He sends me one word texts

Do you feel like you’re the one who is always initiating conversations over text?

Does your boyfriend’s tendency not to text back frustrate you?

Do you feel like the man of your dreams is no longer interested in you?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, this article is for you.

First and foremost, communication over text is as important for any romantic relationship as talking face-to-face. What’s more, healthy texting habits tend to increase emotional connection, trust, and the chemistry between lovers.

With that in mind, couples need to cultivate good texting habits such as texting back promptly, taking the initiative to start a conversation, and consistency, just to mention, but a few.

These texting habits make a relationship fun and exciting, particularly when they are mutual. When such habits are absent, a relationship tends to be burdensome.

If the above habits do not define your relationship, you’re probably wondering whether you should stop texting your boyfriend.

In this article, you are going to gain insights on habits that mean you should stop texting him. Please keep reading.

When should you stop texting a guy?

Below are the reasons you need to stop sending your boyfriend text messages.

He sends one-word texts

There are many reasons men send single word texts. If your man is suddenly sending one-word answer texts, it could be due to various reasons.

For instance, it could be he is bored with you, he wants to leave you, he’s mad at you, he doesn’t see you as wife material, he’s playing hard to get, or he’s busy, just to mention a few.

If this has been going on for some time, it probably will not get better. What that means is that you will continue forcing him to engage with you when he doesn’t seem interested.

So, you must consider giving him space as you wait to see what happens.

Read more: How guys text when they really like you

He never initiates conversations

Every woman or girl wants to be with a man who wakes her up with a good morning text. What’s more, every woman wants to feel desired by the man in her life.

If your boyfriend never texts before you do, it could be a telltale sign that he is losing interest in you. Also, it could mean that your crush does not want a serious relationship with you.

However, you must find out why he has been acting that way. If he used to text you first, but he no longer does, reach out to him. Try to find out what is going on in his life. If the same habit continues, perhaps you can stop texting him.

He never answers your texts promptly

Having to analyze how your boyfriend feels about you based on his response time can be quite frustrating. A guy who is interested in you will respond to your messages within an hour, if not immediately.

With that being said, if your guy is ignoring your texts all of a sudden, it could mean he is just not that into you.

However, before you can jump into conclusions and stop texting him, talk to him. If his explanation does not add up, you can step back.

He tells you the spark is gone

If your crush tells you that he no longer has feelings for you, it means he no longer wants to have a relationship with you. Therefore, he’s likely to give you the silent treatment.

With that in mind, you mustn’t keep texting him. You must accept and let him be.

Although this may be the hardest thing to do, it helps to ensure that you’re not acting desperate and clingy by texting him all the time.

See also: Are relationship text messages a good thing?

He doesn’t text you for days

Communication in a relationship is paramount. With that being said, been with a guy who does not want to talk to you can be depressing.

If you have established that he is okay and there is no misunderstanding or good reason for him not to talk, you can stop sending him messages and see what happens.

However, if he has an on and off the habit of texting, it is a clear sign that he is not serious about you.

He never plans dates or wants to see you

If you have been with your boyfriend for months and he never proposes to take you on a date that is a red flag.

The man in your life may not want to hook up with you because he’s probably not ready to commit.

If you feel like you have waited for too long for him to ask you out, perhaps you should consider moving on. The worst thing you can do to yourself is to force him to spend time with you.

Unless you want to maintain the virtual relationship, you must stop texting him.

Parting Words

Relationships are hard work. What’s more, sometimes it can be difficult to tell if the man in your life is interested in you.

If you’re wondering if you should stop keeping in touch with your boyfriend through text, I hope this article will help you make an informed decision.

Whether she’s your Tinder match, real life crush, platonic friend, or girlfriend…

…I’m going to give you 9 ways to deal with her one word texts.

So by the end of today’s article, you’ll know:

  • What do one-word text messages mean?
  • #1: Take a breath
  • #2: You’re texting her at the wrong time
  • #3: The best mindset to deal with one-word texts
  • #4: How often does she send you one-word texts?
  • #5: Ask more open-ended questions
  • #6: Be clear in your tone of voice
  • #7: Don’t be too hard-to-get
  • #8: Stop selling yourself
  • #9: Why you’re getting one-word texts from your girlfriend or boyfriend
  • #10: Stop typing like your uneducated
  • What to text after a one-word text

Important: I know you’re sometimes unsure what to text. So I’ve put together 10 Texts That Always Work. Copy-paste lines that instantly attract her and make her crave your attention. They work and they are free. Just a small gift to get you started. Enjoy! Click here to get them.

What do one-word text messages mean?

Honestly, it can mean many things.

She could be too busy to tell you more. It could be that your last text was difficult to answer. And it could mean she’s done with your shit.

Yup. More often than not, a one-word text is a negative sign.

But it doesn’t have to be.

So don’t jump to conclusions. It’s not good for your back or your relationship with that girl.

The only time you need to be worried is if you get one word replies a lot.

Then the odds are that you’re doing something wrong.

Find out what you’re doing wrong in the next tips.

#1: Take a breath

One of the most important things to do after you get a one-word text is to relax.

Take a chill pill, dude.

Because if you grab your phone with a heart full of rage, you’ll probably say something you’ll regret.

Something you can’t undo.

So don’t let your emotions get the better of you.

Take a deep breath and put the phone away.

Then do something fun or productive.

Go for a walk, hit the gym, or hang out with a friend.

And remember: her one-word reply may not mean anything.

#2: You’re texting her at the wrong time

Sometimes one word replies make a lot of sense.

You just caught her at the wrong time.

She’s working. Hanging out with friends. Or she’s done talking with you after you blew up her phone with text messages.

So timing is of the essence.

In this next 2-minute video, I tell you exactly what the best time is to text a girl.

#3: The best mindset to deal with one-word texts

One-word texts usually rattle us for two reasons.

  • We like the other person so much that their lack of interest hurts
  • We have a negative mindset

Story time!

One of the students from my TextGod Mentoring Program was at a girl’s house on a date when he saw something bad.

A trash can with two empty pizza boxes.

“Oh no…” he thought “she probably had a date yesterday and had sex with him!”

Now he felt like a cheap manwhore and the whole vibe of the date was ruined.

Let’s hit rewind.

Did the two empty pizza boxes mean she had a date?

How else could we interpret that?

  • She’s had a couple pizzas by herself this week
  • She had pizza with a platonic friend
  • She’s into modern art and this is her latest art installation (probably not)

In short: there are plenty of innocent reasons why she has a trash can with two empty pizza boxes!

But because my student had a negative mindset, he assumed the worst and was a real Debbie Downer.

So be careful, my friend.

Don’t assume the worst. Instead, assume she likes you and all is good.

  • 10 Ways to make a girl like you over text

#4: How often does she send you one-word texts?

Don’t worry if you get a brief reply every now and then.

That’s normal.

And more importantly, it’s probably not a bad sign.

Does it happen more often?

Now it’s time to put on your thinking cap, because we may have found a pattern.

Check your convo. Do the one-word texts have anything in common?

Were they perhaps sent at the same time of day (work hours) or after you said something with a unique flavor (something she didn’t like)?

Look carefully.

Because if you’re the cause of her short replies, you have the power to stop them.

You just need to find out what you’re doing wrong.

Here are some questions to help you identify the problem:

  • Was your text easy to reply to?
  • Were you talking about the same subject for too long?
  • Was the vibe of your text very different from the texts that came before?
  • Did you ask a question out of necessity rather than curiosity?

Want to know how to get her more engaged? Check out this article:

  • 19 Texting rules for guys to make her interested in you

#5: Ask more open-ended questions

A HUGE reason why people struggle with online dating is this.

They ask bad questions.

Closed questions.

Did you have a good weekend?

And, of course, this zinger of a question.

What’s the trouble with asking these types of questions?

They lead to one-word answers.

Yes and no.

Sure, she could reply more.

But if you want a rich and fulfilling love life, you need to take responsibility and be proactive.

So start writing texts that lead to long and fun answers.

An easy way is to start asking open-ended questions.

Here are two articles to give you some inspiration:

  • 100+ Tinder questions that actually work
  • 70+ Questions to ask your crush over text

#6: Be clear in your tone of voice

If you don’t take care of your tone of voice, you’re torpedoing your love life.

Even the most innocent texts can turn off Tinder matches or start fights with your significant other.


Because unless you clarify the vibe of your text, she’ll interpret the text based on her mood and what she knows of you.

If she barely knows you and she’s in a foul mood, you can guarantee an ambiguous text will go down badly.

So don’t just type up a joke and think she’ll laugh.

Read your text out loud to yourself and ask yourself: “Can I interpret the text in any other way?”

If so, delete that mothatrucka and send it to hell.

Or rewrite the text in a way that it only has one clear meaning. Sometimes the answer is as simple as adding an emoji.

So drop the linguistic puzzles and be clear.

#7: Don’t be too hard-to-get

Playing hard-to-get definitely has its place in seduction.

But it usually backfires harder than a sumo wrestler’s backside on enchilada night.


Because most people do it wrong.

They’re not hard-to-get. They’re cold.

  • They wait forever to text back
  • They never ask questions
  • And they never give compliments

What type of reaction do you think that type of behavior promotes?

MORE cold behavior in the shape of one-word answers.

So don’t be hard-to-get.

Be warm.

Which starts with smiling in your online dating photos. Click this link for 11 Tinder profile photo tips on how to triple your matches.

Anyway, being warm also means being friendly, genuine and curious in your text conversations.

  • If someone actually says or does something you like, tell them.
  • Don’t constantly hide behind jokes and witty remarks, be your relaxed self.
  • Lastly, be interested in their opinions and who they are.

But be careful you don’t simp for her.

That’s a big turn off.

Check my next article for what I mean:

  • 7 Signs you’re a simp over text message

#8: Stop selling yourself

If you’re a guy, you’re in trouble.

You see, when it comes to dating guys are born with a handicap.

A donger.

I’m joking, but only slightly.

Men are genetically wired to procreate and shoot babies into our better halves.

Although we can override that instinct, most dudes don’t even bother.

So the instant they see a pretty lady, they think: “I must have her!”

And all standards fly out the window.

The problem?

They’re already decided they want her and will do and say everything to get her.

Which often turns guys into a pushy car salesman.

Like so.

One simple text turned this guy into doggy listening to its master.

Which communicates to her:

“Man, I really like you. Here’s what I can do for you. Please say it’s enough and like me back.”

Not all girls will be turned off by this behavior.

But to many it’s a buzzkill.

Which they’ll show you by sending you one word texts.

#9: Why you’re getting one-word texts from your girlfriend or boyfriend

This is a serious topic which deserves a quick and serious answer.

First of all, remember that one-word texts aren’t an issue unless you’re getting them regularly.

Are one-word texts common for you?

Here’s what might be going on.

Warning, it’s not pretty:

You like her and the relationship a lot more than she currently likes you and the relationship.

Because you like her so much, you’re likely showering her with texts and affection.

And because she’s in need of some space, she’s being curt over text in the hope that you’ll take the hint.

Does that mean the relationship is over?


Just that you and your partner CURRENTLY have different needs.

So slow down.

If she’s suffering from a you-overdose, you want to give her a little less and give her the opportunity to miss you.

Once your loving strangle-hold loosens, she’ll likely start typing in full sentences again.

Want to make her fall in love with you (again)? Check out this article:

  • 14 Ways to make her fall in love over text

#10: Stop typing like your uneducated

If this title didn’t trigger you, then you need to read this tip.

Did the title make you cringe? Great.

Now you know how she’s feeling.

Anyway, the title has a big grammar mistake that will shrivel up a girl’s eggs.

Not all girls will have such a strong reaction. But many of the good ones will.

You know, the girls with diplomas, big ambitions and next level tongue and throat skills. (The last point is made up, but I feel like it makes my point more convincing.)

So while you may scoff at grammar mistakes, others wince at them as if they were hearing the sound of nails on a chalkboard.

And it makes sense.

Proper grammar communicates that you’re smart and probably live the life of a smart dude.

Nice place. Decent job. And a big d- oggo for her to cuddle.

So get your grammar right.

It doesn’t cost much effort and the rewards are big.

What to text after a one-word text

One of the most effective ways to get a woman to open up to you over text is this.


If you get it right, clickbait is irresistible.

As long as you choose the right topic to get the clicks.

Your safest bet is talking about her.


Because it’s her most favorite subject in the world.

So to get a good answer, hit her with some questions like this:

You know what I find so interesting about you?


I never thought about it until now, but you know what’s kinda funny about you?


She won’t be able to stop herself from replying.

For more clickbait questions and good follow-up questions, check my clickbait video where I tell you exactly what to do using actual text conversations.

You can find my clickbait video here.


Louis Farfields

And don’t forget your download below ;)

Not sure why your girlfriend is giving you one word answers? One word answers are the worst thing that can happen in a relationship. No one likes it when their partner isn’t responding to them. It’s like you’re trying to have a conversation, but she’s not really saying much to you. You can tell that something is wrong, but you’re not sure exactly what the problem is.

It’s also very hard to have a conversation when she’s just giving you one word answers and isn’t showing you that she’s engaged in the conversation or has anything to say. This can be very annoying an infuriating. However, I’m sure that there’s a reason why she’s not saying much to you.

The most logical reason for this is that she’s probably mad at you or sad about something that you did. Oftentimes, you probably said something that offended her, even if it wasn’t intentional. You can never know how someone is going to react to what you say, even if that person is your girlfriend.

You are not perfect and neither is anyone. You are going to make mistakes and say things that will offend or hurt your girlfriend. If you know exactly what you said or did, you should talk to her and apologize.

Even if you don’t think you did anything wrong, it’s best to just say that you’re sorry. You don’t want to argue with your girlfriend because you’re not going to win. Also, it seems as if a woman is always right. If you want to be happy and have some peace in your life, then just talk to her and let her know that you didn’t mean to hurt or offend her.

Lastly, even if you didn’t do anything wrong and it’s not because of you. You should still try and encourage your girlfriend in any way that you can. You can do something as simple as give her a kiss or hug her and hold her. Perhaps, all she wants is your love and comfort. Either way, you should be there by her side until she stops giving you one word answers and is back to being the way that she usually is.

What does it mean when a girl gives one word answers?

 One word comments usually mean the subject is getting boring. You can prepare some sensible subjects to discuss with her. Don’t be hesitant to ask her what she likes. With a good sense of humour, make people laugh and relax.

What do you do when a girl replies with one word answers?

 So, here are some conversation starters.

Say less.

Don’t keep pinging till she responds.

If she doesn’t want to talk to you, give her some time.

Let her talk more.

Mention your pals and good times.

Mention your jobs to prove you’re responsible.

What does it mean when someone only gives you one word answers?

 One word answers frequently imply discontent and avoiding dialogue. It often means he doesn’t want to talk and thinks fast answering your question will get you to leave. That guy isn’t always communicative.

What do 1 word texts mean?

 What does it indicate when people just text one word replies? Text messages lack emotion. Either the individual is busy but wants to respond to you to avoid hurting feelings. Or he or she is not interested in continuing the conversation.

Are one word responses rude?

 One-word answers are deemed disrespectful because they generally reject the person or the question. “Did you have fun today?” A yes or no is not enough.

What is dry Texter?

 Dry texting is when someone gives you short, non-engaging text replies. This style of texting can be draining because when your crush isn’t contributing to the conversation, you may feel obligated to keep continuing.

What to do if a girl is being dry?

 So, here are some conversation starters.

Say less.Don’t keep pinging till she responds.

If she doesn’t want to talk to you, give her some time.

Let her talk more.Mention your pals and good times.

Mention your jobs to prove you’re responsible.

Why does my girlfriend send short texts?

 You’re stupid. After a while, girlfriends tend to send short texts or replies to boyfriends. It saves time typing and allows them to inquire or speak more. Not to mention their romanticism.

How do you respond to a dry text?

 How to Respond to a Guy’s Dry Text

1 Define his dry texting.

Start the conversation with his interests.

A fun query can break a text-rut.

4 Remind him of your bond with a fun memory.

a photo to help you communicate more.

Why do guys respond with one word answers?

 If you’re getting one-word answers, he’s probably multitasking. You can always ask him to chat. Say no and try again later. “It appears you’re occupied right now.

What are one word replies called?

 Children’s single word utterances are called ‘holophrases’, while adults’ are called’sentence words’. Context is vital in both kid and adult sentence word usage.

Is it good if a girl responds fast?

 If she responds promptly to your SMS, she is on her phone and thus physically able to do so. It might suggest she favors you over everything else (a “yes”) or she answers swiftly to everyone.

How do you become a cold Texter?

 How To Cold Text Sales Leads

Keep it Simple Stupid:

Keep Texts Clean, Simple, and Concise: The whole point of texting is to reach prospects faster.

What does it mean when a guy responds right away?

 He likes you if he responds quickly.

Longer texts, compliments, personal tales, and queries indicate he wants to keep talking, whereas shorter messages indicate he doesn’t. This shows he is interested and reacts promptly to your communications.

How do you respond to a rude text from a guy?

 3 Rude Person Responses

Time to relax and reflect. Consider why individuals are rude. …

Express how you felt after their harsh comment. …

Set limits and enforce them.

How do I respond to my boyfriends texts?

 Make him feel valued by starting your response with “you”.

“Your texts always flush me.”

“You make me feel like the luckiest man alive.”

“Thank you!”

What should I reply to ok?

 They mean the same thing, it’s just an other spelling. This is a grammatical issue, not etiquette. If you want to be formal, don’t say OK. Say “Yes” or “I agree” as appropriate.

How do you respond to yeah from a guy?

 Yes, Om, OK, Great, I see, Aha, Usually, when someone replies ‘Yeah” It could signify OK. Agreed. I see.

How do you respond to a cold message?

 What Should You Do When You Get an Interested Reply to Your Cold Email?

Recognize Your Prospect’s Goals.

Quickly respond.

Make It All About Them.


Don’t overload them with data.

Resolve All Issues

Never Make Them Buy.

Expect the email to not sell.

What is a cold Texter?

 Cold calling or emailing a customer is common in sales and business. Cold text messaging is similar to cold calling and emailing in this regard. Cold texting includes texting a customer without their consent.

What should be the first text to a guy?

 How to Text a Guy for the First Time (Examples)

1 “Well, I have your number. …

“Describe yourself in three emojis!”

2“My fave meme! …

3 “I need a new TV show!” …

4 “I saw your dog on your profile.

5 “So, we both adore humor. …

6 “Your eyes pop in this photo!

How do I get a girl to respond to my text?

 “Everything alright?” So she knows you observed her silence but also care about her. If she doesn’t react after a week, send a casual text stating that you are a cool person with a busy schedule. “Hi, Tonya.

What’s the 3 day rule?

 The three-day rule is a dating method that advocates not calling your date for three days. Waiting three days makes you appear less eager and/or desperate, and gives your date time to realize how much they enjoyed you.

What make a girl fall for you?

 Getting a girl to like you takes effort and patience. If you treat a girl well and show her what makes you a great guy, she may grow to love you. Remember that there must be some attraction between you two.

How do you vibe a girl over text?

 Check whether you’re offending her.

Make flirty banter. Have as much fun as you can.

Push it. Texting allows for easy sex and flirting.

Don’t be vague. Use terms that truly describe your message.

Keep it upbeat.

Know when to act.

Is it OK to date others while dating?

 But online dating guru Benjamin Daly says you should date around as long as you’re safe. Not compatible by the second date? You’ve wasted time and must start over. That wastes time.”

Is it a relationship or dating?

 The primary distinction between dating and being in a relationship is that both parties are committed to one other. You and the person you’re with have agreed, either formally or informally, that you’re in a partnership.

What are the 5 stages of dating?

 Whether you’re just starting out or have been dating for years, every relationship passes through the same five stages. On reaches these levels through engaging in a conversation.

How long should you date before asking her to be your girlfriend?

 Two months is a good rule of thumb. But, since every relationship is unique, go for it. If that doesn’t feel right, there are measures you may do to prepare for the conversation.

How do you know if you are together?

 You trust them implicitly.

You expect weekend visits.

You know their friends.

You think about them constantly.

You two discuss about going away.

You don’t want sex with anyone else.

What are the hardest months in a relationship?

 The first and second month tend to be the most difficult. Whatever dating advise you seek, getting to know someone is difficult. The first few months can be difficult for those with trust concerns.

How long do relationships last by age?

 20-year-olds have more durable partnerships. Relationships can endure up to four years. Relationships benefit from maturity. 20+ year olds are still figuring out their social roles, job paths, and aren’t ready to settle down.

When should you stop trying in a relationship?

If your partner doesn’t want to talk about it or make any adjustments, it’s time to think about quitting the relationship. When it comes to long-term relationships, sex is a key way to feel connected and appreciated.

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