He said that it was cold outside which word is optional

1) Which is a reporting verb? a) tell b) go c) be 2) He said that it was cold outside. Which word is optional? a) said b) that c) was 3) «Where is it?» said Mary. She a) said where it is b) asked where it was c) asked if it was there 4) «I bought a car last week.» Last week he said he had bought a car a) a week ago b) next week c) the week before 5) «Don’t yell!» is a a) direct request b) direct order c) reported order 6) Which of these is usually required with reported YES/NO questions? a) if b) do c) why 7) Ram asked me where I worked. His original words were a) «Do you work there?» b) «Where do I work?» c) «Where do you work?» 8) «Please wipe your feet.» I asked them to wipe a) your feet nicely b) their feet nicely c) their feet nicelytheir feet 9) Which structure is not used for reported orders? a) order somebody to b) tell somebody to c) ask somebody to 10) She always asks me not to burn the cookies. She always says a) «Not to burn the cookies!» b) «Please don’t burn the cookies.» c) «Do not burn the cookies.» 11) Jerry said, ‘I’m studying English a lot at the moment.’ a) Jerry said he was studying English a lot at that moment. b) Jerry said he was studying English a lot at the moment. c) Jerry said I was studying English a lot at that moment. 12) ‘I get up every morning at seven o’clock.’, Peter said. a) Peter said he got up every morning at seven o’clock. b) Peter said I got up every morning at seven o’clock. c) Peter said he had got up every morning at seven o’clock. 13) Susan reassured me, ‘I can come tonight.’ a) Susan told me I could come that night. b) Susan told me she could come that night. c) Susan told me she could come tomorrow evening. 14) Jack said, ‘He must be guilty!’ a) Jack said he must have been guilty. b) Jack said he must have be guilty. c) Jack said he must has been guilty. 15) Cheryl asked her, ‘How long have you lived here?’ a) Cheryl asked her how long she has lived there. b) Cheryl asked her how long she lived there. c) Cheryl asked her how long she had lived there.


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Task No. 146
Choose the Correct Answer for the Questions Below. It tests what you learned on the Reported Speech pages.

This task is about Reported Speech. If you need reference about this material before do this task, you can visit :

Reported Speech

Answer the following questions.

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BRITISH Course Admin is an English teacher and undergraduate student of university in central java. English is a favorite lesson during admin’s study. This site is a space to share English lesson to contribute in English development for English learner. Admin hopes this site can be useful for all of us.

Обновлено: 13.04.2023

Далее вы можете набрать еще 40 баллов. Автоматически это проверить нельзя, поэтому сделайте реалистичный прогноз о том, сколько бы вы смогли набрать баллов, и получите ваш итоговый результат ЕГЭ.

Если возник вопрос по ответу, в котором вы ошиблись, можете задать его в комментариях.

Раздел 4. ПИСЬМО

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Mark who writes:

. Guess what! All my friends are going to ‘Waterland’ next week and I can’t swim! What shall I do? If I go with my friends, they will be teasing me all the time. I have wanted to learn to swim for a long time but I feel embarrassed to start learning at my age. What would you advise me to do? Is it difficult to learn how to swim? How many lessons will I need?
Well, I’d better go now as my mum’s calling me for dinner.

Write back to Mark.
In your letter
— answer his questions
— ask 3 questions about his favourite sports
Write 100 — 140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.

За это задание вы можете получить 6 баллов максимум.

Пример ответа на задание 39

Thanks for your recent letter. I’m glad you got over the flu!
Well, I think you shouldn’t feel embarrassed. I guess there are lots of attractions in ‘Waterland’ like water slides or water games so nobody will notice that you can’t swim. You should definitely go there and have fun!
Yet I would start learning to swim, if I were you. It isn’t very difficult so you’ll need five or six lessons. Swimming is my favourite sport because it’s a good exercise for the whole body so you’ll always stay in shape.
And what about you? What sports do you enjoy? Have you got any time for sports? Have you ever tried any extreme sports?
Well, I’d better go now as I have to do the shopping. Write soon!

Comment on the following statement.

Lots of teens believe that it’s important to look nice. However, adults often think that young people pay too much attention to their appearance and fashion.

What is your opinion? Do you care what you wear?

Write 200 — 250 words.

Use the following plan:

— make an introduction (state the problem)
— express your personal opinion and give 2—3 reasons for your opinion
— express an opposing opinion and give 1—2 reasons for this opposing opinion
— explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
— make a conclusion restating your position

За это задание вы можете получить 14 баллов максимум.

Пример ответа на задание 40

What people wear says a lot about who they are and what they do, and it is not surprising that teenagers are so concerned about their clothes. Nevertheless, their parents think that following fashion is a waste of time.
From my point of view, it is important to look smart and attractive because we cannot go through life with the same hairstyle or make-up. I also believe it is necessary for teenagers to follow fashion. When you are up with fashion, you feel confident. What is more, everyone should find their own style to express their individuality. I hate when people dress alike. Personally, I prefer hand-made or designer clothes and try to look stylish.
However, many parents do not understand why teens spend so much time and money on their clothes. Quite a lot of adults are old-fashioned and do not accept modern trends in clothing. They say that fashion comes and goes but classical style remains.
As for me, I cannot agree with them because teenage fashion is quite specific. Nobody likes to dress in styles that are too old for them, and it is no fun being teased because of it. Moreover, clothes will be especially important in our future career, so learning to choose the right clothes is worth spending time and money.
In conclusion, I would argue that our modern lifestyle forces us to look stylish because people judge us by our clothes. Therefore I think we should try and look as attractive as possible.


— За 1,5 минуты нужно подготовиться и в следующие 1,5 минуты выразительно прочитать текст вслух — 1 балл.
— Составление 5 вопросов на основе ключевых слов. На подготовку отводится 1,5 минуты, затем каждый вопрос надо сформулировать в течение 20 секунд — 5 баллов.
— 3 фотографии. Нужно выбрать 1 и описать ее по предложенному тут же в задании плану за 3,5 минуты — 7 баллов.
— 2 картинки. Нужно сравнить их, описать сходства и различия, объяснить, почему выбранная тематика близка выпускнику, за 3,5 минуты — 7 баллов.


Генри очень старый. Никто точно не знает сколько ему лет, но:

Оба предложения означают: ‘Люди говорят, что ему 108 лет’.

Вы можете использовать эти кострукции с многими другими глаголами, особенно:

alleged believed considered expected known reported thought understood

Сравните эти две конструкции:

    Cathy works very hard. Кэти много работает.
    Говорят, она работает 16 часов в день.

It is said that she works 16 hours a day.
She is said to work 16 hours a day.
It is believed that the boy is wearing a white pullover and blue jeans.
The boy is believed to be wearing a white pullover and blue jeans.
It is expected that it will end soon.
The strike is expected to end soon.
It is alleged that he hit a policeman.
He is alleged to have hit a policeman.
It is said that there is a secret tunnel between them.
There is said to be a secret tunnel between them.

These structures are often used in news reports. For example, in a report about an accident: Эти конструкции часто используют в программах новостей. Для примера, вот репортаж о несчастном случае:

It is reported that two people were injured in the explosion.
Two people are reported to have been injured in the explosion.

Сообщается, что двое людей пострадали в результате взрыва.

Иногда (it is) supposed to . = (it is) said to . :

  • I want to see that film. It’s supposed to be good. (= говорят, он хороший)
  • Mark is supposed to have hit a policeman, but I don’t believe it.

Но иногда supposed to (предполагается) имеет другое значение. Мы используем supposed to, чтобы сказать о том, что мы намеревались, планировали или ожидали сделать. Часто реальное положение дел отличается от наших планов.

  • The plan is supposed to be a secret, but everybody seems to know about it. (= план должен был быть секретным)
  • What are you doing at work? You’re supposed to be on holiday. (= вы запланировали быть в отпуске)
  • Our guests were supposed to come at 7.30, but they were late.
  • Jane was supposed to phone me last night, but she didn’t.
  • I’d better hurry. I’m supposed to be meeting Chris in ten minutes. (Я должен встретиться с Крисом через 10 минут.)

You’re not supposed to do something = не разрешается или не рекомендуется:

  • You’re not supposed to park your car here. It’s private parking only.
    Здесь не разрешается парковаться. Это частная парковка.
  • Jeff is much better after his illness, but he’s still not supposed to do any heavy work.
    Джэф выглядит намного лучше после болезни, но ему все еще не стоит заниматься тяжелой работой.


1. Напишите эти предложения другим способом, начиная с уже написанных слов. Каждый раз используйте выделенное слово.

  1. It is expected that the strike will end soon.
  2. It is expected that the weather will be good tomorrow.
  3. It is believed that the thieves got in through a window in the roof.
  4. It is reported that many people are homeless after the floods.
  5. It is thought that the prisoner escaped by climbing over a wall.
  6. It is alleged that the man was driving at 110 miles an hour.


  • It is said that the company is losing a lot of money.
  • It is believed that the company lost a lot of money last year.
  • It is expected that the company will make a loss this year.


2. Об Алане ходит много слухов. Вот некоторые из них:

Никто не уверен правдивые они или нет. Напишите предложения об Алане, используя supposed to.


3. Закончите предложения, используя supposed to be + следующее:

on a diet a flower my friend a joke a secret working

  1. Everybody seems to know about the plan, but it .
  2. You shouldn’t criticise me all the time. You .
  3. I shouldn’t be eating this cake really. I .
  4. I’m sorry for what I said. I was trying to be funny. It .
  5. What’s this drawing? Is it a tree? Or maybe it .
  6. You shouldn’t be reading the paper now. You .


4. Напишите предложения с supposed to + следующие глаголы:

arrive block park phone start

Используйте отрицание (not supposed to), если необходимо.

Вы хотите сообщить кому-нибудь о том, что сказал Пол. Есть два способа это сделать:

Вы можете повторить слова Пола (direct speech — прямая речь):
Paul said, ‘I’m feeling ill.’

Или вы можете использовать reported speech — косвенную (непрямую) речь:
Paul said that he was feeling ill.


В косвенной речи основной глагол (Paul said that . / I told her that . и др.) и остальная часть предложения обычно находятся в прошедшем времени:

That можно и не использовать, т.е. вы можете сказать:

  • Paul said that he was feeling ill. или Paul said he was feeling ill.

Как правило, форма настоящего времени в прямой речи изменяется на форму прошедшего времени в косвенной речи:

am/is → was
are → were
do/does → did
have/has → had
will → would
can → could

want/like/know/go etc. → wanted/liked/knew/went etc.

Сравните прямую и косвенную речь:

Вы встретили Дженни. Вот кое-что из того, что она сказала в прямой речи:

Позже вы сообщаете кому-то о том, что сказала Дженни, используя косвенную речь:

‘My parents are very well.’

Jenny said that her parents were very well.

‘I’m going to learn to drive.’

She said that she was going to learn to drive.

‘I want to buy a car.’

She said that she wanted to buy a car.

‘John has a new job.’

She said that John had a new job.

‘I can’t come to the party on Friday.’

She said that she couldn’t come to the party on Friday.

‘I don’t have much free time.’

She said she didn’t have much free time.

I’m going away for a few days. I’ll phone you when I get back.’

She said that she was going away for a few days and would phone me when she got back.

The past simple (did/saw/knew и т.д.) обычно может оставаться таким же и в косвенной речи, или вы можете изменить его на the past perfect (had done / had seen / had known и т.д.):

Paul said: ‘I woke up feeling ill, so I didn’t go to work.’

Paul said (that) he woke up feeling ill, so he didn’t go to work. или
Paul said (that) he had woken up feeling ill, so he hadn’t gone to work.


1. Вчера вы встретили своего друга, Стива. Вы давно его не видели. Вот кое-что из того, что Стива вам сказал:

1. I’m living in London.

2. My father isn’t very well.

3. Rachel and Mark are getting married next month.

4. My sister has had a baby.

5. I don’t know what Frank is doing.

6. I saw Helen at a party in June and she seemed fine.

7. I haven’t seen Diane recently.

8. I’m not enjoying my job very much.

9. You can come and stay at my place if you’re ever in London.

10. My car was stolen a few days ago.

11. I want to go on holiday, but I can’t afford it.

12. I’ll tell Chris I saw you.

Позже этим днем вы сообщаете другому другу то, что вам сказал Стив. Используйте косвенную речь.



2. Сейчас вам говорят одно, в то же время еще недавно вам говорили об этом совсем противоположные вещи. Закончите ответы.

    A: That restaurant is expensive.
    B: Is it? I thought you said

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

1. She has been reading the novel …….fits & starts for a month already.

2. I can’t swear …….it, but I think she is contributing articles to our newspaper.

3. ………my annoyance they have revealed our secret.

4. The wounded animal roared …………. pain.

5. Jenny’s remarks were indecent (неприличные, непристойные) & we all felt indignant

6. Never hit animals …………….sticks.

7. Sara was………………those bushes but we could see her long shadow.

8. Ignorance ………… the law is no excuse.

9. Sir Walter left the room ……………..annoyance.

10. Never dare you hit her ………… the face.

11. We have lived for many years ………….total ignorance ………. the fact that we have an elder

12. In my opinion his refusal to accept the invitation will be regarded as an insult ………the whole

13. He said he couldn’t swear ………it, but in his view Nora had stolen the documents.

14. We understand that the situation is ……………..our control.

15. Unfortunately my little brother hit his knee ………….the chair & didn’t want to play.

16.How dare you shout & swear ……….your mother?

II.Give the Russian equivalents:

2. To resist the temptation

5. To admit one’s ignorance

8. by fits & starts

13. to confess one’s ignorance

III. Complete the sentences with the correct words derived from the words in bold on the right.

1. The enemy offered strong ………………………… but it was broken down.

2. He was a true ………………………….. . 3. She was a believer, & she said with …………………………. that it seemed such an awful thing to begin the day like that.

4. He would go out for a stroll round the garden & ……………………… hear the bagpipes hitting a high note without being prepared for it.

5. She is ……………………… about computers.

6. These apples are sour, how ………………………!

7. If you say something ………………………., you say it very seriously.

8. The wind was blowing……………………. it was hard to breath.

9. …………………….& using swearwords are considered offensive.

10. A lot of people were very …………………… to the idea of working at the weekend.

IV. Choose the right words to complete the sentences.

1. Suddenly I hit on/ out a radical solution to the problem.

2. They accused him of not having done enough, & he hit back/ out at their claims.

3. If you criticize the way James works, he is sure to hit for/ back.

4. Some companies would be hit at/ for millions of dollars in fine.

5. In her speech she hit on/ out against the club’s petty rules.

6. He didn’t see the people attacking him, he just hit back/ out wildly in all directions.

7. I t was clear that sooner or later the police would hit at/ upon the truth.

8. In his article the journalist hit back/ out at racism.

9. The sneer was obvious, but he didn’t hit for/ out.

10. Colin never starts a fight, but if somebody hits him, he hits them back/ on.

V. Complete the sentences with the suitable words:

to cry/ to sob/ to weep

1. Jane took the death of her younger brother badly & …her heart out.

2. Sarah didn’t want anybody to see that she was upset, so she quickly went to her room

where she …bitter tears.

3. The child was … for his mother.

4. Don’t you dare … in public!

5. He put his head on his arms & … like a baby.

6. She began to … uncontrollably.

7…., the mourners followed the coffin to the churchyard.

8. She couldn’t stop … & … herself to sleep.

to take/ to bring to /to fetch

9. He … his friends with him when he came to see us.

10. Could you … me my hat from the corridor?

11. Please, … rulers & pencils to every lesson.

12. When I travel I always … little luggage with me.

13. Could you … the dry-cleaning on your way home?

14. I want to be … seriously.

15. He … what I said as a criticism.

16. Spring … warm weather.

to long/ to yearn/ to wish

17. She … she had stayed at home.

18. We are … for your return.

19. Ruth knows she will never be able to visit her motherland but all these years she has been

20. Everyone has the right to get a higher education if he or she… .

21. It was cold outside & Mary was … for a hot bath.

VI. Refer the names of these musical instruments to the proper category:

piccolo, organ, clarinet, banjo, piano, violin, cello, saxophone, tuba, cymbals, grand piano, tambourine, trumpet, guitar, double bass, harp, trombone, viola, drum, vibraphone, bassoon

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Изучите следующую ситуацию:

Вы хотите сообщить кому-нибудь о том, что сказал Пол. Есть два способа это сделать:

Вы можете повторить слова Пола (direct speech — прямая речь):
Paul said, ‘I’m feeling ill.’

Или вы можете использовать reported speech — косвенную (непрямую) речь:
Paul said that he was feeling ill.




В косвенной речи основной глагол (Paul said that … / I told her that … и др.) и остальная часть предложения обычно находятся в прошедшем времени:

  • Paul said that he was feeling ill.
    Пол сказал, что он плохо себя чувствовал.
  • I told Lisa that I didn’t have any money.
    Я сказал Лизе, что у меня не было денег.

That можно и не использовать, т.е. вы можете сказать:

  • Paul said that he was feeling ill. или Paul said he was feeling ill.

Как правило, форма настоящего времени в прямой речи изменяется на форму прошедшего времени в косвенной речи:

am/is → was

are → were

do/does → did
have/has → had

will → would
can → could

want/like/know/go etc. → wanted/liked/knew/went etc.

Сравните прямую и косвенную речь:

Вы встретили Дженни. Вот кое-что из того, что она сказала в прямой речи:

Позже вы сообщаете кому-то о том, что сказала Дженни, используя косвенную речь:

‘My parents are very well.’

Jenny said that her parents were very well.

‘I’m going to learn to drive.’

She said that she was going to learn to drive.

‘I want to buy a car.’

She said that she wanted to buy a car.

‘John has a new job.’

She said that John had a new job.

‘I can’t come to the party on Friday.’

She said that she couldn’t come to the party on Friday.

‘I don’t have much free time.’

She said she didn’t have much free time.

I’m going away for a few days. I’ll phone you when I get back.’

She said that she was going away for a few days and would phone me when she got back.


The past simple (did/saw/knew и т.д.) обычно может оставаться таким же и в косвенной речи, или вы можете изменить его на the past perfect (had done / had seen / had known и т.д.):


Paul said: ‘I woke up feeling ill, so I didn’t go to work.’


Paul said (that) he woke up feeling ill, so he didn’t go to work. или
Paul said (that) he had woken up feeling ill, so he hadn’t gone to work.


1. Вчера вы встретили своего друга, Стива. Вы давно его не видели. Вот кое-что из того, что Стива вам сказал:

1. I’m living in London.

2. My father isn’t very well.

3. Rachel and Mark are getting married next month.

4. My sister has had a baby.

5. I don’t know what Frank is doing.

6. I saw Helen at a party in June and she seemed fine.

7. I haven’t seen Diane recently.

8. I’m not enjoying my job very much.

9. You can come and stay at my place if you’re ever in London.

10. My car was stolen a few days ago.

11. I want to go on holiday, but I can’t afford it.

12. I’ll tell Chris I saw you.

Позже этим днем вы сообщаете другому другу то, что вам сказал Стив. Используйте косвенную речь.

  1. Key


2. Сейчас вам говорят одно, в то же время еще недавно вам говорили об этом совсем противоположные вещи. Закончите ответы.

  1. A: That restaurant is expensive.
    B: Is it? I thought you said

  2. A: Sue is coming to the party tonight.
    B: Is she? I thought you said she

  3. A: Sarah likes Paul.
    B: Does she? Last week you said

  4. A: I know lots of people.
    B: Do you? I thought you said

  5. A: Jane will be here next week.
    B: Will she? But didn’t you say

  6. A: I’m going out this evening.
    B: Are you? But you said

  7. A: I can speak a little French.
    B: Can you? But earlier you said

  8. A: I haven’t been to the cinema for ages.
    B: Haven’t you? I thought you said


Упражнения на косвенную речь в английском языке


Автор: Татьяна Пелых Раздел:   Упражнения Дата публикации: 27.05.2021  

При необходимости повторите правила образования косвенной речи (согласование времен).

Для максимально эффективного усвоение языка выполняйте упражнения вслух устно.

Упражнение 1. Переведите предложения с прямой речью в косвенную (простые примеры)

Прочитайте предложение с прямой речью и постройте вслух предложение с косвенной. Для проверки вашего ответа нажмите на предложение с прямой речью и вы увидите ответ.

Пример: Tom: «I am doing my homework right now». → Tom said (that) he was doing his homework right now.

Упражнение 2. Переведите предложения с прямой речью в косвенную (простые примеры)

Упражнение 3. Согласование времен в вопросительных предложениях, повелительных и исключениях (средние и сложные примеры)

Переведите предложения с прямой речью в косвенную.

Пример: Tom: «I am doing my homework right now». → Tom said (that) he was doing his homework right now.

Упражнение 4. Переведите на английский язык

Переведите предложения с косвенной речью с русского на английский.

Пример: Она сказала она может ездить на том велосипеде. -> She said (that) she could ride that bike.

Упражнения на грамматику

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Татьяна Пелых

Здравствуйте, меня зовут Татьяна. Я преподаю английский язык студентам, школьникам и взрослым, начавшим изучать язык с нуля. Готовлю к выезду за границу, к сдаче экзаменов и тестов.
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