Hardest word to define


Originally Answered: What is the word that is the most difficult to define? The concept of ‘Nirvana’ is indefinable. The ‘Unknowable’ or the ‘Indescribable’ is also undefined, for the simple reason that definition is the meaning that can be described in words.

Also, what exactly is a difficult word?

A DIFFICULT WORD TO SAY. If you have difficulty spelling a difficult WORD of foreign origin, you can use a semi-technical phrase to help you out: azimuth, hierophant, munificence, perigee, Vedanta, and so on. Early English dictionaries, particularly those published in the seventeenth century, that defined such unusual words by referring to commonplace words came to be known as hard-word dictionaries.

As a result, the issue becomes, what exactly is a truly huge word? PNEUMONOULTRAMICROSCOPICSILICOVOLCANOCONIOSIS This is the longest term you’ll find in a major dictionary, with 45 letters to its name. Essentially an exaggerated variant of silicosis, this is the full scientific name for a condition that causes inflammation in the lungs as a result of inhaling extremely small silica dust particles.

In the same vein, individuals inquire as to what are some difficult words.

Words With Difficult-to-Recall Meanings: 10 Examples

NONPLUSED. fraught with astonishment and disbelief

The word INCHOATE refers to something that is only partially developed or exists.

CACHET and PANACHE are the fourth and fifth items on the list.

It is indefatigable when it demonstrates prolonged, energetic action with unwavering vigour.

OUTRAGEOUS, above and beyond the usual or the regular

NOT EMBARRASSED. Not embarrassed.

DILATORY. squandering time


What word does it take three hours to say?

A man has been heard spending more than three hours trying to speak what is apparently the longest word in the English language, according to the recording. The chemical name for titin (also known as connectin) is ‘Methionylthreonylthreonylglutaminylarginyl isoleucine’. It is the largest known protein and is the largest known protein. It has a total of 189,819 letters.

There were 27 related questions and answers found.

What are some examples of long words?

The following are the words with the longest definitions in the dictionary: There are 28 letters written in opposition to the disestablishment of the Church of England, which is known as antidisestablishmentarianism. floccinaucinihilipilification is a 29-letter word that means “to estimate something as being worthless.” Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis – a fictitious lung illness of 45 letters – is defined as follows:

What is a word that you are unfamiliar with?

un·fa·mil·iar. In a sentence, use the word “unfamiliar.” adjective. It is strange or something that is not already known that is defined as unfamiliar. A neighbourhood in a new town is an example of something that is unfamiliar.

What are the definitions of bombastic words?

Originally, the word bombastic was used to describe something (or someone!) that was extremely formal, pompous, or pretentious, but it is now most typically used to characterise language itself (speech or writing). Consider a piece of writing or a speech that has been excessively padded, and you’ll see how the meaning came to be.

What is a SAT word, exactly?

Forms of the word: plural Note about the SATs pronunciation: For the first sense, it is pronounced (es e? ti), and for the second, it is pronounced (st). 1. a noun in the correct sense. The SAT is a college entrance examination that is frequently taken by individuals who desire to pursue a degree at a four-year institution or university. Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) is an abbreviation for ‘Scholastic Aptitude Test’.

Is HARD an adverb or a preposition?

Hard can be used as an adjective as well as an adverb. When used as an adverb, it refers to something that requires or requires a great deal of physical or mental work. It comes immediately after the primary verb: I worked quite hard to prepare for my examinations, but I didn’t perform particularly well.

What are the five longest words you can think of?

The following are the ten longest words in the English language. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is a type of lung infection (45 letters) Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is a fear of giant monsters (36 letters) Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is an understatement (34 letters) Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism is a condition in which the hypoparathyroidism is not present (30 letters) Floccinaucinihilipilification is an abbreviation for Floccinaucinihilipilification (29 letters) Anti-establishmentarianism is a way of life (28 letters)

What exactly is a bard?

noun. a person who penned and read epic or heroic poems, frequently while accompanying himself or herself on the harp, lyre, or other musical instrument. one of the members of an ancient Celtic order of poets and composers any poet, for that matter William Shakespeare, the bard of Avon.

What are some of the most fascinating terms you’ve come across?

This list of 15 intriguing words will get you started on your quest to developing a more varied and effective vocabulary. Logophile. Given the fact that you are reading this post, I am presuming that you are something of a logophile, or a “lover of words.” Quixotic. Liminal. Esoteric. Numinous. Epistemology. Schadenfreude. Loquacious.

What do you think are some cool words?

List of 500+ words that are amusing, cool, and interesting abecedarian, abracadabra, accessories, adagio, enthusiast, agita, agog, and akimbo are all words that come to mind.

What is the most difficult word to pronounce?

“Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis” is the most complex term in English, according to me, and it is also the longest word in the English language’s lexicon.

What is the definition of a root in a sentence?

In a sentence, several examples of the root Noun Elm trees have shallow roots that are easy to dig up. Weeds should be pulled up by the roots to prevent them from regrowing. Because her dark roots are visible, you can tell that she has dyed her hair a light blonde colour.

What is the most difficult term in the English language?

Why the word ‘Run’ is the most difficult to pronounce in the English language.

What do you mean by “basic words”?

In contrast to multisyllable words, simple words are words that can have one or more syllables, but their meaning is not tied to that of any individual syllabic in the term. More information can be found in the article Word Segmentation in Indo-Chinese Languages for Digital Libraries.

What are some of the most difficult words to pronounce in English?

Investigate the term “absject.” It is of the most deplorable nature. aberration. The presence of a situation or circumstance that is significantly different from the norm. abjure. repudiate or disown a previously held opinion in a formal manner renunciation is the denial and rejection of a doctrine or a set of beliefs formally rescind or revoke a permission abscond, abstruse, and consent

What are some hard words to define?

10 Words With Difficult-to-Remember Meanings

  • Nonplussed. The Definition: “Filled with bewilderment”
  • Inchoate. The Definition: “Only partly in existence; imperfectly formed”
  • and 4. Cachet and Panache.
  • Indefatigable.
  • Uncanny.
  • Unabashed.
  • Dilatory.
  • Martinet.

What is a hard word?

noun. 1A harsh or unkind word or (in early use) utterance; an insult; a reprimand. 2A word which is difficult to understand or spell.

What is the hardest to define word?

Kory Stamper, a lexicographer for Merriam-Webster and the author of “Word by Word: The Secret Life of Dictionaries,” took four months to define the word “god.” Following is a transcript of the video. The hardest word for me to define, by far, was “god.”

What is the hardest word to explain?

The hardest word for me to define, by far, was “god.” …

What is the hardest word to write?

Top 10 Hardest Words to Spell

  • Misspell.
  • Pharaoh.
  • Weird.
  • Intelligence.
  • Pronunciation.
  • Handkerchief.
  • logorrhea.
  • Chiaroscurist.

10 Words With Difficult-to-Remember Meanings

  • Nonplussed.
  • Inchoate.
  • and 4. Cachet and Panache.
  • Indefatigable.
  • Uncanny.
  • Unabashed.
  • Dilatory.
  • Martinet.

What are the 20 difficult words?

20 Most Difficult Words to Pronounce in the English Language

  • Colonel.
  • Worcestershire.
  • Mischievous.
  • Draught.
  • Quinoa.
  • Onomatopoeia.
  • Scissors.
  • Anemone.

What is the craziest word?

Let’s see which of these craziest words you already know and which ones are new to you:

  • Bumfuzzle. This is a simple term that refers to being confused, perplexed, or flustered or to cause confusion.
  • Cattywampus.
  • Gardyloo.
  • Taradiddle.
  • Snickersnee.
  • Widdershins.
  • Collywobbles.
  • Gubbins.

What is a cool word?


  • Dope – Cool or awesome.
  • GOAT – “Greatest of All Time”
  • Gucci – Good, cool, or going well.
  • Lit – Amazing, cool, or exciting.
  • OMG – An abbreviation for “Oh my gosh” or “Oh my God”
  • Salty – Bitter, angry, agitated.
  • Sic/Sick – Cool or sweet.
  • Snatched – Looks good, perfect, or fashionable; the new “on fleek”

Which is the toughest word?

7 most difficult English words that will let you forget what you wanted to say

  • Rural.
  • Sixth.
  • Sesquipedalian.
  • Phenomenon.
  • Onomatopoeia.
  • Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.
  • Worcestershire.

    What is the nastiest word?

    Definition of ‘nastiest’ 3. spiteful, abusive, or ill-natured.

    Which is the best definition of a hard word?

    1 A harsh or unkind word or (in early use) utterance; an insult; a reprimand. In later use only in plural: words indicative or expressive of hostility or dispute. 2 A word which is difficult to understand or spell. In early use also: †a statement which is difficult to interpret (obsolete). 3 informal With the.

    Why is the word the so difficult to define?

    The Word “The”: Why the definite article in the English language is so difficult to define. Why Is the Word the So Difficult to Define? A version of this post originally appeared in the Week.

    Which is the most difficult word in English?

    Here is the list of hard words in English that you must remember: Abject /ˈabdʒɛkt/: Experienced or present to the maximum degree “The result plunged her into abject misery”

    Are there any other words for hard to explain?

    other words for hard to explain. MOST RELEVANT. complex. confusing. delicate. troublesome. abstract. abstruse. baffling.

    What is the meaning of the word hard?

    Definition of ‘hard’. hard. Something that is hard is very firm and stiff to touch and is not easily bent, cut, or broken. He shuffled his feet on the hard wooden floor. Something cold and hard pressed into the back of his neck.

    What is hard to define?

    1. not soft; solid and firm to the touch. 2. firmly formed; tight: a hard knot. 3. difficult to do or accomplish; fatiguing; troublesome: a hard task. 4. difficult or troublesome with respect to an action, situation, person, etc.: hard to please.

    What is a difficult word to say?

    AudioEvangelism.com – The Most Difficult Word to Say The Most Difficult Word to Say. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is an adjective meaning fantastic. Although the word has an unparalleled fourteen syllables and thirty-four letters, it is definitely not the most difficult word to say.

    What does very hard mean?

    1. adjective Something that is hard is very firm and stiff to touch and is not easily bent, cut, or broken. Something that is hard is very difficult to do or deal with. If you work hard doing something, you are very active or work intensely, with a lot of effort. Hard work involves a lot of activity and effort.

10 Words With Difficult-to-Remember Meanings

  • Nonplussed. The Definition: “Filled with bewilderment”
  • Inchoate. The Definition: “Only partly in existence; imperfectly formed”
  • and 4. Cachet and Panache.
  • Indefatigable.
  • Uncanny.
  • Unabashed.
  • Dilatory.
  • Martinet.

What is a hard word?

A semi-technical term for a difficult WORD of foreign origin: for example, azimuth, hierophant, munificence, perigee, Vedanta. Early English dictionaries, especially in the 17c, that explained such exotic words by means of everyday words, came to be known as hard-word dictionaries.

What is the hardest to define word?

Kory Stamper, a lexicographer for Merriam-Webster and the author of “Word by Word: The Secret Life of Dictionaries,” took four months to define the word “god.” Following is a transcript of the video. The hardest word for me to define, by far, was “god.”

What is the hardest word to explain?

A dictionary writer explains why ‘god’ is the most difficult word to define.

What is the hardest word to write?

Top 10 Hardest Words to Spell

  • Misspell.
  • Pharaoh.
  • Weird.
  • Intelligence.
  • Pronunciation.
  • Handkerchief.
  • logorrhea.
  • Chiaroscurist.

Why is Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious a word?

The Oxford English Dictionary defines the word as “a nonsense word, originally used esp. by children, and typically expressing excited approbation: fantastic, fabulous”, while Dictionary.com says it is “used as a nonsense word by children to express approval or to represent the longest word in English.”

Is supercalifragilisticexpialidocious a real word in the dictionary?

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is a nonsensical word that is sometimes used to describe something as being great or extraordinary. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is used especially by children and fans of Disney movies to describe something as being really good.

noun. 1A harsh or unkind word or (in early use) utterance; an insult; a reprimand. 2A word which is difficult to understand or spell.

What are the 20 difficult words?

20 Most Difficult Words to Pronounce in the English Language

  • Colonel.
  • Worcestershire.
  • Mischievous.
  • Draught.
  • Quinoa.
  • Onomatopoeia.
  • Scissors.
  • Anemone.

The hardest word for me to define, by far, was “god.” …

What is the craziest word?

Let’s see which of these craziest words you already know and which ones are new to you:

  • Bumfuzzle. This is a simple term that refers to being confused, perplexed, or flustered or to cause confusion.
  • Cattywampus.
  • Gardyloo.
  • Taradiddle.
  • Snickersnee.
  • Widdershins.
  • Collywobbles.
  • Gubbins.

Which is the best definition of the word hard?

Hard, difficult both describe something resistant to one’s efforts or one’s endurance. Hard is the general word: hard times; It was hard to endure the severe weather. Difficult means not easy, and particularly denotes that which requires special effort or skill: a difficult task. 12.

What do you mean by the word harsh?

harsh or severe in dealing with others: a hard master. difficult to explain away; undeniable: hard facts. that can be verified; factual, as distinguished from speculation or hearsay: hard information. harsh or unfriendly; resentful; severe; bitter: hard feelings; hard words. of stern judgment or close examination; searching: a hard look.

What is the meaning of the word hard up?

be hard on, to deal harshly with; be stern: You are being too hard on him. hard by, in close proximity to; near: The house is hard by the river. hard of hearing. hearing-impaired. hard put, in great perplexity or difficulty; at a loss: We were hard put to finish the examination in one hour. hard up, Informal. urgently in need of money.

Which is the hardest course in the world?

Difficult to understand or impart: Physics was the hardest of my courses. Thermodynamics is a hard course to teach. 3. Proceeding or performing with force, vigor, or persistence; assiduous: a hard worker. 4. a. Intense in force or degree: a hard blow. b. Inclement or severe: a long, hard winter. 5. a.

Table of Contents

  1. What is attraction in simple words?
  2. What is the same word as attraction?
  3. What does pulchritudinous mean?
  4. Which is the hardest word in English?
  5. What is the hardest word to define?
  6. What does Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious mean?
  7. Is Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious a actual word?
  8. What is titin full name?
  9. How can you tell if someone is cheating on Words With Friends?
  10. Is Words With Friends a hookup site?
  11. What is the average score in Words With Friends?
  12. What’s the highest scoring word on words with friends?
  13. What is the secret to winning Words With Friends?
  14. What does the flame symbol mean in words with friends 2?
  15. What does a green dot mean on words with friends?
  16. What does level mean in Words With Friends?
  17. Can you get hacked through words with friends?
  18. Do bots chat on Words With Friends?
  19. What does Zyngawf stand for?

The Most Difficult English Word To Pronounce

What is attraction in simple words?

1a : the act, process, or power of attracting. b : personal charm. 2 : the action or power of drawing forth a response : an attractive quality. 3 : a force acting mutually between particles of matter, tending to draw them together, and resisting their separation.

What is the same word as attraction?

affinity. nounliking or inclination toward something. affection. attraction. closeness.

What does pulchritudinous mean?

Pulchritudinous is an adjective that means physically beautiful or attractive.

Which is the hardest word in English?

As a follow up to our article on confusing words, here are ten of the most difficult words in English.

  • Literally. If you know a language purist, watch out.
  • Ironic.
  • Irregardless (instead of regardless)
  • Whom.
  • Colonel.
  • Nonplussed.
  • Disinterested.
  • Enormity.
  • Rural.
  • Otorhinolaryngologist.
  • Colonel.
  • Penguin.
  • Sixth.
  • Isthmus.
  • Anemone.
  • Squirrel.

What is the hardest word to define?

A dictionary writer explains why ‘god’ is the most difficult word to define.

What does Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious mean?

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is a nonsensical word that is sometimes used to describe something as being great or extraordinary. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is used especially by children and fans of Disney movies to describe something as being really good.

Is Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious a actual word?

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (pronounced /ˌsuːpərˌkælɪˌfrædʒəlˌɪstɪkˌɛkspiːˌælɪˈdoʊʃəs/) is an English word, with 34 letters, that was in the song with the same title in the Disney musical movie Mary Poppins.

What is titin full name?

So what’s the word? Wikipedia’s says that it’s “Methionylthreonylthreonylglutaminylarginyl isoleucine” (ellipses necessary), which is the “chemical name of titin, the largest known protein.” Also, there’s some dispute about whether this is really a word.

How can you tell if someone is cheating on Words With Friends?

If they don’t play their moves regularly, but always beat you on the first game and not the second, then it might indicate that they cheat. Or if they take unusually longer on their second game, and suddenly get an unusual word, that’s also a clue.

Is Words With Friends a hookup site?

According to a recent survey from Zynga of more than 118,000 players of the game, Words With Friends is good for scoring “both on and off the board.” One of 10 respondents said playing Words With Friends “has directly led to a hookup.” …

What is the average score in Words With Friends?

between 300 and 500 points

What’s the highest scoring word on words with friends?


What is the secret to winning Words With Friends?

Play Parallel Here’s the one weird trick guaranteed to make you better at Words With Friends: go parallel. Don’t cross an opponent’s word. Slide alongside. Match consonants with vowels and vice versa to make new words.

What does the flame symbol mean in words with friends 2?

Turns out it’s tracking the streak of consecutive days you’ve played with the same player. The flame is a “fire emoji.” This feature operates on an ongoing game between you and another player and it does not affect your other events or progress in Words with Friends 2.

What does a green dot mean on words with friends?

A green dot on the profile picture shows if the player is actively in the game and playing. This is designed to give you a sense of how poorly or how well you’re playing on a play-by-play basis. Another major addition is the ability to look up a word in the built-in dictionary while playing the game.

What does level mean in Words With Friends?

Words With Friends achievement levels are an indication to show your progress in the game. You can level up by completing achievements to earn points or, as Words With Friends calls it, pages. The pages then go towards unlocking a book which counts as going up a level in the game.

Can you get hacked through words with friends?

A hacker has breached Zynga’s Word With Friends game and claims to have accessed a database of more than 218 million players. That means your name, email address, and encrypted password are potentially in the wild, if you’re a registered player. In addition, the hack includes phone numbers and Facebook IDs.

Do bots chat on Words With Friends?

Because these suspected bots often play weird words, you might think they’re cheating. However, they may also make strange, low-scoring moves. Some bots play in six languages, which is even more suspicious. They never respond to chat messages, particularly if you ask directly whether they’re a bot.

What does Zyngawf stand for?

Zynga with friends

level 2

It’s an adjective for a noun that is definite, ie specifically known to the either speaker or audience.

level 1

Nothing. If you can define nothing it stops being nothing.

level 2

The absence of everything. Is that a good enough definiton?

level 2

I’d say it’s just the perception of different wavelengths of light.

level 2

Umm, the UK word for «colors». Duhhhhh

level 2

Well you could define them in terms of waves. Not sure that would be much use though.

level 2

Couldn’t colors be defined by showing examples? Definition of black: look up at starless and moonless night. The sky is what is called black. Stuff like that?

level 1

indescribable — you can’t describe it

level 2

Ditto ineffable, that’s why I always say F the ineffable.

level 2

If we can call this art, we can call anything art.

level 2

Feelings, expressions, or recreations of real-life things through different mediums such as music, visual representations, or writing.

level 2

Something made for aesthetic appeal.

level 1

Left and right are impossible to define.

level 2

Left is the direction perpendicular to forward, 90 degrees counterclockwise, on the xy-plane

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