Английская лексика на тему дня рождения
1. День рождения и именинники
birth date — дата рождения
jubilee — юбилей
birthday boy — именинник
birthday girl — именинница
I was born in… . — Я родился в (год рождения).
I was born on … . — Я родился (дата рождения).
I am… (years old). —
I just turned…. . — Мне только что исполнилось … .
I am turning… . — Мне исполняется… .
I am celebrating it with… . — Я отмечаю его с … .
2. Приглашения и открытки
birthday invitation — приглашение на день рождения
to send invitations — рассылать приглашения
to invite you to my birthday party — пригласить тебя на мой день рождения
birthday card — открытка на день рождения
to send a birthday card — отправить поздравительную открытку
3. Подарки на день рождения
birthday gift / birthday present — подарок на день рождения
to get (receive) a present — получать подарок
to give a present — дарить подарок
to open a present — открыть подарок
a teddy bear — плюшевый мишка
4. Вечеринка по случаю дня рождения
birthday party — вечеринка по случаю день рождения
to have a party — провести вечеринку
to throw a party — организовывать вечеринку
to invite guests — приглашать гостей
a birthday bash — вечеринка
5. Декорации на день рождения
decorations — украшения
put up decorations — вешать украшения (украшать)
the house is decorated with… — дом украшен…
candles — свечи
put up candles — поставить свечи
to light the candles — зажечь свечи
blow out the candles — задуть свечи
ribbon — лента
a bow — бант
wrapping paper / gift wrap — оберточная бумага
balloons — шарики
bouncy castle — батут (надувной замок)
sparklers — бенгальские огни
fireworks — фейерверк
to watch a fireworks display — смотреть фейерверк
to enjoy the fireworks — наслаждаться фейерверком
to have fireworks — устроить фейерверк
confetti — конфетти
to sprinle confetti — разбрызгивать конфетти
pinata — пиньята
to hit the pinata with a stick — ударить палкой по пиньяте
the pinata is full of candy — пиньята полна конфет
a banner — баннер
hang a banner — повесить баннер
party favours — подарки (сувениры) для гостей
bunch of flowers — букет цветов
wear a party (birthday) hat — носить шляпу для вечеринки
party horn — праздничный свисток
6. Еда на день рождения
icing/frosting — глазурь
birthday cake — торт на день рождения
cupcake — кекс
cookie — печенье
candy — конфеты
sweets — сладости
lollipop — леденец
ice cream — мороженое
chocolate — шоколад
popsicle — эскимо
jelly — желе
marshmallows — зефир
crisps — чипсы
pizza — пицца
hot dog — хот дог
hamburger — гамбургер
fruit bowl — ваза с фруктами
to cut the cake — разрезать торт
7. Напитки
juice — сок
coca — кола
soft drinks — газированные напитки
lemonade — лимонад
cocktails — коктейли
Let’s raise a toast to you and your life! — Поднимем тост за вас и вашу жизнь!
a paper plate — бумажная тарелка
plastic cutlery — пластиковые столовые приборы
a straw — соломинка
8. Действия
to congratulate you — поздравить тебя
congratulation — поздравление
to entertain — развлекать
to have fun — развлекайся
to celebrate — праздновать
celebration — праздник
to grow up — расти
to bring up — воспитывать
upbringing — воспитание
be coming of age — достигнуть совершеннолетия
get older — стареть
be young at heart — быть молодым душой
get on in years — прожить годы
9. Поздравления с днем рождения
Happy Birthday!
Have a great birthday!
Happy, Happy to you!
A million magic wishes for you!
Best Wishes for a very Happy Birthday.
We wish you a happy birthday.
Wishing you all the best for today and in the future.
Enjoy your special day!
Enjoy every moment.
Congratulation on your Birthday!
Congratulations on another spin around the sun!
May all of your birthday wishes come true.
10. Игры на день рождения
Freeze tag
Musical chairs
Treasure hunt game
Hot potato
Water balloon toss
Hide and seek
Playing catch
11. Questions about Birthdays
How old are you now?
What age are you turning?
When’s your birthday?
What do you want to do for your birthday?
What are you doing for your birthday?
Are you doing anything special to celebrate?
What do you want for/on your birthday? (gifts)
What did you get for/on your birthday? (gifts)
How was your birthday?
What did you do for/on your birthday?
Видео на тему дня рождения
Английская лексика на тему дня рождения
Birthday greetings in English
Sometimes you want to congratulate a person, but it’s not clear how best to do it. Birthday greetings in English It is useful to know the language for everyone who communicates with English-speaking acquaintances. Warm greetings help make friends, and possibly find love. More formal wishes make a good impression on the business partners on whom business success depends.
Should remember that English is spoken in many countries… Everywhere has its own dialects and familiar appeals to birthday people. In different parts of Britain (Scotland, Wales) or the states of the United States, local customs are common. Canada, Australia and New Zealand also have distinctive cultures. Before congratulating foreigners, you should familiarize yourself with it. Then your words will be appropriate and pleasant for those present.
What is Happy Birthday in English?
The most common option is Happy birthday! The literal translation of the phrase is «happy birthday!» So they say in an informal, friendly atmosphere. it obligatory greeting for relatives, friends and colleagues.
At name-day parties, they even sing in chorus many times — Happy birthday to You! The tradition originated in the last century from a nursery rhyme in Great Britain.
You can sing when the birthday person blows out the candles on the birthday cake, or in another equally solemn occasion.
But it is inappropriate to just say «Happy birthday!» boss, unless your relationship is closer than it should be for work. Although in some offices, a whole delegation of employees goes to congratulate the boss, on the presentation of a common gift.
In general, it is best to first examine the customs and practices of a particular firm or organization. The arrangement of the celebrations will most likely be handled by an experienced local employee. All you have to do is applaud and sing along, as well as chip in for a gift.
It is an unforgettable experience for someone who is just starting to work abroad or in a foreign firm.
Almost all of the following congratulatory texts are suitable for saying aloud. Only the most difficult semi-official phrases are recommended to be left on paper or in an email. It’s still hard to learn them, just like memorizing long poems. But if you have a good memory, memorizing rhymes is useful for training in a foreign language. In addition, the birthday person will probably like it if you congratulate him (or her) more beautiful than the rest of the guests.
Designed for a wide range of people:
- relatives of a husband or wife;
- personal friends;
- good friends;
- good neighbors;
- colleagues equal to you.
Options for how to congratulate the birthday boy happy birthday in english, so many. Specific examples will be given below, but instead of just memorizing it’s better to learn how to compose them yourself.
First of all, you need to determine the desired length: will it be a short sentence, a long one, or several phrases. Brevity is attractive at the festive table. In a letter, you can develop an idea, and express everything that you wish for the birthday man in the next year of life.
As in Russian speech, it is worth considering every word, and not wanting too much.
Happy birthday is almost always included in the standard circulation! This habitual wish is placed at the beginning, middle or end of a phrase, there is no single rule. Some eloquencers even separate “Happy” and “Birthday” in other words. If at the beginning there is no wish for happiness, other characteristic expressions are often used. These include:
- I wish — I wish;
- Wishing — I wish;
- With huge love — with great love;
- With all heart — from the bottom of my heart;
- With great pleasure — with great pleasure;
- [My] Best wishes — best wishes [from me].
I wish’s personal appeal is the simplest and most understandable. The gerund, which is not typical for the Russian language (verbs with the ending -ing), also occupies an important place in congratulatory messages. Wishing can be replaced with options such as Thinking [of You] — think [of you], or Sending [You best] wishes — send [you best] wishes. A possible extension of the phrase in this place is given in square brackets, which is not mandatory in essence.
Examples are common birthday greetings in english:
- Wishing you Happy Birthday!
- Best wishes for a wonderful Birthday!
- Warm and happy wishes for your Birthday!
- Wishing you a Birthday which is as special as you are!
- May all your dreams become true! Happy birthday to you!
Even for a person who is not too strong in a foreign language, almost everything is clear here, so the translation is not provided. You have the right to expand these short samples to your taste. Here are some more phrases and words that are appropriate to insert:
- Have wonderful day! — wish to have a wonderful day;
- Hoping your special day gives all you want! — hope for the fulfillment of desires;
- I hope all your birthday wishes become true! — let the birthday man guess what he wants;
- From the bottom of my heart — from the depths of my heart;
- Be healthy, happy and wealthy — be healthy, happy and rich;
- Have good luck and success — be lucky and successful;
- Long and very successful life — a long and very successful life;
- Excellent health — excellent health;
- Happiness, freedom and eternal youth — happiness, freedom and eternal youth;
- Cheers! — Hurrah!
When to congratulate the birthday man? At the first meeting on a holiday for him. It’s not a problem if you congratulate again later, in a more formal setting in front of the guests, when presenting a gift. It is good if the words spoken the second time differ from those spoken the first time. But it is better to come up with a gift right away without meeting in advance. Unless you are relatives or live together for other reasons.
Anything related to religion or ethnicity is appropriate only if you are confident that your words will be received favorably. And even if the birthday man likes it alone with you, it is not a fact that it is worth congratulating him like that in front of all the guests. Better to confine yourself to a neutral theme that is acceptable in any case.
Consider the difference in how celebrations are held in England and America. English name days are closer to common European standards. Those who cannot come in person send a greeting card, hoping to come on the very holiday or a little earlier.
In the morning, the culprit receives and unpacks gifts, and also begins to treat colleagues, classmates or classmates with cakes and other sweets. But the main fun comes in the late afternoon. All invited guests come, present the remaining gifts and have fun.
Instead of continental ear-pulling in the British Isles, the birthday boy is thrown up as many times as he has lived. At the same time, they try to drop it on the ground or floor at least once. Understandably, usually only men or guys are treated this way.
«Newborn» blows out the candles on the cake in one breath, the cake is cut into pieces and eaten by the whole company. At the party, music sounds, the guests play games, they gorge themselves on deliciously prepared dishes.
The American celebration is very different from the British one. Food is not prepared at home. As a last resort, they order a cake with candles, pizza and drinks from the restaurant. But more often they go straight to a restaurant or cafe. Each invitee pays for himself, orders any food and drink. Waiters can sometimes give the birthday boy an extra piece of sweets to advertise the establishment, although no one is particularly generous.
Birthday children receive more attention than adults. Guests receive invitations in advance, and must confirm their intention to come on the specified day and hour. After a small treat at the holiday, gifts are handed over and congratulations. Parents put the donated things on a special table, and write down who donated what. They will unpack the gifts later with the child and send written thanks to the donors.
The main part of the celebration is a visit to an amusement park with a performance of hired animators.
These are longer and more complex birthday greetings in english… Usually they consist of several sentences, designed for a calm unhurried reading by the addressee. But you can limit yourself to short Warm birthday greetings. Exclamation marks are not needed, as well as unnecessary verbal pathos.
Here are some typical phrases:
- Glad to congratulate you with your birthday — I am glad to congratulate you on your birthday;
- Let your future be accompanied with happiness and prosperity — let your future be accompanied by happiness and prosperity;
- Wishing you to celebrate many more birthdays — I wish to celebrate many more birthdays;
- Please accept heartiest congratulations — please accept heartiest congratulations.
It would be nice to have a title and sign the letter, depending on the situation, although this is not necessary. For example, in the title, put Dear Mr (dear sir such and such), and in the signature [sincerely] yours (proper name) — [sincerely] yours. Or simply Your friend — if it is already clear who sent the letter.
Source: https://enjoyenglish-blog.com/angliyskiy-dlya-nachinaushih/pozdravleniya-s-dnem-rozhdeniya-na-anglijskom.html
Hello! Everyone already knows the long-worn, short song in English “Happy birthday to you!”. But happy birthday in English can be more original. There are many other songs, poems, and prose wishes. You can also invite to your birthday in an unusual way by sending an original invitation to the addressee. All these points will be highlighted in this article.
Whoever says anything, and no matter how he jolts, and Birthday is one of the most beloved and long-awaited holidays in the life of every person. Love for this celebration is close to me from childhood, when on this bright day all relatives and friends gathered and the birthday boy fulfilled his innermost desires. Having matured, we have not stopped loving this holiday and we still have fun with our friends and family.
How to invite to your birthday in an original way?
And how does an invitation of loved ones to a celebration usually look like? Stupidly call and say: come — we will note. But you can do it creatively so that no one can refuse you. An invitation to Name Day can be drawn up in English, and the holiday itself can be held in such an atmosphere: so that all guests say toasts and wishes in English. I think the holiday will be fun!
And among the British, it is generally accepted to send invitations to the celebration in letters. Therefore, if you are going to celebrate a celebration abroad, then you will definitely need to come up with interesting invitations and send them to the people with whom you would like to spend this evening. As a rule, these are small messages with one or two sentences like:
- We are having a picnic on Sunday. And you are invited! — We have a picnic on Sunday. And you are invited!
- I invite you to the party tomorrow. — I invite you to a party tomorrow.
- It’s my Birthday next week. I am having a party. — Next week is my birthday. I’m throwing a party.
But you can write a more beautiful and interesting message:
Hey! I want to invite you to my birthday party. It will be an unforgettable party. There will be all my friends, games, music, etc. The party will be on the right bank of our river. I will wait for You on June 19th at 5 o’clock. You should be there!
Then everyone who you send this letter to will come to your party!
But what if you were invited to a similar party? Then you need to learn a few simple (or difficult, if you like) wishes.
Congratulations in verse
English birthday greetings in verse are always interesting and unusual. You will immediately attract the attention of not only the birthday person, but all the guests. Therefore, there should always be a trump card in your sleeve in the form of a short rhyme Happy Birthday in English. For example, this:
Birthday girl, today’s your day!
Time to eat cake, sing songs and play!
There are so many ways to have birthday fun.
Here’s hoping you get to do every one!
Birthday girl, today is your day!
Time to eat cake, sing songs and play.
There are so many ways to have fun on your birthday.
Hope you try them all!
You can download even more wishes in verses in English and with translation here Poems
And if the addressee is far away, or does not know English well, then you can send him a congratulation in the form of a postcard with a translation. Such a picture will be remembered for a long time by the hero of the day if he receives it not just over the Internet, but in a regular mail envelope.
Of course, the translation is not as beautiful as the original, but the essence is clear. In general, it is very difficult to translate poetry so that the form is not lost and the content is accurately reproduced. Therefore, try to still be limited to the original. Let him suffer and translate, maybe a few English words will remain in his memory.
Wishes in prose
But if you want the birthday boy to feel sincerity from you, then it is better to present wishes in prose. Then it seems that you are not speaking with a previously memorized text, but with your own words. But you do not have the gift of eloquence, then you can cheat and take note of a few pleasant and beautiful words in English:
- Even though we are miles away, it is good to know that you are always there! Happy Birthday! — Even if we are kilometers apart, it is so good to know that you are somewhere! Happy Birthday!
- Happy Birthday! Wishing you all the best on your special day! — Happy Birthday! I wish you all the best on this special day!
- Congratulations for completing another trip around the sun! — Congratulations on completing another trip around the sun!
The same rule can be applied if you want to send a postcard:
The addressee will have the feeling that you yourself have compiled this beautiful text and wrote the words from the heart. In fact, this is the way it is, because from the many options, you choose the one that most suits your feelings. So a little trick is not a crime
You can download more prose greetings from the link below.
Well, if you still firmly decided to write your own congratulations, then I advise you to use a few common expressions and persistent cliches:
- On the occasion of — On the occasion
- With all my heart I wish you — With all my heart I wish you
- On this joyous day — On this joyous day
- I wish you happiness / joy / good health / love — I wish you happiness / joy / health / love
- Accept my warmest / sincerest wishes! — Please accept my warm / sincere wishes!
- Keep well! Stay healthy! — Be healthy!
The most important thing is to choose the right simple words so that they are understandable to the hero of the occasion, so that he can easily translate from English what you «wished» him there.
Happy birthday song
But you will break all records, and the hero of the day will forever be remembered if you dare to sing him the song Happy Birthday in English. And if it is not the usual «Happy birthday to you!», But its variation sung with a different intonation or a different voice. For example, taking a sip of some helium from a balloon, you get a funny song, like chipmunks:
And if you learn the beautiful composition of the legendary Stevie Wonder, you can light up all the guests and cheer them up for a long time:
The song «Happy birthday» performed by the famous group «Flipsyde» is very popular among modern youth:
Lyrics and their translation are here Songs
You can also overlay the song on the video sequence you created with photos of the hero of the occasion. It will turn out to be a very beautiful and memorable video clip.
Read the article «Happy New Year and Merry Christmas»
As you can see, there are many creative ways to congratulate loved ones. By writing a wish, or verbally congratulating a loved one in English, you will always pleasantly surprise and delight him. Therefore, «be creative» and weird with all your heart!
Source: https://englishfull.ru/leksika/s-dnem-rozhdeniya.html
Standard wishes
Probably every person, even far from English, is familiar with a phrase like Happy birthday. Yes, everyone knows her, both children and adults. Congratulating a friend in a foreign language is stylish, fashionable, youthful.
Why is she so popular? And what does it mean?
-she is easy to remember
-sounds nice
— laconic
— universal, suitable for both a loved one and just a familiar person.
It literally translates into Russian as happy birthday. It is very similar to our universal «happy birthday». The word «happy» adds warmth and originality. It is often spoken at birthdays and in our country. They also sing the song «happy birthday to you» — a traditional song for this occasion, which came to us from England. Literally, it translates as «happy birthday to you.» This phrase basically has the same advantages as its short analogy.
Both of these phrases have become so common in our everyday life that we can find their inscriptions on T-shirts, hoodies, postcards, cute mugs, key chains and cute photo frames.
But these are far from the most interesting greetings in English.
Beautiful congratulations
Let’s get acquainted with the beauty and richness of the language on the example of the following lines. They can be written on a postcard.
Wishing you a Happy Birthday! | Wish you a happy birthday! |
Best wishes and a wonderful birthday! | Best wishes and a wonderful birthday! |
Congratulations and best wishes on your birthday! | Congratulations and best wishes for your birthday! |
I wish you a happy birthday and many happy returns of the day | Happy birthday and wish you many years of life! |
From the bottom of my heart, I wish you a happy birthday. | From the bottom of my heart I wish you a happy birthday! |
I hope all your birthday wishes come true! Happy birthday! | I hope all your dreams will come true! Happy Birthday! |
They are sincere and not formal. In the case of their use, your congratulatory speech is directed to a person whom you know closely. This is not just a sign of attention, but touching words, acknowledgments of warm feelings and wishes of all the best.
How to touchingly congratulate parents
Once we touched on touching and sincerity. The next point I would like to consider the beautiful lines dedicated to our moms and dads — sweet and kind mom and dad.
How much we feel for them, but often it is so difficult for us to express our feelings in words. The following words of congratulations fully reveal the sincerity and love of our hearts. Our parents deserve it, just look how beautiful they sound in English.
Dearest Mom, I count my blessings every day. The greatest blessing of all is having a beautiful, caring mother you in my life. Happy Birthday! | Dear Mom, I count my blessings every day. The greatest blessing in my life is to have a beautiful, caring mother like you. Happy Birthday! |
I’m wishing you a doubly Happy Birthday. After all, you’re not just my mom, but my best friend. | I wish you a doubly happy birthday. After all, you are not just my mother, you are my best friend. |
An amazing mom deserves an amazing day. Have a nice day! | An amazing mom deserves an amazing day. Have a nice day! |
Mom I’m so lucky to have a mother you. You are my best friend. Happy birthday! | Mom, I’m so lucky to have a mom like you. You are my best friend. Happy birthday! |
Many congratulations on your birthday, dad! | Happy birthday, dad! |
You helped make me who I am! Happy Birthday Dad. | You helped me become who I am! Happy birthday dad. |
Thank you for being the superman in my life. You always made me feel special with your love and care. Happy birthday to you! | Thank you for being the superman in my life. You always made me feel special with your love and care. Happy Birthday to You! |
Source: https://englishfun.ru/leksika/pozdravleniya-s-dnem-rozhdeniya-na-anglijskom
Happy birthday in English: examples of congratulations
Birthday is one of the most beloved and long-awaited holidays in the life of every person. Love for this celebration is close to me from childhood, when on this bright day all relatives and friends gathered and the birthday boy fulfilled his innermost desires.
Having matured, we have not stopped loving this holiday and we still have fun with our friends and family. And if in our environment there are speakers of other languages, then we should learn how to make birthday greetings in English.
We write «Happy Birthday» in English
Most often, of course, people are interested in the question of how to spell «Happy Birthday» in English. The common phrase is translated as: «Happy Birthday». And it reads like [happy bezdy]. Usually, this is how they write congratulations, and that’s enough.
Happy Birthday | ˈhæpi | | ˈBɜːrθdeɪ | — happy Birthday
If we were to translate this expression literally, we would see that “happy” means “happy”, and “birthday” means “birthday” in English. That is, literally it is «Happy Birthday». You can modify it a little by writing «Happy Birthday to you», which means: «Happy Birthday to you.»
When composing your congratulations, do not rack your brains over how to translate your wonderful wish from Russian into English and keep its flavor, keep it simple. Of course, you can say something more than just «Happy birthday», but remember that no one expects wishes in poetic form or panegyrics (eulogies) from you, especially if the person is not your close friend.
Birthday cake
Examples of birthday greetings
We have collected the most popular birthday greetings in English that will help you always be at your best, even if your level of English is not very high.
- Anyway, happy birthday to me. Anyway, happy birthday to me.
- Happy birthday to me, right? Happy birthday to me, huh?
- Happy Birthday to me this is only the beginning, guys… Happy birthday to me And this is just the beginning
- And put «Happy birthday to me» as the subject… And make the inscription «Happy birthday to me.»
- Happy Birthday! — Happy Birthday!
- Many happy returns! — Long time to live!
- May all your wishes come true — May all your dreams come true.
- I wish you happiness, good health, love and just everything your heart desires — I wish you happiness, health, love and everything that your heart desires
- Happy Birthday! Enjoy your wonderful day and celebrate it. Please stay healthy and get what you want. — Happy Birthday! Enjoy this wonderful day and celebrate it. Stay healthy and have whatever you want.
- Thinking of you on your birthday, i want to wish you all the best! I hope it is as fantastic as you are, because you deserve the best and nothing less. — Thinking about your birthday, I want to wish you all the best! I hope this day is as wonderful as you are, because you deserve the best and no less.
- Have a wonderful day! I wish you many nice presents and a lot of fun! — May you have a wonderful day! I wish you many pleasant gifts and a lot of fun!
- happy birthday. I wish you well and I hope all you birthday wishes come true! — Happy Birthday! I wish you all the best and hope that all your birthday wishes come true!
Congratulations to a girlfriend or friend in English
Source: https://englandlearn.com/blog/s-dnem-rozhdeniya-na-anglijskom
How Americans wish you a happy birthday. Birthday greetings in English with translation into Russian
Someone’s birthday is always a special day for that person, and receiving congratulations is always an enjoyable moment. Most often, we say wishes or sign postcards in our native Russian language. But someday you may need birthday greetings in English. For example:
— you write to a friend or girlfriend from abroad;
— Congratulations to your language teacher;
— sign a postcard to a Russian-speaking friend who is learning English like you;
— and many other similar cases.
In such solemn situations, it can be scary to make a mistake in spelling or grammar, or just use the wrong word or expression. After all, such «little things» can spoil the whole impression that you dreamed of making. But do not be discouraged: if you still do not speak a foreign language enough (or simply eloquence is not your strong point), ready-made congratulatory texts will always help out.
Common expressions
In this section, you will find phrases that can be used to congratulate any person, regardless of gender, age, or who you are.
English | Transfer |
Warm wishes for your special day! | Warm wishes for your special day! |
Be happy and smile on your birthday! | Be happy and smile on your birthday! |
an amazing birthday! | May your birthday be wonderful! |
your birthday be joyful and sunny! | Let your birthday be joyful and sunny! |
May this day bring you all the best moments you deserve! | May this day bring the best moments, you deserve them! |
Most heartfelt wishes from me and | The warmest wishes from me and from |
Remember that in translation the word «your» is given for an example, and it can easily be changed to «your» if necessary, if a polite address is meant.
To lovely ladies
Congratulations to a woman should be made saturated with emotions, poetic images or even beautiful metaphors.
- You are the sunniest and most inspiring woman who shines 365 days a year but never as bright as today. Happy birthday! (You are the sunniest and most inspiring woman who shines 365 days a year, but today it is especially bright. Happy birthday!)
- May the stars of your good luck and happiness follow you — today as every day. Have a wonderful birthday! (May the stars of your luck and happiness accompany you — today and every day. Have a wonderful birthday!)
- Light up your dreams candles on your birthday cake and may they make your life warm and bright! (Light your dreams like candles on a birthday cake, let them warm and illuminate your life!)
Source: https://samarapedsovet.ru/literaturnaya/kak-amerikancy-pozdravlyayut-s-dnem-rozhdeniya-pozdravleniya-s-dn-m/
Happy birthday in English: congratulations for all occasions | English is easy!
It is a joy to show off your knowledge of a foreign language, especially if a solemn occasion turned out to be for this. After all, congratulating a friend or lover on his birthday in English is both original and solemn, and even slightly raises one’s self-esteem.
And if birthday wishes are prepared for foreign friends, then all the more you need to be able to competently and at the same time flashily formulate your congratulations.
This is what we will learn now: in the article we will talk about how to spell “happy birthday” in English in the standard version, consider examples of elegant and original congratulations, and also tell you how to congratulate your beloved on his birthday with a poem in English. As usual, interesting, informative and useful information awaits you!
How to spell Happy Birthday in English?
Especially often, naturally, people are worried about how to spell “Happy Birthday” in English. The generally accepted phrase translates as: “Happy Birthday”. And it reads like [happy bezdy]. As a rule, this is exactly how they write a wish, and that’s enough.
Happy Birthday | ˈhæpi | | ˈBɜːrθdeɪ | — happy Birthday
If we literally translated this expression, we would know that “happy” means “happy” and “birthday” means “birthday” in English. That is, literally it is “Happy Birthday”. You can modify it a little by writing “Happy Birthday to you”, which means “Happy Birthday to you”.
When composing your congratulations, do not be overwhelmed by how to translate your wonderful wish from Russian into English and preserve its zest, keep it simple. Of course, you can give something more than just “Happy Birthday”, but do not forget that no one expects you in a poetic form or panegyrics from you, especially if the person is not your good friend.
Birthday greetings in English
Simple and concise… Multipurpose wishes that are suitable for loved ones and colleagues, acquaintances and relatives. You can draw them in a message or in a postcard.
Source: https://simplenglish.ru/s-dnem-rozhdeniya-na-angliyskom/
Enjoy learning English online with Puzzle English for free
In order to say a couple of pleasant words, a person does not always need a reason. But still, in everyone’s life there are events with which it is simply necessary to congratulate a family member, friend or colleague. It could be a national holiday, a birthday, a promotion, or many other good reasons to just say «Congratulations»!
In this article, we will tell you what congratulations are in English, give their translation and talk about how to congratulate a friend or colleague in English correctly.
Any country has its own culture of congratulations, which was formed many years ago. According to etiquette, in Great Britain it is customary to congratulate not only on family and personal holidays (weddings, birthdays, sports victories, etc.), but also on official ones (Mother’s Day, etc.), including the birthdays of members of the royal family. especially the Queen.
But it is customary for New Year and Easter to exchange congratulations and wishes. A special holiday spirit reigns during the Christmas days: then wishes for «Merry Christmas» can be exchanged even with strangers, without forgetting to smile broadly.
In addition, according to etiquette, it is imperative to respond to a congratulation, especially if it was sent by standard or e-mail: to thank the sender for the kind words and express your gratitude.
The word «congratulations» in English sounds like «congratulations». You can also find a variant of gratters, but it is used quite rarely.
In general, congratulations can be divided into formal and informal. The former are sent by mail and have a formal business tone. This can be birthday greetings to business partners, congratulations on the occasion of a promotion or marriage, and others. The second type of congratulations is those that we exchange with friends, relatives or loved ones. They can be written in simpler and more informal language.
For the most part, we use typical greetings, which will be discussed below. These «blanks» will help you write any greeting letter or postcard.
The standard phrase to start your congratulations with is “I congratulate you”. Next — substitute any reason that you need: with marriage (marriage), on your promotion (with a promotion), on buying a new car (with the purchase of a new car), etc.
Interestingly, to construct a congratulatory phrase in English, a construction is sometimes used that does not exist in Russian.
For example, the phrase «Congratulations and happy New Year!» should literally translate as “Congratulations and a Happy New Year!” but we don’t say that. And the English say.
So “congratulations” are congratulations in the broadest sense of the word, and “My congratulations to you” is one of the most universal ways to say “congratulations” in English.
By the way, there are a few more special words for congratulations. The first is «greetings», which is used to mean «congratulations.» So, with the phrase «Christmas greetings to you!» can be congratulated on Christmas, and “Easter greetings to you” — on Easter. The second word is «wishes», which is used in the meaning of «wishes.» A common design with this word is “warm wishes”.
As for the address when congratulating, it can be anything and depends only on the degree of closeness of your relationship. We will officially address business partners and colleagues: Mr. Brown, Mrs. Smith, etc. As for a more personal relationship, the choice is yours. In this case, you can start congratulating your friend as «Dear Mary» or «Dear Mary & John», if you write a postcard on the occasion of the wedding.
Congratulations on the translation
To begin with, consider the universal phrases that you can use to say «congratulations» in English.
- My congratulations to you on / upon — I congratulate you on
- May I offer you my congratulations on / upon — Let me congratulate you on
- May I express my congratulations on / upon / May I congratulate you on / upon / Let me congratulate you on / upon / Allow me to congratulate you on / upon — Let me congratulate you on
- Please accept my congratulations on / upon — Please accept my congratulations on
- Please accept my sincerest / most sincere / heartiest / most heartfelt / warmest congratulations — Please accept my (most) sincere (heartfelt, warm, warm) congratulations ..
- Congratulations! / Many congratulations! — Congratulations! / Happy Holidays!
More emotional congratulations:
- My heartiest congratulations on / upon — Congratulations from the bottom of my heart
- With all my heart I congratulate you on / upon — Congratulations from the bottom of my heart
- My warmest / most heartfelt congratulations on / upon — Congratulations
- My warmest congratulations on / upon — Warm congratulations
- With all my heart I wish you — With all my heart I wish you
- On the occasion of I wish you — On the occasion of I wish you
- On this joyous day I wish you — On this joyous day I wish you
Поздравления с днем рождения
- Happy birthday to you! — Happy birthday!
Source: https://puzzle-english.com/directory/congratulations
Celebrating Birthday in English
The most enjoyable part of any celebration is planning and preparing it. Here we can unleash our creativity and demonstrate excellent organizational skills. Let’s look at some phrases that you might find useful to describe the preparatory process for your birthday.
- To decorate the apartment with a birthday banner — decorate an apartment with a festive paper garland
- To throw a party — organize a party
- To send an invitation — send invitations
- To sign a greeting card — sign a greeting card
- To inflate a balloon — inflate a balloon
- Wrap a present — wrap a gift
- To tie a ribbon in a bow — tie a ribbon in a bow.
What is the recipe for a fun and soulful birthday? Everyone collects it from their own ingredients: meeting friends and family, receiving gifts, hosting a party Let’s now learn how to describe all these actions in English.
- To make a festive mood — create a festive mood
- To wear a birthday hat — wear a birthday hat
- To celebrate a jubilee — to celebrate an anniversary
- To sprinkle confetti — throw confetti
- To blow out candles on top of a birthday cake — blow out candles on a birthday cake
- To make a wish — make a wish
- To entertain the guests — entertain guests
- To get / receive the gifts — receive gifts
- To congratulate someone on someone’s birthday — congratulate someone on someone’s birthday
How to say Happy Birthday in English
A stereotyped, but always appropriate and laconic congratulation Happy Birthday! we rooted in our memory back in school. Let’s take a look at other useful constructs to help you come up with a birthday boy / girl on your own.
1) I wish you/Wish you/Wishing you/I want to wish you
- Wishing you all the happiness you deserve! — I wish you happiness, you deserve it!
- On your special day, I wish you much luck in anything you do — On this special day, I wish you the best of luck in all your endeavors.
2) Congratulations on your
This stem can be used for any congratulations, the main thing to remember is that the word «congratulations» must be accompanied by the preposition «on».
- Congratulations on your jubilee! — Congratulations on the anniversary!
3) Best wishes / sincerest wishes for
- Please, send our best wishes to Becca. “Please convey our best wishes to Becca.
- Sincerest wishes for prosperity and harmony throughout the coming year. — My most sincere wishes for prosperity and harmony throughout the next year.
4) I hope / I hope that / Hope
- I hope all your big plans turn into reality! — I hope all your big plans come true!
5) May/Let
- May all your dreams come true! — May all your dreams come true.
- Let the troubles vanish and all your close friends be always near to support you. — Let all troubles evaporate, and all close friends will always be there to support you.
Source: https://eforward.ru/blog/prazdnuem-den-rozhdeniya-po-anglijski/
Birthday vocabulary
Whether we like it or not, the years go by, and we somehow have to celebrate our birthday. It depends on us whether it will be a fun holiday with a bunch of international friends or a boring dinner with cake. If you’re looking for fun and adventure, let’s talk about how to invite guests, what to offer them at the party, and what congratulations to expect.
How to invite guests in English
Prepare and send invitations to friends in the best native speaker tradition. British or American invitations are usually pretty postcards with one or two suggestions about when and where the party will take place, whether there is a dress code. There you can also indicate that, for example, you do not need gifts, and somehow show your uniqueness.
Good day! I want to invite you to my birthday party. It will be unforgettable party with all my friends, games, music and what not! I’ll wait for you in the 19th of June at 4 oclock at my house. You must be there! | Good day! I want to invite you to my birthday party. It will be an unforgettable party. There will be something on it: my friends, games, music I will be waiting for you on June 19 at 4 o’clock at home. You should definitely come! |
I’m having a party on Sunday. And you are invited! | I have a party on Sunday. You are invited! |
It’s my Birthday next Saturday. I am having a party. Will you come? | It’s my birthday on Saturday and I’m throwing a party. Will you come? |
How to congratulate a birthday boy
If you yourself suddenly received an invitation to a party, do not refuse: prepare congratulations and teach toasts. You are destined to be the center of this party! Together with the birthday boy, of course.
Wishing that your Birthday marks the beginning of an amazing year full of bright and cheerful moments. | I wish your birthday to mark the beginning of a new amazing year filled with bright and cheerful events. |
Make every Glowing Candle on your Cake transform into a Wish that will turn into Reality! Congratulation on your Birthday! | Let each burning candle on your cake become a symbol of the embodiment of desires into reality! Happy Birthday! |
Congratulation to your parents to have given birth to such a beautiful person many years ago on this day. What can I do to thank them? Oh, maybe I should congratulate you first! Have a tremendous year ahead. | I congratulate your parents on the fact that such a wonderful person was born to them many years ago. How can I thank them? Oh, first of all I should wish you a happy birthday! May the coming year be amazing! |
How blessed I am to know you and to be your friend. Happy Birthday! | How happy I am to know you and to be your friend! Happy Birthday! |
You are special, and I hope that you float through the day with a big smile on your face. Happy Birthday! | You are special and I hope you walk through life with a big smile on your face. Happy Birthday! |
Source: https://www.english-language.ru/articles/vocabulary/leksika,-svyazannaya-s-dnyom-rozhdeniya/
Happy birthday — examples with translation
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From the article you will learn:
— examples of how Americans themselves congratulate each other in real life. — examples of «flower» bourgeois congratulations. — how to politely specify the date of your birthday if you suddenly forgot. — do they say literally: «I congratulate you with».
One not a big moment related to congratulations.
In English-speaking countries, a lot of attention is paid to Christmas. Therefore, if this wonderful Catholic holiday is in the yard, you might be interested to know how you can congratulate your foreign friend with a beautiful postcard Merry Christmas in English, or see what they say in England / America on Christmas when congratulating each other. And if you don’t know how to pronounce Merry Christmas, I have prepared this audio.
So, Birthday!
We, Russians, are emotional people, with a wide soul and the most sincere motives for those around us. And 99,9 percent of us usually congratulate their loved ones or colleagues with rather fiery and long speeches. We wish you health, and happiness, and love, and flowers, and joy and a lot of everything.
There is no similar tradition in American and British culture.
Usually native speakers themselves, Americans and Britons, wish happy birthday in a very trite and short way:
«Happy Birthday!» Happy Birthday!
Very often in letters and sms they shorten this phrase and write: «Happy Bday!»
Examples of how to wish a foreigner a happy birthday
The most common examples of wishes in life, as Americans themselves do.
Phrases «Happy birthday, beloved brother
Sister — sis. Sister — sister. Dad — dad.
Mom is mom.
A good friend can write the following
As for this kind of postcards, Americans send them to their «well, very good friends.» But usually, they are limited to the two sentences I wrote above.
Many of my American friends emphasized: they like this part of the Russian tradition, when we say long toasts, beautiful speeches, warm wishes and congratulations on all sorts of holidays — this is what makes them smile. But in life, you practically will not meet an American who would congratulate you in Russian — with a long text and a beautiful postcard. It is NOT worth «taking offense» at them for this and considering them cold ignorant — just know that this is their culture, and nothing more.
How to check with the bourgeois when his birthday
My American forgot my exact birthday, and she asked me like this:
I kind of remember you have your 14th birthday?
I hope you had it well.
The great thing about this template is that it is very natural and does not embarrass you. You just kind of ask the person: «I seem to remember, it’s your birthday on the 14th?»
Do they say: I congratulate you with your Birthday, New Year, Christmas, etc. ..
Those. Do they say literally: “I congratulate you on your birthday, Happy New Year, Christmas,” etc. No, in life, the bourgeois never say so.
All our voluminous Russian wishes: «I congratulate you on your birthday, New Year, Christmas, etc.» are reduced to stable phrases:
The guy congratulates his girlfriend like this:
How can you congratulate mom in English:
The following words can be written / said to the boss:
Submit your name if you want to congratulate your husband or wife:
You can congratulate the child in the morning like this:
Do the carriers themselves use long «flower» wishes?
9 out of 10 of my friends wrote to me that very banal, “flower” wishes in life usually DO NOT speak. Is it that one bourgeois, who is an artist at heart, wrote to me that he himself comes up with original twisted personal congratulations to his loved ones! very good friends and sends the postcard by regular postal service, NOT email. But he is, rather, an exception to the rule, tk. creative nature with a fine mental organization.
That’s all.
Now you know how you can wish a foreigner a happy birthday.
Source: http://english2017.ru/pozdravleniya-s-dnem-rozhdeniya-na-anglyskom
English wishes
- May all your dreams come true! — May all your dreams come true!
- Wishing you all the best on your special day. — I wish you all the best on this wonderful day.
- Birthdays are a new start; fresh beginnings, a time to start new endeavors with new goals. Move forward with fresh confidence and courage. You are a special person, may you have an amazing today and year! — Birthdays are a new start; fresh beginnings, time to start new projects with new goals. Move forward with added confidence and courage. You are a special person, may you have an amazing day and year!
- May your heart be filled with happiness! — May your heart be filled with happiness!
- May this year be your best ever. — May this year be the best in your life.
- Let all your troubles disappear, and all your friends be always near. — Let all your problems evaporate, and let your friends always be by your side.
- Wishing you the Best Birthday Ever! Cheers! — I wish you the best birthday ever! Hooray!
- I wish you good luck, health and wealth. — I wish you good luck, health and wealth.
- You’re a miracle and a charm! Let you have happiness and good fortune without problems and troubles. I wish you and all your dearest to have also good health! Happy birthday! — You are a miracle and beauty! May there be a lot of joy and success in your life and there will be no problems and troubles! Health and happiness to you and everyone who is dear to you! Happy Birthday!
- Many happy returns of the day! — I wish you many years of life!
- You deserve very best in life. “You deserve the very best in life.
- A birthday is the most special day in one’s life. Enjoy it to the fullest. — Birthday is a special day in life. Enjoy it to the fullest.
- With all my heart I wish you good luck and strong health. — With all my heart I wish you good luck and good health.
- Accept my warmest wishes. — Please accept my best wishes.
- Have a wonderful birthday. I wish your every day to be filled with lots of love, laughter, happiness and the warmth of sunshine. — Have a wonderful birthday. I wish that every day was filled with endless love, laughter, happiness and the warmth of sunlight.
- On this joyous day I with you love, good job and a lot of money. — On this happy day, I wish you a lot of love, find a good job and make a lot of money.
- Age is fine wine: the older, the better. Happy birthday! — Age is like good wine: the older the better. Happy birthday!
- May each minute and hour of your life be filled with joy and happiness. — May every minute and hour of your life be filled with joy and happiness.
- Even though we are miles away, it is good to know that you are always there! Happy Birthday! — Even if we are kilometers apart, it is so good to know that you are somewhere! Happy Birthday!
- May success attend you! — May luck accompany you in all your endeavors!
- Many happy returns! — Long time to live!
- I wish you simple pleasures in life. — May your life be filled with small joys.
- This day is very special for all of us because this is your birthday. I wish you happiness and health. — This day is special because it is your birthday. I wish you happiness and health.
- May your birthday convert all the obstacles into opportunities. — May all obstacles turn into opportunities on your birthday.
Happy Birthday Poems
You can use online English translators to translate these verses.
for friends
Happy Brthday, my friend! Happy Brthday, my honey! I want to wish you health
And a dozen of money.
I say the bottom of the heartStay yourself, as you’re smart: Beauty is power and smile is its sword.
I wish you happiness all over the world!
Amazing life will be your way, Forever, not only today. And let all your troubles disappear,
And all your friends be always near!
On your birthday I wish you much pleasure and joy; I hope all of your wishes come true. May each hour and minute be filled with delight,
And your birthday be perfect for you!
I congratulate you on your birthday! A lot of people can with me sayThat you are a very nice a great friend
Who is always ready to understand!
I wish you, too, such a faithful as you friend. I wish to love stories have a happy end! I wish to healthy and cheerful was your child
And to you this year fate smiled!
Have an amazing birthday! Have a wonderful life every day, May you have plans of success
And try to avoid making a mess.
Source: http://englishearly.ru/s-dnem-rozhdeniya-na-angliyskom/
Happy birthday in English — women, men, with humor
Someone’s birthday is always a special day for that person, and receiving congratulations is always an enjoyable moment. Most often, we say wishes or sign postcards in our native Russian language. But someday you may need birthday greetings in English. For example:
— you write to a friend or girlfriend from abroad;
— Congratulations to your language teacher;
— sign a postcard to a Russian-speaking friend who is learning English like you;
— and many other similar cases.
In such solemn situations, it can be scary to make a mistake in spelling or grammar, or just use the wrong word or expression. After all, such «little things» can spoil the whole impression that you dreamed of making. But do not be discouraged: if you still do not speak a foreign language enough (or simply eloquence is not your strong point), ready-made congratulatory texts will always help out.
Letter of congratulations in English with examples and translation
For sure, every person studying English, faced a situation when it was necessary to congratulate someone on a solemn event, wish them success in their work or any important business, or just say a few pleasant words on their birthday. But, since very often this needs to be done as soon as possible or it is necessary to maintain a certain structure of the letter of congratulations, we may not find / remember the right words, not be prepared for such a situation, or simply get confused.
You can learn more about business letters from our article: Business letter in English with translation
And, if you want to understand even better the intricacies of business English, then do not miss the article: Features of business English and its difference from spoken.
If you’re reading this. Congratulations, you’re alive. And if that’s not the reason to smile, then I don’t know what
~ Chad Sugg, «Monsters Under Your Head»
If you are faced with the fact that you need to write a letter of congratulation or you understand that in the future this information will be useful, continue reading our article, because in it we will analyze the types of letters of congratulations, examples and subtleties in expressing wishes.
Examples of letters of congratulations in English: with translation
As you can see, congratulations can brighten up someone’s day.
Basically, a congratulatory letter should be sent as soon as possible, as soon as you become aware of solemn event… In this case, it is better not to hesitate, because a congratulation received with a delay will no longer have such a pleasant effect on the recipient as it could if it were sent immediately.
Different types of congratulation letters have their own writing requirements, but a few general points can still be highlighted:
- at the beginning of the letter, you must contact the recipient;
- the letter should be reasonably long and accurately address the required event;
- do not talk about yourself in a letter, use negative words or mention a past bad experience;
- it is important to be as sincere as possible and wish without exaggeration, praise and sarcasm.
Now, let’s take a closer look at each of the congratulatory letters.
Business greetings letter in English
In order to write a successful business letter of congratulation, it is important to be literate, short and polite. Such a letter must correspond rules of etiquette and have the correct structure. The main features of a business letter are:
- an indication of your name, position and company, the date of writing the letter;
- courteous address: Mr. (Surname) — to the lord, Mrs. (Surname) — a married lady, Miss (Surname) — an unmarried lady, Ms (Surname) — if the lady’s status is unknown. Also, you can use the title “Dear, (Surname)”, which means “dear” / “respected”. After the address, it is customary to put a comma or colon, the exclamation mark, which we usually use, is not needed;
- the text of your congratulations should be divided into paragraphs, but it is possible to write each sentence on a new line;
Source: https://ienglish.ru/blog/business-angliiskiy-po-skype/delovaia-perepiska-na-angliiskom/pismo-pozdravlenie-na-angliyskom
Happy birthday greetings in English for man, woman, mom and friend
On birthday cards in English, everyone can see the inscription “happy birthday to you”. Here is the answer to the question of how to say happy birthday in English. In Russian-speaking countries, this expression has also gained popularity. The transcription of congratulations is as follows: [hapi be: sdei tu ju:].
The literal translation is: happy birthday to you. Young people often use slang, so they often say happy birthday in abbreviated form: Happy B’Day. A birthday is a great occasion to tell your family and friends how much you appreciate and love them.
In this article, we will give examples of birthday greetings in English for different people, as well as get acquainted with some of the traditions of this holiday.
A little about birthday traditions
The tradition of celebrating a birthday goes back to the past, when the birthday man was surrounded by relatives and friends so that evil spirits would not steal his soul, which becomes defenseless on his special day.
Many traditions came to us from Ancient Egypt, although at that time only kings and pharaohs could afford such holidays as birthdays, but the girls were less fortunate — the date of their birth was not recorded at all. It was so until the moment when Cleopatra herself became a queen. And if, in general, we talk about the tradition of celebrating a birthday, then in the past no one did this, the days and years were not counted, they did not have calendars.
Interestingly, many countries have their own traditions of celebrating birthday. So, in Jamaica, it is customary to sprinkle a birthday person with flour, indicating the dust of time. In Latin America, the 15th anniversary is a special date when girls dress up as brides and boys as gentlemen. In Russia they pull by the ears, but in Ireland they hit their head on the floor. It’s good if you are only 5 years old, but if all 28? It’s scary to think if you are a little «for».
Probably, in our time, most of you have a foreign work colleague or friend whom you met, for example, while traveling and continue to correspond on social networks. Therefore, you need to be able to congratulate him on his birthday in English. Or you can just congratulate your relative or friend in such an original way.
Below we have given ready-made options for such congratulations, how to say a few pleasant words on your birthday in English. Do not forget, if the birthday is a hero of the day, then the expression “happy anniversary” is used. This will be the anniversary in English.
Happy birthday greetings to a woman in English
- In your birthday and you are as wonderful an charming as many years ago when I met you. I wish you all the best moments in your life. — On your birthday, you are as beautiful and charming as many years ago when I met you. I wish you the best moments in your life.
- May your special day bring plenty of excitement, fun, and joy. If I think about anyone who deserving more, it’s you. If I think of someone who deserves more, it’s you.
Source: https://lim-english.com/posts/pozdravleniya-s-dnem-rozhdeniya-na-anglijskom/
Birthday greetings in English
Probably, when the birthday of a close friend or relative is approaching, each person seeks to come up with an original and unusual congratulation. To make the holiday bright and memorable, you can surprise the birthday person with a speech in English. Moreover, in this case it will be possible to combine business with pleasure: please the host of the holiday and replenish your vocabulary with new vocabulary.
Congratulations options
There are many different ways to congratulate a birthday person. One of the most common is to prepare a birthday card in English. You can do it yourself and use materials at hand for decoration: paints and pencils, stickers and stickers, as well as other decorative elements. The design will depend on gender, age and other individual characteristics of the birthday person. Inside it is worth placing an original congratulation with wishes.
Another option is to read the poem in English. Naturally, for beginners in learning a foreign language it will be problematic to write a folding congratulation on their own, but, fortunately, there are a large number of ready-made examples that can be learned by heart and amaze guests with expressive reading. Some striking examples are waiting for you in the next block of the article.
An equally original way is the performance of an English song. It doesn’t matter if you have vocal abilities. The most important thing is to do it with soul and desire to make the host of the celebration pleasant. The version of congratulations with a birthday song in English is suitable for both a man and a woman. With this video:
Practice playing the most recognizable holiday song, «Happy Birthday to You,» composed by Patti and Mildred Hill.
Examples of poems
A poetic congratulation includes not only colorful comparisons and metaphors, but also pleasant wishes. We have selected some of the most successful examples for you.
To feel more confident, print the poem on a small or, on the contrary, brightly designed sheet and read from it. However, reading it by heart will be much more effective.
Source: https://englishbooster.ru/leksika/topiki/pozdravleniya-s-dnyom-rozhdeniya-na-anglijskom-yazyke/
Birthday greetings in English for relatives and colleagues
By Natalia August 11, 2018
The tradition of congratulating a person on his birthday orally or in writing is present among many nations, the British and Americans are no exception in this regard.
In English, there are many expressions and words with which you can congratulate the birthday person. But not all of them are translated verbatim, therefore, before writing the text of congratulations in English, you need to familiarize yourself with the information that is given below.
How do you spell the greeting «Happy birthday» in English?
Congratulating each other on their birthday, the British say only two words «Happy Birthday». After these words, a long wish may follow, but in some cases they are limited to them alone.
If we talk about the literal interpretation, the phrase “Happy Birthday” means not just “Happy birthday”, but “Happy Birthday”. The word «Happy» is translated as «happy».
When composing a congratulation in English, they do not bother to specify the details, but in Russian the same phrase often sounds like «Happy Birthday to you» and is translated as «Happy birthday to you.»
Trying to beautifully compose a congratulation to an English-speaking person in his native language, you do not need to come up with something unusual in Russian, and then try to translate the resulting text into English. Phrases and phrases should be as simple as possible.
If you want to say something really nice, then you can see examples of how you can compose a birthday greeting for a specific person, which are presented below.
Happy birthday greetings in English
There are many options for how to congratulate a person on his birthday in English. The table below shows just a few of the most popular greetings that are often used in everyday life.
Happy Birthday! | Happy Birthday! |
Let this day be the happiest! | May this day be the happiest! |
Congratulations, I wish a lot of gifts! | Congratulations, I wish you many gifts! |
I congratulate and wish you more joyful moments! | Congratulations and I wish you many happy moments! |
I cordially congratulate you! | Congratulations! |
Take this birthday greeting! Let all dreams and desires come true! | Please accept this birthday greetings! May all dreams and desires come true! |
Have a nice day! I wish you a great time with friends! | Have a nice day! I wish you a great time with friends! |
greetings! Let the most cherished dream come true! | Congratulations! May the most cherished dream come true! |
Congratulations, girlfriend! Stay always young and beautiful! | Congratulations to your friend! Stay young and beautiful always! |
Congratulations! Long life, friend! | Congratulations to you! Long life, friend! |
Congratulations! I wish you fulfillment of all desires on this special day! | Congratulations to you! I wish you all your wishes come true on this special day! |
I wish you prosperity and well-being and love! | I wish you prosperity and family well-being, love! |
Congratulations! I hope your life will be as Sunny as this holiday! | Congratulations to you! I hope your life will be as sunny as this holiday! |
I hope your life will be as sweet as this birthday cake! | I hope your life is as sweet as this birthday cake! |
I hope we celebrate your hundredth birthday together! Congratulations! | I hope we celebrate your XNUMXth birthday together! Congratulations! |
I congratulate you and wish you many happy moments! | Congratulations and wish you many happy moments! |
Take this gift from the heart on your birthday! greetings! | Accept this gift from the bottom of your heart on your birthday! Congratulations! |
This day is very important for me, because today you were born! | This day is very important for me, because today you were born! |
This is the best day of my life, because I can congratulate you on your Birthday! | This is the best day of my life, because I can wish you a happy birthday! |
I was born! Happy birthday to me | I was born today! Happy Birthday to me |
Happy day today, because 25 years ago I was born. | Happy day today, because 25 years ago I was born. |
The best day of my life is your birthday! | The best day of my life is your birthday! |
30 years ago, a bright star appeared in the sky. On this day you were born! | 30 years ago, a bright star appeared in the sky. On this day you were born! |
I wish you get a lot of smiles, congratulations and gifts on your Birthday! | I wish you a lot of smiles, congratulations and gifts on your birthday! |
Congratulations to the birthday boy. We wish you prosperity and love! | Congratulations to the birthday boy. We wish you prosperity and love! |
Birthday is a special holiday. I wish to celebrate it with friends and family! | Birthday is a special holiday. I wish to meet him with friends and family! |
I hope that you will remember this Birthday for many years! Congratulations! | Hope you will remember this birthday for many years! Congratulations! |
Happy Birthday my dear friend! We have come with gifts and congratulations! We wish you happiness and love! | Happy Birthday my dear friend! We came with gifts and congratulations! We wish you happiness and love! |
I wish you all the best on this holiday! | I wish you all the best on this holiday! |
If none of the presented greetings came up, you can always compose your own birthday greetings in English.
Official birthday greetings in English
It is not always appropriate to scatter in compliments to the birthday man and speak heartfelt speeches about his birthday. If we are talking about birthday greetings to an unfamiliar person — a work colleague, boss, subordinate, employee of any service, then the prepared speech should be official. Jokes are hardly appropriate.
The most popular official birthday greetings in English are shown in the table below:
For the best boss with respect from the whole team! Congratulations!
Source: https://eng911.ru/interesting/s-dnem-rozhdeniya.html
Birthday gift suggestion: As a birthday gift, short happy birthday videos from your family and friends combined in one are always a great choice.
You can say:
- Have a fabulous birthday!
- May all your wishes come true!
- Many happy returns of the day!
- Many more happy returns!
- I wish you a wonderful birthday!
- Have a great one!
- Have a good one!
- I hope you have a fantastic day and a fantastic year to come.
- May your birthday be filled with laughter!
- May you have a fantastic day and many more to come!
- I hope you have a wonderful birthday.
- I wish you all the best on your special day.
- Wishing you a day that is as special as you are.
- Wishing you many more candles to blow.
- Happy Anni-Birth-Sary!
- Happy level up day, Birthday Girl!
- I wish you never stop enjoying all the little moments in your life!
- Let’s raise a toast to you, my dear friend!
- To your happiness, Birthday Boy!
- Can you believe it?! It’s your birthday today!
- You survived one more year. Congrats!
- Wow! You made it to another year!
- Don’t count the candles. Enjoy the party!
- It’s your birthday. Don’t think of anything else today!
- I wish you to have the happiest birthday ever!
- Let’s celebrate your birthday!
- May your day be as awesome as you are!
- The best things in life are yet to come!
- You always make me happy, so today I want to make you as happy as possible!
- Time for your birthday tickles!
- May your next year be as sweet and full of joy as your birthday cake!
What do you say in a Happy Birthday text?
- I am so glad you came into this world. You make my life special every day!
- I can’t wait to celebrate your Birthday with you!
- Happy Birthday, Beautiful!
- Happy Birthday to my friend, life wouldn’t be the same without you!
- What happens at my Birthday Party, stays at my Birthday Party!
- I Love you! Happy Birthday!
- You are the best, Birthday Boy! Happy Birthday!
- I’m the luckiest person in the world because I have you! Happy Birthday!
- Thank you for you being you!
- I’m so proud of the person you are! Happy Birthday!
- What a year! But, you made it!
- I know you’ve had challenges this year, but you made it!
- Happy Birthday and all the best to you in the year to come!
- I am glad we made so many beautiful memories together, wish you a Happy Life!
Happy Birthday in different languages
English |
Happy Birthday! |
Spanish |
¡Feliz cumpleaños! |
French |
Joyeux Anniversaire ! |
Italian |
Buon compleanno! |
German |
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! |
Portuguese |
Feliz Aniversário! |
Russian |
С днём рождения! |
Chinese |
生日快乐! |
Japanese |
お誕生日おめでとうございます |
Polish |
Wszystkiego najlepszego! |
English |
May all your wishes come true! |
Spanish |
¡Que todos tus deseos se hagan realidad! |
French |
Que tous vos souhaits se réalisent ! |
Italian |
Che tutti i vostri desideri si avverino! |
German |
Mögen alle Ihre Wünsche in Erfüllung gehen! |
Portuguese |
Que todos os seus desejos se tornem realidade! |
Russian |
Пусть сбудутся все твои желания! |
Chinese |
愿你所有的愿望都能实现! |
Japanese |
全ての願いが叶いますように |
Polish |
Niech spełnią się wszystkie Twoje życzenia! |
English |
I wish you all the best on your special day! |
Spanish |
Le deseo lo mejor en su día especial. |
French |
Je vous souhaite tout le succès possible pour cette journée spéciale ! |
Italian |
Vi auguro tutto il meglio per il vostro giorno speciale! |
German |
Ich wünsche Ihnen alles Gute zu Ihrem besonderen Tag! |
Portuguese |
Desejo-vos tudo de bom no vosso dia especial! |
Russian |
Желаю тебе всего наилучшего в твой особенный день! |
Chinese |
祝愿你们在特殊的日子里一切顺利! |
Japanese |
特別な日を迎えられますように |
Polish |
Życzę Wam wszystkiego najlepszego w Waszym wyjątkowym dniu! |
English |
Happy Birthday and all the best to you in the year to come! |
Spanish |
¡Feliz cumpleaños y todo lo mejor para ti en el año que viene! |
French |
Bon anniversaire et bonne chance pour l’année à venir ! |
Italian |
Buon compleanno e tutto il meglio per l’anno a venire! |
German |
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag und alles Gute für das kommende Lebensjahr! |
Portuguese |
Feliz aniversário e tudo de bom para si no ano que vem! |
Russian |
С Днём Рождения и всего наилучшего вам в будущем году! |
Chinese |
祝你生日快乐,来年万事如意! |
Japanese |
お誕生日おめでとうございます!そして今年もよろしくお願いします。 |
Polish |
Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji urodzin i wszystkiego najlepszego w nadchodzącym roku! |
Read more:
Other Ways to Say ‘Sorry’
Other Ways to Say You Are Welcome!
Other Ways to Say “Take Care”!
Other Ways to Say “I don’t know”
Other Ways to Say “I Miss You”
What are the other ways to say I LOVE YOU?
Different Ways to Say “You Are Beautiful!”
Learn Spanish
- 30 Happy Birthday Wishes in Spanish
- 40 Ways to Say I Love You in Spanish
- 20 Ways to Say Good Morning in Spanish with Examples
- 7 Days of the Week in Spanish. Months in Spanish. Seasons in Spanish.
- Numbers in Spanish 0-1000
- 15 Ways to Say ‘You are Welcome’ in Spanish
- 50+ Ways to Say Thank You in Spanish
Learn French
- Body Parts in French. Parties du corps.
- Merry Christmas in French!
- 20 How Are You in French?
- How do you say Seal in French?
- 100+ I Love You in French!
- Good Morning in French
- 30 Birthday Wishes in French with English Translation!
- 30+ Ways to Say Good Job in French
- What is the MAIN in French?
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Заходите в фейсбук, а там напоминание: «У вашего друга сегодня день рождения! Поздравьте его». Обычно в такой момент все пожелания вылетают из головы, а английские — тем более. Чтобы вы не мучились, что же написать, собрали 12 поздравлений на все случаи жизни.
Оценить свои навыки в английском, получить полезные рекомендации преподавателей и подарки — вы всегда можете в нашем бесплатном тесте на уровень языка.
Эти поздравления подойдут для знакомых, которых вы знаете не очень близко, но все равно цените. Когда простого «Happy Birthday!» кажется недостаточно, можно добавить одну из этих фраз.
Have a great one!
«Пусть твой день рождения будет отличным!» One здесь означает birthday. Самое популярное поздравление среди носителей.
A big birthday hug for you!
«Шлю большую праздничную обнимашку». Для тех, кого действительно хочется обнять.
A birthday squish for you!
«Обнимаю по случаю дня рождения». Вообще to squish — это «раздавить». Но в этом случае вы сжимаете человека в крепких-крепких объятиях.
В день рождения можно напомнить человеку, как вы им восхищаетесь, и не показаться при этом странным. Напишите поздравление на стене или сделайте пост в рабочем чате.
A year older and still as awesome as ever!
«На год старше и все еще такой же классный (ая), как и всегда!» Добавляем сравнительную конструкцию as … as.
Someone I admire/respect was born today.
«Сегодня родился человек, которым я восхищаюсь / которого я уважаю». Для начальника подойдет respect, для коллеги admire.
May you have an amazing year full of joy and love!
«Пусть у тебя будет классный год, наполненный радостью и любовью». Вообще после модального глагола may можно поставить любое пожелание.
Мы не стареем, мы взрослеем. Любой возраст — интересный и классный, но некоторые все еще переживают по поводу своих лет. Поздравляем тех, кто становится старше.
Don’t count your candles. Just enjoy the glow!
«Не считай свои свечи. Просто наслаждайся сиянием». Чтобы пожелать человеку чего-то делать или не делать, используйте повелительное наклонение — enjoy, don’t count.
Not aging, just upgrading. Happy B-day!
«Не стареешь, а модернизируешься». С днем рождения! B-day — разговорный вариант слова birthday.
Fabulosity has no age. HBD!
«У легендарности нет возраста. С днем рождения!» HBD — сокращение от «Happy Birthday!». Подойдет для сториз с именинником.
Иногда на иностранном языке говорить о чувствах бывает проще, чем на родном. Попробуйте отправить такое поздравление близким, которые учат английский. Так вы еще и поддержите их увлечение.
I’m so happy you came into this world and even happier you came into my world!
«Я так рад, что ты появилась в этом мире, и еще больше рад, что ты появилась в моем мире». В порыве вдохновения не забудьте вторую форму неправильного глагола — came.
Wishing you a beautiful day filled with all the things you love in life!
«Желаю тебе прекрасного дня, наполненного тем, что ты любишь». Чтобы пожелать чего-то конкретного, используйте конструкцию «Wishing you + существительное».
I wish you tremendous love, luck and laughter for today, tomorrow and always!
«Я желаю тебе огромной любви, удачи и смеха сегодня, завтра и всегда». «I wish you + существительное» — рецепт универсального поздравления.
Получите еще больше полезных советов от методистов и преподавателей Skyeng — скачайте бесплатный личный план «Английский, чтобы прокачать грамматику». Найдёте там нескучные способы выучить все главные правила (даже если правила сложные и замороченные!):
Поздравление с днем рождения на английском языке
Поздравления мужчине, женщине, другу, подруге и членам семьи с днем рождения. Стихи, открытки, фразы и выражения для поздравления.
Самое простое поздравление это конечно — Happy Birthday! Но это не единственный вариант. Если вам предстоит поздравлять кого-нибудь с днем рождения, тогда вы пришли по адресу. На этой странице вы найдете самые популярные поздравления с днем рождения на английском.
- Фразы
- Пожелания другу и подруге
- Пожелания маме, папе, сестре и брату
- Мужчине и женщине
May all your dreams come true
Пусть все твои мечты сбудутся
Wishing you all the best on your special day
Желаю тебе всего самого наилучшего в этот замечательный день
May your heart be filled with happiness!
Пусть твоё сердце будет наполнено счастьем!
May this year be your best ever.
Пусть этот год станет самым лучшим в твоей жизни.
With all my heart I wish you…
От всего сердца желаю тебе…
Желаю тебе самый лучший День Рождения на свете! Ура!
Wishing you the Best Birthday Ever! Cheers!
Поздравляю с этим великим событием!
I congratulate on this great event!
Many happy returns of the day!
Желаю долгих лет жизни!
You deserve very best in life.
Ты заслуживаешь самого лучшего в жизни.
A birthday is the most special day in one’s life. Enjoy it to the fullest.
День рождения-это особенный день в жизни. Наслаждайся им в полной мере.
Пожелания другу или подруге
Have a wonderful birthday. I wish your every day to be filled with lots of love, laughter, happiness and the warmth of sunshine.
Замечательного дня рождения. Я желаю, чтобы каждый день был наполнен бесконечной любовью, смехом, счастьем и теплом солнечного света.
Let’s light the candles and celebrate this special day of your life. Happy birthday.
Давай зажжем свечи и отпразднуем этот особый день в твоей жизни. С днем рождения.
The years we shared while growing up are like treasures to me. I can remember our every moment of laughter. Happy Birthday, my dear friend.
Годы, которые мы разделяли, растут, как сокровище для меня. Я помню каждый момент нашего смеха (счастья). С днем рождения, мой(я) дорогой(ая) друг (подруга).
I always wished to be a great friend like you. But there is no way to be a better friend than you in the world. Happy birthday.
Я всегда хотел(а) быть таким(ой) хорошим(ей) другом (подругой), как ты. Но нет лучшего(ей) друга (подруги), чем ты в мире. С днем рождения.
If I’m given the opportunity to pick my best friend, then I will choose you always as my best friend because I need you more than anyone. Happy Birthday.
Если мне предоставят возможность выбрать моего лучшего друга, тогда я буду выбирать тебя всегда как своего лучшего друга, потому что я нуждаюсь в тебе больше всех. С днем рождения.
Happy Birthday to My Friend
С днем рождения подруге (перевод)
Пожелания маме, папе, сестре и брату
Dear mom…
Without you I don’t know what I’d do
But with you I know there is nothing I can’t do
Happy birthday
Mom, there is no other person who can take the place of yours in my heart. I’m so lucky that I’ve found the best mother in this world. Happy birthday.
Мама, нет другого человека, который может занять твое место в моем сердце. Мне так повезло, что я нашел(ла) лучшую маму в этом мире. С днем рождения.
Mom, you are my angel. My heartfelt greetings to you on this special day. Happy Birthday.
Мама, ты мой ангел. Мои искренние поздравления Вам в этот особый день. С днем рождения.
Happy Birthday Dad. Loving wishes for the most amazing Dad in the world! Stay fantastic!
С днем рождения, папа. Любящие пожелания для самого удивительного папы в мире!
Your simple words can bring smile on my face, can keep me laughing always. Happy Birthday, sister.