Hanging with friends word

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Hanging with friends and family there is lovely.

You will enjoy hanging with friends and groups today because people are glad to see you.

Вам также понравится общаться с клубами, группами и ассоциациями сегодня, потому что люди дружелюбны и готовы слушать.

Everyone knows that hanging with friends is better if done in the great outdoors.

Всем известно, что проводить каникулы лучше всего в большой дружной компании.

If I’m hanging with friends in the evening, she gets upset if I don’t call her at least once.

Моя жена начинает волноваться, если я не позвоню ей хотя бы раз в час.

This means that while you are sleeping, out eating, working or hanging with friends your water heater is constantly using energy to keep the water heated.

Это означает, что пока вы на работе, на отдыхе, или просто спите, ваш водонагреватель работает, затрачивая энергию.

I really had a great time playing and hanging with friends like Diplo, Sebastian Ingrosso, Calvin Harris and Benny Benassi.

Я действительно прекрасно провел время на выступлениях с своими друзьями: Diplo, Sebastian Ingrosso, Calvin Harris и Benny Benassi.

I’m just hanging with friends.

Interests: Hanging with friends

Hanging with friends and having…

Most people spend a lot of time in the kitchen: cooking breakfast and dinner, and sometimes hanging with friends.

Большинство людей проводит на кухне значительную часть времени: готовка, завтраки и ужины, а иногда

I love reading, birding, games, recumbent cycling, firearms, hanging with friends, and walking Emma along the ancient irrigation ditches in Albuquerque’s scenic North Valley.

«Я люблю читать, играть в компьютерные игры и наблюдать за птицами, кататься на велосипеде, стрелять из оружия, болтаться с друзьями и ходить с Эммой по живописной Северной долине около Альбукерке».

Другие результаты

I mean, I’m always happy hanging with a friend.

You should be hanging with your friends, having fun.

Nice parties, hanging with your friends.

You should be in high school, hanging with your friends, having fun.

He mysteriously goes missing on his way home from hanging with his friends.

По имеющимся данным, он таинственно исчез по пути домой от друзей.

Teenagers may lose interest in their schoolwork, or stop hanging with their friends.

She loves crawfish, music, festivals, hanging with her friends and watching cooking shows on Netflix.

She wears a mask, even when she is just hanging out with friends.

Она надевает свои лучшие наряды, когда просто идет гулять с друзьями.

They had fun hanging out with friends and dancing.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 14585. Точных совпадений: 11. Затраченное время: 492 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Hanging With Friends Cheat

Hanging With Friends Cheat is an unofficial fan site for the game Hanging With Friends. You can use the Hanging With Friends Word Builder to help you build a word from the 12 letters at the beginning of your turn. Build difficult words for your opponent to try and solve. You can also use the Hanging With Friends Solver to solve for the word on your turn. Choose the number of letters in the word and enter the free first vowel that Hanging With Friends gives you. Hit the submit button and the Hanging With Friends Word Builder will show a results table with all possible words. The Word Solver also show which letter you should guess next, by showing how ofter each letter shows up in all the possible words. You won’t find this feature on any other sites. You can also use the Hanging With Friends Dictionary to search and see if a word you want to play is valid and is found in the Hanging With Friends Dictionary.

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Hanging with Friends Word Solver

Enter Game View.

for example A?A?

Enter Strike Letters.

Click locations, or hit the strike X. Then hit play.


Using the Hanging with Friends Cheat Word Solver is easy!

  1. In the top box, enter the letters and questions marks like you see on your Hanging with Friends screen.
  2. If you already got some strikes before using the Hanging with Friends Word Solver, enter the red letters into the strike box.
  3. Hit the play button.
  4. You’ll get a list of letters. They are listed in the order of how many possible remaining words contain each letter. The top letter is already selected for you. But if you want to select another one, just click it in the list.
  5. Now enter your selection into the Hanging with Friends game.
    1. If it’s a strike, hit the red X, and a new list will be automatically calculated.
    2. If the letter appeared in your word, click each location it appeared. Then click play.
  6. Keep doing this until you can figure the word out on your own.
  7. There’s a list of Star words that I won’t be able to find in time. If you think your opponent might have used one of the star words, you better not listen to all my suggestions or you’ll lose. There is also a list of Bandaid Words. If you use the Revive (one strike removed) Lifeline, I can help you find these words. Finally there is a list of Suspects Words. If you use the Four Suspects Lifeline, I can help you find these words.

Remember, don’t use this to cheat. Use this to help you develop a winning strategy of your own!

This is an Unofficial Hanging with Friends Fan page. This site is NOT endorsed by or affiliated with Zynga Inc. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Game content and materials Copyright Zynga Inc.

Copyright 2011

This is an Unofficial Hanging with Friends Fan page. This site is not endorsed by or affiliated with Zynga Inc. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Game content and materials Copyright Zynga Inc. All rights reserved.

In Hanging With Friends, there are some basic rules to follow when making words for your opponent to guess. During the game, you and your opponent each take turns trying to guess the other’s word. When selecting a word to make, the word should consist of a minimum of four letters and should not exceed a total of eight letters. It is important to remember that acceptable words do not include contractions, abbreviations, proper nouns, or acronyms. Prefixes and suffixes that stand alone are not considered permissible words either. The key to winning Hanging With Friends is to create a word that will stump your opponent. The harder time your opponent has at guessing the word you made, the better it is for you to accumulate more points in the form of gold coins. Every time you make a high-scoring word, your points go up. In order to do this, you have to take the point value of letters into consideration. Longer words are not necessarily more difficult for your opponent to figure out. It is the letters that make up the word that matter as well as the point value of the letters to increase your score and help you win the game.

Before discussing a certain set of unbeatable words, as mentioned earlier, the point value of letters you choose to make up your word will affect your overall score. Thus, it is important to know that vowels, which include A,E,I,O,U, as well as some consonants, such as R, S, T, are only worth a single point. This means that it is probably not a great idea to make a low-scoring word such as T-E-A-R-S. Letters such as J, Q, and Z, for example, are valued much higher. They are worth ten points. So instead of creating a word like ‘tears’ which will not be that difficult to guess or garner you many points, try to use higher point value tiles in your word like the J, Q, and Z to score big and beat your challenger. You have to be creative when forming a word and use letters that are not usually selected to guess a word in the initial moves of the play. This means that your word should not have letters that are usually selected in guessing the right answer. When trying to create a word that you think would be very difficult for your opponent to solve, another technique is to use words that have many possibilities in relation to the multiple beginnings or endings the word may have. For example, ‘loot’, ‘moon’, ‘poor’ or ‘core’, ‘more’, ‘bore’, or are words that have a standard set of letters, but your opponent will probably take a longer time to figure out the exact word due to the fact that there is a single letter difference. There are words that an average player, especially someone who is practicing more often, can solve without getting a single strike. On the other hand, there are also words that are considered to be unbeatable. You would assume that these unbeatable words are long words that no one has ever heard of, but this is not always the case. Most unbeatable words are actually simple words that are quite common. As with the earlier example, these simple words look very similar to other words that your opponent will have a very difficult time differentiating these words from each other. Most unbeatable words consist of only four or five letters, such as bomb, faux, and lucky. These basic words will cause your opponent to get strikes before they get to solve the word in its entirety.


Word Solver

  1.  In the Word Solver, select the number of the letters in the answer.
  2.  Enter the confirmed letters of the word.
  3.  Input the letters that are not in the answer.

Word Maker

  1. Enter your letters in the Word Maker box.  Inlcude any bonus tiles that you may have and click on the “Make Words” button.
  2. You can select the number of letters to have in the word as well as the difficulty level of the word by checking the appropriate boxes.

You know how you gotta hang out with your girl’s friends?
Вы же знаете, как приходится общаться с друзьями вашей девушки?

All right, why are you acting like we’re in junior high school and you don’t want me hanging out with your friends?
Ладно, почему ты ведёшь себя так, будто мы в школе, и ты не хочешь, чтобы я общалась с твоими друзьями?

I hung out with my new friends, had some drinks, some laughs, and I definitely was not duct-taped to a male mannequin and put up on the roof and laughed at by helicopter police.
Я общался с моими новыми друзьями, некоторые были пьяные, некоторые смеялись, и я так раздухарился, что положил мужской манекен на крышу и мы поржали над этим полицейским вертолётным патрулём.

You’ll have so much fun, and you never hang out with friends.
Тебе будет так весело, и ты никогда не зависаешь с друзьями.

Well, the same things you do, like hang out with friends and stuff.
Тем же самым что и ты — гуляю с друзьями и все такое.

She could go to the beach, lie in the sun, hang out with friends.
Она могла бы сходить на пляж, позагорать, повеселиться с друзьями.

I didn’t want to get in trouble for breaking the RO, so I got out of there, went to hang out with friends.
Я не хотел попадать в неприятности за нарушение запрета, так что я ушел оттуда, пошел тусоваться с друзьями.

And if you’d rather stay here and hang out with Toby, I totally understand, we were gone for a long time and I’m sure you two have a lot of catching up to do.
И если ты предпочитаешь быть здесь и проводить время с Тоби, я полностью понимаю, мы отсутствовали долгое время и я уверена вам двоим нужно много наверстать.

Look, I don’t care that you were out with friends.
Послушай, я не против того, что ты гуляешь с друзьями.

No, you go hang out with jailbait.
Нет, ты иди, тусуйся с малолеткой.

Uh, Zoey, um, did you just say you were out with friends?
Зоуи, ты только что сказала, что гуляешь с друзьями?

No one wants to hang out with a piranha.
Никто не хочет тусоваться с пираньей.

You know, hanging out with friends and trying to get to know the city even better.
Тусовалась с друзьями, пыталась узнать город получше.

I would love to hang out with you and nature, but I have worked too hard on «The Spectator» to leave it now.
Я был бы рад провести время с тобой на природе, но я потратил столько сил на «Наблюдатель», что не могу сейчас его покинуть.

If those pervs didn’t even wanna peep in her window, why would they wanna hang out with her?
Если те извращенцы не хотели даже заглядывать в её окно, зачем им было хотеть тусоваться с ней?

It makes me feel like one of those unwashed idiots you hang out with.
Я себя чувствую как один из тех немытых идиотов, с которыми ты болтаешься.

She’s out with friends.
Она гуляет с друзьями.

I literally post it up on the boards, and people take interest, and they want to do it, and they’re excited to hang out with each other.
Я размещаю её на нескольких форумах, и люди интересуются, и они хотят этого, и им весело проводить время друг с другом.

Примеры употребления слов в разных контекстах собраны автоматически из открытых источников с помощью технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных. В случае обнаружения неточностей или замечаний к тексту, используйте опцию «Сообщить о проблеме» или напишите нам

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  • Hanging on every word
  • Half text in word
  • Hand writing in word
  • Had the latest word
  • Hand out another word