Hardware for word processor

This article is about stand-alone word processing machines. For the computer program, see Word processor program. For the general concept, see Word processor.

A word processor is an electronic device (later a computer software application) for text, composing, editing, formatting, and printing.

A Xerox 6016 Memorywriter Word Processor

The word processor was a stand-alone office machine developed in the 1960s, combining the keyboard text-entry and printing functions of an electric typewriter with a recording unit, either tape or floppy disk (as used by the Wang machine) with a simple dedicated computer processor for the editing of text.[1] Although features and designs varied among manufacturers and models, and new features were added as technology advanced, the first word processors typically featured a monochrome display and the ability to save documents on memory cards or diskettes. Later models introduced innovations such as spell-checking programs, and improved formatting options.

As the more versatile combination of personal computers and printers became commonplace, and computer software applications for word processing became popular, most business machine companies stopped manufacturing dedicated word processor machines. As of 2009 there were only two U.S. companies, Classic and AlphaSmart, which still made them.[2][needs update] Many older machines, however, remain in use. Since 2009, Sentinel has offered a machine described as a «word processor», but it is more accurately a highly specialised microcomputer used for accounting and publishing.[3]

Word processing was one of the earliest applications for the personal computer in office productivity, and was the most widely used application on personal computers until the World Wide Web rose to prominence in the mid-1990s.

Although the early word processors evolved to use tag-based markup for document formatting, most modern word processors take advantage of a graphical user interface providing some form of what-you-see-is-what-you-get («WYSIWYG») editing. Most are powerful systems consisting of one or more programs that can produce a combination of images, graphics and text, the latter handled with type-setting capability. Typical features of a modern word processor include multiple font sets, spell checking, grammar checking, a built-in thesaurus, automatic text correction, web integration, HTML conversion, pre-formatted publication projects such as newsletters and to-do lists, and much more.

Microsoft Word is the most widely used word processing software according to a user tracking system built into the software.[citation needed] Microsoft estimates that roughly half a billion people use the Microsoft Office suite,[4] which includes Word. Many other word processing applications exist, including WordPerfect (which dominated the market from the mid-1980s to early-1990s on computers running Microsoft’s MS-DOS operating system, and still (2014) is favored for legal applications), Apple’s Pages application, and open source applications such as OpenOffice.org Writer, LibreOffice Writer, AbiWord, KWord, and LyX. Web-based word processors such as Office Online or Google Docs are a relatively new category.


Word processors evolved dramatically once they became software programs rather than dedicated machines. They can usefully be distinguished from text editors, the category of software they evolved from.[5][6]

A text editor is a program that is used for typing, copying, pasting, and printing text (a single character, or strings of characters). Text editors do not format lines or pages. (There are extensions of text editors which can perform formatting of lines and pages: batch document processing systems, starting with TJ-2 and RUNOFF and still available in such systems as LaTeX and Ghostscript, as well as programs that implement the paged-media extensions to HTML and CSS). Text editors are now used mainly by programmers, website designers, computer system administrators, and, in the case of LaTeX, by mathematicians and scientists (for complex formulas and for citations in rare languages). They are also useful when fast startup times, small file sizes, editing speed, and simplicity of operation are valued, and when formatting is unimportant. Due to their use in managing complex software projects, text editors can sometimes provide better facilities for managing large writing projects than a word processor.[7]

Word processing added to the text editor the ability to control type style and size, to manage lines (word wrap), to format documents into pages, and to number pages. Functions now taken for granted were added incrementally, sometimes by purchase of independent providers of add-on programs. Spell checking, grammar checking and mail merge were some of the most popular add-ons for early word processors. Word processors are also capable of hyphenation, and the management and correct positioning of footnotes and endnotes.

More advanced features found in recent word processors include:

  • Collaborative editing, allowing multiple users to work on the same document.
  • Indexing assistance. (True indexing, as performed by a professional human indexer, is far beyond current technology, for the same reasons that fully automated, literary-quality machine translation is.)
  • Creation of tables of contents.
  • Management, editing, and positioning of visual material (illustrations, diagrams), and sometimes sound files.
  • Automatically managed (updated) cross-references to pages or notes.
  • Version control of a document, permitting reconstruction of its evolution.
  • Non-printing comments and annotations.
  • Generation of document statistics (characters, words, readability level, time spent editing by each user).
  • «Styles», which automate consistent formatting of text body, titles, subtitles, highlighted text, and so on.

Later desktop publishing programs were specifically designed with elaborate pre-formatted layouts for publication, offering only limited options for changing the layout, while allowing users to import text that was written using a text editor or word processor, or type the text in themselves.

Typical usageEdit

Word processors have a variety of uses and applications within the business world, home, education, journalism, publishing, and the literary arts.

Use in businessEdit

Within the business world, word processors are extremely useful tools. Some typical uses include: creating legal documents, company reports, publications for clients, letters, and internal memos. Businesses tend to have their own format and style for any of these, and additions such as company letterhead. Thus, modern word processors with layout editing and similar capabilities find widespread use in most business.

Use in homeEdit

While many homes have a word processor on their computers, word processing in the home tends to be educational, planning or business related, dealing with school assignments or work being completed at home. Occasionally word processors are used for recreational purposes, e.g. writing short stories, poems or personal correspondence. Some use word processors to create résumés and greeting cards, but many of these home publishing processes have been taken over by web apps or desktop publishing programs specifically oriented toward home uses. The rise of email and social networks has also reduced the home role of the word processor as uses that formerly required printed output can now be done entirely online.


Word processors are descended from the Friden Flexowriter, which had two punched tape stations and permitted switching from one to the other (thus enabling what was called the «chain» or «form letter», one tape containing names and addresses, and the other the body of the letter to be sent). It did not wrap words, which was begun by IBM’s Magnetic Tape Selectric Typewriter (later, Magnetic Card Selectric Typewriter).

IBM SelectricEdit

Expensive Typewriter, written and improved between 1961 and 1962 by Steve Piner and L. Peter Deutsch, was a text editing program that ran on a DEC PDP-1 computer at MIT. Since it could drive an IBM Selectric typewriter (a letter-quality printer), it may be considered the first-word processing program, but the term word processing itself was only introduced, by IBM’s Böblingen Laboratory in the late 1960s.[citation needed]

In 1969, two software based text editing products (Astrotype and Astrocomp) were developed and marketed by Information Control Systems (Ann Arbor Michigan).[8][9][10] Both products used the Digital Equipment Corporation PDP-8 mini computer, DECtape (4” reel) randomly accessible tape drives, and a modified version of the IBM Selectric typewriter (the IBM 2741 Terminal). These 1969 products preceded CRT display-based word processors. Text editing was done using a line numbering system viewed on a paper copy inserted in the Selectric typewriter.

Evelyn Berezin invented a Selectric-based word processor in 1969, and founded the Redactron Corporation to market the $8,000 machine.[11] Redactron was sold to Burroughs Corporation in 1976, where the Redactron-II and -III were sold both as standalone units and as peripherals to the company’s mainframe computers.[12]

By 1971 word processing was recognized by the New York Times as a «buzz word».[13] A 1974 Times article referred to «the brave new world of Word Processing or W/P. That’s International Business Machines talk … I.B.M. introduced W/P about five years ago for its Magnetic Tape Selectric Typewriter and other electronic razzle-dazzle.»[14]

IBM defined the term in a broad and vague way as «the combination of people, procedures, and equipment which transforms ideas into printed communications,» and originally used it to include dictating machines and ordinary, manually operated Selectric typewriters.[15] By the early seventies, however, the term was generally understood to mean semiautomated typewriters affording at least some form of editing and correction, and the ability to produce perfect «originals». Thus, the Times headlined a 1974 Xerox product as a «speedier electronic typewriter», but went on to describe the product, which had no screen,[16] as «a word processor rather than strictly a typewriter, in that it stores copy on magnetic tape or magnetic cards for retyping, corrections, and subsequent printout».[17]

Mainframe systemsEdit

In the late 1960s IBM provided a program called FORMAT for generating printed documents on any computer capable of running Fortran IV. Written by Gerald M. Berns, FORMAT was described in his paper «Description of FORMAT, a Text-Processing Program» (Communications of the ACM, Volume 12, Number 3, March, 1969) as «a production program which facilitates the editing and printing of ‘finished’ documents directly on the printer of a relatively small (64k) computer system. It features good performance, totally free-form input, very flexible formatting capabilities including up to eight columns per page, automatic capitalization, aids for index construction, and a minimum of nontext [control elements] items.» Input was normally on punched cards or magnetic tape, with up to 80capital letters and non-alphabetic characters per card. The limited typographical controls available were implemented by control sequences; for example, letters were automatically converted to lower case unless they followed a full stop, that is, the «period» character. Output could be printed on a typical line printer in all-capitals — or in upper and lower case using a special («TN») printer chain — or could be punched as a paper tape which could be printed, in better than line printer quality, on a Flexowriter. A workalike program with some improvements, DORMAT, was developed and used at University College London.[citation needed]

Electromechanical paper-tape-based equipment such as the Friden Flexowriter had long been available; the Flexowriter allowed for operations such as repetitive typing of form letters (with a pause for the operator to manually type in the variable information),[18] and when equipped with an auxiliary reader, could perform an early version of «mail merge». Circa 1970 it began to be feasible to apply electronic computers to office automation tasks. IBM’s Mag Tape Selectric Typewriter (MT/ST) and later Mag Card Selectric (MCST) were early devices of this kind, which allowed editing, simple revision, and repetitive typing, with a one-line display for editing single lines.[19] The first novel to be written on a word processor, the IBM MT/ST, was Len Deighton’s Bomber, published in 1970.[20]

Effect on office administrationEdit

The New York Times, reporting on a 1971 business equipment trade show, said

The «buzz word» for this year’s show was «word processing», or the use of electronic equipment, such as typewriters; procedures and trained personnel to maximize office efficiency. At the IBM exhibition a girl typed on an electronic typewriter. The copy was received on a magnetic tape cassette which accepted corrections, deletions, and additions and then produced a perfect letter for the boss’s signature …[13]

In 1971, a third of all working women in the United States were secretaries, and they could see that word processing would affect their careers. Some manufacturers, according to a Times article, urged that «the concept of ‘word processing’ could be the answer to Women’s Lib advocates’ prayers. Word processing will replace the ‘traditional’ secretary and give women new administrative roles in business and industry.»[13]

The 1970s word processing concept did not refer merely to equipment, but, explicitly, to the use of equipment for «breaking down secretarial labor into distinct components, with some staff members handling typing exclusively while others supply administrative support. A typical operation would leave most executives without private secretaries. Instead one secretary would perform various administrative tasks for three or more secretaries.»[21] A 1971 article said that «Some [secretaries] see W/P as a career ladder into management; others see it as a dead-end into the automated ghetto; others predict it will lead straight to the picket line.» The National Secretaries Association, which defined secretaries as people who «can assume responsibility without direct supervision», feared that W/P would transform secretaries into «space-age typing pools». The article considered only the organizational changes resulting from secretaries operating word processors rather than typewriters; the possibility that word processors might result in managers creating documents without the intervention of secretaries was not considered—not surprising in an era when few managers, but most secretaries, possessed keyboarding skills.[14]

Dedicated modelsEdit

In 1972, Stephen Bernard Dorsey, Founder and President of Canadian company Automatic Electronic Systems (AES), introduced the world’s first programmable word processor with a video screen. The real breakthrough by Dorsey’s AES team was that their machine stored the operator’s texts on magnetic disks. Texts could be retrieved from the disks simply by entering their names at the keyboard. More importantly, a text could be edited, for instance a paragraph moved to a new place, or a spelling error corrected, and these changes were recorded on the magnetic disk.

The AES machine was actually a sophisticated computer that could be reprogrammed by changing the instructions contained within a few chips.[22][23]

In 1975, Dorsey started Micom Data Systems and introduced the Micom 2000 word processor. The Micom 2000 improved on the AES design by using the Intel 8080 single-chip microprocessor, which made the word processor smaller, less costly to build and supported multiple languages.[24]

Around this time, DeltaData and Wang word processors also appeared, again with a video screen and a magnetic storage disk.

The competitive edge for Dorsey’s Micom 2000 was that, unlike many other machines, it was truly programmable. The Micom machine countered the problem of obsolescence by avoiding the limitations of a hard-wired system of program storage. The Micom 2000 utilized RAM, which was mass-produced and totally programmable.[25] The Micom 2000 was said to be a year ahead of its time when it was introduced into a marketplace that represented some pretty serious competition such as IBM, Xerox and Wang Laboratories.[26]

In 1978, Micom partnered with Dutch multinational Philips and Dorsey grew Micom’s sales position to number three among major word processor manufacturers, behind only IBM and Wang.[27]

Software modelsEdit

In the early 1970s, computer scientist Harold Koplow was hired by Wang Laboratories to program calculators. One of his programs permitted a Wang calculator to interface with an IBM Selectric typewriter, which was at the time used to calculate and print the paperwork for auto sales.

In 1974, Koplow’s interface program was developed into the Wang 1200 Word Processor, an IBM Selectric-based text-storage device. The operator of this machine typed text on a conventional IBM Selectric; when the Return key was pressed, the line of text was stored on a cassette tape. One cassette held roughly 20 pages of text, and could be «played back» (i.e., the text retrieved) by printing the contents on continuous-form paper in the 1200 typewriter’s «print» mode. The stored text could also be edited, using keys on a simple, six-key array. Basic editing functions included Insert, Delete, Skip (character, line), and so on.

The labor and cost savings of this device were immediate, and remarkable: pages of text no longer had to be retyped to correct simple errors, and projects could be worked on, stored, and then retrieved for use later on. The rudimentary Wang 1200 machine was the precursor of the Wang Office Information System (OIS), introduced in 1976. It was a true office machine, affordable by organizations such as medium-sized law firms, and easily learned and operated by secretarial staff.

The Wang was not the first CRT-based machine nor were all of its innovations unique to Wang. In the early 1970s Linolex, Lexitron and Vydec introduced pioneering word-processing systems with CRT display editing. A Canadian electronics company, Automatic Electronic Systems, had introduced a product in 1972, but went into receivership a year later. In 1976, refinanced by the Canada Development Corporation, it returned to operation as AES Data, and went on to successfully market its brand of word processors worldwide until its demise in the mid-1980s. Its first office product, the AES-90,[28] combined for the first time a CRT-screen, a floppy-disk and a microprocessor,[22][23] that is, the very same winning combination that would be used by IBM for its PC seven years later.[citation needed] The AES-90 software was able to handle French and English typing from the start, displaying and printing the texts side-by-side, a Canadian government requirement. The first eight units were delivered to the office of the then Prime Minister, Pierre Elliot Trudeau, in February 1974.[citation needed]
Despite these predecessors, Wang’s product was a standout, and by 1978 it had sold more of these systems than any other vendor.[29]

The phrase «word processor» rapidly came to refer to CRT-based machines similar to the AES 90. Numerous machines of this kind emerged, typically marketed by traditional office-equipment companies such as IBM, Lanier (marketing AES Data machines, re-badged), CPT, and NBI.[30]
All were specialized, dedicated, proprietary systems, priced around $10,000. Cheap general-purpose computers were still for hobbyists.

Some of the earliest CRT-based machines used cassette tapes for removable-memory storage until floppy diskettes became available for this purpose — first the 8-inch floppy, then the 5¼-inch (drives by Shugart Associates and diskettes by Dysan).

Printing of documents was initially accomplished using IBM Selectric typewriters modified for ASCII-character input. These were later replaced by application-specific daisy wheel printers, first developed by Diablo, which became a Xerox company, and later by Qume. For quicker «draft» printing, dot-matrix line printers were optional alternatives with some word processors.

WYSIWYG modelsEdit

Examples of standalone word processor typefaces c. 1980–1981

Brother WP-1400D editing electronic typewriter (1994)

Electric Pencil, released in December 1976, was the first word processor software for microcomputers.[31][32][33][34][35] Software-based word processors running on general-purpose personal computers gradually displaced dedicated word processors, and the term came to refer to software rather than hardware. Some programs were modeled after particular dedicated WP hardware. MultiMate, for example, was written for an insurance company that had hundreds of typists using Wang systems, and spread from there to other Wang customers. To adapt to the smaller, more generic PC keyboard, MultiMate used stick-on labels and a large plastic clip-on template to remind users of its dozens of Wang-like functions, using the shift, alt and ctrl keys with the 10 IBM function keys and many of the alphabet keys.

Other early word-processing software required users to memorize semi-mnemonic key combinations rather than pressing keys labelled «copy» or «bold». (In fact, many early PCs lacked cursor keys; WordStar famously used the E-S-D-X-centered «diamond» for cursor navigation, and modern vi-like editors encourage use of hjkl for navigation.) However, the price differences between dedicated word processors and general-purpose PCs, and the value added to the latter by software such as VisiCalc, were so compelling that personal computers and word processing software soon became serious competition for the dedicated machines. Word processing became the most popular use for personal computers, and unlike the spreadsheet (dominated by Lotus 1-2-3) and database (dBase) markets, WordPerfect, XyWrite, Microsoft Word, pfs:Write, and dozens of other word processing software brands competed in the 1980s; PC Magazine reviewed 57 different programs in one January 1986 issue.[32] Development of higher-resolution monitors allowed them to provide limited WYSIWYG—What You See Is What You Get, to the extent that typographical features like bold and italics, indentation, justification and margins were approximated on screen.

The mid-to-late 1980s saw the spread of laser printers, a «typographic» approach to word processing, and of true WYSIWYG bitmap displays with multiple fonts (pioneered by the Xerox Alto computer and Bravo word processing program), PostScript, and graphical user interfaces (another Xerox PARC innovation, with the Gypsy word processor which was commercialised in the Xerox Star product range). Standalone word processors adapted by getting smaller and replacing their CRTs with small character-oriented LCD displays. Some models also had computer-like features such as floppy disk drives and the ability to output to an external printer. They also got a name change, now being called «electronic typewriters» and typically occupying a lower end of the market, selling for under US$200.

During the late 1980s and into the 1990s the predominant word processing program was WordPerfect.[36] It had more than 50% of the worldwide market as late as 1995, but by 2000 Microsoft Word had up to 95% market share.[37]

MacWrite, Microsoft Word, and other word processing programs for the bit-mapped Apple Macintosh screen, introduced in 1984, were probably the first true WYSIWYG word processors to become known to many people until the introduction of Microsoft Windows. Dedicated word processors eventually became museum pieces.

See alsoEdit

  • Amstrad PCW
  • Authoring systems
  • Canon Cat
  • Comparison of word processors
  • Content management system
  • CPT Word Processors
  • Document collaboration
  • List of word processors
  • Microwriter
  • Office suite
  • TeX
  • Typography


  • Matthew G. Kirschenbaum Track Changes — A Literary History of Word Processing Harvard University Press 2016 ISBN 9780674417076


  1. ^ «TECHNOWRITERS» Popular Mechanics, June 1989, pp. 71-73.
  2. ^ Mark Newhall, Farm Show
  3. ^ StarLux Illumination catalog
  4. ^ «Microsoft Office Is Right at Home». Microsoft. January 8, 2009. Retrieved August 14, 2010.
  5. ^ «InfoWorld Jan 1 1990». January 1990.
  6. ^ Reilly, Edwin D. (2003). Milestones in Computer Science and Information Technology. Greenwood Publishing Group. p. 256. ISBN 9781573565219.
  7. ^ UNIX Text Processing, O’Reilly. Nonetheless, the text editors used in program development environments can provide much better facilities for managing large writing projects than their office word-processing counterparts.
  8. ^ «Information Control Systems Inc. (ICS) | Ann Arbor District Library».
  9. ^ «Secretaries Get a Computer of their Own to Automate Typing» (PDF). Computers and Automation. January 1969. p. 59. Retrieved 5 September 2020.
  10. ^ «Computer Aided Typists Produce Perfect Copies». Computer World. November 13, 1968. Retrieved 10 September 2013.
  11. ^ Pozzi, Sandro (12 December 2018). «Muere Evelyn Berezin, creadora del primer procesador digital de textos» [Evelyn Berezin dies, creator of the first digital text processor]. El País (in Spanish). Archived from the original on 12 December 2018. Retrieved 13 December 2018. Berezin diseñó el primer sistema central de reservas de United Airlines cuando trabajaba para Teleregister y otro similar para gestionar la contabilidad de la banca a nivel nacional. En 1968 empezó a trabajar en la idea de un ordenador que procesara textos, utilizando pequeños circuitos integrados. Al año decidió dejar la empresa para crear la suya propia, que llamó Redactron Corporation.
  12. ^ McFadden, Robert D. (2018-12-10). «Evelyn Berezin, 93, Dies; Built the First True Word Processor». The New York Times. Retrieved 2018-12-11.
  13. ^ a b c Smith, William D. (October 26, 1971). «Lag Persists for Business Equipment». The New York Times. p. 59.
  14. ^ a b Dullea, Georgia (February 5, 1974). «Is It a Boon for Secretaries—Or Just an Automated Ghetto?». The New York Times. p. 32.
  15. ^ «IBM Adds to Line of Dictation Items». The New York Times. September 12, 1972. p. 72. reports introduction of «five new models of ‘input word processing equipment’, better known in the past as dictation equipment» and gives IBM’s definition of WP as «the combination of people, procedures, and equipment which transforms ideas into printed communications». The machines described were of course ordinary dictation machines recording onto magnetic belts, not voice typewriters.
  16. ^ Miller, Diane Fisher (1997) «My Life with the Machine»: «By Sunday afternoon, I urgently want to throw the Xerox 800 through the window, then run over it with the company van. It seems that the instructor forgot to tell me a few things about doing multi-page documents … To do any serious editing, I must use both tape drives, and, without a display, I must visualize and mentally track what is going onto the tapes.»
  17. ^ Smith, William D. (October 8, 1974). «Xerox Is Introducing a Speedier Electric Typewriter». The New York Times. p. 57.
  18. ^ O’Kane, Lawrence (May 22, 1966). «Computer a Help to ‘Friendly Doc’; Automated Letter Writer Can Dispense a Cheery Word». The New York Times. p. 348. Automated cordiality will be one of the services offered to physicians and dentists who take space in a new medical center…. The typist will insert the homey touch in the appropriate place as the Friden automated, programmed «Flexowriter» rattles off the form letters requesting payment… or informing that the X-ray’s of the patient (kidney) (arm) (stomach) (chest) came out negative.
  19. ^ Rostky, Georgy (2000). «The word processor: cumbersome, but great». EETimes. Retrieved 2006-05-29.
  20. ^ Kirschenbaum, Matthew (March 1, 2013). «The Book-Writing Machine: What was the first novel ever written on a word processor?». Slate. Retrieved March 2, 2013.
  21. ^ Smith, William D. (December 16, 1974). «Electric Typewriter Sales Are Bolstered by Efficiency». The New York Times. p. 57.
  22. ^ a b Thomas, David (1983). Knights of the New Technology. Toronto: Key Porter Books. p. 94. ISBN 0-919493-16-5.
  23. ^ a b CBC Television, Venture, «AES: A Canadian Cautionary Tale» Broadcast date February 4, 1985, minute 3:50.
  24. ^ Thomas, David «Knights of the New Technology». Key Porter Books, 1983, p. 97 & p. 98.
  25. ^ “Will success spoil Steve Dorsey?”, Industrial Management magazine, Clifford/Elliot & Associates, May 1979, pp. 8 & 9.
  26. ^ “Will success spoil Steve Dorsey?”, Industrial Management magazine, Clifford/Elliot & Associates, May 1979, p. 7.
  27. ^ Thomas, David «Knights of the New Technology». Key Porter Books, 1983, p. 102 & p. 103.
  28. ^ «1970–1979 C.E.: Media History Project». University of Minnesota. May 18, 2007. Retrieved 2008-03-29.
  29. ^ Schuyten, Peter J. (1978): «Wang Labs: Healthy Survivor» The New York Times December 6, 1978 p. D1: «[Market research analyst] Amy Wohl… said… ‘Since then, the company has installed more of these systems than any other vendor in the business.»
  30. ^ «NBI INC Securities Registration, Form SB-2, Filing Date Sep 8, 1998». secdatabase.com. Retrieved May 14, 2018.
  31. ^ Pea, Roy D. and D. Midian Kurland (1987). «Cognitive Technologies for Writing». Review of Research in Education. 14: 277–326. JSTOR 1167314.
  32. ^ a b Bergin, Thomas J. (Oct–Dec 2006). «The Origins of Word Processing Software for Personal Computers: 1976–1985». IEEE Annals of the History of Computing. 28 (4): 32–47. doi:10.1109/MAHC.2006.76. S2CID 18895790.
  33. ^ Freiberger, Paul (1982-05-10). «Electric Pencil, first micro word processor». InfoWorld. p. 12. Retrieved March 5, 2011.
  34. ^ Freiberger, Paul; Swaine, Michael (2000). Fire in the Valley: The Making of the Personal Computer (2nd ed.). McGraw-Hill. pp. 186–187. ISBN 0-07-135892-7.
  35. ^ Shrayer, Michael (November 1984). «Confessions of a naked programmer». Creative Computing. p. 130. Retrieved March 6, 2011.
  36. ^ Eisenberg, Daniel [in Spanish] (1992). «Word Processing (History of)». Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science (PDF). Vol. 49. New York: Dekker. pp. 268–78. Archived from the original (PDF) on May 21, 2019.
  37. ^ Brinkley, Joel (2000-09-21). «It’s a Word World, Or Is It?». The New York Times.

External linksEdit

  • FOSS word processors compared: OOo Writer, AbiWord, and KWord by Bruce Byfield
  • History of Word Processing
  • «Remembering the Office of the Future: Word Processing and Office Automation before the Personal Computer» — A comprehensive history of early word processing concepts, hardware, software, and use. By Thomas Haigh, IEEE Annals of the History of Computing 28:4 (October–December 2006):6-31.
  • «A Brief History of Word Processing (Through 1986)» by Brian Kunde (December, 1986)
  • «AES: A Canadian Cautionary Tale» by CBC Television (Broadcast date: February 4, 1985, link updated Nov. 2, 2012)

There can be a lot of choices when it comes to purchasing the best laptops for word processing, and it can be frustrating. If you mainly use your laptop for basic tasks like word editing, internet searching, and email correspondence, there’s nothing too complicated.

That doesn’t mean you should use some old laptop, and you do need a dependable device with adequate memory and capacity for all of your files. This is a reality, especially if you struggle with lengthy documents and don’t want to wait for your laptop. For all of the files to become corrupt.

? Important Notes:
First of all, let me tell you that you can also upgrade your current laptop, if you don't want to change it or spend more:
You should understand that how offten to upgrade a laptop.
However, if you somehow have already made your mind that you want to get new one. Then first, let me educate you that what things to consider before buying a new laptop.

If your current laptop is your primary workstation, then you shouldn’t buy a cheap alternative. Many people interpret word processing and excel to be simple applications. As they are critical, they must be running well to work effectively on a decent computing system.

However, if you’re tight on budget then check out our listing of most cheap laptops for routine work.

Well, to help you make the decision that which one is a suitable laptop for word and excel, we’ve assembled a list of the most common choices available. First, check some features below that you should have and few that you shouldn’t worry about, and then we will start the list:

Features And Specs You Should Have:

The most menial job that you can do on a laptop is text processing and internet surfing. This way, you do not need powerful laptops.

In reality, you can opt to take the least powerful computer and manage to get your job done quickly. Besides that, it is always essential for you to know which hardware you choose to buy.


The Intel Core i3 Dual-Core processor or similar from AMD are outstanding performer for word processing or Internet browsing. Intel Pentium and Intel Celeron are both compliant with their respective motherboards.

These chips are comparatively less powerful than Intel’s Core i3 family.

When you use Celeron and Pentium processors, they can be tedious and irritating. And Intel Celeron may have its vulnerability when opened in several browser windows.

For a streamlined and future-proof experience, we suggest Intel Core i3 processors. However, Intel Celeron and Intel Pentium processors can also be used for this project.


We suggest that you carry a minimum of 4 GB of RAM. In reality, approximately 4 GB is suitable for several purposes.

If you are the target of multitasking or running relatively heavier programs, you can certainly update the RAM to 8GB.


We’ve personally still highly suggested solid-state disks over regular hard disks. SSDs are not cheap, and it’s harrowing. You would not find an SSD on budget laptops at very competitive prices. This is just a recommendation for the future.

SSD drives significantly increase the performance of your laptop. If you want to get the most comfortable experience on a single-budget computer, then a standard SSD is appropriate.

? Do You Know?
If your budget doesn't allow you to buy a new laptop with SSD. Then you can also install SSD in the existing one. It will make it rocket fast, below me. I've recently upgraded SSD in my current daily driver. 

Here is what you don’t need to think about.

We would not suggest running for high-end processors. Processors like the Intel Core i5 and Intel Core i7 can smash the banks if you have to buy them.

The higher-end processors are overkill for the casual laptop user. You will invest your money in something that will never be used like it was supposed to be used.

We don’t want to allow you to choose a laptop with more than 8 GB of RAM. Up to a degree, you can get bottlenecked by the RAM even though you opt for a higher-end i7 CPU.

We want to give you the highest deal possible. Spending money on extra RAM can be costly, and certain kinds of office systems, such as word processing, may not require a lot of RAM.

13 Best Laptops for Word Processing (Specs, Features & Reviews):

Here we have discussed and reviewed the top word processing laptops, which are also the best choice for writers, proofreaders and bloggers:

1. Microsoft Surface Laptop 3 (Best laptop for writers On A Budget).

Microsoft Surface Laptop 3
Processor Intel Core i5
Storage 256 GB SSD
Display 13.5-inch Full HD
Battery Life Up to 11.5 Hours


  • Excellent port selection.
  • Luxurious and sophisticated design.
  • Stylus support.
  • Good mouse and keyboard.
  • It supports fast charging.
  • Incisive, colorful description.
  • Instant-on feature.


  • Pricy
  • Glossy display
  • RAM soldered in
  • 720p 30fps camera

The perfect software for Microsoft Office will be the one supplied by Microsoft itself. If you are in the market for a laptop that is compatible with Microsoft Office, look no further than the Microsoft Surface Laptop 3.

The laptop has an advanced keyboard with outstanding tactile input. This machine has decent efficiency & this is an excellent and high-tech feature of this product. The precision touchpad is simple to use, and the Windows 10 motions perform well.

The laptop’s revolutionary style would make many people take notice. When you turn on this computer, it is ready to use. This is perfect so you can pull the laptop out of the bag in one hand while working on documents effectively. The EV will charge over 80 percent within one hour.

This product is very lightweight and easy to bring around. This Surface Book’s size-to-feature ratio is undoubtedly remarkable. This computer supports USB-A and USB-C & you should attach this port to charge the laptop. On the adapter, there is a USB port to charge your portable device. You can also charge a laptop with HDMI.

This laptop has a powerful Intel Core i5 processor and enhanced Iris Plus Graphics. The 3:2 aspect ratio panel is a delight to use YouTube to impact efficiency and media use significantly. The monitor is very sharp and has a resolution of 2,240 by 1,520 pixels.

That’s an incredible screen size of 240 pixels per inch. It has excellent contrast ratios and decent brightness levels, which makes it ideal for outdoor use.

Finally, you’ll be able to log in using facial recognition on Surface 3. I am fascinated by the primary 720p 30fps camera.

2. Acer Aspire E15 (Best Laptop For Studetns).

Acer Aspire E 15 (Cheapest Laptop for Accounting Students)
Processor 8th Gen Intel Core i3-8130U
Ram 6GB
Storage 1TB HDD
Display 15.6-inch Full HD
Battery Life Up to 13.5 Hours

The Acer Aspire E15 is an adorable laptop, which we highly recommend as one of the for students or entry level writers.

This laptop features the Intel Core i3-8130U chip from the newest Intel 8th-generation multi-core family.

The processor that they equate it with is also equivalent to the Core i5, which is the 7th generation. A laptop with a top-of-the-line processor (HSi) quickly completes tasks optimized for higher level of processors.

Furthermore, this laptop provides one of the most RAM and hard drive capacities of any notebook on the market.

It is fantastic (granted, highest capacity) with an adequate minimum RAM (16GB) and more than necessary for storing various media files.

In addition to all of this, this is one of a few laptops designed to integrate a Full HD display into its architecture.

At this time, the regular notebooks that provide high-resolution HD displays are typically in the $1000. With a high 1440p resolution.

3. ASUS VivoBook F510UA (Best Laptops For Office Work).

ASUS VivoBook
Processor AMD Quad-Core A12-9720P up to 3.6GHz
Ram 4GB DDR4
Storage 128GB SSD
Display 15.6-inch Full HD
Battery Life Up to 8 Hours


  • Sleek design
  • Large hard drive
  • Anti-glare Full HD display
  • Good RAM

Our top pick for Ms Word and Excel is this ASUS VivoBook F510. This laptop has a reasonable amount of RAM, a big hard disk, and is pretty inexpensive & this laptop will save you a lot of money if you buy it.

This laptop has a relatively large display but is also lightweight. If you don’t need a big desktop but at the same time don’t want anything heavy to bring around, this is the best alternative for you.

There is enough RAM for standard word processing, excel, and access. This laptop also has an anti-glare display feature for your health.

This is a very standard tool, but it is not an inexpensive commodity. It is not the most expensive alternative, but it is not the cheapest.

4. HP PAVILION 15.6 (Best Laptop For Frelance Writers).

Processor Intel Core i7-7500U
Ram 12 GB RAM
Storage 512GB PCIe NVMe SSD
Display 15.6-inch Full HD
Battery Life Up to 10 Hours

This 15.6-inch laptop is perfect in every manner. The car is a mix of strength coupled with luxury and convenience.As we mentioned that it’s for freelance writers, so we mean it. This laptop is very portable yet so powerful; so you can take it anywhere, which makes it the best choice for freelance writers.

We’re equipped with 12 GB RAM and 512GB PCIe NVMe SSD hard disk, which should be adequate for our needs. The laptop runs programs silently and helps you to work as much as possible.

The Intel Core i7-7500U Processor would be adequate for using word processing and Excel on the device. This machine comes with Windows 10 preinstalled and is very easy to use.

With simplicity in the design of the machine, people would be drawn to purchase this device. The computer’s name should be ‘notebook’ so it can be kept in the pocket like a notebook. Its structural integrity prevents damage from happening.

Furthermore, this product’s strong battery will run for up to eight hours after the music has finished. Its display is white. These are easy to see in well-lit spaces.

One problem with this laptop is the noise. We observed that the fan cooled the region considerably faster than we expected. If you use this device in public places like libraries or schools, this fan noise can be too distracting.

Besides, this laptop is a decent option for such a cost range.

5. Lenovo ThinkPad X1 (Best Laptop For Proofreading).

Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon
Processor Core i7-8565U
Ram 16GB RAM
Storage 512GB SSD
Display 14-inch Full HD
Battery Life Up to 8 Hours


  • 18-hour battery life
  • Fingerprint sensor unlock
  • Extremely durable


  • Heavier than average
  • Low hard drive size
  • Expensive

If you search for a laptop that can do simple work on it, this is the right option for you. Things are a bit on the pricey side, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t buy anything that is a high-quality, reliable, and functional piece.

RAM is important, but the scale of the hard drive is still significant. In this way, you can select between 8GB and 16GB, but just 512GB of hard drive capacity. In this way, you can choose how much you can save here and how many apps you can you have at one time.

If you’re looking for a laptop computer, this is a perfect option due to the keyboard’s anti-glare display. Glare can be very harmful to the eyes and can cause strain or sore eyes.

If you do not have any choice but to waste your time looking at a computer for eight hours a day, then one that will provide some protection to your eyes is worth investing in and you know what, this one is providing eye protection.

If a laptop machine is supposed to be a working unit, it will spend a lot of time amongst several cups of tea and coffee. This is one laptop that has been through thousands of checks to check its reliability under harsh environments. Hence, you may be confident that your espresso will not fit this device.

6. Lenovo Ideapad (Best laptop for writers And Bloggers).

Lenovo IdeaPad 330
Processor AMD Quad-core A12-9720P
Ram 8GB DDR4
Storage 1TB HDD
Display 15.6-inch Full HD
Battery Life Up to 4 Hours

This is the top and most powerful most laptop in this list of Best laptop for writers And Bloggers (while still in the budget range).

If you want to achieve the best performance and lowest cost laptop, this is the for you.

If you ever think that you would use a laptop for simple picture editing, this is an excellent upgrade to your facilities.

This Lenovo Ideapad provides an AMD A12 Quad Core chip. This is a low-end processor whose base clock speed is 2.7 GHz and can raise 3.6 GHz per core.

This is a perfect decision to make. It is not an extravagant expense since it is relatively inexpensive.

According to this laptop’s requirements, it has 8 GB of DDR4 RAM and 1 TB of HDD.

We think that 8 GB of RAM is optimal for operating on complicated tasks like word processing. This would only be excess knowledge. Based on the customer’s requirement, this laptop is the highest.

There is no hesitation about this laptop for word processing.

7. Lenovo IdeaPad 3 (Best Laptops For Writers On A Budget).

Lenovo IdeaPad 3 14
Processor AMD Ryzen 5 3500U
Ram 8GB DDR4
Storage 256GB SSD
Display 14.0″ Full Hd Display
Battery Life Up to 9 Hours


  • Ultrafast laptop processor
  • Ergonomic keyboarding tools.
  • Premium battery.
  • Enhanced control for improved productivity.
  • A strong, durable body.
  • Compact and easy to carry.


  • No NumPad
  • No other major issues.

The IdeaPad, it’s potentially the right laptop for Microsoft Office in 2022. I love its fast delivery pace within a competitive price range. From an architectural standpoint, the laptop looks attractive in addition to being useful. The Lenovo IdeaPad 3 performs well in applications like Excel and Phrase, is more robust than most laptops.

Another significant feature of the Lenovo IdeaPad 3 is its superior ergonomic keyboard position. The laptop is sophisticated and has a great keyboard which helps you to be productive as much as possible.

The display is big enough to allow you to have full attention on your work. With a full HD display, you will be able to focus on your job for long hours.

Lenovo IdeaPad 3 is not isolated. You should add that to their package that costs no more than $99 for three months. You can run Excel with great ease using macros.

8. ACER ASPIRE 5 (Best Laptop For Microsoft Office).

Acer Aspire 5
Processor 8th Gen Intel Core i7-8565U
Ram 12GB DDR4
Storage 512GB PCIe Nvme SSD
Display 15.6-inch Full HD
Battery Life Up to 9.5 Hours

Plus the main functionality of the laptop such as processor type, RAM, and hard disk storage. This Acer model is inexpensive but is a bit simple and lacks powerful specifications.

Besides sufficient processing power and enough disk space, it also provides several other required components. This keyboard sounds good, and the numeric keypad looks nice too.

This laptop fits all specifications and would be a successful business enterprise. This casual men’s dress is comfortable, lightweight, and trendy. The screen is tall, but it is well covered with a blue filter.

Healthy enough battery life allows you to work all day without having a recharge. It will last for 8 hours. This is better than other laptops sold in this price range.

This is a good investment because it is inexpensive, strong, and practical, and intelligent. Since the product comes with a one year warranty, one can feel comfortable and comfortable at the time of its use. This laptop is a perfect solution for anyone who wants a laptop for basic writing and spreadsheet use.

9. Dell XPS 15 9500 (Best Laptops For Heavy Office Tasks).

Dell XPS 15 7590
Processor Intel Core i7-10750H 10th Gen
Storage 1TB SSD
Display 15.6-inch Full HD
Battery Life Up to 11.5 Hours


  • Touch Screen Displays
  • A startup sensor
  • Big Screen
  • A lot of RAM by default
  • Multiple size display options

Dell computers are also admired for their consistency and reliability, thereby making them the gold standard for office equipment. When it comes to job operation, Dell is a safe option.

Depending on the workplace you are used to, you might be more knowledgeable about Dell’s older gadgets. Not only this Dell XPS 15 9500 is powerful and practical but also streamlined and trendy.

There is no potential for compromise for space with this laptop. If you stare at your screen all day, your eyes will get exhausted and so will your back. With a 15.6″ display, you will be able to see plainly and split-screen without having to think about not being able to focus on what you’re working on entirely.

If you require something more compact and lightweight, this notebook is also available with a 13.4″ display.

10. Acer Swift 3 (Best Laptops For Ms Word And Excel).

Acer Swift 3
Processor AMD Ryzen 7 4700U Octa-Core
Storage 512GB NVMe SSD
Display 14-inch Full HD
Battery Life Up to 11.5 Hours


  • AMD Ryzen processor
  • Backlit keyboard enables greater output
  • Num Keypad included
  • Portable and small frame
  • Economic cost
  • Easily run all Microsoft Office applications in a single


  • Overheating is very common
  • Blamed constant rebooting

We think only of the ACER when we talk about your laptop’s justice with the price tag. The company has enjoyed a powerful run on the market this year. Another perfect example of Acer is the Acer Swift 3.

I assure you that it is one of the fastest laptops in the industry. The specs speak for themselves after it has been answered. The architecture looks astonishing. It would be safe to say that Acer has satisfied many people looking for laptops that can run Microsoft Office properly with ease.

This laptop use feature a Full HD IPS screen. You got it correctly. The IPS display used with the new laptop allows prolonging the working time.

Other than that, the inclusion of the AMD Ryzen 7 also allows the notebook to work at an entirely new standard. With such a high processor speed, you won’t have to wait for sluggish applications to load. You can run almost all serious programs with Acer Swift 3.

I enjoyed working on the laptop because it has got a backlit keyboard. You can type efficiently even though the illumination is dim.

I like the swift design of Acer Swift 3 batteries. I had not predicted such a costly machine performance & it’s good news for all Microsoft Office professionals.

11. ACER CHROMEBOOK (Best Laptop For Excel).

Processor Intel Celeron N2840 Dual-Core
Ram 2 GB RAM
Storage 16 GB Solid State
Display 11.6-inch Full HD
Battery Life Up to 9+ Hours


  • Free Google Drive Storage
  • Cheap Rate Laptop
  • Slim & Catchy Design

It is a popular commodity in workplace settings for prominent business executives. This machine has an economical price tag and high specification features.

Though it’s a budget item, it has everything that you need to work on your word processor or spreadsheets. It has been said that Intel Celeron N2840 Dual-Core Processor offers a compromise between simple demands for paper processing and internet use. The good part is that you can use this laptop without having to charge the battery.

The 2 GB RAM and 16 GB solid-state drive is slightly smaller than other laptops on our list, but it offers sufficient processor speed and office work capacity.

Chromebooks run based on the cloud. They can store data electronically instead of on the computer & your files are Stored in applications such as Google Drive or iCloud.

The Chrome OS uses less RAM than the Windows operating system. Compared to Glass, it is safer because it does not have a back door. If your laptop is robbed, your files are saved in the cloud.

Google Sheets and Excel Online can be found on Chromebooks. If you desire to run other Windows-based programs, you are generally best off with a desktop computer.

Its ultra-thin body is light and can be used anywhere comfortably. It fits very well in dark rooms like an underground car park. The display is average, but the anti-glare display is fantastic; this helps to reduce eye strain.

A Chromebook is a good choice for portability, cost, and security. We strongly suggest it.

12. Acer Aspire 1 (Best Laptops For Data Analysis).

Acer Aspire 1
Processor Intel Celeron N4000
Ram 4GB DDR4
Storage 64GB eMMC
Display 14-inch Full HD
Battery Life Up to 6.5 Hours

This is the cheapest WINDOWS laptop on the list.

If you are on a small budget and still want to obtain a good laptop, you should get the Acer Aspire 1.

Note that this is a 14 inches laptop instead of the average 15.6 inches. It has a smaller screen size and fewer features. The smaller scale would cause it to be easily movable.

This unique notebook is also very versatile in different ways. Despite a smaller screen, it is still HD resolution.

It is not unusual to see FHD Notebooks priced marginally cheaper than HD Notebooks. In this case, a higher resolution is suitable for multitasking.

This laptop provides the Intel Celeron CPU. If you have read this post, then you will know about the value of the processor.

Anything that is not quick enough is the same as a decelerator.

Do not use it if there are no windows open all the time. However, with hefty use, this processor can run hot.

The notebook is not providing much storage as compared to other ones. The computer only has 64 GB of E-SSD ROM.

Although these features are faster than regular hard disks and can have longer battery life, it’s not enough. So, you would need to either apply to cloud-based software or buy an additional HDD.

13. Dell Inspiron 3000 (Best Laptops For Writers).

Dell 15 3000 15.6 Inch HD Touchscreen Premium Laptops
Processor Intel 10th Gen Dual Core i3-1005G1
Ram 8GB DDR4
Storage 1TB HDD
Display 15.6-inch Full HD
Battery Life Up to 5+ Hours


  • Good for mid-range budgets.
  • Microsoft Office is unbelievably competent.
  • 8 GB of DDR4 RAM.

We will be finishing the review with Dell XPS 8300 notebook, which gives an excellent value for your money. The right laptop for Microsoft Excel is likely to have a comfortable keyboard. Plus, it has fitted with a super-fast processor. As a result, the battery will last longer.

First, one of the best dell laptops is with an i3 processor, and it also has 10th gen. CPU. Therefore, it is better to bear heavy app on it.

The round panel will help improve user interfaces. Moreover, there is 8GB of DDR4.


Here are only some of the best laptops for word processing that you can buy today in the industry. We had difficulties selecting a word processor because we lack a good processor, RAM, and storage at home.

This list highlights some of the best laptop models for multiple people. Hopefully, this article would give you an idea of the products you might purchase.

Other Laptops For Writers, Students And Office Work:

Hey, if you’ve skimmed through this article, it means that you’re whether a writer, student or you need a good laptop for office work. So, check our other specific listings below:

Why spend on a high end laptop when you will just end up using it for word processing?

There is a huge variety of laptops out there and if you are not well versed with the general hardware of a notebook, then you may get lost in search for the right machine for you.

In this article we will only look at the best laptops for word processing. These are simple machines that cost less.

In addition to that, we will look at the features that you need to look for and the features that you can disregard. This way you can get the best value for your money.

It is always good to be an educated buyer instead of blindly following the experts.

The core idea of this article is to save you as much money as possible. We will try to find the best and cheapest laptop that can get the trivial task of word processing done.

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Best Laptops For Word Processing Reviewed

Let us briefly look at the chosen laptops and highlight their unique features.

1. Acer Aspire E5-576-392H – Recommended Notebook for Word Processing

Acer Aspire E5-576-392H is a complete package and we highly recommend this as one of the best laptops for word processing.

In terms of performance and the overall value, this is one of the best in the market.

This laptops features the Intel Core i3-8130U processor from the latest 8th generation.

This processor is in fact comparable to the performance of the Core i5 of the 7th generation. Therefore, this laptop is more than capable of word processing.

Furthermore, this notebook offers an awesome 6 GB of of RAM as well as 1 TB of HDD.

The RAM is more than our minimum recommended RAM i.e 4GB and the 1 TB is ample for storing a plethora of multimedia files.

In addition to all this, this is one of a few budget laptops in the market that manages to fit a Full HD display.

Normally, notebooks only tend to offer HD resolution at max at this price range. The more resolution enables you to have extra real estate which is significant for multitasking.

Related: Acer Vs HP Compared

2. HP 15.6-Inch 4ND16UA – Pentium Processor and Touch

2019 HP 15.6-inch Touchscreen HD (1366 x 768)...

Here we have a rather affordable laptop from HP that offers the latest Intel Pentium processor.

In terms of performance, Intel Pentium are ranked somewhere in between Intel Core i3 and Intel Celeron processors.

Where Intel Core i3 are more than just capable of word processing, Intel Pentium are JUST perfect for it. The obvious benefit here is that you get an overall cheaper price tag.

What separates this laptop is the Touchscreen functionality that this HP 15.6-Inch model offers. Although this isn’t a significantly important feature for typing or using Microsoft word, it is still a good feature to have for ease of use.

This machine comes with 4 GB of DDR4 RAM, which is just the right amount for low demanding work. Additionally, it offers a good 1 TB of HDD.

All in all, if you looking for an affordable laptop, then this is one of the best laptops for word processing. Just beware that Intel Pentium is an entry level processor.

3. Lenovo Ideapad 15.6″ – AMD A12 Quad Core Processor

2018 Newest Lenovo Ideapad 15.6' HD Premium...

2018 Newest Lenovo Ideapad 15.6″ HD Premium…

  • 15.6″ HD display with 1366 x 768 resolution;…
  • AMD A12-9720P Quad core processor with 2.70…
  • 8GB DDR4 memory; 1TB 5,400rpm HDD hard drive…
  • 802.11AC WiFi; Bluetooth 4.1; 10/100/100M…

This is the most powerful laptop in this list and thus naturally it is also the most expensive (while still in the budget range).

If you want the least frustrating working experience then this is the right laptop to go for.

Also, if you ever think that you will use a laptop for tasks like casual photo editing etc, and want a future proof machine, then this is a decent piece to have.

This Lenovo Ideapad offers AMD A12 Quad Core processor. This is a lower mid range processor that has a base clock speed of 2.7 GHz per core and can boost itself upto 3.6 GHz per core.

In short, this is a fairly great processor to go for. It is certainly not an overkill for word processing since it is quite affordable.

Furthermore, this laptop offers a perfect 8 GB of DDR4 RAM as well as 1 TB of HDD.

In our view, 8 GB is the maximum amount of RAM that you should choose for work like word processing. Anything more would be a waste. This laptop, therefore, suits that requirement perfectly.

In the end, if it is seamless performance that you are after, then this is certainly one of the best laptops for word processing.

Related: Lenovo Vs HP Comparison

4. Acer Aspire 1 A114-32-C1YA – 14″ – Cheapest Recommended Windows Based Laptop

Acer Aspire 1 A114-32-C1YA, 14' Full HD,...

Acer Aspire 1 A114-32-C1YA, 14″ Full HD,…

  • Intel Celeron N4000 Dual-Core Processor (Up…
  • 14″ Full HD (1920 x 1080) Widescreen…
  • 4GB DDR4 SDRAM Onboard Memory & 64GB eMMC
  • Microsoft 365 Personal 1-Year Subscription &…

This the cheapest WINDOWS based laptop for word processing in this list.

If you are on a tight budget and want to get a decent enough machine just so that you can type comfortably, then we recommend this Acer Aspire 1 A114-32-C1YA.

For starters, note that this is a 14″ laptop instead of the normal 15.6″. Therefore, it has a slightly smaller screen size. The benefit of this is that the smaller size makes this excellent for portability.

This particular 14″ notebook has an other excellent feature. Despite being a smaller laptop, it still offers FHD resolution.

As mentioned earlier, only a select few notebooks in the budget range tend to offer FHD while most only offer HD. Higher resolution is certainly better for multitasking.

Another very important note to take here is that this laptop offers the Intel Celeron Processor. If you have been reading this article then you will know that this processor should be your last resort.

Anything slower than this i.e Intel Atom, can seriously hinder your work experience.

If you imagine that you will not have a significant amount of windows open while you type, then by all means go for this. However, note that on somewhat heavier use, this processor will certainly show its limitations.

While this notebook manages to offer 4 GB of RAM, it does not offer an adequate storage. It only manages to offer 64 GB of built in eMMC.

While it is faster than normal HDD and ensures a longer battery life, it is certainly not enough. Therefore, you will eventually either need to subscribe to cloud based storage services or get an external HDD.

Related: Acer Vs Lenovo Comparison

5. Acer CB3-532-C8DF – Chromebook – Cheapest Laptop in the List

Acer Chromebook 15 CB3-532-C8DF, Intel...

Acer Chromebook 15 CB3-532-C8DF, Intel…

  • Chromebook runs on Chrome OS — an operating…
  • All the Google apps you know and love come…
  • With the Google Play Store, you can access a…
  • Chromebooks come with built-in storage for…

If you came here looking for a Chromebook, then this is one of the best laptops for word processing.

For a purely cloud based experience, nothing beats a Chromebook.

Chromebooks use Google’s operating system instead of Windows or MAC. This is an operating system that relies highly on internet and cloud based services.

From photo editing to word processing, this laptop encourages you to stay connected to the internet at all times.

The benefit of all this is that since the laptop uses the services on the internet, the speed of the machine is determined by how fast an internet connection you have not by the type of hardware installed.

You can therefore have pretty weak internal hardware and still perform better than most laptops mentioned here.

With that said, this Chromebook comes equipped with Intel Celeron Core N3060 processor4 GB of RAM, and 16 GB of eMMC storage device.

As you can see these are pretty low end specs but again, remember that the performance will be based on your internet connection and the cloud services.

The best part about all this is that, this Chromebook is the cheapest laptop for word processing in this list.

People Also Ask (FAQs)

What is a Chromebook?

This chap explains the benefits perfectly.

What Features Do You Really Need

Word processing and internet surfing is one of the most menial work that you can perform on a notebook. Therefore, you definitely do not need a powerful laptop.

In fact, you can choose to for the least powerful hardware and still manage to get word processing done. With that said, you should still understand the hardware that you need so you can make a better decision.


The recommended processor for word processing or Internet surfing is the Intel Core i3 Dual Core processor or equivalent from AMD. You can also choose to go for the Intel Pentium as well as Intel Celeron processors.

These are weaker in comparison to the Core i3 processors which have 2-4 cores but can easily perform the simple work on Microsoft Word or Excel.

The drawback with Intel Celeron and Pentium processors is that they can get frustrating when you are trying to do heavy work. Intel Celeron, for example, can show its weakness when you have multiple browser Windows open.

Therefore, for a seamless and future proof experience, we recommend Intel Core i3 processors, however, Intel Celeron and Intel Pentium can still be well suited for the job.


We recommend that you choose to go for 4 GB at a minimum. In fact, 4 GB is more than adequate for typing and researching.

If you ever experience lag when multitasking or when operating somewhat heavier applications, then it is recommended to upgrade the RAM to 8 GB.

Related: Can You Use Different RAM Sticks Together?


Whenever possible, we recommend SSD over the normal HDD in a heart beat.

Unfortunately, SSDs are highly expensive. In fact, you would not be able to find SSDs on budget laptops. However, you can keep this is a recommendation for a future upgrade.

SSD drives can improve the overall performance speed of your laptop. If you want the smoothest possible experience on your budget machine, then even a small capacity SSD would be sufficient.

What Features You Do Not Need to Worry About

We do not recommend going after mid or high performance processors. Processors like Core i5 and Core i7 can put a serious dent in your wallet.

If you will be using your machine just for simple tasks, then these processors are an overkill. You will have wasted your money on something that you will never use to its full potential.

We also do no recommend choosing a laptop with more than 8 GB of RAM. Since you will be using the lower end processors, a higher RAM than 8GB will perhaps get bottlenecked by the lack of the processing power anyways.

We want you to get the best value possible. Spending on extra RAM can cost a lot and the bottom line is that word processing does not require a lot of RAM.


Here we had a looked at some of the current best laptops for word processing.

The key thing to note here is that word processing is not a very demanding task and therefore, you don’t really need a very powerful hardware.

You will be more than happy with a decent budget laptop. As such, here we reviewed affordable windows based laptops as well as Chromebooks.

Andrew White

Andrew White is the founder of TechGearoid, a leading technology review & information website that is designed to help consumers make better decisions when it comes to their IT purchases. As a specialist tech writer (nerd) with over 10 years of experience, he enjoys writing about everything there is to do with modern technology & the newest market innovations. When he isn’t providing value for his readers, he’s usually drinking coffee or at the beach. Andrew lives in Sydney, Australia with his wife and family.

Do you have the curiosity to know about the Best Laptop For Word Processing to buy in 2022? 🤔 You can easily Find out now in this definitive list with our detailed review.

Without any further delay, let’s find out. 👓👓

Word processing is the most commonly used computer application; this invests a laptop that can handle all word processing needs effectively very important. Several options exist out there and as a result, knowing which laptop to settle for can be quite challenging.

When purchasing a laptop for the sole aim of word processing, a couple of factors should be put into consideration. This includes decent battery life, a powerful processor, and an ergonomic keyboard design.

With all of this in mind, it is easier to go for a laptop that best suits the purpose rather than all sophisticated and expensive without achieving the desired result.

Before going into full details of the best laptop for word processing, here are some basic features for laptops suitable for this purpose.


9 Of The Best Laptop For Word Processing in 2022 - Reviewed

When it comes to RAM, where word processing is involved, it is recommended to go for a laptop with a minimum of 4 GB. This is more than adequate for all word processing needs.

However, an upgrade is necessary in cases where hanging begins to occur while operating more heavy applications.


9 Of The Best Laptop For Word Processing in 2022 - Reviewed

A processor of, Intel Core i3 Dual-Core, is recommended for word processing. Other processors such as Intel Celeron and Intel Pentium can also be opted for.

Although they are not as strong when compared to the Inter Core i3, they can perform simple tasks that have to do with word processing.


9 Of The Best Laptop For Word Processing in 2022 - Reviewed

The presence of SSD drives helps improve your laptop’s speed and overall performance, and even an SSD with a small capacity is strong enough to do the magic.

Ergonomic Keyboard:-

9 Of The Best Laptop For Word Processing in 2022 - Reviewed

Carrying out word processing tasks on a laptop should be done as easily as possible. One thing to consider when choosing a laptop is the comfort it offers the wrist while typing.

The laptop should be shaped to minimize strain on the wrist and muscles as much as possible because much time will be spent typing. The easier it is to type for a long period without feeling stained, the better.

Having established that, a list of the best laptops for word processing is below.

1. Lenovo ThinkPad T470s

This ultrathin touchscreen business laptop is one great option where word processing is involved. It comes with a high-speed word processor and can handle just any task.

best laptop for word processing

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Its state-of-the-art technology offers a solid storage option and makes the perfect fit for anyone willing to invest in a solid and powerful laptop.

The ThinkPad T470 weighs about 3.49-lbs without a 6-cell battery, and in the presence of one, it weighs about 3.92-lbs. This laptop has passed a military-based certification test of 12, making it rugged. As a result of this, it can survive any drop without much damage being done to it.

9 Of The Best Laptop For Word Processing in 2022 - Reviewed

It comes in a recent template of word processing which makes work even easier and very suitable for creating cover letters, completing assignments, and carrying out online data publishing, amongst others.


1. It possesses 8 GB RAM, which allows you the luxury of processing more than one document simultaneously. As a result of its RAM, you can also access your files and share them without interruption.

2. It has a hard drive memory that is large enough to accommodate all your Word files, no matter the size. With this, you get the best storage capacity for your word-processing activities.

3. With two built-in batteries, it has an extended battery life of up to 12.5 hours, giving you enough room to carry out every task without necessarily plugging into a power source.

4. It is lightweight, allowing for ease of movement, and also very portable for you to take everywhere with you.

5. The fingerprint reader ensures all your files and data are secure.

Overall, the Lenovo ThinkPad T470s is not only classy but also business-oriented and offers you top-notch security for all your documents.

Although it comes with a low hard drive memory, it allows you to perform all your tasks easily and is recommended as the best laptop for internet browsing and word processing in the year 2022.

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Lenovo ThinkPad T470s Review

2. HP Pavilion X360 Word Processing Laptop

This HP model is the perfect fit if you are a lover of small and thin laptops. It is very thin and light, allowing for ease of movement, and can fit perfectly into your backpack.

The X360 weighs less than 3 lbs.; not just that, it also has a thinness of less than 20mm.

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In addition to its lightness, it comes with a hinge that is small in design, made of stainless, and also very durable. Its metallic gear hinge protects it from damage, thereby ensuring longevity and durability.

This laptop comes in three different colors: modern gold, natural silver, and dragonfly blue. It is convertible, allowing for multipurpose use and letting you type in any position you are most comfortable in.

9 Of The Best Laptop For Word Processing in 2022 - Reviewed

Its 2in1 nature provides you with the luxury of either using it as a tablet or fully using it as a laptop. 


1. It possesses large storage of 4GB-8GB and a RAM of 16GB, thereby giving it a very high processor. In addition, it has up to 1 TB of memory storage, allowing you to store unlimited files on your laptop.

2. It has two USB ports; one is an HDMI port, and the other is a headphones port.

3. It comes in Windows 10, which gives you access to updated versions of word processing features.

4. You can use it in four modes, depending on the task at hand. It can be used in tent mode when playing games, tablet mode when reading, stand mode when seeing movies or making video calls, and laptop mode when it’s time to work.

5. It comes with strong battery life in its 2-cell Lithium-ion battery. This makes it last for up to seven and a half hours. The battery life can be extended to nine hours by inserting a 3-cell Lithium-ion battery.

6. Its screen size is 15.6 inches, providing enough screen space to view your documents.

7. The comfortable keyboard does typing and performing other word-processing tasks easily.

Overall, HP Pavilion X360 comes with a pretty dull display. Still, with its strong processor and highly comfortable keyboard, it offers a great user experience for all tasks related to word processing.

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HP Pavilion x360 (2019): An All-rounder Laptop for Students?

3. Dell XPS9360 Best laptop for word processing and excel

Dell computers have become quite popular due to their ability to carry out huge word-processing tasks. The XPS 13 9360 combines comfort, convenience, and power.

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It is powered by a 7th Generation Intel Core i5-7200U Processor (3M Cache, up to 3.1 GHz), which allows it to work fast even after very long hours. Not only does it possess adequate storage capacity, it also does so with an amazing speed that makes work easier.

Its keyboard comes with a backlight that helps you see well and work effectively in a dark room and at night. In addition, is the presence of a touchpad that is highly responsive and grants you an awesome typing experience with its multi-touch control.

This laptop is very portable at just 2.6lbs, allowing you to carry it around when the need arises.


  • The battery life is superb and can last up to 15 hours when used maximally after a full charge. This is because it runs on a 4-cell 52WHr Polymer battery.
  •  8GB DDR3 RAM that provides more than enough storage capacity. It also has a 128GB SSD that ensures speed, making your tasks faster and less stressful.
  • It has a processor that is not only efficient but also powerful.
  • It comes in Windows 10 (64-bit)
  • The screen size of 13.3 inches and a screen resolution of 3200 x 1800 provides enough screen space to work with.

Although Dell XPS 13 9360 is quite expensive and its RAM is not upgradeable, this laptop with a touch screen display comes with an ergonomic keyboard and a multi-touch control that offers an awesome typing experience.

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The Laptop That Replaced My Surface! Dell XPS 13 9360 Overview

At the time of our research on “Best Laptop For Word Processing”, we found a video about “22 Best Tricks to Work Faster on Your Computer,” which is worth watching. 🏆

22 Shortcuts for Those Who Work in Word Often

4. Apple MacBook Air

If you are looking for a laptop that will allow you to write in word, compute accounting data using MS sheets, or even make presentations, Apple MacBook Air can get you any day and any time.

9 Of The Best Laptop For Word Processing in 2022 - Reviewed

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It comes in a sleek design and in three different colors: gold, silver, and grey. In addition, it also comes in a very high screen resolution. The processing on this laptop is super-fast, no matter the task you are carrying out.

Reading emails and surfing the web is easy and fast without interruption on the Apple MacBook Air, as it processes continuously regardless of how many tabs are opened. Word processing tasks can be performed smoothly and without a glitch. 


  • A cooling system that allows you to place it on your lap without temperature discomfort. 
  • It is narrow and lightweight, thereby providing comfort for the wrists when typing because the wrists can rest comfortably on the laptop.
  • It can handle really large files due to its high performance. It is also very good for multitasking without slowing down in the process.
  • An LCD screen saves battery and allows the LCD to dim less than other screens.
  • One speaker is louder when compared to other MacBook models.
  • iSight camera that can be used for conferencing and video chatting.
  • It comes in a butterfly design that provides comfort during typing and at really great speed.
  • It possesses very large memory storage that gives enough room to store large files.

Overall, the MacBook Air is expensive for those working with a low budget, but it offers much productivity and speed needed for a laptop. With it, you also get one of the best connectivity compared to other laptops.

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5. Microsoft Surface Book CR9-00001

This 2in1 laptop serves as both a tablet and a laptop. It was designed for office staff and college students to carry out all word-processing tasks easily. Its ergonomic design allows for ease of use and can be carried anywhere due to its small size.

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The CR9-00001 is a detachable laptop that makes it possible to easily detach its screen whenever you choose to use it as a tablet and attach it when you need it as a laptop. In addition to this, it allows you to process several files at the same time with ease and speed.

With its installed Windows 10, you have unlimited access to the latest Word templates, making your work easier.

Below are some of the features of the Microsoft Surface Book CR9-00001 that earned it a spot in our Best Laptop For Word Processing.


  • 16 GB RAM with a processor of Core i7 makes processing super-fast.
  • It can open and process several files at the same time.
  • It has an HD resolution that lets you read files in the original font size.
  • It has large storage for users to save as many files as they deem fit and keeps all the files secured.
  • It comes with a professional Windows 10 OS, making word processing even more efficient.
  • It is lightweight and, as a result, can be carried around easily.
  • The surface pen helps to give your images very detailed features.

Overall, Microsoft Surface Book CR9-00001 has an SSD memory of only 128 GB, and as a result, you only get to store word files. However, it is a very suitable laptop for word processing.

You can also connect to external media sources with its port to view your files on a larger screen.

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6. HP Spectre x360-15t – Best laptop for web browsing and word processing

This laptop is an excellent piece of work with its beautiful design. It provides an efficient user experience and runs on Windows 10, making it compatible with most word-processing applications.

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The HP Spectre gives users the best working performance due to its Intel Core processor. It maintains speed even after extensive use due to the 16GB DDR4.

Typing is easier in dark conditions as its backlit keyboard ensures a great, fast, and easy typing experience. When you decide not to use the keyboard, its touch screen, which supports finger-touch navigation, becomes useful.

9 Of The Best Laptop For Word Processing in 2022 - Reviewed

Below are some of the features of the HP Spectre x360-15t that earned it a spot in our Best Laptop For Word Processing.


  • An ergonomic keyboard that makes no noise when typing.
  • The battery lasts up to eight hours after continuous use on a single charge.
  • Windows 10 OS keeps it compatible with virtually all word-processing applications.
  • An 8th Generation Intel Core Processor of i7-8550U allows for a smooth working performance every single time, regardless of the nature of the task.
  • Digital microphones and an HP TrueVision webcam allow for the perfect video conferencing.
  • A sound stage that is quite wider when compared to some other laptops comes in handy for entertainment purposes.
  • USB 3.1 port allows for easy and fast transfer of any files and data.

Overall, the HP Spectre X360 gets very warm underneath after use for a long time and has a rather cumbersome touchpad. However, its other great specs compensate for the shortcomings and make it a suitable laptop for word processing.

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HP Spectre x360 15.6” Review 2019 GTX 1650

7. Acer Chromebook CB3-532-C8DF

Of all Chromebooks, this laptop is one of the best for word processing. Chromebooks make use of Google’s operating system rather than MAC or Windows.

Google’s operating system is solely dependent on the internet, so you are encouraged to stay online every single time.

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The speed of this laptop is determined by the internet connection and not by the hardware installed on the laptop.

The advantage of this is that while you might have weak hardware installed on your laptop, it does not affect the laptop’s performance as long as you stay connected to the internet.

Below are some of the features of the Acer Chromebook CB3-532-C8DF that earned it a spot in our Best Laptop For Word Processing list.


  • Intel Celeron Core N3060 processor provides you with all the speed you need to carry out your tasks.
  • 15.5 inches display that offers comfort and reduces reflection.
  • It has a memory of 4GB DDR3L and SDRAM of 1600, providing you with the luxury of running different tabs and applications simultaneously without glitches.
  • Its 16GB eMMC memory supplies improved storage capacity and is suitable for your mobile devices.
  • It has up to 12 hours of battery life after continuous use on a full charge.

Although the Chromebook comes with pretty low specs, this does not slow down its performance. All you need to enjoy this laptop is a very good internet connection, after which your word processing needs will be met swiftly.

With this laptop, you can also open multiple tabs all at once without experiencing freezing.

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8. Dell 13 7000 7370 Inspiron

Do you need to complete all your word-processing tasks on a tight budget? If yes, the Dell 13 7000 7370 might be what you need.

Despite its low price, it offers even more for a tight-budget laptop. With this laptop, you can carry out all your tasks outdoors easily and enjoyably due to its stunning panel.

9 Of The Best Laptop For Word Processing in 2022 - Reviewed

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This laptop is highly responsive, making your word-processing tasks as easy and swift as possible. Its 8GB DDR4 RAM makes it very easy to run multiple programs on it at the same time without slowing down its performance in any way.

When put to maximum use, the battery lasts for a long time, allowing you to complete your word-processing tasks without plugging into a power source after a full charge. In addition, it has a backlit keyboard that lets you work under poor lighting conditions.

Below are some of the Dell 13 7000 Inspiron features that earned it a spot in our Best Laptop For Word Processing list in 2022.


  • It possesses a quick charge battery and attains a full charge in about fifteen minutes. When fully charged, the battery can last all day regardless of the intensity of the task.
  • It has a face recognition feature allows you to log into your system securely and with just one look.
  • A 300-nit panel allows for working outdoors without stress and tampering with the graphics quality.
  • It comes with the 8th generation intel core processor that provides high-speed performance.
  • SSD storage of 256GB makes it perform word processing tasks with great speed.
  • 8 GB DDR4 memory provides load times that are way faster alongside a larger bandwidth. In addition, it enables easy and fast switches between applications regardless of how many programs are running simultaneously.
  • Online streaming is enhanced as a result of its SmartByte technology.
  • 180-degree hinge, with which you can bend it in whatever direction you choose.

Overall, the Dell 13 7000 7370 Inspiron comes with a touchpad that is quite small and also has a noticeable fan noise.

However, the Inspiron 13 is the slimmest laptop compared to others, and its weight makes it easy to carry around and very suitable for all word-processing tasks.

It also comes with the latest technology and top-notch specs, making your tasks highly efficient and productive.

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You may like to explore our guide on 7 Of The Best Wordle Alternatives For Creating a Word Cloud.


What laptop is good for word processing?

The Microsoft Surface Laptop 3 is one of the best budget laptops for writers.

Do laptops come with word processing?

Most Windows laptops have a stripe-down version of MS Word suitable for basic word processing.

You can opt for the Microsoft Office 365 package or use online word-processing sites such as Google Docs for additional applications.

What are the features of a good word processor?

Key features of word processing include multiple font sets, spell check, grammar check, in-built thesaurus, automatic text correction, HTML conversion, web integration, and pre-formatted publication projects or templates such as resumes, newsletters, lists, etc. 

Which laptop is best for office work and personal use?

The Lenovo IdeaPad S540 is a great multifunctional laptop for work and personal use.

How much RAM do I need for word processing?

At 4 GB of RAM for basic functioning and preferably 8 GB of RAM for improved functionality and performance.

Which brand of laptop is the most reliable?

Apple is considered one of the most reliable laptop manufacturers in the market.

How do I run a word processing program?

You can use a paid or free word processor application or site. LibreOffice, WPS Office. Google Docs, Office Word Online, Dropbox Paper, Apache OpenOffice, FocusWriter, and Etherpad are some of the most popular free word-processing software.

What are the three types of word processors?

The three types of Word processors are electronic, mechanical, and software.

What is the purpose of word processors?

A word processor allows you to create, edit, store, and print documents. Microsoft Notepad, Microsoft Word, and Corel WordPerfect are some of the most popular word-processing applications.

What are the benefits of word processing?

A word processor allows you to easily store, edit and format existing documents.

Conclusion on the best laptop for word processing list

Word processing is one of the light tasks that can be performed on a laptop and does not require sophisticated laptops to make that happen.

Regardless, it would be best to have a laptop with excellent battery life, storage capacity, and a great processor. With these in place, word processing will be carried out effectively and without stress.

The laptops mentioned above will provide the desired results for all your word processing needs; you must choose which one best suits your needs and budget.


Intel Core i5-7200U 2.5 GHz

Intel Core i7-7500U 2.7 GHz

Intel Core i5-8250U (up to 3.4 GHz)

Intel Core i7-7500u 3.5 GHz


13.3″ FHD (1920 x 1080) IPS Truelife LED-backlit


ASUS VivoBook L203MA Ultra-Thin Laptop, Intel Celeron N4000 Processor, 4GB LPDDR4, 64GB eMMC, 11.6” HD, USB-C, Windows 10 in S Mode (Switchable to Pro), L203MA-DS04, One Year of Microsoft Office 365


ASUS VivoBook F510UA Thin and Lightweight 15.6” FHD WideView NanoEdge Laptop, Intel Core i5-7200U 2.5GHz, 8GB DDR4 RAM, 1TB HDD, USB Type-C, Fingerprint Reader, Windows 10 – F510UA-AH50


Intel Core i5-7200U 2.5 GHz

HP Pavilion 15.6-inch FHD 1080P Laptop PC, Intel Core i7 Processor, 12GB Memory, 1TB Hard Drive, Backlit Keyboard, Webcam, Bluetooth, USB 3.1, Windows 10


Intel Core i7-7500U 2.7 GHz

ASUS ZenBook 13 Ultra-Slim Laptop, 13.3” Full HD, 8th Gen Intel i5-8250U Processor, 8GB RAM, 256GB M.2 SSD, Backlit Kbd, Fingerprint Reader, Windows 10, Grey, UX330UA-AH55


Intel Core i5-8250U (up to 3.4 GHz)

Dell Inspiron i5378-7171GRY 13.3 FHD 2-In-1 (7th Generation Intel Core i7, 8GB, 256GB SSD) Microsoft Signature Image


Intel Core i7-7500u 3.5 GHz


13.3″ FHD (1920 x 1080) IPS Truelife LED-backlit

Our comparison table only shows our top 5 picks. You can find the other recommendations within this article.

Most businesses and jobs demand a lot of word processing and Excel spreadsheet usage. Employees need to make presentations, submit reports and do extensive office or school-related work on their laptops.

Word processing and spreadsheets have specific requirements that can be achieved at an affordable price. If you need a laptop for word processing or Microsoft office, you don’t need to spend a lot of money on a high-end laptop like the Apple MacBook air, when the need can be fulfilled by using a laptop with lower specifications… and a lower price.

So if you’re looking for an affordable laptop to get your work done you’ve come to the right page. Once you finish reading my article you’ll know which laptop is the best laptop for word processing, and for you!  

Why Should You Buy A Laptop For Word And Excel Processing?

These activities require a basic laptop with a comfortable build that can store and edit documents. However, buying just any budget laptop is risky since it might result in a data loss if the laptop crashes under heavy use. 

Before buying a laptop for word processing or spreadsheet work, you need to consider many factors. First of all, you need to know your requirements. Will you need to store many documents on the laptop? Will the document be large and complex?

Second, do you need to carry the laptop frequently or work while on-the-go? If so, you need to look for a laptop with good portability (reasonable size and lightweight).

Excel On The Laptop

On What To Pay Attention When Buying Laptop For Excel Processing?

A document processing laptop doesn’t require high-end specifications. However, some components are more important than others.

You won’t need a powerful processor. Almost any modern laptop processor will do the job. An Intel Celeron or Core i3 or better or equivalent AMD processor will be sufficient for basic document preparation. If you think you might want to use the laptop for other purposes, like high definition video streaming, you would want to consider an Intel Core i5 or better.

Memory is more important than the processor for word processing or spreadsheet work. We recommend 8GB RAM or more. However, if you can find an affordable and upgradable laptop with 4GB, and can do the upgrade yourself, you can sometimes save a significant amount of money. 

Unless you are going to be storing large numbers of documents on the laptop, the storage drive size (hard drive or SSD) isn’t critical. We recommend archiving documents to a cloud service like Google Drive, DropBox or iDrive rather than storing them on the laptop. Local storage is risky since a laptop can be stolen or a storage drive can be damaged.  

128GB of storage is probably the least you’ll want to consider for a Windows laptop and 64GB for a Chromebook. Like RAM, the storage drive can be user-upgraded on some laptop models.

If the laptop will be used away from an outlet for long periods of time, you’ll want a good battery. Fortunately, the lower-powered laptops are not only more affordable, but they also tend to have longer battery life.

If you’ll be transporting the laptop frequently, you’ll need to pay attention to the size and weight of the laptop. Laptops with thin bezels tend to be physically smaller and therefore lighter.

It can also be difficult to find laptop bags for laptops with 17″ displays. Although smaller displays will work fine, we recommend a 15.6″ display for most purposes.

Other considerations are the keyboard quality. You’ll want a full-sized keyboard with a good touch. If you intend to use a numeric keypad for spreadsheet data entry, be aware that not all laptop keyboards have one. If not, you can buy an inexpensive USB numeric keypad. You can also purchase a keyboard that has backlighting so you can work in dimly lit areas.

Some people are surprised that we include a Chromebook on our list. They believe it’s not possible to run Excel or Microsoft Office applications on a Chromebook. However, this isn’t true. Some options for working with Excel spreadsheets include Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel Online. Other cloud-based services also support viewing and editing Excel spreadsheets.

A Chromebook may not be the best option for Excel, but it can be a good option. Chromebooks are very affordable, portable and secure. Those features may be important for some laptop shoppers.

So, here is a list of 10 best laptops for word processing and Excel. These laptops work well without emptying your bank account. They are very well-suited for the office or for college students. 

Our Top Picks for Best Laptops for Word Processing and Excel




  • Intel Celeron N4000 Processor
  • 4GB RAM
  • Compatible with Google Classroom

This laptop is ideal for casual users. You can use Word processing and Excel, and it has 64 gigabytes of disc space that is enough for Windows 10.  You wouldn’t be able to use it as your gaming laptop if you want something appropriate for light work and play, but it is a great choice for standard everyday use. 

Typing on this laptop and using the built-in mouse is a delight. The keys make the perfect amount of noise; not too loud and not entirely silent, and the mouse is smooth and works like butter. 

You can do a spot of light editing and on this ASUS model. Although this laptop isn’t ideal or designed to be used as an editing tool, it does the job well, making it a brilliant multitasking laptop. 


Asus VivoBook Review


  • Intel Core i5-7200U processor
  • 1TB HDD
  • 8GB RAM

With a look quite similar to a MacBook, this very popular model produced by Asus is a stunning piece of work. It is elegant and powerful. Its sleek body makes it easy to carry this laptop anywhere and work while on the go.

Its backlit keyboard enables the laptop to be used effectively in dimly-lit rooms. There’s also a fingerprint reader for extra security when working at the local coffee shop. However, there’s no numeric keypad on this model.

The widescreen 15.6″ FHD display works great for viewing spreadsheets. The NanoEdge bezel reduces the physical size of the laptop and increases its portability. The screen is bright enough to be used in full daylight.

With a 7th generation Intel Core i5 processor, it has more than enough processing power for document editing tasks. The 8GB RAM will allow editing applications to run as fast as possible. The battery life is average at  5 hours under normal use. 

This laptop uses the latest technology to prevent laptop overheating when used for long periods of time. It has fanless cooling pads and makes no noise while being very effective. This laptop has good value for the price.

3. HP PAVILION 15.6-inch FHD


  • Intel Core i7-7500U processor
  • 1TB HDD
  • 12GB RAM

This 15.6-inch laptop is just perfection crafted at its best. It is a blend of power along with comfort and convenience. Being an HP laptop it provides good quality parts and great after-sale services.

It’s 12 GB RAM and 1 TB hard drive provides more than enough storage and memory than required. The laptop runs applications smoothly and allows you to be as productive as possible.

The Intel Core i7-7500U Processor will have no problem with handling word processing and Excel tasks. This laptop comes installed with Windows 10 and is extremely user-friendly. 

Everything about the laptop is filled with simplicity making it a favorite among tech-savvy people. It’s lightweight and sleek body gives it the name ‘notebook’ as it can be carried anywhere just like a notebook. Its sturdy body provides strength and prevents any damage from occurring.

Its powerful battery provides up to eight hours of unplugged use, which is better than average. Its display is capable of 400 nit brightness. This makes the display easier to see in well-lit rooms.

One potential issue with this laptop is noise. We noticed the fan ran more often than we would have expected. If you are using this laptop in places like a library or a classroom, this fan noise could attract unwanted attention.

Overall this laptop may not be our top choice, but it is one of the best choices in this price range.

4. ASUS zenBook 13

ASUS Zenbook 13


  • Intel Core i5-8250U processor
  • 256GB SSD

This Asus laptop is designed to especially meet the needs of students and people who work frequently with business software. This laptop provides productivity, efficiency, speed, and comfort.

The ultra-slim body makes it lightweight at 2.6 lbs and very portable. The frame of this laptop is made with aluminum and has an all-metal body, similar to the more expensive MacBook. A few falls and bumps cannot harm or damage the laptop. 

Its 256GB solid state drive (SSD) provides blazing speed and good storage capacity. It is enabled with the 802.11ac and USB-C connectivity making it easier for the user to use the internet or Bluetooth on the laptop. Using the micro-HDMI connector, you can also attach it to an external monitor if you need a larger display. 

This laptop has a fingerprint reader for extra security and one-touch login for convenience. This and the 12 hour battery life makes this an excellent choice for working away from the office.

This laptop is a nice combination of durability, computing power, and portability. It is a wise choice for daily computing and is definitely worth the price. 

5. Dell Inspiron i5378-7171GRY

Dell Inspiron i5378-7171


  • Intel Core i7-7500U Processor
  • 256GB SSD 
  • 8GB RAM

Here’s a laptop for the Dell lovers out there. Some users will only use Dell laptops after they become accustomed to the build, speed and other features on these machines. 

This model of the Dell Inspiron series is an affordable yet powerful one. Its 7th Generation Intel Core i7 provides both power and productivity ensuring quality work. Besides this, the 8 GB RAM and 256 GB Solid State Drive provides great storage, memory, and speed.

This laptop is a two-in-one hybrid laptop which means it can be easily converted into a tablet. This hybrid laptop also has a  touch screen that can make selecting cells on an Excel sheet much easier.

Furthermore, a touchscreen-enabled laptop can be easier to use since you don’t need to scroll on the touchpad or use a mouse as much. You can simply tap on the screen. This laptop is a perfect blend of simplicity with power and can be a great buy for all those who want both a tablet and a laptop combined in one.

6. Lenovo Chromebook C330 2-in-1 Convertible Laptop



  • 64GB hard disk space
  • 4 GB computer memory
  • Chrome OS operating system

The Lenovo Chromebook C330 boots up in just a few seconds and has a super easy-to-use Chrome OS operating system that most people find useful and fun. You can also enjoy heaps of memory space and computer storage, which won’t hold you back during any job or task. 

Its connectivity is impressive and includes a wide variety of USB ports and a built-in camera. This is perfect for people working from home who are expected to participate in virtual meetings. 

Response time and speed is particularly impressive here. Most programs and applications load immediately and do not lag which improves productivity.  



  • Intel Celeron N2840 
  • 16GB SSD
  • 2GB RAM

Acer laptops are very popular in office environments of large companies. This has an affordable price and contains great quality computer parts.

Although it’s in the budget price range, it has everything that you need for word processing or working with Excel. It’s Intel Celeron N2840 Dual-Core Processor satisfies the basic requirements for document processing and internet use. More good news is that you can work for up to 9 hours on this laptop without needing to recharge the batteries.

Its 2 GB RAM and 16 GB Solid State Drive is a bit lower than other laptops on our list but it provides adequate speed and storage for doing office-related work. Chromebooks are cloud-based, so files and applications are stored in network services rather than directly on the laptop. Your files are stored on the internet in services like Google Drive or iCloud.

The Chrome OS operating system requires less RAM than Windows. It’s also more secure than Windows and less likely to be hacked. If the laptop is stolen, your files are safely stored in the cloud so you won’t lose them.

Excel files can be used on a Chromebook using Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel Online. However, if you must run other Windows applications you should choose a Windows-based laptop instead.

Its ultra-thin body is extremely light and can be carried anywhere easily. The backlit keyboard is great when you are working in a room without much lighting. The display is average, but the anti-glare display is a nice feature for avoiding reflections on the screen and avoiding eye fatigue.

If you are open to something a little different, a Chromebook is a great combination of portability, low price and security. We highly recommend it.

8. HP 15 Laptop

HP High Performance 15 Laptop


  • Intel i3-7100u
  • 1TB HDD
  • 8GB RAM

This laptop is a budget-friendly version of the other HP laptop on our list. Even with the low cost, this laptop has the essential features you need for doing office or schoolwork. Its Intel i3 is good enough to provide great productivity for word processing and other business software.

The full-sized keyboard has a good feel and includes a numeric keypad for data entry. The 8GB of RAM will be sufficient for most word processing and spreadsheet tasks. The huge 1TB hard drive will be welcome if you have large quantities of files that you need store locally.

Be sure to remove all the «junkware» (demonstration applications and so on) that is included with this laptop. This will increase the speed significantly.

For uses like word processing and Excel sheet editing this laptop a decent choice since the price is low and it is powerful enough to do the job. This laptop does not heat up and has impressive battery life. It is a bit on the heavy side but has a very sturdy body that prevents any kind of damage from falls and bumps.

At such a low cost, it is impressive that HP can provide so much with such great quality, so overall this laptop provides great value for money and can be a really good entry-level laptop.


Acer Aspire ES 15


  • Intel Core i5-8565U Processor
  • 512GB SSD
  • 12GB RAM

Since word processing and Excel do not demand a lot of features you should consider the core functionality of the laptop. This model of the Acer Aspire series is a bit more basic but has a very affordable price.

It provides all the basic requirements which include a latest and powerful processor, a good RAM to provide adequate speed, enough storage to store files. The keyboard has a nice feel to it and it even has a numeric keypad.

This laptop meets all the above-mentioned requirements and can be a great piece to work on. It is comfortable, lightweight and stylish. Its 15.6-inch screen has great resolution and is protected with blue filter making it safe for one’s eyes.

The battery life is good enough that you can work all day without needing a recharge. Its battery life is  good at 8 hours. This is better than most laptops in this class.

It is cheap, powerful and productive and is a very intelligent buy. Since it comes with a great one year warranty one can feel protected as well. This laptop is a perfect and ideal choice for someone who needs a laptop just for word processing and using the Excel software.

10. Dell i3542-6003BK Touch Screen Laptop

Dell i3542-6003BK


  • Intel Core i3-4030U processor
  • 128GB HDD
  • 4GB RAM

This laptop is a great choice for people who need to work more and store less. It has a powerful Intel Core processor that ensures great speed and smooth working of the laptop even for long hours.

Its excellent battery life lasts for around 8 hours when put to maximum use. Its 15.6-inch LED screen is backlit and is also equipped with the touch screen facility which makes using the laptop much more convenient.

The backlit screen enables the user to work in dark as well. Its 4 GB RAM can be expandable up to 8 GB by the user. It also supports great connectivity that ensures that there are no obstacles while doing work either on the internet or on some specific software.

This laptop is the perfect choice for all those IT employers, accountants, bloggers, writers, freelancers, etc. out there who are glued to their laptop for the entire day. It provides comfort and power and comes at an extremely affordable price.


These 10 best laptops for word processing and excel are just a few of many excellent laptops available in the market.

Word processing and Excel software require only a few basic features like good processor, RAM, and storage that can be found on quite a lot of laptops but choosing one amongst such many laptops can be no less than a huge confusion.

This list contains all types of laptops for different users and suits everyone according to their needs. Hope this list helped you get an idea of the type of laptop you might want to invest your money in.

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  • Hardly a man of my word