He would never use one word

On Wednesday, the Library of Congress announced that Philip Levine would be the next poet laureate of the United States.

Geoffrey Berliner

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Geoffrey Berliner

On Wednesday, the Library of Congress announced that Philip Levine would be the next poet laureate of the United States.

Geoffrey Berliner

«He Would Never Use One Word Where None Would Do»

«The truth of poetry is not the truth of history,» says Philip Levine, the newly-named poet laureate of the United States.

Levine is 83 years old. He grew up in Detroit, working at automobile factories in his youth, and published his first book of poetry in 1963, at the age of 38.

He went on to win the 1991 National Book Award for his collection What Work Is, and the 1995 Pulitzer Prize for poetry for The Simple Truth. His appointment was announced by the Library of Congress on Wednesday.

Levine tells NPR’s David Greene that when James Billington, the librarian of Congress, called him earlier this week, he didn’t know what was in store.

«I thought he was probably going to ask my advice as to who should be the next poet laureate and then he said, ‘We would like you to be the next poet laureate,’ and asked me if I would accept the position. And I said, ‘Sure.'»

Levine’s work is most famous for its urban perspective, and its depiction of blue-collar life in Detroit. But while he was working in the factories, he found nothing poetic about them.

«I found the places hateful.» His job at Chevrolet Gear and Axle was hard, he says, «and the work was exhausting.»

Even though he was writing poetry at the time, he couldn’t bring himself to write about his day job.

«Even in my imagination I didn’t want to spend time where I was working,» he says. «I didn’t want to talk shop. So no, even after I left — because I left Detroit at age 26 — I was unable to write anything worth keeping about Detroit for years. I wrote things and I threw them away.»

Why was it so hard? Levine quotes another poet laureate, William Wordsworth: «‘Poetry is made up of emotion recollected in tranquility.’ I didn’t have any tranquility,» Levine says. «I was full of anger. I was very aware of the fact that I was being exploited and the people around me were being exploited. There was a mythology about us: We were stupid and lazy and we deserved what we were doing, our dumb work.»

Levine’s anger at the way he and his fellow workers were treated is apparent in many of his poems, including the title poem from his National Book Award-winning collection, What Work Is.

We stand in the rain in a long line
waiting at Ford Highland Park. For work
You know what work is — if you’re
old enough to read this you know what
work is, although you may not do it.
Forget you. This is about waiting,
shifting from one foot to another.
Feeling the light rain falling like mist
into your hair, blurring your vision
until you think you see your own brother
ahead of you, maybe ten places.
You rub your glasses with your fingers,
and of course it’s someone else’s brother,
narrower across the shoulders than
yours but with the same sad slouch, the grin
that does not hide the stubbornness,
the sad refusal to give in to
rain, to the hours wasted waiting,
to the knowledge that somewhere ahead
a man is waiting who will say, «No,
we’re not hiring today,» for any
reason he wants.

That poem is based on a real experience, Levine says, of waiting in line for two hours for a job at Ford’s Highland Park plant in Michigan.

«I needed work. There was an ad in the newspaper that Ford Highland Park was hiring and they gave the hour — at eight o’clock — when they would open for our applications. And I got there around eight o’clock and there were quite a few guys ahead of me, and it turned out that they weren’t opening until 10,» Levine says.

He waited anyway. «I began thinking about why the hell did they advertise for eight? And then it occurred to me: they wanted us to wait two hours because they wanted men who were willing to wait two hours. In other words, people of sufficient docility to become robots.»

Levine says he’s still angry today — «It’ll never leave me» — but adds that he discovered something else, in addition to the anger, as years passed.

«I had been in contact with people of enormous character and sweetness and affection and courage and strength,» he says.

These people made it into his poetry as well, as in the poem «He Would Never Use One Word Where None Would Do» from his 1999 collection Mercy, where Levine writes about «My friend Frankie,» who,

If you asked for a smoke or a light,
He’d hand you whatever he found
In his pockets: a jackknife, a hankie—
usually unsoiled—a dollar bill,
a subway token. Once he gave me
Half the sandwich he was eating
at the little outdoor restaurant
on Laguardia Place.

Levine won’t say who Frankie is. «Frankie is still my friend and I really don’t want him — I’ve changed his name — I really don’t want him to know that I write about him. He doesn’t know how I see him. He knows I care enormously about him and he cares about me. You know, in tennis they say, ‘Never get off a winning game.’ Well, I have a winning game with Frankie and I’m not going to screw it up. But I don’t want people to know, really, that I’m using them in this way. And so I disguise them,» he says.

When asked if that means we shouldn’t assume he’s bent on capturing the absolute truth of those days in Detroit, and those people in the factories, Levine offers a correction.

«That’s what I am trying to capture,» he says, «the absolute truth, not the accidental truth.»

Personal perspective, he says — emotion — is a key to that absolute truth.

«The assumption that you could give the absolute truth simply by observing is nonsensical,» Levine says. «It is, in a way, in almost obedience to my emotions that I shape the experience so that I can express how I felt and what it was I felt about.

«It is the imagination that gives us poetry,» he says. «When you sit down to write a poem, you really don’t know where you’re going. If you know where you’re going, the poem stinks, you probably already wrote it, and you’re imitating yourself.

The real challenge is when language, instincts, technique and practice come together. Then, he says, «you have to follow where the poem leads. And it will surprise you. It will say things you didn’t expect to say. And you look at the poem and you realize, ‘That is truly what I felt.’ That is truly what I saw.»

Excerpt from the poem «He Would Never Use One Word Where None Would Do,» from The Mercy. Copyright 1999 by Philip Levine.
Excerpt from the poem «What Work Is» from What Work Is. Copyright 1991.
Both selections excerpted by permission of Alfred A. Knopf, a division of Random House, Inc.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt my be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.

Если скажешь «чудесный день»,
Наслаждаясь природы блеском,
Он лишь молча отбросит тень
И украдкой заметит резкость

Облаков, что парят вдали,
Хрупко скованных тайной цепью,
И тихонько себе велит
Возвращаться скорей на землю.

Ну а коли придёт нужда
Прикурить, а карманы пу;сты,
Он не станет то осуждать,
А покажет свои – не густо:

Нож складной, носовой платок –
Как обычно, кристально чистый,
Лишь жетон от метро поблёк,
Да банкнота в лучах искрится.

А однажды он мне отдал
Половину обеда – сэндвич,
В Ла-Гуардии Плэйс, где ждал
Он меня в спокойном блаженстве.

Ещё помню, как воробей
Восседал у него на стуле,
А он хлеб протянул скорей,
С ним умчалась птица, нахмурясь.

Лишь усталый прохладный взгляд
В моё сердце вонзился болью,
Будто я, приготовив яд,
Собирался жить птичьей ролью.

В память врезался дикий май
Девяносто седьмого года –
Небогатый принёс урожай,
Запоздала с весной природа.

Но лелеяло солнце нас,
Согревая слегка лучами,
Вдалеке от обычных масс,
Мы молчали подчас ночами.

Если, правда, считать за шум
Рёв машин и роллеров стадо,
Ничего не тревожило дум,
Тишине только были рады.

Славный Фрэнки – преданный друг,
Мой спаситель в тяжкие годы,
С редкой проседью волосы вкруг,
И глаза – в них полно свободы.

Всё, что нужно – твоё плечо,
И я мог продолжать часами
Говорить с тобой ни о чём,
Лишь встречаясь порой глазами.

Как-то дед мой сказал мне, что
Серебром окрестил молчанье
И что кровь не вода и то,
Он не знал, где живет познанье.

Думал, это поможет стать
Настоящим американцем.
Фрэнки был им – ни дать ни взять,
Хоть и смесь индийца с германцем.

Сущность в том, тишина – вода,
И, увы, она совершенна.
Как дожди, она нам нужна,
Как для трав благодать бесценна.

Мы как стебли – ведём войну,
Убивая за ценный воздух,
Словоблудствуя, как в плену,
Бесконечным потоком к звёздам.

Март 2017.

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· 9 yr. ago

«Silence is silver,» my Zaydee had said, getting it wrong and right, just as he said «Water is thicker than blood,» thinking this made him a real American. Frankie was already American, being half German, half Indian.

I love this part. It made me chuckle.


So, I decided to take a break from divergent, I just wasn’t getting as into it as I thought I would.  So I have been looking at some poetry over the past few days instead.  This poem that I read was called “He Would Never Use One Word Where None Would Do,” Philip Levine.  It was a very cool poem, I definitely recommend going to the link and checking it out.  It seems to be about 2 guys, one older than the other, and he seems to have figured out that one of the best things you can give or receive is silence. Its kind of hard to understand.  Post in the comments on what you think it might be about.

He writes about a crisis in this poem.  But he doesn’t specify what the crisis was.  It also said it was in May of ’97.  So I researched about the spring of ’97 a bit and found that the only crisis was in Asia.  Nowhere near where they are.  They are in New York, I know this because of the restaurant that they ate at.  It is in New York.  Maybe he has a personal crisis.  I wonder if there is something wrong with this older man. Maybe in some way, «he» isn’t a man, maybe its an object that he is describing to make it sound like a man. Really the only person who knows for sure is Philip Levine.


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  • Английский (британский вариант)

«in a place that» or even «when». It means the person wouldn’t say or write anything unless it was needed.

  • Английский (британский вариант)

«in a place that» or even «when». It means the person wouldn’t say or write anything unless it was needed.

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I can’t understand the usage of “Where” in
“He Would Never Use One Word Where None Would Do.”.

Could you please explain it to me?

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    o It’s never been easy FOR anyone.
    x It’s never been easy TO anyone.

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Использование would always и would never в английском языке

Часто наша жизнь меняется, и мы перестаем делать то, что делали раньше. Например:

«Когда мы учились в университете, мы всегда обедали в этом кафе. Когда она приезжала отдыхать, она всегда останавливалась у нас. Когда мы ездили в отпуск, мы всегда ходили на экскурсии».

Чтобы сказать о действиях, которые повторялись в прошлом, мы используем would always. В статье я расскажу вам, как правильно использовать это выражение.

Из статьи вы узнаете:

  • Разницу между would always и used to
  • Правило использования would always
  • Использование would never
  • Вопросительные предложение с would always

Разница между would always и used to в английском языке

Я думаю, многие из вас уже знакомы с конструкцией used to, которая переводится как «бывало/раньше» и является формой прошедшего времени.

Она используется, чтобы описывать действия, ситуации и состояния, которые имели место в прошлом. Например, в прошлом вы ходили с длинными волосами, а сейчас у вас короткая стрижка, или вы собирали марки когда-то, но сейчас не делаете этого.

Would always переводится как «раньше», «всегда», «раньше всегда». 

Также как used to мы используем would always, когда мы говорим о действии, которое совершали в прошлом, но сейчас не делаем этого. Например: В детстве он всегда лазил по деревьям.

Но между used to и would always есть отличия.

1. Would always мы используем только, когда говорим о действии

Used to мы можем использовать в 3 случаях, когда говорим:

  • о действии (она раньше ходила на танцы)
  • о состоянии (он раньше был скромным)
  • о явлении (являлся кем-то) (они раньше были официантами).

Would always может заменить used to только в первом случае, когда мы говорим о действии, которое делали раньше.


He would always be teacher.
Он раньше был учителем.


He used to be a teacher.
Он раньше был учителем.

То есть мы не можем использовать would always с глаголом to be. Его мы используем, только когда говорим о повторяющихся действиях в прошлом.

2. Мы не используем would always, когда говорим о фактах

Would always мы используем только с действиями, которые повторялись много раз в прошлом. 


He would always live in Moscow.
Он раньше жил в Москве.

Он не мог снова и снова жить в Москве (повторяющееся действие), он жил там в течение какого-то периода (факт).


He used to live in Moscow.
Он раньше жил в Москве.

Давайте рассмотрим пример использования would always:

He would always come to Moscow on vacations.
Он раньше всегда приезжал в Москву на каникулы.

Как вы видите, он приезжал в Москву снова и снова, то есть действие является повторяющимся. Поэтому мы можем использовать would always.

Использование would always в английском языке

Образуется эта форма очень просто, после would always мы ставим глагол в начальной форме. Схема такого предложения будет:

Действующее лицо + would always + действие

We work
They would always smoke
She come


She would always sleep until noon.
Она раньше всегда спала до обеда.

They would always come late to work.
Они всегда приходили поздно на работу.

В дополнение: Также в английском языке могут использоваться следующие варианты

  • would constantly – раньше постоянно
  • would often – раньше часто
  • would sometimes – раньше иногда


We would often have coffee together.
Мы раньше часто пили кофе вместе.

They would sometimes give me presents.
Они иногда дарили мне подарки.

Использование would never в английском языке

Если мы говорим, что не делали чего-то раньше, то используем would never, который переводится «раньше никогда». Схема такого предложения будет:

Действующее лицо + would never + действие

We work
They would never smoke
She come


He would never smoke when he studied at university.
Он никогда не курил, когда учился в университете.

She would never bring her young sister to the parties.
Она никогда не брала ее младшую сестру на вечеринки.

Вопросы с would always/never в английском языке

Мы можем задать вопрос с конструкцией would always и would never. Для этого нужно поставить would на первое место в предложении. Схема такого предложения будет:

Would + действующее лицо + always/never + действие?

we work?
Would they always smoke?
she  never come?


Would they always go abroad on summer?
Они раньше всегда ездили за границу летом?

Would he never stay at home alone?
Он никогда не оставался один дома?

Итак, теперь вы знаете еще одну конструкцию, чтобы рассказать о действиях, которые постоянно совершались в прошлом. Давайте закрепим использование этой конструкции на практике.

Задание на закрепление

Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык. Свои ответы оставляйте в комментариях.

1. Она раньше всегда ездила на метро.
2. Он раньше никогда не платил за счета?
3. Они иногда приходили поздно на встречу.
4. Мы раньше никогда не выезжали за границу.
5. Она раньше всегда играла во дворе. 

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