Guess the word by the explanation of its meaning a place with you

2. Guess the word by the explanation of its meaning. l) a place with many houses, shops, schools, offces and other buildings 2) a country in Europe with the capital Copenhagen our planet with all its countries 4) words used in a particular country or by a particular group of people 5) to look for some 6) of the country (place) where you overe born 7) men, women and children 3. Give English equivalents for the following words. Active Vocabulary

Найди верный ответ на вопрос ✅ «2. Guess the word by the explanation of its meaning. l) a place with many houses, shops, schools, offces and other buildings 2) a country …» по предмету 📙 Английский язык, а если ответа нет или никто не дал верного ответа, то воспользуйся поиском и попробуй найти ответ среди похожих вопросов.

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Главная » Английский язык » 2. Guess the word by the explanation of its meaning. l) a place with many houses, shops, schools, offces and other buildings 2) a country in Europe with the capital Copenhagen our planet with all its countries 4) words used in a particular country

2. Guess the word by the explanation of its meaning.

L) a place with many houses, shops, schools, offces and other buildings 2) a country in Europe with the capital Copenhagen our planet with all its countries 4) words used in a particular country or by a particular group of people 5) to look for some 6) of the country (place) where you overe born 7) men, women and children 3.

Give English equivalents for the following words.

Active Vocabulary.

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42 месяца назад

Сделать 2 упражнения по английскому: Guess the word Ьу the explanation of its meaning. 1) а place where you can leave

coats and bags while you are visiting а building 2) а list of the times when school Iessons take place 3) а place equipped for gymnastics 4) а room equipped for scientific work 5) pleasant to use; free from worry 6) something that is studied 7) а group of people who meet together because they are interested in the same thing 8) а short rest from work и 5. 5. Parapbrase the words in italic using the active vocabulary. Make other changes in the sentence if necessary. 1. Physics is ту favourite lesson. 2. Let’s speak about it during the pause between the lessons. 3. Не went to the corridor, as he wanted to see what the matter was.


Будь первым, кто ответит на вопрос

2. Guess the word by the explanation of its meaning. 1) a place with m перевод - 2. Guess the word by the explanation of its meaning. 1) a place with m русский как сказать

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2. Guess the word by the explanatio

2. Guess the word by the explanation of its meaning. 1) a place with many houses, shops, schools, offices and other buildings 2) a country in Europe with the capital Copenhages 3) Our planet with all its countries 4) Words used in a particular country or by a particular group of a people 5) To look for some time 6) Of the country (place) where you overe born 7) men, women and children


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


2. Guess the word by the explanation of its meaning. 1) a place with many houses, shops, schools, offices and other buildings 2) a country in Europe with the capital Copenhages 3) Our planet with all its countries 4) Words used in a particular country or by a particular group of a people 5) To look for some time 6) Of the country (place) where you overe born 7) men, women and children

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


2. Угадайте слово, объяснение его значения. 1) место, с большим количеством домов, магазинов, школ, офисов и других зданий 2) страна в Европе со столицей Copenhages 3) Наша планета со всеми ее странами 4) слова, используемые в той или иной стране или по определенной группе людей 5) для того, чтобы искать в течение некоторого времени 6) страны (места), где вы родились overe 7) мужчин, женщин и детей

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


2.думаю, слово на разъяснения его значения.1) место, где многие дома, магазины, школы, офисы и других зданий, 2) страна в европе, в столице copenhages 3) нашей планеты со всеми его страны 4) слова используются в конкретной стране или конкретной группы людей, 5) искать какое — то время 6) страны (место), где ты здесь родился 7), мужчин, женщин и детей,

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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Вопрос по английскому языку:

2. Guess the word by the explanation of its meaning. l) a place with many houses, shops, schools, offces and other buildings 2) a country in Europe with the capital Copenhagen our planet with all its countries 4) words used in a particular country or by a particular group of people 5) to look for some 6) of the country (place) where you overe born 7) men, women and children 3. Give English equivalents for the following words. Active Vocabulary

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Воспользуйся формой подбора репетитора и занимайся онлайн. Пробный урок — бесплатно!

Ответы и объяснения 1



l) a place with many houses, shops, schools, offices and other buildings — city
2) a country in Europe with the capital Copenhagen — Denmark
3) our planet with all its countries — globe
4) words used in a particular country or by a particular group of people — language
5) to look for — search
6) of the country (place) where you were born — native
7) men, women and children — people

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2. Guess the word by the explanation of its meaning. l) a place with many houses, shops, schools, offces and other buildings 2) a country in Europe with the capital Copenhagen our planet with all its countries 4) words used in a particular country or by a particular group of people 5) to look for some 6) of the country (place) where you overe born 7) men, women and children 3. Give English equivalents for the following words. Active Vocabulary

Правильный ответ на вопрос 👍 «2. Guess the word by the explanation of its meaning. l) a place with many houses, shops, schools, offces and other buildings 2) a country …» по предмету 📗 Английский язык. Развернутая система поиска нашего сайта обязательно приведёт вас к нужной информации. Как вариант — оцените ответы на похожие вопросы. Но если вдруг и это не помогло — задавайте свой вопрос знающим оппонентам, которые быстро дадут на него ответ!

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Эссе список моих дел на день!)

Ответы (2)

Привет! Помогиете с мини-сочинением по английскому. Укажите на ошибки. Как можно лучше написать, что добавить, что убрать. In free time I usually go to the river Kuban. This place isn’t far from my home. There is quiet, calm and there are no people.

Ответы (1)

Выберите правильй вариант наречий:This dress is … for me. Have you got it in a bigger size? A) enough small B) smaller B) too small D) small

Ответы (2)

Помогите с английским Используя следующие слова и словосочетания, расскажите, Б) как вы отдыхали зимой: to like, in the winter, fine weather, to go for one’s holiday, at a holiday-centre, in the country, near Moscow, to wake up early, to wash, to

Ответы (1)

Змеи едят 3 раза в год

Ответы (1)

Главная » Английский язык » 2. Guess the word by the explanation of its meaning. l) a place with many houses, shops, schools, offces and other buildings 2) a country in Europe with the capital Copenhagen our planet with all its countries 4) words used in a particular country

with all its countries 4) words used in a particular country or by a particular group of people 5) to look for some 6) of the country (place) where you overe born 7) men, women and children 3. Give English equivalents for the following words. Active Vocabulary

Ответ №1

a place with many houses, shops, schools, offices and other buildings — city
a country in Europe with the capital Copenhagen — Denmark
3) our planet with all its
countries — globe
4) words used in a particular country or by a particular
group of people — language
5) to look for — search
6) of the country (place) where you were born — native
7) men, women and children — people

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