He sends me one word text messages

Pretend you’re texting the guy you like. The conversation is flowing, texts are going back and forth, the mood seems fantastic, and then you get hit out of nowhere with a one-word answer.

It could look something like this:






Suddenly, your conversation stutters to a cold and awkward halt. You wonder to yourself how you’re supposed to answer that and return back to the flowing conversation from before.

Well, you’re in the right place. We’ll be showing you how to reply to one-word texts from guys, as well as tell you why he’s sending you those curt messages at all.

Why He’s Sending You One-Word Texts in the First Place

We’ll start by explaining why he’s suddenly decided to become the world’s laziest texter. There are several reasons behind his icy tone:

He’s just not that into you.

The most hurtful answer is simple: he’s not into, or he’s grown bored of you. This is more likely if you’re still early on in your relationship in the “getting to know him” stage.

In those first few weeks of “just talking,” the relationship is young and fragile. You probably don’t even have any sort of formal commitment yet. Because he could be (and probably is) talking to other girls, you need to keep his interest if you really like him.

The one-word answer could be a great way for you to gauge his interest level. At this point, it shows to you that he doesn’t care enough to put effort into your conversation.

Read Next: How to Text a Guy You Just Met

He’s a little busy at the moment.

"If his mind is elsewhere, such as work or family, he might not have the ability to write you something more detailed right now."

A one-word text doesn’t have to be a bad sign. If his mind is elsewhere, such as work or family, he might not have the ability to write you something more detailed right now.

For example, if he’s answering you on a quick break at work or while he’s visiting his mom, he doesn’t necessarily have the time to send you more…but he still cared enough to try and answer you, anyway.

When he sends you that dreaded one-word text, think about the time of day. Did you knowingly text him in the middle of his shift at work? Do you know if he had any plans at the time you texted him?

If you can answer yes to those questions, you can be more confident that he’s just a bit occupied.

VIDEO REVEALS: Secret ‘Desire’ text message that men are powerless to resist

He doesn’t realize he’s coming off as cold.

Men are often solution-focused. This means that, if one word perfectly sums up the response to something, he might spring for it because it makes sense.

He’s not necessarily trying to be rude, nor does he realize he’s coming off as cold. It’s kind of hard to tell if this is the case, though.

If he does this often, but seems interested in continuing the conversation by texting you again afterward, it’s a pretty good sign that his texting skills might just need a little polishing. He probably doesn’t know that he seems disinterested.

He could be testing your interest.

Unfortunately, both men and women play a lot of games when it comes to dating. We do this to protect our hearts from hurt.

Your guy could be doing exactly that when he sends you a one-word answer. He might be unsure how interested you are in him, so he sends you that single word, waiting to see what you do next. What he’s looking for in your response varies based on the man in question.

Again, this is another hard one to pinpoint. You can try looking at your past interactions to see if he has a pattern of playing games with you.

If you think he’s playing games with you, make sure to read our guide on what to text a guy who is playing games.

You Might Also Like: Random Things to Text a Guy You Like (That He Won’t Be Able to Resist)

He’s upset.

"Sometimes, when we’re upset, our first line of defense is sending someone a cold one-word text and hoping they get the hint."

We’ve all been sulky before. Sometimes, when we’re upset, our first line of defense is sending someone a cold one-word text and hoping they get the hint.

At other times, we send them that one-word message when we don’t know what else to say. Your guy could be doing the exact same thing.

To determine if this is what’s going on, take a step back and look at the circumstances surrounding the text. Did you just have a disagreement or an argument? Are you giving him some bad news?

Then there’s a good chance his cold reply is just him indicating he’s upset.

He’s trying to play it cool.

Here’s another game that we often play in the early stages of relationships: hard to get. You know how it works – you pretend to be less interested than you really are so you don’t come off as desperate.

Women aren’t the only ones who do this. Men frequently try to keep it cool, too, which could be exactly what he’s doing with his one-word texts.

Like many of the other causes, this one is hard to tell. It’s something you might not ever discover until later, when you know him well enough to ask him why he did it.

Recommended Article: Interesting Text Messages to Send to a Guy (With 15+ Intriguing Examples)

Don’t answer him at all.

Ignoring him might seem childish, but we honestly think it’s your overall best option. It can apply to every single reason for him sending you the one-word text.

Think he might be busy? Not texting him back could free him up to focus on other things and show him you respect his space.

If he’s playing games with you or losing interest, the lack of a response is a clear signal that you’re not desperate for him. When he realizes you’re not at his beck and call, he’ll be forced to see that he must work harder to keep your attention.

And if he’s being sulky, not answering him will give him time to stew in peace. Once he cools down, he should text you again himself if he’s actually interested in you.

Take a little break from him.

Ignoring him completely might seem too rude to you. And when you’re really smitten with him, you’ll feel less inclined to take risks like that with your relationship.

We hear you. If cutting him off completely until he steps up his game is too drastic, consider the happy medium: ending the conversation yourself for now.

After he sends you that frustrating single-word text, tell him you’ve got to go for now. Then, simply take a bit of a break from him or your phone. If you can, wait for him to text you next.

Send him a one-word answer of your own.

"Sometimes returning the favor is the only way to show someone how something as cold as a one-word answer feels."

We’re not the kind of people to constantly tell you to give someone “a taste of their own medicine,” especially when it comes to romance. In the arena of love, we should strive to be the best we can be.

However, sometimes returning the favor is the only way to show someone how something as cold as a one-word answer feels. Don’t be rude about it by sending him a haughty “whatever;” instead, just send him something acknowledging his answer, like “okay.”

Then don’t say anything else. Let him come to you when he’s ready to talk more.

If you know him well, check in on him.

When you’ve been talking to him longer or you’ve already started a committed relationship, you’re probably at a point where you can confide in each other. If you know him better and can sense that he’s upset, ask him if he’s doing okay or what’s wrong.

Don’t do this simply because you’re feeling insecure. If you constantly ask him what’s wrong any time you so much as think he’s mad, you’ll just look clingy.

You should only ask him if you’ve gotten to a stage in your relationship where you actually know him well enough to tell when he’s angry. Additionally, don’t ask him in a way that feels judgmental, such as saying something like, “what’s wrong now?”

Ask him in a way that sounds concerned and open to his thoughts. For example, you could say something like the following:

“Hey, it feels like you might be upset. Want to talk about it?”

Stay away from boring conversation openers.

"If he’s giving you one-word answers, there’s a possibility you might have sent him something lackluster first."

Conversations are a two-way street. If he’s giving you one-word answers, there’s a possibility you might have sent him something lackluster first.

There are some boring conversation openers that are just exhausting to answer all the time. “What’s up?” or “How’s it going?” are two examples of this. They can work perfectly fine sometimes, but as you get to know each other better, these classics are just plain uninteresting.

Keep your talks feeling fresh. Avoid using traditional conversation openers all the time, and try to go for things that are more personal to him, such as asking about how certain things went at work or who won the game he watched last night.

Further Reading: I Want to Kiss You Texts for Him (With 15 Examples You Can Use)

How to Become a Master of Texting

We get it. Texting can seem impossible, especially if you were never a strong writer to begin with. Even detailed guides might not be enough to make you feel more confident about your texting.

Follow the steps laid out in this video and learn how to hook a guy the easy way.

Whether she’s your Tinder match, real life crush, platonic friend, or girlfriend…

…I’m going to give you 9 ways to deal with her one word texts.

So by the end of today’s article, you’ll know:

  • What do one-word text messages mean?
  • #1: Take a breath
  • #2: You’re texting her at the wrong time
  • #3: The best mindset to deal with one-word texts
  • #4: How often does she send you one-word texts?
  • #5: Ask more open-ended questions
  • #6: Be clear in your tone of voice
  • #7: Don’t be too hard-to-get
  • #8: Stop selling yourself
  • #9: Why you’re getting one-word texts from your girlfriend or boyfriend
  • #10: Stop typing like your uneducated
  • What to text after a one-word text

Important: I know you’re sometimes unsure what to text. So I’ve put together 10 Texts That Always Work. Copy-paste lines that instantly attract her and make her crave your attention. They work and they are free. Just a small gift to get you started. Enjoy! Click here to get them.

What do one-word text messages mean?

Honestly, it can mean many things.

She could be too busy to tell you more. It could be that your last text was difficult to answer. And it could mean she’s done with your shit.

Yup. More often than not, a one-word text is a negative sign.

But it doesn’t have to be.

So don’t jump to conclusions. It’s not good for your back or your relationship with that girl.

The only time you need to be worried is if you get one word replies a lot.

Then the odds are that you’re doing something wrong.

Find out what you’re doing wrong in the next tips.

#1: Take a breath

One of the most important things to do after you get a one-word text is to relax.

Take a chill pill, dude.

Because if you grab your phone with a heart full of rage, you’ll probably say something you’ll regret.

Something you can’t undo.

So don’t let your emotions get the better of you.

Take a deep breath and put the phone away.

Then do something fun or productive.

Go for a walk, hit the gym, or hang out with a friend.

And remember: her one-word reply may not mean anything.

#2: You’re texting her at the wrong time

Sometimes one word replies make a lot of sense.

You just caught her at the wrong time.

She’s working. Hanging out with friends. Or she’s done talking with you after you blew up her phone with text messages.

So timing is of the essence.

In this next 2-minute video, I tell you exactly what the best time is to text a girl.

#3: The best mindset to deal with one-word texts

One-word texts usually rattle us for two reasons.

  • We like the other person so much that their lack of interest hurts
  • We have a negative mindset

Story time!

One of the students from my TextGod Mentoring Program was at a girl’s house on a date when he saw something bad.

A trash can with two empty pizza boxes.

“Oh no…” he thought “she probably had a date yesterday and had sex with him!”

Now he felt like a cheap manwhore and the whole vibe of the date was ruined.

Let’s hit rewind.

Did the two empty pizza boxes mean she had a date?

How else could we interpret that?

  • She’s had a couple pizzas by herself this week
  • She had pizza with a platonic friend
  • She’s into modern art and this is her latest art installation (probably not)

In short: there are plenty of innocent reasons why she has a trash can with two empty pizza boxes!

But because my student had a negative mindset, he assumed the worst and was a real Debbie Downer.

So be careful, my friend.

Don’t assume the worst. Instead, assume she likes you and all is good.

  • 10 Ways to make a girl like you over text

#4: How often does she send you one-word texts?

Don’t worry if you get a brief reply every now and then.

That’s normal.

And more importantly, it’s probably not a bad sign.

Does it happen more often?

Now it’s time to put on your thinking cap, because we may have found a pattern.

Check your convo. Do the one-word texts have anything in common?

Were they perhaps sent at the same time of day (work hours) or after you said something with a unique flavor (something she didn’t like)?

Look carefully.

Because if you’re the cause of her short replies, you have the power to stop them.

You just need to find out what you’re doing wrong.

Here are some questions to help you identify the problem:

  • Was your text easy to reply to?
  • Were you talking about the same subject for too long?
  • Was the vibe of your text very different from the texts that came before?
  • Did you ask a question out of necessity rather than curiosity?

Want to know how to get her more engaged? Check out this article:

  • 19 Texting rules for guys to make her interested in you

#5: Ask more open-ended questions

A HUGE reason why people struggle with online dating is this.

They ask bad questions.

Closed questions.

Did you have a good weekend?

And, of course, this zinger of a question.

What’s the trouble with asking these types of questions?

They lead to one-word answers.

Yes and no.

Sure, she could reply more.

But if you want a rich and fulfilling love life, you need to take responsibility and be proactive.

So start writing texts that lead to long and fun answers.

An easy way is to start asking open-ended questions.

Here are two articles to give you some inspiration:

  • 100+ Tinder questions that actually work
  • 70+ Questions to ask your crush over text

#6: Be clear in your tone of voice

If you don’t take care of your tone of voice, you’re torpedoing your love life.

Even the most innocent texts can turn off Tinder matches or start fights with your significant other.


Because unless you clarify the vibe of your text, she’ll interpret the text based on her mood and what she knows of you.

If she barely knows you and she’s in a foul mood, you can guarantee an ambiguous text will go down badly.

So don’t just type up a joke and think she’ll laugh.

Read your text out loud to yourself and ask yourself: “Can I interpret the text in any other way?”

If so, delete that mothatrucka and send it to hell.

Or rewrite the text in a way that it only has one clear meaning. Sometimes the answer is as simple as adding an emoji.

So drop the linguistic puzzles and be clear.

#7: Don’t be too hard-to-get

Playing hard-to-get definitely has its place in seduction.

But it usually backfires harder than a sumo wrestler’s backside on enchilada night.


Because most people do it wrong.

They’re not hard-to-get. They’re cold.

  • They wait forever to text back
  • They never ask questions
  • And they never give compliments

What type of reaction do you think that type of behavior promotes?

MORE cold behavior in the shape of one-word answers.

So don’t be hard-to-get.

Be warm.

Which starts with smiling in your online dating photos. Click this link for 11 Tinder profile photo tips on how to triple your matches.

Anyway, being warm also means being friendly, genuine and curious in your text conversations.

  • If someone actually says or does something you like, tell them.
  • Don’t constantly hide behind jokes and witty remarks, be your relaxed self.
  • Lastly, be interested in their opinions and who they are.

But be careful you don’t simp for her.

That’s a big turn off.

Check my next article for what I mean:

  • 7 Signs you’re a simp over text message

#8: Stop selling yourself

If you’re a guy, you’re in trouble.

You see, when it comes to dating guys are born with a handicap.

A donger.

I’m joking, but only slightly.

Men are genetically wired to procreate and shoot babies into our better halves.

Although we can override that instinct, most dudes don’t even bother.

So the instant they see a pretty lady, they think: “I must have her!”

And all standards fly out the window.

The problem?

They’re already decided they want her and will do and say everything to get her.

Which often turns guys into a pushy car salesman.

Like so.

One simple text turned this guy into doggy listening to its master.

Which communicates to her:

“Man, I really like you. Here’s what I can do for you. Please say it’s enough and like me back.”

Not all girls will be turned off by this behavior.

But to many it’s a buzzkill.

Which they’ll show you by sending you one word texts.

#9: Why you’re getting one-word texts from your girlfriend or boyfriend

This is a serious topic which deserves a quick and serious answer.

First of all, remember that one-word texts aren’t an issue unless you’re getting them regularly.

Are one-word texts common for you?

Here’s what might be going on.

Warning, it’s not pretty:

You like her and the relationship a lot more than she currently likes you and the relationship.

Because you like her so much, you’re likely showering her with texts and affection.

And because she’s in need of some space, she’s being curt over text in the hope that you’ll take the hint.

Does that mean the relationship is over?


Just that you and your partner CURRENTLY have different needs.

So slow down.

If she’s suffering from a you-overdose, you want to give her a little less and give her the opportunity to miss you.

Once your loving strangle-hold loosens, she’ll likely start typing in full sentences again.

Want to make her fall in love with you (again)? Check out this article:

  • 14 Ways to make her fall in love over text

#10: Stop typing like your uneducated

If this title didn’t trigger you, then you need to read this tip.

Did the title make you cringe? Great.

Now you know how she’s feeling.

Anyway, the title has a big grammar mistake that will shrivel up a girl’s eggs.

Not all girls will have such a strong reaction. But many of the good ones will.

You know, the girls with diplomas, big ambitions and next level tongue and throat skills. (The last point is made up, but I feel like it makes my point more convincing.)

So while you may scoff at grammar mistakes, others wince at them as if they were hearing the sound of nails on a chalkboard.

And it makes sense.

Proper grammar communicates that you’re smart and probably live the life of a smart dude.

Nice place. Decent job. And a big d- oggo for her to cuddle.

So get your grammar right.

It doesn’t cost much effort and the rewards are big.

What to text after a one-word text

One of the most effective ways to get a woman to open up to you over text is this.


If you get it right, clickbait is irresistible.

As long as you choose the right topic to get the clicks.

Your safest bet is talking about her.


Because it’s her most favorite subject in the world.

So to get a good answer, hit her with some questions like this:

You know what I find so interesting about you?


I never thought about it until now, but you know what’s kinda funny about you?


She won’t be able to stop herself from replying.

For more clickbait questions and good follow-up questions, check my clickbait video where I tell you exactly what to do using actual text conversations.

You can find my clickbait video here.


Louis Farfields

And don’t forget your download below ;)

When it comes to Southern romance, it’s no secret that choosing the right words is important. Crafting the perfect romantic message and expressing how much you care about someone may be difficult, but it can also be incredibly rewarding. Making your love known to that special someone is one of those little things that not just keep relationships alive, but also helps them flourish.

JGI/Tom Grill/Blend Images/Getty Images

If you need a dash of inspiration, explore these short and long love messages in a variety of formats, including quotes from notable authors, text messages, love letters, Southern love poems, and more. Love messages can also touch on just the right tone you may be going for—romantic, sweet, funny, cute, witty, or even sad.

Greet your loved one with a sweet message in the morning to start their day right, or say good night with a romantic text after a long day. Whether it’s a special occasion or simply another day on the calendar, your loved one is sure to appreciate any romantic messages you might leave them!

Harold M. Lambert/Getty Images
Ilya Terentyev/Getty Images

Sweet Romantic Messages for Him

Men may not always be the most verbal or openly emotional creatures, but that doesn’t mean they don’t want to hear how you feel! Letting that special man in your life know that he’s your world with a short love message will surely make him glow with pride. To help you express just how much you enjoy his presence in your life, take a look at these romantic love messages for him!

  • You have no idea how much my heart races when I see you.
  • I love when I catch you looking at me.
  • You’re weird…but I like it!

Messages for your boyfriend

  • Your voice is my favorite sound.
  • So far, every moment we’ve spent together has been awesome. But I promise you, that the best is yet to come.
  • If only you knew how much those little moments with you matter to me.

Message for your husband

  • Since the time I’ve met you, I cry a little less, laugh a little harder, and smile all the more, just because I have you, my life is a better place.
  • Every day with you is a wonderful addition to my life’s journey.
  • You’re my paradise, and I’d happily get stranded on you for a lifetime.
  • Just when I think that it is impossible to love you any more than I already do, you prove me wrong.
JGI/Tom Grill/Blend Images/Getty Images

Sweet Romantic Messages for Her

If you want to make your wife or girlfriend feel appreciated, then giving her a thoughtful reminder of your feelings is a great place to start. But great romantic sayings are more than just a string of clichés put together—they’re a sincere expression of your affection! Whether you’re celebrating a particular occasion or simply reminding her that she’s special, these romantic love messages for her are sure to bring a smile to her face!

  • If I could give you one thing in life, I’d give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes, only then would you realize how special you are to me.
  • If you were a movie, I’d watch you over and over again.
  • In a sea of people, my eyes always search for you.

Romantic message ideas for your girlfriend

  • What on earth did I think about all the time before you?
  • If loving you was a job, I’d be the most deserving, dedicated, and qualified candidate. In fact, I’d even be willing to work for free!
  • Your smile is literally the cutest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.
  • If someone asked me to describe you in just two words, I’d say «Simply Amazing.»

Romantic message ideas for your wife

  • You do a million little things that bring joy to my life.
  • I know fairy tales come true because I have you.
  • There are only two times that I want to be with you: Now and Forever.
  • My six-word love story: «I can’t imagine life without you.»
Tara Moore/Getty Images

Romantic and Sweet Text Messages for Him

Want to let your boyfriend know that he’s on your mind first thing in the morning? Wish you could give your husband a little midday pick-me-up? Luckily, technology has made this not just possible, but easy! Sending a romantic SMS is a great way to make your man feel good anytime, anywhere. Whether you’re saying «I love you» in words or emojis, these romantic text messages will help you put a smile on his face.

Short text messages

  • Stop making me think about you! I’m busy.
  • Cuddling with you would be perfect right now 💑
  • If nothing lasts forever, can I be your nothing?
  • You make my heart melt! 💕
  • I couldn’t ignore you even if I wanted to.

Cute romantic text messages

  • Thank you for always making me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world 💅💄👑👄
  • Next time I hug you, I probably won’t let go for a long time.
  • I can’t decide if the best part of my day is waking up next to you, or going to sleep with you. Hurry home so I can compare the two again.
  • Everyone has their own motivation to get up in the morning and face the day. You are mine.
  • Whenever my phone vibrates, I hope you’re the reason for it.

Witty love text messages

  • You’re just like bacon. You make everything better.
  • Forget the butterflies, I feel the whole zoo when I am with you! 🐻🐼🐨🐯
  • You are my Knight in shining boxer shorts.
  • You know I really want you to come over, but you’re so hot my air condition bill would skyrocket the second you stepped foot in the door!
  • I know you might be too busy today ⏰, but please add me to your to-do list ✔

Love SMS ideas with emojis

  • Life without you is like 🍕 without 🧀
  • We make a great 🍐
  • I’m 🍹🍷🍺 in ❤ with you.
  • You’ve 🔒 up my ❤ and thrown away the 🔑
  • You’re my 👻
Viktoria_Yams/Getty Images

Romantic and Sweet Text Messages for Her

Love letters may be ageless, but in today’s day and age, romantic text messages are the easiest way to let your special someone know that you’re thinking about her. The best part? Sweet texts can pack a big emotional punch without spending a lot of money, time, or effort. Whether you’re giving your girlfriend a creative «good morning» or shooting your wife a midday compliment complete with emojis, these love-text message ideas are sure to make her heart flutter!

Short text messages

  • You make me forget how to breathe.
  • Nobody is perfect, but you’re so close it’s scary 👌👸
  • All I need is you right here.
  • I love you more than I did yesterday but not more than I will tomorrow ❤

Cute romantic text messages

  • The only time I stupidly smile at my phone is when I get text messages from you.
  • What is love? It is what makes your cell phone ring every time I send text messages.
  • I always wake up smiling. I think it’s your fault.
  • I can’t explain the way you make me feel when I hear your voice or see your face, but I adore it.
  • Just had to let you know…loving you is the best thing that happened to me 💕

Witty love text message ideas

  • Can I borrow a kiss? I promise to give it back 😘
  • I think you’re cuter than any cat picture 🐈
  • If Van Gogh had you as a subject, the sunflowers would have gone in the trash 🌻🌻🌻
  • If I were a stop light 🚦, I would turn red every time you passed by, so that I could stare at you a bit longer.
  • You wanna know who I’m in love with? Read the first word again ❤

Romantic SMS ideas with emojis

  • 🐳 you be mine forever?
  • You’re my 👸🐝
  • 🍊 you glad we found each other? You’re a great 🎣
  • To honor your beauty, I present you with a dozen red roses 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
  • You’ve turned my life 🔄⬆⬇
Getty Images / MoMo Productions

Short Love Quotes

Love notes don’t have to be long to show they care. Sometimes, the most meaningful messages are those that convey the deepest emotions in just a few words. In these famous short love quotes, you’ll find sincere feelings from some of those who have said it best. From simple quotes about love from John Lennon to impactful quotes from Mother Teresa, these short love messages will show your true feelings.

  • «You can’t blame gravity for falling in love.» – Albert Einstein
  • «Love is friendship that has caught fire. […] It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses.» – Ann Landers
  • «Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.» – Mother Teresa
  • «Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead.» – Oscar Wilde
  • «Where there is love, there is life.» – Mahatma Gandhi
  • «If you wish to be loved, love.» – Seneca
  • «A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love.» – Max Müller
  • «Love is the flower you’ve got to let grow.» – John Lennon
  • «To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides.» – David Viscott
  • «Love is when the other person’s happiness is more important than your own.» – H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
Sam Edwards

Cute Love Quotes

Love messages don’t have to be sappy to be sincere. Sometimes, it’s the cute love notes you share with that special someone that makes them smile and leaves a lasting impression. With these cute love quotes, you’ll find it all. From a dreamy love quote from Dr. Seuss to a famous line from Mr. Darcy in «Pride and Prejudice» these cute love quotes will make anyone feel appreciated.

  • «Love is like the wind, you can’t see it but you can feel it.» – Nicholas Sparks
  • «The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.» – Audrey Hepburn
  • «Stolen kisses are always sweetest.»Leigh Hunt
  • «I would rather spend one lifetime with you, than face all the ages of this world alone.» – J.R.R. Tolkien
  • «You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.» – Dr. Seuss
  • «If I know what love is, it is because of you.» – Hermann Hesse
  • «Love is the magician that pulls man out of his own hat.» – Ben Hecht
  • «To be your friend was all I ever wanted; to be your lover was all I ever dreamed.» – Valerie Lombardo
  • «A man is already halfway in love with any woman who listens to him.» – Brendan Francis
  • «You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you.» – Mr. Darcy, «Pride and Prejudice»
Copyright Matt Kazmierski/Getty Images

Romantic Good Morning Messages

Help your special someone start the day with a smile. Sending a romantic message in the morning is a surefire way to begin the day on the right foot. Whether you’re sending a good morning message through text because you’re apart or wanting to leave a little love note on his or her pillow to wake up to, these romantic good morning messages will show just how much you care.

  • As long as we’re together, our future is bright. Here’s to another new day. Good morning, my love!
  • Mornings are beautiful, but they are especially satisfying when I get to wake up beside you and that sweet smile of yours. It’s the best way to start the day.
  • I love every morning that you are with me. It makes me feel so close to you and so blessed in this life of ours. Good morning!
  • As I open my eyes to witness the beautiful sunshine, it feels like the warmth of your love is embracing me. Good morning my love.
  • The beauty of the morning sunshine is nothing compared to your natural glow. You truly are the most gorgeous ever!
  • Good morning! Another day of thinking about you. Save me some good morning kisses; I’ll take them later in person!
  • Good morning, my love. May you find lots of reasons to smile today!
  • Only the fortunate ones get the chance to wish their loved one a good morning when they wake up. I’m so lucky.
  • You are the first person I think of after opening my eyes each day. Sending you kisses and hugs for a wonderful day ahead!
  • Good morning to the one who rules my heart! Every day I feel blessed to spend my day with you. I love you!
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Romantic Good Night Messages

In those quiet moments before we surrender to sleep, most of us think of the people in our lives that matter most. Sending a good night SMS is one of the most simple, yet moving ways to let that special someone know that they’re on your mind. It also gives them the perfect ending to even the lousiest of days. Send one of these good night text messages and give your loved one the closest thing you can to a good night kiss!

  • Come to my dreams if you can. I’ll kiss you there.
  • Tonight I’ll fall asleep with you in my heart.
  • You will be the last thing I think of before I fall to sleep and the first thing to remember when I wake up.
  • Every day I spend with you is the new best day of my life. Can’t wait for the morning. Good night.
  • My days are worth it if I can end them with you by my side. Good night.
  • Sleeping is impossible when all I can think about is you. Good night!
  • The brightest thing in this world are your eyes when you look at me. I don’t want to see stars, but your eyes. Have a good night.
  • Before I fall asleep, I always picture what it would feel like to fall asleep in your arms. It’s the best feeling in the world.
  • I’m in my bed, you’re in your bed. One of us is in the wrong place.
  • Every night I love coming back home. Because home is being in your arms. Good night.
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Sad Love Quotes

Love is a rollercoaster. Just like other highs and lows in life, sometimes love can throw you a curveball. If you’re looking for a sad love quote to lift you back up after a breakup or to help you wade through troubling times, these soft words may be just what you need.

  • «‘Tis is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.» – Alfred Lord Tennyson
  • «It is sad not to love, but it is much sadder not to be able to love.» – Miguel de Unamuno
  • «Love is so short, forgetting is so long.» – Pablo Neruda
  • «Pleasure of love lasts but a moment. Pain of love lasts a lifetime.» – Bette Davis
  • «Since I can’t be with you right now I will have to be content just dreaming about when we will be together again.» – Susan Polis Schutz
  • «Some people are going to leave, but that’s not the end of your story. That’s the end of their part in your story.» – Faraaz Kazi
  • «You can’t buy love, but you can pay heavily for it.» – Henny Youngman
  • «You can close your eyes to things you don’t want to see, but you can’t close your heart to things you don’t want to feel.» – Johnny Depp
  • «Part of me aches at the thought of her being so close yet so untouchable…» – Nicholas Sparks
  • «It’s amazing how someone can break your heart, but you still love them with all the little pieces.» – Ella Harper
Peter Towle/Getty Images

Romantic Wedding Messages

Weddings are by their very nature a celebration of love and romance, so why not tell your spouse-to-be exactly how you feel? If your emotions are too overwhelming to articulate, call upon these moving words to help you along. Whether you’re writing one-of-a-kind wedding vows or a cute pre-ceremony letter to your betrothed, these romantic wedding messages and quotes about love will allow you to put that special touch on your big day!

  • When you fall, I will pick you up. When you are happy, I will share your joy. When you need a friend, I will be the first one there. I will always love you.
  • I used to not believe in soulmates. I’m here with you because you made me believe.
  • Even though I’m unsure about most things in life, I am certain that I love you, and I will continue to love you forever.
  • «If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.» — Joan Powers, «Pooh’s Little Instruction Book»
  • I feel like everything in my life has led me to you. My choices, my heartbreaks, my regrets. Everything. And when we’re together, my past seems worth it. Because if I had done one thing differently, I might never have met you.
  • I choose you. And I’ll choose you over and over. Without pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat. I’ll keep choosing you.
  • I never could grasp the meaning of «perfect»—until I met you. Suddenly the definition fell into place and my breath was taken away each moment I spent with you.
  • My soul saw you and it kind of went, «Oh, there you are. I’ve been looking for you.»—Iain S. Thomas, «I Wrote This For You»
  • «Eventually soulmates meet, for they have the same hiding place.» — Robert Brault
  • «You have me. Until the last star in the galaxy dies, you have me.» — Amie Kaufman, «Illuminae»
Constance Bannister Corp/Getty Images

Classic Love Letters for Her

Some tokens of love and affection never go out of style—and the love letter is certainly one of those! In today’s digital age, giving a handwritten letter to your girlfriend or wife is a truly unforgettable romantic gesture that’s sure to impress. Of course, composing a personalized, honest letter is easier said than done. It can make you feel vulnerable—and you may even find yourself at a loss for words! Luckily, these sample love letters for her can give you a great starting point.

  • Sometimes I just think back to the first time I laid eyes on you. I knew right then that I had found someone incredible. Ever since that very moment, all I have ever wanted was to be with you. No matter how dark my day is, seeing you always brightens it and makes me realize that with you, I am doing right. Your heart is so pure and so forgiving that it will always be the center of my attention, no matter what else is going on in my life. I look forward to this day and many more just like it for you will forever be in my heart.
  • You have gripped my soul with a ferocity reserved for a castaway clinging to a raft in the middle of the ocean. If my soul is the raft, it is your hold that keeps me afloat. Don’t ever let go. I love you.
  • Whenever I am with you, it is like having my emotional batteries recharged with joy. Your smile radiates into me. Your touch sends little shivers through my body. Your presence pleases my mind, and your soul pours peace on mine. I love you…madly, sincerely, completely, and with no reservation, in a way that is blissfully wonderful.
YvanDube/Getty Images

Classic Love Letters for Him

Since writing was first invented, couples have exchanged romantic letters as a sincere expression of undying love and affection. Giving your boyfriend or husband a love letter is a timeless and carefully crafted way to say that you care about him. Of course, putting your deepest thoughts about your loved one on paper can be a daunting task. If you need a little inspiration, take a peek at these sample love letters for him to get those writing juices flowing!

  • I want you to know that there’s no one who can replace you. The way you look, the way you always know what I am thinking about, the way you gave me hug when I need it the most, and the way you listen to me is priceless. You have touched me more profoundly than I ever thought you could. I love you.
  • I’m so completely in love with you. I wake to think of you, and I sleep to see you in my dreams. Every day seems like a blessing since I have met you. I feel so lucky and honored to be in love with you with all of my heart. Thank you for sharing your love with me. It’s a truly wonderful gift. I will love you always.
  • You were already on my mind when I woke up this morning. Funny how I just can’t stop thinking about you. Six months ago we hadn’t even met, and now you are the most important person in my life. So, I just wanted to say I love you, and I can’t wait to see you again.
Jamie Grill/Getty Images

Southern Love Poems for Him

Male poets are often shown composing sonnets for their leading ladies, but many women throughout history have written masterpieces in the name of love. You too can carry on this tradition. Tell your man exactly how you feel by channeling the power of the written word. Whether you pen a poem yourself or borrow from the classics, your loved one is sure to appreciate the eloquent message you’re throwing his way. Make your Southern romance truly come alive with these love poems for him!

  • «Love arrives / and in its train come ecstasies / old memories of pleasure / ancient histories of pain. / Yet if we are bold, / love strikes away the chains of fear / from our souls. / We are weaned from our timidity / In the flush of love’s light / we dare be brave / And suddenly we see / that love costs all we are / and will ever be. / Yet it is only love / which sets us free.» — «Touched by an Angel,» Maya Angelou
  • «My monkey-wrench man is my sweet patootie; / the lover of my life, my youth and age. / My heart belongs to him and to him only; / the children of my flesh are his and bear his rage / Now grown to years advancing through the dozens / the honeyed kiss, the lips of wine and fire / fade blissfully into the distant years of yonder / but all my days of Happiness and wonder / are cradled in his arms and eyes entire. / They carry us under the waters of the world / out past the starposts of a distant planet / And creeping through the seaweed of the ocean / they tangle us with ropes and yarn of memories / where we have been together, you and I.» — «Love Song for Alex, 1979,» Margaret Walker
  • «I had not thought of violets late, / The wild, shy kind that spring beneath your feet / In wistful April days, when lovers mate / And wander through the fields in raptures sweet. / The thought of violets meant florists’ shops, / And bows and pins, and perfumed papers fine; / And garish lights, and mincing little fops / And cabarets and soaps, and deadening wines. / So far from sweet real things my thoughts had strayed, / I had forgot wide fields; and clear brown streams; / The perfect loveliness that God has made,— / Wild violets shy and Heaven-mounting dreams. / And now—unwittingly, you’ve made me dream / Of violets, and my soul’s forgotten gleam.» — «Sonnet,» Alice Moore Dunbar-Nelson
Jamie Grill/Getty Images

Southern Love Poems for Her

Most everyone would agree that few things in the world are more swoon-worthy than love poetry. After all, sometimes poetry expresses feelings in a way that normal words just can’t manage. Whether you hope to win her over or steal her heart all over again, these quintessential Southern love poems for her are a great way to add a romantic touch to her day!

  • «But we loved with a love that was more than love— / I and my Annabel Lee— / With a love that the wingèd seraphs of Heaven / Coveted her and me.» — «Annabel Lee,» Edgar Allan Poe
  • «I lov’d thee from the earliest dawn, / When first I saw thy beauty’s ray,/ And will, until life’s eve comes on, / And beauty’s blossom fades away; / And when all things go well with thee, / With smiles and tears remember me. / I’ll love thee when thy morn is past, / And wheedling gallantry is o’er, / When youth is lost in age’s blast, / And beauty can ascend no more. / And when life’s journey ends with thee, / O, then look back and think of me.» — «Early Affection,» George Moses Horton
  • «There’s no doubt in my mind / a Southern girl was born / for a man to hold, / to sway as one / to the sound of country music, / in his arms he embraces pure gold. / A man is born to love a Southern girl / blond hair, black hair, brown hair, / straight or curled, / a man is born to love a Southern girl.» — «Born to Love a Southern Girl,» Steven S. Walsky

So it’s time to spoil your boyfriend with these Sweet Love Text Messages for Him from the heart.

Enjoy, and make sure you share them.

Sweet text messages to make him fall in love. Romantic love text messages to send to your boyfriend or husband as a proof of your love for him.

1. My Dearest One

Everyone tries to understand what keeps our love strong,
But even if they search, they’ll never find ’cause what keeps us together springs from our heart.
I’ll forever cherish you my dearest One.

2. Dreams Do Come True

The only picture of love I’ve ever seen has been the ones in the movies.
I made up a perfect picture of what it should be, but then they were merely dreams and figment of my imagination.
You came into my life and drew a perfect sculpture of love on my heart where it would never fade even if being scrapped by several odds.
Now I believe dreams do come true,
Thank you for always loving me.

3. Your Kind Words

I was bred with hurtful and abusive words,
I was so used to them and I believed everyone was like that, but you came and changed my notion.
Your words, softened my rue.
Your kind words made me feel secure and I have a new view to life because of you.

4. To My Amazing Man

You have been a shoulder to lean on,
A voice when I lost my own,
My strength in weakness and joy when I’m down.
How you do this, I don’t know.
But it shows how amazing you are.
I appreciate you always.

  • Hold on… Do you have a male friend that cherishes some Sweet Love Text Messages to send to their Boyfriend? Tell them about these Romantic Love Text Messages to Make Her Smile for Good.

5. My Friend

People always make mention of their man coming like a Prince in Armour,
But you didn’t come in that form.
You were a far away Friend, that was always near.
Today we are together and I feel secured with you.
I know this won’t last for a while, but it will be as long as we live.
I cherish you.

6. Our Work Together

It’s been a rough ride together,
Through thick and thin we were together.
I wouldn’t replace you now for anything, not even the precious of silver.
Our work together, though tiring but it brought us closer.
I love you forever.

7. I Can Imagine

I imagine you saying goodbye,
Ending it all with me.
I imagine brawling from a broken heart,
Then I recall our hearts are one…
And you’ll never leave your heart to break.
Thank you for making me yours.
I’ll always love you.

8. What I Feel

If love were trees, you’ll make a forest
If love were like water, you’ll be an ocean.
If love were like dialect, you’ll be ambiguous.
This is what I feel about your love.

9. The Love of My Man

As a lady, they’ve always told me not to hold men in high esteem,
I’d believed and adhered to this.
I felt the love of a man should be held with levity until I met you, my man.
You were different and proved all beliefs wrong.
Your love is precious and I cherish you so much.

10. Letter of the Alphabet

If I could rewrite the letters of the alphabet, I’ll make them out of your names for the whole world to see, that’s how much I love you.

Love Text for Him – Boyfriend

11. Without You

The world seems down without you, every minute, every hour, Every day, months over months and years over years, I’d forever love you and be the reason behind your smile.

12. I Fancy the Moments

Each time I see you, your physique sends chills down my spine.
Each time we hold hands, I feel elated,
I fancy every moment with you and I can’t wait for us to be together forever.

13. My Only One

I used to promise myself to take out all hurt on the one that loves me, but now, I feel numb.
You are the only one who proved to be different and you have become my joy.
I love you dearly man.

14. It Seem Like an Exaggeration

Each time I tell you how much you mean to me I know it seems like an exaggeration.
Reading this, you will believe I’m at it again, but you mean so much to me beyond exaggeration.

15. I Will Walk With You

I’ll walk with you all the way.
Share your pain and share your smile.
Be your pride and be your woman.
Love you now and even after death.

16. Happiest Day

They say the wedding day is one the happiest day in a woman’s life.
I can’t deny this fact too, but having you around every day makes every day my happiest day.

17. Everything About You

I hear a lot about you. They tell me about your shortcomings and your plight, but I tell them I saw it before they did and I love you despite your shortcomings.
I don’t only love you for your beautiful side, but for everything about you, my dearest.

18. My Sunshine

Sunshine rises every morning, but my sunshine rises every moment because he is always in my heart and he never sets.
I appreciate you, my Love.

19. In Your Arms

The joy of holding me close, whispering those words into my ears.
The hearty laughs and lovely smiles, I cherish every moment in your arms.

20. In You

With all my heart and all that is within me, I say a big thank you because in you I find solace and all the love that I have ever needed. You rock my world.

Love Messages for Him from the Heart

21. My Shining Star

Each day you brighten my existence the more. I do not regret any moment with you.
Keep shining and be my shining star. Together, we will brighten each other’s World.
I love you so much.

22. The Best Always

I wish you all the best cause that’s what I want for you; All The Best Always.
Never give room to anyone to make you feel less and if they try to persist, tell them your woman never told you so.
You are great my love.

23. More than Beautiful Colours

I would have picked all the beautiful colours in the World to paint and describe my love for you or search through for the sweetest of words to compliment you, but that will be too little cause our love worth more than a thousand words and it is more beautiful than a host of colours mixed together.

24. Love You Endlessly

Thank you for finally sealing our love today. It is the happiest day of my life and I can’t thank you enough for all the love and attention when I needed it.
Now we are together, we will scale heights and mount mountains, soar higher and be each other best friend and partner.
I love you endlessly.

25. Never Pass You Around

Each night I hold you tight up against my body. I take you with me even to the party.
In my heart, I rub you back and forth, up and down from south to north. You are beautifully sound and I’ll never pass you around. In my heart, you’ll always be till we breathe our last.

26. I Love The Way

I love the way you sing hard and soft, they make me blush each time I hear that melodic voice… I can never be tired of hearing you sing.
I love the way you are. The way you approach and the way you scale through task.
I just love all about you and forever, I will.

27. I Can’t Keep Off

I just can’t keep myself off, even if I tried, I will always be near you ‘cause everything about you replays itself in my mind every moment.

28. My Perfect Mistake

If loving you was a mistake, I’ll make it over and over again just to feel you around because you are just my perfect mistake for not choosing anyone else but you.
I love you dearly!

29. Mine

People say “sending a message is an ancient lifestyle” but I don’t give a hoot about what they say. I’ll write you in the morning, during lunch, in the evening and even leave you a message when you’re laying next to me because you are Mine and this is my way of expressing myself.
I love you dearly.

30. Pull You Close

Magnificently perfect, you have all of my respect. I cherish you, I brag of you, I’ll always pull you close, from coast to coast and everywhere I find myself.
You are not just my man but my best friend till the end.

Love Text Messages for Him – Boyfriend

31. My love for you knows no bounds! From the bottom of my heart, I love you.

32. Falling in love with you is the best journey I have ever embarked on. I will keep falling for you.

33. Honey, you’ve given my life meanings in diverse ways. The love I have for you is no joke!

34. If there’s anything that scares me the most, it’s the fear of losing you.

35. God knows I love you very much. You’ve brought into my life, joy and unending happiness.

36. Morning, Afternoon, Night, and every day, there’s no one to fall in love with, but YOU!

37. I’ll let the whole world know how much I love you. You’re not just my boyfriend, but my best friend!

38. Each time I see you, I see the love that’s never gonna end.

39. You’re my shining star! When I see you, my heart is filled with joy… If I hadn’t met you, I would’ve fallen in love with the wrong person. I love you.

40. There’s no one in this world, that I wanna be with, but YOU.

Loving You Message for Him

41. I appreciate you, for being you. You do not only love me, but you care for me. I love you, and you know it.

42. I’m so glued to you. I promise you, nothing’s gonna separate us!

43. In whatever I do, your love is all I see. Thanks for proving to me, what true love is.

44. God will never stop blessing you for me. ‘Cos you keep blessing me when I least expect. I love you.

45. You’re my essence! Without you, there’d surely be no me. I love you, darling.

46. Since I met you, my life experienced a positive turnaround. You’re my dream come true!

47. Spending my lifetime with you is a dream that I’ve always had! And I’m sure, if God tarries, we’d be together forever! I love you so much.

48. You’re my teacher, my mentor, my lover, my confidant, my dream come true… I can go on and on. Above all these, you’re my angel!

49. Loving you until the very end is my promise. And I’m never gonna change that! Love you, always.

50. Fate has its ways of doing things. I’m sure it didn’t bring us together by accident. We’ve been destined to be together, and nothing is ever going to change it. From the depth of my heart, I love you.

Good Morning Love Text Messages for Him

1. Your Day

May your day be awesome as you are.
Agile in all you do.
Don’t let those muscles speak for you, but let wisdom prevail.
But in a situation beyond wisdom, please don’t leave the muscle to lie fallow.
Be safe my dear.

2. Cute in Your Sleep

I woke up and watch you sleeping peacefully, snoring gently and looking more cute in your sleep than ever.
I couldn’t ignore the sight and I decided to drop a message of this lovely sight of my Man.
Sleep tight and wake up to this.
Good morning my handsome!

3. Your Charm

Mornings are always here either raining or sunny and you are always in my heart either provoked or Happy.
You have a special charm to make the provocation fade away quickly and I hope you use this special charm with anyone that tries to provoke you today.
Enjoy your day my love.

4. Who You Are

Step out, look great, think big and act big ’cause that’s who you are within.
Keep scaling heights today and always.
Good Morning dear.
Enjoy a purposeful day.

5. Special to Me

If I should compose all that is on my mind as I wake up beside you each day, it will seem like I’m trying to get at you or make you feel too special than you are. But then yes, you are special to me more than I can explain.
Good Morning my Prince.

6. Dreaming of You

I just woke up and the first thought that popped up on my mind is you. It isn’t much of a surprise ’cause I’ve spent all night dreaming of you.
Here is me wishing my Man a lovely pleasant day ahead sealed with good luck in all your ways.

7. Someone Who Cares

As you journey through the day, always remember that there’s someone who cares for you and wish you all the best in all your ways.
Be good today and always.
Good Morning Dear.

8. Least I Can Wish

A light to your path, a guide to your ways, Grace to your efforts and all that your heart desires. This is the least I can wish my man as he goes through the day.
Good Morning Love.

9. There’s a Me

All the delays on the way can make you skeptic, but keep your faith alive and walk through the day with your heads high. There’s a ME who always remembers to say a prayer for a YOU every morning for I know your pain is my pain and your plight, my plight.

10. A Pride I Secretly Cherish

You might not understand, but choosing me among many other girls is a pride I secretly cherish. I know you will smile reading this. That’s the concept.
Now keep on smiling for the rest of the day.

11. All The Way

Days come and go but you are here to stay forever and all I can think of is smiling and cherishing you all the way.
Keep being my best friend forever.
Have a lovely day like the love in my heart for you.

12. As I open my eyes each day, all I want to see is you. Good morning my dear.

13. I thank God for giving me eyes to see the beauty of the sunrise, nose to smell the fragrance of the blooming flowers, and a heart to love the most wonderful person in my life. That is you, my dear. Good morning.

14. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping and the bustling sound of the nearby city is approaching. Wake up, sleepyhead. Good morning.

15. Leave your worries yesterday and put up a smile today. I am sending you this message to wish you a good day with hugs and kisses to complete your day. Good morning, my dear.

16. Good Morning, darling. It doesn’t mean I’m requiring you a reply. It’s just my way of saying you are the first thought of my day.

17. You can’t touch love, but you can feel the sweetness that it pours into your heart. I hope you can feel it right now as I send you my warmest hugs and kisses to make your day more beautiful and worthwhile. Good morning, my gem.

18. Good morning. Seeing you smile can brighten up my day. Hope to see your lovely smile soon. So keep smiling.

19. Like the rain, it all pours down to our feet. Like the sun, it all shines out above the underneath. With your love and mine, I am ready to survive all the test of time.

20. I found you and you loaded me with piles of love and happiness. Thank you for making me smile. Have a great day.

21. What makes me excited this morning is that we will be making our lives become more interesting. Good morning.

22. We might not be the sweetest couple, but then I am sure you will always be my apple.

23. Every day I get to know you, every day I also get to love you more. Thank you for letting me know the real you.
Good morning, my love.

24. I’m looking forward to knowing more about you this day. I love you.

25. Every day, I thank God for giving me the opportunity to wake up beside the person whom I love most. Good morning, dear.

26. Every morning is a reminder that life goes on, no matter what happens. But without you in my life, no matter what I do, my life won’t move at all. Just thought to let you know this. Good morning.

27. I’m so grateful to wake up each day beside you, to wish you a good morning and to tell you how much I love you.

28. Waking up every morning knowing that you are mine, light up my world brighter than the sun could ever be. Good morning to the love of my life.

29. I tried to think of the sweetest way to wake you up. But all I can think of is you. So I ended up giving you the simplest morning greeting my heart could ever know; “I love you”.

30. I might disrupt your peaceful slumber, but what can I do? You’re the first thing that comes to my mind as I wake up. I can’t but tell you this. I love you.

31. May this morning show you the wonderful colours of life which can make your day more colourful and lively in every way. Good morning.

32. The smile that appears on your face on seeing this message brightens the light of this new day for me, so keep smiling, dear. Good morning.

33. As the day is new, shining the morning dew, God may hew the world lovelier for you. Good morning, dearie.

34. Warm my heart with your sweetest smile, as this morning is smiling at you. Cheers to a smiling day all through. Good morning.

35. This message carries my love to you like wind carries the fragrance of a flower. Good morning, my love.

36. As the morning light grows brighter, and the day seems to be livelier, my love for you rises higher and higher. Good morning, and have a fun-filled day ahead.

37. As the sun showers its light lovingly to the earth to make this morning pretty, my love will shower on you always, darling. Good morning, dear.

38. I am always excited to wake up each day because I know there is someone worth waking up for. Good morning to the sweetest person I’ve ever known.

39. I had a dream last night. I’m with the most beautiful girl in the world. She’s pretty, caring, thoughtful, kind, loving and she’s probably smiling right now. Good morning, my love. I love you.

40. Good morning, my dear. Did you dream of me last night? ‘Cause I did dream of you, and it was the sweetest dream ever.

41. True love isn’t about waking up together every morning. It’s about dreaming together that one day we will be together for the rest of our lives.
Good morning, my baby.

42. We may not be together today, but we will do everything to make this dream come true because I love you. Good morning.

43. You are the light of my life, the music in my heart and the first thought of my day. Good morning, dear.

44. If there was one thing I could do right now, it would be to kiss you on the forehead, whisper “I love you” in your ear and thank God that you are mine. Good morning, beautiful.

45. Every sunrise gives me a new day to love you. Good morning, my angel. I hope you have a lovely day.

46. Being in love with you makes every morning worth getting up for, you are my motivation. Good morning, my love.

47. Every day in my life is perfect because it begins with wishing you good morning. Have an amazing day, honey.

48. Here is a simple good morning message to wish you a bright and beautiful day. Keep smiling.

49. I am sending you lots of hugs and kisses wrapped in the warmth of my love to tell you good morning, and have a wonderful day.

50. Do you know how good it feels to wake up every day and know that you are mine and I am yours? You are the source of my joy. Good morning, sweetheart.

Good Night Love Text Messages for Him

1. Meeting You

I recall the first day we met,
You looked like one of those nerds and I didn’t give a hoot about you.
Knowing each other better, I still felt insecure
And I’ll often mock you to my friends
Until I realized a day without you was incomplete.
Today I remember those moments and I couldn’t help but smile.
I love you forever and I don’t regret ever meeting you.
Good night to you, my love.

2. I Pray For You

Each night, I include you in my prayers that you will be safe
And that every of your needs be met always.
I always felt I was praying for you alone until I realized,
Your happiness links to mine and our trials will be shared.
I intensified my prayers and I know we will be happy together, my man.
Good night to you, my love.

3. Sleep Well

Sleep like a baby, wake like a king.
Shed the stress and wake up relived.
Let go of the worries and wake up renewed.
Have a sweet night rest dear.

4. You Will Be A Role Model

The night is the time to put our day behind us and analyse what we can make of the next day. This is cool and I always admire how you analyse each day and put things together. You will be a role model for our kids and that I’m excited about.
Good Night Darling.

5. In Your Arms

I look forward to the day I’ll kiss you goodnight and sleep between your arms. The cold nights to keep us warm and to be close together, but for now I just have to wait.
Don’t mind my silliness, I’m only curious.
Good night my dear.

6. Reasons

The cozy feeling each night makes me long to have you near. You are always my reason for being happy each night.
Have a beautiful night rest.

7. Dreaming of Crazy Things

Someone after my heart is curled up in his bed. He is snoring loudly and dreaming of crazy things. One thing I wish is that I’ll always be in that dream. I know I am anyways. So keep snoring louder and keep dreaming about all the beautiful things in life.
Good night dear.

8. You Love Me

Free things they say don’t come without a price. But you changed that notion.
You love me for free without asking anything in return. I love you dearly man.

9. Aren’t True

I’ve heard a lot about your misdeeds and schemes. I know all you think I don’t know but I’ve been silent and watching.
I know you must have felt guilty of a fault you don’t know, that’s the plan. I hardly listen to what people say about you so you’re safe, but don’t try to do anything funny, I pull a gun to your head.
Thank God you know all these aren’t true.
Thank you for reading!
I just felt like disturbing you tonight.
Nice night dear.

10. I’m sending you goodnight wishes and all of my love. I’ll be dreaming of you and smiling as I dream.

11. Sweetheart, be rest assured that I love you, and I always will. Sleep tight tonight, and let my love keep you warm.

12. I’ll see you in my dreams. Before I close my eyes, I want to say goodnight and I love you.

13. I can’t say it enough, so I’ll say it one more time before you fall asleep. I Love You. Goodnight.

14. Feel the warmth of my goodnight wishes as I imagine myself tucking you into bed. I love you, my sweetheart.

15. I’m sending you this text to let you know, I love you so very much. Sending you kisses tonight.

16. Just want you to know, my love for you will continue to grow. Sleep tight, my dear.

17. Roses are red, violets are blue, may sweet dreams be yours all the night through. Goodnight, from your love.

18. Place your head on your pillow and imagine me kissing you goodnight. Loving you is just so right. Sweet dreams.

19. I’m texting you this message of love. I hope you sleep well, all wrapped up in my love. My heart is yours.

20. May all your dreams be as beautiful as you. May all your mornings bring you the brightest sunshine. I love you.

21. I plan to see you in my dreams tonight. I hope to meet you there because I love you madly.

22. Dream of me the way I’ll dream of you tonight, and my night will be a pleasant one, my love.

23. May your night be filled with passionate dreams inspired by my love for you. To the love of my life. Good night, darling.

24. With all my affection, I say goodnight, my beautiful love. You’re as precious to me as the moon and the stars above.

25. May your night be filled with dreams of the special love we share, and may you wake up ready for the new adventures that await us tomorrow. Good night.

26. Your beauty fills me with awe, your wit fills me with laughter, and your wisdom fills me with pride. Just saying goodnight to the most amazing woman in the world.

27. I’m charmed by your looks, inspired by your character, and overwhelmed by your love. Just saying goodnight to the most incredible man on earth.

28. I feel like I could never deserve the love, beauty, and meaning you’ve brought to my life. Goodnight, and thank you for all the joy you’ve caused me to feel. I love you.

29. Until we meet again, my love, I hope you’ll have sweet dreams of the next time, when I’ll be able to hold you in my arms, close to my heart, where you belong. Good night.

30. Hey darling. May you have a pleasant night knowing my love for you is eternal, true, and so very strong.

31. I want you to know that I love you very much, sweetheart. Kisses and goodnight hugs from me to you.

32. Goodnight to the beautiful woman that you are. I wish you were mine because you’ve captured my heart.

33. Nighttime is the time to express your love. Let me express mine by saying I love and adore you. Goodnight.

34. Thinking of you and all the wonderful reasons I love you. May your night be a good one, my love.

35. I love you from a distance. I love you when you’re near. I love you always, my dear, and goodnight.

36. Hope your night is as good as it can be. Hopefully, this loving goodnight text message will warm your heart.

37. I couldn’t fall asleep unless I told you how much I miss and love you. Goodnight.

38. Today has been a terrific, hectic, and crazy day. I wish I had gotten time to see you. So I’m thinking of you before I fall asleep. Goodnight, and sleep tight.

39. I wish we didn’t have to sleep apart, so I’ll be seeing you in my dreams. Good night, though.

40. Every day you give me more reasons to fall in love with you. I’m also thinking of ways to make you fall more and more in love with me as I fall asleep, dreaming of you.

41.I don’t know what I’d do without you. You mean everything to me. Good night.

42. I tried counting the reasons I love you, but there were too many, and now I’m falling asleep thinking of you. Good night, babe.

43. Spending today with you was absolutely perfect. I wish you were here next to me as I fall asleep. Good night.

44. Missing you as I go off to sleep. Will I be in your dreams? And what will we be doing together? I wonder…

45. It’s cold here, I wish we could be together to warm and wrap ourselves up together. Good night, anyways.

46. You’re the first thing on my mind when I wake up and the last thing when I fall asleep.

47. I can’t sleep… Can you? If you can’t, let’s can’t sleep together. Lol!

48. I wish this pillow I’m curled up against, was you…

49. I can keep myself busy during the day, but at night I can’t stop thinking of you. Good night, my dear.

50. I want to fall asleep faster so that we can be together sooner. Good night.

I Miss You Love Text Messages for Him

1. Far Apart But Close

Distance came in between us,
Probably to tear us apart or to test our love, but whatever it is,
We are far apart but close.
I see you every moment I close my eyes and I know you are really near.
Hope to see you soon.

2. Your Name Resounds

We are having some ladies chit chat and your name kept resounding in my heart, I couldn’t help but send this message just to calm down my heart,
But I know it won’t suffice till I see you.
Hope to see you soon Dear.

3. Missing Those Moments

Having you around every day makes me look beyond my present plight and see better days, but now you’re away and I’m missing those moments you kissed my plight away.
How do you do it?
I hope you come back soon and explain this to me.
I miss you dearly.

4. Come Back Quickly

Our chit chat and gossips one on one can never be compared to the talks on chats and messages we send. I miss you!
I miss our talks!
I want you back.
Please come back quickly!

5. Goodbye

I can’t get the picture of your lips saying those words “Goodbye” out of my mind. For a moment I took it slightly and with so much levity like I always do, but now I realize there’s a vacuum you fill and it feels so boring and lonely without you here.
Come back soon. Don’t be away for long.
I’ll miss you every moment till again we meet.

6. Make You Real

Right now I wish I could bring you from my imagination and make you real, but then I realized it’s very impossible.
I pray you mission is successful and you come back again with much joy.
I miss you much.

7. Before I Met You

I’ve always thought I’ll miss my phone so much that I’ll cry if it is taken away from me for a week, but that was before I met you and you had to go on this trip.
I hope you won’t be away any more longer than this?
I miss you and it sometimes makes me cry.

8. Let You Go

As much as I had feared being held back by your love and letting you go, you are still very much dear to my heart. I don’t know why I did the thing I did to let you go. I know I can’t have you back but I want to tell you “I really miss your company and because of you, I was able to break down and let go of my fears.”
I pray you be happy wherever you are now.
Keep being that lovely you.

9. This is a long journey, really… Why didn’t you take me with you? I miss you, though

10. You have gone for a little while now. And there’s absolutely no idea when you’re coming back. Are you still mine?

11. With the love of everything that matters to you, please come back home, soon.

12. Darling, you’ve been gone for days… Could you please come back already…

13. You complete me! Now that you’re not around, I feel empty. I need you by my side.

14. Missing you is what breaks me every time. I can’t go on like this. Please come back home.

15. Your presence means everything to me. I can’t cope with your absence. It’s like my world is crumbling down!

16. My love, I haven’t heard from you in a while. I hate this feeling! Please call me soon.

17. Missing you is one thing I’m always scared of experiencing. You could travel for days… And this network thing keeps getting worse. I miss you, dear.

18. God knows I have been trying to get through to you, but it wouldn’t just go through. I miss you, and I need you here.

19. Your travelling makes thing worse every time. I can’t afford to keep missing you this way.

20. I’m here all alone… No one to touch or cuddle. I miss you very much. Don’t you miss me?

21. Babe… I bent on travelling with you, but you refused because it’s a business trip. Your so-called business trip is breaking me. Please come home, ‘cos I’m more important!

22. I miss you every second. The way you touch my hair, feel my temperature, kiss my forehead, and all… I miss all these. Come back home, and continue…

23. I’ve never left you for this long. It’s not because I don’t have things to attend to. But my love for you is above all these things. I miss you.

24. God knows I haven’t been able to think straight since you left. I miss your lovely smell and your big nose. Come home, soon.

25. If you really don’t want me dead emotionally by the time you’d be back, return home tomorrow! Miss you.

26. Honey, we own this bed together! It’s OUR bed, not mine alone. Can you just come home, and let’s start using it together?

27. I miss you each time, thinking of how I begged you to take me along with you. Just come home soon.

28. If you don’t come home real soon, you will meet me in the rehab! My situation is getting worse.

29. Believe me, I fall sick each time you are not around. It shouldn’t take too long before you get back. Miss you.

30. I’m in pain, as I write this message. You never told me you were going anywhere. I met your house locked… Anyways, I need you home real quick.

31. My dear, you know I feel very weak, whenever I miss you. You shouldn’t have left without taking me along.

32. I miss you! Most especially, our long night talks. Please come home quickly.

33. Darling, since the moment you left, I knew I wouldn’t be able to cope. Please don’t take too long.

34. My love, how do you even cope without me? ‘Cos I’m dying already…

35. I wonder if you do not miss me at all. It’s been days since you left. I miss you, and I feel empty.

36. Whenever I close my eyes to sleep, I see you coming to me. But in reality, you’re very far from me. Miss you.

37. I’m dying of your absence. I don’t mind coming to you wherever you are.

38. Sweetheart, you’ve promised to be with me. Why are you now far away?

39. This is the only one thing I don’t appreciate about you. You travel a lot. And you leave me to wallow in pain.

40. You needed to have seen how I broke down today. Guess it’s high time I started following you everywhere.

41. My love, I always fall sick whenever you are away. I need you right here. Please come home.

42. Dear love, going away from me is like a death sentence. You know I love you… Please don’t take too long.

43. I miss you every day. My heart yearns for your presence.

44. I want us to have some sweet moments together again. I miss you.

45. I want you to know that I miss each and every part of you, from your head to your toes. I can’t wait to see you.

46. Right now, I feel disdained and rejected. I don’t know what to do. I miss you too much.

47. Don’t you feel you’ve spent enough time over there? Your absence is killing me.

48. Honey, you know I can’t do without you. I miss you so much. Please come back soon.

49. Sometimes I wonder if I can ever enjoy this life without you. I miss you, dear.

50. Could you please do me a favour? Come back to me soonest.

I Am Sorry Love Text Messages for Him

Yes, we all offend our lovers and loved ones. And the most reasonable of us all care enough to apologise for their wrongs. If you are reading this, the it means you elong to the very few.

1. How It Used to Be

I admit I’m a stubborn female,
I always want to have it my way and you always tried to fight back.
It wasn’t so from the beginning ’cause our desires were mutual,.
We made sense out of nothing and we mend our fences easily.
Whatever happened to this US?
Let us fix ourselves up and make it how it used to be.
No more fights and no more often disagreement.
Let’s fix us again.

2. I Am Sorry I Let You Down

My aim was to make you happy, I never knew the tides will turn.
I was trying to be a loving woman.
We’ve come a long way together,
We can’t permit this to tear us apart.
I am sorry I let you down with such huge disappointment.
I promise to make it right again.

3. I Should Have Known Better

I should have known better than to have it my way.
I felt I could decide on my own leaving you out of the box
But now I realize how unsensible my decision is.
I’m sorry for leaving you out of this decision.
Can we give us another chance?
I promise to make it right and together we will always agree on every decision before we execute it.

4. Take Me Back

I was so stupid to let you slip away.
You were always here but I felt too close to you and I gave way not knowing you were slipping away..
I know feel the space you fill and I want you back with the whole of me.
Please take me back cause I need you right now.
I’m sorry for letting you go.

5. I Want You Here

Saying sorry has always been a challenge for me. But I should have known better to act mature and learn to say sorry even if I was right.
It was a bad decision to be too full of myself.
Now I want you here.
Never far away and always near. I promise to drop my pride and make it right again.
I’m sorry for everything.

6. It’s Too Late

I did you wrong,
I tried to play the smart one,
I played on you and walked away purposely, but now I realize my purpose was meaningless.
Now I know the difference.
I know it’s too late to take me back but if you find a place in your heart, please forgive me.

7. You mean the world to me, and I want to do everything I can to make up to you for last week. I’m so sorry.

8. I know I’ve been on your nerves, but that’s just because I can’t get enough of you. I’m sorry, and I know you will forgive me, won’t you?

9. You are the hottest, sweetest, loveliest, guy I have ever seen, and you deserve the most understanding girlfriend ever. I’m sorry for the tantrum I threw yesterday, baby.

10. I just want to let you know how sorry I am for goofing up the other day. I’m all yours, and I promise never to bother you like that again.

11. I am sorry for arguing with you. It’s just that I want the best of things to happen in our lives. Please forgive me, baby.

12. I know it seems as though I’ve been ignoring you. I’m sorry. I’ve been loaded with projects and submissions in the last few weeks, but I promise that we will spend happy, fun, and naughty times after the week is over.

13. What do I have to do to make you believe that there’s nothing going on between me and the new guy at work? By the way, I’m sorry for everything.

14. I’m sorry I have not kept you in the loop of things recently, but I hope you believe me. I love you.

15. You are the sweetest, cutest, and hottest guy I know, and I will do anything and everything it takes for you to forgive me. I’m sorry for what I did, now let’s make up again.

16. I’m sorry I’ve become so jealous and possessive of you. It’s only because I’m afraid other girls will pounce on a sweet guy like you. But I promise not to get worked up and lose my temper again, the way I did yesterday.

17. Who has the best body? You! Who is the most handsome guy? You! Who is the hottest bloke? You! Who is the coolest? You! Who is the most understanding boyfriend ever? You! Who is going to forgive me quickly? You! I’m sorry. Kisses.

18. I feel like the worst person in the whole world. I’m truly sorry for shouting at you, and I promise I’ll never do it again. Forgive me, babe.

19. I’m sorry for getting angry at you for no reason. I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you in my arms, darling.

20. I’m heartbroken and can’t believe I lied to you. I know I will never be able to make it up to you. But at least let me try by apologising. I am sorry, sweetheart, I will never do it again. Ever!

21. I’m really sorry if anything I did at the party last weekend offended you. I didn’t mean to hurt you. You will forgive your darling boyfriend, won’t you?

22. I didn’t mean to be such a possessive boyfriend. It’s just that I love you a bit too much. I promise to tone my behaviour down. I’m sorry, sweetie.

23. You are the girl of my dreams, and it pains me to see you cry. Please accept my apology and give me a smile, because your tears are too precious to be wasted. I’m sorry.

24. I know you are angry right now. But when you get a moment to reflect on what has happened, I want you to think about all the good times we’ve had, all the happy memories we’ve shared, and what the future holds for the both of us. I’m sorry, sweetheart, and I hope you forgive me.

25. I don’t know what to say than to apologize for being such a jerk. I hope you look beyond this mistake and forgive me. Love you, babe.

26. I’m sorry for being a bit clingy. It’s just that I can’t stop thinking about you.

27. I will not stop pampering you until I see that beautiful smile on your face again. I will do whatever it takes to show you how sorry I am. Forgive me, baby.

28. I’m sorry for being demanding, and I hope you will take me back in your arms again. I miss that tender spot on your shoulder, honey. Please forgive me.

29. I am the only one who needs to apologize for the troubles we’ve had this week. I’m sorry and I hope we can get back to being the happiest lovers in. I love you.

30. I shouldn’t have been so angry when you came in late last night. I’ve fixed a delicious breakfast for you and look forward to spending a lovely evening with you after we’re both back from work. Love you much. Forgive me, darling.

31. I don’t know what has happened to me. I know that I’ve been acting strange and have been very annoying. I’m sorry, darling.

32. I’m sorry for being such a pain. I honestly didn’t mean to insult you. Forgive me, please.

33. It breaks my heart to see you sad. I know times have been tough and I have not been supportive enough. But let’s put that behind us and look forward to happier times ahead. I’m sorry, dear. Please forgive me.

34. I’m the only one responsible for all the bickering we’ve gone through in the last few days. I’m sorry. I hope I can make the rest of our lives better.

35. I don’t know how to apologize to you for all the outbursts, shouting, and screaming. All I ask of you is to forget everything, and let’s come back together again.

36. I accept that I caused the arguments we’ve had recently and I apologize for it.
In advance, thank you for forgiving me.

37. Can you imagine a life without arguments and fights? It would be a dull life, don’t you think? So please my apology, and let’s start all over again!

38. I want to make things better. And as it is, our marriage is the greatest in the whole world, and I am willing to do what it takes to work through this rough patch. Forgive me.

39. I think I’ve taken you for granted over the years. Now that we’ve been apart for a few weeks, I’ve realized how my life is incomplete without you. I’ve learned my lesson. Please come back. I’m sorry.

40. I shouldn’t have gone to the races, especially after all that is going on. I’m sorry, and I promise not to be so inconsiderate ever again. Please forgive me.

41. Today I’ve decided to stop blaming you for all our problems because I’ve realized that I’ve not been taking enough responsibility. I’m sorry, and I want to put an end to all the fights and arguments.

42. I know I’ve been far from a true gentleman. But today I’m taking the first step to being the man of your dreams by writing this apology. I’m sorry for not spending enough time with you. Hope you forgive me.

43. I have decided to make it up to you. And to begin this, I’ve planned a romantic evening for the both of us. I’m sorry.

44. I am amazed at how you put up with my bad habits day after day. I promise to be a better person, and I hope that you forgive me for everything.

45. I know there is nothing I can do to make up for my behaviour over the last few weeks. So I got a gift for you. Hope you like it and will forgive me because I love you, and you know it’s true.

46. The world’s most beautiful wife deserves the world’s most tender apology. I’m sorrier than I have ever been. Forgive me, darling.

47. Please forgive me for lying to you about going to the game. I’m sorry, honey. I love you.

48. Don’t forgive me just because I’m saying sorry. Forgive me because I love you and don’t want to waste a single moment of our time together fighting. Truly yours, now and forever.

49. You know what I miss the most?
Talking with you and sharing my world with you. I miss you and I’m sorry.

50. For all the things I have done, I’m sorry. You know I never meant it.

So, you are in love and you couldn’t stop thinking about that special person all day long? Crafting the perfect sweet love text messages and expressing how much you care about someone may be difficult, but sweet love sayings can also be incredibly rewarding.

There can’t be anything more beautiful than expressing feelings for your beloved. These you are my everything quotes are magical words to cherish your love with more color, happiness, and strength, and thinking of you images strengthen your bond forever.

“If you remember me, then I don’t care if everyone else forgets.” – Haruki Murakami

“The best love is the kind that awakens the soul; that makes us reach for more, that plants the fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. That’s what I hope to give you forever.” – The Notebook

“I look at you and see the rest of my life in front of my eyes.”

I have created this beautiful list of romantic love messages with loving text ideas and I hope you can find romantic ways to say “I love you” with these quotes, poems, texts, and letters for your significant other. I am sure that whether you’re saying “I love you” in words or emojis, these romantic love text messages will help you:

Romantic Love Text Messages

Meeting you was the best day of my life.

When you are next to me, or when we are apart, you are always the first in my thoughts and in my heart.

I’m so completely in love with you. I wake to think of you and I sleep to see you in my dreams. Everyday seems like a blessing since I have met you. I feel so lucky and honored to be in love with you with all of my heart.

I love you, babe. You make me feel special!

I always wake up smiling. I think it’s your fault.

Just another reminder of how much I love you!

You lift me up and hold me down, you make me smile when I’m feeling down. You bring me peace, you bring me gifts, you’re the person I’m most happy to share my life with. I love you now until the end of time. I hope you’ll appreciate my attempted rhyme.

You make me happy in a thousand ways. I love you to the moon and back, and I have no idea what I would do, if I lost you, because I feel like I will lose my entire world.

I am really blessed to have you in my life. I love you so much.

I’m so lucky to have you in my life, and I’m counting the days/hours until I can see you again!

Come to my dreams if you can. I’ll kiss you there.

I just wanted to let you know I’m thinking of you! Love you lots!

My heart beats for you; I cannot resist this feeling I have for you. I love you so much.

Loving you is the best thing I have ever done. And I will never regret it.

Meeting you was like an answer to a prayer, I became happier, my heart always feels good, I feel good, and I know for sure, you feel good as well.

I wish I was there with you! Sending my love!

Being around you is the definition of pure love, joy, and happiness.

Baby, you give me so much happiness and I want to give you nothing less. Forever is just a start for us.

Nothing is going change my love for you, you are the man, who helped me to find myself in this life.

I can’t imagine living a life without you. You are my reason to be.

Someday, I might write sweet love paragraphs to express my affection for you. But right now, I’m just lost in your love!

I just want to be curled up in your arms right now.

Sweetheart, I cannot live without you, you are a part of me. I love you.

Darling, I may not tell you this every day, but you mean the world to me.

Love is an amazing thing that every one of us must experience at least once in life. Even if you haven’t found your love yet, don’t worry, with time comes a lover!

Missing you lots and looking forward to seeing you soon!

You’re all I ever wanted, love. You made me feel loved in ways I couldn’t expect. I would never ask for more. I want you and me together forever. From now till my last breath, will I continue to cherish you. I love you, sweetheart.

I cannot be for you a superman, but I will protect you from troubles and tribulations.

I will never regret choosing you as my loyal companion, my love, and my hope. You make me want to continue my way no matter how hard it gets sometimes. When I look at you I see all the best things in my life. You are the reason I wake up in the morning and my last thought before I fall asleep. Thank you for being with me. I love you endlessly.

love messages

They say love is blind, but actually, it has opened my eyes and changed me for the better. Thanks to you, now I know what true love is.

I love you more every day.

I love your honesty, your passion, your resilience, your courage, your partnership, and your smile.

As we grow separately, we also grow together, and it’s truly a privilege.

My love, you brighten up my day with your smile, it always takes my breath away.

If I could be with you forever, I’d be the happiest person alive. I wish you good night my dear love.

I want you in my life for today, tomorrow and forever.

You don’t know how blessed I am to have you in life. You have given a new meaning to my life. Love you.

I wish to be everything that brings a smile on your face and happiness to your heart. I want to love you like no else ever did!

I Love You Text

Sweetheart, I wish I could make you as happy as you make me. Love you.

Loved you yesterday, love you still, always have, always will. Elaine Davis

I loved you, I love you and I will love you forever.

If you ask me when I want to be with you, my answer will be – now and forever.

Counting the hours until we’re together again.

Each time you happen to me all over again. Edith Wharton

No matter what has happened. No matter what you’ve done. No matter what you will do. I will always love you.

You should be kissed and often, and by someone who knows how. Gone With the Wind

Loving you gives me a reason to live every day with joy, happiness, and love in my heart.

My night has become a sunny dawn because of you. Ibn Abbad

Darling, you fill my life with light. I’m so thankful to have you by my side. I love you so much!

Thinking of you, loving you, and hoping you know if you need anything, I’m always here for you.

I’m so incredibly thankful for the love that we share. You make every second of my life unforgettable.

I dream of a world where you and I would live for a thousand years to love each other. I know I’ll never be tired of loving you.

Loving you is the only thing that makes my life worth living.

,My heart is and always will be yours. Jane Austen

Your love is truly a wonderful gift for me. I can never think of anyone else who could love me so deeply!

Life without you is impossible. Life after you is unimaginable. Even after death, I want our souls to be reunited!

My love for you is deeper than the ocean and wider than the sky. Nobody can measure it, but you know how much I love you.

I thank god every day because he answered my prayer and gave me the most gorgeous woman in the world. I can’t help myself from falling in love with you every day!

loving you message

You are the most beautiful woman I have ever known. You grew a flower in my heart, which I call love. I love you more than anything else in life!

Every time I close my eyes, I dream about us being happy and merry together in our dream house. Stay with me forever, Love.

Your smile is the reward I want to get every day. It is the only thing that keeps me breathing beautifully.

My love for you is never-ending, and no matter how hard life becomes, I will always be there for you like you have been for me. I love you, darling.

Even the sunniest day, met without you, becomes sullen. Only your love paints all around with bright colors.

Love is my everything. It’s everywhere. It’s in the messages you send me, it’s in the words you say to me and it’s in your eyes when you look at me. Love is in my heart and in my thoughts. Love is you and me.

I have a special chamber inside my heart. Nothing can occupy this but you. Sending you a box full of love, my sweetheart!

You can finish counting the stars in the sky, but you can never finish counting the love I have for you. Because my heart is filled with infinite love for you!

I know we will always be together because you know all the tricks to melt my heart like April snow. This is what I love about you. You are my favorite magician in the whole world.

May God never separate us despite all the silly arguments we have. I cannot tolerate the distance between you and me ever.

Short Love Messages

I would be lost without you. I can’t deny that.

I didn’t know what love was until I first laid eyes on you.

Happiness is found where there is true love, I am glad I found mine.

You stole my heart and I don’t want it back ever!

You make my heart beat faster.

Seeing you happy is all I ever want. I love you happy.

I am grateful to have you in my life.

No one else on the planet could ever compare to you. You’re pure beauty.

Your smile is what I live for every moment. I love you!

My heart is for you, whenever I think about you, I long to be with you.

I’m so lost in you that no one can ever find me!

When I met you, my life completely changed. With you, I am a new person.

I don’t need a superhero in my life, I just need you by my side.

I will ensure you are always happy, for my heart is all yours.

When I think about you, I see your beautiful smile.

I’m falling so hard for you that I can’t catch my breath.

You have no idea how my whole system stair up when I see you. My heart beats for you. You are my heart beat.

You have mastered the art of always making my heart happy. I love you.

Love has the power to transform the hardest of hearts; it has the power to heal and the power to comfort and redeem. I know this because I’ve seen what your love does to me.

When I’m with you, all I do is pray to God that he stops the time from flowing. All I want in life is to spend forever with you. I love you dear!

If you ask me why do I love you so much, I’d say because I see a piece of myself in you and because you let me be myself when I’m with you.

love message

You took control of my heart from the moment I met you. Now the owner of my heart is you. Take care of it and give it what it wants. I love you!

I fall in love with you every time I see you. You have that magic. Keep my heart safe in your magic box my prettiness.

I’m dedicating all the love songs in this world for you because you are worthy of all those lovely lyrics. Love you, beautiful.

Love can never be measured. It can only be felt. You have painted my life with the colors of heaven. I don’t want anything else as long as your love is with me!

I have never thought that three words would change my life completely. I love you and I am ready to shout about it to everyone!

Words aren’t enough to tell you how wonderful you are, but here is one of my little love notes for you: I love you.

Even if the stars fail to shine and the moon refuses to light up the world, I know I have nothing to fear. I have my guardian angel to look after me, care for me and love me forever and always. I love you!

I look forward to each new day with a desire to spend my entire life with you. My love for you is always growing stronger and I’m slowly losing myself deeper into it.

I was lost and hopeless. But I kept praying for a savior to come into my life. God accepted my prayer and sent you. Now I owe you my life for eternity. Loving you madly is the only thing I can do perfectly!

Thanks for being there for me always. Thanks for your cute lines. I have never known anyone who could love with such intensity. For me, you are the best lover in this world. I can’t help loving you deeply.

My life was empty, and my heart grew cold. Then you came into my life, made my heart warm with your love and my life filled with happiness. I love that!

You know, we are like the two socks of a pair, and like the birds of the same feather. You fulfill my life with your presence, and I am so lucky to have you!

The way you love me, I hope I can return it to your heart in the same way. Stay with me always, dear.

A sky full of stars is not even comparable with my love for you. My love, my feelings for you is immeasurable. You are my sweetheart.

Marrying you was a fairy tale that came true for me. I’m still living in a fantasy, and all credit for that goes to you. I love you!

You make every morning a little bit brighter and every night a little bit sparkler than it used to be. Thank you for coming into my life. I love you, darling.

Thanks, hubby, you are there when I feel sad, you are there when my mood is bad, you always support me in life, you are the only reason why I survive, Love you!

You have given me all the reasons to love you, but I love you for everything you are and everything you are not. I love you today, tomorrow and every day!

Touching Love Text Messages For Her

Since it’s important to express your love for her using words from the heart, heartfelt love text messages will strength your relationship. It is sure that good morning poems and good morning letter for her will make her happy every day.

In this article, I have gathered beautiful love messages for her that will help you to express your deep devotion to your sweetheart. Here, I share with you my favorite list of love messages you can tell her to melt her heart and take her breath away:

I never ever thought I’d like you this much and I never planned to have you on my mind this often.

I love the way you love me.

Spring drops and the sun outside the window tell me that this spring will be the flowering of our love.

I miss you; we should get together soon!

All I need is you right here.

You make me forget how to breathe.

I love you more than I did yesterday but not more than I will tomorrow.

Hold my hand, hold my heart, and hold me forever. I love you.

The best part of my day is your smile.

I love you, in ways you’ve never been loved, for reasons you’ve never been told, for longer than you think you deserved and with more than you will ever know existed inside me.

I would rather spend one moment holding you than a lifetime knowing I never could.

If I divide my love for you into equal parts, then everyone in the world will get a huge portion of my love and the same amount will still remain.

It is impossible to measure, describe, count and portray my love, just feel it, I love you.

I wish you more than you wish me for the day. I wish you smiles and laughter birthed by sweet memories. Have the best of your day, dear.

But you’ve slipped under my skin, invaded my blood and seized my heart. Maria V. Snyder

You make my heart melt!

I welcome you into my heart with open hands today. I choose you to be my heart’s desire. You are welcome to the new life. Love you.

You make my world go around, without you I don’t exist, I love you.

I’ll never have the words to tell you how much I love you.

You’re my first thought every morning and my last thought before I go to sleep.

You inspire a love in me that I never knew was possible.

Nobody is perfect, but you’re so close it’s scary.

They say love can’t be seen; it can only be felt. But they were wrong. I have seen it many times. I have seen true love for me in your eyes. And it’s the most beautiful thing I have ever seen!

You have an aura around you and whenever you come near me, I feel lucky to be engulfed in your aura of happiness.

I might live without you, but that life would be meaningless. Never ever want to lose you because I am passionately in love with your soul.

The only time I stupidly smile at my phone is when I get romantic love message for her from you.

The beauty in your eyes and the innocence in your face drives me crazy all the time. I want you in my life for today, tomorrow and forever.

You make me feel alive every moment. You are the reason behind every joy and every smile of my life. I love you so deeply!

You know every trick to make my heart melt like April snow. I am so lucky that you’re in my life. The love I have for you will never fade!

You carry my heart with you. As long as you’re with me, I have nothing to fear because I know my heart is safe with you.

In tough situations, only your love gives me the inspiration to create and to live.

For the sake of your love, I will get a star from the sky and go on any deed, I will be ready to do it! I love you.

My dear, you make me feel safe around you and bring out all the goodness in me. I think we are truly meant for each other!

I didn’t really start living until you came into my life.

Every time I think of you, half my worries are gone. You make everything around you so positive and energetic. I wish good morning to my love, I love you so much.

love text

There are no words I could use to describe the love we share. I’m so incredibly thankful for you.

Love takes time to develop but my love for you grows exponentially every day. I love you my admiring partner.

I lived a black and white life until I met you. You brought colors into it and now I see rainbows everywhere. I love you!

It’s hard to find someone willing to stay with you in every up and down of your life. I feel blessed to have you in my life because I know no matter what happens, you will never stop loving me!

Life has never been better, thanks to you, sweetheart!

No on the planet could ever compare to your beauty, kindness and overall wonder.

Since you have entered into my life, there have been chapters before you and will never be any chapter after you. It’s only about you and all about you!

In case you don’t know, you are my no. 1! Thank you for sticking by through thick and thin. I love you to the moon and back. Girlfriend.

My love for you is immeasurable and it’s growing every day. With your love in my heart, I am making the impossible possible.

From the very first moment I saw you, I knew that I wouldn’t settle down for any less. You and I may not be flawless, but we are perfect for each other. Love you!

I love you more than the stars in the night; even every day we fight, my love will never change, even slightly. I just love you; I simply do.

I didn’t know I was capable of loving someone so much.

Each time I make a wish, I wish for us to be together forever. I know it will come true because you already live in my heart. I love you.

I still skip my heartbeat whenever I look at you. You make me smile a zillionth time over, baby! You surely are the best thing that has ever happened to me.

I fell in love right at the first moment I saw you. My love for you will never fade away. I love you for everything you are!

There is not a single scale in this world that can measure my love for you. It’s deeper than the ocean and truer than my reality!

Love Text Messages For Girlfriend

Let sit down and attempt to express your love through words. There is no perfect time to tell her how much she means to you, but girlfriend quotes will definitely make your her day. And sweet things to say to your girlfriend will surely put a smile on your her face

I can’t spend a day without you, can’t you see? I love you so much. You are a part of me, and this is forever.

The wind whispers your name, stars illuminate my way to you, we will meet soon, love you!

I have loved you long before the beginning of times and I will love you even when the memories of us will be erased from the face of the Earth.

The sun won’t shine brighter than our love, no metal will be stronger than our feelings, and even time won’t separate us. I love you.

love text messages

I can’t focus today, and I blame it on you. Because I can’t stop thinking about you.

Every time I think about you, my heart dances.

I do not fear sorrows anymore because I know your love will instantly heal my heart. I am lucky for having you.

I cannot be more blessed for having you in my life. Only I know how you have saved me from the darkness. Will cherish you in my heart forever and always.

Waking up next to you every day is nothing but a pure blessing. You have my whole heart, sunshine. Thank you for being my husband.

There are only two times that I want to be with you: Now and Forever!

You know the secrets of my heart, you have the key to open my heart, and I’m sure you will never lose it or throw away!

Sometimes observing your beauty in action makes me absolutely speechless. Words fail me.

I love you so much that I’m going crazy. I can’t stop thinking and dreaming about you. Only it makes me feel alive and gives my life a meaning. Please, don’t ever take it away from me.

Sometimes it feels like I’m having a dream, but then I realize it’s all real and I’m one lucky fellow in this beautiful world. Thank you for being mine!

I’ve seen the truest and purest form of love in you. I don’t need anything else in life as long as I have your love. Thank you for loving me so sincerely and genuinely!

If there’s anything in life I wouldn’t want to change, it is the chance of meeting you and falling in love with you.

I feel fortunate to have you in my life as you light it up with your glow. I value your presence more than anything else; I love you.

I live every day hoping to wake up someday with you beside me. Nothing can make me happier than a day that starts with you and ends with you!

I need an entire lifetime to appreciate God for bringing you into my life. All I want now is to dedicate this life in loving you!

You always give me a million little reasons to smile. I have never had anyone in my life who was so amazing as you. I love you!

When I look into your eyes, I see a world full of love and affection. I want to be lost in your eyes and find myself again in a new world. I love you!

Without you, my life is like an earth without sunshine. It is gloomy and monotonous. You are the color that brings happiness in my journey of life.

My heart belongs to you and it doesn’t want anything but you. You are the reason for my smile and my happiness. I love you!

I feel beautiful and special whenever I am with you. I cannot let go of you ever. Love you so much.

My love, no one lights me up or gets me high on life as you do.

Your eyes are the best mirror where I can see my soul set on fire by your love. Love me like this always sweetheart!

My heart was filled with sorrow and hard feelings, but you came and filled it with love and happiness. I can never be grateful enough to you for loving me like that.

You’re the center of my fantasy because I love you way more than the sun than brighten my day and the moon that keeps the night awake.

If incarnation is true, I will want you as my wife in every life I get. You are my strength and biggest inspiration.

Darling, when my life was filled with heavy rainfall, you shone brightly like a rainbow in my sky. And I instantly fell in love with all seven colors of yours.

Every morning of my life gives me a new reason to love you and to appreciate you for what you’ve given me. You are the one that holds the key to my heart!

The only real thing in this world is our love, it made me feel alive. I love you, baby.

Love is the air I breathe. Without you, my darling, I wouldn’t be alive, because you have a piece of my heart, and that’s why I need you by my side so much.

I love you for being my truest lover, biggest friend, and most loyal companion. Without you, my life is nothing but an ocean of dust.

Romantic Love Text Messages For Wife

If you need a dash of inspiration, explore these soul mates quotes and you are beautiful quotes for a little help with telling your wife just how much you care!

When I look into your eyes, the world ceases to exist, and when I touch your lips, the universe explodes with millions of colors.

I didn’t know what marrying your best friend meant until I met you.

I dreamt that you were mine, and then I woke up smiling because I realized it was not a dream. You are already mine!

You are the most beautiful of all women, the owner of my heart and my whole life, my biggest reason to fight for a better tomorrow. My beloved wife, you have no idea how much I love you.

Looking back on every day I have spent with you, I can’t help but smile. You have made me fall in love with you everyday till today; thank you for loving me, dear. I love you!

Love is an unexplainable feeling. It’s so huge that doesn’t fit in any words, especially these three simple words “I love you”. I want our love to be special and unique. I want it to be eternal.

Being with you is the easiest choice I have ever made, and I’m so lucky I get to make it every day.

Each time I look at your gorgeous face, I feel my heart melt in your love. I just cannot stop thinking about you. I love you.

Never in my wildest dream did I ever see myself falling for someone so deep.

To each other, we’ve made many beautiful promises. But the best ones are still in my heart, waiting to be made when the time is right. I love you.

I never believed in love at first sight. But when I saw you, I just knew that we were going to be in each other’s lives for a very long time. Loving you is so natural for me now. I want it to stay this way forever. I love you so much.

love message to my wife

If I could be any part of you I would be your tears. Conceived in your heart, born in your eyes, live on your cheeks, and die on your lips.

My beloved, I will do everything for you, just tell me, for me nothing is impossible as long as you love me.

You are that woman who transformed my imperfections into perfections, just by the touch of your love. Love you my dearest wife!

Even when my eyes are closed, I think about you, either my eyes are open or closed I am staring at you, you have seized control of my mind, that’s why I am crazily in love with my angel.

You’re my soulmate, my best friend, my partner, and my confidante. Thank you for that.

I want to be your favorite hello and your hardest goodbye.

You came into my life and made it a blooming world to live in. You make me feel so special.

Every day morning I am waking up to just hug you in my hand. Every morning I am waking up and thinking about how blessed I am. I love you, my dear.

My heart beats only for your love. Life with you feels like a fairytale, so beautiful and pure. Let us live in this world of love forever. I love my wife forever.

You’ve made my imperfections seem perfect and all my shortcomings appear complete. I don’t know how I’ll ever be able to thank you for everything you’ve done. But I promise I’ll never stop trying. I love you.

Even after all these years together, you still give me that rush every time you kiss me. My heart still skips a beat every time you look at me in that special way. I am still head over heels in love with you, and this is how it’s going to be always. I love you so much.

I love all those things you don’t do: you never tried to change me, you never minded my quirky moods, you never laughed when I attempted to be serious, and you never turned away when I needed you most. I love you.

love message for my wife

Even if for the sake of your love, I have to go through all the obstacles, to sacrifice everything, I will do it for you. Our love is my greatest wealth.

Your heart is full of love and affection. Your hands are always caring. I am lucky to have you as my wife.

My love, you are my gift from God and I never want to lose you. I also want to say thanks to my God to give me such a beautiful reward for my good deeds.

My life was black and white until you came in and added color.

I feel safest and happiest when I’m in your arms.

You are my angel and I would like to see your smile always to boost up my day. I cannot imagine a day without you and without your smile. I like to be in the shadow of your love and affection forever. Thank you so much for being my wonderful wife. Love you so much my darling!

Such an amazing wife like you doesn’t come from this earth; they come straight from heaven. You are the most perfect wife ever!

Your love is what keeps me going. It’s the thought of coming home to you and lying in your arms that makes everything alright. I am so blessed to have a wife as loving, caring, and kind as you. Thank you for everything, sweetheart. I love you!

When I tell you I love you, I don’t say it out of habit or to make conversation, I say it to remind you that you are the best thing that ever happened to me.

i love my wife

I’m amazed when I look at you, not just because of our looks, but because everything I’ve ever wanted is right in front of me.

Whatever happens in this life, I know what your gentle and caring hands will be there, you’re my support, my beloved woman.

My perfect day has nothing to do with the weather or what I’m doing. My perfect day is whenever I’m with you.

I choose you every day, and I’m so lucky you choose me, too.

I love you more than pizza. And I really love pizza.

I love you. The secret to my success is you, my love. You are my good luck, my support, my strength, and my heartbeat.

My love for you grow stronger with time, and I will never let go of you. Thank you for marrying me, my beautiful wife.

My life is a dream, and you are the beautiful fairy in it. The best thing is you never disappear even when I wake up. Love you, dearest wifey.

When I look at you I wonder if I did something really good to get such a marvelous gift from God. You have been a blessing in my life and this is just to say I love you.

You are a special gift from the heavens. Your smile warms my heart and your presence makes me whole. I love you, today and forever!

I’m glad you are thoughtful, I’m glad you are understanding, I’m glad you are so much fun to be around, but most of all I’m glad you are my wife. I love you, my beautiful wife!

Living with you is like being in paradise, is a real joy to open my eyes every morning and see that you are by my side, sit at the table for breakfast together and watch our beautiful children is a great blessing. We almost never discuss in our home because here we live only in happiness and peace. Thanks for making my life completely happy. I love you because you are beautiful because of your sweetness glad my days.

Everything you do is a source of joy for me. I can never be sad when I’m around you. Thanks for truly being there, my dear wife. I love you, my lovely wife!

love messages for wife

I’ve never been so scared of losing something in my entire life. But nothing in my life has ever meant as much to me as you do. I love you, my sweetheart!

My beloved wife, it is still in me the memory of that day when I met you, at that moment I knew that the true love and I felt something in my chest telling me that you and I were going to be together for the rest of our lives. It’s been a long time and so far I love you with the same and even more intensity. Our great love is never going to end, I send you a big hug and a sweet kiss, remember my love, you are the most important thing in my life. I love you.

Nothing in this world can replace your place in my heart because you own it.

My love for you will never fade away as I have built a home for you in my heart with great care and loveable memories.

Loving you has been such a blessing. To have you love me back is just a dream come true. Thank you for your love. Forever and always I will love you.

I am so lucky to have you by my side today, tomorrow, and forever.

You make my heart soar, my mind race, and my lips form a perfect smile.

After being married to you all these years, I have developed a short-term memory loss. Every time you flash that sensuous smile of yours, I am knocked out of my senses. I love you.

Having you for my wife is an everyday blessing that I don’t take for granted. Not everyone is blessed with a wife who’s beautiful, brilliant, funny, and kind. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. You are the only woman that I will ever love this way.

Heartwarming Love Text Messages For Him

These romantic husband quotes and cute things to say to your boyfriend come deep from the heart, reaching out to touch your sweetheart in a special and memorable way. I share my favorite love text messages for him to help you express just how much you enjoy his presence in your life, take a look at these romantic love messages for him:

In a world of chaos, pain, and suffering. As I look forward to seeing you again, it makes my trials and tribulations less hectic knowing that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. At the end of the day, I’ll see you again.

Life is better when you are with me, I think of you every free minute of my life.

I couldn’t even imagine being happy before I met you. Now I’m the vision of contentment.

Love for you is in my blood, it flows through my veins, and fills me with energy. I love you.

Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you was beyond my control.

Loving you is the best thing that ever happened to me.

I’m the luckiest girl in the world.

Loving you is the only thing that makes my life worth living. I enjoy every moment I spend in loving you. You are my sunshine in life!

There are a million ways to say how much I love you that I truly don’t know where to start.

Just so you know, I’m madly in love with you.

I miss your handsome face already.

Your love is like a warm blanket that protects me from the misery and pain that engulfs the world.

Every day I want to have you next to me, when you’re not here, I’m always sad, when you are here, my heart is full of joy, I never want to lose you.

When I look into the night sky with thousands of stars, I remember your eyes, because they sparkle exactly like stars. When I see the sun, I remember you because you brighten not just my day, but my life.

Your love has given me the biggest strength in the world, which is the power to do what I dream the very next morning. Thanks for making my life so beautiful, darling.

Your touch makes me feel like I have never been touched before. Your smile brings me so much peace and joy. Your voice is music to my ears. I love you so much, I want to scream about it from every mountain top.

You are the kindest soul who makes my life beautiful and loved.

Seeing the smile on your face makes me so happy to be alive. When you smile, you are more beautiful than the sunset. From the bottom of my heart, I love you.

I just felt a huge surge of love for you.

Morning without you is a dwindled dawn. Emily Dickinson

I was crawling in darkness before you showed up. You took my soul away from its hiding place. I love you darling!

I don’t want to live without you even a single day. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me and I’ll cherish you in my heart forever!

Thank you for always being there to help me laugh when I want to cry.

I love you with everything that I am.

It takes great luck to have someone like you as a boyfriend. I feel blessed every day and every moment for this gift. I will love you till my last breath, no matter what life brings before us!

All songs are written about love, that praise this wonderful feeling, pale in comparison with the history of our love. I love you madly!

Hey, I just wanted to let you know I love you a little more every single day.

You’re irreplaceable, non-returnable, and priceless to me. Never change.

It’s funny how you could go through life not knowing what real love is. But this. This indescribable feeling I’ve never felt before. I guess this is what it’s like to be with a real man.

I don’t know if you feel the same, but I do feel the love in the air. In fact, I feel it everywhere I go and in everything I do. I’m surely in love with you!

Thousand reasons are not enough to make me feel loved and special. Only your touch and smile can do it in a blink. Love you forever.

love text message

This connection is between our hearts, I have been searching for you all my life and I am over the moon that the best man on this planet is with me!

When I think, I think of you, when I look, I want to look at you. I am crazy about you, even if it seems to become an obsession.

I love you more and more with each and every passing day.

It was hard to get out of bed this morning, because I just want to hold you forever.

Do you know who really loves you? The person, who secretly prays for you to God. I love you very much.

I’m a much better person because of knowing love, and you’re why I know love.

I have fallen in love so many times in life. But every time, it was with you!

Meeting you was the best thing that has ever happened to me. I feel lucky to have you. I love you, Babe.

Your love pierced my heart like a sword, and it’s for you to heal me now. Don’t ever leave me because I’m nothing without you!

You’ve built yourself a castle in my heart; from the depth of my heart is where my love for you starts! I cherish you, honey.

I love you- this is the least I can say. I wish I could do more to actually show what I really feel for you.

Life would be such a dark place without you. I love you with all my heart and I want to thank you for every amazing memory you gave me.

Life offers many roads to choose, but my only road is to go with your hand in hand till the end of our days.

Every time I think about you, my heart starts beating faster. I’m under your spell and it doesn’t seem to end. And I wish it would never end. Because you are the only person on the planet, who makes me feel alive.

Never believe that you have to flatter me with materialistic things. All I need is your love, because unlike materialistic things your love won’t fade away. It’s forever embedded within my heart.

sweet love messages

I will take care of your heart and I will never betray you. I will show you my pure love and our happiness will never end!

My heart for you will never break. My smile for you will never fade. My love for you will never end. I love you.

No matter how far you may be, you’ll always remain close to my heart.

A friendly reminder that you bring so much joy into my life, and I love you for it.

I want to say I love you in a thoroughly non-corny way, but nothing comes to mind, so let me just say this: I love you.

I wish every day you could see yourself the way I see you. Because I see you as absolutely perfect.

When I put my arms around you, I never want to let you go.

I promise you that I will protect you from all the negativity of this world. You only promise to stay with me always. I love you.

It doesn’t matter where you are; I can always hear your heartbeat when I lay down and see your face when I close my eyes. I love you, sweetheart!

My love for you is always growing stronger, and I’m slowly losing myself deeper into it.

My love for you is deeper than the ocean. You can see it if you look right into my eyes. You’ll know how madly I’m in love with you!

Darling, I know that sometimes we argue. And we have problems like every couple does. But it doesn’t matter, because our love is so strong. We can handle every difficulty and cope with every pain if we are together. Love you so very much, can’t wait to see you.

You have everything in you to be loved, to be adored and to be pampered. I’ll always give my best to make you feel special. I love you!

My sweet prince, I loved you once, love you still, always have, and always will.

I love how you put a smile on my face every time! I love you today and will love you till kingdom come. Thank you for everything, my love.

Every day of ours feels just like the very first day because I cannot help falling in love with you over and over again. I love you!

I know I’m in love. The words: tender, affectionate, handsome, strong and resilient are no longer a bunch of words. They are you.

i love you messages

In order to live in this world, I need you and your love forever and then we will create thousands of unforgettable moments together!

Love is strong yet delicate, it can be broken. To truly love is to understand this, to be in love is to respect this.

It amazes me that you’ve seen me at my best and my worst and you love me anyway.

I have seen something completely different in you, that is the ability to love people unconditionally. To me, you are like a sunflower in the dust. I love you!

I know I do many stupid things, and I am not good enough for you but thank you for always being next to me.

Cute Love Text Messages For Boyfriend

Express your love for him with boyfriend love quotes and flirty questions to ask your boyfriend, perfect for telling your special guy just how much you care about him!

I am lucky enough to get a person like you in my life who gives me a thousand reasons to smile every day. You are so precious, my handsome.

I want to be with you always and forever. Nothing in this world can replace you in my heart. I love you today, every day and forever!

If there’s one thing in this world I’m afraid to lose, it’s you. I am so in love with you that I can’t afford to lose you!

Your heart is so full of love, and I’m lucky enough to find a place in there. Love you, honey.

You are the strongest and kindest soul I have ever met, and I am lucky to have you as my companion. You own my heart.

Missing you more than I can express, thinking of you more than you know. Love you!

You promised to protect me from every negativity of this world. I promise you to protect your heart from every sorrow from now on. We are perfect together.

You have truth in your heart and passion in your eyes; things about you that make me love you even more.

We are two souls connected to be together for eternity. I am here to stay with all of my heart. It’s so sweet and wonderful to be with you. Let’s stay this way forever, till the end of time.

By holding your hands tightly, I get the strength of conquering all my life problems. Stay with me always.

People with truth in their heart and passion in their eyes are hard to come by. I was lucky that I found you. I love you so much, my dear!

You give me courage and convinced me to believe in me. Your support and care changed my life completely.

Among millions of strangers I have seen your eyes, I have taken your hand and I will never let you go.

You are always in my heart, here and everywhere. There is no one in the whole world that makes me feel this way.

Want to be with you during both happy and sad times. Because without happiness, sorrow is worthless, and happiness can’t be enjoyed to the fullest without sorrow.

The more I spend time with you, the more I fall in love with you every day. You have a very gentle and beautiful heart that I promise to take care of all my life. I love you!

sweet love message

I can’t help but fall deeper into your love with each passing day.

If I had to choose between breathing and loving you, I would use my last breath to utter I love you, one last time.

I never knew that my entire life before I met you was a drought until you came and showered me with your love. I love you.

I find peace when I am with you. I want nothing more than you and nothing less than you!

You are my strength and my power. You make me full of hope even when there’s no hope left. You are the treasure that I looked for all of my life!

You turned my life into a journey of love and happiness. Every second I spend with you; I fall in love even more with you!

Every time you look into my eyes, you melt my heart and make me fall in love all over again. I love being loved by you.

I don’t care about anything and anyone else, as long as you love me. I can ignore the rest of the world if you’re with me. I love you so much.

No matter how many times I see you, your beauty makes my knees go weak and my stomach growl in nervousness! I love you!

The gleam of your eyes is what I fell for. I will never let tears come to those beautiful eyes. I promise to keep you happy, always.

Your presence in my life is a blessing of a lifetime. You’re the gift that I never dared to ask for. The love you have given me is more than I could ever imagine.

I have never believed in love at first sight. Love surely takes time to develop. And I’m glad that I chose to let my love for you grow each day. It’s worth the wait. I love you.

Thank you for being the most wonderful friend and companion and making my day beautiful, every day!

I had thought that I knew everything about myself and the world I live in before I met you. You opened my eyes and made me see, how blind I was. It seems like now I’m discovering the world for the first time, like a child. And you’re my guiding star, the light of my life.

I have been blessed by the Almighty with such a precious gem like you. I will never let you go. I love you.

Every moment I spent with you seems to me like treasures. I will preserve you and these treasures lifelong. I will never let you go away from me. I love you.

loving you messages

If you ever thought that I may eventually plan a future without you, don’t. Because without you, I do not see a positive future, I see only uncertainty.

I can’t promise that our life will be cloudless, but I promise that I will be with you during tough and blissful moments of your life.

You are the most beautiful addition to my life’s journey, and I could not want more. I love you to the moon and back.

My life is incomplete without your love. My soul is incomplete without your companionship. Don’t leave me till my last breath. Love you so much.

Life is a book we all read it. Love is a blessing we all need it. Always be happy, always have a smile. Because remember, in this world we are just for a while.

You are the reason for my smile and my happiness. I love you!

I wrote your name in the sky, but the wind blew it away. I wrote your name in the sand, but the waves washed it away. I wrote your name in my heart, and forever it will stay.

I can’t stop loving you because it’s the only thing I’m good at and the only reason I was sent here on earth. I love you!

Your childish giggles melt my heart every time I hear them. Keep laughing like this always. I love you.

Your genuine kindness and beautiful soul capture my heart every time, darling. Love you always and forever, my sweetheart.

You are perfect even with all of your imperfections. You are amazing, even at the times when you are annoying. I love you for everything!

You are the center of my world and for that, I am thankful every single day.

You’re not only my lover. You’re my friend, my world, my universe. I can’t imagine my life without you, because you’re the part of me and if I lose you, it would feel like I lost a part of my soul and a part of my body. This is the way I love you.

True love words can bring us closer. It’s not easy for you to understand that your smile and happiness means the world to me. I hope you keep on smiling and feel my love!

i love you message

I seem to be able to control everything in my life such as my schedule, my colleagues, my mom, and my finances. The only thing I have no control over is how my heart beats when I see you.

You are for me like a blissful oasis in the desert; I have found paradise with you.

I could identify your scent and touch even if I were left blindfolded amidst a thousand random people. I love you that much.

Every day, I thank God for sending an angel like you into my life. You are one of a kind. I love you so much.

You are the brightest star that lights up my life every day.

Your love for me is one of a kind. No one in this world can or will love me as you do. You are the brightest star that lights up my life every day.

I love how you make me fall in love with not only you but also with everything, newly. You are my precious sweetheart. I love you so much.

You gave me a reason to live, dream, and fight. You make my days’ worth living. Thank you for being the only person who understands me!

I don’t want the world, I don’t want the skies, I don’t want the moon, I just want you in my share. Love you a lot my love.

You are my best friend, my human diary, and my other half. You mean the world to me and I love you.

You are the reason I am breathing, but yet sometimes you take my breath away.

You are not just a part of my life, you are my life.

For me, love has always been something so extremely hard, something that needs a lot of spare time and space. But you make it so very easy. The way I feel about you is hard to explain, but there is one thing I know for sure: I love you with all my heart. Missing you a lot.

Lovely Love Text Messages For Husband

You can simply surprise him by sharing love messages for husband.

Loving you has been the best thing to ever happen to me!

Regardless of how stressful my day may be, I know that at the end of the day I have the ultimate stress reliever that I can rely on during my darkest times, which are my thoughts about you and the love that you have planted so firmly into my soul.

You have given me your all. Know that it’s safe here with me. I love you.

Love is like salt. It cleanses the palette of the soul, adds flavor to life, and makes or breaks whatever it is added to. You are the salt of my life. I love you.

If I could reach the bottom of your heart, I’ll never come out, because I know that my love is right there. I love you.

I would cross a thousand oceans just to hold you tight. I would climb a thousand mountains just to be with you every single night. Darling, I miss you so much.

love message for him

The best days of my life are the days I spend with you. I wish every day is like that because I want you always!

A day without your love is a day without life.

You brighten up my day whenever I see you.

Some people are like dead ends, they puzzle me and don’t let to pass. Some people are like doors, they show a completely new way. You are the second kind. You have shown me the way of love and happiness. And I feel so grateful for it.

I know nothing about tomorrow, but one thing is sure and that’s the fact that I’ll love you till and beyond tomorrow.

I’m grateful for all the lovely moments and sweet texts. You are my favorite human being. I love you more than yesterday, less than tomorrow.

Your love is everything that keeps me alive and makes me feel complete. I love you!

For everything that you have blessed me with, I can only promise that my life, my love, and my world will always be for you!

Thank you for experiencing me this magical kind of love; I cannot think of my future with anyone other than you! I love you so much.

You are just so beautiful, both inside and outside. I must be so lucky that I could find you in this big world and make you mine.

When we’re together, an hour would feel like a minute. But when we are apart, a minute will feel like an hour!

Would it be crazy for me to tell you within this sweet love message that you are the best thing that has ever happened to me or ever will? Because I look at where we are now and I simply don’t know if I could ever feel this way for another. I love you.

I am so grateful you are my husband and I know you are there for me. Even my soul feels peaceful when I am in your arms. I want you to know that I am forever and always here for you, too.

I can’t really find the words to explain the way I feel when I hear your voice or when I see your face. All I can say is that I like the feeling.

You bring out the best in me. You make me believe in pots of gold at the end of the rainbow and flying carpets and all that is good and true in the world. You are a positive force, and I am so glad to be with you.

i love you sms

My love for you grows daily and steadily, so I need the entire universe for our love because I’ll love you forever.

It is not true that love does not have boundaries. In fact, my love for you has created boundaries in your heart so that no one else can come in. I love you my darling.

Thinking about you is like breathing. It can’t stop and it’s essential for my survival.

Love is like the deep blue sky with its shadow embracing the oceans beneath. Our love is just like the horizon that meets each other and remains wrapped day in and out!

Every moment with you is a blessing. You are the strongest and kindest soul I have ever met, and I am lucky to have you as my companion. You own my heart.

Words are not enough to say thanks to you for being with me. You are the kindest soul who makes my life beautiful and loved.

My greatest fantasies are the ones that start with you and end with you. I love you truly madly and deeply!

I don’t think I will ever be able to thank God enough for sending you into my life and blessing me. Thank you for being the best! I love you.

You’re so amazing, I wish I met you a whole lot sooner.

No distance can weaken our bond. Nothing can erase our memories from our minds. Our hearts will always be tied together with each other.

Thank you for coming into my life. I love you, darling.

No one can see into the future. No one knows what tomorrow will bring. So trust me when I say, tomorrow and well into the future, it will still be you and me together.

If you were the rain, I’ll never use an umbrella. If you were the sun, I’ll hate every shade. I just want you!

Love is something beautiful, a desire, a feeling that one would like to catch. Love is the feeling that makes you feel alive. Love is something that may never go away.

love messages for him

Maybe it’s too early to say I love you, but I can’t keep it a secret. I’ve never felt this perfectly happy, and I wanted you to know that you’re the reason why.

You’ve changed my life for the better. I am inspired to be different when I’m with you!

I am so lost in loving you that I don’t know the right words to express what I feel for you. No word can describe my love for you!

Nothing more compare the happiness I felt for this moment having someone like you in my life. Love you so much sweetheart!

Since I met you, my whole life changed. I now understand what magical things true love can do.

I can’t stop counting minutes till I see you. Everything falls apart when you’re not around, and it just makes me crazy. I’ll never get used to not always having you by my side, and I can do nothing with that because my love for you fills my every thought. Can’t wait to touch you, hold you, kiss you. Love you.

You may want to see happy anniversary wishes which contain sweet, romantic messages to bring out what is in your heart!

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