Have you heard the word of jesus


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Have you heard the words of Jesus

Author: J. M. Mills
Published in 2 hymnals

Author: J. M. Mills

(no biographical information available about J. M. Mills.) Go to person page >

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Text Information

  • Text Information
First Line: Have you heard the words of Jesus
Author: J. M. Mills
Copyright: Public Domain

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Instances (1 — 2 of 2)

The Beacon Light #d30

Display Title: Have you heard the words of Jesus First Line: Have you heard the words of Jesus Author: J. M. Mills Date: 1908

The Beacon Light #d30

The Gospel Garner #d39

Display Title: Have you heard the words of Jesus First Line: Have you heard the words of Jesus Author: J. M. Mills Date: 1903

The Gospel Garner #d39

All instances^ top

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Have we heard the word of Jesus? If so, how are we listening: enthusiastically or hastily?

• “A wise man shall hear, and shall be wiser: and he that understandeth shall possess governments. He shall understand a parable and the interpretation, the words of the wise, and their mysterious sayings.” (Proverbs 1.5,6).

To hear the words of the Creator isn’t an option, but a commandment (Matthew 11.15; 13.9,43; Mark 4.9; Luke 14.35; Revelation 2.7,11,17,25,29; 3.6,13,22). If we aren’t hearing His voice, we are in worse situation than Ha-Satan, inasmuch as he got audience with the Creator (Job 1.6-12; 2.1-7).

Furthermore, once only the Creator “IS” (Exodus 3.14), therefore it is His voice that define everything. So, how can we hope that our live is well-defined without hearing His voice? And how can we hope for hearing His voice if we ward off resting and biding for Him and in Him (Psalms 37.7)?

The admonition of Jesus is very clear:

• “Therefore *be careful how you hear*. For whoever has, to him shall be given; and whoever has not, from him shall be taken even that which he seems to have.” (Luke 8.18).

• “for this people’s heart has become gross, and *their ears are dull of hearing*, and they have closed their eyes, lest at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.» (Matthew 13.15).

I know that, at first, many times, the word of the Creator wasn’t what we desired to hear (Zechariah 7.11,12). Nevertheless, His ways go far beyond whatever plan that we dream for us (Isaiah 55.8,9; Habakkuk 3.17-19; 1Corinthians 2.9; Ephesians 3.20).

So, if you yearn for blessings coming from the heaven that follow you, hear the voice of Creator and have a superb day:

• “And it will be, if you shall listen carefully to the voice of Jehovah your God, to observe and to do all His commandments which I command you today, Jehovah your God will set you on high above all nations of the earth. And all these blessings shall come on you and overtake you, if you will listen to the voice of Jehovah your God.” (Deuteronomy 28.2).


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Have you heard the voice of Jesus
softly pleading with your heart?
Have you felt his presence glorious,
as he calls your soul apart,
with a love so true and loyal,
love divine that ever flows
from a Saviour, righteous, royal,
and a cross that mercy shows?

2. Have you heard the voice of mercy
granting peace and pardon pure?
Have you felt the balm of Calvary
binding all your wounds secure?
Was there ever such salvation,
was there ever care like this?
See the Saviour’s grief and passion,
grace and mercy’s gentle kiss.

3. Have you heard the Saviour calling
all to leave and follow him?
Have you felt his person drawing
with compulsion lives to win?
Hearken to his invitation,
to the music of God’s grace;
let the peace of God’s salvation
fill your soul and love embrace.

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Song Have You Heard The Voice Of Jesus
Album Christian Hymnal – Series 3
Genre Contemporary Christian Music
Publisher / Copyrights
Tags Have You Heard The Voice Of Jesus
Theme(s) English Hymns
Scripture Reference(s)
CCLI Song No

Have You Heard The Voice Of Jesus,
Softly Pleading With Your Heart,
Have You Felt His Presence Glorious,
As He Calls Your Soul Apart.
With A Love So True And Loyal,
Love Divine That Ever Flows,
From A Saviour Righteous Royal,
And A Crown That Mercy Shows.

Have You Heard The Voice Of Mercy,
Granting Peace And Pardon Pure,
Have You Felt The Balm Of Calvary,
Binding All Your Wounds Secure.
Was There Ever Such Salvation,
Was There Ever Care Like This,
See The Saviour’s Grief And Passion,
Grace And Mercy’s Gentle Kiss

Divine Hymns YouTube Channel

Today is Friday, April 14, 2023

Bible Verse of the Day – Friday of the Ninth Week in Ordinary Time

36 David himself, inspired by the Holy Spirit, said: The Lord said to my lord, ‘Sit at my right hand until I place your enemies under your feet.’
37 David himself calls him ‘lord’; so how is he his son?” The great crowd heard this with delight.

Mark 12:35-37

Catholic Readings for Today

Friday of the Ninth Week in Ordinary Time, Year 1

Friday of the Ninth Week in Ordinary Time, Year 2

Today’s Morning Prayer

Today’s Bible Verse of the Day Reflections

This passage comes from the end of today’s Gospel. Jesus just gave a teaching to the crowd and they listened to it “with delight.” Jesus’ teaching produced much pleasure in their souls.

This is a common reaction to the teaching and presence of Jesus in our lives. The Psalms are filled with images like this. “I delight in the Lord.” “How sweet are Your words.” “I delight in Your commands.” These and many other references reveal one of the effects of Jesus’ words and presence in our lives. His word and His presence in our lives is extraordinarily pleasurable.

This fact begs the question, “Do I delight in Jesus’ words?” Too often we see the words of Christ as a burden, restriction or limitation to what we want in life. For that reason, we can often see the will of God as something difficult and burdensome.

Truth be told, if our hearts are rooted in sin or in the pleasures of the world, then the words of our Lord may sting and feel like a burden to us. But that’s just because we find them in contradiction to the many unhealthy things we become attached to.

If you find that the Word of God, Jesus’ words, are hard to hear, then you are starting to head down the right road. You are starting to let His Word “do battle,” so to speak, with the many other lures and enticements that ultimately only leave us dry and empty. This is the first step to being able to delight in the Lord and His words.

The good news is that if you can allow His Word to cut through the many unhealthy attachments you have in life, you will begin to discover that you greatly love His Word and delight in His presence in your life.

You will begin to discover that the pleasure and delight you experience from His presence in your life far outweighs any other passing attachment or pleasure you may have. Even sin can produce a false sense of satisfaction.

In that case, the satisfaction is more like a drug that soon wears off. The delight of the Lord is something that continually draws you higher and fulfils you more deeply every day.

Spend time, today, pondering whether or not you truly do allow yourself to be filled with delight in the Lord’s presence and His words. Try to taste their sweetness. Try to let yourself be drawn in. Once “hooked,” you will seek Him all the more.

Prayer: Lord, I desire to delight in You. Help me to turn away from the many attractions and enticements of this world. Help me to seek You and Your Word always. In the discovery of Your Word, fill my soul with the greatest delight. Jesus, I trust in You. Amen.

Bible Verse of the Day in Pictures

Hearing the Words of Jesus With Delight - Mark 12:35-37 - Bible Verse of the Day

Hearing the Words of Jesus With Delight – Mark 12:35-37 – Bible Verse of the Day

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I was told that the name of Jesus is special, and saying His name in a prayer means it will be answered. Is that true?

Anonymous GodWords Reader

This question has a few layers. Some claim that praying “in Jesus’ name” will ensure that He will give us what we ask. Some believe that we should refer to the Messiah by His ‘actual’ name, which – they presume – is Hebrew. Some go so far as to say that those who get His name wrong are actually worshipping a false god, and that these people can’t be saved as a result.

What name was Jesus given at birth?

My name, given at birth, is Anthony. My nickname is Tony. Some of my friends call me by other nicknames, but all of those names refer to me. You might ask what my “real” name is, and there’s no single answer. Names can be a bit complicated.

Jesus was given a name at birth. According to Matthew 1:21 that name is Iesous. That’s Greek. Because Jesus and His family are Jews, one presumes that they spoke Aramaic or Hebrew. However, Jesus isn’t named with a Hebrew name in the Bible. We see only Iesous.

We know that Iesous is the Greek version of the Hebrew name Yeshua, or Y’shua, or Yehosua. It’s the same name as “Joshua.” At no point do we see Jesus referred to in the Bible as either Yeshua or Y’shua, but it seems reasonable to assume that the angel told Joseph to name Him “Yeshua.” Y’shua and Yehosua are simply other forms of the name, like Tony is to Anthony.

So: what is Jesus’ “real name” in Hebrew? My name in Spanish is Antonio. Since I’m American and my parents spoke only English, it’s okay to assume that my “real name” is Anthony. In the same way, Jesus’ name – according to the Bible – is Iesous… but it’s okay to assume that the angel was speaking Hebrew, and that Joseph actually named the baby Yeshua

A linguistic timeline

Jesus’ name in Hebrew is Yeshua, which is a shortened version of Yehoshua.

Yeshua translated into Greek is Iesous.

Iesous transliterated into Latin is Jesu.

Jesu became Jesus in English.

So: Jesus’ name, in English, is kind of “Joshua”. Weird, huh? Translators primarily use the name Jesus to differentiate between Joshua (Moses’ right-hand man) and Jesus (Son of God, Creator of the universe, Messiah).

Is it a translation?

A translation conveys meaning, so Iesous inherits its meaning from Yeshua. A transliteration is simply a letter-for-letter switch: the letters in one language are swapped for letters in another language that make the same sounds. Jesus is not a translation, it’s a modernized Latin transliteration of Iesous. Jesu is a Latin word that sounds like the Greek Iesous.

Jesus does not mean “Yahweh saves” or “the Lord saves” or even “He saves”. Despite the fact that Jesus Himself means a great deal to many people, there’s no English meaning to Jesus at all. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with saying that Jesus’ name means “Yahweh saves.” It’s not linguistically correct, but that’s not very important most of the time.

Isn’t there power in Jesus’ name?

No. The word “Jesus” has no magical powers, and saying it accomplishes nothing spiritually. It’s a name. There’s no special power in the name itself.

There’s nothing about the name itself that makes it more likely that God will give you what you pray for. When the New Testament tells us to pray in Jesus’ name, it doesn’t teach us that the name itself is special. It tells us that the person is special. When an ambassador speaks to a foreign leader, they speak “in the name of” – with the authority of – the one they represent. Jesus is an ambassador, speaking to the Father on our behalf… and speaking to us on behalf of the Father.

When we pray, we’re asking God to act on our behalf. There’s nothing in the Bible to support the superstitious notion that speaking His name does anything on its own. That’s more like witchcraft than Christianity… if you say the incantation right, you get the result. It’s nonsense.

The words have no power of their own, and God will either grant what we ask or He won’t. He will do what He knows is best, regardless of how often or how sincerely we say “Jesus.” When we pray in Jesus’ name, we’re pointing to our relationship with the Father… and that’s made possible by our relationship with Jesus. It’s a bit like saying, “We’re friends, right? Would you loan me $20?”

Should we pray in Jesus’ name?

We should feel free to pray in Jesus’ name. If you’d rather say “Y’shua,” that’s okay. Neither will produce magical results just because we speak the words. However: let’s not be superstitious and pretend that our incantations change anything. We’re asking God for help, or praising Him for being so awesome. We should do that all the time.

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Have You Heard The News Of Jesus

  • Tune: Have You Heard, composed by Andrew Millinchip.
  • Music © 2007 Andrew Millinchip, copyright administration Sheer Joy Music.
  • Meter: 87 87.
  • Performance ℗ 2020 Richard Irwin Music®. All rights reserved. ISRC UKTU21900121

Have You Heard The News Of Jesus : Download

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Have You Heard The News Of Jesus : Lyrics

Suggested uses: Easter Sunday

Have you heard the news of Jesus,
How he came the lost to save;
Dying on the tree of vict’ry
Overcoming death and grave?

Now we celebrate that Vict’ry
On this glorious Easter Day!
Praising Christ, the blessed Saviour,
He’s the Truth, the life, the Way.

Praise Him now, in celebration
Of His vict’ry over sin;
He has overcome the darkness,
Letting light come flooding in.

Lift your voices now in worship
On this sacred Day of Days:
Glorify our blesséd Saviour,
Sing in everlasting praise!

  • Lyrics Copyright © 2007 Colin Gordon-Farleigh (b. 1943) – used with permission.
  • Meter: 87 87 .

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