Guess the holiday and cross out the odd word

Разработка тестовых заданий по теме:

British holidays, customs and traditions”

I. Underline bank holidays.

Hallowe’en, Christmas Day, St. Valentine’s Day, Boxing Day, New Year’s Day, Pancake Day, Good Friday, May Day Bank Holiday, Guy Fawkes’ Night, Easter Monday, April fool’s Day, Spring Bank Holiday, Remembrance Day, Mother’s Day, Summer Bank Holiday.

II. Complete the sentences.

  1. The 25th of December is                                          a) New Year’s Day  
  2. The first Monday after May 1 is                            b) Guy Fawkes’ Night
  3. The 1st of January is                                                     c)  Summer Bank Holiday
  4. The last Monday in August is                                 d) April fool’s Day
  5. The 14th of February is                                            e) Christmas Day
  6. The 26th of December is                                           f) Hallowe’en
  7. The 5th of  November is                                           g) May Day
  8. The 1st of April is                                                    h) St. Valentine’s Day
  9. The last Monday in May is                                     i) Spring Bank Holiday
  10. The 31st of October is                                          j) Boxing Day

III. Match.

  1. Hallowe’en                                                                   a) joke
  2. Easter                                                                          b) heart
  3. May Day                                                                     c) visit friends 
  4. Guy Fawkes’ Night                                                     d) kilt
  5. Christmas                                                                    e) pumpkin  
  6. April fool’s Day                                                          f) bonfires  
  7. St. Valentine’s Day                                                      g) Hogmanay  
  8. The Highland Games                                                    h) carols
  9. Boxing Day                                                                  i) maypole
  10. New Year                                                                 j) egg

IV. Guess the holiday and cross out the odd word.

1) Fir tree, pantomime, Santa Claus, pumpkin, stockings, coloured lights and decorations, cards      

2) Shrove Tuesday, Maundy Thursday, maypole, making pancakes, going to church, egg-rolling, an ancient symbol of new life                                                                               

3) Trafalgar Square, first footing, Hogmanay, fir tree, Morris dance      

4) “Penny for a guy”, “trick or treat”, jack-o’lanterns, ghosts, horrible faces, pumpkin

5) Joke, tricks, a pint of pigeon’s milk, laugh, autumn        

6) Love, flowers, summer, cards, winter            

7) Gunpowder Plot, bonfires, the Houses of Parliament, “Penny for a guy”, jack-o’lanterns            

8) Jump, witches, kilts, toss, bagpipes, Scotland            

9) Garlands of flowers, ribbons, Morris dance, the maypole, egg- rolling            

V. Complete the sentences with words traditionally associated with Christmas.








a cracker








1) The tradition of singing ______, or Christmas songs, at Christmas is older than Christmas itself.

2) According to popular custom, any girl or woman caught standing under the ______may be kissed without her permission.

3) Long before Christianity was introduced, ______were worshipped as symbols of undying life, and used in magical rituals.

4) Just before Christmas dinner people often pull ______It usually makes a sharp noise and releases a toy and a piece of paper with a joke.

5) Traditionally people decorate their trees on Christmas ______ that’s December 24.

6) A traditional Christmas ______usually has a piece of holly on the top.

7) On Christmas Day everyone gives and receives ______.

8) Christmas trees are often decorated with ______symbolizing Christ as “Light of the World”.

9) Christmas ______often show the pictures of Nativity.

10) The ______, with its green leaves and red berries, is often used to make attractive Christmas wreaths.

11) The celebration of Christ’s birth on December 25 began in ______ in the fourth century.

12) The Christmas tree came originally from ______.

13) Santa Claus visits houses by climbing down the ______.

14) Carol-singers usually collect money for ______. 

15) In medieval Germany an evergreen hung with ______was part of a traditional Christmas performance.

VI. True or false (T/F)?

  1. All holidays in GB are movable.        
  2. A female first-foot is thought to be a disaster.        
  3. Royal Eisteddfod is a singing and dancing competition.        
  4. The banks don’t close on the public holidays in GB.        
  5. In Britain a lot of people make New Year Resolutions on the evening of December 31st.          
  6. At Easter people organize bonfires.              
  7. Children dress up as witches on Guy Fawkes’ Night.        
  8. On the Queen’s official birthday,  there is a traditional ceremony called the Lord Mayor’s Show.                
  9. Oxford Street and Regent Street always have beautiful decorations at the New Year and Christmas.        
  10. Hallowe’en is a public holiday.        
  11.  “Auld Lang Syne” is sung not only on New Year’s Eve and at the close of reunions but also at many other social gatherings.          
  12. Morris is often danced round the Maypole.      
  13. Hogmanay is celebrated in March.        
  14. The Queen’s real birthday is on April 21st.      
  15. In England, they do not celebrate the New Year as widely as Christmas.                
  16. The spectacular ceremony of Changing the Guard takes place at Buckingham Palace.        
  17. The ceremony of the keys takes place every morning.      
  18. “The Englishman’s home isn’t his castle” is the saying known all over the world.                
  19. Gardening is one of the most popular hobbies in the country.          
  20. Animals in GB are not only loved but protected by law.        

Ответы к заданиям

I. Underline bank holidays.

Hallowe’en, Christmas Day, St. Valentine’s Day, Boxing Day, New Year’s Day, Pancake Day, Good Friday, May Day Bank Holiday, Guy Fawkes’ Night, Easter Monday, April fool’s Day, Spring Bank Holiday, Remembrance Day, Mother’s Day, Summer Bank Holiday. 

II. Complete the sentences.

  1. The 25th of December is          (e)                                        a) New Year’s Day  
  2. The first Monday after May 1 is          (g)                           b) Guy Fawkes’ Night
  3. The 1st of January is          (a)                                              c)  Summer Bank Holiday
  4. The last Monday in August is          (c)                               d) April fool’s Day
  5. The 14th of February is          (h)                                         e) Christmas Day
  6. The 26th of December is          (j)                                        f) Hallowe’en
  7. The 5th of  November is          (b)                                       g) May Day
  8. The 1st of April is          (d)                                                 h) St. Valentine’s Day
  9. The last Monday in May is          (i)                                    i) Spring Bank Holiday
  10. The 31st of October is          (f)                                            j) Boxing Day

III. Match.

  1. Hallowe’en           (e)                                                          a) joke
  2. Easter          (j)                                                                    b) heart
  3. May Day           (i)                                                              c) visit friends 
  4. Guy Fawkes’ Night           (f)                                             d) kilt
  5. Christmas           (h)                                                           e) pumpkin  
  6. April fool’s Day           (a)                                                 f) bonfires  
  7. St. Valentine’s Day           (b)                                            g) Hogmanay  
  8. The Highland Games           (d)                                         h) carols
  9. Boxing Day           (c)                                                         i) maypole
  10. New Year          (g)                                                             j) egg

IV. Guess the holiday and cross out the odd word.

1) Fir tree, pantomime, Santa Claus, pumpkin, stockings, coloured lights and decorations, cards —    Christmas     

2) Shrove Tuesday, Maundy Thursday, maypole, making pancakes, going to church, egg-rolling, an ancient symbol of new life   Easter                                                                            

3) Trafalgar Square, first footing, Hogmanay, fir tree, Morris dance — New Year     

4) “Penny for a guy”, “trick or treat”, jack-o’lanterns, ghosts, horrible faces, pumpkin —   Hallowe’en

5) Joke, tricks, a pint of pigeon’s milk, laugh, autumn- April fool’s Day       

6) Love, flowers, summer, cards, winter —    St. Valentine’s Day           

7) Gunpowder Plot, bonfires, the Houses of Parliament, “Penny for a guy”, jack-o’lanterns — Guy Fawkes’ Night           

8) Jump, witches, kilts, toss, bagpipes, Scotland — The Highland Games           

9) Garlands of flowers, ribbons, Morris dance, the maypole, egg- rolling — May Day           

V. Complete the sentences with words traditionally associated with Christmas.








a cracker








1) The tradition of singing carols, or Christmas songs, at Christmas is older than Christmas itself.

2) According to popular custom, any girl or woman caught standing under the mistletoe may be kissed without her permission.

3) Long before Christianity was introduced, evergreens were worshipped as symbols of undying life, and used in magical rituals.

4) Just before Christmas dinner people often pull a cracker. It usually makes a sharp noise and releases a toy and a piece of paper with a joke.

5) Traditionally people decorate their trees on Christmas Eve that’s December 24.

6) A traditional Christmas pudding usually has a piece of holly on the top.

7) On Christmas Day everyone gives and receives presents/gifts.

8) Christmas trees are often decorated with candles symbolizing Christ as “Light of the World”.

9) Christmas cards often show the pictures of Nativity.

10) The holly, with its green leaves and red berries, is often used to make attractive Christmas wreaths.

11) The celebration of Christ’s birth on December 25 began in Rome in the fourth century.

12) The Christmas tree came originally from Germany.

13) Santa Claus visits houses by climbing down the chimney.

14) Carol-singers usually collect money for charity.

15) In medieval Germany an evergreen hung with apples was part of a traditional Christmas performance.

VI. True or false (T/F)?

  1. All holidays in GB are movable.        (F)
  2. A female first-foot is thought to be a disaster.        (T) 
  3. Royal Eisteddfod is a singing and dancing competition.        (T)
  4. The banks don’t close on the public holidays in GB.        (F)
  5. In Britain a lot of people make New Year Resolutions on the evening of December 31st.        (T) 
  6. At Easter people organize bonfires.        (F)       
  7. Children dress up as witches on Guy Fawkes’ Night.        (F)
  8. On the Queen’s official birthday,  there is a traditional ceremony called the Lord Mayor’s Show.(F)               
  9. Oxford Street and Regent Street always have beautiful decorations at the New Year and Christmas.        (T) 
  10. Hallowe’en is a public holiday.        (F)
  11.  “Auld Lang Syne” is sung not only on New Year’s Eve and at the close of reunions but also at many other social gatherings.        (T)   
  12. Morris is often danced round the Maypole.        (T)
  13. Hogmanay is celebrated in March.        (F) 
  14. The Queen’s real birthday is on April 21st.        (T)
  15. In England, they do not celebrate the New Year as widely as Christmas.        (T)         
  16. The spectacular ceremony of Changing the Guard takes place at Buckingham Palace.        (T)
  17. The ceremony of the keys takes place every morning.       (F)
  18. “The Englishman’s home isn’t his castle” is the saying known all over the world.        (F)       
  19. Gardening is one of the most popular hobbies in the country.         (T) 
  20. Animals in GB are not only loved but protected by law.        (T) 

Задания составлены учителем английского языка Грязновой Е.В.

Sources of information

  1. David McDowall. Britain in Close – up, 2002.
  2. Pavlovskaya Anna. England and the English. M.: Moscow University Press, 2005.
  3. Povolotsky. British Studies./ Интек – М., 1996.
  4. Береговская Н.Ж. Habits and Ways in Great Britain. – М.: “Т-ОКО”,1998.
  5. Боева Н.Б., Попова Н.П. Великобритания. География, история, культура. Ростов н/Д, 2005.
  6. Голицынский Ю. Great Britain. – СПб.: Каро, 1999.
  7. Колодяжная Л.Н. Познакомьтесь: Великобритания. – М.: Рольф, Айрис-пресс, 1999.
  8. Колуфман К.И. Страницы Британской истории. — Обнинск.: Титул, 1999.
  9. Нестерова Н.М. Страноведение: Великобритания. – Ростов н/Д.: Феникс,2005.
  10. Ощепкова В.В. Britain in Brief. – М.: “Лист”, 1999.
  11. Сатинова В.Ф. Британия и британцы. – Минск: “ВЫШЭЙШАЯ ШКОЛА”, 2004.
  12. Хишунина Т.Н. Customs, traditions and holidays in Britain. — СПб.: Просвещение,2000.

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British Holidays

There are a number of holidays, which are celebrated in Great Britain every year.

One of them is, of course, the New Year’s Day on the first of January. It is not so popular in England as in our country, but it is rather popular in Scotland. On that day people usually visit their friends and there is a lot of dancing and eating. In Scotland people bring a piece of coal for good luck in the New Year.

The next holiday of the year is St. Valentine’s Day. It is on the 14th of February. People buy or make Valentine cards and send them to the people they love.

In March there is Mother’s Day. All the children and adults, come to their mothers on that day to express their love and gratitude.

In April there is Easter. At Easter children eat chocolate Easter eggs. Sometimes parents hide them in the house or in the garden and children have to look for them.

In June there is Father’s Day. On Father’s Day children give or send their fathers and grandfathers cards and presents.

On the 31st of October there is a Halloween. They say ghosts and witches come out on Halloween. People make lanterns out of pumpkins. Some people have Halloween parties and dress as witches and ghosts.

In England, Bonfire Night is associated with the tradition of celebrating the failure of Guy Fawkes’ actions on 5 th of November.In this day, people burn the dummy of Guy Fawkes, made of straw, on a bonfire.

The 25th of December is Christmas Day. It is one of the people’s favorite holidays. People put Christmas trees in their houses and decorate them. There are beautiful Christmas decorations in the streets. On Christmas Eve everybody puts the presents under the Christmas tree. People say that at night Father Christmas puts presents into the stockings which children usually hang above their beds. The traditional Christmas meal is roasted turkey and Christmas pudding. December the 26th is also a public holiday, Boxing Day, which takes its name from the old custom of giving workers an annual present in a Christmas box.

Ұлыбританияда жыл сайын атап өтілетін бірқатар мерекелер бар.

Олардың бірі, әрине, бірінші қаңтардың Жаңа жылы. Англияда бұл біздің елдегідей танымал емес, бірақ Шотландияда өте танымал. Бұл күні адамдар әдетте достарына барады, олар көп билейді және жейді. Шотландияда адамдар жаңа жылда сәттілікке көмір әкеледі.

Жылдың келесі мерекесі-Валентин күні. Бұл 14 ақпан. Адамдар Валентиналарды сатып алады немесе жасайды және оларды жақсы көретін адамдарға жібереді.

Наурыз айында аналар күні атап өтіледі. Бұл күні барлық балалар мен ересектер аналарына сүйіспеншілік пен ризашылық білдіру үшін келеді.

Сәуірде Пасха болады. Пасха үшін балалар шоколадты Пасха жұмыртқаларын жейді. Кейде ата-аналар оларды үйде немесе бақта жасырады, ал балалар оларды іздеуге мәжбүр.

Маусым-Әкелер күні. Әкелер күнінде балалар әкелері мен аталарына ашықхаттар мен сыйлықтар береді немесе жібереді.

31 қазанда Хэллоуин тойланады. Айтады, ghosts мен мыстандар выходят на Хэллоуин. Адамдар асқабақ шамдарын жасайды. Кейбір адамдар Хэллоуин кештерін өткізіп, сиқыршылар мен елестер сияқты киінеді.

Англияда оттың түні 5 қарашада Гай Фокстың сәтсіз әрекеттерін тойлау дәстүрімен байланысты. Бұл күні адамдар Гай Фокстың сабаннан жасалған манекенін отқа жағып жібереді.

25 желтоқсан-Рождество. Бұл адамдардың сүйікті мерекелерінің бірі. Адамдар шыршаларды үйлеріне салып, оларды безендіреді. Көшеде әдемі Рождестволық әшекейлер бар. Рождество қарсаңында барлығы шыршаның астына сыйлықтар қояды. Адамдар түнде аяз ата сыйлықтарды балалар әдетте төсектерінің үстіне іліп қоятын шұлықтарға салады дейді. Рождестволық дәстүрлі тағам-қуырылған күркетауық және рождестволық пудинг. 26 желтоқсан — бұл мемлекеттік мереке, сыйлықтар күні, ол ескі дәстүрден өз атын алды қызметкерлерге Рождестволық қорапта жыл сайынғы сыйлық беру.

Active Vocabulary
Coal [ kəʊl]- көмір, уголь

to hide [ haɪd ]- жасыру, прятать

ghost [ ɡəʊst] — елес, призрак

witche [wɪtʃ ] — мыстан кемпыр, ведьма

lantern [ˈlantən]- шам, фонарь

pumpkin [ˈpʌm(p)kɪn ] — асқабақ, тыква

gratitude [ˈɡratɪtjuːd ] — ризашылық, благодарность

associate [əˈsəʊʃieɪt] — байланыстыру, ұштастыру, ассоциировать,

failure [feɪljə] — жүзеге аспауы, провал

straw [strɔː] — сабан, соломка

Bonfire Night [ˈbɒnfʌɪə nʌɪt] — ночной костер, түнгі алау

dummy [ˈdʌmi ] — қуыршақ, манекен ,

Boxing Day [ˈbɒksɪŋ deɪ ]- сый күні, день подарков,

annual [ˈanjʊəl] — жыл сайынғы ,ежегодный
Phonetic exercise

celebrate visit

adult express

Easter pumpkin

Christmas put

night hide

lantern hang

ghost roasted

witches pudding

stockings decorate


1. Read and learn active vocabulary
2. Give the Kazakh/ Russian equivalents
New Year, visit, a piece of coal, popular, St. Valentine’s Day, to express, gratitude, to bring, send, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, to dress, to decorate, decoration, Christmas tree, Father Christmas, associate, made of straw.

Жаңа жыл, қонаққа, көмірдің бір бөлігі, танымал, Валентин күні, білдіру, ризашылық білдіру, әкелу, жіберу, аналар күні, Әкелер күні, киіну, безендіру, безендіру, шырша, Аяз Ата, байланыстыру, сабаннан.

3. Give the English equivalents to the following words and word combinations:

Жаңа жыл- Новый год; бару — навещать; танымал — популяреный; көмір бөлігі — кусок угля ; Әулие Валентин күні — День Святого Валентина ; әкелу — приносить ; жіберу — отправлять; білдіру — выразить ; ризашылық — благодарность; Аналар күні- День Матери; Әкелер күні — День Отца; киіну — одеваться; безендіру — украшать; безендіру — украшение; Жаңа жылдық шырша — рождественская елка; Аяз ата — Дед Мороз; ұштастыру ассоциировать; сабаннан жасалған сделано из соломы;
New Year, visit, a piece of coal, popular, St. Valentine’s Day, to express, gratitude, to bring, send, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, to dress, to decorate, decoration, Christmas tree, Father Christmas, associate, made of straw.

4. Make up sentences using active vocabulary and word combinations

My family and I celebrate the New year every year

We visit Grandma and Grandpa every New Year

In honor of Mother’s Day, I expressed my gratitude to my mother

every child associates the New Year with a Christmas tree and Santa Claus

5. Translate the following sentences into Kazakh or Russian

1. On Father’s Day children give or send their fathers and grandfathers cards and presents.

2. It is not so popular in England as in our country, but it is rather popular in Scotland.

3. People buy or make Valentine cards and send them to the people they love.

4. All the children and adults, come to their mothers on that day to express their love and gratitude.

5. Some people have Halloween parties and dress as witches and ghosts.

6. The traditional Christmas meal is roasted turkey and Christmas pudding.

7. In this day, people burn the dummy of Guy Fawkes, made of straw, on a bonfire.
1. Әкелер күнінде балалар әкелері мен аталарына ашықхаттар мен сыйлықтар береді немесе жібереді.

2. Англияда бұл біздің елдегідей танымал емес, бірақ Шотландияда өте танымал.

3. Адамдар Валентиналарды сатып алады немесе жасайды және оларды жақсы көретін адамдарға жібереді.

4. Барлық балалар мен ересектер, бұл күні аналарыңызға сүйіспеншілік пен ризашылық білдіру үшін келіңіз.

5. Кейбір адамдар Хэллоуин кештерін өткізіп, сиқыршылар мен елестер сияқты киінеді.

6. Рождестволық дәстүрлі тағам-қуырылған күркетауық және рождестволық пудинг.

7. Бұл күні адамдар сабаннан жасалған Гай Фокстың манекенін отқа жағып жібереді.

6. Read and translate the text

7. Match.

  1. Hallowe’en е a) joke
  2. Easter. j b) heart
  3. May Day I c) visit friends
  4. Guy Fawkes’ Night f d) kilt
  5. Christmas h e) pumpkin
  6. April fool’s Day a f) bonfires
  7. St. Valentine’s Day b g) Hogmanay
  8. The Highland Games g h) carols
  9. Boxing Day d i) maypole
  10. New Year c j) egg

8. Complete the sentences.

  1. The 25th of December is e a) Guy Fawkes’ Night
  2. The 1stof January is d b) Hallowe’en
  3. The14thof February is c c) St.Valentine’sDay
  4. The 5th of November is a d) New Year’s
  5. The 31stof October is b e) Christmas Day

9. Complete the sentences with words traditionally associated with Christmas use the dictionary.

cards charity Germany presentss/gift /gifts
a cracker Eve Rome chimneyyy candles
mistletoe pudding

1) According to popular custom, any girl or woman caught standing under the ______may be kissed without her permission.

2) Just before Christmas dinner people often pull ______It usually makes a sharp noise and releases a toy and a piece of paper with a joke.

3) Traditionally people decorate their trees on Christmas ______that’s December 24.

4) A traditional Christmas ______usually has a piece of holly on the top.

5) On Christmas Day everyone gives and receives ______.

6) Christmas trees are often decorated with ______symbolizing Christ as “Light of the World”.

7) Christmas ______often show the pictures of Nativity.

8) The celebration of Christ’s birth on December 25 began in ______ in the fourth century.

9) The Christmas tree came originally from ______.

11) Santa Claus visits houses by climbing down the ______.

12) Carol-singers usually collect money for ______.

10. Guess the holiday and cross out the odd word

1) Fir tree, pantomime, Santa Claus, pumpkin, stockings, coloured lights and decorations, cards

2) “Penny for a guy”, “trick or treat”, jack-o’lanterns, ghosts, horrible faces, pumpkin —

3) Shrove Tuesday, Maundy Thursday, maypole, making pancakes, going to church, egg-rolling, an ancient symbol of new life

4) Love, flowers, summer, cards, winter —

5) Gunpowder Plot, bonfires, the Houses of Parliament, “Penny for a guy”, jack-o’lanterns —

11. Answer the questions:

  1. What British holidays do you know?
  • Christmas Day in Britain.
  • Boxing Day in Britain.
  • Good Friday & Easter Monday in Britain.
  • Spring Bank Holiday in Britain.
  • Late Summer Bank Holiday in Britain.
  • Other Key Days in Britain.

2.Where is New Year popular?

It is not so popular in England as in our country, but it is rather popular in Scotland.

3. When is Halloween celebrated? On the 31st of October there is a Halloween

4. What are the most popular Halloween characters? On the 31st of October there is a Halloween. They say ghosts and witches come out on Halloween. People make lanterns out of pumpkins. Some people have Halloween parties and dress as witches and ghosts.

5. What do children look for on Easter? Sometimes parents hide them in the house or in the garden and children have to look for them.eggs

6. Where does Father Christmas put presents? People say that at night Father Christmas puts presents into the stockings which children usually hang above their beds.

7. When do people celebrate Christmas day?The 25th of December is Christmas Day.

8. What do people usually burn on the 5th of NovemberIn this day, people burn the dummy of Guy Fawkes, made of straw, on a bonfire. 

9. Do you send cards on Valentine’s Day?

10. When do you celebrate the lover’s day in your country?Kozy Korpesh banyan sulu 14 of April

10. Guess the holiday and cross out the odd word

1) Fir tree, pantomime, Santa Claus, pumpkin, stockings, coloured lights and decorations, cards Christmas

2) “Penny for a guy”, “trick or treat”, jack-o’lanterns, ghosts, horrible faces, pumpkin —  Hallowe’en

3) Shrove Tuesday, Maundy Thursday, maypole, making pancakes, going to church, egg-rolling, an ancient symbol of new life Easter

4) Love, flowers, summer, cards, winter —  St. Valentine’s Day

5) Gunpowder Plot, bonfires, the Houses of Parliament, “Penny for a guy”, jack-o’lanterns — Guy Fawkes’ Night

1) Шырша, пантомима, Аяз ата, асқабақ, шұлықтар, түрлі-түсті шамдар мен әшекейлер, карталар — Рождество

2) «Жігітке арналған пенни», «трюк немесе емдеу», фонарьлар, елестер, қорқынышты жүздер, асқабақ — Хэллоуин

3) Шроу сейсенбі, таза бейсенбі, май полюсі, құймақ жасау, шіркеуге бару, жұмыртқа пісіру, жаңа өмірдің ежелгі символы — Пасха

4) Махаббат, гүлдер, жаз, карталар, қыс — Әулие Валентин күні

5) Мылтық сюжеті, алаулар, Парламент үйлері, «Жігітке пенни», фонарьлар — Гай Фоукс түні

11. Answer the questions:

1. What British holidays do you know? British Holidays:

Christmas Day in Britain.

Boxing Day in Britain.

Easter in Britain. St. Valentine’s Day,

2.Where is New Year popular? popular in Scotland

3. When is Halloween celebrated? Halloween is a holiday celebrated each year on October 31

4. What are the most popular Halloween characters? dress as witches and ghosts

5. What do children look for on Easter? At Easter children eat chocolate Easter eggs

6. Where does Father Christmas put presents? Father Christmas puts presents into the stockings which children usually hang above their beds.

7. When do people celebrate Christmas day? The 25th of December

8. What do people usually burn on the 5th of November? In this day, people burn the dummy of Guy Fawkes, made of straw, on a bonfire.

9. Do you send cards on Valentine’s Day?нөөөөөөөу

10. When do you celebrate the lover’s day in your country? April 15

Достарыңызбен бөлісу:

Cross the odd word out.
1. weekend, holiday, festival, workday, travelling
2. a kitchen, a dining room, a house, a bathroom, a bedroom
3. a shopping centre, a supermarket, a town centre, a bookshop
4. a museum, a library, an art gallery, an exhibition, a show
5. semi−detached, block of flats, detached, terraced, castle
6. peaceful, pleasant, dangerous, friendly, amazing
7. work, walk, play, celebrate, travel, visit

Английский язык ENJOY ENGLISH Английский с удовольствием (рабочая тетрадь) 6 класс Биболетова. UNIT 1. Section 6. Номер №45


Перевод задания
Вычеркните лишнее слово.
1. выходные, праздник, фестиваль, рабочий день, путешествия
2. кухня, столовая, дом, санузел, спальня
3. торговый центр, супермаркет, центр города, книжный магазин
4. музей, библиотека, картинная галерея, выставка, шоу
5. двухквартирный, многоквартирный, отдельно стоящий, с терассой, замок
6. мирный, приятный, опасный, дружелюбный, удивительный
7. работа, прогулка, игра, празднование, путешествие, посещение

1. workday (остальные слова – не связаны с работой)
2. a house (все остальные слова – названия комнат)
3. a town centre (все остальное – магазины)
4. a show (все остальное – выставка каких−то вещей)
5. castle (все остальное – виды жилых домов)
6. dangerous (все остальное – положительные прилагательные)
7. work (все остальное относится к свободному времени)

Перевод ответа
1. рабочий день
2. дом
3. центр города
4. представление (шоу)
5. замок
6. опасный
7. работать


Государственное профессиональное образовательное учреждение

Тульской области


Конспект открытого урока по дисциплине

«Английский язык»

Группа: М-17-2

Тема: «Обычаи и традиции Великобритании»

Провёл: преподаватель английского языка Мясоедова Н. И.


1. ФИО (полностью): Мясоедова Наталья Ивановна

2. Место работы: Государственное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Тульской области «Новомосковский строительный колледж», г. Новомосковск

3. Должность: преподаватель

4. Дата проведения: 13.12.18

5. Время проведения: 1015

6. Место проведения: ауд. №12

7. Отделение: дневное

8. Группа: М-17-2

9. Тема раздела: « Великобритания»

10. Тема урока: « Обычаи и традиции Великобритании»

11. Вид урока: комбинированный

12. Цели урока:


активизация и закрепление лексики по теме, развитие навыков устной речи, развитие навыков понимания иностранной речи на слух (аудирования) с общим пониманием и навыков чтения с полным пониманием


расширение и углубление культурологических знаний, повышение общей культуры общения


развитие навыков языковой догадки, языковой реакции, памяти, внимания, мышления, восприятия и инициативы


формирование уважительного отношения к языку, к традициям и обычаям Великобритании, умения работать в коллективе

13. Методическое обеспечение:

  • задания на активизацию лексики по теме

  • задание для контроля аудирования

  • текст « Сustoms and traditions of Great Britain»

  • задания к тексту

14. Техническое обеспечение:

Презентация урока, мультимедийное оснащение

15. Информационное обеспечение:

  1. Балк Е.А., Леменев М.М. Традиции, обычаи и привычки. — М, ИНФРА-М, 2016. — 127 с.

  2. Нестерова Н.М. Страноведение: Великобритания. – Ростов н/Д.: Феникс, 2016. – 368 с.

  3. Пинягин Ю.Н. Великобритания: история, культура, образ жизни. – Пермь:  2015. – 296.

  4. Сатинова В.М. Читаем и говорим о Британии и британцах. — Мн.: Выш. шк., 2017. — 255 с.

  5. Уолш, И. А., Химунина Т. Н., Конон Н. В. Great Britain: Сustoms and Traditions. – СПб.: КАРО: Антология, 2015. – 223 с.

16. Интернет-ресурсы:




Технологическая карта урока:

Основные этапы урока



Деятельность преподавателя

Деятельность студентов

Методическое обеспечение урока


Организация группы


Приветствие, беседа с дежурным


Актуализация темы, вступительное слово преподавателя


Предъявление темы урока, постановка задач, вступительное слово о значении традиций в жизни британцев

Слушают, погружаются в тему занятия

слайды № 1-2


Речевая зарядка


Задаёт вопросы о праздниках, отмечаемых в Великобритании

отвечают на вопросы, соотносят даты и названия праздников

слайд № 3


Проверка домашнего задания


Побуждает рассказать о некоторых британских праздниках

Рассказывают о праздновании в Англии Хэллоуина, Рождества и Пасхи

слайды № 4-8


Введение и тренировка лексического материала по теме


Вводит тематический вокабуляр, даёт установки на выполнение серии тренировочных упражнений (№1-7)

Повторяют хором за преподавателем слова и выражения; во фронтальном режиме выполняют упражнения на отработку лексики

дидактический материал

(упр. 1-7)

слайды № 9-18


Показ видеосюжета, выполнение контрольного задания


Установка на просмотр и аудирование, снятие лексических трудностей

Смотрят видеосюжет, выполняют проверочное задание

дидактический материал


№ 19-22


Чтение текста с полным пониманием, выполнение заданий к нему


Снятие лексических трудностей; установка на выполнение после текстовых заданий

Читают текст по строчкам вслух; выполняют 3 задания к тексту (фронтально)

дидактический материал


№ 23-27


Прослушивание песни


Установка на прослушивание песни

«We wish you a merry Christmas! »

слушают песню и подпевают


№ 28-29


Заключительный этап

  • рефлексия

  • оценивание

  • домашнее задание


Подводит итоги, комментирует оценки, даёт домашнее задание

Резюмируют итоги своей деятельности на уроке

слайд № 30

Конспект урока:

1. Организация группы (2 мин.)

Учитель здоровается со студентами и присутствующими гостями, беседует с дежурным:

Good morning, students! Good morning our guests!

You may take your seats!

I am glad to see and greet you all at the lesson again. Our today’s lesson is unusual because we have guests here. They would like to see our work and how you know English. But you do not worry, but be careful and active, and you will succeed.

And now I want to know who is on duty today?

Are all the students present or is anybody absent?

What is the date and the week day today?

Thank you very much, you may sit down.

2. Актуализация темы, вступительное слово преподавателя (4 мин.)

Before we start a new topic of today’s lesson, please tell me, what is the name of our main theme?

Student — Our main theme is called “Great Britain”.

-Yes, you’re right. We have already known a lot about this country: its geographical position, industry, its political system. Our last lesson was focused on the British holidays and we learned some of them. Today we shall continue to talk about them but more widely, because our lesson will be devoted to the customs and traditions of Great Britain.

We have a lot of work to do today. We shall learn and practice new words, read and listen to a lot of information on our topic and of course we shall do a lot of different exercises and tasks.

This is what we shall do at the lesson today.

The proverb says: “So many countries, so many customs”. Every country and nation has its own traditions and customs. They are part of people’s culture and history. They make a nation special. It is very important to know customs and traditions of different peoples, especially if you want to know their language. We can’t say that we know English if we don’t know English traditions. Besides, they are very important in the life of English people. The British are proud of their traditions and keep them carefully. To know customs and traditions means to understand better the people and their culture. That’s why we are going to know more about them today.

(Слайды № 1-2)

3. Речевая зарядка (5 мин.)

— Now let’s remember what is a bank holiday?

Student 1: — Public holidays in Britain are called bank holidays because the banks as well as most of the offices and shops are closed.

  • Are there many bank holidays in Great Britain? Name all of them!

Student 2: — There are eight public (or bank) holidays in Great Britain. They are: Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Spring Bank Holiday and Summer Bank Holiday.

— Yes! You are quite.

And now look at the screen and find the right date for every holiday. (Слайд №3)

January, 1 Easter

April – May New Year

February, 14 Guy Fawkes Day

December, 25 St. Valentine’s Day

November,5 Halloween

October,31 Christmas

You must match the name of the holiday and the date when it is celebrated. Answer with a sentence.

Student 3: — We celebrate the New Year on the first of January.

Student 4: — Easter in Britain is celebrated in April or May.

Student 5: — On the 14th of February the British celebrate St. Valentine’s Day.

Student 6: — Guy Fawkes Day …………..

Student7: — On the October, 31 …………..

Student 8: — Christmas…………..

-Thank you. Very good!

4. Проверка домашнего задания (15 мин.)

And now it’s time to check your homework. For today’s lesson you had to prepare a topic about any British holiday. But at first I’d like you to listen to a short rhyme.

Eugene, go to the blackboard and recite this rhyme! How is it called?

Student: It is called “Fife little pumpkins.” (рассказывает стихотворение) ( Слайд № 4)

— Well, boys, guess what holiday is this poem about?

Student 9: — It is about Halloween.

-Yes, you are right. Which of you wants to tell us about this holiday?

— (Один из студентов рассказывает о праздновании в Британии Хэллоуина.) (Слайд №5)

Now I suggest listening to another poem.

(Другой студент рассказывает стихотворение “Christmas secrets”.) (Слайд № 6)

— Thank you, Alexander!

And who tells us what holiday is this poem talking about?

S10 : This poem is about Christmas.

  • Yes, you are right. And who can tell us about Christmas celebrations in Britain?

  • And about Easter? (Студенты рассказывают о праздновании британцами Рождества, Пасхи.) (Слайды № 7-8)

  • Very good, well done.

5. Введение и тренировка лексического материала по теме (19 мин.)

Now let’s get to the next stage of our lesson. It is time to get acquainted with the vocabulary on our topic.

First let’s read them out loud! Repeat after me! (Студенты хором повторяют за преподавателем слова и выражения по теме.) — Very good! (Слайды № 9-10)

Now let’s perform the following exercises. Во фронтальном режиме работы выполняются упражнения на тренировку лексики (см. Приложение 1, упр.1-7). (Слайды № 11-18)

6. Показ видеосюжета, выполнение контрольного задания (17 мин.)

Now you will watch a video about British festivals. After watching you will have to perform the control task: to fill in the blanks with the appropriate words from the box according to what you have heard in the video. But before watching the film, let’s read the words that will be used in this video and help you understand it.

(Слайд № 19)

( Затем студенты смотрят видеофильм и выполняют к нему проверочное задание на понимание.) (см. Приложение 2) (Слайды № 20-21).

Time is over. Now let’s check your task:

I shall slowly read the given sentences with the correct answers. You must verify them with your own answers and correct the wrong ones. Then you must count your mistakes. (Слайд № 22).

(Преподаватель читает предложения с правильными ответами. Студенты сверяют с ними свои ответы, подсчитывают ошибки.)

Your results are as follows: Raise your hands those who has no mistakes! — Your grade is five!

And which of you has no more than three mistakes? – Then your grade is four.

Those who made from 4 to 6 mistakes get the grade of three.

And those who made more than 6 mistakes — it means that you failed the task.

(После сверки ответов студенты узнают свои результаты за данное задание.)

7. Чтение текста с полным пониманием, выполнение заданий к нему (20 мин.)

And we are proceeding to the next stage of our lesson. Now we’ll read the text «Customs and traditions of Great Britain» and do some exercises to it. First look at the screen: there are the words which are used in the text. Let’s start by reading them. (Слайд №23)

— Good! And now let’s read the text one by one!

(Сначала студенты читают за преподавателем слова к тексту, затем по очереди читают текст; после чего выполняются послетекстовые задания на понимание прочитанного.)

(см. Приложение 3, упр. 1-3) (Слайды № 24-27)

8. Прослушивание песни (3 мин.)

So, my dear students, we’ve already done a lot of work with you today and before we finish our lesson, let’s take a little rest and listen to a wonderful song. This is a very old and famous Christmas carol that has been sung for about 500 years. I think you all know this song. You can sing along too.

Звучит “We wish you a merry Christmas!”, студенты слушают и подпевают.

9. Заключительный этап ( 5 мин.)

Well, my dear students, our lesson is coming to an end. Let’s summarize it.

So, what was our today’s lesson about?

What have we done during the lesson?

What do you know now?

What can you do now?

(Студенты отвечают на вопросы преподавателя и подводят итоги своей работы на уроке.)

And now it is a time to evaluate your work at the lesson. I’m quite satisfied with it because you worked hard. I give you only good and excellent marks. Thank you for your work. Now write down your home task for the next lesson: You will need to prepare and tell a topic about any Russian holiday or tradition. Our lesson is over. See you next week. Good bye!

Приложение 1

Thematic vocabulary:

All Saints’ Day – День всех святых

an evil spirit – злой дух

holly – остролист (растение)

hot cross buns — (горячая) булочка с изображением креста

public (bank) holiday – официальный праздник

shopmade valentines – готовые валентинки


Shrove Tuesday – Страстной вторник

Good Friday – пятница перед пасхой

treat – угощение

to be held – проводиться

to be marked by smth – отмечаться чем-либо

to be observed – праздноваться, соблюдаться

to confess one’s sin to a priest – исповедаться в грехе священнику

to date back to – относиться к (о времени)

to exchange greetings – обменяться поздравлениями

to fall on – приходиться на (какой-либо день)

to revive – возрождаться

to scare smb– пугать кого-либо

to scrape out a pumpkin – выдолбить тыкву

Exercises to practice vocabulary

1.  Pronounce the following words correctly paying attention to the way of pronunciation of the vowels and combinations of vowels:

[۸] public, Monday, buns, stuff, mussels, luck, pumpkin, southern, other, country

[ɔ] holiday, Boxing, cross, holly, property, costume, continent, crossway

[ou] rolling, folk, Shrove, ghost, flow

[æ] Valentine, candy, candle, fancy, magic, damage, pancake

[ei] day, date, exchange, Saint, paint, play, scrape

2. Read the words paying attention to the way of reading of the consonant and combinations of consonants:

[k] candle, trick, scrape, costume, mark, magic, kind, confess, ill-luck, queen

3. Read and translate the following sentences using active vocabulary:

1. The term “bank holiday” dates back to the 19th century.

2. Christmas Day and Boxing Day are observed on the 25th and 26th of December respectively.

3. Besides public holidays there are other days, which are marked by centuries-old traditions. These are different festivals and anniversaries.

4. February, 14 is St. Valentine’s Day, it is a day for choosing sweethearts and exchanging signs of love.

5. Valentine was a colourful card with a short love verse composed by the sender.

6. Shop-made valentines are cards with ready-made congratulations and decorations.

7. On Shrove Tuesday Christians confessed their sins to a priest.

8. The customs of Halloween, the eve of All Saints’ Day, date back to a time, when people believed in evil spirits.

4. Fill in the blanks with the prepositions:

1. There are several bank holidays … the United Kingdom.

2. Most … the holidays are of religious origin.

3. Certain customs and traditions are connected …most bank holidays, because many … them are part … holiday seasons like Easter and Christmas seasons.

4. Public holidays do not fall … the same date each year.

5. Only Christmas Day and Boxing Day are observed … the 25th and 26th of December accordingly.

6. Good Friday and Easter Monday depend … Easter Sunday which falls … the first Monday .. May.

5. Read the sentences, using the English phrases instead of the Russian ones:

1. A bank holiday is (официальный праздник) when all banks and post offices are closed.

2. (Рождество, 25 декабря) is the day which the families traditionally spend together.

3. People usually give some small presents or money to postmen or servants (в день подарков).

5. (В пятницу перед Пасхой) people usually eat (особые булочки с крестом наверху).

6. (Некоторые традиции и обычаи англичан) are famous all over the world.

7. St. Valentine’s Day (празднуется) on the 14th of February.

6. Read the words, guess the holiday and say the odd word:

1) Fir tree, holly , Santa Claus, pumpkin, stockings, coloured lights and decorations, cards

2) Shrove Tuesday, Maundy Thursday, maypole, making pancakes, going to church, egg-rolling, an ancient symbol of new life

3) Trafalgar Square, first footing, Hogmanay, fir tree, Morris dance

4) “Penny for a guy”, “trick or treat”, jack-o’lanterns, ghosts, horrible faces, pumpkin

5) Joke, tricks, a pint of pigeon’s milk, laugh, autumn

6) Love, flowers, summer, cards, winter

7) Gunpowder Plot, bonfires, the Houses of Parliament, “Penny for a guy”, jack-o’lanterns

7. Complete the sentences with words traditionally associated with Christmas:









1) The tradition of singing ______, or Christmas songs, at Christ­mas is older than Christmas itself.

2) Traditionally people decorate their trees on Christmas ______ that’s December 24.

3) A traditional Christmas ______usually has a piece of holly on the top.

4) On Christmas Day everyone gives and receives ______.

5) Christmas trees are often decorated with ______symbolizing Christ as “Light of the World”.

6) Christmas ______often show the pictures of Nativity.

7) Santa Claus visits houses by climbing down the ______.

8) Carol-singers usually collect money for ______.

Приложение 2

Watch the video and do the task:

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words from the list:

Festival, guess, sign, a joke, parties, was given, throw , the rest, failed, pudding, ghosts, blow up, dress up, burn, in love with, fireworks.

1) British people celebrate Christmas and Easter with of Europe.

2) Guy Fawkes planned to the Houses of Parliament, but his plot , and he was executed.

3) Every November, 5 British people a model of Guy Fawkes, made of old clothes. There are lots of everywhere on this day.

4) During Pancake Races people must race and __________pancakes in the air at the same time.

5) On the fourteen of February people send a card to someone they are , but they didn’t it.

6) You must who it is from.

7) October the thirty-first is a festival of and witches, when children in unusual costumes.

8) Mr. Robinson four pairs of socks as a gift.

9) There is a little present, a paper hat and inside the crackers.

10) Silver coin in will bring you good luck.

11) After Christmas there’s the last of the old year — New Year’s Eve.

12) All round the country people have ______________ .

Check your results with these ones:

1) British people celebrate Christmas and Easter with the rest of Europe.

2) Guy Fawkes planned to blow up the Houses of Parliament, but his plot failed, and he was executed.

3) Every November, 5 British people burn a model of Guy Fawkes, made of old clothes. There are lots of fireworks everywhere on this day.

4) During Pancake Races people must race and throw pancakes in the air at the same time.

5) On the fourteen of February people send a card to someone they are in love with, but they didn’t sign it.

6) You must guess who it is from.

7) October the thirty-first is a festival of ghosts and witches, when children dress up in unusual costumes.

8) Mr. Robinson was given four pairs of socks as a gift.

9) There is a little present, a paper hat and a joke inside the crackers.

10) Silver coin in pudding will bring you good luck.

11) After Christmas there’s the last festival of the old year — New Year’s Eve.

12) All round the country people have parties.

Приложение 3

Read the text:

Customs and traditions of Great Britain

The British created a powerful Empire with a successful economy, culture, the preservation of

their traditions. Traditions of Great Britain is the basis of their culture. Great Britain is considered to be one of the most democratic countries, but the British life continues to be determined by the old traditions. That’s why even the most strange and old English traditions affect modern daily life. There is the long menu of traditional British food. There are many royal occasions. There are songs, saying and superstitions. English traditions can be classified into several groups: national holidays, religious holidays, Royal traditions and public festivals.

What about royal occasions? There are numerous of them in Britain. One of the most interesting royal traditions is, for example, the changing of the guard. This happens every day at Buckingham Palace, the Queen’s home in London. Soldiers stand in front of the palace. Each morning these soldiers (the «guard») change. One group leaves and another arrives. In summer and winter tourists stand outside the palace at 11.30 every morning and watch the Changing of the Guard.

Traditionally the Queen opens Parliament every autumn. The Queen travels from Buckingham Palace to the Houses of Parliament in a gold carriage the Irish State Coach. At the Houses of Parliament the Queen sits on a “throne” in the House of Lords. Then she reads the “Queen’s Speech”. At the State Opening of Parliament the Queen wears a crown.

The Queen is the only person in Britain with two birthdays. Her real birthday is on April 21st, but she has an «official» birthday, too. That’s on the second Saturday in June. And on the Queen’s official birthday, there is a traditional ceremony called the Trooping of the Colour. It’s a big parade with brass bands and hundreds of soldiers at Horse Guards’ Parade in London. A «regiment» of the Queen’s soldiers, the Guards, march in front of her. At the front of the parade is the regiment’s flag or «colour». The Guards are trooping the colour. Thousands of Londoners and visitors watch in Horse Guards’ Parade. And millions of people at home watch it on television.

Another interesting tradition is The Queen’s telegram. This custom is not very old, but it’s for very old people. On his or her one hundredth birthday, a British person gets a telegram from the Queen.

The registration for young Royal swans appeared in the 12th century. There is a very special royal tradition. Nine centuries, every year in July on the Thames there are special boats with the Royal emblem. The purpose of the expedition to count – how many new swans appeared in the property of Her Majesty. The name of this strange but interesting custom is Swan Upping.

There are also many different festivals in Britain. The Edinburgh international arts festival takes place in the Scottish capital every August and lasts almost a month. It also presents theatre, Opera, dance and music, concerts of classical, orchestral, vocal music, dance shows, ballets. This festival is listed in the Guinness book of records as the largest in the world. Another great festival, a truly Welsh event is the Eisteddfod, a national festival of traditional poetry and music, with a competition for the best new poem in Welsh.

Traditions of everyday life of English people are also worth our attention. For example, talking about the weather. The British talk about the weather a lot because it changes so often. The British are also considered to be great tea lovers. Traditional tea time in England is late afternoon, when world-famous 5 o’clock tea is served. Five o’clock tea is a ceremony, a work of art. But tea is also drunk in the morning and during the day because the English believe it to be healthy and refreshing.

English people also have traditions in social life. They like to spend their free time in numerous pubs where they can have a glass of beer and talk about different things with their friends.

Thus Britain is full of traditions and customs. Some are funny and some are strange. But they are all interesting. They are all part of the British way of life.




to determineопределять, обусловливать

to affectвлиять, оказывать влияние

superstitionсуеверие, примета

festivalпразднование, фестиваль

occasionсобытие, мероприятие

carriageкарета, экипаж

the Irish State CoachИрландский парадный экипаж

throne трон

to wear — (wore, worn) — одевать, носить

the Trooping of the Colour – вынос (пронос) знамени

horse Guards’ Parade — парад конной гвардии

regiment [ˈreʤɪmənt] — полк

«сolour» — здесь: знамя, флаг


to countсчитать, подсчитывать


Her MajestyЕё Величество

Swan Uppingучет (маркировка) лебедей

Edinburgh [ˈedɪnbrə] — Эдинбург

Eisteddfod — [aɪsˈtedvɔd] — ежегодный фестиваль бардов (в Уэльсе)

ballet bæleɪ] — балет

to list вносить (в список)

the Guinness book of records – Книга рекордов Гиннеса

truly – действительно, по-настоящему

event — событие

Welshваллийский язык

a work of artпроизведение искусства

refreshing – освежающий

Exercises to the text


The British created


she reads the “Queen’s Speech”.


That’s why even


on his or her one hundredth birthday.


The changing of the guard happens


and hundreds of soldiers at Horse Guards’ Parade in London.


At the State Opening of Parliament the Queen sits on a “throne”, then


is listed in the Guinness book of records as the largest in the world.


Queen’s real birthday is on April 21st,


swans appeared 9 centuries ago.


the Trooping of the Colour is a big parade with brass bands


and during the day because they believe it to be healthy and refreshing.


A British person gets a telegram from the Queen


a powerful Empire with a successful economy, culture, the preservation of their traditions.


The registration for young Royal


but she also has an «official» birthday on the second Saturday in June.


The Edinburgh international arts festival


at Buckingham Palace, the Queen’s home in London at 11.30 every morning.


The British also drink tea in the morning


have traditions in social life.


English people also


the most strange and old English traditions affect modern daily life.

1. Match the parts of the sentences:

2. Find in the text the English equivalents for:

  • могущественная империя,

  • сохранение традиций,

  • основа их культуры,

  • быть обусловленным традициями,

  • оказывать влияние на повседневную жизнь,

  • традиционная британская кухня,

  • королевские мероприятия,

  • проезжать от Букингемского дворца к зданию Парламента,

  • официальный день рождения королевы,

  • вынос знамени,

  • духовой оркестр,

  • парад конногвардейцев,

  • проходить маршем,

  • знамя полка,

  • получить телеграмму от королевы,

  • в собственности Её Величества,

  • учет (маркировка) королевских лебедей,

  • Эдинбургский международный фестиваль искусств,

  • быть внесенным в Книгу рекордов Гиннеса,

  • лучшее новое стихотворение на валлийском языке,

  • заслуживать чего-либо внимания,

  • любители чая,

  • быть полезным и освежающим,

  • быть полным традиций и обычаев,

  • британский образ жизни.

3. Answer the questions:

  1. Why do old English traditions influence the modern life of the English?

  2. What groups can English traditions be classified?

  3. What time does the Changing of the Guard take place in London every day? Where does it happen?

  4. Who traditionally opens Parliament every autumn?

  5. Where does Queen usually sit during her Speech in the House of Lords?

  6. How many birthday does the British Queen have? When is her real birthday?

  7. What is called the Trooping of the Colour? When does it take place?

  8. Who in Britain receives the Queen’s telegram? What traditions is it?

  9. How old is the tradition of registration for Royal Swans?

  10. What British festival is listed in the Guinness Book of records?

  11. When does it take place and how long does it last?

  12. What is the Eisteddfod?

  13. What are the most popular Royal traditions?

  14. What is one the favorite topics of conversation among the British? Why?

  15. Where do the British like to spend their free time?

Страница 8 из 39

Ответы к Section 6

42. Read the word combinations describing holidays, in the boxes. Cross out the ones that don’t match to the holiday.
New Year

a stocking full of gifts; decorate a tree; sing at midnight; coloured lights and decorations; join hands; spring flowers and small gifts; set off fireworks; have a good time; send an SMS to friends
Mother’s Day

spring flowers and small gifts; keep it a secret; have a good time; help about the house; a stocking full of gifts; visit mothers; join hands; a winter holiday
St Valentine’s Day

chocolates and a special card; keep it a secret; cook a roast turkey and a special pudding; guess who sent the card; sing at midnight, draw your own cards for your friend; go to church; set off fireworks; send an SMS to friends

decorate a tree; cook a roast turkey and a special pudding; send an SMS to friends; an autumn holiday; go to church; guess who sent the card; coloured lights and decorations; have a good time; spring flowers and small gifts; invite friends to a big party

Перевод задания

Прочтите словосочетания, описывающие праздники, в полях. Вычеркните те, которые не подходят к празднику.
Новый год
чулок, полный подарков; украсить елку; петь в полночь; цветные огни и украшения; взяться за руки; весенние цветы и небольшие подарки; запустить фейерверк; хорошо тебе провести время; отправить смс друзьям
День матери
весенние цветы и небольшие подарки; держать в секрете; хорошо тебе провести время; помощь по дому; чулок, полный подарков; навещать мам; взяться за руки; зимний праздник
День Святого Валентина
шоколадные конфеты и специальная открытка; держать в секрете; приготовить жаркое из индейки и специальный пудинг; угадайте, кто отправил карту; пой в полночь, нарисуй свои карты другу; иди в церковь; запустить фейерверк; отправить смс друзьям
украсить елку; приготовить жаркое из индейки и специальный пудинг; отправить SMS друзьям; осенний праздник; иди в церковь; угадайте, кто отправил карту; цветные огни и украшения; хорошо тебе провести время; весенние цветы и небольшие подарки; пригласить друзей на большую вечеринку


New Year
spring flowers and small gifts
Mother’s Day
keep it a secret
a stocking full of gifts
a winter holiday
St Valentine’s Day
cook a roast turkey and a special pudding
sing at midnight
go to church
set off fireworks
an autumn holiday
guess who sent the card
spring flowers and small gifts

Перевод ответа

Новый год
весенние цветы и маленькие подарки
День матери
держать в секрете
чулок, полный подарков
зимний праздник
День Святого Валентина
приготовить жареную индейку и специальный пудинг
петь в полночь
иди в церковь
запустить фейерверк
осенний праздник
угадай, кто отправил карту
весенние цветы и маленькие подарки

43. Put the words in the correct order to make questions. Then answer the questions.
Example: your / What / holiday / is / favourite / ? − What is your favourite holiday ? − My favourite holiday is New Year.
1. Russia / do / celebrate / we / When / in / Christmas / ?
2. we /can / TV /a/ watch / military / When / parade / on /?
3. there / Are / on / fireworks / the / Knowledge /of / Day/ ?
4. do / What / leave / children / for / the / in / Father Christmas / kitchen / ?
5. ever / Have /a / you / card / got / Valentine’s / ?
6. you / did / How / last / celebrate / your / birthday / year /?

Перевод задания

Поставьте слова в правильном порядке, чтобы составить вопросы. Затем ответьте на вопросы.
Пример: ваш / Какой / праздник / is / любимый /? − Какой твой любимый праздник ? − Мой любимый праздник это Новый год.
1. Россия / do / празднуем / мы / Когда / в / Рождество /?
2. мы / можем / ТВ / а / смотреть / военные / когда / парад / на /?
3. there / Are / на / фейерверк / Знание / of / День /?
4. do / Что / оставить / детей / для / the / в / Дед Мороз / кухня /?
5. когда−либо / Have / a / вы / карточки / got / Валентин /?
6. Вы / did / Как / последний / отмечать / свой / день рождения / год /?


1. When do we celebrate Christmas in Russia? – We celebrate Christmas on the 7th of January.
2. When can we watch a military parade on TV? – We can watch a military parade on the Victory Day.
3. Are there fireworks on the Day of Knowledge? – No, there aren’t.
4. What do children leave for Father Christmas in the kitchen? – They leave biscuits and a glass of milk.
5. Have you ever got a Valentine’s card? – Yes, I have.
6. How did you celebrate your birthday last year? – I had a picnic with my friends.

Перевод ответа

1. Когда мы празднуем Рождество в России? – Мы празднуем Рождество 7 января.
2. Когда можно будет посмотреть военный парад по телевизору? – В День Победы мы можем посмотреть военный парад.
3. Есть ли салют в День знаний? − Нет.
4. Что дети оставляют Деду Морозу на кухне? – Они оставляют печенье и стакан молока.
5. Получали ли вы когда−нибудь валентинку? – Да.
6. Как вы отмечали свой день рождения в прошлом году? – Я устроил пикник с друзьями.

44. Complete the text with not only… but also.
There is a very special holiday which British people have in autumn − Remembrance Day. It is held on the second Sunday in November every year. On this day not only veterans but also young people wear a red poppy in memory of people who fought for their country during the two World Wars and died. That’s why that day is called _ Remembrance Day _ Poppy Day.
There are usually special services at war memorials and churches _ in cities and towns _ in small villages all over the country.
At 11 o’clock on each Remembrance Day there is two minutes’ silence in Britain. People _ remember those who died during wars and conflicts _ think about how terrible war is. People can buy red paper poppies and wear them on their coats. The money from the poppies is given to war veterans.

Перевод задания

Дополните текст not only… but also.
Осенью у британцев есть особенный праздник − День памяти. Он проводится ежегодно во второе воскресенье ноября. В этот день не только ветераны, но и молодежь носят красный мак в память о людях, которые сражались за свою страну в годы двух мировых войн и погибли. Поэтому этот день называют _ Днем памяти, _ Днем мака.
Обычно специальные службы проходят у военных мемориалов и церквей _ в городах, _ в маленьких деревнях по всей стране.
В 11 часов каждого дня памяти в Великобритании две минуты молчания. Люди _ вспоминают тех, кто погиб в войнах и конфликтах, _ задумываются о том, насколько ужасна война. Люди могут купить красные бумажные маки и носить их на пальто. Деньги от маков передаются ветеранам войны.


There is a very special holiday which British people have in autumn − Remembrance Day. It is held on the second Sunday in November every year. On this day not only veterans but also young people wear a red poppy in memory of people who fought for their country during the two World Wars and died. That’s why that day is called not only Remembrance Day but also Poppy Day.
There are usually special services at war memorials and churches not only in cities and towns but also in small villages all over the country.
At 11 o’clock on each Remembrance Day there is two minutes’ silence in Britain. People not only remember those who died during wars and conflicts but also think about how terrible war is. People can buy red paper poppies and wear them on their coats. The money from the poppies is given to war veterans.

Перевод ответа

Осенью у британцев есть особенный праздник − День памяти. Он проводится ежегодно во второе воскресенье ноября. В этот день не только ветераны, но и молодежь носят красный мак в память о людях, которые сражались за свою страну в годы двух мировых войн и погибли. Поэтому этот день называют не только Днем памяти, но и Днем мака.
Обычно специальные службы проходят у военных мемориалов и церквей не только в городах, но и в маленьких деревнях по всей стране.
В 11 часов каждого дня памяти в Великобритании две минуты молчания. Люди не только вспоминают тех, кто погиб в войнах и конфликтах, но и задумываются о том, насколько ужасна война. Люди могут купить красные бумажные маки и носить их на пальто. Деньги от маков передаются ветеранам войны.

45. Cross the odd word out.
1. weekend, holiday, festival, workday, travelling
2. a kitchen, a dining room, a house, a bathroom, a bedroom
3. a shopping centre, a supermarket, a town centre, a bookshop
4. a museum, a library, an art gallery, an exhibition, a show
5. semi−detached, block of flats, detached, terraced, castle
6. peaceful, pleasant, dangerous, friendly, amazing
7. work, walk, play, celebrate, travel, visit

Перевод задания

Вычеркните лишнее слово.
1. выходные, праздник, фестиваль, рабочий день, путешествия
2. кухня, столовая, дом, санузел, спальня
3. торговый центр, супермаркет, центр города, книжный магазин
4. музей, библиотека, картинная галерея, выставка, шоу
5. двухквартирный, многоквартирный, отдельно стоящий, с терассой, замок
6. мирный, приятный, опасный, дружелюбный, удивительный
7. работа, прогулка, игра, празднование, путешествие, посещение


1. workday (остальные слова – не связаны с работой)
2. a house (все остальные слова – названия комнат)
3. a town centre (все остальное – магазины)
4. a show (все остальное – выставка каких−то вещей)
5. castle (все остальное – виды жилых домов)
6. dangerous (все остальное – положительные прилагательные)
7. work (все остальное относится к свободному времени)

Перевод ответа

1. рабочий день
2. дом
3. центр города
4. представление (шоу)
5. замок
6. опасный
7. работать

46. Complete the text. Use the words in capitals in the correct form to fill in the gaps.
Meet Emily. She is from Australia. Her family lives in Canberra, the capital of the country. (SHE)
Emily has got two brothers, James and William.
Emily and James are _ than William. (YOUNG ) William is a student. He _ at the University. (STUDY) He is going to become a scientist.
Her _ brother, James, is 16 years old. (TWO) He can play the piano, the guitar and even the trumpet. However, he _ to be a musician. (NOT / WANT) The children get on well with each other.
The last Saturday of July is their family holiday, which they try to spend together. Last year the family _ to the countryside for a picnic. (GO) The adults and _ had a lot of fun. (CHILD) They _ a plan for next July. (ALREADY / HAVE) Next year they _ their family holiday at the Great Barrier Reef. (SPEND)

Перевод задания

Дополните текст. Используйте слова, написанные заглавными буквами в правильной форме, чтобы заполнить пробелы.
Познакомьтесь с Эмили. Она из Австралии. Ее семья живет в Канберре, столице страны. (ОНА)
У Эмили есть два брата, Джеймс и Уильям.
Эмили и Джеймс _ чем Уильям. (МОЛОДОЙ) Уильям студент. Он _ в университете. (УЧИТЬСЯ) Он собирается стать ученым.
Ее _ брату Джеймсу 16 лет. (ДВА) Он может играть на пианино, гитаре и даже на трубе. Однако он _ быть музыкантом. (НЕ / ХОТЕТЬ) Дети хорошо ладят друг с другом.
Последняя суббота июля − их семейный праздник, который они стараются провести вместе. В прошлом году семья _ за город на пикник. (ЕЗДИТЬ) Взрослые и _ очень повеселились. (РЕБЕНОК) Они _ план на следующий июль. (УЖЕ / ИМЕТЬ) В следующем году они _ их семейный отдых на Большом Барьерном рифе. (ПРОВОДИТЬ)


Meet Emily. She is from Australia. Her family lives in Canberra, the capital of the country.
Emily has got two brothers, James and William.
Emily and James are younger than William. William is a student. He studies at the University. He is going to become a scientist.
Her second brother, James, is 16 years old. He can play the piano, the guitar and even the trumpet. However, he doesn’t want to be a musician. The children get on well with each other.
The last Saturday of July is their family holiday, which they try to spend together. Last year the family went to the countryside for a picnic. The adults and children had a lot of fun. They already have a plan for next July. Next year they will spend their family holiday at the Great Barrier Reef.

Перевод ответа

Познакомьтесь с Эмили. Она из Австралии. Ее семья живет в Канберре, столице страны.
У Эмили есть два брата, Джеймс и Уильям.
Эмили и Джеймс моложе Уильяма. Уильям − студент. Он учится в университете. Он собирается стать ученым.
Ее второму брату Джеймсу 16 лет. Он может играть на пианино, гитаре и даже на трубе. Однако он не хочет быть музыкантом. Дети хорошо ладят друг с другом.
Последняя суббота июля − их семейный праздник, который они стараются провести вместе. В прошлом году семья уехала на пикник за город. Взрослые и дети весело провели время. У них уже есть план на июль следующего года. В следующем году они проведут семейный отдых на Большом Барьерном рифе.

47. Write a short essay about your favourite holiday or any special event in your region (city / town / village). Use the word combinations from exercise 42.
In your essay, answer these questions:
1. When do you have this holiday / event? (season and date)
2. How do the people and your family prepare for this holiday / event?
3. What do they do to celebrate this holiday / event?
4. Do you like this holiday / event? Why?
5. Do people have a holiday / event like this in Britain? How do people celebrate it?

Перевод задания

Напишите короткое эссе о любимом празднике или любом особом событии в вашем регионе (городе / поселке / деревне). Используйте словосочетания из упражнения 42.
В своем эссе ответьте на эти вопросы:
1. Когда у вас праздник / мероприятие? (время года и дата)
2. Как люди и ваша семья готовятся к этому празднику / событию?
3. Что они делают, чтобы отметить этот праздник / событие?
4. Нравится ли вам этот праздник / мероприятие? Почему?
5. Есть ли в Великобритании подобные праздники / мероприятия? Как люди его отмечают?


Sabantuy is an ancient festival of the Turkic peoples. Nowadays it is a cheerful holiday held with national songs and dances, comic contests and sports.
The Sabantuy festival has more than a thousand−year history.
Traditions and ceremonies has changed over time, some of them disappeared, giving place to new ones. Today, traditionally district or city mayor opens Sabantuy with a welcoming speech, and the President of Tatarstan opens the main Sabantuy in Kazan. After the opening ceremony, the entertainment begins: performances of singers, dancers − both amateur and professional. Performances are replaced by a cascade of comic competitions for sportsmanship and strength, for example, various foot−races: sack−racing, race with water buckets on shoulder−yoke, racing with a spoon in the mouth, with an egg in spoon. Guests fight on a slippery log with sacks filled with hay; participate in a contest when competitors should break blindfolded a clay pot set on the ground, with a stick. Other popular games are tug−of−war, stick pulling, climbing on a high smooth post for the prize, which is fixed at the top. The prize may be a live rooster in a cage, boots and something else.
The most significant competition on Sabantuy was and still is a national wrestling on the belts «Koresh». The winner traditionally gets the most valuable prize of Sabantuy. Previously, the winner was given a live sheep, nowadays it can be a car or expensive home electronics.
Contests of singers, dancers and reciters are held on Maidan − the area of the feast, master classes in national crafts are held there, too. Usual time of Maidan is from 10−11 a.m. till 2−3 p.m. One can buy sweets and treats there, including national sweets, have tea from samovars.
Sabantuy in Tatarstan has the status of a national holiday and is held in every municipal district and settlement of the republic. Edicts and decisions on the preparation, terms and locations are issued, and organizing committees are appointed from top−ranking officials. Annually hundreds of thousands of residents and guests of the republic take part in the festival as organizers, artists, athletes and spectators.

Перевод ответа

Сабантуй − древний праздник тюркских народов. В наши дни это веселый праздник с народными песнями и танцами, шуточными конкурсами и спортом.
Фестиваль Сабантуй имеет более чем тысячелетнюю историю.
Традиции и обряды со временем изменились, некоторые из них исчезли, уступив место новым. Сегодня традиционно с приветственной речью открывает Сабантуй мэр района или города, а Президент Татарстана открывает главный Сабантуй в Казани. После церемонии открытия начинается развлечение: выступления певцов, танцоров − как любительских, так и профессиональных. Выступления сменяются каскадом юмористических соревнований на спортивное мастерство и силу, например, различные пешие скачки: бег на мешках, гонка с ведрами на коромысле, скачки с ложкой во рту, с яйцом в ложке. Гости сражаются на скользком бревне с мешками с сеном; участвовать в соревновании, когда участники должны разбить палкой глиняный горшок, поставленный на землю, с завязанными глазами. Другие популярные игры − это перетягивание каната, перетягивание клюшки, лазание по высокому гладкому столбу за призом, который закреплен наверху. Приз может быть живым петухом в клетке, сапогами и еще чем−нибудь.
Самым значительным соревнованием на Сабантуе была и остается национальная борьба на поясах «Корэш». Победитель традиционно получает самый ценный приз Сабантуя. Раньше победителю дарили живую овцу, теперь это может быть машина или дорогая бытовая техника.
На Майдане − площади праздника, проходят конкурсы певцов, танцоров и чтецов, проходят мастер−классы по народным промыслам. Обычное время Майдана − с 10−11 до 14:00. Здесь можно купить сладости и угощения, в том числе национальные сладости, попить чай из самоваров.
Сабантуй в Татарстане имеет статус национального праздника и проводится в каждом муниципальном районе и поселке республики. Издаются указы и решения о подготовке, сроках и местах проведения, оргкомитеты назначаются из числа высокопоставленных чиновников. Ежегодно сотни тысяч жителей и гостей республики принимают участие в фестивале в качестве организаторов, артистов, спортсменов и зрителей.

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Find and write the odd words out.
Найдите и выпишите лишние слова.


festival, parade, holiday, carnival, <span class="under">treat</span>
фестиваль, парад, праздник, карнавал, угощение


pumpkin, lantern, <span class="under">Santa</span>, ghost, witch
тыква, фонарь, Санта, призрак, ведьма


prepare, believe, <span class="under">hung</span>, appear, celebrate
подготовить, верить, повесить, появиться, отпраздновать


fireplace, festival, stocking, <span class="under">flowers</span>, gift
камин, фестиваль, чулок, цветы, подарок


card, gift, <span class="under">tower</span>, greeting, celebrate
открытка, подарок, башня, приветствие, праздновать


money, <span class="under">sack</span>, coins, notes, bank
деньги, мешок, монеты, банкноты, банк


special, <span class="under">midnight</span>, quiet, real, religious
особенный, полуночный, тихий, настоящий, религиозный


sweets, nuts, <span class="under">turkey</span>, balls, lights
сладости, орехи, индейка, шары, огни

ГДЗ — «Rainbow English — Лексико-грамматический практикум»

по предмету Английский язык за 6 класс.

Год издания



Афанасьева О.В., Баранова К.М., Михеева И.В.


Find and write the odd words out.
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