Fat shoulders and bull neck, head bent forward slightly, sagging, he stood watching us for some time without saying a word.

Некоторое время он молча присматривался к нам; несколько обрюзгший, сутулый, с короткой шеей, он стоял, слегка наклонив голову .

There’s a discrepancy, which is good, but… it’s still their word against Frank’s, who was also shot in the head.

Есть несоответствие, что хорошо, но… у нас все еще их слово против слова Фрэнка, которому выстрелили в голову .

I believe in a particular mental illness a head that responds to a more realistic word has become a desalmado, dying

Я считал его форму психического недуга рациональным ответом слишком реалистичному миру который стал бездушным и враждебным.

At this word, Jean Valjean, who was dejected and seemed overwhelmed, raised his head with an air of stupefaction.

При этих словах Жан Вальжан, стоявший с угрюмым и подавленным видом, в изумлении поднял голову .

Most of it was disinformation, but the word Stargate stuck in my head.

Большая часть было враньем, но слова Звездные Врата застряли у меня в голове .

Willis says one cross-eyed word about Tariq in that courtroom, and he might as well be shooting himself in the head.

Если Уиллис скажет хоть слово о Тарике в зале суда, это равносильно самоубийству.

It’s this turtle who pokes his head out of his shell every time Jay-Z says the b-word.

Это черепаха, которая высовывает свою голову из панциря каждый раз когда Джей — Зи произносит Б.

All the bank employees seemed to be staring at her. Mae had spread the word: The convict had come back. Tracy moved toward the exit, head held high, dying inside.

Глаза банковских служащих были устремлены на нее. Мэй уже пустила слушок — осужденная возвратилась. Трейси шла к выходу, гордо подняв голову .

I send word to Washington, and they send her head back in a box.

и они вышлют ее голову в коробке.

When he could trust himself to lift his eyes, he shook his head in silent answer to the word Keating had not pronounced.

Когда он смог поднять глаза, он покачал головой — это был молчаливый ответ на вопрос, которого Китинг не произнёс.

At that moment, he caught sight of the ruffians’ prisoner, who, ever since the entrance of the police, had not uttered a word, and had held his head down.

Тут Жавер заметил пленника, который с момента прихода полицейских не проронил ни слова и стоял опустив голову .

Zoe, without a word, grasped Garin by the shoulders and shook her head.

Зоя молча схватила Гарина за плечи, затрясла головой .

Many times in the past he had been brisk, distant, removed from them, but now he patted them on the head with just a word and they felt it.

Прежде он часто бывал сух, замкнут, неприступен, теперь же — они это чувствовали — папа будто гладил их по голове своими словами .

I called the head honchos and left word.

Я звонил верхам и замолвил словечко .

Okay, Jackie, if there’s a gun to your head, say the word cream cheese.

Ладно, Джеки, если к твоей голове приставили пистолет, то скажи сливочный сыр.

So you’re taking a meth head’s word for it, because meth heads, they never lie.

Подбираешь подходящее наркоманскоее словечко для этого, потому что наркоманы они никогда не врут.

Put an idea in his head, a word like that.

Не то это слово засядет в его голове .

He turned aside his head, and went off without another word.

Он отворотился и отъехал, не сказав более ни слова .

I give you my word I’ve thought more than once the top of my head would fly off. . .

Честное слово , мне несколько раз казалось, что голова моя лопнет…

And, yeah, I did have a head of steam up, but before I could say a word, he started… Apologizing to me.

Ну да, я вышел из себя, но прежде, чем я успел сказать слово , он начал… просить прощения.

Well, sir, says Mr. Snagsby, holding his hat at the side of his head in his deference towards his best customer, I was wishful to say a word to you, sir.

Изволите видеть, сэр, — отвечает мистер Снегсби, сняв шляпу, но держа ее у головы в знак почтения к своему лучшему заказчику, — я хотел бы сказать вам словечко — другое, сэр.

On the word of a gambling addict with a head injury.

По словам игромана с травмой головы .

There he remained for twelve hours, the twelve long hours of a long winter’s night, ice-cold, without once raising his head, and without uttering a word.

Двенадцать часов, двенадцать часов долгой зимней ночи пролежал он, окоченевший, не подымая головы , не произнося ни слова .

Well, that’s funny, Jeremy. ‘Cause I’m the head of this department… and nobody’s said word one to me.

Забавно, Джереми, потому что я глава отдела, и никто мне ни слова не говорил.

Raphael felt himself unable to say one word; he bent his head.

Рафаэль только наклонил голову , — он не в силах был произнести ни слова .

The knights are soon incapacitated by the word, which even the head knight cannot stop repeating, allowing Arthur and his followers to make their escape.

Рыцари вскоре лишаются сил от этого слова , которое даже главный рыцарь не может перестать повторять, позволяя Артуру и его последователям бежать.

Of course, if South African English and British English use different spellings for a common word I didn’t know existed, my head will explode.

Конечно, если южноафриканский английский и британский английский используют разные варианты написания для общего слова , о существовании которого я не знал, моя голова взорвется.

The word ‘Leven’ comes from the Pictish word for ‘flood’ and was originally given to Loch Leven, the ‘flood lake’ at the head of the river.

Слово Левен происходит от пиктского слова , означающего наводнение, и первоначально было дано Лох — Левену, заливному озеру в верховьях реки.

When he was sent out in the teaching and preaching of the Lord, his head was shaved by those who did not believe his word, as if in mockery.

Когда он был послан в учение и проповедь Господа, его голова была обрита теми, кто не верил его слову , как бы в насмешку.

Indeed, the word loggerhead refers to the relatively larger head of the southern species.

Действительно, слово лесоруб относится к относительно более крупной голове южных видов.

In French, the word Hure refers to the head of a boar, while in German Hure means prostitute.

Во французском языке слово Hure обозначает голову кабана, а в немецком Hure означает проститутку.

The displaced constituent takes on a word as its head that is not its governor.

У большинства насекомых сама грудная клетка состоит из трех сегментов: переднего, мезоторакса и метаторакса.

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