Half words in word

I want Microsoft Word 2010 to force split words exactly where the line ends, even if it is «wrong and unreadable». Font is some monotype (Courier New).

The text is in Text field which has fixed width. I found some option in Text field Format — Wrap lines inside. But it only disables / enables whole wrapping.

The text will be printed over uniform spaced boxes, each for one letter (postal order).



some text with          |
looooooooooong word     |

What i want:

some text with looooooo |
oooong word             |

I tried to google it for an hour, but everybody wants the exact opposite (hard spaces etc..)

asked Nov 20, 2012 at 20:37

Petr Újezdský's user avatar

I’m sure there’s a more elegant way to do this, but if you make all spaces in the line non-breaking spaces (cntrl-shift-spacebar), the line will only wrap when it gets to the end of your fixed width text field. Just checked. You can do a find/replace with a normal space in the find field, and a cntrl-shift-spacebar in the replace field. Seems to do the trick.

answered Nov 20, 2012 at 21:28

burrowsrjl's user avatar


3391 silver badge5 bronze badges


This is very long after your original post, but I was having the same problem. The tutorial here explains how to automatically add hyphens at line breaks: http://www.officetooltips.com/word/tips/using_automatic_hyphenation.html

Open Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, click Hyphenation and choose Hyphenation Options

You will be presented with a dialog where you can set up automatic hyphenation for your document.

Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar

answered Dec 4, 2015 at 11:36

sarah's user avatar


411 bronze badge


Three years on, but I have an answer.
Install Japanese language to your language settings, reboot Word 2010 and then go to paragraph options. On the Asian Typography tab check the second check-box, which says something like «Allow Latin text to wrap in the middle of a word» (I use Word 2010 in Japanese, so I’m not sure of the exact text in English).

There you go, text wrapping in the middle of words that you can toggle on and off for each paragraph.

answered Mar 15, 2016 at 4:34

Benkyo's user avatar

I’ve run into the same problem. The only solution I’ve found so far is to insert a «text box» into the document and paste the text into it. Not sure if that feature was in Word 2010 as I’m using 2017.

answered Mar 4, 2019 at 18:00

Chuck's user avatar


1513 bronze badges


I’m trying to split strings in half, and it should not split in the middle of a word.

So far I came up with the following which is 99% working :

$text = "The Quick : Brown Fox Jumped Over The Lazy / Dog";
$half = (int)ceil(count($words = str_word_count($text, 1)) / 2); 
$string1 = implode(' ', array_slice($words, 0, $half));
$string2 = implode(' ', array_slice($words, $half));

This does work, correctly splitting any string in half according to the number of words in the string. However, it is removing any symbols in the string, for example for the above example it would output :

The Quick Brown Fox Jumped
Over The Lazy Dog

I need to keep all the symbols like : and / in the string after being split. I don’t understand why the current code is removing the symbols… If you can provide an alternative method or fix this method to not remove symbols, it would be greatly appreciated :)

asked Nov 18, 2011 at 18:41

Leo44's user avatar


1601 gold badge1 silver badge10 bronze badges


Upon looking at your example output, I noticed all our examples are off, we’re giving less to string1 if the middle of the string is inside a word rather then giving more.

For example the middle of The Quick : Brown Fox Jumped Over The Lazy / Dog is The Quick : Brown Fox Ju which is in the middle of a word, this first example gives string2 the split word; the bottom example gives string1 the split word.

Give less to string1 on split word

$text = "The Quick : Brown Fox Jumped Over The Lazy / Dog";

$middle = strrpos(substr($text, 0, floor(strlen($text) / 2)), ' ') + 1;

$string1 = substr($text, 0, $middle);  // "The Quick : Brown Fox "
$string2 = substr($text, $middle);  // "Jumped Over The Lazy / Dog"

Give more to string1 on split word

$text = "The Quick : Brown Fox Jumped Over The Lazy / Dog";

$splitstring1 = substr($text, 0, floor(strlen($text) / 2));
$splitstring2 = substr($text, floor(strlen($text) / 2));

if (substr($splitstring1, 0, -1) != ' ' AND substr($splitstring2, 0, 1) != ' ')
    $middle = strlen($splitstring1) + strpos($splitstring2, ' ') + 1;
    $middle = strrpos(substr($text, 0, floor(strlen($text) / 2)), ' ') + 1;    

$string1 = substr($text, 0, $middle);  // "The Quick : Brown Fox Jumped "
$string2 = substr($text, $middle);  // "Over The Lazy / Dog"

answered Nov 18, 2011 at 18:58

Jeff Wilbert's user avatar

Jeff WilbertJeff Wilbert

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function split_half($string, $center = 0.4) {
        $length2 = strlen($string) * $center;
        $tmp = explode(' ', $string);
        $index = 0; 
        $result = Array('', '');
        foreach($tmp as $word) {
            if(!$index && strlen($result[0]) > $length2) $index++;
            $result[$index] .= $word.' ';
        return $result;

Demo: http://codepad.viper-7.com/I58gcI

answered Nov 18, 2011 at 18:48

Peter's user avatar


16.2k8 gold badges50 silver badges77 bronze badges


I know this is an old question, but I have the following piece of code that should do what is needed.

It by default it splits the string on the first occurrence of a space after the middle.
If there are no spaces after the middle, it looks for the last space before the middle.

function trim_text($input) {
    $middle = ceil(strlen($input) / 2);
    $middle_space = strpos($input, " ", $middle - 1);

    if ($middle_space === false) {
        //there is no space later in the string, so get the last sapce before the middle
        $first_half = substr($input, 0, $middle);
        $middle_space = strpos($first_half, " ");

    if ($middle_space === false) {
        //the whole string is one long word, split the text exactly in the middle
        $first_half = substr($input, 0, $middle);
        $second_half = substr($input, $middle);
    else {
        $first_half = substr($input, 0, $middle_space);
        $second_half = substr($input, $middle_space);
        return array(trim($first_half), trim($second_half));

These are examples:

Example 1:


Is split as



Example 2:


Is split as



Example 3:


Is split as



Example 4:


Is split as



Hope this can help someone out there :)

answered Jun 7, 2019 at 12:43

Rickus Harmse's user avatar

Rickus HarmseRickus Harmse

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function split_half($string){
$result= array();
$text = explode(' ', $string);
$count = count($text);
$string1 = '';
$string2 = '';
if($count > 1){
    if($count % 2 == 0){
        $start = $count/2;
        $end = $count;
        for($i=0; $i<$start;$i++){
            $string1 .= $text[$i]." ";
        for($j=$start; $j<$end;$j++){
            $string2 .= $text[$j]." ";
    $result[] = $string1;
    $result[] = $string2;
        $start = round($count/2)-1;
        $end = $count;
        for($i=0; $i<$start;$i++){
            $string1 .= $text[$i]." ";
        for($j=$start; $j<$end;$j++){
            $string2 .= $text[$j]." ";
    $result[] = $string1;
    $result[] = $string2;

    $result[] = $string;
return $result;

Use this function to split string into half words..

answered Jul 19, 2013 at 7:57

Divyesh Prajapati's user avatar

As usual, regex spares the developer a lot of tedious string manipulation calls and unnecessary script bloat. I’ll even go out on a limb and say that the regex pattern might be easier to understand that the string function laden scripts.

Code: (Demo)

$text = "The Quick : Brown Fox Jumped Over The Lazy / Dog";
$halfWay = (int)(strlen($text) / 2);
        '~.{0,' . $halfWay . '}Ks~s',


array (
  0 => 'The Quick : Brown Fox',
  1 => 'Jumped Over The Lazy / Dog',

Effectively, we calculate the center of the string by counting its characters, then dividing by two and removing any decimal places.

Then greedily match zero to $halfWay number of characters, then forget those characters with K, then split the string on the latest qualifying space. The 3rd parameter of preg_split() determines the maximum amount of elements which may be produced.

answered Apr 27, 2021 at 10:23

mickmackusa's user avatar


42.8k12 gold badges83 silver badges130 bronze badges


I was created a great solution, where we dont lost characters or Where the word is not cut wrongly.

function split_title_middle ( $title ) {
    $title = strip_tags( $title );
    $middle_length = floor( strlen( $title ) / 2 );
    $new_title = explode( '<br />', wordwrap( $title, $middle_length, '<br />') );
    if (isset( $new_title[2] ) ) {
        $new_title[1] .= ' ' . $new_title[2];
        unset( $new_title[2] );

    return $new_title;

// how to use
$title = split_title_middle( $title );
echo $title[0] . '<strong>' . $title[1] . '</strong>';

answered Feb 17, 2017 at 11:52

Richelly Italo's user avatar

I tried using a couple of these answers but didn’t get the best results so I thought I would share the solution. I wanted to split my titles in half and display one half white and one half green.

I ended up combining word count, the length of the text, the half way point and a third of the string. This allowed me to make sure the white section is going to be somewhere between the third way/half way mark.

I hope it helps someone. Be aware in my code -,& etc would be considered a word — it didn’t cause me issues in my testing but I will update this if I find its not working as I hope.

public function splitTitle($text){

    $words = explode(" ",$text);
    $strlen = strlen($text);
    $halfwaymark = ceil($strlen/2);
    $thirdwaymark = ceil($strlen/3);

    $wordcount = sizeof($words);
    $halfwords = ceil($wordcount/2);
    $thirdwords = ceil($wordcount/3);

    $string1 ='';
    $wordstep = 0;
    $wordlength = 0;

    while(($wordlength < $wordcount && $wordstep < $halfwords) || $wordlength < $thirdwaymark){
        $string1 .= $words[$wordstep].' ';
        $wordlength = strlen($string1);

    $string2 ='';
    $skipspace = 0;
    while(($wordstep < $wordcount)){
        if($skipspace==0) {
            $string2 .= $words[$wordstep];
        } else {
            $string2 .= ' '.$words[$wordstep];

    echo $string1.' <span class="highlight">'.$string2.'</span>';


answered May 18, 2020 at 7:23

UrbanwarfareStudios's user avatar

Just change the line:

$half = (int)ceil(count($words = (count(explode(" ",$text))) / 2);

str_word_count() may not count : or / as word.

answered Nov 18, 2011 at 18:53

Ariful Islam's user avatar

Ariful IslamAriful Islam

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  • 1

    half-word noun намек

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > half-word

  • 2
    half word

    English-Russian base dictionary > half word

  • 3
    half- word

    English-Russian base dictionary > half- word

  • 4
    half word

    English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > half word

  • 5
    half word

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > half word

  • 6

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > half-word

  • 7


    half-word вчт. полуслово

    English-Russian short dictionary > half-word

  • 8
    half word

    1. полуслово

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > half word

  • 9

    Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > half-word

  • 10

    Англо-русский технический словарь > half-word

  • 11
    half word

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > half word

  • 12

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > half-word

  • 13


    намек, недомолвка

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > half-word

  • 14
    half word

    полуслово, слово половинной длины

    English-Russian electronics dictionary > half word

  • 15

    English-Russian electronics dictionary > half-word

  • 16

    The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > half-word

  • 17

    English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > half-word

  • 18
    half word

    (n) намек; недомолвка

    * * *

    намек, полуслово

    Новый англо-русский словарь > half word

  • 19

    Новый англо-русский словарь > half-word

  • 20

    Англо-русский словарь по полиграфии и издательскому делу > half-word


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • Half-word — Полуслово (элемент машинной памяти) …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

  • half-word — …   Useful english dictionary

  • Word (computing) — In computing, word is a term for the natural unit of data used by a particular computer design. A word is simply a fixed sized group of bits that are handled together by the machine. The number of bits in a word (the word size or word length) is… …   Wikipedia

  • Word (computer architecture) — Processors 1 bit 4 bit 8 bit 12 bit 16 bit 18 bit 24 bit 31 bit 32 bit 36 bit 48 bit 60 bit …   Wikipedia

  • half — [ hæf ] (plural halves [ hævz ] ) function word, quantifier *** Half can be used in the following ways: as a predeterminer (followed by a word such as a, the, this, or his ): We live half a mile up the road. I have to spend half my time taking… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Half Man Half Biscuit — Nigel Blackwell of Half Man Half Biscuit, October 2008 Background information Origin Birkenhead, Merseyside, England …   Wikipedia

  • Word painting — (also known as tone painting or text painting) is the musical technique of having the music mimic the literal meaning of a song. For example, ascending scales would accompany lyrics about going up; slow, dark music would accompany lyrics about… …   Wikipedia

  • Half-handed Cloud — is a band from Berkeley, California. It was started as a one man band by John Ringhofer, who created the band name based on an occurrence in the Old Testament. Half handed Cloud is under Asthmatic Kitty Records. His previous band was Wookieback… …   Wikipedia

  • half-breed — n taboo a very offensive word for someone whose parents are of different races, especially one white parent and one Native American parent. Do not use this word →↑mixed race >half breed adj …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • half-caste — n taboo a very offensive word for someone whose parents are of different races. Do not use this word →↑mixed race >half caste adj …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Word of Mouf — Album par Ludacris Sortie 27 novembre 2001 Enregistrement 2000 2001 Durée 78:54 Genre Dirty South …   Wikipédia en Français

By default, Word documents have only one column of text. There are several ways you can split a page in Word document to get two columns (i.e. Spit into Half). However, in this tutorial, I’ll walk you through the two most easy ways you can use to effortlessly split your pages in Word. One involved using columns and the other involved using tables.

By splitting a page in Word, you can divide the text so that it flows in separate columns across the page.

See screenshot:

split page in Word - using two columns

Without further ado, below are the options you can use to split a page or pages in MS Word.

Using Two Columns to Vertically split a page (in half) in Word

To split pages in Word with the help of columns:

  • Select the text on the page you want to split into two halves.
  • Don’t select any text if you want to split all pages in your Word document.
  • Click on the Layout tab.
  • In the Page Setup group, click on the Columns button. A shortcut menu appears with five column options.
  • To split your page or pages equally, choose the Two-column option.
  • Use the Three column option to split your page or pages into three parts.
Click on the Two columns optoin
  • However, if you want to split your page into more than three columns, click on More Columns.
split pages in Word using two or three columns
  • The column dialog box will appear. Make the necessary settings. In the Number of Columns box, type the number of columns you wish to split your pages in to. Click the Line between check-box if you want to split your pages with a line dividing the columns.
how to split page in Word into two columns
  • Click OK.

In Word, section break affects columns. Thus, if your document has only one section, then the columns apply to all the pages. However, if your document contains more than one sections, the splitting will apply to only the pages on the current section

This is how you may split a page in Word using columns.

Splitting pages using tables

This option involves using grid tables as a layout to split your page the way you want. With the tables option, you can split your page into halves or even four grid parts if you want to display four separate images, charts or even blog of text.

Below is how it works:

  • To split a page into two equal parts:
  • Use the Insert table command to insert a table with two columns and one row.
  • Using the table resizer at the bottom right corner of the table, click and drag to resize the table to cover the part of the page you want to split.
split page in wordd into two columns
  • Fill in your content on both sides of the table.
  • Remove the borders or hide the table lines. To hide the line borders of a table, first, select the entire table and go to the Table Tools Design tab, click on Borders, the list of borders appears, choose No Border. This will remove all the table borders leaving you with two columns of text.
Hide borders of the table

These are the two simple ways to split a page in Word.

Предложения с «half words»

The two and a half alphabets which form the word प्रेम, which means love, if you are able to understand that and practice it, that itself is enough to enlighten mankind.

Две с половиной буквы образуют слово प्रेम, что означает любовь, и если вы способны понять это и претворить в жизнь, то одного этого уже достаточно для просвещения человечества.

Sadly, about 40 percent of us will hear those three words within our lifetime, and half will not survive.

К сожалению, примерно 40% из нас услышат эти слова в течение своей жизни, и половина из них не выживет.

What he heard was no longer the philosophy of the dry, printed word, written by half-mythical demigods like Kant and Spencer.

Философия перестала быть сухими печатными строчками из книг легендарных полубогов вроде Канта и Спенсера.

Grandma and Grandpa are gonna be here in half an hour, and you’re still butchering my words .

Дедушка и бабушка придут через пол часа, а ты до сих пор коверкаешь мои слова!

In other words , freight rates could be reduced by almost half if these delays were avoided.

Другими словами, ставки расходов на перевозку могут быть сокращены почти на половину, если избежать указанных задержек.

This is entirely in keeping with all of Merkel’s other words and actions over the past year and a half.

Это полностью соответствует всем ее другим заявлениям и действиям за последние полтора года.

In other words , for half of the orbits in question, Atlas and Delta are the only viable launch vehicles.

Иными словами, на половину интересующих нас орбит. «Атлас» и «Дельта» являются единственными жизнеспособными ракетами — носителями.

But this put me into such a tremble lest they should detain me there that she soon recalled her words and compromised for a rest of half an hour.

Но я так вздрогнула, испугавшись, как бы они не задержали меня здесь, что хозяйка быстро взяла свои слова обратно, и мы сошлись на том, что я отдохну, но не более получаса.

These half-uttered words alarmed Elizabeth-all the more by reason of the still determination of Henchard’s mien.

Эти бессвязные слова напугали Элизабет, особенно потому, что выражение лица у Хенчарда было спокойное, решительное.

And often sound does not quite become a word but suffocates or floats away over me half finished; an arch, a pathway, a comet.

Порой она не договаривает слово до конца, оно замирает на ее губах или так и долетает до меня недосказанным, — как недостроенный мостик, как затерявшаяся тропинка, как упавшая звезда.

And with the words he drove the spear-point and half the flag-staff through Lambert’s body and dropped him dead upon the road below, a stone upon the stones of the street.

С этими словами он пронзил Ламберта насквозь и стряхнул его тело с древка знамени вниз, с глухим стуком грянулось оно о камни мостовой.

Your mongrel half-breed lineage speaks louder than your words .

Твоё нечистокровное метисное происхождение говорит громче твоих слов.

A murmur arose, and I distinctly heard said, half-aloud, the words , Beardless boy.

Поднялся ропот, и я услышал явственно слово: молокосос, произнесенное кем — то вполголоса.

‘Mr. Thornton, I believe!’ said Margaret, after a half-instant’s pause, during which his unready words would not come. ‘Will you sit down.

Мистер Торнтон, я полагаю, — сказала Маргарет после небольшой паузы, во время которой он так и не проронил ни слова. — Присаживайтесь.

You see, when they kicked the ball, the right goal post… upon my sacred word of honour … the right goal post… moved about a half a yard away and let the ball pass.

Понимаешь, когда они били по воротам, правая штанга… честное благородное слово!.. правая штанга… отодвинулась сантиметров на пятьдесят в сторону и пропустила мяч…

My truthful word, I suspect my ancestress in Salem spent a worse half minute day they made her dance.

Боюсь, моей прародительнице в Салеме пришлось покруче в те полминуты, когда ее вздернули и заставили плясать в воздухе.

He retreated behind the portieres in the hall, only half convinced by her words .

Он спрятался за портьерами в холле, потому что заверение Мамушки лишь наполовину успокоило его.

Yes, said Mr. Casaubon, with that peculiar pitch of voice which makes the word half a negative.

Да, — ответил мистер Кейсобон тем тоном, который превращает это слово почти в отрицание.

By the manner in which Toohey stopped, on a half-uttered word, Keating knew that Dominique had not been invited or expected.

По тому, как Тухи замолчал, прервав свою речь на полуслове, Китинг понял, что Доминик не приглашали и не ожидали.

I understand you with half a word, mon ami, but you don’t know how closely we are touching on the point if we speak of you and you don’t interrupt me of course.

Я вас понимаю с полуслова, mon ami, но вы и не подозреваете, как близко мы коснемся к делу, если заговорим теперь об вас и если, разумеется, вы меня не прервете.

Man, my bachelor party was incr- wait for it- and I hope you’re hungry, ’cause the second half of this word is- edible!

Чувак, мой мальчишник был беспо… подожди — подожди… и надеюсь, что ты голодный, потому что вторая часть будет почти сдобной.

Will you first let me speak half a word with this gentleman in private?

Позвольте мне только сказать два слова этому джентльмену с глазу на глаз.

I was half-expecting the word happy to come out of your mouth.

Я уж ожидала, что ты скажешь слово счастлив.

I want half a word with you, Snagsby.

Хочу сказать вам несколько слов, Снегсби.

During the three weeks that they had been together they had not exchanged half-a-dozen words apart from the inquiries and phrases when they met at table and in the evening before going to bed.

Если не считать обычных вопросов во время еды и пожеланий спокойной ночи, то за три недели, что они прожили вместе, они и двух слов не сказали друг другу.

She tried writing out her views, and started a half dozen letters before she finally worded one which seemed, partially at least, to express her feelings.

Пытаясь изложить свои мысли на бумаге, она начала и уничтожила несколько писем и, наконец, как ей показалось, сумела хоть бы отчасти выразить то, что чувствовала.

Words spoken half jestingly to cover their somewhat disrespectful import; but such an implication, if carefully disguised, never gives offence to a woman.

Эти слова были сказаны в шутливом тоне, чтобы скрасить их грубоватый смысл, так как обычно он не вызывает неудовольствия у женщин, если прикрыт хорошей формой.

Everything is one-sided which can be thought with thoughts and said with words , it’s all one-sided, all just one half, all lacks completeness, roundness, oneness.

Односторонним является все, что мыслится умом и высказывается словами — все односторонне, все половинчато, во всем не хватает целостности, единства.

He spoke as if those bullets could not kill him, and his half-closed eyes gave still more persuasiveness to his words .

Он говорил так, как будто его самого не могли убить эти пули, и его полузакрытые глаза придавали его словам еще более убедительное выражение.

Word of mouth does half the job.

Одно слово — и полдела сделано.

In a couple of words , he is a moral half-caste, not quite a fraud, nor entirely genuine.

Короче говоря, это нравственный метис: он не вполне честен и не совершенный негодяй.

American Airlines by making AmericanAirlines all one word, half red and half blue, just separated by the color.

Половина—красная, половина—синяя, разделены только цветом.

Harding, goddam you and your big words ; all I fully comprehend this morning is I’m still half drunk.

Хардинг, пошел ты к черту со своими умными словами; сейчас я одно сознаю — что я еще наполовину пьян.

He won’t listen to anything and hits out, his mouth is wet and pours out words , half choked, meaningless words .

Он ничего не хочет слушать, брыкается и дерется, с его покрытых пеной губ непрестанно срываются слова, нечленораздельные, бессмысленные.

I cut his Adam’s apple in half like a piece of fruit on a summer day so he wouldn’t say a word.

Разрезала его адамово яблоко как какой — нибудь фрукт летним днём. Чтобы он наконец замолчал.

But I thought I just had to squint a lot and leave out half my words .

Я думала, для этого достаточно смотреть с прищуром и пропускать половину слов.

It was with no small rapture that Champollion entered the secret places of the temple and scanned the words that had waited patiently through half a million nights for a reader.

С немалым трепетом входил Шампольон в тайные места храма и читал слова, которые полмиллиона ночей на пролет терпеливо ждали своего читателя.

Half an hour later the unfortunate Mrs Muller crept into the kitchen and it was clear from her distraught expression that she was expecting words of consolation from Svejk.

Через полчаса в кухню вползла несчастная пани Мюллерова, и по удрученному выражению ее лица было видно, что она ждет от Швейка слов утешения.

These are your own words , Stavrogin, all except that about the half-truth; that’s my own because I am myself a case of half-knowledge, and that’s why I hate it particularly.

Всё это ваши собственные слова, Ставрогин, кроме только слов о полунауке; эти мои, потому что я сам только полунаука, а стало быть, особенно ненавижу ее.

I sat in this chair every day for three and a half weeks, and you never said a word.

Я сидел в этом кресле каждый день три с половиной недели, и ты ни разу не сказал ни слова.

Then you will be so good as to let me leave Miss Summerson with you for a moment while I go and have half a word with him?

Так позвольте мне ненадолго оставить мисс Саммерсон с вами, а я пойду поговорить с ним.

Before then, however, half of the London County Council waits on Sebastian Ferranti’s word.

Но до этого, вообще — то, половина Лондонского совета ждет слова Себастьяна Ферранти.

A certain school of criticism twenty years ago, which used to say: Half of the works of Shakespeare consists of plays upon words and puns,-talked slang.

Известное направление в критике, двадцать лет назад утверждавшее: Половина Шекспира состоит из игры слов и из каламбуров, говорило на арго.

You solve the riddle of life! said the captain, half cunningly, half in genuine and unfeigned admiration, for he was a great lover of words .

Вы разрешаете загадку жизни! — вскричал капитан, наполовину плутуя, а наполовину действительно в неподдельном восторге, потому что был большой любитель словечек.

The bitch had used his own scheme as the bait to swindle him out of half a million dollars. If the word of this got out….

Сука (=стерва) просто использовала его собственный план в качестве наживы, чтобы содрать с него 500 тысяч долларов. Мир перевернулся…

Word came down they’re cutting my end in half.

Пошёл слух, что они собираются урезать мою долю наполовину.

Demirel said half of them were based on hearsay and encouraged Karadayı to communicate with the government and to soften the memorandum’s wording .

Демирель сказал, что половина из них основана на слухах, и призвал Карадаи связаться с правительством и смягчить формулировки меморандума.

A lower quality silver was called niṣfī, a word having the connotation of “half,” implying that it was made half of silver and half of copper.

Серебро более низкого качества называлось нишфи, слово, имеющее значение “половина”, подразумевая, что оно было сделано наполовину из серебра и наполовину из меди.

In other words , a set of dice is nontransitive if the binary relation – X rolls a higher number than Y more than half the time – on its elements is not transitive.

Другими словами, набор кубиков нетранзитивен, если бинарное отношение — X бросает большее число, чем Y, более чем в половине случаев – на его элементах не является транзитивным.

I don’t have a source for this and don’t know where to even find one but about half of people in the South do tend to drop the ING on a word.

У меня нет источника для этого, и я даже не знаю, где его найти, но примерно половина людей на юге склонны опускать ИНГ на слове.

You need to work on your understanding of the word ironic. 2. Half the skinheads I knew back in the day, before the look became dominated by neo-nazis, were black.

Вам нужно поработать над своим пониманием слова ирония. 2. Половина скинхедов, которых я знал в свое время, до того, как взгляд стал доминировать неонацистами, были черными.

Most native English speakers today find Old English unintelligible, even though about half of the most commonly used words in Modern English have Old English roots.

Большинство носителей английского языка сегодня считают Старый Английский непонятным, хотя около половины наиболее часто используемых слов в современном английском языке имеют старые английские корни.

Another words , lots of students learn language in half the time.

Другими словами, многие студенты изучают язык в два раза быстрее.

To write words , the half current is applied to one or more word write lines, and half current is applied to each bit sense/write line for a bit to be set.

Для записи слов половинный ток применяется к одной или нескольким строкам записи слов, а половинный ток применяется к каждому биту sense/write line для заданного бита.

When flowing text, it is sometimes preferable to break a word in half so that it continues on another line rather than moving the entire word to the next line.

Когда текст течет, иногда предпочтительнее разбить слово пополам, чтобы оно продолжалось на другой строке, а не перемещать все слово на следующую строку.

A debate in the House of Lords on Thursday 25 July 2013 lasted two and a half hours and more than 20,000 words were spoken.

Дебаты в Палате лордов в четверг 25 июля 2013 года продолжались два с половиной часа и было произнесено более 20 000 слов.

His initial 30,000-word working manuscript was distilled to less than half its original size through laborious editing sessions.

Его первоначальная рабочая рукопись в 30 000 слов была перегнана до менее чем половины своего первоначального размера с помощью трудоемких сеансов редактирования.

The average length of a telegram in the 1900s in the US was 11.93 words ; more than half of the messages were 10 words or fewer.

Средняя длина телеграммы в 1900 — х годах в США составляла 11,93 слова; более половины сообщений составляли 10 слов или меньше.

In other words , it is half a level higher than what it would normally be.

Другими словами, это на полуровня выше, чем обычно.

The articles were of the specific entry type, averaging 375 words or more than half a page.

Статьи были определенного типа, в среднем 375 слов или более половины страницы.

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  • Hanging on every word
  • Half text in word
  • Hand writing in word
  • Had the latest word
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