Hardest word in french

Welcome to the second part of this series of articles about the most difficult French words to pronounce.

We asked the Talk in French community what are the French words that they are having a hard time saying… And here are the results.

If you haven’t seen it yet, there is also a part 1 which can be found here, as well as parts 3 and 4.

dehors outside, outdoors (0:01 min)
dessus, dessous dessus means on top while dessous means
underneath; both can be used as adverb,
preposition or a noun
(0:14 min)
deux two, as in the number 2 (0:29 min)
droit vs doigt droit means straight while doigt means finger (0:40 min)
écureuil squirrel (0:55 min)
en couleur in color (1:08 min)

“I can’t say ‘en couleur’ without sounding very offensive. I dread the printers in work breaking down and explaining to the technician that there is a problem printing in colour !”

— Paulette, via Facebook

Note: Like Paulette, be careful in pronouncing “en couleur” because it sounds almost similar to “enculer” which is a pretty offensive term that could mean either “motherf*ck*r or a sexual act that involves the backside.

en fait in fact, actually (1:21 min)
en haut upstairs, at the top (1:34 min)

“I tried to say ‘en haut’ to a Frenchman but he couldn’t figure out what I was saying the first six times.”

— Hallie, via Facebook

ennuyer to annoy (1:45 min)
enseigner teach (1:57 min)
épanouissement blossoming (2:09 min)
étang pond (2:22 min)

“I try it two or three different ways until I get the right one.”

-Yve French, via Facebook

eux them (2:33 min)
fauteuil armchair (2:44 min)
feuille leaf (2:57 min)
feuilleté flaky, as in flaky pastry (3:08 min)
fille girl (3:20 min)
fleur-de-lis / fleur-de-lys a type of flower; lily flower (3:32 min)
formidable formidable, tremendous (3:45 min)
fourrure fur (3:58 min)
genre a type or kind (4:11 min)
grenouille frog (4:22 min)
gris grey (4:35 min)
gros big, large, fat (4:46 min)

“Helena-Anne J. Hill: Anything that involves a gr-sound in the beginning, like ‘gris’ or ‘gros’. Or just a gr- sound in general.”

Helena-Anne, via Facebook

grouiller to mill around, to swarm; also a slang term
that means “hurry up”
(4:58 min)
gueule mouth (5:10 min)
hermès a French luxury brand (5:21 min)
heure hour (5:34 min)
heureux,heureuse happy (5:45 min)
horreur horror (6:08 min)

With regular practice and correct learning materials, these difficult words to pronounce won’t become so difficult anymore!

You can download a copy of the audio when you subscribe to the newsletter by clicking the photo below. If you have already subscribed before, please check again the dropbox link I shared in the email when you subscribed; you’ll see that the file is already there.

So… did you find any of these words difficult to pronounce? There are still parts 3, and 4, you can check that out, too, and eventually master these hard French words!

Join the conversation on social media. Find Talk in French in the following social networks:




See you there!

Serrurerie” The most difficult word in this list, and arguably the most difficult word to pronounce in the French language, a “serrurerie” is a locksmith’s shop.


  • 1 What is the most difficult French word to pronounce?
  • 2 What is the hardest word to pronounce?
  • 3 What is the weirdest French word?
  • 4 What is the most beautiful French word?
  • 5 Do the French say oui oui?
  • 6 Why is French so hard to pronounce?
  • 7 What are 20 difficult words?
  • 8 What word takes 3 hours to say?
  • 9 What are the 10 hardest words?
  • 10 What words don’t exist in French?
  • 11 What is the longest French word in the world?
  • 12 What are some cool French words?
  • 13 What are some weird French words?
  • 14 What is a cute French nickname?
  • 15 What is a French princess called?
  • 16 Why do French say bah?
  • 17 How do you say non in French?
  • 18 Does SI mean yes in French?
  • 19 Is French or Spanish easier?
  • 20 Is French harder than Spanish?

What is the most difficult French word to pronounce?

Brace yourself: The hardest French word to pronounce is the word for locksmith – “serrurerie“. It was the most commonly repeated response.

The Most Difficult English Word To Pronounce

  • Colonel.
  • Penguin.
  • Sixth.
  • Isthmus.
  • Anemone.
  • Squirrel.
  • Choir.
  • Worcestershire.

What is the weirdest French word?

La pomme de terre. This may be the most common and strange compound word of the French language. Literally, it translates as “apple from Earth” or “apple of the Earth”, it actually means a mere potato.

What is the most beautiful French word?

Here are the most beautiful French words

  • Papillon – butterfly.
  • Parapluie – umbrella.
  • Paupiette – a piece of meat, beaten thin, and rolled with a stuffing of vegetables, fruits or sweetmeats.
  • Romanichel – gypsy.
  • Silhouette – silhouette.
  • Soirée – evening.
  • Tournesol – sunflower.
  • Vichyssoise – from vichy. Masculine, noun.

Do the French say oui oui?

How To Say Yes in French? Yes in French – oui – is pronounced more or less like ‘we’ in English, and we use it a lot. It’s neither formal or informal, it can be used in pretty much any occasion to answer in the affirmative. So, if in doubt, you can always go with “oui” to say yes in French.

Why is French so hard to pronounce?

The French language tends to be difficult to pronounce at first because there are simply sounds that native English speakers aren’t used to making. To begin with, French is more evenly stressed. This means that while some parts of a word are stressed, it’s not as distinct as in English.

What are 20 difficult words?

20 Most Difficult Words to Pronounce in the English Language

  • Colonel.
  • Worcestershire.
  • Mischievous.
  • Draught.
  • Quinoa.
  • Onomatopoeia.
  • Scissors.
  • Anemone.

What word takes 3 hours to say?

Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (45 letters)

What are the 10 hardest words?

Top 10 Hardest Words to Spell

  • Weird.
  • Intelligence.
  • Pronunciation.
  • Handkerchief.
  • logorrhea.
  • Chiaroscurist.
  • Pochemuchka. A Russian term used when a person asks too many questions.
  • Gobbledegook. Gobbledegook is incoherent babbling in a fashion that makes no sense amounting to random words and noises to your listeners.

What words don’t exist in French?

English words with no single-word French equivalent

  • healthy (about a person) : en bonne santé
  • cheap : bon marché
  • shallow : peu profond.
  • avoidance : the word évitement exists, but is used only in specific case (meaning ‘dodging’ for cars, or ‘avoidance coping’ in pyschology) or in Canadian French (e.g. évitement fiscal)

What is the longest French word in the world?

1 The longest word in the dictionary is anticonstitutionnellement at 25 letters. 2 The longest French word of all is the full chemical name for thiamine which has 49 letters.

What are some cool French words?

17 Unique and Beautiful French Words

  • Feuilleter. Literally “to leaf.” Feuilleter means to quickly read without really paying attention, unlike the English “to leaf,” which is usually defined as reading casually.
  • Éphémère.
  • Onirique.
  • Dépaysement.
  • Un je-ne-sais-quoi.
  • Un exutoire.
  • Être à l’Ouest.
  • L’appel du vide.

What are some weird French words?

20 Weird French Words You Won’t Believe Exist

  • Caoutchouc. This rather extraordinary-looking word means “rubber,” as in the bendy substance we get from trees, and actually has a fairly straightforward history.
  • Dépaysant.
  • Métro-boulot-dodo.
  • Flâner.
  • Yaourter.
  • Frappadingue.
  • Loufoquerie.
  • Hurluberlu.

What is a cute French nickname?

Top 10: Most popular French terms of endearment
Mon chou: My cabbage, but chou can also be short for a French cream puff called chou chantilly or chou à la crème. Chouchou: Derived from chou. Mon ange: My angel. Mon bébé: My baby. Doudou: What kids call their favorite toy or blankie.

What is a French princess called?

dauphin, title of the eldest son of a king of France, the heir apparent to the French crown, from 1350 to 1830. The title was established by the royal house of France through the purchase of lands known as the Dauphiné in 1349 by the future Charles V.

Why do French say bah?

Essentially, “bah” means “you idiot” or “yeah duh.” So if someone asks if you’re going to watch the next season of Game of Thrones, you say, “Bah ouais, c’est la fin de la série.” If you didn’t remember it’s your coworker Daisy’s birthday until she brings a cake out at lunch, you’d exclaim, “Bah oui, c’est ton

How do you say non in French?

2 – Nope in French
In modern spoken French, the pronunciation of “non” changes. To pronounce “non” properly in French, you need to push your mouth out like a kiss. It requires an effort of enunciation. So, if you didn’t enunciate that much and kept an open mouth, the sound will come at as a nasal “nan“.

Does SI mean yes in French?

“Si” means “Yes” after a negative question or affirmation. “Si” also means “So much”, like “tellement.”

Is French or Spanish easier?

Spanish is arguably somewhat easier for the first year or so of learning, in large part because beginners may struggle less with pronunciation than their French-studying colleagues. However, beginners in Spanish have to deal with dropped subject pronouns and four words for “you,” while French only has two.

Is French harder than Spanish?

The bottom line… Spanish is arguably somewhat easier for the first year or so – beginners may struggle less with pronunciation than their French-studying colleagues, and one of the most basic Spanish verb tenses is easier than French.

Verna Wiggins

Verna Wiggins loves nothing more than embarking on a great journey. Whether it’s traveling to new and exciting places, or simply exploring all the nooks and crannies of her own neighborhood, she is always up for an adventure. She has a keen sense of curiosity and loves learning about new cultures and customs. Verna also enjoys spending time with her family and friends, and is always up for a good laugh.

Characters looking at a squirrel

When it comes to learning a foreign language, French can be one of the most challenging out there. This is in part due to the fact that the French pronunciation is one of the hardest around – there are quite a few words that give people a lot of trouble.

These words are difficult to pronounce correctly even for native speakers, so you can imagine how challenging they might be for foreigners. Nevertheless, if you’re looking to improve your vocabulary and take your French skills to the next level, it might be helpful to learn some of these hard French words.

In this blog post, let’s take a look at some of the most difficult words to pronounce – and give them a try. Trust us, even though they seem like quite the tongue twisters at first, after just some practice, you will be able to tackle them. See for yourself.

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But First, How to Pronounce Difficult Words in the French Language?

Before moving on to the hardest words in the French language, let’s take a quick look at some main pronunciation rules.

These are the main points many English speakers struggle with – but of course, there are a few more.

Silent Letters

First, there are silent letters – these are letters that are not pronounced when they appear in a word. These are:

  • e at the end of the word – as in the word livre (book)
  • p, g, n, m, s, t, d, x, z at the end of the word – like in the word chaud (hot)
  • silent h at the beginning of the word – as in the word homme (man)

Nasal Vowels

Another thing to note is that French has nasal vowels – these are vowels that are pronounced with air coming out of your nose. Some examples of nasal vowels are letter combinations “an”, “en”, and “in”.

These might be quite a challenge for beginning language learners, but when dealing with them, remember that English also has its own nasal sounds: m, n, and ng. Try to say “sing” or “song,” pay attention to the feeling of air inside your mouth as you make that nasal sound, and try to feel that when pronouncing French nasal sounds.

Character practicing pronouncing nasal vowels in French

Double L

The double l can also be tricky sometimes. Depending on the word, it will sound like /l/ or like /y/. It’s best to remember that in most cases, like when it comes after a or o, it will sound just like a regular /l/. When it comes after i, it sounds like /y/. You will need to learn the exceptions to this rule and pronounce all the remaining words with -ille using sound /y/.

Here’s a quick recap of the exceptions:


Accents are also important to know when pronouncing French words. They indicate how the vowel is pronounced, and very often, depending on whether there’s an accent in the word or not, the same word can be said differently. Check the main accent pronunciation rules in our article.

Now that you’re aware of the necessary rules and ready for some pronunciation exercises, let’s take a look at some of the hardest French words:


Mille-feuille is a French dessert that literally translates to “a thousand leaves”. It is made out of layers of puff pastry with cream in between each layer.

The word mille-feuille is hard to pronounce because of the combination of -ille and -euil at the end, which we’ve already established as one of the hardest sounds in French. To make it even more interesting, it’s followed by the double l, pronounced as /y/.

Here’s an audio example – repeat it a few times:



A French cake

Character in a French bakery


Yaourt is a French word for yogurt. It is pronounced similarly to the English word “yogurt”, with a slight difference in the ending sound. In French, it is pronounced /yaʊr/, with the stress on the first syllable – and this dreadful combination of vowels can make it sound terrible if you don’t say it right.

Don’t worry, though: repeat after the audio example:


Rouen is a city in northern France, on the River Seine. It is the capital of the region of Normandy. The word Rouen can be pretty hard to pronounce because of another vowel combination, -ouen. This is one of the hardest sounds in the whole French language, and many learners have no idea how to pronounce it: rouan, wran, roin, roan, rouen?

If you’re wondering, too, listen to this example:



A town in France


Serrurerie is a French word for a locksmith. The amount of r’s in this word is impressive – and then you have a pesky french “u” in the middle.

Here’s an audio example to help you out. Try saying it out loud several times – and don’t worry if you’re struggling, this French word can cause quite a bit of trouble even for the native speakers.

Character with a broken key needing to go to a locksmith


Another word with a horrific number of r’s on our list – fourrure, which means «fur». It is not only the r’s that make this word hard to pronounce. The French «u» in the middle can also be tricky, as it doesn’t sound like the English «u» at all. Also, the vowel combination “ou”, pronounced like the English “oo”, does not make our lives easier.

Here’s an audio example:


Purpurin is an organic compound that can be found in some plants. It has a purple color and is used as a dye and as a cosmetic.

This word is hard to pronounce because of the “ur” combination in the middle, which can be tricky for English speakers, as well as the nasal “in” at the end. However, when you master it, purpurin can sound really beautiful. Listen to the audio example to get it right:



A type of red dye


Brouilly is a type of wine made in France. The word itself is not that hard to pronounce, as it only has one difficult sound – the “ill” combination at the end, which we’ve already covered. However, what makes this word hard is the fact that it is often mispronounced by foreigners, who don’t know that the French «y» at the end is silent.

This is how you should say it:



Light French red wine


The word écureuil is a French word for squirrel. It is hard to pronounce because of the letter combination “-euil” at the end. This is one of the hardest sounds in the whole French language, so here’s a quick tip for you to pronounce it: “-eui”l is the sound somewhen makes when they are exhausted, exasperated, or frustrated from speaking French.

Here’s an audio example for you to repeat it a few times, though:


Vadrouiller is a French verb meaning «to roam around». It is hard to pronounce because of the consonant cluster “dr” **in the middle, which can be tricky for English speakers, as well as our favorite combination *“*ou” mixed with “-ill” – and a silent “r” at the end of the word, just to add a little spice.

Here’s an audio example to get it all:



To roam around


Continuing the topic of the «oui” combination, here we have the word Grenouille, which means «frog». You might have come across it in French restaurants or recipes – after all, it’s a classic of French cuisine.

Just like with vadrouiller, the main difficulty here is the “-eui” sound at the end combined with the double “l”. Here’s an audio example to help you out:


Finishing the topic of the “-oui” combination, we have the word bouilloire, which means “a kettle”. It is also quite challenging to pronounce because of the “-ill-” combination in the middle, which can be tricky for English speakers. As well as the nasty ending “-oire”.

Don’t worry about saying it, though: repeat a few times after the example:

Characters eating together


Pneu (translated as tire) is a difficult word to pronounce because of the “-eu” sound in the end, which can be quite tricky. Nevertheless, compared to other words on our list, it is quite simple, so try saying it a few times:


L’eau is a French word for water. It might seem tricky to pronounce at first, but the thing is that the French «eau» is actually pronounced like the English «o». So, if you’re not careful, you might end up saying something completely different – don’t mix it up with the strange French “o” or “eu” sounds.

Here’s how it should be pronounced:


Oignon is a French word for onion. It is hard to pronounce because of the “-gn-” in the middle, which is a sound that doesn’t exist in English, and is much closer to the Spanish ñ. At the end, we also have a nasal vowel on.

All that makes the word sound like [oñong] – here’s an audio example for you:


Finally, a longer word that many French learners struggle with – inébranlablement. As you can see by the ending “-ment”, it is an adverb, and it means “unbreakably”.

It is hard to pronounce due to its cumbersome length and a whole lot of difficult sounds in it, such as the nasal “-an-” sound, several “l’s”, placed in very uncomfortable parts of the word, and the ending, which is also nasal.

Here’s how you should say it:




Final Thoughts on Difficult French Words

Many non-native speakers can have problems with difficult French words. Although pronunciation can seem like the hardest thing about learning French, it’s nothing that practice won’t manage.

Take your time, listen to the audio examples, repeat the words a few times, and make sure to include them in your daily lessons. Create flashcards or download a language-learning app that can help you figure out the French word in context and work on the pronunciation.

Don’t forget – practice is key! The more you use these words and sounds in everyday conversation, the easier they will become. Incorporate them into your daily life, and you’ll see some great results in no time.


Brace yourself: The hardest French word to pronounce is the word for locksmith – “serrurerie“. It was the most commonly repeated response.

What are the hardest French words?

  • Yaourt. Yaourt is a French word for yogurt. …
  • Rouen. Rouen is a city in northern France, on the River Seine. …
  • Serrurerie. Serrurerie is a French word for a locksmith. …
  • Fourrure. Another word with a horrific number of r’s on our list – fourrure, which means «fur». …
  • Purpurin. …
  • Brouilly. …
  • Écureuil. …
  • Vadrouiller.

What is hardest word to pronounce?

The Most Difficult English Word To Pronounce

  • Rural.
  • Otorhinolaryngologist.
  • Colonel.
  • Penguin.
  • Sixth.
  • Isthmus.
  • Anemone.
  • Squirrel.

What are the most difficult letters to pronounce in French?

Here is a list of the top French pronunciation difficulties and mistakes, with links to detailed lessons and sound files.

  • The French R. The French R has been the bane of French students since time immemorial. …
  • The French U. …
  • Accents. …
  • Silent Letters. …
  • H Muet / Aspiré …
  • Liaisons and Enchaînement. …
  • Euphony.

Why are French words so hard to pronounce?

The French language tends to be difficult to pronounce at first because there are simply sounds that native English speakers aren’t used to making. To begin with, French is more evenly stressed. This means that while some parts of a word are stressed, it’s not as distinct as in English.

Learn the Top 10 Hardest French Words to Pronounce

Which is harder French or Spanish?

Spanish is arguably somewhat easier for the first year or so of learning, in large part because beginners may struggle less with pronunciation than their French-studying colleagues. However, beginners in Spanish have to deal with dropped subject pronouns and four words for «you,» while French only has two.

Why can’t French people say squirrel?

Squirrel #1

We are just unable to pronounce this word! The final “L”, the English “r”… Too difficult for French people! You will probably hear the very French pronunciation of the word, /skwirɛl/, with the end of the word pronounced like “belle”.

What is the easiest French accent?

Compared with Parisians, Southern French people speak French at a slower rate, which can make it seem easy to understand.

What letter is rare in French?

If you look through a French dictionary, you will find a lack of the letter ‘K. ‘ That is because it’s not a native letter in the French alphabet and is only used on rare occasions.

What letter can French people not say?

In French, the letter h is always silent.

What is the hardest word in earth?

7 most difficult English words that will let you forget what you wanted to say

  • Rural. …
  • Sixth. …
  • Sesquipedalian. …
  • Phenomenon. …
  • Onomatopoeia. …
  • Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. …
  • Worcestershire.

What are the 10 hardest words?

10 most difficult words in English

  • Literally. If you know a language purist, watch out. …
  • Ironic. Here is a word that has confused almost all English speakers – native or otherwise. …
  • Irregardless (instead of regardless) …
  • Whom. …
  • Colonel. …
  • Nonplussed. …
  • Disinterested. …
  • Enormity.

What are the 10 hardest words to spell?

Top 10 Hardest Words to Spell

  • Weird.
  • Intelligence.
  • Pronunciation.
  • Handkerchief.
  • logorrhea.
  • Chiaroscurist.
  • Pochemuchka.
  • Gobbledegook.

What is a weird French word?

La pomme de terre. This may be the most common and strange compound word of the French language. Literally, it translates as “apple from Earth” or “apple of the Earth”, it actually means a mere potato.

What is the longest word ever in French?

What is the longest French word? The longest French word officially recognised by the Académie française is «anticonstitutionnellement», which consists of 25 letters. It is, in other words, the longest word in the French dictionary.

What are some fancy French words?

15 Most Beautiful Words in French

  • Douceur.
  • Feuilleter.
  • Onirique.
  • Flâner.
  • Chuchoter.
  • Rêvasser.
  • Éphémère.
  • Émerveiller.

Are French letters condoms?

Before the advent of the pill many, varied contraceptive options already existed: from French letters or rubber sheaths (condoms, used by men), to pessaries, contraceptive sponges and douches (used by women).

What is OK called in French?

1. (agreeing) d’accord ! ⧫ OK ! “Could you call back later?” — “Okay!” « Tu peux rappeler plus tard ? » — « D’accord ! » ⧫ « Tu peux rappeler plus tard ? » — « OK ! »

What does XO mean in French?

XO (Extra Old) or Napoléon — The youngest brandy is stored for at least six years.

What is the prettiest accent?

According to a recent poll in the Independent, the British accent has been chosen as being the most attractive accent in the world, beating the French accent which was once know as the loveliest accent.

Who has the nicest accent?

British. More than half of respondents (52%) said they like the British accent, a greater percentage than for any other dialect. The British accent in general was the favorite across those who identified as men and women, and was also ranked among the sexiest and most trustworthy.

What is a lazy accent?

The Australian accent is often described as a ‘lazy’ form of English.

What does Pika mean in French?

mouse hare; rock rabbit; coney; cony; lagomorph; gnawing mammal.

How do you annoy someone in French?

How to annoy French people

  1. Mistake France for Paris.
  2. Think they’re all geography experts.
  3. Expect them to understand your French accent.
  4. Keep reminding them about their French accent.
  5. Leave the stereotypes alone.

How do the French say oink?

The description of their oinks in French is «un couchon grogne», literally meaning “a pig grumbles.” The noun for an oink is also une grogne, which also means dissatisfaction.

roquette blossoms artichoke and golden retriever in St Cyr-sur-Mer France
Scroll down for the list of hard-to-pronounce French words, and listen to the sound file. Be sure to sign up for the weekly newsletter filled with useful everyday French vocabulary!

We begin this edition with a quote from a reader:
When I studied French decades ago, I was told by one prof that during the war, écureuil was a test word used to ascertain whether the speaker was, indeed, French or perhaps a spy. This word remains difficult for me to this day.Mary

TODAY’S WORD: un écureuil

        : squirrel

A DAY IN A FRENCH LIFE by Kristi Espinasse

One of the things we language learners have in common is the fear of speaking in a foreign tongue, specifically le français! The first time I can remember being afraid to pronounce French was just moments before meeting my host family, in 1989…..

My dad had accompanied me to Lille, France, and he was now driving our rental car into some parking lot. On second thought, had he driven me? I can’t remember, for my brain can only recall a car window, beyond which the gray unknown awaited.

The gray was no more than the clouds, so typical of the industrial town of Lille, and as for the unknown it was about to reveal itself via two sunny faces: Mr. and Mrs. B. 

Thump, thump, thump, went my heart. How would they ever understand me? Had two years of college French, learned back home in the wild west, made me a fluent French speaker? On a more practical note, what to say now?! What if it all came out garbled? In Franglais?

To this day I can’t remember what my first words were to Robert and Christiane B. But I can still see the kindest faces, looking back at me encouragingly as if to say, Ne t’inquiète pas. Vas-y! On t’écoute. Do not worry. Go ahead. We are listening to you.

Dad and me walking near port of Cassis south of France
Almost 30 years later, my dear Dad & me — in sunny Cassis :-)
A year ago I asked you to share the hardest words to say en français. Here, now, are your «Most Challenging French Words To Pronounce,» followed by a recording for you, by Jean-Marc:

la rue — street

le yaourt -yogurt

— squirrel

— three

dessus and dessous
— above and below

— (the French town)

— happy

la cucurbitacée
— cucurbit

le pouilly-fuissé
— type of white wine

la chirurgie
— surgery

la fourrure
— fur

la grenouille
— frog

— bear

mille-feuille ou millefeuille
— kind of dessert

— (a town in the Luberon)

la serrure
— lock

le RER
— (high-speed train between Paris and suburbs)

la bouteille
— bottle


— eye

AUDIO FILE: (Listen to Jean-Marc pronounce all these French words, click here)

Kissing booth golden retriever dog

Merci beaucoup for coming here to learn the most difficult words to pronounce in French! I invite you now to sign up for the free weekly vocabulary newsletter from France. (See this blog’s header or side column for the sign-up link, and a warm welcome to you!

Cat chat volet wooden shutter window in cassis france
«Cat in Cassis.» By the way, ever wonder how to pronounce Cassis (the seaside town)? Locals pronounce it «kah-see».

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