Have something done exercises word

10000+ результатов для ‘have something done’

Unjumble the sentences with 'have/get something done'

Unjumble the sentences with ‘have/get something done’
Привести в порядок

от Maxromano

have smth done

Causative Form: have something done

Causative Form: have something done
Случайное колесо

от Cshabatina

Средняя школа
Среднее образование
have something done

What should have they done?

What should have they done?
Случайные карты

от Ishigarova

should have done

Do it yourself or have it done?

Do it yourself or have it done?
Откройте поле

от Maxromano

have smth done

Have something done

Have something done
Случайные карты

от Amberbrandys

have something done

have something done

от Maryys

Have something done - speaking

Have something done — speaking
Случайное колесо

от Londonexpress

Have something done

Have something done

от Feaguidespb

Have something done

Have something done
Случайное колесо

от Mkurkova1

have/get something done

have/get something done
Перевернуть плитки

от Anastacey

Solutions Intermediate

Have Something Done

Have Something Done
Случайные карты

от Zacharovava

Have something done

Have something done
Привести в порядок

от Blissnata

PET Complete

Have Something Done

Have Something Done
Откройте поле

от Meinherzschlagt

Have something done

Have something done
Привести в порядок

от Anastacia100792

Have/Get something done

Have/Get something done

от Alice51

Have something done 2

Have something done 2

от Konovalovamaria

Have Something Done

Have Something Done
Откройте поле

от Migoxana

 Causative Form. Have something done

Causative Form. Have something done
Случайные карты

от Kriskris

Have something done

Have something done
Случайные карты

от Alinasvetacredo

Have Something Done - Practice

Have Something Done — Practice
Случайные карты

от Engbuddha

Have/get something done

Have/get something done
Случайные карты

от Yakovlevatv

Have something done

Have something done
Привести в порядок

от Mkurkova1

Have something done

Have something done
Случайное колесо

от Kate62

Have something done

Have something done
Случайные карты

от Alinasvetacredo

Have something done questions

Have something done questions
Случайные карты

от Belankahelen

English File intermediate

Have/get something done

Have/get something done
Случайное колесо

от Leylalafta


Copy  - have something done

Copy — have something done
Случайное колесо

от Val1969


Have something done - unjumble

Have something done — unjumble
Привести в порядок

от Londonexpress

 Have something done

Have something done
Случайное колесо

от Pronichevap

Have something done

Have something done
Случайное колесо

от Syvence

Have something done - unjumble

Have something done — unjumble
Привести в порядок

от Katynya007

Have something done

Have something done

от Katerinastashev

have something done

have something done

от Ahelenluck

Causative Have something done

Causative Have something done
Привести в порядок

от Mikhailina2


 Causative Form. Have something done

Causative Form. Have something done
Случайные карты

от Vandread

FCE4S U13 have something done

FCE4S U13 have something done
Случайное колесо

от Amarga


Causative Form. Have something done

Causative Form. Have something done
Случайные карты

от Marina332

have something done

have something done
Случайное колесо

от Alexander102

Have something done 3

Have something done 3
Случайные карты

от Annpalinka

Have something done

Have something done
Случайное колесо

от Egrigorovich

Have something done (unjumble)

Have something done (unjumble)
Привести в порядок

от Daryab

Have something done

Have something done
Случайное колесо

от Mycambridgeplan


Have something done

Have something done

от Ndstaruseva

Have something done 2

Have something done 2

от English191

Have something done

Have something done
Привести в порядок

от Oceania

Have something done - unjumble

Have something done — unjumble
Привести в порядок

от Natakostova

have something done

have something done
Случайные карты

от Nutella32

Solutions Intermediate

Have/get something done

Have/get something done
Случайное колесо

от Anastacey

Solutions Intermediate

Have something done

Have something done

от Elena30

Have Something Done - open the box - speaking

Have Something Done — open the box — speaking
Откройте поле

от Natakostova

Have something done

Have something done
Случайные карты

от Englishchinese

Have something done EF+

Have something done EF+

от Emiliyaaaaaaaaa

English File Intermediate Plus

Have Something Done

Have Something Done
Откройте поле

от Belankahelen

English File intermediate

Have something done

Have something done
Привести в порядок

от Meiramku1993

Have Something Done

Have Something Done
Откройте поле

от Londonexpress

have something done

have something done

от Malt99

Have something done

Have something done
Случайные карты

от Dasha0294

8 класс

Have Something Done

Have Something Done
Случайные карты

от Kikkibugs

Have something done

Have something done
Привести в порядок

от Richie

Prepare 5

have something done

have something done

от Holajulia

had my hair cut

1. Перепишите предложения, используя  конструкцию “have something done”. Обратите внимание на временную форму глагола.

Н-р:  She didn’t cut her hair herself. (Она не стригла свои волосы сама.) – She had her hair cut. (Она подстриглась.)

  1. Tim didn’t clean the windows himself. (Тим не мыл окна сам.)
  2. Mary doesn’t usually deliver the food to her house herself. (Обычно Мэри не приносит продукты домой сама.)
  3. Fred hasn’t washed his car himself. (Фред не мыл машину сам.)
  4. My husband isn’t testing his eye-sight himself. (Мой муж не проверяет свое зрение сам.)
  5. I won’t check my blood pressure myself. (Я не буду сам измерять свое кровяное давление.)
  6. Jane didn’t service her car herself. (Джейн не обслуживала свою машину сама.)
  7. They will not mend the roof of the house themselves. (Они не будут сами ремонтировать крышу дома.)
  8. She isn’t making the curtains herself. (Она не шьет шторы сама.)
  9. I didn’t remove this coffee stain from the suit myself. (Я не сам выводил пятно от кофе с костюма.)
  10. We don’t X-ray our chests ourselves. (Мы не сами делаем рентгеновский снимок грудной клетки.)

2. Используйте глагол из скобок в конструкции “have something done” в необходимой временной форме. Добавьте необходимые слова. Переведите предложения.

Н-р: I think I can afford to … (my house/paint). – I think I can afford to have my house painted. (Думаю, я могу себе позволить, чтобы мне покрасили дом.)

  1. Fred … (the meat/cut) into small pieces at the butcher’s now.
  2. You must … (your grey boots/repair).
  3. I forgot to … (the oil level and tyres/check) in my car.
  4. Bob … (his new watch/mend) almost every month.
  5. We are going to … (our flat/decorate) next weekend.
  6. Sheila … (that lovely dress/make) by Mrs. Stewart yesterday.
  7. They just … (central heating/install) in the house.
  8. You should go and … (your photograph/take) for a new passport tomorrow.
  9. My daughter wants to … (her ears/pierce).
  10. My dad … (his tooth/pull out) two days ago.

3. Напишите о неприятных событиях, используя  конструкцию “have something done”.

Н-р: The singer’s concert was cancelled because of bad weather. (Концерт певца был отменен из-за плохой погоды.) – The singer had his concert cancelled because of bad weather.

  1. Fred’s glasses were broken. (Очки Фреда были разбиты.)
  2. Sam’s bike was stolen from the garage. (Велосипед Сэма был украден из гаража.)
  3. My driving license was taken away by the police. (Мои водительские права отняли полицейские.)
  4. His wallet was stolen in the crowd. (Его бумажник украли в толпе.)
  5. Harry’s nose was broken in a fight. (Нос Гарри был разбит в драке.)
  6. Sarah’s hat was blown off by the wind. (Шляпу Сары унесло ветром.)

 have one's hair cut



  1. Tim had the windows cleaned.
  2. Mary usually has the food delivered to her house.
  3. Fred has had his car washed.
  4. My husband is having his eye-sight tested.
  5. I will have my blood pressure checked.
  6. Jane had her car serviced.
  7. They will have the roof of the house mended.
  8. She is having the curtains made.
  9. I had this coffee stain removed from the suit.
  10. We have our chests X-rayed.


  1. is having the meat cut (Сейчас в мясной лавке для Фреда нарезают мясо на маленькие кусочки.)
  2. have your grey boots repaired (Тебе нужно починить свои серые ботинки.)
  3. have the oil level and tyres checked (Я забыл проверить уровень масла и шины в машине.)
  4. has his new watch mended (Бобу ремонтируют его новые часы почти каждый месяц.)
  5. have our flat decorated (Нам собираются отделывать квартиру в следующие выходные.)
  6. had that lovely dress made (Миссис Стюарт сшила для Шейлы то милое платье вчера.)
  7. have just had central heating installed (Им только что установили центральное отопление в доме.)
  8. have your photograph taken (Тебе нужно сходить сфотографироваться на новый паспорт завтра.)
  9. have her ears pierced (Моя дочь хочет, чтобы ей прокололи уши.)
  10. had his tooth pulled out (Моему папе удалили зуб два дня назад.)


  1. Fred had his glasses broken.
  2. Sam had his bike stolen from the garage.
  3. I had my driving license taken away by the police.
  4. He had his wallet stolen in the crowd.
  5. Harry had his nose broken in a fight.
  6. Sarah had her hat blown off by the wind.

Упражнения «Конструкция have something done» (с ответами)4.4 out of
based on
46 votes

1. Order the words to make sentences with have something done.

 You look different. (had / you / your / dyed / hair / have)?


 There’s room for you all to stay at our house this year. (extension / we’ve / built / an / had).


 I can’t text you. (phone / had / I’ve / stolen / my).


 He’s started wearing glasses. (tested / eyes / had / his / he’s).


 I couldn’t open my parents’ front door. (locks / they / had / the / changed)!


 This is a great photo. (can / copy / have / made / we / a)?



1   Have you had your hair dyed?

 We’ve had an extension built.

 I’ve had my phone stolen.

 He’s had his eyes tested.

5   They had had the locks changed.

6   Can we have a copy made?

2. Complete the text with the words in brackets and have something done.

The British TV show 10 Years Younger helps members of the public to change their appearance and look younger. At the start of the show, the participants 1……………………………. (their age / guess) by a hundred members of the public. They then 2……………………………. (their hair / do) by top hairdressers. They also 3……………………………. (new clothes / choose) by fashion experts. If necessary, they 4……………………………. (their teeth / fix) by a dentist. Some of them even 5……………………………. (some work / do) on their face by a cosmetic surgeon. At the end of the show, they 6……………………………. (their appearance / judge) by a hundred strangers again to see if they look younger. The show is popular, although it has also been criticised for focusing too much on appearance.


1 have their age guessed   2 have their hair done

3 have new clothes chosen   4 have their teeth fixed

5 have some work done   6 have their appearance judged

3. Complete the sentences with the words below, have something done and the words in brackets.

dye      paint      publish      remove      steal

 My grandfather has written an interesting book. He ………………………………….. (should / it).

 The graffiti on our house looks terrible. We really ………………………………….. (must / it).

 She used to have blonde hair, but she ………………………………….. (must / it).

 Your bedroom looks too dark. You ………………………………….. (should / the walls).

 You shouldn’t leave your bike unlocked. You ………………………………….. (might / it).


1 should have it published   2 must have it removed

3 we had them stolen   4 should have the walls painted

5 might have your flat burgled

4. Complete the sentences with the correct reflexive pronouns to add emphasis.

 All the food at our café is home-made. We even bake the bread ………………………………

 It’s a modern frame, but the painting ……………………………… is nearly 300 years old.

 I don’t really like old buildings, but the designs ……………………………… can be quite attractive.

 I don’t understand modern poetry. I’m sure the poets ……………………………… don’t know what the mean!

5   It doesn’t have to be a professional photo. Just send them a photo that you took ………………………………

6   She wrote the words and the music on her new album, and played all the instruments ………………………………

 It’s a fantastic piece of music. The composer ……………………………… thought it was his best work.

 You and your friends can sing better than most people on this talent show. You should enter it ……………………………… next year!


1 ourselves   2 itself   3 themselves   4 themselves

5 yourself   6 herself   7 himself   8 yourselves

5. Complete the sentences with reflexive pronouns and the correct form of the verbs below.

feed      film      give      injure      see      tell

1   I can’t walk. I ……………………………… playing football yesterday.

2   It can be scary being alone in the house, but I ……………………………… that there is nothing to be afraid of.

3   The twins are two years old now, and they can ……………………………… with a spoon.

4   My sister ……………………………… dancing and posted it on YouTube.

5   Turn that music down or you might ……………………………… a headache!

6   I’m a good musician, but I can’t ……………………………… doing it professionally.


1 injured myself   2 told myself   3 feed themselves

4 filmed herself   5 give yourself   6 see myself

6. Complete the dialogues with the correct form of have something done using the verbs in brackets.

1   A   Have you been to the optician’s recently?

     B   Yes, I ……………………………… last week. (test / my eyes)

2   A   How often do you have your flat cleaned?

     B   We ……………………………… twice a week. (clean / it)

3   A   How long have you been wearing earrings?

     B   I ……………………………… since I was six. (pierced / my ears)

4   A   Why can’t you use your games console?

     B   It isn’t working, so I ………………………………. (repair / it)

5   A   How old were you in that photo?

     B   My mum ……………………………… when I was ten. (take / it)

6   A   When is your room being decorated?

     B   I ……………………………… next weekend. (decorate / it)

7   A   Why are you calling the bank?

     B   I ……………………………… (steal / my credit card)

8   A   How often do you go to the hairdresser’s?

     B   I ……………………………… every two months. (cut / my hair)


1 had my eyes tested   2 have it cleaned

3 have had my ears pierced   4 ’m having it repaired

5 had it taken   6 ’m having it decorated

7 ’ve had my credit card stolen   8 have my hair cut

7. Complete the sentences with the correct reflexive pronouns.

 He cut ……………………………… when he was making a sandwich.

 My mother hasn’t had time to iron my shirt, so I’ll have to do it ………………………………

 If no one else is home, you and your brother will have to make dinner ………………………………

 When my sister’s bike broke, she repaired it ………………………………

 Do you go to the hairdresser’s, or do you dye your hair ………………………………?

 They were late for the match because they didn’t give ……………………………… enough time.

 The only way the cat could have got out is by opening the door ………………………………

 Before we moved into our new flat, we painted it ………………………………


1 himself   2 myself   3 yourselves   4 herself

5 yourself   6 themselves   7 itself   8 ourselves

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Causative form в английском языке представлена следующими конструкциями

  • have something done (дословно – иметь что-то сделанным для себя же)
  • have someone do something (заставить кого-то что-то сделать для вас)


Мы используем выражение have + object + past participle (have something done) чтобы описать услугу, которую нам оказали, или какое-то неприятное событие, которое с нами произошло в тех случаях, когда действие производим не мы, но направленно оно на нас или на нашу собственность.  


I had my car stolen – У меня украли машину.

We had the roof repaired last year. – Нам починили крышу в прошлом году.

Не has had his application turned down – Eго заявление отклонили.

My girlfriend has her letter published in the Times – Письмо моей девушки напечатали в Таймс.

В качестве подлежащего в таком предложении будет выступать человек, на которого направленно действие, либо лицо, на чью собственность направлено действие. Такая конструкция в английском языке используется довольно часто.

Обратите внимание, в устной речи выражение часто употребляется с get вместо have без изменения в значении.

We have our fence pulled down = We get our fence pulled down.

Как использовать выражение have something done?

Causative form have something done можно использовать в любом времени. При этом меняется только глагол to have. Давайте рассмотрим на примере предложения We have the office cleaned (В нашем офисе провели уборку)

Present Simple

We have the office cleaned

Past  Simple

We had the office cleaned

Future Simple

We will have the office cleaned

Present Continuous

We are having the office cleaned

Past  Continuous

We were having the office cleaned

Future Continuous

We will be having the office cleaned

Present Perfect

We have had the office cleaned

Past  Perfect

We had had the office cleaned

Future Perfect

We will have had the office cleaned

Present Perfect Continuous

We have been having the office cleaned

Past  Perfect Continuous

We had been having the office cleaned

Future Perfect Continuous

We will have been having the office cleaned

Конечно, все формы Perfect Continuous и форма Future Perfect практически не используются в устной речи, так как слишком перегружены вспомогательными глаголами.  


Вторая возможная форма Causative – have someone do something. Это выражение более характерно для американского, нежели для британского английского. Оно означает, что вы заставили / попросили кого-либо что-то для вас сделать.


I will have the waiter bring you the menu. – Я попрошу официанта принести тебе меню.

I had my assistant type the report. – Я попросил помощника напечатать отчет.

В Британии вместо have часто говорят get, как и в случае с выражением have / get something done. Однако, при использовании get, выражение будет вида get someone to do something (появляется частица to).

I will get the waiter to bring you the menu.

I got my assistant to type the report.

Таким образом, causative в английском языке представлен следующими конструкциями:

  • Have something done

  • Get something done

  • Have someone do something

  • Get someone to do something.

causative forms

Давайте немного попрактикуемся.

Упражнение 1.  Complete the sentences using the correct form of “to have something done”

  1. The Smiths ___________ the roof _______________ last year. (repair)
  2. Molly ______________ the room ____________________ next month. (decorate)
  3. You should ___________ your eyes ___________ regularly. (test)
  4. We ___________ the television _________________ only last year! (repair)
  5. ________ you ____________ your car ______________ regularly?   (service)
  6. How often ___________ you _____________ your windows _____________? (clean)
  7. We _________________ the office _________________ every evening. (clean)
  8. Our neighbors __________________ a new garage ______________ at the moment (build)

Упражнение 2. Write down the sentences using the correct causative form. Use a modal verb where appropriate.

  1. Bob must/ really / the heating / fix. Winter is coming soon.
  2. She / her hair / dye blonde yesterday.
  3. They / the rooms / paint at the moment.
  4. After Alex / the sleeves / shorten, the blazer fit him perfectly.
  5. Instead of buying a new car, why / you / not / your old one / fix / ?
  6. What are those workmen doing in your garden? – Oh, we / a garage / build
  7. They / not / their TV / fix / yet
  8. Her coffee maker was broken. Now it’s working again. She / it /repair

Упражнение 3. Rewrite the sentences using HAVE SOMETHING DONE

  1. Someone cut Kate’s hair at 13.30 pm.

Kate ……………………………………………………

  1. The mechanic is changing Peter’s car battery.

                Peter …………………………………………………

  1. The hairdresser dyed my mother’s hair last Saturday.

                My mother  …………………………………………

  1. Someone checks Henry’s guitar after every show.

                Henry ……………………………………………………

  1. The dentist checks my teeth once a year.

                I ……………………………………………………………………

Упражнение 3. Rewrite the sentences using HAVE SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING

  1. The mechanic changes Peter’s car battery yearly.

                Peter …………………………………………………

  1. The hairdresser dyed my mother’s hair last Saturday.

                My mother  …………………………………………

  1. The assistant checks Henry’s guitar after every show.

                Henry ……………………………………………………

  1. The dentist checks my teeth once a year.

                I ……………………………………………………………………


Exercise 1.

  1. The Smiths had the roof repaired last year.
  2. Molly is going to have/is having the room decorated next month.
  3. You should have your eyes tested regularly.
  4. We had the television repaired only last year!
  5. Do you have your car serviced regularly?
  6. How often do you have your windows cleaned?
  7. We have the office cleaned every evening.
  8. Our neighbors are having a new garage built at the moment.

Exercise 2.

  1. Bob really must have the heating fixed.
  2. She had her hair dyed blonde yesterday
  3. They are having the rooms painted at the moment
  4. After Alex had had the sleeves shortened, the blazer fit him perfectly.
  5. Instead of buying a new car, why don’t you have your old one fixed?
  6. We are having a garage built.
  7. They have not had their TV fixed yet.

Exercise 3.

  1. Kate had her hair cut at 13.30 pm.
  2. Peter is having his car battery changed.
  3. My mother had her hair dyed last Saturday.
  4. Henry has his guitar checked after every show.
  5. I have my teeth checked once a year.

Exercise 4.

  1. Peter has the mechanic change his car battery yearly.
  2. My mother had the hairdresser dye her hair last Saturday.
  3. Henry has his assistant check his guitar after every show.
  4. I have the dentist check my teeth once a year.

Надеюсь, правила и упражнения помогли Вам разобраться в теме causative forms.

Понравилось? Сохраните на будущее и поделитесь с друзьями!

грамматических упражнений для подготовки к ОГЭ по английскому языку Часть 125
Конструкция «
to have
something done»

Составил: учитель
английского языка

«СОШ №16»                                                                                                                        








125 Конструкция
have something




использованной литературы



Подготовка к ОГЭ по английскому языку
предполагает, прежде всего, масштабное и систематизированное повторение
грамматики  как неотъемлемой части предмета. Цель данного пособия состоит в
том, чтобы  помочь обучающимся повторить материал, изученный на уровне НОО и ООО.

Материал разбит на подтемы,
упражнения взяты из разных источников. Некоторые упражнения разработаны самим
автором: их источник не указывается. Список использованной литературы для всего
сборника приводится в конце. Для удобства применения в пособии приведены ключи к


Complex Object

конструкция часто употребляется в английском языке и не имеет полной аналогии в
русском. На русский язык конструкция переводится, как правило, придаточным

конструкция употребляется, когда кто-то что сделал за кого-то/кому-то. Когда речь
идёт об оказании услуг кому-то.

+ дополнение + причастие II (

конструкция может употребляться во всех временах.







you have



Your hair looks nice.

you had




just had



her house.





the moment.

How often

you have



I think you should





I don’t like




[11;с.361] Переведите
на русский язык, обращая внимание на сложное дополнение.

He wanted his letters posted at once.

I don’t want my papers looked through.

She did not want her child taken to hospital.

She gave him some papers and said that the client wanted them signed.

The teacher wants our homework to be prepared well.

6. Would
you like your luggage carried upstairs?

I  want a bedroom prepared for my guest

If you want things done well, do them yourself.

I should very much like it to be made clear to me.

The traveller entered the inn and ordered supper to be prepared.

Упражнение 2[31;p.91]

Why did you do these things? Answer using ‘have something done’.
Use one of these verbs:
clean cut repair service

1Why did you take your car to
the garage? — To have it serviced.

2Why did you take your jacket
to the cleaner’s? To__________________

3 Why did you take your watch
to the jeweller’s? To _________________

4 Why did you go to the hairdresser? To __________________________


.didn’t repair the roof herself. She …had
it repaired,

2 I
didn’t cut my hair myself. I…………………………………………………….

3 They
didn’t paint the house themselves. They……………………………..

didn’t make the curtains herself…………………………………………..

[20; с.343]Заполните
пропуски образованным от данных глаголов причастием Participle II в обороте
Complex Object в сочетании с глаголами to have и to get:

I need to have my car ______________ (to wash). 2. I need to have a
broken zip _______ (to repair). 3. Our colleague had his iphone ______________
(to unlock). 4. I’ like to get my article ______________ in a journal
(to publish). 5. My friend is going to have his wrist ______________ (to
pierce). 6. My cousin wants to have her teeth ______________ (to
straighten). 7. I need to have my winter boots ______________ (to mend).
8. I have just had my kitten ______________ (to vaccinate). 9. We
need to have these documents ______________ (to notarize). 10. Our
programmer wants to get his rap song ______________
(to record). 11. Our neighbours have had their rent payments ______________
(to reduce). 12. We would like to get our shirts ______________ (to
monogram). 13. We have had a new water meter ______________ (to
install). 14. How much does it cost to get a dress ______________ (to
make)? 15. Our neighbour would like to have his bicycle ______________
(to repair). 16. How long will it take to have a man’s suit ______________
(to dry-clean) ? 17. How much will it cost to get a belt ______________
inside a transmission (to fix)? 18. Don
t you mind getting your hair
to cut)?

[11;с.361-362] Переведите
на английский язык, употребляя сложное дополнение

Я хочу, чтобы эту статью напечатали в завтрашней газете.

Он хочет, чтобы эту красивую

исполняли как можно чаще.

Он хотел, чтобы его фильмы посмотрели во всех странах.

Ребенок хотел, чтобы его мишку положили к нему в постель.

Она хотела, чтобы ее сочинение проверили сейчас же.

Я не хочу, чтобы это платье порвали.

Он не хотел, чтобы ему стригли волосы.

Я хочу, чтобы мой велосипед привезли с дачи.

Я хочу, чтобы этот ковер расстелили на  полу в гостиной.

Он не хотел, чтобы трогали его вещи.

Вы хотите, чтобы эту картину по весили над камином?

Он хотел, чтобы траву на лужайке подстригли.


[ 10; с.215]

He wanted his letters posted at once.

Он хотел, чтобы его письма отправили
сейчас же.

I don’t want my papers looked through.

Я не хочу, чтобы рылись в моих бумагах.

She did not want her child taken to hospital.

Она не хотела, чтобы ее ребенка отправляли в боль­ницу.

She gave him some papers and said that the client wanted them signed.

Она дала ему бумаги и сказала, что клиент хочет, чтобы их

The teacher wants our homework to be prepared well.

Учитель хочет, чтобы наша домашняя
работа была приготовлена хорошо.

6. Would
you like your luggage carried upstairs?

Вам угодно, чтобы ваш багаж отнесли

I  want a bedroom prepared for my guest

Я хочу, чтобы для моего гостя приготовили спаль­ню

If you want things done well, do them yourself.

Если вы хотите, чтобы дело было сделано хо­рошо, делайте его

I should very much like it to be made clear to me.

Я бы очень хотел, чтобы мне это объяснили
(сделали это ясным для меня).

The traveller entered the inn and ordered supper to be prepared.

Путешественник вошел на постоялый двор и
за­казал обед (приказал приготовить обед).


To have it cleaned 3 To have it
repaired 4 To have my hair cut


I had it cut. 2 They had it
3 She
had them
made.   Упражнение

washed 2. repaired 3. unlocked 4. published 5. pierced
6. straightened 7. mended

5  [10;

Я хочу, чтобы эту статью напечатали в завтрашней газете.

want this article (to be) published in tomorrow’s newspaper.

Он хочет, чтобы эту красивую

исполняли как можно чаще.

wants this beautiful song (to be) per-formed as often as possible.

Он хотел, чтобы его фильмы посмотрели во всех странах.

wanted his films (to be) seen in all countries.

Ребенок хотел, чтобы его мишку положили к нему в постель.

child wanted his teddy (bear) (to be) put in his bed.

Она хотела, чтобы ее сочинение проверили сейчас же.

wanted her essay (to be) marked at once.

Я не хочу, чтобы это платье порвали.

don’t want this dress (to be) torn.

Он не хотел, чтобы ему стригли волосы.

didn’t want his hair (to be) cut.

Я хочу, чтобы мой велосипед привезли с дачи.

want my bicycle (to be) brought from the country.

Я хочу, чтобы этот ковер расстелили на  полу в гостиной.

want this carpet (to be) spread on the floor in the drawing room.

Он не хотел, чтобы трогали его вещи.

didn’t want his things (to be) touched.

Вы хотите, чтобы эту картину по весили над камином?

you want this picture (to be) hung over the fireplace.

Он хотел, чтобы траву на лужайке подстригли.

wanted the grass (the lawn) (to be) mowed (mown).

                Список использованной литературы

Барановская Т.Б. Грамматика английского
языка. Сборник упражнений: Учеб. Пособие. Издание второе, исправленное и
дополненное. – Язык англ., русский. – Киев: ООО «ИП Логос-М», 201.-384 с.
(Серия «Вас ждёт успех»)

2.     Барашкова, Е.А.  Грамматика
английского языка: сборник упражнений: часть
7 класс: к учебнику М.З.Биболетовой и др.  «
English-4»/Е. А. Барашкова. – М.:
Издательство «Экзамен», 2006 -109 с. – (Серия «Учебно-методический комплект)

Барашкова, Е.А. Грамматика английского
языка: сборник упражнений: часть
7 класс: к учебнику М.З.Биболетовой и др.  «
English-4»/Е. А. Барашкова. – М.:
Издательство «Экзамен», 2006 -109 с. – (Серия «Учебно-методический комплект)

Барашкова, Е.А. Грамматика английского
языка: сборник упражнений: часть
8 класс: к учебнику М.З.Биболетовой и др.  «
English-5»/Е. А. Барашкова. – М.:
Издательство «Экзамен», 2006 -109 с. – (Серия «Учебно-методический комплект)

5.     Барашкова, Е.А. Грамматика
английского языка: сборник упражнений: часть
8 класс: к учебнику М.З.Биболетовой и др.  «
English-5»/Е. А. Барашкова. – М.:
Издательство «Экзамен», 2006 -109 с. – (Серия «Учебно-методический комплект)

Барашкова, Е.А. Грамматика
английского языка: сборник упражнений: часть
к учебнику М.З. Биболетовой и др.  «
English. 4 класс»/Е. А.
Барашкова. – М.: Издательство «Экзамен», 2008 -128 с. – (Серия «Учебно-методический

Барашкова, Е.А. Грамматика английского
языка: сборник упражнений: часть
5 класс: к учебнику В. П. Кузовлева и др.  «
А. Барашкова. – М.: Издательство «Экзамен», 2006-96 с. – (Серия «Учебно-методический

Быкова Н. И. Английский язык. Сборник
упражнений:3 класс  пособие для учащихся общеобразоват. учреждений /Н.И.Быкова,
М.Д.Поспелова – М.: Просвещение 2012-128с.

Глиндина И.М. Правила и упражнения по
английскому языку: 1-3 годы обучения/авт.-сост. И.М.Глиндина под ред. И.О. —  Родина
Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2011.- 207с.

10. Голицынский,
Ю.Б. Грамматика: ключи к упражнениям/Ю.Б. Голицынский;   [8-е изд., испр.] – Санкт-Петербург:
КАРО, 2019. -288с. – (Английский язык для школьников).

11. Голицынский,
Ю.Б. Грамматика: Сборник упражнений/Ю.Б. Голицынский;   [8-е изд., испр.] – Санкт-Петербург:
КАРО, 2017. -576с. – (Английский язык для школьников).

12. Гурикова,
 Ю.С. Артикли/Ю.С. Гурикова. – Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2017. – 63с. – (Лингвотренажер

Державина, В. А. Английский
язык. Complex Object + Complex Subject / В. А. Державина. – Москва :
Издательство АСТ, 2020. – 64 с.: ил. – (Суперпупертренажер).

14. Державина,
В. А. Английский язык. Времена глаголов / В. А. Державина. – Москва :
Издательство АСТ, 2019. – 64 с.: ил. – (Суперпупертренажер). ISBN

15. Державина,
В. А. Английский язык. Модальные глаголы / В. А. Державина. – Москва :
Издательство АСТ, 2020. – 64 с.: ил. – (Суперпупертренажер).

16. Державина,
В. А. Английский язык. Условные предложения / В. А. Державина. — Москва :
Издательство АСТ, 2020. — 64 с.: ил. — (Суперпупертренажер).

17. Державина,
В. А.Английский язык. Полная грамматика / В. А. Державина. — Москва : Издательство
АСТ, 2018. — 320 с. — (Полный курс).

18. Зверховская
Е. В. Практикум по грамматике английского языка. Учеб. пособие / Е. В.
Зверховская, Е. Ф. Косиченко. — СПб.: БХВ-Петербург, 2016. — 688 с.

19. Ионина
А.А., Саакян А.С. ,Английская грамматика : Теория и практика . — 2-е изд. испр.
— М.: Рольф, 2001 . — 448 с. — (Домашний репетитор).

Камянова Т.
 English Grammar Rules &
Сборник упражнений к
основным правилам грамматики английского языка для школьников.- М.:ООО «Дом
Славянской Книги», 2014-416с.

21. Качалова,
К.Н., Израилевич Е.Е. Практическая грамматика английского языка.- М.:Юнвес,

22. Миловидов,
В. А. Английский язык. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений и ключи к ним =
Практическая грамматика английского языка для начинающих. Книга-тренажер / В.А.
Миловидов. – Москва : АСТ, 2015. – 512 с.

23. Романова
Л.И. Практическая грамматика английского языка /Лариса Романова. -13-е изд. — 
М.:АЙРИС-пресс, 2017.- 336с. (Домашний репетитор).

24. Сидоренко,
 Г.И. . Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка/Г.И. Сидоренко,
И.А.Клыс. – 4-е изд. – Минск: Лексис, 2010-232с.

25. Словохотов
К.П. Английский язык. Практическая грамматика для ОГЭ и ЕГЭ: учебное пособие. –
Обнинск : Титул, 2017-176с.

26. Тер-Минасова
С.Г., Коннова Е.В., Робустова В.В. Английский язык 7 класс Рабочая тетрадь – М.:
Академкнига, 2014

27. Шевелева
С.А. Грамматика английского языка: самоучитель: учебник. – М:

28. Evans V., Dooley J., Kondrasheva I Round-up 3 -Pearson Education

29. Evans V., Dooley J., Kondrasheva I Round-up 6 -Pearson
Education (Harlow),2012-175p.

30. Murphy R. Essential Grammar in Use  A self-study reference and practice book for elementary students
of English : With answers / R. Murphy. – 9.
printing. – Cambridge : University Press, 1994. – 300 p.

31. Murphy R. English Grammar in Use A self-study reference and practice book for elementary students of
English : With answers / R. Murphy. – 9. printing. – Cambridge : University Press, 1994.

32.  Walker E., Elsworth S. Grammar Practice for Elementary students –
Longman 200

33. Примерная основная образовательная программа начального общего

34. Примерная основная образовательная программа основного общего

1  Match 1–6 to A–G. There is one extra option.

1   My car is so dirty at the moment.   …B

2   My phone screen is cracked.

3   I think I might need glasses.

4   I love this photo.

5   I don’t like my hair. It’s too long.

6   I can’t stand the colour of these walls.

A   You should have it cut.

B   You should get it cleaned.

C   You should get it delivered.

D   You should get it mended.

E    You should have them painted.

F    You should have your eyes tested.

G   You should get it framed.


2 D

3 F

4 G

5 A

6 E

not needed: C

2  Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1   having / I / tomorrow / my / cut / hair / am.

      ……I am having my hair cut tomorrow. ……

2   got / yesterday / Sheila / bag / her / stolen


3   has / every / Brandon / his / year / tested / eyes


4   should / mended / you / your / get / laptop


5   week / are / bathroom / next / our / decorated / having / we



 Sheila got her bag stolen yesterday.

 Brandon has his eyes tested every year.

 You should get your laptop mended.

 We are having our bathroom decorated next week.

3  Complete the sentences with the correct form of get and a person and a verb from each box.

a magician     a strong friend     an electrician

the neighbours     the teacher     your dad

to carry     to check     to collect

to come     to fix     to water

1   The light switch was broken so we ……got an electrician to fix…… it.

2   We usually …………………………………. our plants when we’re on holiday.

3   Yesterday Suzy …………………………………. some heavy boxes to the car.

4   I wasn’t sure if my exam answer was correct so I …………………………………. it.

5   I’m sure you can …………………………………. us from the party. He never minds driving.

6   For Gerry’s birthday next week we …………………………………. to the house and do tricks for the kids.


 get the neighbours to water

 got a strong friend to carry

 got the teacher to check

 get your dad to collect

 are getting/are going to get a magician to come

Complete the sentences with the correct form of have something done. Use the words in the box.

a story / publish     her nails / paint

her painting / display     my bike / fix

my blood pressure / take     our drinks / confiscate

1   I ……had my bike fixed…… but it still doesn’t work very well.

2   I …………………………. in a magazine last week. I feel so proud.

3   We …………………………. by security at the airport yesterday. They threw them away.

4   My mum …………………………. in a local gallery last year.

5   Ruth …………………………. orange last Saturday – the same colour as her bag.

6   I …………………………. when I went to the hospital. It was quite high.


 had a story published

 had our drinks confiscated

 had her painting displayed

 had her nails painted

 had my blood pressure taken

Find and correct the mistake in each sentence.

1   Yesterday I had stolen my phone.

      ……Yesterday I had my phone stolen. ……

2   They brought the wrong fridge so we need to get changed.


3   My uncle has just got publish his book.


4   It was difficult so I get someone to help me.


5   Wow! You have cut your hair?



2   They brought the wrong fridge so we need to get it changed.

3   My uncle has just got his book published.

4   It was difficult so I got someone to help me.

5   Wow! Have you had your hair cut?

6  Complete the story with the correct form of the verbs in the box.

be     change     come     cut

drive     give     pay     steal

You won’t believe what happened to me yesterday. I was at the hairdresser’ s, having my hair 1……cut……, and suddenly I panicked! I thought for a moment that I’d had my bag 2……………., then I remembered that I’d left my bag at home, and my keys 3……………. inside it. Luckily, my friend had a spare key, so I got her 4……………. to the hairdresser’s in her mum’s car. I also got her 5……………. for my haircut as I had no money. As a final favour, I got her 6……………. me a lift back to my house and you’ll never guess what happened next: I broke the key in the lock! We had to get a locksmith 7……………. and in the end we needed to have the lock 8……………. .


2   stolen

3   were

4   to drive

5   to pay

6   to give

7   to come

8   changed


46. Have something done


Study this example situation:

The roof of Lisa’s house was damaged in
a storm. So she called a builder, and yesterday a man came and repaired it.

Lisa had
the roof repaired

This means: Lisa arranged for somebody
else to repair the roof. She didn’t repair it herself.

We use have something done to
say that we arrange for somebody else to do something for us.


Lisa repaired the roof. (=she repaired it

Lisa had the
roof repaired. (=she arranged for somebody else to repair it)

‘Did you make those curtains yourself?’
‘Yes, I enjoy making things.’

‘Did you have
those curtains made?’ ‘No, I made t hem myself.’


Be careful with word order. The past
(repaired/ cut etc.) is after the object:



past participle


did you have

hair looks nice. Have you had

neighbour has just had

are having

often do you have

think I should have

don’t like having

the roof

your hair


a garage

the house

your car

that coat

my picture

repaired yesterday




painted this week.





Get something

You can also say ‘get something
done’ instead of ‘have something done’:

When are you going to get the roof repaired?
(=have the roof repaired)

I think you should get your hair cut really short.


Sometimes have something done
has a different meaning. For example:

Paul and Karen had their bags stolen while
they were travelling.

This does not mean that they arranged
for somebody to steal their bags. ‘They had their bags stolen’ means
only: ‘Their bags were stolen’.

With this meaning, we use have
something done
to say that something happens to somebody or their
belongings. Often what happens is not nice:

Gary had his nose broken in
a fight. (= his nose was broken)

Have you ever had your bike stolen?



Tick(√ ) the correct sentence, (a)
or (b), for each picture.

Sarah is cutting her hair.

Sarah is having her hair cut.

Bill is cutting his hair.

Bill is having his hair cut.

John is cleaning his shoes.

John is having his shoes cleaned.

Sue is taking a picture.

Sue is having her picture taken.


Put the words in the correct


had /a few weeks ago /the
house /we /painted.

_____We had the house painted a few weeks ago________________


serviced /her car /Sarah /once
a year /has



twelve pounds /have /cleaned /it
/my suit /cost /to



my eyes /I /two years ago /had
/tested /the last time /was



had /in the kitchen /fitted /some
new cupboards /we’ve



as soon as possible /need /translated
/we /to get /this document



Write sentences in the way


Lisa didn’t repair the roof herself.
She _____ had it repaired. ________


I didn’t cut my hair myself. I


We didn’t dean the carpets
ourselves. We _____________________


John didn’t build that wall
himself. ____________________________


I didn’t deliver the flowers
myself. _____________________________


Use the words in brackets to complete
the sentences. Use the structure have
something done


______ We’re having the house painted________ (we /the house /paint)
this week.


I lost my key. I’ll have to _____________
(another key /make).


When was the last time _______________
(you /your hair /cut)?


__________________ (you /a
newspaper /deliver) to your house every day, or do you go out and buy one?


A: What’s happening in your

B: Oh, ___________ (we /a
garage /build).


A: _____________  (you /the washing machine /fix)?

B: Not yet. There’s someone
coming to look at it next week.


If you want to wear earrings,
why don’t you _________________ (you /your ears /pierce)?

Now use ‘have something done’ with its second meaning (see Section


Gary was in a fight last
night. He _____ had his nose broken.
(he /his nose /break).


Did I tell you about
Jane?__________ (she /her credit cards /steal).


Security was very strict at
the airport. _____________________ (we all /our bags /search).



1 b

2 a

3 a

4 b


2 Sarah has her car serviced once a year.

3 It cost twelve pounds to have my suit

4 The last time I had my eyes tested
was two years ago.

5 We’ve had some new cupboards fitted
in the kitchen.

6 We need to get this document translated
as soon as possible.


2 I had it cut.

3 We had them cleaned.

4 He had it built.

5 I had them delivered.


2 have another key made

3 you had your hair cut

4 Do you have a newspaper delivered

5 we’re having I we are having a garage

6 Have you had the washing machine fixed
I Did you have the washing machine fixed

7 have your ears pierced

9 She had her credit cards stolen.

10 We all had our bags searched.

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