Guide word of the dictionary

руководство, путеводитель, гид, проводник, направлять, вести, руководить


- путеводитель; руководство, учебник; инструкция

a Guide to the British Museum — путеводитель по Британскому музею
a Guide to English Grammar — учебник английской грамматики
guide to poultry keeping — руководство по птицеводству
radiation protection guide — руководство по радиационной защите
railway guide — железнодорожный путеводитель
guide to photography — справочник по фотографии, справочник фотографа

- проводник; гид; экскурсовод

to serve smb. as a guide — быть чьим-л. гидом /проводником/
to take [to hire /to engage/] a guide — брать [нанимать] проводника
museum guide — музейный гид, экскурсовод
trustworthy [experienced] guide — надёжный [опытный] проводник

- ориентир, указатель

it was a guide to the state of his feelings — поэтому (признаку) можно было судить о его чувствах /о его состоянии/
as a rough guide — грубо ориентировочно

- руководитель; советчик

to trust [to confide in, to obey] one’s guide — верить [доверять, повиноваться] руководителю

- руководящий принцип

to take reason as one’s guide — руководствоваться соображениями рассудка
if this is any guide — если этим можно руководствоваться
instinct is not always a safe guide — не всегда можно руководствоваться инстинктом
whim and prejudice are poor guides — прихоти и предрассудки

ещё 13 вариантов


- быть проводником, гидом; вести

to guide a tourist [a traveller] — быть проводником туриста [путешественника]
to guide the way for smb. — вести кого-л.
to guide smb. up a mountain — водить кого-л. в горы
to guide smb. to the station — показать кому-л. дорогу на станцию
the blind man was guided by his dog — собака служила слепому поводырём
can you guide me through the museum? — вы можете показать мне музей?

- направлять; руководить; вести

to guide the steps of smb. — направлять чьи-л. шаги
to guide smb. in his studies — руководить чьими-л. занятиями
she personally guided me to discover their way of life — я знакомился с их образом жизни под её руководством

- определять, формировать

circumstances guide his judgement — его суждения формируются под влиянием обстоятельств

- быть руководителем, управлять; руководить делами

to guide the state, to guide the affairs of the state — руководить государством

- стимулировать, направлять, вдохновлять

to be guided by one’s sense of duty [of justice] — руководствоваться чувством долга [справедливости]
to be guided by one’s passions — быть /действовать/ под влиянием собственных страстей
I’ll be guided by your advice — я буду руководствоваться вашими советами, ваши советы будут служить мне ориентиром /путеводной нитью/

- служить ориентиром, указателем

the lights in the harbour guided the ship to port — огни гавани помогли кораблю войти в порт

- тех. управлять, направлять

Мои примеры


programs to help guide teenagers away from drug use — программы, помогающие увести подростков от употребления наркотиков  
a pocket guide that provides succinct explanations for rules of grammar and punctuation — карманный справочник, в котором приведены краткие объяснения правил грамматики и пунктуации  
comprehensive guide — справочник, дающий исчерпывающую информацию  
guide dog — собака-поводырь  
tour guide — экскурсовод  
to take a guide — нанять гида  
handy guide — удобное, доступное руководство  
to guide smb. around a city — водить кого-л. по городу  
to fire / launch / guide a missile — запустить ракету  
postal guide — почтовый справочник  
to roll by guide — прокатывать в проводку  
turning from guide — обточка по шаблону  

Примеры с переводом

The stars will guide us back.

На обратном пути нашим проводником будут звезды.

This handbook is a good guide to London.

Это хороший путеводитель по Лондону.

The feelings are dangerous guides.

Чувства — опасные советчики.

Let your conscience guide you.

Следуйте за своей совестью.

She guided us through the busy streets to the cathedral.

Она провела нас к собору по шумным улицам.

We hovered around our guide.

Мы толпились вокруг нашего экскурсовода.

Have you seen the manner how they guided me?

Ты видел, как они со мной обращались?

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

They had the lights to guide on

He carefully guided the ship into the harbor.

We hired a guide for our trip to the mountains.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

guidance  — руководство, рекомендация, управление, водительство, совет
misguide  — вводить в заблуждение, неправильно направлять, неправильно обращаться
guiding  — руководящий, направляющий, ведущий, путеводный
guided  — управляемый
guider  — начальник отряда скаутов, направляющий ролик, направитель

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: guide
he/she/it: guides
ing ф. (present participle): guiding
2-я ф. (past tense): guided
3-я ф. (past participle): guided

ед. ч.(singular): guide
мн. ч.(plural): guides

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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

verb (used with object), guid·ed, guid·ing.

to assist (a person) to travel through, or reach a destination in, an unfamiliar area, as by accompanying or giving directions to the person: He guided us through the forest.

to accompany (a sightseer) to show points of interest and to explain their meaning or significance.

to force (a person, object, or animal) to move in a certain path.

to supply (a person) with advice or counsel, as in practical or spiritual affairs.

to supervise (someone’s actions or affairs) in an advisory capacity.


a person who guides, especially one hired to guide travelers, tourists, hunters, etc.

a mark, tab, or the like, to catch the eye and thus provide quick reference.

a book, pamphlet, etc., giving information, instructions, or advice; handbook: an investment guide.

a device that regulates or directs progressive motion or action: a sewing-machine guide.

a spirit believed to direct the utterances of a medium.

Military. a member of a group marching in formation who sets the pattern of movement or alignment for the rest.



There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?

Which sentence is correct?

Origin of guide

1325–75; Middle English giden (v.), gide (noun) <Old French gui(d)er (v.), gui(d)e (noun) <Germanic; akin to wit2


guid·a·ble, adjectiveguideless, adjectiveguider, nounguid·ing·ly, adverb

non·guid·a·ble, adjectivepre·guide, verb (used with object), pre·guid·ed, pre·guid··guide, verb (used with object), re·guid·ed, re·guid·ing.un·guid·a·ble, adjective

Words nearby guide

Guianese, guib, guichet, guid, guidance, guide, guideboard, guidebook, guide center, guided, guided imagery Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023


What are other ways to say guide?

To guide someone is to assist them in traveling through or in reaching a destination by accompanying them or giving them directions. How does guide compare to synonyms conduct, direct, and lead? Find out on

Words related to guide

counselor, mentor, model, pilot, teacher, catalog, clue, directory, guidebook, handbook, key, manual, accompany, advise, educate, escort, govern, handle, influence, instruct

How to use guide in a sentence

  • Download this guide to explore all the winners of the 2020 Digiday Media Awards Europe.

  • Looking through this public art guide, I noticed a number of artworks placed in police stations throughout the city.

  • Gear Patrol, which bills itself as the definitive buying guide for men, is taking similar steps to increase engagement on its social media channels, primarily on Instagram, in order to introduce audiences to products that it covers on its website.

  • Readers were particularly drawn to deep-dives, explainers and guides around streaming platforms’ catalogs of older shows, Hill said.

  • The made-for-Amazon brand is using most of the tools and techniques of a best in class ad campaign strategy to have, and can serve as a guide if brands don’t know where to start.

  • I’ve seen video of that satirical guide to SXSW in 1998 where you asked a bunch of bands odd questions.

  • If history is a guide, Huckabee will need to resonate with more than just the faithful if he is to win.

  • Objectively, they are not just riding with the tide, but helping to guide its very direction.

  • Add to that the DISH Anywhere app, and you have instant access to the program guide and the ability to record shows on the go.

  • In “Cartoons and Cereal,” he sings, “Reminisce when I had the morning appetite/ Apple Jacks, had nothing that I hit the TV Guide.”

  • This, of course, I always gave to the guide to use in sending the letter when he got to the trading-post.

  • He said something laughingly to the head guide to the effect that climbing was good sport and a fine test for the nerves.

  • To guide his mind into the channel of the printed exposition, he calls into play the Directory power of the attention.

  • Taking half a dozen men with him, and compelling the woman to act as guide, he went to the tomb in the dark.

  • Men of science strove to read the riddle of life; to guide and to succour their fellow creatures.

British Dictionary definitions for guide (1 of 2)


to lead the way for (a person)

to control the movement or course of (an animal, vehicle, etc) by physical action; steer

to supervise or instruct (a person)

(tr) to direct the affairs of (a person, company, nation, etc)he guided the country through the war

(tr) to advise or influence (a person) in his standards or opinionslet truth guide you always


  1. a person, animal, or thing that guides
  2. (as modifier)a guide dog

a person, usually paid, who conducts tour expeditions, etc

a model or criterion, as in moral standards or accuracy

a book that instructs or explains the fundamentals of a subject or skilla guide to better living

any device that directs the motion of a tool or machine part

  1. a mark, sign, etc, that points the way
  2. (in combination)guidepost

spiritualism a spirit believed to influence a medium so as to direct what he utters and convey messages through him

  1. navy a ship in a formation used as a reference for manoeuvres, esp with relation to maintaining the correct formation and disposition
  2. military a soldier stationed to one side of a column or line to regulate alignment, show the way, etc

Derived forms of guide

guidable, adjectiveguideless, adjectiveguider, nounguiding, adjective, noun

Word Origin for guide

C14: from (Old) French guider, of Germanic origin; compare Old English wītan to observe

British Dictionary definitions for guide (2 of 2)


(sometimes not capital) a member of an organization for girls equivalent to the ScoutsUS equivalent: Girl Scout

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

1. [gaıd]

1. проводник; гид; экскурсовод

museum guide — музейный гид, экскурсовод

trustworthy [experienced] guide — надёжный [опытный] проводник

to take [to hire /to engage/] a guide — брать [нанимать] проводника

to serve smb. as a guide — быть чьим-л. гидом /проводником/

2. руководящий принцип

to take reason as one’s guide — руководствоваться соображениями рассудка

if this is any guide — если этим можно руководствоваться

instinct is not always a safe guide — не всегда можно руководствоваться инстинктом

whim and prejudice are poor guides — прихоти и предрассудки — плохие советчики

3. ориентир, указатель

it was a guide to the state of his feelings — поэтому (признаку) можно было судить о его чувствах /о его состоянии/

as a rough guide — грубо ориентировочно

4. 1) руководитель; советчик

to trust [to confide in, to obey] one’s guide — верить [доверять, повиноваться] руководителю

2) образец, пример

I took him as my guide — я старался во всём подражать ему

let this be a guide to you — пусть это служит вам примером

5. 1) путеводитель; руководство, учебник; инструкция

a Guide to the British Museum — путеводитель по Британскому музею

a Guide to English Grammar — учебник английской грамматики

guide to poultry keeping — руководство по птицеводству

radiation protection guide — руководство по радиационной защите

railway guide — железнодорожный указатель

guide to photography — справочник по фотографии, справочник фотографа

radioactivity concentration guides — нормы допустимой концентрации радиоактивных веществ

6. девочка-скаут


направляющее подразделение

8. 1)

направляющая деталь; направляющее приспособление; направляющий механизм


направляющие (), параллели


признак; направляющая жила


переносящий подкатод, переносящий электрод ()

2. [gaıd]

1. быть проводником, гидом; вести

to guide a tourist [a traveller] — быть проводником туриста [путешественника]

to guide the way for smb. — вести кого-л.

to guide smb. up a mountain — водить кого-л. в горы

to guide smb. to the station — показать кому-л. дорогу на станцию

the blind man was guided by his dog — собака служила слепому поводырём

can you guide me through the museum? — вы можете показать мне музей?

2. 1) направлять; руководить; вести

to guide the steps of smb. — направлять чьи-л. шаги

to guide smb. in his studies — руководить чьими-л. занятиями

she personally guided me to discover their way of life — я знакомился с их образом жизни под её руководством

2) определять, формировать

circumstances guide his judgement — его суждения формируются под влиянием обстоятельств

3) быть руководителем, управлять; руководить делами

to guide the state, to guide the affairs of the state — руководить государством

3. стимулировать, направлять, вдохновлять

to be guided by one’s sense of duty [of justice] — руководствоваться чувством долга [справедливости]

to be guided by one’s passions — быть /действовать/ под влиянием собственных страстей

I’ll be guided by your advice — я буду руководствоваться вашими советами, ваши советы будут служить мне ориентиром /путеводной нитью/

4. служить ориентиром, указателем

the lights in the harbour guided the ship to port — огни гавани помогли кораблю войти в порт

Новый большой англо-русский словарь.

    • See Also:
      • Guggenheim
      • Guggenheim Museum
      • guggle
      • guglet
      • GUI
      • Guiana
      • Guiana current
      • Guianese
      • guib
      • guidance
      • Guide
      • guide
      • guide center
      • guide dog
      • guide fossil
      • guide left
      • guide rail
      • guide right
      • guide rope
      • guide word
      • guideboard
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Inflections of ‘guide‘ (v): (⇒ conjugate)
v 3rd person singular
v pres p
v past
v past p

WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

guide /gaɪd/USA pronunciation  
v., guid•ed, guid•ing, n. 
v. [+ object]

  1. to assist (a person) to travel through, or reach a destination in, an unfamiliar area, as by accompanying or giving directions to the person:She guided us into the center of town.
  2. to accompany (a sightseer) in order to show and comment upon points of interest.
  3. to direct the course of:The pilot guided the plane to a safe landing.
  4. to supply (a person) with advice:guided me through many difficult times with his good advice.
  5. to manage;
    supervise:He guided the business to its most profitable year.

n. [countable]

  1. a person who guides, esp. one hired to guide travelers, tourists, etc.
  2. a mark, tab, or the like to attract the eye and thus provide quick reference.
  3. a book, pamphlet, or the like with information, instructions, or advice;
    guidebook or handbook.
  4. a device that regulates or directs motion or action:a sewing-machine guide.
  5. Holistic Therapysomething that influences one’s actions:Let your conscience be your guide.

guid•er, n. [countable]

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(gīd),USA pronunciation v., guid•ed, guid•ing, n. 

  1. to assist (a person) to travel through, or reach a destination in, an unfamiliar area, as by accompanying or giving directions to the person:He guided us through the forest.
  2. to accompany (a sightseer) to show points of interest and to explain their meaning or significance.
  3. to force (a person, object, or animal) to move in a certain path.
  4. to supply (a person) with advice or counsel, as in practical or spiritual affairs.
  5. to supervise (someone’s actions or affairs) in an advisory capacity.


  1. a person who guides, esp. one hired to guide travelers, tourists, hunters, etc.
  2. a mark, tab, or the like, to catch the eye and thus provide quick reference.
  3. a guidebook.
  4. a book, pamphlet, etc., giving information, instructions, or advice;
    handbook:an investment guide.
  5. a guidepost.
  6. a device that regulates or directs progressive motion or action:a sewing-machine guide.
  7. Holistic Therapya spirit believed to direct the utterances of a medium.
  8. Militarya member of a group marching in formation who sets the pattern of movement or alignment for the rest.
  • Gmc; akin to wit2
  • Old French gui(d)er (verb, verbal), gui(d)e (noun, nominal)
  • Middle English giden (verb, verbal), gide (noun, nominal) 1325–75

guida•ble, adj. 
guideless, adj. 
guider, n. 
guiding•ly, adv. 

    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged pilot, steer, escort.
      Guide, conduct, direct, lead imply showing the way or pointing out or determining the course to be taken.
      Guide implies continuous presence or agency in showing or indicating a course:to guide a traveler.To conduct is to precede or escort to a place, sometimes with a degree of ceremony:to conduct a guest to his room.To direct is to give information for guidance, or instructions or orders for a course of procedure:to direct someone to the station.To lead is to bring onward in a course, guiding by contact or by going in advance; hence, fig., to influence or induce to some course of conduct:to lead a procession; to lead astray.
    • 5.See corresponding entry in Unabridged regulate, manage, govern, rule.
    • 6.See corresponding entry in Unabridged pilot, director, conductor.
    • 7.See corresponding entry in Unabridged sign, signal, indication, key, clue.

    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged follow.

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

guide /ɡaɪd/ vb

  1. to lead the way for (a person)
  2. to control the movement or course of (an animal, vehicle, etc) by physical action; steer
  3. to supervise or instruct (a person)
  4. (transitive) to direct the affairs of (a person, company, nation, etc)
  5. (transitive) to advise or influence (a person) in his standards or opinions: let truth guide you always


  1. a person, animal, or thing that guides
  2. (as modifier): a guide dog
  3. a person, usually paid, who conducts tour expeditions, etc
  4. a model or criterion, as in moral standards or accuracy
  5. a book that instructs or explains the fundamentals of a subject or skill
  6. any device that directs the motion of a tool or machine part
  7. a mark, sign, etc, that points the way
  8. a ship in a formation used as a reference for manoeuvres, esp with relation to maintaining the correct formation and disposition
  9. a soldier stationed to one side of a column or line to regulate alignment, show the way, etc

Etymology: 14th Century: from (Old) French guider, of Germanic origin; compare Old English wītan to observe

ˈguidable adj ˈguider n

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

Guide /ɡaɪd/ n

  1. (sometimes not capital) a member of an organization for girls equivalent to the Scouts
    US equivalent: Girl Scout

guide‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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We hired a guide for our trip to the mountains.

He was my friend and my guide in the early years of my career.

They used the stars as a guide to find their way back.

If past experience is any guide, we’re in for a long and difficult project.


He guided us around the city.

He claims that there were unknown forces guiding the outcome of the election.

He carefully guided the ship into the harbor.

She guided her team to victory.

Let your conscience guide you.

Her example helped to guide me toward a career in medicine.

In his work, he has always been guided by a desire to help other people.

programs to help guide teenagers away from drug use

She had a guiding influence on my decision.

His guiding principle when he built his house was that bigger was better.

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Recent Examples on the Web

Our 2023 edition of the Top 25 Wineries guide is here!

Esther Mobley, San Francisco Chronicle, 30 Mar. 2023

For nearly an hour, the guide played a dozen-plus singing bowls while a group of us, seemingly all out-of-towners, lay on mats and absorbed the sound.

Rosecrans Baldwin, Travel + Leisure, 30 Mar. 2023

Rooster & The Till was among 19 Tampa restaurants in the famed guide’s first-ever Florida selection.

Amy Drew Thompson, Orlando Sentinel, 29 Mar. 2023

Only two restaurants lost their one star, while six were taken out of the guide for having closed in the past year, according to Bon Appetit.

Tori Latham, Robb Report, 28 Mar. 2023

The experts at Allie Beth Allman & Associates are the best guides for finding the ideal home in these communities.

Allie Beth Allman & Associates, Dallas News, 28 Mar. 2023

Beyond the self-help guides and leader biographies, founders can even learn more about the management practices that are typically taught in business school, like governance.

Orianna Rosa Royle, Fortune, 28 Mar. 2023

The guide covers a wide range of sabotage, including electric power, railways and communications.

Mark Murphy, Forbes, 26 Mar. 2023

The four-part guide curates the choices in a country with a rich cultural heritage to give you a taste of the superlatives.

Janelle Davis, CNN, 26 Mar. 2023

Marfe said officials are investigating whether the 33-year-old ferry was seaworthy, if there were passengers not listed on the manifest, and whether the crew properly guided passengers to safety.

Jim Gomez,, 31 Mar. 2023

Similar charges were handed down against Pir Danish Ali, 43, who runs a hunting outfitter and guide company in Pakistan.

Andrew J. Campa, Los Angeles Times, 30 Mar. 2023

Headphone Deals Read our Best Wireless Headphones and Best Wireless Earbuds guides for more.

WIRED, 30 Mar. 2023

San Diego State was coached by Morris Gross, who guided the team to second-place finishes in the tournament in 1939 and 1940.

Kirk Kenney, San Diego Union-Tribune, 30 Mar. 2023

There are often good reasons for that: questions about accuracy and the utility of results in guiding clinical decisions, for instance.

Noura Abul-husn, STAT, 29 Mar. 2023

Truly collect and complete as many ideas as possible, and stave off as much judgment or refinement as possible for as long as possible, it’s been a challenge, trying to be more free in creation and less like guided or rigid.

Danny Klein, SPIN, 29 Mar. 2023

The scientists attached this tag to protein toxins and the gene-editing enzyme Cas9, a large molecular scissors that snips DNA at a location specified by a molecule that guides the scissors to the right place.

Ingrid Wickelgren, Scientific American, 29 Mar. 2023

The Tory Burch Foundation is releasing a platform aimed at guiding female founders through deciding what type of funding is best for them.

Emma Hinchliffe, Fortune, 29 Mar. 2023

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘guide.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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