Guess the word from definition

10000+ результатов для ‘definition guess word’

Guess the word by its definition.

Guess the word by its definition.
Случайные карты

от Korotkova

Guess the word (A2) 1-3

Guess the word (A2) 1-3

от Marikulish

Elementary A2
Guess the word

Select a synonym for the bolded word 1

Select a synonym for the bolded word 1

от Marikulish

Guess the word
Ice Breakers
Reading Comprehension
Warming up

Guess the word (A2) 1-6

Guess the word (A2) 1-6
Найди пару

от Marikulish

Elementary A2
Guess the word
Ice Breakers
Warming up

Word definition

Word definition
Ударь крота

от Gevorkova

Guess the word (A2) 1-5

Guess the word (A2) 1-5

от Marikulish

Elementary A2
Guess the word
Ice Breakers
Warming up

Guess the word (A2) 1-4

Guess the word (A2) 1-4

от Marikulish

Elementary A2
Guess the word
Ice Breakers
Warming up

Guess the definition

Guess the definition
Случайные карты

от Veronikat

Read & Complete 1 - Animals (Easy)

Read & Complete 1 — Animals (Easy)
Случайные карты

от Marikulish

Guess the word
Ice Breakers
Reading Comprehension
Warming up

Guess the word (A2) 1-1

Guess the word (A2) 1-1

от Marikulish

Elementary A2
Guess the word
Warming up

Guess the word (A2) 1-2

Guess the word (A2) 1-2

от Marikulish

Elementary A2
Guess the word
Warming up

capture the word definition

capture the word definition
Найди пару

от Alsubunny

Matching: word and definition

Matching: word and definition

от Polinasitkevich

Weather: guess the word

Weather: guess the word

от Ekaterinaganeev

English File Third Edition Elementary 5C

Guess the word:

Guess the word:
Пропущенное слово

от U76407661

Solutions 3ed Elementary. Introductory Unit.

Solutions 3ed Elementary. Introductory Unit.
Случайные карты

от Annakazieva

Начальная школа / начальная
Definition Game

Solutions Pre-Interm. Unit 1A vocabulary

Solutions Pre-Interm. Unit 1A vocabulary
Случайные карты

от Annakazieva

Средняя школа
Definition Game

OGE/EGE Word formation

OGE/EGE Word formation
Пропущенное слово

от Ma1204

9-й класс
10-й класс
11 класс
Средняя школа
Word formation

Guess the adjective by its definition

Guess the adjective by its definition
Откройте поле

от Martinov33valik

Which word matches the definition?

Which word matches the definition?

от Hop

Definition (say the word) Ambullance

Definition (say the word) Ambullance
Откройте поле

от Wordwallstudent

Match up the definition with the word

Match up the definition with the word

от Richie

Focus 2

MA Ep3 (word and definition)

MA Ep3 (word and definition)

от Sweres

MA Ep4 (word and definition)

MA Ep4 (word and definition)

от Sweres

Spotlight 4 Guess What4 Unit 5 Food

Spotlight 4 Guess What4 Unit 5 Food

от Carnation2000

4-й класс
Guess What 4
Spotlight 4

 Verbs quiz

Verbs quiz

от Tashanova77

Action verbs
Guess What

 Guess What 5 adjective unit 1

Guess What 5 adjective unit 1
Откройте поле

от Tashanova77

Guess What

GW5_superlative_Sea_Which _ is the smallest?

GW5_superlative_Sea_Which _ is the smallest?

от Misslena

Guess What 5

Guess the word

Guess the word
Угадай буквы

от Mkurkova1

Guess the word 5G

Guess the word 5G

от Altess

Guess the word

Guess the word

от Alenavk203

Guess the word

Guess the word
Викторина с изображением

от Csc

Guess the word

Guess the word
Угадай буквы

от Borodavkina

Guess the word

Guess the word
Угадай буквы

от Volshebstvo13

Incredible 3

Guess the word

Guess the word
Угадай буквы

от Olgakiu

Среднее образование

guess a word

guess a word
Угадай буквы

от Eesperas

W3U11 guess the word

W3U11 guess the word
Случайные карты

от Kupochka

Guess the word

Guess the word
Случайные карты

от Sekyuriti

Guess the word

Guess the word
Случайное колесо

от Juliannamurr10

Guess which word

Guess which word

от Sophienerovny77

guess the word

guess the word
Случайные карты

от A42476

guess a word. colours

guess a word. colours
Случайное колесо

от Olgash80

Guess the word

Guess the word

от Dkdashakozlova

Guess the word

Guess the word
Угадай буквы

от Zauers

feelings guess the word

feelings guess the word
Угадай буквы

от Alsubunny

guess the word

guess the word
Случайные карты

от Annaschipanova2

Guess the word

Guess the word

от Vikadulub95

guess the word

guess the word
Угадай буквы

от Manhattantimes

Guess the word

Guess the word

от Guruskype

Guess the word

Guess the word
Откройте поле

от Anna1079

Guess a word

Guess a word
Перевернуть плитки

от Satirica

Guess a word

Guess a word
Найди пару

от Nushaba1

Guess the word

Guess the word

от Shareenglish

Guess the word

Guess the word
Откройте поле

от Capitalscnsk1

Alena word guess

Alena word guess
Случайные карты

от Galucha9669

guess the word

guess the word

от Mariyabelyaeva1

1-й класс

Guess the word

Guess the word
Угадай буквы

от Bobriakov

Guess the word

Guess the word

от Tipetrenko

1-й класс
2-й класс

Guess the word/expression

Guess the word/expression
Случайные карты

от Daphka

CPE objective

Guess the hidden word

Guess the hidden word

от Volosukolga1

  • to hit someone or something with the foot, or to move the feet and legs suddenly and violently

    (v.) kick

  •  15
  • a situation in which someone is trying to win something or be more successful than someone else

    (n.) competition

  •  20
  • to become a member of an organization

    (v.) join

  •  15
  • a competition in which all the competitors try to be the fastest and to finish first

    (n.) race

  •  20
  • a drawing that gives you a particular type of information about a particular area

    (n.) map

  •  15
  • a person who is travelling in a vehicle but is not driving it, flying it, or working on it

    (n.) passenger /ˈpæs.ən.dʒər/

  •  20
  • to be careful of, or give attention to something

    (v.) mind

  •  25
  • the inside surface of a room that you can see when you look above you

    (n.) ceiling — /ˈsiː.lɪŋ/

  •  20
  • something bad that happens that is not expected or intended and that often damages something or injures someone

    (n.) accident

  •  25
  • to stop doing a particular activity or stop being active for a period of time in order to relax and get back your strength (4 letters)

    (v.) rest

  •  20
  • a special vehicle used to take sick or injured people to hospital

    (n.) ambulance

  •  15
  • a shop that sells medicine

    (n.) pharmacy/drug store/ chemist’s

  •  15
  • fall to the ground (phrasal verbs)

    fall over

  •  20
  • to fix something that is broken or damaged

    (v.) repair

  •  15
  • a set of steps that lead from one level to another, esp. in a building (plural nouns)

    (n.) stairs

  •  25
  • a substance, especially in the form of a liquid or a pill, that is a treatment for illness or injury

    (n.) medicine

  •  25
  • unusual and unexpected, or difficult to understand

    (adj.) strange

  •  25
  • to take and keep something in your hand or arms

    (v.) hold

  •  20
  • to invite another person or company to be a part of something, such as a job or project

    (v.) include

  •  25
  • able to be bought or used

    (adj.) available

  •  20
  • not free or available to do something

    (adj.) busy

  •  15
  • to ask someone if they would like to have something or if they would like you to do something

    (v.) offer

  •  25
  • a person who buys goods or a service

    (n.) customer

  •  15
  • information about someone or something

    (n.) detail

  •  20
  • an occasion when objects are shown to the public (e_________)

    (n.) exhibition

  •  20
  • (adj.) liked, enjoyed, or supported by many people


  •  25
  • a set of decisions about how to do something in the future (p_____)

    (n.) plan

  •  20
  • to arrive too late to get on a bus, train, or aircraft

    (v.) miss

  •  25
  • a long, flat raised structure at a railway station, where people get on and off trains (pl_______)

    (n.) platform

  •  25
  • Make some teams

    Take turns choosing questions

    Say the answer then hit the Check button

    Click Okay if the team is correct or Oops if not

    Students have to guess the word by the definition.

    All of them are objects of daily use and easy to guess.

    Objects that you use every day and can be part of the daily routine.

    The above lesson is a great teaching resource for:Elementary (A1), Pre-intermediate (A2)

    This resource is intended for:Adults, Elementary schoolers

    Quality not yet verified by the community.

    This resource does not contain any images, words or ideas that would upset a reasonable person in any culture.

    This resource is licensed by fcerrillo under the iSLCollective Copyright License.

    Can YOU guess these 20 words from their definitions? Quiz will put your knowledge of the English language to the test

    • 20-question quiz will test your knowledge of the English language 
    • Players are challenged to guess the words based on their definitions
    • Some are easier than others and the creators claim it’s difficult to get 17/20 

    Published: 07:36 BST, 21 July 2021 | Updated: 07:41 BST, 21 July 2021

    Fancy yourself an English whizz? Then put your knowledge to the test with this tricky vocabular quiz. 

    The challenge, shared on US-based trivia website Quizly, asks players to identify 20 words based on their definitions. 

    Some are easier than others to figure out and, according to the creators, you will be doing well if you manage to score 17/20 or above. 

    Think you have what it takes? Scroll down to take the test then check your answers at the bottom. But no cheating! 

    The challenge, shared on US-based trivia website Quizly , asks players to identify 20 words based on their definitions. Stock image





















    … Now check your answers 

    1. Border

    2. Flock

    3. Dairy

    4. Reservoir

    5. Burglar

    6. Jam

    7. Unlock

    8. Annual

    9. Diamond

    10. Clap

    11. Decade

    12. Nectar

    13. Crawl

    14. Sow

    15. Valley

    16. Tow

    17. Elbow

    18. Skyscraper

    19. Museum

    20. Operate/Operation or surgery

    Can You Guess the Compound Word From a Definition?

    Image: Witthaya Prasongsin / Moment / Getty Images

    About This Quiz

    The year was 2004, and the world was becoming obsessed with an Internet that literally allowed them to find anything by «logging on.» A student at Harvard University grabbed hold of this increasingly-widespread technology in an attempt to get to know his classmates better. Prior to his «creation,» the only way students had to pair someone’s picture with their name was with a printed directory, akin to a yearbook. Mark Zuckerberg’s solution for that was a platform that now has one billion active users: Facebook.

    You’re probably saying to yourself, «Yeah, but this isn’t a quiz about social media.» And you’re right. But it is a quiz about compound words, a category the word «Facebook» most definitely falls into. The literal definition of Facebook is an online book of faces, via photos. Today, Facebook has evolved into much more, but the name has become as much a part of our lexicon as «baseball» and «wallpaper.» 

    Speaking of «baseball» and «wallpaper» … and «Facebook,» could you ever have imagined those three things have something in common? Indeed, they are all compound words, or the combination of two separate words to make one new word. Now, we want to know how well you know other fairly common compound words. Sniff out the clues in our definitions and pick the right compound word that matches. We know you’ll do extraordinary (another compound word)! 

    1 airport

    This is the word for a place that specializes in landing and taking off. What is it?

    Almost certainly, you’ve been to an airport before, likely running to chase a flight before it leaves without you. The other compound word choices in this question all also deal with matters of the air, even «airhead,» which is frequently used as a derogatory comment about someone’s intelligence.

    Almost certainly, you’ve been to an airport before, likely running to chase a flight before it leaves without you. The other compound word choices in this question all also deal with matters of the air, even «airhead,» which is frequently used as a derogatory comment about someone’s intelligence.

    2 ballpark

    It’s a large green area where games are played. Which word fits the definition?

    If someone offers to take you out to the ballgame, they probably have a trip to the ballpark envisioned. Most references to «ballparks» are typically associated with baseball, rather than games with other balls, like football or basketball.

    If someone offers to take you out to the ballgame, they probably have a trip to the ballpark envisioned. Most references to «ballparks» are typically associated with baseball, rather than games with other balls, like football or basketball.

    3 bookstore

    Considering yourself a bibliophile? This shop that sells reading materials is your go-to. What is it?

    Oh, to get lost in a bookstore! Why is it you can spend hours walking around in a bookstore and time melts away, but 15 minutes in the grocery store feels like pure misery? Bookstores come in all shapes and sizes, from large chains to small independent storefronts.

    Oh, to get lost in a bookstore! Why is it you can spend hours walking around in a bookstore and time melts away, but 15 minutes in the grocery store feels like pure misery? Bookstores come in all shapes and sizes, from large chains to small independent storefronts.

    4 cartwheel

    The most common usage of this word represents the physical act of a person turning their body in a circular motion. Which word fits?

    The quite literal definition of a cartwheel is, well, a wheel on a cart. Because cartwheels turn in a circular motion, the word is also used to represent an athletic maneuver where an individual turns their body feet over hands in a turning-wheel motion.

    The quite literal definition of a cartwheel is, well, a wheel on a cart. Because cartwheels turn in a circular motion, the word is also used to represent an athletic maneuver where an individual turns their body feet over hands in a turning-wheel motion.

    5 daydreams

    Visions that you indulge in your mind, maybe while you’re at work, are known as which of these?

    We aren’t sure why dreams, while you’re in bed for the night, aren’t called «nightdreams,» since «daydreams» appear to be their exact opposite. You can have nightmares, though, but nobody wants that.

    We aren’t sure why dreams, while you’re in bed for the night, aren’t called «nightdreams,» since «daydreams» appear to be their exact opposite. You can have nightmares, though, but nobody wants that.

    6 eyeball

    The shape of the two things you see out of is reflected in which of these compound words?

    Most people just refer to «eyes» as, well, «eyes,» rather than «eyeballs,» but both are correct. The word «eyeball» refers to the actual round shape of the structure that encapsulates your seeing apparatus.

    Most people just refer to «eyes» as, well, «eyes,» rather than «eyeballs,» but both are correct. The word «eyeball» refers to the actual round shape of the structure that encapsulates your seeing apparatus.

    7 earthquake

    What would you call vibrations that occur under the surface of the Earth?

    The biggest earthquake to ever strike a location in the United States occurred in 1964 when a magnitude 9.2 earthquake was measured at Prince William Sound in Alaska. The vibrations from the earthquake were so strong that their impact was felt as far away as Seattle.

    The biggest earthquake to ever strike a location in the United States occurred in 1964 when a magnitude 9.2 earthquake was measured at Prince William Sound in Alaska. The vibrations from the earthquake were so strong that their impact was felt as far away as Seattle.

    8 grandchild

    This is not your son or daughter but your son or daughter’s son or daughter. What word is it?

    We hope that question didn’t confuse you, but it’s true! A grandchild is your child’s child. The prefix «grand» added to the word «child» represents a generation removed. So, a grandmother is a generation older, while a grandchild is a generation younger.

    We hope that question didn’t confuse you, but it’s true! A grandchild is your child’s child. The prefix «grand» added to the word «child» represents a generation removed. So, a grandmother is a generation older, while a grandchild is a generation younger.

    9 handcuffs

    Metal devices put around an individual’s wrists are known by which of these names?

    While these metal devices don’t actually go on the hands, they do restrict the movement of an individual’s hand, essentially «cuffing» them. Handcuffs are metal rings that go around the wrists and, if you’re wearing them, you’re probably in trouble.

    While these metal devices don’t actually go on the hands, they do restrict the movement of an individual’s hand, essentially «cuffing» them. Handcuffs are metal rings that go around the wrists and, if you’re wearing them, you’re probably in trouble.

    10 hopscotch

    It’s a game played by children that involves jumping over lines scratched into a flooring surface. What do we call it?

    This one is a bit tricky because the history of «scotch» in this word comes from «scratch,» a reference to the lines drawn for this childhood game. The «hop» part is easy, since hopping is an integral part of the game.

    This one is a bit tricky because the history of «scotch» in this word comes from «scratch,» a reference to the lines drawn for this childhood game. The «hop» part is easy, since hopping is an integral part of the game.

    11 laptop

    You can rest this device on your legs while sitting and close its lid when you’re finished. What is it?

    If a «desktop» is a computer meant to sit on the top of a desk, it stands to reason that a «laptop» is a computer meant to sit on the top of your lap. Of course, there are many other places you can place a laptop, such as on a table or counter, but «tabletop» and «countertop» were already taken.

    If a «desktop» is a computer meant to sit on the top of a desk, it stands to reason that a «laptop» is a computer meant to sit on the top of your lap. Of course, there are many other places you can place a laptop, such as on a table or counter, but «tabletop» and «countertop» were already taken.

    12 milkshake

    Grab one of these dairy-based treats, mixed together by moving its ingredients quickly back and forth. Which word are we referencing?

    Most milkshakes have ingredients that are blended together with some type of small electronic device rather than an actual «shaking» back and forth. Regardless, we call them milkshakes today … and they’re delicious if we do say so ourselves.

    Most milkshakes have ingredients that are blended together with some type of small electronic device rather than an actual «shaking» back and forth. Regardless, we call them milkshakes today … and they’re delicious if we do say so ourselves.

    13 lighthouse

    This is a structure that harbors a beacon to guide ships to safety. What’s an easy word to remember it by?

    Lighthouses have been around since the Egyptians first started using them some 2,000 years ago. Early lighthouses were likely just large bonfires on the beach. Today, lighthouses are actual towers that «house» lights to help guide boats at sea to safety.

    Lighthouses have been around since the Egyptians first started using them some 2,000 years ago. Early lighthouses were likely just large bonfires on the beach. Today, lighthouses are actual towers that «house» lights to help guide boats at sea to safety.

    14 newspaper

    A publication that tells you the latest headlines is known as what?

    What would you call a paper full of news? Why, a newspaper, of course! The earliest newspaper dates back to the 1600s, and while the newspaper industry has taken a hit since the internet and social media have become so popular, you can still find them in just about every community in the country.

    What would you call a paper full of news? Why, a newspaper, of course! The earliest newspaper dates back to the 1600s, and while the newspaper industry has taken a hit since the internet and social media have become so popular, you can still find them in just about every community in the country.

    15 paycheck

    If you have a job, you get compensated in a paper or electronic version of one of these. Which is it?

    Let’s hear it for the almighty paycheck … although we’re sure most of you would like yours to be even more than what it already is. Before electronic deposits, paychecks were actual paper checks paying you for your time on the job.

    Let’s hear it for the almighty paycheck … although we’re sure most of you would like yours to be even more than what it already is. Before electronic deposits, paychecks were actual paper checks paying you for your time on the job.

    16 snowflakes

    Tiny slivers of ice crystals that fall to earth, particularly in colder climates, are known as what?

    There’s nothing quite like the first snowflakes of the season falling, especially to get you in a wintry, holiday mood. After a couple of months of it, though, we’re good. Snowflakes are ice-based precipitation that falls to the earth.

    There’s nothing quite like the first snowflakes of the season falling, especially to get you in a wintry, holiday mood. After a couple of months of it, though, we’re good. Snowflakes are ice-based precipitation that falls to the earth.

    17 subway

    It’s an easier way to specify an «underground thoroughfare.» Which word is the best choice?

    For a good portion of the country, «Subway» is more reminiscent of a sandwich shop than an underground thoroughfare. But, in this instance, the compound word chosen for this quiz is a representation of a passage»way» sub- (or under) ground.

    For a good portion of the country, «Subway» is more reminiscent of a sandwich shop than an underground thoroughfare. But, in this instance, the compound word chosen for this quiz is a representation of a passage»way» sub- (or under) ground.

    18 fireproof

    If something is resistant to high flames and temperatures, it is known as which of these?

    The word fireproof is made up of two separate words: «fire» and «proof.» When combined, it literally means that something is «proof against» fire, or resistant to fire, according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary.

    The word fireproof is made up of two separate words: «fire» and «proof.» When combined, it literally means that something is «proof against» fire, or resistant to fire, according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary.

    19 tailgate

    This is a boundary for, typically, the back of a truck. What do we call it?

    A «tailgate» is a boundary (like a gate) for the tail-end of something (in this case, a truck). Football fans also use this to reference a tailgate event, which typically involves enjoying food and drink from the back of a vehicle.

    A «tailgate» is a boundary (like a gate) for the tail-end of something (in this case, a truck). Football fans also use this to reference a tailgate event, which typically involves enjoying food and drink from the back of a vehicle.

    20 superstar

    Got crazy-good skills or talent in a specific field? The world might call you this. What is it?

    The compound word «superstar» comes from the words «super» and «star.» Stars are bright and shining objects, so it stands to reason that a superstar is one that shines even more brightly. We usually use the word «superstar» in reference to celebrities or athletes.

    The compound word «superstar» comes from the words «super» and «star.» Stars are bright and shining objects, so it stands to reason that a superstar is one that shines even more brightly. We usually use the word «superstar» in reference to celebrities or athletes.

    21 throwback

    You might do this on Thursdays! An act of returning to the past is known as what?

    The most common instance of using the word «throwback» today is in reference to social media, where the hashtag #ThrowbackThursday is used to «throw it back» to something in the past. This is typically accompanied by an old photo or status.

    The most common instance of using the word «throwback» today is in reference to social media, where the hashtag #ThrowbackThursday is used to «throw it back» to something in the past. This is typically accompanied by an old photo or status.

    22 wheelchair

    It’s a seat mounted with rotating disks, making an easier mobility solution. What do we know it as?

    People with mobility issues rely on wheelchairs (literally, chairs with wheels) to make it simpler for them to get around. The first wheelchair known to have been used was designed for Spain’s King Phillip II.

    People with mobility issues rely on wheelchairs (literally, chairs with wheels) to make it simpler for them to get around. The first wheelchair known to have been used was designed for Spain’s King Phillip II.

    23 worksheet

    A piece of paper with business dealings on it could be called by which of these compound words?

    Sheets of work — ain’t nobody got time for that! Worksheets may exist from the earliest days of school until well after you’ve started a professional career. All of them are similar, requiring some amount of work to be entered onto the sheet itself.

    Sheets of work — ain’t nobody got time for that! Worksheets may exist from the earliest days of school until well after you’ve started a professional career. All of them are similar, requiring some amount of work to be entered onto the sheet itself.

    24 afternoon

    You might use this word to designate the time period after 12 p.m. Which one is it?

    The word «afternoon» usually encompasses the period of time from just after «noon,» or 12 p.m., until the evening begins. To say «afternoon» means it’s after the noon hour but could run as late at 5 or 6 p.m.

    The word «afternoon» usually encompasses the period of time from just after «noon,» or 12 p.m., until the evening begins. To say «afternoon» means it’s after the noon hour but could run as late at 5 or 6 p.m.

    25 footprint

    An impression of an appendage, like one left in sand, would be called which of these?

    Have you ever heard of the famous poem called «Footprints in the Sand?» Well, it doesn’t matter if you don’t know the whole thing. The point is, footprints are impressions of feed left somewhere, such as those you leave when walking on the beach.

    Have you ever heard of the famous poem called «Footprints in the Sand?» Well, it doesn’t matter if you don’t know the whole thing. The point is, footprints are impressions of feed left somewhere, such as those you leave when walking on the beach.

    26 sunflower

    This plant earned its name for turning its bloom toward a star in the sky. What is it called?

    Sunflowers are popular summer and early fall flowers that earned their name for the fact that they turn their blooms toward the sun. Their shape is also reminiscent of a round, sun-like shape.

    Sunflowers are popular summer and early fall flowers that earned their name for the fact that they turn their blooms toward the sun. Their shape is also reminiscent of a round, sun-like shape.

    27 bellbottoms

    Popular in the 1960s, this garment is named for a wide shape at its base. What would you call it?

    Bellbottom pants and even jeans were especially common during the freewheeling decades of the 1960s and 1970s. They were named for their wide shape at the bottom of the hem that resembles the wide bottom of a bell’s base.

    Bellbottom pants and even jeans were especially common during the freewheeling decades of the 1960s and 1970s. They were named for their wide shape at the bottom of the hem that resembles the wide bottom of a bell’s base.

    28 pancake

    Pass the syrup: Which of these means a flat slab cooked in a skillet?

    A cake of batter cooked in a pan (or sometimes on a griddle) is known popularly as a «pancake.» Now we’re thinking of pancakes topped with warm syrup and butter … wait, where were we?

    A cake of batter cooked in a pan (or sometimes on a griddle) is known popularly as a «pancake.» Now we’re thinking of pancakes topped with warm syrup and butter … wait, where were we?

    29 candlelight

    Illumination from a waxen stick may be referred to as one of these terms. What is it?

    Light from a candle, which is usually made of wax with a wick at its top, can be more succinctly referred to as «candlelight.» The earliest candles were made from tallow and used frequently to illuminate a home before indoor electricity.

    Light from a candle, which is usually made of wax with a wick at its top, can be more succinctly referred to as «candlelight.» The earliest candles were made from tallow and used frequently to illuminate a home before indoor electricity.

    30 highchair

    Babies sit in these, elevated from the floor to the height of a table or counter. What are they called?

    Highchairs are specially made chairs for babies and toddlers, elevated at a raised height, to join more closely to a tabletop or counter. This is also a useful feature for adults who are trying to feed children while seated comfortably.

    Highchairs are specially made chairs for babies and toddlers, elevated at a raised height, to join more closely to a tabletop or counter. This is also a useful feature for adults who are trying to feed children while seated comfortably.

    31 stockroom

    A storage space for a supply of goods could be called this. What is it?

    A stockroom, interpreted as «a room in which to store stock,» is a frequent addition to storefronts. After all, where is all that extra inventory going to be held? «Stock» refers to an excess of goods or supplies.

    A stockroom, interpreted as «a room in which to store stock,» is a frequent addition to storefronts. After all, where is all that extra inventory going to be held? «Stock» refers to an excess of goods or supplies.

    32 shoemaker

    This is a person known for making footwear, and we love us some footwear. Which compound word represents this career?

    Have you ever heard of the story, «The Elves and the Shoemaker?» In it, a shoemaker (or one who makes footwear) gets the assistance of some elves, who help him out in his time of misfortune.

    Have you ever heard of the story, «The Elves and the Shoemaker?» In it, a shoemaker (or one who makes footwear) gets the assistance of some elves, who help him out in his time of misfortune.

    34 newborn

    You’re new here, aren’t you? Which of these words describes an infant who’s just entered the world?

    It’s pretty easy to see what the word «newborn» means. If you take it at face value, you’ll see that it’s a person (or maybe an animal) who has been newly born. There’s nothing more cuddly than a newborn, and we love that newborn smell. Ahh …

    It’s pretty easy to see what the word «newborn» means. If you take it at face value, you’ll see that it’s a person (or maybe an animal) who has been newly born. There’s nothing more cuddly than a newborn, and we love that newborn smell. Ahh …

    35 homemade

    Something that is prepared in your house is known as which of these?

    Want something homemade? Then simply make it at home! No, it’s not the «home» that made it, but the person whose home it is. Homemade compares favorably to things that are storebought or mass-produced.

    Want something homemade? Then simply make it at home! No, it’s not the «home» that made it, but the person whose home it is. Homemade compares favorably to things that are storebought or mass-produced.



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    1. to
      be very easy to do or win

    2. a
      short well-known statement that gives advice or expresses something
      that is generally true

    3. a
      method of doing something or dealing with a problem

    4. good
      sense and judgment, based especially on your experience of life

    5. someone
      who changes spoken words from one language into another, especially
      as their job

    6. the
      process of getting better at doing something

    7. a
      helpful piece of advice

    8. the
      way someone pronounces the words of a language, showing which
      country or which part of a country they come from

    9. the
      rules by which words change their forms and are combined into
      sentences, or the study or use of these rules

    10. all
      the words that someone knows or uses

    11. many,
      or involving many things, people, events

    12. a
      meeting at which someone asks questions and another person answers

    13. an
      area of knowledge that you study at a school or university

    14. when
      someone goes to a meeting, class etc, or an occasion when they go

    15. a
      group of related documents that you store together on a computer

    the adjectives with nouns

    1. multiple

    2. foreign

    3. everyday

    4. satellite

    5. wide language

    6. strong situation

    7. compulsory

    8. decent

    9. grammatical

    10. native

    11. basic

    12. colloquial

    13. significant


    1. Ask
      your teacher to help you identify your areas of (DIFFICULT)……………
      in writing.

    2. I
      don’t need any more of your (HELP) ……………. advice!

    3. The
      murderer’s identity remains (KNOW)………………

    4. I
      don’t know the precise (MEAN)…………..of the word ‘gleaned’.

    5. Most
      courses involve an average of eight hours’ (ATTEND)………….. at
      college each week.

    6. The
      shoe factory is the largest (EMPLOY)……………. in this area.

    7. Don’t
      write down your password, (MEMORY) ……………… it.

    8. Take
      (MEASURE)…………… of the room before you buy any new

    9. He
      said he didn’t care — well actually he used a rude
      (EXPRESS)………………..that I can’t repeat!

    10. All
      students were asked to fill in a (QUESTION)…………………about
      their families.

    Guess the words by the definitions given

    1. a dictionary giving
      equivalent words in two languages

    2. the type of dictionary
      that uses the same language for the words and their definitions

    3. a book, such as an
      encyclopedia, dictionary, etc., from which information may be

    4. the form of language
      that you speak rather than write

    5. something that you must
      learn in a school because of a rule or law

    6. a

    7. an

    8. details

    9. all

    10. tasks that a student at
      school is asked to do at home

    Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

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    Guess the word by the explanation of it’s meaning

    1) a device that gives out heat

    2) a piece of ice hanging from the roof

    3) indication of how or cold a person or thing is

    4) something which happens often or all the time

    5) area of water bigger than the sea.

    На этой странице сайта, в категории Английский язык размещен ответ на вопрос
    Guess the word by the explanation of it’s meaning1) a device that gives out heat2) a piece of ice hanging from the roof3) indication of how or cold a person or thing is4) something which happens often?. По уровню сложности вопрос рассчитан на учащихся
    10 — 11 классов. Чтобы получить дополнительную информацию по
    интересующей теме, воспользуйтесь автоматическим поиском в этой же категории,
    чтобы ознакомиться с ответами на похожие вопросы. В верхней части страницы
    расположена кнопка, с помощью которой можно сформулировать новый вопрос,
    который наиболее полно отвечает критериям поиска. Удобный интерфейс
    позволяет обсудить интересующую тему с посетителями в комментариях.


    Guess the word bу the explanation of its meaning.
    1) one of the twelve parts into which the year is divided
    2) а great snowstorm
    3) а child who goes to school
    4) an opening in а wall to let in light and air
    5) to help or make somebody remember something
    6) а device that gives out heat •
    7) а piece of ice hanging from the roof
    8) indication of how hot or cold а person or thing is
    9) something which happens often or all the time
    10) area of water bigger than the sea

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