He doesn t know what the word

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Open the brackets. Откройте скобки.
1. He doesn’t know what the word (mean).
2. I didn’t think that he (look) like his father very much.
3. We decided that when winter (come), we (ski and skate) every Sunday.
4. The landlady remembered that my parents (stay) at her house once.
5. We didn’t suppose that they (can come) across each other in that city.
6. I won’t tell him that I (not work) at the moment.
Insert modal verbs. Заполните пропуски модальные глаголами.
7. I am play tennis in my youth, but I am play it anymore.
8. … I keep the book till Monday?
9. … you tell me the way to the nearest bank?
10. We … leave yet. We’ve got plenty of time.
11. She seems to be in trouble. We … help her.
12. When you come to London, you … come and see us.
13. I am afraid I am settle this problem till Friday.
14. I’ve bought everything, so you … go shopping.
15. She has recovered and … stay in bed.
16. Do you know if David is at home? – He … be in his office but I am not sure.
17. Are they British? – Yes, they … be British.
18. John … visit his parents more often.
19. I think Tom … accept the job offer.

1 ответ:



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день. Его сын обычно помогает ему. Он берет своего коня на прогулку.
Коня зовут Рыжик, потому что он рыжий.</span>

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  • #1

Hi all,

I’m reading an article which was written by someone about a week ago. I think one word in the article is misused. In talking about this now, which of the following should I say?

1. I think he doesn’t know what the word means.
2. I think he didn’t know what the word means.
3. I think he didn’t know what the word meant.

My guess is only 3 is correct because I’m basing my opinion on something written a week ago, so every verb should be in the past tense.

Am I right?


  • #3

I wouldn’t personally have any objection to the present tenses in (1) there.

You can look at from the perspective of reading the article now and coming to a conclusion in your mind, based on that, as to what it signifies to you. As you’ve explained to us: «I think one word in the article is misused».

not know the meaning of the word

To be completely without the particular quality, trait, or characteristic that is being described. Integrity? Ha! John doesn’t know the meaning of the word! Oh please, Janet, you don’t know the meaning of the word «poor.»

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

not know the meaning of the word

If you mention a word and say that someone doesn’t know the meaning of the word, you mean that they do not have a particular quality or have never done or experienced a particular thing. Love? He doesn’t know the meaning of the word! Ruthie was an optimist; she didn’t even know the meaning of the word depression. Note: Nouns such as phrase and term are sometimes used instead of word. Patrick doesn’t know the meaning of the phrase `speed limit’.

Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed. © HarperCollins Publishers 2012

not know the meaning of the word

behave as if unaware of the concept referred to or implied. informal

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

not know the ˈmeaning of the word

(disapproving) not have enough experience of something to understand what it really is; not be capable of really understanding something: Love? He doesn’t know the meaning of the word.They talk about justice, but they don’t know the meaning of the word.

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

See also:

  • there was/is something about (someone or something)
  • there’s something about (someone or something)
  • there’s something about somebody/something
  • prove (to be) (something)
  • prove to be
  • as (something) as they come
  • as as they come
  • as clever, stupid, etc. as they come
  • How (something) can you be?
  • how selfish, stupid, ungrateful, etc. can you get?

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You don’t know what the word means.

If you don’t know what the word means, look it up in a dictionary.

You don’t know what the word means.

If that’s not a conflict, I don’t know what the word means.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Предложения с «doesn’t know what he»

He doesn’t know what he’ll find, but that’s the beauty of being part of the swarm: Even if you don’t know where you’re going, you still get there.

Он не знает, что он в конечном итоге обнаружит, но в этом и состоит прелесть – быть частью стаи: даже если вы сами не знаете, куда именно вы идете, вы все равно там окажетесь.

The last e-mail says Black will be the guy wearing a leather jacket and carrying a copy of Atlas shrugged, which tells me he doesn’t know what he looks like.

В последнем электронном сообщении говориться, что Блэк будет парнем в черном кожанном пиджаке с Атлант расправил плечи в руках, из чего я делаю вывод что он не знает как Блэк выглядит.

It’s for that he’s sent for me now; to be married tomorrow, secretly, out of town. But you see, he doesn’t know what he’s doing.

Он ведь для того меня и зовет теперь, чтоб завтра же обвенчаться потихоньку, за городом; да ведь он не знает, что делает.

Yeah, well, what if he doesn’t know what he’s doing once he turns … he … he blacks out or something?

Что, если он не знает, что делает, когда превращается… он… отключается или что — то вроде того?

Or rather, that he doesn’t know what he thought didn’t see in the hotel.

или точнее, он не знает, что он думал не увидеть в гостинице.

You say, aha, the muzhik is the enemy of all order, he doesn’t know what he wants himself.

Вы скажете, ага, мужик враг всякого порядка, он сам не знает, чего хочет.

I have deleted edit by anonymous user who doesn’t know what he/she is talking about, obviously.

Я удалил правку анонимного пользователя, который, очевидно, не знает, о чем он говорит.

It says that the robot does not know what those human values are, so it has to maximize them, but it doesn’t know what they are.

Оно гласит: робот не знает, что именно относится к человеческим ценностям, он должен приумножать их, не зная, что они из себя представляют.

My great grandmother did not know that word feminist, but it doesn’t mean that she wasn’t one.

Моя прабабушка не знала слова феминистка, но это не значит, что она ею не была.

I do think he’s a moral freak, and I think he’ll be undone by that fact, the fact that he just doesn’t know anything about anything and is uncurious about it.

Да, он моральный инвалид, и думаю, что его погубит тот факт, что он полный профан в некоторых вопросах, даже не интересуется ими.

No one really seems to know, but the fact that it doesn’t matter says something about how we add meaning to words.

Никто не в курсе, но это и не важно, что и демонстрирует суть того, как мы наделяем слова смыслом.

But you know what, that looks like a real organism, doesn’t it?

Выглядит, как настоящий живой организм, правда?

A building doesn’t tell its designers whether or not the people inside like being there, and the toy manufacturer doesn’t know if a toy is actually being played with — how and where and whether or not it’s any fun.

Здание не скажет архитекторам, нравится ли людям находиться внутри него, а производитель игрушек не знает точно, будут ли с его игрушками играть: как, где, когда и понравятся ли они детям.

I know my struggle doesn’t make theirs any easier.

Я знаю, что мои усилия не сделают их борьбу легче.

And if you’re still kind of thinking in sci-fi mode, consider that the world of science had a huge shock earlier this year, and the public largely doesn’t even know about it.

И если вы всё ещё считаете это фантастикой, подумайте о том, что многие даже не догадываются, что научный мир испытал в этом году огромное потрясение.

Who doesn’t know that?

Это всем известно!

It’s complex, and a lot of the terms are quite technical, so the average person probably doesn’t need to know at least a third of it.

Она сложна, в ней много технических терминов, поэтому обычному человеку, возможно, не нужно знать и трети всего этого.

It doesn’t really exist in that part of the world, and I feel it’s really the right of everybody to know how these things work.

Но в этой части мира его фактически нет, и я чувствую, что это право каждого человека — знать, как всё это работает.

Well, Rachel doesn’t even know and she’s already twenty three, so,
Do your brothers go to school?

Ну, даже Рейчел не знает, а ей уже двадцать три года, поэтому,
Твои братья учатся в школе?

Don’t pay attention to Jack, he doesn’t know when to stop.

Не обращайте внимания на Джека, ему часто изменяет чувство меры.

It doesn’t really but it’s just nice to know.

На самом деле нет, но просто приятно знать.

Mara says she doesn’t know anything about the trouble.

Мара говорит, что ничего не знает об этой беде.

Ted doesn’t even know Sutton has a twin.

Тед даже не знал, что у Саттон есть близнец.

Besides, one can’t be a learned and well-educated person if he doesn’t know at least one foreign language.

Кроме того, нельзя быть эрудированным и образованным человеком, не зная по крайней мере одного иностранного языка.

If a specialist doesn’t know a foreign language he can’t use all the foreign books which he needs in his work.

Если специалист не знает иностранный язык, он не может пользоваться всеми книгами на иностранном языке, которые ему нужны для работы.

мфThere isn’t a person in the world who doesn’t know about Bill Gates.

Не существует в мире человека, который не знал бы Билла Гейтса.

The great German poet Goethe once said, He, who knows no foreign language, doesn’t know his own one .

Великий немецкий поэт Гете однажды сказал: Кто не знает иностранных языков — не знает и своего языка.

I always remember these famous words and I’m going to teach them to my pupils: He, who doesn’t know a foreign language, doesn’t know his own language.

Я всегда помню эти известные слова и хочу сказать их своим ученикам: Тот, кто не знает иностранного языка, не знает и своего собственного.

Generally, it is the time when a person is taken care of by his or her parents, one doesn’t have to earn one’s living and make decisions as important as a grown-up has to and the duties are not so numerous* Youth is surely the time when you get to know a lot of new things, and your perception and emotions are fresh and strong, which can sometimes make you feel happy.

Вообще, это — время, когда о человеке заботятся его или её родители, нельзя заработать проживание и принять решения, столь же важные, поскольку взрослый имеет к, и обязанности не так numerous*, Молодежь — конечно время, когда Вы узнаете много новых вещей, и Ваше восприятие и эмоции являются новыми и сильными, который может иногда заставлять Вас чувствовать себя счастливыми.

The father doesn’t want to know, poisons him and dumps him in the water.

Отец знать его не хочет, травит его и топит в воде.

He will embrace you with the upper part of his body in darkness because he doesn’t know you well.

Он будет нежно обнимать тебя в темноте, потому что он не очень хорошо тебя знает.

Don’t you know Bart and lil’s list of rules doesn’t apply to me?

Ты не знала, что правила Барта и Лили на меня не распространяются?

It goes off and shoots a woman she doesn’t even know.

Он выстреливает и попадает в женщину, которую она даже не знает.

We all know it doesn’t matter who gets elected president.

Мы все прекрасно знаем, что не имеет никакого значения, кого выберут президентом Карвера.

The Ezra I know doesn’t have a mean bone in his body.

Я знаю, что Эзра не может быть подлым.

Doesn’t it make sense for you to nominate someone you know so well?

Разве не логично выдвинуть кандидатуру кого — то, кого вы хорошо знаете?

I don’t even know why I’m trying to defend myself in a situation that doesn’t make any sense.

Я даже не понимаю, почему пытаюсь защитить себя в абсолютно бессмысленной ситуации.

I don’t know, but satellite imagery doesn’t match with the property manifests.

Я не знаю, но изображения со спутника не совпадают с переписью имущества.

What if it doesn’t know not to pick up knives or stick its finger in an electric socket?

А вдруг он не знает, что нельзя трогать ножи или совать пальцы в розетку?

I know that he’s rich. I know that he can’t match your hunger for adventure or your sense of humour and doesn’t understand you sexually.

Он богат, но не понимает вашего юмора и жажды приключений, и абсолютно пресный в сексе.

I don’t know if somebody left it to you in their will, but your little stake doesn’t mean anything here.

Не знаю, кто тебе что внушил, но твоя небольшая доля здесь ничего не значит.

Your crew doesn’t know anything about my crew’s background or vice versa.

Вашей команде ничего не известно о прежней деятельности моего экипажа, и наоборот.

Gaviria doesn’t want the gringos to know he’s willing to negotiate with you.

Гавирия не хочет, чтобы гринго знали, что он готов на переговоры.

But doesn’t he know that you are taking his nose in vain?

Неужели он не знает, что вы используете всуе его внешность?

You were fine, but your friend Ron sure doesn’t know how to behave around celebrities.

Ты справилась, но твой друг Рон точно не знает как нужно вести себя со знаменитостями.

He doesn’t know a lot, but he’s about to discover the ultimate wingman.

Он многого не знает, но он на пороге нового открытия.

She doesn’t know how to compromise.

Она не умеет идти на компромисс.

You’re the guy who doesn’t know how to pour milk!

Ты был парнишкой, который не мог налить себе молока!

And my dad doesn’t really know how to drive that well.

И мой отец действительно не знал как правильно вести.

He would rather be with someone who doesn’t even know him anymore.

Он предпочитает быть с кем — то, кто уже не знает его.

Now, when the kid on the right doesn’t get up, we know they’ve had a concussion.

Итак, когда парень справа не поднимается, мы знаем, что у него сотрясение мозга.

He won’t be expecting me and he doesn’t know my connection to any of you.

Я он не ожидает увидеть меня и он не знает, что меня связывает с любым из вас.

I like a man that doesn’t pretend to know his way around the kitchen.

Люблю мужчин, которые не притворяются, что знают всё о кухне.

She doesn’t need to know all that.

Она не должна знать всего этого.

To anyone who doesn’t know orchids, it’s dark and droopy and it’s ugly.

Для любого, кто не разбирается в орхидеях Темная, отвисшая, некрасивая…

Graceland doesn’t exist just because there were a few agents who wanted an ocean view, you know?

Грейсленд существует не потому что парочке агентов нравится смотреть на океан.

Fez is going on a date with Suzy, who’s going on a date with me and doesn’t know she’s going on a date with fez.

Фез идет на встречу с Сьюзи, которая идет на свидание со мной и не знает что идет на свидание с Фезом.

Hoffman doesn’t know anything, but what a scene.

Хоффман ничего не знал, но что за сцена.

All right, so now we know who doesn’t want you to do this… the villain.

Хорошо, мы знаем, кто не хочет, чтобы ты делала это… злодей.

Arthur doesn’t know how to do magic.

Артур не знает, как пользоваться магией.

👋 Привет Лёва


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2 года назад

Английский язык

5 — 9 классы

10. Choose the correct sentence:
Q. He don’t smoke
B. He not smoke
C. He doesn’t smokes
D. He doesn’t smoke
11. Choose the correct sentence:
A. What means this word?
B. What does mean this word?
C. What does this word mean?
D) What is this word mean?
пж помогите​

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2 года назад

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10 после doesn’t никогда не прибавляется окончание глаголу

(1 оценка)


  • 1

    (a) mot


    ; mot


    , parole



    ironic (what) fine words! quelles belles paroles!;

    what is the Russian word for «head»?, what is the word for «head» in Russian? comment dit-on «head» en russe?;

    she can’t put her ideas/her feelings into words elle ne trouve pas les mots pour exprimer ses idées/ce qu’elle ressent;

    I can’t find (the) words to tell you how glad I am! je ne saurais vous dire à quel point je suis content!;

    there are no words to describe or words cannot describe how I feel aucun mot ne peut décrire ce que je ressens;

    lazy isn’t the word for it! paresseux, c’est peu dire!;

    figurative he doesn’t know the meaning of the word «generosity» il ne sait pas ce que veut dire le mot «générosité»;

    he’s mad, there’s no other word for it il est fou, il n’y a pas d’autre mot;

    there’s a word for people like you, it’s «thief» les gens dans ton genre, on les appelle des voleurs;

    I don’t believe a word of it! je n’en crois pas un mot!;

    that’s my last or my final word on the matter c’est mon dernier mot (sur la question);

    can I give you a word of warning/of advice? puis-je vous mettre en garde/vous conseiller?;

    he’s a man of few words c’est un homme peu loquace, c’est quelqu’un qui n’aime pas beaucoup parler;

    in the words of his boss, he’s a layabout à en croire son patron ou d’après (ce que dit) son patron, c’est un fainéant;

    by or through word of mouth oralement;

    (upon) my word! ma parole!, oh la la!;

    not a word! pas un mot!, bouche cousue!;

    words fail me! j’en perds la parole!, je suis stupéfait!;

    British it’s the last word in comfort c’est ce qui se fait de mieux en matière de confort;

    British it’s the last word in luxury c’est ce qu’on fait de plus luxueux

    (b) mot(s)


    , parole(s)



    can I have a word with you about the meeting? est-ce que je peux vous dire deux mots à propos de la réunion?;

    can I have a word? je voudrais vous parler un instant





    ; message


    , mot



    have you had any word from him? avez-vous eu de ses nouvelles?;

    (d) parole


    , promesse



    we held or we kept her to her word nous l’avons obligée à tenir sa parole;

    word of honour! parole d’honneur!;

    take my word (for it), it’s a bargain! croyez-moi, c’est une affaire!;

    a word to travellers, watch your luggage! un petit conseil aux voyageurs, surveillez vos bagages!;

    just give or say the word and we’ll be off vous n’avez qu’à donner le signal et nous partons

    (h) mot


    d’ordre; mot


    de passe;

    the word now is «democracy» le mot d’ordre maintenant, c’est «démocratie»

    (a) rédiger, formuler; rédiger;

    American familiar

    word (up)! parfaitement! ; sans dec!

    en un mot

    autrement dit, en d’autres termes

    word picture description


    imagée ou pittoresque; portrait


    en prose;

    Computing word wrap retour


    à la ligne automatique

    Un panorama unique de l’anglais et du français > word

  • 2



    1) palabra

    2) palabra

    3) noticia

    4) palabra



    — word processor
    — word processing
    — word-perfect
    — by word of mouth
    — get a word in edgeways
    — in a word
    — keep
    — break one’s word
    — take someone at his word
    — take at his word
    — take someone’s word for it
    — word for word

    he promised, he gave me his word me lo prometió, me dio su palabra


    2 (message, news) noticia

    word came that… llegó noticia (de) que…

    5 SMALLLINGUISTICS/SMALL palabra, vocablo, voz nombre femenino

    2 the Word SMALLRELIGION/SMALL el Verbo

    1 expresar, formular, redactar


    not to have a good word to say for somebody/something no decir absolutamente nada en favor de alguien/algo

    to break/go back on one’s word faltar a la palabra

    to have somebody’s word for it that… tener la palabra de alguien que…

    to put in/say a good word for somebody (intercede) interceder por alguien 2 (recommend) recomendar a alguien

    too… for words de lo más… que hay, indescriptiblemente…

    upon my word! ¡caramba!

    word processing procesamiento de textos, tratamiento de textos

    expresar, formular, redactar



    , vocablo


    , voz




    (de una canción, etc.)



    I wɜːrd, wɜːd




    (term, expression) palabra


    , vocablo




    ), voz





    `greenhouse’ is written as one word — `greenhouse’ se escribe todo junto

    it’s a long o big word — es una palabra difícil

    bad o naughty o rude word — palabrota f, mala palabra f (esp AmL), garabato m (Chi)

    what’s the German word for `dog’? — ¿cómo se dice `perro’ en alemán?

    what’s another word for `holiday’? — dame un sinónimo de `holiday’

    he was… what’s the word?… excommunicated — lo… ¿cómo se dice?… lo excomulgaron

    he didn’t say so in so many words, but that’s what he meant — no lo dijo así or con esas palabras, pero eso es lo que quiso decir

    by word of mouth: the news spread by word of mouth la noticia se fue transmitiendo or propagando de boca en boca; people got to know about it by word of mouth la gente se enteró porque se corrió la voz; from the word go desde el primer momento or desde el principio, desde el vamos (CS); the last word: to have the last word tener* or decir* la última palabra; the last word in computers la última palabra en computadoras; to eat one’s words: I was forced to eat my words me tuve que tragar lo que había dicho; to get a word in edgewise o (BrE) edgeways meter baza, meter la cuchara (fam); to hang on somebody’s every word sorber las palabras de alguien; to have a word with somebody about something hablar con alguien de or sobre algo; to have a word in somebody’s ear about something (BrE) hablar en privado con alguien de or sobre algo; to have words with somebody tener* unas palabras con alguien; to put in a (good) word for somebody recomendar* a alguien; ( for somebody in trouble) interceder por alguien; to put words into somebody’s mouth atribuirle* a alguien algo que no dijo; to take the words out of somebody’s mouth quitarle la(s) palabra(s) de la boca a alguien; to waste words gastar saliva; to weigh one’s words medir* sus (or mis etc) palabras; there’s many a true word spoken in jest! — lo dices en broma, pero…; mince I

    to keep/give one’s word — cumplir/dar* su (or mi etc) palabra

    to break one’s word, to go back on one’s word faltar a su (or mi etc) palabra; we only have his word for it no tenemos pruebas de ello, solo su palabra; you can take my word for it te lo aseguro; a man of his word un hombre de palabra; to be as good as one’s word: he was there all right, as good as his word allí estaba, tal como lo había prometido; to take somebody at her/his word — tomarle la palabra a alguien


    she left word with her secretary that… — dejó recado con la secretaria de que…, le dejó dicho a la secretaria que… (CS)

    word has it that… — corre la noticia or el rumor or la voz de que…, dicen que…, se dice que…

    to give the word (to + inf) — dar* la orden (de + inf)


    the word — el evangelio, la palabra de Dios


    transitive verb

    <<document/letter>> redactar; <<question>> formular


    1) palabra

    ; palabra

    ; (


    ) voz

    , vocablo

    I won’t hear a word against him — no permito que se le critique

    words fail me — no me lo puedo creer

    a man of few words — un hombre nada locuaz

    I can’t find (the) words to tell you… — no encuentro palabras para decirte…

    fine words — palabras elocuentes (pero quizá poco sinceras)

    word for word — palabra por palabra

    what’s the word for «shop» in Spanish? — ¿cómo se dice «shop» en español?

    I can’t get a word out of him — no logro sacarle una palabra

    in a word — en pocas palabras, en una palabra

    to have the last word in an argument — decir la última palabra en una discusión

    to measure one’s words — medir las palabras

    by word of mouth — verbalmente, de palabra

    a word of advice — un consejo

    I can’t put my feelings into words — no tengo palabras para expresar lo que siento

    don’t say a word about it — no digas nada de eso

    to weigh one’s words — medir las palabras

    with these words, he sat down — y tras pronunciar estas palabras se sentó

    without a word — sin decir palabra or ni pío

    — a word to the wise

    breathe 1., 2), eat 1., edgeways, mince



    to have words with sb — reñir or (esp LAm) pelear(se) con algn

    words passed between them — cambiaron algunas palabras injuriosas

    4) recado

    ; noticia

    , aviso

    to bring word of sth to sb — informar a algn de algo

    word came that… — llegó noticia de que…, se supo que…

    if word gets out that… — si sale a la luz que…, si llega a saberse que…

    the word is going round that… — se dice que…, corre la voz de que…

    word has it that…, the word is that… — se dice que…

    to leave word (with/for sb) that… — dejar recado (con/para algn) de que…, dejar dicho (con/para algn) que…

    there’s still no word from John — todavía no sabemos nada de John

    pass the word that it’s time to go — diles que es hora de marcharnos

    to send word — mandar recado

    to spread the word — propagar la noticia

    it’s his word against mine — es su palabra contra la mía

    to take sb at his word — aceptar lo que algn dice

    to break one’s word — faltar a or no cumplir la palabra

    to give sb one’s word (that…) — dar la palabra a algn (de que…)

    to go back on one’s word — faltar a la palabra

    you have my word — tienes mi palabra

    we only have or we’ve only got her word for it — todo lo que sabemos es lo que ella dice

    to hold or keep sb to his word — hacer que algn cumpla su palabra

    to keep one’s word — cumplir (lo prometido)

    (upon) my word! — ¡caramba!

    he’s a man of his word — es hombre de palabra

    I take your word for it — te creo, ¡basta con que me lo digas! *

    — his word is

    — be as good as one’s word

    7) (Rel) verbo , palabra




    * * *

    I [wɜːrd, wɜːd]




    (term, expression) palabra


    , vocablo




    ), voz





    `greenhouse’ is written as one word — `greenhouse’ se escribe todo junto

    it’s a long o big word — es una palabra difícil

    bad o naughty o rude word — palabrota f, mala palabra f (esp AmL), garabato m (Chi)

    what’s the German word for `dog’? — ¿cómo se dice `perro’ en alemán?

    what’s another word for `holiday’? — dame un sinónimo de `holiday’

    he was… what’s the word?… excommunicated — lo… ¿cómo se dice?… lo excomulgaron

    he didn’t say so in so many words, but that’s what he meant — no lo dijo así or con esas palabras, pero eso es lo que quiso decir

    by word of mouth: the news spread by word of mouth la noticia se fue transmitiendo or propagando de boca en boca; people got to know about it by word of mouth la gente se enteró porque se corrió la voz; from the word go desde el primer momento or desde el principio, desde el vamos (CS); the last word: to have the last word tener* or decir* la última palabra; the last word in computers la última palabra en computadoras; to eat one’s words: I was forced to eat my words me tuve que tragar lo que había dicho; to get a word in edgewise o (BrE) edgeways meter baza, meter la cuchara (fam); to hang on somebody’s every word sorber las palabras de alguien; to have a word with somebody about something hablar con alguien de or sobre algo; to have a word in somebody’s ear about something (BrE) hablar en privado con alguien de or sobre algo; to have words with somebody tener* unas palabras con alguien; to put in a (good) word for somebody recomendar* a alguien; ( for somebody in trouble) interceder por alguien; to put words into somebody’s mouth atribuirle* a alguien algo que no dijo; to take the words out of somebody’s mouth quitarle la(s) palabra(s) de la boca a alguien; to waste words gastar saliva; to weigh one’s words medir* sus (or mis etc) palabras; there’s many a true word spoken in jest! — lo dices en broma, pero…; mince I

    to keep/give one’s word — cumplir/dar* su (or mi etc) palabra

    to break one’s word, to go back on one’s word faltar a su (or mi etc) palabra; we only have his word for it no tenemos pruebas de ello, solo su palabra; you can take my word for it te lo aseguro; a man of his word un hombre de palabra; to be as good as one’s word: he was there all right, as good as his word allí estaba, tal como lo había prometido; to take somebody at her/his word — tomarle la palabra a alguien


    she left word with her secretary that… — dejó recado con la secretaria de que…, le dejó dicho a la secretaria que… (CS)

    word has it that… — corre la noticia or el rumor or la voz de que…, dicen que…, se dice que…

    to give the word (to + inf) — dar* la orden (de + inf)


    the word — el evangelio, la palabra de Dios


    transitive verb

    <<document/letter>> redactar; <<question>> formular

    English-spanish dictionary > word

  • 3


    1) saber, conocer

    2) saber, conocer

    3) conocer

    4) reconocer

    — knowingly
    — know-all
    — know-how
    — in the know
    — know backwards
    — know better
    — know how to
    — know the ropes




    do you know Colin? conoces a Colin?

    this building is known as «La Pedrera’ este edificio se conoce como «La Pedrera»

    do you know English? ¿sabes inglés?

    do you know where the station is? ¿sabe dónde está la estación?


    I know! ¡lo sé!, ¡ya lo sé!

    who knows? ¿quién sabe?

    don’t I know it! ¿y me lo dices a mí?, ¡ni que lo digas!

    how should I know? ¿yo qué sé?

    if only I’d known! ¡haberlo sabido!

    to know… from… distinguir entre… y…

    you know what? ¿sabes qué?

    I know what! ¡ya lo tengo!

    you know best tú sabes mejor que yo, sabes lo que más te conviene

    you ought to know better at your age! ¡a tu edad deberías saber comportarte mejor!


    conocer (a una persona, un lugar)


    distinguir, discernir



    subj: sep-

    1. nəʊ


    a) (have knowledge of, be aware of) saber*

    I don’t know his name/how old he is — no sé cómo se llama/cuántos años tiene

    how was I to know that… ? — ¿cómo iba yo a saber que… ?

    I don’t know that I agree/that I’ll be able to come — no sé si estoy de acuerdo/si podré ir

    I’ll have you know that… — has de saber que…, para que sepas,…

    before I knew where I was, it was ten o’clock — cuando quise darme cuenta, eran las diez

    it is well known that… — todo el mundo sabe que…

    it soon became known that… — pronto se supo que…

    to be known to + INF: he’s known to be dangerous se sabe que es peligroso; I know that for a fact me consta que es así; to let somebody know something decirle* algo a alguien, hacerle* saber or comunicarle* algo a alguien (frml); ( warn) avisarle algo a alguien; let me know how much it’s going to cost dime cuánto va a costar; he let it be known that… dio a entender que…; to make something known to somebody hacerle* saber algo a alguien; without our knowing it sin saberlo nosotros, sin que lo supiéramos; there’s no knowing what he might do quién sabe qué hará; do you know what! ¿sabes qué?; I know what: let’s go skating! tengo una idea: vayamos a patinar!; wouldn’t you know it: it’s starting to rain! no te digo, se ha puesto a llover!; not to know which way o where to turn no saber* qué hacer; to know something backwards: she knows her part backwards — se sabe el papel al dedillo or al revés y al derecho

    c) (have skill, ability)

    to know how to + INF — saber* + inf


    you know me/him: ever the optimist — ya me/lo conoces: siempre tan optimista

    to get to know somebody: how did they get to know each other? ¿cómo se conocieron?; I got to know him better/quite well llegué a conocerlo mejor/bastante bien; to get to know something <<subject/job>> familiarizarse* con algo; we knew her as Mrs Balfour — para nosotros era la Sra Balfour

    he has known poverty/success — ha conocido la pobreza/el éxito


    a) (recognize, identify) reconocer*

    to know something/somebody BY something — reconocer* algo/a alguien por algo

    to know something/somebody FROM something/somebody — distinguir* algo/a alguien de algo/alguien

    4) (see, experience) (only in perfect tenses)


    I won’t argue: you know best — no voy a discutir: tú sabrás

    I know! — ya sé!, tengo una idea!

    I’m not stupid, you know! — oye, que no soy tonto ¿eh? or ¿sabes?

    to know ABOUT something/somebody: he knows about computers sabe or entiende de computadoras; did you know about John? ¿sabías lo de John?, ¿estabas enterado de lo de John?; can I invite him? — I don’t know about that, we’ll have to see ¿lo puedo invitar? — no sé, veremos; to get to know about something enterarse de algo; to know OF something/somebody: she knew of their activities tenía conocimiento or estaba enterada de sus actividades; not that I know of que yo sepa, no; do you know of a good carpenter? ¿conoces a or sabes de algún carpintero bueno?; I don’t actually know her, I know of her — no la conozco personalmente, sólo de oídas








    Look up set combinations such as know the ropes, know one’s stuff, know sth backward at the other word.


    a) saber

    to know the difference between… — saber la diferencia entre…

    she knows a lot about chemistry — sabe mucho de química

    I know nothing about it, I don’t know anything about it — no sé nada de eso

    one minute you’re leaving school, then before you know it, you’ve got a family to support — dejas el colegio y al minuto siguiente, antes de darte cuenta, tienes una familia que mantener

    to know why/when/where/if — saber por qué/cuándo/dónde/si

    I’ll or I’d have you know that… — que sepas que…, para que te enteres,…

    you haven’t time, as well he knew — no tienes tiempo, como él bien sabía

    you know as well as I do that… — sabes tan bien como yo que…

    I don’t know whether or not you’ve heard, but… — no sé si has oído o no pero…

    — know what’s what

    that’s all you know! * — ¡y más que podría yo contarte!

    don’t I know it! — ¡a mí me lo vas a contar!

    «she’s furious» — «don’t I know it?» — -está furiosa -¡a mí me lo vas a contar!

    how was I to know that…? — ¿cómo iba yo a saber que…?

    I should have known you’d mess things up! — debería haberme figurado or imaginado que ibas a estropear las cosas

    do you know what, I think she did it! — ¿sabes una cosa? creo que lo hizo ella

    I know what, let’s drop in on Daphne! — ¡ya sé! ¡vamos a pasarnos por casa de Daphne!

    (well,) what do you know! * — ¿qué te parece?, ¡fíjate!, ¡mira nomás! (LAm)

    Peter, wouldn’t you know it, can’t come! — Peter, como era de esperar, no puede venir


    to know to do sth >: does he know to feed the rabbits? * — ¿sabe que tiene que dar de comer a los conejos?

    2) conocer; saber

    to know one’s classics/linguistic theory — saberse los clásicos/la teoría lingüística

    most of us know him only as a comedian — la mayoría de nosotros lo conocemos solo como comediante

    don’t you know me better than that! — ¿o es que no me conoces?, ¡como si no me conocieras!

    to know sb by sight/name — conocer a algn de vista/de nombre

    she knew him for a liar and a cheat — sabía que era un mentiroso y un tramposo

    they know each other from university — se conocen de la universidad

    if I know him, he’ll say no — me apuesto a que dice que no

    I’ve never known him to smile — nunca lo he visto sonreír

    I don’t know him to speak to — no lo conozco personalmente


    you know what I mean — ya me entiendes, ya sabes lo que quiero decir

    I know the problems that arise when… — sé los problemas que surgen cuando…

    5) reconocer

    I knew him by his voice — le reconocí por la voz

    to know right from wrong — saber distinguir el bien del mal


    I don’t know if or that it’s a very good idea — no sé si es una buena idea, no estoy seguro de que sea una buena idea

    to get to know sb (llegar a) conocer a algn

    to get to know sth

    as you get to know the piece better… — cuando conoces mejor la pieza…, cuando estás más familiarizado con la pieza…

    to let sb know…

    yes, I know — si, ya lo sé

    he thinks he’s going to get the job, but I know better — cree que va a conseguir el trabajo, pero yo sé mejor lo que cabe esperar

    you ought to know better than to… — ya deberías saber que no se puede…

    how should I know? — ¿cómo iba yo a saberlo?

    I know, let’s… — ya sé, vamos a…

    there’s no (way of) knowing — no hay manera de saberlo

    afterwards they just don’t want to know — después «si te he visto no me acuerdo»; después no quieren saber nada del asunto

    who knows? — ¿quién sabe?

    «was she annoyed about it?» — «I wouldn’t know» — -¿se enfadó por eso? -¿y yo que sé?

    it’s not easy, you know — no es fácil, sabes

    you know, I think I’m beginning to like Richard — ¿sabes? creo que me está empezando a gustar Richard

    all 2., 4)

    to know about

    to know about sth/sb: did you know about Paul? — ¿te has enterado de or sabes lo de Paul?

    «you must be delighted!» — «I don’t know about that» — ¡debes estar encantado! -no sé qué decirte

    «you’re a genius!» — «oh, I don’t know about that» — -¡eres un genio! -hombre, no sé qué decirte

    «I’m taking tomorrow off» — «I don’t know about that!» — -mañana me tomo el día libre -no sé, habrá que ver

    I don’t know about you, but I think it’s terrible — a ti no sé, pero a mí me parece terrible

    to get to know about sth enterarse de algo
    to know of conocer

    the first I knew of it was when Pete told me — lo primero que oí or supe del asunto fue lo que me dijo Pete

    not that I know of — que yo sepa, no

    to let sb know



    to be in the know * — estar enterado; estar al tanto or al corriente

    * * *

    1. [nəʊ]


    a) (have knowledge of, be aware of) saber*

    I don’t know his name/how old he is — no sé cómo se llama/cuántos años tiene

    how was I to know that… ? — ¿cómo iba yo a saber que… ?

    I don’t know that I agree/that I’ll be able to come — no sé si estoy de acuerdo/si podré ir

    I’ll have you know that… — has de saber que…, para que sepas,…

    before I knew where I was, it was ten o’clock — cuando quise darme cuenta, eran las diez

    it is well known that… — todo el mundo sabe que…

    it soon became known that… — pronto se supo que…

    to be known to + INF: he’s known to be dangerous se sabe que es peligroso; I know that for a fact me consta que es así; to let somebody know something decirle* algo a alguien, hacerle* saber or comunicarle* algo a alguien (frml); ( warn) avisarle algo a alguien; let me know how much it’s going to cost dime cuánto va a costar; he let it be known that… dio a entender que…; to make something known to somebody hacerle* saber algo a alguien; without our knowing it sin saberlo nosotros, sin que lo supiéramos; there’s no knowing what he might do quién sabe qué hará; do you know what! ¿sabes qué?; I know what: let’s go skating! tengo una idea: vayamos a patinar!; wouldn’t you know it: it’s starting to rain! no te digo, se ha puesto a llover!; not to know which way o where to turn no saber* qué hacer; to know something backwards: she knows her part backwards — se sabe el papel al dedillo or al revés y al derecho

    c) (have skill, ability)

    to know how to + INF — saber* + inf


    you know me/him: ever the optimist — ya me/lo conoces: siempre tan optimista

    to get to know somebody: how did they get to know each other? ¿cómo se conocieron?; I got to know him better/quite well llegué a conocerlo mejor/bastante bien; to get to know something <<subject/job>> familiarizarse* con algo; we knew her as Mrs Balfour — para nosotros era la Sra Balfour

    he has known poverty/success — ha conocido la pobreza/el éxito


    a) (recognize, identify) reconocer*

    to know something/somebody BY something — reconocer* algo/a alguien por algo

    to know something/somebody FROM something/somebody — distinguir* algo/a alguien de algo/alguien

    4) (see, experience) (only in perfect tenses)


    I won’t argue: you know best — no voy a discutir: tú sabrás

    I know! — ya sé!, tengo una idea!

    I’m not stupid, you know! — oye, que no soy tonto ¿eh? or ¿sabes?

    to know ABOUT something/somebody: he knows about computers sabe or entiende de computadoras; did you know about John? ¿sabías lo de John?, ¿estabas enterado de lo de John?; can I invite him? — I don’t know about that, we’ll have to see ¿lo puedo invitar? — no sé, veremos; to get to know about something enterarse de algo; to know OF something/somebody: she knew of their activities tenía conocimiento or estaba enterada de sus actividades; not that I know of que yo sepa, no; do you know of a good carpenter? ¿conoces a or sabes de algún carpintero bueno?; I don’t actually know her, I know of her — no la conozco personalmente, sólo de oídas



    English-spanish dictionary > know

  • 4



    1) Wort, das

    in a or one word — mit einem Wort

    [not] in so many words — [nicht] ausdrücklich

    bad luck/drunk is not the word for it — Pech/betrunken ist gar kein Ausdruck dafür

    without a or one/another word — ohne ein/ein weiteres Wort

    too funny etc. for words — unsagbar komisch usw.; see also academic.ru/26214/fail»>fail 2. 5); play 1. 2), 2. 1)

    2) Wort, das

    exchange or have words — einen Wortwechsel haben

    have a word [with somebody] about something — [mit jemandem] über etwas (Akk.) sprechen

    could I have a word [with you]? — kann ich dich mal sprechen?

    take somebody at his/her word — jemanden beim Wort nehmen

    word of command/advice — Kommando, das/Rat, der

    the Word [of God] — das Wort [Gottes]

    put in a good word for somebody [with somebody] — [bei jemandem] ein [gutes] Wort für jemanden einlegen

    give [somebody] one’s word — jemandem sein Wort geben

    keep/break one’s word — sein Wort halten/brechen

    5) in pl. Text, der

    6) no pl., no indef. art. Nachricht, die

    word has it or the word is [that]… — es geht das Gerücht, dass…

    word went round that… — es ging das Gerücht, dass…

    send/leave word that/of when… — Nachricht geben/eine Nachricht hinterlassen, dass/wenn…

    at the word ‘run’, you run! — bei dem Wort ‘rennen’ rennst du!


    transitive verb

    * * *


    1) das Wort

    2) einige Worte (pl.)

    4) das Wort




    — word processor
    — word processing
    — word-perfect
    — by word of mouth
    — get a word in edgeways
    — in a word
    — keep
    — break one’s word
    — take someone at his word
    — take at his word
    — take someone’s word for it
    — word for word

    * * *

    [wɜ:d, AM wɜ:rd]

    I. n

    we’ve had enough of words genug der Worte

    do you remember the exact words? erinnern Sie sich [noch] an den genauen Wortlaut?

    and those are his exact words? und das hat er genau so gesagt?

    what’s the word for ‘bikini’ in French? was heißt ‚Bikini‘ auf Französisch?

    clumsy isn’t the word for it! unbeholfen ist noch viel zu milde ausgedrückt!

    hush, not a word! pst, keinen Mucks!

    nobody’s said a word about that to me kein Mensch hat mir etwas davon gesagt

    or words to that effect oder so ähnlich

    to be a man/woman of few words nicht viel reden, kein Mann/keine Frau vieler Worte sein

    empty words leere Worte

    in other words mit anderen Worten

    to use a rude word ein Schimpfwort benutzen

    the spoken/written word das gesprochene/geschriebene Wort

    to be too stupid for words unsagbar dumm sein

    to not breathe a word of [or about] sth kein Sterbenswörtchen von etw dat verraten

    to not know a word of French/German/Spanish kein Wort Französisch/Deutsch/Spanisch können

    word for word Wort für Wort

    to translate sth word for word etw [wort]wörtlich übersetzen

    in a word um es kurz zu sagen

    in the words of Burns um mit Burns zu sprechen

    in words of one syllable in einfachen Worten

    in sb’s own words mit jds eigenen Worten

    in so many words ausdrücklich, direkt

    2. no pl (short conversation) [kurzes] Gespräch; (formal) Unterredung f

    to have a word with sb [about sth] mit jdm [über etw akk] sprechen

    ah, John, I’ve been meaning to have a word with you ach, John, kann ich dich kurz mal sprechen?

    could I have a word about the sales figures? kann ich Sie kurz wegen der Verkaufszahlen sprechen?

    the manager wants a word der Manager möchte Sie sprechen

    to exchange [or have] a few words with sb ein paar Worte mit jdm wechseln

    to have a quiet word with sb jdn zur Seite nehmen

    to say a few words [about sth] [zu etw dat] ein paar Worte sagen

    there’s no word from head office yet die Zentrale hat uns noch nicht Bescheid gegeben

    word gets around [or about] [or BRIT round] Neuigkeiten verbreiten sich schnell

    word has it [or [the] word is] that they may separate es geht das Gerücht, dass sie sich trennen

    [the] word is out [that]… es wurde öffentlich bekanntgegeben, dass…

    to get word of sth [from sb] etw [von jdm] erfahren

    to have word from sb [etwas] von jdm hören

    to have [or hear] word that… [davon] hören, dass…

    4. no pl (order) Kommando nt, Befehl m

    we’re waiting for the word from head office wir warten auf die Anweisung von der Zentrale

    to give the word den Befehl geben

    if you want to leave, just say the word wenn du gehen möchtest, brauchst du es nur zu sagen

    word of advice Rat[schlag] m

    word of warning Warnung f

    6. no pl (promise) Wort nt, Versprechen nt

    do we have your word on that? haben wir dein Wort darauf?

    my word is my bond ( form or hum) auf mein Wort kannst du bauen

    to be a man/woman of his/her word zu seinem/ihrem Wort stehen, halten, was man verspricht

    to be as good as/better than one’s word sein Wort halten/mehr als halten

    to give [sb] one’s word that… jdm versprechen [o sein [Ehren]wort geben], dass…

    to take sb at his/her word jdn beim Wort nehmen

    7. no pl (statement of facts) Wort nt

    it’s her word against mine es steht Aussage gegen Aussage

    to take sb’s word for it [that…] jdm glauben, dass…

    words pl Text m


    a word in your ear BRIT ein kleiner Tipp unter uns

    words fail me! mir fehlen die Worte!

    sb cannot get a word in edgeways [or AM edgewise] ( fam) jd kommt überhaupt nicht zu Wort

    from the word go vom ersten Moment [o von Anfang] an

    to have words with sb eine Auseinandersetzung mit jdm haben, sich akk mit jdm streiten

    to have a quick word in sb’s ear BRIT kurz mit jdm allein sprechen

    to not have a good word to say about sb/sth kein gutes Haar an jdm/etw lassen

    by word of mouth mündlich

    my word! [or ( old) upon my word] du meine Güte!

    to put words in[to] sb’s mouth jdm Worte in den Mund legen

    to put in a good word for sb/sth [with sb] [bei jdm] ein gutes Wort für jdn/etw einlegen

    to take the words out of sb’s mouth jdm das Wort aus dem Mund[e] nehmen

    II. vt

    to word sth etw formulieren [o in Worte fassen]; document etw abfassen

    * * *


    «irresponsible» would be a better word for it — «unverantwortlich» wäre wohl das treffendere Wort dafür

    in a word — mit einem Wort, kurz gesagt

    in other words — mit anderen Worten, anders gesagt or ausgedrückt

    a word of encouragement/warning — eine Ermunterung/Warnung

    John, could I have a word? — John, kann ich dich mal sprechen?

    remember, not a word to anyone — vergiss nicht, kein Sterbenswörtchen

    to have words with sb — mit jdm eine Auseinandersetzung haben

    word went round that… — es ging die Nachricht um, dass…

    to leave word (with sb/for sb) that… — (bei jdm/für jdn) (die Nachricht) hinterlassen, dass…

    to be true to or as good as one’s word, to keep one’s word — sein Wort halten

    it’s his word against mine —

    7) Wort

    ; Kommando

    , Befehl

    the Word of God —

    (in Worten) ausdrücken, formulieren, in Worte fassen ; formulieren; abfassen

    * * *

    word [wɜːd; US wɜrd]

    A v/t in Worte fassen, (in Worten) ausdrücken, formulieren, abfassen:

    B s

    1. Wort n:

    a) Worte,

    b) LING Wörter;

    in one’s own words in eigenen Worten;

    2. Wort n, Ausspruch m:

    words Worte pl, Rede f, Äußerung f

    3. pl Text m, Worte pl (eines Liedes etc):

    4. (Ehren-)Wort n, Versprechen n, Zusage f, Erklärung f, Versicherung f:

    upon my word! auf mein Wort!;

    my word! meine Güte!;

    break (give, keep) one’s word sein Wort brechen (geben, halten);

    it’s her word against his hier steht Aussage gegen Aussage; eat B 1, have B 1

    5. Bescheid m, Nachricht f:

    6. a) Parole f, Losung f, Stichwort n

    b) Befehl m, Kommando n

    c) Zeichen n, Signal n:

    give the word (to do sth);

    7. REL

    8. pl Wortwechsel m, Streit m:

    in a word mit einem Wort, kurz, kurzum;

    b) das Allerneueste oder -beste (in an dat);

    can I have a word with you? kann ich Sie mal kurz sprechen?;

    he hasn’t a word to throw at a dog er kommt sich zu fein vor, um mit anderen zu sprechen; er macht den Mund nicht auf;

    cold’s not the word for it umg kalt ist gar kein Ausdruck; ear1 Bes Redew, hang C 1, mark1 B 10

    wd abk

    1. ward Abtlg., Station f

    * * *



    1) Wort, das

    in a or one word — mit einem Wort

    [not] in so many words — [nicht] ausdrücklich

    bad luck/drunk is not the word for it — Pech/betrunken ist gar kein Ausdruck dafür

    without a or one/another word — ohne ein/ein weiteres Wort

    too funny etc. for words — unsagbar komisch usw.; see also fail 2. 5); play 1. 2), 2. 1)

    exchange or have words — einen Wortwechsel haben

    have a word [with somebody] about something — [mit jemandem] über etwas (Akk.) sprechen

    could I have a word [with you]? — kann ich dich mal sprechen?

    take somebody at his/her word — jemanden beim Wort nehmen

    word of command/advice — Kommando, das/Rat, der

    the Word [of God] — das Wort [Gottes]

    put in a good word for somebody [with somebody] — [bei jemandem] ein [gutes] Wort für jemanden einlegen

    give [somebody] one’s word — jemandem sein Wort geben

    keep/break one’s word — sein Wort halten/brechen

    5) in pl. Text, der

    6) no pl., no indef. art. Nachricht, die

    word has it or the word is [that]… — es geht das Gerücht, dass…

    word went round that… — es ging das Gerücht, dass…

    send/leave word that/of when… — Nachricht geben/eine Nachricht hinterlassen, dass/wenn…

    at the word ‘run’, you run! — bei dem Wort ‘rennen’ rennst du!


    transitive verb

    * * *


    formulieren v. n.

    Wort ¨-er n.

    English-german dictionary > word

  • 5

       a. ( = terme) word

    génie, c’est un bien grand mot ! genius, that’s a big word!

       b. ( = message) word ; ( = courte lettre) note

       c. ( = expression frappante) saying

    * * *


    nom masculin

    pour eux, l’amitié n’est pas un vain mot — they take friendship seriously

    ‘manger’, il n’a que ce mot à la bouche — all he can talk about is eating; gros

    toucher (colloq) un mot de quelque chose à quelqu’un — to have a word with somebody about something

    viens par ici, j’ai deux mots à te dire! — euph come here, I’ve got a bone to pick with you!

    Phrasal Verbs:


    avoir or échanger des mots avec quelqu’un — euph to have words with somebody

    se donner or passer le mot — to pass the word around

    * * *



    1) word

    sur ces mots; à ces mots — with these words

    2) saying

    Il citait souvent ce mot de Gide… — He often quoted this saying from Gide…

    bon mot — witticism, witty remark

    3) note, line

    Je vais lui écrire un mot pour lui dire qu’on arrive. — I’ll write him a note to say we’re coming., I’ll drop him a line to say we’re coming.

    * * *

    [mo] nom masculin

    grand mot: voleur, c’est un bien grand mot thief, that would be putting it a bit too strongly ou going a bit too far

    4. [parole mémorable] saying

    mot d’esprit, bon mot witticism, witty remark




    a. [en bref] in a nutshell, to cut a long story short


    c’est ce qu’elle a dit, mot pour mot those were her very words, that’s what she said, word for word


    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais > mot

  • 6


    understanding, grasp.


    1 to understand.

    no te entiendo, habla más despacio I don’t understand you, could you speak more slowly?

    no entiendo nada, ¿no deberían haber llegado ya? I just can’t understand it, surely they were supposed to have arrived by now

    ¡no hay quien te entienda! you’re impossible!

    ¿tú qué entiendes por “amistad”? what do you understand by “friendship”?

    dar a entender que… to imply (that)…

    hasta que no llegue no podemos empezar, ¿entiendes? we can’t start until she gets here, all right?

    2 to think.

    3 to figure out, to digest, to get clear, to get to know.

    * * *

    (e changes to ie in stressed syllables)

    Present Indicative

    Present Subjunctive


    * * *


    2) think, believe

    * * *

    1) to understand

    ¡a ti no hay quien te entienda! — you’re impossible to understand!

    que no te vuelva a ver fumando ¿me has entendido? — don’t let me catch you smoking again, do you understand?

    ¿entiendes lo que te quiero decir? — do you know what I mean?, do you know what I’m trying to say?

    es un poco rarito, tú ya me entiendes — he’s a bit odd, if you know what I mean

    dar algo a entender — to imply sth

    según él me dio a entender, no está contento en su trabajo — from what he said to me, he is not happy in his job, he gave me to understand that he is not happy in his job

    hacer entender algo a algn — to make sb understand sth

    hacerse entender — to make o.s. understood

    si no he entendido mal, esto es lo que queréis decir — unless I’ve misunderstood what you’re saying, this is what you mean

    no entendí ni jota o ni una patata de lo que decían — I didn’t have a clue what they were on about

    2) to think, believe

    3) to understand

    ¿tú qué entiendes por libertad? — what do you understand by freedom?

    ¿debo entender que lo niegas? — am I to understand that you deny it?



    to know how to use, know how to work

    ¿tú entiendes esta lavadora? — do you know how this washing machine works?, do you know how to use this washing machine?

    5) to hear

    1) to understand

    ¡ya entiendo! — now I understand!, now I get it!

    la vida es así ¿entiendes? — that’s life, you know

    entender de algo — to know about sth

    no entender de barcos —

    si le preguntas cualquier cosa, él no entiende de barcos — if you ask him something, he makes out he doesn’t know anything about anything




    to be one of them




    * * *


    verbo transitivo


    a) <explicación/idioma/actitud> to understand

    ¿entiendes lo que quiero decir? — do you know what I mean?

    se hace entender or (AmL) se da a entender — he makes himself understood

    2) (frml)

    a) (concebir, opinar)

    b) (interpretar, deducir)

    ¿debo entender que te vas? — am I to understand that you’re leaving?

    me dio a entender que… — she gave me to understand that…


    ¿tú entiendes de estas cosas? — do you know anything about these things?

    3) (Der)



    a ver si nos entendemos ¿quién te pegó? — let’s get this straight, who hit you?

    2) (refl)

    déjame, yo me entiendo — leave me alone, I know what I’m doing



    a mi/tu/su entender — in my/your/his opinion, to my/your/his mind

    * * *

    = come to + grips with, cut through, grasp, have + some grasp, make + sense (out) of, understand, get to + grips with, make + sense of life, sympathise [sympathize, -USA], sympathise [sympathize, -USA], get + a grip on, provide + an understanding, catch + Posesivo + drift, get + Posesivo + drift, have + a handle on, fathom, get + Posesivo + head around, wrap + Posesivo + head around, get + a handle on.

    Ex. Right now the management team is beginning to come to grips with our annual budget process, as it does every year.

    Ex. Publishers attempting to cut through this nomenclature morass can check with the library’s administration.

    Ex. She must try to convince him that no single individual, no matter how gifted, can any longer grasp the innumerable facets of modern corporate effort.

    Ex. It is necessary to have some grasp of some fundamental aspects of computerized information-retrieval systems.

    Ex. The resultant guiding must be clear, by being both easy to read and easy to make sense of.

    Ex. They assume only that the reader has some knowledge of the subject, so that the abstract can be understood.

    Ex. The Treasure has made good use of a number of methodologies in getting to grips with the principles and applications of information management.

    Ex. This manual is an indispensable companion to all those who are keen to make sense of life in an infinitely complex and confusing Internet.

    Ex. In World War 2 librarians generally sympathised with Britain, but many were isolationist or apathetic during the early years = En la Segunda Guerra Mundial los bibliotecarios generalmente simpatizaban con Gran Bretaña, aunque muchos mantuvieron una actitud no intervencionista o indiferente durante los primeros años.

    Ex. In World War 2 librarians generally sympathised with Britain, but many were isolationist or apathetic during the early years = En la Segunda Guerra Mundial los bibliotecarios generalmente simpatizaban con Gran Bretaña, aunque muchos mantuvieron una actitud no intervencionista o indiferente durante los primeros años.

    Ex. The article ‘ Getting a grip on change’ argues that only by confronting the challenges and inevitability of change can libraries retain their relevancy in the information age.

    Ex. The results of two studies of the way reference librarians work were pooled to provide an understanding of the important features necessary in software for computerized reference work.

    Ex. Shariel sighed and rolled her eyes a little, as Akanan clearly didn’t catch her drift.

    Ex. ‘Nah,’ Kate chuckled, getting her drift, and then said ‘I would’ve just barged in there and dared them to throw me out!’.

    Ex. ‘I sure wish I had a better handle on this contract language,’ he said.

    Ex. As she ascended the staircase to the library director’s office, she tried to fathom the reason for the imperious summons.

    Ex. You are not quite sure how one man could get his head around this at the time, but he managed, in a masterful way.

    Ex. Sleuthing is like second-nature to her, and she can’t possibly wrap her head around the concept of renouncing it completely.

    Ex. Children get a handle on personal responsibility by holding a library card of their own, a card that gives them access to new worlds.


    * a + Posesivo + entender = to the best of + Posesivo + belief.

    * a + Posesivo + saber y entender = to the best of + Posesivo + knowledge and belief.

    * ayudar a entender mejor = lend + understanding to.

    * dar a entender = give to + understand, hint, send + a clear signal that, lull + Nombre + into thinking, insinuate, intimate.

    * difícil de entender = cryptic.

    * entender a medias = pick up + the fag-ends.

    * entender mal = misunderstand, misconceive, mishearing, mishearing, mishear.

    * entender mejor = place + Nombre + in/into + perspective, put into + perspective, gain + a better sense of, get + a better sense of.

    * entenderse = interoperate [inter-operate], hit it off.

    * entenderse que indica = take to + indicate.

    * hablar sin ser entendido = speak in + tongues, talk in + tongues.

    * hacerse entender = make + Posesivo + meaning plain.

    * no entender = be beyond + Pronombre.

    * no entender Algo = go (way) over + Posesivo + head.

    * no entender lo esencial = miss + the point.

    * no llegar a entender = miss + the mark, miss + the point.

    * según + Pronombre + entender = it + be + Posesivo + understanding, Pronombre + understanding + be.

    * * *


    verbo transitivo


    a) <explicación/idioma/actitud> to understand

    ¿entiendes lo que quiero decir? — do you know what I mean?

    se hace entender or (AmL) se da a entender — he makes himself understood

    2) (frml)

    a) (concebir, opinar)

    b) (interpretar, deducir)

    ¿debo entender que te vas? — am I to understand that you’re leaving?

    me dio a entender que… — she gave me to understand that…


    ¿tú entiendes de estas cosas? — do you know anything about these things?

    3) (Der)



    a ver si nos entendemos ¿quién te pegó? — let’s get this straight, who hit you?

    2) (refl)

    déjame, yo me entiendo — leave me alone, I know what I’m doing



    a mi/tu/su entender — in my/your/his opinion, to my/your/his mind

    * * *

    = come to + grips with, cut through, grasp, have + some grasp, make + sense (out) of, understand, get to + grips with, make + sense of life, sympathise [sympathize, -USA], sympathise [sympathize, -USA], get + a grip on, provide + an understanding, catch + Posesivo + drift, get + Posesivo + drift, have + a handle on, fathom, get + Posesivo + head around, wrap + Posesivo + head around, get + a handle on.

    Ex: Right now the management team is beginning to come to grips with our annual budget process, as it does every year.

    Ex: Publishers attempting to cut through this nomenclature morass can check with the library’s administration.

    Ex: She must try to convince him that no single individual, no matter how gifted, can any longer grasp the innumerable facets of modern corporate effort.

    Ex: It is necessary to have some grasp of some fundamental aspects of computerized information-retrieval systems.

    Ex: The resultant guiding must be clear, by being both easy to read and easy to make sense of.

    Ex: They assume only that the reader has some knowledge of the subject, so that the abstract can be understood.

    Ex: The Treasure has made good use of a number of methodologies in getting to grips with the principles and applications of information management.

    Ex: This manual is an indispensable companion to all those who are keen to make sense of life in an infinitely complex and confusing Internet.

    Ex: In World War 2 librarians generally sympathised with Britain, but many were isolationist or apathetic during the early years = En la Segunda Guerra Mundial los bibliotecarios generalmente simpatizaban con Gran Bretaña, aunque muchos mantuvieron una actitud no intervencionista o indiferente durante los primeros años.

    Ex: In World War 2 librarians generally sympathised with Britain, but many were isolationist or apathetic during the early years = En la Segunda Guerra Mundial los bibliotecarios generalmente simpatizaban con Gran Bretaña, aunque muchos mantuvieron una actitud no intervencionista o indiferente durante los primeros años.

    Ex: The article ‘ Getting a grip on change’ argues that only by confronting the challenges and inevitability of change can libraries retain their relevancy in the information age.

    Ex: The results of two studies of the way reference librarians work were pooled to provide an understanding of the important features necessary in software for computerized reference work.

    Ex: Shariel sighed and rolled her eyes a little, as Akanan clearly didn’t catch her drift.

    Ex: ‘Nah,’ Kate chuckled, getting her drift, and then said ‘I would’ve just barged in there and dared them to throw me out!’.

    Ex: ‘I sure wish I had a better handle on this contract language,’ he said.

    Ex: As she ascended the staircase to the library director’s office, she tried to fathom the reason for the imperious summons.

    Ex: You are not quite sure how one man could get his head around this at the time, but he managed, in a masterful way.

    Ex: Sleuthing is like second-nature to her, and she can’t possibly wrap her head around the concept of renouncing it completely.

    Ex: Children get a handle on personal responsibility by holding a library card of their own, a card that gives them access to new worlds.

    * a mi entender = to my mind.

    * a + Posesivo + entender = to the best of + Posesivo + belief.

    * a + Posesivo + saber y entender = to the best of + Posesivo + knowledge and belief.

    * ayudar a entender mejor = lend + understanding to.

    * dar a entender = give to + understand, hint, send + a clear signal that, lull + Nombre + into thinking, insinuate, intimate.

    * de forma que resulta más fácil de entender = in digestible form.

    * difícil de entender = cryptic.

    * entender a medias = pick up + the fag-ends.

    * entender mal = misunderstand, misconceive, mishearing, mishearing, mishear.

    * entender mejor = place + Nombre + in/into + perspective, put into + perspective, gain + a better sense of, get + a better sense of.

    * entenderse = interoperate [inter-operate], hit it off.

    * entenderse que indica = take to + indicate.

    * fácil de entender = easy to understand.

    * hablar sin ser entendido = speak in + tongues, talk in + tongues.

    * hacer entender = get across.

    * hacerse entender = make + Posesivo + meaning plain.

    * malentender = misconstrue.

    * más fácil de entender para nosotros = closer to home.

    * no entender = be beyond + Pronombre.

    * no entender Algo = go (way) over + Posesivo + head.

    * no entender lo esencial = miss + the point.

    * no entender ni una papa de = can’t make head(s) or tail(s) of.

    * no llegar a entender = miss + the mark, miss + the point.

    * según nuestro entender = as far as we know.

    * según + Pronombre + entender = it + be + Posesivo + understanding, Pronombre + understanding + be.

    * * *



    1 ‹explicación/libro/idioma› to understand; ‹actitud/motivos› to understand

    no hablo el alemán, pero lo entiendo I don’t speak German, but I can understand it

    y que no se vuelva a repetir ¿lo has entendido bien? and don’t let it happen again, (do you) understand? o have you got that?

    ¿entiendes lo que quiero decir? do you know what I mean?

    ¿tú qué entiendes por `versátil’? what do you understand by `versatile’?

    2 ‹persona› to understand

    ten cuidado con ellos, tú ya me entiendes be careful with them, you know what I mean

    su inglés no es perfecto pero se hace entender or ( AmL) se da a entender his English isn’t perfect but he makes himself understood

    ¡a ti no hay quien te entienda! you’re impossible!



    (interpretar, deducir): ¿debo entender que desean prescindir de mis servicios? am I to understand o infer that you wish to dispense with my services?

    no lo dijo claramente, pero lo dio a entender she did not say so in so many words, but she implied it

    ■ entender


    es que él es así ¿entiendes? it’s just that he’s like that, you see

    ¿tú entiendes de estas cosas? do you know anything about these things?


    se entienden por señas they communicate (with each other) through signs, they use sign language to communicate with each other

    a ver si nos entendemos ¿quién le pegó a quién? let’s get this straight, who hit whom?

    déjame, yo me entiendo leave me alone, I know what I’m doing

    a mi/tu/su entender in my/your/his opinion, to my/your/his mind

    * * *


    Multiple Entries:

    entender algo

    entender ( conjugate entender) verbo transitivo

    to understand;

    chiste to understand, get (colloq);

    no entendí su nombre I didn’t get his name;

    lo entendió todo al revés he got it all completely wrong;

    tú ya me entiendes you know what I mean;

    me has entendido mal you’ve misunderstood me;

    se hace entender or (AmL) se da a entender he makes himself understood;

    me dio a entender que … she gave me to understand that …;

    dar algo a entender to imply sth

    verbo intransitivo

    b) ( saber) entender de algo to know about sth

    entenderse verbo pronominal


    entenderse con algn to communicate with sb;

    a ver si nos entendemos ¿quién te pegó? let’s get this straight, who hit you?

    entenderse con algn to get along o on with sb

    2 ( refl):

    déjame, yo me entiendo leave me alone, I know what I’m doing


    I verbo transitivo

    1 (comprender) to understand: a mi entender, está equivocado, in my opinion he’s wrong

    no entendí ni papa/pío/jota de este libro, I didn’t understand a word of this book

    no entiendo lo que quieres decir, I don’t know what you mean

    no me entiendas mal, don’t get me wrong

    nos dio a entender que no aceptaría el trabajo, he gave us to understand that he wouldn’t accept the job

    2 (creer) to think: entendemos que no debiste hacerlo, we think you shouldn’t have done that

    II verbo intransitivo entender de, (saber) to know about: entiende de música, he has an ear for music ➣ Ver nota en understand

    entender‘ also found in these entries:


    — cazar
    — coger
    — comprender
    — dar
    — interpretar
    — mercenaria
    — mercenario
    — papa
    — revés
    — significativa
    — significativo
    — ver
    — aclarar
    — agarrar
    — caer
    — concebir
    — difícil
    — dificultad
    — entendimiento
    — enterarse
    — entienda
    — fácil
    — sin


    — catch
    — depth
    — follow
    — get
    — gist
    — intimate
    — make out
    — misunderstand
    — parrot-fashion
    — point
    — purport
    — see
    — sense
    — thoroughly
    — trouble
    — understand
    — wise
    — work out
    — beyond
    — fathom
    — figure
    — grip
    — head
    — hint
    — home
    — imply
    — knowing
    — latch
    — lead
    — make
    — message
    — mishear
    — ram
    — still
    — sympathize
    — work

    * * *


    to understand;

    ¿es que no lo entiendes? don’t you understand?;

    entiéndelo, lo hago por tu bien try to understand, it’s for your own good;

    no te entiendo, habla más despacio I don’t understand you, could you speak more slowly?;

    no entiendo nada, ¿no deberían haber llegado ya? I just can’t understand it, surely they were supposed to have arrived by now;

    ¡no hay quien te entienda! you’re impossible!;

    ¿tú qué entiendes por “amistad”? what do you understand by “friendship”?;

    ¿debo entender que no estás de acuerdo? am I to understand that you disagree?;

    ¿cómo le puedo hacer entender que eso no se hace? how can I make her understand get it through to her that that sort of behaviour is out?;

    hasta que no llegue no podemos empezar, ¿entiendes? we can’t start until she gets here, all right?;

    ¿entiendes?, si no se lo decimos se va a enfadar look, if we don’t tell him, he’s going to get angry;

    podríamos hacernos los despistados, ya me entiendes we could make out we didn’t really realize what was going on, you know what I mean;

    dar a entender algo (a alguien): dio a entender que no le interesaba she implied (that) she wasn’t interested;

    to think;


    entender poco/algo de to know very little/a little about;

    tú que entiendes de estas cosas, ¿qué es el “rafting”? you know about these things, what is “rafting”?

    to be in charge of;

    to be gay;

    ¿entiendes? are you gay?

    * * *

    1 understand;

    ya me entiendes do you catch my drift?, do you know what I mean?;


    entendemos que sería mejor … we believe it would be better …

    1 understand;






    * * *

    to understand

    to think, to believe

    to mean, to intend

    to infer, to deduce

    to understand

    ¡ya entiendo!: now I understand!

    * * *

    to understand [

    pt. & pp.


    Spanish-English dictionary > entender

  • 7




    1 to know.

    de haberlo sabido (antes) o si lo llego a saber, me quedo en casa if I’d known, I’d have stayed at home

    para que lo sepas, somos amigos we’re friends, for your information

    ¿sabes algo de Juan?, ¿qué sabes de Juan? have you had any news from o heard from Juan?

    4 to taste.

    saber bien/mal to taste good/bad

    5 to know how to, to know, to know to.

    * * *

    Present Indicative

    sé, sabes, sabe, sabemos, sabéis, saben.

    Past Indicative

    Future Indicative


    Present Subjunctive

    Imperfect Subjunctive

    Future Subjunctive


    sabe (tú), sepa (él/Vd.), sepamos (nos.), sabed (vos.), sepan (ellos/Vds.).

    * * *



    — saber a



    * * *


    a) to know

    sin saberlo yo — without my knowledge, without me knowing

    hacer saber algo a algn — to inform sb of sth, let sb know about sth

    quiero hacerle saber que… — I would like to inform o advise you that…

    el motivo de esta carta es hacerle saber que… — I am writing to inform o advise you that…


    dos planetas, a saber, Venus y la Tierra — two planets, namely Venus and Earth

    ¡ anda a saber! — God knows!

    demasiado bien sé que… — I know only too well that…

    ¡no lo sabes bien! — * not half! *

    cualquiera sabe si… — it’s anybody’s guess whether…

    ¡de haberlo sabido! — if only I’d known!

    lo dudo, pero nunca se sabe — I doubt it, but you never know

    para que lo sepas — let me tell you, for your information

    que yo sepa — as far as I know

    ¡ quién sabe! — who knows!

    ¿quién sabe? — who knows?, who can tell?, who’s to say?

    ¡si lo sabré yo! — I should know!

    sabrás (lo que haces) — I suppose you know (what you’re doing)

    ¿tú qué sabes? — what do you know about it?

    ¡ vete a saber! — God knows!

    ¡vete a saber de dónde ha venido! — goodness only knows where he came from!

    ya lo sabía yo — I thought as much

    ¡yo qué sé!, ¡qué sé yo! — how should I know!, search me! *


    2) to find out

    3) to hear


    ¿sabes ruso? — do you speak Russian?, can you speak Russian?

    no sé nada de cocina — I don’t know anything about cookery, I know nothing about cookery

    saber hacer algo, sabe cuidar de sí mismo — he can take care of himself, he knows how to take care of himself

    ¿sabes nadar? — can you swim?

    ¿sabes ir? — do you know the way?

    no sabe venir por aquí — he doesn’t usually come this way, he’s not in the habit of coming along here


    saber de algo — to know of sth

    2) to know

    costó muy caro, ¿sabe usted? — it was very expensive, you know

    un 5% no sabe, no contesta — there were 5% «don’t knows»

    3) to taste

    saberle mal a algn —



    Por regla general, si saber va seguido de un infinitivo, se traduce por can cuando indica una habilidad permanente y por know how cuando se trata de la capacidad de resolver un problema concreto. La construcción correspondiente habrá de ser can + ((INFINITIVO)) {sin} to {o} know how + ((INFINITIVO)) {con} to:
    Jaime sabe tocar el piano
    Jaime can play the piano
    ¿Sabes cambiar una rueda?
    Do you know how to change a wheel?
    Hay que tener en cuenta que know (sin how) nunca puede ir seguido directamente de un infinitivo en inglés.
    Para otros usos y ejemplos ver la entrada

    * * *



    verbo transitivo


    a) <nombre/dirección/canción> to know

    así que or conque ya lo sabes — so now you know

    para que lo sepas, yo no miento — (fam) for your information, I don’t tell lies

    cállate ¿tú qué sabes? — shut up! what do you know about it?

    no se sabe si… — they don’t know if…

    ¿a que no sabes qué? — (fam) you’ll never guess what

    saber + inf — to know how to + inf

    ¿sabes nadar/escribir a máquina? — can you swim/type?, do you know how to swim/type?

    si es así, pronto se va a saber — if that’s the case, we’ll know o find out soon enough

    cómo iba yo a saber que…! — how was I to know that…!

    ¿se puede saber por qué? — may I ask why?

    ¿y tú dónde estabas, si se puede saber? — and where were you, I’d like to know?




    vete tú/vaya usted a saber — but who knows

    ¿quién sabe? — who knows?

    saber de algo/alguien — to know of something/somebody

    b) (tener noticias, enterarse)

    saber de alguien/algo: no sé nada de ella desde hace más de un mes I haven’t heard from her for over a month; yo supe del accidente por la radio I heard about the accident on the radio; no quiero saber de él — I want nothing to do with him


    sabe dulce/bien/amargo — it tastes sweet/nice/bitter

    saberle mal/bien a alguien: no le supo nada bien que ella bailara con otro he wasn’t at all pleased that she danced with someone else; me sabe mal tener que decírselo — I don’t like having to tell him



    v pron



    ) <lección/poema> to know

    * * *



    verbo transitivo


    a) <nombre/dirección/canción> to know

    así que or conque ya lo sabes — so now you know

    para que lo sepas, yo no miento — (fam) for your information, I don’t tell lies

    cállate ¿tú qué sabes? — shut up! what do you know about it?

    no se sabe si… — they don’t know if…

    ¿a que no sabes qué? — (fam) you’ll never guess what

    saber + inf — to know how to + inf

    ¿sabes nadar/escribir a máquina? — can you swim/type?, do you know how to swim/type?

    si es así, pronto se va a saber — if that’s the case, we’ll know o find out soon enough

    cómo iba yo a saber que…! — how was I to know that…!

    ¿se puede saber por qué? — may I ask why?

    ¿y tú dónde estabas, si se puede saber? — and where were you, I’d like to know?




    vete tú/vaya usted a saber — but who knows

    ¿quién sabe? — who knows?

    saber de algo/alguien — to know of something/somebody

    b) (tener noticias, enterarse)

    saber de alguien/algo: no sé nada de ella desde hace más de un mes I haven’t heard from her for over a month; yo supe del accidente por la radio I heard about the accident on the radio; no quiero saber de él — I want nothing to do with him


    sabe dulce/bien/amargo — it tastes sweet/nice/bitter

    saberle mal/bien a alguien: no le supo nada bien que ella bailara con otro he wasn’t at all pleased that she danced with someone else; me sabe mal tener que decírselo — I don’t like having to tell him



    v pron



    ) <lección/poema> to know

    * * *


    Ex: It is the responsibility of educators to stretch their student’s intellects, hone their skills of intuitive judgment and synthesis, and build a love of learning that will sustain them beyond the level of formal education.

    * ansia de saber = thirst for knowledge.

    * a + Posesivo + saber = to the best of + Posesivo + knowledge.

    * a + Posesivo + saber y entender = to the best of + Posesivo + knowledge and belief.

    * cúmulo de saber = knowledge repository, repository of knowledge.

    * hasta donde + Pronombre + saber = to the best of + Posesivo + knowledge.

    * institución del saber = institution of learning.

    * no querer saber más nada de = drop + Nombre + like a hot potato.

    * por el bien del saber = for knowledge’s sake.

    * por el mero hecho de saber = for knowledge’s sake.

    * rama del saber = branch of learning.

    * saber escuchar = listening capacity.


    2 = know, learn, find out.

    Ex: However, in general, it is unreasonable to expect a user to know the ISBN of a book.

    Ex: ‘I’d be disappointed to learn that my boss or subordinates — or peers for that matter — told tales out of school about me to others’.

    Ex: For example, a person can consult the system holdings files to find out whether a library in the network owns a copy of the document.

    * a saber = namely, viz, to wit.

    * capacidad de saber leer y escribir = literacy skills.

    * curioso por saber = interrogator.

    * de quién sabe dónde = out of the woodwork.

    * hacer saber = let + Nombre + know, let + it be known.

    * hacer saber la intención de uno = announce + intention.

    * nada sabe mejor que sentirse delgado = nothing tastes as good as thin feels.

    * no querer saber más nada de = drop + Nombre + like a hot brick.

    * no querer saber nada de = want + nothing to do with.

    * no saber cómo explicarlo = be at a loss to explain it.

    * no saber cómo seguir = be stuck, get + stuck.

    * no saber de = have + no understanding of.

    * no saber dónde meterse de vergüenza = squirm with + embarrassment.

    * no saber expresarse bien = inarticulateness.

    * no saber más por ello = be none the wiser.

    * no saber qué contestar = stump.

    * no saber qué decir = be at a loss for words, be lost for words.

    * no saber qué hacer = be at a loss, get out of + Posesivo + depth, be on the horns of a dilemma, be at a nonplus.

    * no saber qué hacer a continuación = draw + a blank, be stuck, get + stuck.

    * no saber qué hacer con = be at sixes and sevens with.

    * no saber qué más hacer = be at + Posesivo + wit’s end.

    * no saberse cuándo = there + be + no telling when.

    * no se sabe todavía = the jury is still out (on).

    * nunca se sabe… = one never knows….

    * persona que sabe contar anécdotas = raconteur.

    * por lo que yo sé = to the best of my knowledge.

    * quedar mucho por saber = there + be + a great deal yet to be learned, there + be + still a great deal to be learned.

    * que sabe lo que = who knows what.

    * ¿quién sabe? = who knows?.

    * quién sabe lo que = who knows what.

    * quién sabe qué = who knows what.

    * saber a ciencia cierta = know for + certain, know for + sure, know for + a fact.

    * saber a ciencia cierta que = know + for a fact that.

    * saber argumentar Algo convincentemente = make + a business case.

    * saber buscar con inteligencia = be search-savvy.

    * saber con certeza = know for + certain, know for + sure, know for + a fact.

    * saber contestar muy bien = be not at a loss for words.

    * saber cúal es la verdad = discern + the truth.

    * saber de algún modo = know + on some grounds.

    * saber de buena boca = have + it on good word.

    * saber de buena tinta = have + it on good word.

    * saber defenderse = hold + Posesivo + own.

    * saber de lo que Uno estar hablando = know + Posesivo + stuff.

    * saber de seguro = know for + certain, know for + sure, know for + a fact.

    * saber escuchar = listening skills.

    * saber hacer = savoir faire.

    * saber hacer cuentas = be numerate.

    * saber interiormente = know + underneath.

    * saber leer y escribir = be literate.

    * saberlo todo = be omniscient.

    * saberse Algo al dedillo = know + Nombre + inside-out, learn + Nombre + inside-out.

    * saber un poco de todo y mucho de nada = jack of all trades, master of none.

    * sabiendo diferenciar entre lo que vale y lo que no = discriminatingly.

    * sabiendo que = on the understanding that.

    * salir de quién sabe dónde = come out of + the woodwork.

    * ser una incógnita = be anyone’s guess.

    * sin saberlo = unbeknown to, unbeknownst to.

    * sin saber qué decir = nonplussed [nonplused].

    * un no sé qué = a je ne sais quoi.

    * y Dios sabe qué más = and Heaven knows what else.


    Ex: Professional skills are enhanced by the opportunity which IFLA provides to taste the cultures of other countries in a very accessible (dare I say privileged?) way.

    * saber a = reek of.

    * * *




    1 ‹nombre/dirección/chiste/canción› to know

    (ya) lo sé, pero aun así … I know, but even so …

    quizás sea así, no lo sé that might be the case, I don’t know

    así que or conque ya lo sabes so now you know

    ¡no le habrás dicho nada de aquello que tú sabes! you didn’t tell him anything about you know what, did you?

    no sabía que tenía or tuviera hijos I didn’t know he had (any) children

    ¿sabes lo que me dijo? do you know what he said to me?

    ¿sabes lo que te digo? ¡que me tienes harta! you know something? I’m fed up with you!

    para que lo sepas, yo no miento ( fam); for your information, I don’t tell lies

    es tan latoso … — ¡si lo sabré yo! he’s such a nuisance — don’t I know it!

    cállate ¿tú qué sabes? shut up! what do you know about it?

    ¡yo qué sé dónde está tu diccionario! how (on earth) should I know where your dictionary is! ( colloq)

    mira, no sé qué decirte look, I really don’t know what to say

    ¿a que no sabes a quién vi? ( fam); I bet you don’t know who I saw ( colloq), you’ll never guess who I saw

    quién or cualquiera sabe dónde estará goodness only knows where it is

    ya no viven allí, que yo sepa as far as I know, they don’t live there anymore

    ¿tiene antecedentes? — que yo sepa no does she have any previous convictions? — not that I know of

    —¿quién es ése? —quiso saber who’s that? he wanted to know


    por la presente deseo hacerle saber que … ( Corresp) I am pleased to advise you o to be able to inform you that …

    la directiva hace saber a los señores socios que … the board wishes to inform members o advises members that …

    ¡tú no sabes lo que es esto! you can’t imagine what it’s like!

    está furiosa, no sabes lo que te espera she’s furious, you don’t know what you’re in for

    perdónalos Señor, porque no saben lo que hacen ( Bib) forgive them, Lord, for they know not what they do

    ¿sabes nadar/cocinar/escribir a máquina? can you swim/cook/type?

    no te preocupes, ella sabe defenderse don’t worry, she knows how to o she can look after herself


    lo forman cuatro países, a saber: Suecia, Noruega, Dinamarca y Finlandia it is made up of four countries, namely Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland

    lo supe por mi hermana I found out about it through my sister, I heard about it o ( frml) learned of it through my sister

    si es así, pronto se va a saber if that’s the case, we’ll know soon enough

    ¡si yo lo hubiera sabido antes! if I had only known before!

    ¿que qué me dijo de ti? ¡no quieras saberlo! what did she say about you? don’t ask! o you wouldn’t want to know!

    ¿se puede saber qué estabas haciendo allí? would you mind telling me what you were doing there?

    ¿y tú dónde estabas, si se puede saber? and where were you, I’d like to know?

    ■ saber



    1 to know

    ¿crees que vendrá? — supongo que sí, aunque con ella nunca se sabe do you think she’ll come? — I suppose so, although you never know o you can never tell with her

    dice que ella se lo dio, vete tú/vaya usted a saber he says she gave it to him, but who knows

    no puede ser verdad — ¿quién sabe? a lo mejor sí it can’t be true — who knows, it could be

    parece incapaz de eso, pero nunca se sabe or cualquiera sabe he doesn’t seem capable of such a thing, but you never know

    él que sabe, sabe ( fr hecha); it’s easy when you know how

    2 saber DE algo/algn to know (of) sth/sb

    ¿sabes de alguien que haya estado allí? do you know (of) anyone who’s been there?

    si llegas a saber de una cámara barata, avísame if you hear of a cheap camera, let me know

    sabe muy dulce/bien/amargo it tastes very sweet/nice/bitter

    sabe a ajo/almendra it tastes of garlic/almonds, it has a garlicky/almondy taste

    sabe a quemado/podrido it tastes burnt/rotten


    * * *


    saber 1 sustantivo masculino


    saber 2 ( conjugate saber) verbo transitivo


    a)nombre/dirección/canción to know;

    no lo sé I don’t know;

    no sé cómo se llama I don’t know his name;

    ¡yo qué sé! how (on earth) should I know! (colloq);

    que yo sepa as far as I know;

    saber algo de algo to know sth about sth;

    sé muy poco de ese tema I know very little about the subject;

    no sabe lo que dice he doesn’t know what he’s talking about

    sin que lo supiéramos without our knowing;

    ¡si yo lo hubiera sabido antes! if I had only known before!;

    ¡cómo iba yo a saber que …! how was I to know that …!

    2 ( ser capaz de):

    ¿sabes nadar? can you swim?, do you know how to swim?;

    sabe escuchar she’s a good listener;

    sabe hablar varios idiomas she can speak several languages

    verbo intransitivo

    saber de algo/algn to know of sth/sb;

    yo sé de un lugar donde te lo pueden arreglar I know of a place where you can get it fixed

    b) (tener noticias, enterarse):

    yo supe del accidente por la radio I heard about the accident on the radio

    sabe dulce/bien it tastes sweet/nice;

    saber a algo to taste of sth;

    no sabe a nada it doesn’t taste of anything;

    sabe a podrido it tastes rotten

    saberse verbo pronominal ( enf) ‹lección/poema to know

    saber sustantivo masculino knowledge, learning, information


    I verbo transitivo

    1 (una cosa) to know: no sé su dirección, I don’t know her address

    para que lo sepas, for your information

    que yo sepa, as far as I know

    2 (hacer algo) to know how to: no sabe nadar, he can’t swim

    3 (capacidad, destreza) sabe dibujar muy bien, he knows how to draw really well

    4 (comportarse, reaccionar) can: no sabe aguantar una broma, she can’t take a joke

    no sabe perder, he’s a bad loser

    5 (tener conocimientos elevados sobre una materia) sabe mucho de música, she knows a lot about music

    6 (enterarse) to learn, find out: lo llamé en cuanto lo supe, I called him as soon as I heard about it

    7 (estar informado) sabía que te ibas a retrasar, he knew that you were going to be late

    8 (imaginar) no sabes qué frío hacía, you can’t imagine how cold it was

    II verbo intransitivo

    1 (sobre una materia) to know [de, of]: sé de un restaurante buenísimo, I know of a very good restaurant

    2 (tener noticias) (de alguien por él mismo) to hear from sb

    (de alguien por otros) to have news of sb

    (de un asunto) to hear about sthg

    3 (tener sabor) to taste [a, of]: este guiso sabe a quemado, this stew tastes burnt

    4 (producir agrado o desagrado) to like, please: me supo mal que no viniera, it upset me that he didn’t come

    ♦ Locuciones: el saber no ocupa lugar, you can never learn too much

    me ha sabido a poco, I couldn’t get enough of it

    quién sabe, who knows

    vas a saber lo que es bueno, I’ll show you what’s what

    vete a saber, God knows

    a saber, namely

    saber‘ also found in these entries:


    — ávida
    — ávido
    — básica
    — básico
    — carta
    — cojear
    — combinar
    — comparecencia
    — conjugar
    — consuelo
    — convenir
    — cuerno
    — dedillo
    — demonio
    — desconocer
    — diferenciar
    — economía
    — entender
    — estimable
    — estribar
    — eufórica
    — eufórico
    — gloria
    — impresión
    — latín
    — morbosa
    — morboso
    — puesta
    — puesto
    — relacionarse
    — sable
    — si
    — terrena
    — terreno
    — tinta
    — bien
    — ciencia
    — conocer
    — conocimiento
    — deber
    — derecho
    — experiencia
    — feo
    — hallar
    — llegar
    — lo
    — mal
    — memoria
    — porqué


    — aware
    — can
    — certain
    — curious
    — flounder
    — fortuneteller
    — guess
    — hand
    — hear
    — horrify
    — know
    — learning
    — namely
    — nice
    — pat
    — pride
    — should
    — taste
    — tell
    — truck
    — understand
    — unknowingly
    — wisdom
    — able
    — appreciation
    — authority
    — claim
    — copy
    — early
    — funny
    — heart
    — knowledge
    — let
    — priority
    — realize
    — reassuring
    — right
    — saber
    — sabre
    — score
    — skill
    — stump
    — suppose
    — viz
    — way

    * * *



    según mi/nuestro/[m5]. leal saber y entender to the best of my/our/ knowledge;


    to know;

    de haberlo sabido (antes) [m5]si lo llego a saber, me quedo en casa if I’d known, I’d have stayed at home;

    es de [m5]por todos sabido que… it’s common knowledge that…, everyone knows that…;

    para que lo sepas, somos amigos we’re friends, for your information;

    ¿sabes qué (te digo)?, que no me arrepiento you know what, I don’t regret it;

    si lo sabré yo, que tengo cuatro hijos you’re telling me! I’ve got four children!;

    sin yo saberlo, sin saberlo yo without my knowledge;

    no sabía dónde meterme I didn’t know where to put myself, I wanted to crawl under a rock;

    ¡qué sé yo!, ¡y yo qué sé! how should I know!;

    ¡qué sé yo la de veces que me caí de la bici! heaven knows how many times I fell off my bike!;

    ¿sabes cocinar? can you cook?;

    no sé nadar I can’t swim, I don’t know how to swim;

    sabe hablar inglés/montar en bici she can speak English/ride a bike;

    to learn, to find out;

    lo supe ayer/por los periódicos I found (it) out yesterday/in the papers;

    ¿sabes algo de Juan?, ¿qué sabes de Juan? have you had any news from heard from Juan?;

    ¿sabes algo de cuándo será el examen? have you heard anything about when the exam’s going to be?

    to know about;


    sabe mucho a cebolla it has a very strong taste of onions, it tastes very strongly of onions;

    saber bien/mal to taste good/bad;

    ¡qué bien sabe este pan! this bread’s really tasty!, this bread tastes really good!;

    saber a cuerno quemado [m5]a rayos: sus comentarios me supieron a cuerno quemado [m5] a rayos I thought his comments were really off

    to know;

    ¡quién sabe!, ¡vete (tú) a saber!, ¡vaya usted a saber! who knows!;

    pues, sabes, a mí no me importaría I wouldn’t mind, you know;

    es vecino mío, ¿sabes? he’s my neighbour, you know;

    ¡sepa Pancha!, ¡sepa la bola! who knows?

    ¿tú sabes de mecánica? do you know (anything) about mechanics?;

    * * *

    1 know;

    ¿cómo lo sabes? how do you know?;

    ¡si lo sabré yo! don’t I know it!;

    ¡para que lo sepas! so there!;


    sé nadar/leer I can swim/read;

    1 know (de about);

    ¡vete a saber!, ¡vaya usted a saber! heaven knows;

    ¡quién sabe! who knows!;

    ¡qué sé yo! who knows?;



    * * *

    to know

    to know how to, to be able to

    sabe tocar el violín: she can play the violin

    to learn, to find out

    to know, to suppose

    to be informed

    supimos del desastre: we heard about the disaster

    to taste

    esto no sabe bien: this doesn’t taste right

    sabe a naranja: it tastes like orange

    * * *

    cuando supe que era su cumpleaños… when I found out it was her birthday…

    vete a saber goodness knows / it’s anyone’s guess

    Spanish-English dictionary > saber

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    cantar/decir/oír misa to sing/say/hear mass

    misa cantada/de campaña sung/open-air mass

    * * *

    1 mass

    * * *

    * * *

    dijeron/celebraron misa en la catedral — they said/celebrated mass in the cathedral

    como en misa —

    decir misa —

    ¡por mí, que digan misa! — let them say what they like!

    ir a misa —

    misa de corpore insepulto, misa de cuerpo presente — funeral mass

    * * *

    por mí como si dice or que diga misa — (Esp fam) I couldn’t care less what he says (colloq)

    * * *

    Ex. Novello’s interest in Mass settings by German speaking composers was unusual at a time when the music sung was largely Italian.


    * estar en misa y repicando = have + a finger in every pie.

    * * *

    por mí como si dice or que diga misa — (Esp fam) I couldn’t care less what he says (colloq)

    * * *

    Ex: Novello’s interest in Mass settings by German speaking composers was unusual at a time when the music sung was largely Italian.

    * estar en misa y repicando = have + a finger in every pie.

    * misa aniversario de fallecimiento = ceremonial service.

    * misa de difunto = ceremonial service.

    * * *


    decir misa «sacerdote» to say o celebrate o offer mass


    open-air mass

    sung mass

    open-air mass

    funeral mass

    Requiem mass, Requiem

    misa de or del gallo

    marriage service

    High Mass

    Low Mass

    * * *


    misa sustantivo femenino


    ir a misa to go to mass;

    decir misa [ sacerdote] to say o celebrate mass;

    misa de cuerpo presente funeral mass;

    misa de difuntos Requiem (mass);

    misa de or del gallo midnight mass ( on Christmas Eve)

    misa sustantivo femenino mass

    cantar misa, to celebrate mass

    misa‘ also found in these entries:


    — ir
    — ninguna
    — ninguno
    — asistir
    — decir
    — dispensar
    — oír
    — tocar


    — church
    — half
    — mass
    — way
    — go

    * * *


    cantar/decir/oír misa to sing/say/hear mass;

    misa de campaña open-air mass;

    * * *

    * * *


    * * *

    Spanish-English dictionary > misa

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    1 to speak.

    hablar en voz alta/baja to speak loudly/softly

    2 to talk.

    3 to talk.

    6 to talk to, to speak to.

    * * *

    1 (gen) to speak, talk

    ¿puedes hablar más alto? can you speak up, please?

    ¡quién fue a hablar! look who’s talking!

    se habla de que… it is said that…

    * * *


    * * *



    to speak, talk (a, con to) (de about, of)

    ¡mira quién fue a hablar! — look who’s talking!

    que hable él — let him speak, let him have his say

    ¡hable!, ¡puede hablar! — (Telec) you’re through!, go ahead! (EEUU)

    ¿quién habla? — (Telec) who’s calling?, who is it?

    hablar bajo — to speak o talk quietly, speak o talk in a low voice

    hablar claro — (fig) to speak plainly o bluntly

    dar que hablar a la gente — to make people talk, cause tongues to wag

    hablaba en broma — she was joking

    ¿hablas en serio? — are you serious?

    hacer hablar a algn — to make sb talk

    hablar por hablar — to talk for talking’s sake, talk for the sake of it

    ¡ni hablar! —

    -¿vas a ayudarle en la mudanza? -¡ni hablar! — «are you going to help him with the move?» — «no way!» o — «you must be joking!»

    cristiano, plata

    1) to speak

    «se habla inglés» — «English spoken»


    no hay más que hablar — there’s nothing more to be said about it




    ) to (tele)phone



    ¿»Speak» o «talk»?
    Se traduce por speak cuando hablar tiene un sentido general, es decir, hace referencia a la emisión de sonidos articulados:
    Estaba tan conmocionado que no podía hablar
    He was so shocked that he was unable to speak
    Su padre antes tartamudeaba al hablar
    Her father used to stutter when he spoke
    También se emplea speak cuando nos referimos a la capacidad de hablar un idioma:
    Habla francés y alemán
    She speaks French and German
    Cuando hablar implica la participación de más de una persona, es decir, se trata de una conversación, una charla, o un comentario, entonces se traduce por talk.
    Es una de esas personas que no para de hablar
    He’s one of those people who won’t stop talking
    Para traducir la construcción hablar con alguien podemos utilizar talk to ( talk with en el inglés de EE.UU.) o, si el uso es más formal, se puede emplear speak to ( speak with en el inglés de EE.UU.):
    Vi a Manolo hablando animadamente con un grupo de turistas
    I saw Manolo talking o speaking animatedly to o with a group of tourists
    Si queremos especificar el idioma en que se desarrolla la conversación, se puede emplear tanto talk como speak, aunque este último se usa en un lenguaje más formal:
    Me sorprendió bastante verla hablar en francés con tanta soltura
    I was surprised to see her talking o speaking (in) French so fluently
    Para otros usos y ejemplos ver la entrada

    * * *


    verbo intransitivo

    déjalo hablar — let him speak, let him have his say (colloq)

    mira quién habla or quién fue a hablar — (fam) look o hark who’s talking (colloq)


    tengo que hablarte or que hablar contigo — I need to speak to you o have a word with you

    ni hablar: de eso ni hablar that’s totally out of the question; ni hablar! no way! (colloq), no chance! (colloq); nos castigaron por hablar en clase — we were punished for talking in class

    ¿quién habla? — who’s speaking o calling?

    ¿con quién hablo? — who am I speaking with (AmE) o (BrE) speaking to?

    4) (tratar, referirse a)

    hablar de algo/alguien — to talk about something/somebody

    lo dejamos en 10.000 y no se hable más (de ello) — let’s say 10,000 and be done with it

    el viaje en tren sale caro, y no hablemos ya del avión — going by train is expensive, and as for flying…

    hablar sobre or acerca de algo — to talk about something



    hablar de + inf — to talk of -ing, talk about -ing



    * * *

    = speak, talk, share + Posesivo + view, speak up, chat.

    Ex. If, however, you wish to speak another language with DOBIS/LIBIS, enter the name of that language in this field by typing over the language displayed.

    Ex. The philosophy was that every computer on the network would talk, as a peer, with any other computer.

    Ex. The aim is to encourage children to read more and to share their views on the books they read.

    Ex. ‘When you’ve been here a while, you’ll see that it’s hard to avoid run-ins with her,’ Lehmann spoke up.

    Ex. The guest might be better employed seeing small groups half a dozen or so for quarter of an hour, when they could chat about anything that crops up.


    * dar de qué hablar = raise + eyebrows, fuel + rumours, give + rise to rumours.

    * dar que hablar = fuel + rumours, give + rise to rumours, raise + eyebrows.

    * empezar a hablar de = make + noises about, make + a noise about.

    * extasiarse hablando de Algo = wax + lyrical, wax + rapturous.

    * hablando de Roma, por la puerta asoma = speak of the devil, talk of the devil.

    * hablando en términos muy generales = crudely put.

    * hablar a calzón quitado = lay + Posesivo + cards on the table, put + Posesivo + cards on the table.

    * hablar al unísono = speak with + one voice.

    * hablar bajo = speak + low.

    * hablar ceceando = lisp.

    * hablar claro = lay + Posesivo + cards on the table, put + Posesivo + cards on the table.

    * hablar como una cotorra = talk + Posesivo + socks off.

    * hablar con = check with, speak with, talk with, speak to.

    * hablar con diplomacia = say + the right thing.

    * hablar con la boca llena = speak with + Posesivo + mouth full, talk with + Posesivo + mouth full.

    * hablar con la nariz = talk through + Posesivo + nose.

    * hablar con lengua de serpiente = talk with + a twisted tongue, speak with + a twisted tongue, speak with + a split tongue, speak with + a forked tongue.

    * hablar con ritmo y rima = rap about.

    * hablar de = be on about, talk about, tell of.

    * hablar de boquilla = pay + lip service.

    * hablar del asunto con = take + the matter + up with.

    * hablar del mismo modo = talk + alike.

    * hablar del trabajo = talk + shop.

    * hablar despectivamente = speak + disparagingly.

    * hablar emotivamente y con efusividad = gush about.

    * hablar en falso = speak with + a split tongue, speak with + a forked tongue, speak with + a twisted tongue.

    * hablar en favor de = put + a word in for.

    * hablar en lengua desconocida = speak in + tongues, talk in + tongues.

    * hablar en plata = put + it crudely.

    * hablar en público = public speaking, speak in + public.

    * hablar entre dientes = mumble, mutter.

    * hablar entre dientes sin ser entendido = mumble.

    * hablar en voz alta = talk in + a loud voice.

    * hablar en voz baja = whisper, speak + low.

    * hablar hasta por los codos = talk + Posesivo + socks off.

    * hablar hasta reventar = talk + Reflexivo + blue in the face.

    * hablar incoherentmente = babble.

    * hablar mal de = speak against, speak out against, speak + ill of, say + nasty things about, slag + Nombre + off, slate, diss.

    * hablar maravillas de = praise.

    * hablar más de la cuenta = shoot + Posesivo + mouth off.

    * hablar muy bien de = rave about, rant and rave.

    * hablar pestes = trash, call + Nombre + all the names under the sun, say + nasty things about, slag + Nombre + off, cut + Nombre + up, tear + Nombre + down, rubbish.

    * hablar por hablar = waffle, talk through + Posesivo + hat.

    * hablar por la nariz = talk through + Posesivo + nose.

    * hablar por los codos = talk + Posesivo + socks off, talk + Reflexivo + blue in the face.

    * hablar por Uno mismo = speak for + Reflexivo.

    * hablar sin decir nada = waffle.

    * hablar sin pensar = shoot from + the hip.

    * hablar sin ser entendido = speak in + tongues, talk in + tongues.

    * hablar sin ton ni son = talk through + Posesivo + hat.

    * llevar a hablar de una cuestión = bring up + issue.

    * loro viejo no aprende a hablar = you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.

    * ¡ni hablar del caso! = no dice!.

    * persona que sólo habla una lengua = monoglot.

    * saber de lo que Uno estar hablando = know + Posesivo + stuff.

    * volver a hablar innecesariamente = belabour [belabor, -USA].

    * ya hemos hablado bastante de = so much for.

    * * *


    verbo intransitivo

    déjalo hablar — let him speak, let him have his say (colloq)

    mira quién habla or quién fue a hablar — (fam) look o hark who’s talking (colloq)


    tengo que hablarte or que hablar contigo — I need to speak to you o have a word with you

    ni hablar: de eso ni hablar that’s totally out of the question; ni hablar! no way! (colloq), no chance! (colloq); nos castigaron por hablar en clase — we were punished for talking in class

    ¿quién habla? — who’s speaking o calling?

    ¿con quién hablo? — who am I speaking with (AmE) o (BrE) speaking to?

    4) (tratar, referirse a)

    hablar de algo/alguien — to talk about something/somebody

    lo dejamos en 10.000 y no se hable más (de ello) — let’s say 10,000 and be done with it

    el viaje en tren sale caro, y no hablemos ya del avión — going by train is expensive, and as for flying…

    hablar sobre or acerca de algo — to talk about something



    hablar de + inf — to talk of -ing, talk about -ing



    * * *

    = speak, talk, share + Posesivo + view, speak up, chat.

    Ex: If, however, you wish to speak another language with DOBIS/LIBIS, enter the name of that language in this field by typing over the language displayed.

    Ex: The philosophy was that every computer on the network would talk, as a peer, with any other computer.

    Ex: The aim is to encourage children to read more and to share their views on the books they read.

    Ex: ‘When you’ve been here a while, you’ll see that it’s hard to avoid run-ins with her,’ Lehmann spoke up.

    Ex: The guest might be better employed seeing small groups half a dozen or so for quarter of an hour, when they could chat about anything that crops up.

    * conseguir hablar con = catch up with.

    * dar de qué hablar = raise + eyebrows, fuel + rumours, give + rise to rumours.

    * dar que hablar = fuel + rumours, give + rise to rumours, raise + eyebrows.

    * del que estamos hablando = in question.

    * empezar a hablar de = make + noises about, make + a noise about.

    * estar hablando del tema = be on the topic.

    * estrictamente hablando = strictly speaking.

    * extasiarse hablando de Algo = wax + lyrical, wax + rapturous.

    * forma de hablar = manner of speaking.

    * hablando de Roma, por la puerta asoma = speak of the devil, talk of the devil.

    * hablando en plata = crudely put.

    * hablando en términos muy generales = crudely put.

    * hablando figuradamente = figuratively speaking.

    * hablando por teléfono = on the line.

    * hablando sinceramente = straight talk.

    * hablando sin rodeos = crudely put.

    * hablando sin tapujos = straight talk.

    * hablar a = speak to.

    * hablar a calzón quitado = lay + Posesivo + cards on the table, put + Posesivo + cards on the table.

    * hablar a favor de = speak up for.

    * hablar alto = be loud.

    * hablar al unísono = speak with + one voice.

    * hablar antes de tiempo = speak too soon.

    * hablar bajo = speak + low.

    * hablar ceceando = lisp.

    * hablar claro = lay + Posesivo + cards on the table, put + Posesivo + cards on the table.

    * hablar como una cotorra = talk + Posesivo + socks off.

    * hablar con = check with, speak with, talk with, speak to.

    * hablar con diplomacia = say + the right thing.

    * hablar con entusiasmo = gush about.

    * hablar con la boca llena = speak with + Posesivo + mouth full, talk with + Posesivo + mouth full.

    * hablar con la nariz = talk through + Posesivo + nose.

    * hablar con lengua de serpiente = talk with + a twisted tongue, speak with + a twisted tongue, speak with + a split tongue, speak with + a forked tongue.

    * hablar con ritmo y rima = rap about.

    * hablar de = be on about, talk about, tell of.

    * hablar de boquilla = pay + lip service.

    * hablar del asunto con = take + the matter + up with.

    * hablar del mismo modo = talk + alike.

    * hablar del trabajo = talk + shop.

    * hablar despectivamente = speak + disparagingly.

    * hablar efusivamente = gush about.

    * hablar emotivamente y con efusividad = gush about.

    * hablar en contra de = speak against.

    * hablar en falso = speak with + a split tongue, speak with + a forked tongue, speak with + a twisted tongue.

    * hablar en favor de = put + a word in for.

    * hablar en lengua desconocida = speak in + tongues, talk in + tongues.

    * hablar en plata = put + it crudely.

    * hablar en público = public speaking, speak in + public.

    * hablar entre dientes = mumble, mutter.

    * hablar entre dientes sin ser entendido = mumble.

    * hablar en voz alta = talk in + a loud voice.

    * hablar en voz baja = whisper, speak + low.

    * hablar explícitamente = speak out.

    * hablar hasta por los codos = talk + Posesivo + socks off.

    * hablar hasta reventar = talk + Reflexivo + blue in the face.

    * hablar incoherentmente = babble.

    * hablar mal de = speak against, speak out against, speak + ill of, say + nasty things about, slag + Nombre + off, slate, diss.

    * hablar maravillas de = praise.

    * hablar más de la cuenta = shoot + Posesivo + mouth off.

    * hablar muy bien de = rave about, rant and rave.

    * hablar pestes = trash, call + Nombre + all the names under the sun, say + nasty things about, slag + Nombre + off, cut + Nombre + up, tear + Nombre + down, rubbish.

    * hablar por hablar = waffle, talk through + Posesivo + hat.

    * hablar por la nariz = talk through + Posesivo + nose.

    * hablar por los codos = talk + Posesivo + socks off, talk + Reflexivo + blue in the face.

    * hablar por Uno mismo = speak for + Reflexivo.

    * hablarse = on speaking terms.

    * hablarse bien de Algo o Alguien = be well spoken of.

    * hablar sin decir nada = waffle.

    * hablar sin parar = burble on.

    * hablar sin pensar = shoot from + the hip.

    * hablar sin ser entendido = speak in + tongues, talk in + tongues.

    * hablar sin ton ni son = talk through + Posesivo + hat.

    * llevar a hablar de una cuestión = bring up + issue.

    * loro viejo no aprende a hablar = you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.

    * ¡mira quién habla! = look who’s talking!.

    * ¡ni hablar! = no dice!.

    * ¡ni hablar del caso! = no dice!.

    * persona que sólo habla una lengua = monoglot.

    * que habla en voz baja = quietly spoken.

    * saber de lo que Uno estar hablando = know + Posesivo + stuff.

    * ser como hablar con la pared = be like talking to a brick wall.

    * volver a hablar innecesariamente = belabour [belabor, -USA].

    * ya hemos hablado bastante de = so much for.

    * * *

    ■ hablar (verbo intransitivo)

    A articular palabras


    1 expresarse

    2 hablar + complemento


    1 conversar

    2 charlar

    3 murmurar

    4 en conversaciones telefónicas

    D tratar, referirse a

    E bajo coacción


    1 dar un discurso

    2 dirigirse a


    1 anunciar un propósito

    2 rumorear

    H recordar

    I tener relaciones

    J México: por teléfono

    ■ hablar (verbo transitivo)

    A hablar: idioma

    B tratar, consultar

    C decir

    ■ hablarse (verbo pronominal)


    hablar en voz baja to speak o talk quietly, to speak o talk in a low voice

    habla más bajo don’t speak so loudly, keep your voice down

    habla con un deje andaluz she speaks with a slight Andalusian accent, she has a slight Andalusian accent

    es muy pequeño, todavía no sabe hablar he’s still a baby, he hasn’t started to talk yet o he isn’t talking yet

    es una réplica perfecta, sólo le falta hablar it’s a perfect likeness, you almost expect it to start talking


    habla claro ¿cuánto quieres? tell me straight, how much do you want? ( colloq)

    no sabe de qué va el tema, el caso es hablar he doesn’t know what it’s all about but he just has to have his say

    en fin, mejor no hablar anyway, I’d better keep my mouth shut

    ¡así se habla! that’s what I like to hear!

    tú no hables or no hace falta que hables ( fam); you’re a fine one to talk! ( colloq), you’ve got no room to talk! ( colloq), you can talk! ( colloq)

    mira quién habla or quién fue a hablar ( fam); look o hark who’s talking ( colloq)

    hablar por hablar: no sabe nada del tema, habla por hablar he doesn’t know anything about the subject, he just likes the sound of his own voice o he just talks for the sake of it

    2 (+ complemento) to speak

    ¿en qué idioma hablan en casa? what language do you speak at home?

    aunque no coincido con sus ideas, reconozco que habla muy bien even though I do not share his views, I accept that he is a very good speaker


    lo conozco de vista, pero nunca he hablado con él I know him by sight, but I’ve never actually spoken to him

    ¿podemos hablar a solas un momento? can I have a word with you in private?, can I talk to you alone for a moment?

    no te vayas, tengo que hablarte or tengo que hablar contigo don’t go, I need to speak to you o have a word with you

    habla tú con él, quizás a ti te escuche you talk to him, maybe he’ll listen to you

    hablar por teléfono/por el celular ( AmL) or el móvil ( Esp) to talk on the phone/cell phone ( AmE) o mobile ( BrE)

    ¿estarías dispuesto a hacerlo? — ¡ni hablar! would you be willing to do it? — no way o not likely o no chance! ( colloq)

    no hagas caso, a la gente le gusta mucho hablar don’t take any notice, people just like to talk o gossip

    dar que hablar: si sigues actuando de esa manera, vas a dar que hablar if you carry on like that, people will start talking o tongues will start to wag


    (en conversaciones telefónicas): ¿quién habla? who’s speaking o calling?

    ¿con quién hablo? who am I speaking with ( AmE) o ( BrE) speaking to?

    D (tratar, referirse a) hablar DE algo/algn to talk ABOUT sth/sb

    ¿de qué están hablando? what are you talking about?

    lo dejamos en 10.000 y no se hable más (de ello) let’s say 10,000 and be done with it

    el viaje en tren sale caro, y no hablemos ya del avión going by train is expensive, and as for flying …

    en su libro habla de un tiempo futuro en el que … in his book he writes about o speaks of a time in the future when …

    hablar SOBREor ACERCA de algo to talk ABOUT sth

    hablar DE algo/algn to talk ABOUT sth/sb


    ¿qué manera es ésa de hablarle a tu madre? that’s no way to speak to your mother!


    se habla de que va a renunciar it is said o rumored that she’s going to resign, they say o people say that she’s going to resign

    ■ hablar


    A ‹idioma› to speak

    [ S ] se habla español Spanish spoken

    B (tratar, consultar) to talk about, discuss

    ya está todo resuelto, no hay (nada) más que hablar it’s all settled, there’s nothing more to discuss o say

    (decir): no hables disparates or tonterías don’t talk nonsense, don’t talk garbage ( AmE colloq), don’t talk rubbish ( BrE colloq)

    ¿piensas seguir toda la vida sin hablarte con ella? are you never going to speak to her again?, aren’t you ever going to talk to her again?

    * * *


    hablar ( conjugate hablar) verbo intransitivo


    habla más bajo keep your voice down

    ( francamente) to speak frankly;

    un político que habla muy bien a politician who is a very good speaker;

    hablar por hablar to talk for the sake of it


    tenemos que hablar we must (have a) talk;

    hablar con algn to speak o talk to sb;

    tengo que hablarte or que hablar contigo I need to speak to you o have a word with you;

    está hablando por teléfono he’s on the phone;

    ¡ni hablar! no way! (colloq), no chance! (colloq)

    se habla de que va a renunciar it is said o rumored that she’s going to resign

    ¿con quién hablo? who am I speaking with (AmE) o (BrE) speaking to?


    a) (tratar, referirse a) hablar de algo/algn to talk about sth/sb;

    siempre habla mal de ella he never has a good word to say about her;

    hablan muy bien de él people speak very highly of him;

    me ha hablado mucho de ti she’s told me a lot about you;

    en tren sale caro, y no hablemos ya del avión going by train is expensive, and as for flying …;

    háblame de tus planes tell me about your plans;

    hablar sobre or acerca de algo to talk about sth

    háblale de tú use the `tú’ form with him

    4 (Méx) ( por teléfono) to call, phone

    verbo transitivo

    1 idioma to speak

    2 ( tratar):

    ya lo hablaremos más adelante we’ll talk about o discuss that later

    hablarse verbo pronominal:

    no se habla con ella he’s not speaking o talking to her, he’s not on speaking terms with her


    I verbo intransitivo

    1 to speak, talk: estaba hablando con Jorge, I was speaking to Jorge

    habla muy mal de su marido, she speaks badly of her husband

    2 (charlar) to talk, chat: le encanta hablar por teléfono, he loves chatting on the phone

    3 (tratar, versar) to talk about: este artículo habla de los extraterrestres, this article deals with aliens

    4 (referirse) no hablaba de ella, I wasn’t talking about her

    habla de él como si de un dios se tratara, you would have thought she was talking about a god from the way she spoke about him

    II verbo transitivo

    1 (una lengua) to speak: habla francés, he speaks French

    2 (discutir, tratar) to talk over, discuss: háblalo con tu madre, talk it over with your mother

    no tengo nada que hablar contigo, I’ve nothing to say to you

    3 (decir) habla maravillas de su nuevo coche, he’s raving on about his new car

    ♦ Locuciones: hablar en broma, to be joking

    familiar ¡mira tú quién fue a hablar!, look who’s talking!

    ni hablar, certainly not

    hablar‘ also found in these entries:


    — acento
    — alquilar
    — alta
    — alto
    — ancha
    — ancho
    — balbucear
    — broma
    — caldo
    — callar
    — carrete
    — cascar
    — cerrada
    — cerrado
    — cerrarse
    — chistar
    — clara
    — claro
    — codo
    — como
    — contigo
    — correr
    — costar
    — dar
    — dejar
    — deshora
    — despepitarse
    — dialéctica
    — embalarse
    — en
    — enrollarse
    — extenderse
    — fanfarronear
    — gachó
    — gangosa
    — gangoso
    — habla
    — hablarse
    — impertinencia
    — imprudencia
    — íntima
    — íntimo
    — maravilla
    — murmurar
    — ni
    — palabra
    — parar
    — peluquín
    — permitir


    — abruptly
    — admire
    — afraid
    — age
    — alone
    — approachable
    — babble
    — bitterly
    — blunt
    — bone
    — break off
    — breath
    — breathe
    — captivate
    — confidence
    — crack
    — croak
    — curt
    — delegation
    — directly
    — discuss
    — do
    — dog
    — drawl
    — drone
    — easy
    — evenly
    — fear
    — female
    — fluent
    — go on
    — gush
    — harp on
    — hear of
    — hot air
    — jabber
    — jaw
    — likely
    — male-dominated
    — mimic
    — mouth
    — mutter
    — nasally
    — need
    — nelly
    — nice
    — nonstop
    — oneself
    — pipe up

    * * *


    to speak;

    hablar en voz alta/baja to speak loudly/softly;

    to speak;

    hablar en español/inglés to speak in Spanish/English;

    let me get a word in;

    to get sb to talk;

    ¡así se habla! hear, hear!;

    ¡qué bien habla este político! this politician’s a really good speaker;

    ¿podemos hablar un momento? could I have a word with you?;

    ¿has hablado con él alguna vez? have you ever talked spoken to him?;

    ¡(de eso) ni hablar! no way!;

    hablar de algo/alguien to talk speak about sth/sb;

    hablar bien/mal de to speak well/badly of;

    tenemos muy buenos tenistas, y no hablemos de futbolistas… we have very good tennis players, and as for footballers…

    to talk;

    to speak;

    to talk;

    ¡a mí no me hables así! don’t you speak to me like that!


    to speak;

    vamos a ir, y no hay nada más que hablar we’re going, and that’s that

    * * *


    1 speak;

    hablar alto/bajo speak loudly/softly;





    ¡ni hablar! no way!;

    ¡mira quién habla! look who’s talking!;

    por no hablar de … not to mention …

    * * *

    to speak, to talk

    hablar en broma: to be joking

    hablar de to mention, to talk about

    to speak (a language)

    to talk about, to discuss

    háblalo con tu jefe: discuss it with your boss

    * * *

    Spanish-English dictionary > hablar

  • 10


    1 power (mando, competencia).

    estar en/hacerse con el poder to be in/to seize power

    el poder ejecutivo/legislativo/judicial the executive/legislature/judiciary (personas)

    2 power, authorization.

    3 faculty.

    4 proxy, letter of delegation, power of attorney, letter of attorney.


    1 can, to be able to.

    ¿puedo fumar aquí? may I smoke here?

    ¿se puede? may I come in?

    4 may, can (tener posibilidad, ser posible).

    ¡podría habernos invitado! she could o might have invited us! (expresa enfado)

    ¿vendrás mañana? — puede will you come tomorrow? — I may do

    5 to be stronger than.

    tú eres más alto, pero yo te puedo you may be taller than me, but I could still beat you up

    6 to can, to may, to be able to, to be apt to.

    7 to might, to stand to.

    8 to be capable.

    * * *

    Present Indicative

    Past Indicative

    Future Indicative


    Present Subjunctive

    Imperfect Subjunctive

    Future Subjunctive


    puede (tú), pueda (él/Vd.), podamos (nos.), poded (vos.), puedan (ellos/Vds.).

    * * *





    4) strength, force

    * * *


    ¿se puede llamar por teléfono desde aquí? — can you phone from here?


    ¿puedo usar tu teléfono? — can o may I use your phone?

    ¿puedo abrir la ventana? — can o may I open the window?


    ¿puedes/puede darme un vaso de agua? — can I/may I have a glass of water please?

    ¿me puede usted decir cuándo sale el autobús? — can o could you tell me when the bus leaves?


    puede o podría estar en cualquier sitio — it could o might be anywhere

    ¡cuidado, te puedes hacer daño! — careful, you could o might hurt yourself!


    ¡no pueden tratarnos así! — they can’t treat us like this!


    ¿qué edad puede tener? — I wonder what age he is?, how old do you reckon he is?



    ¡podías habérmelo dicho! — you could o might have told me!

    ¡al menos podrías disculparte! — you could at least say sorry!


    ¡no puedo más! — I can’t go on!; I can’t cope any more!; I can’t eat another thing!


    ¿se puede? — may I come in?

    ¿puedo? — may I?


    poder a algn: yo le puedo — I’m a match for him; I could have him *

    poder con

    ¿puedes con la maleta? — can you manage the suitcase?

    no puedo con él — I can’t handle him; he’s too heavy for me


    a más no poder, es tonto a más no poder — he’s as stupid as they come

    no poder por menos que, no pude por menos que decirle lo que pensaba de él — I just had to tell him what I thought of him



    Méx *

    to annoy; to upset



    puede (ser) maybe, it may be so, perhaps

    ¡no puede ser! — that can’t be!, that’s impossible!

    puede (ser) que ({+ subjun}9})

    1) power

    poder de convocatoria, tienen un gran poder de convocatoria — they really pull in the crowds, they’re real crowd-pullers *

    2) power

    ¡el pueblo al poder! — power to the people!

    ¡Herrera al poder! — Herrera for leader!

    bajo el poder de algn, estar en el poder, ocupar el poder — to be in power

    el cuarto poder — the fourth estate




    poderes powers

    por poderes o poder — by proxy

    7) possession

    estar u obrar en poder de algn — to be in sb’s hands o possession

    esa información está u obra en poder de la juez — that information is in the hands of the judge, that information is in the judge’s possession

    pasar a poder de algn — to pass to sb, pass into sb’s possession

    8) (Fís, Mec) power

    * * *


    ¿cuándo podrá darme una respuesta? — when will you be able to o when can you give me an answer?

    ¿pudiste hacerlo sola? — were you able to do it on your own?

    ¿puedo servirme otro? — can o may I have another one?

    ¿le puedo hacer una sugerencia? — may I make a suggestion?

    ¿podría irme un poco más temprano hoy? — could I leave a little earlier today?

    ¿se puede? — adelante! — may I? — come in


    a) (en quejas, reproches)

    ¿cómo pudiste hacer una cosa así? — how could you do such a thing?

    podías or podrías haberme avisado — you could o might have warned me!

    podrías or podías pedírselo tú — you could ask him for it

    ¿puedes bajar un momento? — can you come down for a moment?

    ¿podrías hacerme un favor? — could you do me a favor?

    poder con algo/alguien: ¿puedes con todo eso? can you manage all that?; no puedo con esta maleta I can’t manage this suitcase; no pudo con el alemán y lo dejó he couldn’t get to grips with German and he gave up; con este niño no hay quien pueda! this child is just impossible!; podérsela con algo — (Chi fam) to cope with something

    a más no poder: comió a más no poder he ate until he was fit to burst; corrimos a más no poder we ran as fast as we could; es feo a más no poder he’s as ugly as they come; no poder más: estoy que no puedo más ( cansado) I’m exhausted; ( lleno) I can’t eat anything else; ya no puedo más con este niño I’m at the end of my tether with this child; ya no puedo más, me está desquiciando I can’t go on like this, it’s driving me mad; no poder (por) menos que: no pude menos que sentirme halagado I couldn’t help feeling flattered; no pudo menos que reconocer — she had no alternative but to admit

    7) (fam) (+ me, te, le etc)

    él es más alto, pero tú le puedes — he’s taller than you but you can beat him

    8) (con idea de eventualidad, posibilidad)

    te podrías or podías haber matado — you could have killed yourself!

    — puede que sí, puede que no — maybe, maybe not




    a) (control, influencia) power

    estamos/nos tiene en su poder — we are/she has us in her power

    b) (Pol)

    la carta está en poder de… — the letter is in the hands of…


    a) (derecho, atribución)

    tener amplios/plenos poderes para hacer algo — to have wide-ranging powers/full authority to do something


    a) (capacidad, facultad) power

    b) (de motor, aparato) power

    * * *


    ¿cuándo podrá darme una respuesta? — when will you be able to o when can you give me an answer?

    ¿pudiste hacerlo sola? — were you able to do it on your own?

    ¿puedo servirme otro? — can o may I have another one?

    ¿le puedo hacer una sugerencia? — may I make a suggestion?

    ¿podría irme un poco más temprano hoy? — could I leave a little earlier today?

    ¿se puede? — adelante! — may I? — come in


    a) (en quejas, reproches)

    ¿cómo pudiste hacer una cosa así? — how could you do such a thing?

    podías or podrías haberme avisado — you could o might have warned me!

    podrías or podías pedírselo tú — you could ask him for it

    ¿puedes bajar un momento? — can you come down for a moment?

    ¿podrías hacerme un favor? — could you do me a favor?

    poder con algo/alguien: ¿puedes con todo eso? can you manage all that?; no puedo con esta maleta I can’t manage this suitcase; no pudo con el alemán y lo dejó he couldn’t get to grips with German and he gave up; con este niño no hay quien pueda! this child is just impossible!; podérsela con algo — (Chi fam) to cope with something

    a más no poder: comió a más no poder he ate until he was fit to burst; corrimos a más no poder we ran as fast as we could; es feo a más no poder he’s as ugly as they come; no poder más: estoy que no puedo más ( cansado) I’m exhausted; ( lleno) I can’t eat anything else; ya no puedo más con este niño I’m at the end of my tether with this child; ya no puedo más, me está desquiciando I can’t go on like this, it’s driving me mad; no poder (por) menos que: no pude menos que sentirme halagado I couldn’t help feeling flattered; no pudo menos que reconocer — she had no alternative but to admit

    7) (fam) (+ me, te, le etc)

    él es más alto, pero tú le puedes — he’s taller than you but you can beat him

    8) (con idea de eventualidad, posibilidad)

    te podrías or podías haber matado — you could have killed yourself!

    — puede que sí, puede que no — maybe, maybe not




    a) (control, influencia) power

    estamos/nos tiene en su poder — we are/she has us in her power

    b) (Pol)

    la carta está en poder de… — the letter is in the hands of…


    a) (derecho, atribución)

    tener amplios/plenos poderes para hacer algo — to have wide-ranging powers/full authority to do something


    a) (capacidad, facultad) power

    b) (de motor, aparato) power

    * * *


    1 = force, strength, power, leverage, authority, clout, might, muscle power, power of attorney, sway.

    Ex: Her reason admitted the force of his arguments, but her instinct opposed it.

    Ex: The strength of the acetone rinsing on the strength of the paper is investigated, and its efficiency in removing NM2P is also examined using gas liquid chromatography.

    Ex: She added that she felt sorry for the assistant because he had so little power.

    Ex: At certain times, dubious interpretations of the rules have even been used as leverage in gaining ground on matters of dispute between Community partners.

    Ex: One of the great virtues of networking is that it democratizes access to information and access to authority.

    Ex: IT executives would like to see their role in the organization elevated, giving them more ‘ clout‘, stature and visibility.

    Ex: Gradually many of these conquerors came to realize that, although military might was necessary to gain control over an area, sheer force of arms was not sufficient to govern effectively.

    Ex: Their development, particularly for replacing human muscle power, has been in parallel with that of information technology, but largely independent of it.

    Ex: A power of attorney is a legal instrument that is used to delegate legal authority to another.

    Ex: During this period Africa was influenced by external forces as the Islamic states of the north extended their sway south.

    * abusar del poder = lord over, lord it over.

    * abuso de poder = abuse of power.

    * altas esferas del poder, las = echelons of power, the.

    * ansioso de poder = power-hungry.

    * asumir poder = assume + power.

    * ceder las riendas del poder = hand over + the reins of power.

    * círculo de poder = circle of power.

    * con ansias de poder = power-hungry.

    * conceder poderes = give + powers.

    * con hambre de poder = power-hungry.

    * con poder = powerful.

    * con sed de poder = power-hungry.

    * control del poder = hold on power.

    * dar poderes = give + powers.

    * dejar sin poder = disempower.

    * división de poderes = division of powers.

    * ejercer poder = wield + power, exercise + power.

    * en el poder = in office.

    * equilibrio de poder = balance of power.

    * estructura de poder = power structure.

    * frecuentar los pasillos del poder = stalk + the corridors of power.

    * gente de poder = wielders of power, powerful people.

    * gobierno en el poder = ruling government.

    * grupo de poder = power group.

    * hambriento de poder = power-hungry.

    * igualdad de poder = parity of power.

    * inversión de poderes = power reversal.

    * jerarquía de poder = scalar chain.

    * llevar al poder = bring + Nombre + to power.

    * los poderes fáticos = the powers-that-be.

    * los que detentan el poder = the powers-that-be.

    * lucha de poderes = power struggle.

    * lucha por el poder = power struggle.

    * luchar de poderes = battle of wills.

    * partido en el poder, el = ruling party, the.

    * pasar las riendas del poder a = hand + the reins over to.

    * pasillos del poder, los = corridors of power, the.

    * perder poder = lose + power.

    * pérdida de poder = disempowerment.

    * poder adquisitivo = spending power, purchasing power, buying power.

    * poder colectivo = collective power.

    * poder curativo = healing power.

    * poder de atracción = drawing power.

    * poder de curación = healing power.

    * poder de discriminación = discretion.

    * poder de enganche = holding power.

    * poder del estado = state power.

    * poder de negociación = bargaining power.

    * poder de representación = power of representation.

    * poder de retención = holding power.

    * poder divino = divine power.

    * poder económico = economic leverage.

    * poder ejecutivo = chief executive, executive arm, executive power.

    * poder ejecutivo, el = Executive, the.

    * poder estatal = state power.

    * poder imperial = imperial power.

    * poder judicial = judicial arm, judicial system.

    * poder judicial, el = judiciary, the.

    * poder legal = statutory power.

    * poder legislativo = legislative power, legislative arm.

    * poder mágico = magical power, magic power.

    * poder notarial = power of attorney.

    * poder político = political power.

    * poder presidencial = presidential power.

    * poder público = public power, public authority.

    * poder remunerativo = earning power, earning capacity.

    * poder sobrenatural = supernatural power.

    * política del poder = power politics.

    * por poderes = by proxy.

    * posición de poder = position power.

    * quitar el poder = disempower.

    * relación de poder = power relationship.

    * relaciones de poder = power relations.

    * sediento de poder = power-hungry.

    * subida al poder = seizure of power.

    * subir al poder = rise to + power.

    * tener el poder = be the boss, call + the shots, call + the tune, rule + the roost.

    * tener el poder de = have + the power to.

    * tener las riendas del poder = hold + the reins of power.

    * tomar el poder = take + power.

    * tomar las riendas del poder = take + the reins of power.


    2 = be able to, be capable of, can, have + the opportunity, may, qualify for, manage to.

    Ex: Thus the electronic journal (e-journal) is a concept where scientists are able to input ideas and text to a computer data base for their colleagues to view, and similarly to view the work of others.

    Ex: Main classes are thus only capable of precise definition in the contexts of particular classification schemes.

    Ex: When used by skilled abstractors this mixture of styles can achieve the maximum transmission of information, within a minimum length.

    Ex: Every librarian, regardless of his government’s policy, has the opportunity, if he has the courage, to open the avenues of books and ideas a little wider.

    Ex: My second point may be a slightly tangential, but I hope it is a concrete reaction to the general tenor of Mr. Lubetzky’s remarks and the general subject posed.

    Ex: FIAC has drawn up a list of criteria to determine whether an advice centre qualifies for membership of the Federation.

    Ex: Tom Hernandez tried not to show how sad he felt about his friends’ leaving, and managed to keep up a cheerful facade until the party broke up.

    * Algo por lo que se puede cobrar = billable.

    * al que no se puede dejar de faltar = unmissable.

    * como mejor + poder = as best + Pronombre + can.

    * cuando antes pueda = at + Posesivo + earliest convenience.

    * de modo que + poder + oír = within earshot of.

    * en el que se puede buscar = searchable.

    * estar tan bueno que no se puede dejar de comer = moreish, moreish.

    * hacerlo lo mejor que Uno pueda = do + Posesivo + utmost.

    * hacer lo mejor que Uno pueda = put + Posesivo + best into.

    * hacer lo mejor que Uno puede = try + Posesivo + heart out.

    * hacer todo lo que Uno pueda = do + Posesivo + best, do + the best + Nombre + may, do + the best + Nombre + can.

    * hacer todo lo que Uno pueda (dado) = do + the best possible (with).

    * lo suficientemente lejos como para no poder oír = out of earshot.

    * muy bien + podría + Verbo = might + well + Verbo.

    * muy bien + puede + Verbo = may well + Verbo.

    * nada puede estar más apartado de la realidad = nothing can be further from the truth.

    * noche sin poder dormir = sleepless night.

    * no poder = be unable to, cannot, can’t [cannot].

    * no poder aguantar a Alguien = have + it in for + Nombre.

    * no poder conciliar el sueño = have + trouble sleeping.

    * no poder dejar de mencionar = cannot but notice.

    * no poder dejar de recalcar la importancia de Algo = the importance of + Nombre + cannot be stressed too strongly, cannot + give + too much emphasis + to the importance of.

    * no poder dormir = sleeplessness.

    * no poder estarse quieto = have + the fidgets, fidget.

    * no poder evitar + Infinitivo = cannot help + Gerundio, cannot help but + Verbo.

    * no poder evitar mencionar = cannot but notice.

    * no poder hacer más que = do + little more than.

    * no poder permitirse = ill afford.

    * no poder permitirse el lujo de = ill afford.

    * no poder quitarse Algo de la cabeza = can’t get it out of my mind.

    * no poderse buscar = be unsearchable.

    * no poderse negar que = there + be + no denying that.

    * no poder ver a Alguien = have + it in for + Nombre.

    * no poder ver Algo o Alguien = can’t stand + sight.

    * no pude evitar notar que = couldn’t help but notice (that).

    * no puedo aguantarlo = can’t take it.

    * no puedo comprender = I can’t get over.

    * No se le puede pedir peras al olmo = You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.

    * no se puede dejar de recalcar el + Nombre + de = the + Nombre + of + Nombre + cannot be overemphasised.

    * no se puede dejar de recalcar el + Nombre + of = the + Nombre + of + Nombre + cannot be overstated.

    * no se puede dejar de recalcar la importancia de Algo = the importance of + Nombre + cannot be overemphasised, the importance of + Nombre + cannot be overstated.

    * personas que no pueden salir de casa = homebound, the.

    * poder contar con = be there for + Pronombre, be there for + Pronombre.

    * poder + Infinitivo = succeed in + Gerundio.

    * poderse afirmar que = it + be + safe to say that.

    * poderse contestar = be answerable.

    * poderse integrar en = be integrable in.

    * poderse localizar = be locatable.

    * poder utilizarse = be usable.

    * por el que se puede cobrar = chargeable.

    * puede muy bien ser = could well be.

    * puede muy bien ser que = it may well be that.

    * puede que = maybe.

    * puede que al final sea para bien = be a blessing in disguise.

    * ¿Puede repetir? = I beg your pardon?, I beg your pardon?.

    * que no se le puede dar un nombre = unnameable.

    * que no se puede conseguir = unobtainable.

    * que no se puede entregar = undeliverable.

    * que no se puede hacer cumplir = unenforceable.

    * que no se puede identificar con un término = unnameable.

    * que no se puede uno perder = unmissable.

    * que puede causar detención = arrestable.

    * que puede demostrarse = demonstrably.

    * que puede salir en préstamo = loanable.

    * que puede ser apilado = stacking.

    * que puede ser usado a través de la web = web-compliant.

    * querer es poder = where there’s a will there’s a way.

    * que se le puede dar un nombre = nameable.

    * que se puede arreglar = fixable.

    * que se puede buscar = searchable.

    * que se puede cambiar de tamaño = resizeable [re-sizeable].

    * que se puede escuchar = playable.

    * que se puede hacer cumplir = enforceable.

    * que se puede identificar con un término = nameable.

    * que se puede imprimir = printable.

    * que se puede quitar = detachable.

    * que se puede separar = detachable.

    * que se puede visualizar = viewable.

    * sálvese el que pueda = free-for-all.

    * sálvese quien pueda = the devil take the hindmost, every man for himself, let battle commence.

    * se puede = is to be.

    * siempre que uno puede dedicarle el tiempo = in + Posesivo + own time.

    * sin poder contenerse = helplessly.

    * sin poder dormir = sleepless.

    * sin poder extinguirlo = inextinguishably.

    * sin poder hacer nada = helplessly.

    * tan sorprendente como pueda parecer = as amazing as it seems.

    * todavía + poderse + escuchar los ecos de = echo + still resound from.

    * * *

    A tener la capacidad de

    B expresando idea de permiso

    C expresando un derecho moral


    1 en quejas, reproches

    2 en sugerencias

    3 solicitando un favor


    1 poder con algo/alguien

    2 el dinero lo puede todo

    B en locuciones


    1 vencer, ganar

    2 doler

    A con idea de eventualidad

    B en tercera persona


    (tener la capacidad o posibilidad de): ven en cuanto puedas come as soon as you can

    ¿cómo que no puedes? what do you mean, you can’t do it ( o you can’t come etc)?

    ¿cuándo podrá darme una respuesta definitiva? when will you be able to o when can you give me a firm answer?

    ¿pudiste hacerlo sola? did you manage to do it o were you able to do it on your own?

    ¡este niño no se puede estar quieto ni un minuto! this child just won’t o can’t keep still for a minute!

    ¿sabes que se han prometido? — ¡no te (lo) puedo creer! do you know they’re engaged? — you’re joking! o I don’t believe it!


    (expresando idea de permiso): ¿puedo servirme otro? can o may I have another one?

    ¿me puedo ir? — ¡no señor! can o may I go? — no, you cannot o may not!

    ¿sales a jugar? — no puedo, estoy castigada are you coming out to play? — I can’t, I’m being kept in

    ¿puedo pasar? may I come in?

    ¿le puedo hacer una sugerencia? may I make a suggestion?

    ¿podría irme un poco más temprano hoy? could I leave a little earlier today?

    por mí, puedes hacer lo que quieras as far as I’m concerned, you can do whatever you like

    ¿quién te lo dijo, si se puede saber? who told you, may I ask?

    ¿se puede? — ¡adelante! may I? — come in


    después de lo que has trabajado, bien puedes tomarte un descanso you’re entitled to o you deserve a rest after all the work you’ve done



    (en quejas, reproches): ¿cómo pudiste hacer una cosa así? how could you do such a thing?

    ¿cómo puedes ser tan ingrato? how can you be so ungrateful?

    podías or podrías haberme avisado you could o might have warned me!


    (en sugerencias): podrías or podías pedírselo tú, a ti siempre te hace caso why don’t you ask him? he always listens to you


    (solicitando un favor): ¿puedes bajar un momento? can you come down for a moment?

    ¿podrías hacerme un favor? could you do me a favor?

    ¿no puedes irte a jugar a otra parte? can’t you go and play somewhere else?


    1 poder CON algo/algn:

    ¿tú puedes con todo eso? can you manage all that?

    yo no puedo solo con la casa, los niños y la tienda I can’t do the housework, look after the children and run the store all on my own, I can’t cope with the house, the children and the store all on my own

    ¡con este niño no hay quien pueda! this child is just impossible!


    no podía más, y ese estúpido que no salía del cuarto de baño I was desperate o I was bursting to go and that idiot wouldn’t come out of the bathroom ( colloq)

    ya no puedo más, me está desquiciando I can’t go on like this, it’s driving me mad



    ( Méx fam) (doler): tu desprecio le puede mucho she’s very hurt by your disdainful attitude, your disdainful attitude hurts her deeply


    hace horas que están reunidos ¿de qué pueden estar hablando? they’ve been in that meeting for hours, what can they be talking about?

    te podrías or podías haber matado you could have killed yourself!

    llaman a la puerta — ¿quién podrá ser a estas horas? there’s someone at the door — who can o could it be at this time?

    ¿nos habrá mentido? — no sé, puede ser do you think he lied to us? — I don’t know, he may have done o it’s possible

    si puede ser or ( Esp) a poder ser preferiría la cuarta fila if possible, I’d prefer row four

    ¿vas a votar para ella? — puede que sí or puede are you going to vote for her? — maybe o I may

    ¿lo vas a aceptar? — puede que sí, puede que no are you going to accept it? — maybe, maybe not


    1 (control, influencia) power

    estamos/nos tiene en su poder we are/she has us in her power




    (derecho, atribución): tiene amplios/plenos poderes para investigar el asunto he has wide-ranging powers/full authority to investigate the matter

    la entrega or transmisión de poderes the handing over o transmission of power

    casarse por poder( AmL) or ( Esp) por poderes to get married by proxy


    1 (capacidad, facultad) power

    su poder de convicción or de persuasión her power of persuasion

    el poder del amor/de la sugestión the power of love/of suggestion

    2 (de un motor, aparato) power


    masculine (de una divisa, un sueldo) purchasing power, buying power; (de una persona, un grupo) purchasing power, spending power

    mpl power of attorney

    * * *


    poder 1 ( conjugate poder) v aux

    1 ( tener la capacidad o posibilidad de):

    no puedo pagar tanto I can’t pay that much;

    no podía dormir I couldn’t sleep;

    no va a poder venir he won’t be able to come;

    no pudo asistir he was unable to o he couldn’t attend;

    ¿pudiste hacerlo sola? were you able to do it on your own?


    ¿puedo servirme otro? can o may I have another one?;

    ¿podría irme más temprano hoy? could I leave earlier today?;

    puedes hacer lo que quieras you can do whatever you like;

    no puede comer sal he isn’t allowed to eat salt;

    ¿se puede? — ¡adelante! may I? — come in;

    aquí no se puede fumar smoking is not allowed here

    ¿podrías hacerme un favor? could you do me a favor?

    3 ( expresando derecho moral):

    4 (en quejas, reproches): podías or podrías haberme avisado you could o might have warned me!

    ( con idea de esfuerzo)

    1 poder con algo/algn:

    no puedo con este niño I can’t cope with this child;

    estoy que no puedo más ( cansado) I’m exhausted;

    ( lleno) I can’t eat anything else;

    2 (con idea de eventualidad, posibilidad): te podrías or podías haber matado you could have killed yourself!;

    podría volver a ocurrir it could happen again;

    no pudo ser it wasn’t possible;

    puede (ser) que tengas razón you may o could be right;

    puede que sí, puede que no maybe, maybe not

    3 (Méx) ( doler):

    poder 2 sustantivo masculino


    a) (control, influencia) power;

    estamos en su poder we are in her power

    b) (Pol)

    estar en el poder to be in power;

    tomar el poder to take o seize power

    2 ( posesión):

    la carta está en poder de … the letter is in the hands of …


    a) (derecho, atribución) power;

    ( hecho ante notario) power of attorney;

    casarse por poder (AmL) or (Esp) por poderes to get married by proxy


    a) (capacidad, facultad) power;

    poder adquisitivo purchasing power

    b) (de motor, aparato) power

    poder 1 sustantivo masculino power

    Jur por poderes, by proxy

    Econ poder adquisitivo, purchasing power

    poder 2

    I verbo transitivo

    1 (tener capacidad) to be able to, can: no puedo evitarlo, I can’t help it

    podías habernos avisado, you could/ might have warned us

    2 (tener derecho o autorización) may, might, can

    ¿puedo repetir?, may I have a second helping?

    no puede tomar carne de cerdo, he can’t eat pork

    las mujeres ya pueden votar, women can already vote

    3 (uso impers) may, might: puede que la vea luego, I might see her later

    puede que sí, puede que no, maybe, maybe not

    II verbo intransitivo

    1 to cope [con, with]: no puedo con todo, I can’t cope

    2 (vencer, tener más fuerza) to be stronger than

    En el presente, can y to be able to son sinónimos. Sin embargo, en el pasado could significa que podías hacer algo, mientras que was o were able to significa que, además de poder hacerlo, lo hiciste: I could tell him the truth. Podía decirle la verdad (no sabemos si lo hice). I was able to tell him the truth. Fui capaz de decirle la verdad (lo hice). En el futuro solo podemos emplear to be able to: I will be able to do it tomorrow. Podré hacerlo mañana.

    Para expresar posibilidad puedes usar may, could o might. La diferencia consiste en el grado de probabilidad que sugieren. Recuerda que may se refiere a hechos más probables que might o could: Puede que llueva mañana. It may rain tomorrow (crees que es posible). It might/ could rain tomorrow (crees que la posibilidad es más remota).

    poder‘ also found in these entries:


    — absoluto
    — abusar
    — abuso
    — adquisitiva
    — adquisitivo
    — ámbito
    — caber
    — CGPJ
    — concentrar
    — continuismo
    — desgaste
    — desperdicio
    — destronar
    — desvelarse
    — dominio
    — entregar
    — erótica
    — excedente
    — garra
    — grabar
    — grandeza
    — idea
    — informal
    — judicial
    — legislativa
    — legislativo
    — manifestarse
    — mano
    — obrar
    — parcela
    — remediar
    — respirar
    — sátrapa
    — sed
    — seducción
    — someterse
    — sugestión
    — usurpar
    — ver
    — acumular
    — anhelar
    — ansia
    — ansiar
    — atribuir
    — autoridad
    — ávido
    — ceder
    — clavar
    — confiar


    — abuse
    — afford
    — anything
    — assume
    — assumption
    — can
    — conform
    — cope
    — encroach
    — fold
    — form
    — foursome
    — get
    — glad
    — greed
    — greediness
    — greedy
    — handle
    — hungry
    — lust
    — make
    — manage
    — may
    — might
    — office
    — out
    — power
    — power of attorney
    — proxy
    — purchasing power
    — seize
    — seizure
    — spending power
    — stick
    — stranglehold
    — take aside
    — takeover
    — unable
    — use
    — utmost
    — whichever
    — zenith
    — could
    — executive
    — height
    — helplessly
    — judiciary
    — lie
    — peace

    * * *


    de poder a poder: un enfrentamiento de poder a poder a heavyweight contest;

    poder absoluto absolute power;


    poder adquisitivo purchasing buying power;
    disposable income;

    poder de disuasión deterrent force;
    poder disuasorio deterrent force

    power, authorization;

    power of attorney;

    poder notarial power of attorney


    can, to be able to;

    ahora mismo no podemos atenderle, llame más tarde we can’t we are unable to take your call right now, please call later;

    ¿puede correrse un poco, por favor? could you move up a bit, please?;

    ¡así no se puede hacer nada! we’ll never get anywhere like this!;

    de poder ir, sería a partir de las siete if I manage to can make it, it will be after seven;

    si puedo, te llamaré I’ll call you if I get the chance

    can, may;

    ¿podríamos ir contigo? could we go with you?;

    ¿podría hablar un momento con usted? could I have a word with you?;

    ¿se pueden hacer fotos? can we are we allowed to take photos?;

    ¿puedo fumar aquí? may can I smoke here?;

    ¿se puede? may I come in?;

    ¿se puede saber dónde te habías metido? might I know would you mind telling me where you were?


    ¿cómo puedes decir una cosa así? how can you say such a thing?

    may, can;

    ¿dónde puede [m5] podrá estar? where can it have got to?;

    ¡habría podido invitarnos!, ¡podría habernos invitado! she could might have invited us!;

    to be able to cope with;

    ¿puedes con todas las bolsas? can you manage all those bags?;

    no puedo con este baúl, ¿me ayudas a levantarlo? I can’t lift this trunk on my own, can you give me a hand?;

    no poder con algo/alguien not to be able to stand sth/sb;

    ¡contigo no hay quien pueda! you’re impossible!

    to hurt

    no poder más to be too tired to carry on;

    to be full (up);
    to have had enough;

    ¡ya podrás, con una máquina como esa! anyone could do it with a machine like that!;

    v impersonal


    ¿vendrás mañana? – puede will you come tomorrow? – I may do;

    si puede ser, a poder ser if (at all) possible;

    lo siento, pero no va a poder ser I’m sorry, but it’s not going to be possible;

    ¡no puede ser que sea ya tan tarde! surely it can’t be that late already!


    to be stronger than;

    tú eres más alto, pero yo te puedo you may be taller than me, but I could still beat you up;

    le pudo su derrota, todavía no se repone losing really got to her, she still hasn’t got over it

    * * *

    2 can, be allowed to;

    ¿puedo ir contigo? can may I come with you?

    ¡podías habérselo dicho! you could have you might have told him


    no puedo más I can’t take any more, I’ve had enough;

    ¡no puede ser! it can’t be!, that can’t be right!;

    ¿se puede? can I come in?, do you mind if I come in?;

    * * *

    to be able to, can

    no puede hablar: he can’t speak

    puede llover: it may rain at any moment

    ¿cómo puede ser?: how can that be?

    ¿puedo ir a la fiesta?: can I go to the party?

    ¿se puede?: may I come in?

    to beat, to defeat

    cree que le puede a cualquiera: he thinks he can beat anyone

    to be possible

    ¿crees que vendrán? — puede (que sí): do you think they’ll come? — maybe

    ¡no puedo con estos niños!: I can’t handle these children!

    no puede más: she can’t take anymore

    no pudo menos que asombrarse: she couldn’t help but be amazed

    control, power

    poder adquisitivo: purchasing power


    el poder legislativo: the legislature


    está en mi poder: it’s in my hands

    strength, force

    poder militar: military might

    * * *

    can / could / to be able to

    puede que venga, puede que no he might come, he might not

    Spanish-English dictionary > poder

  • 11

    che c’è di male? where’s the harm in it?

    mal di testa/di denti headache/toothache

    meno male! thank goodness!

    * * *

    1 (opposto di bene) evil: il bene e il male, right and wrong (o good and evil); il genio del male, the evil genius; lo spirito del male, the spirit of evil; non conosce il male, she doesn’t know the meaning of evil; indurre qlcu. al male, to lead s.o. astray; rendere bene per male, to return good for evil

    2 (sventura) ill, evil, misfortune; (guaio) trouble: i mali della vita, the ills (o evils) of life; augurare del male a qlcu., to wish s.o. ill; raccontare i propri mali, to tell one’s troubles (o woes) // portare male, to bring bad luck // mal comune mezzo gaudio, (prov.) misery loves company // a mali estremi, estremi rimedi, (prov.) desperate ills need desperate remedies // un male tira l’altro, (prov.) it never rains but it pours (o misfortunes never come singly) // non tutto il male viene per nuocere, (prov.) every cloud has a silver lining // tra due mali bisogna scegliere il minore, (prov.) choose the lesser of two evils

    3 (malattia) illness, disease, sickness; (dolore fisico) pain, ache: mal d’aria, altitude sickness; mal caduco, falling sickness; mal di cuore, heart disease; mal di denti, toothache; mal di gola, sore throat: ho mal di gola, I have a sore throat; mal di mare, seasickness; avere il mal di mare, to be seasick; mal di montagna, mountain sickness; mal di stomaco, stomach-ache; mal di testa, headache; un brutto male, cancer; i cibi pesanti mi fanno male, heavy food gives me indigestion; ti fa male?, does it hurt?; ho male alle braccia, mi fanno male le braccia, my arms ache (o hurt); mi fai male, you are hurting me; essere affetto da un male incurabile, to suffer from an incurable disease; farsi male, to hurt oneself: si è fatto male cadendo da un albero, he hurt himself falling from a tree; si è fatto male alla gamba, he hurt his leg

    4 (danno, torto) harm, damage: il male che mi ha fatto, the wrongs he has done me; che male ti può fare?, what harm can it do you?; ciò farà più male che bene, it will do more harm than good; gli avete fatto del male parlando così, you have hurt him by talking like that; non c’è niente di male in ciò, there is no harm in that; non si deve fare male a nessuno, you mustn’t hurt people; poco male se non può venire, it does not matter if he cannot come; non sarà male avvisarlo, it wouldn’t hurt to tell him; la sua partenza è stato un male per tutti, his departure was bad for everyone.

    ◆ FRASEOLOGIA: meno male, just as well (o a good job o a good thing); (grazie a Dio) thank goodness; (almeno) at least: è arrivato con due ore di ritardo, ma meno male che ora è qui, he arrived two hours late, but at least he’s here now; ho dato l’esame di francese e ho preso 20; meno male, poteva andare peggio, I got 20 out of 30 in the French exam; not so bad!, it could have been worse; ho dimenticato il portafogli, meno male che ho un po’ di soldi in tasca, I have forgotten my wallet, it’s just as well (o it’s a good job o it’s a good thing) I have some money in my pocket; meno male che sei arrivato, ero proprio nei pasticci, thank goodness you’ve arrived, I was really in a mess // non bisogna pensare male di lui, give him the benefit of the doubt (o don’t think badly of him) // non c’è male, not too bad (o pretty well) // non pensavo a nulla di male, I did not mean anything bad // spettacolo che fa male, (doloroso), painful sight // andare a male, to go bad // aversela a male di qlco., prendere qlco. a male, to feel hurt by sthg. (o to take sthg. in bad part o to take sthg. amiss) // farsi venire un male, to pretend to faint (o to swoon) // mettere male, to foster enmity (o to sow discord) // venir male, to feel faint; mi vien male, I feel faint // voler male a qlcu., (odiarlo) to hate s.o.; (avere un rancore contro qlcu.) to have a grudge against s.o.

    1 (in modo non giusto, scorrettamente) badly: riconosco di aver agito male, I admit I behaved badly; parlare male l’italiano, to speak Italian badly; trattare male qlcu., to treat s.o. badly; è un lavoro fatto male, it’s a badly done job // mi ha risposto male, he gave me a rude answer (o he answered me rudely) // fa male a prendersela tanto, he’s wrong to get so upset // ti ho fatto male?, did I hurt you?

    2 (in modo sgradevole, sconveniente, sfavorevole): ho dormito male stanotte, I slept badly last night; in quel ristorante si mangia male, the food’s awful in that restaurant; quella persona veste male, that person dresses badly; ci siamo rimasti tutti molto male, we all felt bad (o we were all upset) about it; sentirsi male, to feel ill // star male, (di salute) to be ill; (essere sconveniente) to look bad; (di abito ecc.) not to suit // star male a quattrini, to be badly off // gli affari vanno male, business is bad // le cose si mettono male, things are looking bad // io la vedo male, I don’t like the look of it // finir male, (avere cattivo esito) to end badly; (prendere una brutta strada) to come to a bad end: la giornata è finita male, the day ended badly; se continua a frequentare quell’ambiente, finirà male, if he keeps in with those people, he’ll come to a bad end // non male, not (so) bad: »Come stai?» »Non male», »How are you?» »Not so bad»; »Come vanno le cose?» »Non male», »How are things going?» »Not badly» // bene o male, somehow (or other) // né bene né male, so so // di male in peggio, from bad to worse // per male che vada, at (the) worst

    3 (in modo imperfetto, non completamente) not properly, poorly, badly: quella porta è chiusa male, that door isn’t properly closed; la radio funziona male, the radio isn’t working properly // hai scritto male l’indirizzo, you didn’t get the address right // la foto è riuscita male, the photo hasn’t come out well; la gita era mal organizzata, the trip was badly (o poorly) organized // la mia fiducia era mal riposta, my trust was misplaced // siete male informati, you’ve got it wrong // devo aver capito male, I must have misunderstood

    4 (con valore di negazione): guardare qlcu. con mal celata antipatia, to look at s.o. with ill-concealed dislike; è un atteggiamento che mal si addice a un presidente, it’s an attitude that ill becomes a president

    5 (con valore di agg.): quella ragazza non è male, that girl isn’t bad-looking; questo quadro non è male, this picture isn’t bad at all

    inter. (per esprimere disapprovazione o rammarico): »Non hai ancora fatto i compiti? Male!», »Haven’t you done your homework yet? That’s too bad!»; »Ho perso di nuovo le chiavi di casa» »Male!», »I’ve lost the house keys again» »Too bad!»

    * * *


    scrivere/comportarsi male — to write/behave badly


    sentirsi/star male — to feel/be ill


    gli è andata male di nuovo — he failed again

    restare o rimanere male — to be disappointed, to be sorry, to be hurt o offended

    la vedo male — things look bad (to me), it doesn’t look good to me

    1) evil

    3) pain, ache, illness, disease

    * * *

    1. [‘male]

    1) (in modo sbagliato, scorretto, insoddisfacente) [fatto, pagato, leggere, cominciare, trattare, dormire] badly; [ illuminato] poorly, badly; [diagnosticato, indirizzato] wrongly

    comportarsi male — to behave badly, to misbehave (oneself), to misconduct oneself

    parlare male di qcn. — to badmouth sb., to speak evil o ill of sb.

    guardare male qcn. — to frown at sb.



    II [‘male]


    1) (ciò che è malvagio, immorale) evil, ill

    fare male — [braccio, schiena] to ache, to hurt; [ taglio] to smart, to sting

    fare male a qcn. — [ persona] to hurt o injure sb.; fig. to hurt sb.

    farsi male — to get hurt, to hurt o injure oneself

    fare del male a qcn. — to harm sb., to do sb. harm

    «come va?» — «non c’è male!» — «how are you?» — «not so bad!»


    aversela o aversene a male to take something amiss, to get sore; mettere male to make o create mischief; non tutto il male vien per nuocere every cloud has a silver lining; non farebbe male a una mosca — he wouldn’t hurt o harm a fly, he wouldn’t say boo to a goose

    * * *



    (compar. peggio; superl. malissimo, pessimamente)


    1 (in modo sbagliato, scorretto, insoddisfacente) [fatto, pagato, leggere, cominciare, trattare, dormire] badly; [ illuminato] poorly, badly; [diagnosticato, indirizzato] wrongly; funzionare male not to work properly; finire male [ persona] to go to the bad; [ rapporto] to go sour; comportarsi male to behave badly, to misbehave (oneself), to misconduct oneself; parlare male tedesco to speak bad German; ti sento male I can’t hear you very well; di male in peggio worse and worse, from bad to worse; ho fatto male a fare questo I should never have done that; non sarebbe male fare it wouldn’t be a bad idea to do; sta male parlare a bocca piena it’s bad manners to speak with one’s mouth full

    male! that’s bad!



    /’male/ ⇒ 7

    sostantivo m.

    1 (ciò che è malvagio, immorale) evil, ill; il bene e il male good and evil, right and wrong; non fare nulla di male to do nothing wrong; non c’è nulla di male a fare there is nothing wrong with o in doing; che male c’è? where is the harm (in it)? what harm is there? che cosa ha fatto di male? what has she done wrong?

    4 (danno) fare del male a qcn. to harm sb., to do sb. harm; fare male alla salute [fumo, alcol] to damage health, to be bad for one’s health; troppo sole fa male alla pelle too much sun(bathing) is bad for your skin; portare male to be unlucky; [ persona] to be a jinx; «come va?» — «non c’è male!» «how are you?» — «not so bad!»; poco male! no harm done!

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > male

  • 12

    (И) НА ГРОШ
    (НИ) НА КОПЕЙКУ all






    these forms only)

    1. Г-414 чего (нет) (у кого, где) (quantit compl with negated copula (







    when variants without ни are used, negated copula or нет cannot be omitted) some quality is completely absent (in




    ): (y X-a) Y-a ни на грош — X doesn’t have (there isn’t) a scrap (a drop, a lick, an ounce, a grain) of Y
    X doesn’t have (there isn’t) the least (slightest, tiniest) bit (drop, scrap) of Y.

    2. — не верить кому, во что (




    )) (not to believe




    , or in


    ) even to the slightest degree

    X не верит Y-y Г-414 = X doesn’t believe a word (a thing) Y says

    X doesn’t believe Y for a minute
    X doesn’t believe (trust) Y at all
    X doesn’t trust Y one bit.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Г-414

  • 13
    на грош




    ; these forms only]


    1. на грош чего кого, где) [

    quantit subj-compl

    with copula (





    usu. abstr

    ) or








    has a very small amount (of some quality — intelligence, ability



    (hardly) an ounce (a scrap, a shred) (of [



    ♦ Таланта у него на грош, а считает себя великим писателем. He has next to no talent, yet considers himself a great writer.

    (to do) very little:

    (do) practically (next to, almost) nothing.





    ; these forms only]


    1. на грош чего (нет) (у кого, где) [


    compl with negated copula (






    ); when variants without ни are used, negated copula or нет cannot be omitted]

    some quality is completely absent (in





    (y X-a) Y-a ни на грош X doesn’t have < there isn’t> a scrap <a drop, a lick, an ounce, a grain> of Y;

    X doesn’t have < there isn’t> the least (slightest, tiniest) bit <drop, scrap> of Y.

    ♦…Он [Грушницкий] из тех людей, которые на все случаи жизни имеют готовые пышные фразы… В их душе часто много добрых свойств, но ни на грош поэзии (Лермонтов 1)…. Не [Grushnitski] is one of those people who, for every occasion in life, have ready-made pompous phrases….Their souls often possess many good qualities, but not an ounce of poetry (1a).

    (not to believe




    , or in


    ) even to the slightest degree:

    X не верит Y-y на грош X doesn’t believe a word < a thing> Y says;

    X doesn’t believe < trust> Y at all;

    X doesn’t trust Y one bit.

    ♦ «Это иезуит, русский то есть. Как у благородного существа, в ном это затаённое негодование кипит на то, что надо представляться… святыню на себя натягивать». — «Да ведь он же верует в бога». — «Ни на грош. А ты не знал?» (Достоевский 1). «He’s a Jesuit, a Russian one, that is. As a noble person, he has this hidden indignation seething in him because he has to pretend…to put on all this holiness.» «But he does believe in God.» «Not for a minute. Didn’t you know?» (1a).

    ♦ Тому, что писали немецкие газеты, нельзя было верить и на грош (Кузнецов 1). The German newspapers could not be believed at all… (1a).


    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > на грош

  • 14
    на копейку




    ; these forms only]


    1. на копейку чего кого, где) [

    quantit subj-compl

    with copula (





    usu. abstr

    ) or








    has a very small amount (of some quality — intelligence, ability



    (hardly) an ounce (a scrap, a shred) (of [



    ♦ Таланта у него на грош, а считает себя великим писателем. He has next to no talent, yet considers himself a great writer.

    (to do) very little:

    (do) practically (next to, almost) nothing.





    ; these forms only]


    1. на копейку чего (нет) (у кого, где) [


    compl with negated copula (






    ); when variants without ни are used, negated copula or нет cannot be omitted]

    some quality is completely absent (in





    (y X-a) Y-a ни на грош X doesn’t have < there isn’t> a scrap <a drop, a lick, an ounce, a grain> of Y;

    X doesn’t have < there isn’t> the least (slightest, tiniest) bit <drop, scrap> of Y.

    ♦…Он [Грушницкий] из тех людей, которые на все случаи жизни имеют готовые пышные фразы… В их душе часто много добрых свойств, но ни на грош поэзии (Лермонтов 1)…. Не [Grushnitski] is one of those people who, for every occasion in life, have ready-made pompous phrases….Their souls often possess many good qualities, but not an ounce of poetry (1a).

    (not to believe




    , or in


    ) even to the slightest degree:

    X не верит Y-y на копейку X doesn’t believe a word < a thing> Y says;

    X doesn’t believe < trust> Y at all;

    X doesn’t trust Y one bit.

    ♦ «Это иезуит, русский то есть. Как у благородного существа, в ном это затаённое негодование кипит на то, что надо представляться… святыню на себя натягивать». — «Да ведь он же верует в бога». — «Ни на грош. А ты не знал?» (Достоевский 1). «He’s a Jesuit, a Russian one, that is. As a noble person, he has this hidden indignation seething in him because he has to pretend…to put on all this holiness.» «But he does believe in God.» «Not for a minute. Didn’t you know?» (1a).

    ♦ Тому, что писали немецкие газеты, нельзя было верить и на грош (Кузнецов 1). The German newspapers could not be believed at all… (1a).


    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > на копейку

  • 15
    и на грош



    ; these forms only]


    1. и на грош чего (нет) (у кого, где) [


    compl with negated copula (






    ); when variants without ни are used, negated copula or нет cannot be omitted]

    some quality is completely absent (in





    (y X-a) Y-a ни на грош X doesn’t have < there isn’t> a scrap <a drop, a lick, an ounce, a grain> of Y;

    X doesn’t have < there isn’t> the least (slightest, tiniest) bit <drop, scrap> of Y.

    ♦…Он [Грушницкий] из тех людей, которые на все случаи жизни имеют готовые пышные фразы… В их душе часто много добрых свойств, но ни на грош поэзии (Лермонтов 1)…. Не [Grushnitski] is one of those people who, for every occasion in life, have ready-made pompous phrases….Their souls often possess many good qualities, but not an ounce of poetry (1a).

    (not to believe




    , or in


    ) even to the slightest degree:

    X не верит Y-y и на грош X doesn’t believe a word < a thing> Y says;

    X doesn’t believe < trust> Y at all;

    X doesn’t trust Y one bit.

    ♦ «Это иезуит, русский то есть. Как у благородного существа, в ном это затаённое негодование кипит на то, что надо представляться… святыню на себя натягивать». — «Да ведь он же верует в бога». — «Ни на грош. А ты не знал?» (Достоевский 1). «He’s a Jesuit, a Russian one, that is. As a noble person, he has this hidden indignation seething in him because he has to pretend…to put on all this holiness.» «But he does believe in God.» «Not for a minute. Didn’t you know?» (1a).

    ♦ Тому, что писали немецкие газеты, нельзя было верить и на грош (Кузнецов 1). The German newspapers could not be believed at all… (1a).


    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > и на грош

  • 16
    ни на грош



    ; these forms only]


    1. ни на грош чего (нет) (у кого, где) [


    compl with negated copula (






    ); when variants without ни are used, negated copula or нет cannot be omitted]

    some quality is completely absent (in





    (y X-a) Y-a ни на грош X doesn’t have < there isn’t> a scrap <a drop, a lick, an ounce, a grain> of Y;

    X doesn’t have < there isn’t> the least (slightest, tiniest) bit <drop, scrap> of Y.

    ♦…Он [Грушницкий] из тех людей, которые на все случаи жизни имеют готовые пышные фразы… В их душе часто много добрых свойств, но ни на грош поэзии (Лермонтов 1)…. Не [Grushnitski] is one of those people who, for every occasion in life, have ready-made pompous phrases….Their souls often possess many good qualities, but not an ounce of poetry (1a).

    (not to believe




    , or in


    ) even to the slightest degree:

    X не верит Y-y ни на грош X doesn’t believe a word < a thing> Y says;

    X doesn’t believe < trust> Y at all;

    X doesn’t trust Y one bit.

    ♦ «Это иезуит, русский то есть. Как у благородного существа, в ном это затаённое негодование кипит на то, что надо представляться… святыню на себя натягивать». — «Да ведь он же верует в бога». — «Ни на грош. А ты не знал?» (Достоевский 1). «He’s a Jesuit, a Russian one, that is. As a noble person, he has this hidden indignation seething in him because he has to pretend…to put on all this holiness.» «But he does believe in God.» «Not for a minute. Didn’t you know?» (1a).

    ♦ Тому, что писали немецкие газеты, нельзя было верить и на грош (Кузнецов 1). The German newspapers could not be believed at all… (1a).


    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > ни на грош

  • 17
    ни на копейку



    ; these forms only]


    1. ни на копейку чего (нет) (у кого, где) [


    compl with negated copula (






    ); when variants without ни are used, negated copula or нет cannot be omitted]

    some quality is completely absent (in





    (y X-a) Y-a ни на грош X doesn’t have < there isn’t> a scrap <a drop, a lick, an ounce, a grain> of Y;

    X doesn’t have < there isn’t> the least (slightest, tiniest) bit <drop, scrap> of Y.

    ♦…Он [Грушницкий] из тех людей, которые на все случаи жизни имеют готовые пышные фразы… В их душе часто много добрых свойств, но ни на грош поэзии (Лермонтов 1)…. Не [Grushnitski] is one of those people who, for every occasion in life, have ready-made pompous phrases….Their souls often possess many good qualities, but not an ounce of poetry (1a).

    (not to believe




    , or in


    ) even to the slightest degree:

    X doesn’t believe < trust> Y at all;

    X doesn’t trust Y one bit.

    ♦ «Это иезуит, русский то есть. Как у благородного существа, в ном это затаённое негодование кипит на то, что надо представляться… святыню на себя натягивать». — «Да ведь он же верует в бога». — «Ни на грош. А ты не знал?» (Достоевский 1). «He’s a Jesuit, a Russian one, that is. As a noble person, he has this hidden indignation seething in him because he has to pretend…to put on all this holiness.» «But he does believe in God.» «Not for a minute. Didn’t you know?» (1a).

    ♦ Тому, что писали немецкие газеты, нельзя было верить и на грош (Кузнецов 1). The German newspapers could not be believed at all… (1a).


    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > ни на копейку

  • 18
    ни на ломаную полушку



    ; these forms only]


    some quality is completely absent (in





    (y X-a) Y-a ни на грош X doesn’t have < there isn’t> a scrap <a drop, a lick, an ounce, a grain> of Y;

    X doesn’t have < there isn’t> the least (slightest, tiniest) bit <drop, scrap> of Y.

    ♦…Он [Грушницкий] из тех людей, которые на все случаи жизни имеют готовые пышные фразы… В их душе часто много добрых свойств, но ни на грош поэзии (Лермонтов 1)…. Не [Grushnitski] is one of those people who, for every occasion in life, have ready-made pompous phrases….Their souls often possess many good qualities, but not an ounce of poetry (1a).

    (not to believe




    , or in


    ) even to the slightest degree:

    X doesn’t believe < trust> Y at all;

    X doesn’t trust Y one bit.

    ♦ «Это иезуит, русский то есть. Как у благородного существа, в ном это затаённое негодование кипит на то, что надо представляться… святыню на себя натягивать». — «Да ведь он же верует в бога». — «Ни на грош. А ты не знал?» (Достоевский 1). «He’s a Jesuit, a Russian one, that is. As a noble person, he has this hidden indignation seething in him because he has to pretend…to put on all this holiness.» «But he does believe in God.» «Not for a minute. Didn’t you know?» (1a).

    ♦ Тому, что писали немецкие газеты, нельзя было верить и на грош (Кузнецов 1). The German newspapers could not be believed at all… (1a).


    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > ни на ломаную полушку

  • 19
    ни на полушку



    ; these forms only]


    1. ни на полушку чего (нет) (у кого, где) [


    compl with negated copula (






    ); when variants without ни are used, negated copula or нет cannot be omitted]

    some quality is completely absent (in





    (y X-a) Y-a ни на грош X doesn’t have < there isn’t> a scrap <a drop, a lick, an ounce, a grain> of Y;

    X doesn’t have < there isn’t> the least (slightest, tiniest) bit <drop, scrap> of Y.

    ♦…Он [Грушницкий] из тех людей, которые на все случаи жизни имеют готовые пышные фразы… В их душе часто много добрых свойств, но ни на грош поэзии (Лермонтов 1)…. Не [Grushnitski] is one of those people who, for every occasion in life, have ready-made pompous phrases….Their souls often possess many good qualities, but not an ounce of poetry (1a).

    (not to believe




    , or in


    ) even to the slightest degree:

    X doesn’t believe < trust> Y at all;

    X doesn’t trust Y one bit.

    ♦ «Это иезуит, русский то есть. Как у благородного существа, в ном это затаённое негодование кипит на то, что надо представляться… святыню на себя натягивать». — «Да ведь он же верует в бога». — «Ни на грош. А ты не знал?» (Достоевский 1). «He’s a Jesuit, a Russian one, that is. As a noble person, he has this hidden indignation seething in him because he has to pretend…to put on all this holiness.» «But he does believe in God.» «Not for a minute. Didn’t you know?» (1a).

    ♦ Тому, что писали немецкие газеты, нельзя было верить и на грош (Кузнецов 1). The German newspapers could not be believed at all… (1a).


    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > ни на полушку

  • 20

    * * *

    lui pron.pers.m. 3a pers.sing.

    1 (compl. ogg. e ind. di egli) him: tra tutti i concorrenti hanno scelto lui, they chose him from among all the competitors; hanno invitato anche lui?, have they invited him, too?; il ragazzo ci guardò e noi guardammo lui, the boy looked at us and we looked at him; consegnatelo a lui personalmente, hand it to him personally; »Non c’è il direttore? Desidero parlare con lui», »Isn’t the manager there? I’d like to speak to him»; abbiamo parlato a lungo di lui, we talked about him at length; tutti hanno fiducia in lui, everyone trusts him; non ha occhi che per lui, she only has eyes for him; non faceva che pensare a lui, she could think of nothing but him // il padre di lui, il di lui padre, his father

    2 (con funzione di sogg.) he: lui sostiene di aver ragione, he maintains he’s in the right; io parlavo, lui ascoltava in silenzio, I talked and he listened in silence; lui avrebbe agito come te, he would have done the same as you (did); lui è italiano, la moglie è austriaca, he’s Italian and his wife’s Austrian; l’ha detto lui, he said so; è venuto lui ad aprire, he came and opened the door; ha risposto lui al telefono?, did he answer the phone?; tra gli invitati c’erano lui e sua moglie, his wife and he were among the guests; ne so quanto lui, I know as much as he does; lei lavora come lui, she works just as he does; verrà anche lui alla gita?, is he coming on the trip, too?; il padre vorrebbe farlo studiare, ma lui ha deciso di fare il cantante, his father wants him to study but he’s decided to go in for singing // beato lui!, lucky him! // contento lui, contenti tutti, as long as he’s happy, everyone is

    3 (con uso rafforzativo o enfatico): lui, rinunciare al suo lavoro?, him, give up his job?; »Carlo è diventato direttore generale» »Lui, così giovane?», »Charles has become the managing director» »What, and him so young?»; »Lei non sa una parola di tedesco» »Nemmeno lui», »She can’t speak a word of German» »Neither can he» // lui stesso, proprio lui, he… himself (o he himself): me l’ha confermato lui stesso, he told me so himself; »Pavarotti, il famoso tenore?» »Sì, proprio lui!», »Pavarotti, the famous tenor?» »Yes, the man himself!»

    4 (con funzione predicativa) he, him: »Chi è?» »é lui», »Who is it?» »It’s him» (o form. »It’s he»); »Sei stato tu?» »No, è stato lui», »Was it you?» »No, it was him»; è stato lui che ha deciso, è stato lui a decidere, it was he who decided, he was the one to decide; se fossi (in) lui mi rivolgerei all’avvocato, if I were him I’d see a lawyer // da un po’ di tempo non è più lui, he hasn’t been himself for some time // è molto cambiato, non sembra più lui, he’s so changed, he doesn’t look like himself at all // è tutto lui, (di ritratto) it’s just like him (o it’s the spitting image of him)

    s.m. (fam.) (ragazzo) boyfriend; (fidanzato) fiancé: è uscita con il suo lui, she’s gone out with her boyfriend (o fiancé) // non ha ancora trovato il suo lui, she hasn’t found her Mr Right yet.

    * * *


    1) prep, con valore enfatico) him

    hanno accusato lui, non me — they accused him, not me

    2) sogg : al posto di ‘egli’, con valore enfatico) he

    prendetelo, è lui — catch him, he’s the one

    è lui, apri la porta — it’s him, open the door

    ha ragione lui, non tu — he’s right, not you

    3) sogg) he, him

    ne so quanto lui — I know as much as he does, I know as much as him


    * * *




    v. la nota della voce io

    * * *



    v. la nota della voce  io.


    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > lui

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