Hardcore the word is

The modern Russian spoken language is strong for borrowing: every day people use words in speech, the meaning of which is clear, but it is not always easy to convey this meaning in words. One of the «trap words» is the word «hardcore». What does it mean?

What is hardcore

What is hardcore

Semantics of the word «hardcore»

To understand the meaning of this word, you need to know where it came from in the Russian language. The word «hardcore», which is so often used in the speech of adolescents and participants in informal subcultures, actually comes from the English «hardcore», which appeared in the English language relatively recently.

It consists of two foundations: «hard» — tough, strong, strong, powerful and «core» — the body, core, core, deep essence, the essence of something.

Thus, literal translation will not give positive results. You will most likely need to provide specific examples.

For example, in a political context, the expression «hardcore socialist» will mean that this or that person is a socialist to the core.

Members of political parties can be called «hardcore party members», which will mean «the core of the party», that is, its most active participants, participants, without whom it is difficult to imagine the functioning of the party.

It should be noted that in Russian, unlike English, this word is used only as a noun. When they want to use a semantic adjective, they say «hardcore».

For example, in one of Lana Del Rey’s songs there is a line: «If you love me hardcore, then don’t walk away», which translates as «If you love me» hardcore «, that is,» very much » then don’t go. » Here this word is used as an adverb.

Who Else Says Hardcore?

The use of this word in English is not limited: politicians and 16-year-old punk rockers can express themselves this way. In turn, some representatives of the adult and conscious population of Russia have no idea about such a word.

In the music industry, «hardcore» is understood primarily as a corresponding musical style, a distinctive feature of which is primitive vocals (most often shouts and roars) and aggressive music, very similar to punk rock.

In politics, as previously stated, this word is used to denote the «ingrained» political views or «activity» of a party member.

In engineering, the word «hardcore» means a hardware core, the loss of which makes it impossible to recover information.

In English, this word is also used as an adjective: hardcore terrorist — an inveterate terrorist, hardcore poverty — deep poverty.

In the porn industry, the word hardcore distinguishes a certain style of films, which are characterized by the maximum frankness of intercourse scenes.

Although in Russia this word is not yet «in the language» of people, in the United States and other English-speaking countries it is very common.

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аппаратное ядро, содержащее информацию, ужасный, хардкоровый


- щебень; кирпичный лом

Мои примеры


hardcore punk — хардкор панк  
hardcore rap — хардкор рэп  
concrete hardcore — заполнитель из дроблёного бетона; дроблёный бетон  
hardcore techno — хардкор техно  
happy hardcore — хэппи-хардкор  

Примеры с переводом

He knows that he can count on the support of a hard core of party loyalists.

Он знает, что он может рассчитывать на поддержку активного ядра партии лоялистов.

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What do we mean by hardcore?

Intensely loyal; die-hard. adjective

Stubbornly resistant to improvement or change. adjective

Extremely graphic or explicit. adjective

A form of exceptionally harsh punk rock. noun

Having an extreme dedication to a certain activity; diehard. adjective

Particularly intense; thrillingly dangerous or erratic; desirably violent in appearance; pleasing or «cool» due to intensity or danger. adjective

Resistant to change. adjective

Obscene or explicit. adjective

Of or pertaining to pornography that depicts penetration. adjective

Faster or more intense than the regular style. adjective

Broken bricks, stone and/or other aggregate used as foundations especially in road and path laying. noun

Gangster rap, or thicker, heavier and faster punk or electronic music. noun

Intensely loyal adjective

Extremely explicit adjective

Broken bricks, stone and/or other aggregate used as foundations, especially in road and path laying.

Several music genres, including:

An adjacetive used to describe a person who is indominatable of will. This person can and will sustain serious, possibly life-threatening injuries as a matter of course in daily life, and then will continue to tredge on as if unscathed, inflicting incredulous amounts of pain on those that get in his/her way. A hardcore person refuses to give up, no matter the odds, or the situation, which can sometimes lead to people thinking the person «stupid.» To truly be hardcore one must display wounds and/or scars as if they were medals of honor and constantly impart the amazing stories that accompany such medals with great enthusiasm. This word should only be used to describe the manliest of men. Urban Dictionary

Adj. 1. Extreme, brutal
2. The description of pornography that graphically shows penetration of the vagina or anus by the penis, tongue, or foreign object
3. The description of a type of wrestling match where there are no rules; i.e. all weapons are allowed, pinfalls count from anywhere, and there are no countouts or disqualifications Urban Dictionary

A subgenre of electronic music characterized by fast, hard basslines and often making use of turntablism or an MC for live performances. This is used often as an umbrella term to describe happy hardcore, gabber, speedcore, upfront, or any of the many related hardcore genres. Urban Dictionary

A genre of porn, usually involving both men and women, banging each other. Usually looks like a bunch of apes in mating season. A related offshoot of this is bukkake.
This title was based off the definition of hardcore as something that is intense or very strong. Urban Dictionary

A variety of punk rock originating in the US in the early ’80s. It involves shouted vocals (as opposed to growled) with a fast, aggressive tempo and a guitar sound featuring quick chord changes. Minor Threat, Bad Brains, SSD, and the Circle Jerks are known for this style. By 1986, a new style of hardcore came out of the New York scene. The NYHC scene added mosh breakdowns to mix, but the music retained its fast aggressive nature. This spawned the youth crew scene, a positive straight edge scene featuring such bands as Youth of Today, Chain of Strength, and the Gorilla Biscuits. Judge is a notable band from this era that added some metal style to their riffs. In the 90s hardcore took many different direction, bands like Lifetime and Turning Point took the late ’80s sound (particularly the melodic approach pioneered by the Gorilla Biscuits) and added a softer sung vocals and the lyrical approach of DC bands like the Rites of Spring and Dag Nasty. Other bands like Earth Crisis mixed hardcore with death metal growls and slow brutal guitars. Today many bands continue to play the early ’80s fast, thrashy style as well as the so-called ’88 or youth crew style, while still others have taken the sound of bands like Earth Crisis farther and mixed in more metal elements such as double bass drumming. Hardcore refers to all of these styles, though metalcore is best used to identify bands like Throwdown or Converge (who don’t really sound anything alike but both mix metal and hardcore). Finally, some bands like Bane, With Honor, and Comeback Kid are mixing positive youth crew style hardcore with more complex metal riffing without straying into the beatdown, double bass drumming style of metalcore. People talking about old-school hardcore should be referring to one of the hardcore sounds that developed in the ’80s, regardless of when the band formed. Urban Dictionary

In the music sense, a form of underground music that takes music to extremes. started in the early 80`s with bands like minor threat and black flag. i like to call this classic hardcore. then in the late 80`s there were many hardline, «positive» straightedge bands like chain of strength and gorilla biscuits. i like to call this oldchool hardcore. then in the early 90`s straigtedge became rediculous, and the bands got more metallic, with bands like Earth Crisis and Strife. I just call this hardcore. Then all throughout the 90s there were those hardcore bands with the scary, grindy sound, like converge, dillenger escape plan, or discordence axis. Then there were some bands like 10 yard fight who tried to re-create the hardcore sound of the late 80`s, a few were ok but most really sucked. This developed into what some people call «posi» hardcore. These days, you have your choice of shitty mosh hardcore, or screamo, or emo-core. Now hardcore is just a melting pot of all the sounds in one. its one big emotional, positive/negative, noisy vomit. its ok i guess. i liked how it was better in the late 90s early 00s. Urban Dictionary

Short for hardcore punk,a genre of music derived from punk rock,but faster and heavier.
there’s a difference between metalcore and hardcore. metalcore bands are Norma Jean,Converge,Botch,Between the Buried and Me,As I Lay Dying, Unearth,and Killswitch Engage.
Hardcore bands sing generally about anarchism,capitalism,the government,war,the hardcore lifestyle,and being straight edge;not all hardcore band are straightedgers.
Hardcore bands:circle jerks,ss decontrol,gbh,black flag,minor threat,bad brains,dead kennedys,7 seconds,gang green,beastie boys (early),negative fx,discharge,anti-nowhere league,exploited,u.s. chaos,GISM,chaos uk,picture frame seduction,and many more Urban Dictionary

A more extreme version of a dare. Rules:
1. You can’t turn down a hardcore. It’s just unacceptable.
2. You can’t overuse a hardcore. It must be reserved for very special occasions.
3. You can’t hardcore someone to do something that you yourself would not do, i.e. you can’t hardcore someone to jump off a nine-story building. Urban Dictionary

When one takes an already dangerous activity to an illogical extreme, often ignoring danger, pain and the potential for marked agony. Urban Dictionary

Harcore is not about fashion. Harcore is not about who can be the most «scene». Hardcore is about the music. I’m not sure where the confusion in what hardcore is started, but it has always been about the music. Here’s a little history on the music.
Hardcore stems from the early punk movements in the mid-70s made notable by bands like The Ramones, The Clash, The Damned, and the Sex Pistols. Most of the fast paced, straight-forward sound that is hardcore can be heard in early punk. As more and more styles of the punk sound formed each year moving towards the mid-to late 70s. A newer sound of bands like The Misfits, The Exploited, GBH, and Black Flag would lead the move away from the sounds of this early punk.
This new style involved a faster, more technical drum beat and simplistic bass lines. Moving into the 80’s the term hardcore is often credited by the band D.O.A. due to the title of their album Hardcore ’81. As was seen in the origninal punk movement, this new sub-genre had the same do it yourself attitude. This attitude is the resounding theme of all hardcore music. The overall image of harcore was different, bringing the simplistic look of t-shirts and jeans to the table.
Founders of the Early Hardcore sounds can be heard played by the bands Black Flag, Bad Brains, Minor threat, The Mob, D.O.A., Middle Class, and Dead Kennedy’s.
This new style of music became associated with violence due to the inlaid aggresive element to the sound. This aggression laid the ground works for slam dancing and stage diving found at most shows during these times due to the relatively small venues and easy access to the stage, which was not usually seen in most mainstream rock shows.
This early harcore sound had a major influence on forming genres of music such as, Thrash and speed metal, and later on the seattle grunge sound of the late 80s.
Moving towards the 90s hardcore began to branch off into many styles and sub-genres. The hardcore sound had two main branches the punk based sound of the 80s and a newer metal influenced sound, which later is the basis of most of todays metalcore bands such as Unearth, or It Dies Today. The late 80s and early 90s punk based harcore sound can be heard influenced by Agnostic Front, Sick of It All, Cro-Mags, Murphys Law, and Gorilla Biscuits. The metal influenced version of hardcore can be heard in the musical stylings of the bands Madball, Biohazard, and a more recent example Hatebreed.
I have used many of the obvious examples of what the hardcore sound is and was. There are many bands today that still have the traditionaly hardcore sound. Most of what todays youth actually call hardcore is a more diverse metal influenced subgenre of the original sound. It is imprortant to understand the roots of something that seems to be exploited to todays teenagers. Urban Dictionary

  • Хардкор (англ. hardcore — жёсткий, радикальный) — многозначный термин.



    Хардкор (порнография)


    Олдскул хардкор

    Хардкор (реслинг)

    Hardcore — мини-альбом американской панк-рок группы NOFX

    hard core — класс лицензируемых сложнофункциональных микроэлектронных блоков, предоставляемых в виде готовой топологии, либо внедренных в ПЛИС.

    «Хардкор» — фильм 2015 года, снятый от первого лица, режиссёр Илья Найшуллер.

Источник: Википедия

  • хардко́р

    1. муз. разновидность электронной музыки, развившаяся из техно, характеризующаяся быстрым (выше 160 bpm) и прямым ритмом, а также культура, возникшая вокруг этой музыки (не следует путать с хардкором панка)

    2. муз. то же, что хардкор-панк, а также песня или инструментальная композиция в этом жанре В России неформальными принято считать молодёжные течения, хиппи, металлистов, панков. Музыкальные предпочтения, отличающие металлистов, — это рок, хардкор, грандж, биг-бит, панк, хэви-металл. К. А. Ляхова, «Причуды этикета», 2008 г. Такие быстрые, скоростные хардкоры, как «Мне плохо…» всегда отлично принимаются на концертах и достойно располагаются на альбомах. Дмитрий Спирин, «Тупой панк-рок для интеллектуалов», 2004 г.

    3. неол. перен. разг. ед. ч. о чём-либо трудном, сложном, ядрёном, требующем предварительной подготовки, умения Понятно, что Герман находится под глубоким впечатлением от старого «авторского кино» и нисколько этого не скрывает — да и попробовал бы он это сделать с такой фамилией и наследством. В его авторском почерке легко угадываются приметы стиля не только его выдающегося отца, но и Феллини, Антониони, Хуциева и прочих великих монстров кинематографического хардкора 1960-х годов. Стас Тыркин, «Назад в будущее: На Берлинском кинофестивале состоялась премьера фильма Алексея Германа-младшего «Под электрическими облаками»» // «Комсомольская правда», 2015 г. Это большая проблема, но именно поэтому мы планируем в первый же набор бакалавриата начать с «хардкора», с классиков и востоковедов (наряду с когнитивной лингвистикой). Анна Попова, ««Мы планируем начать с хардкора» : Интервью с филологом Николаем Гринцером» // «Лента.Ру», 28 октября 2013 г.

    4. жарг. мн. ч. футбольные фанаты, которые непосредственно ведут боевые действия Власти, а также жадные до скандалов СМИ утверждали, что фанаты «Лидса» непременно воспользуются игрой в Дании, чтобы отомстить. И не только они одни. Пресса предполагала, что к правому делу обязательно примкнут хардкоры различных европейских грандклубов, успевших испытать на себе турецкое гостеприимство. Дуги Бримсон, «Убийцы футбола. Почему хулиганство и расизм уничтожают игру» / перевод Алексея Дунаевского, 2007 г.

Источник: Викисловарь

Делаем Карту слов лучше вместе

Привет! Меня зовут Лампобот, я компьютерная программа, которая помогает делать
Карту слов. Я отлично
умею считать, но пока плохо понимаю, как устроен ваш мир. Помоги мне разобраться!

Спасибо! Я стал чуточку лучше понимать мир эмоций.

Вопрос: чабан — это что-то нейтральное, положительное или отрицательное?

Понятия, связанные со словом «хардкор»

  • Хардкор-панк (англ. Hardcore punk) — музыкальный жанр, появившийся в США и Великобритании в конце 1970-х годов в результате обособления от панк-рока. Звук, по сравнению с традиционным звучанием панк-рока, стал более быстрым, тяжёлым, композиции стали более короткими. Кроме того, отличительная черта хардкор-панка — более размытые, синкопированные риффы по сравнению с панк-роком. Основная тематика песен — личностная свобода, анархия, политика, социальные аспекты, стрейт-эдж, веганизм, насилие, пацифизм…

  • Фанк-метал, также трэш-фанк и панк-фанк — пограничный музыкальный жанр, появившийся в результате утяжеления традиционного фанк-рока. Allmusic так описала жанр: «Он зародился в середине 80-х, когда такие группы, как Red Hot Chili Peppers ,Fishbone и Extreme, создали в метале сильную фанк-основу».

  • Экстремальный метал (от англ. extreme metal) — широкий термин из области классификации музыкальных стилей, который используется по отношению к некоторым «родственным» подстилям хэви-метала, появившимся с начала 1980-х годов. Этот термин относится не к одному определенному стилю или звучанию, а к таким жанрам метала, как трэш-метал, блэк-метал, дэт-метал и дум-метал, а также к музыке, сочетающей в себе элементы данных подстилей.

  • Кроссовер-трэш (англ. crossover thrash) — музыкальный стиль, который является одной из форм трэш-метала или хардкор-панка, оказавших влияние друг на друга, либо является их смесью. Кроссовер представляет собой одно из направлений панк-метала, куда входят и другие весьма похожие стили, как, например, грайндкор.

  • Глэм-метал (также известный как хэйр-метал и поп-метал) — поджанр хард-рока и хеви-метала. Он сочетает в себе элементы панк-рока, а также сложные хуки и гитарные риффы, позаимствовав в то же время эстетику глэм-рока 1970-х.

  • (все понятия)


Alternative forms[edit]

  • hard-core


hard +‎ core: hard to the core; 1936 (n.); 1951 (adj.)


  • IPA(key): /hɑː(ɹ)dˈkɔː(ɹ)/
  • Rhymes: -ɔː(ɹ)


hardcore (comparative more hardcore, superlative most hardcore)

  1. Having an extreme dedication to a certain activity.
    Synonyms: diehard, steely-eyed, tough as nails, gung ho

    He’s a hardcore gamer.

  2. (colloquial) Particularly intense; thrillingly dangerous or erratic; desirably violent in appearance; pleasing or «cool» due to intensity or danger.

    That show was hardcore, dude.

  3. Resistant to change.
  4. Obscene or explicit.
  5. (pornography) Depicting penetration and abnormal sexual activity.
  6. (music) Faster or more intense than the regular style.


having an extreme dedication to a certain activity

faster or more intense than the regular style


hardcore (uncountable)

  1. Broken bricks, stone and/or other aggregate used as foundations, especially in road and path laying.
    • 2014 August 24, Jeff Howell, “Home improvements: gravel paths and cutting heating bills [print version: Cold comfort in technology, 23 August 2014, p. P5]”, in The Daily Telegraph (Property)[1]:

      You need to excavate and remove the topsoil, line the subsoil with a geotextile, then lay and compact hardcore.

  2. Several music genres, including:
    1. Hardcore punk.
      • 1981, Cary Darling, Billboard, page 10:
        Fields began recording the hardcore punk bands in 1978 when few others would.
    2. Gangsta rap.
    3. Hardcore techno.
    4. Jungle.
      • 1994 September, Simon Reynolds, “Above The Treeline”, in The Wire[2]:

        Always more multiracial than other post-Rave scenes, Hardcore got “blacker” as hiphop, Ragga, dub and Soul influences kicked in, and by 93 it had evolved into Jungle. By this point, Hardcore/Jungle (the terms remain interchangeable) was universally scorned by dance hipsters and banished from the media.

    5. Outlaw country.

Derived terms[edit]

  • Christian hardcore
  • -core
  • digital hardcore
  • happy hardcore
  • hardcore porn
  • hardcore pornography
  • hardcore punk
  • melodic hardcore
  • post-hardcore
  • UK hardcore


  • German: Hardcore
  • Russian: хардко́р m (xardkór)


broken bricks, stone and/or aggregate



Unadapted borrowing from English hardcore.


  • IPA(key): /ˈxar.tkɔr/
  • Rhymes: -artkɔr
  • Syllabification: hard‧core


hardcore m inan

  1. (slang) something hardcore (particularly intense)
  2. (music) hardcore (hardcore punk or techno music)


Derived terms[edit]

  • hardcore’owy
  • hardcorowiec

Further reading[edit]

  • hardcore in Wielki słownik języka polskiego, Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN
  • hardcore in Polish dictionaries at PWN



  • IPA(key): /xaɾˈkoɾ/ [xaɾˈkoɾ]
  • Rhymes: -oɾ


hardcore m (plural hardcores)

  1. hardcore

    quiere ser hardcore y su mamá no lo deja

    he wants to be hardcore and his mother doesn’t let him

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