Having no emotion word

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Perhaps the price they pay for having no emotions the rest of the time.

Well, first of all, being rational does not mean having no emotions.

The best part of having no emotions is that I can think rationally.

Because having no emotions,

Другие результаты

Keeping a cool head doesn’t mean having no emotion; it means having just the right amount for optimum performance.

Иметь «холодную голову» вовсе не означает, что у вас нет никаких эмоций это значит, что их ровно столько, сколько нужно для вашей оптимальной производительности.

Alexithymia (literally: having no words for emotions) is impairment in identifying and describing emotions.

Алекситимия (буквально: нехватка слов для эмоций) — это нарушение в выявлении и описании эмоций.

The ‘Afterlife’ is not a time or a place where souls exist as automatons, having no feelings or emotions.

Потусторонняя Жизнь не есть какое-то место и время, где ваши Души существуют, как автоматы, без чувств и эмоций.

She adapts to the real world quite well, despite having no feelings or emotions, but all that changes when she begins to experience family life, make friends and have a boyfriend.

Она неплохо приспосабливается к реальному миру, несмотря на отсутствие чувств или эмоций, но все это меняется, когда она начинает испытывать семейную жизнь, подружиться и иметь друга.

What we speak of are simple every day actions often accompanied by worry, dark imaginings, doubt, apprehension, trepidation, inflexibility, and irrational emotions having no conscious cause.

То, о чём мы говорим, — это простые ежедневные действия, часто сопровождаемые беспокойством, тёмными подозрениями, сомнением, предчувствием, беспокойством, косностью и иррациональными эмоциями, имеющими сознательную причину.

Being unable to do this is part of a personality trait called alexithymia, which literally means having «no words for emotions«.

Невозможность сделать это является частью черты личности, называемой алекситимия, что буквально означает «нет слов для эмоций».

Lieberman’s research is showing us that there is a healthy link between having emotions, feeling emotions, and cognitively identifying emotions.

Исследование Либермана показывает нам, что существует здоровая связь между наличием эмоций, чувством эмоций и когнитивно идентифицирующими эмоциями.

Emotion may trigger actions depending on its nature and the reason for the person having emotion.

Эмоция может вызывать действия в зависимости от ее характера и причины для человека, испытывающего ее.

Find a comfortable middle ground in having emotions.

They’re having emotions and now you are too.

She doesn’t lie to herself about having emotions.

Не надо врать самому себе по поводу эмоций.

It is only conformance to the circle in which the clone moves that gives it the appearance of having emotions.

Они соответствуют только тому кругу, в котором вращается клон, что придает ему видимость наличия эмоций.

In spite of all the challenges they pose, there’s nothing wrong with having emotions.

There is nothing WRONG with having emotions; we’re supposed to have them.

I recall having mixed emotions when this happened.

Это вызвало смешанные эмоции у меня, когда это произошло.

I remember having mixed emotions last year.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Alexithymia is a broad term to describe problems with feeling emotions. In fact, this Greek term used in Freudian psychodynamic theories loosely translates to “no words for emotion.” While the condition is not well-known, it’s estimated that 1 in 10 people has it.

Can a human be emotionless?

Mental Health Conditions – Knowledge Center Schizoid personality disorder is one of many personality disorders. It can cause individuals to seem distant and emotionless, rarely engaging in social situations or pursuing relationships with other people.

What do you call someone who hides their pain behind a smile?

Someone who hides their pain behind a smile .

What is a sad smile?

sad smile definition, sad smile meaning | English dictionary 1 a facial expression characterized by an upturning of the corners of the mouth, usually showing amusement, friendliness, etc., but sometimes scorn, etc. 2 favour or blessing.

What does Nemophilist mean?

haunter of the woods

Why are smiles creepy?

Part of it comes from the way animals bare all their teeth to threaten their enemies. Because very few people bare all their teeth, unnaturally wide smiles such as clowns, dolls and psychotic killers can seem extremely unnerving, especially with wide eyes, dark light and intimidating poses.

Should teeth show when smiling?

Show Your Teeth While you don’t need to show every tooth in your mouth, it’s a good idea to show a few when you smile in photos. Showing some of your upper teeth and even some of your bottom teeth can help to brighten up your face.

Are crooked smiles cute?

Researchers found that a slight crookedness is actually better than none because these smiles tend to appear more genuine. However, extremely crooked smiles weird people out. While an attractive, genuine smile, is a great asset, researchers had a serious medical reason for doing the study.

Why do I have a wonky mouth?

If your lips are uneven, it may be due to your facial muscles being underdeveloped or weak. This could be the result of a condition such as Lyme disease, or it could be present from birth.

How can I smile without looking creepy?

  1. Bigger is not always better. via GIPHY. Reconstructive surgeons tend to think that bigger is better.
  2. Not too sharp. via GIPHY. Smiles with a medium angle or upturn tended to be more popular, while the more V-shaped smiles creeped people out.
  3. Cut your teeth. via GIPHY.
  4. A little asymmetry can be a good thing. via GIPHY.

What is a half smile called?

Loading when this answer was accepted… “Smirk”? 😉 It’s often used in a sarcastic way, but not always. But I guess there is no other word for “half-smile” in English.

What is a natural smile?

Q: What exactly constitutes a natural smile? A: A natural smile is one that doesn’t change the contours of your face too much, which would make it more difficult to positively identify you. Producing a natural smile is all about barely turning up the corners of your mouth by slightly tensing facial muscles.

How do you smile like a celebrity?

Movie Star Smiling Tips Don’t force it! Relax your face and think of something funny right before the camera snaps. A little giggle will create a natural smile. If that’s not possible, at the very least, don’t say “cheese.” That will make your mouth look forced and awkward.

What does a fake smile look like?

Another way you can see if a person is fake smiling is if you can see the bottom teeth in her mouth. The word “cheese” moves forces a fake smile. it’s much better to find a way to make people laugh for real. Look for these 3 indicators of a fake smile: Eyes are not closed, no crow’s feet, visible bottom teeth.

Does fake smiling release endorphins?

1. Neurotransmitters called endorphins are released when you smile. Faking a smile or laugh works as well as the real thing—the brain doesn’t differentiate between real or fake as it interprets the positioning of the facial muscles in the same way. This is known as the facial feedback hypothesis.

Does smiling trick your brain?

According to a recent study published in the journal Experimental Psychology, researchers found smiling — even a fake smile — can have positive impact on mood. Essentially, triggering certain facial muscles by smiling can “trick” your brain into thinking you’re happy. “Dopamine increases our feelings of happiness.

I know a word such a loveless, «without love» can describe such a person but can anyone be more specific in the type of word I seek?

asked Nov 27, 2015 at 1:46

Brianna's user avatar


Clinically speaking, one who cannot feel emotion is said to be emotionally detached, although the term is also applied to people who can feel emotion but who choose to avoid situations for expressing emotion. They may do this because of anxiety of stress.

A more specific term is alexithymia (from the Greek meaning «having no words for emotions»). Alexthymics have difficulty in identifying and describing their own emotions or in detecting emotions in others.

answered Nov 27, 2015 at 4:36

deadrat's user avatar


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From WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006) [wn]:

  adj 1: having or revealing little emotion or sensibility; not
         easily aroused or excited; "her impassive remoteness";
         "he remained impassive, showing neither interest in nor
         concern for our plight"- Nordhoff & Hall; "a silent
         stolid creature who took it all as a matter of
         course"-Virginia Woolf; "her face showed nothing but
         stolid indifference" [syn: {impassive}, {stolid}]
  2: deliberately impassive in manner; "deadpan humor"; "his face
     remained expressionless as the verdict was read" [syn:
     {deadpan}, {expressionless}, {impassive}, {poker-faced},

answered Nov 27, 2015 at 13:59

user149282's user avatar

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no emotion — перевод на русский

There’s no feeling behind what you do-— no emotion beyond a certain distaste for loose ends and disorder.

За вашими поступками нет никаких чувств, никаких эмоций, кроме отвращения к беспорядку и возможности потерять улики.

Okay, my friends, I repeat: no emotions.

Итак, друзья, еще раз: никаких эмоций.

Whatever happens in that room, show no reaction, no emotion, no surprise.

Что бы не случилось в зале — не реагируйте. Никаких эмоций, никакого удивления.


Он не проявляет практически никаких эмоций, кроме тех случаев, когда приходит в ярость, или… с криком просыпается от ночных кошмаров, но это даже не самое худшее.

When you speak with him you must be very careful to show no emotion at all… not the slightest expression or he will steal your face!

Когда вы говорите с ним, вы должны быть очень осторожны, чтобы не проявлять никаких эмоций, вообще ни малейшего выражения или он украдет твое лицо!

Показать ещё примеры для «никаких эмоций»…

Have you no emotions, then?

У вас нет эмоций, да?

— You think I have no emotions.

Думаете, у меня нет эмоций.

People we deal with are cold-blooded assassins. They have no emotions, no feelings.

Люди, с которыми мы имеем дело — хладнокровные убийцы, у них нет эмоций.

I’m very sorry for your loss,but tests confirm that although your sister’s bodily functions are fine, her brain is dead.She has no thoughts,no emotions,no senses.

Соболезную вашей потере, но тесты подтверждают, что хотя функции тела вашей сестры в норме, Ее мозг мертв. У нее нет мыслей, нет эмоций и нет чувств.

Показать ещё примеры для «нет эмоций»…

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