Have you find the meaning of this word in the dictionary

Find out the meaning of these words. Use the dictionary if necessary. Say the words with the opposite meaning.

unfriendly − friendly

unwell − _

untidy − _

informal − _

unlucky − _

unpleasant − _

impolite − _

unknown − _

independent − _

unlike − _

to unzip − to _

to undo − to _


Английский язык ENJOY ENGLISH Английский с удовольствием 5 класс Биболетова. SECTION 2. Describing the Family. Номер №31


Перевод задания
Узнай значение этих слов. При необходимости воспользуйтесь словарем. Произнесите слова с противоположным значением.
недружелюбный − дружелюбный
плохо − _
неопрятный − _
неформальный − _
неудачливый − _
неприятный − _
невежливый − _
неизвестный − _
независимый − _
не похожий − _
распаковать − _
отменить − _


unfriendly − friendly

unwell − well

untidy − tidy

informal − formal

unlucky − lucky

unpleasant − pleasant

impolite − polite

unknown − known

independent − dependent

unlike − like

to unzip − to zip

to undo − to do

Перевод ответа
недружелюбный − дружелюбный
плохо − хорошо
неопрятный − опрятный
неформальный − формальный
неудачливый − удачливый
неприятный − приятный
невежливый − вежливый
неизвестный − известный
независимый − зависимый
не похожий − похожий
распаковать − упаковать
отменить − сделать

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Before you open the secrets, look in the dictionary and find the meaning of the word «reserve».

In this case the student can find the meaning of the word in the accompanying translation, or also in the dictionary at the end of the book.

Можно предложить учащимся найти объяснение этого термина в соответствующем разделе параграфа или в словаре, помещённом в конце учебника.

You need to find the meaning of the word, do not you know how it is written — have you ever encountered such a problem?

Вам нужно найти значение слова, не вы не знаете, как оно пишется — доводилось ли вам когда-нибудь сталкиваться с такой проблемой?

To see the term «proliferation» in the conclusions of the experts, many as one hour trying to find the meaning of the word, at the same time concerned about possible trouble, but do not panic: proliferation is not a disease.

Увидеть термин «пролиферация» в заключениях специалистов, многие тот час же пытаются найти значение этого слова, одновременно испытывая беспокойство по поводу возможного неблагополучия, однако паниковать не стоит: пролиферация — это еще не болезнь.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 1412040. Точных совпадений: 4. Затраченное время: 309 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200


4 Find words in the text that have these meanings.
1 You have this at night: dream
2 This is a journey where you go and come back in a short time: t
3 You find the meaning of words in this: d……
4 This person tells you the meaning of something in another language: t……
5 You get this when you pass a test or finish a course: C
6 This tells you about the ideas and the way of life in a country: C​

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Новые вопросы по предмету Математика

Find out the meaning of these words. use the dictionary if Find out the meaning of these words. use the dictionary if necessary. Say the words which has the oppositle meaning of the word given. unfriendly-frinedly, unwell-well, untidy — …, informal — …, unluky — …, unpleasant — … Impolite — …, unknowon — …, independent — …, unlike — …, to unzip-to …, to undo-to …

Найди верный ответ на вопрос ✅ «Find out the meaning of these words. use the dictionary if Find out the meaning of these words. use the dictionary if necessary. Say the …» по предмету 📙 Английский язык, а если ответа нет или никто не дал верного ответа, то воспользуйся поиском и попробуй найти ответ среди похожих вопросов.

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Главная » Английский язык » Find out the meaning of these words. use the dictionary if Find out the meaning of these words. use the dictionary if necessary. Say the words which has the oppositle meaning of the word given. unfriendly-frinedly, unwell-well, untidy — …





1 год назад

Английский язык

10 — 11 классы

1 Check the meaning of these words in a dictionary. Match them with definitions 1-6.


1 very old
2 eccentric
3 very important
4 friendly and welcoming
5 large
6 not common​

Смотреть ответ



(20 оценок)



1 год назад

Светило науки — 747 ответов — 0 раз оказано помощи









Because it is related to the topic.

(20 оценок)


 Are you ready for another round of vocabulary challenges, straight from the Oxford dictionary? Then set your eyes and your language centers on the following dozen questions, where we give you the MEANING of the word we want you to find, and it is up to you to choose the word that fits that definition.

Choose the word corresponding to the meaning in the photo above.

Choose the word corresponding to the meaning in the photo above.

Choose the word corresponding to the meaning in the photo above.

Choose the word corresponding to the meaning in the photo above.

Choose the word corresponding to the meaning in the photo above.

Choose the word corresponding to the meaning in the photo above.

Choose the word corresponding to the meaning in the photo above.

Choose the word corresponding to the meaning in the photo above.

Choose the word corresponding to the meaning in the photo above.

Choose the word corresponding to the meaning in the photo above.

Choose the word BEST corresponding to the meaning in the photo above.

Choose the word corresponding to the meaning in the photo above.

The Search for Meaning Continues…

You passed, but just barely, since you got less than half of the answers right. You have some basic knowledge of rare words in the English language, but there is room for improvement. We recommend spending a bit more time reading books, that’s the best way to learn more words. After all, the way we talk and think is predicated on our vocabulary. Having more ways to express ourselves is always a wonderful thing.

You Did Well!

Great! You’ve answered most of the questions correctly, proving you have a good grasp of what these words mean, even though some of them are used quite rarely these days. You have great verbal skills and probably a heck of a good memory.

You Cracked This Test Like an Egg!

Wow, you really have an extensive lexicon, don’t you? You must read a lot! Or maybe you used to read a lot, and you still recall. In any case, your knowledge of the English language is significantly more extensive and impressive than most people’s, especially these modern days, where text messaging has shortened even common words! Share your result with friends and family — we’re proud of you!

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Next Quiz

Have you written down ______ names?

They decided to go on a hike ______ the rain.
despite of
despite in
in spite
in spite of

If you don’t know the meaning of this word, _____ in the dictionary.
chase it up
search it out
look it up
find it out 

Did you fix these shelves ______? 
all on yourself
all at yourself
all with yourself
all by yourself

My grandma makes me ______ carrots, but I prefer ice-cream.
to eat
to eating

You were rude ______ him for no reason.

When I was a student I ______ to discos every Friday night.
used to go 
was used to go 
use to went
used to going

We ______ the project by the end of the month.
shall finish
are finishing
will have finished
will be finishing

I am here to say that we ______ next week. Everything is ready.
will leave
are leaving
will be leaving
will have left

This time tomorrow our family ______ on the beach of the Mediterranean sea.
will lie
is lying
will be lying
will have lain

I have found only one book. Where is ______?
the others 
the other

She didn’t know that he ______ her.
would betray
will betray
is going to betray

______ three years had passed before we met again.
The other

The happy man went to see his mother-in-law ______.

I ______ him since we ______school.
haven’t seen / left
didn’t see / left
didn’t see / have left
haven’t seen / have left

If the child ______ no better, we shall have to take him to hospital.

The boy almost never walks his dog in the morning, ______?
is he
doesn’t he
does he
isn’t he

I play football with friends every weekend. — ______.
So I play
So I do
So am I 
So do I

I ______ home when somebody ______ my name.
went / was calling
was going / called
went / called

______ tourists are staying here.
only few 
only little 
only a few
only a little 

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